GOLDEN HOURS, GOLDEN D&YS verything has beauty li it in tme world that 'round us lies, Lifting up each wakIng minuto, Giving 0 to longing eyes,. Thdbat a il the hours with praise - Goldon hours made golden days. By us joys are ever flying, Let us make our hearts their snaro, Let us share the sweetness lying All about us everywheret Lot us walk In happy ways Golden hours make golden days. Troubles co me but they are flooting; Soon their shadows will go by, As the clouds the sunlight mecting, rass and show the azure sky. Life is full of sunny rays Golden hours make go!don da)s. LIVES WORTH LIVING. Those That Lead t, an Extsteico That .Never Ends. BROOKLYN, July 22.-ltv. Dr, Tal' mage, who is now touring in the Au3 fralian cities, has chosen as the suh jact for today's sermon through the press "Worth Living," the text beint taken from Lamentations iii, 39, "Wlicidre doth a living man complai?'' if we live to the evolutionists to guess where we came from and to the theolo. gians to prophesy where we are going to, we still have left for consideration the important fact that we are here. Thore may be some doubt about where the river rises and soie doubt about whore the river empties, but there can b no doubt about the tact that we are sailin" on it, so I am not surprined that every body asks the qusation, "Is life worth living?" Solomon in his unhappy nmomtenis says it is not. "Vanity," "vexation of spirit," "no Rood, are his estitimate. The fact is that Solomon waIs at one1 time a polygamist, and that soured his disposition. One wife makes a mai hap. pi; more than one makes him wretched. But Solomon was converted from polv. gamy to monogamy, and the last, words he ever wrote, as far as we can read them, were the words, "Mountuins Of spices." But Jeremiah says in my trxt hife is worth living. In a book supposed to be doleful and lugubrious and sepulchral and entitled "Lamentations"' he plainly in that the blessing of merely living is no great and grand a blessing that though a man have piled on him all milfortunes and disasters he has no right to complain. The author cf my text cries out in start ling intonation to all lands and to all centuries. "Wheielore doth a living man cOmplain?" A diversity of opinion in our times as weil as in oldeii time. Here Is a young man of light hair and blue eyes and soun(d digestion and genercus salary and happily fillanced an(l on the way to become a partner it a commiuercial firm of which he is an important clerk. Ask him whether lie is worth hving. Me will laugh in your facN and say, Yes, yes, yes!" Ilore is a mati who has come to the forties. lie is at the tiptop of the hill of li'O. Evcry stopl hais been a stumble ail(' a bruiae. The peo. pie he trusted have turnell out deserters, and the money he has honestly made le has been cheaten out of. IIis nerves are out of tune. He has a poor appetito, and all the food le eat does not, assimi late. Forty miles climbing up the hill of life have been to him like climbing the Matterhor, and there are .0 mites yet to go down, and descent is always more dangerous than ascent. Ask himt wvhie thmer life is worth living, and lie wviil drawl out in shivering and lugubrious and appalling negative, "No, no, no!" How are wve to decide this matter righteously and intelligentlh? You will find the same man vacillating, oscillat ing in his opinion from dlejectioni to exut berance, anod it lie be very mercurial ini his temperament it will (depenid very much upon which way the wind blows. If the wind( blow from the iiorthiwest, and yo ask him, lie will say "Yes," and if it blow from the northeast, and you ask him, he will say "No." How are we, then, to get the question right couly answered? Suppose we call all nations together in a erect convention on eastern or westerii hemisphere and let all those who are in the atirmative say "Aye" and all those who are ini the negative say "No." While there would he hundreds of -thousands who would answer in the af firmative there would be more millions who would answer in the negative, and because of the greater number who hnve morrow and misfortune and trouble the "noes" would have it. The answer I shall give will be different from either, and yet it will commend itself to all who hear me tisl day as the right answer. If you ask me, "[a life worth living?"' I answer, it all dlepends upoii the kind of life you live. In the first place, I remark that a life of mere money getting is always a fail ure, because you witll never get as much as you want. The poorest, peop~le in this country are the richest and next, to them these who are half as rich. There is not a scissors grinder on the streets of New York or Brooklyn who is so anxious to make money as these nmen who have piledl up fortunes year after lear In storehouses, in governent secu rities, In tenement houses, in whole city blocks. You ought, to see thema lump when they hear the lirt. bell ring. 'You ought to see them In their excitement when some bank explodles. You ought to see their agitation when there fs piro posed a reformation in the tarifl'. Their. nerves tremble like harp strings but no music in the vibration. They read the reports from Wall street in the mnorniing with a concernment that threatens para lysis or apoplex),, or more probably they have a telegraph or a telephone in their own house, so they catch every breath of change in the money market. The dsease of accumulation hias eaten into them--.eate into their heart, into their log, i to heir spleen, into their liver, themistm have soanetimes analyzeod auc maneiasomuch time, so muchm than ohemist would analyze one of these fiOnanlthalbehemothis, he would flnd lie ~sis made p of copper and gold and silver andc zine and lead and coal and iron. ~. That ia not a life worth living. There 41%r too mans earthquakes In it; too ~,' -' perdftio'ns In it, too many s gonies In it. They build their 4 a'astles, and they open their picture gal /lerlfs, and they summon prim~a donnas, ai4 t>W offer e~'er Inducement for hap hb tp come and livo there, but hap ess will not come, ~ysend footmanned and portilloned 1*oto bring her. She will not d th leir door'. They send princely Kjtb~.She U Not tIdounethm to e She 4 y from the tW Theyp hol Mark you, this Is the failure of those wh have had large ccumulation. And then you must take into consid eration that the vist mejority of thos who wake the dominant idea of lif money getting hill far short of afiluence It is estimated that only but two outc a hundr-d business men have anythin worthy the name of success. A miai who spends his life with the one domi nant idea of floonchal accumulatioi s) 18IRi life nlot, worth living. So the idea of worldly npprova'. I that be dominant in a man's life, he I miserable. The twvo moPt unfortunat men in this country for the six month of next presidential campatign will be -vc men nominated for the presidencv. Th4 reservoirs of abnue and diatrib and mnkdliction wili gradualll Jill up, gallon above gallon hogshead above hogshead, aut about autumn these two rcservoirs wil be brimming full, and a hoae will be at tnched to each one, an11d it will pla) away on these nominees, and they wil: have to stand it and take the abuse, and the falsehood, and the caricature, an( the anathema, and the caterwauling, and the. filth, and they will be rolled iti it and rolled over and over in it, unti: they are clicked and submerged am strangulated, ai'1 at every sign of re turning consciousness they will be bark, ed at by all the hounds of political par ties from ocean to ocean. And yet there are a hundred m1en to(tIy struggling for that privilege, and there are thousands of men who are helping thelm in the su gg!c, Now, that Is not a life worth living. You can vet slandered anl ahbund chealper tham that. Take it on a smaller scale. Do iot he so ambitious to have a whole reservoir rollod over on you. But what you see ini the matter of high politien' preferment you ace in ev ery community im the striggle for what is called social position. Tens of thousanda of people trying to get into that realin, an1d they are under territle tension. What is social positioni It is a diflicult thing to deflue but we all know what it is. Good morals and] in telligenco are not necessary, but wealthi or show of wealth is absolutely indisp5n sable. Thero are men today as notoili ous for their libertinism as the night i famous for its darkness who movo in what is called high social position. Then are hundreds of cut anw out rakes It American society whose names an mentioned among the distinguisher guests atl the great levees. They havi annexed all the known vices and an lonving for other worlds of diabolism t conquer. Good iuorals are not necessa ry in many oC the exalted circles of so cloty. Neither is iitellige to necessiry. Yot find in that realm men who would no know an ad verb from an adljective if thol met it i hundred times a day, and wh< could not write a letter of acceptance o regrets without the aid of a secretary They buy their libraries by the aquar vard, only anxious to have the bindin Rlussian. Their ignorance is positivol sublime, making Engliei grai mmar a most disreputable. And yet the fline parlors open nefore them. Good moral and intelliveico are not necessary, bn woalth or a show of wealth is absolutel indispensable. IL does not maKe an (1111erence how you got your wealth if yo only got it. The best way for you t get into social position is for you to bi: a large amount on credit, then put you property in your wife'd name, have few pr'eferied credlitors and1( then mauk an assigiuiment. T1hen disappenCir froit tihe community iutil the breez3 leI over and then come back and start in th others. I must develop this body by all g industries, by all gymnastic', by all sun. t shine. by all freah air, by all good habits. c And this scul I muit hava swept and I garnished an illumined and glorified by I I all that I can - for it and all that I can c get God to o for it. It shall be a Lux. c emburg of fine p'ctures. It shall bs an 6 orchestra of grand harmonies. It shall * be a palace for God and righteousness to reign in. I wonder how many kind words I can utter in the next 60 years. I will try. I wonder how many good deedls I can do in tle next 00 years. I will try. God help meP" That young man enters life. Ile is buft- t fete0; he is tried; he Is perple xed. A grave opens on this side, and a grava openson that side. Ie falls, but he rises again. ie gets into a hard battle, but he gets y the victory. The msin course of is life is in the ri 'ht direction. iHe blesses everybody he comes in contact with. a God forgives his mistakes and makes everlasting record of his holy endeavors, and at the close of it God soys to him,1 "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the joys of thy Lord." My brother, my sister, I do not care whether that man (lies at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 years of ago. You can chi s1 right under his name on the tombstone these words: "lis lite was worth living.' Amid the hills of New Hampshire in olden times there sits a mother. There are six children in the household-tour boys and two girls. S-nall farm. Very rough, hard work to coax a living out of it. Mighty tugs to make two ends of the year meet. The boys go to school Im witer and work the farm in summer. Mother is the chief'presiding spirit. With her hands she knits all the stockings for ihe little feet, atid she is the mantua maker for tih boys, and sie is the milli I ner for the girls. There in only one muilcal instrument in the hose-the slpining wheel. The food is very plain, but it is always well provided. The winters are very cold, but are kept out by the blanketa sie quilted. On Sun. day when she appears in the village church, her children around her, the ministr v looks down and is reminded o the bible descrition of a good house. wife: "Ilor children arise up and call her blessed. Her husband also, and t he pralseth her." Sime years 2o by, and two eldest boys want a collegiate education, and the household economies are severer, and the calculations are closer, and until t those two boys got their education there B is a hard battle for bread. One of these L boys enters the univerasty, statiud in a pulpit widely influential and preaches y righteousness, judgmn t and temperance a and thousands during his ministry are a blessed. The other lad who got the coi legiate education goes into the law, and r theuce into legislative halls, and a fter awhile he commands listening senates as a bo mtakes a phlea for the dlownitrodden~ 1 and the outcast. One of the younger boys becomes a merchants, atartinig at the foot of' tihe latler, bitt cliimbinsg on upi until his succeess anud his philanthbro- s pies are recognized all over the land. b 1'Te other son stays at home because hie prefers farming life, and then he thinks lie will be able to take csre 'of ~ father and mother when they get old1. Of' the two daughters, whieni the war broke oust, cite went through the hospit. ~ ale of Pittsburg Landing and F'ortressc Monroe, cheering up the (tying arnd home. sick and taking the last message to kin. dred far away, so thbat every time Christ thi ought oflher hie said, as of old, ".The same is my sister and mother." The other daughter has a bright home of her own, and in the afternoon of the fore- I noon when site has b~een devoted to her ~ household site goes forth to hunt, up the sick and to encorage, the dicouraged, leaving smiles and benediction all along the way. Bunt one dlay there start five telegrams from the village for these five absent ones saving "Come; mother is danger- I ously ill."' But bef ore they can be ready to start they receive another telegram, saying, "Come; mother is dead.''~ The old nseiihors gather in the old farm- I hlouse to (10 the last, oflices of' respect. Bunt as Ltat farmmng sonm, aind the clorgy man tihe seniator, and1( the merchant, and the t~wo daughters standc by the casket of the (lead mother taking t~he last look or lifting their little children to see once more the face of dlear old grandma I want to ask that, group around thie cas- 1 ket, osie questioni, "D~o you really think her life was worth living?'' A life for t God, a lif'e tor others, a life oh unselish ness, a useful life, a Christiani lif, is al! ways worth living. I woul not, flnd it hard to persuade you that the poor lad Peter Cooper, making glue for a Ivig and tisens amass hng a groat fortune unitil lie could build1( a I .philanthropy which has had its echo min '10,000 p~hilanthropiies all over time coiuu try-I wvon id ntot tlad it hard t6 persuade you that his life wais worth living. Nel tiher would 1 find( it hardi to p~ersuadoe you t that the lifo of'Susannahi Wesley was 4 a worth living. She senm out one son t~o to organtiz3 Methsodism and the other son to biring his anthems all thsrough tihe ages. I wvould not fInd it hard work to p hersuaed you that the life of' Frances I Leere was worth living, as she estab hshted in England a school for the sclen. title nursing of time suck and thten whietn the war broke out, between Francs aind G*ermaniy went to thme front, and withs j her ownt hands scrapled the mud ofi the ' bodies of the soldiers dyIng ini the tresn- I cihes, with her weak arm, standing one niighst in the hospital, puishiing baick a I German soldic r to his couch as, sill fren-d ziedh with his wouindis, lie rushted toward t the dloor and saidi: "Let ime go! L,,t me go to my hebhe mutter." MajIor ge'i orals standing back to let pass this angel of mercy. Neither would I have hard work to persuade you that Grace D)arling hived a life worth living, the heroino of thse life- d boat,. You are not wondierinig that the Duchess of Northumbesrland came to see her, and that people of' alt lands asked f for her lighitaouse, and that this proprIe- r tor of the Adlelphi theater in London offered hter *100 a night just to sit In the ( lifeboat 'hio some shipwreck scene was 'v being enacted. But I know the ',thought in the minds .of hundreais who read this. You say, ( "While I know all these lived lives 4 Worth living, I don't think my life ~ t amounts to much." Ah, my friend,t 1, whether you live a life conspicuous or K itncon pleou it is worth livIng if you e )ive tight An.d 12 ....t --nxts ence to go dowii into the deaths four souls.- You are to be retWarde Lccording to the greatiiess ofyour V )ut accoitding to the holy industries vhioh y)u employed the talents 'eally possessed. The mejority o >t the crowns of heaven will not be u 0 people with 10 talents, for mc ,hem were tempted only to serve ti elves. The vast majority of the Cc >f heaven will be given to people lad ou3 talent, but gave it all to nd remembcr that our life here i roductory to another. It is the v >ule to a palace. But who despiee loor of the Madeleine because ther :rander glories withib? Your li ightly lived is the first bar of an etc >ratorfo, and who desvises the no aydn's sympiholiea? And the lite ive now is all the more worth living ause it opens into a life that shall : nd, and the Inst letter of tie Itime's the ilkst letter of the 'etermtW _______ A Note of Warn'g. WASIINGTON, July 24.-"The tringent meneitres may need to be t o protect the United States," w )r. Stuart Eldridge from Yokohan he marine hospital bureau fin rega lia black plague. Particular care, he suggests, is isable in admittine certain classe oods from China likely to convey in on-rags, old cotton, etc., and Lich manufactured articles as are n: tile native workships, with, peril case of plague dying in the same r< uch things ari straw matting, roideries and every sort of te Lbric. ltcognizing the difilcultien in Ray of obtaining accurate intformi pon sanitary matters from ori( oauntrias, Dr. Eldridge, who is eo'lth oilcer of the p)rt ol Yokoh id a member of the imperial boa ealth of Tokio, has sent to the M ospital bureau a semi-olicIal a Lent of the epidemic in southern Cl It appears from his report, that courgs is one of the most fearfu ecord, 'iaving its greatest hold a iort of liong-Kong, where mostol ocelgn commerce touches. The disease broke out in Canton ast 1'ebruary, and about the same Vas e)Idomic at Pakhoi, a port not I risited by .luropeans. Daring M ind April it steadily increased un Issumed giiantic proportions, yet ording to Dr. El.fdrid-e. the eastern horities mianifested thsir customar lillereuce. "Although I1ong -Kong is tha ci f trade in tile east," h, writes, '41 malf day's journey from Caiton a1 onstant communication therewitlh xlstence of danger was ignored. ral cases appeared in Ioug Kong ag the first days of May, but not" he tenth of that month was any of ction taken. It has steadily mucre a that place until the mortality eached 100 a day, despite the exod [00,000 Chinese and many Europc 'lie natives, in most cases, have le ecling tihe 1rat symptoms of the die n the 1101)8 of dying. in their native ages, while a dCzn }iropeans >een attacked and mr)st of them lied. - From Canton and Hong Kon lisease is spreading thrugh the n >oring country and will probably '1)pear in the coast towns of China 1 >f 1[ong Kong, because from tile essness in thos3 plarts no effective antine is likely to b)e established. ral cases hlavO already occurre< teamers tradlin.? from liong K(on hmese88 ports but without serioul equences onl acconut of tPromipt at( y tile ships1' surgeons. "A quarantine system has ben 1 Operation in Japan holding ships I le infeeteed districts nine da~ys after al or after the last case has been ab ud only one infected ship has rea< apan. As long as the (disease is I uit of Japan, so long will this COtI e thie best, bulwalk for the Uni tates against the importation of isease." Weather Rteport. COLUMBIA,8S. C., July 23.-The wing is Director Buner's report he week-ending July 22, 1894: Tihe past week will take rank as f the best growing' ones of the sea lthough there was a diflciency in emperature and sunshine. 0 wvin nore than the usual amount of cl ness, the daily range of tempert vas less than ordinary oin accoun ower maxima and consequently nean temperatures averaged from degrees a day below the normal. afnniall was general over the State a many places excessive and dama o field crops especially on bottom I thlich were overflowed, notably in ieryille and 13 irnwell counties; in erson, and to a less extent in 'ow othler counties, hillside corn madly washed. Some fields of cottc yell as corn, are becoming very gi vhfich threatens injury to those cm >ut little could be done to clear trass as tihe ground was gene o wet to plow, in fact si :orrespondlents think it will be n mary to lay by tile former crop In trass; corn is beyond injury from crass. Aside from tile damage by st1u vater noted ab~ove, cotton anid p~eal he only crops Impaired by tile St afinfall, but as yet to no0 very grea ent. So calledi rulst is noted on co romn foult counties, while others re he piant turning yellow on sandy ~rowing too n'ich to weed and frul oo little on richer land, and shed< if squares more common than is ue 'he crop has not yet been (lam; eriously and In many counties no 1ll, but would be much Improved el vhere by more sunshine. Its ger ondition 18 above the average iminber of years past. Corn countinfues to make rapid rovement andl thait of earliest plan s made and( assures a big yield and mter planting will soon be beyond ury except from violent wind stol 'he yield of corn promises to bo argest for many years. Sweet potatoes growing too mucd 'ne, but like all other crops their ition is excellent andl In some counif he acreage tihe largest ever plan LI ce continues to do wvell and prom goodl yield. Tobacco doing s orghumn growing finely. Large qua los of turnip seed being pianted i ery favarablo conditions. Grass asturage abundant. Melons pleni nd heavy shiipmenits being made. ens continue to make wonderful 'rovement. Little mention Is mad ruit, probably because there Is II rult to speak of; Charleston cou oports second fig crop very large. Thei followining places reported f) inches or more, of rainfall for reek: Cheraw, 2.19; Ilardeville, ~ingstree, 3.09; Saints George, 2.89; (atthews, 1.58; Allendale, 2.76- Il ille, 2 59: Charleston, 2.98; St. 1(tqpl ,10; Loopers, 8 85; Longshoe, iake City, 2.90; Health Sping., ' lonway,5.09; Chesterfld, 8.29; Uet~ own,2.87; Statesburg,2.20; St. Us >rty 8.41 EIrial, 2.42; McoCormc jentral: .10;fllaorea,2.15; Hantud inall THE STATE ALLIANCF. rork, with [CONTINUJRD rUOM PAGE ONE ] youI I the adopted. :ven Resolved. 'That we approve the gt at of oral course of our Inembora of Cc 1m- gross who have been directed in tie Mle efforts for relief by Alliance policy, b who express deep regret and con demnati, of their vote upon the bill to repe od. -unconditionally the tax on State ban in- as bting a repudilation of the deman B8ti- Of the Alliance upon the vital questti I the at issue. are Messrs. W. A. Neal, of AndersoD; 0, it A. Sligh, of Ne werry; 1). P. Dunca rnal of Union; T. J. Cunningham, of Oh Lo of ter, and W. II. Timmerman, of Ed8 you field, were made a permanent commi b-tee to take charge of the Cotton Pla: ever and put it on a (irm foundation by r i organization and placing new men ort the helm. This action was taken b vord cause of the fact that J. W. Bowdf was impelled to give up its inanag ment on account of ill health. Ile ir nost given the utmost satisfaction in v tken his work and the Alliance "regre rites very much that ha is so situated th he has to sever his connection." TI a to fact is that Mr. Bowden has been ru d to ning the Cotton Plant under a lea IIe has give up his lease, being phyi ad- cally unable to attend to all the worl O 0f 1 understand he is to be continued fec- editor, however. also The sensation of the day was the u kade shot of the Duncan-Gantt matter. aps, The judiciary committee made ti 1m. following report which was adopti em- unanimously. gie "The committee, after repeated forts, due notice having been give the failing to get Mr. Gantt before them tonperson or with testimony, fInds tl h3a charges alleged are groundless and t: committee fully exonerates Manag the I)uncan of said charges. nia W. N. ErLDER, Chairman. *d of' There was also a report from a spt krine ial committee to consider the coniu ate- of Mr. Gantt. They made the followil ina. report, which was adopted by a risii this vote: on "The committee to whom was i ith) ferred the resolution to investigate t ul conduct of T. L. Gantt, editor of t Piedmont Headlight, and a member late the Farmers Allianca, would respei fully submit: Limle I"'hat as such editor lie has persi: >lten ently used the columns of his paper arch preferring promiscuous charges agair til it a brother-member, D. P. Duncan, t Rc- State Exchange agent, instead of pi au- ceeding according to the provisions V im- expressed by the Constitution, Secthi 4, Article 15. That in thus using t] uter columns of his paper he not only vi >ut a lates the spirit and letter of the Al Id in ance law,and brings discredit upon t the order, but forfeits the conditions upi which editors are eligible to memb( dur- ship under Section 1, Article 10. "In view of the above violations the constitution we recommend tih tIcial he be expelled from the order. ased "(Signed.) W. 0. Tatum, J. It. Blal has Jr., J. D. Montgomeryj. C. Elliott ai 1s of J. L. Smith." ians. Reports from a member of the boa, 1, on of directors of the Alliance Exchan ease and from Manager Duncan were hea vil- and gave entire satisfaction, a] lave showed the management to be cond< lave ed on business principles and the e Y tihe change to be in a good financial con( tion. The annual election of ofilec soon- was then entered upon. The followi ofilcers were elected: iortii I.resident-W. D. 1Evans. ,are- Vice President-J I. Keitt. qjua. Secretary-J. W. Reid. Sov Treasurer-F. P. Taylor. on State Lecturer-IRev. .J. A. Sligh. to. Staward-E. B. Tyler. coai Doorkeeper-iI. C. L ittle. tion Assistant D)oorkeeper-D. M. VTar Sergeant at Arms-J. E. ,Jarnigan. Put P. P'- Mitchell was chosen a memb co~ of the executive committee f'or a thr ariyear's term. W. N. Elder was elected for a tbr haed year's term to the executive committh h dI. K. Norris was elected delegate 'apt the national convention. 1try John T. Gaston was elected altornal uted J. William Stokes's name was pr the posed for re-election as lecturer, but was withdrawn, he asking all I friends to vote for Sligh. fol- bite dinner the Alliance reasse: for ble, the new oflicers were instailt some resolutions of thanks were adol ed, and then the body adjourned si: oedie. All of the delegates are mui son, pleased with what they have done, ai 3th they have been handsomely treatedI the people of Aiken. tune UorrnIle Exporlence. b of lION DOUT, N. Y., July 25.-At Spr tile kers, a village not tar from here, Mu 1 to Eleanor Markham complained of hea The trouble, and was treated by a physicia and She grew weaker gradualiy, and app ging rently breathed her last. 'L'he doct unds pronounced her doad, and funish4 Ab. the usual burial certillcaite. Mi An- Markham was put in the coilin, the ome wvas fastened, and the undertaker aii was his assistant took the coflin to t n as hearse waiting outside. As they a assy preached the hearse a noise was hea ops; and the coilin was put dlown and open the in short order. Behold, there was po cally Eleanor Markham lyIng on her bac ome her face white and (distered and h aces- eyes distended. the "My God!" she cried in broken a< the cents, "where am I? You are imlryin me alive!" face "Ilush, child," said Dr. lo ward, wl are happened to be presenit. "I t is a mistal plus easily rectified." ex- The girl was then taken into tU bton house and placed on the bed, when si port fainted. While the doctor was admnii ioil; istering stimula'.ing restoratives ti ing trappings of woo were removed, ar Ling the hearse drove away with (more chee ual. fuil rapidity than a hiearsae wvas ev lgedl driven before. The cordials had ti at desired effect, and Miss Markham gre ~ery- a little stronger. As it wvas evidei oral that her nerves were suffering fro1 of a the terrible shock they had receive the doctor ordered the dioors thirow~ im- open, and told the girl's mother an ting immediate friends to stay with he Lhat until she completely recovered, antd a: in- or do not nothing in her hearing< ins. sight that wasnot cheerful and stimuli the ting, and, above all, not to refer to tt late sensational episode. Biut this E Sto ennor would not havo. She spoke of ~on - herself, and seemed relieved, and pasi ties ed into a refreshing sleep when she hi ted. uneburdejned her mind. ies "1 was conscious all the time ye roll. were making preparations to bury me nti- she said, "and the horror of my situ ider ition is altogether beyond descriptie for I could hear everything tnat was goir if ul on, even a whisper outside the door at Sarn- though L exerted all my will power ar Im-- made a supreme physical effort to ci s of out, 1 was powerless. I had readl ini ttle New York paper lately about how ti nty IReverend Doolor Kand died and we: to heaven, but felt that my fate was two be buried alive, and the frightful idi the was the saving of me, for as I wI 1.01; borne to the hearse I prayed to God f< St. strength and, making another attemp 9tok- succeeded in rapping on the lid of ti ens coflin. At first I fancied the beare .00; would not hear me, but when I felt or 00O; end of the cofin falling suddenly rge- knew that I had been heard," rge Miss Markham is in a f ~ way to r [sib-- covery, and what is stra~i -tht t 3.73; fintterings of her heart ttbrought 1.her illness are gone. M momeb ire Happy Homos. 'iAve You ever noticed It? Call to ivd the homes of your friends who have a good Piano or Or0 We to he house. Are they not brighter and more attractive than those where the divine art of muslo never enters? To be sure it costs to buy a good intru. ment but It lasts many years, and wil pay Its costs many a t ousand tip over by interesting the young folks in their homes. Don't make the mistake though, of Investiug haphazard. Pool yourself thoroughly by writing Ludden & Bates southern Music House, Savah. nah, Ga., the great music house of the South, established in 1870. They have supplied 50,000 instsruments to Solth ern homes, and have a reputation for fair prices and honorable treatment of customers; and they represent the lead ing pianos and organs of America ''hey take pleasure In corresponding with you, sending free catalogues, etc Write them. riA PA YS TME FREIG 1 1 Enw-ne Pdes hr God I t. k :iogue and See What You CM Sal ri .W SI $69- $37 to in rot] ue )m. N4 o freignit !mid onl thist Or #:snti GuKri'iteed toi be a 4Pracei Or mone4y re. VI fu;, orcs r 0 t - U 'II i e '^Ri.I'* ' I lT', ~oiniting -.: o thar, freekling %Jhair Divan e-wlru $46. Will delives This No.1 twill - ware wil be deti'rqt (: ed to yot sot for A * R DKWniG MACHUM ritl all atoiach 'min . For ONLY $10.50 *b' er nr prit- or this Tim. man.,or.ig t r iar ony4 all the ex1 n.-'s nedi . * I 11 11iem to you ror &A.70. and guarantei. every one a bargainj. No treight paid tr .ta Uug y-- .- -. . A 068 'jIAI ond4 fot etah' esi ., i.rniture, Oooking atovee, Baby rriagn. niayele~s, Orgame, Ph P.,t h lam, &., and Tozer For Agricul tural and (in eral Planta~ton UJae, have earn ed their reputa. tion as the best on tue market. * For Blmpiioity, Durability and Economy in fuel and water THE ToZEat Uas no Equai. NOW IS THE TIME TOf l'i.AUiC YOllR ORD~iCRS F4ORt Threshers'! And I Soil the the Market, Write to me B~efore Buying. Shingle Machines, Stave Machines, Brick Machines, Planing Machiines, Swing Saws, . and saws, Gang Rip 81ws,5 and all kind-, of wood workiag maotines, 3rist Mills $115 to $250. Sa w Mills $190 to $400. Watertown Engines aw Il oers. Talbott Engines nnd Boilers. Seed Cotton Eievators. Cottoh (lne and P.reisses Iflil anid LO0W GRADE. V. C. BIIIIIIM. (JorUM IA 8. 0. t ~ilfl *~ ORGANSPrices Low (nly $90 for a Huperb M ASON A iIA MrN Organ. 4 seta Uceeds, 1i Sto . ich Case. 65 cash and *, mnontliy, Ileduced fromt 6115. WIIITa US. Ileautitful TraLNG M irror Top only 860. 4 sets lteedu,i18topo. Wuu'Ta Us. Lovely New t4y les at, 65 and 67b. W nITE UsR. 1'0egant New Pianos only 225 W ONDERVFUL at t~he Jln3. WaITE Us. Tremendous bargains in nearly new Pianos c.ndt Organs, used a trifle only, WarIT Us. If you want a Piano or Organ now is the time to buy it RIGRT. WuITR Us. Write fls anyhow. Trade Is dull sind you can't a~ak moee questions about Pianos anid O rgans than we wabtPto bia swer. Try it, please. Luden 0 B1e&88.. -A RUS61AN ADVENTURER Who One Tino Lived In 13etkoleo otunt). Nealeo~y-RI Several y ears ago, says the N ews and n- Courier the good ship Richard 11 ar. n - rived in Charleston harbor from St. P. ir tersburg to take a cargo of cotton. nt The Richard 111 was one of the last )n full rigged ships that used to come to al this port. On this particular trip she ka had on board a young Russian of high da birth and prepossessing manneis, but )11 without a dollar or a friend in the World-cast off. desolate and alone. J. Col. William' L,. Trenholm, after n, wards comptroller of the currency un a- der Mr.Cleveland's flest administration 0- was then Russian consular agent at Lt- port, and the captati.being exercised in at his mind about- this young man, went 0- to Wim and told him this boy of about at 18 years of age was on board of his ship, e- that he was the son of a nobleman high m in the se vice of the Czar who, on the e- eve of his departure, hfd brought him as aboard of his shlp g n him just the ill bare passage money, and begged him ts to take him to America and then turn at him adrift. ie The captain said that he became in n- terested in and afterwards touched by ie. -the forlorn plight of the young noble, If- who was a bri41iant talker and of most c. charming manners, and determined to as see what he could do for him, and so had brought him to Col. Trenholin and p. begged that lie would do whatever li could for him. 10 Col. Trenholm weas very much pleased Ad with the young man, who was singu larly prepossessing, as said above, and f. called himself Michelson and said that n, the reason for his being sent qff by his in father was that his father had slapped io his sister's face and that lie had struck le him for so doing. ar Col. Trenholm introduced him to his friend, Major Julian Mitchell, who, up on examination, found that he could c- read Greek and lAtin with ease and ct could speak all of the great modern ig languages with fluency. At figures, ig too, he was a veritable prodigy. One could take a pencil and w lite on a piece -e. of paper. calling it out to him as it was lie written, such a sum as this: 7,872 lie multiplied by 6,368 and before the man of with paper and pencil would have the t- sum flinished lie would have calculated it mentally. it- Major Mitchell and Mr. Smith, his in partner, were no pleased with the young ist man that they took him into their of' he lice as a clerk. Ile remained some time o- giving absolute satisfaction and win ts ning his way into the good graces of all in with whom he came into contact. 1e At the boarding house at which lie o. lodged the landlady and all tht boarders i. especially those of the weaker sex, were he his ardent admirers and enthusiastic m friends. ,r. After Michelson had been in tie of lice some time Messrs. Mitchell & of Smith were apprised of the fact that at their firm name had been forged on several occasions to checks. The forg :e, eries were easily traced to young Mich id elson. ILis employers did not prose cute him, but he did not receive such rd mercy at the hands of the manage. ge ment of the Garmania Bank. Ile was rd tried and sent to the penitentiary for id eighteen months. st- Even in the Penitentiary his unusual x. gists stood him in tood stead. lie made i-- a most favorable impression on all with rs whom he came in contact and was soon ig made the bookkeeper of that institu tion.By his uniform goodconduc the les sened his time of imprisonment and was soon free to roam at will. Whether he really exp~eriencedi a temporary - change of heart, or whether ho was merely adding sacrilegious hypocrisy to his other crimes of ingratitude and dishonesty is not known. At all events n~. he became a Cambellite minister and achieved considerable nopularity in the er extreme upper Portions of the State in se his ghostly capacity. After a while hie was married to a se very excellent young country girl,wvith e. whom he seemed to live happily for to some time but after about a years time lie suddenly disappeared and was not e. hieardi of from that day until about o. four years ago, a letter was received in it Charleston from a Charleston lady in 15 Florida who had known of Michelson when in Charleston saying that he was n- then married to a very pretty and d, charming young woman of excellent ~t- parentage, asking if lie ought not to be rie exposed. ::h The gentleman here to whom the let id ter was add ressed thought that as the >y mischief wvas done and the girl already married to him, and as he seemed to be leading a quiet and respectable life, andi as he hoped that having sown so a- much wvild oats, that lie might have aS gotten through and really turned over rt a new leaf, it would be wisest to do m nothing in the matter at all, and ac a- cordingly nothing was done and he or dIropped out of the minds of the peo id ple here entirely until the spoclal from as ,iacksonville about him in the News 1(1 and Courier yesterday recalled him to id their mindls. [1e in Florida he seems to havei ri-wn to P considerable prominence in' Madison rd county, as he representedl that constit duency i'n the State Legislature last ses or sion. The story of his downfall in k, Florida ia curIous. ie telegraphed or from Thomasville, Ga., to a stableman In Quinman, oraeridg a carriage and ~pal!r of horses to take a gentleman over g to Madison, signing the name of RL. C. Mcintosh, without that gentleman's o knowledge. .lie went to Quitman, it e is reportedl, made use of the team, and when asked for the charges said that 1e Mr. Mcintosh was rosponsible for 1o them. ]For this he was arrested1 for l~ forgery. dA Illoody Fight, r- SiraIvi'owri, Li., July 21.-News ar has beeni received here or a tragedy at, 1e Ivory, a settlemenit in Arkansas, just, wV beyonid hie .Luiiana line, in which a preacher, the Rev. J. S. Platt, and two mIiiemb~ers of hi1s congregation wore slain, andi several others seriously woulndedl. (I Tihe parties hal met in a secluided pilace ir to settle a (dispute concerning the author iy shipi of a slanderous report that was in ir circulation and the fight, a s thie result. v- A rumor got abroad in the commniity af ie fecting the character of a young lady. It I- was alleged that the Rev. P'latt started it the story, but lhe in turn acctused a mom b- er of his congregation named P'erdue. d The men were about to Come together mn bittle, liut, friends intervened and~ it ,was dlecided that the principals, with .their friends shou1ld( meet downl the river .addeiothe matter without trouble. g hrewre presenit Plat, Felix Goulet, id Din Pordue, two men name Diadale, d two men named Dolceo and G. U. Stuart, y father-in law of the Rev. Platt, After a some h'-9e had been dleveted t~o argumient, 10 all the parties reached for their wieapons. it Trhere were Winchesters, revolvers and ;o shot enos, Platit, the only man un ~a armed, jumpedl .into the river, where he is was killed with a Winchester ball. Siu r art his relative, was shot in the back t, and leg, and was knocked Into insensi 1e bllity. of the Dlsdales was shpit in sthe abdomen. OJ~hiers of the'two factions yreceived hkuju als. The congreg~t oli of Plati's chur is arousbd over the airgi, s. and an efro~' piay be made to driVe Per Sdue out of he communlty,'ha the Which jicase a war of extermination *111 be 04 tere4 npo I? b0o0f gl~e,