OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, September 01, 1881, Image 2

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D I. BRADLEY. Editor.
PICKENS Q. 11., 8. C.:
TmgA m Sy.aEmKs 1, iss1.
iosAubscription, $1.50 per annum, for six
inon(ho, 75 cents; strictly in advance.
Adertisements inserted atone dollar per
squa'e of one inch or.less for the first. inser,
tion and fifty cents for each subsequent in
sertion. Liberal discount made to inerchants
and others advertising for six months or by
ho year.
Obitnary Notices and Tributes of Respect
harged for as advertisements.
Announcing Candidates five dollars, in
The Crops.
The cry of short crops comes from almost
every section of the corunty, warning every
one to practice less<>ns of economy and thrift.
If there are brought full) into play there is no
cause for despotioency. All who remember
the drought of 18.->i know what abundance
followed. Only poe- ml nN in patience.
Our Presi(dent.
As we go to press a ray of hope strikes
through the cloud of gloom which for several
days paased, has overshadowed the White
House. The severe ordeal thromugh which t.be
President has just passel drove hope from
the heart ot every one who was in attend
ance upon his sufferings, except that of Dr.
Bliss, who atill thinks lie will survive. If lie
does get well, it will simply be miraculous.
Court commences at b'! ra-te on Monday
the 19th inst. Ills ionor.Judge Fraser will
preside. The Solicitor says all parties bound
over to appear at this term of court must ap,
pear, as he is determined to clear the criminal
docket at this sitting of the Court. At tl
last term of Court:sonic cases could not bc
hoard because either the defendant or th<
Witnesses were absent. If any one whose dQ
ty It is to attend shall fail this3 time, he wil
be promptly attached for contempt or arrested
under a bench warrant.
Thme Atlanta Exposition.
Senator Brown has resigned the presidcec
of the exposition on account oif the death ol
his son, and governor Colquitt has beci
elected to fill the vacancy. The vast floor
space of the building, covering over 300,00(
-square feet, has all been taken up and the dai.
ly demiand for space continues at the rate ot
6,000 feet. It is estimated that the exhibition
will be visitrd by two or three hundred thous
~. and people or more.
f Remondand Kelley.
fIn the trial of Redmond's eases last week,
in the United States Court his attorneys con
scntted to a verdict of guilty in ten counts- On
last Monday His Honor Judge Bryan sen ten
ced hini to ten years confinement in the Peni_
tontiary at Albany, and imposed a fine of two
thousand and six~ hundred dollars- Mr- Kel,
ley, as has been stated, was found guilty on
two counts and recommended to the mercy of
the Court. is sentence is two years and
eight months in the penitentiary and three
hutdred dollars fine.
These san~ences appear to be reasonable
and just compared to the offences with which
the parties were charged; lewt wes arc not pre
pared to say how they would appear compared
to justice, yet we can say who justice would
send to Albany with them ifjit had its way.
Storm in ChatrlestonI.
Accounts of a terrible gale on the coast,
came in from thle City by sea. Much damage
was done to property along the beach and to
the windows and roofsi of houses. The blow
on Saturday was said to be the strongest
since 1874.
Soveral lives were lost, and among the un
fortunate appears the name of Mr. T'homaas
P. Lesosno, the youlngest son of' E~%ChaLn
cellor Henry D. Lescano of Charleston. ie
went with a party of friends to the bat tery to
witness the dashing of the waves over the
east sea wall, and while leaning upon the
railing somehow lost his balance and was
swe~llowed by the angry surge.
Two more lives were lost, one being that of
A colored man who was drowned near Edisto
Island by a boat's bing captsized; the other
that of a colored wo'san who was rid ing in a
wagon over a causeway leading through
udarsh to the main land. The wagon was
blown from the track and overturned in the
marsh, the unfortunate woman being caught
under it was drowned before her body could
be recovered.
Mr. Francis Cogin's testimony as to the
superior advantages of the South for cotton
spanufhoture is attracting wide attention. The
50ston Herald says: "In the long run labor Is
to ad its market. and the cotton staple
~dubtedlyto be largely manufactured
Sit it grown. But, as~ the iadustry ad
9ngit will be found that Now England
luny6d bra*is are iia it, as they are in pret
t~ uoIberything else that Is adding to Lh
d~vw~oj~tadt welfare of' the country."
,A hail storm in Barnwell county on Satur
4day, 18th inst, was a disastrous sequel to the
Iaegi* large as gainea eggs
tripin fodder from
e pen cotton and
;wery, the DemeeratIe
'or of Mississippi, was
I. wife, sine he
of Abe most Iauel
T1ui Kew Comgt.
The new comet is now visible to the nated
eye, and-may be been any eveding when the
sky Iso'lear, with a low, clear horison, from
eighb to'baldpast.mie o'clock-- It is to be
looked for in the same region of the heavens
as that in whieb Its predecessor of June ex
hibited Itself-in the Northwest. At nine
o'clock in the evening its position will be a
little north of northwest, about fifteen degrees
or one hour above the horizon, and a littte
more than the same distance below and to the
right of'the star which forms the lower north
ern.corner of the bowl rf'the Dipper.
A writer in the Charlotte Observer says:
" The Greenville News in a vein of pleasant
ry sDys that the pet nnniac, usually kept
chainied ih this office, has been given a fur
lough to go on a hunt for the prohibition
party In North Carolina."
"T * t maniac' will not have to go far
to find the object of itis search. It will find it
50,000 strong, composed of tho:whito inateri
al of North Carolina, and representing the
virtue, the intelligence and much of i lie prop
erty of the State-proud in defeat, faithful to
its mission, and conscious of ultimate victory.
It wlconics its foes to all the honors that
conic fro the combined forces of white man's
rum auatnk man's Radicalismi."
A LA Mi Z Cow.-Mr. A. G. Means brought
his heifer, 28 months old, to the public scales
last Saturday and ascertained her weight to
be 1320 pounds. At the age of 12 pionths she
weighed 741 pounds. She is the largest cow
in the county, utiless her mother, a Kentucky
Short Ihorn, be heavier. She is a beautiful
animal and as gentle as a cow can be made.
Carolina Spartan.
The people of Emerson, Manitoba, were
recently startled bywclouds of ants flying in
the air from West to East and extending for
miles around. They were apparently ordi,.
nary black ants, provided with wings. Dur
ing the night myriads of these insects cane
to the earth, and the streets and sidewalks
were literally black with them. The Red
River mas also cavcred with a coating of the
ants an inch thick.
Senator Pugh, of Alabama, commends Mr.
Arthur as a true gentleman, full of common
sense, and inore apt to leadI Conkling dhan to
,:e lead by him in the Pre';ilenc y. Senaior
.Jones, of Nevada, is Arthur's greatest con
fident. and his iniluence would be exertedt
for good. Senator l'ugh conclud(es that, it
called to the l'residenicy, Arth ur would be
altogether conservative.
In D~avis County, iowa, Il iramt Urooks, a
youthI of 18 years, shot hiis 1ther on W ednes,.
day night. The elder Brooks was Leas ing his
wife, and the son interfered ini behalf of his
miot her. The old man pursued thle boy withI
a club, who being pushed to the wall, shot his
father, ie is now in custody.
Gen. liancock returned to New York Tfues,.
day. He said to a reporter: "I return on ac
count of the very serious illness of the Presi
dent, as I do not feel inclined to travel and
enjoy myself under the circumnstquces. I
think my proper place just now is at my piost
on Governor's; Island."
Here are some words of' wisdom: "There is
no use in sitting down and mourning over.
blasted hopes; nor should one get. unduly ela
ted over success. IHe who banks in the smiles
of fortune this year may be called upon next
year to walk through a night of failure."
It is rumored;that, in case of thePresident's
death, Bllalno and McVeagh will retire fromt
the Cabinet; Conkling will accept no np point
ive place, but run for Scretary of State at the
head of the Republican ticket in New York.
This Is said to be the latest programme.
A bill submitting the question of prohibi
tion to a popular votehas beeni otfered in the
Georgia Legislature, and there is every pros
pet of its passing both branches. The people
will vote on it ini October. The prohib'itionists
in view of their late defeat in North Carolina
are not very hopeful of success, but will make
an earnest canvass andl do their best.
Thel Ifampton Guardian, foumled and~ now
so ably presided over by our friend Mc
Sweeney, has just entered its third year, in a
hecalt hy cOndlition financially, arAd wit~h other
encouraging prospects. And Mc. dleserves
all this and mocre. 1 te is capable. indullstri
otns, mtoral, and withal a very princce of goo d
follows. We hope somoe good-looking, good
girl-as clever among her sex as lie is amtong
his'-will take a likin' to him, and enter his
G uardian-ship.
Last Saturday evening a genuine desert
sirocco passed through Lexington Ga.,wither
iug up whatever it touched, and driving pao,
ple from their houses. This hot wind lasted
several minutes, and It was almost Impossible
to breathe. Many years ag o a similar scorch
ing blast passed through the town, only a few
yards wide that killed every fowl and bird in
its path, and prostrated many persons.
The Chronicle and Censtitutionalist says
two belles had a fight on the veranda of a
White Mountain Hotel, in the presence of
fifty guests. They were doubtless mado of
While the President lies fighting for his life,
somebody at his bedsido is telegraphing his
sufferings to stock speculators to mako money
out of his miseries.
It tookc the Government a long time alnd
much money to find out that Whittaker was
a liar and had mutilated himself. H ow fun
ny all of those Indignant speoches of Repub,~
lican Sonators read just now, in the light of
histor-io truth!
Naw '.Onr.r.AWs, August 24--A dispatch
froim Monroe, in this State, says unknaown
parties eq tered the jailand carried off' Perry
Mason add Alexander Niason, both colored,
-ohargod Withanarder, and~ hyng thorm some
Alitanno frmn the town.
Progamme.of the suandY Stil..
'he Bund'av 809hool Conference of Piokegpi
County, will convene at Baley, on Batutday,
the 24th of September, 1881.
1135? $28616Y
Will be opened on daturday, the 24th a 9
o'clock A. M., with singing, reading Scrip.
tures and prayer, by Rev. H~ugh MoLees.
Singing-Welcome Address, by Mr. J. .
Oossett. Response, by Rev. 0. L. DuranL
Organization of a Sunday Sohool Con'ar.
once, by the eleotion of a Chairmat aid So
Explanation of the object of the Conference,
by Rtev. S. P.-H. Ewell.
The Model Sunday, Scheool.-Discusson open.
ed by Professor James P. Cary..
The Infant Class-Its Advant.rges and Def
ficulties.-Discushion opened by Iev. S. P. 11.
SEiCON) isgssoN.
Will opn on- Sunday, le 25th, at 9 o'clock
A. M., with n Sunday school sermon, by Rev.
D. Wezton lliott.
IhC Duties of the Sunday School Teachr.
Discussion opened by G. W. Taylor, Esq.
The Duties of Sunday School $u.perinlendants
-Discussion opened by J. E. Boggs, Esq.
The liest -More of Enlisting Adults in Sunday
School Work.--Discdission opened. by Profe4
sor W. W. Daniel.
Speakers opening the discussion will e
allowWt minutes, and those foilowinglO
minutes each.
he exercises will be varied by singing
andsholrt prayers, as occasion may require.
Eftth Auudy School shall be entitled to
one delegatlor every 40 miembers or frac
tional part over 0 ?rovided, however, each
school be entitled to at least one delegate.
Secretnry Board of Arrangements.
An necitent that came near being extreme.
ly tragic, and should be a warning to all,
Ippened in Anderson at about 9 o'clock last
Thursday morning. Mrs. Win. Pendle started
to kindle a fire in the stove, and was pouring
on some kerosene from a can, when ihe fire
blazed up anId the can imediaely expoded,
t)rowing tile burning oil all over her. She
started to run, when she was caught, by to
colored wonan, Salie Wardlaw. who tore
Athe clothing from the unfortunate lady and
savel .er life. As it was she was only
burne.1 slighl on tithe bne a nl forearm, from
w hiIl she wili sufe no great iiconvenience,
uI. il1o ch1:.re'l wwomanu. who deserves great
credlit for her plre"ence of rminl, Ivais pailnf'illy
Ul aouLt (ihe hiands.-Anderson lintel
onidein th' chag;ractern :uI capacity of
C'omuui. sameru jRi:in' -Tic.int forec-," 1i
muight he we.ll to I'aulopromlis. wo:h Al)~ow by
len m hiim -infrn'' on htimnsei'. givie hiiumsn
up, acthl share' the Mpoils. 114e 5.ay hi'.i wvil.
ling fto sun a fair tri:rl anud the five hsun
di-ed dol'ars woulmd hie'lp hi'n to'wards' geti iii
one. TIheo ''.pieial force'' will never cai li
Ii imi. Thiiey are too0 mu ch ''men of' guod st and
IT)g .^-nl Igiood hits"18 to lbe siacce as tuI in such
w (ork. ---1 iunsbhori' .News and lter.td.
Do--iuN, A ngust 24.-TIn lie cars, on his
way to Portlaind, Geni'ral lianc.ack wts asked
his oi inion of Geun. Arthur, and withI much
wairmuth replied that he was an able. patriotic
gent leman, and in thme event of his being cal
led to the Chief Magistrancy, would dliscarge
his dlii:ies with bhut one putrpose--that of ben
efit ing thle ent ire Country; andl that the people
unghmt rely oni his jtti Igmnent with absolute 00on
fi !cnce.
Jon SrON, 8. C , Angust 24.-A (errib1b
radlegy ocum-red about ten muies from ibh
lace o day(i~ . het ween J1. WI. BUzard and~ hii
son)t anid J. W. Tlinmmen man11, in which Timmonr
uman was inastainty killed and Buzzard anud his
son serionaly wounded. An 0o(d feud was thu
canse of the affray. The weaponas used wer<
.doublo barrelled a'hot.guns.
Electionsg occur this fall in New York, Ohio.
Pensylvania, Virginia and Mississippi- Thc
onily State officer elected in Pennsylvania is
Treneurer. In New York a fuill St ate 'tlcki
is elected except Governor and Lieutenant
Governor, together with members of tihe Leg
islatuire and four Congressmen. Full Stat<
tickets and legislators are to be elected ii
Virginia, Mississippi and Ohio.
A recent raid in Randolph, North Carolina
broke up 14 distilleries. The blockadert
have a big bell on lop of a dlWelling house
that canl be heard four miles aroun d, and whlen
on)ce runug (lhe hiorins aro blown in~ eyirc
ion and the distillers Lake to their holes.
.A little boy entered a fish market the other
day, and seeing for thoin first time a pile of
lobsters lying on thie counteor, l)oked intently
at thIem for some tuime, when lie exclanimued:
"Themt's t~te biggest grasshnoppors I've ever
WIhen the Senate umeets, ini a few weeks or
ne xt. December, as thie ease may be, Chief
Clerk Shiober, in (lie abs'ence of thie Secretary
will call the body to order. Unless one or
more members of the Senate shall (lie or be
providentially detained, the prompt. admission
of Miller and Laphanm would constitute a dead
lock, provided Mahone toted with the Rlepub
licans and David Davis with the Democrats.
We have no idea tha~t Mahone will east any
veto in favor of the Democrats- Judge Davis
possibly will veo with the Republicans for a
presiding officr--the more so as Senator Beck
has already shown a preference for Mr. An
.A WisEI1PLA.-Every man should
mimd his own business, and only that.
It is hard to tell him so in plain words;
yet it is one of the simplost rules of con
duct; anid the most useful that man
kitd can adopt in thoir iltorcoourso
with ealch other.
.Thre is a great doal of Paul Pry
Rpirit in tho human heart, or wonder
td1inquisitivonose in regard to tho
personal and private affairs of frionds
and neighbors. This spirit makes
more mischiof In the community than
almost any other cause. Lot every
man mind his own business, and there
wvili not be halt the trouble in *&h
world that ther is aran
Tnnsfe's o!ea zlbt&t
The following trsafte of real ptaswin
P1Aens County were noted by the Couaty
Aditor and reoorded with. the Register of
Men donveyanoe during the months Jly,
August and September, 1880. The dat. saw
sAeb transfer signiies the dato of sales
Robert 8. Lewis to Margaret Siamest., 85
aores, $100, 5th July, 1880.
11good and Alexander to A. M. Mauldin,
681 aores, $975, 80th May, '80.
W. T. Field to Perry J. Mauldin, 44 aores,
2,000 pounds cotton, 8d March, '80.
Mary A. Tbackston to- Wm. F. Thakston,
116 acres, $900, 80th Juner '80
Mary A. Arnold to Belle R. Smith, 1 lot,
Essley, $150, 23d June, '80.
Mary A. Arnold to Sarah E. Green, I lot,
Easley, $176, 23d June, '80.
Robert 8. Lewis to E. i. Porter, 60 aores,
$100, 6th July, '80.
S. D. Keith et at. Adm'r to Henry Baker,
1 lot., Pickeis, $35, 6th March, '78.
Charles Childress- to- A% bl, Folger et al,
school trustees, 1 acre school lot, Easley
township. $5, 2d March, '80.
J. M. Jones et al to same, 1 school house
lot, deed of gift., 28th October, '76.
John A. Chastain et at to Mary A. Chas.
tain, 100 ates, 0800, lat Alarch, '64.
Wi. A. Mase. to.J. E. Hagood, 200 acres,
$1}0, 19th Augut '0& #
Joab Raldiin, sheriff to J. E. Hagood and
J. W. Sutherlind, 117 acres, $650. 21st
August, '80.
Willis Medlin to Stephen?. Medlin, 40
acres, deed of gift, 28th A'igust '80.
Bowen and Briggs, trustees to Green, Ila
good & Co., 1 lot Basley, $30, 0th July '80.
Bowen and Briggs, trustees, to lagood &
Alexander, 1 lot, Easley, $40, 6th July '80.
James Lewis to James T. Singleton, 400
$200, 1st September '80.
W. T. 8huuate, assignee to John T. Lewis,
1010 scres, $21, 30th January '80.
James L. Crenshaw to Emery L. Jones, 12&
acres, $900, 80th August '80.
B. F. Boggs to F. R. McOanahan,721 acres,
$350, 18th August '80.
James Lewis to James M. Nimmons, 350
acres, $150, 8th Seplember '80.
George W. logtrap to Esther Gilstrap, in
terest in 450 acres, $600, 6th Sept. '80.
Jam1es E. Hagood to Olin L. Durant, I lot,
Pickens C. II., $50, 171 h Septeniler '80.
)avid Alexander to Jamiies Alexander, 50
acres, $2tt00, 21 h A ugust '80.
8arah Nix to Jamies N. Nimmons, dower
in 35() acres, $10, 1 2i I A ugust 'b0,
Elin K. Watkiuns et ali to A. I). Armstrong.
I lot, Central, $50. 21st Ant u t '80.
Same11 I t. U. Gaines, 2i acres, Central,
$45, 21st August '80.
Matilda Boggs to Berry B.oggs, life inster..
est In 355 acres, $.100, lih Septemsber '80.
E. K. Gossett to Winslow Miller, 1 lot,
YEnsley, $25, 25t h February '70.
insulowv Ailler~ to lttossanna Miller, 1 lot,
Easley. deed of gift, Is. Mairch~ '79.
WV. T. Field to J. 8. inton, 70 ace', $250,
20th September '80.
Rt. 0. Gaines to Jame~s A. laines, one-halt
interest In lot, Central, $12.60, 28th May '80
All the moun tain resortsa are cro wd.
od witht visitors from tho low country.
says~t~: IIThe report~s thait como to tus froum
dIiffe'rent paIrta of the county, nl, to te
condition of~ tho crops, ato so con1fliut,.
ing and conflusing t hat we are at, I'uss
whmat to think, mut~ch lox8 usay, aibout
them. Ono Lihing how~ever, in very
evident to us; thore can be rio more
than a half' cro> of cotton made in
the cou nty. TI to 1last thmre weoks
dIroughit has domno more injurmy to cot,
ton than thbo oight wocks drought of
May and June. A very intelligent
and( r-eliaible gcntlemani living in D)ray..
tonviflo township), told us yesteorday
thnat he did not honostly think there
would~ b)0 moro than one third of a
crop of cot ton or corn mado in that
townshi p, and thmrouighiout tibo w hole
sOetiOn niorth of Pacolot niot miorO than
hlfI a Crop) would bo ma~do.
Seniator Butler, of South Carolina looks ten
years younger than he dlid last spring. His
jamut in thne Northwest, with Gen. Rcaer has
brought back the roses to his chieeks, the fire
to his eye and, if anything added a cubit to
his senat orial stat ure
Notico is hneteby given, that we will ap
ply to 0. L. Durant, Probate Judge for P'ick
ens County, on the 18th (lay of September
next, for leave to make a final settlement of
the estate of.J. MARlTIN P'ONDERll, deceased.
and ask to be discharged therefromn.
aug11, 1881 48 6
18 ereby given, that we will apply to J.
J.LWI8, Esq., Clerk of thme Court for
I'ickens County, for a Chortor of incorpora-.
tion for Union Church, on1 the 17th day of
aug 18. 1881 49 6 .
The State ofrSouth Carol ina
Br 0. L. DURanT, JUn oF PRonlATS.
Whereas, D. E. Hendricks, has made suit
to me to grant him Lotters of Administration
on the Estati and Effects of Geo. Hendricks
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all and singular tihe kindred and creditors of
the said George Hendricks, doeosedl, that
they be and appear before mae, in the Court
of Probate, to bei held at Piekens 0. H1,o
the 14th day of Sept., 1881, after publica
tion hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to
show~ Cause. if any they have, why the said
administration should not be granted.
Given under any hand and seal this, the
29th day of August A. D., 1881.
OL IN L,. IDURANT, a.r.z'.c.
sept 1, 1881 1 ,,
Rept, 1, 188:
Specia Noticesp.
Dit. J. Q. McD ID, Dentist, will be at
Liberty Station'ab the 1st September next,
where lie will rem a week, and will take
pleasure in doing rk in first class order,
for all who may sire his services lie
will also visit Piq a while in the County.
For prqfessionat tanding, refers' to Drs.
J. W. Norwood an till, of Greenville. W
aug,181l881 48 4
ed1+1 Not[ee.
The undersignet4ving loonted at Easley.
ild most.resped1ji ly offer his]IProfessional
Services to the olie'as of the surrounding
country. Prompt .ttention given to calls
day or night. Cbhges reasonable.
D. B. DARBY, M. D.
Easley, July 21, 881 45 2m
Solliers !
A. A. TIIOMA3, orner 9th and F Streets,
Washington, D. C.,a tiends to Pension and
Back Pay. BountClains collected. Con
tested Land Claims, Mineral and Agricultur
al,,tIended to befoo the Department of the
Intetior and Supome Court. Land War.
rants purchased.
Inventors will Avance their Intdst. by
Enploying an Exprienced Attorn'ey resident
in Wash.li in-g 1on. F A. Lehminn, Solicitor or
Anerican and Foyagn Pniets, WV;shingtoiut
D. C., hats ha ye s or SuIccessfl Practice.
and was formeucrly # i Exainer or Patlents in
the Pa, ent 'flicc. Au bines before I he
Courts or t he D~epe-ient pri-omply noen'tded
to. Fe eontinuge# upon success. Send fort
Piecxos C. s. S. C., Ang. 2t1. 1881.
IN accordance ithi the S3upply bill, ap
Iproved D~ueomler 24thu, 1880. notice ise
hereby given that his office will be open for
the collection of t en
Thursday;, Septenaber 15,
and1( will remain opmI u 't il Oetober 3lst . The
rate per cenitum oftaixes is as foalows:
Stato purposef. 6 mills
Couanty parprases, 8 mitlis
Iurcaila Tax, 8 mill~s
School Tax, 2 mills
Femnce Tax,. ml
Poll Tax, $I 'K0.
For the convence of taxpayers I will
attend at. the following placca:
Contral, Tuesdaj anid Wednesday, Oct ober
4th and 6th.
Liberty, Thurshy, 6th October.
Easley, Friday and Batuday, 7th and 8th
Dacusville, Morrlay and Tuesday, l0t h and
11th, October.
Pumpkintown, Wednesday, 12th October.
A i ken's 8 'ore, Thu rsday, 18th October.
King's Store, F'riday, 14th October.
Il urricane, $at urday, 15th October.
And for balance of timec in my otlice at the
Court Ilouseo.
Tax payers will please attend at the op point
mients by :3 o'clock P- M
.In all c'tses. whuore the May Installment has
not beeni puaid a
Panialty of Five Per Cent.
will be added to said Installment.
All taxes remaining upaid on the first day
of November will incur a
Penalty of Firteena Per Cent.
and will be collected by disress or otherwise
until 15th of November; after that dhate the
County Treasurer will proceed to collect by
levy and sale as ptrovided by law.
Taxes are payable in the following kind o f
fundais andi no other: -
Gold and Silver Coin.
United States terrency,
National llank NoteOs,
And for County Taxes J.gay and Witnesses
Tickets. .
County Treasurer ''kens County.
sept. 1, 1881 5t. 5
Clerk's Sale.
-0-- -
Alfredl T. Clayton, Administrator, Piain tiff,
against Carter Durham, Defendant--J4uno.
B1)Y virtue of an order for foreclosure and
1)sale in thae abovo stat-ed case, made by
Hion. J. H. Hudson, Presiding Judge, on the
7th June, 1881, I will sell to the highest bid
der at P'ickens Court liouse, on Sahesday in
October next, during the legal hours of salo,
thme following REAl EATAT E, to wit:
All that Tract or Plantation of Land in
Pickens County, on t~he West side of Twelve
Milr River, and on both sides of Gregory's
Creek, a'ljoining lands of Win. Robinson,
Wmn. S. Williams, Mrs. Ellis, the Poor House
Farm, and others, containing Fiye ;rnndred
and Seventytseten Acres, more or less; where
on the Defendat, Carter Durham, now ro,
TE RMS CAS l---Purchasers to pay for ti1
J. J. LEWIS, 0.0.W.
sept1,.1881 r61 6
, PUTTY, &C.,
!CLE, S. 0.
Fall and Winter Goods..
Reliable Goods!>
RI msona1lille LPI'e(N,
No Tronxhie to Mho~w Gmodn.
W. T. Mc'FA LI.,
A ug 25, 1881 l
New Advertisements.
BAYARD TAYLOR. P'oet and T raveII..r
utaid: "I Lake great pIeaisnro in recomn dinp~4gg
toa puirents the Academy of Mr. $within C..
(1880 ): '' lahertailly c.,aeuI to th. ue~ *f
myI) neame asu reference. .\y boyi w~It rteurn
to ya (for tir furaath yea.r) aifter their vs
For now litrated1 Circuiar adderese
lirvyprd Ulnivers~ty Giradualeo, .MIedia, Pa., i:
miile.e from Philadelphia.
N Ni Ti ERNN'E ESoffer~s greae at trao
tio i wa ofg'ood. ohaap 1und,, heal -
thy ~ounatry, mild otimiat., abutndan@ af
timab aind water, diversity of proucts, tha
ainy (gther region now op.n, to set tlemeniet. I a
Rail wiy has in operationm over 8 10 mniles af~
road, tlong which are t~ be haul. at low prica,
andi e easy teirms, mit oan- of acres of gol.
andl~ Cheap Railroadl andl Government lands,
but reponelty opened fo~r settlemnent. Foir oir
cularsand maps giving truthful inftormationa.
addromq WV. II. AltiR Old. ILand Coinmissioner.
TI. & . tailway, Marshall, Texas.
Boalentown Female College,
G]raduinsory Coursec in Classics,IBolls-Let.
ters and Music.
Suaperior facilities In Music, Art, Frenehi
and Gierman.
Thorougha Instruction in all departmonts.
Students treated with conlidence and res.
Manviers and miorlR carefully guarded.
Thre College a home for its students.
250 scholarshaip, and cleven other prizes,.
Er For Catalogue address
RCEV. W M. C. BOW EN, A. M., Pres't.
Norwood High.~ Sdhool and Collegel
Norwood, Nelson Co'unty, Virginin.
R. 11, WILLIS, JR., (Univ. of Va.)' I.. 11.
WVIIA RI'ON (Univ, of Va.) D.D., Principals.
Opens idept.. 21st, 1881, with full corps of
instructors. Locationr especIally heal thy.
Chanlybeat~e water. Coinplete courses of
study ia alt departments. Thorugh pre
paration for University of Virginia andl other
higher in struct ions. Hoard andi tuition fromn
$200 to $2:10 per annual session. Apply to'
principals for catalogue.
aug 25, 1881 0 4'
Take a (ArenIlle Paper,
kJMOUNTAINRRJ, iPssued in) Greenville, 8.
C., the most enterprising anid thriving ct
ofthe 8tate, Size, 26 by 40 inches. 40~
columns oftreadting mat ter weekly. Especial
attention given to matters transpiring ina the
up-counntry, whore so man~y are now look ing.
Established 67 years. The preisont Edlitor
connected with the offiee since 1851. $3 per
annum; $1 for six months. 800 new suab
scribers have been enrolled sInco last Jan.
uary. Tr7lt a while. AddressEdt.
Greenville, 8. C.
Notide is hereby given, that I wilL i'p..
ply to 0. L. D)urant, Probate Judge for Piok-. '
ens County, on Saturday, 17th day of Sep..
tember, 1881, for l eave' to make a lnual sat"
tiement of the estate of RICH AlID B. jiA.
HER,- deceased, and ask to be diseharge.1
therefrom as A~dminist rator.
aug 18. 1881 496

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