OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, January 02, 1867, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1867-01-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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X- 10 9 : t.70
ti Y l u I; . 111 lut -1e
. il e r i ri iovy l'. : I e\e
I )lap Ht: shit're 1' ietiV , a) .ttd.
lIIt h I oil .ail I-i r ipplte c eli;g by :
I''it:%s upwl.t I t t he 111,:y.
Wihshell an.tA mti.age wee, n n
\vhleeon miy love mabiy :deep,
1ty :Oeep :i. l ping Ov.
litr1enaui.. that P'.r .
Aw.I will i ch mnu h -
dr .1l1 Ill) I.: i t
u".,:41 Cm il
-i i ill
I iot\ h lit*t
V,-rY vj~itii L t1hu tii
ltba iv it t M wii I mtt it Anv
I- th b
\il ry .ll, I i, i
i t I u I lti c
pair; of:-- l :---I tI d :-;I0. \\ht t i
Itittl i .1 j v lt.'i l -1 \ "
lil1 citt i ' tl V1 11." it
p mit a lTtIIIV I t !''V II: l,
(It ~ ''I it !)ort l).ltc , ril it
oI* it I
V V It t, tt .I
" Ii iri .V r
A' wm - I I w - the 1pri .t idn
I . i Im w
"I'r~on iv~n :I' a hI fl hr e dd
vt r v
l 1nn I. i 1 ib ', .1 .
i . I o. ,
nIt I i th - IrhII
l I L. -t1 tu a 'I 1o ltltlt a t
l "L' id ot th 'vI at inne iII til i'i
tim t i o WIOiCVa p01 01 1a'0l
:unb I .li ed I i hlui ct'i i11 51t
aned ai hidf pi(r bn.:' l, :e, I b I-oi alin.
no i l Ic \ tI oelus-I I f \.ht 01 . -~l
debt dedfator vo flrtiof t dto .iuon
b i ilo r: drbr.,e n:i'
r LN e li | ale a i ;. I
% .llIaoUS. A1.$AlI-l':-t'i-: MAN
ti1T~ ANGI-:EltlI., .\NI) AN)Tii Kit i
S-~I~i.ii'ii.Y \'i Nui.:).--A hiln by ti "
m1 :00l O.li RIi l.y, Iwh>) live lifiteell
. f m .lc .mde an assault with
a knlife upon~l .\r. Dow, the w.1te"1nnan i
of 11e1 :nsh-ic i louse, o.. Tu va
:i1h1, nitet" himI badly InI one( of* hi1.
'I Io .lnr ( ;m ill we call le.an, ii
a rc. peeta tt inan , L'1 &t 11 h a
It oppw; ! ah. i 'l vil.:id \iacont onl
'>c me ma l u\ 1 liipto i at i al) in timt
!M itn ia a I I I 1 I a ; t IMIi1it
: ~inhy wiha m tepm ohl
- Ift d ig o s .1Iui',
. I n t hy t doctf r brokle
in 4th 0 :abe ofil a gentleman nameduiif
Isah-,\h\un lying inl be!d. AlIter
It d . a ttle w i lth! wa.; andl
l uIlI ' eiy v >r .\lr. I' lfM, Ilhi-ly
- :m -, te ' bhtte o ilf teu
I .llliard, a lea
h...;01. I Id in
be.n Ir b he l m t, certii ly'
I4 I i I-A I Ie. I .mI Rl lonig tO gtt
i n ': o: . 91 to keep l uilhy in un
II be I-b b, I 'nrdthe a'll
0o.1 0,-.A b at .\!r1. BiA:h10-41 6h1:b110 of*
the mf beig dven woht consider~a
. U.4 o ter II:. lo u. inat. an
- elibr.>nit hiis son,
v. ll:lutle rooil tom
- I ll :tI 01 h--.1 '..in ihei*i peil
s -e' liai d w
t hier1h11pn Lim, :111Idkr bc-at.
t -ll A ::ssi Atant .\Mar :hal,
1: :ro ll I :1:1: .! 1 .1'1111 111-31
v.n" b% . 3 lit h w
I' 1w :. l v IN
i .. t- r . c l . I u ,! v
.v v I I \ Iun i , U h
1 At I P I
wh 1 -' u. wtll en., I .
- I i I w . . wI I 11 i -I I t
I 4.'' -a bIre h a :11. lo hi
m .1: - w b c it :-. 11i ll
b ii \ I hi a11 W t' ci Oa
- b na
; II I . I h . v Ia m e I a
I... v e Na . 0 V w Ir t 'otI
III I I I, I 11 v1 I I I I Ii. 'l l 1.11i ofI
ll . u .11. I alm e 4i , iy n i: v ai
hei tlie :pa n i'any~ pe.on o, th tan
din e r. 'n, l' wh.r ora one of whomaidf
ilil. i-.t (reul. lyl lblila't ridO
-ip re liebi . Nor sha. l lll 'v in i)o
X' . I I a I l ' , I )
i ; 1). 1 , de ii-.
;IIlm: I.0 i ' Hng VaO )l.IF f.ib! -a t whe
.:-n- 'i L. ap; hei ,t fn! ,r o-dae' ai c al
tt-r 1): - :'r.. teib . tV(e : a e st 41ieh, > .tba'
at i.;U t m fit ,1m-n,11w11h nm l
tui wo' vre n ,id - iv sh" of he11
.- m a vi:::ut-. (1tlb. ().N . 1, l'art .
OV..i I, v(l.ttal i'r . r i -part m' e nthot
h411 C '.l in bi, .h mr1 1. 18Mnt h riioi.
u :t in \:-ttii 'd v 'ir'nv . s-- i b oly I
dtlht.: II m hIa~ tna. Wh.. n li e h
tma l I tid a nn-watliC ba rk 10 tleil
ohe imia l:i ii'oni vuus ithe relm ha 'ha.
Itawre- -f ten. I on s inon wil'~o~i
10t )'1i10) rver life a sl t o 'Ol w aen gt i
anyve l~~ea ftn in thbekis lac toke wof
4.nhlring~ ouh, teo he pc sctrel bend-ti
one,:a I theii earthlmy deep ','toses
nf. Theu. sinythw~ trl',ars challenge
canf' . :g ic iesiasg o t
bese~y ~up.l uventis and~t. 'b1
A sh'~~ ~.Aclor't p)tlvagr:Ipllfh)1C
11It LIlate Londont~i p:Il Nvltsict Cou~tldI hi- Onsily
;ot'kcutl ove.1 jinto a, firt.9 clt S9ensa3tioni 10.
itce of' real lif'e. iIThe pithi of' (lie stor~y Uis
A younlg roitiy g'aiiate, ,,nao11, cICYCI
liii 1ttwits tljie)WiiV-C by~ Iluls parets. , blit
iin Ln landtilic bitua~t tili, 114 It 0llC-IT-)ORt
Iliwci vlivk. inu :li ientIial ie'rpool
it i"Mcllu of8L 01)iy and Id oisIwnI ivs4o)0iii
lilit ies. At INhaitI, Iiowrever, the olCd
Want"t ni'Ls-ieit ee it tell, and iin orderc to coy
1Ili..; pitc'-ila1 Icx t raivfigillc'y. (lie yoiitg
liall lcelpe.l Ici 11.9111 to hiis e~lploeyeI.9 cashI
He (11,c cocii.'o, Ici ,cist-l c Clic'ci. anid all ile
li;el~lt.' otr I&~i deedtve octii'its could noet
Ii c0 I. hii 4 . 11 iefhi)l In ha.' iIc*ltcl.
iliiic 1114- lllguiivc Nvent iti Ic )lnlviiet. "Iic'l (as~.
t'loeu il6.4 i1-:111,i161-id) el)gi" i licee it)c it,
:11 vi l~cilr y gdiuelk ntiii':tit cit' Niety
il is l.-Ilecec ice I villaii-til :l I li iIe ;'Ill -
c (ll it uu eti. iti nnia ii..cca i kil l~Ic
10"eal th le'cvv. I Ic wvl~t V.~~l~ icc.
I ll'L - I t La,:!l1 I:d ll ngll.er
M te e11 l"i a of cAr ctvci*g" lie MIe ini lWe
)RIC fir 'Jll. lel'lltrl C I~c;ei ulk i who iii' La llAP
0' (1-!!ty)cii .\!ik 'Il. cv v al 1i !
he., U:,if"l rlla I ely. iwevcc it xvitA,
liecielcl thait tiiiw i~ i vjear - Icll i li i
*Mti1-il th Ic ticicitict, ii' tio Ili%? cli ii fir'
lie Liveoiucc1:.i irii. thleyei cecoi vulI tLe c)1
,viitI fivC ee l. t 11. ilitee ,t Ntoi la i l the o-1
iA (lie caslc 101. elop'ecctilI.
I i~l~ \ANA t AiN...ili!Li I0,loct
weciii l tct N2i, i A -11i1.1 )i11ilsill vc
litvand %1ii v~cacl 'Aw il. I I ca %i1.1
ho' gciiat you)Lt It -:t yi Ii ()' Ilo fii r
l thaut*. cccini i-1e" c c ic IrvcIcot 1
11Ai ii! l~ chcdVciiI .all iecel. Iol
..ii oW t'~~ c lovlto Cvlc -di. (.11" " ice. No
-lii i.IVIl 1~ :1 ,i hat ccc;? hug
Iht o C i l~ i . PiLcicj I i li( ot' I
11ciC II \%.i;; d !L -a ; 11 1 1al c : 111111
in11 1 . Liii 1i-;Iv 'c'. I- ci. wLt cc ie. I i Illi
ilii'e. I' i th \% :ci i I in th ci:1 -, '1:1le ciceccu
C WMIv. li Iacit i i
Frd I 'c c iip~Iicl~it ~ p i
ti!n ' Iic , iitiit aci Iii:11 A wLcct, atie 11!1. ~
Ltii liv :L iic 'clivee i . l !e lvv .1
1;11 t iilc'L t) (1 )l~~~~'*c- 0C c
lice Iha'c 'c'cncc F"l 'c ," CA.. t.I w ctcl i icit
Ole --il. Sio teiill itd ("i.nkig esI
:11-1 h 'illfc ci 411 1u hol l y ll'od of' re~t c on I
IcL-01181 ILZ li ci 1(aLiI iiil vccICLc
1(11 iii 1 ile tibollt il ;111 i . 1 cc v clii litch
'I'c o tol L)cltt (--. ;(.It lr h 1c tc
iluit poc~l* \v ili ailiht L e. :ei t eeliti
All ~ lcicrk Oct 1 l fn.ivn - )Ioe . o It
Tiur Ri.1c-rios A.rAIN-r' H RoB
I.-T'he0 robil has biceen for uuiay I
years; a favourite With renit ilnental peo- (
[le inl this coulintry, Who have Stood .
betwon him :nd giun-shot womids,
aixd encouraged Iis i it -icadse ill our or
ehards, until of late I reaction hIas. be
gun aga inst h im. 'ult is ators of the I
idne deiiouncte him as a gredy roiber;
orchardissts comIplaiin tait he has ato- t
gether too fine a t aste for pears, anid
a chorus of farmers declare hi i a t
m11onitrons lkiuiibug, who spoilt lalt' :
bushel of cheorries for every enrentio
hu swallows, V -'inally, thait einenwit I
himt ill theSe i rious teri:, :i
"The red Irest'l robbinr is a ii 141
the robbhinig hec45''s hev SW.. h i. -
Sx whe h at W.s or : -; iO
else o :t .
& il;t practikly iarilmes VAd fruit
.growi--t begin to don't :see it.
I I r ii f r, r 11t farmin:--, u1ki
mly plile 0' 1n1m.4 I ntr i.-iO. *i
to eat.
"I ~iedto llicen (o (lte 1-In
lay 1aw1l his evenin erl, 1e tk 'n:
o f v!h -r ries), .stra wbe.r ri c-, Ie.rrek;. ,
rast e riis l d I ,i rt I :Io h i i tc I
in It t ihl. Im. ll ha4 rl pairs.,
" I .Il hI It yt - rit '4r 1:- u
I I is woblin to I s ieA il rii :
ait evenin:.. didn't pa ". for his obbhi.
chlice!p friit all da.1.
iAtuil s'o, ly frio1:5l-:, wn fll i
SWP C I'l l iest , gets t'at 'In (ha i
T hi-:iltll I i i. .i.
who realtv deser')
11- 1! ali .\ . BI ii(
has hen .1ing to, n. Y1,vs Iead
der f l!s - lor ,osi t w ce l
01.1' ri i lto uii he in
oo uall, ori
E~~uipmsha bv-il:P l r eit- 'a IL-:
til a l : Wune da it < ll :n-mhl :
11 4 : M'i. .1113 vo i .i' a ll1.% IS-u i tl v s
w l o h I r l iinn 4 u i imi n 4l ntl i -
Ispre til li e i4C.'5S ly o dcijlir
113A to ia i i ulii. t\\'e.
bI a .\ l lrowni ad 'i - , asxt iseai
not.ed ih- l'o' i e1 ii'nn g 1'
Iwa i< * conit A, I' he i. lipe
Thi.~; wMi: his annh huwo . nr he 1.
k I i hd i un a or hli th i oot w. Xh
114,11 l ca1 ii'e t o 11i ali S ot, 611.
i a r m whic' ll'l ( s1111s) app Il earl S
( we hin 'ot i i c i -r. - l et o 's
rroerin-ls 'ilig }oppt. itisr., lo n l I & an.
c11.e" i t BO n-l c r in il ezoong - h
ot fi int*. wenialel w eoiietir i a uc ad .
Isaei: t he co ItM'.i -ee Whi ie11 0 iW
whirvc elit!oi :ani pin ater arn soie.
atmsner the d'eceiusit y 'of'i i lelher
lsil e. whihl be g sn as v f llis a tne al
thall beiwas l 11 0th p'b il Iog11 (i) ri ~20'
dauwe ii(etwii na it. t :
Iar.x-Quan 'hti--"Yelp', -niknyio f ~song
urogl., do 1s ni .gt 1p et o i.(lt to' . t
i~it ed w i y - " lie ar ui. int r d11 ngf ite
piii o i uilte ie lh e T 1, ast
henence' hrei sted i ns ont afte an~ hor'
Ci a)l at ihn- IsttIlng. T ec m n i
comn''i .'u wab thrown a1 sislo a i oitcr
lish' i'.oIpl .\ y atorleI~~ w of 1c351mt. wii h
his owni hand,1tel furih a f~~ .iir 1lil e t
inn in mript for4'. 111 prnte r ho h l'1 i.
Iher~ el oyl ae <: o di41, ori'4 " ifor e I
hisl p t. -s, wheninns ocent L in his, niw
ommie of the Newl il rlensl Chamber~ui
lof h tComere have-i, repord ,'and pubt Ili
lished1 thel focll w ie.-:o l.iis: lil~
ater ol 'l t Ih c hes ii in ot Coio in th ii
mare.0 .shatCitll be mi con lit tiio~ t he
biverpoo chIlictin, nd41i1'.on
shall be made andIt pubiS fi' li he ll(lin ao r-~1l
?s-mTh. the uile'Iunpyo'tl~ i''"slo oft eachli
'rade, asi) see leb (tohie cmmiot' 1and
dep4 oise w.'0ith il the ' Secrtar 5- of the'4
Clilonb of Colnun ler, hei an ikthey are4
hereb.dy declredg, thle 11 eraeil of i t ho.
'eirpo elminlientin.ueclt fly Ill
Tu :naion, isiu . IG O v1-:nhi -x-.34' n'141 -rm: ,
'l'here fi'SI1 oa ' vidt4 determiat i( on Iilon 4
tho I rt o I 'tilica o Imsh ith11'e n-on.'
strucetier, poinc to lfet the pontofbiging
the S'tates latel drci treel madownto
thcondi.i of terioie, Jand lor in
izeio hem lanewy intoi State Goernmentsr
aTdis may Fnit, nerrpished ilunedI
atey, it.osaerr ed, but that. theu moe..
m0rm0btilO tEsndishe ouident inI
seorof thoset t~ih in adca position.e~l
rn:)::uhm ni' (101.' -e toi strie forI
loing bro the 1aoftanluary.ge~ Lofthe.
thatvo ilwill 800 lower TheIrels and t
usis t inn1 eerlaito thee.lo o ~n
WOsoEs VSo-rIN IN New Ji:a;:I-.
hiigthe det~m- inl thle Senlate, a1 1"i-w
:1ry ago, (.1n Cowan's an-indient, to
trike ont the woIri "Imale" inl the fral
hiWe bill for the dietrict or (., bia,
nquliry wa's Illde of .\r. En1--Huint"iiysenl
-hlthler womnc'4 votedl inl New Jrr.i:'v
1is reply -l 'i a tII 1 he('4y oncevOl ;. sI
'in Iocail e b0t the fEat is
hmt. f.r li! . wolen were re
'ognizmt toi - on preci(elAy
lie sa m4e Il 1" : ll -. I Lucy Stolle
m11141 I. lB. I e4 vei, cil7.en (;f New
r have I)4 V a l) e 1 t i a ivestigatn111 , the
hol' which is rellmrl-abh-, and proves
hal preV6,ilv Vto 17 76 UNIy men~ voted1.
it tlat, in 1776, the o:i1ina Sc.:te
Natt abinconmferrel the Iranlchlis, onl
al.1 inhabh1 ('" ('-41:1 14 w m n, white
e it iv. I I i ft ' ' ' eI-vr I i n
I a1 1: 4 i . ed in ' e nal i a i .
hi 17Y) I :4 hi44 in ant act rg -.
ada:: 4 1.-clion , n .l ,' tL e itr
Ahw ill I'llerolito o v1-) jIn U'0 1"
m.l, il " e, *rbui, 4o lecti on1 reina' -
In0.% 44 41 .- y: ..r, 1 7i7, s n . i e
wo.n v7s nFl:-etawbeTip
WOl ''111 VOW'1.1t'. I InB W11''Il
Pod:-al V : : ' . Inl '4 1; wON.11
tier. i vot ll hlw i l ll .-e Sl t inI
1441 ,i::ic.1't, 1.41 .112144'1411 o : I! . I*
rt Ii' t I . 4. 1 ' v '.11 .
n l ('\ d- 4414 14a' 1 .> a m mbe "I
lested1 el-ctionl, bly ite volt"; If I wo Or
ihrefe w uni e ,If Color. In ISO;. at1 1
loC.1 v! mil in EiSox for The
location; of t .1 c u t sint .1411 1 !
wo-ne~ :.on ra:1, p r ii:i, w,-reli
. i l t lowin: wIiner' -If
h1 :I r: I I of the ' O:lt 1 i , WiW ed air
I 4 , f ', w hib-,'
414 14, '1.10 4el I 4uelIa1, O11.1 4;4 r.'fe;'1'e 444
h a iru~li aboi.,ed he propert!y
iltu b!'i - n of E , Itia e'elin it
to aP' wiho" rse ta .psy t- while I
44 ' 4 1:n- 'il w :n1 .- :n i ' gro's. 1I
In d 4 . ' 11.44 tislvl] wt- he r p'I) i.
d41, :41 l 'reuniinh.1 nLi:, 4: d4 un' l ie
In i m .of thc' pr ::1 Const itut I Inc
IlI~ 1; .
A11 .b C 1' '. 4I.- .\ the' SI4 :4'to 141 or:
mW ratmmp one of Nl. Iat.: aurindc
ition wa a .(I. gre t hot -i- m vg r
u4144vl4 d :1, W'*.-r' 1. 1 eison, in hi ; hai,'
and1! on h 'isf 'r,, nd he putsrfom e t41 ille i
i n h Iis mIIIont:h I to h III 01vw thIIem I onit, Rand(
11;4 1 , ,4. '1 4)~l 11, 14141.14sl . .-II' %v114 Ea
was : .m ,, r.1 markahh4111, te r 1,tran 1-y
be114 4)ttrab-tv (fro' h1 0 woo.!s o IIrom
cohminl , inl the e-mn. Inc en.
C1rowds of4 ph111-1 14ung' Irhl hlln', e11m.1
4imin li *v ai:4'1 1 a"' P 'l4'.g
1.te 'ierdt ,I' '4olleco.4'tng Iws. from thle
foreet, 6r rubbinge your nighbOrs of iheir
bn 1y worker:A ' ) r e 4nely al.
hoinlle. \,rWen C1very bIewo as.~ Shakom
riem h444 l o , 1 'l it. w-Il n-t Ir..4 ( , hi
heratl, th.e! hoz:-.Ing swvatrml Obww himn
won1 1 -11 ik iy l e, 4e 4 pl .ly cov r.
inLr hi :1. T m i' ':: 'n14l.'.nl4i n rr
!Ihrvd, :A.-; a'innJ t a o:b a .x ii
tion drew :nv ty to>'uy) eo~
T itnI.- I -); < . -. r M f .41 1. - 1
. N . I ' " l -', ll: on - ,
I .4 It .. .-u i4 n in W . . ::,m. I l.
}j-nl4n4 y 4,I 414 lle :va4, in 1 14' : 9.4 4'4 f t11e
mauer .4 1 d eid--1 it i , II.-;:a 4h- i 41) 44444.
rie . 4- ' e leum'' ::!a 4 a 1;:eig st
(C4nl::1.o. It 14:41 h44-n 14n4."e4'tal by'
the i .4.t 44.4 of theI' un14lpeend Sa
beor 11hecourt'L .-au.I n44 44444nal. 4'xists
but1 thrai the havlinie's of thir4 presentfl
'4i 4'.i'4r1 jni,, M4 v1 n) v~ IN N r.. o0n..
bcra IIC.-A youn...' '4':ir t44l named Ili54..
both Seit ntrui'.l) e. l4 .' Innd ,44 lue rd
>n,%urday, (4'i?1mberii 15thea the' re
Dr:1 . wel ()4 is4 sup't -l ( t i te l 1l
vn: o uit'1144g ii with'4a ih141-.iron, whi1ch
was uto i the r)41on01 byi from foot
N.derab 4l ex it' ent4s te1vcti
illcwel4111 co4I4 i'1eted1 1and1 a gener al 4.a
4o) 444444n) her144')4 Iequintances,41 il ndo h
'4, iis'as 141401) st lie igidS1: exo.?amina4:tio
Itn ivk144 4 rea ld that.' Govdi '. Wort has been.
4)ili ln byru oGen. 'N4 444 , it lary commn
14o m4V re4, corp41 freal pst un in North iicli4
44e4n. Sickl44e4 is intere4''ted 1 in 11441 Wi'onlow'
4'e4i4 ''~'l j ''~''ial punishment." Fa1e! iWe wale
sil1 ad"ednister (144 dou l dose1 41f(4p4411king,
i4ll t 0otiicaio of01 Gen.CI ( Scles bel~ cr
4o eh l41.'l:ahtappy, ab~ i ey of th1e1 nurir !i11
o anr arguent aJw 1114 poteio andr fromicy
ro imn ev'idnl "Xmield4i4 ovrwithl the pale
411 iilhlto 1Tioro~x heam: of'sv.-A les.
rn e4zhng hvny thlatI~ n or a i moth 4140
a part (41fyoungS 4m11en hired a1 sleen car
n hiladelphia001(1, hi ahey ored ithfll
heilrie an onecessar41.1ie desired for4a
bein pat'y0ired ambulances. whitic coney
'hu them between wo ande 14' tee hunded
nile dsantr hr.rso ufaoswr
A T t ii tn.x I- in:.,in r -The (lovernitict
isow lwaving tale at liirtfuld, Conn.,
one hinu1hi'ver b-tter y guns14 of a now invena
I mli. Fiflt o' I heti will Iave i one-ilich
>re antd Ihe b laillace on e-hatl ' itch biore.
The gti is quite It eaciiiiowiAty to Itik at. The
lita eia: teristics o' th terrible weft
pon iA thit it lots a eries oht hariels with ia
carrier an lock i ttluer, rig!lly faelene.1 to
tle 8i1:tit !hat'l, 11114 rotating sitaitl:tneously
:itil cant ititously by ineni, o it erank, thle
ca.tril;resI bii. 1el into 1h1 Carrier A'r111
the ife I nes, tlaence driving Cilwiie iito
t he re 0th IA oh ends ' t i t t hi e t heIt e x( pl-tledl
111111 lhi cuipty cartratige Case witIihiawn,
withoitt -ay panse il tO operation. The
ince.ieu loi:ali- tan i fiing are proilncel
y> ti s Siniplest kin ot' anecillisnll. thero
btn hAes W jats bot t he gti tin in thu
Spr ini' nId ' -at.!h 'Thi- gun 1nti bo is
irgtfl ait the rate of two lithu trel slioti
p':- tiin tle. ()ill! oh' its 'e-'lti-c4 is t lao
there i. a il w1h")lac cani t eliv eilt the ac-i .
ry O Ihe tin. %% hell the gun ik once
:,: i ' t a .:vel:1 object, lihe s-tino -lnket a
be ~ ~ ~ i m in b .Ir h ilOf the operattor Isll.
t i al..tools kil d isch.ige hake pL.lcC.
.\ lteral tnain 1uoiiln (of the giun 111:Y bV:
k.It ap, it' 11 -dreI. while ihe gn:a is ba'ing
11.I Ino-gi st, o a tht a perlfect sheet. Il' balls
IN "0 'uI tab ..weep a et ioni of anly cir
alt wi hina i".4 Ite8 'k. A il -reC is nob es.
rip. At y i at the ire.ib, aill th force ol'
thi- p w ier t- expi llA i ;;i'.in;ii e veh i:y to
the bp al. A c ntini- eva tion which is ilaim'.
to no or i he veiy tirt inirt ance in, his
gun. i. G bat every eialh a 1itaat he eit li-r
ti-)Ctargetl lr wit b.!rawn l'A4t iw b ritels,
liitts prteAllhlli -1itell rewnl(s its" wer-e ,igy
ona lh" haitle fielal t'lienyahne-r whete. Of
t A M'.. I iaiisk. .; Illc ti t alar th la balt im l
2 !101 wero l'.stinl Iie be lonsledl. 12.010 of'
; ioi c tainin: Iwo l1o. - ,achal. nli, Oilt)
lbI ra e ; - - iv.- h t'i- i b t rat'.-- to I ent 1i-il
a-el, I he th-e e cmfittentibna illing lua ed
withl lw rekig hem il14 nianly inlserieil
with Mei baHl dlown Oirdt. The ;M" is li;;ht
bin l S- 'i trtaV o1 ell. (ne oh' ile aizes
10% ' :1l: at lth it i alb- ihu'ry liecharges
1 i taelibre b-ill, and wAghs 225
ill The ther iz-- risebii Igea hallas if
i"1 c1alabe n;bne ""nee in weoidsh,)
:i l wi V . het e n 5 1 i )i n nI I . 1 0tii 1.o .
Tht- 1 i;.- 1;~al |usk- a1 Inl :. lit' 10bout one
11:-w :Liuil filae I ter t101' 1 Or'' w o tiile:,
.t . CZ.-MuIN <<N Moll, ng.-. .
t'tu11nin;g writes a1 letter to the( Lo,,n -
I it ' , denyiing.~ that in a sermion
yI by him hie Iatud
thu:e e-moutionation of all thdin -!
.: Ol e t'if ithworld 'twas fixed for
the present year, 1850. Akll hie said
w.ek,, %.h.( w 1. * ay expect bef'ore the
yearl is; omt the final .Judgmnit onl thle
l'Pey. 110 :nhA : "The earh, I
lieva, ii o transformdl, not ani1
hibtod. .I have stated in, a work-l publ
liaud inl 18 65, called 'I'he I:.
Vari !,.g. (Iry,' and illustrated by hi,
oica pro' i .fsi work whicl Nishet
Will publish inl a row days , entitled
'Thel -o,-d ing of the Last Trupet,
that th aren t prophoti epoch, on the
fair t 111 oat reliabe d'atat expire
inl P67."1
A mt-dern~saffair occutrred in'
N hileon l'hrlist mjas evening be0
'iw i a party of' the :lit Cavalry and
a pary of policeinio. The formtaaer
We!rit uhtering for Linleolat anid the
1 liont, wient. tie latter camt up with
all antwiering heelr for Je. Davis. A
d inabacefollo wed, inl which Ed
ward( Cr-r.i, a oldier, was sltA, anid
dilin at fw moment011s. Set".reant Ir.
1 . Iipily lo received a seRUi uWs
wilu in( t head. ural exciite
m !it 1!x st over t he afair, aml the
ir are muaking threats of vtn
Ihi , f New York has entirely ta
l'n thue wiI out oif the sal " of Dr'.
Wi uip it wr'ite. thatit lie can lift
~t wolt iemubtul seitven 1tthuird altu twen'1
Ievml hitl'tttad tta wO otti a. lie
:.a: "a [Ii hav eat at la in,11 tsiple food
- "Vw1 hids It ai meal--aoided1 kiek.
knlolack1s, p ark andi 'otlimn tistI. I have
tusedl mtily % vel2'ietable foodn, and( mtilk
whmi au a't wionhl answr- hn -tt TI fouttd
Si't''e-.or att pi.>r'Iti of thie titme to
introhltte( slial animatal food1 into my
Fo'~at 'S Nwgtt( L..Ha-t IN CoN.
Naero- T.---Sanmelt~ A. \Vadswvorthl
waio j ive ini Ulastenbu~try, Conn~clet,
has tken thir tent nrgroes, whto we'ire.
Iiias let themt *tu t 1o Mr.. 1 atIInd o !llii.
lar to cOiip woiid. Th)aen t'vr.
inutr i'ut. atndi hak ai et' to) hoar o'e
of'idwir munbuler Iireahl tama sing, hhhai 1o
ei liwod ell y 'tt'iil in I th~ t'is weat'.
\Vhw..or~'.h, whoii is sutiposed ta o ba
iniie a gar l.hing at ofl it, wats
:1! thle A fricansi shto watI. -ar/d
Cirx. Sut uttxt A N ( aX T~EsITLA'l'ON
IN MI t lco..-Gen'. Shietrant hasi report,
edi ho Washintgtonu hais views'. of te sit-'
inahtin of allfeirs itn Maxitco. From ox
prios drtopped by him i it, is ev'ident
Ithat lhe is dhiappointtd asi 10 hte popti
larityv of Ju taez's party, anid f'tly adits
thiat therei are so manty t'ivail'factionis
antd iterI esl s I lit AmetricanU in trvent
I ion itn Mex ico isl verty dlistasteful. Het
hil ,tut' ho vr, ontly tiltxed with hte 1Im
peni ial1 party tton It romitr, andt~ he fetal
thit huis vaie'ws may ebiange afteur inuter
v'iews' willh to pleii of hte interi'tior,
whto arei mtostly Ilnberal. JTho IFrene',
d'lhiialla t reted' him watithI coutrthcy. IL
lu posttuvo11 Ihat arez?, wh'lo is sutpposeud
to beat Ch (liitmahai-, hasi been't r'tpteshied
hooiteetI Cam iipbe1ll at San Loujtis l'otOqi
ab'ot, the I th ofJanutary. A s sootn at
Shiermani receives fttrther intstructionis ho
i'tr'N'ur-SeaMen Daruan.-The fol
l.owing panragraph)l occuris in the Wash
imgton lotter' of (te Balt imor'e Gauzette
I feci authort~tizedt to-day to giv'o vonrt
rea~ders: siomto neOw.s of a very'3 choe'ing
chara'tctert. The extremno measures of
Mr. Sutmner', laintg itn view the over
thriow of' the existinig Statc Govorn
mientis'of ten unre 'pr'esentod States, and
theo otheri revitolutionarity schuemei of ig
nioriingtheir existenco by act, of Con
g.res, an thle matter of tho constitu
titnal amntedment., haveo both failed to
receive such support as to jutstif'y event
their preCsentationt to thte action of a
caineus~ of either IIonsoe, much loes of ai
jtoini nnnnna of bot.
tle Se)'cond Compiroiller has justhan
Ieidered : A contractor with ti: I r
terinaster's I)epar ment, biO ng,u a ll .
si, indiebted to a third party, aind i..v.
mnlit, to the salu having b. (n wit h h 1.1
Sthie Co t traetol, a1i WuAiii was
rate1d by the suprem, ( ort. of th,.
District, of Ci himbia, jin2 ing th A
Qn-rnier's )hparmnt from P Ad
ing the contractor. The q':1esv' in as2 '.
who ti pAfm nt St11id bl e 11' W j l e -
been irvlei-ril to i rl .t.. Treaitri
m1ri~ tile S cond CoIi tro 412 lli 12 .i-.
that i o .rist're proceS, 'a rni,hilli it r
it'i-Int .ill Can be i c. og y tI he o! b.
121c iii.li d' 1112
di'- (ireditors o oi v ed l i:a1.i. N|i - .
S-ios o h igI llieeolic r 1 in t r
lp11is ogol -mnnt ib l e in0 111 Pi.it ..20,.'
i-- t he jaynent. for serv or supi"Am
by t IIhe i a Of :any ne nM M|.nk
oir -rt that IeI h at up : .mil the I
public eroditor. it inlit suich I Pt..
te~inwould he cspiv-.-lnt, Io ph:cincg
it in ihe powvr o a bl-wv in li-. ina ,
eritic j r th wa thI i nol 1111a
bcimI.r liat, mill.,- rI n orl prhionacp to
stop i the w ielsi o to:.:.,vern nt.
your lasns.Do n~ot hbl,1 our!
i 0111 mulr 1 1 1 h sh1 1 . \ hat Ae % v Iier y. r
ova ea i . or u lling it y i ,i
neeis sbpporf the 1 irb.,11W av ar
tin! it th r Ilbly n11 d ellicienty, i:
1 i 1h r Iri other, (imIt wI arrs.t,
imblic att n . I'igr. I re l1 v -, Iy t, :.
thatt i : u 121 I I 2hi1 lh ili fe At
nmnv f'aitl); e at tried ml ofe, tl e
pilbtili pre:-, 21 tid to nearl v laib th r
Tho-r ma;1i1ybeme7.
vhEt do it, rei1ir: n -t Lni i
:114. that, WC to i~ n i, o.-l:~IIl li 1 -
c Ann . lii e r-t v' tl.,y la . 1
t a l IwA ii i -- ill l :- s. i ll:n -
aNd 11 d (it ilI :t pi:l: t 1s
when o ~i advertiipgi ieiiie syn~lin i i
andl grudgiti.l i l ncp rat hit <i
of (adve rtisn will let ave Mvxi rh:.ps12
1 11i0t11 f l i a i-nto n Zp. . m i
leiur ta ! perm.ane t - 1n m
"We have beien inf'ormedw by a yI
authorty that thie 1 , l > at prtq. yi.
of'mnr nae nsnigfrgb
uip t e I iOa ro, I (l kikia , , m athe.
very ito tine Ain! 0 iscoovery li ill gil
kiltont of a1 whal, pefryni
-aIl . easuring as utich as 15,01t, inl
lWykh It was Covered hv allial
soil, and only i fe feet' elo the
sulrfalce. The favt t lte lue::lit v is,
t1o or twoc miile Krnm the pre Lt
seashore. nd about I10iot. above its
preserot level, reners he fact a vry
renwrkabil~ ie IIaId (et prove theo
rsertins of geolog'issig that a1 greit,
rart if New ealan has ik eIe li--e
Irtom the boe Id thle ,.
Ls rni A Ta 11n.-The NeOw York
8S)n very senlsily recomlmelinl.- hoys to
learn a. trde -otthat hO hie ud al
Ways work at it, bu t hemay havse i nm
reserve capital, togth wnith it tih
enee in fom ad agebaracter.io'i
Nothing' but1( anC~ abs~rd fals prf'Cid
preent (11 af ryi patoj f~rm el adti
Isne som ihrey thune l Theo havi
ofeten itance.'Iis royal~ losam
thoem comteing to Cgrppe wiit any
change of)11 l frutune11, utiiuch~ goodacns
tisben)eth the digvniaf om of ur
to titr 1101 .carred nonIt NVusiio.
ays'.----r -ielw' repl to air
ASewary i eiprno o r desptoh perA.
vlart io ti Cablwas recetidon Tuetlidth
prancs lha not hangd hresolu ion,
but hat ponmiliaryonsderaion,1
she as demedit epedint t subti.

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