OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 06, 1922, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1922-12-06/ed-1/seq-8/

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-Put, You
Kexall B
The REX/
(Small advertisements under
this heading inserted at rate of
ono cent a toord per insertion.
Four insertions for price of
NOTICE.-I will thresh Cano Seed
at my placo Saturday, Dec. Oth. II. W.
BRANDT, Walhalla. 40*
Lot on Tugaioo street. Apply DOB
MACAULAY, Walhalla, S. C. 48-tf
WANTED-Wo aro in tho market
to buy good, donn Feas. E. C. MAR
ETT A SON, Westminster, S. C. 40-tf
TURKEYS for Christmas for sale
hy M US. W. ll. ARMSTRONG, Sen
eca, S. C., Rt. I. 19-50*
MONEY TO 1A>AN on Improved
Farm Lands, lt. E. BRUCE, Plck
ons, S. C. 2G-tf
NOTICIO.-Anybody wanting Scott
Cluster Applo Trees, got them nt
once. 100 loft. LEON li BARDEN,
Westminster, S. C., Itt. 2. 4li *
FOD SALE at a Having-One brand
now Ford Touring Car with demount
able Kims and Extra Casing. Seo
FOR RENT - Ono One-horse and
one Two-horse Crop. Apply MRS. W.
C. IV EST BR, Walhalla, S. C. Route
No. 3._?L'?L0!_
FOR RENT-Gnu Tv. o-horso Farm
to rent; good houso and barn. MRS.
M. E. HAMMOND, Seneca, S. C., Rt.
No. 1._48-19
FOR SALE - Baby Carriago, al
most new. For information apply at
NOTICE.-Closing Out My Stock
of Goods nt Cost.-Also Gasoline at
.22c. per gallon. G. B. GILLESPIE,
Walhalla, S. C. _ lt.-lil*
FOR SALE.r-vSeveral Mules and
Horses. Prices right. Would trade
for cattle. W. J? SCHRODER, Wal
halla, S. C. _44-tf _
WANTED-Chickens, Beef Hides,
Turkeys and Eggs, at once. .Market
some higher. R. D. O ELK BUS, The
I'p-town Dealer, Walhalla, S. C. 40
NOTICE.-Tho Kooweo Courier is
in position to handle subscriptions
to all tho loading periodicals. Wo
will appreciate your business.
1,OST-Wednesday, Nov. 20th, In
front, of ll. C. Busch's resilience, one
Silk Dress. Finder rellim to ll. C.
IUJSC?I, Walhalla, S. C., ?ind receive
WA It N I N (i !-All persons are
hereby warned not to Trespass on
properly of undersigned in any way.
.MUS. W. H. MONGOLD, Mountain
Rest, S. C. P.i-M>*
and make lt prolltablo, I offer for
salo 2."? Gells, Shoats and Pigs. Can
maleo hogs for late killing. W. D.
.Moss, Walhalla, S. C. 17-t.f
FOR SALE-Two yokes of well
trained Stool's for Sawmilllng, weigh
ing from 2,ooo to 2,200 pounds each.
Terms easy. E. C. MARETT & SON.
Westminster, S. C. 40-49
Rosldonco, suitable for boarding
house. Corner Tugaloo and Mnilldln
Streets. For par lieu Ul rs apply lo
C. F. ll BT RICK, Walhalla. S. C. if
WANTED - Dogwood - We pay
$ lt'..ot) per cord for Dogwood .it
Westminster. CAROLINA HARD
WOOD co. Soe .1. s. Price for speci
fications otc. 1 i- jj* - tf
OX ACCOUNT of low water und
inability of power company lo fin
nish power, wo will nOI run mir gins
on Fridays, until further notice, i bo
ZER co. 48-tf
-1 will bo glad lo figuro with any
perso,i who may bnvo Building Work
to lo. will bid on nay work, largo
or sm.il!. \v. B DODD, Box 34 I,Wal
halla, S C. I ?- I !. *
Bankers' Reservo System t; % Loans
may bo secured on city or farm prop
erty, lo buy, build, improve or pay
Indebtedness. BANKERS' RESERVE
DBPOS1T CO., 1648 California St.,
Denver, Colo. 17-2
NOTICE-This is to notify tho
public thal my boy, ANSEL FRICKS,
who ls II nd or age. has loft my home
without my consent, and anyone hir
ing or harboring bim will bo prose
cuted to tho fullest extent of tho law.
J, E. FRICKS, West Union. P.)*
Maublln Street, Walhalla, S. C.
linera m Ont of Penance. . 9.30 a. m.
Muss and Sermon.lo.oo a. ni,
Rev. Timothy J, McGrath, Rector,
St. Joseph's Church,
East Earle and North McDulflo Sis.,
Anderson, S. C.
r Faith in
LlvL. Store.
m*t-.-> wjiun.i? im UM inri-a??iiM iw innnw
?j? ?j? ?j? ?j* ?j? ?j? ?j* ?j* ?j? ?t? ?j? ?j? ?|? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j* ?j?
.j? I AH; A Ii ANO PERSONA Ii. 4*
IM ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? *J? ?J? ?J? * J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?|? . J? ? J? .
- Bring In your duo bills for meal
tliis week. There will bo nc ono to
deliver meal after this week. Wal
halla (Jin Co., W. P. Milam, Man
-The many friends of Mrs. Goo.
Schumacher will regret to learn that
sho ls quite ill With an attack of flu,
and will hope for her speedy recov
- Miss Mary Cornelia Barton, of
Greenville, is spending tho Thanks
giving holidays with her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. M. M. Barton, and among
her many Walhalla friends.
-Just received, car of fresli Dixie
Portland lemont. W. M. Brown.Wal
halla. S. C.-ad.-li?-tf.
-Mr. and Mrs. John J. Boeder
silent the Thanksgiving holidays in
Atlanta with relatives. They drove
through in their car and report the
roads good and a pleasant trip.
- Miss Julia Timmerman, of
Greoville, visited In Walhalla last
week, being a guest In tho homos of
Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Aull and Miss
Lucy Brandt. She has numerous
friends hore who wore delighted to
seo her again.
-Rice, IS lbs. for $1.00; sugar,
1 :\ lbs. for $1.00; plain (lour S?e;
self-rising flour 90c. Fresh cream
cheese at 30c. per lb. Walk a block
and savo a dollar. 'Maynes cuts the
price and sells the goods."-adv.
-The Zion Sunday school is pre
paring for a Christmas tree and en
tertainment. All children interested
in these features are urged to meet
nt Zion Methodist church on Thurs
day evening at G o'clock to get their
parts in the program.
- Let us help you solve your gift
problems. We can do it. . Tho Peo
ple's Dept. Storo, Walhalla. "Better
goods for less."-adv.
-On Tuesday of next weok the
Star Theatre. Walhalla, will show
Constance Talmadgo in "Silk Stock
ings." This ls one of tho best of the
many excellent pictures which fea
ture Constance Talmadgo. Don't miss
-For Sale - Embroidered Bed
spreads; Uno for Xmas gifts. Prices
reasonable al Marie Bischoff's Mid
- Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Oelunig and
family had as their Thanksgiving
guests Miss Cathleen Parter, of Bow
ell, X. C.; IT, B. Graham and E. O.
Jones, of Columbia; Les'.er Parter,
of Clemson College, and C. R. Ford,
of Atlanta. Miss Parter remained
over for the week-end. C. C. Bash
ames, of Oastonia, X. C., was also a
week-end guest, in tho Ooh mig home.
.Candlesticks, electric lamps,
leather goods, toilet articles, sta
tionery. Jewelry, silver, baskets, (low
ers, dolls, toys, fountain pens and
flroworks. The host goods for thc
best price at Bell's Drug Store, Wal
halla, S. C.- adv.-ti.
- The Darktown Sunshine Min
strel show will ho given on Friday,
Doe. 8, at the Walhalla High School
Auditorium. This entertainment was
postponed on account Of the sad
death of Mrs. M. K. Fort. The enter
tainment will he given under the aus
pices of the ('ivie League, and is be
ing managed by Mrs. J. J. Reeder.
Tho price of admission is 20c. and
35c. Doors opon at 7. 'AO o'clock,
and the performance will begin at 8
- Plenty of good work mules and
horses to sell-worth the money
either for cash or good notes. Como
and seo me. W. M. Brown, Walhalla,
S. C.-ad.-1!<-tf.
- The Star Theatre, Seneca, of
fers an attractive program for the
balance of this week and tho first of
next. Thursday William S. Hart In
.'Tho Th roo Word Brand," anti a two
reel comedy; Friday, tia in ty Shirley
Mason in "Littlo .Miss Smiles," and
Patho Nows; Saturday, Tom Mix in
tho foal uro picture, "Chasing the
Moon." Chas. HutcMson in tho thrill
ing serial, "Sliced," and Ruth Bo
land In "Tho Timber Queen." Mon
day and Tuesday of next week, tho
wonderful production, "A Child for
Salo." featuring Creighton Bale and
(?ladys Leslie. The theatre is warm
and comfortable and the management
will appreciate your patronage
--A beautiful assortment of bed
room slippers from 9">c. to $1.50.
shop early. They won't last. long.
Tho People's Dept. Store. "Detter
goods for less."-- adv.
-On Xov. 3d the Pa. 1 Mayne Cir
cle hold its regular meeting with Mrs.
W. 1). Moss. The guests were mot by
their hospitable hostess and Invited
Into tho parlor, which was lovely in
Its settings of ferns and other potted
plants, Several interesting papers
were read and enjoyed. Mrs. Moss,
assisted by hor small ?laughter. Miss
Fl iza liet h, served a dollclous salad
Course, Other recent meetings of
tho I layne Cirolo have been onjoyod
with tht! following charming hos
tesses: .Mrs. Henry Hughs on Sept.
Mb; Mrs. John Dendy on Sept. 22d;
Miss Janie Harrison on (iel. fi th; Miss
Gert rudo Smith on Oct. 20th.
. I will 'rndo thoroughbred Po
land-China ard Duro? pigs for peas,
cane seed mid scod ryo. Arthur
Brown, Walhalla, S. C.-^-adv.-1 S-lf.
-Mrs. J. R. Barlo hrfrlsitlng her
daughter, Mrs.'C. L, BuBbtfe, at Whlt
mlre, 8. C. \
-Plenty of 16 per oent acid for
nil now; $16.25. W. M. Brown, Wal
halla, S. C.-adv.-43-tf.
-Wo are requested 'to announce
that tho Liberty B.Y.P.U. will meot
at Ebenezer next Sunday afternoon,
Doc. 10th, at 3 o'clock.
.-Plenty of 16 per cont acid for
all now; $16.25. W. M. Brown, Wal
halla, S. C.-adv.-43-tf. .
-Wo regret to leam that Sidney
Ellison ls quito sick at tho home of
his parents. Mr. alid Mrs. A. L. Elli
son, near Walhalla He ls suffering,
wo understand, from a very severe
attnck of flu, and it. ls reported that
his condition is regarded as quito
sorlous. Wo hopo to hear of his lm
provomont at an oarly dato.
-What ls a moro nppropr.'to gift
for a man or woman than Cad?1' hos
iery? From 50c. to $3.00, plain and
fancy. Tho Pooplo's Dept. Store, ex
clusivo dealors. "Botter good for
-The many friends of Rev. N. G.
Ballenger, of Midway, will bc glad
to learn that he ls. Improving, after
an attack of sudden Illness last week.
Rev. Hallenger was recently appoint
ed by tho Upper Methodist Confer
ence to tho pastorate of tho Walhalla
Circuit, and ho has hut recently taken
charge of his now work. Wo hope
that ho may soon be entirely well.
-Wo will charge $3.50 por bale
for ginning this season, furnishing
hagging and ties. We use 2 to 2%
pound juto bagging and whole ties.
.Into hagging adds wolght and blakes
a neat hale. Schaeffer Gin Co., West
minster, S. C.-adv.-35.-tf.
- Mrs. C. G. Powell and little son,
Albert, have returned to their home
in Charlotte. X. C., after a pleasant
visit, to Mrs. Powell's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. j. S. Tollisou, of the Fair
view section. They were accompan
ied home by Miss OUio Tollisou, who
will visit "thom until af tor the holi
-Just received another shipmont
of High Point buggies, and will sell
them; worth the money. W. M.
Brown, Walhalla, S. C.-?d.-49-tt.
-Mrs. Josie Bauknlght Oliver,who
was quito woll known in Walhalla,
died at her home at Statesboro, Ga.,
on Nov. 15th. Mrs. Olivor was horn
In Walhalla about 5 0 yoars ago, and
for a nu tuber of yoars made her homo
hero, and was woll known through
out the county. Tho deceased is sur
vived by two sisters, Mrs. George S.
Roach, of Oliver, Ga., and Mrs. B. M.
Holland, of Gastonla, Nf, C. Mrs. C.
W. Pitchford and Mrs. LR la Stod
dard, Chas. W. and John E. Batik
night, of Walhalla, are cousins of the
deceased. Mrs. Pitchford, Mrs. Stod
dard and J. E. Bauknight had Just
returned from Statesboro after a
visit to Mrs. Oliver, thinking that she
was better, when they got news of
her death. There are many who will
learn with regret of tho death of this
good lady, and who sympathize with
?.ho heroaved ones.
-Just recelvod, a shipment of tho
woll known High Point buggies. Call
and got ono. (If you ride, rldo
right.) W. M. Brown, Walhalla, S.
-A marriage that will provo of
interest to many in this section was
solemnized in the First Presbyterian
church of Bessemer, Ala., on Wed
nesday, N'ov. 22d, When Miss Mamie
.loo Reid and Roy Lodbettor were
joined in tho holy bonds . of
matrimony. Tho occasion was a very
brilliant affair, bringing together a
largo circlo of society folks of sev
eral places in Alabama. Tho brido is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Reid, and she is a niece of Mrs. Joe
McCaroy, of Walhalla. Thoro aro
hosts of friends in Oconco of tho
bride who will Join in extending best
wishes to her, and to Mr. Lodbettor
sincere congratulations .on winning
tho hand and heart of tf?is fair young
lady. .Mrs. Lodbettor, as Miss Reid,
bas on several occasions visited rela
tives in Oconoo, and she has a host
of friends and acquaintances in this
-Jan. 1st will soon be hero, and
With ifc Will come stock-taking. Wo
want you to como and tako ours
homo with yoti before then. We will
givo you mighty good inducements,
guch as: Ginghams at 10, 12% and
15c; host grade yard-wido porcato
I7%c.; ali lui. cotton fianna's Ile ,.
all 17%c. cotton Hannels 13c. Ono
lot drilling and sheeting, in short
lengths, 35c. por lb. Wo have only
10 children's coats loft, from $2.95
up, and four, of misses' slzo, from
$3.50 up; 22 ladies' sizes from $4.35
up. One lot hoys' pants 95c,:j ono lot
boys' blue serge pants, $1.25. Suits
for boys, 1, 5 and 6 years of ago, at
SH.su. OHO lot mon's corduroy pants,
ff you can find your size, tako them
homo at $1.95. Soo our tables of
close-out children's shoes at $1.4 5
and $.1.95, and others at ?52.25 and
$2.75. Walk a block and save a dol
lar. 'Maynes cuts tho price and sells
thc goods."--adv.
-On Nov. 24th Mrs. James Darby
was hostess to tho Hayne Circlo. Tho
subject for study was William Gil
more Simms. Mrs. Henry Hughs gavo
a sketch of his Ufo and Mrs. Hamil
ton read his poem, "The Host Plei
ads." A piano solo, played by Mrs.
William Bell, was greatly enjoyed.
Miss Allon, who was a guest of tho
afternoon, was invited to spook to
tho Circlo, choosing her own subject.
Sho told in a very delightful manner
of hor rocont visit to tho vlllngo of
Oberammergau and of her Impres
sions of ibo Passion Play. Aftor nd
Journmont. during tho social hour,
Mrs. Darby entertained hor guests
with a musical contest, In tho draw
for the prizes Mrs. Barr won first
prize, a bowl of lovoly growing \
ley lilies. Tho consolation, a pretty
bonbon dish, fell to Miss Daisy
Strong. The hostess, assisted by Miafl
Strother and Mrs. William Boll,
served a delicious salad course, with
Ice tea. Tho noxt mooting will bo
with Mrs. Barr.
- Wo will chnrgo $3.50 per halo
for ginning this season, furnishing
bagging and ties. Wo uso 2 and i m
pound Jute bagging and wholo Hos.
Juto bagging adds weight and makes
a neat halo. Westminstor Oil and
Fertilizer Co.-adv.-35-tf.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry It. Hughs
spent last Kr i any in Anderson.
-r-Tho many friands of Mrs. W. M.
Alexander will be sorry to learn that
ber condition remains unimproved,
sho being still confined to ber bed.
-Now is the timo to buy buy your
Oliver plows. Get ready for the fall
season. Buy the Genuino Oliver, i W.
M. Brown, Walhalla, S. C.--adv.-tf.
-The Ladies' Aid Society of tho
Walhalla Methodist church will moot
Thursday afternoon at tho homo of
Mrs. W. D. Moss. It is important thal
every member bo prosont.
-Wo are requested to announce
Hint Hov. J. Fred Fowler will preach
tit tlio Second Baptist church, Wal
halla, on next Sundny, Doc. 10th, at
ll o'clock. Tho public ls cordially
invited to attond.
-Now is tho time to buy stalk
sutters and fight tho boll weevil. Buy
tho kidd that cuts stalks. Wo have
the kind wo guarantee. W. M. Brown,
Walhalla, S. C.-adv.-49-tf.
-Mrs. Fannie Brennecke and Miss
Addie Tatham loft last weok for
Toxas, whore they will bo for sovoral
weeks visiting relatives In tho cities
of Austin and Dallas.
--High quality usually means high
prico. Colo's Down-Draft ranges give
/ow high quality at modorate prices.
"Jobi hy Ballenger Hardware Co., of
Seneca. Soo advertisement else
where. /
-For every one-dollar you spond
with us you got a chance at tho beau
tiful genuine Madame Hcndron Talk
ing Doll, which is to bo given away
l>y us to tho one holding tho lucky
number on Christmas morning. At
Hell's Drug Store, Walhalla.-adv.-tf
- Mrs. L. W. Langston and chil
iren loft last week for Conway, this
Slate, to spend some timo with Mrs.
Langston's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C.
P. Quattlebauin. They will probably
remain in Conway until after the
Christmas Holidays.
-Tho annual congregational meet
ing of St. John's Lutheran church
Will l?c held next Sunday, Doc. 10th.
Tho election of officers and other im
portant business will be transacted.
\11 members of thc Lutheran church
ire urged to be present if possible.
- Mr. and Mrs. H. T. McClure, of
Clemson College, and Mr. and Mrs.
?V. TO. Hake, of Ninety-Six, spent the
Thanksgiving holidays In Walhalla
nrith Mrs. McClure's and Mrs. Lake's
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Busch,
md aunt. Miss J. Baumgartel.
-Wo invito you to our store to
ittend tho Christmas opening, begin
ning Nov. 16th. We have tho most
beautiful lino of gifts and Christmas
;oods on display in Walhalla, and
die prices are right. Bell's Drug
-Harry L. Fayonsky, of the Peo
Mo's Department Storo, spout the
Thanksgiving holiday in Atlanta at
ending tho Auburn-Georgia Tech
football gamo and tho dinner given
>y the Alpha Epsilon PI fraternity fit
ho Ansley Hotel.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. O. White spout
ho past week-end with their daugh
ter, Mrs. H. W. Gnsque, at Laurens.
They went down to bo with thoir
Ittlo grandson, Master Herbert, Jr.,
.vho has boen quite ill with bronchi
tis. Tho many friends of tho little
follow will bo glad to know that he is
/cry much Improved.
-To Rout-Nico ofilco rooms in
mino building In which Bell Tele
ihone Co. has Its office, on Main St.
Lan rent you singlo office or suit of
'ooma. See mo al once if interested.
Very desirable location. W. M.
Drown, Walhalla, S. C.-adv.-tf.
Walhalla Water Analyzes Well.
Tho State Hoard of Health has fin
shod a second analysis of tho water
furnished by the now water system
if Walhalla and linds il perfect, and
Advises that it can bo used for drink
ng purposos with absolute safety.
This second analysis was occasion
ed by an adverso report when tho
iva tor was first turned Into tho mains
from tho mountains, when a slight
trace of somo foreign matter was rc
lorted. It is presumed that this first
[hiding was due to some foreign mat
tor getting Into tho mains as they
.vere put down. There was nothing
found on which to base an adverse
report, even at tho first, hut tho State
ward advised the local people that
t would he hotter not to uso tho wa
ter for drinking purposes until a bet
tor opportunity presented itself for
innlysis. Tho latest report -simply
itatcs: "Bacterial contamination is
legliglblo; quality of water good."
Illackburil Gets Rhodes Scholarship.
(Greenville News. Dec. 1.)
W. M. Blackburn, member of thc
.'orman University class of 1021,
md named in a Swarthmore, Pa.,
lews dispatch last night ns having
ust won a Rhodes scholarship ap
>olntmetit to Oxford University, is a
ion of Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Black
lurn, Baptist minister of this elly.
Voting Blackburn is but 24 yoars of
ige. and is now leaching at Carnegie
Instituto of Technology, Pittsburgh.
While in his senior year at Furman
io won a scholarship to Yalo Univor
dty and spent the 1921-22 scholastic
rear in study there, going to Carne
fio Tech this year.
The son of a missionary and Bap
1st. minister, Mr. Blackburn was born
n Persia ?u 1S99, whoro at that. Hmo
Hs parents were missionaries. Ro
aming to tho States in lator years
io attended public school at different
mints In North and South Carolina,
iio entered Furman University in
19 10 and recoived his Bachelors de
iieo in 1921.
T. If, c. Wilthorn Dead.
(Charleston Nows and Courier.)
J. H, C. Wulbem died suddenly
'riday afternoon, being stricken ns
ie was walking through, tho market
>n his way to his ofilco on East Bay,
if tor dinner. His death was a great
hock to all who know him. Mr. Wul
>ern was horn In Chnrloston May 11,
80S. For ninny yoars ho was activo
md promlnont in tho business Ufo
>f-Charleston, hoing president ot tho
Vulhern Wholesale Grocory Com
inny and of tho Wulhorn Fortilizor
THE MAN who docs not bcliovc in Hanks soon acquires a rcp
utatJon tor his peculiarity.
SNEAK THIEVES watch to seo whore lie hides his hooard,
and make away with it at tho first opportunity. A bolder brand of
thieves tour tho country hunting for persons who clo not boliovo
in Hanks. They do not wait to spy out tho hiding placo of these
hoards; they torturo tho unfortunates until they got tho hidden
money.. .
PUT YOyit MONEY IN THIS HANK. It will bo safo here,
and you will bo safe, too.
The Enterprise Bankt
Walhalla, S. C. -
i munn ? i ? 11 - ? 1 II.MBWI ????nrwiimiiniB-mi
1888 -=--E- 1922
Special for Christmas
What One Gallon of Kerosene
in a "Z" Engine Will Do for You
Do you realize how much
work the "Z" engine will
do at the low coat of
one gallon of kerosene ?
It will pump 10,000 gallons of
water for your stock, for your
home, for fire protection.
It will light 10 20-watt, 16
candle power lamps for 15 hours
from your light plant?
It will grind 40 bushels of feed
to fatten your stock.
It will saw over S cords of wood
for you.
It will run your churn-cream
separator-milking machine.
It will operate your family
washing machine-your grind
stone, corn sheller, clover huller,
shredder, hay baler and other
machines about the farm.
Over 300,000 "Z" engines have
been bought by farmers every
where. They saved labor
got more work done. The many
big advantages of the "Z" were
convincingly demonstrated to
these farmers before they
bought. ,
Note these features at the left
and then you, too, come in and
see the "Z."
1J^H.P.....$ 67.00
3 H.P..... 115.00
6 H.P..... 187.00
AU f. o. b. faotory ; add freight to a . ?ti nullor*
Ballenger Hardware Co.
, Seneca, S. C,
Amorican weeds might produco yoar if it woro commercially proilta
throo ' million pounds of rubbor a bio to exploit thom.
Let us tell you about
thete many big
advantages :
1- Economically usen Vero?
eene as well as gasoline.
2- -Hlcrh tension magneto
eliminates batteries and
battery troubles - gives
hot spark, quick starting.
8--Throttling governor as
sures steady speed and
closo speed regulation.
4- Suction fuel feod - no
pump - slroplo and posi
5- Convenient speed con
troller gives chango ot
speed whllo onglno ls
6- Renewable die-cast bear
8-Automntlo In operation,
requiring but little at
tendance-easily started.

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