OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, June 01, 1876, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1876-06-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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i .'rVr i' ' i-rr tt n ?i 11
From the Greenville Neu-s.
Gov- Chamberlain and the# 'Conversion
Bonds" and Blue Ridge ScriptGovornor
forrv. as evorv ono
? / / %/
knows, has boon dinposod to look favorably
upon Governor Obafnborlain
as a bona fido roformorj and ho has>
with his accustomod oarnostnoas, do>
tondod what no supposou to uo uno
honost dosiro of Qovofnor Chamber-:
lain to , ,
In view of tliia fnot, GoVornor
Chamborlain cannot, witn honor, doroa
sosablo demand, as it appears in his
note to tho Grconvillo .Nows, inclosing
iiuo louor irora Mr. I'mnps, uoui 01
which we publish without comment*
Wo doasire that Governor Chamborlain
may havo a fan* opportunity
to defend himself, and wo trust ho
Will sqccoods
: ;<T:j\4 - ?
Greenville, S. C., May 21,187G.
M T U?.vl
iui, uuiiui . jjijviuouu x nvim j uu
for publication a privato lqttor which
I think it my duty to lay beforo tho
poople, in order that Govornor Chamberlain
and tho South Carolina politicians
alluded to, may oxplain. I
must confess that I am utterly amazod
at tho contents of Mr. Phillips' lottor,
and hopo and trust that there is no
truth in it. But it ro<ftilfc% "StVi ox'phr
nauon, or conirauiction, ana tno soon"
or this is dono tho botter.
Yours truly, &o.r
B. F. Pjourt.
' r *
Washington, D. C., May, 187G. I
Hon. B. P. Perry, Groonvillo, S. C.,
Hbnorod Sir:
I have tocontly ascortainod that
Gov. Chamberlain. of your Stato?
whom wo had hoped was a bona fide
reformer?has entorod into an arH
rangemont with certain South Caro
lina politioians "to rodoem tho "Conn
version bonds," and tho Blue Ridgo
Morip, in tho ovont of his reflection
as Govornor of tho "Prostrato State,"
Tho plan is for Chamborlain to bo
re-nominated, by tho iiepublioans, not
roquiring plodgos of him as was dono
in 1874. With that understanding all
opposition to him has coasod, and ho
will cortainlv bo re-nominated for
Govornor thi
Now, Sir, tho oyes of tho oountry
aro upon your State, and it 5h to bo
hoped that yfcli will not allow your
pulous advonturors. I gathcrod tho
abovij information in a quiet, but reliable
way, and impart it to you as
tho only statesman in South Carolina,
whose reputation ia national in obaraotor.
Yours ilospoctfulty,
F. J. Phillips.
More Corruption
Tho following from Washington
inform? us that :uoro of the truly
Moil" aro coming to griof. JJabs
rooster's fathor-in-law is in for it:
"Miss Ada Swoot, ponaion agent at
Chiflftco. U!?l/nlu
-o-? - .J ,
hor prodooossor, resignod his offlco on
condition that she pay a nam of monoy
to Unitod Statos Marshal Campboll,
tho fathor-in-law of Gon. Babcook,
which Blakoly said ho owod Campbell.
Sho agrood to givo Blakoly ovoV
fiftoon hundred dollars per year.?
Whon this monoy was paid Campbell
said that Blakoly owod him $5,000,
and sho would havo to pay tho rest.
Sho objected, and stops wcro taken by
Campboll for hor romoval. She has*
tonou to Washington, saw the Presis
dont, and demanded a hoaring boforo
hor romoval. Tho President told hor
if who paid any rnoroy to Campboll ho
would roinovo hor. Blakoly hoeaino
a dofaillUfl' to llin nmnnnl. nf Odd
half of which nho had to pay through
Lho connivancc of Gen. JJakor, thou
commissioner of pensions. linker in
now Surveyor General of Minnesota.
Boforo sho caino horo Campbell wanted
hor to sign a card exonerating him,
which sho rofusod. Ho askod hor
then to tell tho committoo that h?
would refund tho money if tho committee
thought it wrong for him to
tako it. Miss Swoct oxonoratcd Gen.
Logan from complicity in tho affair."
Dr. Lyman JJoochor onco said: "A
groat many profoBsed ChristianH havo
no othor idoa of religion than that it
is the moans of getting to hoavon
whon Ihoy die. Ab to doing anything
for God while thoy livo, it doos not
entor into thoir plans. I toll you, my
brethron, I do not believe thore is ono
in five hundred of such profosBors that
will reach hoavon; for thore is magnanirnitv
in trim rnlininn *li?f Id ?>'>??
^ av.,g.V.? VUMV IO AI/VVO
nil such eontomptiblo meanness."
A poor fly, who lurod forth by tho
insidious siren.liko heftt of a icd hot
stovo, had tho mislortnno yesterday
to light on tho proboscis of a rod nosed
visitor with sonp nnd loi\d pencils to
soil, got his foot singed so badly that
ho limped every timo ho lit.
Making1 a Show.
A friend of tho Into A. T. Stowart
rolfttod^n 4rioc<Jk4o WliicU ahowod tho
mothoda that tho morchant adoptod
whon carrying on a email businosa io
inoronso tho nufrhior of his oustomers.
Mr. Stowart Maito inquiries among
iiis friends And loarnod tho immo and
vosidonco of th,o loader of fttahionablo
sooioty in tho city and also tho church
that sho attowddd.* Il<i thon sought
,?ut tho qo^toq of, fcho p^rpl*, and
loasod n port directly in front of that
of tho lady. JRogtttariy Sunday after
Sunday thereafter ho sat in his seat
and took part in tho Worship. A
1 1 u -? ?
luvubiio {iiiDuvu, uiiu uue ounuay nt
tho congregation was about leaving
tho chnrcli it BUddenly bogun to rain.
Tho fashionablo lady had a carriago,
but tho sidowalk botwoon tho church
door and jtho roadway. wa% wido, and
sho stopjjcil frrftsblutoly at tho door
upon perceiving tho drops of rain
droading injury to hor costly dress
Tho l'roquont'mists and rains of Ireland
had caused Mr. Stowart to form
tho habit of carrying an umbrolla ori
all days of iho yoar, and ho had one
on this day. liaising it, ho told the
lady ho would shelter hor boneath il
until sho could walk to hor carriago
u sno would accept the Borvioo. The
proffer was accoptod, ho took hor tc
tho carriago, and was heartily thank
od. Tho following Sunday, alt or tfcfc
[ sorvico, sho addrosaed him and again
thanked him fov his kindness. A shorl
conversation followed,and occasionally
on Sundays that euccoedod, as thoj
wore coming out of churoh, a few
words pasaod botwoon thorn. WhiU
talking with a mombor of the <Shurol
ono day tho lady learned Mr. Stewarl't
occupation, And tho next tiino eho met
him sho said:
"Mr. Stowart, havoyou any aftiolot
at your store that you think I would
liko to buy?" .
"No," ho ropliod; "I don't think ]
havo anything."
"1 would liko to aid you in yout
hiiainnnn nnmn t?n?r "
~T T. .
"You can in this way: I have no
ticcd that your ooachraan axoreisos
your horses ovcry day, and you not
caring always to rido, I prosnmo. the
carriage is frequently ouipty. II on
tho days when you do not wish to use
tho carriago you w ill order your coaoh
man to tako it to my store and remain
in'front of tho storv for half an
hour, you will do mo a good turn."
Tho lady was amused by Mr. Stownrt.'s
fltlinrrtst.irin and nhr>nrfnllir oMnl!
I OO ' fe" U
ed the request. Tho frcquont appoaratico
of tho carriage in front qi the
storo and tho presumptive prosonoo ol
tho fashionablo ownor of it within tho
Htoro was soon notiood by other wornon,
and Mi\ Stewart's eohomo was
speedily successful. Carriago after
carriage stopped boforo tho storo, and
tho stroa?n of fashion was starlod that
has since run oeasolossly in and out
its doors.
T,he West Fkt.iCiana Troubles.?
At longth tho causo of tho disturban
uos in ucsi i<enciana nas comoto
light, and tho oircumetanoes put'a
much hotter nupcot on thofaea of affairs
than rabid Kopublioans and "outrage"
stock jobbers liko to see. It in anon
tori on b iact that tho deprodations of
nogroos in this parish havo boon such
that no kind of proporty was eafo,
and tho stock of the plantors in the
parish has boon almost ontiroly dcs?
troyed by nocturnal marauders. I'lmar*
robberies wore carriod to such an ex^
tout that the oolorod poodle for their
own protection, to protoct thoir property,
organized a Mutual Protoetivo
Uniun, one of the regulations of which
was that any negro fotind guilty of
thioving should ho publicly whipped.
The Aaronstein who waskillod reaidod
in tho neighborhood of Laurol Jiili.
Ono night, not long ago, ho dotcoted
' -
1UU1 Iiufjiu IIIUII III tliu IlCb OI Killing
some of bin cattlo. Ho informed upon
them, and tlioy wore givon fivo hundred
lashofl by tho colorod pooplo
thomflolvofl. Sovoral nights afterward,
animated by a rovongoful deniro, tboy
enmo to tho houso and shot Aaronutoin
and a colorod man who stayed
in tho houBO with him, killing tho
first and wounding tho lattor in tho
hand, llo roeognizod tho murdorors
and informed upon tliem, whoroupon
tho whites in tho neighborhood oapturod
and oxoouted tho two leadtfta
of tho band of asaaasins.?Now Or?
loans Picayune.
VaST Tho Augusta Chroniolo and
Sentinol soys: "Skin an Jndopondent
and you catch a scalawag." "An Indopondont
is tho moancst kind of a
Rnt'.ical, bocauso a secret foo is worso
lhan an opo'n onomy."
A Loutavilio chap thought ho had
found Homolhing puro and freah in tho
shape of a laughing, bunny little witch
oi a girl, and was on tho point of proposing
Carriage when sho - aoattcrod
his fond hopes to tho winds by re*
marking ono ovoning: "You kiss and
hug mo moro than any gontloman I
am acquainted with oxcopt Charley
\yallaco, and ho is a stoamboat olork?
and only oomos here onco a month."
?St. Louiq Timos.
Three moro prinonor* osonpod Irom
j the jail in Laurons, on tbo 20th ult.
J Th| TfayiM sjgrs??MPatting prisoners
. in tiad^nB^e^nw^beoome ? farce."
1 A Profossor(to Froshman)?"What
; is a cirole?" Freshman (aftor muoh
roflootion)?"A round, straight lino,
with a holo in tho middlod."
the nam mil
i .
; Only $1.50 a Year
! I . ' I
Evory raan inthe County of
' / . /
o i
' Every man who baa over lived
hero and has moved
V- ?
I ..'>* J'
Largely in tho adjoining Couutiee,
uuu iu huihu exiem in western I
N ortli Carolina !
For the Pickens Sentinel !
In the Pickens Nentlncl t
in-.Liu. g-L-j iii'i.i
Senator?U E Bowen.
Repreientative?D F Bradley.
Clerk of Court?I) D Keith.
Judge of Probate?I II l'bilpot.
8keriff? J Jllley Fergiuon.
Coroner?Warren Boyd.
School Committtontr?R A Bowen
7Waturer?W A
Auditor?Alonto M Folger.
County Comnittionert?John T Ooeeett,
Chairman?Robort Craig, O M I.ynoh. Clerk
County Commissioners, C L Hollingswortli.
Trial Juttieei?Entity, Luke I. Arinil?Salufirity,
J B Clayton?Ctnbral, James A
Liddcll?Piekent C II., C L Hollingnworf h
and 0 W Taylor?paeufvillt, J B .Sutlicrlmi.1
THE Boholastio year ta divided lot* lw?
Terms of 20 weefce each. The first Term
ooramonces January 17th, And ends June 8d;
the second Term oommeno?8 Jul/ 4th, and '
ends November 18th.
OI..J i?I ? ?* i? *
Dhuuumo ounjriug Wllllia IWO W60K8 ftllOT
tho commencement of the Terms, will b?
charged for the whole Torrn; those entering
after this time, from tho time of entering.
It is more satisfactory that Students enter
at. tho commencement, when the aeteral
clfteaos are forming,
Course of StudyPRIMARY
jumon glass.
1st Term?Spelling and Reading.
2d Term?Spelling and Reading continued;
Primary Geography; Mental Arithmetics,
ExorolBcs in Writing.
1st Term?Spelling and Reading continued:
Geography continued; Introducing English
Ornmmar; Elements of Written Arithmetic;
Exeroises in Writing.
iu icsiu?opuuiuK uuu uoituing oontinucd;
Elements of Written Arithmetio completed;
Intermediate Geography oompleted; Analytical
English Grammar; Primary U. 8. History;
Exercises it Writing.
IstTorm?English Grnininar oompleted; Physical
Geography; Gommon School Arithmetic;
Towns Analysis of Words;
2d Term?Greono's; Analysis of English
Language; Arithmetic I continued; Smaller
Composition; Higher U. 8. History.
1st Term Latin Grammar and Harlcness' Eirat
Latin Book; Latiu lleador; Daties' Algebra;
History of England.
2d Term?Four Books of Ceosar; Arnold's
RMtnil Latin Rnnlr on Annlvala a# it>? r -1
Scntoncc; Greek Grammar; Kendriok's
Greek Ollendorff; Greek Render; Davies'
Algebra completed; Natural Philosophy.
1st Term?Six Hooks of Virgil; Greek
Reador completed; Plain Geometry; Higher
Composition and Rhetoric.
2d Term?Sallnst's Cataline & Jngurtha;
Xonophon'a Anabasis; Higher Algebra
oomnicncod; Solid and Spherical Geometry
completed: Chemistry.
let Term?Cicero's Select Orations; Xeaophens
Memorabilia; Trigonometry aMd Surveying;
Roman History; Latin Prose Composition.
2d Term?Horaoo?ontire?8ix Books of the
Iliads; Greek Prose OomposUUn; Algebra'
completed; Astronomy.
Tho abovo courso will prepare can
didates for admission into the Sophomore
Class of any ot our Southern
Collogos. Stadonts, who do not stand
a satisfactory examination upon the
sovoral studios ot each class, will not
bo allowod the privilege 10 auvancu io
the nest higher, but retained in
sucli class, till all tho studios of it bo
satisfactorily completod.
Tuition ov Primary Department
per term.
Junior Class, 810.00
Intormodiato Glass, ? 12.50
Sonior " * . 15.00
Preparatory Department, 20.00
J*o deduction v;i!l be mado for lost
. c 1 ? ' ? 1
wmiu KAv;u|it IIVIU Jiruiuuguu BIOKnOSS.
Monthly roports of punctulity, doportmont,
and rocitntions in oaon study,
will bo furnished paronts.
J. II. CARLISLE, Principal.
Doo. 23, 1875 17 tf
Agents Wanted For the
? ."Z. A narrative of the exploits, adr?
ventures and travels of Madti
a rrTnr xr am0 k. VELASQUEZ, otherHAfrLii
w|Ha known as LT. IIAltKV T.
UOPPoRD, 0- S. A. A True Southern
Heroine, Edited bjr c. J. WOUTlilNGTON,
lato U. S. Navy.
MADAME VELASQUEZ, disguised as a
Confederate officer, participated in a number
of tho hardest fought bnttles of the lato war,
uuu grcauy distinguished herself by tho extraordinary
valor she displayed. She also
distinguished herself as a
and on numerous occasions ran through the
Federal lines and obtained information
of vital importance to the Confederate commanders.
Obtaining admission behind the
she established confidential relations with
promlnont Federal offioials; was voaeeraed 1
the groat
by wilier the United States Treasury suffered 1
to tho oxtent of millions of dollars; was ac? 1
tively engaged in blookade-runiog, and in
by whioh the work of reoruiting the Federal
armies was so soriously impeded; and was
tho heroine of a number of exnloits even morn
interesting than those of the battle 8eld. It
also contains a history of her Mining on the
Pacific Slope, her Travels in Europe, South
America, and among the Mormons, Love,
Courtship, Marriage, eto.
The above facts are substantiated by leading
men both South and North who participated.
No book of such varied and iutebso
interest as tho Woman in llattlo has over been
issued in America.
Agents wanted in every county in the
United States. Agents can make more money
by canvassing for this book than any others,
as it is tho cheapest as well as the best selling
Agents' book ever published. The book
? *
o . ini^u uuuivu Tuiuuitj ui over ouu pages,
profusoly illustrated. We print, bind and
publish our own books; henoe, oan allow larg
or commissions than any other house. Secure
your choiee of territory at once. Address
Noutlicrn PuMiHliing Co.
Gob. I'bvob and Mitohki*. Strkbtb.
Jan 0, 1S76 18 8
liaw Notice.
The undersigned, having resumed the pr*? 1
tioe of law, will attend the Courta on the 8th
Judicial Cirouit. Business left with Wm. ?
Hagood, At Piokens G. II., wilt be promptly
attended to. J. W. iMRRISON.
Nor. 14, 1874. ,
r a day guaranteed using our WELL i
3>6e) AUGER A DRILLS. $100 a month <
naif I til B * "**
f-.? ~ s-A" ?*? ? . /auger l>OOI ir?e. 4111 1
Auger 0o.f St. Louis, Mo. .
Dills, Bonds and Postago Stamps Wanted.? i
$4 for rnrost bills, $10 for rarest stamps. It ]
will pay to send tlieni immediately. Also i
there curiosities. American Stamp Co., Box
,(Ab, New Yoik.
Doc 2 U 4
1? ?mm
Booth Carolina Railroad.
Chakihhton. 8. 0- Don. 1ft. Ift7/i.
On and after Sunday, December 10, the
Passenger Trains oa tho South Carolina
Railroad will run as follows:
(Sundays oxoepted.)
f/eavc Charleston 9 15am
Arrive at Columbia ' 6 00 p m
(Sundays excepted.)
Leave Charleston 0 16am
Arrive at Augusta 6 16 p m
(Sundays excepted.)
Leave Columbia 0 00 a m
Arrivo at Charleston 4 45 p m
Leave Augusta 9 00 it m
Arrive at Charleston 4 46 pm
Leave Charleston 9 16 p m
Arrive at Columbia 7 20 a m
Leave Columbia 7 00 p m
Arrive at Charleston 6 40am
Leave Charleston 8 00pm
Arrive at Augusta 7 45am
Leave Augusta 8 80 p m
Arrive at Charleston 7 40 am
(Sundays excepted.)
Leave Summervillc at 7 80 ? m
Arrive at Charleston 8 45 a tn
Loavo Oharleston 3 15 p m
Arrivo at Summervillo 4 30 p m
Connects at Kingville daily [cxcept 8un?.
days] with Up and Down Day and Passenger
Day and Night Trains conncot at Augusta
with Georgia Railroad, jtfacon and Augusta
Railroad and Central Railroad. SPhis route
via Atlanta is tho quickest and most dlrcct
route, and as comfortable and ohoap as any
other route, to Montgomery, Solma, Mobile,
Now Orleans, and all other points Southwest,
and to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St.
Louis, and all other points West and North
Day Train oonnocts at Columbia with the
Through Train on Charlotteo Uoad (which
leaves at 9 p. ra.) for all points iVbrth.
Night Train oonnoots with Local Train
[whioh loaves Columbia at 8 a. m.] for points
on Charlotto Road.
Laurens Railroad Train connoota at Newberry
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Up Columbia Night Train oonneots olosoly
with the Greenville and Columbia Railroad.
8. 8. SOLOMONS, Superintendent.
8. B. 1'ickbnb, Oeneral Tiekot Agent.
Greenville ft Columbia R H,
Passenger trains run daily. Sundays excepted,
couneoting with night trainB on 8outh
Carolina llailrond up and down. On and aft
er Monday, Dcoombor 13, tho following will
bo the Schedule:
Leave Columbia at 7.80 a m
Leave Alston at 0.16 am
Leave Newberry at iO.ao a m
Leavo C'okeabury at 2.07 p m
Leave Helton at 2.60 p m
Arrivo at Qreenville at 6.'25 p m
Leave Oreonville nt 8.00 a m
T.onvn Itnlinn At " IA - ?
MV??V WWM MV V.*\# H 111
Leave Cokesbury 11.20 a ni
u*are Newberry at 2,-iO a m
Leave Alston at 4.20 p m
Arrirc at at 6.66 p m
jfcjfConnoct at Alston with Trains on the
Spartanburg anil Union Railroad ; connect at
Columbia with Night Trains on the South Car
olina ltailroad up and down ; also with Trains
going North and South on tho Charlotte, Columbia
and Augusta and the Wilmington, Coi
Train leave Abbeville at 9.16 a m., oonnod
ing with Down Train from Grcenvillo. Leave
Cokesbury at 2.16 p m., connecting with Of
Train from Columbia. Accommodation Tmi*i
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Loayc
Cokesbury at 11.16 a m., or on the arrival oi
tho Down Train from Oreenvillo. Leaves Abbeville
at 1 o'clock p. in., connooting with C'y
Train from Columbia.
Leave Walbrdla at 6.00 a in
Leavo I'crryviile at 0.45 a m
Loavo Pendleton ?t 7.86 a m
Leave Anderson at 8.85 a m
Ai rive at Ballon at 0.20 am
Leave Delton at 8.50 p m
Leave Anderson at 4.60 p m
Leave Pendleton at 6.50 p m
ijCftvo rorryvuie 6.86 p m
Arrive at Walhatl* 7.16 p m
Accommodation Train* between Belton and
Anderson on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Ratur*
jays, Leave Helton at 9.80 & m., or on arrival
of Down Train from Greenville. Leave
Anderson at 2.00 p m., connecting with Up
thomab dodambad,
General Superintendent.
Jaiikk Norton, Jr., General Ticket Agent
Atlanta & Richmond Air Line Railway.
pabsknflkr train eastward?daily.
Leave at Atlanta at 4 10pm
Leave Toccoa City at 9 00 p m
Leave Westminster at 9 51 p m
licavo scncca City at 10 21 p m
Loftvc Ocntral nt 10 f>7 p m
Leeve Eusley at 11 89 p m
Leave Greenville as 12 12 (kin
Leave Spartanburg at Hi am
Arrive at Charlotte at 6 80 a m
Leave Chariot (e at 8 00 p ni
ueave Spartanburg at 11 61 p m
Leave Oroenville at 1 28 p in
Leave Easley at 1 51 a m
Leave Central at 2 28 n in
I.?avo opneca City nt 3 O'J a m
Leave WNtininster at 8 84 a m
Lenve Tuccoa City nt 8 84 a in
A.-l..~ -I 1 11? - ' "
1111110 BV niiuut? nv W W A^m
Coloutatft, Krnlg ant# and
Traveler* Westward.
For map circulars, condensed time tables
ind general information in regard to trans,
portation facilities to all points in Tennessee,
Arkansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado,
Kansas, Texas, Iowa, New Mexico, Utah and
California, apply to or addreaa Albxkt B.
Wbbbb, General Emigrant Agent, OfBoe No.
I H. I. Kimball Hoasa, Atlanta, Ga.
No one should go West without first getLing
In communication with the Genoral
Emigrant Agent, and become informed as to
superior advantages, olieap and qulok trans.
Dortalion of familien. houuhAM .i^
- ? ?BvwuO| OIUUK,
unci farming Implements generally.
Allinformation chccrfiuljr given.
no3 Cm G. I?. & T. A.
, I
' ^ ~ IU...- ' ' ?hi. ii ? ' m r m*2
t*w ,x ! icssbir"'''
?qgiaffc mm
Canal St., from Sixth tp Siykhvh,
ENGINES. "'! .
Portable and Stationary, '
Saw Mills, Grist Mills, JUoilcrs, Castings of
Drnss and Iron, Forglngs, kp.
A R CillTECTURA t X ikON WO Bit,
In All its brnnohcH, done by experienced hands
driving Col ton Olns, Threshing Machines,
Separators, Grist Mills, &o. A dumber ?f
second-hand Engines and Boilers of vmIom .
palters, in first rate order, on hand, j
Ilnrtn.it* wnrV onlinWnrl nmi nrnmn)Iw dnn*
" " " WM.~~ETANN '& cbr
Oot 14, 7 Ifr '
111 ? .(
Just Published, in a ScjhdmlEnvtlop?. l*rit$
c.v n.~t.
A Looture on Iho Nature, Treatment, and
Radical euro of Seminal Weakness, or Sper?
matorrhiBa, induced by Self-Abnse, luvO*
luntary Emissions, Impotenoy, Nervous Din
bility, and Impediments to Marriage g?a*
orally; Consumption, Epilepsy, ana Fit?| f
Mental and Physical incapacity, Ac.-?By
of the "Green Book," &o.
Tho world-renowned author, in this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his ow?
experience that the awful cousequenoM ef
Self-Abuse mny be effectually removed With*
out inedicino, and without dangerous surgtal
operations, bougies, instruments, ring*,
cordials; pointing out a mode of euro at
certain and effeotual, by whioh every sufferer,
no matter.vrhat hia condition may be,
pure himself cheaply; privately ana ra4to?Hy? ?
Thid I.?intiir? will rn-AM ? I*""
thousands and thousands. Sent, under Mat, tat
a plain envelope, to any addross, on
of six cents, or two poatago stamps.
Address the Publishers.
41 Ann St.. Now York; PostOffioe Box, 4M0.
ap 0, 1870 81 ^
I take tltis method of informing my frUad*
that I will bo found in my office on Htk
SATURDAY, for the purpose of IrtuiaMtlag
any business that comes under my jurisdiction.
As my duties as School Commissioner win
compel me to bo absent in different parts of
the county, I make this speoial appoints*?*#
for the benefit of all conoerned.
It. A. BOWEN< i
| no2G-ly Scool CommisaioMf
VW JS -* f r'?
WE want somo one in evory oouaiy I*
tako orders nod deliver good* far Im
| old and original C. O. I). House. Large aaah
wages. Splendid clianco in every neigfckarliood
for the right person of either sex, y*B*K
or old. Samples, tree and post paid. 8e?$
for it at 01100 and make money at your home*.
Address, II. J. HALL & CO. ON. Howard
Stroot, Balsimt.ro, 3/d
Oct 21, 1875 ? *m
Fits and Epilepsy r
The worst eases of tho longest standing, by
using 1>b. HunnARu's Cure.
It Iiiif* Cured TiiouN&fiui,
and will givo $1,000 for a caso it will not
banefit. A bottle sent frco to nil addressing
J. E. DIBBLE, Chemist, Office: 1856 Broadway,
New York.
Volta'M Kleetr? Belli Mi %
nre indorsed by (ho most eminent phyalelftM
in tlie world for tho cure of rheumfttian*
neuralgia, liver complaint, dyspepsia, kidney
disease, aches, pains, nervous disordore, fit*,
female complaints, nervous and general debility,
and other chronio diseases of tke cheat,
hoad, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood.?
jjook with full particulars free by Volt* Belt
q0 , Cincinnati, O.
Free Homesteads
liest and Cheapest Railroad Land
Union Pacific Itallroad)
Securo a Home now. Full information sent
free to all parts of the world, .dddresa O. F. ,
DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. R.,
Omaha, Nob.
<tK TO (ton per day! Agents wanted. '
ipt/ All classes of working pee*
plo, of either box, young or old, make mor?
money at work for ub in tlieir snare nM
mcnls, or all tho lime, than at anything ele*
Partioulargfree. Address 0. STINSON 4 CO;
Portland, Maino.
from Courts of different 8tatee for de? ?
sertion, ko. No publicity required. If*
oharge until divorce granted, Address,
M. HOUSE, Attorney, ^
40 0m 104 Broadway, N. T.
Dr. R. J. Olllllftiii
HAVING returned and permanently located
at Pickens*ille, respectfully offtn
hie Professional services to the citUene of !to4
vioinity and surrounding country. ChttfM
May 0 41
to New Years post paid, CO cla. Addreg# ^
The Hun," N Y

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