OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, January 21, 1892, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1892-01-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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S C. U., s. C.
r ,. B0G.,% 1gitor and Proprietor.
Fo sitl)ser'i ption,$1 .5() wr aiininm
striI ly in1 :we; for six monthIv,, 75c.
Adve(~ri ism ;i 4 Ninserted at one dollal
lw ilc - I-I 111m chor-less"for the fir.-t
J -. 1 * l ti.:ly cents for each subse I
gL LIberal discount nimle z
1o m !l hn :%nd othersadvertising for
: it by tile vear.
r - * . -' AD)VIElTISEME1NTlS
' rN (t lees execedimt fiveline,
TI b'I o l(espect, "oiiumiration
t . r.i licharacter, whiei admnissa
blt iw I bvclhraed for as advertisenes.
'1T'slDAY, JAN. 21, 1892.
in. :o~uwr eaimn will be found a list of
p r 1't4.:[ .1 by Governor Tillimn to
the i 14.r.efIld county for taxation
Jt . lat this time to study his te
turr -de man that Poses i an ad
o ing out the law to the retter
jf-tax3e. We invite a enre
al study of the figures and
!i-.. i... vith the doctrine by Gover
- T n c if lie practices what lie
I '. first pluec he returns six
$730. an uverage of $ 1(W.73
to presume that the Gover
-Ah . grade cattle, for as an
S - dOCs, le recently sold to
.c - asylum twelve of these
average of &36.83 each.
zime during last October
- i Governor Tilliman me in
t Nitty Six, said to be a
I" in which it is aid thm'
u ight from thie Governr
Now (OCS anyboy believe
; Illagistrate (if IoItI Cano!iva
d of fiftecii of li.- cows to)
St ir the pitiful Sim (if -10.7:
k the diff'eence thAt we filld
i hlc of the (oveurior's .t.
t what hie IIay IS t:IXCe oin"
s themi ffor $3(. 3 ach
U t z:, them at t' 10.73 each, or
* sells them fli $-.;.10
or 1b returns them to the ai
uit,-r . - Governor say' that ithe
COWs lie h:-l. supps'
Ih' e retiurl to the audit'i
o hllng like hl s muclh
Ib- We doll't think fitm
;r y3 vere and inl fact tic
Ale ow-Z flhal th.ey wer.
i. T 'lted th;t the lover
pay taxes onl iihe0A
t w ;3 each, the price Ie
1 what was the rating
h i:: -Ax were rturne1'1icd at?
-i i:ere is hardly a scruh
o etiurned for so little :v,
tit. 1 n fifty-six line cows Owu1
C *' of this State beinl re
t u ; 5. 13 cach. ..More A' i
are 1,875 nere:; o1 la:o:
a11- Of .4 11cr'er.
Lit,! aimlotiit. One 1'.milr-d
med at I.*I eh. i:
I N~a they are nor thI? A\
y' mantt or (other person
~of his, her ir thir
pa te, is req1uiredc by) law
rin its follows:
.............. .....di so.(lilv
r ecd above atll thie ri
rey, oneys,I i crei ts
indbit-idimai invest
iin el .: *tTlma ae-i
liri,I ~ ' ''~ C( n inh'r I flue, law toi
Da~ IIii'' l.eanagers, h111bier ''rin
liardiae. tre Ittre, ie
tune ii'. O ey the f'naxct vn the' o.f
* ' nlaws to this itt, a,
I ~~~the samei'y: a41 what mii
tl' ''' i i e the mar l:et hy am!,
1' ' ' isht li ra t f mn hed tyin 'i
itor, fis h re and( f(:t.hfuh
Then '''lis.r Thema mad hti's rei
inrs l-:ctrid ner th.le law'o:m to
m:u toa eJ nteieith abovetlIa autd
Au b he talme, thepies hie re
he' o the rpetye r)t'urned
I 'iiiwoth mAre il~thancu whah
ret' , i f he beOhlieved that Liif
they nt the mre ithey4ul( wtloi',
brt3in whti be rturnei lithemz
f')e:.. e vter ainay l any tth?inte
lea'. Io'c 'i c md for iedos no. t ir:t
ii'50111104 (. 'h cst T Goverknor's ti
t4 ~ !' i'e0:bouttit120, whr eas, )lif
ri It hi?ifi cr i e that ce avoates, o
wen iI e' n- assessmhenat woul of atc
-n. i ..i'i t o tal ise bet heo-d
ab'eni of the lfp'ste Democtl~(ic
Eam:eni it'!;it' ite. Allt tatg itan the
:Oni4d ni', t li' f,. suchimoetone ~s io
ftlin(e I h:e.~4' setheo rs comn y en
'ib iut a )pf dutye 1to Iper forms if.
an'udor!lmit wba-. 'calla thas clnedto
fit .i i t bt;' 'ond b fo rcsicfions
si b ~t0ii ii'te ayt hve teptedli
u. hi on li 10. ofn hif itrt choos, un.
akeIo~ ie t i'(lleeIad alt r. ultes If i
rt$ids h(tYfore aa:i.,,o. o. coner.imon orit
ed. 9 EMMy nu t 1.cllz~ thedneto
veto.-h".bendn, n h
Caliounl is on the railro:ml. Tac railroad C
'not oil Callimn. It is a ncv town four
tiles west of Ceitra!. It is al ideal site ~
or a village of live or six hundred hiliab
*Ants. It Is three-fourths of a mile front
imon College, and is (lie (pot filr that
istitution. Mr. B. .1. Motz I. the polite
td i accuminoditing ag!enlt. lie i:s now Co
ily (tone up in a bvx car, but bvfore inany
aya the new anid elegant depit buildint
n IC
Vill be coillphetd. Then it will be as nie
,Ind as corOortnble a phace a; there i. on
he line. When this building is completed
'lali lhu Will at once becume a tclegraphic i
tationuand have the drop on I Pen dienton
'or the Clunson College business.
Mr. W. 11. Iester has finished up a neat
mnd coiminodious store house from which he
ins commenced the sale of goods, and the
Jusiness outlook for him is right encour
Iging. IIe vill also soon have coiplteil, a
ivery and feed stable, a int itl lipeibahle
titachinent for every town.
111r. Jerre Payne, we. helieve, lpit 'tilp the
hist. storehouse in tl plaee. Til.s is oc
enpied by Mr. WY. 11. Crawfford, who can
to Cailioun fron near Anlerson. Ile counes
well reucomlinelneild 111(l aN ill p %hr a viuable
6liz ien i hieliing to buil( up the new
town. Alr. M.yle hai al o erako -'( two
nicec" coinll ble Iw"lliin" I ol ne; 11. of
wLiCi is oCCnpiedil bV hiinseI and1141 the Other
by Mr. W. II. Cntfol.
Mir. Jaies D)iiard owns" and1 (perates tihe
only.sl> I-svhop in the placo -.id the town
Mid tlie ihborlwhood giye hitm all ti,e eilti
ing and iinking Ie Can do).
Mir. Jolm Fennell ait Mr. J. V. Coch.
ranarees.h le in d-i lings for tilh, re:
SpecOivefT niis If thel wethr 'illpr
wnit they will won h!ave che pl ek.di le.
Thel lih:lils I-f the lown V. ill take inl two
,It . thl places, till ,lames W . Crawfrid
pha'e, where Mr. Urcatt iv Iiv"es. ma.l Mr.
Jiml T. lls!pace. Thle Failli',l po.st
00"Icc i:n kcpt :at I'l!h llclte's phicv :oMs no
1.al1 am110111t Of II;il IMItt01r iS mtdd
each <lay.
(tiI.' I iis til:e ii litle 4 to w il, aII l its
LVICwinl MC.ith L a1 po la n %N:ilS' o
ath I .:Iy huhlied l ih: the L the s
(If !w% 1'yl . Thus I irlo w; , t ill crive
I -t nt r ( - 1e it r.>m (' - -I n ( I1 '4 ih-(.t
Ih. iL aw - i, I II i I - Ii1 h Nt i;h I I-f t he
'e I lst i 's p w vie t i ! ,(t in
he 1" i !tgi i ill S oon l h L ai' I St at(' I'odt
I n ah-liedt fniaF r , lil troe iL 'ndh-iton
Stolue cilizcns of Calhoi n compiln that
thi., i al '16j st i i Illati itll nst their
t'wn m bikh w ahiill oI a. .d111 l (Ih for
th1 Ill !' til' h i nlii nti ion. I i'i ::k
thie worik .Anmll" h iii - ( tw I .n 1
highlway to Ih( tn lm.ib ti'I is ly
w hile 'i1 leltille t I .i1 es away. Tlit.
ittn t-r it v I tta1k wlirkm-kw:a S by .!mo ex -
teinhng~~~~ Ih V)at reao(nhn. Thw
IlS t'0 i f il te b . 'ifi : cAvlli. r '
lil ho u hav 1 1og to li, idh:ii, b, e I: N
whe 1% ):,1 a:tb> : t an ex nt to
C 11,14:i . I
A,i: iiiix ll s n,il v:ii ::,1 J -ar more (-i -
4llt t oat :1 'T ittI. ctAI l ba:, wt en 111jt. jil
t-toplpin;'. w tilonl hle v4plic l mih"i In:I, or
th:0rwin.ihrn il. th:, a.pilpri:ni.)n o)f
,* n ) ilh.-I t h:lt( be6 1 w stpptid
is pr , hl la ta 114n: th::n thi :a n
wiii h l't t tI' he Stab- in dhni. to the
i nIII I, led :md othar inovilabe
'"1:11atte ding I, ullh <!lay.
Tirm f , b 1n i im i; 'U h i : T 3 n. 'n..: )
t ' , ' t he ir:vinm ,l :- : l 1 n li b..
COl co. Ol i of ielt .n 'i y i. ' Iilt: d -
eatthepro et gra.a l'a a-s prhe 7..,i
teo'n @e o n e e.::: *s ir.. i 'i oi.':o,.,
Miscell&aneouN MIscellany.
It costs ia dollar a 11.imiLe to talk by tel.
phone froni London to Pari.
"6oIetliing that should be looked into"
-a tiroscope.-Wshington Star.
Economy if; no dis-mrace; it is better liv.
ig on a lit tle than outliving a great deal.
llippy is he who speaks little, for words
eget avcifcieits, gloom illd interior trouble.
To manke a sicecesful tour through this
ife we niit beware of taking the wrong
Thile libral man who eats and bestows is
letter than the pious inai who fasts and
A lite of steanmshiips has contracted to
-arry the imails betwceen England and Can
%ia in five days.
When a man is not very bright, it seens
i hardship to leave him to his own reflec
don.-N. 0. Picapune.
Setting a broken neck is a great fcat of
surgery. 1till it doesn't quite come i) to
putting a head on iL 1nan.-Boston Herald.
ihe larest of the new styles of postal
a rds is big limou"'lh forl. a itsI1onably long
letter. It costs tibt one cent., and you can
senil it to Aluska free of cost. That beats
IeNnly poStageV.
Thie lse of the bridal ,-veil originated in
the civitoik of perforinIthg the u ptial cer
emI y inder a Stliarle( I lce of cloth lheld
bet-wet I the bride and brid rroom to con
C(Ial tihe blusies of the former.
"Alr. Blight," tsald tlle landlaily to the
new boardr, "if yoli have finished your
I ner. pIleSe l(eave the table." "I have
tin iitiilni' of taking it with fine "growl.
td Mr. l>!ight.-Detroit Free PTes3.
A'-ixhage says that aill the linen for
l'iince.s Victor 1la 1's "trousers" will
cometile from .ireland. Tle proo4-reider
SI b11141 1 te sent to IDN ighit, firl no fair younIg
b:iitie ein st and it to have a trousseau con
vertlt'd int) trouseris.
']The oil(id <imestiol as to whetleir the ip
pi-r pa:of adi carr-ia-e whecel inl motion
Iom"ve faster tha.1in i t e , ver part seenis to
hivi c i eti it ely setth-d by inst inixe
cl-'s pitgrphIly, wdlich showms the top
s in>ks indlii thllet, thto boottoml car cuit anld
Jedge Waxem svs: "I ain't nvver b)een
Itle to umssrstand et-ly why a 11111
s.'- h.e kin itnxiki $,i 1 v yere in his biz
I in . iS MI aNI to git a :. 2,11 -9 gov
ernaet ob. rap (3.Wasinglton never
tILd a lic, lut liwal (eor-ge had a way of
ki:cplt' hI mw'1o shut."
I Icre is the imtlo. r'eidt. Cnilict of laws.
D 'lity Alar:-lals II. J. Lewis anl Joel It.
(iriliI wel' provited with a itenh 10 wrrait
fromt he U. S. ckurt for tlie bodvy( of one
Geowl.;e .Bl)!(-mlhv, who ha.d .1timped hlis
1ml and tIed 1l 0 N(rthi ( al.. Thme
It iard 4 t hii 141 Sent I llitt
forI lJV:1. Thleyv 111111 himl in '111f 1.binle
uI' t-i h txeiv ou t at Itvar,i ILt tA 11
day, rIted hlim : di d az-irotS tile
(-mitails with I(the pr Thi o V;er
pulii' my ille sh-vriff ('ar!1 a P i ver
;ak'll :-:i c tu l. G.I!1i o1dY escapwd
tl- I-fillhe news, lli 'linho to co linut his
h 1in lit 113'i'tl t iies, a 1 L tewiscarried
-1 pri-- )I(. kibck lo lirevar.d, wNcice hie
will come by luave of thel- ctmrt.
0. 44mb * t: . . . . A.
TheI It. 01 D).'Wi'aiv.- Care of the plinlIf
I.rovr le !ichmid
it lidod lind almdie gf)(Pd un1til thet 3i t or
JanmarY, s!Q, by) whiiihi time the niew 1wr
wh!- w% itlit be s i ls an d in lhe hiands of ouir
ders.\W. A. Tt7ni. A. G. P. A.
?son & LOtm1in
ON LY $375.00
V(>1 TI''I IE SAM l' PIA NO.
tla In. I13' IN: x titt' I 92 t tlh lie int
t-lin. e xho 'lr:t ant4 I p r ,i'i vu h i-irti
Iro .i . (' I A 'tillhui41', 3 ih re,S t,ttou
Who hav bu it 11ne ilpiei t he t
liwt Iiof io I. YI u enn' ht pa tt l h 'e i mor
lt ! Iny'. l t. i. cu ly w<rb jg
ar m. ihmit tiaxtita y. \\''t fior Iat*
t. Ill II 'oer llts.11.
l'.Ii tmuent tx,ie.tt:I3
th ti I'1it (day IIf J: i IN :t2 to the of th
":ty of1 Febuar Ii 82 lt cive r-mecturnsIe
tl -.41a: *t;i- Isna p)Iiiro t-ylr fi' xxa'tionl int
litk n t O a:.tv forSS 1 ~-x thim-ea r (' It92. 1
T ,'tt'o titdi, :t it l ir h i t) pu tie s l e t
j-i htit ttlf of the lo h.w i ' prtinet fo toh ecive
r le tt i 1r 'atid ! y tear. ! ta~ i
Ai uih.xdi4U'4hiy. era .1 Co8tt.
A Very Festive Bird I
Hail to the festive turkey! We are with
him" every time. More especially are we
with him when he haIppens to be with us.
I k- is not in particularly good luck at this
particular season of the year. There is an
end to his pomposity, his strut, and his
Majesty; an end to his harn yard airs and
graces, mi end to his lordly dignity. Mis
fortues never come alone; it never rains
ht it pours. First. he loses his life and
then his feathers disappearl Fine even
without feathers, lie is finer with them, for
lie feathers make line birds. Fine you
may be in what you are weat mig now, but
finer you will be arrayed in one of our new
style lloiespunl 8uits.
Just received new novelties in holiday
groods. A good chance to please your fa
ther, brother or your friends. Call on us
when in our city.
m olw'or Olothl'ngHo !
Greenville. S. C.
Lude Anderson gives you a special invi
(1I(C1 71116
M13 U 12.
- FoR
3. Thirty. 30
THl IRTY D.AYS will tell
the tale.
TIhe fellowv who won't need
Shoes, Overcoats and Blankets
in the next thirty dlays wviii
hardly need them at*all.
I lowever, if he should need
suIch articles, he can get some
rare bargains in them.
Wem have a job lot of Shoes,
a few pair of a kind, that cost
has nothing to do wi&. They
are going to mo~ve out while
the peole need *a.
Also some Hats the same
way. Newv goods must take
their places.
W. T. MecFA LL.
~~d O
___-_______.____._______r _ 4
O 2,000 Memoratdui Books! U
A Glet One. G
N Try Us on Tobacco. S
B Are your Wi1ows Broken Out? T
R We Can Fill Tem. 0
The Finest Prescription Drugs R
S in the City. E
Carriages, Buggies and Wagons,
Diurini the months of
October, November and December,
Carriagcs, Buggies and Vagons.
The Greenville Coach Factory,
H. C. MARKLEY, Proprietor.
U. W. SINRINE1, Sprnedn-a3y
1,000 BUSHELS Grazing Oats.
(Ar-eenville, M. C.
'.b V:rou '. h, I -ractical J ri: tion
s -e G~oi: ruh s as,iste-I to>iA ins
.~5 9 . . '-Cataloguei free. W rite to
& : Webster's Unabridged
Bureaus $5.00. I)! TI NARY
Ey specal alrrangemen'Tt with the~ publishi
Redsteads, 81 .23. ce. we arei a1ble to (intaOin a numiber of the
aotsve boo4 k, and propose to furnish a copy
Cli airs, 40 Cents. t",eae1i "f' " tl""Cridn's. .
ci* hI me, SChool an d busi ness house. It, fills
S,ales, 82.00. a vacancy, and furnishes hnowledge which
not one hiund)re( dliter vo0lumesi of the
Suis o 1 Pice,81.5 chsn Cl,4oLIoks eould supplly. Tounig andt
Suit of1 ()Lbices, 'Ol, Eduented and Ignorant, Rich aind
Parlor Sutits, PlsIisl i'""r- "hi""ll "'ave it within reach, and1( re
r 1i' - -,u'~ 3~~I IIr to its conitents every dlay In t he year.
I'llllllel, $800. somec have asked if this Is really
the (Orgintal Webster's Unabridged D iction..
Collins and14 Caskets at '".w aeal to stale that wehiave~ learn
anytiliC,(la oriiirld irec fro the publishers the fact, that
till fiie,dityor liglt. thisis he etywork comiplete on which
about forty of the best yea of the au
Ptisl thie buittoin oin o1 t' thor's life were so well emnploye*d In writ
Iollt dloor alud 70111' ei1,} I $itIIt I O)(I w(ords i e lii th oree
will he allsWer'ed i1111111001- spielling, deivat ion anid lefi intution of sm
ranId is I le regular standard size, cont taittni
ftl. eab out 8eo.000 iiiniaro inlhes oftl printedi siuf
r af"ce, niul is in'nnl in cloth, half Inuorocco
<v)' i c( UrJili trher notiec we will fu rish this
~ tO vahl ili D ictinay
A1~Tmr7TTd, To ttny utheritber now in arre-.trswh
till u to .ian. Ist next, at, tie following
:3 and14 6;5 Ma~In M. pneies. viz/:bc
Full Cloth bound, gilt side [nd back
(i IIEEN VI LLE, S.* O.* stampts, mairblied edges, 9e
Ihlidf Mlrocco bioundt, gilt a-ide rand back
8YT (IiOTephon . 04 and 88. stampi;s, inairbled edges, $;1. 15.
e isii OFF IN L STT II'iilN T ee p bouind, leather label, inarbled
.N Ilhereb y give notiee thant Iwill ap- elivered free from turofte. I:( i
Itly toJ .Nivhe4rry, JudgeofIrbte ubrirsaadiane ayhvte
for P iikenos county, S. C. , on th I I st, ay D)ict ionrily delivered by Specil~prepauid ex
Feb,ruary, 1 9-3. tior Ieavye to tmak e a fi nal press fo r 50(i ex ~tra,i
-vttliieent of the estate of WVillioin Free- As the publitsers limit thei tiime and( ntumt
man, d e;insd, andi ask( to be disiinissed h er oif books1( theiy will furieish att thle low
is ad auist rator. p rices, we adv ise aill wtho dire~ to alviil
.J. TI. L A N( S'TON, I tese 'ves of tis creat oppoui iity to at
jan5wi. A<hin aistrator. tendl to it at once.
A ferfect Ieie Witing 82haratr,
- Rernodeled and Iumproved.
SThe Best Standatrd Tvpe Writer in thie
T Worl.
~ ine.xpenisive, Portalei, No Inik 1 ibbloni,
Interchngale TIype in tall lanigouages,
7 aist to learn, and1( t:pid as any: .
J5.Li(Agents Wantedl Everywhere.
Warantnted as Rpl reseniteId. l:This Ma.
- chiin Is t'verybody's lariend, 1Vvery'h 1iy3
~~ 4~ig S shioutt ha:ve their wi it ing doi:e OinI n'Type
ri t always i nures thle miost prtomt
iddress N. TYP WRITER COMIPAN~Y. 611 Washington StL BOann1) 1k8,
Vritten at the Senti
nel ogice.
The railroad has not yet come to Pick
ms, but Pickelns is now in speaking dis.
ance of the railroad.
If you are in Easley or Pickens, and
visi to talk to anyone in the other town,
ust step to the "phone" nnd call the one
,ml want.
'Tlegrams promptly transmitted and
,orrectiess gua11r,1alnted.
All Ims-ages foir Pickens and vicinity
)rompt1y delivered.
Land. .Agrency!
Tht 11kens Land A geney now has for
sale the following desih:.blclands.
2311 aers on Gradel load to Pumpkin
lowl, 4 miles north of Pickens. On
hunllldred aces inl cult ivation; 2. acres best
welve Mile liver bottoin. Good cotton
Md grain land. One good dwelling and
me vood t emint house. Terms easy. Lib
-ral disouint. for all spot cash.
16,000 acres mountain land; good for
range, vineyards, orchards, cte. Fiucly
170 acres on waters of Saluda'river, 6
mile from Pleasant Grove ch; Ircl And
sehool ou:,e; 25 mtes lotirf land, 1
ivees hranch bmittom; oin pulblieron 1 well
wvat ied. Price .30) cash.
215 ares of lInd in 11Hurric:ane town
,Ihip near Dalloi: 45 acrve, in cultivation
hahmeiiie ini orig.inaol I orest abounding ini
the best pin ae tim il:vr; we'llI watered; price,
---,.. - om nouse; th goo
ttnant houses, well wautere d; woj s eli in
onle tract or' divide inito tralcts. eash,
balance on long timet at 8 perc
A desiralte half acreI lot, on in'f et.
and I'endletoni ave; $100. Alsq irablo
lot frout ing on) Bowenm street,;' $ B1es
bainiZuls ini tow%n.
6601 acres in Eastatno towflgp, noed
tenant b'co.~., i5 acres in cultliet on, bsJ
anee fine timber and grass; $1, ex long
'?.0 acres in Cen tral town,MI aerek
inoultivation, 40 acres fne pmpe,6 bal
ane in best, of timber; 2 m1 ;of rail
road station, i rnile of church cj~ihool;
'will be sold cheap and On ensyla
Lot No. 18, in the town gckens,
containing ft of an acre fronti 1 Main
street, east of D)r. .J. F. Wilit'
A good baraijn-10v neres ijgusville
timbier; I mile of chliurchi auntjr..dfo; dle
siralet neighbmorhiood. Prid0 ; easy
109 neres 4 miles west ,oKkens on
WaIh1alla roadi; leval ian1ji isi make
splendid tarin; ti imber is finaMust h
250 aces on Lit le E2astatqe 4acres ha
cul tivaitilonl. 10 aceres bot to t ereus ini
goodi pasture, good log lhons res fine
sa*'e grass, not feinced, a four
horses. This lace is well d and a
biarga:in at $500.
A d(sirable lot on Main M ickn
tonltallining I litre, good at 1(1 well
of goad wat er) onI premisc of theo
most1 valluale lots ini townm0
A farmn oft 2:18 neres 41'E we t of
I'iekeins; 30 aicres clearet r good
Iinnherit; w ell wat eied ek and
springiis; neair Conlcordl (hlii school
hzouse; desirable nieighibor l ic. $1,
123 acres northwe~~'st of ' (mill;
70 acres iln til tivt ion, 25i a in bottom
boud on ift een Aile Cr 5 'In a high
;taite of (iultivaition; good bt s5; fine
walte and111 a good orchard ,8 per
::eint.. timte, 3 year's.
A splend(1id i1arm1 0f 100 aer miles
north of Pickens~ on graded threeO
Lrodl teiniant. houses. GlU ncres In' ttr
'mf culti iration, 30 aercs best T 4iI"
bot .oin; does not ove'rflow ; hino sture o
10) acres, goodl fence, good wefwae
ini t wo go od springs. Will s >n eaisy
(lrms'. Price $1,800.
1 l0t acres near Cenitra'l withi as li
h iight staute of culiti vationi.,del
ng and1( ne(cessariy out, buildini
201) acres on Biig Crow Crc 5, acres
ii cul tivattin; 25 neres biest . land;
I8 acresR of it, ithIout, a ditelh bot tom
land not subhject, to overflow; " IlC of
m1ill and1( gio, one mile o00 and
lhurch. Priice. $2, 000;er -.
175 nleres neair PumpiiIkinut orIimal
Forest; 100) acres lies well iber line.
P'rice .'$350.
Also 400) acics inin tract
10 acre b ottoim iimimprove acres of
ract in (riginval t imber. 10
85 acres 2 miilesi sout f Crcss
Plains on waters of GIeorg 'k goed
Sititon land, one-half in forest;
huin timber; about 35 acres Iand ini
i high st ate of cul;iviation ; a'tter and
i(eessar'y bunildinigs; t erms
41 acres just, nourth of >InsR the
sop'rat e limits, all in cuil , 10 cres
>f the finest bottoii Ian building
aite. T1his is a good barig pro
ianlt ing a smalld farm ne Pico
r700J, hal f cash, balance in ir.
For ainy particulars wr 'ickenis

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