p. n vesanre~uena94 WINNSBORO, S. 0. WiJDNESDAY .JULTA U, igau. 11. A. GAILLAR, EDIoR. 1. 3. McCRE1I'T, ASSOCiA'ft ED'n. The following gentlemen are ro quested to act as Agents for the IIsn ALI) Major A. D. Ilin.i..An--Rooky Mount, Bosier Parish, La. T1. P. Si ia-I Charleston, S. c. It. 8. 1b:ro lTrE3-tidgeway, S. C. 1. 1. McMAS'ELL-r-RtossvillC, S. C. Dr. J. I. MV. inT.iN--J achSol's Crock, . V. DvnEI.rKIN-Allstoll, Fl. C. J. Wv. M\cCanawIr-.Salemi Chureb, 8. C. ___:_.~..Yr' T rr.FrsuXrgr DClegatCs 10 thie Conveittion1. The fllowiing genlebIman were eled .Monday hist to l~nift th District, in thC St.ate cIonv III ion, viz: J. 11. ION, Dr. 0 1EN, Tht A 1110ric it Palrlot and 0 IO'lPositiot. We Continm: tihe objections we have to souling delegatei to the Conven Lion. And we now urge some of a 11101 ser'iolum and wighlliIy elarcietr. Our first article in this coninection showed rather the nega tivo el'ect upon the Soulti of the action that Conven tion is likely to take upon it matter of great moment to u-s, and our arguinc.ut Was drawn from the propor.0i-ms and principles already set, forthI by the olli cial paperm emanu ating from tho origi. nators of the Convent ion. We now subilnit an argument to show the positive evil eifect i rellresentiatioin in that Convention will exert upon the S-uth. Wo wish it distinotly uniiderstood that we annt that Convention to meet, aind if it project at policy ttht g ive ny hI)ope to the South, then let the Soutih r nlder all the Issist ance she i canl to tthe furtheranee of the grounds of, tlh:t Our first proposition in th ie way (if Objection is, that a1 represeitation b y dologates in 'the Convention would cm111iit (te South 11)to measu5res t011hat would bo oxtrenely huniiliating. Say what they may, bit our con temporaries whlich mitain th ti wo (of "the S;outhi cani be no-wise worsted, eirr ogr1egitously. We hav~e shown thaiiIt lhe inv it ation is not extended to till th S'outhi, not. even to thle ma11jority of thle Soath.i And woi have Vhow tooWI 11 that those wiho count so highrhly on eifect ing thie suocess olf tho Presidlent's plhm of reconistrue tion, are counting w ithonut their host. Th~leir is a catch ini the promiency whliich the mnovers ot thiis Conv'nt ion give to that plan or policy~. Theli dete gates of' thie South will fiind it out, we tear, before thiey are long in Philtadei.. phie . It isusohess to say thait upotn the North will rest the blame11 for' thet rejeotioni of the Southierni delega tes, or11 any of them, ifC such shoul lbe thle case, and we fear it will. The blame with not r'est upon the North, but uiponl thle Southi which seeks represe'nta tion where it is niot invitedi. We knIow this p)osition1 will bie biootedl at, and we wilt be gra tilled i C it shioul d pr'to incoir reet ; but we w, ill fear thle result, unlt il the iss;ue comecs. Now~ we aisk the /ktr/i't wh'at will be the pitin of a~l0k Souithr deii ~legalto to the Convoutiono even sup posinig is admiission ?We w"ill ref'er to thle of liarl lZpperi for thle reply, Anid it is in thant samio umf'ort unately inseited i'tsol ution1 ini thle piltormn of the Na tional Unzioni Club, whose Presidenlt Executivc Commni(tteo issued the nal for' a Conivenition. Iloro is the first - olause of thast res;oluito~n "i'REAsoN 1.s A C1Rlt Tii!AT SIIOU~i IuE rUNISll)." Now our' t d' (V:Ie are n11o t ini ited to go to Philtadelhiia to .co)nsidier the j ustico of pr1oi'ouncing such condiemnaisi tion upon1 tiraitor's, that is, w'hiat is meant by "traitors''therein ; but they' are'1 expected to go there conuited to thuat pr1opeoitio)n, and theirefoire (lie ae cepitaneo of theo in vita tion, and( espe ciaully when admihtted upon their cro dentials, implies thint they sanction the prop)ositioni, tha~t treasonis a crim that shiouldl be puihe~ld, Wiell now who is tho traitor 7' for tis is no me~aniingless phrase, or the simplo ebullition of' over-exoined pa r iiotismn. But it applies somYewha~re. Welhl it cannot be to (lio mass of the~t Shouthern peopIo,.for they have boen paurdoned by the President, aind you know that Club "cordially endorso the policy of lr.JoVnson." 'Ph len it can nut bo all of -the fourteen exceptedl ho6~lassea, ter -thousands of thlia hae a '~ridonL. Blat woecn toll you who it ~r Theora ksbooii Jmiutone agalnst m*6n e r0 ba go i9 preferred, Ij~p~ tb4 q penny,~DAvIe. ~ , ,~rg~nent of e proseou a ey~ are thl ddt~ who adopted that platfori,) nar rows itself' down to. avery small poinlt. 1ere it is p n ,,,/. J il*I-nISON DAVis is guily If l a ason, o ni I/wrere .o o)ughyt to be pun o:I Observe now that delc:.ates do'lot go to that Cnulvenition to ioiliulgate new principles. )h no. Tlte p1r1i ples ': etuli 'biol i'4 :atvan. e, and all Ihley do when lthe g"t there i., adlopt the plait (,*f." w j:t llar . Th: riles I. v. a r:: trc lxoi y 41; o l i'eatl , AIo oif& the(! p i t Id11j41c f that war 1f.41-o is*4 the eo IIoli Captive ill I l''ortress. 31NIroe. Wilth ,; ut!~ tuir il ...ii~tu tliont l it sayW~4 i is tiv hu e i d ; uV w t Iii: I I Wu.a, aletus Ir hat, whon I,. tit A re-ld thw !. 1vlnV-llm0!n 11t,t V N~uion.. al Union ('!0b h':1(1 he n .0i , a W iu1u IIt e , t a t u 4 i.,. i rit 1h d (0 fv1n r ie Vit'. i ti --Irc... e i de t of it) (Oll Ilea It. la wiith i I ijo an li -P Ithat t l11st we wo n to ha I ),IV ( li...k! : .d pec.;tve. t when lth - .mlw b v I I 144' i or* 4 o. - -n . r [ th4 4i n k. 54 44. I4'- : 4 4? i.r 0 III of i'; It :i I I I ' .14 . . . . ,4 d i.. iZ44 I ! l h lt ' 1 1 1% (.1-11iii & lw ilt 14 Iii I. I * v$ 41 11 01 Imo 4211 . t, , t ..o .. 14b t I lle n . il be i i , . l ' m tion'' . i 14til4l1 a I.: li o il (ri 1t t I. I l : *i t i : i 1i, t' -el ll -.:2 u i :.:.h lt ', el :412~~1. I ;OIi. '~ it o~~~t 11 :1lsroa i I lni o epia a n enestiu .1 II It vt 1iti it - Il w i m ilr.j i ., j' an i .i -a r eligs ,'1 *. ha er-p I 5.,- the (thore2 of the' I'ihed State:, the 1414 41 i4 ide : l.,ha ,, r 1;. 1 the 4'4 ionanis. . i 'e'r4: e41 the o'iIrso the ' U t-u na th l'isde t itro I th 'inlt jui sdie 4.th1.'1i o Ir : .''2 en- a d ue4. l.iio. .111 ioncerni :. hi e 1n iin n ' inehi I in n i : :nd r . , ma'l (n '4na4 ty i11 ' 4ii( I -h'.4 2445 ' h i. 11214n o'f hw :!.4a ilk. I' ' 1- - - nwa to i -l - I loI 2 ''i11i i i'y tlos sh:lnibt , . .1' 2. 2v N ' . \r f u N ( .e r4:- ien, e 1 j.' in lvery The ' Ill heIII:)a iilr t~i c.4 nn 4 m:,m ofi 4. 4 m4 ri:1. , loni 4thers a111 in4 4 I u itain.i~ ' h tkih ' 4a 4. rt" i i.; -':.- : ' . 4214 i i as il4 ever inr th:- m 1. n .n n i Iiho Ixtrjy, It is e44s t a thr i "oso upon it; 1.: lin' .: i4l1r wav ' , lboth '1ri 1 f.4. thi -441 torra~ l , t 14 Et la :411i.t., , in th :h 'tio': ;C tOfn Iis, 14rom.12 iheiei t(1'111 l iogi Ihe Dvoi.. 4.41gue. In n ! c 111n to its lunriv 'ionI t at i l r i n~ thf I a ppie io:f a that tht itrgumen4t of) ihe wh~eo, deny itsIi411 connctio wli th m ias c o mesou i. '-iThi pt hoi ato lhe testi1mony"s (1t h unoultein the prctic fo har monds0 muiit y1)h0 ab~lthough the1( oicey cie ran ng hof iula ws. git.o Ia -Nil4dot th d es no tto1be(hoededibu tlaw antt etimo osn. Thato ihen faho known to him, I even if it estaba r lishes the contrary to is bound to I contend for a veijot according to fact8 In testainony. And it is just at is point where tho strain upon th legal acumen of the Judge comes i If after hearing tho evidence, ho ei or omits its bear ing or is indifferen 6' it, thon he may be, impo.ed upon, b plead ings,not do ri vel from eviden< bit directly from opinion. If suel ioulties are dis coverable to the n re spetator, what imist be those of t (d isciples and ser vants of* law I A . Woldr Prisoner. T' er' is, :. iI bel n for sme bua yin nuby the nml' of hof':tIf coniii tle i the. Mo ilr e jil, who is a inrfect i4digy. SoiI, timlo > th Mobilet/). published anl abt Il intredibb aclcotint Of that . prismer's genlt ity inl thrlmv in-'lly anly lnube of uit ifs and s ckles in the inuites ter the is all . Th I I b ie ti .tr ue th is o e publiatie a the 'ior re-iCived eOvral letterws iig ir it" into Oh truti- of th. htory, an : V Qr1(le I that - , it It It a i, att - e It I a I the truth had Inot mari .a isgt. I d$ e tros "'Ah tto hng "1 le4 il.",cs i lti (on'*doulble culffs Wd douible shackles wi It hthe Iasta i th a snatk sheds its sV * hin--p rht s e . Thi ii Ino h- 10V 1VilI (3'I) V (tI UISC a.1 Vtit01 It I ; . ' ist, i the ior. 11 l1. iy t Sthe CourV b' apiit lyi it it vident to thee who heard thear umt in 1th eC th a1t ilhe opinions of tieettors of twil i utitirelo alWa.I formet upon the is argun beat. In ,;aid case, whe01 the fir-st colunsellor conludedk~, the olinlionl of hearlers was ill fax v or of relindenrt. Whe. the had arudritl, that opinion turn :1 i it favor of! complia innit. And whewn thiet 14ast ilishod, it ltten algain it wvond III el Iio t Itioa alyze the 90 nihr if 14,1!11 arguinenclts have upon utsiers.Ini case the hearer 1!l i) knowledg< of the pmreet t t iliti *'Ali ., it is thm.-eevidenit that thie a-,I* Seent, i simply received as an int-e e 9cleft, a i.; fitthe more enj-yed the mor(ehuel ochleal andr wituent Buta if t he hayu to thwlde of b oth pties e will irresistiblv elaedwr tih etW conicn proof1 orariguet t is Ai! i i i. nrtlin r dic t tion.ct t~ llnl'germanyi thel~ Authsbu rgG e its puli h in' djoseres tter bytone oli thetost histtrius German physit lyis,- w.diar prodntin to thesid erahe s5Estion. tl The iiiteralirms hat of re isi th regslarl mae th a ifwr shoulldbreak outat would n rine ibly ed osqneo h ohit to11 nifevfoi fiu and in-cilstru h~~I efei of cler usever witess We; ca'~(ll attenton; tor te above ; not nor'l thauti we ae n'lear enough to Aitu tri to be ll1 affetd by th1efl pieic at riuded(31 itto. ittuis from terftt ttil th d brenk iing f 1wa ma eeul win (the mst disastrous ffeatcis. We te-c lyretedpaluttnioot hen rot fvhae engacivst thgeni dsates Wo atenewhsel warnings. wi iteo ~e i t Boar d of leltiotAs nionaluseaof whtesh and f00iiln :ertion otf pee egultatroy made nov thet ealami'dttivesa wuld e onr ofhoal 'i~ Trlonbe ofhead. uter oitical, evil tand inaialB strms arey brit whichpu'iu my si fear-l curthior t he mn lpl ofrs anoe whlfe eAcupterticet itnresdly outerfi enrronTey adetiv hnge reerin'( twhe bodyit poic tatfwing rauatne, inta 0pasm under which arye in conl cutand itd oen e-l iruado therfollowingan soo wh1 at ofmthe auble~u our fintancian existenco rtjseiupon :pntemny o teporhve hoo n risceiverd a that Taury oneatmeta theircne orth. wicountereit icntodae ot.s. totes of the various Ikues and denomi- t< ations, all the denominations of frac- s ional currency, and quite a number & counterfditg onl nationitl banks of he north and west. t A postmistress in one of the South.. s .rn State's r'coitly returned to the 1 reasury $42.50, which she had re- d cived from the sale of internal evenuo stamps, and upon Oxamina :ion $20 of the amount was detected is spurious, which, unfortunately for t ior, she must make good. 0 The rodemption division of the Preasury is also receiving large su ms )f these issues from all parts of the ountry but particularly from the outh.-WashUiI. Jald . The W:a;p W*, h, 'I'hle win4-ol 4lution wili he foonnd Ldiscus:;ed Utile" the' head~li o'ytiiinmni -ti.mmw. An ilitelli nt, fli-n14 tind orres]iMldenlt solids the c!olt iilliiUz tionts, on1e too who motl'orstanlds the muiutiale o nallIde,:rv 1n1101 btter [han we do. Ut eurt frienid is cer-A tainly it falult. in sonle of his notions of the principles upon wht icht mita ciinery is made subi servient to tIe uses of man. We have not the tieic inl this artila to answer all (1 poits, but upon1 the sevr! positi-ms of our coUrresponlden ; lituc a;.ainl. 'Ihle centr of tihe hub, we don't, deny being the eitre of the wheel, bmut. assert that it is niot tle centre of mliotioni. 2. Our correspondent, mistakes as i to what is the resistance to be over COMO. We will show that the ground is not that resistance;aid that the tooth ed wheel is not analagous to the wagoii 3. Wo will show too that the wheel is really a series of levies, and not a ingle lever. 41. In the fourth point in:ulC by our Qorrespo"lent we will show that the linger wiii no)t be rubbld,, as badly at onie poiit of' the whit,"el i at another. 5. That the larger the wheel, the asier the wagon is moved is a t rue p'roposition. But the application of power to the wheel of theO engine needs some cexplanation. That, we will give again. Our correspondent irgain errs inl supposing that the same weight. (or power) is rumiired to move the wlieel whe lipplied at tlie l.top, which is lie. cessary when applied att the bottom. 7. But oir correspondent yield.s the wihtole quest ion, when lie grants that moves faster ini oneO pit than in on. other, f'or we wiiili show that the tae caise lie admits is the very one appl. cable to the wagon wheel. Weare glad that our corresponiident has (lenied the position we haeta' a, and will be glad thait lie will give our reply to him~ full considerat ion, f'or his thorough knowl ed g of. pratica ima chtinery, if he can refute it, will lead the theoretical mainiiist to closer study. Secretary DEnNNmsoN iresigns his posi tion in the Cabinet b~eeanse (uone rea soni) he is opposed to the Pihi delphia Convent ion. On the other hand MIONTGOMERY lILA JR and C.M PREI.. issu10 a (irculiari thait the dhelegaites to that Convention will 1b0 expecte~d to he icoen fromii tihose whvio suppoherted .JIillSON autl IINCOiLN ini 186.1 ! Now where is the consistency-on whose side ? D)ENNJsoN resignis beeailne h oph'poses thec Conivention,-.IIA Nnu 11 wilh pr~obaibly suIcceed him bcauii~se he favors the Convention. Aind yet both votedl for .InSN n186., anlnow split because theo Coiivention meets to end~orse the principles upon which ,JOmiNSON was elected in 186.. "Timco lanaos et dona Ferentes." "I fear the Greeks though bearing gifts," may well be applied to those who have sounded the call for the South to Ocno to the hlp1 of the North aga inst the mighty. D) mocratic Congressmen say "'coime on, aill ye of the South.'' The Ex eutive Committee say "comec on, y., sluporters of.,JOllNaON in 1864." Leading pa pers ini its faivor say "come on, p~roubjle/ you can pr'onouo our '-Shibboleth." Thei Platform says--"come on, if' you heartily and cord ially agree that JE~r. DAvis onglat to be hung," Who can answer ? M'C. Somnething Rlotten in Denark. Already throe official dlocumeonts have been issued from Washington relative to the National-Convention, and now we have a fourth. That the call for the Coivention is not an in genuous one is established beyond all doubt by those oracular papers. And! tha t, like oracle of the Delphi, their do livorances are 80scptible of a double construction, we cannot doubt. Why (lid they not issue at first a full, free broad and National Call 1 The wvbhoe interval of time fromn the eall to the meeting will be consumed ini declaring whb are and who are not to go to the! Convention. The South w=l11(10 best~ > stay-out of that Convention. But to who is invited inl that Circular. I[ow nicely slurred over is that por on of the circular addressed after the ylo of a side-wipe to the States "late ( in rebellion," that they may choose olegates yencrally 'rnAr is, lfthey ac pthe p)inciples stefi[ in the COill / I/ Cool, we declare. You many go I Iier -if you stand where te supporters f JOllNSON and IlNeoI.N did in iN I. ! Ve wanted McClellan elected, but. as ho same privilege is not extendeod to is sympiathizers in tle South as in the iorth, we don't see our way elmar, 'with these 'spees," to go up to the !ity of irotherly Love. 'C. Sntil 1 Nearly all o'ir exChanges have I.i ately advarutiing somie dootor's pil s Co., under the captioni of *"Pact:' es. teories." Aren't th)v mrsold I . . mlps tih editors read the Leoginniaang, mut not the ending of the article. It Rimo originally t'roin the W//!y a-nli. (i/. . soles, Esq., Agint for 1i1V liroli lillli1. Mir. It. 31. S-omKs forerl eIO iC Or and proprietor of' thle lFarmer if!/n er, no0w e1nvasr:ing for the ('"a ' uawi , bii S il town stopping at 3ir. M hiow's.'' [r. S-rok r.s will soon introduce a new louglwith a. planting apparatus -- ached, called the "buggy plough. Phoi Mmiediatebusine of 31r..' ron:s s in connection with tle Carinien Vilich is iio we ll huowi to requjnire recoin ianen1d1(tioan hi er. Ntmilig iK.L An exel!mg says t sawing Sik, romt .0 An i ia e'-ornl, I.< ni1:1wfI:. d in DIclware. WN have :r. si as prctty sw. ing silk as cibl he delired inanufne Wired hare in Fai:-iel.. The raising if silk worili in this District has bc.. :(1ine iuite prevalci. Tle Paris Exilbilion. Inl another part of this paper will b! ouil a latter fro i Gov. Oluit to the people of the State on tle subject of the Paris Exhi:>it in. Tle funiniest p:irt tf the inat tar is that n ir contempor , the A.inerican /atrio/, objects to .this let ter of' tov. Onn, on th grouni that We arc iiot yet recogii-z'ed as otie ol' the Uniit ed St ates. We di Te r front (lie we (do endorse tis letter. 'P.here is nao reiohiutfai8:i '-. u . neighbor has1 nto do ubt heard about certalin efforts where a gnat alnd a camel are lbroulght inito juxtIa-positiom. We hiavye received tihe first inmber ot ai very ne atly grotteni iup paper with the abhove title, pulais'h'md at ('oinw;y boro, by S. E. Mr MilIN.u. The first niiube r is certaninly a credlit to all concenedl, anid we hopje the enaterpi's will be well sustaiined. Heport the Streligllh, It will be well tor thle palpers in the Staite to ireport how ininy atteod thle public tweet ings ini the Districts to send delegates to Cohnnibl~ia. The Weillher, F'or the past week has~ been very warmll. Th'le meanli temaperatuarc for thle week wais 90 dlegr'ees. On the two warmeil1st dlays, 20ith and 21st, it wias 92. degrees,ea~chl day. Vei-y Ilight rainl on Saturday, 21s . Better showers North amnd Elast of W innisboro- iDistrict generalIly, suf ferii'.g for'rain. Cornl looking badly. A 'IT~a ~rsnous S-rnts .--Thae drins of specie to iEuropo ini large (natlities inaty no0w he' iassumted to be over. Sixi v mtilliins of dotlIars at Ieast went over' the waltr wiah in the lasbt sixty3 days', ot' which t he greater(' W I was taken alway3 in..\l~iy andi .J in S pecie is now con tag ini from1 C~alhifora, annd thet weekly tranl~spor a' to PutopO et ve tudie to thle tli average. if' war. brieaik on I ;n the (ide. as tere wilt be, a brisk Inirket fot' .\ moerican prov isin late.' il (iliur im!aiipont Sahlitsi for the comifort of lie paeopte 'vhni arel't tightI ig. Onr co ernp013 wiltl, be.1 omi g tforwtrdt hefore long. and' whlea bier it is gareal,. or sma11it i(i it Comlin'itd ai gootd prlice'. Ii '. ai mal11letr of ontgattul-i n it hat theUn ite1 St ates~ have st0Ood IlAgr eat Iest :suah "n-r m111.1 upon) then with so ttich Ease. Ior wh'len we Iook ai thle s'ilaiennes of wals C retjiall, Ito iatbject i Xl sta';' ag itl mltaitudelt. andi~ thea eaise with! which we mt the ieqniremnents mulst b3 asitnishaitng to oursielves. Fr'oin a priivate letter 'eeiv et t by a, ltrientd front h'is tathei r in tine oft ihe ltargest citieos of' Po.4en, we aire permined(1 th tolilo-,in gox. Ire :i "i'The King is too tmuchl of a solier to 8s111 us. Ont t he !5th Iofa Juno wo halitveI ani electiott for' Duty. and we shall seec if the King~ wili aot yield ;faor we certaialy shiall eloo' thea samtio represetat ives whom11 lBismtark has kicked onti orf tho ( hmeir andil senat home. Ui thle King is very obestintato lit has set his heart on Schaleswig- hfolstein. Ini his recent addaress to the army. he said : 'Eit her Schileswig Iloltein or' no Ptrtssia Il [a'oder kein Preonspen mehlr.' 'I' hese are hard words, and Inovita'oly nmean war." An e'xchtaiigo snys we weie ceil1 ed to refuso an oiffer' ofjlb printing the oilher day, t~y a man who innoctly enlled to ge~t somno poslage stamps prmnt. ed I lie war- quito disappninted b~teennso8 we could not do the wor'k--ho "wanted 'em real bad to put on the letter when he wvrit to a gal, and they cost, too darn ed mutchi to hbuy of them post-oflico fel. lers." 60 111111iticlatioIto. [VRTIMK IIKKIA). j The Wagou Whelrl 4105tio1. M3ssiis. l'iIDTORs : I ani afraid (d venture to express anl opinion onl the subject, not knowing whether your a rgu ments may bo taken as Crious or only as a ruse to draw out exires sions of opinions amiong your re~adeCrs. [ will how %-r say that. jour opinion is aogither based upon theory, form0 ed pi assited or fas!3e premiscs. I e::Iinnt e(elr into a detailed argu 1mnt. against the position you have takeo, and, will evenh confes, at [ am IlII,1 JI to reolit a. ot1 i o o tfa "llmvi, wa luffI to I a a t V In Iina t ]i vI e - ut. I t mlost ( pat cly that, thelhe or the hub is the tu leitrl of the wheel, as llmuch as i1 i., il n .iy who l usedi 1a iev b,"h: orlrcmi, tI4 as oni a toothid whi it ik at th. point ofeoni ta wet wi another w Yiu!, o r whore m A:nt is ued it i , over h"Ilf o its eii emneteei'.. iinc again you ii iak! in remnt! to the lover ; for if the fileirumi I' at the gpou d, it is at the sanIte ti.0 at evory part, of the (-ir Cu IorInTIeV, the w being one loer, Working e11mtimun111sly, ::nId not n ninu her of leve:. But tihl iiost p1raeticael, Coninon sense, i lilt " rat ioni, wolich ym'i addluee, is n) ilII! ratioln at .a1l. For you n% ill find, th:it, thoe will be the saic ru! Jing at ay i art of tlia circumiifei!mee or the whe-, top, Uttom or tide ; an1 it' the <;uestion w re, whic mI oves faster, the Iody of tl buggy, Or the ireurirence of Ihe wheel, then youn illurntian wold do. S1.,ppose yout lock your rw hl , it wiil t t!en not rubl, yourti ald til 0Gll m1ove onl as fml te as the body, l i teheeby the very .bject. for whii te wheel was Ilmad , iluit of a levr, thi e extremi ityi of which i at the ente or ihe wheel, where your Iwer is al hi to overcm tLo resistaiwe. Inl a vehi< 1 1 dawn hvy the. body, the wheels. i t i the e'i e h o moved, becauis (he Ove is On t - ebt inad hotnt(ive engh)ie th p Xower itl t 1lied to t0e wlheel, it i:45the rIever*0e ; ande nimplI for thi r reason tlt the power instead of being' applied at the Centre ot the whe elor of ytur wheer. mth yt iu. the ween bfagotherfth o1) hOm tl~ im lentr to wards.1 Ci c iienmeenct thei powler t, be ncrased bunt t heg~o1d expnt woi' ped t hegn I revre till bes t casplifd tho leank o be~ near the nre, wihit. i lle do e if fied aic t the centrl, which4111 could isst the eas ii the2 0r1 eofryour itver w(le topunii frthce.vh Agsalin,(! ifth top h'rlie theil endtof tieu oleve, a ctin egt en ufiin tomoe he Vgon, i~ aied ('r'em iipiok. nerut the gr e t'ound li- wouh move~ the~'~ lagn iho greate ease if(ol aplied to le top wofte poke, wereas 1)it wfits be the amheter will be ip ver bttThe res10S~i0itne o 11 ali1e1on Ni~ow, rea geionate l s. Mvbsply th irois : n any portin 1110 anser iovcIe w il acher (!1t1u te af fionwhr the whel, Juis (u ccearie, ort epoit thich (s ~eles ahi roipoinlmotio, Wislur-h as i ec.. monXnsteam11. enlist y whEich th1e5 toid valve s101 wored'I. uit. wh 01 runderngh aoe itcent r, tly every pargtos, inmillene wll frvers lthen same space oi in the Iametime ridgeway., s . C.egte toCn .ia' 1 011 ort the11 IlStril foh, n Mra.its Eml toont: Doutlsin teve fa1irs ofl the wor, Juin Cosar wasui tus;d soity omusg Washington1 and oythe r~ h whoea effected e eitne wan td desinySi of. Emplies. The sameo thasto bre rinead to huag hart od Iteeme s rciurgad '-o er other crren"ce. Untij ant e; reaing inohen n de of Igt iSgft, Scld nfiot hep moetar Lil felin hti ae o ae haig ee