u ! - Desportos; Willims & Po,, ivroprletorsJ -A Fjnily Paper, DDoted to Scionco Art nquiry ndustry and Literature [Terms---$3 00 por Annum In Advne. VOL. 11 WINNSBORO, S. C., WEDNESDA MORNING, JULY 17, 1867. n-1 ____ [NO. FAIRFIELD HALD 14 L'UJpIsuI-1 Iw.mKy A ,Y .DESPOtrTES, WILLIAMS & Coe 4r4fs.---Tau n isA) IS published-Weok. ) inI tlr Town of Winnsboro, aL.S3.,00 iq. vb abl b dvancc. Wary , AlltransIoat advorTislP6jonts to be paid in advance. Obituary Notlees and Tributes- $1OO. per Square. Selected Poetry. BLAOK EYES AND BLUM The eyes of brilliant, sparkling joi, Anti titose of bluo that iunildy beam, Iver disputed when they met, Which should prostmo to reign supiven4 Each boldly clainte1d the proforouco Their part isiins contesting strove At. length boih rested their defenco, in juidgwont. from the od of Love. Never before, .dirl any cause, L'rn'ltuto O muelt einbarrassimdnt; The b1acks and hmes t,' expound t)ho laws. Had advoontes Oti tiluiph bent. For umpircs, chu)o a thousnrd sighs; J.r wilyomes, 1ihe ar49pt. For pro'o/y tlie soq's aht loti And for reporer. thestros. {ib, Then Love spake thius, disputes 1o lull, And far the wiso decision .tlw--. "When blitok eyes, girls aro beautilful, Ani'girls are boautiful with blu-;" Tle black nioro tenderness expreasss, Tile blue flash joyous, light and froo, Ani, while the blaok portray finesse The biuu havo atliability. ".lllack inclines to tancos wild 'There's danget in ( deep dark eo ; Tho bile is i artless as a child, A nd loves. o'en to idolatry. In black eyes, joy her' flowers onwreathes- - The biuo-shed iadiaupoo soft ifi true The soul from outia bit oyo brethe, - ' --uimildness reigns rePm1no in blue." The Cal~blun' Loas itd tho Wid *owe Gant *i ' --:0: jCONCL.!Di.D.] When he aroae lato the next day Je looked at himself in the glass, but scarce ly rco'gmniz0ed .his own fice, so changed was hie bV the mOnti agonies ho had undergone. Whou.ho had pai4,st6nib little attention to. his tjilet to ho receive] a mesawge, frpm MRadame1 Von) Berlingenl rek.ku6? hti ith or of anu ierview i!1 hb~r dpnieut~s& A i mechanically obev e;tho sp'mfdrif,though ill fitted to'sus trin a conteursatidn with a lady. Th'Q wkdoivrquesed himt to be sat cd. 'Mr. Wnlstem,' said she, with a smile 'you are growing very malignant. I met vou hist night uponi the staircase, but though I stpoke to yon, you had not a word or a nod for me.' L1ast night, inadam,' answhewd the un fortunat e yaoig man 'I ws sbesido in msel. 0, madai-if you knowtdL , I1 do know all,'replied the lady. 'What i th1tuI hid been, gaEmblng that I had thrown away-yes, those are the words-very ducat of the nmonoy my poor fitther furnished mo with liwhich to purchaso my comanission.' 'Y es*I know all that.: But the loss is not irreparable.' 'Pardon imle, mnadam. My father, though repmted woalthy, is unable to furnish mo with a similar stii, oen if I were base onough to accept it at his ')ut if some friends were-to ep for ward ? 'Alas I + knw none. 'Mr. Wa~aten said the lady, 'I am. rich; a loan of the requisite amount womabl not affect me in the least.' 'Oh,smadam,' cried tho young man, 'if you woulid indeed save me by Buch geherosity, you woulid .a ja ngel if of mercy.'- - 'What is the amounb ofi your loss?' intqaired the widowv oalmly,- as she .n 'loc f' any Military Distric:t udel saIidl avts, wheneover hie shall1 dooml it, n 1eeTry L.) th d (ie perfoirma ieu of' hiI dicunder S: id ac~,to remiore or :Ss penld frota oiwo anly miticipal or Statr oflicer, or. pers3ona exerciiiig authority umder or by virtuo of any so called State govermnont existing inl his District, and hcalid- oIlidcor so assigned to com. mand asaforeaid is bireby empowtred to appon.t inother person .in the atead of the ofije'r or ie*rSii so rem1'Oled if he shall dem it, proper to do so ; and whnii ever lie imay deem it iecea ssary a, afuro. said to prohibil, snwpncii or- set, aside anlly act r procdng of aiy. iuch Suitu or mulitipa govermelits, or maiy 1t or tiig due tinder or by virtue of itg anl thority, and alt acts ler'etoforo (10110 by ;iny sich oflicer in acoordiaco herewiti hlall- be deetnied vnlid). SI.i . '1 That. the l lm'dS of liegisationl ofi the sevral Alilit try Districts estaiblishod by ho actS to ilich thi isk (uimHIenty ndlh admilit t0 regiHtraIl'in onlCily nII per tony w, they 41fem vntitt::d toI . e registe d by th0 atorc They sh A o.r g il t'u'oi O the pi't oalyth prg I in it act or iterch, 23, 18ti, onlhnivo ovi dence of iae right,'of tie person taking it to be lagisterd, but prI'Mia only, 111nd WAY inouivo 6kud:t C'd.ee ; Jg QwIhr re lating theref fto-a, thiy tmay deem proper, eithier-frotu (lhe persont inpplying to be ro. gistered or- others, aned eitir of' I hl i et n irs of tjai 8bords i" h'oig aouithbri o'ld to 9duu 1tergth ok.r llat.1ius a"It xam~ hno wInego too ijthl t- ln per-. son to be reiserd.Sid .Jr'del 1 lie. 111tainl miy striko ro 00t list of' vwrs Iihe nanto of' anfy one alreadly regitered who in theirjndgment, impropi'ly took tlhe onth presi:cSrihcd inl the acts to wvhilh IL.- is tunp11 plementi'ry, or wvs niot. entifled by sidd netl. to be regillsered. itloord evidunoo -1hiall not lie reitnired by said boards h'o pr.'ovo pirti. oeation in the rebellion, but par'olo OVi. douce0 shlltl bo silic ien t, t:4) esaliia the fact of ' uch participa1tiott, andl ra*id lsoarrds of Ihgist rit bal 11111 not bo bollild or gOv. er'iid in their acti.1n by any opiliuo. ol' any otlioer oh' i.lo Uliited Slates CoveIiuICnt. 8S:0. d. That, I. civ:. Own% or thm 1lited Sates or of' inly 8tato, 111 1 113ivo jiuis'idio. tion of iny action or pruceeiaig, eiviI or criniial, against any poch Disi, Com. iniloder or any olficer or person' noing by his anut.hority for oron accounit of le dis charge of lhe duties imposed nt po hit by Lhis not or tho aots to-whieh it is suppleion ,S:. 5. That no Distrhit Commatnder shall be i'olieved from nonuand assignled to h0'im uider tbe al'orcii.ths tuf; iulss ih Soonatte shaill have first. aIvised atid consenited Itoro to,' or uilos b U sentioeio of coirl martial hie bhlill be crashievet or disnmissed fron (Iho ariy, or iuoleus he shall conieit to ba so r - Sno. 0. That the tinie for thi completion of I ho reglstrastiu'u of persons proper'ly qualitledi t vote, may. b~e extoended lby ordekrs of tho isi1d severa' Dit1 slot Camioanider' to any diy ppeior'tb first day of Ociober, A. D. ohghitooi hiujdred ad sixty seven. S(tevenR accoepted the following as addi Any person, who shiall attenipt to pr'ovonth the executing of I ih nuot 8hal)h ha gutilt y of. a1 mil.u ,,tor, andl an coniction shall be liable to a fieof fivo thofl~usand dollars 01' itnprisontgent for on year, he right of shall'in no respeot bo.. ohanged or' anl'eoted by't he Pfesidonl:s p~.d~on-for particiation ini the retwiflon, Stceels moved the previons (1uestionu and thoillouso votos to-morrow at, 1.o'clook. f8NA4Ti.--t71'. LibiV- fr'otfl the Judiciary mmililitf(e, introlhnoed a bill1 on reonstruo. Liosit "Ilu The eettive wr:,c ealled- omt for' a mases ohf informatioIn regarding Indian' hot, ftditioeend Mn (xica affaires. Thei Sonato by a votolof;3 to 5'.. reitised to-tako-cup ha- jobIt resoluttionse thtiking Sheoridan, Si'hles,' .eliild- .arid Pops. M~r. Cerinue thboughat it -would be premnfuto t. .s0O3 t0s0Itirisi att nis t rmt,. T hey wvore't n ut'afflohontly inifornied oif thin faict' of the. care to baA bl, -to'jiidge. 15irmerlyqho thankb off Congrees sweure only ekt~hnded on ortraordiiarv' occtiont and it, wvas consideredd a' dat com ilg ineont for ainy onie to roceive thorm; fblu JI'Uhis precdent was establtheduj it sval bie .tonderiit$ iugniks t4tihe GNVorgiore,Q1 .'n. firrrq, atu4 to then Goveofs of otn -, 3qv rn1 6t o d, ~ ~a t t on blrepoe bf4 8 enat& vJltdifaey Qofa 4.a 0-- to p' 1O tings o thb 6tt ne ~adl VI'ralio l~,.t4, lauo fyqStt Jnl.&ot 1OU 4.T h -d .t 4 i bhe' e elections vases was extended to December, A conuni'ie of fivo was appointod to mnvuwe hn the treatiuct of Union -prlon, er! with power to send for persons and A bill was litroduOcd extending the pro, visions of the Ilomestmend act to Alabama, A rkailis, MiSeissippi. Lo'isian aid Flori dia. It. wat; rereitred to Ito lieconstrution Comnmittee. The Commnittoe ott Foreign - linions was dirooted to il.iro 1.h1h. ally Aenericanl ciiizen lhad breei conivioted in tirot Britain for words spoken In Ameor. ot. Wilson stated (th the Judiolary Commit lee had requestold himin It stto e Ihat they were trot ready to report on impenchmont. -losutwull llod c ni it Coterreut resohition to adjoirn to IOctober next, elicithlil a warm dIulmt.e whiel 1:1s intcirtpioltt by t1ho ani. it' sutiime4' inIt or Delnnison' dtath. Aft oret logies tle ollse i l ajoure . xNATV.-Th' consideirat inUi of the Juii etavy Coin ittee's lRoconstruction bill was restiiel. Ai aiiendmien giving Coiimi . ters power to fill vacancies by t he appoint. mtient ot'citizens or detailed soldiers was adopted-n.yes '2, nnys, 13. The following was aidied to the rixlih section : "Whether iiolding such oflico at the time of the ruon lion or before." 1)eniisont'a death wast denouced, and after oulogies the iSnato adjourned. TUIportant Lottar from Ocuh Sichloa3 to Ron, Lyman Trnumbull. General Sickies has ntiemssed tho follow Ing letter, says the Charlestwn Mercurqy, to Ole HJonorable Lyman 'T'rumbull, Chairmnit Judiciary Conititoo, United Statos entat:o tlansa'roN, S. C,, Jtly 5, 1807. JM/ D.wr Sir I havo decidei not, to begin retgistration in this listrict uintil Cigrtoss deteriniiios who shlAil be registeretd I trust, theOrfore, hat It will bo C plealsuiro ot' Contgres to c.tiud the tinio for tho comple. tion of my registrattont until---sny, Octolier or Novemnber. I' I liieoeed nfaw, and dis regard to wishes ol' t ho Presidilt, iny no tion would be regarded as I insurbordinat iot; it' I would follow his itatio 1n muniy would probably be registtercd not el' iilo accord. tig to) the trite hterprotati'>n oi the Acts of Coigiss. If it is meant'. xt all V' 'invo held' any office-Foldot '., State, or Iuniicipal----atv. lig taken ani oath of offl1 to support the nit titulion of tile United States, attid after wards engaged In reivilion, or give aid and enitort, <'., Iro lisfraci', i sed, t i Is :ltouild be exprowlAy deolairie, otherwise, it' left to constructii, it inay be held that. no ohlor officer. ..0 incls'led than those lass t entierated in ArtivlesVI of the counsti. Itution, nil (liat c a as io those, a fttli par dot% removes the disqatalilloatlon. If it is iieimle to exclude lawyers, they slioubl ho expressly menitoA d, for else do crih ed by soimme ev it.itin; as For exam plo, aller the word "olilee,"' del "0any li tensedi calulingtoempluoymnit ori professin." iOlthnePwi P, i o lbilIt; of lawyers be left to coustructic -.,i it may ho belo Itat a hakwyer is not a pIblio ofiicr, although -a A I nuu:lmary of '. court or otlhor judioial The trithi is, we have nouw II operation I wo d;.t inttu. s.yA;etms of n0'istrict0ion, or1 aIlitit''I h.v ('1,1l e antlI itgraltled tliptti Ilo tht 11:i at's ph of mceattion. To first Cwtoressioail phm is expressud in the liliwnrd CUost*'ut iounIl Aaitend men t, leavinig SlOi ti b eg L eguhed by the oiveral nlittes, antd huponbing Upon certaIn ltlamsos of persons disqIalifloat ion for -ogico, (11 a pulnilmev, for rebolliot and as a safoguard t'or the future. That' plai having beetn ro. tused by tho robel Statos, Congress Iauod *1e teconaltruction Itls, which 1orm1 a so cond sobemo of reconstrution, entirely dis. tilct in prilnoiple and plait 1-n0om tho former. In th1 Secuondt plant, Conig'oss aissum1ltou con t-ol of the queion of sniflrage, which is extunded to all who can take a presoribed oath, nd ialso enfor'ce's L.th distnli fication for uVflo0, which woudt have been the penal and conservative foture of the first plan. Now, itscoms to me that the true conserva iIv g1uarantee against roat ion Is in lho ad. dition uttnde to the loyal joto by th einfran ohisoment of' tho Colored peoplo. That to ink dono, the ocaslon for the dlsqdalifia-a iia chiatio conses. ibenoo, the true solu Iloon, I bolievo, is tu doolare, with utivorsal suff'rago, a genmeral' amninty-naming, tho' exoeptions. A mioro liberald amnesty is, ly Mydgiuetit, essetiald to thet siucooits of the tiongrestsiontal plian of' r'econstruction. It "'ill enlarge Ithi rango ao' popular cboice for thu ilmportant judical, executivo andt logis hativo dojpartmuents of thme Stlate gover'n muentst, otheicrwisa inonvwenion ly connu fii'' to clamssos very few o1' whom atro lit to holdt otlico. 'Phio people can ,surely bie entrusteid tso*judge amd select fronm those who took; part Int the robollion, t~he mon at oncee qual. tled and sincere in- their allhtoslon to the new order of thig. Such~ men, beIng o1l gile to offlo, wIll have msotives to identify thems~elvest wiIth rocounsi.ruction, amid to-sup port the views o1f the tmijortty. Now, npore Ihriaaover, mion of ability and expereunoo In publio butsintess are ntoool for thte 8thmto governments int tho South; and It is tru':ly tnorttnato lthat such a :amnn p early tyll who know ianythinig of public at'fae~irt anit esptecilly thmoso who coiuld (Il jutdicial taf tiona, ar'o 'dlsfranhisied. This exposes the experbnent of general suff'rago to nooddles hazards. If the experIment fail, it is most. likely to fall from the ikabillty of the people to putt ht ofloo thbse irho could and weekl' atssur'e. eotss.s 1ti Wonkil have hoonu adlvan. tageisspotlhapa to have removed many dis a(Ydoe ersns, esieoeilly Judges, lhierh's nfnd Ma.iistrtoer, Itt $th -oeutiof1 of 'tho 1i96t sootiotot th .jgtqef M'aareh, if eQatpe lontu0Oisrs couljd Jtre been fomitd ambng thtosetirho ate;ligihAQt-oilld. A I )vpu)4 roedb. ppesqeasonm noW of air~d~ otr-led of qh c~o or olvif licos, as one 6f thfmsti ote ootl' 'Jnstr'uideittilitbcrIn lIho exeomion of the -tntatry antiorIy coets red upen Drnbvet oft0fnaydi r#; As'4t is, Ir Aind miytlf prevefited, .ar will the ppo@1e by and by, ..ronm so tring for the ptililio aortioo Inont-of .p 9qd ,ApcI olparnutor,. Aposoo% t a f 4 the dove'. n f h'madst/ 'eui p4t~ lpyallsto In rti) the Z.daof bngo o to' ogyetis- ditt ehiisrto 0? many qof~ ti fatful. 'i for * o4hf.pdot gq u)6 ikdleO46t of DO-'O he QIj 1Iw tntoofrnie ohg,. a~to ry reipg'.f. Maximilian, THIC L.Asr DAYS OF IS LIFl--A THAr 'To1'S IIWABtD, &ao., &0., &a. Tho last days of MAlximilian's life were pansed in tho Convent of thoen iu. Chits in Qiteretaro. The Counvent, which was onco i stately building,. haa pa0ssod through silecenssivo .8poliatiois, itil nothinig romahiis but a rowV of did. conneote( horses, inl tho most cotnforta. b1 of which N'aximilian an his Gene. rals were confined. They wero alloived to receive Visitors, and were not placed in solitary cells, being treated with mocre Co1sideration thani 0o would expect. The Imperial causo having faild, t10 ex-Emniror had few frienids who desir ed to compromiso thensolves by com munication with him, and ho was left, chiefly with his friend and oldchtssanite, Prince Salm-Salm, who followed hini from Mexico on his ill-advised depart uro0 to Queretaro Mondz, according to tho only ac count which has been received 'diroct (thait of tho correspondent of the Nvw, York 1ral,) led Maximilian to tako this fatal stop, ropresenting that the Mexicans only wanted to soo him away from is foreign soldiery to flopk around his standard. Trusting to this treacherous imarepresentation, he repair ei with only a bodyguard to Quorotaro, whero ho found but a paltry six thou. sand troops, instiuflcicittly supilied with amntiliaitioli, and lie h iimseli inl tho pow. er of traitors. Salm-Salmn, who follow. ed by Stealth, was the only foreign ofi. Cor of experiolco in his whole sorvice,. and )roved il the seigo one of the bs. and bravest of ofilcors In confinenient they would sit together anid play ecaric. or discuss, with vivid interest, not their own fate, but the politics of Germany and Ainorica,. w1hd1 outside a court. martial composod', according to rumor,, of three captums and a lioutennut-colo. nel, was only awaiting Escobodo's order to pass the prodoterneunod sentence of Towand the end of the seigo Max. seoms to have been not, only indifferent to death, but oven to have coveted' such a determination of his career. At one Lime ho stood for ftill-ten. minutes upoUn tho pInua when tIhiohls were, bursting so near as to nearly brryliit oil' hiq feet by the coincu111sion 0 'r No ono can call him coward or'deorb er. as nmeight have beol the caso, had Io left with thj Fioich, or had ho aban doned Miramon and Mar1tpez tq fight ib ot by themselves after aiccepting, thein assistanco. IHis honor is clear as far as' that notioni goes. Ilis pmls, is caso of escapo with his life, were t6 talWo up hit resiience in I lavana for - a few ia nths, umitil hu -should settle hi Mexican affair.s, naimd then rQliro to one of his Italian estates and live in uCcha'.on, for ono r twotrfats bofore again taking 'part 1w public life. But the huimaunity which ho exhibited toward hid captives, evol' when provoked by tho who esslealilugh ter of hi -own. tros- wben IAllen'ir to the Mexican handF, was not hownt10' dothroned Emperor. Mexico deiand ed his death; and Io fell a . vitim to schemors and traitors. A recent letter says: Tho london correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer romarks: "It would be the part of wisdom, I think, if the United Stfates Government were to abandon all the suits it has commenced in this country against persomis implicat. ted. in the late rceelionm; for it seem~s to bie tho settled'otterinnation on the pt of the English judges, lot the oircumns'an. cos be whmt they may,- to decide all. .qiuestiona0 adversely to the United States whether they are plaintiffs or dofuod ants. Two of thoe~ cases havo 1Adai heard, and, has hitherto boon th6 ease both wore decided, on sont~o potty tebh nicalitios, against the United States Got. ernent, It muay be thiat these })ritiehi Jud ges are the wmsost and non couu o tiouis men in tho world, a'nd i j'$ only say that either the Unii~ stt~a have very bad otsen o1- elad .Meif pobr' counsel, for the latter Are alwvays osb. bed and -the former turneLd otg fe~ the. court, Isn)IAN WAR IFAt1 of ltS mTAhs.-OM~uAn, July, 7.--The foI ow~ ing has hoend ebolvdd' al hisdiiiettr~ froni Gbneral Clistar's .odfipmuald RflvailtnE,, 001. (forty. i4h1 weat1Q tnbhment of(t4tptykdio' tina tainiIm n,iltoughearkSth fork e Ii inns werog;dpfeng - . apav~, wit iqlss 9E tWo. prgr &fl4ri one -ihd ' - , surroided .Onstar e camp, onde.itnig' t9 stampede thoe ioQrees' Ant IgoR. cavayu d 4 0 r itp 'p m F hto i~ ( ia- it 4ntr