OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, February 28, 1878, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1878-02-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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iY D. F. BRADLEY & 00.
Ter$*s of RabsecIgaton.
One Year ........... . .. $1 60
S.I8 [ojths..... 7
Avertistg Rates.
Advertiqements Inserted at the rate of $1 00
per square, of (9) nine lipes, OR LESs, for the
Ugt insertion, and 60 cents for each subse
bu6t inset tion.
-Contraets m%de for TnaMn, six or TWZLVE
mouths, on favorable terms.
Advertisements not having the number lf
p Insertdons morked on them, will be published
untI forbid and charged t1ccordingly.
1 These terms are so simple any child may
understand them. Nine lines it a square
oneinh. In every instance we charge by
the space occupied, as eight or ten lines can
bi made to occupy four or five squares, as the
- advrtiser may wish, and is charged by the
'AWb Advertisers will please state the nupn
ber of squares they wish their advertisements
4 - to make.
'41r Business men wh'o advertise to be
benefitted, will bear in mind that the
8ENTINEL has a large and increasing cir
culatlon, and is tuki by the very -class of
- permons whose trade they desire.
About a Tea Party
Mrs. Dyer
S. Stirred the fire,
Agnes Stout
Poked it out,
Tommy Voles
FoLtched the coals,
Alice Good '
Laii thuwood,.
Bertie Patch
Struck the match,
Charlotte Hays
Made it blzo,
Mrs. Groom
Kept the broom,
Katy Mooro
8wept t.he floor,
Fatitsy Froth
Laid the cloth,
Arthur Gray
Brought the tray,
Betty Batc.
Washed the plates,
Smoothed the salt,
Dickey Street
Fetched the mont,
Stilly Stril'
Rubbed the knife,
Miniio York
Found the fork,
Sopiia Silk
Brought the milk,
Mrs. Bream
ben t some cream,
8usan Head
Cut the brend,
Hiarry Host
Made thme ceast,
Mrs. Dee
> Poured out the tea,
And they all were as happy as hap.
py could be.
State Executive ommittee..
The State Demuoret ic Execut ive
Committee met on Thursday even ing
and. aigain on Friday afternoon. Gen.
Kennedy, temreporary-.chai rmran, stat
ted the ob)jects to perfs.ct the organ
izat ion of the Exe':ntive Commiwt tee
by tame election of a chairman to fill
thme vacancy~ oiccasioned by the resig
* ~ nation of lion. A. C. [Haskell. Gen.
Jiagood nominated Gen. Johnt D
gen'gedy'for thme position, aind hie was
elected by acalarmation. Mr'. J. Ad(
ger Smnythe noumiuiated James A.
Hoyt fur Secretary, which was car'
The menmbers entered ni3)on a full
discussion of the matters port&ting
to the ensuing campaign, and the re
* stalt.otftheir deliberati ns la embod
led in the annexed proceedings. The
.following resolution was adopted:
R~EsoLVaD, That the State Execu'
live Committee of the Democratic
party of South Carolina recemmends
anl im)mediate reorgainization of tihe
same in view of the campaign of
'8'8, and~ that-the Ounty Con ven
tions be c,alled as soon as practicable
in the sev'eral counties to' elect offl%
cers to serve for tbe next two years.
In pursuance of the foregoing re
Ssolution tihe Ezeentive Committee
dir'ect4(ention ,too rO uc[h of the
,coustitution oft the part, adopted by
the State, Convention in Anguist,
1878, as a ofete tb the cobuaty orgai-.
zationp,as @ltows:
Awirci 1.4There shall be one or
* more Deudoratio clubs OFgapIteddign
each deect n precinct, each of which
clube shall. have a' distinct title:
"The - - Dem6cratia Clb;"
and shalRl elect A President, one or
more Vioe Presidents, a Recording
and Corresponding S.-cretary, atd -a
Treasur,qr, adsbell have the follow.
ing working committees, of not les
-than three mornbers oech, viz.: A
committee on registrat16n, an execn
tive committee, and sch other com
mittees as to each club may seem er
ART. 2. The meeting of the clubs
shouli be frequent, .fter the opeining
*f the canvss, and some member of
the club or invited speaker deliver
an address at each meeting if practi
Awr 8. The President sha'l have
power to call an extra meet ing of the
club; and - 1membeC of the Club
shall constitute a quorupi fur the
tranmsaction of bieiness.
Awr. 4. The clubs in efh county
shall be held tiogether and operate
mider the contral of a county execu
five committee, which shall consist of
one member from each club, to be
nominated by. the resi,ect.ive clubs
a nd elected by the county convention
and such other meimbers as the con
veition. may add.
T e. executive committee, when
elected, eA!! vppoint its own (Aleers
and fill all vacancies which tuay arise
when the ci.nventiou is not in session.
The tenure of office of the excntive
c1411mmit tee shall be. until the next
general ciapaign, uile3s sooner re
ruoved or suspended by the county
The poresent county executive com
iiitlees Shall cotinue in office until
the tirst meeting of the county con.
ventions utider this organiziftion.
* A ir. 5. County Deipoccatic con
VCn10tmin( shall be con>posed of dele
gates elected by the several local
clube-one delegate for every ciib,
and an C~dditional delegate for every
twenty-five enrolled menAibere--witb
the righft to each count y convent ion
to enlarge or diminish the rep.sesen
tat ion according to circumsteancs.
Tise c(?Bonvetiun shall Eo called to
gether by the chairman of the exec
utiveo committee, under such rules as
each county may adopt; and when
assembled ehall be called to order by
ahe chairman of the executive corn
mitteet anti phball p)roceed to elect
from amnong its mewmbers a President,
one or more Vice-Presidente, a Sec
a etary anad Tra surer. The convyen
tio:: shall proceed to bhasitiee, and
when the pamne i8 transacted it shall
adjourni sine die.
AR 6. The muode arnd manner of
nominiating candidates for the county
uflices or for~delegates to the State,
J udcial and C9grssonlconVen%
lions shall be regulated in eachi conn
ty by the respective county conven
t ions.
In this convention, the Executive
Connnittee made the followiang re
Upder article 1st, where local
clubs of tLe Set ca'ipaigni are in ex
isten)ce, that they be reorganized by
the electice of officers to ser ve the
ensunrg two years, ated a many ad%
ditional clubs formed as may be
deemed essential to the sncesof tbo
party. Also, that the committee on
ITegistration forthwith matie a comu
plAte registration of all the voters,
cla~ssalyinug themn as h,ite and black,
Democrats and Republicans.
-Under Article 5th ibat the Countj
Chairrta be ex officio Chairman of
t he County Exeocutive Comumittee and
of all onaty contventions.
Ude, ar4oi. leth, that the system
of ptimarny 2eetions by ballot .be
adoptend 'the'sobde .af nomioating
candidates tot countj officers and
fineteebrs of the GenrI<AWembt'f
W hile the principle of pritnary sloe.
tionahduld be- at oztee annoneed,
it is lb. ,4olded judgment of the~
Ste: EZeentiYe Commi~ittee:that stbe
nomhlations by prhnary ,election
should not take place tinti a later
period in the campaign, and in re
gard to which firther recommendi,
will be mado 'hereafter as to
te etails for. condwting the said
When the County Conventions
)9ve elected oers, tho new County
Obairman will at once report, to the
Secretary of 'the State Execntive
Comtjittee, giving the names and
post office address of the officers
choe4n, together with the names and
post efflees of the Presidents of the
local iclubs, and the number and
memiership of the several clubs.
The suggestioins aid recconmenk
dations of the Executive- Committee
are fonnded upon tie experience of
its members in The last eampaign , and
while not conflicting with the conn
stitutipn prepared by the August
Convention, will assist to work out
the jlan of organization more per
tectly and harmoniously. The main
purpose of the constitution was' to
secure uiiifornity throughout the
State, pnd the nearer each county
adhears to the plan and recommen
dations under it, the more certainly
will harmony and concord prevail in
tho organization.
NEw XvK, Fab. 20.--The steam
ship City of Dalles, of Mallory's
Florida line of .steamers, wits this
evening destruyed by fire. She had
a:rived in the 'afternoon from Fer
nandinn, and at 6 o'clock the fire waw
first discovered. There were 480
bales of cotton she had brought-still
in the hld.
Q,nrtermaster Wallace and a pa -
senger immed Humphrey Benn. fift
discovered the smoke, and when they
oponed the door of the enghne room
flai es aRd smoko burst furth. The
vessel had to be filled with water,
which was pumped into the hold by
eleven engines and four fire boats.
The bull was saved, bit the cargo is
a total Less. The lo S on the vessel is
abou:t $50,000 and onl the cargo $50,
000. Theo City ot Datllas is owned
by C. Ii. Mallory &.Co., was built
at Mystic, Cono., ini 1872, at a cost
of $124,000, arid was considered one*
of the kest, 'boats ins the trade. It is'
supposed1 there was fire in the cot
ton wvhen it was eldgped. Mr. Bean,
who bait the reinaius of his .son on
board, :narrowly escaped with This
life, having geino intoithe hold. to re
move the coffin, witha which lie sue's.
ceeded, in- getting to the wh'larf.
ParINerroN, N. Jl., Feb. 1l)-.-A ses
rious affray occWtred last night be
tween two Sophoumores and eight
Freelnuen at :PrincetonCoee,i
whih 3.r.Aterbury, one ot ihe
Suphomos es, was dantgerousiy.shot in
the thigh. 'The trouble .aroee from
the F'reshmren entering the .Sopi,
omores room, bindinig 1:he latter .to
chairs and shaving .their heads.
Laterv.--The trouble has again
t>roken out among 'the students at
Princeton College. This time the
treObbmen Are the aggressore. Dr.
McCosh seemsq to be uual4 to su b.
duge the saviqge si, of his jounhg
men, althogi he.has frequently ad
ministered severue rebuke, butL all .to
no0 pur'poS.. Last nights a nrumber of
freshmen entered the sophomores
room; they tied several of them to
chairs anud shaved their heads. Aft'
the fr-eshmen hah retired, they wete
followed by 'othef iphombred whE
were burning Ifor nreVenge.. Two
parties came to ,blow, and so serious
was'the abay' t-bat shroth wOre . ex~
ehanged. To-day the excitemenit iIY
the college'was intense and it is fler-'
ed that bad feeling will 'brek a't
agnd result In ser'Iens troajblb. jr.
McCoshi and the Pro,fessors 'are ark
inkg. every effort to preserve orde.r.
lie ,that has more knowledge flian
judgmoent is made for another man's
nse rathes ilaD his own.
Resentence of Robert ZoEvoy.
AIKEN, S. C., Feb. 16.-Onr peo,
ple were somewhat surprised this
morning by the appearance in our
midst, says the Augusta Chronicle
and Constitutionalist, af Judge Thos.
Thomson, one of the recently elected
Judges. Our regular term of court
commenced two weeks ago, but in
consequence of theb Supreme Court
decision onsting all of t he old Judges,
we have only bad the form of calling
and adjourning cort from day to
day until some ove should come to
preside. The first case takou up was
that of the State vs. Robert McEvoy,
convicted of the murder of Colonel
J. J. Gregg. The rule of the Su
preme Court dismissing his appeal
having been iead to him, he was
asked if be had anything further to
say why he should not suffer the
death penalty. ,9.
Messrs. Myers and Lee, represent
ing the prisoner, asked that judg
inent be buspended, as they had the
sworn affidavit of the prisoner that
he was not present in the Supreme
Court, eilher by attorney or in per
son, during the hearing of the ap
peal, and claimed that this was a
privilege to which he was entitled.
D. S. fenderson, Erq., represent
ing the State, replied that the pris
ouer was present both by attorney
and in person.
Judge'Thomson overruleI the mo
tion for suspension of jndgment, and
in doing so )aid a beautiful compli
ment to the ability and justice ot the
Supreme Court of South Carolina.
He then, after a ftw touching and
eloquent remarks to the prisoner,
runtnveed the following sentellce:
"The prisoner herein having been
convicted of niurder at the May term
of the Court of Genera! Sessions tor
Aiken county, 1870, and having
been sentenced by his lon. Judge
Maher to be -hanged at Aiken on the
13th day of June, 1876, from which
judgment the said priisonier having
appealed to the Supretue Court, on
motions for a new trial, and in ar
aest of juadgmrenat, whiCh motiomns
having both been dismissed by the
Supreme Court, and the case now
coming up for r<--senxtence of the
prisoner, Rober't McEvoy, it is coni
sidered by the court anid prtonounced
as the judgment of the law, andl ac
cording to the aentence of John J.
Mahier, Cirenit Judge, .beretofore
made as to the penIal'y of death, that
the said Robert McEvoy be taken
hence to the place, whence last he
came, there to be kept ini close and
sate custody in -the said county jail
until Friday, 15th .day of March,
1878, and that on said Friday,-be
tween t'he hours of 10 ini the fore.
noon' and 4 in 'the aft ernoon, he be~
taken to the place of ' public expenu',
tion'in this county, a'nid 'there be
hanged by his~ neck until his body be
dead, and may Gdd' hbe merpy on
his 8ou1."
Tlf eO court .room, was literally
packed, and in all the vast multi.
tude ot pe$le there was :not one
whom hie. could call friend; and:yet
not one whos~e hear't did not feel
deeply for him in his wretched.con,
Go0T H it AT LA8T.--Parson W
was the'congregational minister at
A--, two or three generations ago,
Orn one occasion he was called on to
tuarry a rustic couple. According
to his dustom' he begart 'ith:
APlease jin y'our 'right hands."
The g'room, a little co'need, lets
go his graep, and with his k-ft hand
tAkes the bride's 'rigibt.
'NY'+nr right haands! -Please joitr
your righut hands!?'
The groonm thiniks a momnent, lets
go his, gras.p aigain, and taraing
around, seizes the bride with both
hands, her right; with his left, her
left gith his right, an exclaims,.
"Now P've got her!".
Why the Rev. Dr. Xudge Stopped His
Some years ago when the writer
was a reporter upon an Eastern pa
per, it devolved on.him to write for
the same editiIn an account of the
presentation of a gold headed cane to
the Rev. Dr. Mudge, the clergyman
of the place, and a description of a
new hog killing machine. that. had
just been put In operation at the fic
tory. Now, *hat made the Rev. Dr.
Mudge mad was this: The inconsid
ergte buccatieet who made up the
form got the two locals mixed in a
frightful manner, and wl-en we went
to press, something like this was the
appauling result:
-'Some of the Rev. Dr. Mudge's
friends'called on hhn yesterday, and
after a brie' consultation the uns-8%
pecting hog was seized by the bind
leg and slid along the beam until he
reached the bot water tank. His
friends explained tWe object .f their
visit and presented him with a hand..
some gold,headed butcher, who grab
bed him by the tail, and swung him
around, and in less than a Minute the
carcass was in the water. Therenpon
he came forward atid said there were
times when the feelings overpowered
one, and for that reason he would
not do more than attempt to thank
those around hii f9r'the manner in
which so huge an animal was cit in
fragments was aetonishing. The Doc
tor concluded his remarks, thg ma
chiie seized him, and, in less than it
takes to write it, the hog was cut in
to fragments.atid worked into deli
cions sausage. The occasion will be
remembered by the Doctor's friends
as one of the most delightful o0heir
I res. Tho best pieces can be ob
tained for fifteen cents per pound,
and we are sure those who sat under
his ininistry will rejoice to hear that
he has been so-handsomely treaTed."
Mad I Well, about nine o'clock
that morning the offi-e had been
abandoned by every man but the
advertising.clerk, aihd lie ascended to
the roof and robed himselt in boiler
irou, so that hs couild see the clergy
man tearing around down in the
st reet with his congrega'ion, all
wear'ing the panoply of war, and
carrying butcher kni "es and things
Thle next day we apologized, but the
Doctor st opped lis sso bscr ipt ion.
Hie ha~d stayed till the chock hands
hti/g together at eleven, and that
valuable recorder s.t time was mes
nacing a etrike. She had yawned
till her- mouth I6!t large enough for
a horse collaf-, anid yet the young
man eviticed no sym ptoms of' speedy
departulre. ' l're been wdr'king on a
motto to-.day," she fidally said, as
she held hera eyes opezn wiin her fins
gers..ad<mi't you wikit to sqe iti" lHe
said he did. 86b brought out the
article, and passpcd it to him for in,
spection, UH beld it up to the light
anid i-cad the-.'cheerful sentence,
"Ther'e's no place like hoqne-" .The
young ma" guessed hed be going,
"Leonqru," he said, and his low,
pleading tones were brimmed with
boiling p' ssion, "can you love? Will
you be mine? May I hope? Shall I
tear the loved image from my bosom?
Mnst I, surrender. thee? Might I
look forward to a joyons day when
~~-~- and lie pansed, satisfied
with the mess of verbs lie had sp)illed
all over the carpet. Thue young girl
gazedI at hm sadly arid tenderly;
then Bush,ed to her swimming eyes,
and, oyei..g her peach bloom mouth,
.she said, besitatingly, 4-Alfred, what
sized poQhet book (1o y0O1 wear?"
LQve tepaches ear ning even to inno.
conce; and, whien hp get. possesion,
his first work :is -to dig deep within: a
hear't and' th 6re. li4 hid, arid like a
miser In the, dark, feast alone.
Pour.cold tea, that w,ould utherwiso
be thron away, nta ta* vlno.. b......
A Prightfu Accident.
The Green v ille Sent inel gives the
following graphic description of, a
frightful accident whinh happened in'
that viciity recently:
"A seventeen year old daughter of
an - estimable resident f Rupert,
spent yesterday afternoon at a nelgh.
bor's iouse, wending her way hom,
ward just as the suit was sinking bc.
hind the hills. It was a beautiful
sunset, .and she stood in raptuous de4
light gazing upon it and upon ''ie
hills surrounding lier, and thinking
how good God was to make every.s
thilg so beaitiin for Ihb inhabitants
of the earth, when she discovered
that fier garter was unclaqped, and
she poised herself to adjust it., ' A
William goat standing near took in
the situation and deeming it too good
to be lost, stealthily apprvached . the
stooping form of the heantiful maiden
made a bee line for the bulge In her
frock, came up with sliffle-ent force
to ip9et this fair daughter, and to
spoil a two dollar criterion and a six
dollar bonne'."
We are glad there is a pause here
as we are dying to know what a two
dollar criterion is.
was-fresh from over the range, and
had just steppod in to get the latest
news.- He listened attentively to Jim
while relating his experience the
night previous -with his 'solid girl,*
at a kissing fray, when with ai'ebi
of derision, he opened his mouth and
said: Go away! I have kissed in tje
North, I have kissed in the South; I
have repeated the soul-stirrig opo
xation East and West; I kiised in
Texas and away down in Main; I.
have kissed at Long Branch and at
the Golden Gate-in fact, in every
State of the Union; in every language
and according to the manners and
customs of every nation; I haie kissed
on the Mississippi and all its' tribus
taries; but, young man, for good,
sound kissing, give me a full fledged
Caribou girl. When you feel'the
pegs drawn right through the soles of
your feet from your boots, that's
kissing, t bat is."
Two of the inissing links arrived ini
New York hy steamer on Sunday
two chimpanzee monkeys that would
make Mr'. Darwin (lance for joy.
Their tails are short as even Dardjn
himwself could desire; their faces are
.more like the human face than--those
of any animals ever before broughit
to America; their oars 'are exact
reproductions of th e human ear; theh
hands, or fore p)aws,. are humtin
hands; they have 'distinct human
noses irnstead of the dog nose of the
common monkey; hley walk en;irelg
man, and their hands, tcet, fa es,
and ears ar'e void of hair. They are
small, but they are only abou~t eigh
teen~ months old, and havis plientyrof
time to grow. It is almost impossi
ble, in looking at them, not:to be
hieve them colored children with
chests and limnbs covered with har.
The most singular thing about these
dreatures 18 t hat th#ey can talk, 'They
seem to understand much of what is
said to thnmz, and can say "yes,"
"no."- and several other Enmglishi
words ver'y distinctly, and have
quite a vocabulary of German words.
Besides this, they talk to each other
in language of their own. The fe
male has ai bad cold, and the tiro are
kept itt a private room in the aquia.
ruin till-they are strong enuigh tatr
tii'ir voyage for exhibtion.--.t
1t is difficult to avoid'envy without
laying ourselves open te contenpt;
for in being too scrupulous not to
trespass on othere, we , Jay pomnselves
open~ tb be trifled with and,trampled
on. -

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