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The Orangeburg news. [volume] (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, March 06, 1875, Image 1

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Nine Years' Exprience
I havo on band also a snply of
Porcriptions cnrofuly compounded, orders
from the country striokly attonded to at the
Poplar Drug Store of
jan 28 1874 ly
._4 ? i-:??-1
r In its MOST IMPROVED STYL1S, and cit
ua reasonable price, is executed at
over Wilcock's & Wolfe's Store, with
satisfaction to all, by
" .v A. M- SNIDER, D. S,
L. S. WOLFE, Assooiot
;? B. F. MUCKENFUSS, Dentist
OP CHARLESTON, can bo found at his
OFFICE above Captain HAMIL
ket Street
References?Das. J. P. Patrick, B. A.
Muckexfuss, A. P. Pelzkr, M. D., and
Mxssns. Pelzbr, Rougers & Co.
To the Afflicted!
1 was CURED of CANCER ?,2 Ahe lip by
Dr. T. R. M ALONE.
Respectfully yours, \
I was cured of CANCER on tho right
?cbr.k. of three years standing, by Dr. T. R.
? SI ALONE, of Orungcburg, S. 0.
v St Matthews, S. C.
? S5 to S 20
Per I>ay at Home. TermB free.
Address G. STINSON & CO.,
Portland, Maine.
jan 29 1876 ly
MOSES M. BROWN, the Barb er pledges
himself to keep up with the times in all the
LATE IMPROVEMENTS, as his business is
sufficient to gurantce the above. lie will
be found at bis old stand, ever ready to
serve his customers ut the shortest notice.
apl 11 80 ?
Warrantcd l50 Degrcce Firo Test.
lrnsdn all*
Ask for "Aladden Security," and
no other.
118 and 115 W. Lombard St.,
oct 24?24 Baltimoro, Md.
About f,1000 acres of LAND in Midd'lp
Township, well settled, Gin House with Gin
- and Grist Mill. Blacksmith Shop and
' and Tools. In one parcel at $8.25 per acre.
Term easy.
FARM on Old Orangoburg Road, 7 miles
from town?250 acres. Prioe'$1576. Well
SETTLED. Terms easy.
One STORE and LOT in Orangeburg.
One BUILDING LOT on R?ssel Street.
Apply to ' .
Attorney at Law, _
it cspt 17 - Orangeburg, 8. O.fP^
Unappreciated Shakespeare.
A few days ago young Gurloy, whose
father lives on Croghau street, organ i-,
zed a theatrical company and purchas
ed the dime uovel play of "Hamlet"'
The company consisted of three boys
and a hostler, and Mr, Gurley's hired
girl was to bo the 'Ghost' if the truope
could guaranteo hor fifty cents per
Young <3 urlcy suddenly bloomed out
as a professional, and when his moth
er asked him to briug in some wood he
replied :
''1 hough I am penniless thou canst
not degrnde me.'
'Yon trot out after that wood or I'll
have your father trounce you !' she ex
'The tyraut who lays his hand upon
mo shali die/ replied thq^boy, but he
got the Vfood.
He was out on the step when a man
came along and asked him-whcre Lafay
ette street was, ? j j
'Doomed for a certain time to roaui
tho earth !' replied Gurley in a hoarse
voice, and holding Iiis right arm out
straight. , j
'I say?ycu ! YVhero is Lafayette !
street V called the man.
?Ah?-could the dead but speak ah 1'
continued Gurley.
Tho man drove him into the house,
u nd his mother sent him to the grocery
after potatoes.
?I go, most noble duebe?s,' ho said
as he took up tho basket, 'but my good
sword shall some day evengo these in
suits.' ?' .1 [7;
Ho knew that the grocer favored the
ntricals; and when he got there he ask.
'Art thou provided With a store of
'What in thunder do you want V ask
cd the grocer, ns he eleaued the cheese
knife oil a p ecu of paper.
'Thy plcbian miud is dull of com pre
hension,' answered Gurley.
'Don't try to get off any of your non
scusc on me, or I'll crack your empty
pate iu a minute,' roared the grocer,
and 'Hamlet' had to come down from
his high horse and ask for a peck uf
'What made you so long, asked his
mother as he returned.
'Thy grave shall be dug in the cy
press glade"!' he haughtily answered.
Whon his father came home at noon
Mrs. Gurley told him that she believed
the boy was going crazy and related
what had occurred
'I see what ails him,' mused the fath
er; 'this explains why he hangs around
Johnson's burn 60 much.'
At the dinner table young Gurley
spoke of his father as tho 'illustrious
i ourt,' aud whon his mother asked hiui
if be would have some butter gravy ho
answered :
'The appetite of a warrior cannot bo
satisiicd wilh such nonscuce.'
When tho meal was ovor his father
wont out to his favorite sliado treo, cut
a sprout, and tho boy was askedjjto step
into the woodshed and seo if the pen
stock wns frozen up. He found the
old man there and he said.
'Why, most noblo, lord I supposed
thee far away.'
'I'm not so far away but what I'm
going to make you skip,' growled the
father. 'I'll show you how to fool
around with ten cent tragedies ! Gome
up here !'
For about ten minutes tho woodshed
was full of dancing foot, flying arms
and moving bodies, and then tho old
man took-a rest and inquired.
'Trioic, your royal highness, dosi
thou want auy more V
'Oh I no, dad?not a darned bit!'
wailed the young 'iiMiiagor,' and while
the father started for down town he
went iu and sorrowfully informed the
hired girl that he must oauccl her en
gagomcnt until i he fall season.?Detroit
Frve iVc?s.
"While* on tho stand testifying in tho
Beochor Tilton oaBO, Moulton,a leading
witnoss, reoeived news of the sudden
death of his mother. Ho did uot know
sho was ill until tho news of her death
American Girls.
A French traveler, who has recently
passed souio mouths on this side of tho
Atlantic, furnishes the Revue des Deux
Monties quito a lengthy sketch of life
aud manners in America. Without
coininout wo give that portion of his
sketch iu which reference is made to
tho manners aud custoiucs of the
average American girl. We imagine,
however, that the picture drawu will be
readily recognized. The writer says :
The young American girls only Ii vo
to havo the best possible time. They
arc as free as cau bo. Fortunately their
exaggerated lovo of pleasure is cheek od
by a calculating temperament, tvhio h
saves tlum from many a fall. Thou
the laws of tho country protect the in
more efficiently than ours would against
tho enterprise of tho male intriguer.
They do not, however, prevent many
abuses, and fast young ladies are by no
menus a rarity iu the eity uf New York.
During tho day they go With some
friends or with the escort of him who
has the privilege to flirt with them to
tho Central Park. Ln wiuter thoy go
sleighing and skating, and air tiieir
curiosity in all tho stores of Broadway.
There they get all sorts of goods spread
out before them; they ask the price of
each aud buy none. The iulpassive
salesman dots not show the least sign of
discontent. There is a peculiar word
for that singular custom. It is 'shop
ping.' Another custom which is largely
practiced by American ladies is bo cnt^r
Confectionery shops and take ice creams
at every opportunity. * * *
Iu tho eveuiug tho same young:ladies
are seen at the theaters and iu the
fashionable eating saloons, it'a great
ball is given any where you may be sure
to meet tUcm there. Iu tili) su^p^r
Tsnvy?A'?;e#* n? ^7atbriVg~piYi\'03^~?ffj^iTs
Saratoga, Long Uraiieh and Newport,
where several times a day they
make a display of dresses which might
ruin a seme of husbands; or they cross
the ocean aud astonish European folks
by their merry freaks. * * * Many
people accustomed to our habits would
uot fancy such girls for wives, au I tluy
may not bo wrong) but tho truth isthat
these gay, lighthearlcd, and o'teu
dangerously imprudent girls, make in
the end excellent wives and mothers,
liaising an Excitement
When one ot the chaps of ton or
twelve years of age feels old Satan bit')
bing up ho reads the natu-; on the door
plate of a private residence, rings the
bell, and when the lady appears ho re
marks :
'Your uamc is Jones, I believe V
'You are Jones' wife V
'Couldn't be your husband who got
hurt down town V
?Mercy ! What is it?who V
'Don't get excited, Missus, there's
lots of Joneses in Detroit, and 'taint
likely this was your Jones.'
'But it was?oh ! I know it was!'
'De cool, Missus : This 'ere Jones
had his head all busted in live pieces,
and tho coroner is now?'
'Oh! my poor husband! Where is
ho V
?Don't get excited, Missus; it may be
your Jones, but I guess not. This 'ere
Jones had red hair, and-'
'Arc you sure?oh ! are you j'
T hain't sure, but I'm going dawn
that way and I'll get a boy to ooino
lie hurries off, she rushes in, and
when. Jouos comes home to dinner he
loams that bIio has been in a lainti >g
spell ever since tho boy left.
A few days since a seedy person np
pliod to a wealthy citizen for help, aud
received tho small sum of five cents.
Tho giver romarked as he handed him
the pittance. 'Take it, you arc weleome
our ears aro always open to tho distress
ed.' 'That may bo,' replied the roospi
cut, 'but nevsr before in my life have I
seen so Binall an opeuing for sueh large
Brighum Young is still able to sit up
and be married occasionally.
After the 1
How Lithography was ^iscoyered
rst triumphant perform
auco of Mozn t's opera'Don Juun,'at
Munich, the t ?eutre was deserted by ail
except one u^iu. Alois Senuefelder
had f-Li 11 muclj to du. After seeing
carefully around the stage, that no
sparks had ignited about the theatre,
ho retired torhis? little room to stump
the theatre tickets for the following d.iy .
As be entered tho room ho had three
things iu his. baud?a polished whet
atone lor razors, which he had purchas
cd, a ticke'-' stamp moistened with
printers' ink. and a check on the thoa
tro treasury ?br his weekly pay. IIu
placed the c^ck on a table, when a
gust of windtook itswepL/Tt high'up'nrlr
his room for a momqjAt, and then de
posited it iu,a ttiitsin filled with water.
Scnuofclder '|okJ| tho wot paper; dried
it as well as lufcould, and thou, to make
sure of it, Weighted it down with the
whetstone, o^i which he had before
carelessly plr.ced tho printing stamp.
Returning tubis room on tho followiug
morning, ho I was surprised to see the
letters of tie stamp printed with re.
uiarkablo accuracy upon the damp
paper. He fazed loug at the check; a
;ht flashed through his
ndcrcd if by some such
uld nrt save himself tho
he continually b:id copy
of the chorus. That very
went out hud..p?trehasod si
and commenced to make
experiments;! and, as we all kuow,
finally sucofcdcd iu discovering the art
of printing ffou s.ono?lithography.
sudden the
brain; lie
mean; ho
weary troX
ing the song
morning he
lartrer stone
Th'/TMidnight Su.n;
traveler, tTV?
reached ou;
north the In
the horizon,
pendulum in
father's par
silent, looki]
midnight th]
of gold, runt
water betwi
six one in silj
setting. \\1
hats; no wol
you cau, tl|
su nset you
ctrotehod a\vf.y in silent
sr feet, siys a Norway
off our
Cotnbiiio, if
hunt suurisu and
saw, and its beauties
will pale before the gorgeous coloring
which now lit up tho ocean, heaven and
mountain, in half an hour the sun had
swept up porcoplibly on his beat, tho
colors changed to those ot morning, a
fresh breeze rippled over the flood, ouo
songster after* another piped up in the
grave behuid us?HO bad slid into
another day.
it Little Hoy Died
A Virginia City (Nov.) paper has
this little 'paragraph : 'Little Ed'lio
Nye, who was run over by a flat ear last
evening, auu was ho badly injured tint
ho died next'morning, was a rare bright
child, and 'one of tho best children in
tho city. Just before he died he sang
?The Beautiful River,'with a voice as
sweet as though ho had caught the tones
from the softer shore, ou the brink of
which his .spirit was thou trembling.
After tho sung he repeated a little
prayer wliiqh bis mother had taught
him. 'The child all bis life had a lisp,
but his last prayer fell from his tongue
without a halt or quaver, but ratlici
steady and clear, and yet with a far utl'
tone, as though another's voice of
infinite sweotuoss had seized upon his
lips iu the supreme moment, to leave an
echo iu his uuguished mother's cars
which should hist as long as life. Short
ly after the little prayer, tho sunny eyes
closed and little Kddie was gone. On
Sunday his funeral attracted the whole
city, and there was not a dry eye
around the dear child's bier.'
-1 -
'Where a woman,' snys Mrs. Parting
ton. 'has boeft married with a congeal
ing heart, and ouo that beats desponding
to her own, Abo will never want to en
ter the maaitiuie Mate again.'
The Way to Conquer.
?I'll master it,' said an axe, ami his
blows fell heavily on tho iron; but every
blow made his edge more blunt, till he
ceased to strike.
'Leave it to mo,' said the saw; and
with his relentless teeth he worked
backward nnd forward on its surface
till they wore all worn down or broken;
he fell aside.
'IIa! ha!' said tho hammer, 'I kuew
you wouldn'tsuccood; I'll show you the
way.' Rut at his Gorce stroke off flow
h is head and the iron remained as be
'Shall I try?' as
flame. Now tr-^J?
a ..?M ],.. ^-rrTt/iwl gently around the iron,
embraced it, and never left it until it
incited under his irresistible influence.
There uro hearts hard cuough to re
sist the force of wrath, the malice of
persecution, nnd tho fury of pride, so as
to make their acts recoil ou their
adversaries; but there is a power
stronger than any of these and hard in
deed is tho heart that can resist love.
Distressing Accident
Near Milau, West Tennessee, a dis
Hessing accident recently occurred, re*
suiting in the death r?f an accomplished
young lady. A pistol had been for
week s lyiug 6u the maute^pieCvj o: one
of the t o juts of tho house. Knowing
it to be unloaded, tho young lady and
her sist.-.r hid frequently handled it!
carcJra^ly, and playfully threatcuod to
shoot each other. Dat one day their
brother, intending to leavo home the
ucxt mbrtiing, loaded the pistol and left
it lying on tho mantel, so as not to for
get it when ho weut away. The young
ladies came in the apartmcut al'ter diu
A Washington correspjh lent of the
Chicago Inter-Ocean writes: Not only
i-? it slippery outside, but indyors tun,
and tit one of the swell gsrnris i few
nights ago t!u\:e couples tell on the
floor, polished not wisely but too well.
Otic of the Six was the belle of the ball
?the bcilo of every ball slu graces?
tall and stately and haughty. What a
fall was there! She was lc idiug; she
was Iho be.-t dressed woman there; she
1 was the focus of admiration; sh.: caught
i her dainty loot iu auothcr girl's flouuce,
and while the women were envying and
the men adoring her she tumbled, in u
confused heap of laces and ribbons and
'lullneos, und her partner, iu tho middle
of the room ! She was up iu a moment,
shaking out her rufll'd plumage and
swallowing the mortification with lovely
smiles. Hut she turned and looked at
the girl who tripped her; and merciful
heavens, what a look !
A busy housewife was sittin-r in a
doorway ply ing her nee He. Ilerhus
band was lounging on the rail, when his
foot slipped and lie bruised hts knee on
the door-step. "Oh," said he growling.
'?I have brokon the bone, I am sure!"
??Well, then,'" siii 1 .-<!?.!, U dditlg U,l h:r
needle with its eye broken out, '?you and
1. have done very nearly the same
thing." "Howso?" ' Why, don't you
see?" said she; l,l have broken the oyo
of the needle, man and you have broken
the knee of the idio man.','
???ILM ? -? ? -?J? -
A fellow who hid under a sofa at an
informal Dostou missionary meeting,
says thai the thirty tivo ladies spoke
twice ul the downtrodden heathen and
more than a .hundred times of a now
kind of' hair die.
A western farmer complains that a
houk and ladder company has beim or
ganized in his neighborhood, lie states
that the ladder is used after night for
climbing iuto his chicken homo, after
which the hooking is done.
Items, h ?5jpj
I ? ~;-..-jr ? . ; ^
A Chicago newspaper . discribes a
dress] which it took sue mouths to jrnako.
Whci you seo a youug .goat asleep
can you call it a case of kid napping ?'
Many mou are IIleva a.^os.^ofy it,^??
onRiu Bibianas case tint tlys lik^a^n
was Ja speaking oae.
Tme chcapct thing i i' ' fb?ffi'T"1 ?
Stall* at the pros :nt h<?nn
laboj. ^ M"omA
rjdrWagddi^ Fast y??4r-"tHi' B nton
K^is pail Sl,02i, 819! taxes U?- the
w>' aoi Hr. no
Wo mount to fortuuo, fby} rovoral
steps, but require only one atop to come
down. ^
It bag been estimated''that' tne^CTgat
American nation smokes 5,163,000%
gars a day. -
Bed used on a railrord signifies dau
gcr, and says stop. It is the same thing
displayed oh a-man's uOOTrfl"^ * 'V
Wheu Stcoptca married' friWfltttft1vr??
he sent the usual nitidi to." tK j pf&ptri
with tho addition, 'To b%,A continued/
A vinegar hearted old bachelor SajS
he always looked iw4erl?-#Al.llf*ft;iPf
?marriages' for tho news, of the week.
? . i : j?i < -t r ij -^u rtou
Why should the m.Ue f^,ia^|^
the letter a ? Because it makes man
meau. " al""' " TJ V*aoat
Tho California Sfc.te prlson~tfaW,AIb
inmate*: Of th*se iGO'nre~udder twe'n
ty one, tud 2-11 under twentysii' years
of age, V: ^o:>ubo4| d'tidw
A roiAiny Bpropcrjy (aid tojhfcTQ
bcou drinVag lifla fish wh-jn he .finds
that be lift takeBnoughto.mako his
ix- i ? 1 h; .t s" -till od C ^iftiM
lfeadswiui^ j?
Leniy. to bo economical'- w^on* jSu
are p^spjrou*, that y?r m ay kdbvr hoW"
to live without spoadctt/Jwi^J
Hp^nive ndno~ 7* 1?
Never trust with a secrot a married
man who loves his wife, for ho.yviU^tell
her, and she will toll her sister, imd her
sister will tell evo/yboly.
L. rj . 7;:' tioi'naiia
A convicted criminal uever objects .to
the graumicr of the juJgo but he does?t
like to have him sho.v it ou' iu couii. by
passing a long sentence, t ? t i3)9r-if:d?
Tho young man who came Idearr-too
ing transixed by o ia of Cupid's darts,
remarked that ho had had an, arrow?i*^
cape. *
n at tmi rvra^-UJL3?
A man ts no danger as long Tissue
talks love, but when ho writes.* ^rhe is
impaling himself on his pwa pot {hooks
most cJToctually.
It is estimatod that ?iio1Jfa ?nilred
young women stand ready to.do copying
at two dollars pur week where' one is
willing to do plain cooking at doublo
thatau,a- 7 , u thK noil
A vessel has just loft. San, ^raooisqo
for Liverpool with a cargo of; 150,009
bushels of wheat. This is tno largest
cargo of that grain that lia^' 'efar'SftSs
ed tho ocean. Jti"*
A horse who is in
ing his crib otn bo cored of tho proctlco
by applying a strong wash , of >qaj?9$e
pepper and hot water, or_(a ^fla/jgg Qpf
tar, to the crib. , , , ,
v \aoiiJftli ,9!fitt0;
My house went down with tho fire Liny
STOCK wont up witH th? fiaffl8J? iMTlm
ilP again. i>;i^ 1000,000, ?1
.7 ! n< pt oiU.
N filled with GOODS of n, quail ty t a .auit
tho rar I od wants of my o\lwrooV8?v""
To tlu.se who patro..i,-.o mo.
c.Roci<]RiKs, dry doaris/'Ktb.,
1 ,-nve in nhuhdanoo. ' J?''Mi'*
oiT. ?,c , cm
jail 30 1875 | |ai| /*?
-t:..-i.(_:>T?-.d. ibidtt.
Notice of Dismis
- mJr SI
Notice is hereby given lift
<1ny of March 1^75, .;W?H filo n
aocoiint as Ailniin/strate^bi said Estj
will petition tho ptfiate. Court
discharge. T *
February l7th^Mt3. ?
Administrator of
feb 20 im

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