LOM Items. The Weather,' For the ieok past has beo ;ariable. Mean temptat tro, 88. The atiest day thissumraer, Thurs day the 9th. NW 4dverfisnen ts, JAmes D. M1,b1or advertisos a varietv of' irticles TO Advertisrs.--Ordera fo; advertis ing ihould bo ianded- plk by noon of Mondays, Wednesilays and Fridays, to secnre isoertion in the noxt dav's issuie. 0 .II M .l. U I A L. NV'NNSn0o, Aug. 15.-Cotton None off'ering' C0oun1try 1 N-tr, $9 a 91. Ha1illore Flour $15. a~ 16 per barrel. Lard, 27 to 30e per pound. Corn, $2.00 per huslhl. Pens, $1.75 per bushel. Baconl Sides. 24,6 per ponnd. Sholdijvrs, 22C.iller pound. AMeal, *2.0u- 14r bushol. Sorglhlom, 80C filr.gallon. Salt, $5. )l .*M5., Yarn, $2.50i *3.90. ggs, 1 2{ a 1~ per dozen. TUbAU-. A3 LO $1.0 pur pound. Gold, 40. CuItI."TT-, Alig. 10. 1866.---Cotton. Market dull. We qltot(i at 25 a 274c. New Flour, $5.00. NortherI *1.."O a 141.00 per barrel. Blac.m.18 a 21 c. 1-rI p;mld. COrn, $1.60 a 1.70 per bushel, in d . .: is1 . A. ll. $1.45 a 1.50 por bushvl. Mal, 81 50 per b) h lit. W'h-al, $2.00 n 2 50. Ot, 60 a1 65 per buslil. Sor niiim. 50c. per gallon. Goldl. *i.A5.*, <.r~t in A.A' ug. 14 -Colton, 18 to 24, g-l; 23 to 11, cntrency. Corn, AM1.15 tio'1.90 per luishe.l. Flour, $12 to 20 pvr I -rrel. Oafi, *1.141 to' 1 21) per hush1l. Pes, *-2.00 to 2.25 per bushwl. Hay, A2 25 to 2.50. Rice, Raiigoon. prime, 12 to 14c; Cartlia 15 a 6v. Tobneco, 1 5c. t) 1.60 per pound. Coin, gold 46 to 47. IGMnw.Y ROI1I,AI A') MI-'DE.: Y'!et-rdy - morinr ahbot 12 o'clock says tIh Savuitilh Rpubican ot' the 13th inl-t. a Iost brutal murde- was comm11t1ied -1bV t wo 'm-gres oil I he A it gusta road, a bot nin)(7iAiles Ironm Ohe City. Tho fol:-ling p..rmielars inve b i uri-u-d bN. a gentleanall froml rle scefif of ILh! 11114414r: Mr. H1--nry mvee. cengf,r, his broiiher-iin : 1w, 1and11 [tIree childrein uero pro:eeding, home. iInd stopped at the b rid':. at. A iguast ini Cra-ek for the pw poseof tnking hehA. While thus etgag%-d Ilhy \'V4ee 4a1pproaced 1-.y rwo negroes. bothi of whomn were'armitel, one with a gun mid the other wit h a pistol, who asked Mr. Seccenger for somelhing to ea. II e gave tlem Some .bistits. They then nskl -d him to se!l t hem ni Iwenti-.fid.e,ent wo ,dfrn pockt boks i -wich'l II ther was tninetv dolla rs, nu:yl gen the niegro lie ebantgo. TJhiey .surrte~ v, em'ad buuachk in ti fewi miii ue and 'n'od et ieu deinamiledi Mr. Secco'n di sm' y; whi a, the ot her dr ew' a p1st i'-'uon the.btrot her ui-la w, tance. Mrd .8. #cieud ow. for assuliaace, and lhe wvii . ;imhwdine:ly shi.>t ,in the breast. W hiule jti.ie ae,t of' (alli.g M. Seccnger I h ro w 'his -pte okit in gttin diopacht 66k and .'scaping. Up to 10 i:'co'k hist: night thpvylhad not, been ar e )ed. The deceaised lived at Sprin:gfi4ld~ 'abont twenty-two miles. from: the Cli~v.' Ftor some 'ime past work has bee'n gong ont the finndal i.n of 'a new Unathholi'dtn1rAiljn jew York, which whn: com-ileded k'ill'he one of the lprg. est- buildnga 'in A meriqn. This caithe. drsel swil b 0 feet lotig by 325 teet wide, and - the towers will be 175 feet; huigh. I nsjdh of tbie building the nave will be 150 feel wide, and the ce'iling 100 'ao the floor. The uarchitec. tyire is to bi aotrthe puirA gothic order, Siund thej etiimhtle: coat is $a,000,00. it ~vi,l otcnp ' n entre sgne of groun, onhflNth' A ist 'M'den~;Ave.. nue', Forty.nbih end IfiftietTIi *treets. irhue Ne' YlMCathoies are aist build i'ug a snant'r eetbedral at 1Forty-fui? et.reat.-tedr -I#'h Aven'ue, which will c'ost.nWont sqg,ftOq.. lIn patot work wvi!J 514,ee soiJipi,o *.Cr,ialig,tha. ehal. Timr ScCBET.--"I noticed said Frank. lill, "a mechanic, among a number of il'ner: at work on a hnve erecting, but at litIe way from m1y ollice, wxho alwvs appearI to be ii. a merry humour, wfio had a kind word ant a cheerful sluil for every on lie met. Let the day be evi so cld, loomv or sunles.-, a happy sunli!e dainced llke a su1beamt;, on his cheer ftil coirftenanche. Meeting him one mornin, I asked iim to tell me the se. cret of ,hii constant and happy flow of sp)irit." "No secret, doctor," he replied. "I have guL one of the best wives, and when I go to work sheo always has a kind wod of encouragement'or me, and when I go home she always meets me with a smile nnd kiss ; and then the tea is ready, and she has done so many little things through the day to please nie, that I caniot. find it in my heart to speak an unkind word to any body." A FATAi. DuFr..-A dispatch fron Mobile, of the io9th, says: "T. J. Chandler. this morning at daylight, founght a duel with L. 1kolcombe. At the second fire Chandler received 'a ball through the chest; living aboi.it twenty. five miniutes.. Iolcombe *an formerly (i soldier in the Federal arinyl and Ciar.. dler in the ('onfederate nrmy. The dillieilty originated in disp'nting wheth er Columbinj Soth Carolina, was burn ed by General Sherman's order or by ordi'rs (if uonfedirato Genornis." HOWE'S IMPROVED COT TON PICKER U roat PICKINO COTrON IN THE FILh. A FiMllP4. and coimpaet Instrument A weighing about two pounds-pick three or four tine. faster than by hand. leaving Ithe Cotton clean and free from tralt. Price $20. Orders can be filled by THE H1OWE N1ANUFACTURING CO., 31 Cedav St..*N. Y. Or by our .gents thioughout. the South. aug 14-If JUST RECEIVED 11V Ketchin, McMaster & 00., HOTEL RANGE. I,;r' WITE WINE VIN,GAI, Tumeria, Olive Oil, White Ginger, Spices.'&0. .Bath Bri6k. FAmiily'sonpo Extract Lemon. Extract ,Vanilla, * )Extrnet Pliienppio, Cox's Geltine, Corn Starch. .A L.O. Night Bloomin. Cerous, Sweet Opopenax, and other Perfumery. ALSO, Putty and Red Lead. ang 14-tf N OQTICE; FDO hereby for'owarn all possodi from tradl. L. ing or trailicking.In any way on my account wit h my Mie, $arneh'Warre, as I will niot pay .ntly of, her debts contracted alter this datte, Mlay 12, .1 80A. -ang 14-t ,JOhN WARREN. .EWFLOUR. ci U5T BEICEIvHD. IiiBO$E'EGr.EsTON & Co., aug 14-.t f - 'No. 8, Hfoel Rnge. Claret Wines. BO 4AEY - -.' DA fACOT RIVERS &CO., [CIT?AT tON.] State of South Oarolina, FAIRFIELD .DIlTRICT. Ita the~ Cout of Ordisnary. Bly Jamals Johnietim Ordivaryj of .Firleld DiUtri. WV HEReAS Henry A. GaillIard. Comwhi,, .sioner In Equity, has aplied to tim for LBT'IBR8 OF AD MINI8 aATION on all and .logdlar Ue GOiods and Chattel., Ilghts and Creits of John W. Delaney, late of thme Dfsttrtot afbresaid, decetsd. These aye therefore to cite and admonish all and singular phe inhdredl stad credit ors of' the saId decesed, o be~ ad appeal bfore nie, ast obr - net Ordinary Co.ut, fdr the sptU Dilttelet to .beheldenia6 Fidfeid 0. U. on the 10th day. of;Septembewr, .60-,sbee caunse, ir any why the said adulisl.4getlon sliobld.not be granted.': - 19t.t'linde, a y hand bak.ssa . tie ROh day' of duty, Iv the y#aw stoosu 4 4g and It thre Siinet.*s#yet $~am '. Z essee.".j,om ra s., TO IM CLOSWO* 0N the15thfeptember the PIOTOQO,AH GALLERY will be closed for the ese son. Oly 'POST MORTE',y" impre4oss takfn durn' g..he winter. au-g 9-t82 JUST RECEWIED. AND FOR SALE, LOW FOR CASH. PRIME BACON SIDES, CHOICE STRiPS, EXTRA, SUPERFINE AND FAMILY FLOUR Also oj hand' a general assortment of GROCERIES. DuBOSE-EGLESTON & CO., aug 9-tf No. 8, Hotel Range. JUST RECEIVED, fine lot BACON SIDES, . direct from Li Baltimore. For sale low for ensh by ,BACOT, RIVERS & CO., July 17-tf No. 2, Hotel Range. .UST RECEVX BARRELS of Extra Family Baltimore Flour. BACOT, RIVERS & CO., July 1166-tf No. 2, Hotel Range. FURlFAMLli fUSE, DAMANTINE CANDLES, Arrow -Root, A Tapioca Starch, Salts. Lemon, for ex tracting stains, Cream Tartar. Cooking Soda, Extract Vanilla, Ginger, Black Pep per, 1udullible-Ink, Rat. Exterminator. Also, best Rio and Java Coffee and Sugar. Just received by E ETCHIN, McMASTER & CO. July 10-i1f Y iX P RE S S. SULPI. STRYCHNIA, MERCURIAL OINTMENT, DAVIS' PAIN KILLER, Wismlow's soothaing syrup, NICHOLS' COD LIVER OIL,, WARRANTED PURE. QUININEj MORPHINE, ARSENIC, EMP. CANTIH., HEBREW PLASTER, BEST CASTOR OIL, BROWN'S JA1t GINGER, -ILOCK'S PhOUS PLASTER, &c, &e. - Alto ' COSTARS RAT EXTERMINATOR. July 80-If LADD BROS'. JUST R1CIUV"D, By TIIOMP8ON, WITHORS. nO., CALICOtS, BROWN DRILLS, BROWN and BLEACHED HOMESPUN, HOOP SKIRTS, SUSPENDERS, TOOTH BRUSHES, & Ac., ,ke., &o.. ALSO, LADIES' and 'OENTLEMEN'S HATS. Low for cash. julv.19--if The 8tate of South Carolina, FAIlIIELD DISTICT lam .time Cousst s. f Or dinge>y. Bya James, Johnston, Eaqu,ire, Ordiary of Fairfield Diatrict. H~IERE AS Henry A. (Gaillardl, Conmmis e oner ini Egnity, has applied to mec for LETTEItS OF ADMINISTRATION, on all and 'sin-gular the goods . ad chatteis, rights an4 credits of Elishp~ IL Joues, late ,of the District aforesaid doeeu.sil. These are therefore to cite tnd. admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear be fore me, at our next Ordiuqary's Cour', for the said Distriet, to bo holden at Fairfield Court House, en.the 14th of, fSeptember, to show 'cnuse. if any, 1thy the said adinis~ trajion should not, be granted Given under my hand and s,al, tbia d'day o-Ags,in thejyear of osr Lot ,"-ohe thuadeight hundred and sity.uIs, and in theqnIiaty-Srst year of ,Aweroan lnde peidoee. yA11ES JOISThlN, (0! V D. J sgnt~18a8 WEd En 00V$5$ gi NE W.PRING GOODS CHARLESTON HOUSE, STOLL. WEBB & CO., 287 King St, 3 doors Below Wentworti z have now opened a splendid Stock of Spring Goods, English, French nad Americap, which are of the inout desirable styles the markets can afford. To planters furnishing the Freedmen either for clothing or for baTter with them, our iholesale rooms offer every Inducement. Plantation goods in every variety. na e eso. companied with city reference will meet with prompt attention. N.P B. Samples, with price lists, sent to any part of the State. Our steak consists in partsof...~ - White- 0a"vghp, Striped Osnaburge, Blue Dqniw1 BroWn Danih*sHeavy Brown Shirtings, Find Iea Island Brown Shirtinge, Bleached Shirtings, bleaohed and- Brown Shirlings, 6.4 9-4, -10-4, 12.4 Plaid Blue and Stripped Blue Homespuns. Bleached and Brown Drills, . Black French Broad cloths, Hosiery and Mloves, Irish Linen by the piece, Towels, Towelings, Linen Dan. ask, all qualities,- Calicoes. all qualities, Dress Goods, Domestic. Otnghams, . Fine Scotch Ginghams,' Spring Silks and black Silks, Colored Mslins, in every variety, Fine French Muslins,-'Wii(o and Black Goods, Farmers' .rown Linen iack, Farm. ers' Ilrown Lincu Drills, Fancy 'rills and Cottonades. c . and Together wit i qvery variety to be found in our line; which we offer at WUOLiSALE AND RITAIL. All Domestjo Goods are sold at a very small advance on Agints' prices. We would irespeotfuilly call the attention of the Planters, Merchants, -and the citi "ens generally of Fairfiqld District, to our advertisement. and solicit a call front them' should they visit the city. STOLL, WEBB & CO., No. 287 King S., 8 doors below Wentwortb Charleston, S. C. H. C. STOLL, . Charleston CHARLES WEBB, - 11. C. WALKER, jan 18'66-lyr Gen. Sup'ts Of e C, & S. C. Rail RQad. CHANGE Or SCIEDULE. SUPERINTENDId's IOFFtCE, Charlotte & S. C. Railroad, C91upibjnjS. 0., June 1, 18G6. 0 N and after Sutiday, tfe 8d ihstant, a Passenger Train will run over this Road as follows: Leave Columbia at 4 15 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte 11.15 P. M. Leave Charlotte at 12.16 P. M. Arrive at. Columbia 7.15 P. M. JAMS ANDERSON, june A'66 Superintendent. [CITATION. The State of South Carolina. FAIRFIELD DISTRICT. BI time Court of Ordinary. By James JoUslon, Espiro, Ordinary of 'uirjield Distric(. W HEREAS 11ppry A.O,illard, Commis. .sioner in Eq6iiy has applied to me for LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, on all and singtilar the goodp %nd chattels, rights aMi eredit's of William E. Hall, late of the District, aforesaid deceased. These ar'e thereforeig oite and admonish all'and singula' die kinidred and creditors of the said deceas0d,'.t6, be. and appear be fore me'at'our. next,OrdInary's Cotrt. for the said.DlstrlIt, to be Jioldcn at Fairf.ld Court:House an-thte 14th day of September to shew dause, If any. why the said admit istration giroulknot be granted., Given under my hand andpoeai, this 8d-any of Augusti in the yost of' our Lord, one thoutsand eight:hundred and sixty-bix, and in the ninetf-first year of American Jn dependence. .JAMES JOHNSTON, [0, F. D.] aug 7-t18. _____ Ever h1lihi THlE RECOGN1iFED SPECIALITIES OE -OUR DAY. Prof. Ebrt: Jackson, formerly of Lon, don,o acjjqbet s.3I D., ft*th Phdladel hi PLrs Va :raf Hospitals. ondy e i ~ uratntee,o or Sel(-A.buse, and of every possible . forat of pVivatb disease of every name or nature whatsoever. be.dIerburt's AatiMleoltolio Compot*n4, an nfailling ro'sady foy~ intemperance ; wutt for parttoutaru. 50es au n ht 600pages, 100 p14*e, Dr. Jaoksona's Fequale Moatly Pill.; SI per boa, eztra Rae $6, a safe and efttual remedy, for all Irregnlarities and obetmne. tions, from whatever cause. Dr., Jaokian's Safie 51, 6 for $4,1* (or 37. Bead fol- Oir? outa apd write, you will promnptly reasivb, 25Id. diserees end expl1ii answer. 4 , J.P ee.s4s, Herbers & o,e ,pwUa watay e1 3'hee*e 4851 .2C dauaM An Old Song, set to a New Tuna 7 1866. . "As spring approaches Ants and RoacAes. From their holes come our, And Alice and Rats, in epite of cats, Gaily skip about." "18 years established in Nj1'. City." "Only infallible retidi known.T "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the numa Family." 01\ats come out of their holes to die." 'M(oster'a" Rust, Ro*eh, &c.. Eid Ies, In a paste--used for Rats, Mce,-Roache8, Black and Red Ante, &c., &a., &a., &c. "Covter's" Ied6 Mtg Exteraiestuaf tor. ts a liquid oi Wash-used'to destroy, also a.s ti preVeitiv(i fot Bed-Bags, &o. "CostaCstIs'IEtetric If"#wder for 's for Mloth-s, Aosquitors, Fleas,-Ded-Bugs, Insecta on Plants, Fouls, Aniials, &o. f-!!! B WALM 1 !' of all warthles3 imitation. sw- See that "CosTAn's" name is on each Box. Bottle, and Flask. l;bfor you buy. SW4 Address, HANRYR.COSrAR, 484- bread way, N. Y. By All Druggists and Retailers everywhera Suath. Barnes, Ward & 0o., New Orleansv La. 1866. INCREASE OF RATS.-The Farmer's Oblel,e (English) asserts and proves by fig. ures.thiat one pair of RATS wiln have a pro. geny and decendants no less ain 651,050 in ,hree years. Now, unless this immense family can be kept, down, they would con sume more food than would sustain 03,000 human beings. 4W- See "COSTA i's" advert isement above. 1866. RATS versua BIRDS.-Whoever engages In shooting small birds is a cruel man ; who. ever aids in exterminating rats is a benefac tor. We should like some -one to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out thcse pests We need something be sides dogs, oats, and traps for this business. -Scientiic American. N. Y. ,.Se ."CosTAn's" advertisement above. 1866. . "CoST AR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe and sure--the most perfect RAT-ificatioi meeting we have ever attend ed. Every Rat that can get it, properly prepared. will eat it, and every one that, eats it will die, generally at some place a a distant as possible from were it, was taken. -Lake Shore. Mich, Mirror. JW See "CosTAa's" advertisement above. 1866. IHOUSEKEgIEliS tr'oubled with vermin need be-so' io lunger-. if theyaxse "CosTAa's" Exterminator. Wehuaveised it, to our satis. faction ; aind if'a box oost $6, we would have it. Wir have tried polsons, but they effect ed noth,ing ; but "Ostar's" article knocks the breath ouit. of Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, and Dead-Bugs, qiciker than we can write it, It ilu in grent. dhemnd all over the country. -Mendluna, Ohaio, Gazette, IM.. See "CoST.AWA'" advertisement above, 1866.' A.VOI PROM THE fAR WEST. Speaking Qf '"Cosas'" .Rat, Roach. Ant &o,, Extermittafgr'.."more grain and pr'o visloms aurk asiofed. anually In Gran Countysby verndn, tban 1tould pay for tons of this Rat and Itui.et. Killer.-Lancaster, Wis., derald. E. See "Costoa's"advertiser.en, rubc e *osth .taia . Pe'le.db, o,, areoai. .auliAaroedtyMu, and othtiseets aid Vmernll' of whieh can b.'- ved bp 9ftdoes wotth of s's' E Seiig#nt, &e., E?ter OR " afsadvertiesment abow *giy $ M Qvqry hev