The Sumter Watchman, ^^PjjQsgJPAY JAN? 5? , ^'y^PAXTON - _. BUSINESS MANAGE^ \\\ Transient Advertisements^ and ?ll t.h Work uiust bo paid for in ca.h. Tbl? will b? observed without dlntlnetloa. Subscriptions ,ro ilW pnjublo io advance. rJtr Applications for Job Work will bo made, >t (bo i'fl?CO, t?? TMOS. B. FtOWBItB. Tho WATCHMAN hooks aro lo tho keeping of W. Y PAXTON, who will receipt lor monies due and attend x" all matters connected wbb tho Adver tlrin;,' or Subscription depnrttnents. *fr Our Advertising Monds aro requested to ?odin their favors not later than Monday. PUBLIC MEETING. The citizens of thc Town are requested to meet In the Court-Houso, on Friday Evoolng, at 7 o'clock, for tho porpose of nominating a Ticket hr Intcndont and Wardens of the Town. MANY CITIZENS. pb" Subscribers who aro indebted to us are earnestly requested to call and sottlr up. Wo beg that they ?ill not r.egloct this matter. Unless payment bo made, wo shall bo,reluctantly, com polled to erase a number of nam?. 'itu Wo regret to nuitounco the doath of Mrs? ELUA JANB BAKBII, wiro of tho lato, much es? teemed, Maj. Tuos. M. DAKUn, at tho residenco oMan- falber, Judgo E. J. Moses, OD Sunday night last. --...-. Attontlon is dircclod to tho Town Reg? istration and election notice, ns published ou anutUer column. .Jafj. Tho very heavy uflllntiou recently expe? rienced by tho editor of this paper will, it Is ho? ped, bo a sufficient apology for the meagreness of ibc pr?tent ??sue. Tito weather hns boun vory eutd at this point, since Sunday night last, and on Monday tbcro was n slight snow. //Tit- Tho Columbia. PhteuU greeted Us ron,, den, on New Year's Day, much enlarged and improved. Success to its enterprising proprietor. Thu Sumtor Book Store is continually re? ceiving additions tu ibo stock on hand, and, wo atc pleased to state, is receiving decided en? couragement. Continues to'lmprovo, and to incroaso in pop? ulation ; but housos aro greatly needed. Lot some of our enterprising capitalists goto work. Tho investment will bo good, and tho impetus given to our growth, ns a community, decided. jJMCr* In responso to tho request of a number of our readers, wo publish an extended synopsis of t ho proceedings of the luto session of the South Carolina Conference, ut Cbcrnw, usking tho in? dulgence of our roadcrs not specially interested' in thus occupying so inueb of our space "THIS TWO UOSICUUDS.? Wo will publish in our next issue, a very pret? ty little original story, by our accomplished eon* tributor "L'lnconnuo." SA I, ICS-1?. VV, COUUT, xv. Monday last-snlos-day and tho sn ting of tho Court ol Common Pleas aud General Sessions brought an unusual concourra of people to town. Wo do not remember having soon so largo n num? ber at any timo previously. Tho blacks prepon? derated largely: Considerable property wus sold. Tho sules of land showed au increasing dceuuod and a deci? dedly advancing tendency. Judgo JOHN T. GIIKKN is providing at tito Court with acknowledged ability and dispatch, and the busiucss of tho term is making good pro? gress. nt t, ZION COM.! G I.ITU UN'S MT I,"!'IC. Ti.ii Classical nod Normal School fur Boys, will bo opened on tho first Munday in February next, ns appears from tho advertisement in our columns. .Mr. 0. A. WOOIIWAUI>,'ns Principal, well m ai o tai ns tho h igii reputation which this .Schuul held through so ninny years of tho pail, ns abundantly appears from tho very com? potent testimonials, i.ppi tided to (lie circular be? fore us. DENTAL, Our Camden readers, und (lioso adjacent there? to, arc referred to the card uf that Accomplished yung praotitioncer of Dentistry, Mr. I. IL AI.KXANHKR, as it appears lu our columns. - - IlIiV? ll. tu. ?noon, 'flie congregation of ihe. Methodist 'Church, at this place, and doubtless thu community'nt largo, mo much gratified by ibo rctorn of this much bo rived und devoted Minister of Christ, lo labor iu their midst fur tho present year. DOIiS NOT I'A VOR Till. IUI.'-.. Hinnr.i.r, JAMBS-ono of the colored represen? tatives (rom Sumter in tho State Logistuturo desires to bo put upon tho record us having pro scntod tho Dill, which proposes to tax tho peoplo of fumier in order to indemnify certain parties for losses sustained by tho burning of theil flor?n in obedience simply to tho requo?t of romo of bis constituents. His offorts or influonco will not bo brought lo bear to sccuro tho passage uf tho bill I'L.lNTEIt'S W.\KEIBOi;SI>.< IIANttli Otf I'll o ric 11. 3 OHM! 11>. Our ndvcriUitig columns, lo-duy, nnnounce that Messrs. CHAS. II, MOISE and Jos. E. DAS Kiar, have succeeded E. W. MOISB, Esq., ns pro pricier of tho Planters' Wurehouso. They aro ?beth gentlemen of competent business enpnoityr nnd wo have much pleasure lu commending them o ibo country at lorge. TUB MONIJ.11KNTAL FAWK, Which closcil nt tbi. place, on tho 25th ult., .notwithstanding tho unfavorable woath er, proved a decldod success. Tho onorgy and dovotlon of tho fair ladies concorned was untiring, and in ovory respect worthy tho sacrod and noblo causo for which they labored, and tho liberality of our peoplo characteristic Wo loam thnt tho proccods will reach nonrly $2,000. -a? ?-TIC IC ll S OV SAIililtl LODGIS, XO. 141, A.?. F.?. M.?. F?ll THE YEAH 1870. 0- L. WARKEN.Wv. M.* J. II. WILSON.S .. W. L E. ATKINS. J... W. W.J, MULDltOW.Tressuror. ?J. fl. WILSON.Secretary. H. I). CORBETT.8.-. D. B.P. WILSON.j... D, C K. WEATHERFORD 1 J. A. M A VHS.J.Stewards. J. R. TR1MNAL.Tylor. TOWN D3?UT IBEiDUCI'.D. The financial Report of tho Clerk and Treas titer of tho Town of Sumter, as published on another column, exhibits tho gratifying fact, that under tho very efficient management of our In tond tnt and Wardens, tho doht of tho Town lins boen reduced, since Ibo Inst nnr.ual report, from K.563 .1? to $2.046 73. This bus hoon dono, "hilo a Inrge amount of work has been dono# looking to health and improvement. --? . -?? ? o ? DANOS, Af'. Wc regret that pressure upon mir columns bas ?empelled us to dofor, until next wcok, tho ad? vertisement of Col. O. W. LBK, Agent at Sumtor to toll tho "Solublo Paoiflo," "Phoipho Peru? vian,'' and olhor valuable fertilizers, manufactu? red by Mr. JOHN B. MAIIDV. Also tho "Mnpo'e" Preparations, Col. LBB will bo plcnscd to fur nish circulars and receive ordors for any of these manures, at tho Hardware Storo of Mr. L. P. Lo .uso. BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON Weekly Steamship Line. coravosKD OP Tho First Class Steamships Inucille, (VV. S. HARRINGTON, Commander.) James A. Gary (II. L. HALL, Commander.) Oil? cf tho above Steamships will Icavo DALTI MO Uli and WILMINGTON every SATURDAY, forming a Regular W E E KL Y L IN E . nnd tho only authorized through eonneotion with Wilmington A Mtioebestor Railroad. COTTON und ?Aber Produce consigned to our .caro will bo shipped to BALTIMORE by first ?teamer, FREE OF COMMISSION. Having covarod Wharves in WILMINGTON and BALTIMORE, goods oat? bo received ut all tituco and bo properly protected. A. B. S H EPPERSON A CO., Ag'te. Nos. ll and 12 North Water Street, Oot 20 Wilmington, N. C. Steamship Line. Tho Magnificent New Iron Ste'niships Volunteer, * : Capt. JONES, Regulator, Capt.: PENNINGTON Fanita, ' : : Capt. TRUMAN, Now form a SEMI-WEEKLY LINE botweou NEW YORK and WILMINGTON. Conneotitig with tho W. & M., W. ,t W. and tho W. C A R. R. Railroads. Proight consigned to tho R. R. Agoutwillgo forward promptly, without delny. This Lino brings goods from Now York ut Ibo following rates. Piont* IO rents per lt.II rel, Pork IO C'eut? pur Hurrel? ItlolnssjcM IO Cents, per Karrol, Su??nr IO Coutts per ** Measurement'goods 2 couts por foot; Weight goods 10 cents per 100 lbs. For Freight apply to BARRY BROTHERS, Agents, Doo 1-_ ADRIAN & V?LLERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Provisions, Groceries and Liquors, W ILM IX G TUX, N, C. orri;n rou 8ALB : lilQUOHS.ttyoft'id Com Whiskies. Gins, Hruudios, Rums of nil grades, in bbls., half bbls. und cases, WItvliS.Clarets, Madeiras, Ports, Sherrys, Rhino Wino, Ca? tawba, und Scuppuruoug, in bbls. und cases, CORDIALS.l?a-phcrry mid Lomon Sy? rup, Bluekborry Dru tidy, Sch loila m Sein iip|is. Van Brunt's Schnapps, Kim I niel, German, Plantation,* Alpine and Sa zo rou Hit? ters, in cases und bbls. TOBACCO.C h ewin g-Lorlllnrd's Yacht Club, Virginia Gold, Leaf, Ycuablo's .thick Crystal. Monumental, Na vy, mid s o tu o Com mon Grades, in boxes und cuddles. 5 muk! n g-Lorlllnrd's Ito.-o Leaf. Eureka, Gail 6 Ax's Apricot, Kitllki nick, Danville. Dig Lick, mid other brand.1, in lot? to suit. Si.tiAlts. Havana imported, Parta. gas. Lo Flor du Adrian A V?llers, Coni'iliiilion, La . Ccrouu du Espagna, und some twenty bru inls ol' lower qualities by tho mills only. PIltlSCKACKftltS No. 1 Gold Chop. < A I'S.Ely's timi Coals Water? proof, G. D , und .Mus? kol, SHOT.Duck and Drop, all sizes. flt CITS...Apple.", Dried Pears and Peaches. Shel Iud Almonds Layer Raisins, Coc?n.' nuts, Brazil Nuts, Wills tints, Filberts, Currants, Citron, and Oranges, at Wholesale only. CANN li I) GOODS-Condensed Milk, Eagle Bruntl, Oysters und Lob St?rs, Fresh Peaches, To? matoes, Drnudy Peaches, and Cherrie::, both foreign domestic, Sardines, Mixed nnd Plain Pickles, Chow Chaw, in casos only, rVitt'i/s.Laudanum. Paregoric, Castor Oil, Painkiller, Copperas. Sat Soda, Sal? er .lus, Bi Curb Soda Cronin Tartar, Fig Dino 'Washing Dine. Essence ol' Peppermint, and Lunion, Raco Ginger, Ca lil ph or, David's und Bartlett's Inks, Caslilo .Soap, Lyu nnd Potash, in original cases only. CANDII?S.Small and Largo Stick, Fancy Assorted, by thu box only. TI! A S...Imperial, Hyson, Sou? chong, Oolong, in half chests ?iud cuddies. Our Stuck of Comic, Crackers, Soaps, und Can? dies, Flours, Syrups, and Mollisse?,Sugar, Bacon 'nnd Pork, Sall und Fish, being ut present tho largest and host assorted in North Carolina, wo nro nb'o to lill nuy orders entrusted to UH with dispatch. ADRIAN A VOLLMES. Dec 22 KING'S MOUNTAIN Military School. YORK VILLE, S. 0. rpiIE First Session of tho School year of 1870, X will botfln on Ibo 1ST OF FEBRUARY. THUMS.- For School Expenses, ?'. c., Tuition, Books, Stationery, Ac, Boarding, Fuel, Lights and Washing, $IU& In currency, per session of fivo months. For circulars containing full particulars, npply to COL. A. COWARD, Principal and Proprietor. Deel.'? Ct jlf??CALDWBLIj. WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL DE A Lt n IN Boots, Shoes, Hats, Corner of Nain and Republican Sis. Sumter, So. Ca* Oct 0 ly PERUVIAN GUANO, FERTILIZERS and Corn. J)LANTERS DKS?ttINO US TO PUR ciia.-c fur them. COHN, PERUVIAN GUANO, SOLEADLE PACIFIC GUANO, CAROLINA FERTILIZER, OU ANY OTHER KIND OF FERTILIZERS, ?ill pienso sen J lu their or Jere by FIRST OF DECE.MUER. Green, Watson & Walsh, DEALERS IN fl K X K lt A ls MK Iii MIA N DI S E. COTTON SHIPPED. Wc huvo m ado nriangctuculs to ship COTTON To New York, Dnltiinoro or Chnrleston, making Cash Advances on snmo when delivered, nnd hov ng it held nt El TH KR POINT us long os tnny bo desirod. Wo will re?oive Cotton nt Sumter, Lynchburg, Mnycsvillc or Manchester. Green, Matson & Walsh, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AMD COMMISSION Al?li CIL I NTS. CLEAN RICE" IN BARRELS, SUPER AND FAMILY FLOUR, WHITE CORN IN SACKS, CHOICE SEED WHEAT, MESS PO UK, AND FAMILY BEEF. McLanrin, Solomons & CO November 10 THE UKKGD Having moved in lo their New (Brick) Warehouse, will take on STORAGE AND COMMISSION, Produce to bc sold tn this or oilier markets. Will order on Planters account all .? ll PPLIES TU KY M AY llEQUIUM, willi assurances of large saving lo them IIi MK.-RUS. WM, M. BIUD A CO.; Gontloiuoo-I buvo examined th? srrmplo of Voa lal OH tont br 70a, ?nd doterralrad the tr? point i. e. tho temperature st which tho oil becomes inflainiuable, to be above 130 decrees Fahrenheit. The Hulled Stnlea stautlard requires 119 degrees Fabrenholt. Aa tba 'fire point' of this OH is 20 degrees Fahrenheit above ibo required standard, the Oil is to be recorded es safe, and thus s apollos a great I want of tho oommuqiiy. Very Respectfully, CHARLES 0. SHEPARD, Jr., M. D'. WM. M. BIRD & C?7s?Lti PltOPRIE^O?lS. AND DEALERS IN STRICTLY PURE OILS, AND PAINTS. No. 208 EAST BAY STREET, CHARLESTON, S. 0. Oct 13 ?m NEW STORE -IN SU MT EB. S. C. fJMIE UNDERSIGNED unuouncea to th? citizens uf Snintor County that ho has oponed a Storo at tho old stand of WHITS Sc LEE, COHN lat OF MAIN AND REPUBLICAN STREETS. Thnt ho intontls to dovolo himself to but ono brunell of trade, that ff BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, and Trunks, &c, &c* of which ho will keep a lurgo and varied assort? ment of tho host quality. That having made urrungcnicnU for a con? stunt supply direct from tho largost and bust M A NUP A CTURfSRS in this country, ho will sell not only nt Retail but Wholesale, AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT. Ho hopos by attention and LOW PRICES, to obtain a fail ?haro of public pa I rc nu go. Ho requests un inspection ol his stock. JAMES CALDWELL, llttC of Ll) C ililli of JAMES M. CALDWELL & SONS, Charleston, S. C. Oct. G-Im. MILLINERY AND Fancy Goods. MISS E. D, BRITTON HA VI Nt* returned from tho North is pro prepared tu olTcr her friends and patrons a HANDSOME AND COMPLETE STOCK OP Fall and Winter Millinery, FA*CY (.'OOHS, &C. Carefully selected by herself. Sho will continue to get fresh supplies overy thrco or fe ur weeks, so should anything new occur in the stylos of HATS und BONXKTS, I it cr in tho season, sho will bo furnished with tho vory latest. ELEGANT BRIDAL II ATS AND BONNETS, mndo to ordor on short notice Country orders will receive strict attention. Oct ii tf A. WHITE, Fire & Life Insurance Agent, SUMTER, S. C. UNDERWRITERS, AGENCY, N. Y SECURITY INSURANCE CO., N. Y ENTERPRISE ? ? Ciuo GEORGIA HUME ? Geo RICHMOND HANKING IN. CO SOUTHERN LtFKS INSURANCE CO [Memphis and Atlanta. Capital Represented, $12.000,000. Notice. IMARY A. BRENNAN, wife of James Brennan of tho town of Sumter, Merchant, do ; hereby ?ive notice, that nt the end of ono month I from thu first publication of this notlco sho will trudo ns a solo trailer in tho business of Mo< han diso in tho Town of Sumter, in thoStnto of South Carolina. MARY A. BRENNAN. Doo 8 lpj. For Sale. IBOYD'S EXTRA PROLIFIC COTTON > SEED - Produced from Scod selected tho post two yoars, und savod with care, in reforonooto planting. Ordors lolt with Capt. L. P. IiottiNo or J. T. SOLOMON?, will bo promptly filled-or application may bo tundo to tho undersigned at I his rosldenco. J. M. PITT.4. 1 Nov 10 2m Upholsterer, Manufactu r, AND DEALER IX FTJRNIT UEE, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS IIIS friends and patrons that ha is noir prepared to furnish them with Furniture, etc., of tho different STYLES ami PATTERNS now io uso. Ho TIBS now on hand a supply of CANE AND WOOD SEAT CHAIRS, DEDSTEADS, TABLES, BUREAUS, CRIBS, AC, AC. SAMPLE PLATES from tho best Manufactu? rers of Illiston and Now York-will bo shown to purchasers and uny styles profu:rcd, not on band, will bo ordered for iiccommodution of pat? rons-all of which will bo sold ut prices to suit ibu times. FURNITURE inado to order, lu any stylo and at short uoiicc. Manufacturing, Repairing and Upholstery dono promptly, and in u neat uud workmanlike manner. Picture Frames of all sixes, Roso Wood, Gilt, and ptain mouldings, mudo to ardor, und Looking Glasses sut in frame-, und fur salo. FUNERALS promptly attended to in Town or Country, and Metallic, Mahogany, Walnut, or Common Collins, furnished us required, ut j short notice. Deo 8 l t ?. DeL?IlM?, Druggist and Apothecary SUMTER, S. C. IN SOLICITING TUE PATRONAGE OF tho public, is gratified to announce tbtit Late Additions to his Stock I enables him to offer a fino assortment of j DRUGS, PHARMACEUTIC PREPARATIONS PROP RI ETA RY M E DI CIN ES, WINES, LIQUORS, FLAVORING AND HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, COLOGNES, TOILET POWDERS and SOAPS, TOOTH-BRUSHES, Ac, Ac. Caswoll, Hn7.ard A Co.'s Ferro Dbosphorotca Elixir of Calisaya Bark. Russell's Southing Cn dial-undoubtedly tho safest and most reliable preparation of its kind oxlaiit. Dr. Brudfiuld's Futnulo Regulator. Myucinlhia, for tho Hair. Spear's Fruit Preserving Solution, and var?en, Othor valuubloaud popular preparation? on hand. -ALSO A STOCK OF CIGARS-Assorted. ; PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS compound? ed with euro and exactness, ut any hour, day or night. y?S" To bo found during tho night at tho) Storo. July 7 DHU GS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS Toilet and Fancy Articles. A. ANDERSON & CO.. Apothecaries and Chemists, SUMTER, S. C. Aro recolving cont-tautly a full supply of Pure] Drills and Chcmiculs, und n wot! selected ?tod of Fancy Articles and Perfumery. -ALSO A groat variety of Toilet Soaps, Extract? foi- ibo Handkerchief, Fino Colognes, Foreign mid Domestic, Surgical Instriimunt*. Truste*, Ao. All Medicines w urruntcd genuine and of tho j very bost quality. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully compounded night or doy. To bo found ut night at the rosldenco of Mr. Anderdon on Main-St, A. ANOliltSON, - A. JJ. CHINA, ni. I? Jun fi CHEAP GOODS ! Bargains ! ! Bargains ! ! ! C For the Xiadies, ) NOW, LADIES, whon you aro shopping nnd need gunds in your hue, remember FRANK FOLSOM'S CHEAP VARIETY STORK, nnd cull nnd seo him heforn purchasing else? where. I huvo nearly EVERYTHING you wish. DRES8 GOODS, TRIMMINGS. BUTTONS; AND ALL KIND FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, HOOP r KI UTS, AO. Make them a Speciality, Can't bo bent tl is sido New York. NO EXAGGERATION GOOD GREEN A BLACK TEA nt $1 25 por pound. CAN FRUITS A PICKLES in vurioty. PRANK FOLSOM. Doc I IN STORE --AND F??t SALE LOW. 300 T* FLOU?, tofiotos brands. 10,000 pounds Bacon S?des and Shoulders. 25 Bbl J Moins sos. 6,000 pounds'Sugar, various qualities. 20 Sacks Rio, L.iguoy ra aud Java Coffee. 25 Bbls Crackers, different kinds'. 100 Kegs Nails, assorted slsos. 200 Sacks Liverpool Suit, Sn large tacks. 4,000 pounds Cotton Ties. 0 Bolos' Meav/ Bugging* ?0'Boxes Family, and Toilet Soup. 15 Boxes Starch'.' 25' Boxes Choleo diocese. 6 Bbls Choice Leaf Lard. 30 Boxes Candles. 'J Firkins Choke CToshdn Cutterv And a full assortment ?f Canned Fruits, Oysters, Lobsters, Sardines, Hyson and Black Tea, Pepper, Splco, Ginger, Ao. A. A. Solomons, Cor. Main & Liberty-Streets. Oct 20 TO ARRIVE. 300 BUSHELS I Black Seed Oats?1 -ALSO SEED WHEAT and RYE. For sa le by A. A. SOLOMONS. i Cor. Main & Liberty Streets. Oct 20 Just Received, Fall and Winter Stock, AT J . E . SHAKES. BUY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING, Together with a variety of other Goods. Old Rye Whiskey. Thu Subscriber wishes to unnouiice that ho will be in constant rccoipt o? (ho COPPER DIS. TILLED MOUNTAIN PURE and UNADUL? TERATED WHITE & COLORED RYE WHISKEY, Direct (mm the Distillery nt Huntsville, Berk Icy County, Wcsloru Virginia. -ALSO Brandies, (?in, Wines, Porter & Ale, All ol' thc Best Brands. Also A VU OWE LOT OF SEO ARK J. E. Suares, MAIN STREET, WEST SIDE. Sept 20 Sumter, S. C. Furniture -AT Tl!K SUMTER FURNITURE WARER00MS, A LMtOE LOT OF Bedsteads and Chairs, AND Cottage Setts, Tho Subscriber is. receiving and will continue to receive a si ooh nf FURNITURE. direct irani tho inanufaelory, c< insisting of ?Imosl every ?rdelo in ihut linc. J. E. ?U A ll KS, Malu Street, opposlto thu Express Office. Rcpt 21? Sumter. S. C. PU UK *vY HITE G lt A NIT K DINNER SETS. 134<,r,:CKS n' *:,?>0?' ALSO ?A good assortment of flRANlTE by tho picco, Toan and Coffees in sets, Covorcvd Dishes, Olass Ware, A lian A very good assortment of LAMPS, Latest Styles, Nov 8_ ,T. R. F. BOONE. French China Toa, Sets. A A PIECKS for $12.50, *hfh nt BOONE'S. 500 I,Vsn,':LS ?OTTOS SEED for salo. J.,'p,.y BRUN.VAN, Agont, Uiborly ?Snout. Du- 15 Imo?. FIftjE A SJ INB?B. CHAS. M? ??OISE, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE Insurance; Company. I Capital, Surplus and Reserved Fonds, i tn Gold, $17,700,000. | < Seventeen* Million and Seven Hundred . Thousand Dollars}-IN GOLlX Iuvcslcd in thc United ir tates, Two Mil? lions of Dollars. 82,000,000. Risks iu Sumter, taken at Charleston rates. j Residences in Ute Country Insur? ed at LOW Mates. Losses paid promptly in Charles? ton, i i On the payment of Ten Years premiums in CASH, a jwrjpet* j ital poliey will bc issued. j -n--B-oMw- HI min? wnpmc?anmg^ C. ?. MA80N.! WATCH Hf A KKK AND JEWELER. SUMTER, S. C. linn just received nml keeps ul noys OH Im nd Kew mid Houutiful Styles ot JEWELRY, FYE GLASSES, ?O. WATCHES, CLOCKS mid JEWEI.ltY UK PAIRED WITH DISPATCH. Mureil ttl_ O. F. HOYT. SUCCESSOR TO I HOYT, SO. OA. "yyOULD respectfully inform lils friends ind tho public of Sum tor, und adjoining counties, that ho hos recently returned from New York, with n choice selection of LADIES* AND GENTLEMEN'S' '\W Cit O JOL ? JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c, &c, His stock embraces nil ?tlio latost style.-:, und will be sold nt reasonable rates. Sept St)_ New Hardware Store, Main-st. under Sumter Hotel. L. I\ LO KING, --AoKNT t'ult Messrs. Tiing & Huppman, DAI.TlIUOlCIt, m. ?. Would respectfully announce to his friends and tho public, thu! hu hus received mid oponed, al the ubovo estubluhincnt a Stock of Hardware and Family Utensils, oinhraciiig every urtlrlo lu this lino of business, which ho inlands lo sell ut tho LOW HST PltlCIiS, B'Olt CANIL Ho will keep always in storo, n c?mplelo assort mont of Collin's Axe?, Ames' Shovels and Spades, Trace Chains, Hoes, Hakes. Pitch Pl.rkS, (train (.'radies, Scythe Eludes, tl mino Solves, Pocket and Table futiere, Drais Preserving Kettles. Tin War??, Window (tia?s-all ?ixes. Puroona lu want ol' thc must convenient am! CRUnomlcal Stoves, cull bo supplied willi the latest Improved patterns ut prices which cannot fail lo giro on tiro *uti?Tuctiou, Muy 20 FrH?LT?H FOLSOM, 5 MTW%K o Pi .- ZS REMOVED TO J H'? DArgAu's ('on Tee H o no ry, O uv. Dani' \'Ol'I It Oj*/fu' I'J.i'ju't'itH O?U?. Where bu ls prepi.1 to Au nil work in bi' lim WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY nco tl; repaired mid guarani, vii tn bo honestly un'i fu i i li Killy done. Thankful for past liberal p.i rotinga, ho hopes lo tut rit u cniiliiiiiiiiiec ol' tlc sumo. [ jan ?j IN LIE HIGHEST AND LATEST STYLES OP ART, A ll E NOW TAKEN RY WI LI)ER & WHEELER, At tho Gallery In Sumter, lately kept by ll. MCCALLUM, such as PH OTOO It A PUS, 1V0RYTYPKS, AMIIHOTYPES. PERP.OTYPDi, d< PH A M KS of ?tl slr.os fitrnlsht d. PICTU HES colored, and old pictures chimed ami, \ IKWft for sale, Nov. ? A. IN" CJ insurance , & c. ?robklyu Mutual raneo Co., of -\ Annual Income n Million,of Dui l.i Character well i:*: ter. Pheonix LTiilu:? ? Company, i' : Vssots til Mur'ivl < ; i Tb roo lluihln ? ;. Dollars. jtJS.SOS fluid ttl (' mid Six-v fis:b? '. J ellura. * filis CUII?J>.;II,V ba.? claim. TK ll M ri--it Ai. . CHA.-*. : \* n- 17 HmJ&tXB .:. .V'.VV g?5 vr$r? r te . ??arbcclf, iv :. . Mon- : . Move.*, Ths ?::.. v i Kaoline ?i:!-! : : t'y;' t-iil? by U i\ i.( .; Juni' 0 .?p' i-; I ntintiiiucu t<> i I. v i rutlllili ll f ull ?{?.ul- in il.... . ilU;>ntcli. SMITH & :::.: FALL !; CLO?Hir i iii lilt; iii'1- . llinvy (?.,?. i''iu : i'! iil tiiiiil,? ti i ; iv...?.-,;. P III' -, . I ,. ll ,. HG ii 7] Wir,.-I. li.' ^ C.- A nu I,a IV..- li', I > { \ ? > f i' l ':i