OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, January 25, 1894, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1894-01-25/ed-1/seq-5/

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A Queen Unto G d Fort vor-O:t F .bht4ned
Mothers Itcsting In ,i o< E isy, Com.
fortable 1eaven at 1 Wati1g atth PIAI
ace WIEdclw For their Lytvt O., .
BROOK iY N, Jan. 14.-This novel and
unique euhjce was presented by Dr.
Talmage this 1crenocn to the usual
throngs erowdinv the lar,,est Protestant
church im America. The coiwreLation
led-by organ and cirnet. Pang a gospel
hymn to the tune of "1IIom1e. Sweet
Home-''1 Text, Jud--cs v, 28, "The
mother of SisEAa !ocked out at a wu
Spiked to the ground of Javl's tent
lay the dead commnDIrder in chief of the
canaanitish host, Geeral Siscra, not
far from the river Kishon, which wac
only a dry bed of pcb los when in 1889,
in Palestine, we crose.] It, but the gul
lies and ravines Which ran iite) it indi
cated the possibility (f frcshets li- t1w
o0 at the time of 0-e t: x1.
General Sisera had g Ii:e i u, ww
900 iron chariot.1, but he w deh,a'.-1
and, his chiriot hvIeels interlockcd with
the wheels of other chari-)te, he con -
not retreat fnst, enoulh, :ud so lit
leaped to the -rcund ai l 1l fiI( x
hausled, he , ,t II to Jicl'l telO In
safety. She had iuti hcen ch
and whin ho a!-i d f r t r
hiu buttettnilk. whi-1 ,n1
sidered a los,t r; fre
Verv tired and ";po ' d
he went to leep lpln the d1 bi
Jael who had rLS*:ved 1ni !i &
took a tent p'n, b. d m om ii -, tt
sharp, in one imtd und j -,ma f?
oth r hand, and pvtm,i I'- sha-o o
the teni, pill to li - frethevd (.
with her othe h-! slte litd . Ir a
mur an( brouhl it donv on i'f ,
thl o ii i t a"toull, k,a ,n .
struggled to rt,,. id *h-- - , n
again. and ho lorriith-v
third time h l ' n h -. .
mander in tel o 0I.%C
lay leid.
'1eantwhhte in ti1. t1:
mot er sits liid - irr. u
and pomlp U1 :i e- t j.
fcr his return. v ry ,
her son to be victoriou-, , k
lecked CXp<CunL a , : t e f!' it 1
his ebarit, folio d 1
with embr'ir. aI -
of men vu qui 1 vc
her now Siil!! it Hie
expectati<.n. ill rt
turn (it ne ti.-ef
itg 'dIus. of, t0. 1 t
f181h of thc 11", of tl h b I.
will catch.
The hide. of her i r
and eihe tells th:- tI
have whe liher i:.
gold and carenCiies ii O . :1! I[
of such l Woudrou tb .it
the bt'e onlv hit.s i I. J .
ioai-mie, 1.11( 1%l::b-'eb
time," sa.) his m)1th -'hat !u"Il,
Is surely over. I h i ,, I i . :, 1
the river K*ion has t 'i.' di ia.
I hope those strail e aIp--t. w
saw last ni0gh. In th : werI 'to om: i
nous when thO 1 , * .: hi lit, in
their course(. N ' ' 1 o 1 ! hi ave
in battle I h' ov I t :i v - t .iy
He wvill loton bet. he e
Bt,t alas or te a 'i tai tm.i he!
She wvill not ste th i: a e
of t.he hiolse8 it fai Ii ''t sit b
home [roim victor:e
itary mlessenger ~ h st
rid1es up to) the w t w~ t- the
mother of' Siserai er.e', --Xu
armies aire i dee,et 1n .co
dead!"' Tlhere a . 1: Irtrr amd
anremshi fromi wh" w' so w v.
N{ow you see~ the tu mein ofiii t miy
short text, "The lother 'l oera
looked cut at a wmdiow." W~ ell, my
friends, we are al Iot in th0e battle of
life. It is ra'int unw, vn the mo i nst of
us have a mnothier watcin amd w alt.ili.
for news of our cttary <e drit. If
she be not sitt:n at I the~' wiow of
carth, she is ie~ ., witow of
hea en, and &' is 2. t o 'eat all
about, it.
to have beeni til'uuI n. 1ie im I 900
iron cfhar:ots atnd at fo of~ i mattny thous
ands vaster th:iti the as of I sreal.
But God wasi oni the ' onev We, t m lue
angry Iieshets at K .shit,:i.d the hail,
the Iii.;htniit%, ut, the nm aale war
horses, anud the ( i zf d chaiots, a.d
the stellar paulieu in thle sky uiiscomin ited
Sisera. .Josephu hit hnIis hilitory dle
scribes thet .eerm :t tI: e I' ow~.r woerd:
"W~hen t.er v.e tip'Ue to a close
fight,, tiCire carnw d.id,/h from Leaven at
great stormi w.t1'a vast quanittity of rain
alnd hailpf't&the wind b!ew the rain in
the [PX0~u of the C2anaanniten an so darnk
'd'bed their ce s Itheir arroiwsi andh tal's
were (if noi. advnmutage to lthemI, nor
wouild th e lonie of th Le ir 'eritL the
SOldiers to mna!ke l!h (i !heir sw''r!
commxle the~ I srealhila hetis .cL mell
on their backs. TLAs tilt Look tuch
coura'tge upon ithe apprehention hat
God was assisting tlh:m if at Limy h-I
uponi the~ very mi:dst of thicr enem:;es
and sle w a :greaLatnmbi of '1,bem,i so
that somec of Item !all by the Ilsruithtis.
8)>me felf by thter owni ho'rs ('5 which
wereC hut intL) distiiii, atal umt. a fe w
were kiledi by fi'(Itr owit cholt~s."'
}Itlnc, myl~ heaurers, I lie kitd news
brought, to the mtother of ;isfa..' iookogt~
out at the winh>w. Arni air miu(-rf.j
whether sitting at a wiiitiw tif eart h
or a windfow of hiu~eave, w il; he ir ito
news of our victory or del it, no; a'.
cordinog to outr I alents or <ii duticat ias
equiiptmedt ort tour (pport iinti ies, lut
aeccordin rg as to whter Goti ( s 0(1i i
or afanst uis.
"W'ihere's mt her K" m t lie qutet fitn
most frequent h a kedf imi nau.y h.msne
holds. It is a.k,-ui by 4 f h'tui(l as
well ats th( einbi ciliitg in a' nigh, fill.
"Where's mtolther?" It fs aste.f ':v i he
little ones w in they gZ't hurt afn coime
crying withf the pain."W''o re's mnothi
er ?" It f6a asked by t hose who haove
Been some g rat.d SighIt (ir hteard somne
good ntew%s ori reci!' eild tii som be'at i ii
gifit, "WhV feri's9 mtot her '
She so me t im i feel s weaieid b y t ho
que~stion, for they all iisk it and keep
asking it all the t imi'. Site is ret onily
the fIrst to hear e'vt ry caste ofi pletx
ty, butt she isi the jiud ge in every (ctur
of domest fe appeal, ihar is what puts
the premnatu re witinks sa til m)atny
maternal l aces and potwdersi' white soi
meay3 tiaternalhi foreheads.'. Yotu s9ee it
is a qute." ion that keep'js on I or all thte
year otf cild hotod. I t comnes fronm th
nu,rse(ry, anitd frlom theii ('et)ningt standi
where the boys and( gitils arie lear ni.g
their school lesson, arnt from the start
tig out in t het mornotlg, when the tip
pet or hat. or slate or boo0k or overshoe
Is lost. onit ii at night, all out of' breath,
the youngst ers comec ini and shout until
you can hear thtemi from cetlar to gatrr(t
and from f ront doer to I he back r ence
of the back y ard, "W here's nmot her'?"
Indteed a child's life is so full of that
enesdion thlat it he be taken away one
of the things that the mother most
misses and the silence that most op
presses her is the absence of that ques
tion, which she will never hear on earth
again except she hears it in a dream
which sometimes restore the nursery
just as it was, and then the voice comes
back so natural, and so sweet, and so
inquiring that the dream breaks at the
words, "Where's mother?"
If that question were put to most of
us this morning we would have to say if
we spoke trath fully, like Sisera's moth.
er, she is at the palace window. She
has become a queen unto (&od forever
and she is pulling back the rich folds of
the king's uphoistery to look down at
us. We are riot told the particulars
about the residence of isera's mother,
but there,is ii that scene in the book of
Judges so much about embroideries
and needitwork and ladies in waiting
that. we know her residence must have
been princely and palatial.
So we have no minute and particular
description of the palace at whose win
dow our glorified mother sits, but there
is so much in the closing chapters of
the good old book about crowns and
pearls big enough to make a gate out
oi one of them, now songs and marri
ag. s'ir)pers, and harps, and white
horst,s With kings in the stirrups, and
zolden ced;esticks tihat we know the
heavenly residence of our mother is sau
p-irb, is unique, is colonnadel, is domed,
1s viubowered, is fountained, is glorilled
beN oid the power of pencil or pen or
iongue to present, and in the window
of 1hat. palace the mother sits watch
sr news from the battle.
W:tit a contrast between that celes
a ! isrroutnding and her once earthly
.1 l""urOldlings! W!at a work to bring
' a titniy itl the old time way, with
im, i le or in hired help, exetipt per
l -; s tr ieo washing day or for the
lilt slauthtering, commonly
etii-l "0he illing day!" I'h're
WN, then ito reading of elaborate
rt1 I'ses on the best, modes of rearing
c.idre' and then leaving it all to hired
telp, with one or two visits a day to
ot .nrsery to sue if the principles an
i.onned are b-ing carried out. The
m 4t ol t hose old olks did the sewing,
tlhe washing, the mending, darning the
pa'chinig, tie milliuery, the mantua
in.d;itig, the housk-ep,og and in hur
If-d harvemt ttme helpeo spread the
1.: - r I rv:icl down the load in the mow.
T!ty were at the s:Ame time caterers
ltlors, dovtrs, chaplains and nurses
-r a bk hol- It t.:;-hold all together down
wi' h tneas!es or sc"rlet fever, or roued
Sht hotiss % it who-sping t;oughs and
('"101pS arid runround fingers and
.t,raches and all the intfantile distem
p- is which at some tim-e swoop upon
- %ry l.arte household. Some of i.hose
i,jothers never got rested in this world.
11st es.i o t Ie sel-If rocking cradlt-s of
"or oay, which, waund up, witl go hour
,il er hour for rho solace of the yourig
slumberer, it was weary foot on the
r.'eker sometimes half the day or half
the night---rock-rock--rock-rock.
I --'ead of our drug stores fitloil with
all ;I e wonders of wateria medica and
e d!ed up through a telephone, with
them t he only apothecary short of four
ta i:es' ride was the garret., with its bun
Cies of pepperment and pennyroyal
aLN(d catnip and muslard andcamomile
Ib,wers, which were expected to do
everything. d ust think of it!
Fifty years of preparing breakfast,
diln:er and supper. 'rho chief music
they heard was that of spinning wheel
avd rocking chair. Fagged out; head
ahy and with ankles swollen. Those
old fashl'oned mothers--if any persons
ever tiLLed appropriately into agood,
isy, comfortable heaven they were the
folks, ard they got there, and they are
reste. T'hey wear no spectacles, for
hey have their third sight-as they
lhved jonig enogh on earth to get their
secand sight -arnd they do not have to
p'at for breath after going up the
emnerald stairs of the Eternal palace, at
whose window they now sit waiting for
news from the battle.
bhit it any or.e keeps on asking the
'T:estion, "Where's mother ?"1I answer,
she is in your p)resent character. The
probability is that your physical feat
ures sug gest hier. - If there be seven
children ini a household, at least six of
them look like their mother, and the
older you get the more you will look
like her. But I speak now especially
oft your character and not of your
looks. This is easily explained. D)uring
the lirst ten years of your life you were
almost all the time with her, and your
father you saw only mornings aind
nights. There are no years in any life
si import ant for impression as the first
10. 'Then and there Is the impression
made for virtue or vice, for truth or
filsehood, for bravery or cowardice for
rel igi on!orlskepticismn.
Suddenly start out from behind a
door and frighten the child, and you
may shatter his nervous system for a
lif et ime. D)uring the first 10 years you
can tell him enough Spook stories to
make him a coward till he dies. Act
bef ore him o.s though Friday wvere an
unlucky day, and It were baleful to
have 13 at the tab)le, or see the moon
over the left shouider,and lhe wilt never
recover from the idiotic superstitions.
You may give that girl before she is 10
years old a fondness for dress that will
muake here a mere "dummy frame", or
fashion plate, for 40 years. Ezekfel xvi,
-4,, "As is the mother so is hier daught
lI lore one decade has passedl you can
th ect w cihether that bony shall be a Shv
Iekc or a Gieorge Peabody. Boys arnd
girl.s are generally echoes ot fathers and
rmothiers. What an incoherent thing
tor a mother out of temper to punish a
chld for gettlng rmad, or a fathier who
smtokes5 to shut his boy tip ini a dark
closet because he has found him with
an old( stump of a cigar in his mouth,
or bor that mot her to rebuke her daugh
t('r for star ring at herself too much in
'he look inp glass when the mo)ther has
her osvin mirrors soi arranged as to re
luat her form from all sides. The
g,eat Enhain po)et'o loose moral char
actti was decided before he left the
iuirs'*ry, and his schoolmaster in the
schoo'lrooim overheard this -convera
tin'Ih r -i. your mother is a tool,"
arnd he arnsw.v.ret,"I know it."
You can hear through all the heroic
li fe of xena' th Sam llouston t he wordhs
.1 hIs miother wh'-n she in the war of
l1i12 put a mnusket in his hand and
sa I: 'here, rmy son, take this anid
never ditsgrace' It, for rememb.r I had
rat her all my sonms shiouldl fill one hon
urabile grave t han one of them should
t rn his back on ani enemy. Go arnd
r'eiiember, too, that while the door of
tmy cottage is open to all brave men it
it is always shut against cowar(ls."
A grippinam, the mot her of Nero, a mur
dieress, you are rnot suirprisedi that her
soni was a murderer. Give that child
sri overdose of catechism, and make
him recite verses of the Bible as a pun
is'unzent, and make Sunday a bore, and
le will hecome a stout antagonist of
Christianity. Impress him with the
kindness and the geniality and the
loveliness of religion, and lie will be its
adlvocate arid exemplar for all time andi
A few days ago right beform our ex
press train on thle Louiisville anid Nash
ville rairoad the preceding train had
gone down through a broken bridge, 12
cars falling a hundred feet and then
consumed. I saw that only one span
of the bridge was down and all the
other spans were standing. Plan a good
b)ridlge of morals for your sons and
dlaughiters, but have the flart span of 10
vears defective, and through that thej
will crash do wo though all the resi
keepstanding. O man, 0 woman, i
you have preserved your integrity and
are really Christian, you have first o
all to thank God, and I think next you
have to thaak your mother.
The most impressive thine at the in,
auguration of James A. Garfield 'a
President of the United States was thal
after he had taken the oath of oflice h
turned round, and in the presence of
the Supreme Court and the Senate of
the United States kissed his old moth,
er. If I had time to take statistics out
of this audience and I could ask what
proportion of you who are Christian
owe your salvation under God to ma
ternal fidelity, I think about three
fourths of you would spring to youl
feet. "Ha! la!" said the soldiers of
the regiment to Charlie, one of their
comra es, "Wt at has made the change
in you? You used to like sin as well
as any of us." Pulling from his pock
et his mother's letter, in which, after
telling of some comforts she had sent
him, she concluded, "We are all pray
ing for you, Charlie, that you may he
a Christian," he said, 'Boys that's the
The trouble with Sisera's mother was
that while sitting at the window of my
text watching for news of her son from
the battlefield she had the two bad
qualities of being dissolute and being
too fond of personal adornment. The
Bible account says: "Her wise ladies
answered her yea. She returned an
swer to berself: "Have they not sped'?
Have they not dividea the prey-to
every man a damsel or two, to Sisera a
prey of divers colors--a prey of divers
colors of needlwork, of divi-rs colors
of ueedlework on both sides?"
She makes no anxious utterance
about the wounded in battle, about. the
bloodshed, about the dying, about the
dead, about the princioles involved In
t he battle going on-a battle so inrport
ent that the stars and the freshets took
part, and the clash of swords was an
swer'd by the thunder of the skits.
What she think3 most of is the bright
colors of the wardrobes to be captured
and the needlework. "To Sisera a prey
of divers colors-a prey of divers colors
of veedlework, of divers colors of nee
dIe work on both sides."
Now, neither Sisera's mother nor any
one ele can say too much in eulogy of
the needle. It has made more useful
conquests than the sword. Pointri at
one end and with an eye at the other,
whether of bone or ivory, as in earliest
time; or of bronze, as In Pliny's time;
or of steel, as in modern time; whether
laboriously fashioned as formerly by
one hand or as now, when a hundred
wo-kmen in a factory are employed to
make the different parts of one needle,
it is an instrument divinely ordered for
the comfort, for the life, for the health,
for the adornment of the human race.
The eye of the needle hath seen more
domesic comfort, and more gladdened
poverty, and more Christian service
than any other eye.
The modern sewing machine has in
nowise abolished the needle, but rather
enthroned it. Thank God for the nee
diework from the time when the Lord
Almigi.ty from the heavens ordered in
regard to the embroide ed door of the
ancient tabernacle, "Thou shalt make
a hanging for the door of the tent of
blue and purple and scailet and fine
twined linen wrought with needle
work." down to the womanly hands
which this winter in this Tabernacle
are presenting for benev -lent purposes
their needlework. But there was
nothing except vanity and worldliness
and social splash in what Sisera's
mother said about the needlework she
expected her son would bring home
from the battle.
And I am not surprised to find that
Sisera fought on the wrong side, when
Isis mother at the window of my text,
In that awful exigency, had her chief
thought on dry goods achievement
Ind social display. God only knows
siow many homes have made ship wreck
n the wardrobe. And that mother
who sits at the window watching for
vainglorious triumph 2f millinery and
ine colors and domestic pageantry will
iter awhile hear as bad news from
der children out in the battle of life as
Sisera's mother heard from the strug
gle at Esdraelon.
But if you still press the question,
'Where's mothser ?" I will tell you
where she is not, though once she was
bhere. Some of you started with her
likeness in your face and her prin3i
ph's in your soul. But you have cast
tier out. That was an awful thing for
you to do, but you have done it. 'That
thard, grinding, dissipated look you
never got from her. If you had seen
any one strike her, you would have
struck him down without much care
whether the blow was just sullicient or
fatal; but, my boy, you have struck her
dlown-struck her innocence from your
face and struck her principles from
your soul.
You struck her (10wn! The tent pin
that Jael drove three times into the
skull of Sisera was not so cruel as the
stab you have made more than three
times through your mother's heart.
lBut Abe is waiting yet, for mothers are
slow to give up their boys--waiting at
Bomne window, it may be a window on
earth or at some window in heaven.
All others may cast you off. Your
wife may seek divorce and have no
more patience with you. Your father
may disinherit you and say. "Let him
never again darken the door of our
house." But there are t wo persons
who do not give you up-God and
How many dIsappointed mothers
waiting at the window! Perhaps the
panes of the windo w are not great glass
plate, bevel edged and hovered over by
exquisite lambrequin, but the window
is madte of small panes, I would say
about sIx or eight of thesm, in summer
wreathedi with trailing vine, and in
winter plc',ured t)y the Itaphaels of the
frost, a real country window. The
mot her sits there knit'ing or busy with
her needle on homely repairs, when she
looks up and sees comning across the
bridige of the meadow brook a atranger
whot dismounts in front of the window.
ile lifts and dro,>s the heavy knocker
of the farmhouse door. "fCome in ?" is
the response. IIe gives his name atnd
says, "I have come on a sad errand "
"There is nothing the matter of my
sorn in the city, is there?" she asks.
"Y's!" lie says. "Your son got into
a. unfortunato encounter with a young
man in a liquor saloon last night and
Is badly hurt. The fact is he cannot
get well. I hate to tell you all I am
sorry to say he is dead." "Dead!" she
cries as she totters back. "Oh, my son?t
my son! my son! Would God I had
dhied for thee!" 'That is the ending of
all her cares and anxieties and good
counsels for that boy. That is her pay
for her self sacrifices in his behalf.
That is the bad news from the battle
So the tidings of derelict or Christian'
sons travel to the windows of earth or
the windows of heaven at which moth.
ars alt.
"lBut," says some one, "are you not
mistaken about my glorilied mother
bearing of my evildoings since she
went away ?" Says some one else,
"Are you not mistaken about mny glor
illed mother hearing of my self sacri
lIce and moral bravery and struggles
to do right?" No! Heaven and earth
are in constant communication. There
are trains running every five minutes
-trains of immortain asnng nd n
descending-8pirits going from eartl
to heaven to live there. Spirits d(
scending from heaven to earth to min
later and help. They hear from u
many times every day. Do they hen
good news or bad news from this bat
tie-this Sedan, this Thermopylwa, thi
Austerlitz, in which every one of us I
fighting on the right side or the wronj
Oh, God, whose I am, whom I at
trying to serve, as a result of this ser
mon. roll over on all months a nev
sense of their responsibility, and upoi
all children whether still in the nurser
or out on the tremendous Esdrealon o
midlife or old age, the fact that thet
victories or defeats sound clear on
clear up to the windows of sympathel
maternity. Oh, is not this the minut
when the cloud of blessing filled wit
the exhaled tears of anxious mother
shall burst in showers of mercy oi
this audience!
There is one thought that is almos
too tender for utterance. I almost fea
to start It lest I have not enough coo
trol of my emotion to conclude it. Ai
when we were children we so of tei
came in from play, or from a hurt, o
from some childish injustice practice(
upon us, and as soon as the door wa
opened we cried, "Where's roother?
and she said, "Here I am," and we bur
led our weeping faces in her lap. 8
after awhile when we get'through wit]
the pleasures and hurts of this life wi
will, by the paidoning mercy of Christ
enter' the heavenly home, and amonj
the irst querstions not the first bi
among the first, will be the old questioi
that we used to ask, the question tha
is being asked in thousands ot place
ut this very moment-the questiori
"Where's mother?" And it will not
take long for us to ind her or for hei
to Und us, for she will have been watch
ing at the window for our coming, anc
with the other children of our house
hold of earth we will again gathei
rou'id he , and she will s.iy: "Well how
did you get through the b.attle of life I
I have often heari from others about
you but now I want to hear it from
your own souls. Tell me all about it
my children."
And ihen we will tell her of all out
earthly experiences-the holidays, th(
marritges, the birth hours, the
burials, the heartbreaks, th(
losses, the gains, the victor.
ies, the defeats-and she will say
"Never mind. It is all over now. I set
each one of you has a crown, which waE
given you at the gate as you cam(
through. Now cast it at the feet of thE
Christ who saved you and saved mt
and saved us all. Thank God we are
never to part., and for all the ages o I
eternity you will never again have to
ask,'Where's mother?'"
Cheap eephones Nowi
NEW YoiRK, Jan. 16.-After the 30th
of this month you will be able to buv a
telephone for a few dollars, and for $80
you can purchase a complete system,
with all ths necessary implements for
both ends of the line. Hitherto ft
would have been impossible to pur
chase the instruments at any price, as
they were controlled by patents own
ed by the American Bell Telephone
The fundamental Bell telephone pat
ent expired on March 7, of last year.
The Bell Company, it was found, how
ever, still owned the patent on the re
ceiver, and no telephone system would
be of much use without a receiver.
Am ong other concerns which entered
into the telephone busluess upon the
expiration of the original Bell patent
in March was the Shaver Corporation,
of ittsburg, Pa. The Bell Company
brought suit against the Shaver Corpo
ration on the receiver, citing the p at
ent of Alexander Graham Bell of Jan.
30, 1877, as the one infringed. An in
junction was promptly granted and
that put an end to thre opposition tele
phone business for the time being. But
the patent of January 30, 1877, is now
about to expire, and thus both the re
ceiver and the transmitter will be free
to the public.
After the 30th of this month tele
phones will be sold like hats or cigars.
Instead of paying $240 a year for the
rent of an instrument you can buy one
outright for less than a tenth of that
sum. If you only wish to use it be
tween your house and oflice, or bet ween
the house and the stable, or from oflice
to factory, you can have a line put up
for a trifling sum and you will own
your system outright and can stop pay.
ing the exorbitant prices now charged
by the Bell Company.
If, however,you wish a telephone for
general use and have to depend upon
the exchange, you will still be at the
mercy of the Bell Company ,at least for
some time to come. It is evident from
the preperations now being made in
this city and elsewhere by manufactur
rers of electrical apparatus that a big
boom is expected in the sale of tele
phones. A large number of Instru
ments have been made and these will
be put on the market January 31.
Many large contracts have been made
for the supply of telephones after that
date. All these new instruments will
be sold outright. None will be rented.
They do not differ in appearance from
those of the Bell Companv,and, in fact,
are smaller. Being new, they are supew
rior to most of the instruments cup
plied by the Bell Telephone Company,
and which have been in use for years.
In view of the expiration of this pat
ent, the Bell Company, it is said, has
about decidled to abandon the private
line busine~sosand the indpende'1t ,Qs
phone system in the smaller country
towns. At present the Beli Compai.y
charges $130 a year for a private line In
this city.
A rich ileld awaits the capitalists
who will engage to fight the Bell Comn
pany in this city, which is its strong
hold. The enormous revenue which it
derives from the people of New York
may be judged from the fact that it
charges $240 a year for a teleph one in
a business house, and( that it has 10.000
sub)scriberg. In Brooklyn, Jersey Cit y
and adjacent suourbs there are 10,000
additional subscribers. But from the
people of .this city alone It is obvious
i,hat, $2,000,000 a year is taken for the
use of instruments which did not cost
$50,000.- -World.
In a Tangie .
CumiAflo, Jan. 16.-Ge'orae M. Bogue,
one of the most prominent business
men of Chicago, has been accused of
the misappropriation of about $75,000
of the funds of the Presbyterian hospi
tal, of which institution he was presi
dent. Mr. Bogue admiLs that there is
some entanglement with the hospital,
but says any discrepancies will be
made up immediately. Last suim mer
he made an assignment and withdrew
from the big real estate firm of ISo gue
& Co., and it is said that the misplac
ing of the hospital funds was the re
sult of his financial embarrassments.
Hor ible.
ESCA LON, Mex., Jan. 16.-~Advices
have been received here from the -Sierra
Mojada mining camps situatedl in this
distrIct, of a terrible hiolocaust. In the
lower part of the town were a number
of huts, located very close together,
These were set on fIre by a band of un.
known incendiaries, and before the oc
cupants could escape, eleven men and
several women and children were burned
to death. Ten others were burned so
badly that thay will die.
Wealth not well DIvIded.
George K. Holmes, special censu
a agent on mortgage statistics, approach !
the concentration of wealth inithe car
- reut number of tb,e Plitical Sc'ec
, Qjarterly. Instead of attemIpting t
compute the p,-operty bt,dinus of Ih
g rich he strives to ascertain how much o
the national wealth the masses of tht
i people possess. The census butca
took from every family in twenty-tw(
r States and Territories answers to tit
I questions whether it owned or hired th(
F farm or home occupied, and the cxten
r of the incumbrance on owned farms at)
homes, It any, with the value of thi
The results are believcd by the Spiicg
field Republ!can to be fairly representa
tive of the whole c >untry. As3utifiq
this to be so, 32 per cei.t of the farn
families and 63 per cent of the hom(
families In the country are tenants
r Among farmowUing families 30 per ecen
- carry mortgage debts averaiing * ,131
i on farms whose average value is $3,190
i among home-owning fJnilies 29 per cen
r carry incumtbrances averaging *1.139 it
homes valued on the average at $3 254
The census will show the nuiut)(ir f)
farms to be about 4 500,000, leaviog 8 -
196,152 'anilies occupling hom(s tia
are not farms. Mr. Holmes confines hit
wealth ( -timates here to protiertie
valurd at less than $5.000. Suco farn
encumbered constluLe 80 per cent :n
numI-er and 52 per cent in value of al
i encumbered farnm, an( ouch eicum1brC
L homes constitute 82 per cent in tuiibei
and 46 per cent in valu of ill encum
bertd homes. The census did not Inke
.he values oft uninticumbured f.iii id
homEs. aud the Percentiges In themb) th
case are adopted here us probabiv tic
Accor-ing to the Estimates tabuhlteld
by Mr. Holmes 91 per cent ol the Iami
lies of the countrv own no more than
about 29 per centot the wealth. And
Mr. Holmes beiieves his estiim itt a do
not, overstate the case against the poor.
rnese conclusi-ms are about, as du,ious
as an.. Which have ever been reucned in
the study of th: ques'iou. Proceeding
to divide the richer 9 per c<:nt. f the
tantilies as between the rich and mod,r
ately well oil' Mr. Hidl tes takes toi
New York Tribuie', list of m:ll'onairca
(4 047) -nd Live,3 themu aut averim;, t
about $3,000 000-thii) es:injiic bti-s
also partly base(. Upon the retu's w,
Th>mas G. Sheiarman's ca:ni4 n i c
same line.
This gives to the 4,047 vcry rich lan
nies, or three-l:undrcdths of 1 < r ceol
of all ihe familits, about $12 000.000.000
or 20 per cent, of the natioi'c wea,tt
and leaves the remainini piopeity <.1
the nation (51 per cent) to 9 per c,-nt
of the families, includ ng the compar:
Lively few millionaires. The resul
seems incredible to Mr. Holmes. Tnat
4,047 famies should possess nCar ly as
much wealth-seven-tenths as much a.
least-a3 11,593,887 families is, in l:e,
rather startling. But it is probable. he
contends, that the statement is apl:rox
imately corr(ct. Excludint the million
aires, the wealth of the 1,002.218 fani
lies lying between then and the great
mass of peopie holding property val -
ued at less $5,000 becomes im iver
age of $28,000 a family, Ai-ch ,eesms
large for so many, but, which, Mr.
Holmes goes on to demons.rate, miut
be about the caee.
A Rtancorus Ex-Priest,
KANSAS Ci'ry, Jan. 10.-The cit y is
wild wit,h excitement, tonight, the~re
sult of a riot. precipit,ated by anti x-p)r:et
who bitterly assailed thec Catholics.
An address was delivered by J1. V. Me
Namara, said to be tromn lme fle
commenced by making a rantcorous it.
ta:.k o'.1 the Catholics and the inst ii.
Lions they hold so dear. IHe had not
proceeded far with his barrangue when
he was interrupted Dy groans and lisses
from t.he audience. These only seemed
to add intensity to the bitterness of hi:3
remarks, and the meeting son b)came a
scene of bowling, excited ment, aud broke
up in disorder. After the hall had beeni
cleared a crowd of men gathered on the
street and waited for the speaker to ap
pear. When lhe came dowin from tihe
hall lie was greeted by vells of derision,
and there were cries of "hanig him."
His friends collected about him. and an
attempt was made to push a way through
the crowd. As the angry mob crowded
about, McNamara andl his band of sum
porters, pistols were drawn andI some
one fired a shot, into the air. insii
seemed the signal of a genet'al light and
aeveral shots were exchanged. One man
was shot, but lie wvas tatkeni
away by hIs friends. During tile gen-*
oral melee McNamara, the caur-e of the
riot, managed to escape and is htid!ng
somewhere in the city. After the .shoot
ing, the police made an assautlt, uponl the
struggling mob and many p)ersonIs were
arrested. On all of those takcn into
custody, pistols were fourd and it is
evident that a lIght was aniticipatted b)y
both sides anid that they were Irepared
to shed blood in case the d;hlieul'y re
ached thlat stage. T1he city Is in a statea
of wild uproar and( mnore trouble is Iiared
before morning.
A Ftendisht Urimue.
IRMI(iiIA M, Ala, ,Jan. 16.-,John l'.
.Johinson, a negro, tmurde'red his entice
family at Somerville, Morgan count y
Sunday nIght, and tried to cover up his
crime by burning '.he house IIis wife
and two children, agedl respe'ctiveIy 5
and 3, were the vict,imsa. ,Johi's n tirst,
cut their throats and then a'stir
ated the- room wIt,h oil anid set lIre to)
the house. 0. ly charru-d plortlonsH of'
the bodies were found In the. dubit,'s.
Jealousy and another woman figut'il fin
t he case. ,Johnson is in j oh, a nd i s
pre.tty sure to De lynched, as e'xcit 4.
ment lamong the nbogroes is intens:
They are ga' hering ina large lnnmtrers to
avenge the horrible cri me.
T he O ni
privave statement of on e.
of the Judges.
ResponsIble 001uni
J. W. G-ib
lotanCy sud Old Age..
Doclors have Scoffed at the asserti<
o of Dr 'Keeley that a barrel full of 1]
refnedles would not hurt an infait
properly adminfetercd. Several I
stances have been reported from difft
I ent Ke(leV Institutes where Infan
have'been cured of a necessity for mo
phine, but the reports have been j
meager that we have given them but
Montpelier, Vt., however, has had suc
passing notice. The Keeley Institu
at a striking instance that we shall pri
sent, in the near future, a complel
description and repart of the case, wit
a cut of the child. The Vermor
Watchman and State .Journal mentior
the matter as follows:
A case unprecedented in the medict
practiwe of Dr. J. V. Nichols, of tb
Keeley institute, and one that has e3
cited tile liveliest interest in all wh
are acquaintud with it, is now unde
i treatment at the Institute at MontpE
tier. About two we(,ks ago Mrs. Nor
Woodworth, of Jonesville applied a
ihe Inst itute for treat tm-nt for the inor
phine habit. - Dr. Nichols was surpris
ed to find that she was accompnIanie(
by a daughter three years old, and smr
pris- does not exprnss it when ite learn
-ed mhat the little one was also a con
Orme-l vi-tim of the dis-ase will
which 1.it mol her was suffering. 11 in
vitatioi of Dr. Nichols and with im
cor!i-.iit, of I ie mother, a representativ
of t.3 WVa'c1man cale..I on Mrs. Wood
wortl I liaday. She rmceived the i+
porter daily and wa% perfectly free ri
anm.er ary questioii regarding her
self o h&i flaxen-haired little girl, whc
ill aniswIer i., the q'lestiIn, "What i:
your nmije ?" promptly replied, - rh,
K"eley B tby." M Wt \oodwort iis Il
motlier of nine ch, ildren and has beei
a victi im of lh mt,.iphine habit. for foui
years. When she was iursing thi
child who is with her she was takin
fiftPen grains of morphine a day, anm
the little one, through its inother'.
mil)k, 1 ecame anl iuno-ent victiin of tht
liabhit. Wheii she was weaned, at thl
age of ten inflnls, it was iiece!sarv t(
uive hi r morphine regularly,and whet
she caine here for trea, ment she wa,
lnkiiig a grain and a half a day. Tht
crug hns beei entirely taken from tht
oitId and the mot her is on tho sare
I rai to a rapid aid complee recovery.
l'he bright and winning ways of th(
lit ile one have m-ide her agr-at favor
ite with in my ladiezi of State st'ret
who havo been greatly interested ii
her cns , and no- e wit h pleasure the
marked chage f;r the better in hei
condition. A- the rep:rter took hi
leave the little maiden archly invited
hiin to call agaiii, and on being told
that her name woulid be In the Watch.
!ai thits week she it.qlired, "Have you
got it all right Y' I n sharp contrast to
thi-icase isi hat of a gentleman from
(liteaugay, N. Y., seventy-thr.-e year4
of' age, who is now taking the treat
muett for the same disease. They arc
to be photographed together and then
jlicites -ent, to the Golden News and
the li&mpr of' Guld.
ThelDyuamito Bomb.
.MiNITNGT, Minn., Jan. 17.-Early
)tsterday morning some person placed
a dyntmite cartridge inside the store
door of the Exchange Bank at this
l?a'e- .The expolitionl blew out the
front o- tne bank building bes;des do
ing considerable daiwige inside. As
the ban k had gone out of business and
there were no funds were in the vault
and no attempt was made to the safe,
robbery was evidently not the motive
] mticaster, P'a., .Jan. li.-A great sen
sation was caused here this morning by
the discov'ery 01' a dynamate bomb
which had been pilact d against a four
story building on Grant.-street, adjoin
ing thje police station. 'The bomb con
t ained half a pound of dyiiamite encased
in 10l) ipe! carefully closedl,'wi th nitro
alyeerine caps and fuse. 'The 1litter
had been ligher.ed, but for some re ison
had failed to burn.' lie re is no clue to
the (d.vnamiters, whose object in trying
to blow up the building is unknown.
T he building is unoccupied, but was
being pirepared for manufact.uring ptir
Salemi, Ohio, JIan. 17.--When John
E'.vana, one of the leading coal men of
this section, came to his odlice in thie
city yesterday morning, lhe found a
bomb lying in the ollice. A piece of
lead pipe fully two inches In diameter
and ten inchesilong, with a charred fuse
running through a screwv plug, was
loaded wvithi dynamite and blasting
powder, E~vans; with other operators,
hias been having trouble with the
:iners over tf:e qutest ion of wages and
Itle only explanationi or the bomb busi
nerss ISh:t same miner thought by
wrecking his buxlf,ing to intimidate
F"or . ,v'o,
ICtii.\loN 1) . atiitiary lb .-Mliss I Z
zie Newhiotse, a highly cultured young
la.l of(, t wty-itt wo. comnmitted1( suicidIe
at lier honme in Craii peeper, Va., last night
iby blowing~ her bi)ins out1 wIth a pis
tol. She.lbft a nots exp)laining the
cause of tier rash act. She had, she
said, been ''ngaged to Mr. A. P'. Ili1l,
of t hat. counity, al niephe w of the dis.
tinguis'sed Gen,. A. I.. i1111. of Confed
eiate laim'. The eln.egemenit, how
ever, wai brioken elff at the lady's own
rcelst. 1ler lover moral WVest, ac
qui red a coimpetency andi m:arried. Thet
taet that, she had destroyed her own
hIinessii'~ lbrooded upon the mnind of
Miss Newhoiiye anid caused iitr to take
her lif'e.-Ne ws and Courier.
Fe,e,ai an<i org-ann.
NOW is thme t ime to bity suinmmer plan
$25 cash bibhmie Novemb ter 15th 1893.
WVill buy a l'manio at spot cash price $IQ
cash, lbalanice Novembter 1lan 18913
Will buy a organ at .spot cash price.
See the list to choose I rom. Steinwvay,
Mason & 1lam lni, Mathusnek andi Stir
ling P'ianos, Mason & I lamlhin anid
Stilrlinig Organs. FcIfteen (days test
trial anid freight both ways if n',t saIs
I :wtory. A large lot of' nearly new and
secondt( handih Piano0 amid O )rgans at ha~ir
vainis. Good as' inow. Write~ for prices
y. Award
.MTE FAilt, NOV EMiIElR 8, 1893.
*y Agents~ Wanted.
bes & Co.,
Double Murder.
>n MONrGOMERY, Ala., Jan 17.-A
18 special to the Advertiser from LaFay.
if ette, Ala., says: New" has just reached
this place of the killitg of Mr. Clay
3- Hudson by Bob Foster, in 13 iat 13, this
r. afternoon; also anoatither killing of a ne
gro by Foster The particlars are as
r- foll:)w8::11ucNon and fostf!r had a law
o suit Saturday about the line be.
a tween their plantations. Itudson won
a the suit. Today Foster rode to Hud
h son's field where hie and some negroe.q
were working, and called to lludso%.
e Hudson started, on nearing Foster
h was told to halt. lie then turned to
walk away. Fost,r t n shot him in
8 the back of the head, killing him in
stantly. Then he turned and rilled a
negro and triqd to kill another one, but
failed. HIndson waj one of the most
prominent men in the county. The
sheriff with (logs is in pursuit of the
Vhy '.I Fxtreme PIoos for Coods!
fer a ue and See What You Can SaMIs
$60 ro 3
reaij or tsionvy re.
- ap1 r. -ol. n r
4.Will delk 61
-4T. Ni. 1 I 3
with 21
Ilk, .:.iecs a of
-watre, wil
be del i ver,
ed to youl
SdepJot for
*~oni $
- pricelo
It - -- or
t h i . -ecI-v
an villia 4t.. l. , a
cargjain. .Nu r4n.pi
ou thim Blg y-.. --
A <3) 1O A NO
----Tt E
Ij wilielve
cra okPlnto
U hraIe earn
ti Tonaer b
Durailiy atl -
.al Has no !3Euqual.
- 6-y
oa aus Na l(,j A gets
ablity tosaeiony o u cusmrs, and
Bf side Iahnr of )1 all .kin ds,w
W. H. ibbesJr,, . 00
jI , ICE T. UigsN
Rica l'laters a rdl Milantation
buy a ingle achin t.haveil cean,
for d h350.00.ta
CornMillrs cn bu tel besth Freh
burr ill, n iro frm fullyeguaran-.
teed caacit te busel meuait aer
nour, for co15.00.
aw Milers an bu 110 varal.
Machd oing acinry
Spcil isoutsrAdeerncsh.
- .C.0 - HM
Witha vew oLUMtBAdat, we

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