OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, October 29, 1873, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1873-10-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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'ne Faitefielli Werid.
A Fair of Wredkillob.
linterviews 11lth te president of
4ho N-tw York-Gold -Exchange and a
'4bearf' weitabor, upon tbegold -quo.
tion., are repottvd in the New Timesp
-and afford ationgly contrabted analy.
-sev of tho situation. 4rebident Ed.
'wards talks liken man who wad taking
an impartial-and conprehensive view
'f the situation, while the iprofessed
'-opinions Of the other are the dreary
Ud''souotondts di4t of a speoulative
%roaker. To talk about -probable
+early ruimptioa,%.eys Mr. Edwards,
-when-the quld -in our possession rep.
Iresents only twelveper-eeit. of our
indebtedness la'aimply absurd, and
-'tke decline in the price of gold ho
>attributes to two oauseq, the flapge'
a bipment of spele to this country
from EWugland,- and the fact that bus.
nets iaaving been temporarily dopres
med there is not so active' den1"' for
thIe preoious metal as whon trade is
brisk and merobants have to obtain
rpe'io ito meet 'heir obligdtion to'
,government. As soon as business
revives, gold Is certain to advance in
prioc. He does not, however antici
pate such an advanoo in the rate of
discount by the ;Bawk -of England.
hat the flow of gold to this country
must oenase, for as long as the produco
ox this side of the water is so urgent
13 needed on the other, gol4 wil oon.
tinue to come. This year tho balanee
of trate is 160,000,000 in our favor,
,while last year it was $100,900,000
against us; and My, Edwards believes
that as soon as eonfidence is again 'es
tored we a all enter upon an era of
wolid prosperity, in healthy contrast to
the speoulative teodency in bcsiness
which recently obtained. Oa the
other hand, the gloomy member
thinks that the tupply of gold 'from
England will soon stop, bonds and
securities, be hurled back upon us
and gold go up to 150, or even higher,
which will lead to a season -of -die
and general distress. It wil be
safer to follow in iihis dilemma the
logic ef President Edwards than the
prophecies of hisoroaking atsoiate.
A Tragedy ladeced
One of the most heartrending
stories of the year says the LaCrosse
(WisJ) Democrat, comes from Fond
d" Lao. A young lady was pamsing
through a piece of ground adjoitaing
a farti house with her lover when the
girl was attacked by a savngo dog.
Before her escort could protect her'the
dog had seize-d her by the breast and,
torn the breast from her body, Whon
the young man saw the dog shaking a
portion of the body of his intended
he fainted away. The young lady
however, did not faint. She wasn so
mortified that she seized a fence rail
and she went for that dog, and she
pounded him until he laid still.
When her lover recovered, the young
woman was trying to hide one of the
wire screens that people put over
polates to keep the 1ies off. It seems
that the dog didn't draw blood, owing
to the fashions at Fond du Lao,
which i need less to desribe. Iow
ever, there is great excitement at
Fond du Lae, and the young man
has broken off his engagement and
has bought that dog-what there is
left of him anid ho is going to set him
up again.
The immigration movement is one
that is always watched with initerost,
especially the relative numbers of
our new-oomers who arrive from
tbe British islands and Germany.
During the yeur ending June 80,
1872, the British islande sent us
166,843 emaigrante, and Germany,
149,671. Compared with the previ
ous year, this was an increase of 13,.
817 from the former, and 8,502 from
the latter. Formerly Ireland sent by
far the largest numbers of any single
country, but during the year just
closed England has been in close
competition with her, Ireland having
sent us 77,344 emigrants and England
74,818 ; only 2,526 less than Ireland.
D~uringj the previous year over 1,000
more Engish than irish emigrant. ar
rived in this country.
Balicl Flags.
From a gentleman, w ho lhas recent
ly been passing some time in Atlanta,
Ga., we learn that he saw in the
Young Mon's Library, of that city,
the flag of the First South Carolina
Regiment, of Col. Gregg, and also
the flag of Musgrove's company, sup.
posed also to haye belonged to the
IFirst Regiment. These South Caro
ina flags were picked up in Rich
mond by some one unknown, and in
duo time presented to the library of
the young men of Atlanta. Our in
formant says that they look battle
worn, and show the hard service
through which they were borne.
They are piously preserved, are
gracefully festootied over an arohe.d
door-way, and form one of the moat
conspicuous objeots and most
striking ornaments In the building.
Cu'LwMi I~hanix.
domeodin a Georgia court "ap
plauded," whereupou the judge(we
quote from the Grifiin News) indig
nantly remarked: "You dry that up ;
I will let yon know that this is no
campameeting for exbuberating your
enthusiasm ; this court shall be re
spected at the risk of outraging the
seventeenth commandment to the
Constitution ; and if you open your
fly-trap or pat-a-pat with thiem num
b.er four teen brogans of yours again,
I wall sond you to jail for thirty days,
where you will remain without the
benelt of a dam anm cohoe ine."
)rhoI Boy Who \Yants1o Tl1uk.
The season approachs whdh the
boy of the lieriod turns his mind to
meditatien. As the -hotir of Wr. 'k.
strikes, ho-adftly withdraws from the
'table,'whero he has been engaged in
digging tha putty from a -bail head,
and unumstiatiomuly depogits himself,
b:Ibk Jf the atbto to think. We are
.darticu!ir to eny'faasize this word be
cause there id atft improssion' on the
part of lIis parents and his sister, who
has the honor of emorting-him to bed'
'of niglitIs, that he isegoinig 'to sleep,
fhey gn so far as to -openly express
this belief, but he stoutly'denies it,
and inaruediateby -paocceds to demon,
'frate f he gross'injuitice of the insinua.
tion by humming some familiar piece,
Pretty soon tl4 'hum-zding ceosesi;
there is a signilloont wnovement at the
table, and .it -is regu'tde agrin aind'
contlUttes for five minutes, when it
gradually dies out and all is silent
back of ''I stove. When the boy
comes te again'he is be'iug lifted to
histfeet by hiis waistband, and cuffed
-stho IroRa toihdioate that It is uf.
ter 10 o'clock. le makes a desper.
ate attempt to find where he left off on
the tune, but ignominiously falls, and,
five minutes later Ib etunflling up
stairs, with an interested and active
sister in his rear, and firmly but
fa.btly naintaining that he was not
amleep, but only thinking.-Danbury
Biaing 4tre les,
The board of Commissioners of the
State lantitute for the Deaf, Dumb
and Blind have decided that colored
p-Kpi-l shall be admitted and domi
oiled with the whites, and that all
pupils shall eat at the same table
and be taught in the same room.
This Institate for the afilicted of
both races is thus to be turned into
a -falerum upon which the nlegro is to
be lifted to social equality with the
whites-will the lever do its work,
or wili it not rather crush tho ful
orm than lift such a load I
The Blerok pate is forciug itself into
all placus and every position ; it is
seen on the Supreme Court bench,
nud in the Chief E xecutive depart
ncut ; it holds the Speaker's guvel
in the Senate and House of lepreen
tatives j it is the prevailing color in
both branches of the Legislature, and
is now thrusting itself into the Uni
versity. At the seat of government
it drops the coachman's whip and
has seized upon the reins of the
State-it has not yet led to the altar
the white hand of the Caucasian. We
have nono of the spirit -of prophaecy
but we think we see a writing on the
wall which says to these social equali
ty tinkers, "lhou art weighed in the
balance and art found wanting.",
The white men of Aunieica will not
much longer behold unmoved the
domination of the negro, and nature,
more powerful than political rings,
with anithousand tongues will cry out
ignssaat mixing the races ; the negro
)ut rushes to his own destruction
when he deniands either social cquali.
,y or political domination in any of
tle States.-Chester Reporter.
The ritual and manual of the Order
)f the Patrons of Husbandry is to be
translated into Gerinan, and German
Giranges are to be established in Ger
man settlements.
The beavers in North Canada and
tihe niuskrats of these latitudes are
reporte'd as having already com..
menced to put up double doors and
winadon' to their dwellings, from
which the rural seers predict en early
and severe winter.-- Toronto Leader.
Special Notices.
Sooner or laior' all will be forced to nad
mit, that manual labor cannot compete in
qualimy of work withs machinery, and unone
are so blind as not to notice Ihe great
reduction in the prie or an artie, as
soonI as machinery is adocpted to its
anufacture. No line of goods have been
more favorably affected by skillfully made
machinery, than Doors, Sashes, Binds,
&c. All of the Improvements in this line
are used to got up stock for Messrs. I. II.
HaLLt & Ca., Chasleston S. C. Agents for
thle best ruling and lining, Asbestos' Felt
ever used. Send for pr'ice list and circu
For loss 'of appet it e. Dyspepsia, lidiges
lion, Depression of Spirits & deneral
Debiilty, in their various forms, feo
phosporated elixir of Calisaya made by
CAaswa.L., HIazaan & Ce,, New York and
sold by all druggists, is the best tonic.
As a stimulant tonic for patients recover
Ing frosm fever er ether sickmness, it has
no equal. If taken during the season it
prevents fever and ague and other inter.
mittent fevers.
WTORKING CLASS, male or female.
160 a week guaranteed. ilespec
table employmnent at home, dlay or evening:
to capital required ; full Instructions and
valuabse package of goods sent free by
mail. Address, wiilh 0 coat return stamp,
M. YOUNG & 00., 178 Orenwloh at.., New
Circular' Saw Mills. To cut from
800 to 8000 feet per hocur with one saW.
Oaag, Muley and Sash Eaw Mills, Portable
Grist Mills Lefflt's Turine Water Wheels
andoevery kind of Maohineryaoccessory to
the manufacture of Lumber.
Address, Geo, Page & Co.
No. 6 N. Schroeder 8i,., Baltimore, Md.
Send for Dlescrlptive Catalogue and Price
Agentsj Wanted for a complete history
of our National Capital. Its origin, growth
exoelleneles, abtuses, beautIes, and person.
ages are all portrayed In that graphic
style whIch has placed the author, Geo.
Alr. Trownsend, among the foremost news
papeor correspondents of the time. It gives
bold startling, truth ful insido vIews o0'
Washington life, and Congressional and
hebbying Jobbery. Poeks read r for de
lIvery. F'arra terms for this State. Ad.
dress. JAMES BETT & Co. flartr CL
URDERt. No, we would only on
attontion to our Well Anger, with which i
man aan earn $25 per day in good torri
tory. It boros any-diamoter, an.1 ordinar,
wells at the radte of 160 ft. per day. FartI
Township & County Riglts for sie. Des
oripilio book sent oi receipt of 9c. pos
-tage. -Adr's AUGEll Co., St. Louis Mo.
Write for Largo 'Ilisotratei Prico Lisi
No. 17
Brel'ob.loatdi ag 3hot (lans S to ; $0t
Doublo shot (;is, $8 it ..i. . Niig;
Guns, $3 to $-',,. Intles, -- S
volver.,Sti to .25. P'iaal , s1 to i $
Gunf .\aial 'iling 'hak e. Las -y, alas
cul0t to Dealers or Clubs. .A my na !11t4
Revolvers, &c.. haught 'r t fao l r.
ttbolls soiel by exa esj C. ) D. I o be 'ex
atined ba'for C 1mid fur'.
Vnc only himuWoi Alfdicilio
rIfAT .\T TiHEsAXME T011
"uirges, Ttfdrifies, 1.nd tr-eng"thenls thi
Dr. Tuit's Pills rie composazed of maii
ingrediahts. Parominent nitoag hem anit-(
sarsparillai and Wii 'try, sW 8 nia ed a
to act, togol hir ; the one(a, lhrctugh iis tI
mixture witlh oilier stbstines. puirifvii:
and lairging'; while the othler anma~cela
purifying and 'Arging : While he other is
'trengthening the sy T mt. Th i it
Pills are at ile same timea toai.j and o
cathartic, a dessiderat'an log a'ight by n
medical men, but nevrI bofot e ac veared
In other words, they ,.. t!ea worik ofI two
medicines and d) -it much bt li a I it han i
f'o we know o'. fora- ith y remove nothit'g
rom tlae sysitm 1 tao' t itmput ii ies, so I hall
while they pirge theily lso mkltgth
licice they clia no tebiliy aI nd are fa.
lowed by no reiction.
Dr, Tun's, Pil.; ha.vr a Vrowlet ful it-ii.
ele -on t-O h oodI . The1. y wlat- inly 1pu11i y
without wesakeninag if bitt I .y rmo'vo '1WI
noxious particles front 1lit. hyle Lelore! it
is conve-ted ilo MIli, ni Itais makes It.
pure blood aln utaes impoasbiile A4
there is no debilitation. so ther's is tno
naurea, ot siCk ness Ott edii a: the Cpera I aI in
of this most. excellit i diine, whieb
ne ver stirirs or tartie a i i e ive
orgaus. bitt cauises lahem to volk in at pr
fectly ant iral mannate ce per- i -
'ing ltem do IIt. bec'noI -'e :11.1a alatria.
fel, but. n th cO ti rary, w hiae ill 4:nputri
ties are beitng reaove-1, lthe coabined aie
tion of the S ars. fairiilla anad Wild Cherry
pill-ies nid itivigorta-s thc ldy, :Intd a
roLoutt. 811e of hetalth is the restlt, of
their united action.
Price 25 cents a box. Saal by nil Drug.
gists. Depot 48 Coralandt .8. N. Y.
A GRIE kT Sensaima1 ! a -s
Waited c-ish Salary. or t'r.imii un al
Iowod. Siaicily hoi1nr11.01'. A di-eas, F. A.
ELLS & Co , Chartltle, .1lieb.
i r1-1SBoff(( 9
Agents Wa ntei. Send for 'alaou.
Domestii Sea.wing Iatciaitno Co.,
New York.
for the puripose of nttiiag in tle cstabIl
lih- mta - - a.
A Gr-itd Concert, will be ivean ill thea
city of Newartk, N. J., oni N ovemaber tl1
will be dist ribited aimotng Trachet- hotlde-sxa.
This ciiierparise is chiatn bily thi, la
llire of' thte Statie of New Jersy', or' ( ht
purpose above natmed, & puri l'chier of
uickets CI ennrely uplot pefcte t;l urst in
the d istrnibutionta and p)i amtrah patymenta eta
the Gif ts, as adivera isaed. I iakan, at 1 b
for $5. 13 for $10 25 fair $20. $-5,a00 ini
Cash Gi fts. The folloin g Guins willi Le
dist ribuited amnonag t ckt. ho tller s imtala
diat ely iafter tho Coactti, and Gifts paid
imnmediately iheretafter.
Onesgraud caish gift $50.001)
One gr-andl ensh gift, 1,0
Otie grand cash gift, 1,000
line grand tuash gift,5,0
1 caish gift, '00
I cash gift, .'u
1 cash g i *.,u
1 c-asha gilt, to
1 cash gilt,..0:
1 cash gift, 2Ak
1 cash gift, . u
1 cash gilt.,1,0
1 cash gift, lo
I cash gifi,
1 cash gift,1 t
1 Cattai gaft, ,tu
1 cash gift, ia
I anah gift, I.~
1 casht gill, ,tt
1 cashs gift, Oa
1 cash gift, .-t
10 cash gifts, $500 enbb :
20 cash gifts 200I .t
100 cash gifts, 100e 001
200 cash gifts, 50 ' 0,0
6,000 cash gills, 10" to
5,000O cash gifts, 5 ' ao
15,00 cashguts, 1 " ,. 0u
25,31 cah gfts moutingto 2,000
As w emloyno gens Oit ia 2.O 0h
lare ctie, ;e i-a t oisciabl t .0iv00
purhaerst to iena-li La Ilieeuataia000 m
hau. wtail 1 diawio g t I aoAgai,
Wa wll Iia-efor scd yo.l lt,00a0
tickts or 10,tar28 or 21); ,0 00
Sisghi tiket nae aailtircaih. 1l,00li
munial ia; ponip ly i lew1.00al
a Sot-l a. tttitle. ho ail ta~i1,000lit
I le alliatitata! liot iapa lii aod 0f00k
triiataoi. Alis ofatnra'ha- to'a.00iid
gift ar awirat-- v il tO sai 1to v0r
puiclasr ititiiltllt3 ate th 1.0c'r
We il sed ictcaalayt'~tC~anail a1.60
be ondlivr, hn ait d Li.00ii
and endyou tai! ttla-csa--ita 4.,0own
25,g51 bys Agents aningcl r iioi by2,000
Asod empisy tno Ageho outir ii 0fth
re cties orar thr enabrs to giveo to
parchasers the meners of thi cmerio
priae, wenkit asherie tge puoi thaet.i
Wowil he rad r stcesnd ever coi-i
dengle cket ne olare Inach."Allcom
muation promptlly. nwrd
"The manaeruo til becnerpied ary
me worf chmmicte, anho abilty ancd then
ifs odobtbu awhrey will met the evter.
prcser imedtely ueatrl theCocer
De il srenda es.yepesadcl
etidehvery whenR &o Od. Die oure
mowr, tofrad. hi rer4ou.ao 0
Negleot a oourgl. Nothing is more oo
fain to lay the foundation for futuro "ov
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
are a uivro cure for all disenessi of tiho lRo
spiratury Organs, Sore Throat, Coldi
Croup, Dipbiaiii, Asthimi, C'afirrit
Itoarsenejo, r.; neos or the nhroat, Wind
pipe, or Brouchial Tubes, and all Dis
en se% of I It e Lniitg.
In nil cases of suddon colid. howeve
taken, Ihiese Tablefs ihouild hi promptiI
noid Freely, used.. 'I'ley 1Anllize I lie cicicu
i-kti iof t ho e b;l.ood. m111i ig Io th e1 severi(y o
hlie, uniiotn ., armi will, it it very linrt time
restore hien!Ihy action to the iiNi.'.t ed or
uell's Carb diOi Table s, nre pit up oni;
in 1 btue hoe T-,1:e im rala'iv! le. I
thley fnn't be foe m 1,1114 y-.1 hti i '
sun-it rI witte' i- 4h, Agait in New G'urk
who will forwarl Oi.i 7 IV r'urn mail.
I nt be de ;'i . by in e eIio t.
P'L, by 1;.h - ,u I -Is. P'-ife 25v..-a Itox.
0 i N X t NLA iI. 18 'Iiit -Q. N. V.
i''elI fo' ( i rctl:i r. Sole Agent for til<
Uniited Suites.
which can be cured by a
timely resort to this stand
ard preparation, as has been
proved by the hundreds of
testimonials received by the
Proprietors. It is acknowl
edged by many prominent
physicians to be the most
reliable ineparation ever 1in
troduced fbr the relief and
cure of all Lung complaints,
and is offered to the public,
sanctioned by the experience
of over forty years. When
resorted to in season it sel
dom fails to effect a speedy
cure in the most severe
cases of Coughs, Bronchitis,
Croup, Whooping Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds)
Sore Throat, Pains or Sore
ness in the Chest and Side,
Liver Complaint, Bleeding
at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's
Balsam does not dry up a
Cough, and leave the cause
behind, as is the case with
most preparations, but it
loosens and cleanses the
lungs, and allays irritation,
thus removing the cause of
the complaint.
And sold by Druggtsts and Dealera gonerally.'
DclyoSiis or 5 ilillI~ I illt|S IeffriVC(I,
l.VTT1U'S|I'T At I.Jd,(V I V) .-l'T'TIE ||:! T R
C) V C Ei|T /|'1(.'.T RM 'IE' (ja J>VI'.;pSI'
.-lVIJ SI X l'RI| ( AX 'T. CO.ll1'0 (,P/l.
1:1> K 7'R Y LX 31UNT/Is ox A C
0 F F I C E RL S.
Wmr. Mlattin, pt,'edient.
J. II. S'wyvar in genterni charge.
Wie e ap'eni. William Mvtadiht, A. C.
.hu hnt I. l'at'.r, i'Thonmas Ev. Glregg.
lv. T. Senit, Newbery.
Daiel lRn avnel, ,lr , (Charleston,
lh'insiso~ro Iira'ch.
.tam'l I',. Clow~ iny, Assistantt. Cashier.
p 'hatersti~ , M!ehr.niles, arid l'i-ofessiion l
leu, Widow is, Or phns, TI n:,is ainda
Conty tUnieei s, ha~vinig montey for wh lich~
ItIhey have12ri nosent use, cn htere deposil
Iit, r thusii aiig all risks of' thefts and
destrcon butly fire, and at. the samte tinme
draw inia-rest thereoni till nreeded.
u're the antest beuslfau
ni style anad perfect
in tone ever andite.
sTOP is the best
evr placed in any
Orgnaaa. Pts pralucen
of rteads, pctaie
* ~ ,, intly~ voiced9
MU!@~ikAmi|M~MM he LFEWCT
M~gtrhich inRE Y(9 N
WI' litIll NG,
wthilr BT'S 2II-.
TATEON of the
l\ MIEHliuanas V'olco
hrms libaral.
amtdltuAN N' first-clas snakers~ins'
cilding WATERIN',atu ext rentely low
prices for casta, or part cash, attl-dance
ntmnnI eutiothl payments. NewV7Oc.
tave firsat-cias PNOS nil anodernu
Ietp rovelanente o 92J7, eash.Oryatns, 5.
Oave 570. DIILII EED Oltd
GA NSyf S~t sil10 S S tops e, '2.
Illustrated E4t togues rnniled . A latrge
discount to MIinstersi, Churchreis, XNundayt-&ehoos, Tma
)ieonce Socidies~ cl. AG ENTS WVANThED.
Boots and Shoes.
A N elegant, lot of Bloot s and Shoes just
Areceivod from T. Miles & Son.
son 18 1MoMAsTER & BRICE
G to Ilacot & Co's. and purchase a kit
of.Now Family moss Maokorel, put
up especially for Failiy Use.
sept 2
Con-iiing of WhiCltiCamber 801s.
Painted Cotingo Stuits, Ithrlor Suits, Wal
nut., Poplir and Pine Vardrobos, Side
r boards, 8a'en, Secretaries, Ilurenus, Wash
41rands, Tables. Il'twhi lItich, Towellincks,
na 'I 11 all l %e'.s v4, ks, Cot 8. (hairs,
Piano Stoolk, Sohns, L011gCs, EtageIs.
Book (nscs, Cotmier 8:0oos. liookkee pers'
Stools, Cribs naild Crailles of the very beat
gpinlity. For peIign a' W kinareship,
kiUneqIiued which I difer at Cullumtbin And
Charleston Prices. Saveyour freight bille
by buying at 11ME.
OF nll Styles maiet or fr hkrilr $0oulb iern
W'od, at warralited to give entire sn iin.
faction. Use econo my :111,1 buy the best.
Woven f11e4ii Mattr-sses
TIl A T i,i lasI a lifo time. They are
com11fo1rtable. diirable. cl.st ic atil cleanily.
Wool, Cotthn
A ND 1iai Top \l tire i. -,41r pi1ee lr..
boy1-:tnd mp::'.tion Oi lie the samu <iuali
Mirrors -ind P'f:e ilris .01' S:0r0.
Aelt:- i I-i'na.
Furnit ur ne.ily fI, p-iv-d !i n etlerate
pric(''. P'1t iire lt :nue- it.'Cde 'to on ler
nmaei-als I'll nl;held
belpt 25 HI. W, 'Ill,,Ip3.
Charlotte, Collumbia and Austist
Mail Roadl.
Cour.e Mia, June 13, 1873.
TmlIE rolluivng Passeiger Schedule will
Slie tinti ti- t1i-i roa.1 on and aflter
MONDAY, 1601th inlnt :
nAY Tt.' e --GOINO ORTn1.
Leave Au'n in, ni 3.52 a mr.
" Chi i:.6. C., 8.42 am
Vt iisbinouo, 10 60 a m
"' Ch-t r, 12 15 pi
Arrive at CI.:loite, N. -0. 2.27 p im
DAY TrANGu s 6U'rH
Le'c (hrlalot'e, N. C. lit '1.20 a n
Che-ter. ; 27 n m
'' nI , 11-a'!7 12 a it
" Col11ui.ia 1.45 a In
.\rrive nt Augusti1 2.00 p ml
J1 .\\MANimR OIN, Gen'i Sit.
U. R. Dons i:Y, Gene. 1: '1iket Agen'
2p UAWT / eyr
- ~la ietJaArttheI7od4&...
.All 1VorhWfarranted a
'Send efor.Price Lid&
L H. HA L L& CO,
- .3fiaue/nrerar & Drake.,.
225, 225,'Ha,.,tzhBay>'
This Cut entered n eording to Act og~
UOngr'ess, i-i the year 1873, by L. 1
hlar, & Co. in ile nilice of thie Librarian
of Congrtessi, tat Washington.
iune I19
-- :0:
are now re'eiving onr Fall and
Wt int i-r Stoelk, wich iilihe full andl com
plti a iin a short timue. Toeolq and Ihnpli
meintA foir the Plater, thle Mechanie, the
Snmithi and Wood wvorkfnan. ILeathers,
Chi atins and Rope of' all kinds, Bal lances
llorse and Mulie .i'.003, Wood and Tin
Wares, Wagon and uggy Materials, &O.,
0n hiand and to arrive. We huave two toni
of Cut Nails on hand.
a nice lot of GIroceriest, etuibracing
Coffiee, Tea,
Spioce., flums, Lard,
Tobacco, Soaps. Candles and Starch.
All Low foP the Cash !
Ungging and1 Ties to arrive soon.
sept 30
Livery and Salo
mi. STA.BLK tiL
[ KEIt' contiaanhly eta hand etirVa fine
i Kentucky Horses andi Mules. Partic
in wanit of good at tok will do well to give
me a call.
In connection with my Livery Stable, I
have openued a Carriage, Buggy and Wag.
on Factory. All work neatly executed andi
warranted, Give rno a call.
la 18
Withers & Dwight.
3WTom. 3. est Sa.
-No. offei' 'to the pUblic q
0comlplete stock of genera
merchandize at CASH PridC5
whici vi'll tempt the closes1
buy(s. -
A hinke and complete line of
Bleached, Utown antl checked
Lin se s
A heavy andl , well el-eted
ISoft.ient of ,icans, t'rom
20 ets, to I1,0'I0 per
of evei.y grade ami style
anna oA warranted
A sti'e'rior avsortrnInt of vool
en -and Cotton hosieiry,
Ladies and Gents
Fine Irish Linen Toivels &c.,
A good asortient of fnamily
'tle best as-zortmfltent of I Hats
Over Ibroup.'lit t tIs market.
1loots -l11 z-lis ill .
variety and of superi1or qundity.
Notions inl cd less var'et y
sept 27
Yionths aml GenAisNiz
A full line ot' D- ess shir's nn.1 G(ents all
Wool andl .\leiuo tuoderV re.
Hu.:iery nud Gloves,
oct A
'THOSE Indebted to the ilu-.
dersigned for 'ERI ILI ZERS
advaticed during the past Scat
son, are earnestly requested
to pay for the same by the
After that time, the accountst
wvill be collected by an Ata
oct 18
A.ftll supply of Metallc BuriotI Cases,
WantCaskets, Walnut Cases and
Pine Coffins. Also prepared to do Job
Wvork of any kind, repairing old G ins,
manking and repairing Orist Mills, at thie
old stand known as McGreight's Shop.
June 9A.8m J, WV I1.nvCRIn sneT.
To the Planters and Far
mers of South Carolina.
T H1lE subsoriber rispetfully Invites
your attention lo a Portablo Plank
ala straight rail fence, which lo conafiden.
ly holieves solves the Fence Questico,
winoji sInce I lie change of our labor systaa
li ncw thocinestion or tho'firmh.
This feace is onte of unquestioned n_ erl&
soproclaimed by all who have examined
or used it. With hearly ONE HA LF LEbS
iAILS, the unsigh ly crooked fence cn
be convelted, with asati cost,-into a su.
stntial, duirnile Noce, witliojt the 'use of
Dew .rnals. -It is easily made-can be
rapily constructed. Properly coistruoted
it is proof against unruly stock, ivind or
flood, nol will nnd ten ycars, it po6
11n11;";, with1 out ropair. No p.aart 'U( 'fh
fellce t C4l la hi I lie grounod. Iteqiires riio
Pot-holes, n vire, no barinag or mortlb
T'i Cafnno hlta been in tuso in Iho Sfales
of New York iil .\tiissippi. aid in every
anislancet has lmre111 thnut mbe rm' Fanl.
guine expect-Uations c'f the mlolst pracoticil
l1,4111 1*a.
This fence was paten:ed by Geo. R.
.lake int, t o., of New York in 1807. halt
aui~~ned~ua ha, purclinsed ilh entire'in
leres of (lie paieiteem for the btate of
oih Camian, anid is prepared to sell
.'Tmwe. TheIce will be sold on reasanablo
Over tihe justly popular Fenaco of Ih
R1ev. John11 II. 8o1e, it has the following
1 ta'lttua~gcsi
'dt. It a chaatper. beenise beving an
"Air I ine Jevice," it iak 4$ lass rails.
Ucuane, haviniig no wire nwial post -hales to
-)y for. it will save in sot tal cost taro
I hth d:oble t lie oust of Faiten Iights of au
izeid fr .
2nd. It is more dutrbale. Ilaving to
pose. ill t!? grountid, it can int rot off.
Wvr-y ra;l bI','ng cl-ar of t lie .-ound, q %:
entipt. it Iromata -lhe soau d.aaidvtmlago,
l .mg flimly bracod, it offers great resis
tanice to st ck, wiltal or flood.
8A. Ia-in*g pot talle, it is more convenlent
inl c-on-irticiion anli daesi-bb inl usae.
To e t r-aprt iintg y :e. - n, a rare of.
i- tar :.eor a n i y ; t1, L 0rre a
dea-jaj ::oli-.-ir ed. A.ddt- r 5 CIo
I V LN NSBu 0O' .
N. 1 As I will be Lbsent from i5 a state
otnil .h', 1-t of Nov,-iiiern . Par'i it's wishain
urthe-.- inforiaion will commuicato with
It E ltioi. Agent for Failifield County.
1 IY bA'. to hnowilat I have just
received -L nice aaiortlmnt if*
Plain ni e.
Ca''ead (to dti,
A pp s,
O ra nge-,
1111( Leinlols,
tat the lakery of
I Ca ie n iLiverpool and Syraeutis SalI
6 Stacks G rountd Salt,
10 Boxes Soap itssortetd,
8 lloxes Adaitmantine Candles,
2 lio:':e-ratnrh,
1 T.lier'ce. Larat,
1 Tictoo llams.
All of whatlh *e olter lowr teo
S tooK
DryW Goods,
lDress Goods. Notfine
tladies and Misses anid OIk11rend5
Shtoc &c., 18 1ow
T iE M4arshalls are hereby ordered Ia,
Jenforce the Oidinance forbiriding
hogs gointg at large, by order of Coutnoil,
oct 9 Woik

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