OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, October 14, 1874, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1874-10-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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N. 3FS .DAVIN, Editor,
Weal:i v 1111gornitirber I,'874
For Oanyassnu 4th Con. District.
e conservat ive Con veition of the
4th Congressional,--Distriot met ii.
('oluiibia on. Wed-liesd"y 1n igt I Ist,
t'ad nlomliitotd by -accliAtila,. the'
tisti.giiiivd genileina whoso naine.
Ftawls a,it t'h head of thi.s colui n.
Ilavinig for ,omieo time past advoca ed
(.'n. Ker:-how's. nqmilination for Con
gre4s, it eCoIl i u1 to say that the
1et6i01 of 'he cenventionl Ileets with
vtur haiity -and uni ind1i lied endorgO
ment. Ikoed had it beei otherwibe,
ve -hoiuld ha:1ve looked forl an uprising
(f tII hllnelSt VotCl3 of tle 4th 1,Dit
vict in ii b1ohAlf, who woUld have
in.si.,led ulpoli his eidi'any inl spite
ol thlt ConlV t1ionl. 110 i.4 /llr e.rcl
/. i t c .heI iollo's c nid lilate, a uni
vNrA3 Ia-vtirite. and the unanimious8
choi !- fit the iias-cs. As such, his
ch:iaeces for -1 trilillphiant election ano
1j igh t atnd quiLte gtQd, and will doubt
I ess grow more su every day as thie
timo ot elcttion approaelics neater.
( ciil. K er:-haw tiq a inaii) we wec(d
liet :: v hil1id1. l ie its ai nationlal
roptitation, atll Lis Owfl actio1s speak
for. himiii in louder tones than any
word we coul utter. A truo son of
tie 8:ate, he his ever deported
himiil.elf l.)y-al to her intere.ts, and
ha alw;i beenl furcilost inl thie rank
of ihw-e w%lho contributed to the on
I 1.;uenoft of lie g ry or tle presor.
vaiiinl of her hono0r, Ilkliamue is,
t,p hcd ihtillghout thle whole of
1-oith Coinoia, :id his deeds both
%V; weI i'lr -al k-tlicsmlaln cover.
o.lie of tlie ntiot glowinlg pages ol
IhL Il 1wr It I li'tory of ( te 'a hif vtt
t ite, u lun en oni p: -per, but inldeli
bly eiirved;% 1t t upo l tho Ilet'its of hit
i-lii in,! votitrymn . If i to dly
mrV iniirall bovetld thanb an u
!!iI:.,h St:4(0, andA t11t0y so0 t(,
00 acoun"lilt (if I, high inltegrity, Iti.
hi- i,m, c'i--.atr, a:.d bkis many rare
\-Tl tloim i, our standard-boarer,
wt ol-4 (1w4. shall winl. W e do0 Vi0
lenee to our feet lings in instituting it
copaisn-bet%eell hi.n anid thle
%i it i al c;iaid tid,te, the nl o i.,us A
s. W allaco I,, ut fiur[- purpose is ouly
t'l e. ibit inl h-l1 lo re lif the utter
ini llcno of* 0,b0 1atver. Genl.
: a; i ll evlery s'llwi of the word
gs.lit ex.pte poitionl to
wh.Li i - -pires, while Mr. Wall.le
i 3 ' hilput it. mildly, anti l i I e-eeki
di .ogue, who1V lt prowlt s abot the
eury ,trlyinlg to stir up trite be
iitl l 11 uhmto view of strenlgthen ing at
vtk :ltstI. We know fromi Reopub
I> i uiithoriiy t hat Watllace ~ s a more
cipihier ini the hi. IMof' Congresi withI
mer ly contili: i to voting at thie die.
:te 3' pi ty leader3.li. O.i the other
hilld, wer cie Keri3br-w in Congress,
we N! ielvee wouVll d t ako a bold, ini.
th pendenI0 t a tandit, acknot)wl edginig no
resitrainit 3-ave) that imIpiosed by a
g o,d ixn-ice anid anu honeost heart.
.lie wouii. be at1't0 rere utative ot the
peopleu, an:d not the plianlt tool of a
party . 11d would bie tounld fighting
e.- ri p'i mi nl 1 wh tever :lhapjO it lip
neard, an bi ack-pay grabs, Credit
MIob-ili.-r scheme an14 Ild the 1r Cong res
i- i u tetiit ies of these lattern
ourii' 1plecouldt reaich the naltjial
ears , ail1d theic truobles would be told
as thiey actual11ly exist . Tlho cond i
11)n ofC thle Sta:te would be pohrop)erly
r - p n ted, and her gielvances laid
1'eforeo Con:gress julst as they airo,
nlii her. exaggerated nor~, diminished,
but piortrayt d in words of truth and
sacbruess. Ala ! how diferent has
i.t li enfr thle pasL six years.
\e hi :.- been slaindered, maligned
and li 1.1y i-p, kt*n of, bu lt non11 . have
li-n fol to take ouir part savo a
f-: n othern and1 wetorn .DeoclOrats,
upon I ihln. wei hIad no0 clims 1 what
A ii'And thus it will ovor be0, so
b as we e tnetcaemnlk
Whee3 to represenit us. Let u1
lii -a unililted, detrmined effort to
<) et :a ebiai'e. Nay tuoro, let us
chlei 11h pelessciu Kei shawt, which wre
can1 do by proper exe1rt ion. Hlaid
wv'.k i:s uloit is~ requiredi, unitiring
labo: unitil I lection da y. The11 county
nu.l be- h tlut ighly canivaded, -no
i-ing'le .,eingect e,adifnd
he, ver butl and,aun1et viited.0(
Le:t ever~y hloIie.t citizen apipo1int
hiinlcf a comm1.iittee of one to do
thiui we.th, and1( let it be0 well done1.
Wie torp>he doing our share ofit
and11 mori too, if n)Ceesary. If each01
JuLy, wo can rely with coifidenop
10on the elootion of our candidate.
kVu invvku the assistanoe of all-good
)itizeno, both white and colored. To
ill we say, join hands with us in re
3onciliation and peace, and help us
leleat a demagogue and fill a high posi.
lion with one eminently worthy of it.
"iTt is stated the free common
iohools will not be opened in tbis
lounty before the lt November.
WVhat is the matter ?
( ti'on .Herald.
Simply that the radical admtinis.
:ration I, , tolen the school money
belonging to the different Counties of
the State. Thats all. And yet "the
public achools are not closed. The
reasury is net bankrupt."
Tho Charleston Sun is a professed
kdvooate of Gen. Kershaw's claims
for governor. The Sun wishes a
straight out nomination, and does not
propose to support Judge Greetn or
aly lepublican. These sentiaients
do very will coming from such papers
as the EdLileld Advertiser, the Pick.
ens Sentinel and the Greenville News.
But the Editor of the Sun, (Judge
Thomas) when he neceptud office in
the Republican party, did just what
lie professes now to be unable to do.
lie joined the party. We do not see
any consistency in this.
Again, tho 8un asked the State
press, "are )ou for Kershaw ? Speak
out like men," and pronised to pub.
iLs their respective answers. In
responso we t-aid, "The Winnsboro
News at present advocates Judge
Green for Governor and Gen. Ker
show for Congress." Tho Sun has
faiiled up to this time to insert our
answer. We call u;on it now to
give it an insertion. The Sun like
the Pll.conix is actually aiding Chaw
berlain. We shall measure the hon
esty if its c(urse by the alacrity with
wih it publi,hes the answer of the
News to its query.
- - . -.&0-a.&V . . .
"It is the Legislature which spends
tho moniey so gathered into the
treasuiy. The Governor han not
the control of a dollar of the public
[ Un ion HIerahl.
A. we expoote:, -Chamberlaht is
bo,hining to shirk re.ponsibility al.
ready. By the time ho is elected
govornor (if that disaster over hap
pon), it will be diooverod that thc
governor has no duties whatever tu.
perform, except to draw his sahnrs
and the contingent fund. Tolosery ac
OuR1ation heretofore brought againbt
Mr. Chamberlain, his only dfene
has been : "It was not my fault, how
could I help it." Ile is preparing
thi excuse even now when simply a
candidate with no bright iro,pect of
Th'lis assertion is unfounded.
W hile the governor cannot. say what
money shall be paid,it is clearly hi
duty to say what money shall not! be
pai<d. No act appropriating even a
single dollar can be made of force
without the segnatlure of the (Uorernor
osr as two thirds majority in the house.
Mr. Chamberlain sees that if he real
'y desires reform, his votoes must ex
uced those of Andy Johnson, the
ahampion votoist. lie will not have
the nerve thus to brave a majority,
and his reform will be like that
promised by Franklin J. Moses, Jr.
l'oor Chamberlain 1
Why Usurpers are Uphold.
W bhen the Kellogg government
was ov3rthrown, reoently, the Con
pervativos retained poweor long
enough to capture Kellogg's chek
book, and bear it away. This cheek
book contain. some remarkable evi
dence as to the motives of Congress
in perpetuating the rule of southern
u'urpera. TIhis book shows that
K(ohlogg,wlhihe the Louisiana quost ion
was egitating Congress, sent checks
for large sums of muonoy to Mat. Car
ponter, lioast Butler and other radi
cal luminaries. Carpenter recived
a retaine.r, and then argued ini favor
of Kellogg. lie then demanudd
ithore money whaich was refused,
when lhe turned violently ngninst
bis former client. In Now Orleans
bo denounced the lKellogg govern.
ment, and two diays after received
snot her thousand. Butler claims
that his fee was for legal services
rendesd in the Courts. This is too
~hin. Bribery Is too apparent. And
thsus are these infamous satra.
pies forced upon a suffering people.
A stringent law should be passed
For bidding a Congressman to engage in
any legal proceedings in whiolh the
United States or one of the States
is a party. In this way these infa
atmous subterfuges for bribery can
bie prevented.
Plain Talk.
At a large meeting held in
CTharleston Tuesday night to ratify
the nomination of Greene and
Delan. the masi ate f th I.
4opendent 4tpablicsn Convntioo
fpr Governor and Lieut.Goernov
emongst.the i4peakers was Senitor
Dunn, the Vresident of the Executive
Committee of the Independent Re
publieans, who alludedto, -Attorey.
General Melton in the following
forcible language : . - ! :
"One wore word and I am done.
1 have beard that Attornay-General
Melton, in a opoech in the.up-couctl
has charged me w!th pio-u%ing 0
Chamberlikin a plan to-regognizd the
conversion bonds. I her. publip ly
say that, if it be true that Mel ton
dared to say cucb a thiing, 'lhe is' a
liar, and tho truth is not in hM1."!
|Cheern, end. orie of "Go for iin"
froni the srowd.1 I have found that
whenever a maj cht-oses to stand up
against the.e raoAls, and they Oa'
do anything else, they begin to -lie
about him. I hope they will get
the lina reward on the 31 of next
November. What I say hera I want
reported,and I also want Attorney.
Gonral Melton to fully und.e.rstand
LI1at when lie ne%t mueets we he has
got to retract that charge, or it will
be the lat word that one of us will
We call the ab vo pretty plain
talk, and Senator Duun evidently
means "bumilioss." Ti.e Attorney
General will have to "como to the
scratch," or back squarely down.
We regard it very unfortunato that
a political campaign can't be con
ducted without resorting to bitter
personaltieu. However if Mr. Dunn
haq..be'grssly nisrepresoted, a
he claims to behis language -way be
jutitifi.ble. 'e express the- hope
that no blood may be Plied,
The Independent Republibau's.
The Convenion of tihe Indopend.
ent Republioans ons held in Ciarle.4
ton last week. Delegates from twen
ty two counties were present. Judge
Greene was nominated for..-Governor
and blij. M. .11. Delaney, black,
Lieutenant Governor, The platform,
adoptod was the platform of the
Chamberlain Convenution. This iai to
show as Sam Leo said, that the Ii
dependents are not fighting republi
canism, but the thievei that.di-grace
it. Itainey was -ndorded- fof QOn.
4reis iii the firlt d 1.
MnLke nominated against Butts it.
the second. I ' I. Cain againlla
[logo in the third, the anticipated.
niomination of Kershaw was endorsed
in the fourth, and'J. P. M. Epping:
tiominated against Smalla in the
fifth. The ludepondot nomination
aR4e now before the people, Dath
republican parties stand on the same
platform. This platform is not.
wholly acceptable to all the. -itiz-:a.
of tihe State ; but -as we have' no op
portunity of changihg' it, we had b1it:
Ler oupport the hone'st' candidates it,
prieference to thieves.' We trhst
that Greene and Del ainey will ibe
supportod by the full conservative
vote. The Unioni He6ald conceded
13,000 colorcd'voted to the bolL twon
years ago. A change of 1'3,00
this year, with the full conservative
support, will oloetOGreene han~dsonme
Judge CarpenLei-'s 3harge.
Judge Carpenter in his recent
sharge to the Grand-Jury of Rich.
Land, alluded to the eharges made
by the UTnion HIeralI that James A.
Bowley of Georgetown had received
large bribes during the past session
of the Legislature. '(Biowley is an
independent, hence the righteous
indignation of the subsidized Chami
berlain organ). lie ordered the jury
to investigate the charge, and, if it
be true, to present Bowley, If false
o present the Editor of the Uaion
LIerald for libel.
This is very good in its way, but
Judge Carpenter would have descry.
w ore praise had he alluded, over
io mildly, to the charges brought
against Patterson two years ago for
bribery. P'atterson is a much wore
brilliant luminary in the galaxy of
republican statesmen than Bowley,
and it would seem that his ease de
manda particular attention. It is
unfortunate that our worthy UJnited
states8Senator who by his previous
e,ood deportment had. won from a
ra tel ul cotnstituomey in P'ennsylIvan
a the soubriqiuet of "J1anest JUhn,"
ahould have his previously unspotted
-eputat iona darkened by this blemish.
Judge Caipontor.ia uot the frienid to
L'atterson that we thought he was
>r he would have pressed an investi.
;ation, and given llonest John an op.
iort.unitp of clearing himself, much
o the satisfaction of the Conserva.
,bve citizensof the State, the New
.eork Tribune and Sun,-and his for
nor neighbora in Pennsylvania.
The Phwnix.
As we gave Mur. Selby of the
Phinnix an advertisement recently
n the shape of a eard to the publie,
ye will repeat our favor by inserting
second card.
To the Public,
As there appears to be a .disposia.
ion to'misannrohond hno art.inin pub..
listed bf the undtirsigued on Tues
day last, he dees it necessary to tip.
pear,again over his own signature.
The P11c,Nix has never been sold out
-the lying statements of the, much
sold Charleston News (now News and
0oarier),4o the contrary notwith
standing. The-PmEm:x has alwa3s
advoits the best iipteretits' of the
le of the Stat6-ou stveral ooas
F'n's"the mode deemned advisable be
ing contrary to the conviotions of
tlie"prbriletor. Gen. Kershaw is his
ehaio 'for Governor of the State, and
mevbral articles, - pointing towarde
him as - the ".coming anun," havo
a peired in) the colunitas of this pa
or. -A better opportunity has never
een afforded-a break (slight
though it be) in 'the'Republican ranks
I the Conservativqs rally to his sup
port as warmly us they did four years
ad to the standard of Judge' Car.
p nt6r; he can bo elected. Thnrefore
w4 wiko the public nontination :
Soo-r;i 0AROLINA, GEN..J4. B. Kri.
SHAW." Remember, the Couserva
tives of North Cirolina beat out the
Rtadi.alH*, not b ~ truckling to that
party, bt by mustaining their own
men. A meeting (convention it van.
not properly be 'alled) of dissatiali, d
Itepublicans in Charlebton, oin Sutu
day last, recoaknended Judge Gicoi-e
of Sututer, for Governor, Maj. M. 1.
Deian,y., (color.tI,) for Lieutenant
Governor, adopted. the platform of
Oie rgular Republican platform,
-n I Invited tne Democrats to back
them up. The.-reouinimedations are
ra her too Radical to be adopted by
the Conservatives generally-l
tht.uh:soiae will follow on the score
of expediency-. Theoe are our eat ti.
*at eqi.victions.- Wbon we proposed
0.1 held offt" it.v as to await the to
; 1 ofsary comubii ation which night
1"I fftuiL. Mr.. Chamberlain bad
.bsen se.verely handled in the culun1s
0.ho -Puommix, and a cessation* oh
this for a -bort time, at least, might
be advantag cous- inore espeuial:y as
oPr experietce has been that continu
, d-denunei:ationl ha never availed to
.do-*qt- a Radical candidate. The
o,,uvention of., Thursday, the 80h,
wij aptiously conaiaer the guberna
tqrial pandidacy, and .either make
:Dominationt, or accept those proposed
'pnu.,we sha'll await their decibion.
We regret-the action taken at the
.1r.win.-Hall nominating mecting, yes
t, dey.. - Circumstance. prl vented a
oropmN-.eo.tatve of the I'nw.-iix being
in -the hall, and the as.-ertioa by one
qf4 e geqnlemuea present, that thI
.Conservatives had now no representa
tive paper jp Columbis, was unjust
All proceedings of the sort have been
and_lwayi will be willingly publitlh
ed iuthe Molumnsof the PumNix
We.,4o--not V lievo that this card
will sati fy tle hiiest patriotic sub.
;btibeu'-of tMePheaAx. it. is fol
them to judge whether Mr. Selby
9 gld out' to Chaubeilain. W.
liave not seen a single subscriber of
the Plhcalk who commends the poli
cy recently adopted by Mr. Selby.
On the ot.her hand we have heard
loud complaints of b.etray:al. \lr.
Seiby should know that nine tenths
of his subscribers are opposed te
Chamberlain. lie should see that a
'perpebratipn of Chamberlain rii's
rulefor two years lunger, will .de
prive these subseribers even of the
imall'sum tha,t they p ay for sub.
scriptions, 'and thate therefore a
"armed rieutrality" means death ta
the Phonix unless it be supported by
frauds arising else where.
Iliis nomination of Gen. IKershaw,
likA Chamnberlaina's repudiation o,i
the fraudulent debt, oos too /-ee to
dispel suspicion. It is knuown t hat
tbie blacks have a majority of twents
thousand, and that they will vote fur
no one but a republican ; and the
nominafion of Kershaw or any con.
serVative for governor woul. there
fore be useless. This is the course
that the hirelings of Chamzaberlain
kindly advise the conservatives to
pursue. This advice, the Conserva
tives do not propose to take.
Mr. Selby in our opinion has made
a mistake, a woeful mistake, whether
of the head or the heart we leave~
his patrons to deeide. .Cannot a
paper be established in Columtbia
which will not make such mistakes ?1
Mr-. Ed slt / [o.iU eATED
In your publioation of the pro
ceedings of the mass meeting held
in the Court IIouse ont the 6Wh inst.,
the following resolution, which wais
unanimously adopted by the mteeting,
was omitted. I beg its insertioni
Resolved, That this meeting do
again assemble in thec Court liouse
on Monday the 19th inst., to take
auoh further action~ as tho exigenicies
of our situation muay requniro.
Very respectfully,
11. A. GAILLARD, See,
The little county of Lexington has
sixty-nine candidates for the General
The Pennsylvania railroad claims
the largctst locomnotive in the country.
It has twelte driving wheels and
weighs seventy-five tons.
Somebody says Yale College slu
dents stud, one hour per day, pull a
boat three, box two, and talk about
athletIc matters the rest of the
. N OTIO-E].
Hfoowing -n mined persons are
rebynotified that they ha been
appointed an111gers of Mleot,io u aL their
respeotivo Prooint, at the next general
eleotion to be holden on Tsesday the 3rd
day of November next.
8m 1.Elliott, H C NfoIaughlin, John D
Jno. A Desportes, lit-well Etdmunds,
Douglas@ POX.
J WStarns. Mosei 1liker,'Henry Salth.
It It .enning4 Jno. W Robinsoi, Silas
W Itu e.
Ins K Rabb, 8 J Swygart, George Burnse
16104 TIOPh' LLO.
It T Yarh>rough, It M Zealy, W U
C %V Faucett, D R Peaster, James dar.
John MeLorkin, U.ivin lirloe, Thos
D wit.
0.A0uKs Wov.
Jan A Mtilororey, Jas L1 Richmond,'
Strother Ford.
Louj Wardlaw, Frank Xillingswor h
Jam. P. (Ion.
W M NELRON. Board of Cotn'r.
oct 10
25 to 50c. a piece.
Sash Ribbons
25 cents a yard.
Needle Casess
Blelacl(Il llomoslu,
0 --.-11 oIS
10 cents a yard.
Clothing ana& fats,
Landecker & Co.
oct 9
II %VVErj TriiE
Dry Goods, clotli(,ig Iloots andlE
Sitoes ill T1oWn.
Parties indebled are requesfed In otne
forward and( pe), and thereby establish
thaemsel Yes frn futurro appli~ati ons,
ot8 J. (?. SQUIER &f00,
Goods at Auction.
~I)Y VIRtTUE of 'uthority lo me gr-ant.
J) ed by the Judge of t'robate of Fair
field C'ounty, I will sell at nuotlon for
oaah, on F'riday the 28rd of October and
suceeeding days, th.entire stook of goods
and1 furnilure in (the gtore roon i,i Winns.
boro, lately o.ioitpied by J. M. R. Moore,
consisting of Hoots $hoes liats Readly.
made Clothing, Latdies Dress Goods,
Urookery Ware &o., &o.
Executor of Will of J. M. Rusland deo'd
Oct S-aw
The 8ta efo uthi Carolioa,
Court of Common Pla011-Summons for
Relief-Mary K. Harrison, Plailitiff
against Thotnas W. Woodward, as Trus
te, John K. Harriso, Rumale H. Har.
risob, LUole It. iarrison, William 0
ilarrison, Eatelle A. 1i%rriso,, Jqs. (.
IlIarrison, Sarah.II.- Harrisoni. befend
To TiC NIFENDANT8 You are lereh
summoned aud required to answer ihe
complaint. In tli abion, whicl is filed is
tle offido of she Cle'rk of Common Plans
for the said county, andAo. A .gqp.
of .vour nnswer to the solid corniii
on the sulbsriber att l,p office, Nos 7 n id
9. Market otrect. Yliasborn. Fo. Ca
within twenty.days aftor tho service hereof
exclustre of the day of simih sorv0 I an
if you fail to answer she complains ihiiiis
the itie aloreaid, ihe' plaitn iff in thi,
natiott will apply to the tourt for the ro
lief demanded in this complaint
Dated 171h Aug , .1674.
JAS. Ii. It ON;
Plaintiff's %ttlpt.
To the Defendans, -John K Ilarrison
Eninice Il. I.arrison, hucle Ik. flitirison
William 0 if.rri,soi, Est elle A.. flarri
Son. James 0. lainrison and Sarah Ii
Take notie thlt -flthe s:utinl-is in thi
at lo n*.. of iIhich I-ha foregoing- is a copy
.was.filed.in the ooicm or the Clerk. of tih
Court ofCommon 'Pics for Fairfield Couns
sy, in le aoiresnid 4ta4o, onil he 27th.da)
of Aug4s,' A,'D. 1874.
Plff's. AIIy.
sept 2 .x.
State o'South Carolii
Couart of t'9mmtst -Phen,s--Copy Snm sa ton
Dtavid 1. Coork, Plainiff, against Adai
I)unbdr,: -efendant.
'To the If1ndant':-YoU are herehy osu
moned and required to sibWer theis con
plaint in this act ion, w hich is filed in th(
office of 1io Clerk of Comnat 'iris, fi
the aiid County, and io s -rve a copy o
your answcr to the s404d 'om1plaiit on Ih
subscriber at his office. Nos. 7 ntil 9
Market Street, lVir.tsboro. 8. U., wilhil
Iwenty days after lie service hereor, ex
cludive of lie dty or stioh li vice ; and i
you f(ll to anAwe she compl4ait wiilhia
the tin*e afores-tid. Ihe plaitiliff In this ac
Iion - ill apply to.the Cob sil t'or i ht( T lie
demanded in the coiplaint. 1) ted lb
October, 1874. .1A.S. If. ItION,
Plainiff's Aitoiney.
To the Drfedant i-Take not ice'41at i h
sumumons in lh is, tic ion was filed. in. thi
ufice of the Clerk of the C iurt. of Comumrn
lens ut Winu .oo is tt h 'Colunj. an(
s ale aforesaid on t lie 'mi dity of )clober
1874. J.As . um ION,
l.s. of Oct. 1874. Plaintitff's Attorney.
oct 7-xG
Where you can get Good
Cheaper than were
Over offered
110I 0 . R,ao Sie, avas
J la - Lad uar 'fe ,-e
naiset Grcry0one
A1 welIC C.ee RStaok of1oos anda se
t,h greater pard, Sucngarran toie lers
fire atiesfacteilots
Nathans Cabinet Rye, Old 8atin Rye, 01
Golden Nectar and other popalar brand
of Rly. Whiskey. Pure old mountalE
Pure old N. (C. and Pure old '(entuck
Corn Whiskey, Cognac, Feach, AppI
Blackberry, Otnger and Cherry JBrandie
Sherry and Port Wine.
Pure Llituors a specialty. Partie
needing atiy Goods in my line do wellt
give nme a call.
dent M6 U. J. uMCAUnLE.
Gr'atefbl Thousands proclitn Via
.tdArt"Ti!:ts the hidst wonderful In.
Vigoraut that over sustained 'ie sinking
No Person Cai take these Bitters
tiecording to directions, atid remain long
tinvell, provided their bolier are hot do
stroyed by mineral poison or Uther
1t1n1i15 and Vitil orqats Witsted beyond
Bilott1 itentittent and Inter.
mittent l evers, which Itie go prdva
lent in ti..villeys of. our great rivers
throughout the Unitem States,' specially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tenessc, Cumberlhnd, Arkan.
sas, Ited, Colorado, Brazos, Rio (i-ande,
Pearl, Alnbaunm, Mobili, SalaIali,'1o
-Inoko, James, and imy others, with,
their vast tributaries; thronghout our
entire copltry during the Summer gid
Autumn, and remarkably io during sea
sons of unusual'heat niid drfness, are
Invariably accoipaimlied by extensive do
raligemints of the stomach and liver,
Witl othei' abdominal' viscera. In their
treatinwtit, a puigative,-exerting a pow
0rful infiunce. pon- these various or
gans, is .selititaly liecessar'y. 'Tl1ero
1 no cathartie for tho~purposo equal to
Mt. J, WVAmegi1t'.q VIN EG ARL ITT-MERS,
is they Will spiitdily remove the dark
r colored viscid-littter with which th5
t b6weli aro loaded, at the same timo
stinuilating the secretions of the liver,
and generally restoring thle . healthy
- functions of the digestive organs.
r Fortit'y the body against disease
by pIIrifying IlI its luids with VINHOAH
riT'siEs. No epidemic can tako hold,
of a system thus forc-ttl'lled.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head.
acle, Piin iIn the Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, sour11
EriCtations of the -Stomach, Aad Tasto
h1 .h1e Mouth,-lilious-Attacks, Palpita
tatioti of-tho liart, I nfitilmnation of the
Lngs, i'ailn 1 tho egion of thd Kid
Ileys, and a hundred other painful symp.
'om1s, ar the oil'springs of Dyspepsia.
O1b bottle will provo a better guarantee
of its merits thanl a lengthy advertise
Serofila, or King's Evil, wfiFo
Swellings, leers, Ervsipelas, Swelled Neck,
Goitrai Scrofilous Iflammations, Indolentb
Inflammt11ations, MerUi-inM Alfections, Old
Soras, Eruptoso of tho Skin, Sore 1-yos, etc.
In these, as in all other constitutional Dis
.Agon:n their great curative powers in the
1 iiAt obstinate and intractable cases.
* or Infiitfiatoty and Chronie
tent and intei'mnitteit V'rers, Diseases of
the Blood, Liver Hidnots and Bladder,
these Pitterchae no equal, Such Diseases
are caused by Vitiated 1lood,
MeChAinical DIseasese -Persons on
gaged in 'atints and Atiferals, such as
Pimbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, 'and
lincro, a-i they advaneo in life, are subject
to piuralymis 4., the Bowels. To guard
,against this, tako a dose of WAIAKIs YINi
EolcA it'lT-us neAsionally,
FoSk'in isedses, 1rtiptions, Tet-,
ter, Silti- thenmit, IllotChieR, Spots, Pimples,
Pustules, -Boils, Cai-buncles, Ring-worms,
Scald-head, Sore Eye.e, Erysipelas, Itch,
Seurfst iscoloramtionms of the Skin, Humora
. and Ilsdtmises of tIhe Skmt of whatever name
emr natufre, trO litdrally dUgt u.p and carried
a onu. of the sy-stemn in a short, time by the use
.of these IBitters.
Vini, Tape, aind othei Worns,
lurkliug mn the system of so muany thousands,
are ellfcetually de5stroyed and r-emno\-ed. No
system of imediie, .no verumifugos, no an
thmelmuisi tics will free the system from worms
like these flitters.
Foi' Fenale Coi laints, in young
Or' old, muarriedi or single, sit the dawn of wo
mimhood. (Sr the iturn of life, these Touie
Bitters display so decided an influence that>
ilmprov-ement is soon perceptiblo,
Oleanse the Vitiated BIlood when
et'er y~ou 11ind its Imnpurities bursting through
the skirt itt P'immplea, Ernptions, or Sores'
ceanise it when you find it obstreted anu(
slugtgish in.tihe Vins; eleanse it, when it id
foul ;your feelings will tell yoeu when. Keep
the bl~ood pitre, and thie health of the sy-stens
It. I, 14led)oIJAL & CO,,
andc e.i. or WAslgs. asl nir t6 St.. N.
- Sold by all Dsugists and Deale.
O)J the 20thi of' ciovtmbef-I purchased
the interest ef A. F. Goodinig in the
Winnasboro L,ivery Stable. All horsehire,
buggy hire, anud horse fe(d will he CA S/I.
This rule will he asshouly adhered t6. r
WIll always keep on hated good-saddle and
buggy loesa, also carria gee and buggieg
fo hsir'e, Taoe patronage of the publc id
resprofully solicited.'
dt'e 16-am
To Alil 11h( i I;V ( Voi' 'l.
OTICE is herehy gliven thna applieO
cation was made on the l5rh~ dny 0
lStembe)r, 18'i4, to the Cler-k of the Coumr
of Chesteof couns , for a charter ofind-rpo
r:Iliost for~ thme "lhlackstock El ounto.d itiff
Clumb" of Chester coutsty, in neordanii
Il with uhe Act of the Genlerl Aasensby I
,sueh case made and provided.,
.i sep,t l5--lm
Dissolution of Vartnersip.
- IIE ci opartnership heretofore exiseting
I. under thmg name of P. Rt. Gladney &
Co., is dissolved by the~ death of E. M,
I Mirrphy, one o-f the copartniers T'he
s busi -ess will he soinsinued b3 the under
,signed in Ihis own narne and on his. own .
y account.
ci All persons having demands aglnst the
a late firm of D. It. Oladiny & Co., .will
send thei in at once, and those Indebted.
s will make payment to the undersigned
> without dtlay, as the buuinesseof thse firm
n:a t be. settled. D,.R. GLAD NEY,
dept 2.4 S.......

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