OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, October 11, 1871, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1871-10-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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0:- Messrs. Griffin & hloffman,
Newspaper Advertising Agente, No.
1, 8t. Itaul's Street, Baltimore, Md.,
are duly authorized to contract for ad
vortisemonts at our lowest rates.
Winnsboro Cotton Marketi.
For the week ending 10th instant,
there were 166 bales of cotton dis
posed off at 17 to 181 cents.
Not a cAd1 l 'e^^^
According to the Reporter of the
Charleston Courier, Gov. Scott will
decline i re election to the Guberna
toria Chair.
New Sto e.
By reference to his advertisement
it will be seen that Mr. James Beaty,
lia opened business at the Store fvur
nierly occupied by M5erss. Boo &
We bespeak for hin a liberal share
of the public patronage.
An Explanmation Needed.
We should be glad if Gov. Scott
woild explain to the people of South
C.u-olina why he permits State Treis
urer Parker to remain away from his
duties thrc6 monls. This is an out
rage, and the people should speak out
in tie strongest terms of cundemna
tioni of it.
Menr Advertiseatreuuts.
Miehwsrs. Bacot & Co., advertise to.
day a steck of choice groceries. Give
thent a call if you want something
See notice of S. B. Clowney, C. C.
P., in regard to sale of valuable pro.
8ee .lvti.-ementt of R. C. Shiver
& Ca.
Ne~tv ~'4
We ueg wiave to Cal l 0t atention
of our re-ider< to the ign advoi tise
n-cit of Al. . I'. r in totinys i .
sue. lie h1 S goo , o t .ve -O....
tior, and partics w-anting laytlIIg
.fron a knitting needle to a band,
spik' --au be ,upptied by calling ol,
We return thanks for the samples of
"nice tliinga," sent us.
09 Contractios will not be allow.
ed, uuder their contracts, to adver
tise any other than their legitimate
busine!ss, unlletss by paying specially
fir such advertisement.
Fall ;oOts.
We direct special attention to the
advertiseuent of Ladd Bros. & Co.
'I'hey have on hand the most
complete sto.-k of goods ever brought
to this market. Give them a call.
S. S. WoIre
Advertises a large and carefully
selected stock of fall Gooeds. H~is
stock will bear inspection. Go and
examine for yourselves.
AssothIer Oftmge
Poor Jim Brooks, "the fellow that
shot at a rabbit and killed the hog,"
h as been lodged in jail. Regriescat
in , tie.
Columbia Union will please copy.
Old John Robinson's big show will
visit Winnsboro on the 28th of this
The Charlotte Democrat has beeni
requested to state that no foe will be
charged for entering any article or
nimal at "The Fair of the Caroli..
nas," except on horses competing for
premtiumis on speed.
We call the attention of o'ur read
ers to the advertisemaent of Messrs.
Gleo. WV. Williamsa & Co., of Charles.
toni, in another column. They offer a
number of kinds of Ties for stale,
among which arc the Eureka and Ar.
row so well and favorably known to
our planters. See card.
We des.ire to call. the attention of
our worthy TJown Council to the n um.
her of vagrants frequenting our
streets, lounging on the corners, atid
makiig prioximiity to thIem anything
but pleaiant. Tlhe Vagrant Act
shtouild he rigidally tanda p romtptly ett
forced, r~ ad those.~f st ieat l's..Cra mrde
to se: ye the comil:a.1,ai iy int a~ ,.a 5
pr.11ablec way.
'f'he Sotuth Caraollaan Ismanlgsul..
Ilin Prizes.
Thela d rawing of th 2,40.1 8 e in
I he above enIterparise, wv: 'ake t le
ill ,niattary 1872, undea tia,. imay e.
menlt (of Gen. Wrght, of GO..rglis
Hona. Roger A. Pryor, of Newi York,
Gent. lBradley Johnson, of Virginia,
and Col. B3. H. Rutledge, of South
Carolina. The tickets are only five
dollars each. The highest prize is
$250,000 ; the next, $100,000 ; the
third, $25,000 ; and so on, fronm
$10,000, downwards.
ulase Ball.
A match game of Base Ball was
played in Columbia on last Tuesday
between the "Mutuals" of the Oolum.
bia garrison, and the "Nowlan Club"
of the garrison at this plade. We
regret to learn thitt the "Nowlan's"
tame Off econd best, the, score stand
Ing 51 to 6 in favor of tiin "Mu
In this conhootion we would sug
gest to the you'ng men of tb Town, in
view of approaching cold weather,
the formation of a Base Ball Club.
Outside of the pleasure of the game the
exercise would be vefy bondfloial and
prowoto hardihood and good health.
Let some of the public spirited ones
take the matter in hand.
Corner No. 1.
Mr. It. W. Desportes advortises to
day, a choice lot of goods-. In addi
tion to other good things, he has some
extra fine Cognao Brandy, which we
can safely reoomnmend, for we have
tried it.
Fortuneves Waltilig ior Some
O.a or about the 8th of January,
the series of Gift Conoorts will corn
mence in Charle.ton) Whiich will re
sult in twenty-four hundred and four
people drawing cash prises amount
ing to five hundred thousand dollars.
The highes.t prize is na Academy of
Music, worth $250,000; the nuxt is a
pile of greenbacks, value 00000;
the third. $25,000, and ,.o on. Thos,
born to good luck will win thee gifts,
for the enterprise is in the hands of
some of the mnotdistinguished men in
the country, whose word is their bond,
and wbose purpose is the nobler one
of raising large ineans with which to
settle iunigranti on Southern lands.
The tickr-tt are five dollars each, and
niy bc purchased from the local
agents (it the South Carolina Land
ad Immigr.Ition Aiodiation, Char
le.ston, S. C.
Bae Mail.
We are glad to chronicle ilh fit
that aitBso BAll club, call 'd ti
"ted Jackets" has been fornied 1)y
the young mjen or the tovin. Thi,
something much needed by tih.
younger portion of the community
and we hope that the organization
will be kept up, and tnade one of tiev
the attractive fiatures of the town.
We learn that a club has also been
formed at Itidgeway, and doubtles:
we shall soon see contests for the
championship of Fairfield.
iNegro Debts.
From the Greenville Mountaineer
'f Oct., 4th instant, we find the fol
lowing facts, which may be of vast
interest to some of our readers:
"At the last Term of the Court of
Conimon Pleas for this County, the
question of negro debts was brought
directly before the Court. Suit had
been brought upon a note, which
was shown by the evidence to have
beeni given in part for the purchase
money of a negro slave. In chmarging
the Jury, his Honor Judge Orr stated
that when elected to office, he had
taken an onth to support the Constitu
tion of this State; that a. clause
of that Constitution expressly for bade
the collenttion of debts, the consid era
tion of which was the purchase money
of a slave or slaves; that in his opin
ion this clause wan not inconsistent
with any portion of the Constitution
of the United States, which also lbe
had sworn to rupport, and that there
fore he was constrained by the oathl
which he had taken, to charge them
that they could not, omistently with
law find a verdict for that porti-on of
the debt which was for a slavo. He
stated hb had a distinguibhed prece
dont in disregarding the~ late decis
ion of' the Su.tne Court of this State
d eciaring such debts collectable.
Tha t Judge E~arle, in the case of the
State vs. eloBride, and upon some
what irhilar glounds, had refused to
regard a deoision of the thea Su
prerne Court, and had been sustained
by the remodeled Supreme Court
which hleard the case onl a ppeal,
Ihe Jury were out but a few mrin..
utes, arnd in) threir verdict ignored thle
negro part of the debt. We do not
know whether an appeal will le ta
ken or not.
floW to Curie Cold.
As the seasons for colds is now up~on
Us, It may interest our readers to
learn what high medical authority
says is thme best treatment for those
tmonblesotne attacks. Thie adv'ice is
to ed ut oh icng at theals but a piece of
toni:,t, Oriak frcelIy o~f cold 5mater, walk
twice a oumy ;ill you are In a genitie
Ip. r ep ration, aInd go to bed early,
Souith (0 Aroliha Ilonds Ih Walf Etreet
'ihe Ne Y~ ork hera ld,.f inen. 1*~
dauy, ltintt repr. o the. stock anket.
for 'he precedring day, say I
Thebc Southertn etarts botids were
untfavorably inifluenced by a fresh dla
pla y ofweakne.'s in thbe Sout b Car olinas
which~ touched the lowest figures re
corded siince thleir restoration to the
call of the Stock E~xehange a few
yearasince on the resumaption of inter
est paytlnents. It sees that a large
amount of the bonds had beetn hypo
thecated with the Tenth Nationa I
Bank, which called the motney, rrnd
was compelled to sell the bonds on
account of the default of thme borrow
ers or the money. The January and
July bonds sold at 49[ and the April
and October bonds a 484.
'Reader to ill their Iues" Nothing Less
Nothing More.
On a review of the several a'tielei
which we have written concerning
the lottery scheme of Messrs. Butler
Chadwick, Gary & Co., we acknowl.
edge to an excess of oenutre on th<
gentleman njamed. 'this impression
and acknowledgment appears the
more just and satisfactoty in our
judgment bcoaus- some friendd haVe
respectfully nsked us If we had tt
been) i our striotur13, "too personal."
We voluntarily take this statemeli
fromt a seuse of justice to the partie
n elod, and fi om no request, so1liCita
Lion, dietation, or an)thing of the
nort, direc'ly or indiieetly, from any
peismn. It is what we honestly be
lieve is duo to the persons unamied.
Christiain NeiyAbop.
Fortier Destruction of the Georgia Itiet
The Savannah Advertiser, of yeater
day, (Fi iday,) Hays : "We have bewi
ShOWn adv ices fromt the Satilla, which
state that in addition to the disister
sustained by the crop from the heav3
Ju:y and August flows and storms,
nearly all the islaodrs in the Satilla
River are now under water, and there
i.< ko possibility or stvitng iu wn)
plat. tat ions in that leinity more than a
hialf eit nt d even tha in a diaageu
conidi to n."
r$s 1 of FI6sih
The AnnTual Convention of the
I ,icopal Church for the diu.:e of
N -w York is now in sessiin. An lit
t rcsting incident) iutlaindiately after
the organitation of the convention,
was the re.jection of the tpplicntion of
the Church of St. Mary thet Virgin to
be adinitted to bationioal coinet-tiun
wi ;h tile dioces., ou the gronnd that
It was impossible for the commasnittee
having the matter it charge to.deter
tine whether it was Iownu C.atholie
o sonething else.
Indiall Persionni,
"Basby-Hlead," the Clief or the
Caerokee Indians in North Ciuoliia)
%as int Augusta yesterday. la i
bu 'y scttlimig the alitairs of' his tribe,
which tinnmber about 1,600. They
ha e just tuide up their miinds to go
ciet. lheir present hottie no long.
4.- game, etc. In the Wes.t they
xp.ect to find better luitirig grounds.
BinAab-Head is ab'o11t fitty-sik yea
old, 1ad is a well preservedspeci
MCI ot his tribe.
A Prompt Executive.
On Sunday night Governor Valk
er received a disiatch from Cai.t in
R->bins. n, of the Daniville Grays, ask
i'a for aimmnilition, in view of tl
pr bable reiiewal of liostilities by tKl0
rioters. The (I overnior promipt.ly re
p!ied that lie wouI 'end the aunlaltuni
ion by the 4. A. M. train yesterday,
or by a special train if rcessary, and
added : 'Avoid bloodshed if poessi.
b e, but preserve the peace at all
To Kranti D. Hunter of Leone,
Central Auierica.
T State of South Car'olina.
George L.. luon r, as administrator of I la
Estate of Geo go Ri. luniter, deceaseed.
Plainatilf a-'ta ist Ad am F. II unaer
Abram F?. iluni er. Iieur'y II. luiter.
Cyrus W. Ilunt r,. J. T Dearintg, nnd all
others, creditors I' said dlecnsed, whose
interesis mlay req ' e an answer to this
Comnplatint--Deferm is.
Silnnuolls for hielief.
To the D~efenidants Yott ate hereby soot
moned and required answer the coimpiant
in this action, which t. tiled in lie office ot
the Clerk of Commuton 'lens, for the said
County, anid to serve a y of your answer
to the said complanint on te subset iber at
his UilicejNo. 7. & 1. Mla -et Street Winns..
horo, So. Ca.--wirthin Twc ty Days aft er
the service hereof, exclusive of thle day of
such service ; d itf you ft to answor the
Complaint within thle timi e foresaid. the
plaintiff in this action wil ply to Ihea
Court, for relief demanded ih th complaint.
Dated 9th October 1871.
Planintiff's A omney.
V'ublished by order of the Judge.
oct 1 1--x 6 Winnsboro, 8. C.
Trust What Time Sanctioned.
.'Phie maxiom th~at thle ' tice of th l p ~ eoplt
is tie voice of' uthe divinty mtay itt somet
cases, he openi to dtiubt, bit atIest imoniy 01
hmonest. andh entightenmeil witnmessc s ext etingi
ihrouigh a series of years, nnid tall to the
samte puarport, is worthy~ of cedenice, ad
mit s of no qtuion. Uott such test imon)
lie reputtationt of lostetct er' inach liii.
ers ns ant atntidlote and enmre for tsty nal
mtenits is based. Duirinmg lhe t wenlty yea~
thai it has he. ta biefoie ithe world, Iinnmo
rahle prepariations intendled to coinptt
withI it, hatve gone up like rockeita, and
comeo down thle extinuiihed~ st ickst. .\ean.
while lie pro.girs of i lit inicomprale
tonic has been swIft antI steady-n-lways
upward andh onward like the enagle's flight
Its t i troducnt ion produced a rt-voltutiot iu
ltheapeticsot, and it proved to lie oneo e
tose sithiiiary revolaitionis lihat cannot gt
hack wards. To~duay hlostett er's liii term
Ia 000 oif this itot populiat' retettica in
chri'stendnin, ail comanitds a larger palm
than arty ot her thtetlicinial prepnttiion. di.
mestic or lmpoti ed, on this sideo of te At -
laittie, As a ete for dytupepsin, bilious
disneders,~ fttietis nifetettotti, general de
bIlty. nnd ts a pirethtive of einudemnho ft.
vmer, it IakI's precedenrce of every othetr re
mtedy. Th is faet blhould tenoh thle atitibitlious
Ctitintmy dealers whlo enideavor to foisi
their local abortionis on the public in iti
it enrl, It av futile t heir all aft emtpl to
enjole thei comuniiy must necessarily be
Where the tautme fish hagve faIled the'e Is no
chattce for the "sucker's." oct 8
lbirotaraxT~ to ilutti,r,pns ASt) (oNiTRAc
TOins. -- We learin fromit our Charjlesion ek.
chi a nges t liat Mrt P'. P. Toal', t he well.
kinown tmainufactur'er of Dootrs .Sashes,
Wiinds, &c , tias (statblishied a (depot at No.
20 lIayine street, where he keepsconstantil
on hand not ontly all uartioles from hiisowri
mianutfaetory, bitt also every variety of
builders' hardware, French and Amerlmu1
window glass, both plain and ornamental,
slate mantals, and, in short, everythimng
necessary to finIsh, handsomely, a real.
denea n t~re ar a chuch s-p 2
Or uhsdern course of living bbgets a
condition of the body that requires occa.
signal relief. The system becomes en
feeblaid, deranged. clogged, ahd labors in
its task. The mind sympathises with it
and both sink, or are dopesatled together.
To restore the vital energies, purge the sys
tem-clean:e the blood-tako A)er's Pills.
-Ol.%4gow (Ity.) Free Press.
llicklMI Tongues, Smoked Tongues.lamt
of (he cheioest lrands, Sodi, Lemon. Gin
gti, Fallcy Ahlt iller Crackeras llorse.
fotd's Bread lreparation. highly reoom
nierided, (aint'si Sea Fonnia Mr iMtking
bread and 'hisonits, I crisc Dev. Unlt, excel.
lent lunichies. sutpnere. &e . 15) boxes Glos
ter Cheee, 11 b, xe< Engijlish Diairy ( heese,
Cox Gh t ise, As.srted Extracts, ranid
Penches. Ass.rteI Jellies. De.o Coconnit.
Lemon Syrup. Enaglislh Pickles, at 60 cts.,
per bottle, Sardines, Cigars. &c.
oct 10 BACOT & CO.
COLU.11.1A, S. C.,
,kRE now prepared to receive orders for
D Dres Making, and hnvo thie sane
done with dispatch and in the
Tip of the Fashion,
They have secured the services ahd tit
peritendance of
Atsis.thl) I
hadimtilselle Cinib
One ye.ar front Paris. And employ none
h1t11 tle bes.8t iands We gUtrtintee every
thing we do to aalisfy.
11ridil ifossenlis
Gotten ip at short notilo-'. Ordtes solicite-.
It. C. S. & CO.. dleahl id
Millinery, Dry 03oosl. lHuots and Shoes.
Futr.. Carpets. llats, anI al dndles line of
other Mesrchandise.
It. C Stvenu. DAVIDs JoL.S
Oct 10-tIxl
B BLS. Extrat C and Brown Sugiirs, Itack
erel in IarreN and i its, bbls. Plour.
Canned Goddq.
tltesh Ilencheq. Oysters. Devilled Jinnm.
['omnatoe<. S-lirdines. Greeni Cornt, Presh
Sainon, ino Apple. Jellies, Prese-res
tny Pnche-esj Irstnly Cherries, Pickles.
Chow Chow. imported. Vine Che*ing and
Smokinig Tobacco. Segrits. Tubs, Buckets.
Churns, CIege. C rnoktrs, Tin Ware,
Hroonts. Parlor Malhes.
1111 id L411611.
14xtrA. Vine Old Family Rye, Old Nect'ar,
Old Log Cabin. Sherry Wine, Port Wine.
hlollaind tin, Phre N. C. Whiskey and
Itectitied Llwl Whiskey.
We MaLe Pine L.itjinoi a RPECIALTY.
and those In neEd will do well to apply at
Corher No. 1.
t t It. W. DR$P"13ktEFS.
Olt hAud a full narortinetit of Shotetils,
8pades. Manuteh' Forks, Ti-nute hdhahe. Bnl
andes, Steelyards, Hames. \tile Show-,
[nils, lMido Nails, tP1tes. S11(1ce pans,
Well Huekein, Alkes, Ake li111ttiles, Fi-y
Pants, Sieves, lintihets, 8tedi Iron, iorse
Shoe Iron, &c. ;ACOT & CO.
oct 10
Ten4 T01n41 Ten8s
Just receivesd a full nsasortmnet, tf lthe
above. consisting in part. df Young fly.
son, $1 25r per his.. Oolont'. '$1 60p pr lb..
imperiail. Al 7 'ier lbt , RI.'tra Yitne tun
Powder. $2 00O per lb.. lRtmdi.4h ltIrnkfast,
$1 60 per lhb, ctenIeull~y s'll'et ed lthd ud fine
flavor. B4llOi & th
oct 10
1l ibbons,
firoad dlot i,
QJuiltsi 20O
c lsi nds,
hooks, &0.
We ask the n'tent Ion of thd JIndies and
thie Public generally to thte large and
choice assortmnent of the above goods,
*hoh *e are now receiving for (he fall
D AILY receiving the largest and best ass
market, which will be sold at prices Asi
TO T)IE LA)IES-Thosein want of
attachment, to the latest Over-covering in I
Dress-from a Jaspanese Poplin to Fall styl
they will be suited both in quality and pric
TO TI GR ETL E MEN. -Those wishi
(loths, Boots nnd Shoes, also a complein Il
before purchasing elsewhere Wnti ybut *111 fi
To the Planters and communily in genorm
at inrge. Consisting of Goods., Domestic it
vMi ce on tnst for CASHt. Time nosortment
is iarge, and am receiving additions' daily.
My motmto beiNg quthlk sale? hUd smiall prol
oct 5
1 A 71
Wit woutld re pectfully enil the atthtton
of the ed Iplo of Fairfield to oufir
Dry Goodis,
Boots and Shoe,
Hats and Caps,
Nutions and
laney Goodp)
Wood Ware.
Willow Ware, &c.
W"eV G-Tsx'a3.tee
All Goods at the
ILowest Price
They can be bought. at in
Any Market of Our Stae.t
tIvery like of Goods Full and ilomplete.
Give our Strek a Look.
oct 6
I IIAVMtia re~qived a rreshm lot of all
kindse of' Groceries, beth Fsancy and
Time celebratedl Old1 Bourbion Whiskey, dII
rect front Kentucky, biesidea every kind of
Birandy, Wine. Ales, &c.
Good heomlock Fole-Leathecr.
A lot of Amtlon Club ughl, better and
cheaper than Bal'ines.
sept 23 R J. MictA itLEy.
formthiien of
Winnaboro and tPairfield Dlisttt titar I
have just retmsrhed fromi t' Voi-k and
have piurch-imsed a fusli assortment of Wattch-.
Os. Jewelry, Ctidck, Spectacles, &c., ands
trill sell at the lowesti prices, antd w#ould
resjpet-fully ask mime continumantle of mhe
patrohage of my olhI frieinds and customneru*
All goods warranedl as reresented. I am
psrepa red to do all kind of Watch and Jew
elry work and. hiia lways It gned * tock of
good material ott itand andl wilt guarantee
satisfaction5 All Wlsr'I Waranted.
flecend deer frem Col. Rion's Offie.,
ALARIGE assoriment of Ladies, Genta
Aahdl Youtha Booms anti gboe.. Also a
lot of Rendy Matte ( lothming, attel a lot of
S4moking and Ci'etrit Totnacco. dlust re
ceived by MeIN T I Il & CO.
sept 28
ml Ibr ?ar'tition.,
Johh P. McKissick and wife ,s. bavid L.
Olontm Aduit. and ulhets
Pdttatmtani tt an order of Couft. nIn t
time Uurtuse sove sinted. the Oft'ditorg of
the estate of fi, A. (tlvnt dee'd., are rem
qiui tU Jri!lnt id estahiiah their
eldtims biefor.ie ho underignsed t mlliefetee
hi the office of Clerk mf Court, in
Winimasboro 8, C, on or h-fore 1st Nov next.
sept 21 fl in Referee,
PItillip D. Cook Ex'r. vs. Jredtry L, Allen,
and other's
Creditors of the estate of John Ricks
dem'd. are hereby notified thsat they aroe.e
quired by order of Court in .above action
to present and estabissh their elaims he
fore the snhersigned, on or- before thte 1et
day of December, next
inept 80 flx2. stpecial Referee
Colgate idamify Soap.
S T^"C", Po*'-h'. Concentrat-d tie,
Axle Grease, Candles, Ilckles, IRaissa
Omun Powder amnd ('aps. Also a barrel of
N. 0. Byrup, a superior article. For sale
by MofNrTYRE & 400.
seP? 9
L 1871.
)rted stock of goods ever brought to this
onishingly Low.
New Styles-from a Hoop Hkirt *ith iluasel
he shape of Ii1sques and Paletotes, or a New
es of UAlico, can find an asedriment in which
, Calico as low as 10c , yer yard at
8. . W L"E'".
g New Styles of lint-, Clotlhil Casmimere
to of Furnishing goods and .1-osiery. Cll
ad the best class of gouds at
8. 8. WOLFE'S.
6l, I would invite an inspection of my slock
nd Foreign, will be sold at a very small ad.
of Shawls, Cloaks, Blankets and Overcoats,
The whole will be at prices to suit the times.
r. S. WOLFE.
Liverr aLd Sale
ai STABLE. &
1 WILL receive on or about the first of
September next, a lot of extra fine Ken.
tucky llorses a d Mules. Parties desiring
fine Stock will do well to call on me early
In connection with my .ivery Stable, I
havo opened a Carriage, Buggy and Wag.
oh icloI-y. All Work neatly ekedtted and
WVarranted, Give me a call.
alg 26
. f tIo
rs C;" - *"
. . W d g) t.
-~- s
n .~ . oIN C
0 W
0 ue
ry, Chna. adWhilen rait
goods. Vases, Toilet Sets,
Fancy Articles.
Orders from thie Coinni'y carofitilly filled
and~patisfaction guarateed.
M5 KigllgS., Cor. Beanfrainl Key Blox 621,
sept 2-8
ProTT r
Win Gri. MiWhgidsen dA
sept i l0.t i.N 101189
Joh endo, Jewe' y, ofIS iler aneta
FienCt nof noro i Moble, deensle. vs~l.
rond BoIlwarendulcinaeKerriandiho
husb d. ilaner, J.le W. t,', an
anderr thandJoey WootilkIsa
Mobley, i Latogaaitc WerdaksnMoy
? b~t'King Mbl, Nath B anral c Mlobley,
CII.R.AlILL SuOsan C.tn Vco
se. Mo2 yRbetP.MblyiIna
anrhr eus and to (Iibl, Cn th
Mclra, and hert lO husdD. R.ur,)
witreoealin rmillon tnd rer u
band iliam ixer in, Jatrnnge ason d
FyrstllChris eveey unknwn,
hteirs of M~a Mobley, dees--Defen
wtinellios thill Bthtin Iof Rea
anY r herebysumoeband retxwtil s
quiedlo nnkese-on anPet husnd r iono
whichi iled in rhoits o thle Judgae o
andbsee a cy Weif Jakutanwe unote
stiurber a oliheyroc, Nat ha, oLeyw
R11ge,~ A. 11h1e Ton Winnr, i tor
Soey, iyn wn. dabys arth se-c
(of the tmarny F. y~ort, e.lus'. Mofhe
d lfsice sand i.f yo ail ton iate
the Pettio nd ti he itimei afrsi, t.hec
U'ttfra s ll Freey toki reeur ofro.
batsofee Crdonty afrnioa iu foher rlief,
beanded.it, enllin ae Ifto
Witee, William re,. Nern, -sur
Jtirs of Mryaey ad fo sid-Couny
dais.e2t a fAuutA 81
S~hhinoA fbornysVfr eitioof es.
To the Denadana---Roberts in toble
Mcom, M eiareF hrobynusonE and robe
antird er hsand, R. EtiMonit, Cthi a
and srw an copy husan y. uR. Mcer nth
slieriVer iio anher ousbchd Ni). li, am
Vermitlie, JIne aton ad hrni hsand
Sobtit Wtin, Gorntyy Fr tilh seric,
ofctor tmRn Money, x Pol'r n .--..
dt osercit name unknown) her o
otMaydetley eesd
ta nofilhlan h. Neli n suin
teJuge of P robate n for said Countyo
lithe 28th lay of Augus A. . 181.
Attorneys for PetIitirs.
W.s fwM NISN ( .
'The only Reliable (1i Distribtttion in t1i4
dountry 1
$60,000 00
To bt DitatedIV IR
L.o D.u S1 siB
162nd Regular Monthly
To be Drawn Monday, Nov 27th, 1871.
TWo 'Grand Capitals of
$5,000 Each in Greenbacks,
Two Prizes $1,000
Five Prizes $00
Ten Prizes $100
Eaoh in Greehbacks I
WHOLK NUM11HR OF CAs81 oirTS $100,000
1 lorre and Buggy, with Silverbounfte4d
liarneds, worth $000.
1 Fido-loned Rosewood Piano, worth $600t
10 Family Sewing Mnchlies, Worth $100
6 Ileavy Cased Gold fluantihg Watches 'and
Ileavy Gold Chains, worth $8t00 each.
6 0ol- Atmerican lunting Wnttohes, worth
$126 each.
10 Ladies' Gold Ifunting Watalles1 Worth
$126 each.
800 ild khd Silet Lever 1unting Watoh
es (in all) worth from $20 to $300 encht
lndies' lold hdtitiie Chatins, Gent's Gold
Vest Ulanlas, Sllvor-platett Castors; Solid
Silver and Doublo-plated Tatlb and TeaA
R1yons, Ivory-handled Dinner Khit s, Sit.
Vet plated Dinnet' Forks,Sllver Vest UhainA
Photograph Alboutts% Ladies' Gold Breast
p11na aid Hat, riligs, Gent's Breast pius,
Siint Studs aind SleeVe Buttons, Finger.
rings, Uold iietis (9ilvel' extehalon,) eta.
Whole noumber Giris, 11,000. Ticketi
limited to 110.000. Agents wnnted to sell
Tickets. to whoni Liberail Pttnuims will be
paid. Single Ticketi $1; 81k Tickets $61
Twelve Tidl; -tf 010 - Twenty-1ive Tiekete
$20. Cirefflat-s (o11tiitng [a B1 lit of
prizes, a dedoriptioit di the ihanrner ot
drawing, and other iblbrultation in refer&
once to the Distribution, will be sent to any
DOne ordering them. All letters must be ad&
drehsed to L. 1). 8I NB, liox 86.
[Aice, 11)1 IV. bti 86, Cininnati, 0,
oot 6
CAR loat St. Louis 1bd May Aecd Wh6it,
Car lo!%d St. Louis White, Black and Red
Seed Oats,
Car land Westbrn Fthlily niid ExtrA
i lour,
stnoked alut Bulk Ilacon, Shgal Cured
lanp, fleer Tongues, Dried Beef, No. 1,
2 amti 3 Mickerel, in kits, half had quartell
and whole barrels, all guaranteed, afid
Pearl Grist.
D. Rt. Flenniker.
We are Agents for the Manufacturers for
8ivott, ArPPoW, A H Cho~'1 mnd Iluttet
ALet) or tit
Just landing d.000 Ilundles of the * Ed.
reka'' al Look Triea.
No Tie cah smiitas the "FZnreira" fos'
simnplict ay andi durability, ahid we offer it ad
a Tie thal is undke'elled.
The Arruft' is also Well knowh..
We astk your orders, guaranteeing as low
prices nas they enn bb p'iarohased at in anf
Soot herh pomt .
We shmall be pleasedi to b'andlle consigtt:
mients of yotte cotton, amid will give alt
shaipmients our closest attention.
Cotton Fact ors, Chunrch.st, ret,
se pt 27-x2mno Charleston, 8. 0,
Mill 9sarintShatInt&Pai.
P'oor Mian's Familf~ Di term
i Fluid kxtrpoat Cannabis Indti
60is. Pure 011 Lemon, Lemon
and Raifphett Syrp Lao
c.-s tio Acid, Dedt Coal Oil Pure
Sherry and Port WVine, tot'
Medlii Purposes, Motr'
phine and Quaiqiht at Low
JPrices, Liebig'sIsat, Beet,
. Palmetto Staroh, liace's
1bseiicsdTnger, Cernpotind Brup of Phog
phates or Uhmieal 1ood, Chlorate of
Poinsh JLoseniges tot (coup. &o.
July 25 Drug~ Store.
KInstaat &P lowe/i,
Factors and Commissiot*
MercA ants.
LibraiAdv'ances made ori
Cotton and'Navai Storate
Char/etton, S.

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