OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 15, 1922, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1922-11-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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Unless you soo tho nnmo "Bayer"
on package or on tablets, you aro not
gotting tho genuine Bayer product
prescribed by physicians over twenty
two years and proved safe by mil
lions for colds, headache, toothache,
neuralgia, lumbago, rheumatism,
End came at Nashville, 'renn., Last
Week After ?rief illness.
A dispatch from Nashville, Tonn.,
Funeral services for Col. Duncan
ll, Cooper, 7'.' years old, slayer of
former United States Senator Edw.
Carmnck on tho streets of this city
in tho fail of 1908, were held hero
yesterday (ibo 7ih) at Iiis old homo
in Ashwood, near Nashville. Col.
Coopor died after a brief Illness.
Tho tragic death of Carmnck ni
the bands of Col. Cooper and his son,
Hobin Cooper, now dead, wai the cul
mination of ono of the bitterest po
litical fights in tho history of Um
At the tUno Carmack was editor
of tho Nashville Tenne.sseean. follow
ing Iiis defeat in a Democratic pri
mary by .Malcolm R. Patterson, of
Memphis, for the Gubernatorial nom
ination. Tho Tonnosseean was wag
ing a bitter editorial war on Gover
nor Patterson, and tho name of Col.
Cooper, as ono of the staunch friends
and advisors of tho Governor, had
afton appeared in tho editorial col
Word was sent lo Carmack by a
mutual friend that Cooper would
not countenance further public uso
of bis name, it was stated. On tho
following day an editorial paragraph
waa written, in which sarcastic ref
erences were made lo Cooper. Tho
shooting of Carmack occurred on tho
following day
The trial which followed was one
of tho bitterest, in tho annals of tho
State, resulting in a conviction of
both Coopers, the elder getting a ver
dict bf 20 years and his son a lessor
terni. An appeal was taken to the
Supremo Court. The court a dlr mod
tho verdict in the case of Col. Cooper
and gave the son a new trial. As soon
as the decision of tho court was an
nounced, Governor Patterson issued
a pardon for Duncan Cooper. Robin
Cooper's case on ret'ial was dismiss
ed for want of a prosecutor,
Hobin Cooper met dentil under
mysterious circumstances several
years ;igo. His body, with the skull
crushed, was found in a creek, be
side which was found his umbrella,
tho interior covered with blood
stains. His slayers were never appre
hended, There was believed to bo
no connection between the murder
of tho younger Cooper and tho Car
mack case.
Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
Tho montent you oat a tablet of
"Papa's Diapepsin" your indigestion
i.; gono. No moro distress ?rom a
sour, ?cid, up. et stomach. No flatu
lence, heartburn, palpitation or mis
ery-making gases. Correct your di
gostlon for a few cents. Each pack
it gc guaranteed by druggists to over
come stomach trouble. - adv.
Fatally Injured in Wreck,
Columbia, Nov. 7.-Felix Mullinix,
Ot Lavenia. Ca., a salesman travel
ing for ri I nion. S. C.', concern, died
nt a local hospital this afternoon
from injuries suffered in an automo
bile Accident near here !o-<t;iy.
fard of Thanks.
Editor Keoweo Courier:
Wo wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for tho many deeds of
kindness shown us during the illness
anti at the death of our dear IIH.S
band and father, Also for tho beau
tiful floral tributos. May Cod's rich
est blessings rest upon each and all
of these good people,
Mrs. H. (). Brock and Children.
West Union, s. C.-(adv.)
m you buy Aspirin
neuritis, and for pain in gonoral. Ac
cept only "Bayer" package, which
contains proper directions.. Handy
boxes of twelve tablets cost few
cents. Druggists also soil bottles of
21 and 100. Aspirin is tho trade
mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono
acoticacidoster o? Salicylicacid.
Well Known in Walhalla, Having
Lived Hero Several Years.
Helton, Nov. S.- Ed. M. Vaughn
died* at tho homo of his father, J, J.
Vaughn, Tuesday morning, alter an
illness of two years. Mr. Vaughn
was express agent on the Blue itidge
railroad, making his homo in Wal
halla before his illness. Tho funeral
was held at the First Baptist church
at 3.30 o'clock tills afternoon, con
ducted by his pastor. Rev. L. W.
lLangston, of Walhalla, assisted by
Rev. J, M. Burnett, D. D" pastor of
tho Belton First Baptist church. Ho
was buried in the cemetery here with
Masonic rites, which were in charge
of Blue Ridge Lodge. A. V. M., of
Walhalla, assisted by the Belton Ma
sonic lodge. Mr.Vaughn was 34 years
of age. Ho leaves a wifo and one son,
1 1 /ears old, an aged father and mo
tin:, throe sisters and two brothers'
to mourn his death.
1 mervous headache?
auicldy soothes il
Legislative Bodies of Government
failed to Conveno Nov. 20th.
Washington, Nov. 9. - Congress
was called by President Harding to
night to meet in extra session Nov.
20th, exactly two weeWs in advance
of the regular session. The call de
clares the extra session is made nec
essary by public interests. The text
of tile proclamation follows:
"Whereas, public interests require
that tho Congress of the United
Stat03 should bo convened in extra
sossion nt 12 o'clock noon on tbe 20th
ay of November, 192 2, to receive
such communications as may bo made
by tho Executive:
"Now, therefore, I, Warren G.
Harding, President of the United
tates of America, do hereby pro
claim and decirse that an extraordi
nary occasion requires tho Congress
of the United States to convene in
extra session at tho Capitol, In tho
city of Washington, on the 20th day
f November, 1922, at 12 o'clock
noon, of which all persons who shall
at that time bo entitlod to act as
members thereof are herbey required
to take notice.
"In witness whereof I have here
unto ?et my hand and caused tho
Soul of the United Stales of America
lo bo a Mixed.
"Dene at tho city of Washington
this 9th day of November, in tho year
of our herd one thousand nine hun
dred and t\ven!y-lwo. and of the in
dependence of the United States one
hundred and forty-seventh.
"Warren G. Harding."
Known Call Would ('onie.
Announcement that the call would
be Issued either to-day or to-morrow
had hoon mado early this week from
Ibo White House, and prior to that
statements made by Congressional
loaders after conferences with the
President indicated that , tho Execu
tive had practically made up his
mind to convene Congress in special
session, although the call would not
he sent out until after tho election.
Tho call of tho special sossion two
weeks in advance of ibo regular
mooting has been npprovod gonerally
by Republic;.ii leaders in Congress.
An oklahoma inventor's refriger
ator has an attachment that system
atically registers the quantity, of ice
it contains and the amount consumed
111 any given time.
Heavy wire cibles can be ensilj
cut With a new tlovlco which hold!
them until ti bindo ls driven down
with a sledge.
(By J ?Mi, Ii.
Pnsslng as we aro through ne of
tho most critical periods in t: . '?1ST
tory of South Carolina, economic val
uos aro of greater importance, and
the conservation of our natural re
sources, eliminating small items of
wasto with well-directed effort,
should impress all alike.
Tho colton boll weevil and finan
cial depression prevalent means rad
ical changes in our general'agricultu
ra 1 system and duo consideration and
preparation for which should have
benefited us years ago.
Wo have too long practiced tho
one-crop systom-thought and trad
ed only in terms of cotton. Our natu
ral rosources and opportunities have
boon abused. Worst of all, .wo have
practiced as a people systematic rob
bory from tho hand upon which we
rely for subsistence of tho soil.
Tho extravagant uso of commer
cial fertilizer has boen a common
practice-one from which no ono
cnn show soil improvement except
whero such plant food was used to
produce plant lifo, to bo returned in
part or as a whole to the soil.
Had tho bulk of monoy spent dur
ing the last twenty years for com
mercial fertilizers boen applied to
semis of the various legumes, judi
ciously used, we would now he liv
ing in a veritablo land of milk and
honoy, and would feel to a much less
extent the demoralizing influences bf
tho cotton boll weevil.
In an ngricutural community es
pecially thero is no subject of such
importance as soil building. Indeed,
upon this and tho control of soil
mos turo depends success and eco
nomic crop production.
Our soils of tho Piedmont are sub
ject to enormous losses through ero
sion, gullies-great avenues or chan
nels through which our plant food
and best soils pass to wasto; graves
Cor our soil fertility; profit-enters
constituting a great source of loss
which might be prevented.
Humus, OT decaying vegetable mat
ter, is the greatest storehouse of
nitrogen, which ls the most expen
sive constituent of plant food, and
one which every farmer can and
should grow in form of soil-building
crops, of which there aro a large
number for summer and winter use.
The too common practice or using
poor seed likewise causes largo an
nual losses. Poor, inferior seed aro
dear at any price. It takes no m >ro
land or work for good seed and pro
fits-other things being equal, or
Tho common practice of exchang
ing or buying new seeds every few
years is not very commendable. It
ls better to start "with puro seed and
keep them so by- Held and other se
There ls a double opportunity for
improvement with corn where re
selection can bo practiced in the bin.
Retaining and planting seed of
unknown merit for sentimental or
other reasons is as a rule unprofit
able. It ls better for any community
to first sccuro tho best standard va
rieties of proven merit for the par
ticular section, and all use tho same.
Dy this method larger yields can be
produced and standards raised in ad
dition to production of uniform
grades in quantities and quality suf
ficient to command better market
Tho careful and observant farmer
who starts with good seeds of cot
ton can help himself greatly by care
fully watching for off-type plants
bolls, etc. Discarding such plants
and later selecting tho.very best Indi
vidual plants hi the field for brood
ing plot the following year, or plant
lng seeds from each selection in sep
arate row on uniform land, giving
each selection and row a number
and at the end of the season weigh
ing cotton from each row separately,
retaining seeds from the outstand
ingly high yielding rows for Increas
ed plots the following year.
Corn has a wonderful tendency tr
mix. it is, therefore, of great Im
portance that communities should
co-operate In planting tho same va>
riety. Having done this, great bone
fits uro possible by watching thc
tassels of tho inferior stalks.
Field selection of seed corn shook
follow later, selecting the best oar!
from tho best stalks which are nor
mally spaced. Kars with long sbnnki
or exposed ends, or which aro tot
high or too low, should be avoided.
The foregoing are simple method!
which would lend to holp our agri
cultural advancement if practiced
and which can be done by any formel
been inted successfully In tho itmont
of Catarrh.
Bi fi W of an Ointment whlc . i fUfCkly
Behoves by local application i <i thc
.uti rial McdlclhOi a Tonic, < il? ftbM
I h rough tho Blood on tho M ni ttur
'<? iii. thus reducing thc Inflan .>tion.
.'opt by nil druggists.
P*. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, . ilo.
Tossed Away in Columbia After Ill
ness of Moro than Two Years,
(Tho Slate, Nov. 9.)
Nathaniel Frank Shivar, who was
well known as the founder and hoad
of the Shivar Springs Company, at
Shelton, Fairfield county, died yes
terday morning at tho Columbia Hos
pital, where he had been ill since
Mr. Shivar suffered from an attack
of Influenza and bronchitis two years
ago and novor soomed to'rocover his
entire strength. An attack of kidney
trouble last Sunday brought him to
Columbia for treatment. His death
brings roal grief to a largo number
of people throughout the South, who
knew and admired Mr. Shivar dur
ing his lifo of usefulness.
Mr. SlvJvar was 58 years of ago.
Prior to founding the Shivar Springs
Company he was ongaged as a travel
ing salosmnn.
Walhalla, S. C.
J. C. Marlowo and Tom Harrison Go
Freo in Greenville,
Greenville, Nov. 8. - J. C. Mar
lowe, charged with murder in con
nection with tho killing of Tom Mc
Carroll on Oct. 13, 1921, was found
not guilty lute this afternoon at the
conclusion of his second trial on this
charge. Marlowo was previously con
victed of manslaughter and sentenc
ed to servo eleven years. A now trial
was granted by tho uprcmo Court.
Tho second trial was commenced this
morning, and tho caso went to tho
jury about 5.30 this afternoon. The
jury deliberated only about 30 min
utos before returning its verdict.
Marlowe pleaded self-defense.
A verdict of not guilty was return
ed by tlic jury in tho case of Tom
Harrison, charged with tho murder
of his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Harrison,
tlie verdict being returned about the
noon hour, after deliberations since
tho previous afternoon.
Thin? Run-down?
Sure Way to
Get Right Weight
Increase Your Red-Blood-Cells. That's
thc Sure Way! S. S. S. Builds Blood
Cells; This Means Strength!
Do yo? know why insiirnnco compa
nies refuse to insure a great many mon
because they aro uudcr weight? simply
bucuuao to bo uudcr weight often proves
low fighting-power In tho body. It often
means yon are minus nerve-power, minus
red-cells in your blood, minus health,
minus energy, minus vitality. It ia BO?
rio us to Po minus, but tho moment you
increase tho number of your red-blood
colls, you begin to becomo plus. That's
why S. 8. S., since 1S20, has meant to
thousands of underweight mon and women,
n plus in their Strength. Hollow chocks
fill ont. You stop being a cnlnmlty-lookor.
You inspiro confidence. Your body fills
to the point of power, your flesh becomes
finner, tho ngo lines that como from thin
ness disappear. You look younger, firmer,
happier, and you feel lt, too, nil over your
body. Moro red-blood-cells J S. S. S. will
build them. Ladles and gentlemen, a
penky, bony fnco doesn't mnko you look
very Important or pretty, does it? Tako
t> P. 8. It contains onlv puro vogotablo
medicinal ingredients. 8. 8. 8. ls sold nt
nil drug Mores In two sizes. Tho larger
size bottle ls tho more economical.
makes yon feel
?ike yourself again
Many of tho church treasures of
Austria havo been sold for food dur
ing thc past two years.
A turtle's heart will bent for two j
or three days after tho rest of tho
animal bas been made into soup.
MttCroytis, a giant soa weed, has
a stem 700 feet long.
A Spoonful
of Purity
One use?, so little baking
powder in comparison
with the other materials
used in baking that it al
ways pays to use the best?
For making the finest and
most wholesome food there is
no substitute for ROYAL
Baking Powder. It is made
from Cream of Tartar de
rived from grapes and is ab
solutely pure.
Containa No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste
Mellon Wants Moro Laborers.
Washington, Nov. 9.-Tho propo
sal to modify immigration restric
tions in order to provide tho country
with a groa tor supply of laborers bas
tho approval of Secretary M?llon, it
was said to-day at tho treasury, al
though tho jecretary believes some
means of selection should bo devised
so that moro laborers might enter
tho country without a corresponding
increase of other classes of immi
Rising tides of prosperity in this
country, according to Mr. Mellon's
view, have caused a large shortage,
which could bo met by such a modi
fication in tho law. Tho labor short
age is held by him to be in a largo
mcasuro for high prices. .
Mills Heads Social Workers.
Charleston, Nov. 9. - Dr. W. H.
Mills, of Clemson Collogo, was elect
od presldont of tho Stato Social
Workors* Conference at tho final
business session* to-day, and Green
wood was selected as tho iftxt con
vention placo.
Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days
Drurtf?leta refund money If PAZO OINTMENT iaile
to euro Itching, blind, nicedtni! or Protruding Pilc3.
Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you cnn get
.-earful sleep after the first nDDllcation Price (Vie,
saves systematically. For ii
the week, if you save any m
by thc week. The same thc
or by thfcp year.
S A '
and deposit your savings wit
interest on your savings by ?
with your financial troubles,
are successful business men <
financial troubles and let us 1
Bank of SN
Phone 3- West Uni
I am tn the market for Cot!
and will appreciate your busine;
13. 33. 13
-Office in The E
j3/#'sde// New
Blaisclcll Pencil Co.,
Voil cnn ho Supplied with these Fi ?
Former Postmaster I ml ic teni.
Greenwood, Nov. 9. - The grand,
jury in United States District Court
hore to-day roturned a true bill
against Archie D. Komiedy, former
postmaster at Wiiilngton, McCor
mick county, charging misappropria
tion of postolllce funds from-tho salo
of money orders amounting to $7 85.
A truo bill was nlso rr I tim od
against C. G. Trus?ell, former rural
.mail carrier from Honea Path, An
doson county, charging opening of
roglstered lettors and appropriating
No Worms In a Healthy Child
AU children troubled with Wurms novo r.n un
healthy color, which indicates poor blood, nml us &
rule, tlu re ls moro or I ess stomach disturbance.
larly for two or thrco weeks will enrich t?lO blood,
improvo {ho digestion, and act os a general Strength,
cnlng Tonic to tho wholo system. Nature will thoa
throw off or dispel tho worms, and the Child will bo
la perfect health. Pleasant to toko. 60c per bottle.
Asia Minor Paralyzed.
Smyrna, ^Nov. 9.-Commerce -is
completely paralyzed throughout
Asiu Minor. One by one tJio bullies of
Smyrna aro closing. Tho only Amer
ican Arm which is continuing to do
business \A the Standard Oil Com
pany, whoso products nro paid for
by tho Turks in Bolshevik gold.
ERSON is thc one who
lstance, if you are paid by
oncy you will have to save
jory will apply by the month
h us. We pay a substantial
Our officers and directors
and farmers? Tell us your
Kelp you solve them?
est Union,
ion, S. C -Phone 3
on. Will pay thc highest price
ss. Sec mc before selling.
A R 13 Y ,
a, S? C?
Enterprise Bank,-L
repaper Pencils
- Phila. U. S. A.
io Pencils nt Tho Courier Ofllco.

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