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The tri-weekly news. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, July 13, 1872, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026922/1872-07-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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Lao'oal Bc;g:uiR .
Q- Road our Baltimore letter
It will be found highly interesting.
Q Liemomber that Judge Macke3
speaks in this place to-day. Whil(
having no tpeoial admiration for the
Judge we will ourdially second him
in his efforts to run the thieves and
public plunderers out of the State.
fl The South Carolina delegation
to Baltimore elected Hon. W. D. Por.
ter its Chairman and selected Col,
Thomas Y. Simmons ps a. member of
the national executive Committee from
this State. Both selections were as
good as could have been made.
New Advertisernents.
See notice of now. arrivals by Ladd
Brothers & Co. Bacot & Co., and
D. Lauderdale. Now is the time to
buy goods cheap.
A Ouridsity.
An Irish potatoo was handed us
yesterday with a wire-grass root grown
.through it, and the initials 911. G."
plainly out on the surface. This is
.extraordinary, and is certainly signi.
cant of something.
. Mrs. Jonathan Stanton committed
suicide Wednesday evening by hang.
ing herself. She had been laboring
under severe mental aberration for
some time past. She had suffered for
several years past with a painful dis.
- E. F. Stokes, somewhat known in
this Congressional, District, figured
extensively in a Bolter's gathering,
so-called, in Baltimore the other day.
We hope that our aelegates let i
be. uude,rstood that. Stokes represent
not even a small faction in t his State,
and has neither position ner infld.
ence, in a public way, It ip.surely a
great pity that his fri :n4e would not
keep him at home, and paent hia9
from going apout m 1ing bimN
Religious Services. ,.
May be expected to-morrovv as fo
-A. R. Churah,"-Re<v. 3.:' Tod
11A.M. and 3jP. M.
. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev
J. . Conno., 10 4. Mr
. Presbylerian Churoh, Rev. E. M
Green, 11 A. M. and 8. P. ..'
Episcopal Churoh, Rev. J. Obear,
11 A. M.
Baptist Church, Rev. T. W. Melli
champ, 4 P.- M. and 8 P. 'i.
Barbacue at Moy Dale.
The good people of, this delightful
locality together with their invited
guests, assombled.-on Thursday at Mr.
Thomas Smith'c for the purpose os
social amusement, and true rural
recreation, and -the occasion proved
to be as enjoyable and agreeabl4j
the most sanguine could i.ave espeot.
ed. The barbacue..was arrage& al
Mr. Smith's splendid spri I1~fwai
under the immediato supervIsion of
Messrs. Hobbs and Smith, i'efieeting
great credit upon the . efforts o:
these two geit,lemen. .4 stage had
been erected in a' giin house near al
hand upol which-was a piano, and th<
company was entertained with musiq
by some ladies, and a portion of thi
amateur band fro'm this plaoe.
We ('locally" speaking, hadn't thi
pleasure of ;being present, but oui
r'epresentatives and assooiates hay.
e xpressed themselves am most highly
Pleased with every feature of the oc
caslon, and desire to ackniowledg<
Publicly.the courtesies extended them
They can fully testify to the sue,
cesa of the gathering, the elegant din
mer, the.tuiform urbanity and polite
ness of our oountry. friends, and thi
adntirable manner In which the. whobi
affair as conceived and carried out
A complete suit of clothes, made o
Japanmese paper, may be bought hi
Boston for fifty oqnte.
Terrible 'Aeeldent.'
END Or TRACK, C..& 0. R. R.,
While the construction train on t00
Cheapeake and Obid Railroad ' *ai
passing over a temporary bridge wbiol
spans the Greenbrier River about
fifteen miles west of the White Sul.
phur Springs, the bridge gave wa
and the entire train wa_ preoipilat
into the river below. Bpgirter Hil
and the fireme 'whoQ name is u.
known, were instantly killed, as were
alsb about thirty track layers and a
great many wounded. The pngtneer
"Davy" Anderson,-4 n$w Jying at
the bottom of Greenltiier River.
The accident ocpurrgd at 8 o'clooli
this morning. The engineer and fire.
man Parker of Albemarle county are
killed. Mr. Myers, a-oitizen, and a
Mr. Perkins are badly injured: Five
negroes werekilled oat-right and fous
or five mortally wounded.
A From Net,or;, .
NEw X.oRK, July 1l-Evebing.
There was an earthquake at.5.80, this
morning, in somn points of Long Is
land andon the Hudson.
The committee to inform Greeley of
big nominatidn will meet to-night to
fix the ttiae..
An adjourned toeetingo'f the South
Carolina bond-holders was held to-day.
The object ofthe meeting was to take
concerted and immediate actibn to
compel the paymeft of aooted snd
unpaid interest on the bonde of that
State. The nmeeting was much larget
in numbers than the onn previbusly
hold, not less than $4,000,000 of
bonds being represented. The follow.
ing resolution was presented
Resolved, That a comtaitted of three
persons, to consist of E. A. Quintard,
E. B. Wesloy and-A. A. Drake, be
appointed to solicit. the coaoperdtion
of the owners and holders of bonds of
the State of South Carolina in the at.
tempt to collect the past due coi pone,
with authority to engage counsel to
opmmence legal proceedings agiin4t
the officers of the Stateg or its legal
Finanoial,Board ; also, to'rafte funde
by iubsaription to promote such prq
ceedings without delay.
Be it further resolved, That all
r, 'p ties interested. be earnestly re
quested to assist said committee b,
4ay ubsoriptIon ao possible,
eapb tutb olothes the committoe
ih power to confer with bond,
elder not'here present, and repori
lo rebnlts at some future meeting'
and further, that the Chair appoint
the oommittee, himself to be a m
her. The substitute pievailled. Th
committee was authorized to coll oi
suboriptions for legl espon4es. Or
motion, tlie committee- was further
empowered to employ eminent coun
sel,.fter which the mheeting adjourn
ed till Thursdsy next.
Market .Reports -
NEw. YoRK, July 1 l.-Cottoi
fiimer , uplands 24k ; Orleans 2d1
sales 998 bales. Gold 18}.
CHARLESTON, July 1.-Cotton dill
-middling nominal ; receipts 101
.LivERPoor,, July ll.--Eveting&
Cotton opened heavy, S~nt is nou
steadlen--uplands 10 ; Orleans I lj
sales 10,000 bales.
M,lere "Plapdoodle . '
Abbevill., 8o uth- Ca rn ,'J g
Orr declared 'h het eoatseuli~
not support Greeley, because he-is
d ye -io-the-wool Rem1liopn. J <g
HIo!e filo*ed,-and doared Atha ,
true RopobHoan could @ountea14 <
Greeley, because that bucolre ple
losopher had sold out to the Demo.
racy. Judge Orr, you see was to hool
the whites, while Hoge kept the
blacks from straggling. The Chair
man, no -doubt, explained-that it yai
the old story---ysr. ptyp yer mone
amid yer takee:yer ohoocoer
-V6f Pret 1d6d#
iIUT everybody comq dit' and"getirs
choice of thoso new arrival of Iadi% re
Goods opened yesterday and now reposisi
so.beautifully and graefully on the sona
telsandthples.A lpt of supertJ~igh.rft.e
andutheJrs Frit, preservation of Pesehe
Turnip seed, Ineludging Ruta Bagi
Dutch Globe, Red 'lop, and yellow Abet
doen.ati Flat Dutch.
july 18.
1' Car load White Corn, ....
1 Caa 10"4. er, from New Wheat,
10 Bbls. Pearl Grist,
;.Crushed, A, ex-0, C and Demarara B.
:4i4,,,laguayiad JarM.Cofte,
2 Casks Canvased Hass,
D. :1enniken.
-..r . i
Fair and b4int In Dry aodds,
||tatV(Cas, poIet, trmakm, Ae., can
be had at
DAinsG# # Co's.,
New Isry Goods Era ne it door to
:i "J~
TE $nPersigned aag s4d e thir
e$tipjaiterest i' 9h4a', Billard and Res,.
. taurant Saloon, to Thoase W. Rabb, And
it neeossary to olose--thelr boie>. All per.
Rons. kaowI the,we.Ks: to rbi -indebted,
are earnestly ;pqageted..to ,.one forward
without DNItAT ad s4ete up-(f not with
money, bt note,)' agt('bsns of the
Arm nmust be olosedi the' beeks will be
left'In the hands of T. W. Raeb'for a short
1June 4 L.W. OLLaVER ECO.
Ierg and Kakp
j SEEP eonstatly on basd ilt'n
l entuoky Horses ad Males. Parties
in lwaist.qt5od stoob wIl& do well to give
In onsttte with py ?.tery Utable,
hae oned aA C lita lgy an d as
rr ant O ve me aes1.
Jone 22 . oJ.CARL,B
AVls, iitS,
Hats of all Styles,
For Xen and Boys. Just Opened.
ladies & Misses Sailor flats,
My stock of Dress Goo3s is of the neatest
and best qualities, and ir gffered at
the Lowest Prices for the CASH.
A,. t.
June 11
Best Assortment in Town!
Cassimeres, Lineisand Marseiles,
- 2'j. MBitat. :
To get BARGAINS, as it is late in the
.. season.
Bring the Cafh.
" 28 -.
Buggy and Wagon
3P.ACTOPi: .
The undersigned have
located themselves. at
Boliok's old stand, where
hare prepared to manufneture or repair
arages,uggieies and Wagons. They
Ja e also prepared to do.any kind of planta
tteo wo*k, such as plow-makidg, plow
tsyl, yorse-shting, &o., All work war-'
rant to give sattis t$n.
mey 14-8m ,
Three Gross "Pet" and "Eline"
One Half Blbi. Cucumber Pfekles.
A lot Fine Family Flour.
Woodeuf and Willow #are..
A ohoic. assortment of
Baoon, HEams
Terans strIicl-cASH firon talw
RE now receiving a choice stok .of
aehionable pnd Staple Dry Goods, In
hioh the ladlos may find beautiful Black
tilks, Jhpanese Silks, Lineds. Muslis
iqtte-0loth;< Grenedine, Dolly Vardens an41
ther Dress Goods. Elegant La-es, Rib.
ions, and other dress trimmings.
Sheetings. Towelings, QuIte, Musqur
!ete, Oil Cloths, Mattings and other hois
eeping goods.
A good supply of Cassimeres, Linens,
ottonades, Clothing and Hats for Men
Bd Boys, as well'as an unusual large ad
litton to their stock of Fibe Shoes and
Thetp Shoes.
Hardware, Woodenware, Crockery, Books,
Paints and Medicines.
Together With
A beautiful stock of Wall Papering,
Window Shades, &o.
'he Inspeotion of the Paiblio is Invited,
apl 18
Earthen Ware.
LARGE lot of Juge and Jars.
:-Canned Good&.
Peaches, Pine Apple, Green Corn, Cove
E?yetefe and Sardines.
June 18 U. 0. DESPORTES & CO.
LO of Bolted Corn Meal and Hominy
tlways on hand at
june 25 . - ' ' R. J. MOCARLEY.
Baltimore, Id.
ASSETS $1,100,000.
Hon,'Jefrerson Davis, Pres'ts
(len. Wade Hampton, Vice Pres't
T,- D, KEINE~DY, Sta4e Agent,
,' D208BE EGLEST'ON, .
mey 10-1N r. - . oort Agest.
NEW 0OOns.
26 DOZEN Brades Crdwia HIoe.
1 Tierce of Whole Rice.
60 Bushels Mieal. -
Patent Cotton Back Baud. and Hooks.
Per tale by 4
mar 1$ BSATY & 330,

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