OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, August 23, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1894-08-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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PICK I'.S C. If., s. C.
j. E. BOCIGS & CO., Proprietors.
red at P'ckens iost , iee as Second Class
.3 BjSORYPTION PR $IC 1.60 per Year sinvaria,
* III advanace, for six itonths, 75 cents.
Advertisoments iiserted att one dolar per sqttare
of one litth or less for the first insertion antid
fifty ceats for oach suimeqtictit insertion. A
liberal disenttit mnade to nuorchamts and other
ativetisin i. fou six months pr it year.
1v ) 1,0" A 1) N' KitS i lN'TS POSI
Obitiary uotices exceeding five lines, tributes
of respect, coInmintitticiniot11 of a persouttil
charactor, when aiduissable, will be charged
fbr as advertisement
THURSDAY. AUGUSr 23, 1894.
It is about timo of the year for the
Kolbs in Alabama to begin growing
somo grains of rense.
-Whippl d logs often tuck their
tails and follow their master, because
they prefer that to beiong a 'stray
Sonimo peopl0 w ho are not ch1 ristianls
are anxious to see tho religious senti
ment in the State got the better of
The coiveution enldored Governor
Tilhman and the Ocala demands; Gov
ernor Tillmnai endorsed the conven
tion but not Ocala.
We protest against the Cotton
Plant's naggin the alliance brethren
in its editorial flapjacks. It should
speak of thcim as., reformers.
Eighten hundred adul ninety-four
converts should sed their loyalty by
positive and persistent refusal of ov
ery office except that of notary pub
Chicago has decided to elevate her
railroads. If she would apply the
jackcewis of patriotism to her poli
ties it would be a consumiation de
voutly to ho wished.
The politiciams were no doubt dis
gusted with the small reform vote for
governor. While it shows a great.
lack of interest inl state polities, we
are not prepared to say that it por
tends evil to the reformers.
Ultimato, irredolemablo and irre
triovable defeat awaits all political
trimmers. A man had better be rum
over and crushed by a steam engih.
than to have his conscience and judg
ment to be warped by tho hopo of
temporary advancement.
The esteemed Cotton Plant is in
line and will support John Gary Ev.
ans. Dr. Pope stands a good chance
of winning the fight, howvever, as
there is not a newvspaper in the State
advopating his election, and we know
of no0 newspaper which has collected
an annotuncement fee of him.
WVe have often heard whiite men
speak of their wives by the use of
the very comprehensive term, "they"
whlen we knew certainly that the
speonker had but one wife. Tihe Cot.
ton plant nowv uses tihe term in speak
ing of Governor Tilhnan in connec
tion with gubernatorial politics.
We have heard and read of all
kinids of reunions, associations and
conventions. The one which was
held ncar Galveston a few days ago,
caps the climax. It was a reunion of
the ox-slaves of John Sims 1aid'their
descendants. The .meeting was large
ly attend~ed, and the professors among
the young Africans made some fine
There is no doubt that tradoe con
ditions will be greatly relieved by the
settlemnt of the tariff question.
The prolonged uncertainty has caus
ed more stagnation and disaster than
tihe iniquitous Mchinley law could
have produced in twvo y'ears. The
settlemenit is not wvhat we wanted in
but one respect, and that is it settled
the suspen~so, ended the agony.
When the result of thie reform pr-i
mary was generally known, a citizen
reformer remarked that it was just
the luck of Pickens county to have
its mani beaten, and that it generally
v'otedl in the minority in such things.
That is no sign that Pickens did not
vote right. We do not expect her to
apologize to anybody for her courso.
It may cause diappointment to ini.
'dividuals. but it will never cause any
one to think less of her judgment or
The meetings of the reform oxec
utive committee have all been held
bhind closed doors. We do not hes
Stato to say that such practice is per
iicious pnd is bound to work injur~y
- ~the party that does its business in
tha hidden way. In the meeting
held on last Tuesday, seven counties
1id instructed their delegates to do
M),artain things1 How- are these pee.
Sto knowv what their representa
ties do when such tactics-are being
( seat When the victory of 1890 waq
- wnthe people zhoped that they had
A~en the last of sneh methods, but it
dnwii that politicians of all persua
e t'e ~ pr'one to-the stame faults and
iieed hi ittle more teauching up
h peopgmto sot the' matter
C)aof4on Jfiant.- ;
There are thirty.one candidates i
Anderson county.
Day by day, and one by one, the
Toronto eoursionists are returning.
Many candidates will wake up on
the night of the 28th, and bo glad
that they are rid of the nightnaro.
Be sure to take your choice on the
28th. If you do not, don't begin to
kick about the choice others make
for you.
We were looking for a light in the
west, not in the north. It is hard for
the State newspaper to get its com).
pass right.
An Ellerbe reformer says there is
a world'of significance in the timo of
holding our primary elections. It
will bo during dog days.
Tom Watson is making a lively
cick over in Georgia, but th demo.
srats feel sure that ho will be badly
left in the general election
Last Friday Darlington count.y re
formers held a mass meetinig and put
uut a Pope electoral ticket to be voted
for in the primary of the 28th.
The Piedmont Headlight should
be requirod to keep a red lantern on
its rear platform, so that it may not
suffer any . more rear end collisions
Wether he gazes at the landscape
polities or parties, the editor of thi
Jouirnal now sees things through dif
ferent glasses. He sports a hand
some gold rimmed pair.
Three or four buildings were flrei
so nearly at the same time last Sa
urday night in Florence, that it wa
thought a gang of fire fiends ha
broken loose on the town to destro
Congress will adjourn this wee
1111d ncarly everVblody will be as gia
t-hercat, as the colgressmen thenll
selves. They will have another litt.1
bout, then the republicans 'ill tal
chargoe again.
Will oppose' 111C 110 o more;
Pope, the reform bumio;i,
'Will Ie i stewed onion.
Gen. Farley has withdrawn fro
the race for Congress in (the 7th, an
in drawing out, he spun-1_ out ab)
two columns. We should like e
niuch to have su;ggestedl this ter.,
sentonice: "I am21 not ini it, I am11 0u
of it. H. L. F."
John Ploughman say~s a man wi
will allow himself to be cheated twic
by tile same man, is no0 better thlan 2
rogue. This doctrine will hold goo<
ill commflerce, morals and p)olitiscs. Si
if you have cheated a muan twice yol
had better steeir shy of him.
Miss Annam Cameron wvon a year
sub)scriptionl to tihe Record by ridin1
a bicycle through tihe principr
streets of Philadelphia clatd i b<1
witching bloomers. The next thin
we kntow there will be a svympatheti
strike ini tihe side saddle factorie
Fashion has obtained such a swV2
thr t it has laid hold of the literal
circle and presumes to dictate w~hi
unovels shall have the run in a givt
season, rho fashion thlis summim
hlas boon~ a very light diet. N":
su)lmmecr will b)e some2 old pliots dom
By its own inltrinlsic sweetne:
sungor has1 insinuatedl itself into oi
coffee, into our tea, and into marl
other p~leasanlt drinks. But since
has no0w cut such1 a figure iln ou r tarn
war, it goes headlong to imnmort'alil
into our slang. If you hlave not 11
"sugar," your name is mud
Old Cri'p certainly did the Senaf
uip in) his lea~dersip of tile House
gettinmg it to agree to th~e Senate ta
iff' bill. The Senato would have hor
very clear of mlaking tile proposit(
it did if it had once thought I
Ilouse wold have accepted it. TI
host result to come from that mna
uire is thnat the vexed question is se
tIed for a whdlo.
"All is well that (ends1 wvel." TheIn
is no indication of any further fmn
iln tihe reform ranks. Now that 'u
are through with politics', it will b
in ordcr for us5 to alddress ourselve
to reform. We. are sure that ther
is no chlance to improve on the. olh
ring method of no0minat ing oflicerf
It has wvorked beautifully this sum11
mer, and will contiule to work well
We have had our say in thle primary
and we just as wvell owvn up that wa
have fallen far short of the firs
March convention.
flht H um Up..
Mr. J. B. Lewise of Atlanta, Ga., it
severe dyspopsia. Physlelans anid all othec
remed1ies falIcto cure hhn). lHe tried Try
ner's Dyspepsia Remernd, and)( afterward:
wvrites: "TFhe first dose gaive rell't; I- r'ec
ommend)' it as the best dyspepsla remeds
ever discovered I have gained flesh sinc<4
using it. 'I volunttarily recoI)mmnd It to al
sufferers wIth stomach troubles." For sti
by slengista at 5oc. nerF bottle.
There is a paper published in
Richmond, Va., by Woman Publish
ing company, called Woman. We do
not know whether the company is 1a
composed of women or men, but its w
avowed object iN to mako woman 1
what she ought to be. If it is run by
women we are glad to knov that wo
11111n Will remain as she Was and is. di
If it is ran by men it will soon col- T
lapse, because woman's work for wo- cl
man has fully occupied the field.
Good men can s.iggest no improve- f
me! t on woman and bad men ought fr
to keep their thoughts to themselves.
Has there bcen a resurrection of that al
philosoplier who thought he could set F
the spheres to a sweeter and more p
harmonious tune? ti
The United Stakes court after in.. c(
vestigatug many jug eases, last Sat
ur-day, went oif like a jug handle
Judgo Brawly announced that all el
who had been selling whisky or ac- ft
cused of it, who would come ip and "
plead guilty, should have their sen
tenco suspended until they were
again found guilty of offending when c
they would receive the maxiium r
punislment in addition to the sus e
pended sentonce. So many defend
ants adopted the suggestion of the
court that the petit jury kept up with 1
the grand jury, and both were dis
charged the me dlay. Judge Braw
ley was so severe in his criticism
of the practico of sending
- trifling clases to court,tliat lie aroused
the indigination of many of the offi
cers, who complained that his re
marks were too general. Tho next
day the .udge explained that he only
meant to reprove thoso who were ap
pareitly looking more after their inl
terest than that of the government.
The politierms who havo not good,
fat jobs, and those who are afraid of
1 loing jobs they have, will contiinue
' to abuse Clevelaid anid thie demo
( cratic party about the mi erable apol
0 ogy for a taril bill which has been:
passed. We have i poor excuse to
ofter the country for the failure to
redeemm the platform pledges. An
allianee conigress woild have just as
good excuso for not passing the sub
treairy or railroad ownership
schemes. But millions have )eel
gaine'l to the p:ople wheii wo conie
" to compare the Senato taiifl bill with
d the McKinley law. It is, or will be,
it someithmi-ng like horizonmtal veduct ioni
0 of thme protective Laril. A few of thme
old 01senators will havec to be left at
home. Then a still bett(er law enni
be pased. But there ill lbe a tre
mnendous e-fort to obscure thme issue
with finiance. Ther~e will dou-btlessi
be such a clamor of politicians, such I
1a clashing of interests, and such con
fusion of tongues that the well equip.
ped, wvell organized republicani party
will come in and take the administra
Lion of affairs to itself 'again. Then
Sall thme rcst of the parties
are done for. The benetits of the
1new lawv will not be felt till after the
next election..
Thloughvl the cotton crop, in our
judgment, is not near as good as it
y' has credit for being juist. at this time,
S the circumnstances point to a six cent
it market. It' this should prove~ true,
n the less a man has thc- het ter of' lie
'r will fare. A few years ago a farmer ini
t York county saiw the danger wvhich
C at tended the success of any farmer
who relied uipomn one crop, and lie de
.e(ided that lie would tbe surec each
r year to risio enough corn and mieat
to-d10 his pla1ce, and all the Limie lie
ihad over to lie devoted to cotton. Hel
held himm-elf down firmly to this
practice. At the end (of each yeai
is cotn oe repr-esenited (lear
profits andmi was~ lu-t in1 banik, He has
found that it can ho pr-ofitably raised
0 even at six cents, biy a man who does
n' not have to buy corn and meat. Such
r- an expeimuent is wvell worth the at
Ii tention of any farmer.
e Thie Mayor- of Aiken had the~ dis
~. penser andl his cler-k arrested for sell
. in, wvhisky without a license from the
city concmil. Tihe dlispiensor' and his
clerk had the dity council pro~hibited
0 by a writ from inteirfci-ing with them
s in the dischmargo of their duty undei
0 the act of 1893. The cnse camo up
0 boforo Judge James Aldrich, and lhe
8 decided~ that thme net of 1893 is un
0 constitutionmal, andl that the State can
1 not sell wvhisky in the city of Aiken,
-and that if she wants to sell wine
and1 beer, she will have to procuroe li
cemnso to do so.
Morrmis sells dynarmite, caps, fuses
and blasting po~wdorI cheap.
nuicklemn' Arnicae salve.
The Rest Salve in the wvorld for<
Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe
ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped hlands,
Chilblains,. Corns and all Skin Eruip.
tions, and positively cnres Piles, or I
no pay required. It is guaranteed to
giepefct natisfaction or money re
une.Price 25 cents per box. ForJ
sale by WV. T. McJalk
A Light In flan Not-ti.
At 1:10 this morning the skies to
1e north and for two )oints east and
ost, vere illumiinatod in a most ie.
arkablo maimer. They had some
lint the appearance of reflecting the .
ow from a great conflagratio), but
1O coloring wits softer and constant
changing. At times the redisli- y
irpio light would fade and become
niu then it would flash up again.
here woro difforcut shades and the
innges were continuous. Streaks
yellow or orange light, extending
o1m the lower margin of the illumni
LtiOni, towards the zenith, would
am time to time app. ir.
The piinomenon w3 observed in
I the Atlantic States )f the South.
rom MaV ashington it had the appear
ice of being almost duo north, occu
ing almost the same relative posi
mn from thero as it did from here.
he telegraph wires all over the C
1miry and pmarticularly in the west,
orked very poorly and the officials
tributed it to the effects of the at
osphere, supposed to be heavily I
arged with electricity. The light
Lded away entirely at 2 o'clock this
orning.-Stato 20th.
Indlatna Mosstoy 1ot Oeoiice.
The WValhalla Mining Comi any was
iartered last Thursday by the Sec
.tary of the State of Indiana. The
>npany will have its home office at
ndiana polis, Ind., with a branch of
cO in Walhalla; S. C., the mines be
ag located on Barbecue branch ,about
mile from Salem, in Oconce county. r
lapital stock $10,000, with privilege I
f $1,000,000. Directors, J. T. Bar
or, C. B. Fcibleman, Carl Willauer,
Iaymen Cohn, and S. S. Gorby.
Mr, Carl Willauer, of Walhalla, is
reneral manager, and wvill have
tharge of operations at the mnines.
ie ha1s been assaying there for sev
wral InIiths, and has opened up a
ery valuable "old mine. The mill
6vill be in operation as soon as the ma
diinerv can be shipped from Chicago.
r. Willauer thinks he will have the
mills running in about a month.
l'wentv hands will be engaged at the F
b)eginniing and the force will be in
3reased later as required. The com
pany own three other gold mines in m
Oconec county, which will be worked c(
inl reguilar order. As soon as one10
Mine is opened and working well an
Ather will be opened, and thus it will
not be very long tntil this company
n ill have four mines in tihe county,
and all of them being worked.
Electric UittersK.
This remedy is becoming so well
knowi and)(1 so polular its to nteed no
special mention. All who have used
Elect ric Bitters sing the saine song
of praise.--A purer medicin does
not exist and it is guaranteed to do N
all thut is claimed. EI'ectric Bitters '
will cure all diseases of the Liver and p
Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils,
Salt Rheumii and ofther afrec-tionis cans-1
1by impure blood.-Wili drive Ma
aria fromi tihe system anid prevuent as
veil as cure all bl alarial fever.-For
more of Headache, Coiisti pation and
utdigestion try Electric Bitters-En
iro satisfactiont guiaranteerl, or minoney
efunded. -P-rico 50 ets. and $1.00
ier bottle at 31eFall's Drugstore.
Aninouncemne nt.
C. TI. Mar~utin is herebhy animeedth aciis a'
taad ilate for Treasurer of Pick ens couan ty
mbtlject to the action of the (itimocratic pri
mary election.
tw. F A USTIN,
sv.N IXcA, s. C.
w ill be att Central the scotnd week and tt
l'-k ken' the third week in each nionth.
High .'. School!
M'onday, Septomber 3d, 1894.
NI. s. STIii,iNG, A. 1I., Prtineipti.
vou ottn get gota bioardi int privaute fatnultes at
re-aisattbe raties.
P'a rentaa <.lted ring to lInOve to htwn to (-duen-ate
thea.ir cilidrena i-in reti It -out fortabilae huitses
I r yout wisht to arepatre you r sonts ut ata augh
ers foar butsiness05 lifte or foar tolleige. youtSiit huldt
live its a trhil; we wilt dto yout ftat ihf ut waotk.
Tition reatsoabliae. Senda foar airculatr oft itn
fornatain . .\I . S. -Si 1111, NOa,
I- .\1,1. Si-ItiO N OPialNs S i-irr .:tig
. Twelve ti atts of intst rutionat. Ablei
aieulIty atntd dist inguptaithed Corpas of letuirers.
\' tark Ithotouaghi. SpairitI proagre-ssive. Stitijve
(oitr.-e.s. lendinog tat aits, ibarcatM, titae tel-e
mope, tew (heiac ttlal tnct phlyshital tiapparatlus
\ it raoomls carpaet, we.lI fuaritshed, tatui tilihted
ith gaas. tOpent trepalauies. Iiet an'ii tlat htathas
IIi-althi tnttittliitassed. Thoirough (outrse int it
dirintetntl antd val miic .
irossa 111v. .1 NO. A. Sl1t-:, ta., .)
ugtidw8t P're-shleiit.
Soutih Carolina CJollege
sstitn begints Sepat. 2thI. N ine- re-guilatr a-our~se
wia h dil\iltma. Speaa.-l -outra.es with t-a.t titlietes.
lIeaiuirteents fair idttitssita on i lvt. ittat
1s a mt h. t toat ne-esar y expen'isa.s faor thea
yea r toxatlusiva. tat travelttg(-ltintg iad baaaaks
fratom tiPi3 to $1t2i. Send' fiar iatatannonnlemen
I-tor faith ier itufiarntIiont itadress th la Pr-statet
Winthrop State NoTrmal Collego,
Open io wihite girlis over- 17. Ses--ion he
dnts Sept. 2(1ith. 0 raitltates seetire gooti
tosit ions8. .Jttch counlity gitven t wo sebtolatr.
hip js--one worth # 150.00 It Sesion iad Otte
f free titi. First schiolarshtips ntow ia
aint In cotunt les of A bheville, A iken, A it
eron Barn w(-ll, Iheauifort, Chl'!eston,
larendlon, Ch~est-r, Chiesteileltd, Flotrene,
ilreville, (eorgetown. 1lainpaton, Ilorr-y,
[ershiaw, Larcaster-, Lren os, Lex intgfon,
Clompetitive exaintion ,iuly 17th at
oulrt ilonste of eatch couinty,.
D). 11. fJ11NSON, Pr-esident,
This sotis-t absurd, don't It?
Why, you hav'e been paying $5 to
$10 for the job. Ikt we mean what
we syT. You will have to buy a
IWco brush, however, and do the
work yourself.
the thing.
It is ready for use and no varnishing
Is required. Dries quickly.
We have sold it for years, in town
and country, and don't hesitate to
recomend It.
Sloan Bros.
)rugs and Seeds.
r'eman Building, Pickens, S. C.
Am now ready to do all kinds of work in
y line. InIstantaneous process and. finish
in latest and most popular styles at
west prices possible for first class work.
lit. J. P1. UA R ISLI'A,
Mee over Westmoreland Bros & Duke's Drug
ljain59tf GRlEEN Vi FLE, S. U.
Over Westmoreland nros'. Drug Store. All
ork done by the linstanumaeous provesti. Akwc
like eIllIrgeints from old pietures to n
ze in water colors, erayon, India ink, oil an,
VIen May Come
Go Away, But
We can Print anything
from a visiting card to
a Bible, and do it as
cheap and as neat and
artistic as thxe bcat.
f You Need
Anything in the way of
Note Heads, L o t t, c r
H~eads4, Bill Heads, En..
velop~es, Circulars, Dod
gersi, or anyihing elso
ini the first-class Print
ing line, we are lhere to.
cater to your wishes. A
trial is all that we ask.
Estimates given on Law
Briefs, and all kinds of
Book W ork on applica
ickens Sentinel
Jobh Print
Routo of the Groat Vestibulod A
In Effect August 1st, 1894.
ves . Liii11l."Ht Mail
Northbound. No. 38 j No. 3( No. 12
Datily Daly Daly
v A tt a e time 12.0) N'n* 9.00 pim 8.00 amil
A tlanta E time 1.00 ,Im 10.00 pin, 9.00 i ,
Norcross ...... .......... . 10.37 pm 9.44 (nm
" Buford........ .......... 11.06 in 10.24) nI
$' Gninesvillo.. 2.15 vim 11.31 pm 10.54 ani .
" Lula................. 11.53 pinl 11.19 ani
" Cornelia....... ....... ...... .1 11.45 arn
" Mt. Airy ...... ...... ..... 1210 pin
" Toccoa ........ .......... 12.45 an 12.40 pin
" Westmister . ........... 1.21 am 1.14 pm -i
' Senoca........ .........1.10 um ..-, pat
" Central..... .. 4.45 pm 2.10 urn 2.05 pmi -'
" Greonville .... 5 3') pin 3.00 uni 3.05 puim
"Spartanburg .1 0.22 pim 4.01 an, 4.11 puAt
" finos. ...4.42 an1 4.63 p A
" Ilauuksburg ... 7.11 inn .00 1n 6.10 pim
Kng'sbiount'n .......... 6.23 amiu 6.5 pi
" G stonita ..... . . . .4 a.r m 5. 8 )in
Ar. Churlott. 8.2) pim, i.:30 [mtl 6!.) pml
Ar. Ianylo.e 12.27 am: 11.15 m 12.10 nmn
~riemonsts .. (t6.20 nam .1.59 pinn 6.20 tinl
Ar. W sH1 ugion . 7.1: 11 83.0in; .....~-". 4.k
" altims's 1.t.s. 8.2-) mi 1l.:'5 pi ..........4.
" 'hiiadelphia . . 10.41s ul 3.01 un'..... ....4
New York..... J 1.23 pmul 6.2:1 am . .
Ves.Limry 8t Mall
Southwntrd. No. 37. No 35. No. 11 ~
D;_ _ i Daly Daily N
Lv Now York P.p.in . '.:;o pm 12.15 't. . .
Philadelphia- .. ' p.5 in 7.20 aunil.....
Uitimore. .... 9.2 0 ))m1 1 .42 ami .......... -
W ashinsgton.. - 10.43 piml 11.3 l l: ... .......
liihmond.....'. 12.50a.m 12.41 i n: 1it itni I
SDasivillo. .6.4 am 5.55 pm, 7.0) t 2
Char~ot tto.... . ....35 ain 10.50 pm, 12.20 n 1
" .astonha .... ........ . 11.243 pm! 1.02 pin
" King'shlout'ns . ... .. .. 1.25 1p1n 2
" Uhtichshtr... :.0.4 am 12.05.m. 1.50 pm
SUn ies .... . . 1.3....... ... .. .... 2.0)5 pinZ
".r . 13 12.57 nn 2.,0 pm
" rcetnille. 12.28 pm i1.52 Ldam 1-.1) pin 1 6
" Ceniral........ 1.15 pit 2.40 am! 5.24) pm
" Seien......... ....... 3.01 a1 5.15 pu to
" Westminster ......... 6.05 pm
Toccoa.---.----. ....... . 3 9i ai 0.45 pmll in
" Mount Airy--. .....................7.3 35 pin ti
Corielia....... .................... 7.33 pi mit
Lula........... .......... 4.42 amn 8.05 pm b
G.aiesville .... 3.31 pm'l 4.X91 am 8.30 pinm sc
" Buford...... .. .................. 9.03 pim
" Norcross...... ........ 9.39 pin n
Ar A i lanta I-, tine -.55 miw .20 ami 10.30 pm ti
Ar Atlanta Cin 3.5:) pit1 5.124 nim 11.30 pmi ml
1ullmant Car Service: Nos. 35 and 36. Rich- b
iond and Danville Fast Afail, l'ullman Sleeping
Cnrs between Atlanta and Now York.
Nos.37 ant 33---Washinigton and Southwestern
Vestibuled Limited. hetween Now Yorkc and
New Orleans. Through Ptallitani Sleepers to
tween New York and New Orleans, vtia Atlan- t%
tat and Montgomserv. aind also between Washing- M
ton and l emphs, via Atlatila and Birmingham.
Nos. 11 and 12. t'1llm)an Sleeping Car between
Richmond. Dinville and C reensbhoro.
For detailed information asi to local and
through tMao tables, rates, and Pl'uim-in Steep)
hig Car reservations, confer with local agents,
or address
Gen'l Pass. Ag't, Ass't General Puss Ag't
J. A. DODSON, Superintendent, Atlanta, Ga.
Cen'l M'gr., Tratie Mn'gr.
WAS11INGTON, D. C. Washiungon D.O.
*5. COl1DOVAN,'
You can save money by purchasing W. L.
Dlouglas Shoone, .
Because, we are thte largest manufacturers of
adv ertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stain ping the namne and price on
the bottom, whichI protects you against higlh
prices and the sidd lemnan's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearIng qualities. We have thtean sold every
whtere at lower prices for the value given thsan
any other make. Take no substitute. If your .
dleafer canniot supply you, we can. Sold by "
W. T. McFALL, PIC'KENS, S. 0.. '
frf'HEflIPANs TAT1ULESq regulate thle stomn3ch,
I ant to taofean lwyeetual. A relialo
:remnedty forihousne~ss, Bildote on the Faice,
SChuronic Diarrhoa. Churon i'o Liver Trroubl~ Dii
* bes, Disorderod Stomach, D.izziness, Dysentery,
e epin Ezemtu Flatloenco Femnlo Com
Sandio idnoy mdait, Liver Troubles,
e oso Appetite, Meni Depression, Nnen,
*tion Pimpls ltush of (lood
to HtonSalow Com
orilunl Sua reult m ni
headisr iloor os failuree. Hnd
eachoy kiDs- n aal efe onseh meu
CoLvetlanos ofteWapn~btlsi te r esth
* cr isase rotato ------i ron "'eon taio
a nofsthatiruncio nbyo othe monch dliveam
*i.9 ntestin es.Psn gien to~ ov-ntin nrsoen-d.
elite by 1o takin ne tabuk. aferechm0
e euro fora oint Consin Con.) '1h(y contain. 1
(1nohin tat a einjurfon' 0to testdel
G o. M osse $2 -2 er $1.5 4los 75t.,
Sy-9 rsp 15 ce a lont. M t os ni.
O dors TMolRIAs 0CHE A COr g Yo
P.rd O. Box 67.aew York. r. 11
.aeoeIeOselO Petet edie iessee
ood sl Chatpo forh [oe anse (e
I m at oLewi mo on's year' sacd.
Come andaseso 25c p egalln. (nogary
Madiny oten things:0 f Su a, Coffee,
yord boTwared, swro I also
Iftl and o' m0 ornl y's cou
It alway~s 1relieves whlen1 proplerly
appited. Sold by aill drluggists.
Price 25 (cents. Prepared by3 4
T. X. L. (C)., C. M. DEMPsEY,
Manager, 2:30 Main St , Coltmbia,
S. 0. Ask your drulggist',for it, and
haIve no other. C. N. WVYATT, Agt.
*Eninley S.*(
indolnse( Schxedule, :n l'reet Aug. 1st, '04
Trintzxs rni by 7St Moridian 'rine.
I Daily
'Chrto - -
--kli ik.. . . . ...'' - --.-. -----...*.: : 15 ant
Prosperity., '--'-''.. .. ---.-. --. 11 40 a n
Now erry ''''''''''''''. . ... . 1 .o pxut
.--- - - :---- - .. . - - -t 110 p
Cluton .... (Exg -ixS ).. . ---..... - 2.V
SLitrons .... (11x .4un. . ... 3.10 p i
GrenoodSi .."'...'- -----........ 'V.16 pm
Heegoo -'---'..-......... 2.52 V irt
-........................... 3.5 P m
'Aboelto - -
Andersn- .. 4.&3 p i
'Sonco, ' . - . .40 p1 n
W alhalla'..---.. -- ...... .... . 5 p1n
SAt i rtn..t I 10.30 p n
- No. 12.
'Valhalla -. --.... ...-............. .35 am
~3n Lr~ix.:.:10.00si
n. ........ 1 5.0 an
---........ ................ 11.45 am
- . .. ......... 11.5 pi
G.reenwood . .'-- .-- --...... 112.55 pM
-! (4rcexw ... .......... ...... 1.32pm'
I~lurena (Ex SUn) - -04 ---
Cilintoni (Ex Sun) 11.10 am
New ry ......... 2.3 pm
Prosperity ........ . ... 2.o5 Ip
Colu.1 tb a ..............'.'--..-. -. . 4.15 pi
Chnreston............---*-- -... 8.45pm
it ween Andlernm, Hiltonl 1an11 (iroenville,
Day. -D~ aily
1o. 11. STATIONS. No. 1.
I. p in Lv ........ eon. A -. 2.07 m
5 p m ... illton......... . 11.45 am
1). In " ........ Pelzer ............ 11.03 am
5 p. m.Ar ...... re villo..........Lv 10.15 an!
i(tetwet-n (ColutnIa nnd Axhxoville.
ni Ny. Daily. Daily., Daily,
l.1. o 15. ST.ATONS No. 10.;No. 14.
. . ... . . . .............
...... 4 m " Navannahi ".5.30am.........
Otin 5.II m, Lv .Co1lumbiUAr, 1.20pnj~3.5pxM
10pn'. 6.1.4) a in " ..Alston. 1.12.:;)nl 3.10pin
.20pmII 64.53 it i'' ..Snitno. ..."11.301n 2 00yin
-5.5 pnx 7.1) a m ".".Unlon..... "11.10nn 1.40pr
.3pm 7.30 i ,'' ..Jonlesville "110.48pm 12.40pim
.2 inxxx: 7.4:1 11 m1 . Pacolt... ".10.33pn12.2I >m
.50xm 8.1) 1 m Ar Spart'hg' Lv 10.05pm 11.45 41
.02p 8.15 ) ILv mar t'Ih' A r,10.00Vmill.30am
.0pm 11.'! ) in|A xr Asheville Lv i .pl . .8..0am
Nos. I I nd I 12 ar1e solId trains botween Ciaites
a und Waxlhalla.
'Traiis leave S'artanhuxrv. A. and C. divisifo,
rt hhotnd. 4.01 It. Im.. -1.11 P. iml., 0.22 p. i.. (Veos
uled rimitodl: sou txhbound. 12-57 i. in., 2.50 pe
,11.37 n. mll., (Vestibuled Litntod); wost'
mind. W. N. C. Divsionx, 8.15 p. I. for Hendor'*
11nvillonnd Ashfloville.
Trains lenvo Greenville, A. nnd C. Division,
>rthound, 3 11.m1..3.0v p.m., and 5,30 p.m.,(Vcs
bu led 1.iut t di ;imi t ud bound. 1.52 i. iml., 4.10 p.
12.28 p. II., (Veslibtled Limited).
Tii ills leave Seeen. A. and U. )ivision, north'
ni1d. 1.10 n. m. and 1.35 p. i.; iouthlibound, 3.01
n. and 5.45 p. m.
Pullnan PaIco Sleeping Unrq on Trains 85
n( :!6, 37 nil 38. onl A. and C. Division.
Trains 15 xid 16 enrr'y puillmnxxxx Sleepers bo.
reen Savxnnilx and Hot Springs.
r. H.It 1,E.,N, J. MN. CUTLP,
(Gen'1 Me'r. Traffie Mgt
Wasinxlrton, 1). C.
W. 11. R lSupt., Cohamibia. SI, C.
r. A. TUlHK. S. 11. 11 A It I)WICUC,
Gen'I Pass. AM.. Ass t Gon'l Iass. Agt..
Ws'.dnAton. 1). C. A lanta. (UM.
Vilxington, N. C., .Inne 21, 18f4.
iast 1,ine between Chrleston aid o('0ui1a
114i L Ixper soth1 (xitro I lia and1( Westerin Noxth
nxrolina ad Athens Ixd AtlIata. Condensed
oing West. CGing Eist
\o. 52. T qT.ON. *No. 53
.5nm....Lv (Charlestion, S. C.,Ar... 8.-x0pmx
18amxi.. ........... xunes...... .-. 7.0 xpm
'.1,xtii...............x ner........ ...5 1p
10nnxi....... r 4 'olxuxuxiiin v....,. .t.'I:Opn
*299m.........'operity... ... .1 2pmx
.4:Ipxx.............. 5 ewbei-.. .... ... x.ipm
.30pmuxx.............'inton.... ..... .25pmi
.:x-3pmx........... .'eenw od.......... Ix.1 xm
.0'3pm.............A i;heville ... . . ...1.103'm
.0 p ... ..........ten............. .tis.14.1 lxrii
.4lp m ...... ........ i tx .. . .. . . . 8 15n
.'140pmx.... .... ...t Wi'mxsboro........ . Il p'm
...pm............hnxx otto, N. . ....93p
:3:iPm........ ....A ndiierson.........1 1 Snxm
15Spmx.... ........reenxville............10 Iiixxm
50pmux........... Sprinnhmlxx...........i I .15nm
100... li lendcr.convlle, N. ..... 9 3xxnm
'2dxpm........ sheville, N. 41.........8 l10amx
*1)bxil. Nois. 5-3 andxi 5:3 solId trxxinsx betwieen
:ixrlestonx and( Coltninli, 8. C.
A s' Gen'ti l'asseniger A gent'~.
RI. E ECN LY, T1. 51. IM ElISON,
Genx'I Mamunixer. T1raxilic Mainger
Ver best apple vinegar, 25c. per
alloni, at Morris's.
I sell as good goods, as many of
lemi for as little money, and nmake(
s littlo fuss about it as anybody. A.
I. Morrs.
\ lexan der
Bros. & Co.
3reenville, S. C.
-, . C...
on sr ute
s F~OR SAE BY nDRnaGansa-rs

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