'9 illlWuIOlO L .iggs ( 1'e- t N f o iI0l 0,. Dectiiber l.. 1t ;';" 1:agi1: z n (itny,'I: yard, 'a 1 I. MIntIII l l:, ~ " b, ' wY ol rk or 11W& Iern, '1 Ib, 20(,,2. Uncon,t lhoii ~ lb, -* 8 'd h -22. "" Shou' ldrs. ~ lb, in:t trC..I'nmtir . t 10," 25 t o n. V:n n-. ~;' 1 u ch,, $J0O -" 1,r.,nlryt , 2i . .\liu:sii"r fl 5 t'nd j luniin lh, l> l s. Ir a, th, r) - *' Adamnn tine7 11b, - ;3. 'o'fee. Rio, Ih, 3')(r;i "" "laga r, 5 )i : a rece, 1-:n,lish b airy, lb , .I -- (;It4lbeI, IIb, 25(., :s llide:, D:y, Il, -I, I nar-A. i1i, 2U(tf'2' Micues . cnsovadlo, gallon, 75 .)I-Ohnm.," . 60g ib. :(io * g5.1 11i, , mhN el, $1 75Q)t 2 tt - - ':lltl 'S, -" ' orti. I I )l:. e , b (ie Sl. liverp. ., s ck, ) :rdls, otton, dou., t i " Wool 8 01) :np ir, ('rnshed, lbh, IIr cw ]'uP,wderul. Ib, 2 fr lir 0wn, 1U lb, J - 1'.xti*e 1',: Y''tea, I-:xtra (:Ililiowdter, lb, ' (H " II v' .oi, Ih,. 1 ti!10, 2 lill 1-u t n i'ilt i i h b(~ I " '' i t" (in I -II (li l t,, E 'tt 1 1,,! 1 I.1!(1(%,.I:, t.l llT?ILLY tL 1 50 7j7 Vill Cathic 3 rt & 1!/lauthews tt1 a, wil "11 1hi1 I':\S11 1'4 ill ovi " *an,iII iii. ni Ili :"nli t ,ril Iw id to U." IWith IlW ", I ii ilti1 "' O t.:I , 1 dn1(e 8 WMe' D oOR s p n ' b: [ lh 'ng Ib tti , ly i I ' tIl y i, ot . .ifl fl r (i ' n n f t ry~ lit ra.III cu lt d pI( i , iii c-I I" a bb!. .im , , 0 r hins, i. di Wierhs ie moqstt em hitiCalnl' tha we l ~l0 will re 1ir .'lb or nil0 1e5i 'i d. an n it t iP n (d ill beas i o A la. s e io O i au1ihn tr, i -i~r '. 6v i nirrls ote.. aCea Rd,ns it olor e-al m.lorine:io o AMno rWare d Gto 0i~wIUleR Sil bls snt at priceshal ber e1rm Wie wih to I.ett p ouib r bsines ern tiraely ime lloadi) .pav.rob. die - Ist -INYC A~ / aAllD Clarfi . no J1r w teugn.. AMES~t D. 2,I4tL I0R~o ti.oronso hivsg freds;nds then)h caljladexin peseit lre andly Rele wl,ncker, mnl11)0eroa .nebe 1ti hbat 10 eret tesoh ma rk yet ove Kd an otht.' aites ibbonsaof AlM. ow prepredto @. EV6 U.mBR. .\y ilss n om ,s'l epo pl FI NA!, NOTICE. ' l L t ;r ; n i, se to Ill estate o 111"J ,t, 1)'No:0, dle r i, are hereby iti ied i. at I I:ive p ih., i he donnnds it fav,nrof soaid "sta,te it i,,e hand of ul11. cers I th liaw ito collection. iTc whose indebtdtess exceeds Iweti. tI dullar;+ w"ill Iind the demiands against ti.;" it Ilhe batnll4 of my ntlorney nt. itaw, W. IL bertion. Esqi., and those witse in deIiedess does not, exceed that itunn will f'i"at Il t'Ie"ands ng.iintst I hemt in the hands of I(obert law horn. Isq , M,gistriate. SM&L 1.. R- l \U TIN. Adn". i.' the eistate of .acob O'Nnl, ded. dlee 1- i( A LL per:itms h-tving di,innhds againtst lie 'isti'e of William N. II:1. ticensed, iro irtetedi to miener in the same pr'1perlyS .then tint Id to the undlersigned at Iis oflice in 1 nsbro. II. A.. GAILLAIlD. 1X L. '. LD. PRUVIAN GUANO, A LOt if ti. above for sale it lots to t"uit 1 urchnsers. PAINTS8, OILS, &c., Just r,, 'e'v,d from ['htiladetlphin, 10 :egs 'ro Wiite Lead, different brands, '1 h-nrrol Tiv tw id(*, (refmoed,) * 15'hoxsx, A induost Gllass, 8x10, 10x12, 12x 14, 1)0 lbs. Putty, Paint lb-i.uh,s,.n:3snrted aizets. - 4 irrrels. Utnp Chimneys-Nos. 1, 2, '3, (':ies Concentnratedi Lye. Iar,els North (Ira tish Po!tiatoes, Apples. White Onions alit New lltilled litichwheat, For sale low by . IIACOT, RIVErtS & CO. nov 10-tf No: 2, Ilutel ltungo. 0-00D MWVSI N1;'T receirl, littntx ani Open Fneed " Silver W.\TCiCS. Also Blaok iilk in-n'dlt nndi F':nt'y'est "'nins.'. JIst recivrl, ia lI of fine Jew.elry' W1atolho4, Ciohs n:vi Jewelry repaired in vorkimitin like iniiniiel" and wjuranted for 12 ntmth:. nosv 15 -1mi CHltI.' MTLER. TO REF: ' C I,EAS.. '1'%W0 liinired Arcs j Li :.d lying foer Ioilts below It~^k, Mount Ferry-on ('atnh- i t"irI. '' 'here ear thirty neres of goId Creek i ,ttomtn lMhi .aiout the .S me of L.;1 Inndt"leat ed whtic.h is'No.'1 Col ton t.:tnd. 'ermtiissiont will' ie given to clear itore land it it is desir,'d For, terns ,&o., :ply (o the >bhriber nt his restIt.ce io'or miles trouti Rueky Mlount,. J. C. CALr1WELL. nov 28--xlm' A)MINIST1IAThdWs NOTICE. TOtl'l. is hireby give'* to the creditors I of the Estte of Will an I!ichardson, deceve"d, to render an necunut of their to mnd tne het ween i 'ii d'tu tn,i the first dy ofJnuary ui.:'. proy -attealed. nov 21-x.~ Asi.jinistrait'o. .F1A IRFIELD) lYSTRICT. Ex p.wto ) Petition &I C. II. iutves. j' Perpetoi.to Testimrony. J 'liE Pelitionier In the above ntated appli. .~ eit ion, haiving filed his peii ion to per psinateo the test initny.of the 'itlec to a oer tin trac't of fand! alleged to bo oonveyed to hIimn by ('aroins Feller. Ic is. Oiut -n, son mnotin of Mr. Rion, Soli clitr toM the Peuit ionser,- and in panrai.. inine of tihe Aci of ihes G1eneral Assembhly,iui snoh case madie and prov'illd, that all per.. sons iniierested im the idi( promIses do aip. pearnit this otlice three imntirs from the' puliention hieresof. to exam'iine the'evidene in tony be produsced, and to produce ovi dence in reply,. II, A. GAY LLARD, C. S, F,DP. CommtIssioner'e Offico, Nov. 1st, 16. . nov 6--lam8ni x RULE TO P LEAD. Ma ar.et Shlaw, C~ar ints Fehiler, J W IhEl EIAS the P'h'iintiff did on the .17th nty of Auigust, A. D). 18618, filo her Declaraitioni against the D)efendant, who, (as it in soid) is nheAnt from anid withont the lititt of this Stato, htaving neither -wife now Attorney knaowin within the same, upon whom n,copyn.might, be Mi-vedi. it is thiereforo order'ed, thait the Defen at d'o appear and ple'ad to thils Dhclairattion on or heforo the 18th day of August, A Di, 18617 otherwien flaail and absolute jnadgmnen, wil hen be given gnd awarded for the Plailntift, against him. . . B. CLOWNEY, C. e P plerk's Offiee. lfairn1elu District, . August 17t h, 1866,. . aug 21--t,E3mly A SECOND SUPPLY OF' t ~ G-OO] S I JUST RECEIVEI). CONSISTIN' in part of Ready Mande Clothing, Blankets. Shawls, linlf and All Wool Delanes, Illnck Bomu bazines and Alpacens. Black and Culoi'ed Fronol,. and English Morinoes. Ruck Islanl Jeans and Unasitnores, French and En. glish ('assi mcre., Tweeds and Satlinets, Flap nely. (white, red and colored.) Boots. 8hbes,,-I{.ts, Caps and Fancy Artioles. Bagging. Ioning. Sugar, Coffee, Flowr, Chooso,, &c. A general aszortment of' Hardware always on hand. All ot which can be hought very low. TIIO1lPSON, WITIIERS, & CO. nov 8-if NEW GOODS a! t Il subsori.bers invite attention to their T 'N']E ViT ST O . D1E.Y~ G-OOfDS, containing the usual variety of Rendy Miade Clothing, Dress onodg, Trinmmings, tlonks, Stiawls. - Il4,moepuns, Linenb, l11Ank.'ts, Ca simeres, - Kenlnky Jeans; S lats, Shoes and Boots; Groories, II ard wntt, Crockery, Books, M 41lnce and Wonloen Ware. Our terms nri" Cn iand wq hope to se cure a liberal patron go by selling at srdall protits. -liETCIIIX, 1 oMA8Si cR0. oot 18-tI - . 11c , AHinge. ~ADLE9, 11jFRS. S subs crihnr has en hand and . is. constantly manufactutring. SADDLES, IIARNESS, and .BRIJ) E8; of all descriptions, and every arti -Je in his hin4 of tl1ee best. iaterial. Al 4, G1