OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, April 06, 1876, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1876-04-06/ed-1/seq-4/

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Communication ,
0 ? ? k. kl
Eprrait; 'i'horb is ynf ono
glo drawback to 'tVo miuorrul pro^ pol
ity of I'icUcns County, (burring of ,
conrso, tlio rotten and corrupt yov- (
nrnmntrt which has bo lont/ Clll'sod <
~ - 'T f** n
our State,)' and tWt :a fire unTo'i dtnato
contost about'tfl6~phymont of the 1
railroad subscription. As .jjaaf^r^
now stand, I do np^ mo , tliat <
party is likely to bp . ljen.QUttcu^ but '
Binco tin* pooplo lmvo Been lif to res 1
sist tho paymout by a Resort to the
courts, I can only hope that they
may bo suoccsaftflA Miglft |fol a
ccftnpromisc, cveif at tliii^lKte day,
bo made between I ho parties, which
would be just, reasonable and fair.
Out 1 started to write a Bhort letter
about the improvbihGntis in and
around Ea&ley, and? otliov* poSnts
iflong the line of road in Picken
County. On every hand new'delete
lings are going up every day, the
trade of the j>laco is constantly extending;
and so far 'ho merchants of
that placo seem able to weather the
financial storm Wh'tch is sweeping
'hundreds and thousands into bankruptcy.
The feeling of improvement
is becoming 60 strong about Easley,
that it is gradually extending i:solt
to old Pickensville, and tiiis old
ancient and dilapidated place is be
giniijg to put on her Sunday clothes
and cfeter the race of improvement.
Dr. Neal, who occupies the old hotel;
and runs that farm, had made some
decided attempts in tho way of improvement,
and had actually, after
mature deliberation, decided to make
war upon Icing totn-bell, who hacj so
long held 6way in and around old
Pickensville. Fortunately for tho
1) ctor, ho dccicled, like a good Gen
eral, first to feel llio strength of the
enemy before making a general attack,
but was so seriously discomfitfed
in this rencoutilro, Hint he seems
to have wisely concluded not to interfere
with his majesty in his fortiv
fications. bnt merely lay siege by
horaming him in and preventing his
spread to other portion* if the farm.
In this he mav bo more successful.
as I am told that the rootlets of this
valuable grass will not cross a road
,or even a hedge-row. A dense shade
appears to bo the only master f?*r
tom-bell, and so soon as thotomsbell
disappears, its plaeo is immediatel.)
supplied by the Georgia, a wild clover.
But. it remains tor Cap'. Banker
to demonstrate tho great utility of
this grass for its grazing properties,
lie has bought tho Mrs. Alexander
farm, and has made a substantial
and now fence all avoitnd the dotijrirtion
of king tom-boll on that farm,
ii ?i. . n. i - ?
unu 11 me v>upiam is as screwed as
his Yankee origin would but suppose,
lie will give tom?bell full sway
with a littlo occasional hoip by plow*ing
and manuring, and purchase a
Hock of sheep, and enter at once
upon this delightful branch of husbandry.
lie might attach, on a small
Bcale, a dary farm, a3 hi3 excellent
lady, old though she bo, haa tho reputation
of being one of tho moat
successful butter makers in this County.
But, Captain, it was a pity to
destroy so many of those magnificent
oaks, and yet their place can be pro*
iitably supplied by fruit and grasps.
13ut really, if tho Captain had submitted
tho question ot his proposed
improvement to a vote of the stock
of the surrounding neighborhood, it
would have been voted down fitmino
Why thoso old fields nil through the
summer, support scoros of cattle,
sheep, hogs and horses, and if the
Captain's bad example should be
followed by Dr. Neal, Mr. Oats and
others, then there will bo no alternative
but to bring up the at cU and
turn thorn inside of the enclosure.
This will bo n practical solution of
the stock law. Hut, Captain, you
are being daily watched by your,
friends, and if some day you should
astonish the natives, it would be
nothing more than mmht b? uxnnatM
cd from tho little Yankee.
T. II. II.
A pretty littlo Ohio fichoolmarm
tried to whip one of her pupils, n boy
of fifteen, tho other day, hut when
nho corainonccd operations ho coolly
throw hia arms around her ncck and
gavo her a hearty kis.s. 8ho wont
straight hack to her desk, and lior
fueo was "just as rod."
A Domestic 11
a 11 tu'uc LciUi-io?cQtiA'^ijrin lion mhioU oft.
3in red boiMcoo a cor111
in M . i fcJaxJnno.q
riio husbauda of both belonging to
lIjo Blank CfuTj,' and iU)on a certain |
>ver tho tlioir gv\&Mmw*oUMM
"No.doar. had not tho romoteat idea
living in Httoh htXnty and eafo Iftafcft
b? Hi wwft if
mortals/' drl
no, I never think of
rtfn'Ooo, ??<T ]
" W h ;ii? ^A1< c a y o W*0*** j
"Oh, novor mind, dear; it doo.s not
co n rFtlft' ray* |
solf; but I um droadfully unhftppy*fca;I
suppose I am tho most mvlmppy person
who livw. ?'?< ?
' Do toll mo whftt it is?''
k now,
it is Lhis: My husband goes otft-M'd
sfays nil iiTj^VU ht ff\5 fclrfb and* pfflys
cards. Ain't jUft*$ti(HBailful?# >f| v,
Mrs. Smith -g?zod *a|, Atys. Jones
vory^calmly and placidly and pitying
ly, aTUl then remarked:
"My dear Mrs. Jone?, I *>08 ?bsolutoly
frightened?I was alavmod. .1
shuddered for foHivyoa were about to
rclato somo torrib'lo mystery. You
aro not, half ag unhappy ivs I am.
the most unhappy, umorablo woman
that evefc* ITvMRPOB 1 0U0T8
'What!' said Mr^^Jpncs, "You unhappy^And
so' mU'clV1 lidmtml and ea-?
ressed, by society.''
"Yos, lb? mosthdflrt broken woman
you ovqr k^^/,; ^
"What can bo tho eauso of this79&$
"Well, I'll toll yon, my dear. Yon
seo my huabar.d goes out and stays
all night, and?woll, ho stays all night
' A' .J..,, ' k'.'.V
auvi titvo tv yu&mp| vuu uaii u???
Those other iellowdboat Win every
night." -<m1,
A Gubat Motiikk to a Gheat Son.
The mothor of John Quincy Adams
said in a letter to hiin when ho was
only twelve.
"I would rather soe you laid in
your grave than grow up a profane
and gra6tdofctf-li<fy?'-'
Wot long before his death a gentleman
said ty him:
'T have found out who mado you.
Mr. Adams."
uwi.?> ,i.-v -_1 1 m
II llliv J UII UKJilUS 1*11
A (1 il! 11S.
Tho gentleman replied:
I have boon reading tlio published
1 ot tors of your mother'!"
UI(," tli 19 gentleman relates, <4J
bad ejioketi that dear rmmO to eomt
littlo boy who had been for weekt
n^ay from his mother, hia cyos could
not havo ilatshod .more brightly, hoi
hitt faco glowed quicker, than did
theoyoa of that venornblo old man
It... .,o.?Q ,.r I.;D
.. - - -w - |.?? VIIV/H "IVVV* IMW IIIIIJJV Vi II IO
mother, llo stood up in a peculiar
manner and said: 'Yes, air; all that i?
good in rue I owe to my mother.'"
Uncle Daniel Drew was tho on')
man who knew tho word by which
bis combination sale was opened.?
One morning ho was ill and did not
get down to his olliee, so they sent to
get the word. "Door" \Vas tho word,
the messenger was told, but ho worked
with it half an hour and tin' sate
remained closed. lie returned to
! 1, i > did 1.1' 111 li?m-i n 'iVVIiut 1
If il(*V WU|l|
(lid yon saj?" uDooi! doorl" shouted
I'nclo Daniel. Tho clerk, suddenly
remembering that Mr. Drew was ccccntric
in bo mo tilings, naked, "How
do \ou upell it, "Such ignorance!
Do ft-r-e, of course." The eufo
was opened.
An Unconcioub A Naur..?* A lady
in a certain church not long ago do
stroked the dcvolio. of a pfy.t of the
congregation by sitting in a front
pew in summer time with a child's
doll stuffed in her skirts in place ol
tlic (ionvolitional bustle. There wore
the head and arms appealing to the
congregation, and the lady all the
while was singing like un uuooiwci0118
The second night after her busband
died fihe sat by tho open chain
her window five hours waiting for
tin: eat? to beirin ficditini/ in thu r?iud<
rr< n n " "
yard SIhj Raid: "Thia thing of goin,;
t.? sloop without a quarrel ot
8<>mo kind i? so new to mo that I
can't staid ii! Let mo rtlotio until
tho\ begin, and then I can dozo oil
go tly!''
a rcligicu3 colmcl
populiitionr^'^nljF VmT weniselves
tl111 o ejBSOdQtii g:
rmtM 4MNA,? t#p> .??!*#*
?jj5g*fr*i ?$%
o jMlMBafl
<*"MPAYS ovcry AlanffWWKMyy^t W6^tfil
JkQHIcii.injg, invciiwiyi^WWgy5''\9S"
11)0011 jnililisli'i'il
I years,
I imy ol
1 wcftkly pnp#HWWWiifrliWll^^ff^WRHW<yTfw^re?
Hbtt nnd'NWapMMli tiMi9ft?9%n 1
' H^ct y number is
| ils'bfcntuntu cinbrnco<<IHPrtl>liywy|t>WllKWTf'
tcrcslifkfe Hk]roMftaotra%?0WllAlA^#^ttlP?if'?
; dostrial,
of iwMfifTfnl
Knjflavings, of Ne^4M?iiaiiMiil)? mwmmmc ,
mcntsfMtejwWBifcoelW* aft*?hrt>rVr*Ntitlrt?!
tridrf of all kinds; o8,
Sugec??^*'o<l A<*?lW, bp <Prfc?tieal Writ!
?*rt,W Workinoli>.??4'-Bmployiii*h W4MRhe
various art H.fforming IMhMII HpfPMM
i New InvoiUioaWfcP<l'oI>toaiX#i-t^M ^OoMWUlMl);
a w?oMl$**M^notv<ml^feeiwiw<i<'t<?!<)i oi
tho llT?l?taUfiul Ar(8 lusm>r?wlk but
also of all Now Disaoterios and Invention* in
etc ty b*?n obt 9 f<JB " giriebi i n g, HI ft h*n ?<*<?, an-l
&:ieftod abtcMWB IW<? hMWlMinUN
* Thb<?ctaiti(U!>Atnbt-i?JttitiIttt]||fcAtfi4'ftfr('
most, industrial publiontioiu for the pm i
Thtfly Yeafp.JH swlUe dMMtfUafptesi; chteapv
oh(, nntl Ihe bcetViioKly illustrated paper do
voicu! u> uii^iuvuriu^, luccimuies^ unciniHiry,
Now inTtttrtidns; ?oicnca nndrlndusMiul Progress,
published ipv.thariMBtttPtMul ?t?MThe
practical roocitHn Arc well Worth Ion
iituoS (lie subscription pi'loe-i And to^'llio
shop and hrtuso will TOW many times the cost
i v/ix/cvi-.j/tc&rrf,
fnveniors, * Manufaaftireff, CWpim tf<
Lovers, ot Science, and People of nil Profesj
sr?""'VHMivMiirr. r;;
; Family, Library, Study, Oflice, and Counting
| Room; in nnd
School. A new volume commences January
j 1st, 1870 n? i ii i ii in i
A year's numbers contain 8"- pagas ami
Several Hundred KncravibKfl .'I'Uont.iiulH oi
volumes ?v? gjosjopvcd for binding. u^iil
cncc. Tories, sT-0 a,vcar by mail. includ'
ing 'nftsVolWt fb CtiiM.' j^'|.c'ci;il
circular!) giving club ratossont. free. Single
copies waited On receipt'of iO chtals.* May
he had of nil New* Dealers.
1> Air|"i\>T ln ooiHiectiouVfitli
X iVX XJ H Xj3, tho Sci^tjlvo American,
.VteHsYs, Ml'xn n (to, are Solicitors ol
, 'AmeritflM'And'PaleHTs", and li'nVe the
largest- cstablislimenla in (lie world. Mori
than lifty tluiUfc.uid applications have l>?ei
made for patents tliYougli their agency.
Patents are oblnintjtf on tlto^cst terms
Models of New Inventions anil Sketch*** ex
amined and advice tree-. A specjnl ;u>ticpb
made In the SOir.NTirir AMKUM,' \N yfal
Inventions Palenti-u through this Agency
j with the name and residence of the Patent* *<
1'iiti'iit -i nii> nfldti snlil in iimi-i ni> u i
persons .vtruotuU to ilio invention l>y sod
notice. Sontl for I'nmphle!, containing fill
} directions for obtainin;; I'alciits. A Ikjiiiu
cuts, MUNN & CQ. 37 Park llow, New Voi-k
Branch offico, Cor. F. & 7th directs, Wnsli
I > 1 4R (Ml 0W
Senator?K Bowen.
UepreHenlalioc?h Jh' Bradley.
A . 1
CUrk of Court?S I) Keith.
Jtutyt (tf J' dbAls?I fl rbifcot. *
Sheriff?J I'wiley Fevgnsofoi
Coroner?Wnrren Boyd.
Schoul C'??wit?i9n*r-r-ll A Jiowen
L * ' ?"H? j \ } *' i ^
Auditor?Alorzo M Folgcr.
I M .54 ff?
Count;/ CommTiiiorirrs?.Tolin T Cosset!
Chairman?Uobort Craig, Cj A1 Lynch. Clorl
County Commissioners, t! t< lIollingHwoi th.
Trial Justicf*? KiiiUy, Luke 1. riai 1-?
luhril?/, .1 l> Cltiyton?CcnbriT, Jnmos A
Lidiloll?;rl'ii'Uiui C II., (' 1/. llo^Li""'HWi>i ill
anil t! W Taylor?I)iicuyi<iti/,} .1 IVFni hci'lnm
SUBS C \l I V> E
.* ?> . > >>?;? >\T'
t ?*', ifr i?? ; ? ' S?: *
/? 1 r t ?*jh
I ' * * ?v ^ '
; 4 *"i . ? ? '
?%f?TVf * V '*4#T ijl tin *1 " x| 1
/' ? flrf|/ . *| I) )| >jfr
** ?tf?n t?gjA TUiri awr?
: . i -> <SSl ?>|?J n 1
KM.t T-m
/? A . jhluk *i-L ?-? -
. nr--t twfw-nr w
crnarnyioo'd u-in^ cur \V 111*1.
tP/iO AUUiill 6l DRILLS. *101) a n.ot.il.
i>:ii t io good aannlH. Anger J5uek frac. ; Jilz
A (Igor To., Si. Louis, Mo.
RilK I'onds and Postngo Slumps Wanted ?
$1 for rarest bills, J? 10 for rarest stamps li
will pay to send llioin immcdialoly. Also
lltcrc curiosities. American Stamp Co., ltox
I(j 15, New York.
Doe '2 I f \
X Tonus of 20 wcoks eaoh. Tho
commciiccs .Jnnilhr J 1 (Ih.XJTiSfcnds Juno 8d;
the second Tc?? ?n\iien\fc;Yjuly 4th, and
onds November 18th.
OBIinitnt* feo t ' <MMli InMMio
mm <JaaAi*tfn??t iu*t??4>tfatfp?U!t' too
charged for tho whole Term ; (hose ?nt?nM|
after lliis time, ?f entering.
It is 111010 8iiii8^ct\r/ Students enter
at tho commencement, when tho several
H?Mwitfrum tm6 am oiw mm A
tiawwfiwKj t flours* oft Study* ??H twO
1 UN I Oil yi^SS.
lsl Term?Spelling AtuL Heading.
'2d Term?Spclling'Tind Wading continued;
? 1N T K till K1) IA T K CLASS. '" |
1st Tcrif^Si^)liiJ mi) ft<Jhd|ng Jc(nlinued:
Geography continued; Introducing lOnglish
Gr:imnvti*i.Uieui(\iit?.<ii Written Ai'itii>nftti<?
Exerciscs in Writing.
2d Term?Suujlitvg auij UaiidinA continued;
Klein en U l>f wfitt4l> Ailui"iniak.e<>iiiplclcd,
lnt ovmeiliato Gpoarr.-irdivc^niiilpmil- A < 1?i -
*l*ifoi'Ki\ndi4lrUriiminaT! Mil
tory; l'.xercises in Writing.
sikMyit cif.vi-.
1st. Term ? Knglufli (.a'atiiinui completed; lMiy>
Isical (loo'^rnphv; Common School Aritjunc'
iW v f
AUrtly^^' of *h
Language; Arithmetic coiAfrrtrtnlj WiwTlff
Composition; jiU,_hV History.
PKKPllt.lToitY |/:iMl MUNT.
3t:N-ToU in.ASK?
2d Term ? Four* ISooks ol %'tos.irj Arnold's
heo*,inl Pook-oji Atfal^i^ of the I.ntin
Sentence; (j reek Grammar; ivenilrick'a
Ukopk.^lojidafV;; Gr^ck, J.leiyler;: Duvj.eu'
A/4'ifV'^ ?li: wWlo^oyJiy. JI
IN l i;itMi:i)IATK I'l.ASS. ,, ,
II Term-?Si:; l>ouk8 of Vjrgil; titer k
uoDiyloiyitrTl'itii l??Qipe^y; 1U Jhei
C6mfit>#iii<m imrtQUieiorlC, ' ' 3- - *?
2il Term?Sallust's Catalifte & Jngurtha;
JvMnophon's Mialiasia; litter Algebra
erjffitncrrccfi! irmVfWiffrieai nom..,.
Iry cotnplcled: Chemistry.
Roman Hi. lory; Lnliu I'ruh't; Composition.
2il Term?II-r:ic?i eniivcj^Six Hooka of ilie
Hi:-vis; (jreck I'Yomj Composition; Algebra
Tho above course will prcparfe c,afi'
. didator; wf ion.i}ilo tho & oi'liovsKtof
any ot our Southern
Cellc^oN. Students, who do nothtaml
j a FrrtWhctrrry njrnTnlnnttnn upon the
Hludiv i oj_ cmcIi ylass, will noj
1 !>i! alPAvcd tho privilege lo advanco it
the next lii?i 1 ci% but bo retained in
i sudh^c1j\fl$, I ill all the studies p{' it bi
' 8ati'shhh.brily Minp feted?
Tuition or Pkimauy 1)ki'Akt>iknt
1 Junior (Mass, - - SlO.fif
r i i)t<;rnu-di;Uo Class, . - J
> Senior " ' > . 15.00
' 1'ivpimitrtry I >ep:?1*t irwnf, '
X < UeiliK'tioi,' \vili 1)0 nmdo low lo*i
uino ox(ti>j)l from j>i*olon?jod sickness
Mintlily Poportn of puncnility, do;
Horliinonl, un I in cuyiii ^lu
' cly,' \Wn noTurtuMiied pnronts.
'! " J. II. (JArW.HH)N? WinVlfrii.
11 J )> <> * 00 *9' 4$
A p; ant a Wanted For the 4
^Ixr u * *ri yn'ralivcof llio ?XI?loilS, R?l
'W'VlANL.,,!,),..! nr-il' ti'iv.-ls of Miul
J' Vi i.ASQLH'/,, otlicr|liATT?Hlw:.
a, 1/|'. HA IMtV T
- JilJ i-'l'ultl). <J- 8. A. A Tru6 Southcri
Heroinci ''.'iicil by c. J. v,oiii;ui:sui'uN
! lilto IUtv't\VIv.
MADA.Mi: \ KLASQUKZ, di^uiaaJ., M I
Coufctlovtuoollioov, participated in nnuruboi
oi? line Jmttlcat fought' lullflri* of flic Wift*whr
' ii^nl gty?U> Uisi,ii)giitf!ii>U bti-ielt bv Umh.iix
fYuoriTiMfy valor hIic displayed. Slici fvlsi
distinguished lior.selt' iiH a
M'YaAS.l) .^t.TviiX 8UJ&Yl(.'l$ AGENT,
ftmfW numerous occasions rati through tlx
Federal Imoa nnd obtained (nfbrAUfffbi
ttl vital iipi^r^mpo to tlio (.'on federate uu>a
innndcr^. Obfainingftdinission behind the
she ostaldished coiifHent ial relations will
up^juiucntfljj'^deinl olttoiuln; waft uououriicd i
Hie groal i
>.? wAt?!i thf l'nilcl Fy ntcif TreTfanry K?n'?fed<
liithV-#xlt>4t of fnillions of dwwinj'^rairtiw
' t iwwiy-enfrtKCd in blocltndfl-ntnlTrcr. rintt Ii
. n. I iWl'iNO ANi) liOUNTY KRAl'HS
'kJWRl|tpl v1" Vor!t qfi ? riiitink; (!io Kodara
armies wns so Bei'ionnly impWtftdt ??ul w;\:
ilie : heroine of a nftiubwfof exploits cvcnfuon
I i^tftcsil'ng ttiafi-Liiu'sliof iltu buulo fiuld. I
tpsioryrnf Sfer Hini
lili".TluV !*.i'u Jlutw iS
A111 gWWf <(uiii ft moiwr tiw* MwrWHmw, "twv*
Cnnffslilp, Marriage, etc.
J Ji? above fnct.s j?r?? od by leinl
ingMn Loth fcoriiIt and Worth who pnrfici
] :iio(l. No Look of meli varied and intensi
intere |r?H tl?jWoman in l'-attlo ban over Loci
1 issued iliil |iiftjjc-i?> > >? . t n
i Agents wanted in every county in tin
Uniiutt Switor; Agonia can iiiukc inovo ruoncj
|t>y oiiiivnssing for Llti? book tlian any others
'as it is IIkC cheapest as well am tlx; best del
"lin/ Aj'Wr iff)ok ever published, Tho bool
is n, lavgo oaiuVo volume ft 1' over <50(1 pa^cs
pvotuat V iliustrilleii. We mini l.iiwl o?w
own hooks; hence, can allow lnrg
< r lliwivuny ollivi' liguse. 8i:uui
Jyour tTioioc of (crriloi v ni oiivO. Address
iJou^tci'n fulnlstsSa^ Co.
UOu. l'ltvoii ash Mrrrin;i.i. KritKBTd
Jau <>, l s7 ? lM ;i
Law Notice.
The under fiMieu, having resumed llio prn<
Ilicoyi l iw, will aLt?inl tho Courts onllioHtl
! Judicial Circuit. J>u.siuess loft with W in. 14
Ihiifoinl, at l'ickt'UH C. U., will ho prompllj
Hilt'I.-1. J to. J. W. 11.1 KKISON.
h Nov. 11, 187 1.
| TInFIe, We3 Is & Tn.y 1 or,
| Attorneys nnd Counsellors at Law
Having i i iltliwlicl an ofllce at l'iokciiH ('
I I!., S will attend promptly to ull bunincKi
j lff> with i!. VV. Taylor wlio may bo alwayj
round ?i llioir office ai Pickens ('. II., S. C.
Oikoi iIio senior purlner" will always b(
jii o i-ir at t lie ('onrt1' to assist \/i111 I lie bunt
! nr <.
vW.T! RXHLH, >
I (i. (i. WKI.LS { 0. W. TAYLOR,
(irccnville, S (' 1'ickoiiH, S. (J.
? '#>? *>#4tMrato#?tf &iceWl& H,.^b |
^WeWii^HWiH1 ,l*e N6o?(H i4'<roiUw
.?Vb * ? .<W?M
a m? <?b terl o? t ou ? ?-'>v??l I''-* 9' 15 ft'in
torty # ?lu3J? xta' *jii
it ** -u
Leave Charleston < *? " ^ fr-fOW'A
Arrive at ???? 0 15 p ni
4<io<*? G&AHI.K8T0N. , 1 >?W
mi wwW i?i?i ?in
Leave. Columbia 9 00 a ni
lHWt&fft'flhMfMtdil ' 'v)
] rlj I u>4 H00 p.m.
"w " ' ? fllYr. p(AJ
<4faire>at Columbia- m*>f| iij J.'jifr 20 ni
W MU??* oih 04 "MGW
1 <MIG^OS,rAlN^<?t^T 'KXt,R^S^ ,", *'
' >K J tttibj/Vft
: Arrive at Augusta 7 45 a m
Leave Augusta ? 8 30 p m
Arrive at Charlcatan > ? 7 40 a m
(Su u,U%y?,cx<?>pl )
; Leave .Snmincuili% ?^iu :, .'{ 7 SO a m I
Arrive at ChftrTesToti .8 4?L^ m ]
<Lmft? c)hiti -J- ' '* ' " '' ft '1 ft Y> ni
Connects at KingWlY6 daily* [fc^feVpt Sdtii
days] with Up fmd-l>o*ri^-Dny find Passenger
J; riiny n nan ... ; A
Day and Night.Trains connect nt Augusta
^ft?H'(?6br?ift RnitfAinWJ J/acdh nihil''Augusjla
Ri>iUp*d aad Central Railroad. < .21rl4rroiiV?
via Atlanta ia> the qnickqataud moat direct
rou nud aa fcomfoi'tnblc dntf cheap aa aiij^
bthqn routevi to Mont KoAietfyfSolma, Mobile,
Ncjy QrlcyvufJi and all other poluu-f'oulhwonu
aVlt\ (o LouiaVitle, Cincinnati, Chicnteo. fit.
Loliifcl'.and all oliiCV points West find NortW5
A?' < } r , . r | Day
Train connccta at Columbia with the
Ihi'tfu^fc Tfftjrt on .Clfhrlotffee Road (Which
|fmy.cs.ttl w.) fur all points AWlh.
Xi^lit Train connects with Local Train
fwltfeh lesfvb's'Coluitt'bla h!l 8 a. ml] for points
uii Charlotte Road.
Laurens llailroiyd Train connects at Newbfrry'on
Tuesday's, "Thursdays and Satiirdityit.
Up Cojuinbin, Night Traip.,connects closely
1 with 11)o (ifocnViil to and Uofunibia Railroad.
1 ?S. S, yOLOMONS, Superintendent.
R.ti"l}v U irk^.sb, Gcucral Ticket Agent.
Gracnville & Golumbia R It
I J,* ? C11 A.N C li, U V SC H lil) U LB,
? ii'in? ' t
Passenger (rains run dnily. Hun days exoopt1
od, ennneciing with night trains on SAutli
I Carolina Railroad up and down. On and aft
j or .'/ondny, Decoiubw'ii}, the following will
be tho Schedule:
' Leave Columbia at 7.30 a m
1 Lnii-ve Alston at 9. IB a in
! Leave Newberry at 10.85 a m
L olive Cok'esb'.sry .n.t 2.07 p in
Leave Roltou at 8.50 p m
Arrive at. Greenville (it 5.25 p in
' Leave Croontillo at R.00 n ni
' l.e<vve Mellon at .J).'10 a in
I Leave Cokpsbtiry 11.20 a in
j n?"rtvo Ne^berVy at 2.40 a in
Leave Alston at 4.20 p m
' Arrive at Columbia at 5.55 p in
fl?^ Coiinecl at Alston with Trains on the
Hpirianburg and Union Railroad; connect r.t
* r<i\u!n1)in with Night Trainmen the iriouth Car
olinh U'ailroad uj> aiul down ; also with Trail's
;rorirfNorth and Mouth oH the. Charlotte, Columbia
ami Augusta ami ilio Wilmington. CovllMWiVlU.E
Train loave Abbeville at '.1.15 a m., conned
ing with Down Train from Greenville. Leai.
* Gokesbury at2.1S p id., connecting with l'j
* Train from Columbia. Accommodation Train.
* Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Lonyt
* Cokesbury at 11.1T> a 111., or on the arrival c:
1 the Mown Train from Greenville. Leaves At
l n^ville^n! 1 o'clock p. m.( connecting with ( t
Tr^in from Columbia.
' I)Ivlij10N
j r?ea^e' IVallialla at f>.00 a ni
3 bcKve l??Jrryville at 0.4T> a ni
* Uca-vo^'fnd.leton at . , 7,35 a m
IjoTTveAhUcrson nt 8.35 a m
u Airlv? at;liolton at 0.20 a m
t i -U Ul>i
Leave n?llon at 3.f>0 p m
fjCavfc Amterflnn at 4.50 p lr
I^ave Pendleton at 6.60 p ir
i Leave! I'erryville 6.35 p n
ArrfV4 iH'Nvnlhalln 7.15 p m
Acci)n?:i\oJiiijon Trails between Helton and
Anderson on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satyr1
diiys, Leave Helton at 9.50 a in., or on arriv
. vl of JJdwn Train from Greenville. Leav<
i Anderson at U,00 p in., conncoling with Uj
General Superintendent.
| Jaiikz Norton, Jr., General Ticket Agent
auiuua oc jucnmouu Air .Line Kauway.
' Leave at Atlanta ?\t 4 10 p ni
t LcaVe 'I'occoa City* at !i 00 p m
j heave Westminster at 0 01 p re
, heave Seneea City at 10 21 p in
( heave Oenfral nt 10 f>7 pre
hecve Fasley at 11 80 p re
, heavo Greenville at) 12 12 a m
. heavy Spartanburg at 1 41 a re
Arrive at Charlotte at 5 80 a re
^ Leave Charlotte at 8 00 p re
, ..cave Spartanburg at 11 51 p m
1 h?ave Gvocnville at 1 28 p m
heave J-'Oilley at 1 f>l an
c heavo ( mitral at, 2 28 a re
hcavo ^eneea City at 3 00 a re
Leave Wot minster at 8 34 a re
. Jici?7c Ttiocoa City at 3 34 a re
Arrive at Atlanta at 0 30 a^ni
0 Colouis(s, 1'iiiig anis uiiri
T ru v v I c* I'M WcNtuard.
For map circular8, condensed timo tables
and general information in regard to trans.
[ portal ion fuoililit'H. to all points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado,
Kansas, Texas, Iowa, New Mexico, Utah and
California, apply |o or address Amibrt It.
r WitusN. Gjncral Emigrant Agent, Oflice No.
| 'J II. I. K imhall 11 ouso, Atlanta, On.
, No nc should go West without first get,
ting n> oominiinioation with the General
I".nigra it Agent, and heconio informed as to
, superior advantages, cheap and quick trans.
portatidtt of families, household goods, stock,
and fuming implements generally.
All information chccrfully givon.
no3 Gin 0. P. & T. A.
i 1 T kk I ^ * * *
^ETRftB(MjaA? m?i QImK,
ft ?<J oj ft n
V> Pbrtftibl* ancbittfttioHnry,
Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Boilers, Ousting# ?f *
f iw^j5r>i4ic35?pwM?T* JKOSP tr^A;
iw?|l irttbimnftbesjrrtoc* tyMfVtienoed hand*
/,>//>/?: r> yte MXQjNEMm %
driving Coiton Gin^W(^n;eflliin& Mftohines,
patten; inflrnt fate ^rdcr, tto llftnd.
uV^.'^ v 'y. >
-.o. w '
moil >lv.'t > iloW ito ,,
JusC fric* "
inuo > utU f&z ^MHnwatyino qfi1?
, A Iicc^urc on the ii^tiirc.. Treatment, and
'cnrc o'^wihnfhl Weakness, or 8per<
nidtorrlitvn,. in<luc?ld to:>lolf4Abum, InTOluntary
Emissions, Norvoaa Dv.
bilily, and lir pcdimjnTfl 10 Marriage g?orally;
Consumptiofij"* f!pTT5Ksy, and fitij
Mtntal and ftx>.~By
I^^IVT J>(,Cy^V{MUW#I^ M. 1)., au*tr
of tlio ''Green Book, ? .
?Tbd'*?vM-?WfckvWh RMlMlftii
Vftbi^ tlVom M
experience (lint I lie uwlul cooticquonces of
Self-Abuse may be cAWtrmny'nnintoted Without
medicine, nTnt"^frTMT?*lT?Iriger'6?8 surgical
operations, boUf*llWy 1 iMmW?^^ ringB," or
coiaiia^^iiu^g^ivji n(?t)iriqpAifvvefM
certain ai)u < fleet vial, by \?hicli crary QufferMr.
nrt matter f/litii Hft'^eoHmifKfc Smr be, MAy
cure bilu.Helf cheftyly? pri vatfcly n'lkl radically.
J3gF* This Lecturc will pr^jjq ft boon I*
thousands and tbousands. Sent* uhdef seal,!?
a plain envelope, to Mtf addffcss. on re.cejpt
of six cents, or two postnm?yiWSlp#. ^
Address the Vl,Ul?UbP?s- ' !' m
V. JJUUtiilAW &.SON,
1lji ri?r v?'Hiro^ufliocUoi,?l?.
4.?Tw;r* tn* m T^r"
I tatte Ibis tn^lh'dd <if hty fWenda
Ihat 1 will :ba, found in raj offfot on eneh
SATURDAY, for I lie purpose oftransaoting ^
any business that coincs under my jurisdiction.
. .
As my liuiies u? Seiiooi CuiiiaiiauiuHcr will
compcl mo to bo absent in different pnrts of
the county, 1 make this special Appointment
for the benefit of nil concerned.
no25-ly Scool Commissioner
WK want ,?omc one In every connty to *
take orders tuid de-liver good* for
old iiiul original ('. O. I), House. t.nrgc ensh
wnges. Splendid chi#fc> 1ft ?fWy nfeigltborliood
lor Die rij^lit person of eitkcr.-sei, young
or old. Samples, l'rcc^jyl post paid. *?? * "*
for it at once and mane money at yoi\r home*'
Addled. 11. .T. IIAIX &T0. CN. Howard
Street, liuisiinort', Md
(^'.-I>/^ ft 3^,
pt ' > / f* \ * t 4* > H 1J *" f
Lky any ale Mss. -
* V
' 7i~\ ;
Parlies desiring (o hire conveyance to
PivHena Court llouac, Tabic Uook and othtr
i points, cun be accommodated nt my StftbUf,
i at nil houre of tho duy nml night. F^r'
i chasers can rtlso he supplied with Good Stotlc
nt ronspnablepriccs.
1 fifty HeguW,MaU T.inc to Pickens CeB?!honsc
daily.J(Sundaya exoepted.)
Knsley Station, S. C., Aug, 3, 1876. * ^ *
i nolO-ly
TO tfcOA PerJfly ! Agents wanted.
t])/vU All classes of working p?o^
pie, of either sex, young or old, make more
money nt work for us in ihoir spur# do*
mcnts, or nil tho time, than at nnvthine nlmtrt
Pnrllonlnrs froo. Address Q.'STINSON ft CO?
Portland, Maine.
Butler & McBee;
: a. t.
Sept 28 10 ; if
from Courts of dilTerqnt States for
, eertion, ko. No publicity required. N*
b?i?igu uiim uivorcc granted, Address,
M. HOUSE, Attorney,
40 flm, JU4 Jlroadway, N. Y. *
, A T T () 11 N E YS AT LAW
PQ?f&EiSaS s> s
V\TILL give their nitantlon to the Preetiec
VV mill to tlio Collect ion of 1'enBioas,
Bounty Land nn<l nil other Claims.
J. J. NORTON, J. ft. HAOOOD, *
WallialU, H. C, l'ickcns, S, C.
July 27th 1871. 1 tf
I)i*. K. J. (jiftlllland
HAVINO returned and permanently loo?tod
at lMckensville, rospeotfully ofT?ri
his Professional services to th? citizens of that
vicin'ty and surrounding country. Charge*
May ? 41
THE WEEKLY SUN i columns, from now
to New Years, post paid, GO eta. Addreif
"The 8un," N. Y.

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