OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, April 10, 1872, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1872-04-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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Qithedule of V4 V. & Ai Rag
Trains golnf North-'-leave at f.45
P.M. andI A. l. /
Tiains 'goin4 South-leave af10.45
M. and 11.80 P. M.
Make a Corre'ctoiu, friend
The Charleston Courier of Tuesday
last says. Mr. 0. It. Brown Pro
proprietor of Brown'siotel, is dead.
This is a mistake. Mr. 0. R. Brown
wasformerly the p)opr?etor, but the
present propi6otor is iarous . Brown
Esq. le is not dead, and 'o hope
will live to enjoy an extrem6 old ago.
New Advertiseuents.
Attentiot is called to the new ad.
vortisements of several of our mer
bantile friends. Now is the time to
lay in summer supplies. Groceries
are cheap, and a choice and teuipting
stock is in town. Prices are sure to
be higher later in the season, and it is
advantageous to purchaso now. 'at'
tronize all, and you will make no one
Sheriff Sale-L. W. Duvall, Sher.
iff Fairfield County.
.pring Goods-8. S. Wolfc;
Sale of Mortgaged Land--W. iR.
Lost-Apply at this officod.
License Notice-J. S. Stewart.
NVew Goods.
We dropped into the store of
Messrs. Woodward & Law a few days
ago, and were shown a .beautiful and
select sto3k of rpring and summer
goods, which they have recently ro
'eived. Our lady friends can find, by
calling on these'gentlemen, anything
in the plain or fancy dress goods line
that they wish, at prices too that will
'barry them bnk to ante-belluin days.
Deatla of D. 11. Cook, Es .
Ve regret to learn of the death of
B. B. Cook, E,q., an old citizen of
this County, who forimrly occupied a
promiuct position in public life,
Mr. Cook died on Sunday last.
ku litlux Ars-e'ss
Several arrests have been made in
Laurens and Newbbrry. The work is
still going bn.
Wo learn also that several arrests
Iave be6n mae iii the upper portion
of this-County.
The Coluabla Election.
W6 learki 'oii h6 Columbia Plce
laiio'f eiddrday' that the itepublican
candidate %vete 'l4-t'bd Tuesday, in
fvcry Ward. Thb Puoanix says, had
the white citizens turned out general
ly, the result would, doubtless havie
been different;
The north bound day train 6n the
U. C. & A. RL. R. ran afoul of a how
near Batesville on Tuesday, and the
mail noach was bidly sildihd tp.-.
1i'ortunately no one received any so
rious injury. In consequence of the
train being thrown from the track, it
did not reach this place uiitil about
8 o'clock that night.
Etuster Electioni,
At a meeting of the congregation of
St."'John's Episcopal Chureh, held
Monday afternoon, the following gen..
tlemen were elected oflicers of the
Churdh ft,r 'the present year:
f. A. Gaillard, DuBoso Egleston.
W. Rt. Robertson, WV. M. Dwight,
br. C. HI. Ladd, Pierre Bacot, and T.
iRose Itobertson, vice J. M. Daly, do
W. M. Dwight, T. Ross Robertson,
ii. A. Gaillard.
,T. Ross Rtobertson', Secretary and
tkreasurer of Board of Vestry.
Draped In RIournung.
The Telegraph emlees at this place
are draped in -mourning oift o'f re -
poet 'to the memory of Piof. Morse.
By~ order from their respective head
offi6es, it will be coatinued for thirty
ioumrt. ~~^
The April Term of ICourt opened
jesterday, Judge W. M. Thorn as', pro.
TlI~d folloiving sentences wire pass.
E~d upon prisobers presionsly 'ganlviet
Williai Uolet .., pet larceny,
6ne j'ear ini the penitentiary.
Theodore De[Jay, anisting in 'he
6seape of prisotters. z frim "jail, tin
years in the penitentiury.
IsaaO McdlYuI*e, gr and larC'enf, two
years In the penitentiary.
George Wiflik, grAud larceny,
one yearlrn the pebitent!arf.
William Cookrel]1 rape, ten years
in the peniteptiary;
William Edmedds, griind latreeny,
one year in the penitentiar'y.
George Thompson, burglary and
grand laroeny, five years in the peni..
tea y.
enth 01 Prof' Morse.
Prof. Sarniel Finley Proese Morse
4iod at blo rebi4ebce in New York on
\Vedheaday evening last at the ad'
vanced age of eighty years. le was
dlistingnishbd as the fodnder of the
system of conveying messiges by
eleotro-magnetism, and to him thliefly
is the world indebted for so wonder
ful and valuable a discovery. le albo
attained' considerable distinction in
early life in sculpture and the fine
Prof. Morso was one of the inost
,ieful men tht ever lived, and lils
servics in soiaptiflo fields will be re-,
corded in history as long us the world
lasts. As a publio betiwfiotor his
deeds will always be freh in the
moinory of his oouutrytieti 'and Lis
faune go down to posterity to be by
them cherished and venerated.
Tius has pasned away i truly great
man, and ond of nature's proud noble
tlen, " Peace to-his ashes I
Planters who were in Columbia
lat week reprebenting many of the
interior counties report that all tlie
crop operations are fully one mouth
behind hand.
Dalamarre's Specific Pills,
Prepared by AIAXca.ItX & i1'OT, Nd.
214 liue Lombard, Paris, and highly
recommended by the entire Medi
cal Faculty of France,
Are (lie very beat iomedy in all cases of
Spermatorrlicea or Seminal Wltkness
Nightly, Daily or I renviituife EtHiiissione
Sexual Weakness or It6poteticy; Weakness
arising fron -ecret Hibits and Sexual Ix.
cesses; Relaxation of the Genital Oigans ;
Weak Spine ; "Limo" or ''1iick dust" de
posits in the Urine ; "lilky Ditcharges,"
&e., and all the ghastly train of Symptoms
arising from Overuse or Excesees.
They chre when all other remedies fail:
Fuil direct ons in every box.
Price $1 per Pox, or 6 Boxes for $5.
Sold by i he principal Druggists, or will
be sont by mail, securely s.kled from all
observ'tion, by cioclosing price to the 6-ile
General Agent for Anieuica, JOB IOSES,
18 Cortlandt St. , New York. Pamphlets of
advice sent free to any address.
DI7yall'8 Puliollic 11,1fei'S
are unfailing in the cure of Coughs, Colds
Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, loarse
ness, Diflicult Breathing. Iiicipient Con
suiptii and Di eases of the Lungs. They
have LO tqaste of medicine, and any child
w,ll take them. Thousands have been re.
stored to health, that had before despaired.
Testimony given in hundreds of cases. A
single dose relievcs in 'I en Minutes. Ask
may 20-eowly
Tua 1lts-rony or A NA-rIONAL IFaIu...
Hero is Ilhe history of the most celebrated
tonic of the age in a nutshel. In 1800 it
was announced that a certain combination
of vegetable ingrediteits, with a pure dif
filsi.\o Utimillait, was workiing wonders in
the cure of chronie dyspepsi.,. nervous do
bilily liver complaint, periodical fevers,
rheuthatiam and constitutional weaknecs.
The unpretending nam1e given to the speci
fic was Plantation Bitters. The statenent
attracted tho attention of invalids every
where. The new remedy received a fair
trial, and the results more than con.
firmed all that had been said in its praise.
The!:ceforward it was a grand success. The
business columns of the press spread the
glol'Ibus news far and wide, and the mar
tyrs to indigestion, biliousness, physical
prostration and ptrontature decay, as if by
conitnon consent. sott'ght relief ft am the new
v'egetable .restorative. TJhey found what,
hey sought. Froin thait till,o to tie pros
en t thle increase in I le demnantd for P'l~aita
ion Bittebrs has b'e n onte of- the mtost stri k
ing ev'ents in this ago.
For conb~hii, bronchit-is and consumiption
in its' harly singes, nothinig equals Dr.
Pierbe's Gol'dtti Motlical Discoveiry.
Varr,.AN Brt.tsns.-ho invention was
ever so impatortfu idu!.1 th peolple of' liot, cli -
tmatek as tlhe Vcnt'tha btl id . Adml it tiing
the air atnd a shnaded light, .wile keeping
otut thle hetit and ghtre, Ihey are absaltmelv
essedtial to Comfo'rt i 'i thli.- aiitryv 1t ihe
bonses5tt i ofl n o oilri reniders Itro' dtl ill Ie
of t hese vai ilual coiltri vt.te. hacy shldI
at, attce, befoi'e t ha hlet wenther sets5 in,
send their otrder' to Mr'. P.- P;1 ToAL., No.
20) 11ay ne stroet Chai-lestoan, 8;.C.; hitna
fact ore' and (ealer int doors, sa.,bes, blinds,
balutst ers, inou'.diings, & c., & b.
suiperiority. of these exitacts consists int
their pcrtdot pureity atnd great stre~.ngth.
They are wanrante'd fr'eE frb.n pojisontous
oils and ncis. .leselih Iintneit& Co., Bos
tont, .Manni'acturert'is and l'roprietoi's. Par
sale by all groee's antd druggists.
Natuere Gives y.s Ta:I, but . .th d oes nat
preserve and p'uty 'ieni. Trhat miust ho
dode witlh fragrant $ozoadott. Thelenfal
bane and its enamttel enoing ae. inido in
vuilnerable to all destrueltivo in,Iuendedc~ bg
the danily nlL a of t his benelied'it prej'i'ratin.
hIf t'rIj ),orrrma, tlt Wa.--A goad,
chteapt and reliable Li ni ment.. Such an.nr..
tiele is Dr'. 'lef>ins' I1or'ed Linitmentt Pint
battles at one dollar. For Lamnces, bilis,
Galls, Colic, SpraIns, &e., warranted bet.
ter than any othei-. Sold by the DruggIsis.
Depot 10 Paink IPiace, New York.
l)iPsonania is alt in ittihist. for lnt o.fi
eating l'onors. Hiabit ual dram-ttdrintkinug
prodnoee. it. Yet each Alcoholic Bit ter voni.
der recommlends flint a drain sof this rumu
andl root-jnico be taken ihrice a (lay, to
pirevent sickiiess ! For all bodily-nilmenits,
and sis a pie'iction against. the causes of
disease, take that all suificient. antidote,
Dr'. Walker's Vinegair flitters, the putre es
seinee of raite intedicinal herbs unpolluted
'oy distilled poison.
C'arbolic Selce, recommnened by the lead
ing P'hysicians aind thle President of the
Net Y'ork loar'.l of hlealfli, as the mast
wonderful lcalinig comnpound ever known.
Gives Instant relief to burns, .cures all
kinds of sores., cuts and wounids ; and a
mos0t, invaluable salvo for all purp'bises.
Sold everywhere at 25 cents. Jolint F.
hIenr'y, sole Proprietor, 8 College Place,
New York.
.Svapnia is Opium purified of Its sicken
ing and jolsonous properties, dideovered by
Ir. ligelow, Professor of Botany, Detroit
ledical College. A most perfect. anodyno
.atlt soilthing opiate. John Farr, C'hemtist,
NO% York.
Clrstaadoro's flair Dye Is i he sa fest and
best.' It corrects the bad effects of inferior
dyes, Vtile the black or brown tints it pro.
duces a'rtIidentical to nature.' Factory 08
Maldea Ltne, N. Y;
Pra U's Jaral Oil--Safest and bestf Illu
M~unatMug 0l ever madd'; lios no't take fire
or explode, ithe lamp is upset or broken.
over 150.0064amnile doit.-u (8 - It
anid n 11ncoidents of any desoriptin - have
occurred from it. Oil House of Charles
Pratt, established 1770, Now York.
TAe Purest and Swcelest Od Liver Oil in
the world is 11asards & Baswell's. made on
the searshoro, from fresh ofleoted livers,
by Caswell, Hazard &, Oo., New York. It
Is absolutely pure and swlet. Patients
who have once taken It prefei It to all 'di
er.. Physiolens have declded it superior
to any.of the other oils. in 1,he market;
Jouvin'8 Inodoroua Kid Glove Cleaner re
stores soiled gloves equal to new. For eale
by Drugists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
Pri'ce 25 cents per bottle. F. C. Welli &
Co., eiv York.
liswe'! Philoloke;i is an estiblished, war
ranited remedy for Painful \Menstruation
amid equaillyeillcient as a Nervous Antidote
ini all cases of Nervous Exoitement, Stom.
aul atit! Sleeplessniss in ,male or female.
Sold everywhore for $1.00 a botid. , bd,v
ran & Risley, Drggift's Nbir ork, Gener
al Agents.
A You/,fid qApfarnqe and di beautifiul,
clead, Com1pleionl i , time deivo of everybddy.
'Tis effiect i.- produced by using U. W.
EdI's( 1 "Bloohl of Vttouil," a harmdled
bwiutitier om the skin. Will rliiove *11 ;Is
coloration, (ai, 'freckles aiId sunturns.
Tbe Omie of this feliglhtful .t!el prepara,
iion cannot bd detectcd. For slo by all
Ditiggisis and Vancy 0Oods Dealers, Depot
6 Gold street. Nev Yorit.
MIrs3. WVinslow'h &wtin4 ARyup.-It ro.
lieves the little suil'erer from pain, curt*
Wind, Colic, 1egulates thle Stomach and
h-owe-1, corrects a.ciAity, and during the
pr o.!ss of (eelh ing it is i nvaluable. Per
fee. y safe in ll cases, as imillioii of moth
; t a estify. april 1
Sheriff's Sales.
State of Sofith Carolinas
iN 'l'M ObliMON PLEAS'.
Geo. L. lunter, Admr.,vs. Anna F. 1 nt4i
and others.
Ii pursudnbe of aiR order thdle in the
above stated case, I will sell on the first,
Monday in May next at publbo auction, be
fore the Court House door In Winnsboro, to
the highest bidder in t'parate lots, the fol
lowing described real , etati, beld'ngiti to
the estate of Goo. R. iunter, dcensed ;
Ist. A traot of lanil lying and sitiidt; iii
tie Contmy and State aforesaid, containing
Two aid one half Acre's, iiore 6r loss on
the Dry Fork, waters of Dutchmap's ('relk,
biounded by lands of Mrs. Anna F. Huriter
and of Saminuel Robertson.
2d. A tract, of land lying, being ajd sit
ditii in tie Cointy and Stite.aforAtild, on
tie Dry Fork. ivaters 'of Dutchman's Creek,
conininiig Tielve and onp-lafi acreq, more
or less, and bobiidea by lands of Mrs.
Anna F. Hunter tiid o' ames B Wqlker.
3d. * tract of land lying, being and-situnte
in the County and State aforeaaid on Siw
isey's Creek, wtiteris of Watirbe Ravcr, don
taining Two Hlundred aid seventy-sil
acres, more or less, and bounded by lauds
of Xlism Sallio A. Means, 11. Edmunds, J.
T. Johnson nhd otherd.
4th A tract, of land lying, beingi and
sit uate in the CoulAy miid Smat ilforeiai;
containing One 11indred and thiiy-eight
acres. more or' less, on branecies of Sykes
Creek, and bounded by lands of Reuben
Motley, John Alicitle, the Concord Church
tract. and others.
[This land has been sold by the Stat4 for
taxes ]
6th. A tract of land lying, bein an
situate in the Coniiy and Stato aforesaid,
on Deep liranch, iaters of Watereo River,
containing Ninely.simen acres, more or
le-s, and bounded by lands of Dr. (leo. L.
Iluiter, A onzo Hiarrison and Mrs. Anna
F. Hunter.
6th. A tract of land lying being and sit-.
unte in the Coun,y and Stato ifores.id, eon
taining One and one-fourth acres, more or
less, and bounded by lands of .Mrs. A
F. Iluner, Dr. Geo. L. Hunter and the
public roed lending to Longtown.
Terms of Sale.
One-third cash, balance on a credit .of
one anid t wo years fromm day of sal.e, .with
interest from day of sale, purchmaser m9
give bond and a mmorigage of the preraises
sold sud pay for papers and stamps.
L. WV. DUiVA LL, 8. F. C;
ShmerilfT's Office.
Wiinnsboro, A pril 8, 1872.
api 0-fl x2
Sale of Mortgaged Land.
Inm pursu-nce of auithorit.y eonferred on
us by a Power of Attorney contained in
Deed by J1. A. Woolien. of dale time 20th day
of' October. A D. 18618, we will offer for
smile on time 1st Mlomda 9 in Miay next, at
pubhlic outcry io time highest bidder, before
time Court 1 louse (loomr ini Winnsboro, be.
twe('n ihe hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 6
m'cl'ock P. M., the following described pro
pemty, to wit:
Alt that piece, parcel or tract of land,
lying, bmei ng and situinate in tihe County of
Fair'tield amnd Simite of South i'arolina, eon
tainming Thlree ii mindred amid I wenty-three
r.ores, nmoro or less, andi adjoininmg hinds' of
Jaicksonm Joiner', R'. D. Wilson, John Rains,
limn. Cloud amid others. Th'o .said sale is
for thme puirpose of foreclosing ai mormgage
givenm to us by James A. Wooten, of date
20th day of October, 1868.
Terms of Sale.
One-half eash, thme balance on a credit of
one yp'r, with amnnual interest from the day
of~ sale, the purchaser to give his hend s.
en rel by a mortgage of theo premises, and
to pay for papers and stamps.
dpl 9-x3t4I
Just* Roboivedn
I have now iii atook a' fuTil gnad domf7Tete
assortment of lime
Neatest, Prettiest and Best Gti0dd
in Winnsboro. Will sell cheaper Ihat the
oheapest for thei a'sh'.
Bring the Cash mid get Maigai5
1200 Bushels White irea Cw;
100 Bble. Flou, ilddiig all gtade,
10,000 Lbs. White auid'Smoked Bacon,
000 Lbs. Canvassed and Unaouvarsei
800 Lbs. "Breakfast Strip" Bacon,
10 Bble. assorted Cakes and Biscuit'
Italian Maccaroni and Chees M a*se
ind uncanvastid Dried 000t,' Vrqa Meal
at adiih bi i 'a 'ron; al*ays i a't1%
b; R. Fletiilkofl
api s
16010t I
L0 Ogr on 'k'hursdiy', 28th MIA, el i.
Ridgew y or on tho road from qidak.
way to.Lougtown, a pair. of GOLD SPEC
TAC[E8, in Blaok Moroooo case, with
"Nyo," makers nane on case. Finder will
be liberally rewarded by leaving It at thi
office of the News and Herald. x1
State License Notice.
CbNTi AUinTon's Orriox,
ALL por,sona engage In the Mitig
ocepations, 'professions, &o., vix :
Stock Brocke, Exchange Brokers, Bill
Bt-okets, R,Hl Estate.. Brokers, Merohat.
disc Brokers, Billiard Room, Bowlina & I
loon, Bagalbolk Tibles, Tid Pin.Alleys, Ho
tels, Inns, Livory Stables, Taverns or Sa
loons, Morcliatl ' Bahke, oxcept National
Bankt. RailroadsA Auctioneers, Atto neys
at Law, Sollotors, Laft4ri, i'Xyst .lns,
Dputists, Insurance Agpti, robhiteo,
Photpgrailipre, raiuiereaq Irtlile, .
dials of Stute, copnty, city, corporations
or society, teceiviNg a jAlgr'; pr q,1erp,
or persons felling by iumple or solir .8r,
dera, Telegraph Line's, Express Lines, &o.,
&c., are hereby notified that they are ro
quirmdktp eak return and psy license un
dor the prgvisions of A act to provide
for a general licenbo 6 0 ," 130OEM Mifrt
18, 1872. ..,
api 6 f6x2 County Anditor.
. OROVito s I
Jfist legeiied and to Arive
QNE car load phoMhe A(igustk and one cat
t1poa4 of 81i Lt kIp tt1.oecq Ior
rime While . TSuorn, I e R. ano,
R:, Bacot Stdes, Hlhds. R. and.C. R. Dry
Salt Sides, bhpic N,,0. 9fi Common Mo.
lasi6, A, ex-C and Domakar ugar, Pncy
ind Coinmon Rio C.ofee, Young Hyson and
Gun Powder Tea, Whole Rice, Cheese aid
Arerion Club Vish, a stiperior ai:ic4
of sh, much, heaper and better than 8pr.
dines, Big V, Litle Lizzie. Jclcey Ctu,
Gorilla and many other favorite b.-nnd's ol
Cigars, Fresh Candy. Aiaot,c-l 'ickles and
Jellied, Bhlfimore L'1;yfo.0O1'1 (,e Viebt Fail.
ly Soap in ust. Fo sat oy
apt 4 . . 1 . . McCARLEY.
just leceived:,
1 .b'i iulln Market Corned Beef,
1 ox Sino kot . ' lo T?igbfis;
1 Bbl. fine Enting nions.
1 Bbl. extra fine fale Srup,
mar 19 - t. It. WeitITSON.
25 DOZEN Brades Crown Hoe.'
1Tierce of WioIo Ribe;
50 Bushels Merl.
Patent. Cotton Baok Bands En 1Toolke.
-For sale by AT
mar 16BA'A R
Fresh Eggs.
100 DOZEN E ggs for sI e 1&w WN., ,
april 0 BACOT & CO.
Hoxw They Oonia
Going and coming, coming and goIng,.
All the year round for country nd town,
Ooodst for the liepd, goods for 130feg;,
Goods tht. arc ptty and usef aid neat.
Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, CNeese, Rica,
Flour, Bacon, Corn; Lard, Fresli' Garde:1
Seed, Potware, Tinware, Crockorf, . OlSes5
ware,.Woodenware, School Bookis aEd Sta
tionary. .
A fresh lot of Early Rose, GoodrJb&
Pink Eye and Peach' Bibw liotaitoes,'Oniort
Setts and Petroleum....
Nectar Coffee,
TH E very best quality of the above brand
Meal'and Noiry.
EALand Hominy-fresh. Just. receivec
feb 17.
Awls, Br'istles, ,
S HOE LASTS, Doot, Trees, Crimtping
BjJoardst, Awl. Handles, Rasps. Shot
Thtread, Tacks, &c., just received by
feb 20 MeINTYRE & CO.
-~ Coe'earnU Cnd
A FINE assortment of Fresh Stick Can.
.1.dies, R ieses, Almond Candy, Bugar
Plums, Almonds, Raisins, Bn gush Walnuts
Pd'6an, Hazel atid Bhter.Nu (.' ut ecivi
ed. U. 0. DESPORTE8,. & CO,
feb 22
J?. ine KE64t ekj Mueg.
I 1A'l!}ust reEelved a l'et of Ane 1Cen.
Itueky Mutes.. CAll'earlys o.
aplO A,.F. GOQDIN9~
50tir Iro*t
SWEE.T POTA TOES, ,,Onions and Whit'
UPeas for table use, and Freak Meal, at
0198, Ap . - - NTYRS C
' E I1 .t
tSAN gPoon
19ve Opened To-Day
At Tilts
Old Pri8e-i2 1 Cents.
apri 2
, .. .AT
Early' Rose, Early Goodrich, Pink Eye
Bqck Eye and Pach Blow Potatoes, Onion
Aetts, Gaden Seeds, Dry Salt and Smoked
Bacon and Shoulders; Sugar Cured Uncan
vassed Hams, Lard, Mackerel, Syrups,
Molasses, 4gam Coffe. a,. Teas, Soda.
Sops, Caniles, aro Bluein, lustard,
Pe 9or; Spic6, utmeas, Concentrated Lye,
Voush, Flour, Meal, GripI, iec, Salt,
Cheese, lacuaroni, Conned Qoods, Raisins,
Nuls,-.Vaindies, Vakes, ; Creokera, Cigars,
8mokingand Ciewing Tobacco, Blaaking,
dihot, Powder Cafs gI4ls, .ferosene Oil.
All of w..ii wvill tre sold as low as t,he low
est; J. 0. BOAG.
, arlgA 1i~ i ..i''tnd I
15'~' 9y opde,1,Vapaoas Englisis.. Meri
no., o aan , ur~s ~joe, ,awls4 Ia
Slse and Bontjhl ns. All of which
will bi so)da nl uelprcs
Aage assortment, of Mens, WVome. 'a
J~ies oa l Men's sn4 Bloyq ga.s and
Cnd W dfn~kr$ Wa le . C lC lmileys, Tin
feb $ J. O. BOAQ.
lust 11eMt.
N and Oiags gI aduir
apri 121
A p rons having elnms, nai st le
.k,ao.ofA. K. eaty, deceased, wihe
prise~ .Lpelp,jegal,ly ,.ttLestod within the
Limp prescrib ed ylaw; Those indebted
will' aik Im'ne ia'Tho/
mar_9 -flai1anI A dmar.
* ro~ured the
thry ee tt.. ai.cs in
* thiecopn.try, I, fiel war
ranto.d in .saying l,b;it I
can furnish as near BOOT
or 8110E as any'Shop
,,,in,th.e South. Al 1io
warrat'ted to give sat isfat,ott.,.y hp
Is nest door to F. Geig's Saddlery.
mar 19 8. M. GTIBERT.
Horoseno OHi I
ERE8OIL,best quality, for' t.a'e al
inch 8 ~ o 'bede No. I.
,.Tea Drinkers.
Odmoire cheit, of .tlat ffng yIAgL.OR.
VED JAPAN 'EA, 19Ih ga.giv.en
such universal gatisfaction wheref~er used.
0ive it ai trial.
feb 27 1EATY REs
AINLY R08K, Goodri'oh and lPink Eye
jan 20 BE,ATY & IIRO.
Thisceetebraled 3ack' will
stand in Wintisboro this
season. No Iq densidered
yt4he,best, t ,'I~ tr In the
ooantry. ..$ ewall can
,uout:h of 'Elliott k" Co1.
eton' 5y tkd seon, $10. JAnrande,
Eoots and4 Shoe:
j~jj of Jioot.~ Bow.e es re
Have lately niado l1rgo additions to their
n3 aro now prepired to enecute in the
lUest styled
baw Blanks;
Letter and
Bill IIeeds,
Visiting and
Wedding Cards,
.PosLers, &c.
As Cheap a? chi he had Anywhere
satisfaction GuaranifO6d.
mar 28
Ewould respectfully keep the peopi,
informecd that wo are constantly recelving
anxd keep on hand a good stock of thos
Shoces Nvhich have made and kept so man,
"Soles' Happg
1ut ing the recent cold and wet wecather
Also, Flhio Bolted "TAfR IIEEP" Meal,
Flour, flacon, Homno Canned PeaShle6, Tirl
Ware and "lots" of oilier
Dheap for theo "8p-and(lilx.".
feb 2
RtON this day we have marked all our
Cost Price for Cash.
flarg ains will be given in every kind of
A inter Goods. Calf soon.
Fresh supplies of Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, 611., Bitters arl ToijeL Good.,
tonst antly arriving at our Drug Store.
Earl1y Rose
DOTA TOES, for the Tablo,,
1 Car load Prim, Whito Corc,
I Car load Liverpool Salt,
Smoked and Dry Salt Clear Rib Side
Caivassed and UndanvassMd Sugar Cure
llams, Prime Leaf Lard, West India atid N'
0. Molases, "Pride of Augusta" Flour,
(he finest in market, Sugars .id Coffees o
all grades, UMro and Mule Si'oes, anU
Nalls, spades, Shovels and Hay Forks, al
kinds of Woodeu Ware, 1[ames, Tiaee
Chains, eo.
In my Lumber Yard, a choico lot i
Lumber and Shingles. In addition I have
a small remnant of a stock of Crookery,
which will be disposed of A 7 COST.
My terins aro C Sh3, or 90 dayi
on a Safe Iik.
Parties wanting anything in my linswill
fini it to their interest to rico my goods
before pu-chasing elsewhero. Etory arti.
elo warranted.
North Carolina Shoes I
\LOT of 'Shpoie.4 m,anuflac4ured in Nortil
iCI*n, jpnt received. Also a fine
lot ouf .ngs an I .Jhrs.
febit _U. C. DESPORL'ES& Cd.
Wootin W1'e!1 W6oden Ware!
An elegant lot of Churns and ' ubs, Cyl
preqs, Cedar and Pine 11nokels, low for
e1h., . d. DESPORTES &, CO.
jan 26 Corner No. 1
Planting Potatoes.
.U"T received thir(y bbls selected Pota
e toes, Early iUnse, Goodrich, Chili ad
J 0 MAC! & Co.
N"1W goOns$
WO Have Just Received
Oar-.en floes, llakes, Spades, Nork.,'
Shov'els and t'ongs, Andirons,' Anvils,
e Vises, Bllacksmaith's. Ilamamers, Broad Axes;
Locks, Ilinges, Sha~o Knives and other cut
e lery, Horso S.hoe Nails, duns, Pistols and
.other Hrard ware.
Roof' Paint and other Paints and Var.
nishes, Boiled and Rlaw Linseed Oil, Tur
pentine, Putty , Glass, KCerosene Oil amd
Astral Oil.
We also constantly keep up supplies ot
School Books, Medicines and arden
Seeds, as Well as freq.tent additions to our
Dry Goods, Shoes; &o,
Tile PaV61lao of' tife Public id
Onr ferms.nre cashy, in thoso e:ioeptiona
ease., therefore, in which time Is allowed1
interest will be added from (lhe first of each
month in whioh the goods are sold.- .
feb 13
Fnir and honest dealing in Dry Goods'
fiats, Caps, hoot., Shioes, Trunk,, &o., calt
be had at
New Pry Gecods Emp.,riun', nest d'otf
Ella', &Ie

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