KJfhe Fairfield Herald J'U lt.tsk'h .1 Ilciat l irectory of FairflilI . 01i:ity. BIUlron--Moses Martin. it '11It F.TATV1 -Joseph Thompson John ibson0, Joel Copos. G. W. Diivall-81orifif. Afia'l. It, Clownoy--Clerk of ,ho Court. J. J. Neil-Judge of Probate. W. It I'vake-Conoty Auditor. - W. M. Nelson-Counjty Treasurer. Y. J. Crawford--Mohool Cotunismionor, R., F. Alartin-Jary Qtmmissioner. OOTIN-rY ooMMISKtIoNVUs-3in. It. larVV4, Itent ,aoobi Cartur BoatLy. - 11. N. Obonr-- U. 8. Commis.sioner. NoTtlnHP rc:1111--NI. (". lloberts-=:'J Q. Davis, .11. N. O1,ear, l), It. Krlawd. TRIAL JUsTIOsS-A. l. Alackey, W. It Marshall, James Aiken, Silas V. tiff. 11. J. P, W. Columanl, Thouns Walker, Dr. Ira S. Scott. T. it. Ilobertson. WINNSBORO NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTH OA ROLINA. AUTIIOUtIZEI)UAI'IrAl, $200,009 PAD ut-$7.000. W. It. RobertNon, President. 0oo. 11. loMuastor, Vico-Presideut. Sam'l. It. Clowney, Cashier. Dli (J. Robertson, 'Toller. 1P) IMCTORS5. W. I. Roborlson, II. L. Elliott, Jainls Jloaty 0Ge'oge li. ANCaithler, 1). It. Lion. I It'i,-Jas. 11. N'eCanti., Jas. Ii. Riou, Jas. ' Brice, A, M. )otuglass, UCol. William >hnston, of Charlolte, N C. TOWN OrFICHt. l'iorro Bacote-Intonlatnt. wARIENs-I. U11rig, J. A. Fraser, W. A1. Ne'so'n, J. 0. Ak-Utricy. Wi?NNIIIIAW UILtDIUo AND LOAN ASSUCIA T10N. t0. IT-. Alcater--President. J ames Iinaly-V-Iico-l'resilout. 1). It. FIennike'n Sec. amld Trcas. Ii. N. Obenr, Attorney ; MI-rector.s- jas. A. 11Ic0eF, San'l. 1B. Clowney, 0. A. White, I. N. Withers, J. Al. Galloway, F'. FIlder, '. 11. Maladden, IV. IT. Flenniken, J. 8. Con nor. cIIIlr or o a. -T. .1. HI. lurphy. A V1tiI11ble Ilvenltion. Messrs. Robort F. .Burnham and Wmi. 11'. Strong cimployoes uf the South Carolila Railroad ompany, have patented an invontion of great practical benefit. It consists of It rear light for railroad ears, to be at tached oither to the top or bottom of th' vohiole. It is an octatgon-shnped .apparatus with colored glasses, attached to tie whools of the oar by gearing, which revolves, showing dif f'retnt colors when the ilicold are turning, and remains stationary whel they are at -rest. The value of tho .inventioln lies in the fact that ai engineor on the roar of a train hav ing the new light can toll at a glanlce whether the procling train is mov ing or standing still, bemauso as long as the train moves the light or rather the covering revolves, ithowing dif. fernt colors, and thus onablos him to judge whether to follow or cheek up. Tho inventors tre young Charlos. toniatis. Fc1t1le Fools. 11IONI1.1) TilE, P I.'ETT Y A COl- IO\v NV YORK WO.\EN nADE .IIM FARE WELL. Somnubody writeS froia Now York a pcn-picture of the affeutinug sceno at the wharf whon the hanadsomtae English actor 14ignold set sail for home. lie went oil in the Ad ritatio aeotnpanied by floral ships and temaples, ad plateaus and1( baskots and bouqets in. niumeralble, The daty was calm, but the sails swelled with the multi tudlnous sighs that followed theo do p:artin.gship. A orowvd of desperate women boardod theo boat and press. ed their claims upon him. TIhie ocrs respondent actually hoard two dif forenat pattioes, in a ppeararoe laid ies, identify themenlcves as~ the writors of curtain noteus, antd reproacha him for niot aanswering in 0on0ecaso, and reply. ing coldly in thu ether. Th'lis, too, with a crowd pressinag thmna ea tll sides, anid every wVordL theay said fall jng otn a huntdred amuttsed ears. Th'ley lost sight of suarroutndinigs, and look ing their deplarted idol1 in Ino face, they pourod out their peutt-up fool ings. TIlohi bg blue cyos of thao gal huat Rig nold looked sympathy, and his hanadsome nmouth uattered regrots. The whole scone w as ludicrous taoyond doqoriptiona. At ai dislaance sat the ordjnary British wifo who owns this Adonis, looking coldly and critically en the Amoericaus who "miako such exhibitions" of themselves. It is doubted wheother Rignold over ox. periened this sort of thaing in Lonf don. Hou soetms to like it though. Returning in the fall it is understood ho.,returns alotne, as Mrs. R, dosen 't like this beastly country at all, in which ease the chailky oliffs of Albion wvill look their last on thae fair form and swoot faice of Rignold. Onily his little bones well picked will ever esoapo the New York ladies whon heo cos again. The reasons attributed by working men for striking tare at times indeed ridiculous. At a colliery near Shoffield, belonging to Earl I?it.zwil. hanm,. safety lt aps were lately introduced in place of naked lights, nud five hundred mnon struck wvork in eonAoquence of that. Earl Fitzwil hiam, without any more ado, closed the collieries, and now the moen aro wondering what they have een atbbht. ~'Ilet wooed and al~ wouldn',") is the way to pult it w~hen a young wonnensu doclines a proposal of mar riago. On Saturday, 26th Junie, the voters of fi ranitevihlo wentA,own in a body to Langloy, anud wvipod out- tall pros loots of an additioal seh.')l tin.. Sudden Ieath. M r. f. L)imard. I a native of N prth Carolina, and for some months doing bi4iness in Newberry, sudden. ly died p0 the 18th Inst. He had not been siok, and there was no one with him when he die4. Iis remains woro. taken to his home in North Caroliu' During the past year there wero $1,000,000 worth of English pointer and setter dogs imported into this country. W. P. Doty & Co. 3 Door West of Post Offlce -ILN T'IESPIAN HALL BUILDING. DEALERS IN AIMILY & PLANATION GROCERIES, PROVISION.S, GRAI N, 14,LOUR, HAY &c PROP RIETORS -OF LIVERY & SALE Wheir wo constantly keep on haild a fully supply ofgood Horses & MVules, -MPR A.L .-00 a .-X X 3IIIL33. march 25 PIERRE BAC CT, AGENT FOR STANDARD FERTILIZERS, O FillIS for salo the following very Poputlar brands, viz C. 0. Coo's Superphiosphlate. Bradley's Amimoiated Dissolved Boue. Royal Uuaino Comapotund. 1B radlley's .A ci d Phaphiftte. Parties wishing (Guanocs by the oar-load can have themi ordered to Doko, alidgeway, Liyies' Ford and Strothecr's Stationts, na I am angent far the cut irn County of Fair lield. TIimeo sales due Novem.her I .. For amrangemnits Von timo11 and pr*ic- J!h cotton option aj pply to 1P1IERR1E BAC0T. JUST RECEIVE'f Car' Loand WhIite Corn. 1 Caru Lioad( Flour'-all grades, 1 Oar Load BAolteod Mecad. 'W'hite and Smnokeld BaIcon and1 *Shoulders. Rio and .Java Cofl,'e"reen and roasted." Newv Orleans and Cornmon Syrups. All grades of SUGAR. Lard in bis., hial:-bbls., Kegs and cans. D). Rl. FLENNIK( EN. april 10 NOTICE, NXE hereby give notico that Mr. lv Th omas W. Steelo is our duly authiorized agent for t.he sale of our ma. shinesu~ in iFairfielZd County. Mr. Stoele was forrmerly a oltizon of tJhs county, ann he comes to us recommnended as a strictly honest and upright gent-leman, and we commend him to the patronage of thme pub June 14th, 1875. THlE FINtgiR M'FO. COMPANY. I. P. LIGON, AuuENT A uel 1 ouba .0 FRESH SUPPLIES -OF GOODS6 W E have j1u"t received a fresl lot of oCatiou and other goods to which we Invite ATTENTION! Our customnors will find some niew goods arriving overy week or 1 wo is we are en deavorinig to keep our stooh * FRESH AND ATITIACTIVE jcMaster & Brice, June!I E. w. Phill, DEALER IN FURNIFURE O F i'll E very betia wilities. for rarloi t. 0 aes an d t ii il Diniing Ronmm. Fos deftign and workmniiship N EQU A LLED! I offer aIt. 1ricCH tha3t de-fy Competition! Bedsteads M!ADE.ohard wood, iatl warranted In giVe entire atiCato'ion. I keep no inferi o'r rtuality. 1s ecnony mid buy the beml, and buy where you caln buy the oheapest. Sl'p Coifortablo . AND )UY Phe People'. SPRINO III). Sis time ho. in listh mtarket. witiout. ex ception. 'hey are cheap. Kentucky RATTAN and Split. heai 'hatirs a ,.pe cially. Our pricet aire beywnd oumaipe. tation I MIatt-esses OF ny owr. mmanufaciure, Wiidow Shades, Wall Brackets, Paokmts ind Mirrore. Repairling. FURNITURE i nesily repaired at 'moder atePrices. Pituro fra mcs nmade .o order. Special Attention GlVEN to the Undertako 's Dep rt 'ment. i keepa on hand a full sulply o Metallic Cae4s md Wo0)l C4ia01sa of tie tinest finish. All calls proptily att ended to. My temIs fare cash. I not. upon Ih1p th1eory that short. settICUtts mInako ion friot da. oct 8 NEW STPORFE ROS E N H ElIM & CO0., ~~) ESPE~C~TTU li.Y inlform thme pubi. .A lie in gnamlm that t hecy havae opendad the storo furrmeroly omoupie~d by .1. If. ('n timcart whIere theay intLend to conducatt. a gcaerail stock oft naercandaise, conasistinmg of G110C(E IES, BOTS8 A NI) 81101'S, AND L1IQUOlIS. 'WE GUARtANTEE* Fatir and sq~auarn troat ameinat to caica and overy one lihat wall calfl ont us, marcha 27 iiUST REEl lVED. ~--o A eiANDSOME LOT OF EDOINOS, INS.ElTING S N A INSO)OKM, LA!)!ES' 80 AlU S, I' AN S & To Whicl. the Attention of the LadIties is Inyited, jue2 Mlo M A STER & BR iCE, 100 ozs. mu,lrtoo., Qutno 50 vials "a " Morphine. 10 lbs. Gum Opium. ** " ' Campnjhor. Forsale at tihe Drug Storo oC 5NEW>GOODSO C! OLD anid F1ir Wafihea, (the very beottilulakeepers) Solid Gold1 Chains, ol Plated Chains, Iinge s and Biver ub Cbain, which 1 tuarbatee. Also, Breast Pins Coll,,.and Shirt Duttons bf all deg OrIptions. A set of beautiful Clooks. %% he ca1 beat them? Re piring done in a workman-like mannet.. La1isfaftion'guar,au teed. CHAS. XULLER, dec 13 TJF.T. 1U are hgent4 for a la,oe New Yor W, TKA 110'U80i anu have now o han! Gunpowder and: Young ifysin Tea put up in one lb. anet lb. tin caniaters warranted full weight a ud to give satie faction or the purciaoke Xoney Refunded I Peicos ow. Uive them a trial. iar 9 HEATY A 110. & 80N. CENTENN.HIAI I T IlHE beat of dainks can always be found at the ocutenlnial lar, under lite Winnsboro iotel. Another fiah lot of fine Cigars and Tobaccaj taut received. AL8O, A lot of the beat Whiskies, Brandies, Wines of every description both foreign and domestic. All kinds of Arctic drinks can be had at short notice. It3 ou would keep cool call at the Centennial BA R. May * S. F. Cooper. DIRECT FROM NEW ORLEANS 3 1has. N. 0. Clarified Sugar, 10 1161s. N. 0. Molass es (Choice.) A former lot of tivse goods have given geeral satisfaction Give Thein t Trial. BEiATI' BR1O. & SON. MARTIN & THOMPSON SUCCESSOR TO'0. R. Th10MP80N. Tanners, CAWiers and Loather Mana: faet.urers. r~'illE aibove named firm wouldi cal 1.espeoil tattention to Boot an.e ShiC -Iuacturers an, iIaw ness Ma ker. WVs. will meli pure oak tanned finisha ril s.octs o r light and heavy puirposes, as iuw as nay house in the trade at wholesale ra etaHl. CASH PAID FORl H1IDES. . an28 WAJi1T oJ r MI L LIN E 1.Y. IMek Eye Blee-Mlivo And Iloth 2ap., (1ONNNO a OLOWliEY & CO.. propto. \.,orm for the co 19iq of Fairlel~ and Chi ator, oWer F~ar * Righlets to make nd0 Use 'the maime with sample hive fbir 4$10.00. Appy at once ,amnd be ready to hei ie At mwarpse a 10 ftinsboro. W ood e ea :jusi recelved and for male, at the I)rg Store of juneS 3 W..A KIA yr . NEW -AbYITI1il5&I4TN. A*gends. bAddrenle . S. Walket.ErI -.a.". Pper in AaerI9 wlh &to.$5.00;04rqaoe, free. A. Cot 800 '' -p4.y, OOt~AOlIVX'Swaulitel to "oel B "The peoples Comnon Sense Medical Adviser,",by A. V' rPiorce, N-. D. - The most readly:seUing book out. liolusive terrItory.and libet'al terms Addresi the. Author at Buffalo, N. Y. A boe rie FemaleIntue C4harlot ieav ilie, Va. 19th AnnualdMes. *ion opens.'s t of Septembher. wtih .1 fil Fa'lulIy 'atid elegant new equipments. Health, acqessihlity, gooll . fare and thorough Inatructions at I<1 eqlitege, For details. address It. 11. R.A'LINU8 M. A. Principal. " soo'ANo1 or Soul, Cmimm. - How olther ae may' fasJinate 'and gain the Iov 6 and g 4f10tions of any person they chooce ini-anly. Thi4 sill. pie, mental acquirement all can possess free, by mail. for 26o, . together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, into to Ladies, Wedding Night-Shirt, &c. A queer book. Address T. WIL LIAM & CO., Pubs. Phila. aweek.Proo ur At ri e 13 t n h no V.~'j eantaudbonor um IabWle 10689 laybut te 0 on "p*ti M M. K.REp,8 AT,, mnw Tollm, A GIONTS VWauted. The Centen. nial aizetter of the United States. Sh2ws tihe grand result or lo0 years cr [PrEedomn &. Progresm. New and co ipletc. Orer 1000 pages. Illustrated', everybody huysitan I agonis make from $100 to $200 a month. A ddress .1. G MCCUItDlY & CO. Pubs. Philadelphia Pan. $10 to $500 investell in Wall St., often leads to f-prtlmne. A 72 page book explaining everything. and copy or the Wall street Review. sent free. JOHN lill'KI,INi & CO., Hankers and Brokers 72 Broadway Now York. COIJUJiS, COLD, 110ARSENE AND ALL THROAT DISBU.E, Wells' Carbolic Tablets PUT UP ONLY IN Ll.I t ES '. A T111D AND SURE REMEDY. Sold hy Druggists generally, und Johnston Holloway & Co., Philadelphl)ia Pa. Wherever It 11 is Beoll Tried 1 J U R UB E A.l has established Itself as a perfect. reenlar and sure rete ly for disorders of the1 system arising from improper action ofr the Liver and Bowels. I It Is not % Physic, but, by stimulating tihe secretive organs, gently and gradual.ii ly remoi es all 'mpuritiey, and regulates the entire system. It is not a Doctored 1t itt era, but is a I VEGETABLE TONIC. which assists digestion, and thus slimu. 1 lates the appet ite for food necessary to in vigorate ths weakened or Inaotive organs, and gives strength to all tie vital forces. it carries its own reommnen.lati i,. as thme large and rapidly Increasing sales' testify. Price cone dollar a bottle. Ask] your dlrugoist for it. Jelhnstun lloilown' iy & Co. PhJiladle'phmi. Pa. ShiiOns Illepat ic Cimupound. I LIVER CURE. I Apurely *Vegetablc Comnponhmd, fr a can be given with li.mnty to an Inmfar' j of only a few hiours old for Colic orm 'an Derangement et tihe IBowes. This Coml lmnunal w ill ailt ii .t.e1 i mist thei fluence of n.nalaii im.. m i d hl:ti pm csar health, It is gmu irnm