OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, September 11, 1872, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1872-09-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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0::- Extra copies of the NEws can
'be obtaiued at this offico. Price 5ets.
-per copy.
Oe Thousand,old Papers, snitable
for wrapping goods, for sale at 50ets.
per hundred. Apply at this ofiice.
The gruate.t turco of the
>evriod-the Louui,,ville Conivention.
-Stokcs was thcir.
Mr. A. F. Gjdiiig has just
recoeived a lot of lior.s anid mules.
Thoso wishing good etock will do well
to call early.
For the past two days 74 bales of
cotton have bee so d in this inarket
at 18. to 18,9 cenits.
Congro esional Convention.
The nomin ting Convention of the
4-hI Coniigres: ional District iiiet in Cu
lumbia lust night.
Lexington Awake.
The Demoe ats of Lexinigton have
made 1ominations for the General
Aisembly with John C. IIpe, Edj.,
beading the ticket for tie Senate.
Pow Wow.
We hear that the "Moseyite" are
to have a big iatification meeting in
this place oi the Il i h of this mouth.
Luok out, Bolters.
Good Newa
Old John Robinson's Big &3iow will
be here in October. Look out for the
po.stera, and szve all your small
Dry Weather.
The lly weather still continues,
and is burning up every kind of vecge.
tation. The cotton fields aime 1.eral
ly plurched and tie cotton crup Will
be cut conidorably rhort.
Ra ificationi Meeting.
JIIs, . 1'loit, Nckey, Cardizo &
Co., will be Lere tc.uor row to haraige
the pOl'je in fav.i: of the regulai
honiiions by the l dicals. A ton
Siderable (iaitily (if "s-pread -eagle"
gans s'exp~cta t' be let ( iT.
M r. John 1. Jenakins, an old citizen
of this Co-nnry, diel <Uddeb~al'y on Slt
urday last. 1*r. Jocskins ber'ed his
country in the Inidian nar in Floridai
rany years ago, uid v:is also a soldier
in the late war betwecn the North
and the South.
State Eection.
Onen Siare Eletioin for this year
comes ofT on Wednesday October 16th.
The votes, uider a law of the la-:
Leislutalre i must he counted imme
diately after the pois qre closed, and
in public. 'his change was madle to
prevent fia'nd, anid stinlliug.
Brisk Trade.
Saturday was a kind1 of grila day,
withI our ue rbat~s t here be ing 75 ow
I0 ha)b~lep i'f cot toniii n~~ halie t' u tid ae
conisiderrable a mount of money in cir
culat ion, in ceinen(ilice. Let the
thing be kept up rind old( Witmobor o
will comec ".aut of the tw ii."~
tiorrecti on.
We were in error in stating that
there is no nmoney in the tbounty
Tireaisury. Mr. SmithI inzforio 1us
thant lie has funds surflioient to mieet al1l
the ctirreint expenses of the Couiity.
Our impression was formed fromn rc.
ports coin ig from pa rties whomii we
th'u rght knew whereof they ierei
New Advertisom uts.
Masnic melieting Thiursdny night.
.Di.solution.-Glatdney & Murhy.
Notie-J. S. Stewart Coutrty
An~ Or'linance-D'. IR. Ylennilken,
Sheiflf Sales-La. W. Duivall, Slier
RomansmA. . Jaewis~, Agent,
Nl. S. Miller, Chairmad~ of tid~ Re
pub lidani party of this County issues
a call to-day for a Nominating Coin
volition ont the I13thi inst.
Preeinret meetings were lheld at.
Doito Thurnnsdaiy, rn'd Ridgeway yes
ter day, for the purpose of selecting
delegatrs to the County Convent ion,
with what result we have niot heard.
,JThis excellent Agzricultural month
ly is received for Septemiber. Thle
C'ultivantor stands prominent among
the leandinig Agricultural journalsa in
the country. It has recently undler
gone a ebange in proprietorship, Mr.
WV. L. Jones, who has edited that pa.
per for some time, having recently
become sole proprietor, resigning his
Professorship in the University of Ga,
to give it his undivided attention.
Wo bespeak for the Culvator a liber
ad patronage. A-ddress WV. L. Jones,
Athens, Ga. Terms $'2 per annum.
Demoorat o Nominaions.
The Deiocraoy of Marion have or
ganized for the campaign, and put
forth the following ticket for, County
Uflicers, and members of the Legisla
ture: For the Senate, Col. W. S.
Mullins; Ilotgo of Representatives,
J. M. Johnson, Jas. MDR.ae, II. If.
MuClenaghan, and T. J. Dozier';
Clerk of Court,T. C. Moody; Sheriff,
E ly Godbold ; Judge oC Probate,
John V ilcox ; Coun ty.Commsionors,
J. A. Breeden, J. T. Jones, and J. J.
Ilinds ; School Commissioner, Jos.
Norton ; Cor oner, J. If. Vatson.
The train of the Xir-Line lRilroa'd
has been laid seven miles cat inmd
seven m'iles west from Spartanhurg.
A colored man, huti'ing'inl the San.
tee swamp, a few dthys ago, killed a
bor weighing some 600 pounds. So
'ays the Sum ter News.
The number of deaths in the city
of Charleston, for the week ending
August .'l, was seven whites, and
tweity-thre'e blacks.
Three Indians of the Cherokee
band, one big brave, one equaw and
one little Indian, visited Newberry
The Charleston News ld recently
removed into new and commodious
quarters of its oMtV &nd promiies an
enlarged career of usefulness. We
with our cotemporary every success.
Parton's Life of Grbelcy.
One of the most interesting and
valuablc of American tbiograp.hiq is
the "Life of lornee G reeley," by
James Parton. The life of Mr. Groe.
ley has been closely interwoven with
what has Leen most commaanzding in
American affairs for more than a third
of a century. Inileed, this story of
hi4 life gives the reader by no means
an inadeIate glimpse of American
hitory fur the past inirty 3ears. It
ii the story of a life that comnenced
in the geatett obscurity, antid has
gruwn into the greatest eminence. It
has beent a busy life, the busiest pro.
hably, in the land, crowded with
events full of brave wordi and gene
rous deeds, and marked by poculiari.
ties grcater and charactei istics strong.
er thn, perhaps, thse of any other
Am erican Citizen.
The subject, therefore, would com
mend respectful and eager attention,
though handled by an un.killful pen.
B-ut Mr. Parton is a ainster. Ie hIas
long been well an1d widely known ill
our lifelature. Ile is a keen and
brillianit essay)ist ; an inlciaive an(d
park hug litviel' of E"nglizh, and a
Caroftl an11d ( aaustive scarcher ifter
tcts. IHe does not touch a pen to pa.
per in the composition of a book, till
tLe eintire Ied (f investigationI has
been es plored, and everydi ing direct.
ly or id iseetly b'eariig on his theeni
thiorongb ly digest,*d,
ll pleparinig ti . work, le spent
veral ionths in visiting the town
where Mr. Greeley was born and the
various places where he tdihsequenitly
I ,ved, c.l lecting all the jiformnat ion
abhout his eutH y life bli et it wvas possible
to, obt airi. It in not;, thierefore, a hast i
ly or illy cohitrived boo'k; ,i lboled
"Life of Graeele3'," but a wok lliib
tvillI always be the auithotiLtative re
co;'l of uhre)~c~oio yeal'. of \lr. Cree
l-y's life thait have uaady passed
i.,:o hiastory, It would be a valu ble
addition to anty library at any time,
t~at, jut t now, its nppnrtuncees gives
it a1 lded in te:rest..,
It is ele'gatntly bonnd, ivell illns.'
tiated and in conisdderat ion of the
g reatt popul1ar de-mat~d f'oi t he wvork it
as suld fog. a little Inure than half the
iruling book ,prices,. .
It is published by the Nationtal
Publi.,hing Co., of Atlanta, who want
agents in every County.
Or U couiSs all of our' uierchvants
ill have the best stocks of goods,
ever brought to tLis ianarket, this
season, but we cant assure tbe publie
that only sucih as advertisb in the
Iti:wVs anid IlEIuit.n 6an be relied on,
Tis ciin be inferred from tho fact
ti 1t everf one who wants hiis goodls
known wifl adfertiso them. This is
rWe propose publishing short
ly notices of the business bouses in
WVinnsbotto t1iati advertise with us.
We will de this gratis, with a view of
beneflitig the town, an~d of adi'ane
ing the interests oif our mercantile pa
Irions. Any suggestionh' from farties
interested will lie received.
0 4 Judge Mackey says that in
case Grant refuses to acede t~o the
diuhands of the Regular I(epublicans
for (te remoial of certain U. S.
officials i'n dbis htate, seven eleotordil
votes will be tendered Mr. Greeley
from So'rth (Carolina.
There wer ildrty-three deaths in
Richmuond last week.
Three persons in a fineral pfo
cession at Cairo, III., a few days
ago, were prostrated by a snn-stioke,
Western juries are tmade up .of.
solid mon-I8 of them weighed 2,031
Mormon missionaries are said to
be actively engaaged in obtaining
converts in Michigan.
A monument to Robert Burns is
to be erected- in- George Square,
They must want rain in that neigh.
borhood, if we are to judge front the
remtark mado by a Western papcr, I
speakiuig of the drought. They say
tliat Wabash river is so low that the i
fish are conpelled to statid on their I
beads to got water sumlolient to mois- i
ton their gills : Thie inhabitants walk <
up aud down the river bed and pull <
flohas they do onioni.
F ive burglaries were recently com.
mitted within a week ii Colunibus,
Ga., yi*-ldin); a total plunder to the
tb ieves amounting in value to $12 50. f
Ai editor ny's lie once l!ertook of a
beverarge so s'rng t hat, he could not
tell wtheilr it was branidv (rI a torch
li ght preession goitg owl Ils thronut.
Two young men took: $l,460 worth
of silvcr out of the top of Leaven
worth iountauiu, Uolorado, i it ote
wbek, at an expense of thirty dollars.
Saratoga is orecrowded at the prt s.
Cut time than it has beCe sinco the
conneYtoenen't of the present soa
Somc mounftaiins in Oregon, nezi
(lie town of Ast'oria, hav'e i'etetly
been Ahivig signs of a peuding voi,
cantio eruption.
A Georgia planter has a bird, i
cross letween: a 90inea fowl aild a
turkey, with a voico hike a monkey.
Italian einigration to this country
is largely .n it e inerease.
Married on Tuesdaoy, 3d pf Sep
teiher, at the resdo ce of ilrs. S. -
rah Milling, by the Rev. J. L. Mat.
tin assisted by the eltv. W. W. Mills,
Mr. Jonsx T. W. S-rT-r-T, and Mies
I3:LL J. B1LLING, ail of Y& i fi- 'd,
Special Notices.
Mr. Ed~or . I'lense nninorich ir.,
ilOYLES as a candidnite for Sheriff at tle
ensuii: g election, and oldige his
11A N Y Filll-IN1S.
llessedl are.i'y who seek relief fiai
"Li ver CI' Implain11," 111nil i tC.n%," I ht '
ilood.. Pl zimples. tiloth es, -I':rltioti li i gh
Ski . A11 Ltheim, -:ry sipelis rid .eroln
1o1s diseases. biv late ite of Dr. Pierce's
(It. Ext. or Golden l Medical Discovery, fo1
they shall l:e nappy in knowing that the
Cure is coiplet e. Sold by all dru ttggists.
VIT. .s - 'I lan. --Why doCs tle hair
become liash ani dry-w hy does it fall
out--why does it tecome gray ? Fimply ei'
cnusre (lie life has gone ti of it. The ihers
drnw ustenntice irom tile sicalp as tile gras,
draws alime tfroi lite roil and wien lite
supply of tntrimetit is cut off inl either case
ite priodte wiglbert; anid (lies. At ite firsi
-ynvion of docay. ihererfoire. tho tined Or
half-tel roots of the hair shouli he te
tfreshed ani reinforce. with. Lyot's Kithai
ron, tlie ioly preparw ion whih it will tiour
ri.h ile gloieits nnd keep tIhem in a vigo-I
ols Contliton Ifler lthey have legun 1o
e'ullfer front a deirficiciey of heir li nalural.
stimulat. As long as ile Kathairon is
Iaiiihflly used, niih a proper degree of
triclionm moin rig adil even iig, so loig will
it lie impos,4ibi - tr (he hair (o whiten or
f 0allot fI'rm the sen p.
TIe All #iat F:,sh2 are DIclr to.
Are tmnty, but %. remedy for them till is
frt ilhedl by natuire. Thitre is nio doubt
lot' every idiseae. there is aitilote in tile
egetai le king lom. The atoig inoes were
alie v Iitiss of naz iny antd toaitIts, mue tnnla
dlies, 1 ye liey fuiti.d in. thle wi hls of' their
foresits rinaediesz'iure amgi piowrerfuln. Actling
on this belief I)RI. TlUTT''s 8t liSA PA I .
l.A ANDI QU KEN'S L'sl IGilT is offered to
lie publi c as a tuast h ighaly conlceentate
veOgLnt ble cmpoaiaud pos5'(ecii of extsi eordi
nari y power fo'rthe cure of IIlieun aiism,
N eua:ilgia, Fertub.,ti Uleers, F wellinug of
thle (i19iiil0. Erup ltit(itn of th Skina, Female
.tisenisus, !Aie Cornph lai nt. Seconairy Sy.
phaili-, i eilgs of tler'eury'. &c. it is a
mto st plowVerful n i Citera tinn loodi puarifler,.
and~ at to samte timoe go liat mless that, it
Watch~l out I r t bills and Fever, andl pre
pare lie tsysttn for' reiriaig its attanck by
uslig Drt . TI'ut 's Lai ver l'ills.
Dr "u/i Wr !/e nalOh' Zook. Voung.
iit.t?:sasitoS i1 n tii-tryA .wri.:i' -rA IE a ti
'r.iO wr.-'l lie. chiie',.ph blissiligs is god
hecali h, iwithiot wvlihib nothink7' is 4or th the
hiavinig; ii is iaunys appreciatdnt its Itrnei
vulneii, aftier it i10 bt, .top ofteon, nao
hi fore. ,ivYe pi'r rliy. andt' corredc) int
biefao Ithey becoaie seated. For dhsenise
af th lieri, k idnteys, ykjni, s tm iC', qpd
all nr'ising frctm i in ae <.r feeble bilood, ,l,)a.
'sadc--n's C~tonst.s VISrant Baipa~ts
ai sire and spergdy remedcty. it n' ne
or fAiI~d bI a singlle iiltitice.
Wittfibnr jqintai.
A regulai halbit of' boily i's aisoiluitel V es.
siential to phtysicail lien!lih nnd cletarntess of
li telleet. N or is thiis uili. Ileauty of
persen1 cann~ot co-exisIii with aniOt untal lI
conid iaion oft fhle hiioeba. A ftee paystige
of athe refuse miaitlet' of thle 3y-temrat thrtough
these naiuaa ,vasie pipes5, is as naecssar'y
ao thle purtity (if t iihnoiiy ax thle Iiree pas
sage of the cifli oft adciy thiroutgh it< scwers
is neccessai'y to t he haeahhil ol its inhaibi
Iaii ia.
Idigestion is the priniary ennae of nmost
of a le dlisenss o (f the discharging organs,
andi one of' is maost. commrton resuitts isecon.
sI ipni Ion0. .Thlis comtiplaint, L:esides being
(dage otis in itseif, has ani dlisaigeenbile
contcomit ats-suchi as nni untpleatsiant btreathi
a sallow eli~i, cont minating~ ,L od aand
fiile, ItetP.orihoids, hIddihe; loss of miemo.
ry aird genei'ai det ility,
lostelter's, Stortachi Bil~ergl remov'nT
cause in thle .digqsr ive organos, 9pd r'su-.
anting lie aca ion of thle ilitext~nes. 'ilhe
comib inatlion of properties.in this celebrne
t ed pireparatio ict s otte of its chief mietit s.
It is niot irerely c simu ola nt or totaie, or' an
nit ibillouis nigent, oar n nterine, or a blood.
deLpturent orci a cathnltirie butt al Ithleso cuara
ti ve elemientsa judticiously blind id in one
piowerfuil restornuive. It lends5 netivily
and vigoirI tho int ail enervat ed
sto.nincha, relieves (lie ni ii niay ennial cf I
its obstruct iofas, arid gdes tone to thae rmem
brane which lines it, gently stimulaites ahe
livereriers the rnervts, and cheers ihe a
animal siritas. No othier remtedy possesses
such, a .vartiqy of hyggpio vitues. Ia is 1
to these charatcteristic vitues thati it owes
Il's prestige as a hotusehold medicine. Ex- I
(Eiends~ has provedi that it'is na hiarrmless
as it is efjicoions, and hence it is
as popular witht the weaker sex as with the
Hlostet Ier's Stomachi Billers are sold in<
bottles only. and thie trade-Mark blown in I
tbe glass and engraved on iei label Is thie
test of geaulneuess, Bewaro of eounttr
An old womanu who died the other
lay at Lowell, was giving orders for
ter funcral, and among other things
aid sho wlnted to be "luid out" in
ier black bilk gown, and they must
ot take out the back breadth, as
hey did whon Sally L'mith was laid
qt, "Fur,' said the old lady,' depre.
*iatingly but seriously, "what a figure
;ally will cut at the re,.rrection with
ut auy back breadth in her goun."
A di patcli froi Wheeling, West
f.irg"Wn, saysi, iatterinjg rel ari*ly
.u0. l'urtteel couinties favor tl! elec
itn'of lacols tod the (I'at of the
; ti Vae oS'.ituin. A 3airtisburg
l isptch stutts that eioighip F wn, .f
h0 West Virginit cei on '.o ,,hlow
hat the coti-titin:icn is defeoated Land
lacoba elected Go've:nur.
Gen. Hoke of Lincolton, 1. C.,
Ils purchased the neWly discovered
ron miin at Chapil flill , and propos.
5a working the saiie oil an Leisive
C" 10.
A new (1ish is grtpe leaves fried in
in cgg .l'aiter. It is called a Frenich
ht tind is inmported fron Lake la
iopuo. Wo can't, think (f anything
1MOl delicious thuin ft-o d gripe leaves
it, lss it is a circus poster oil tV.:st.
Fl.,itirius d1ipiothanes Agrip
,a Wi.balis se.s t Ip in San lran
Prlal QUisTioNs I u I %VAkl.lns.-ilavC
he rnine medicines of the urofesson
lone you no good ? Are you dh-cot ng.xd
ml minernbI e - ? 1 r Fo. '*iesi I lhe paropertien
i' I he liew Vi-gelthle Spe ifie , DIA. V1u lC
t's CAr. o F 'i IA Yi us i n sit s, ilr-esi-ly
limotuts is tie finest invigornil, corrective
1hd ahetrative, that hats uver tseen flhe light.
)"spip-ties and pei-ols of biliouls habit
*hrouid keep) it within .,ach, if 'hley value
ent 1 m111 i case.
%It Vr EV:y lionsi NI AN WAN'rS.-A good
henp initl eliable 1,ilin n'1. ni. : 0 ir
i-le is )r. To-ias' Yle-eli-in hloise Lini
inIIn. Pint blolies nt One 1qllair. For
,a nn s, cuis. Gialls, Colic. ',pIr Lins,4 &0 ,
viln ied h lter mhan ny o her. Si 1.1 by
lo Drugists. Depo, 10 'ark Plice, New
i'oI k.
iHi't.:r' Coco.r1r. -- A ' -rmiuntiid of
lie.,a Nut 0ii, &c., lor the Clnir, his es
blish n wo1 wide repuITniion 118 lilt.
: ral ailapltati ion, agreeabllenes, and Free
to-s frorn ilt I ikojtiious or Soiling Pril er
itS, ogel lie wi i'h its chenpne-ss in respect
o dirnhiiity atiand size of b tte, ri-ter it
Inlle u'li-tied bnyany iher p.m-parat ion ill the
coild For sale by ilt Dittggisi-s.
Nl IC 'e r-n o l ,I t'0 -(lileronis Sczo
l'it, reidt-s file mouith enchanitiiluing 011111
to-e-l of1' rare, anlisepli .' herbts, it imparts
eieess to the ieelli a delittii ulower
ike aiiina io the breathi, n1ad preserves ill
act from yomu 1. ape the teeth.
P uW's AS-RA. Oii,.--Alore necideint
icing tingl Pils, I In-di frotn
IenmhOui and tailrnds combined. Over
0.)000 taiiiies ontiinue to burn Pratt's
\sirul (it, mid no nccilefivi lit-'e tly or in
lireidly hiave occurl rd from briiing, stor
ig or handling it. Oil lionsec ot Chales
Prail, eslalbshied 1770. New \ork. T. 1).
-lancy & Co., Ciarlelii, ngeits foi- Souli
A 1.*ir ::, W itl'rx, sofi, afn'ot1i and
lenir skinis prod"ucd by using U. W.
, ird's ''Bloo n of Yloutih' it removes tan,
reckies, Punhurns, nd all other discolora
ions frot tie kin, leaviig file . gomplx
on brilliant and ieu ti ifuli. Sohl at al
I u1g0ists. 'tis p aiont is enti-ely
ree fron any nial it detriIental to
.i's-r -n: 11:.iu:- NHI:Y h.-Thaniks to
Jrs 1% iIs1(,W 's Soothing 2-nyrup, we have
or yearn heen relievil frm seepehss
igils of pinfl watl-hing with poor, sutler
ng, I eeIl ing chldren.
Fo- DYSPE SIA - Indigsot ion, dfoeano i.,
f Tpiit sic-ani- linera deiiyint thir via
eve a'n~ds AgiueI, and otther auintermioente
nieri. Ite Firro Phospr-tn taedat. ir-o
alinyn, miadey Cl- wellu l a.d oi Ci.,
eCi-w Yornt iol11 shle by .uggitis the
eslitic. an l1'lt a~r 'git' ns Ne 're
'' u-overingfot fvrorohriikesei
,aos noi 'equar c-i'taltsza.i
llA"T1' 0 i t n ng od eoign formla
-alan ~ipi. andthei b an 0ch ns foris
ie. fragrancets o mao by Nc.. Wir. ily
CAll llheIi rrud nylieidt'ii mu ha rnors,
lcren &i'iui-ileyi, 8)r Colgegin's New York.
Turiins-ro ~nl's Ion Pi a i, Tor'rmis ion ifi.
(-wh.ibest arnnticle ki w f~or ce in' 'tng lie
:ircein ti Icelhro i ai ym nt cob bycit
utnli lirggits P~lric 1151 ao~iindn 50 cnt ier
3'tl. . Clnlr~O. els&18 N~liew Lor.N.V
CVnr...rI i vr. ninnphed 'j: a- lningsik
?ons pion o. lyiiar-s. s re 'cae it In
nher n'eli w onsfu reedy ovr.knJu n
r" ie ha rcnts per box. Jlie N-- -. lle-i(ii- yOi
Vle Proreor 8IColege NPa. 1,ew York.,
i'?ui- r n ' -il k ~ l l n i o-hi mafIi.
t Is icl n n ' ~st re hclib l lieinhS1.3 e itence:
evrfilin, 801 im1r toh~ 8h ninir, ni.
ormit of olor noiuis fhi t- W'd clsici
yi . Alnnhufct Sry.8la-n n.N.Y
''ranoyu notOprouinglX headach or
nslipa'lion of hIwlO. n, is no the s i'th o
i ber liea lr iosigie ofpmJon 01-t ir,
heJmiiti New York 'J--s y.julry
. to ib fnd.h-h tn Wa rne 11i iireTe
jue 2.' U. . (I. PEO[ T& C.
ncinsb oro A awken.lngA F. Mig~
io ,.I T h'agurcomuienoi n ofiit l
Lmnutyoedl to(be hldThus.!a even.
ecbingcio, and r.elighoa s 8 a 'civil.
l'ky.-,fnie &cdro heW- 1
'I'li wor-tIxldeean ca oue
onaiCnn b pNgt. 10 ri - o ofered-o
lo.hae. Aression givrers ton rp
11.h afic. LorS Alo o the unerigie.
jne 27 U. Alg. )SolTs.
FairfleId County
WI'NsP16ono, .', Sept. Od, 1872.
By virt ue of havin'g been elected County
Clihiranau for this County, I hereby issue
a call fur a Conventilon. of the Republican
party of this County, to be held nt this
place on Wednesday, September 18th, .at
10 o'clock, A. M. for the pturposo of notni.
natling a State Senator, three, 1.1epresenits.
tives to the General !Assemlj)y. Sheriff,
-'lerk of Court, Judge of 1'robate, on1e
School 'Qgmniissioner, three County Con.
Iissionelr. an I doraner, to be voted for
oni the 10th di)y of October next, being
the.81 Wvedtesiay of said Mon h1.
'I lie ratio of' represelitum, of fihe several
prectinets % ill be bhicd tipon lhe nutbilier of
' me wifa ~el~. genleralt el~ectionl, as
by tilntruction of the State coivenitionl.
% i..nsboro, No. of Deleg tIs 18
Monlicell . I
.Jenkin~svillt ;1
Fea-ltrville, 4
Yo nutuI vviIlet, B
GlAddell's Grc.ve. 6
.\nd the Iredinel Ciwairmcn are fiereby
notilel to give fill'. and Iufilici'ent notice
to the vetl;t, in Iloir precin s . or
Imeetingq call. For tie purposd of electing
delegnies'. By order of
M. S. MiI.
Member State, Cetral C'ommittee
and Chatirman 1iricld County.
s!pt 7-tf
Notice to Tax Payeis I
P n recent Act of the Legislature, we
.. have been commanded to pay nn addi
In order to ncet this demand, we have do
Iermiined to iform ithe ciiizens of Fai-tield
o'(hity. t'.al ,liwave on hand and are con
ii nuilly.'veccvh!ng Liqttors of all grndes.
wiiei ore to be sold it redticet riles for
cash. W'Ve have "Old Motitain Crown"
that we pilt agnins2t Ihe St ate.-in IJil of
glltllity ;-at a price that will suit all lov.
erq or a puire ftiele. Alsu several la,-rels
of Ptire Corno lhbikey. Wino, Gill, Ittlli,
Amity and W'ii Whent Whiskey. A pre
entiiitt artic'e of -Old French Brandy,"
whicli we reconimenl for iedicinal purpos
es. Those in secalch of n genuine article
if i' hiskey will be sure to find it by call.
ing on 11S. U. 0. DESPOt1TES & (0
upr 2* Corner No. 1.
The firm of D. R. O(ladney & Co. will be
-li.solved on tihe 1st October. . 'nre in
debted will call and seiile .41 nn'cc. Stock
on hand vll1, from this date, be sold at
cost. . ,.
P. I. Ce LA lI Y,
"Old Eph" will con'inte fhe Whiskey
hlsitess n: I he stant- of tlie former firm,
where will be Intind tlie best of Liqu ors,
Segars, &c. My friends are invited to
giv le mi a call.
Sept 5-lil 1. M. MiPly.
Due Wsst Ieale College.
Send us y0P DuPaughter's.
TIl1l. lext Sessioln opets. Octuber 7th.
1 Q.nly the Ythy hist. Teaers are en
Bol.krdpg, includipg .Washink. Fuel and
Tn it iont te 3 ear3 , 1eit .f0.
vir 100 pipils present anuil 13'lly.
The Presitlnt will lbe at tho Nickerqon
II'iuse, Coitlbin, FriIay night, tle 'lih
OctobIler, and wvill take chaurge of pupils on
0. & C. 11. It. Sat urday the 6th.
Sendt fotr a Cutaloguo.
The Intendant and Wardens of the Town
of W insborlI inl Cotincil tmet, do Ordain,
I hat e'very person, tirtin .or cottmpany, wlhi'
shell it1 rn.utre. enigide inl,;o0g ex@rpise ihe
busigiefs of' selling or v'errdi fig, dist illed r,5'
mal111. htitors, shldIl be re'qtuiredi to pn~y 8(n.
nually.to thi Treasner of Cntrncil, for
the itse-of the T'own, the sumts tne follovws,
to wit:'
For TaverAtLicense,.the sum of' $2fl Co.
Foir Qnatle License, the sums of $126 00)
Sr~c. 2. Th'Iat all ordinnee~s or par v of
ordlinanercis iniep'isist ent wit hi th'i s provisions
of thb, ord'ine',tpe, tie ndJ the .same are
hereby rep.colel. Done iti Coumncil in~ he
Town or Winnsboto, t his th daly of A irg.
In witness wlicetof the seal of the Towrn
is affixed,
(L. 8.J JAS. W. LA W,.
D. RI.. Ft.. stxr.. Clerk of Coutncil.
sep. '5-t3x3
r Il.\T! valuableh. Plantation. colln1nifng
..L81' acres, niore or less, wit i~uall nieces
51ariy uist hottses, ablout ((le mile. Souli of0
WVitnnihorg lFfeiglht liepo. The pla e can
not, be s1iipi21wed for henhht I. -x Exellent
strings of thle purest andl best watet ini the~
Shale ablouinde. Th'le scenery is mtiagntific hi t;
itn fac-, is anl excel lent ple' ini evry' lpar.
r icualar. lleipg ,cotn' le1ietlt t o ,los n, chlii.
dIren cottld hic .,ent to school anid chulrchi re
A valimabil tract of lantd (d/n whtich is .
cropt of .cottiin that will compture fatvorably
wtit hi any int thle Countity , )nhou~it 7 miles fro ni
townt, en th'e Ridgewny road.
Stile Cottage lionse and two Lo!s.
Termis easy..
N' 1. MJy stock ill trade. will be sold, at
andi un~der co~st inl order to conif e th~le fit tm.
aug 27'-x 212 8. W , Agt.
At PriQfate Sale,
- TIIlP .'tllknowfi threm
,, , story. br ick resi'dence otn
Manin or C:ongress Street,
nelL to cornier of Lihbert y is eel, contntin.
ing twelve upright rooms. fo~r part icu
latrs apply to the tindersigtned.
jinne '27' DePOSE E'0 LE9TON.
HIAVING proctured the
very best . Neobanics In
thle country, I -feel war
ranted In aying thiat I
can fur'nlsh a neat BOOT
or 8100X as anf* Shop
Int the South1. All. work
warranted to give satisfaction. My Shop
Is next door to F. Gerig's Baddlery.
mar l') 8. M. GfBtImi''.
1lt ow receiving a choice lock of
Fashlionable and taple Iry Gonds. in
which the llics may find be'iut iful Bliack
.ilks, Japaneseo Silks, Linens. Nhuslinsm,
Pique Cloth, Greniedine. Dolly Vnrdens and
oiluer Dres Goods. Elegant haes, Rib
bons, and ucler dress Iritimiings.
Sheotings, Towelings, Quit, Mins~iiio
Nvts, Oil uiotiv, Mattings and other house
keeping goods.
A good oupply of Cassiieres, Linen',
Cottnades, Clot iink and Ilts for Mten
id Boys, nsi vril as ailn -uisual large all
dlition to .their stock of Flue Sho.-s and
Cheap Shoes.
1Inrd ware. Wooden ware, Crockery, Books,
Paints and Medicines.
Together With
A btanillful ntpak of Wall Pftpering,
Window Shades, &c.
The Inspeoti6ti of the Public is Invited,
Itpi 18
Chairs 1 Ciair i
N OTilEft lot of "Georgia Chairs. man
. ufrnetred to o -der for us, of a very t-u
perior qui 111y lad fillilh. Our terils are
pIositively C ah, ind we hope Ilonlo will ex
pect. u1s to sell on credit. We citillot do it
;t our present low prices. Our pro-its are
very shkirt. We thus cill special nttenion
to our lerms tlhat our friends WIny not be
offedetl when we denandl the noney for
Our gooads. We invite all to price our goods
belorr lhey buy.
ing 22 MeINTYR3E & CCS.
Election Is Over, and
Are Going to Moe,
WE would respect fully inform thle public
that we are going to occupy thne tine NEWl
7TORE R OOM-next door to Bacoat & Co.,
about tihe 15thn of September .nxand in
order to reduce our stock of goods, ivill
offer them at reduced prioes till that titne.
doLIA UGhlLIN & 30iuNSTOki.
Ginnilg CottdiL
SA.\!n fow pireparedl to gin anti pack Cot
(oin wvithI dispo lh at, nhe .lowest. rates.
The patroinagei of tine public is solicited
. - r 0. IR. ThIO.\PSON.
aug Al
A foil Stock of LE Tilit o$ all Cinds
no0w on hand of our own mnanunfactutre.
Wholesale purchasers especially reiested
to conmo and examine my stock whichn I
teil at
Ncw York Prices.
T'1Bnners Oil,
Slioe 3ltaker's Flinding';
1( nd'Treadl,
Shoe NailIs,
Mhce IUnninier t
AiWls, &c,
The highest prices paid for Hides, or ex -
changed for Leather.,
aug 31
ESTABhisHED 1859.
form thne citizells of
i innneboro and. Folrfield Sistrict,th~at Ihmave
on hand a full aissortmlent of Walchl.,
as. Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles, &c.,, annd
will sell at the i4west prices, and wouIld
respieclftully; askt the contliuance of nhe
patronage of my old1 friends and customers,
All goods warrantd as rg preseniedl, I amn
prepareud to do all kindi of Watch and Jew.
elry work and have Always a good n tock nf
good material on hand, and will guarantee
satIsfaction. All work warranted..
Recond door from Col. Rlion's Office,
oct 3
mWO TIeres heat. Sugar t 'ured Canvassed
.LJams, warracted For sa~lo low, by
tune 22 Ri.J. McCARLEY.
Three Gross "Pet" and "Hlhi0;
011i0 Half MbI. Cucumber Pickles,
A lot FIie Family Flour'.
Wooden anidIWillo Wlare.
A choice assortuient of
Bacon, HamS
Ternas Strictly CASH Iroau this
July I
Fair and honest dealing in Dry Goods
Ials, Caps, boots, Shoes, TrunkP, &o., ca
bo had at
-New Dry Goods Empr.,liulM, no -. door to
. lliott. & Co's.
fe' 1
Just in afof-e !Casei McE wan's Edinburg
One caso best. london ~Ioni. For sale by(
july 20
Consistin g of Walnut, Imitation Wal.
nul1, and11 1lose wood, of the very best quality.
For design andl workmnanshlip unelquallled,
and c'heaip as can be boulght. anywher W hisC' 1
side rf the cily or New York or ltitimoro,
of tile samae qulal ity~..Everyth ing warranlt
cil. LooIJiug GlaIse aind ico10 LumbeCr
fpr sale. (Ca11 nnld see for yourllSves, ats
sein~tg is believitg.
Furnitturo nealtly repaired atllmoderato
aulg 15--(im IR. Wi. P1LT.IPS.
Very Pretty Indeed 1
Don't C'ome all at On1co !
BUT ove'ryb~ody .%comp fi-tt and1 get first
choice of thlose new arrival of Iadies Dress
(loods openedl yesterday and1 no0w roPosing
80 beaulifuilly andI gralcefutlly onl 110 coun..
ters and shtelves. A lot of sutpcrimlproved
Frutilt Jars forthe preservation of Pecaches
and other Frttits.
Turnipi seed, inclutdging N't~a Blags1
Iutch Globie, toll 'lop, and yellow Aber.
deenx and Flat Dutch..
jtly 13.
25 DOZEN Bradep Crown lloes.
I Tierce of Whole ?hico.
59V Bushlxos Meal.
P'att~nt Cotton Btck Bands&1 and flooks.
hor esto by
j tar 16u J'WATV &' Bnna '

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