OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, October 27, 1881, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1881-10-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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D. F. BRADL EY. Editor.
PICK ENS U. II., S. 0.:
Por zubscript ion, $1.50 per'annum, for six
thontis, 75 cents; strictly in advance.
Advertisements inserted at one dollar per
rgnarc of one inch or less for the first inser,
tion and fifty cens for each subsequent. in
sertion. Li beral discount imde to merchants
and other-s advertising for -ix months or by
the year.
Obitnary Noticesand Tributes of Respect
U;atrgedI for n advert isement s.
Annoincing Candidates five (ollars, in
aillvan ce.
It is lnnoiced that, J. I. Rainey, colored,
ex-Congressmn from this State, will L c el.
eted Clerk of the nex I u. 11se of Representa,
tives by the lIeplblienn Congressmen.
There have boeei, icavy tiol ini tle North
west. and lie streim4 nre oveiflowing their
blinks, doin n1h <hunnI a ge to" proprerty ard
tho crops. What the extent of the damages
will 1.e cnniiiot at hi.; time, he evIini:ucl.
TPhet' lex poit'ion a( Aint a, we 1oii: I ith gl
Col. 1h1.ler, our (' ni issionier, ';; 1I ot bc in
full bin I n ite m).i-lile 1Ao f(. e 1 month1 I. We
u-etn 1 it -I nm b.1 e).r of our cimizo. im
iendl viatn tl:0'l lspoN itril. I! w i jmply
repay IheuI for aIll fihe expenses inicutrred in
maiuking flie Ilip.
The time in Irelind nre very excitilngs.
Many of the prominent lender of the Lanl
Leagui e hi a ve been a1eed . Hn iiprison1e.l.
Riots havn nccrII re. in si voral places. iinl a
nuitubier of person; have 1been killie . TI he
rliit ish G(overinient h a11:s declared thil, meetinigs
of the hind League illegal :nd, they Ire to be
sup p ressei d. Al. Iimine, it looksa like a revoli.
fion wouhtii ecmii., lt the re:mit will lilkely be
file triumifl ph of the E gli ih G vr1u iuta .
the Iish lind lord; and Ihe further oppres
.-ion of the Irish tenantiotry.
Stato Fair.
The (Cohnniin aund Greenville linilro:,d andi
biranches3 will scll round frip tickets to the
State Fair, whui is to bo hell on the 8th, 9th,
1 0th and l ith of Novcember next, at. the fol
lowing rates:
From Beltont $ 1.70; fromn A nderson 85.00;
fromt Williamtistont $.5.0; f rotm Piedmonlt $5.00;
friom GrIeenivi lle 1;;.00; fromi Penidle'to 05.0
Ifrom1 Senueca $6.0)0; from Wa lhalla $t1.00.
Tickets on satle fromt thle 7thI t o the 10th of
N ovembier, inclusive, good to returni until t he
14thI of' November, inchusivo.
All articles inItended for exhibit ion. inclui.
ing Live Stock, ( tinee Iiorses exceptedl,) will
be trtan11sport ed at regutr t ar' i'a teCs pirepid l
andi' if return'iedl by the party exhiitin~g (which
faict inust be e'Stab!ished2 by certihia e signeld
by Secret iry of l'uir' A s.ciat:ion) wvi:1 he re
turno l frtee, aind amiount of frei;.:ht. prepamid
Stereon will be refunrd ed by agent at staition
whei re fi rst shipped, (3n surirenider to him I)of
ori:.inal bill of ladhinug or shinppintg rceip atriod
paid freight bill, toge-~ther withi cer't iticaute fromi
Secrietairy of' Fir .\:'.et:iomn tiltmi-iuch rnrii -
(et'le hvte beeni or exiliin and ut harve niot
chantiged ownershIiip sin~cO leaving or'igina1
pont of iipmnt.
J1. W. Fny, Superntendent.
1). CAnnwLL, Cen'l Freight Agt.
A. Port, (Gen'l (Passenger Agt.
Volumeo XI-, No. 1!
The October Inmber of thle Sonthern Musi
cal Jouirmnal, begins the new volumtol, and, ns
uteual it is a sur'prise in excellenco. The pub
lishers' doU no(t loodi us5 withI pr'omises, but pre
for to delight in pet for'mances. The rrplid
grow t h iln favor, is e'v inced1 by flhe fact of' thei
adlverit isements haint' ig over'flowed and crowd
ed even tie title page, a3 much as by the
rapid swelling of thle subscrip1t ion list. It. is
r'are to find a low priced paper exellott, and
yet t he .1 ournal, whoso pront ns)! repay
its cost, is nievetr poor. It has no debts, for'
the premmum che ck goes out aaR the cash comes
in. P'assintg four cirowdled pages of advertise,
mentsa, Mat tie C. Seward gives uts an ''ldy).''
Iafatel Joseffy's biogranphical isketch is illuis
trated by a fine piictutre of himn; Miss Lily
Moore, of Mobile, wrtitcs an amusing story for
lie J1ournatl. ''A Mendelshsohn Glee Club,"'is
a gem of wr'it ing, and "'How Pianos are 1 in'.r
edl,"' is w~ort h thle sublscip~t ion pruie. '"lInr
per'sonal. '"in Q~uest of an Orange,'' is a
sketch of' Flor'ida, iast iue as amnusinig. ti'xd (ine
or tro eruors, prove that tho keen) eyes of .
A. Bates are til) North. ''A Sketch of Pnu
ganini."' and ''A Colored Iloro,'' brings nS to
two ver'y trenmarkablo poems, set in cotrast
The1 edit r' paigo dlenis ini Ile exposition!,
crit iism, etc., and p)age 10, was mado Hp
ivhten lie President was bet ter. Page 21,
lmOuIiRs him tw dead, before its "Urltevi tieP'"
''The 'Iru'te and the False in Song Dialect "''in
a remnarkrable arrangement of contr'apted
gems of sohng. "Mical Iteview" is good, but
not mutch correspondence. W. Ludde1's long
looked for book is announced.. A sacr'ed song.
"When liarvcst Tiie'is over," 'S weot Six-.
teen B ~roh,'' an "Th''liinking of' Tbhee," in 't rro -
metal. are the shieet muitsic titles. It. is
nutmbher one~ in quairli ty, as well as in (rore
and Messr's. Ludden & Bates, Pava'nnahi, (Ga.
offer specimnens free, or tihe whole thing for
$1.25 a year.
Tihe Newherry Agricuxltural Fair Was quite
a success. The ladies were beatutiful antd thejir
hiandiwor~ik exqtuisite. Newberry honored hier
self by a fine display of hornos, fGeld cr'ops,
blogs and cattle.
Governor W iltz, of' Lousianal, died
of consumption hist week, atnd Lieut.
Gu~oernor McEIrOy, hadl taken the
QLathIof omli.o utn-..o o.
The Yorktown Centennial.
YnIITOWN, October 19.-A heavy liower
ast night lowered the ternperaturo nearly
wenty degrees and partially laid the dust,
vhich had become a serious obstacle to com
'ort.. This morning opened fair and cool, and
vas ushered in by t hunderings from the French
mld American vessels in York tiver and from
ho batteries of artillery at the enca.prnent.
3eing the chief day of the celebration, the
)rograime has been elaborate and cutensive,
md the crowd in attendatse, elaluniye of the
iuilitary, has been largely Increased,
At 10 o'clock the French and German
guests were received on boatd the Excelsior
ind Ihence were driven in cirriages to LaFay
)tte Ilail, here President Arthur and Cabi,
ict, with a number of Senators, held a recep
ion for about half an hour. The 1enident,
leaning on the arm of Senator Blaine, shook
hands with the distinguished viitoi-s from
rtcrols ti e sea and afterwarils rec eiveda non
her of pominent guests from the several
States. Among these wet e Governor Ilagood,
Mrs. Stonewall nokson and diighter, (tie
latter being with lRepresentative Dargin, of
Sumter,) Congressman Richardson aid one
of the Governor's ai 'es. The l'i-esident stood
at. the North enI of tlie hall during lie recep
tion immediately under two large portraits of
Wa~slington mi Garfield. bearing respect ively
the dateS 1781 and 1 881. A fer the reception
tho 1'resident walked out. of (he hall arm-in
ari wvith Senator Blaine and was followed by
tle Froenclh ind (I ernian guests, Cabinet olli
ecers, ieiberi of ie Sci-ite, Gen,eral liaicock
a1ndi sta'ff tid Geineral Sherimin and stiff.
The party proceeded across the platform to
fle stand erected for tlie exercises of h'3 day.
As the l'iesident made his apupearance there
was a faiit cheer, and two mien hiallooed
-Ilurrah for Shermiion'" When that oflicer pas
sCI. When (cnieral lhancock reached tle
stam rilce tiles tiree cleiers were given
with notaibe entihuiiiasm, anid when thler Gent
eral reco"nizel the Curtesy by r-liing his hiat
tle upjiphiuse i becaiie 1clefeing.
SenautorJolinson, of Virgiria, the rhairmnn
of (he CI'entenniail COT)Mmi.-;14on, c.Illed fihe
1('etinl.- to ordier, nnl isolp Ili ri, of New
York,iilpnel the proceeding with pra yjier,
diuring which lie invoked ibl! special blessiig
of the Aimighty God on Vict-riau and the le
pullidie of France. A fter the singing of Poila
dex teri's ceitenian hy inn by i ch1or11s of, voi
cees, accm panii ed by tite larino Ianl, Presi
dent Ariitiur cnimn i t tlie Front iand1 delivered
in :lress, which in point of brevity was a
m1o-ll. lie occupied oily :boi t live ilivuiate4,
r ip] j yujing w, imt lie "..1d lo Say fro miiemory.
What he said, however, wa:is to tile poitt alnd
w.Is received wit h gi-ierent.; tIppldauise. H1i a]
lusimm to tle Frchicli and1ui G-rian giests be.
tide him were vsIeci1l. 1,I)ahuire, :'id1 Were
I-eceived by (le recipient-s of the CJil)limie-i.
with low hows a nd broad similf es.
. on. Al x (iuey, oi of* the Frutnch dig
ii nuries, e o fe)i to rhe Pre-ijleg .
lie prefacud his :-enlmne kR, which hre r-:Ail iI
bwor iit his leml il c'ow ur-xi. iy ihe I
blet inl Iient of b*1im . t I (. i,4 I.dar1 k hali. lit Il]
cmiin, strikingly ugly, hut. sa-pri-sinly g re
uil. l!e spoke pren Iy fir iil b
vo)ice bie ing weak hie '.acs 'ot biard, sav.ve b
-eived emt husinist icilly, cutil al.t hle 'ose of' is
Conii lloch~ambueau,. a des':eenilant of' thle
re vol utio i ry na v alc1 'i*e, fellitow'edl Mons
Dut reyr, del ivicerd hi's renniia-i1s in FrentchI in a;t
ciiick jerky st yle. as it his 'ole: ohice-t iwi t(.
et- through withi it llii :Ll~io'natl~ to thle
kindlly relat ions wvljuhicia existed betwe en
Franice andi~ Ameit ica for oeI hundl'rd years,
and hiis hope that (lie child 'ike of hose pr-esenit
wvoul '1, iIth thie s ae spiri t, celebriat e ihis
day one hiund-rd yearus hienic, was received
with gr-eat cerinig.
Colonel Von SteubeIrn. the oldes' liv i ' dec
scendat of I lie rvoinit io1.:n y VOnl SteCi be,ri
1(rrepiirleud a5 I he rep ceet:u ive oft ihe Gr-naui
ismirie. lic sprke iii G( :i, cin. 1lml~lc1
k-iinrtly to (i ther..g'-et nt h'prlpei~y no-ita
e'd by1 .\ inei icai ibi in;- Ui (a~ ci / . -xprn
th h lm ~cth1u the ft:..1. L 6~1 rbi-ic-: am.
iinyi wvontll in-v'ir he ir-f-edr wil.
lie' wacs tcllmed(o by Jamesic Bageun llop.,. f
Virgini;a, who ireadi lih cenitei-ti d in wtl it ni
flue effect.
Tin- orin by~ the Hoiu. B tC. Winthl'rp. of
A!:::chuseti(- t5 'Av hichf follor weri, coniionied1 ti he
list ofi ihe~ iy, lncenplyi 4 I w'r irmm-s in it
.liver'y. The att en- i.me Ot iie -tonil. whiebh
numbere.1iC fully Itn1 houisand whenl lL hul' rl
1windled d own t~o about. t wo th~oustal wVhe-n
he stopped, and the remninug p1 ogramm te was
cut- to save time
The singing of thie odes and anthem. was
not. ext raor-di ary fine, the chorus tnmin-mg
only fifty or sixt y voic-es, in place of t he t hree
hundred adv-ert ised 1t is a mstriking fauct that
the mlajority of the people pay no iattettion
to the cereiaonies, ialihough they ni-e suppos..
e~d to be (lie nitrmactioni. Out. of thie twelv'e
thou:mand socliers i in Yorkiowna to daly niot (one
hu ndred, otilIsh t e of Ile r'egiila cii nyi ofli crs,
wei' re pesent durin g the icere-nitonies, and large
umih'-rs oft civic gliests from nallie St-'itos
ciiould be8~( see walking r <hi isn oru the Miur
rinin-:i1 'ou trly, examiiin th le litis hxiiat
eriesi and sur veyin iheI A prmesent ecamillpment
of (lie trioo)ps. Thle cee-no ies neei -c(( tolong,
and ihe leople get. ured of them n and leave he
tore Ihey aire half over. Thlere is ai good .i--al
of e xclusivyen ess abou th(le cereinion ies-,an I lie
sets aire closely guar-ded for thle favored oiie
with t icke-ts. Ausde . from a lar-ge display of
piolicemien, hiowevec , to keep back (lie crowd
thfe arruangemnents no e ve 'y corii on and coin,
sist merely of a heeigOeit d pcit in, tnn am,~
puhit heatrie of seats and lii sma'l50: woodeiini sil
covere i with flags. I have seen Hamiiptoni
speak froim tiwentyl stan11dM in Souihi Carol ina
whIic oulvo d hr~ow tv he onte hero in thle shade
both nas to size andl tastefuli decoiration. When
it is conisidered that. the Chief Maigistrat e of
(lie United St at es anad t heo represeimat ives from
(i t of the greates Eur ~i!opeani coltries we..e
invi ted to) speaik fro athat stanad to day it is
enoi uigh toi ials ci. nc Amiciujan blmh.ia
At the Gott n~(Caroliina enlcapmienit to d-ty
eveiy ihinig 1)assed offli I cwihotispecia inliciin.
T1he iiien slejt ial1 n2ight andi no0 sick are r
poted~i. This miorinig thley haud stowed oys
(trs hoiciinly, hacona aiid ih-ef wi ih coffee.
The arrani lgelienits for gettIinig t he men thir
meals have been greatly impr~uoved since yes
t erday. A (letamii of fouri mleni fronti each comai
pany receivedl thle foodi for their respec
Live comiipaanies from t ho cat erer in bulk at111
suerv-e it up in tins, This~ saved loag and
weary~ waiting. 'IThie men still have to hol
thir; plates ini t heir haiidi, and will probably
have to cent inue to do so as there "lemas no
.-banuce of gettIing iany huiber to construct
abdes. Thae officers of thle bat talion and thle
:flicers of' thle comnpan ies wer'e intvit ed to (lie
beadqu iarterti of thle 1 3th New York Regiment
his miornuing and were Ihandsoinioly treated.
'hue Miebigen troo'c and the Marylanrd troops
have also extend~eJ many courieLHIs. Lieiu .
Vodges, of the 5th Artiller-y, who is well
knowni in Charlestonl, called onthi (lsouth
I carohniia troops (o daiy in companlity Wit h Col.
Lodler, who is in comminaid of F'oitraess Mon.
roe,~ i le 4ILieutenuanit Vodgen 10 now station
ed. '1hiey wer'e received warmay and extendted
earniest inivitati in to ouri tr'oops to come Over
to thieir- headquJarterst anid make themselves ait
Thet Chiathiam Artillery is thn onlhy Georgia
company present, and (lhe only ones which will
be hiere. They are loated hnext to te South
Cmiolina troops to the East, and are niey
hfued. Governci- Comitta d .,. d s ,a 7
-ited And some of his staff will WOupy tents
n the Ohoamnpment. The Chathams a6 noon
o day tired a saluteof one hundred gunh from
wo brass pieces captured from Cornwallis one
iundred years ago to day, and prosented to
his corps by Gener.l. Washington in 1797.
rho guns have been in the pos.ses8sion of the 4
llathanms for ninety years, and are the dentre
> attraction.
Thp South Carolina troops had a fill dress
parde st 4 e'clock this afternoon on this t.
rado ground near the encampment. They
were reviewed by Col. Thompson and Adju
tant General Manigaull, and presented a
splendid appearanco. It is no boasting spir
it that it it said that the South Carolidit troops
have attracted more notice anl1 received more
complimenitn for thtit appearance atid sol
dlierly bearing than any . reginent on tihe
The troops hnve stfferel giatly from
thieves, and General flancock hn-s iss9ued a
opedial order fo'i sireet gitard dity to be per
foriied at tht reg imenttal q inrt ers.
ilatindol ph 1lisbrow. or Trientoi, N 3 , had
both narl:s lowin oIl by fihe premaldre dis
charge of a cuinoai while preparing to lire a
saltiie to (overnor Lotllow.
La't night. one of the 13th Regiment. of
New Vork caught a mail in his tent trying to
te1l his overcoa' t. 1d 1 h or him in 11he leg...
.1. K. B. in tie Ncwis ando (ouriet'.
Another Ravishcr Lynched.
Tho Cimrlotto Observer of thu 18(h
hiint.. pub!islies the lollowing story of
tho ly nch ing of a n0egC rofoi anI Outra
(1otis ass1au1lt upon i a whito lady in
Unionl County, N. C
About twelve and ono-half miles
from Mon rioe, one Mile from the Sout1h
Carolina line, in Union County, N. C.,
lived an aied widow, M'rs. Gs'odfrey,
with h r daut *!;hter ian( a sniall negro
boy as a servant. A bout, two o'clock
Sunday m1orniin, Alt. Godfrey was 1
awakened by the smotheored Cries of
her dalighter who silept inl afl adfjoining d
room I. She w ked the boy anld Pent,
him for a to th 'louso of a
1e1ro m1ahn Who lived abott ono hun- e
dred yards away. Sho was old and A
holplos;4, and he1r nI.'onitzing fforts and
realizaition of' her helplesntt)oss (irinu
tle fiftieon minutes whch lipsod jo I
fore th) boy rettiried vith the mn11 i
C.anl only% ho imagl~inedl.
T he 111111 pro()Cee dedi at onco to strikO
a light, but before this eould bo (On
soe one ran ocross the floor and es
:lel inl the lid(-kness.
A lighbt, was ainde and MlissGodfroy
ws foind in a dos-perato stato. Sho
In hc' Ie'n out iretd and the prints of
h :i 1s 1pon her tI ront shto wed I at
h1e' htu 1 e choked into si1llc. Sh10
Up:sro te fl.o wer. foun a:11 s
The( inuti k a sidentifXCld by ami ne~o
manli ''uiu in t ihoroo as ici one1 het
Iro whoa~v had s ued fathisi thouse s (li
I rtay igh ndhd et nth ir
I tin osf. i.e iii. God tre-', deiht -injrth at
heut, wa ling toasu aVteunltcueb in lann
Edmundick h~nwvsma ex oafvie, te t.
Loti Peitentiar ly ix mnths. Oldi
Altir ly oftct tmen from wa-gors~
her Ilouud if thec difronyf s
< lureof whte DIIai ad and i. gumaih
all. iis o n towy orion~ thi
uiai' t ne him b-toI cmio 1'c(o it sn
mucano kin t ego tain in Lan." A
da beor a ~d ni the, ghord,.reds
himi i befortaking (iindfroey,1i but, tm
biye to idnreiy im, aro theo room~
wr the rn wasol om tinuy~ warh r
-nir 1 )ly n o <hirk. tle ientifentl on of: V
Whe tik i owe wa s itCC 'IIKIOncene , toi 1
to~ pront. lThe hammler, fond by 8.h0 a
f'lor hadbeenf make fromg a crwagon
soar thei hou 1of the horey's
he~ twistned wa comitod tlo tho %
3hargoi of a ong theabo and ae~ guar ,
i. Whilbst, o the~i oa to prion thf
nego cotosed to;vi i(crio ad it soone
bCcam)Ol knownty udif n to hispopo A ut
itilynchidht 'iung patfo o hund nd en v
pameg of thaki the ror in f
iity' tionlie, hid him bfrnmteb ift
Durcoc ingthon whlaiol Sunday i nte
iil th mob mad ~o fr the cncaofd rlv
cie, who was o forn aot minyhg
whlen th, ws at, onannoned thatva
heu wtoud dbelnced, atnd hiy 8.30l
li men aoutil00 oftio whom wort
ention. iA abong3 the1' rowd wor, somo
VOinof thebes ci~tion ofie th a or.no
Unnvuand,~ oers from Lnastoihtrn
ry loack and brltuit , oon negro. Hon .(I
seeod entilrely woniront ooto hi fato g
rboulossed. Whoimo d iotrew nf n srv
I)nd said hoemwa. wiet bos ihttaged.
Somo Ie fouriedthea ksic dhefirod ares,
sitd taed bos0l ebreb a
1)o'loc het wcas agod pw ithinf' onie
ain d hr miles of dollscoo of th
when te crwd satficod thae wst ;
uite d a, disporomovng hi ordill c
MpidsinGor tho victm ofi.h outic
rao.i aout35 yoars pAoagy bnd ak
3ctd ao rcoloredi woman o cu in the
sud scpe.
mmmynENV nJA, S c
Grand Gala Day
Greatte~st of all the
reat rorepaugh Show
Will exhiit. alternoon and evening at
ow ina1king its 17th annual tour with the
first, the only great herd of
'0 Performing Elophants 20
1400 ILD '1EA1 s' ,
Id inl the Great CIlRCUS in TWO RNGS
2 Trained Stallions 22
n4 I two cola circus cou inUics, giving a
ifMorent performance in h ring. One price
id ticket to all. Cominig witi
I ,('Po Mtenv anod Ho14-ews
Special Railway Trains 3
11 owned by t lie show. It hn no equals, no
rivals, exhibits tlie wondlerful act of
Eiring; t. Iff isin.ana Re4.gag fgeoig
(ANNN Loaded witih powdev. Z U IL,
le famois French eqioilibrisis, vides a 11.
Ns N N;. -
. iI \ -
f\,; .
P"P"'None Sea .i o, and~
ud ?EC~ b .*ll't:; 1 *. mig
l( L8E, ini a separat e ring. Thei Great,
Aeogeous Street Procesionu
wvon Iy E !ephan:1 tsi, a mii 1 of Cha:rioats, hun.,
redls et Horse andt: 222lon ies ti 1h le b)mifit
riettal pauge*1.i .ir l,.\ LI \ M )UI E Pui: lI'IT
e'2)1 ,onsi m.,li/.l H IlW-ie (can lie seen2 e~very
xh&11iulon day, :N about :,'n ielo,2k in. theii
t'1Ir'Inc hetI' one.1i a m. H' .V" *. Admhis
Oct'.'s, 1881 7 I
So (10) WO.
----0 --
~'. . SM IT H & CO.,
E I W ITil A NNOUNCIE TO Trii lR friends
iil the pnblic thut they have seccu red t he
rge andi co-nmodoionzs U1Tt RE known i as5 the
(LCO.\lil ('OlINEl:. wh'lere they wil be
ienasedt to serve everyhbody wh hvii F I U ST C I.ASS
toO I $ it reasotnnh lto priiuts . We hnv linst 1
sturne 1fr iomi ma121rke wh.ee we puio va rchas'.dC4 a
di stock ofl issonale (o2ds, incluing
.nrn ishinlg (oods, F ancy (Goods, lints, Uoots,
nioes, Con feotionaries, li ard ware, F'ari'ntg
1' plemnts, U "oceriosi. :indi (G enerali ilerchan..
ise, and1( we ocan unafely assiiert thaLt, these0
oods arnd Prices wil comparei fav~orably with
ioso of any lloise in the up county.
We men to sell Goods,. Coi~m an see t he
argains in Shioes, TobaIcco, &o. lin't. fal
exaine1( our (Goodsl beforo mnakinig your
urchasesa, for we bny and sell for cash, and
in guarantee bargains in our new andl fresh~
oods. Bo sureo to call. Yours respectfully,
lMU. J. MMiTH'i & Co.,
EaMley, ts. C,
oct27, 1881 8 3
Orchard Grass See
White Clover Seed.
P U T T Y, &C.,
The Greenville Drug, Seed
and Paint. Store.
Oct I, 1881 4
A ,L, personia having chims ngainst the
I o lily of' 'iek ens, are herchy notifiied
to4 file the e ir' 11-0 otli'O of, the aitnn y
;:n;::ior .n, on or liorc t ho I Jt day of
Novensbe r.
By order of tlie Board.
ork Board County Cuia'rs.
6 1, 1881 4 4
New Advertisements.
Icst MItlhoist Paper '1in
the World !
Bt ight. Indc pendeni"Religious1
and Coniser'ative,
The Methodist
thl~ishmcd W~ieekly :tt ( li Mitay
No other' pae of itsi size~ 'ai. cha rnueter Mgo
che(aMp. -20 to 24 p..ges ini eOch uitainber,
auid air ly
Thoseia'~a sub-ciin i at i al paying N I ) for
' uib re(ceiv the piar1'per for thle rest of tii
.\n'.i'.ia:l bay aoi nable ,i:'o co e a v iia sor' .
A pi~l iciaionb.
NA in so:iling~ finl-;i for subls'cripatiins
or ,*~i' l eier' I .viie. '
Good1 'aaYnts('r w-uti ev''rywi.,me. to
whom41 i .. i PC'I the hghes o tll hi c .on lnl&~ on aii be~
M- W. IDOLJf4AS, uvb'hcr
No 15 Murrauy 8t.. New York.
Ilis onesmly life and onreer as soldier and st ates
mani; his election and admninistration; his as
95HMitatn;h 11 hiberoic tggl frlie.wn
derfs'ul riedicial reat InentIi bloo-l poisoning;
!'n* v l o a)L Elberon; da] ' th, etc. Priofliusely
ill iimi ri'tead. S piend ial portra2lit oft (G arfiebt , hiis
wie Ia' tl 11notheir; scenie of I he sihootin g: lihe
i'ick calamnber: (;iena. u in hsis coil; limo suir
geonsaii, :tn.' h' t'inir I. Tiin- (only conslete
fialnd iah'' u work. Th'Iere is a tmortune for'
gentts firsti ilah fiaehl wiuth this booak. Onitit
90OC. Spaak cai thk. A' hiress~ 11 U 1il IA RD
Will oulse'll aull his previous works, nnd~ oil'ers
y ou u lhe best chanie of your li fe to make iioney
raipidlly. ()d atzgenats will nct prompt):ly, anud
secutre choice territory, anid we indvise you
10 do the same1. Oul fis nlow read~y. BendI at
>nce for ci rculaItrs :ad terms to
DOUG L.\88 BRO$.. Pubs., Phila., Pa.
A~ completoe, faithiful
aiut ory fre rm e'ndle lo grnve, by the0 em)inent
)ioagraphelr, (Col. Conwelli . initrodutionl bpy
Il in Exicellenlcy, John I). Long. GJovernor Of'
\lssa~chusiet t .s. hooks all ready f'or deli v
iy. At n legan it ly illutI r'a t ed vol itno. E-.
Iotrsedl edition1. Lib eral termiis. A gentIs I ako
>rdlerS for from 20) to 60 copies daily. Ot
uells ainy other hook ten to one. Ageuits never
unde(1 moneity so fatt4,. 'IThe book sells it.4olfC.
t'xperieince not necessary. Faiilure unknowni.
All make imnmense profitls. Private terms free
JROHO TINON & CO., Portand, Maimne.
Also A~R mauth. AI1EXPE NES
a WA3E prowuptl paid. .AN
1 VORCES cheaply, withbout publicity
17 desertion, nlon--suipport, lintemiperance-...
Por parties in any State. Advice antd circut
Ins for stamp. Address COUTNsKLLORL BALn
YiN, 287 Broaway, New York.
'~ 7 7 o agents. Out fit~ Free. A d,
dress P. 0. V ICK E R Y,
Augusta, Maine.
Newspapper AdIvertising Jhur'aru i 18 pruce
street, New York
oct. 20, 1881 6 4
iAr1' ORGAN8 18 uiseful stops, 6 setsa
reeds only $06. Pianos, *125
ip.g~gjIllust rated ('at alog. Free Address
B'lATT '1IT Wingo:.. J
Fall and Winter Goods '
Reliable Goods!
No Tr'ouble to Show Ooods,
Atig 25, 1881 50
For All.4
ll poor ae well as the rich, the oi.l at
weas ihe yeimg, (he wife as well ad
!lhe bus181~hil. th yon mi as well-as the
boy, many just an well warn a f'w d.,hiars in
hont'it emp jloymema, 'as I o sit aramij~e the lkon..
ami11 Wait for* ot hera Lo eneni ii fw- lthem. W..
cans give y,,n emp~aley 'ment. aill I he t ime- or'
LIlrn:: ynmar tspare hou~mrs only; traveli ng. or'
in younr own neighboarho~od, ammag yemu'
frcindl nnd a cqvsamintan~ceN. Ifta do31 notfl
u'are foar etnmpioy aient. ve enn im npart ralnable
nelrormatie lin In you free of cab:.t. it w; ll e1e
youl only oan. centI for a la a rdl to wri1e
fier eur P'rosp'ect t., and il ay b-- Klhe neaa'e'
of making yon a geoad iiaany aelohP.,e..
Di lnot aaeglect thiani ojppuremiiI'y. Ten de'
niot have tin hveai n Iarge '~1 so I~oflonY a
runa g raeat risk ot iaos ing ii. f a.a * i'l N'~'-'
Iy sees tbI' it will he ano eAny mttel go ma'aer
fromu $10) to $1004 a week, andi e'.alhish a la. 4
CratiVe andl ind'epenaaeleit buineiI~as, hee-abie
sraightforawardI an-4 profisble. Attend so
tlhis ma l1I er nlow. for tihe-re in m.,in ey in it .'orl
whonr enaga&ge wjlin b n We will supr'se pasa
nici you will, w-.l.er' hh'y you gever- wrote te
ian beftoro. We !-ia I ,i partIienItr t. e..
'tieae.' l'th l i K y, 'Ca Ct.,
( Na' a ~pa pen. J Marion, Ohi...
aept 22, IX~$I ' 2 ?w' ,
Paroon' Pfefwge d P, i~a-ko New itIleW
Itlood, anid will comnpleteiy change- te blood. in
tho en fire svatem I u th ree mon th q. A nv pors.*
'who will take I pill each night- from I to 12 woere
buny be rostored to ooundalth i f andh a a
be yossible. Rent byjnfllfor 8"Itter sape.*
-eOfllaOY __., aosses, Zeu
feorryRvvnger, ae,
US ninutes It wilR also knIt a great vade~t7 .1am~
work for wbtoh there Is alwae a foady market. Sed
for circular and terma to the 'wauebt y Kitig
Machin, C.. 4Q WashiligtonK Iot., etnMaas.4
PgegKg as (I. II.. AR. U., A ug. 26. 1881.
Nneenran~ce witha thle suppy liill a
Iproved De)cemiber 44th, 1880), notice iw
dereby given that this 'ofice will be open for ~
he collect ion of (axes.
Thuarsd ay, Sieptemnber U5,
ird will remain opemn unt il Octobecr 31st. Thu
ate pr~ cent um of taxes is aas follows:
8Bae purposecsn, 6 miia
Counuty parposes, 8 mills
itolirorad Taz, 8 mills
Robool Tax, 2 miiis
F'ence Tax,}mi
P~oll Tax, $S1 00. jmi
For tihe conveniencie of taxpayers I wilt -
rt tend at. thue following phreoes:
Coenteno, Tuesdlay ande Wedlnesday, October
1.1iberty, Thiuray,0t 05i tober.
Enisiey, Frida~y anda Saludn~y, 7th and 8t~i'
Dect ober.
Unousviile, Monday nnd Tuesaday, 10th ue
hi ih, Octobe.r.
Puaimpkintowng, Wednteday, 1 2g h October,
A ikens 8 -ore, Thaur-uy, l'3thI October.
kinig's store, Fridlay, l4thI October.
Ii inreiienne, antutrda~y. 157h IiOcto.ltr.
And11 for ha ahnce of ~imgo in myI ofleeo at the
Tax payers sill pleas~e aitend at thie oppoint.
nts by7 8 o'clock P' MI
ha all oases where the May Installment ha.
'ot becen paid a
P'analty of Fit'e Per -Ocat,
viil be added to 51aid Insgallmvent.
All taxes remaining unrpaid on the first day
>f Novemaber will Incur a
P'easalty of Fif teesa Per Ceset.
mnd will bo colected by disress' or otherwise
intil 15th of Novemnber: 'after that date the
)ouanty Treasurer will proceed to colleet by
evy andt salo as paro3vidqdhby law.
Tfaxes are pnyanble ini' he following kind o f
utads and no oflher:
Gold andl 8ilver Coin.
U'nited 8tames Currency,
Nationnl Bank Notes,
Anid for County Tazos .iurj ~ed inJ
sept 1'n~ rea:Wr P'ilfens gognty.

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