OCR Interpretation

The tri-weekly news. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, July 03, 1866, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026922/1866-07-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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T. P. BLx, Esq, is the
for t sPper i harlestom
Yh Iesktry teruld.
Our ieghor, te Newberry verald,
hich was recently burned out in the
reat Aro in that town, has been re.
'Vived -on a smIll sale. We kope oth
entemporary Inay soon be fullj
equipped again.
Does the top of a wagon wheel rui
faater than the bottom I
This query we submit for the specu.
Isalos of our readers. If any one
-aftwers In the ietffifative, lot him a&.
;V t16 toea why. Who will an.
owe, i61 -
A New ?*per
I to be started at Florence, on or
kbout the 15th July, to be entitled
IdThe lorence aetasue." It will be
published by Mr. S. A. BROWN, and
will be under the editorial manage.
Mnt of MerS JnowRM P, CHAsE
sad W. A. DauN4oN. We wish it un.
Mlimited sueoess.
cave Patria I
The Liberals in Mexico have re
leased the twenty-eight qonfederaten
eaptured near the Southern colony of
Ordova. As the arrest in the frat
place was unauthOrixed and unnecessa.
!y one,it is not at all surprising that
the release of the prisoners should
have so promptly ;itwed.
Aud. yet if the Lib.rals had not
wished to rolese them, to what gov
erament would they have looked for
relieff It i a ourious question, and
one that might have beoome of inter
est. 01tismne of no country, It would
go but poorly with twonty6eight Con
federates with a gernment that used
&o Se, and by the U. 8. Government
itill unpardoned. We therefore leave
it to the Philadelphia lawyers to de.
.-de who would officially afford them
lks Offlelat Call.
Elsewhere we publish the official
eall for the National Union Conven.
tion. As migut have been expected,
even this call is not free from objec.
tions. It will be observed that no
delegate will take his seat who "does
"not legally awcept the national situa.
"and wotdi"f endorse Lhe principes
aboe set forth." Among those prin
eiples the war Is denominated a "re
bellion," and the word "loyal" is
'used. Those intense Union men ought
to have left out the first at least.
We still think it is better for us of
the eleven States to leave it to the
twenty-six to fix up their political
trioks. If we are to be represented
there we should like to have it under
stood at the out4set that we never
would, never ouald and never shall
stultify ourselves by officially stamp
.lag as a rebellion what we consider as
civil*war. JEvuasOgr DAVIS Is con
Ained to-day on that same account.
We shall nexer consent to countenance
a justf8eation of the injustice towards
.P. 8. Since writing the above we
have reselved the Augusta Congi*u
Musli.t a6ich agrees with us exactly
S2 out sews of the call for a National
.,iM LAsag th ras
$eeklug perhiapa annoy. the far;ner
* s6w, sfer he gts a good "stand,"
than gr.ssameog his crops. It must
- have bee. obseriod by every nile in
terested that grila 'imore Injurious
to orn than to cotton. Nowagwhile
ssay may know tis feet, the majori
*tymay not understand why It -is so.
Rot the oase will be easily under
sened when the nature of thme growth
.9( s'adthe cultivated crops Is
. Qeru is asupereital feed
er s it is fed more by lateral
. * ,4 ets u -ga.e,a
least most of those which impede -the
growth of orols . in this seqtion, are
also superlioial fbeders. Three inci
es perhape under the surface is about
the average depth of the growth of
both corn and grass roots., But ot
tor vrhich has all tap root mostly and
little latUal root) runs down ton to
fifteen Inthes straight iuto the soil.
Hence it will be_ readily seen that
corn and the grasses both feed froxn
the same region of the. soil. The
more grass, th'en, the lss corn. Any
one who has at all observed growing
orop. of corn will have observed that
when once grass has got the mastery,
however vigorously it may afterwards
be fought, and however effectually
overcome, the effect of its mastary
any time during the growth of corn
will be felt down to the time of the
On the other hand, cotton can be al
lowed "to go to grass" with much les's
impunity than corn, for the reason
above given.
Phrenological Journal.
A new volume. The Phrenological
Journal for July, No. 1, Vol. 44
contains forty illustrations, portraits
of distinguished Statesmen, Clergy
men, Soldiers, Criminals, etc., as fol
lows : Character and Biography
Great Statesmen, Webster)Talleyrand,
Clinton, Metternich, Jefferson, Ca
vour, Peel, O'Connel and Russell;
also, Buckle the Historian, Antoine
Probst, Thomas Rafflies, D. D. LL. D.,
Lieut.-Goneral Scott, with excellent
Portraits. Eminent American cler
gymen-Albert Barnes, Isaac Ferris,
Charles Hodge, Andrew L. Stone,
Thomas E. Vormilye, Leonard Bacon,
Horace Bushnell, D. D., Robert J.
Breckinridge, D. D., L. L. D., Henry
Ward Beecher, Theodore L. Cuyler,
Richard S. Storrs, Rev. T. Duryea,
with medallion portraits. Our Social
Relations-The Servant Question;
Our model Society; Manhood and
Womanhood ; a Little Office of Trust ;
How to Punish a Child. Physiology
Feeding Children ; To Young Moth
era. Signs of Charaicter-Physiogno
my of Statesmen ; the New Diet ionary,
with Engravings; National Charactee
isties : The Tonga Islanders ; Esop's
Fables ; The Law of Quality; Buckle's
History of Civilization; Intellect,
North and South ; To-day, a Poem
The Great Mystery ; Fruit Culture
Another Prophecy ; Female Suffrage;
Teach Children to Think ; Milton's
Last Poem; Learned Nonsense; Sol
diering and Crime. A rich Number,
20 cents, or $2 a year. Address
Irdwler &Wells, 389, Broadway, New
It is estimated that in five coun
ties in Alabama, lying south of the
Tennessee, there are twenty thousand
persons on the verge of starvation.
ExCaJ,rsa Orixtiow or AMERIoAN Moos t.
--Mr. Joka Boume., an English engineer,
mn a letter which he has~ caused to be pub.
lished eoneerning American moniters, says:
The impregnable character of the mnoulbori,
frem the lowness of their sides and the im
mense thiolyness of tJheir armor, lha, long
been widely known; but in -Europe doubts
of their seawurthiness, based on superficial
consideration, have been persistently pro
pagated in the idea, perhaps, that the 1 ub
lie faltb in'the excellence of the ihrpean
type of war vessels would thmens be nuaintainm.
.d, These illusions, however, the voyage of
the Afona.dnocA round Cape Horn, And tie
intended voyage of thme fiu,ntonom,a across
the Atlantic, will no doubt do something to
dispel, and mechaniolans at lease t'ill niot
he slew to recognise the supecrior power and
eMesoy of the monitor vessel which, inac.
tion. not onr of our iron olads would be able
to eonfroni,for five minuites without the
moat imminent risk of being sent. to the
bottom, The offioers and crews of tihe moni.
tore are entitled to the highest praitse for
tkill and coursge with which they have
conducted vessels of so noble a character
over stormy seap into the hottest fire, and
we may all be sure that the naval men of
this eoyantry will not, be slow to appreciate
these qualities, and to give their brother
blue jackets a cordial welcome when te
arrive. te
A gtemnremonstrating with Mtr.
Kenney against his bringing out his comedy
of "Match-making," said, "Allow mo to
mak, a few animnadverslons upon it."
*elaeuse me, 81:','' said Mr. Kennj, "i.de
ost '*ish for any mad versions of my Qoq'p
dp, -. -
The Officiall Call, .*
The following is the . offidial 'call for the
lational Union lConvention to which we
eIerrod yesterday 4
A National Union Conention, of as 10ast I
o dblegates from each C9 ngresslonal Die
tot of all the States, two trom each errl.
Ot-y, ,wo-from the District of Colugjblm, and
rour delegates at large frot eao bate,
Nill be held at the city of Philadelphia, on
he second Tuesday (14th) of August next.. 4
Suoh delegates will be chosen by theele..
ers of the several States who sustain the
Vdininietration in maintaining unbroken the
anion of tie States under- the Constittion
which our fathers established, and who
kgreo in t.he following proponitions, viz:
The union of the States is it every _ase
udissoluble, and is perptu-.; -.;; Uhj (1.
ititution of the United States, and the laws
passed by Congress in pursuance thereof,
upreme, and coustant and universal In
heir obligation.
The rights, the dignity, and the eqtality
af the States in the Union, including the
right -of representation in Congress. are
golemnly guaranteed by that Consiittition
.o save which from overthrow so much' bl6od
knd treasure were expended in the late civil
There is no right, anywhere, to dissolve
he Union or to separate States from tho
Union, either by voluntary withdrawal, by
roroo of arms, or by Congressional action ;
ieither by the exclusion of their loyal and
qualilled Repersenita:ives, nor. by the Na
tonal (overnment in any other form.
Slavery is abolished. and neither can, not
aght to be, re-established inl any State or
Territory within our jurisdiction.
Each Stato tms the ttndombted -right to
prescribe the 4a11alitications of its owli elVC4
Lors, anl no external power rightfully cpn,
Dr ought to. dictate, control or intilence
the free and volntiry act ion of the States.
in the exercise of that right.
The maintenance inviolate of the rights of
he States, and especially of the right of'
vich State to order and control its own
loamstic coace:ns, accorling to its owl,
udgenellt exclu'ively. subject only I tJo :
aontstitttlion of the United Stat es, as .sen
.ial'to that balance of power on which lie
perfection and tndtraineo of our political
ribrics depend ; and tihe over-throw of that
4ystei by tle u1su1rpation and centraliza
ion of power ti Congress, would be a res o
ittion daigerois to republican government
mil destructive of liburty.
-ach1 Ilouse of Congress is mafle, by tie
nstitution, the solojudgo of ihe electiotns,
eturns and qtialifications of its members;
but tie exclusion of loyal Sentiors and
itepresentatives, properly osen aid qnali.
lied under tile Constitution and the laws, is
tijust. and revolutionary.
Every pattiot should fr 1wn uponti all tihose
set. iad proceedings everywhere, which
)Jil :serve no other purpose thian to rekindle
he anim ition of wi', and lih effVct o.
hllicha tpon ot-r m1tor1al, social and mal ttugx,
literests It hone, atd upon otur salittiiig
%broad, ditfering only in degree, is injuri'dus
like war iteell.
The purpose of the war having been to
preserve ther Union and the Constittion by
put Iig dowirobellion, aid the releflliost
having beenli suappressed, tall resistate. to
he authorit.1 of the Gene-al GoverG-aiet
bting at an end, and the war having ceased,
war tIOWiaures should ialso cease, iad shollhi
bo fllowed by mateamu-es'of paicIel w1.1 21;1
stration, so that tttion, harmiony anl coat
)ord may le encouragel, and itduisttry,
,somnerce and thle arts of p1eace revived IalI
pronoted; and tle OArly restoration of all
le States t) tio e excecise of t hei- onvtitti
lonal powers In I ite National Government is
ndispensably necessary to the strength atl
'e defence of lte republic, and to tho mait
lenlance of the ptblic credit.
All uch electoro in te t hirty-six St::ts
ktd nino Territoriij of t hu United 8tits,
in.I it tlie Wistrict of' Colimlibill, awhao, il a
Ipiait of p.tiioti-m i live .;r lw [i'l ,
:a ris aibove per.4onal r-n i section il -oat
did era tio n v. a nd w h o d s, i tI e . a I nlY
tilimnal Unionl Cotnvenmicil, %Nhioblh.
'4-pr.esenit till lthe 8:aft . and' TerI.oIe;
lie Union, asemble 21s frip lil brota-'r
inderthe .ational Ilag. to hl l- iti na-1I to
-ether uipva ila t-tate of' tile Unii. an tI t.
ake maisurtes to aivort possiledantger haromt
hte s-imae. tirCeospecially reqtteso.ii to taike
art itt thet chaoice of such dlegartes. -
But hao de!egate will tako a seat itt satoh
honvettion, whto does ito. loytahly acctept. tho
ttinttonal situaation anad cordally endoarse thae
aaitnciptes tabovo set forth, arnd who is not
ittasched ini ta-ue aillegiianco to IhIo Constia.u
iota, the Untiona anal thea G overt-nnt of thet
Jnited States.
WAsatntxauroy, Jutne 25, 186.
A. W. IlitAunt.L, Preta't..
(P. II. hlaosxao,
EnoAnu Cowas,
SAist,. Powitan,
Ex. Comt. N'itiontal Uniion Cluab.
We recomomemil the htoldinag of theo aboYie
~onventaon, and endorse the ciall therefor-.
D)ANit, S. Nonr'oN,
Jaits DI)xov,
T.' A. IlatNoncas.
"[1it iow conedeltd thatt all the htor
ihle tort.itres wichl have beeon infal jif.i
ap,an Pres.idet't Davis originaited with
Wfiles. Hat was orde'red to "'tako the
tops naecesa.sary to secure the safety of
us prisotner.t' This was the charler of
ais priileges. It, enabled himt to stretch
his ntoll, c'haivalrque ansd gaillat, repre
emaat'ive of- the army deem neOcessntry
05 " cur te prisone'r?'' Lot ns see.
I. Hie took a way his lead pencil,.so that
te htad to mark strikiing phlrases in a
B3ible withl hai dngergils. 2. Ho mado
Sfite of soldiers lael him upon an iron
sed anal shnptkle, him with haeavy ironh.
1. [In ga vo hii(n "coarso prisori" diet.
I. Hie exercised a.strict censuohip over
he prisoner's letturs to li wif.. -5 lle
,ubjected him .Jr twelve months to the
no6t terrible of all forms. of torture
listurbed. s}irgmer at fixed intervals.
;. He kjt a dazzling light tortwring
he inflamied and4 Aiseascd eyes of his vic
im. 1. He kept soldiers tramping up
md doWn th prisoner's cell, who were
iot petmitted to speak to their prisoner.
l. lin quarreled with his sirgeoti be
mi,se he firnished President Davis with
vinter clothing, and forbid his convers
tg with him. 9 1 lo reduced his noble
rictim by his diabolical and slow. torture
o such ac onlditionl that in an onlrial'Ye
)ort. to the Presi&nt,-Surgerkn Cooper
-eports that his nervous condition is that
)t a man,111 Who 'has i>een IaveI ali'
tmd his nerves -exposed to every wave
i souid." 10. IIe granted the itortin
'd statesman and soldier no privilege
vhich his surgeon did not declare indis.
>ensable to keep him alive.
"Is not this a nob(l! deellogue of deeds
>fchivalrons daritig for the A m;rc in
'MAiles" to be proud of? These things
nave welde'l the opilnions of.the Ohris
,iaii world into oile great finger of scorn,
vhich is now pointed at Milos with a
kiss like the shriek of a steam wlostlo.
"Ii vain are the extentating 1,nions."
,he mitigating "leggs" and apologetic
'cutlIts" pit forward by the RAdicals.
"If Dr- Craven had iot ma1de A l\
h1aingo President Davis' food, he wo'ld
hiave kelit him upon rough prisn it'''
.o tins very moment. \Vhen Miles dics
core will be a mighty chauor for ioith
,r Dante and alnother history of Ifeno.
le explorations of Virgil and )ante
rurnished most gratifying information as
oh tha fate of Nero, Domiatnn, Caligila
nd n host of grand inquisitors and tor
t urei s. . . wi gratifying to know t-ht
they. were not t.n,iortable; bit whw,
Mil-s hastetls to 0)-ens to jiin hi4 fr'ilfd,
Hludson Lowe, every.bofly wll be clam
arous to know what i ie dvil is' done
with liii.--Richmon MimS.
Davis oil Atdlenonville,
There waRos foo' in tle Confedcrney. bit
rio nanns for its eAllection, the hoetls,rs hid
ing it altier i te currenlcy hadk becooe depra
!istei nii . ir oillet . tlen ano e the dir
Nctilly:of its trarsportation. Their railroads
were overtaxed, and tLhke rolling stock sli
give out. ''lty Could 'not teed their own
troops, anti prisone.rs of w-1' in complaint.
Some of hia peoeiv contineid inl the West and
at Lookout l'oint haid been neiarly starved
%t certain tines, -hough he well knew, or
Wd belioved, fill prison rations hai been
Sdd.edl and paid for In ihese cases. Herd
men together in idleness within an inclo.
sure, their arsi taken froin them, their
organiAttion lo., without m euploymeti for
their tie , and yt wilt lti it dillictilt. )
keep them in good heilith. Tay wete o
mered to receive precisely tie saitno rations
given to ile tr-oops guanrlig them bit dis
hotost Corlnisitsripit's atilI Pvtos Marshals
were not coitined to inty Il-ople. )oubiless
he prisolieris oil both vidtes oten suffered
thal the tfioors having cI:-go of thein
might gr'cw rich t but wherever such (1
hoinesty 4otlJ ho broiigti hone. protmpt
punli-4h11u011 followe'l Genl. Wind-er , andl
[,ol. Norii hrop did tite best thbey culd. he
belioved; bil hoth were poorly obeyeid or
ecol.d1ed Iy their suirlintec. To hold
hiln i espoissible for suhik uinautIihorietd pr.
vatimls wai t th uruel ai aisurd. Life
s.tied ortlo aflPr ortder tin the stiject
oid, toisselim of ih e1r,n_)iieih '
(14Ain11 the, pri11041r4 01) 4%l ! lh"j)nSt lb r
ituftrs for to':enie-da't w ling t
WeC0t stily ternits tit w.-tidl release his
litoptlii frun their burden. Non-oxthin'e,
l1WevC:-. wa; 1he4pli 1y1d(pte i)- Ihe
F'delti r. an -u a4s A '-.,i
wl- lato cam-ifn-viwainsi Fredecii, 'jth
Arat. rei'ulseil to exCh-IQe i h r et icue a
ionl bing., thalt it. her ptiaia tsti wIi liro
lntes mioie i timel'ous than i 1'rtis' 's tie
'rn wd wouhlttbe a wvise mectasur'e. . 'That it
maly have.' been trudtet, t htught itnhis,
situatedoas thie-'outhi was, he was til. pro-.
pae,odn:btt protest ed against being
bkrepnitte for evils whiich tno power of
nis ctuld averi, undt to escape f'roin which
alwusat anmy conqes ious had been ofibred.
A StNoti..il ,A.:.-.\fr. (has.,i 'i.
C'hamnblini, at thJ 1iiid h6 was w&oindyt,,
a liententnt ita the 8th Virginia regi
m .nt.. Hie coughed from his throat a fewi
'ha's sice, a iiiobll t)11hat had, been
olgut4 thlert',(or, mire than foulr y'ears.
TI'waus shit at. "Nrveni Ptne-,"' Jitue I,
I1862, thell. n Irntering the' sidle oh the
lose jilst beOlow& tItA left ('ye. It uas't
prtobed foutr incItes. antd fonnid to have
passed near perpenldic~ulahrly in scarcey
msissing the~ lIrain. It disable d himfr
Ility, uad hast ever sincti caused m:ten
pain .in dam'p weathct', freqnently rei der
ing it ahnoost iinpossible to switllow at
all. W hi-n conghted tup on .Tuesdamy eve.
mung last, at seemd to lvecome, r from
just belog. thit rigt'n iuinydr q jaw
botje, aq~d 'citsed flitlie paim, and was
bollowed by 'no blood.' It wdas a't"t'aimc
mnhinie', not mashedl out of -ita origial
shiape', althiotugh mnoikl dented.by conuens
sion with the bones in the fauce. Th'e
cominag fortlh 'of the ball catused a sore.
ness in the tlitoat tadd'a gidldiniess in th~e
head for a elaf or i uwo, but nothing more.
Gettn i idit Af3ront, by Ot to
Gilderbm4ste.r, !!ave jtst apperi'd, con.
*n8 'D~onJtan. -
Local Items,
Another Death.
Little A LICE VA I.IS.., iCd I L
died on Sunday afternoon ut the-resi,
doneo of'Mr. J.' M. E.r.or-r. ' It is'
uelachboly fact-tiat this is wi see.oiid
death in the saic houehold in less
than it week. Si died froi the salne
fevet- which took off little Joiny EL.
.1TIor, her cousin.
New AilvertIsenents.
MTessr-S. Bacot, 1tiivers & Co., hav1%
No. I pulverised Sugar and Clon-r.,
Water, just reecived. Se noticto.
See Spectacles lo.t.
Yesterday beingr sale-day, the lot (
cotton, consist ing of (3) Bales, recent
ly advertised to be sold by the .Iecriff
*as disposed of at 20 cent.s.
t'o Advertisors. rd] avrtiis
inl should lbo bani inl by Toon 0
Ny;d1yR, Wedne k4 d iWrilayz, to
securo insertion lbh.91.i1oxtda'isu
.S-rmP:'S RT.GI-r4, 0 x.Dr
ingu the ViSit'of ti , rarolin i
road delegationl to Cino.6ntli, list wevi
n111 .h06o -J,,ppt4head enthusiastjica le'y
(41logized t.i, Calh1611n1 tlieory of Stte
sovereigndt*Vtt he was.el'ectiinlly sht
tp byi a Sout eraVe Gwio snil "I
have been nccnstoi.d* th'her that sot
114f.Jctrine advoca'ted on thet st.tiip. It
som11icdd well. I;believe inl it f'11.. Biut
whieni' wvo enm try1 it, it (dil nIot work
well The t1lenrY w:lq prIettv. hut the
practice was (lestrictive. We do not
wnlit any1V more of it inl our geiieratiou.
W'e- have bnried that."
0 0 M M E R 01 A L.
WXNAono, Jily 3.--Cottou-2.
c tirr rn c .
Floiir, .114. a 15. per barrcl.
Lardi, 27 i 30c pwr poid.
Corn, A1.85 a 1.90 per. buishel.
Pl.a, *1.75 pr bishl.
Micon. 20 to 25c per pound.
Menl, $1.75 per biusbel.
Stirg ihum, 75c per gallon.
Silh, $5.00 per saek.
1ut ter, 2o. per polin(.
1 '20 to 25. per dpzen.
TOhlael). 45 to $1.10p4r .pound.
Gobl, 40.
CioL.1riiA. Jilne 3 o 1 to
23, gold; 23 to 32, etirreny...
-CArn, *1.05 to 1.80 per iulthbel.
Flor, *I I to 1 G per barrel .
(its, $1.10 to 1.20 per bhlqlI&.
P $a *2.00 Lo 2.25 per busl. .
I*ay, *2 25 to 2.70.
Rico, Rangoon. prime, IA to 1.21c;
Cr6inti,2 t6A.5e.
TobTacco, 10c. to 1.50 per ponrid.
Coin, goi 45 to 50.
Cit.%1tlr.oTr 5, un1e 30. 1866.-Cor t on.
-NO triisietionl to noto; Midd'ling'
SW(Ml commai 28 It 29 cirrener.
cloir, -12.50 a 141.00 pwr barroI.
11AcOn. I 1 . I p ier po inj.
(Corn, *1..50 a 1.60 p.r butshier, in dce.
-lPeus $1.j a 1.5b 'per bushlel.'
Menl, $1 60 a $1.70 per biu hel.
Whbeat, none oil'erinig.
O)nis, *1.00 a 1.10 per~ bushlel.
Sorgbtun, 50e. por gallon.
GJold.' *It.47[a 1.45.
Silwre, $I"35 n' .1. .
NSunda'y night, fhe 24th, ai pair of
nenD~ir-sigte4, steel,SPEu t T M Th
ficncer t,ill please leave thern, at thiis ic.
July 8-t1
,Frsleb-iEfA--No. l-ulverize,d Suga.
[1ASE5. NORP,S VATER. in quart
U botlesdfom.Carko & WItec, New
York.. For ego by
-july 8--U No. 2, !Iotel Rtange.
ALLppora, oiter white or coloro d, lce,
(tween the ages of 23 uand t;t yersc,
who fall to make their returns to mio bec
twoen this dato anid the 4tha daiy or .Juily,
will be dloLble Taxed, without rcepect Ic)
'I wilt be in Winnaboro agtini on Mlondacy
'18th Idst., and on Mlonday 2d1 July.r
)uho ~01R. II. JENNINOS, T. C.

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