READ QUARTERS,. I nIs EMPORIUld Or ?McI GOODS, TOYS, DOLLS, GNES FRENCH CONFECTIONARY, ANb AT 290 KING STRE T, ('hr-er ,1onP belo-v Weutworth.) 0 Y.u. 1. .$O, Seo, VON SANT.N'8,. AZAAR, JSTABL.SH ED in thg year 1851, iA this XA cit y, hat opened, for the inspection of the public, the most Splendid Astortalen of Toys, Dqlls, Games, China Toilet Cloodi, beautiful Mantlepiece Ornamelts, Lades' Work-Boxes. Jewel Cases, &o., Ffebdh Con. f4otkonary, Fireworks#, &c., suitable .fqr Presents for pho coming Holidays, such ds aranot to be found i any other establish ;pent in the Sbuth, and to wbich the pro. pIrietor respeotfully solicits attention., A.,jordeons, Harmonicas, Portemounales, Bags, Beads, Combs, Brushes, Perfamery, Pipes and Tobacco, Kerosene -Oil and Lamps in the Greatest Variety, &o. A liberal discount will be made on all goods sold to des.ers, and TOYS AND FIREWORS can be purchased in $5, $10, $20, $60 a'nd $100 lots, put up to suit the country trade. All packages ara put up with care, and will be sent, per express, to any address upon receipt of Cash, or C. 0. D. FRED. VON SANTEN, Proprietor. oct 9-8m EXTENSIVE STOCK OF 0 M.a O NM 3E X M% r AT WHOLFSALE AND RETAIL AT NO. II1 KING MT, CHARLESTON. 9. C. O e of the best assorted N Sto c os Flland Winter Clothing, of fered in many years, all qualities from the lowest grades to the finest Fabrics, alli got ten up expressly for this Market,. b * one of the largest Manufacturing Houses lathe country. Also, a Full Assortment of -e GENTS 1VVRNISHING GOO. And a Urge stock of voreign ed Alnerlcan Cloths, and Cas slimers and Vestifug9, which will be mado up to order in' the best styles, under the care of a ere-olas CUTTER FROM EUROPE. A Liberal Discount nade'tp Dea'ers. Plantation Clothing for Freemeqp, from Orey English Kersey. M. W. M'TURROUS, wX MAT[IXssOS, Superintendant. Agest, eat 9-8m 1. w. CIALI, W. H. BILLAMYi . o. .Exsox. R. We GALE & CO., 4. and 48 WENTWORTH STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., DTALERS IN Carriages, Buggles, Harness, &c. ALSO, AGENTS FOR Robinrson & Sons' lijtcn& Stretched, Cemented nd ui'ited LEATHER BEI/I1NG. fOt1BLE and Single comprising all desira 1)ble widths. Every Belt warranted to give perfeot saisfaction, and sold at ma,t. facturers prices. .oct, 9-am ESTABLISHE~D 1854. RDd~..g~~ Dealers IN .. MILLUNE aY, STRAW, North-east corner Meelgadlarke; Is,, CHARL4STON, 8& C.. 1INVITE ste Trade,to examine their flIl and varied ssortroent of .. Bionnet,. and Hats, trimmed and untrim med, Ribbons, of all desertltons, Flowers, Feathergy Df60s Caber Nets, Velis, of newest, desigEns, Ruehes, Laces, .Crapes,'Silks, Corsets, Skirts, &t,., &o-' , oct 9.4w JESSE II. DOELLW PMI0VGRAPK GALLERY, if..,L 15 &0N ElET 8T8., -C0Z1 TON, 8. 0, Like4,,fale. KIsde siken ii!a t highe1e*ES5Rof lhe art. set1 ilta MSDUMM1U, Fernandina, JacksonvOle, and all the AAk%n the St. ToAi0a 1000 TOP(S, UR F4N, CAPTA1 V~~.~X1fER, WIl"WA%kIQ4~R. WHARF O I NE A % i M1)D i ACE8 every Saturday, at 8 o'clock, P. M., until, further orders. For Fh tor e 1. on boord, or to th We fI81O ,6 17 Van-. derhogpt's Wharf. . J. D. AIKEN & CO., Agents. sept M-tt PLANTERS' HOTEL, CORNSE QUEN AND CHUCU STUERTS, q,UARLESTON, . C., C. W. & J. B. DENNIS, Prop!tetorS. HIS splendid IOTEL will be "pened on the 1st bf ootbber, othe European system It has been remodelled and refur nished throughout. This Hotel. ponto)nu ever'one hundred -rooms, which Will be to served chiefly for #heope of travellers and transient guesta. Competent assistants have lien aeoure4 id of&.* dejartment, and every atteatilon wIliArp1id to qnstkre com fort to their odstoliners. The "leeping rooms are airy and tiean. The r'tlyant will be sbpplied with the'bet lar the &iar ket affords. Porters .4l1 ajpays be ready to attend each arriiil and departure of trains. The travelling publip, travsiebt visitors and -others, will Mnd in it all ,tht laidries of a first-class house, combin *iih the o6ndorte Whome.' The looitioi iely adapl.dfor business men and trael lNo Dhis or.eense wixlpebnp"r to 1ite b1*6 'tatisfotok. C6, W 8T.V LESTVNf?V. WILLIAS,' TA CO., COMMISSION a MeCtA S, NEW YORI. Liberal,cashdyvanes. will be made on Cot ton.onsis toeithr hus. Oct 4-Nm FIC*1L~t 10 '111do"AlR~TAF pHA E , Sq . Give theib atten deiclusively to the sale of . - I - ad: -t -' . . EONGA.D- B&AR8TAPLE,COTTON Libe&al 'advAinceV ade on onsign ments sept 6-1a48m'4 F% IIORSEY, SUCCESOR TO NO. 21, BAYNE STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. sapt 18-im Schedule over the Booth Canri a I, R. *GENERAL SUP'TS OFFICE, CH ARLEsTON, S. C., Sey#,. '11, OlN and.after Suoday, September 28d, the the fo g eT in of this road .*wjll n AUGUSTA TR.AIJ. - Leave Charleston 11. 0 Arrive af Auigusta,8 Leave Augusta, 4.80 a m Arrive at Chiar,)eeton, . ~ .00 p m COLUMBIA TRAIN. Leave Charleston,a 6.06 m Arrive at Uolumbia, 6 Leave ColumbzA, a1( Arrive at Charlestopus 7.20 p. m. -U. T. PEAKE, Genrtgu t. -Polities and Newsarm 1 0 V. A. MOOn a U. s Machmy ~RAIN OIL, Kersen On Cmtrated AL, lrome Green, T e~efn Soap, iinBl#, VeaetaM4 and Parlow U2M.T N,MoMASTER & CO. sept 11-i( 'DIT GOOD CHARLEWTON HOUS.E, STOLL, WXRB & C0. BANCIROFT'S OLD STANDs $87 Ks'fg ., Ai.3 dees B9lotoWestWdorfA P ave n'o opened. a splendid Stooi of Opring Goods,' ENrillAh, French and American, which ae of te most desirable style. whe markett'aaaaffrd; To planters furnishing the Freedmou,either for clothing or for batter with them,- our wholal9.jyeoms offer every Inducoment.' PlantatigQiods in e variety., . % j ,. This beft a busy season ,with the planteri an4 he n9t pble to visit the city,. orlers, ase companied with, .ity reference. will. meet wi promm p ilop. 1.tcs . Samples, vilth prie Uli, sent to any part of the State. Our stook consists in part of White Oinaburghs'. Stripqd Osnaburge, Blue De town.Dim. He, rpn Shirn 18 ajai ki rowa 1 ,I B leah rtings, Bleached and Brown hlrtl e -4, 9-4, 10-4, 12-4 Plaid -Elae and l pped Blue Homespun&. Bleacit(d and rawk- Drills, Black Frenoh Broad cloths. Henery and Gloves, -Irish Linen by the pie^- . Towels, Towelings, Linen Dam ask, a11 qualities, Calicoes. .all qualities, Dress Goods, Domestic Ginghamse, Fine 8otch Gingbams, 'Spring Silka and Black Silks, Colored Muslins, in every variety, Fin-e French Muslins, White and. Black Goods, Farers' Brown Linen Duck, Farm. ers' Brown Linen Drills, Fancy Drills and Cottonades. 'Together with every variety to be found n bir line; which wo offer at WHOLKSALS AND ET I . All-Dometo Goodl a're gold -at a very small advance on Agents' P I We wouild respeetfullycaft o-attention of the Planters, Merchants, and the citi. Bens generally of Fairield District, to our advertisement, and solicit a call from then ehguld they visit B 6. 287 191 elow Weptworth, If. C. STOLL, Charleston, CHARLESW$ !" 6 H. C. WALKM, , jan 18'66-lyr MILLS HO'SpM, Crp r ueen gp4 9fefing Streets, oil ' tt i2 t -N-, a. 0. tHIA 'OPULAR AND..WELL KNOWN HOUS is now folly open for the reception of visitors havin been refurn hqd Iitb im aI urni ture t gloqti- lJA to Yeller accomm ations a conveniences as a F1t, Cass' Hotel, 'os to bi eqtWaiky%y NfUl or South. The patronage of the public I Reatst dflst -erdkyt 6 0j " per - iponth as may agred on. JOSEPH PURCELL, feb 'O6-t ,2 - Proprieqv. MoCRIG1TVGIN SOP, ESTALISHD I, 1800. QINS made and repaired. Also, the fa U mous McCREIGiT REVER0 GRIST MILL. FISK'S METALLIC UUIAL CASES, anew and neat pattern on hand. aug 21-6muo TIN WARE ! TIN WARE !! A AREand varie-A assortment of the LAbest 99yhome inad~e Tin Ware, on hbaand for dale low. M A4E O cot 18-tf THE BEQOGNIZED 8PECIALITIES OP - OUR DAY. 'sf W UfgbeEtJsoksen, fbrme6rly ofLp on, Robert Herbert, Mi.. D., frona Philadel ha,.aldd . Eutgene Velpeau, forpnerly 9f te London and Paris Venereal Hiespitals. Permsanent and speedy onresguarantae'd of 4Qonorrhea, 8yphillis, Giese, 8permatorrhosa S elf-Abuse, and of every7 possibl. ,form ~toe disase Qf every name or nature i ebe's.Anti-4)pohollc Comnpound, aifng temedy for Iesemperance;.awrte bun ai ofLigt,80'phges, 100 plates, 80 cents, 8 fori $1. Dr. Jackson's Vernale otidy Pj1;. $3 Per box; extradino $6, a sate and etg , emedy, for all igregulri end obtr'u. O4jaInvIv.inpin4,$ . 178osoreinsa iu tructons sent to any part of the eeustry june 12'66-6me bet Capltoa eaj* sNo bowe, a hie be^ ' : It will 0oMLataIM PMgO-N . Am pae and clear typ*, andM whi bn a volume of While o9jM nHte-les religious Intelligenoe from.UoIP Q ras O6Apow-and abrosd, it will also contsan a wekl dig of social, mervniloi mad Wkdl. intelli. gence, as, well as general T1fe9matio, on literary, scient.fio and agrtou (ural subjeots, maki a jomrnal acceptable to the oltyad coun reder, Miteve-thideAggAt tie ioii, a as agents and receiving, subscriptions; wi be entitled to a cop. TEanS. For one copy fo'r eii iontih,, $2 00 For one copy for one year, 4 00 OLVB RATUS6 For ten copies to one addres. for six., months, 1$18 00 For Ion copies to one address, for one - year, . I 900 All subscriptions to date, from the Brat of the month In which received. A*D iasacXa RATS. One a uare $2 00; every subsequent it. sartion 11 00. Contracts nade on fetaesable tiis. U. S. BIRD, . F. A. MOOD. Address " Weekly Record," KeyBox 4o. . oot 24'66. i. g i . The Charlemei Daily News. A 9 native Carolinians, Ahe publishevi Z% will slurally lool to the in"st. of their own SC te, and to that of the South: and as citizens of the United States they will not be wanting.ja th proper amoust 4( . votion and reseetfor th**ehrA-G*lve t ment. Every effort shall be made to me the DAILYNVWSa first class newspaper, and in every way worthy of the patronage of the public. " Our terms, for the prese1.pilibe at rate of $10 per annum. SuNcsrlPtes. I e ceived for 8, 6 and 12 month pa Ab In advance. Advertioin.-Oae sqark ten liaesbne insertion, One Dollar and Fifty nts. Each continuation, ieventy- e ceidis. Less than a square, FiVtrP qw line for first insertion ; Half Pici or eah continuation. Postmasters and others throughput the country, 'who may intiesnt themselves in procuring subscriptions, will be allowed the usual per centage. THCART, McM"LTAW&NO*1'ftr Propriers, O'N 1 o8. (7. W A FIRST class weekly paper, In favor of ' the Constitution as i Is,- and the lI~p.&was. SsBooki not reprinted from a "do'iip expreety for weekly circlation, with a careful suipmary of the news frenm ail the Sta"eb 4AWIlia ports "of the World, with market ItapMol Agrkcal tural, Finance, Lileiature, &c. TERMS 0A311-IN AD VA NC. One copy one year - $2 00 Three copies one year , 60 Five copiesbn year,-&4ds" t i getter, . *- 0 Og Ten copies onu year. and ond11o getter up of the club, 17 0 Twenty copies to one addrrs. 80'00 Old subscribois to the Day Book, thrtgh put the Souliaep 6t4ps 1409e10P - op~ yalue stii dWe%6-0 C66 * ue f the present poseig et04e1 mi ,t /, Send for a spec men copy, which will be sent,.postage free, 'on appliostion. Addres, giving. postbffioe, county and state in fhll. VAN EVILIE, HORTON & CO.; No. 162 asspu Stre*,ework. For sale b,y.all n4ws deaicksa.c-e esand towns ,oct 24'16. ewYork Daily Ihews. IR and Wfe y. '~i~ eY' Yenor Wee7dy New., a great..faRily. new. paper-Benjamin Wood Pr t e as , bes and ch'eapest paper published dopies one year, $17 and an e)tra ~op O b any club ef 4get E e I~4 year, $30: the W..k2i issnNt lr copies of Daily andWefre No Dall News Building, co9,d'Qty Ha1J8qigrp4 Y, CTty. PUtggargagg a pgaR3.9@i a, Q,a JYr .$ M.' Bh@W# ber.,t$d. Ad isat~ pet square.g Bra inei $1.80; .e~s gua ssee. oflse)o6iifbet ned until-'Wm bid, and okawped acoordipgly. eat 248ag Qd S4g to a New Tuge erb 1866. 4 From their hol, come !NI And Mice end Rate,. a 'eevf Catou. Gaily sk p about. "18 years established in N. Y. Cit "Only infallible remedies w .1 "Free fron4osons.1 "Not dangerous to the Humn Pamily."' "Rats come out of their holes to dia" "Coater'a" Blat, Rtkae. re.. EZI ter', Is a paste-used for Rai, kies, Roachei, Black andRed 4nt,' &o., &6., &Od. e. "Cooter's" -e4.e kxersalssw ter. Is-a liquid or wash-used to destroy, also as -preventive for Bd-dBugs, &e. t'ostar's"Electrie Powder 1 - h for 1oths, ibiquitoes, Fieas, Bed-.Rugs Insects on Platts, 'owle, Animals, &o. - -! 11 BAWAZZ I! -Iof' all wrthIese. a-"CosusA's" name is om. eo Box, Bottle, and Flask, befoe buy.. M Addre", ME art .Coe9 , 484 Ureidway, N. T.. sold By- - Drrlsegsts and Retailers everywhere, 2h.. Brne, Ward & Co., New Orleans,. 1866. 1IJCRU AOE OF , RATS.-The Parmer' QasXte (Zoglish asserte and proves by Ig ures that one pai of RATS will have a pro eny and deeendants no less than 6,050o in three ye to. Now, unless this immens4 family can be kept dowi, they would. eon sum mot e food than woufd alstain 66,006 human beings. Beo8.."Cosua's"advertisement above.. iAt8 veerssDs.-Whever engages in shooliag email birds is a creel man.: who ev aids inetermnating rats # a benefao e shouldolite some one to give at "lnefit of their experieae is drieig t'these psta We need softhedAing be si4 do4s ald tpp for this busia*es.. s'a" dverthiement above. 1~. 8660 A"COSTAW'"RAT EXTERMINATOR Ids simple. sae and iture-the most 'perrecto RA T-ifcation ppeeiisg we have ever end4 tRv.eny. Rat that an .got . ,it,,poperly rtapa'ed,'will eat It, and every one hat at It-wi die, geogrally at some i place a a. idstant as posible from were it was lakerr. I.Lke Shore. MichA. 35irror. ee"Cosra's "advertisemnn abot.e * ~ 1866.. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with, need be so no longer, if they use **CosTaa' (Uepinaoa' Wghb,s 4it eour satis raction ; and if a box eostP,* woul4haves I4. We ha!. tfied pofpope, bug Ibey etee;4 nothing; but- "Cosit's" article kgoe breath eat of Rats, Mile, Rosehgus, Aa and Bed4-Bgs quickee than we can *IteWr J31, ic nn all oers the eusry ~.See "C oSTa's" adsrtisemmnttbt e Aua ~ty i W I sould reoUsot that hu* e~durb hew#i u See e t la see