OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 08, 1922, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1922-11-08/ed-1/seq-6/

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(Established 181?.)
Entered a? tho Postoilleo nt Wal
billin, S. C., as Mall Matter of the
Second Class, under Act of Congress,
.March ?ni, 187?.
Published Every Wednesday Morning
Ono Year.$1.00
Six Moo tbs.55
Three Months. ... . ?0
Adorlivsing Rates Reasonable.
Ry Stock, Shelor, Hughs & Sbclor.
Comm nlcations of fi personal
character charged for as advertise
ments. Obituary natices, cards of
thanks and tributes of respect, either
by individuals, lodges or churches or
Boelotl08, charged for as for adyev
tl8onionts. Cash must accompany tho
manuscript, and all such notices will
bo marked "Adv." in conformity with
postal rcquironionts.
WA I di AURA, S. C.:
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1022.
Forward Step Token by Teachers at
Walhalla and Westminster.
Clemson College. Nev. 1. A long
forward step, which will doubtless
mean much educationally in Oconee
county, has been taken in the organ
ization among the teachers of Oconee
county of two study (dusses -ono at
Walhalla and ,one nt Seneea and
Westminster, according to Prof. \V.
(!. Crandall, thief of the Teacher
Training Division of Clemson Col
lege, who mot tho teachers in Wal
halla on Saturday, Oct. 28th, for the
purposo of organization. These study
centers are being organized upon
the request of the County Superin
tendent of Education to give Oconee
teachers opportunity to prepare for
teachers' examinations, to e rn cred
its in tin? extension of cert...^ates, to
earn college credits in professional
certificates, ?ind to improve them
selves professionally.
Tlu> initial meeting was well at
tended, and much interest was man
ifested. Sevonty-llvo teachers were
ebrollod. Tho Walhalla group will
meei ai Walhnlla un the first and
tl rd Saturdays of oach mouth, and
tho Seneca-Weslmlustpr group will
mv'Ol ai Seneca un the second Satur
day and at Westminster on Hie fourth
ile pian nf organization of these
study colliers calls ter the work to
00 conducted by tin* Division of
Teacher Training of Clemson Col
logo, lu co-operation with tho County
Suporintondenl nj' Kducation and the
County Tonchors' Association, The
teaching force for tho Iwo study
routers consists of the following:
Profs. W. Ci, Crandall. T. K. Sisk,
A. C. Holmes. \V. 11. Washington
and (,. !;. Wilson, of the Clemson fac
ulty; Supt. J. P. Coates. Seneca; Supt
M. K. Fort, Walhalla; Supt. J. T.
Love. Westminster; Supt. of Educa
tion L. C. Spoares, of Walhalla, and
.Miss Sallie Stribling, of Walhalla.
Others will be added as needed.
"Rape's Cold Compound"
Acts Quick, Costs Little,
Never Sickens!
In a few hour:; your cold is gone,
bend and nose rh ?ir. no fe il'ishness,
lu . .ache or luffod-up ft . ling. Drug
gists hero guarantee these pleasant
tablets ti> break up a cold or the I
grippe quicker than nast> quinine.
Ru'} n bc uf "Pape's Cea! Coin
pound for a few cents and get rid
of v our i old righi now. adv.
Mixed Jury Convicts of Murder.
Cleveland, Olilol^ Nov\ 2. -Mrs.
Mabel Champion, charged with fi rst
legi i e murder for t ho dca; h of Thos.
A. O'Connell, carnival promoter, of
New Haven, ('Olin., tn a rest a II IM nt
n last July, was found guilty of
manslaughter by ibo jury, which was
composed of seven women and five
men lu Common ideas Court here to
night. Judge. Demon immediately
imposed tho minimum sentence of
twenty years, to be served in the
Mnrj svillo reformltory.
Attorneys for Ibo defense entered
tl motion for a new trial, which tho
presiding judge denied.
The composure willi which the do
fondant has watched the progress of
ibo trial forsook her when tho ver
dict was read, and she broke down
?nd cried. Tfie lury had tho case for
wenty-elght hours, v
*?)B Quinina That Does Not Affect the Hoad
Becfuiseol its tonic ntul laxative effect. LAXA
TIV? UKOMO ut i.NI NH Ishottei ?hun orUhsnry
numbie nml does not eranie actvotantes nor
lubing in head, Remember the lull linn?? nu?l
look lor Hu; signature ol l{, w. GUOV?. soc.
Thomas Kelson Paige Dead.
Richmond, Va.. \ov. i. -Thomas
Nelson Pi ?i;e, ambassador to italy
In President Wilson's administration,
and a widely known author, died at
tho homo of relativas In Hanover
COUilty, Virginia, to-day, according
Vo a report received by Hie Xows
JiOader late to-day.
(Opy/?/e*r ar Mr i*,/>ff?M'Y/wj/Ht*njr>*i''Ci'rr J
A . VISIT to tho United States Naya!
*"* academy, at Annapolis, Md., will
almost certainly Include ut least a mo
ment's pause before tho magnificent
crypt where Iles what are supposed
to be the remains of the llr.st and one
of the greatest of America's naval
heroes-John Paul Jones. Hut an ex
amination of the facts In the case will
show that there ls as much doubt ns
to whether this is really tho body of
the American commander as there ls
about tho true Identity of this person
age, whose career from birth to death
ls ono of tho unsolved riddles of tho
Itovolutlonnry war.
In tho first place, "Jones" wns not
tho reul name of this hero, but ono
adopted by him In later years. Ho
was born with the name "John Poul"
nnd there Is much doubt ns to whether
he was tho true or tho adopted son of
the Scotch gardener In whose cottage
he spent the first 12 years of his life.
Crawford, author of "Tho Sailor
Whom Euglnnd Feared" and ono of the
leading authorities on tho Ufo of John
Paul Jones, admits that "mystery sur
rounded his origin with an Impenetra
ble voll" und that he encountered grout
difficulties In hts efforts to sift the
false from the true, the legend from
the facts. Tho generally accepted
story ls that John Paul was born lu
the little village of Arhlglnnd and
that his father was a poor man, half
gardener und half fisherman, while his
mother was of pure Highland stock.
But Crawford expresses more than a
doubt that the Pauls were really tho
boy's parents, but has been tinnblo to
delve further Into tho mystery.
John Paul's brother was adopted by
a Virginia planter by the name of
Jones nnd, when this planter died ho
left his estnte to his adopted son upon
condition that he talco the same name.
Tlie brother, In turn, died shortly after
ward, willing the property to John
Paul upon the same condition. Thus
John Pnul became John Paul Jones,
the mime by which be Is known and
When, nfter lils memorable naval
exploits, John Paul Jones tinnily died
In France his death was practically
unnoticed in America and tho only
record of the place of hts burial was
that left by a friend, for use, as he
said, "If America should ever wish to
perform her duty to the one to whom
she owed the most."
Whether this memorandum of the
grave was correct ls a mutter which
caused much discussion about a cen
tury afterward when Uen. Horace Por
ter, American ambassador to France,
discovered nfter a long search what
was alleged to be the body of John
Paul Jones, exceptionally well pre
served lu a leaden casket filled with
alcohol. The measurements of the
body compared exactly, with those In
the possession of the Navy department
at Washington, but the total nbsonco
of other distinguishing marks raised n
doubt ns to the real iden M ty of tho
body-though United States afllclnls
agreed to treat lt as If lt were the real
remains of the naval hero.
A squadron was sent to Frnnce to
escort the body home and France paid
great ofllclnl honor to the man who,
a century lief ore, had fought with dis
tinction under many flags. When tho
casket finally reached tho United
States lt was received with much
pomp and ceremony and conducted to
the eradlo of tiwi American nnvy at
Annapolis-where it remained In ob
scurity under a flight of steps for
many months awaiting tho completion
of Its final resting place.
But there ls doubt In tho minds of
ninny ns to whether this ls actually
the body of the famous commander of
the "Bon Homme Richard," Just as
there will always be a mystery sur
rounding tho actual Identity of the
man who commenced lifo ns John
Paul, the ?on of a Scotch gardener.
To Curo a Cold in Ono Day
st?|iA tho Cough omi Hendnelie nnd works off the
(.oki. L'. W. GROVE'S signature ou each box. 30c.
Heavy Death List for 11)21.
Washington. Nov. li.-There were
10,1 t?S dentils from automobile acci
dents during 1021, according lo lig
ures compiled in the death registra
tion area of tho Pnltod Slates coin
prising S2 per ccnl of tho country's
(Mit ire population by the census bu
reau. This was an increase of I.Ofifi
ovor 1020, California had tho high
est rato killed, with 2 1.1 per 100,
eoo. Kentucky and Sot tl h Carolina
tied for next to the lowest, with 1.3
per cent, while Mississippi was low
est, with 2.ti per cent, Atlanta show
ed a rate of 18.3 per ino,ooo, a de
crease of 1.3 over the previous year.
Read This
?Tcro 1? n wonderful in rvs H ARI* to nil ex
pectant mothers. Whoo tho Little Ono ar
river, you can have that moment moro freo
from Buffering dian you.
liave per liri ps Imagined.!
An eminent T>'<' -^L-IIIH,I
expert in (lils KClcilt-O.I
ima shown tl 6 way, itl
wim lie wlio first pro
duced tho greni rohiody.?
"Mother's Friend," Mri?,
('. .1. Hartman, Sc run
ton, l'a., nava:
"With my first tw?>|
children I hud n <t<,et<
and II rnirHO nnd tin
they lind to ii SQ hint ri
inent?, hilt With my last IB
two Child rou I ii nu dwi
Mother's Friend nnd had
we had nu time t<> i'<'-t a
I wasn't very sick-only
fifteen chinna.
?&*$!*, w/l,? ,or v?1'i?M? tree llhutrntol book.
.,^1 l.'!.rh,7,'<l ".'"J ".(. Il.n.y." mlltallltll? I i- -faut
euttmrUntlvi' Information which ?ci expectant
Mother Almira liftve. ami nil nhnui VMoUier'f) pricml."
K'..,,.r.*'".lol,Lltf'u,?,or Compili?, UA-23. All .ntl, o?
'AIOUK?? F/leoU" u ?old. by U?ug*l?ts CKI>HIIO/O'
only a nurse j
doetor bocauso
nimm, ton or
Neighbors Were
Astonished at
the Change In Her.
"I had lost nearly all faith In mcd
icincs, but I Jim thankful a thousand
times over that I ever believed in
Tanbie strong enough to try it," re
cently SM iii .Mrs. Martha Baker, 508
Wast sixth st., G?stenla, N. C.
"My daughter thinks I might not
bo here now if I had not used Tanbie
and no doubt she is right, for I was
failing pretty fast. Tho lightost kind
of food hurt me, and -many times 1
could not retain anything 1 weald
eat. I was also fearfully nervous,
couldn't sloop, and got up mornings
completely worn out.
"After 1 got Tanlac 1 improved so
rapidly that my neighbors were as
tonished and wanted to know what
I was doing for myself. I am just
like a new person now. and I know
at least a_dozen peoplo who have
taken Tanl?c"and got well on account
of what it did for mo."
Tanbie is sold by all good drug
gists.-adv. v
Career is brought to a Close-(?en.
MargUln Captured by Troops.
Mexico City, Nov. I.-Gen. fran
cisco .MarKiila is being held at Du
rango City and his fate will probably
bo settled to-day, following his ar
rest last night at Tepohuanos, Dn
rango, The rebel leader was hiding
in a small room behind thc high al
tar of a church when taken.
Gen. Mnrguin was the arch-enemy
of President Obregon for many years
and one of the men who took part in
the light thal brought death to for
mer President Carranza, and it is
felt that his capture has brought his
dangerous career to an end.
With thc little band of followers
who are tho remnant of ht? most re
cent rebel anny, Gon. Marguia was
surrounded yesterday afternoon near
Durango City and captured, it was
announced yesterday at the Presi
dent's ollice. Whether bo will ho ta
ken to Durango City for trial or will
bo brought to the capital and pub
licly reprimanded bas not boen de
Recently lie was described by Pres
ident O bregon as "not a soldier, but
a 'fugitive from justice."
Por a long ti nie tho general- has
been credited with brewing a revolu
tion. Two months ago ho left his
hiding place across tho Rio Grande
and came back into Mexico at the I
head of a rebel army said to number
eight hundred men. Three weeks
ago his forces wore, decisively de
foaled in a clash with troops under
Gen. Escobar at Guarache, in tho
Stale of Durn ugo. Sinco then' he has
carefully avoided meeting federal
troops. Prom Limo to time their!
woro reports that be was trying to
unite bis rebels with those of Juan
Carrasco in the State of Sinnlos, and
the men under Carlos Greene In Ta
Ibasco, hm nothing ever caine of
those movements.
It is Mercury, Quicksilver - Shocks
Livor and Attacks Your Hones.
Calomel salivation ls horrible, lt
swells the tongue, loosons the teeth
and starts rheumatism. There's no
reason why a person should tako
sickening, salivating calomel when
a few cents buys a large bottle of
Dodson's Liver Tone-a perroct sub
stituto for calomel. It is a pleasant
vegetable liquid which will start
your liver Just as surely as colomel,
but lt doesn't make you sick and can
not sallvato.
Calomel ls a dangerous drug; be
sides it may mako you feel weak,
sick and nauseated to-morrow. Don't
lose a day's work. Taku a spoonful
of Dodson's Liver Tono instead and
you will wako up feeling great. No
salts necessary. Your druggist says
if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone
acts hotter than treacherous calomel
your money ls walting for you.-adv.
Hlr> Complaint.
"As tho song has lt, we are only
poor weak mortals, after all."
"Admitted," sahl Mr. Crumpson.
"What I object to ls the largo num
ber of persons with no other visible
means nf support who draw fat sal
aries for telling us how weak we are."
Ever Thus.
An Egyptian mummy with bobbed
hair has been found. They are now
digging for ber horn-rimmed spec
Advocated Candidacy of Colo L.
Please lu ItccoiK Primarios.
A dispatch from Gaffney says:
Dr. V. C. Hickson, pastor of the
Skull Shoals Baptist church, who
was asked several weeks ago to re
sign because ol' his political activi
ties in the Democrat ic primary elec
tion last. August, has complied With
tho request, lt was learned boro t(;
day. The request was made by tho
deacons of (ho church.
Hoy. Hickson, who ls moderator
of th? Broad Uiver Baptist Associa
tion, was candidate for county /itipor
lu te mle i o? education and published
two dguod advertisements advocat
ing Uno candidacy of Cole Li Bloasc
for ftovornbr. Both wore defoatod.
Tlie minster, during tho World
War. was lined $500 for opposing
the go vor it mon ts war-time program.
In a Stat onion t Issued in announcing
thai !?e would lill no moro appoint
ments av thc Skull Shoals c.uiroh.Mr.
Hickson said that "thin is my third
nd last ehtirch to lose on account
y stand on tho war."
I ty ?i* ?j? ?|? ty *|? *!* ?j? ?j? ?j. ?j? ?j? *|? ?j.
I* *I* *I* *I* *I" *IQ "I* *I* *I* *I* *I* *I* "I* H*
lt. I). Robinson.' .
Editor'Koowoe Courier:
Knowing how willing you oro to
honor or do anything to perpetuate'
tho memory of the hornos of tho
"Lost Cause," who have nearly all
"crossed over, the river and are now
resting under tho shade of the trees"
with cornados gone before, 1 take
this opportunity to send you a sketch
of Ri D. Robinson, who was horn on
April 2d, I S 14, and died June 17th,
Mr. Robinson is survived by tho
following relatives: Reid Robinson
and .Mrs. Rebocen ?*eay, children of
Iiis first w.'fe, who was Miss Sara Ad
dis, and J.- Earlo Robinson, tho only
living child by his second wife, who
was Miss Mary Volrath; Mrs. Allen
Gantt,, who is a sister; James, John,
Robert and William Robinson, neph
ews, and a number of others. He
was buried at New Hope church in
tho presence of a largo number of r
attves and friends. H? had been a
member of the church since his early
youth,' anl at tho ^time of his death
was the oldost member of tho New
Mope church. ,
Mr. Robinson was born and raised
and spent all of his lifo in Oconec
county except the timo that he was
in tho war. The last fourteen years
of his life wero spent with his son,
?Earle, and his liappy fancily, by
whom he was tenderly cared for. The
funeral services at his burial wero
conducted by Rev. M. J. Stanscll.
At the agc of sixteen, in 1863, Mr.
Robinson Joined Company C, Orr's
Regiment of Rifles, and served with
that command until! the surrender at
Appomattox in 1865. Among his rel
ics ho left a twenty-tdollar Confed
erate bill, a soventy-five-cent and a
fifty-cent "shinplaster," a s our
chango was called; also a home
made caso knife, which ho carried
through the war, and a nice little
cap that ho wore in infancy, and his
first child's bonnet-both over 7">
years old, and well preserved. And
among his papers was found a thirty
day sick leave, or furlough, which ho
prized very highly.
Mr. Robinson was 'a good Chris
tian man, a useful citizen, a kind
neighbbr, true friend, affectionate
husband and father, and it may bo
truly said of him that those who
knew him best loved him most.
N. B. Cary.
Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores
Energy and Vitality by Purifying and
Enriching the Blood. When you feel its j
strengthening, invigorating effect, see how !
it brings color to the checks and how
it improves thc appetite, you will then
appreciate its true tonic value.
Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply
Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So ;
pleasant even children like it. Tho blood
needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to j
Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and ,
j Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor
j ating Effect. 60c.
Oklahoma Newspaper Men Purchase
Plant, of Charleston American.
Charleston, Nov. 2.-Negotiations
that have been pending between John
ll. Perry, of New York city, and R.
Lloyd Jones, of Tulsa, Okla., news
paper owners, and the Charleston
American, of this city, were consum
mated to-day, whereby on the llrst
of December, Messrs. Perry and
Jones will acquire tho controlling
ownership of the Charleston Ameri
can and will tako active charge of
the paper on that dato. Mayor John
P. Grace, of Charleston, will bo busi
ness manager, and the present staff
organization of the American will
continue in charge, according to an
nouncement by Mr. Perry.
The policy of tho paper will bo
progressively Democratic, and lt will
co-operate with the other Charleston
newspapers and the progressive news
papers of tho State for all that will j
build up Charleston as a Kreat port j
city and promote tho Industry, tho
agricultural and tho economic wel
fare of South Carolina, Mr .Perry
further stated.
Mr. Perry and Mr. Jones own tho
Tulsa Tribune, the Jacksonville
Journal and tho Pensacola Journal.
Mr. Terry is also president of the
American Press Association and of
the Publishers' Auto Caster Service,
which furnishes a complete news
?feature, editorial and advertising
service to 7,.100 daily and weekly
hewspapers throughout America.
No need to suffer from that tired,
dead ache in your back, that lamo
ness, those distressing urinary dis
orders. Walhalla people have found
how to get relief. Kollow this Wal
halla resident's example,
Mrs. C. E. Alexander, 13 James St.,
says: "I had a bad timo with kidney
complaint. My back was In liad
condition and ached a good deal. 1
felt run down and when I bent I
could hardly straighten again as tho
pain would almost take my breath
away, I was weak and nervous'
spells bothered me. Black specks oft
en appeared before my eyes and .iy
kidneys didn't act right. Heuling of
Dunn-. Kidney Pills I got a supply
and began laking them and t'no.v
soon "MllrOly cured me."
Prlco 60c, at all dealors. Don't
simply asl? for a kidney remedy-get
'"ian , Kidney bills- th: ame t! it
Mrs. Alexander had. Foslor-Milbetn
Co.. Mfrs. Buffalo, N. Y.
Drivon by a gasollno englu?, a
powor saw lias been invontod with
which treo stumps cnn bo cut oh
as much as SO Inches bolow tho lovel
of tho ground.
V >
Here's ?2i
Progressive Farme
$1.00 year,
The Keowee Gourie
$1.00 year,
Either paper well v
Price of Both. C
After Suffering From Many Ferna
Gardui and Took lt, She S
"DOME TIME AGO." says Mrs. 1
? Buena McFarland, of R. F. D. 2, 1
Bostic, N. C., "I suffered a great 1
deal with weakness common to womep. I
I had bearing-down pains, my sides and
back hurt, and my limbs drew. I would I
get so weak in my knees 1 could scarcely 1
stand. i
"I was very nervous, and could not
rest. I didn't feel like eating. 1 grew
thin, and did not have ambition for any
"I had been trying other remedies ..
but did not get any better. 1
"Some one, told us of Cardul, and 1
what it was recommended for. 1 also
* * * * * * * * v * * * * *
ty - ty
ty By Bon E. Adams, ty
ty Charleston, S. C. ty
.j? ty ty ty ty ?j. ty ?ty ?j? ty ty ty ty ?I?
One of tlie big social functions of
Columbia during tho State Pair week
was tho dance given by thc Legion
members and other visitors from
ovor tho State. There was a largo
attendance from Columb'a.
* * *
It ls gratifying to noto tho in
creased interest displayed in civic
affairs by many posts* In the Stnto.
In addition to tho work of the Le
gion in the interest of disabled men ,
tho organization should (ind timo to
Rive attention to the educational tn -
tstilujions over the country.| Tho
American Logion ls fostering an edu
cational week, to be observed in De
combor. The welfare of the public
schools should bo of great interest
to tho Legion.
* + *
Tho Lake City Host will observe
Armistice Day with a meeting Fri
day night, Nov. 10. Invitations have
been extended lo a number of Lo
gion officials to attend, and lt is ex
pected that a large crowd will be
prosent, lt is the plan of the Legion |
to hiive tlie whole etty take an inter
est in the movement.
+ * *
Nov. 23 will bo "Legion Day" at
tho Collelon County Fair, .lames K.
.lachles, commander of the, follet?n
County Post, is making arrange
ments for a large gathering. Ile Ins
been assured that (?ovcrnor-olecl
Thomas (I. .McLeod will be. present.
Other speakers aro nlso on tho pro
gram. Tho big marino band from
Barris Island will be on hand for the
* * *
Legion affairs iii Aiken aro taking
on new life under tho leadership of
Henry Johnson. A big smoker will
bo held Monday night. Thorn will bo
a special program of music. The
get-together spirit will ' ; stre:ssed
by speakers.
. * *
The first, of tho Piedme t Bureau
Lyceum atl'-ctlons promo! id hy the
Marion Post, wns presented recently
In tho school auditorium. A good
houso greeted tho performers. The
attraction was "Tho Welsh .Miners'
Vanderbilt Strdcnt Meets Death.
Nashville, Tenn!, Nov. 2.-1". W.
Womble, a Vanderbilt University
student, of El Paso. Texas, was kill
ed, and Tod Clark, of Livingston.
Tenn , was Injured when an airplane
In which thoy wero riding crashed
to earth fourteen miles from this
city (lils afternoon.
Subscribe for The Courier. (Best.)
ir Chance
For 12 Months
vorth Combination
>rder yours now.
le Troubles This Lady Heard ot
ays, "Until I Was Well,"
took a Ladies Birthday Almanac and
read of a case something like mine. 1
told my husband to get it and I would
try it.
"I saw a great improvement after the
the first bottle (of Cardui), so I kept it up
until I v/as weil. Now I am the picture
of health."
Thousands of other women have writ
ten, to teil of the beneficial results ob
tained by laking Cardui, and to recom
mend it to others.
Cardui has stood the test of extensive
use, for Inore than forty years,, in the
treatment of troubles common to women.
Try it.
I 00
* * * * * * -I* * * * * * ty ty
ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty
ty It . T . J A Y N. fi S ,. ty
ty Attorncy-at-Law, ty
ty Walhalla, - S. C. ty
ty State and Federal Courts. ty
ty onico phono 20; Residence -io. ty
ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty
ty J. lt. BARLO, ty
ty Attorney-nt-Luw, .J.
ty WALHALLA, S. C. ty
ty State & 1 '?Nieral Court Prncitce. ty
ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty
* ty
ty E, L. II ERN DON, 4*
ty Attorney-at-Law, ty
ty Phono No. Ol, Walhalla, S. C.ty
ty ty
ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty
ty J. P. Carey, J. W. Sholor, ty
ty Plckens, S. C. W. C. Hughs, ty
ty Attorneys and Counsellors, ty
ty WALHALLA, S. C. ty
ty State & Federal Court Prncitce. ty
ty ty ty ty'ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty fr
and Metal Shingles.
MAN Il# ii ooo,
Walhalla, S. C.
From Germany to Family Reunion.
Charleston, Nov. 1.-Aftor thirty
seven years Mrs...Maida Mencken, of
Bremer Haven, Germany, ls reunited
with her sons and daughters. Silo
arrived boro yesterday and is stay
ing with a daughter, Mrs. Ceo. Mohr- ,
ten's, She was accompanied on tho
long journey by her son, 'Louis
Mencken, of Charleston. Tho son,
Henry Mencken, carno on from Hen
derson ville, N. C. Two oilier daugh
lers, Mrs. Fred Stolider and Mrs.
Conrad Stondor, live boro. In addi
tion, grandchildrenhnd great-grand
children wore nt tho reunion this af
No Worms In a Healthy Child
All children troubled with Worms havo on un
healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a
rule, there is moro or 1 ess stomach disturbance.
larly for two or th reo weeks will enrich tho blood,
Improve thodhjostlon, and oct asa iiciurolStrcngth
cnlnj! Tonlcto tho wholo system. Nottiro will thoo
throw oft or dispel tho woram, nial tho Child will bo
la perfect health. Pleasant to toko. 60c per buttle
San FranclseO had Hie first trans
continental oxpress ronlo. f
Thoro ls enough iron in tho blood
of 4 2 mon to mnko a ploughshare
weighing '?I pounds.

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