OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, January 20, 1869, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1869-01-20/ed-1/seq-4/

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The Lezislature,
Thu SenItn asseIibled aIt 12 M., and
was called to uider by the 'residenfiro
rI'ho House sent to the Senate a bill
to esta'lishi a State (rphan Asyluni,
which received its first fendirng, was
ordered for consideration to.morrow.
Wright, from the Committeeil on Lthe
Jadiciary, to whVth Was rW'efrd a bhllI
to provide for the collection of capiita.
tion taxes, reported back the same, with
a recouitliendationi that, ad all accounts
fur arreng'uf taxes will be tiuned over
at, an eafly day to the County Treait
ers for collection, the 'b341 be laid updh
the table. 'Ordered for cutsideration to.
J illson, Fr(in the Coiilituee oil 1
gro)ssed Bills, Wported as dil and cor.
retly engrossed, aid re-ily for a third
reading. the filolving : A Vll to punih
shoriffs and o'thier 4oeers 'fUr violating
the homestead ; a bill relativo to sales of
property under the di crees of- courts ol
eqlity and circuit coirti. Tho bills re*
ceived their third reading, passed, and
wero ordered to bo returned to it
Ioue of Iepresentatives.
fLeslio introdnced the following:
Whereas, the iheory and politien
philosophy of the reconsticted govern
ment, of Sot Carolina establisihes and
provides for the eleetion or appoitmeint
of local or County, As well as State Afli
cer.e, and as a seque'neo t'hleieto the TIh
islature of the State is compelled to ad
here to the practico that local ,.Ticers
and their eineWsive fcev', costs and
charges, mi.st be paid by the County or
locality for which they act, to adopt any
other Mv'di'fterent rile wo Id be in etfeetI
to c6opel pa rsely S6ttled (oiIIlII),tier,
or quities, to pay a great portion of
the I wititlate, natirail and local expen
eos of their wetflthicr neighbors*, where
in they have no vote or voice, tIherefore,
U'6 I t
Reesolved, That the Judiciar., Com
mitteo of tho Senate he reqluirtl to pre.
pare i bill which shall provide for the
payment of what w'rel oretfoore kn nVil
As local or District o'Ice'r>, by the locali
tied or Districts wherein t.ey exercised
their orlie.
Ordered for consideration to-morrow5
Rainey introdueed a resolution, that
ihe Trepstirer of tho,State.is I reby in
dructed to pay to the Chief Juti'.-e le
sinm of $334.56, sahnding to his c'redit
as Chirf Jusi ice on tho booki of the
Theasury. Ordered loi' considerAtion
Hoyt introduced a bill to authorizie
Courts of Arbitration.
A bill providing fur tho election aid
defiliging the powers and duties. of jus.
tiees of tle pen6e, aiid for regulat ing the
praetico in Justices' Court3.
'T'lie report of the Committee on tie
Military on a ill td orztnitoand govern
the militia of Solithi Uarhlina, was laid
bit the table, the bill iiken up for a sec
oid reading, and cotisidel-ed By secti6ns;
id, alter several amendiment, was
made the special order for to-morrow, at
I P. I.
On imot.ion of itslit", the Senate took
l, ont. of its order, for consideration, the
resolhtion relative to the appointentof
a Committee oii Inquiry into the opera
ion of the law crealing I Slate constah.
tlary force; which was read. comsidored
and agreed to, and the President an.
!aounceed Ijeslio, Sw~:adls N1ashi, 1Hoy.'t and
I lavnec, said cominit tee..
On motion of CJorbin, the Se-nte took
up, out of its order, fo)r conide1irnaioni the
riport of the Cotnimittee on the Jindicia
ry on the petit ion of cbrliai i practicing
at torneys ami. soli~ito s, kfative to con
tinuing thu ohlice of' Mast rs it 10quit~y
which was readl, 6onsideredJ aid agreed
TIhie resolution (by Ntaxwell) relaitive
to the payniet of the accouunts of Comi
miiissioniers and MIana gels of I'lect ions,
&,wa ordered to lie on tim~ table.
On motion of Corbmn, the Senate took
ny~ for a ihii reading a hall to amemia an
A t efitled "A n Aet to lit?~end lie law
in relation to recording moi tgages,- and
to regulate the lien thereof." Paissed,
and sent to the Hiouso of Representa.
T1heo Senate adjournied.
'The (lonse met at 12 M. The Speak.
er too '< the Chair..
Nasportams, from the Committee on
~ngrossed Acts, reported as duily A'iud
Oorrectly engrossed for a third reading
a bill to alter aind ammend an Act enili
t'led "An Act to authorize the sal of
the Columbia Canal.'" Read the third
(inm and ordered to he sent to the Sen-.
a' e..
WVhipp'e introduced a hill' to ilovide
for the widows aind orphans of meni mur.
fredfu r thieir pohlita ophhuois. .19e.
D~efarge introduced' a bill to author
izo the Recorder ?f Charleston to hold a
lihce cotivt,- and'fAr' gthi litulpoes.
.Elso the petit ion of Anah S. Cohen for
the renewal of State bonds destroyedltby
Gen. Sherman's army at Chseraw, 5.-0.
Re ~erred.
Mr. Turnor inti'oduced a resolutiofi;
Which wvas adopted, that the Committee
un the. udtemary be iinstruicted to report
a bi, at.au early dayv, reghlhting the
ei~s o1 Irobrito Juidges add't Magistrates
in thietate.
NQgle trodneed a reacofition, that
tlibp'esentatives of the Cotuieof
7~9yC anl i ancaster constit'tte n' Com
iittee on the Cataw ba Idians. Pier:'
Jeik IitroO'ueed a concuent resolu.
teihcgsrfre to the Commit.
t'on thIf Jhdidiary, tat a Special'
ommigen toonia of three on the
House.and-on thie rart or the Sen,
ate, be i liinted,iwho shall, anetir duo
invgiligatign) and eonferencpe wit Is the
(ge~to a Aterney-Genieral, sub
mit.ta'4&taied.report, of the legislation
necessar for athdrotigh and complete e
and 'the bettr1rotedtierof her' inhabhi.
tante. -
SENATcii. rn
Tie Senate assembled at I 2 i , and
vias culled to ->rder by th Presidenit I m
Rainey. iht'rodhced a resolution, that
t i lee li'icy tho"overndr is lIereh v
TspecIfully reItested to liy 'Jefore the
ienlate, it, Its l'i I a' possibl-., ill
oformation relati 'vo to nlupouititenits
nde by him pmrsuant to AcIs of tihe
Jiieral Amssenl . A gre'e2 to.
fLuirotey iitrodureil i bill to itcrease
ie saliries of titi. Jisic.e-I of the ST 1
piramo Coutt ar.d of the10 Circuit Judges.
A bill to oragi4uiizo and govern Ile
mailitia, of the Stiat of Somi It Carolkiu.i
Wi iKell) for it sceond rediig and
.on-idrntion by sections.
Leslie moved iliat the further consid
riatikuh of the I ill bo inidetfiniely post 0
poned. 'vhicht provoked discussioni bc
Lweena Leslie an(1 Wright. 11t l.'tiY o
sectionls of the bill wuire read, coinsiuered
mnd lnrued fiei
11O 1Ti3't 0Y R ICPR liSl' NT TiV\i' \S.
The Ii ouso met at 12 M. The Speak
r took tho Chair.
W ibb from the Comm.tee otn Roads.
lri(g,-4 and leerries, reported ol a treso.
rIntin11 to iliiuiro 1411.0 ttio (kpedieiiey ('
Torkitg the State roads ubtr it gene- I
ril system of comracts witi leave to re.
port, by bill or other6:ise; that, in th
opmlion of thie co nmittee, legislatioll inl I
ilii maLttr 'Is (iffitecessary, as Itho Con
.ltultli ,Iv'es Wi- 'Chunt~y loiniio'eis;
jurisdiction over road.-, &c. Adopt- I
Onl motion of C. 1). 1 Iyne, the re
I)ort was laid onl I he table to taT tip theih
bill-, , '
The bill was ordered to lie over for a
second read-.iIlg..
On motion of George Twe, Idis Excel
h-n'cy Gov. 1t. K. Scot.t. was in vitu ta a '(
sen1t on the Spetker'o sta d.i.
Webb introduced a bill to dechare thei
right s of creditors, and to provdo for the
winidiing up of the affirs of railroad com. t
paties inl South Caroliin'. Rwead h'd
r r .r'et.
clhesntalt iitrodliced a resoilutl6nio, 'thtt.
the widow of tle late H. O. W. Dill,
iiieimber of thisl lonig from Kershaw I
CoUit y, he pai it I Ie peir dimtin of h cr Is- I
band, comnvi cing Julhy 6, 1868, ind t
eiding A ngust, 25, 1868, or tip . ,ho (
itite tin't hs vacVnc %Vnl flle(d. te
e -ritet itntrodiued a iesoition, t o
te e '-et. th tat it is emit panttly Ih h obey
tAfthe, Gee( ll Assedibly to foster eve'ry i
Alort which cati be umde to promte I
ind encouraAce thie de'Velopiet, of the
gricultral resources of this State ; and I
dthat the Govel igr be authorized to ofiler
a premium o $20d for lie boat, piracli;
:able demonstrittio on tile culture oe
:o111ttn, said a ward to be niade by a cuin
nittee consisting of the Governor, tle
Jommiisioner of. A gricultiural Stati-tits
id d third liersohi of hdiwn experieico
ii the cultivatidli ci .cottol, ito be by
tiei s'elected, ni'd the premiuim to he
laid out of lu continget, fud of tie
Excective D. el ar.meit ; this oufrr to re
main open itiittil tio 10th day of next
A pril. leferrc-l.
Mir. 'Ttiier iitroduced a resolution
which wat, oii motion of \v. If. J<,tie,
laid on the table, that1 i Mid after tlh e
plssuge of this resolition. the ollilers (f
this I [ousue be reduced to th follhowing t;
viz: one clerk, one assistanit clerit; one
leor-keeper, one mtesseinger, otne readhiing
(icrk anid one1 sergeani t atarms.
I'dIliott mitroduuced the followinutg pa'e
amb~tlo and resolutti mtu, which wvere
WVhiereas, the recurrence of thto 8th
da~y of Jantuary brings to re'collectin as
sociatfd'ts denf tU the i ido of every
A tne'iban clitie ; and wvhereas its rec.
tuiri should not be0 dlowed to patss with-t
out some0 declaratioin or appreciat iont
con Imemorat ko pf I ho evenits whichh
gave it ,hititric distintction.
Is/dby th'o IiOnsoIf Re(prAenl
tatives, TIhtat we hail wth tailloyecd
satisfagiont tii'amsr of a daty wItichi
tot on13 lythd rstic otn A mericani arms,
bitt gave promainenico to a genleral whoese
ntame it inidelibly associated with the
Re'solt'ed, T1ha't our dubli of gratitudo
to him and( his~ gallant co-patriota at.
New Or leans, hasu not been ditminishedu
by time, or its ob~ligatotns lessented by
later and a.ri glorious resutlts.
Rkeso/~ved, Thtat to A nidrew Jackson
we aire indebted for tat e'xlhbition of
hirmniiess sad pat riot istm while P'rteiet
which carried out htis declaration, "that,
the Untign shall be presede1, antd which
was-'nobly finlowved by te lamda~ltedl pa
triot, Abraham Liincoln, ini securiei to
us thet blessed Uniion whicht we io'l
slaim 8s obt' dohnttry.
Iin tl'io Senati'e lib ,uiness of' impjor-.
lane wari tt/ad'sadited.'
A coihiniumtcatton' wts road fronti 'P'.
IT. Coghlanu, tendering his resignation as
Senautor frotn Shtniter County.- It, wvas
Corbitn initrcduced a1bull to determine
the value ofcotltracts ado in Confeder.
rite notes ; alsuo,- a lill1 to putish persods'
abrainaing property tunder falso preten
A djourned.
* , i(L4 J A'O~ r
W liop re iot periiLLed to pevron e
sigios1 werviced ign onubriench of thu il
autic AwyI11 qt th-is State, that thel. I)
OImIlittee oil theo Iiuhnatice AsyIlijm be
istrioted to iiiVestig.te leo miatter, so ti
ha11t tie poor..11 ad aillicted ma'y have tihe( I
iopel , i.reached to thoem, it'respetive'of 6
ace or color. L
nits adopted, t1hat the Committee ol thed I
iidiciary be instructed "to report a bill
u regitle ct ract for iabur. wlich h
veil give buitalile olicers power to 11)
irove tad Settli tile samil. 1i
Thell - ea ent 1o hiis (o.1ls a bif! A
tlattive ii subt' (Pf prt.1 'ir v unlia:r I Ii..
lecrees of coi 141 ;a. Ii ; a ll uiac itI
oirIls. lU4e141 i t i ini. ;I 1 ! ta
ererd to ke, .b i i '' Ju4l ci I.
A bill emp4 .. bu~r ilh.. *4i Io4 -
J-Ita l , 1% 1 t al- - 4. V..11.1.. 1 1 , 1
aees was 1i. a; t.i, r11t 11 bvie- : I -
ime aid ortl-14 .. :, ...,. I.e .
hirti readlilig..
A djotitr d.
T wil.TVy- -.I G W!Tl 1 . 1 ' A ; I IV . r.L1i1NG6:4
';1 WCN .\ T E0.
The Silate' itaesnbed 12 M , anl
vasci called to order. by3 Ih a 'I-. .lh-i:1 j*'i
('el1)11 tel I a'1aL'el * IY'4',ifilj..e
his Gneral .\ e "m ) m' - 'eerai sme
o tii di a y1 he .C I-'lmareY, 1809;
vIeichl was orh-trei for consiltration o. t
nfo rro w., ,
Co b ' inir*." bilbs to ilter 1111
cimeniid tie ce i:ninal l . a n t.o 11111 14) .11- j
horize the rlnewal if Stiate st-cks andi
2e0 d.4.4
A bill t.o orl'flxlly.' n o:e rn the<
nIilit'i:\ oT %*osenv 1 (liOlish W,<,in..i
A bill to rie-aete1t c raie Avis le i d.'
Oglo~u 1111 llante 1il crechilt. ofi ehe bliate 1o0
le (1 reen villeiead ('ihnbia It ellroal f
aIp-uin a 6l t o a jlid.l it' th,- Ietionl 31
aid complalrn chIeredr, was ticlls'ed i
A4d the following itenlll dded : c
.Se:c. '. To uln.1ib' dih said coallllI4y r
oftind Lie in llte i'. 1 upo1 the i mort
!Cg and1 gurl;ll.lecd debt. for tI six
lopt'lls, to wvi e - I m I: anlnr I lto Jilly
, 1868, thleC r lr- i,. t -
hiorzed alid dlir~cted, to endoltrse thel
iame and credit. o II 'f thle- S ' e pon I le
Wiln s an1d e i4ica te:S (1 Il4l im h dl.I-!ys (l
l said com an i l.aIbe am tl - t '1 6.31e,
MCI') to be0 a i i. I a1 . u etSI 4vl , Ill 1e4
aile et ialenur is I r ovidmk.. il .l ;' w
\ctof .hecuil . :3 !U , i .' ,I
endcilelg of ina ' . :el Ice stantor y I
ill is hiera'bv 4XI.nail4 to 1.ovel' th'
ittiotial s -:. f .M ::o4 pr' ro
Thle Aenatlv auljo.nil'.
LOUSC OP lIli'l ''I'NT.\IV \CS.
The lihnelo ne.t III. I . .l. TY Sli. a*
4r took thel
co tllirn-ll rli-it' I haL so mnillech
if the resol-; hm4-1 d a , this regular
1e.ssionl eprmoge la'hle i~iber's 4f the'ir
wr dielml (li cecg , bee rre's, hw .11111 1Ile
1me1! is lierI. bY r4.'-elled, was ailopied
Ild StInL 0 let' Sllite'.
ulnrton icntr4n.1i- a bill regtil nitlg
hie lilullelr of :c ilil11 lnds cit publ ic
ae. lieeed. .
Wo oh i 4needcl bil. to ilmoi'rpor.
ito ille \ 'achl.M .cl\l tui n, Com
anIity in theI S'a te I So I 'aII ,rolIin -, and"
0 InnelsIl p-oI h1lscle. lavilg or preL.end.
r Io liave-4 :1 ail tee s11b-1-iunoizeq 1111.1
hec. oens.eid of 11 laent oe geeuidlln. li
'lTe Spe-&c< r i..idl b)efl.,re he' I loe
lie reiglicailn 44f Z.4luc. fleellck, as
lieseta'i e iL fromcl' 11l1ry. .\e'cept..
epted a4lis du11 111 relly adcre tly engross'edt
ort a 1thi1d re141mml? a beiI 'l1 441'1 enpoer fli'
Aitorney (G.-l::,.ra! lo changlt tile v 'n.cte
lNrrCite-r inl icodcneed a b.ill to ('O npa'1
nill owne11rrs 144 hc'1p ill repai)r thleiir
mil1 dam ts or- b. ides- I hcer eon. itefe'rr..
N:c.gle Ci introbie 11c:a 4e lctin, wh'IChCI
b'as1 adoptieh: I ba11 I . ii re'shnina te
Jul 2- 1808, relievin'ig le' (Xonnuit
t',C OtlTliian Im considecltrato of4110
lims alSIgains. lihe' Si ctL, be r'eidd
adll that thle' COleit II 04 be~ d ire'cted t
.roceed with IillI bnlsine'ss plroperLly be-'
Nasporta< ' ilmr odn eedc 21 r'e'soI:1ion1.
vh'IichI waIs adocpt II, that1 te Comittee11(
ei INleeions1. be rigested~ to] i reoI4t-L wh1at
egs'-ioYis Y(e.'r54'rfJ ilY ol'derl to have
1 1peecdy 'lction1 to CiII vacanelcies oIC
~asionied by' r'e'ignateion41, eae'th or re'fls
ci to cpeclif'y, of' persons~ elected to Cotun.
y oflices.
TWKNT'c-NIx 11 )a v's l';;ocFt-1)lX;s.
't F~naite alss'en~ile'd at l'! 37.
Thlc locise setet to the' Sente a cori
murrcent resohnsonit passed cat tis re'geular
cession de:pr iving meneibers., of' Lthe per1
liem dulring 11ho r'ecess-- lee cons-idera
ion of whiu'ch wir''iblinit6i)'y 'asl;is.
Knd; a ne4'a1gd wacs so tl ,S frong }
>Cf ReprsenltanvesL' inIefoinlg that body
>f the cdtioni of tihe Sente on said reso
Swais, Iotec 11' "omnieittee on 01 ~ii
'onds, to whom1(11 was refe'rre'd ai bll toi
V.nthorize thet sJolidant Ic;of thle Char
otto anud Soithhe (.er'cdiia d'ailroad Com
mav .an flii Cohunb~liac and1 Augst' It
R'~i1Comnpany, recomenuld halt te bill
lo paess. Ordered for conesideranioni Lo-.
''the Ciolomein 1tn- OI oi!'e~d.ed' hills
elso reported na~ duely114 andcrreecly en
~rossted, and redy for a thcird re'adinlg,i
bill to an'ind 24n A -: to estabehl a
bte polide. fd'riiended to tho ~
omitted onc Milit ary. -3
,lieo Odamiilttee on Engrossed Bills t
isio ported as daily and correctly en.
rosat,'i bill 'o 're-diadf.~crtena Acts o
12.~10.g Lthe name ap4 .ci'edt of.the Stalc F
II the G~eenville and Colucmbita - Rail- 1
ad Companty, and to validate the'
ri~ of said'Oonpsny'. t1ereentdor.- di. i
ere'd o the. Rodtse,~
Sen'ate idjournetl,':
The Hntas meat 12 Mu
Mixso introduced a bill to extend
t powers of magistrates to imprison. I
ont im certan unses.
Miller sitroduceld a resolittion nelative
bigh. chai'ges over the ferry at 'Co
imbiia, n'nid proposing the tppointment
FaiL comimtteo of livo fron its members ii
investigate the ease, and . 'iaport to I
ii? House at 0-o earliest practicable '
I'erriter intlroduiced a bill (o provid c
>r the licensing of peddlers.
A potition of snditlry citizens of Efdge
Old (0111ty wAo.'prestnwed,-- prote.-thig
gainst 1th divisioni ofr It Cointy, as
ropitd by I hun .1 uind, r constde'. -I
Atrijournetd. .
It I'.-onn the, ('aro.ina t.arminer.]
Th'nmpon's Roa I Steamer.
Tlo -Ireal l.c m ie i.-4 nur;liti-g .1
o".n dhal . .'t t..ntion In Grtl Aroelar,
-1 wits the sil i.-et (d a1 papertn vn;l by
i r .\ I . (1 befor ,e r II tg ish A F-,
.kio n tI t its recent lil-tlin ..,. WVe
::eUsd w i n th .61M r11 n Mpr.
iois of Prof. A rehr's papw.r:
"IThis road sien.er Is wi.-<i m.ii
rf a material winuch at first sig,1 t,
t1, look a verr liikelv .u.t-lite It'
t and,-t1hca%1.1'y work 11- :Iley ansil..ced
a. Thu Lires an m.tde of aIal. ",
-nleanized i tnt ia-tuibber, about 1'2 inches
v ide and 5 inche's Ihick. Inredill as
his mtay applear, Iblis soff. fand ( Ic e
iuhstania not oliy Cae1ries lieTreat
e'vight. of Lihe r oad stniner witlioutt li'
Inrv, bitt they p.ss over newly broken
Ut(ni metal, broken flints, andt,] all kiids
I sharp things willitit. leamving a mark
in tihe india-rulbbier. They do not, sin
ntc ite road in tinth least di-grer-. Tlwy
mass over stones lying Ont the siurfatce
eithoit crushming tiemni. These soft and.]
lastie tires restemble in somedegrec the
t of ant olt'lutmitt. lioti the catntI
A.4 el.1)ThaTita' vryn large So"t
ans in har I hook an no other animal
an stand so muttch walking over hard
onds as they cal aiccomtnplish.
he IIIn01power repaired' to proptl the
nal. stevalme r is very nucn leats t han
eh-it would be requinried if the tires
-rli hand and tigid. They do not
ruh y i:T- unto t rond-way. The I
a ineI1111. asz it. were, ) Oats allokl'ni on1 j%.e~
itlia-rbnbtr, aind all the poweir used inl'
rIuihing intl griiding thu soloies unmdrn
!ginI IH IA entiriely savetd. It niginv
I10t s1i1t be, Ailppose.d IIl, it wvoldi
ak a greant a p ' ' piwe . tpp a
enwvy birringt oil sIf tires; but if Ithe
ires are elitic as well as solt, the pow
'I .Mstd ,i cmniIqsing the ., .h Ii lront
I'nhe whet. ;s avaly all giveln back
is ite eliui thE expands behind tht
"Trials lave btern iate lit L'ith i
tn th roatd st'atner neross i stt
t:Mss li hl, in whieii , ill dttrdi-An ry . a .1.
Atringe wol era have ..11k.-.
hlnwy it. rati thr tIgh' the grass win i
mt evetn l.'aving a trac4 w;Is Vol Y re
narkable ; binut wiic'i ii maui fri-L inp1in
if tlhe field which had just b.i- L--avert'd
vith loose earth to the depthii of one or
wo feit, anil iten ran siatight aeroin-s,
Ind theni Upa thiron"lhI te d Fe 0o
oil, tiO surprise of those present was
trent indeld. The weight of the toad
i.t'u t'nwr is bet ween four a njl h ve 1010 ;
il yet the wheels I1 bassin tver hin
bose earth compressed it so little tiht a
viIkitng-sirnck coild easily b. puIs'ed
ion in tin.e track of u me w ldl~ -ithbom
if' the i dilie' nhi.es farmtne'.' hav ne had tto
:ontttte nn v1 it . tn usingst mnites for
niowitng is now re'niovedt, for n~'ith eno
:fnme witt vill runt thiroughn atny [1e!.1, uven
whnen ntewly plowed, withut any ditli
milhy. .' fI ier vin r'ons (ivhionsow
rig thle abtilit y o fr. noh roand steatmen' tot
'm ilu aoit, where thmere wiere inn roadms, it
inssed otnt illi o thei st reel, atid ta~k iigu
arnge omnibtuns fatll oif pa~ns'ngi..rs inn tow,
ti pr oteededtli ntj h~e . lotnning otn roand t o
~essurs. (hbnson & WVaton's miilis,
vbeitre it took a inarg.e ,vungmn, wveiginig
viih it loadl~~t of -flounr ahboi.. Itei tons tip
steep iante fulil of' hobi' in and rit, an nd
iing wt it ai adin to on i tetI v.
t as obvious that thei ntoad sitam(er
vas able to dlo a greant d''al tmnire nih:nn it
nund to do itn its trial. The bite otn tine
atd is sonmething mairveon, and tlhei
ay Waly jt in ilt it iloated alonng oin
ta soft n rd &lht oi tes wams very cuirnous
Ihnen ridirng on tine roand steam ner thle
elthng is like whalit .wounld be ex perie'nc
din Ir'ting ovur a smsooih soft, grass
wn. lin hre is al'bsohltty no jnarriing aii
11. Tlhusi the mnacinetry is spanred thec
tevere trials arisuing fr'omi tine blows and
nits to whnichn it is sut jected wh'eii
9, iincre'dible' a's it. ny' a -lr, n p.
>efarnce of' wear on tine indtia- rnbber'
ure.:. Thie originl surface in whnici
en rnn1bber hadn~ whns't it left tine nnaiinu
acory is still visible.
'"-ine tractive pown~ers of tine tnacine
nave sunrp'nssed all expcctaitiotns. It
ans coinstruicted to drang ann omrinibunQ
nassengertrs, abot, four tons, on a ee
oad bitt its powenrs are so rreatiy itn
xcess of' this task t hat non I md 'vet
aced beind it hans fullyX teged'it pow'
r. An opf{ortninty was oliered w htichn
waus coinfidently ex pected wounld sihow
hie ii.initv of' its capabilitiee A hugne
Lea n boiler', wei ghIinig wit h i;s' tr'nck
>et ween teel'ge disi l iihteei ton:, Itad
0 be~ dragge'd tip a hill rismng one ini
wvelve. Th'le little road (ltanmer was
hinted to te track, a ndl steadiiily d: aw
heC gt'et b oilenr to thle top of tin'e Ii. thne
ri thne iost petrfeot.manner' ' ihere wias
ot tine least sign of elipptog. Thein
oler wasg drawvn from tine wyorks of
'tessrs, Ha whciorn & Company, aloing
lie Junction' road,'and lihen, unp tihe
ill BoringtdE road to t1 flurmil
f"'sis'GbdiW & alker. ii its
ogesteroai e mhad to d~~I
~great load oger allinmda of road.
rotminag seeme'd*' toflins th'e bite of tine
ndia-rubber ireti.'~ ''ine road was so
ippery from'Trost.tlIat horses had th~
reatest cT dif#6 Ja)tf in keepinng oni thnetr
gs, but noe dial~onuty wiifboedi'i gomng
ret the, gland s'urftace with theo india..
ibber wheoelj. Ihdf4sbek ,oes ..o
hp even on ice, si. man v be easily ascer
nined by irving to slide in a , pair o
Idia ru1 b4er gvlov.bie.
A linumber of lii:-L ha. ve just beer
Onilel(ted with a powerfuil road steAni
r which hais been constiuceted foi haul
ng walgonS loaded wit Ih cofl' over thi
iilly roads in the ishlad of Coylonl.
'is - roi Steamer has two cylinders
ach1 7.}1 inches inl diameter by 10 inch
a. stroke, 11nd11 a veirtical 'pot' boiler
-et diamttor by 7.- fet high. Thi
igino is a rrangeni by. mean s of spui
vear to mako eiwr ix or fifleel
1.vohn iona4, as m-11Y v h rd for e-arl
v ofi'. <ring nheil4. Thi
.1-. ivamewr w ih-. w il b w:o...r all,
-.,ni.f>',l.wot liepr.' wvorik, ahloun 8 .n t,
I wa sill tidi to !il iii . twl It
rr. wei! r. tip 1,:,1i,.nl 1 ne ;
I x i . 1 1 w f'II mI I ii n I W I Ie I
V.1 e .1 1 1 h L ior
hi m um, lme yt-oi~ ro ,c,c,t oq ,,,, 0,
v.i liri. guead by-I ain:
'l' te nd ovp 1n-1l. ml l ityllinhvu
i . Cockl ur stret, wil h wagott n I
Ow weiin 2.1 ln<'l't s11 in-e riSeI
a~~~ ~ ~ (i.4lvl Iloi l
S i bii. I I I!t e ii -liC Iie IW n e sent. ni
6vith Ow he ele ase.
.-The next. :rial was of a Very sever.I
in-. i e ii it wa lo s, c istrlet.
*V cIa'u r . C-011 1.fle ch, w v r
tct el l a t; i e rowl st-11 er - ti
V.i9011 wi-11lhed w elnt empj'y 2:1. t( 1
W tliq i ra it fow 11- ro'a10 sto iame
-iai rom vwih to New :ilhs et.,ih-r
01e iu Sixteen inm1 Seve ri placesI. 'I'l
otal wei-ght (if conihi wat s t wentI y oit
oil f it I i t the wihill. of fotir wa
.ns is added i. nma kes a gro Veight c
hiriy two tonits and incihiig lie weigl
the read s'emner ilie weight of i
vholo train was upyards of forly toit
ithIl this train of 0) fol'u. long tio dilli.
ity was found in passit hlirouigh th
nost crewded streuts of Edinbu'trg an1
'with i thi mip. ulie of lie day and ii
he mid 4 of'a grea.nt -tnram of ordinar,
ra fiie. The i nd ia-ruibber I ires are od1i1a
dle bieyol tall conicefplionl, au] Ililhy ar
ot ih the least aff eted by citaCr lie aI
old, or misture.
Th ) Mother's P6ition.
Every mother, in some setnse, repre
tnts the entire lii u of her posterity
:lie eut hardly out, tnin an itemotion
vithitout comunicating a synpathet
c feeIingP.. liTh nat ad extent o
bhe Connection of soutl with soul, 1am
?:d]Y wii? body, we enilot easily de
m e. is it a subhllisiih of its inieic
lizite ane*tor, f Is it ani1 independ en
Iow crea.tiol n Is it "in einaatiol
IrOm the D:ity ? Wo may conjec
ur1, it we have no revelation t,
ct tle these conjecture.M Facts 'Ius
ioil tvory theory. Is a matn aOl
lieted to atny vice, physical or tnoral
wO nattirailly inqlire for , its counec
1on with th e ithbits of his parete
Metita), miotral antd physical id iosyno
racies are generally ileri.ted. Is
iall timid, Or )rave, or peculiarly it
tel.ecdal or imntbeeile, we expect t
[ind his mother was so before him1
Notling is more common than the i
pression~ that poeuiliarie os of conastitu
tiot are thle inhetr itan lce of the pIosse:
Iliw few mnotheors tlimre hie, who aj
prieciate t heir own ipiflutence at di thI
.N(iviruction,'' says an eloujtien
Fre' writer, "will throw deep0; root
ml a counttry, ntnless it reach chiibbje
through fte mother, attd mecn thirobig
womenCi.- Th'Ie pi dhi ic ist ruct or is on I
a1 dry intstrt'itnent, w~Iho tecaches tht
ailhabet ; lie nothier otf a faiiiliy is
rIpentirig thoiught, at the same tim
hat she opents hearts to livec, an
sonuIs to ebarity."
.. rs;.. B)goi niy ka3s : "Let ut
keecp 0our chiildre tc hrf our' own d1uritnj
their earlier years. T1'he world wvil
hiave them long enoutgh aiftdie'wards.
"Let us, duitnit! the Wliohd 1iroCceS
af their ed etc~tion. feel and, fear th
amipotecoeof habit. For if th
toi lig atomt beeth the waitersi
ohile to constr'uct a reeof which fia
mtake the pirotdest idip a uieck, simi
we-diare- t6 look -upon thle slightca
evil'habit, anid say it is harmtless
I'htoutgh its wvork matiy have been1 doni
ceoretly as untder the flood, yect the er
30a ost sojil tuay 1be 1ts horald aLth
Gt.- ( GuA's Powt.:n. 4 \Vasli
t4glon jelvgramn to one o1th0 Nei
? orikpa~penrs re presetitIs the R ad icals i
?Dongress as already comliinirg of Lih,
>vershtadowinog influtence of Geni. G'rni
[t adds t hat tliiro is "eospectial restless
leas tuntr Lhe ,Premiership exercised b
Washburne thiree mionthst before thi
~ommitO'eneet, oif Grant's admilnistra
10on."~ ~''Let 1s hst ve peace," says th
en'ceral.. ,Whiatever hiadica'l in Congre
hall re;ise toiobny t.he behieets of th
low Presid-nt will have'.,to -walk th
lan tk..,Tihere is no0 insuboridinationt al
owetii the~ crmy ;' aind wp have th
iend of tile arv tii o deal with. Desert
rs arec to ho, shot. Leork pit. Mseri
sehtenck. Malynard,F larn~swort h, an,
t.herg, ryho, volgq) againL t h repeali
he tenure fo folde la w.
Tiax SrCR E'r IIiS'ronY OF LINOOJ4,N A t;
uiiXS-rA-rIo.-No adhuginistration of an
'resident of the United gtites itas emnbrac
d suM1 groat and Important eventa as t
f Mr. LInd~n The scoret. hisory oflat
dministra4 ion, emibracing therivat e iito
Io'wa and corresgonditico with pro'in' ne
ndividuals of n'll pnrligs and 3rofessioi
vith rebols anI lokyal ids,~with 'mein f U1i
Iwotth and of the North,' ith tSmissere
Ito rebellion atul leadln edt oogtedof' th
'on to tuohin or,'po~gy; of. o9.D4uo.ting Lb
rar, wvould forma 4ivphimao of intense. intet
*t.. 8 uoli a werk lhas lbeen..utidlertaltn b,
Vard 11., Lamon, who will p'oan,,o
eady for the press.-.Ndtionai Jfo.ne..,
Now Advertisements,
Ieney, Glycerine, Elder Fowe ,
Doqilet #andfaln1,
IIn qual1ity, style a1"d Per1fumno warrainled
equ131 to) the Enll-ish1 11nd sold fully 5>0 peri
cent.ch p. Ivwhichl accu ns for11 1,31 'tiingliry
ink fihe .1lem1:11i for 111 he oreign Son ips, ami iun
unllprecedentle-I vsucce-n. of the American
(";m11on1y Toilet. S411p1 flow -old every
whiere it: (lhe Uniiited' State.
MlcUiONE, V'AN II\.\EN .co.,
Solo lnfcur,
jan 12 - Iwv P -hiladfelphia, anid IN. Y.
r C. sell ilhe Amprican Kuilting ~alchine.
r . Price $26>. The simplesi, ceeapest antd
best Knlililing Mlachinle everI inivente-l. Will
knit 20.,000 stileht-s per minute. Liberal inl
duceemens ton Agents. Ad~ires4 .AN1CU11.
bn-. or1S. L~ouis, Mlo.
j:um 12- -I w
(hitiAN HArNDS, NIICen., Septf. 10, 181,8.
The I-eopple sr-em to be crazy aboutl Rlie
Jhpmwr A xm.-. I'lease Send mie hwentoy doz
rt en11aore. Yo0,1rs Itly, WV. 1) G.
.r C
C.\ U TION.- Un ptlrincipled dealers are se1
ling" oI x Iep erid re, as the Hi.: JICwo:
.t Ao. The good <alities of 0is Axe con-l
.. sist in, its sperior etifting qualities not in
lth Ried Paint, d l l -
The Iled Jacket'' is ill ro.
sponsible h1 aI'dw Wdel er's ."i till'; muolianu
jan 12.4wPitsurhPa
. National Agriculturist
Pennsylvania Farm Journal.
Agriculture, Hlorticulture anid Rurul Eco
Published at Pittsburgh, Pa.
J. Ml. & 44. D. KiesteP, EditoPs.
. sstiiid by a Corps of Prateical Contributors
I'us:-S,.00 per- annum ; Tenl Copies,
U-i Ad.vertiing 25 ets. per line for eachi
insertion. "(iiAu jan 12-4wv
The Cheapest and Bbit
(' C IO'- OLLEiIONS.ie lO . rc81
-Piano Muisic.
CO.\PLIEP Library of thle Choicest
jil 1 \Cmpitio nsl. Pice s Iuited to All
Grades oif' P Ijiyers, is otprise i e coi
lowinig Series of ologaint, vCIlutnes, any onec
of hich I would cost il the qual form of
- ihne d .\lsic fen limes fihe price.
No Teath of Gemts, jus published, co
I"iiig over 100f hlie choicest and miotI
'griopur , IiotBallads, and Duets of foe
day, with , Piail. The
-se' lomCirce (I vls,I i PrciontaingMarche
- W alze Polkais,2 Scti. 1ches,10fo Reaw
Qudiles ChetapDes and n Fote
- Pim caoui asMhtufths ic.m
Circe."MilerE Cor of vol. Slos,
St03Tio Qarets w'ith~ Pian04o Al.
Sho'wi~er of Pelsld'. I. .vlipel; Chipo V1qcalji
s I l'its, whian co'ia.13 : 1Dems odemao
pI)ongs.lI og, l. . Ons, od Scotts Sofgs.
l(1035 v ol . i. lf Sard Songex .'113 vol. Op
8. rati of a~ erls. I. vL 3l Vocal bate ft
, tan0dard Operas, with Piano Aeo's.., T.ho
' Opc:-a lloufett, a collection of Votial and In
3 strumentaiol Gemus from Ofenbachi's Opera of
3 '1Grand~ Dueisse,"' .'He0lI0 I'elene,"' "Barbe
1 Jileue,'" 1and ot horS.
-Pioi... .lich .vol., Uroads $25' ('loth
53 00. Cluthi. fnll gilt $4.00. Sent, b~y
S maelil, post-.plihd, to any address.
01. OVIEIt DI1's0N & CO., Publial.o s.
S277 Wpshlington. Street, Ilostori.
- C. it. D)ITsON & CO..
S ji2-w 711 Uroadway, New York.
YahtRllNG BUTL NOIBLE.--Self help for
s . J.Youp~g M~en,.vtho h~uwit arrcq: deCsire
~abet ter. man hord, Sot in -oft'1e-d loitet. en-,
velopest, free of chiarge. If benefittedl re
liun the, postage. Address Pl'ILAN
T IROS().- flex P',-Plalldelphia, Pa.
1 ,Jan 12--4w
Anld flow the~y Livedl, Vought fid Dited
for Dixie, with Ilhifcits and
Skcehes of life in 1110
Collilery" . -
The Chke'ipertildn l/it W1ar 110k Publishid.
g-iy"- Send for Ciroulars and see out1 termls
' withi a full description of thie work. Ad
dress JONES 111OS. &A)0, philadelphia,
i Pa.; A tlanta, Ga.;,or St.. Louis, Mo,
a jani 12-4w
The Patent Magie Coib .
SWill color gray hair ELpermanent black
a brown Sold everywhere. Seilt by rnal
for $l,25. .Address
- WM. PATTON, Treasuweu,
Mngic Comb Co.. Springfied, .\lua.'
jani 12-4*
$75 to $200 per monlth. every whi fo rn'
and female, to introduce the0 OdtIne I'.
proved Common Sense Famly Seilag Ma.
chtin6. This miaclhe Will stich, li6in, fy911
luck. qjuilt, cord, bid, bnanc .ophied
der'aiio-get snperidr barner. Ptido only
$18. Fullyarne for., 11. fef \Ve
wIll pay $ o, n .maohin~ Tt. wil
t Sew n'sttoftgdr, nibro beaitiful, o d.Olas
tIc seuafn thAn uri. jt tluokes the -".l sIIIn l
SLooktfth ENety.. seCondtitith'&d b
out, and still the,. cipth-cannot., be pulled
apart wi t ctalpg -I - W ay Agents
orea 'commrI~j1 sn fk'm whidh' ' WIce that
amount can~be mnado. Adldroep 8800M &
really piractlcal d'nin u ti
"leo 1P. Itowell & de. offer to advertisers
th1'0 must comopluto method of reaching the
publij, through tIko iewspapers, or aky agen
cy In tho cotiry.-Sprtnfidd (0.) Tran.
I CrIpt.
If You Want to. Advertiso
If You Want to Advertise,
If You Want to Advertise,
Send at Stafilp
Send a Stiamp110
Scnd a Ramp
F or
OSr New Circular,
Our New Circular,
Our New Circular,
Containing Lisit
Contair1111ng Lists,
Of All The Best Avirtisiig .\lVjmns.
-of All .1he1 lu01 A dvert ising M.\dintt0.
Of All The h'st Adlvurtisi'ig Mediumtq.
The Niaies Areliven
The Nrimes Are (liven
Toe Names Are Givcn
The Prices Are.Giveen.
The Prices .\re liven.
T n 111es Are Given 1 -
o ail ICl 1t10t1e111 thle coi
Y11 Cn Estuate the Cost'.
You ('l Etimeate the Cow.
Al d
A till
"Make Your Order Large or- 8mit.
M ake Your Order Largo or Smalk.
Mak Your Order Large or Smll.
Our L~ists Of 100
Our Lists f 10
Our LAis Of 1.00
Lodal Papers
Local Papers
Locatl Palpers
And fligh Pricede Yeeklic-e
a nid liigh-PrIced Weekles
And Iliigh-lriced Weeklies1
Are Largely Used Ily A lverlters,
Are Largely Used -By Advertisers,
Are Largely Usedl By Advertisers,
Because the Spetciatl Rates
Because [lhe Special iates'
Becauso he Special loes
And Ihe Choice Position O teret'
And d he Choice Poition t .ereo d
And1 tile Choice Positidilfelred
Ma11ke Theml Paly.
lace thm iay,
Mlake Them Pn.-1
Sendf FVoi'a Circular
Send1-11r1 a sOircullar
0 lt l eroa Creulpr
Geo. P'. Rowoll & Co.,
Geo. P1. Rovell &: Co ,
Geo. P1., well &. Co.,
'UAvertising Agents,
'iAdveritin Agents,
a Advertisig Agents, N Y ok.
TNVlNew York,
New York.
4'10he house of Geo. P. Rowell & Co. is
the o ly one in t ie busines I i tt h s itself.
tlu.l Mdvertising to nny great extent to dot
vance its ovn litereis. 'T y speind orgt
snelm,.and m, by personal experience wht
advertisig pays (the best."- N. Y. Mait.
UNIVEUISALLYn aiowiedged the iod
Pairlor .\aginiie oi' Amed-ca ; devoted
t Original Storiec, Pems. lketchri. iHouse
hold Matters, Gems of Thoutght, Personat
Literary ossip (ineohding spcia departi
mnents1 onl Fashions). Instructions oil
ciialth, Nltiusi, Amsiements, etc., by the
best autilors, and proftisely illsraten .,arll
costly Engravings (full . si~e) Useful 11m1i
reliable Pattersm, and a co n
stant succession of' artistic n'ovelties, withi
other uiseful aind entertinIing literat1.ure-..
No person of. refinmoient, economalec
house9wife, 01,lady of 11ns10 canl afford to dot
without thle MAldel 1110nthl1y. Specimnen
opies, 15fcenrs; mailed free; Yearly, $3.
with a valab 1.... p bi; i o oie,.
Nhe opis $753 Broeadpwiy, Sle , ank.
Dpenddoresmonthl aor clubs a $3meach,
wtgethe 4 irt preium h l'tutor each.cr
ri Mll best Juiventile Mlagazine. Every Iloy
Jthat and Girl Bees it. says so ; all ltho
P'ress says so: antd Parentts and Tecachters con
firm it. Do not. fail to secure a copy. A goodl
Mlicroscope, wvithi a Uhiss Cylinder to eon
ine living objects, or a good two-bladed.
pearul Pocket Kuitfe, and a large number of'
other deisirable articles. given as premniumas
to .each subscribter. Yearly, $1.50.
* Publishing Of1icc,' .
478 Broadway, New York.
.lTry if, Boys and~ Girls. Specimon co
pies. five cnts, maniledl free.
jan5'_ __
Goodrich, Wineman, & Co.,
Cha'lestonl, S. C.
For Stile Hero by
sept. l7-Om
Osa~ SurUNTtvnuarr's Orntc,
Chtarlest on, S. C., March 20, 1868.
Ob and after Sunday, Marel;, 201th, the
'Jassenger Trains on the-Southt Caroli
na Railroad will run as follows, yi
Leave Charleston, 0480 A in
Arrive ptg p gusta -.. 3 - .30 p m
Arrive at A~igusta, . 6.. .34&a
Leave Charleston, 6.40p .
Arrive at Uolumabla, 6. 2f n
Leave Augusta, ..0 n
Arrj~ve nt~hrleton 8l a m
L~eave Autgaig~ 41 p t
Arrie Al ClIai'test on, p~ ans
L~enaoColu~Ib 4 .0 a m
A rrIvo at 0srogot .00, put
Learcho ni b1 3 pga
ave ,,MS TRAIN.
LeveOharlesIon,-a .,'. 8i40 y la .
Loeteutm *sylli,i, - ,2 a 14
Arrivo at .C 4les n1 -8,88' tbf
BD IN Bfl. -
.1kd says aqe Ratn~y*,
avl l .20.p tn
P 50Qp.utl
mat- 31

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