OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, April 26, 1876, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1876-04-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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'th ite lI l.ve'ry 1V..lJl)4 i:7 i I
f'tI Lf..4I Af,s' 4S'' )1! 1"lIS
T/;!NRAi-IxV d I'A NtiCL
lie Copy one year, - - 01)O
Vo u ' is H *~ . 12 (H)
u f l25l U Icizd .I)irec c.oi'y or 1 idrlleld
sHIArnoRs\ort Mi in.
J'ItFSP.NTATIVI:M .-.JoiCI)l Thlomnpsion
J ohn 0 il n1n;,.1 ocl Copes.
J{t WC. H(o'. Ilowrii'v.---Clerkl of (ho ('ours.
.t. .1. Neil-.Judg. a~ of robatel.
IV. 1S l't':iko -I ol)l l y Attutuiior*
1.Y. M. Nvlson.-Cuuiul y'1r Trtn"er.
NV. .J1. Cruiw lord1 - 1chuoi, I :ooni li9ouCr.
it. F'. turizm-.Jeiry loolninaioier.
VCJ'1NTY 0031 1M8IoNl:ItI))-Jos,. It. Harvey,
11. N. Mebat- U. S. comiissioner.
TR)IAI1. lusxrucl:.--A~. Ml. i\luikey, Wim. It
11. J. I', 1V. Cohenatui, 'I'll~a 01105Wrl 14C,
])r, I ra S. Scott, '1. It. ht)el.sLof.
WI H NJS1ilt( N ATIONALJ I 11,K Or1:(11'1'!
"A 1)01.1 N.t . A UTI11)o lI)C U VITA1 L $:O($,tJU(I
V. R. Rtobeit solt, P'residern .
S tno'l. It. I 'low umy, Cash i i~t.
9'. K. I11iott, 'I oiler
Iii(R liIrnfNr.
W. It. lloberlaon, II. I.. Elliott, JaulloF
A .!trice, A. S. I)oo~luss, C..ol. ili amt
Job uion,
1)r. 1i'.1: Aikien lnl.'ndtitt.
ardensr I. EIler. W. N. ('huatdler, lt.
J. fAhot~irlerv, A. 1'. M~illeri.
VJIIKP OF~ stUiIl:.-,I. 1. \.Iothicrsliel.
Jam es l3:ry--Vieei~.'rcsidton.
11. N. (llecm.Au (--/horsey
W)rr.~Ior,. -.ld+ A. IBrine, Saii,'l. 1..
4Jloii ney, (i. A. i I I N \ 'i herm. .1.
M4. (il~ tv, P. I.r 1'. It. 'Il.tulen.
I.F. M4c~a.ster &Co)'
('lonert ofr ogress and Via ilittig)I ;its.
NEWl A 1) V 1''ISEM 1(N7i..
( ti 1 ?/T1r Fr beit e'lll1(]
. 1 _ . Lt .I.J 1. n (Ill, t(iIi ~I
du(,ltl inc. Add(ress U.. S. 8A1'I1:1'Y
I.,L' All. it..,II
hI\I 'it ln~ 2's .iiivanc' 1"s lrl.)'
A1 L. IitiOli S.ut1 Glianuiug, , cNlleiri$Ill2
nid Mar2riauge (uiaide, riiho~vina hiow either -
-i.luyfutse ilizle an11( gahin thei 1. 'e an~d W
1211(i~iil Oit aIul.' P1 "4OI they~ elioosc iii
st iat!}, "1110 page!!. JBY ruiil ;t() cis. "
11 iL . Co., 131, S. 7141 St. 12I ihll4' ilti
.GJ';N'1'S Ilel nlx and' 1)ij.Ioinas atu(al!
Cii'Ci21221 , A J llI,MAN ,l CO., :3111 Arch
street, I'Itil IIldt2I ial. -- _ I
' n~ ljt'~Avit.; for the lcust Se"ll
111 l il \o-Id. Itk c %t22t iiiliS~ 1 1 4-It
it uI14ic(.i. 1"~ i u . :'ii u t t 12(2224i'r, with
1,i Il'ijiii elegat ( )oI(I ?iiiie Sleev"e I In t- (
Ii III. Jouist 1)1;i,u 2Sct s-. :, with LI soiilt i.(
jewel ivt for. (.11(). Wa'tiio.s gie s2w~. i ((
to) all Agejt-. t'i ,litiu:r t!'
Bridle A, *o,' 7(; 1 521 yi , N Y.li
WA NA \IC- C ntenniad'
furi thle gI I u
.;ltiiinial 1n21.e1221l~ei., inlitigli; t
ifWlow ii,.,11ik '1itirus, extra teintis. Seouil
hir~e(t, I'laili.i 1':t. _______- - - - -
Wells' Carbolic Tablets n
let I 2'ii .5 IN Iir~r i t ux :( Il .Xi:
A TUID 11 AND ) 11. E~' 1) 1'
VVato& PIanos,
1,.I-:111 thii ' I, 1 i ' a r:1 c lii i' 2 ,1\ 1 clot
1111 r1 424. ltd. \Ay11t2il}.. wsiti . il' :;ixI
iii ~it1it l: u"( I W '':c . O .
FULLERX WARREN &~rI2i CO2u2'12l.
it211) 1.1 1 M 0' ~itmO (
Our I('2' wod sid (9.2 092 lu SIOe.'
llichi.nontl Advertisements. abott Sons.
SUockoc Machine Works,
,'FANUIAuruitEli$ of Steam Euginoe
VL and Boilor,;, Agrionltnrat Engnes,
rcultu" Jaw Mills, ({riHt, Bark and Plays- '1
r MiIIH. Shafting, IlangerH tlnd Pulleys.
t lJ
at. 1: -rt: clF.u. r If P Ena tuNV.
Etlenger & Edmond, RICHMOND VA. it
t UFAC PURE' t of l'urt:tll,: and
Still niv Engines nlt(I 114lilat"s of u
kited:.. ("ircultu" Nil%%- Mills, Grist Mills,
ill (arnring, Shat tiia , l'nll"" s ..c.
tnlerult'.; $pl'('illl t.tealn I'tlnlpi
St-lid for (catalogue.
mtt 19
G. F. W'.1'i - O N. .
irnilnie \VtlrlcH [lilt] Lumber Mills,
i\c("1iMh1\II V.t.
i(Yl"I'A(i is li.".Istci ls. (:hlunlei" vital ..
I'. rl,"r f"'tirnilttr.". l.unn'er., ('hutit"s Zti
Manrttil(turet" of, \\'allimit aind (:,:t"nl.el li
rd wt"taS, Ilo ti.. 1'1 Itil U" ttxetl. (-n!t:r"r
It "Is tetuIn III III t-h."al Mi,;tr .,-ars Iae"Iilag
I 1
:111'11.'it()l'O1-,t'1'AN \V 1U'.S.
Cia.t! Nhvel ; ," u Sixth In.1;-teit(h
i" N( 1 \ I'.S, Portable lithe gliltiof)ltl*v,
tiaw \IiU., (:ri:;t Milk, 13,.i!. r , tins- 1
I+;tt of Ih"Its:+ ltn(I Iron, Forgitt;;s .Fc.
Agricultural Iron Works,
all its l ratlclles ai("tlc" by exi erienrecl I t
Illtprove.1 Portable 11,11willo'c it,
r driving C(a!toaa gibs, t!treslling Ilia
eltitt.., s;:l,:ir:al, ry, grist laill..'(e.
i iiiiilt."r of* s..'Ill tl tIll nal Eimiitl, ti ahtl
"il."r:; of \":u"i'un, l"nft"n"il;;, in lira rote
i."r, un ltutill . I.el.Itir wa t"k I:..li,;.tutl
\1'i:t. E. 'i' \ NN?;IZ X-, CO.
a.et 1'.
U. S. 1?,ternal Revenue
4- 3P C) c3l ZVI
M.,.v 1. 1::76, to April 31), 1877.
'1IIi; lie\"isa'(l St"ttltt('s of the 1'itit("t1
.1-Oates, .1-Oates, Seetia ms :i'S:.'. 32:i7, 323ti, Mill i
:1;1, r, ,lttire every l,.-roil cilgnge.l i"" ally t"
lvlll( ti, amvo.itl t'ii I.l' ellll(Ity111t"ht
hich rt"ntler. Villa iitllt" to it ti1'l;(:[A1,
1\, it p1.4)f"a1;'q; stetd pls>~a:C (Oil
llctltm;N1 1. Oil Ili. taut e r place Of M isil:e"NN.
stturlh (leilutiiif; tllr 1.nyia("ut of IsIliI
'i'' 1.11,'!':1\ tor till! t;i,."t"iat Tax Yet, 1
gini iilg May I, line:, 6161-v eollltlleilc
n.y t't.I1lill111I1g lUUsiil("ss mutter- April :t'"
iJti. fI
'flee tn'S.'s etut.no'e(1 wit lain the yrn\"i::- !
it- t"ftlle law aimut a (1ttutt (1 are that fill
rrtltia rx, ,:200 00
Gee. W. Wilisams; & 'si
rho Biradloy'siPatent Stiporplios
pliate, And
1110 Palmetto Soluble Acid
T 11 Y e e4 )3' thme 3)hluttI'4 of the
Li.',ut fo 1r ten years with nmatchulesso
IICcNHi. T1hey wtnrccly neced e'11C011111)H
1) 1e0lIll(Y114 their con)tinuedc~ us.Tt
thudnrd( of their eellence hi giuarnnteed
nd their r4'st4l prove bey"ond Hj1ie.
Loul thalt evert'iy p~lanter~ who is alive to his;
LP1ta'( 1Iu1sv No 01111.1.' Fef.itizeiw,
1'i)In*,l44r44, I (',
;1 1iti Aiiaiilo A vIilitble Bone.
044)1 Jr Is at i..(, (cotton )ptiohn Jtoe
'addlllig'at 'a :.
Sei 11O!'ilt1tt, (A liii lahie Bonie,
I 'l4))"jd)%t4' of1 livel, 22-83: per'i cent. Ap~ril
St $2', Nove'nhl) Is( $353, (.httuII OJpt 14)1
rl 'f Sp.e'iaI ra.tes to (1lln u14)' 1on caxI)
L U 1'ILLIAMS, 'I' )ts1114'I,
C harleston I C
or to)
It 1Fenn 114)41 Ageniit it Winuxloi'o C
' SI "s xpdrlcx ('11e, Agat ait itidgcway 5t:
J)III 25
II L'4'iIL' 1)440) )ljj)4ileQ Sole Agent4 for) t hisl
;ta(- or il 1.F..lfl.I1te boe' Dill1 a)41wNt'4'x
IClI 4 it1 hill spply o1n 1)411) Osiers i
)'1.'tt1 to iu 04)1 e sha4lll IIit. "tWith pr41111t
The learitv of Ilii 1",rt iii/e~1" are') 14)o W-I1 1
- now"l IaU.I )'JplI''QioI 441 14o )4'(hliI, it 11011"'
'Xtehzh'd n1otice Weit4 will Duly xtnle' t114 I
'1141 cu 14.igu )ae')t IS4 xullj .'tcl to1 111
4'" 4'4' 14 ftIt ll l)ill, will t~he 44'.,1 :l1t1 s1a, '1
,i'd 1:i hil1ly l;inIha ul~e. ])r. If, 11 N( -
I' 1M; ())11 trla'4'l ilg algeli I, wfill Iliii V P44)
4)lil'itj41) to lix) haoogll luui 11)11 1t'4'
vey car wl) 1)11 4i4!)14.1e1.
1 ( 044e''lrejleI "'aui'1', harleston, S. I"
Chcap Guano,
$10) PER: TON.
r' IIiS (1"x wasdx I o1V.'r :11 the ehiee of
.LL IIS R(';etaug . 8,111e :14.0 boI 51111 4OH its
'4)1 1)44t.'j Its; per') )Iivsis tit .i')'441,s4 rP
441'j)nt')1. . I'a)'n 1)t,: it'' d Ii ''ii )'o1hs tx 4)1
Is appI)Iird lio ti hav~e 1)141l i hI)) )111C4'" To4
ills.: the It tut (13 f thle ('liege, I offe'r it at
In)J' 14)( ('l1ca), jillIn 413) 10 1)4W Ih4s 441
(I(1 pounds014. .!'. N' 1t0115 )\',
's !'..nst Il hy, 1 111)4,l 2 At hnItth w lirf,
Live aMi Let Live.
form ther T~aucii:. (.f W1iil4lcoi'c siiil~
811114 el linlg (couintiry tliat the(y halve
1)11 i'('18, thle witir t c .Rk of J. II.
Ji I) 4'ouii i;g of :hilliiiieiy juidl
t%%c.*, together Withl the S~toc'k pill.
(~i1chase froma .1. S. Eler &5 Co. stil
"' (ler'8 ".icJk of Dry G'ociis,
C('i the ltigest stck of the 14(1 goo0ds
(eVer1 disph~layd iin o)llstcore in iin
I m o. TiI.y ihave it1,1 lago Idloe 01
%Iihinue:'y, L-'aiac'y (Goods1, Noions11 I
a1 1 1 ( 1 I i im n i h z i r ly 1 . D rs4( s. L I ' ' ; 1 1 ( e- t , I . ) s is'e i* ; ( e)o s , 1
lieIe i'y, &("., -wvsiihi I (3' will sell sit.I
liii ht'iiid oif prices fr cas(~,hl. 'Ti1n v
n1o\Y ()Weti th eir ei~t.ii'* 144:' k of W,'in
ter Clotlihi ig ;, lT;=t, Is, oe '.1, She'"c.,
k(.t. andic 1 c1ow (iI to n;'.ke '( lolli
for tlieiir Spring Stock. All they ask
is4 s1 ('lli to Cvo1ilicwe tihe p)1lhlic tieda.
iiic':ill }li~lil(141. ticll IN-ill nolie luem
(let'l'id bly ally onle. T.[heir motto is4
!tick 81(les ant1 i mal1 pri 11111. ''ei'ts
HLti('t.lV CiLfli.
R. F". TI'EC11 &. Co.
3ea~t, Bro. & ZcIAV
3G c~iv in Stcr
1 0 ,000 }"(1 . Sttn'1,wd( I )om
ti ild nB1orneo Bfl(srinl'.
700) 1bu~ndiles Arro :I) 1i
100 11x lanthn 1'Ti no~.
.50) k' 5~ iNtti Is, ~s r
-t (1o%('1 A X(' .
: lot l(l \oo l ii XWar ', Sin 41( t,' n rll :s mt
ii1('iit of
W.It. Doty& C
( ;'atef'tlt "th31itsnni . pr'o'hilh T '.
P(;.-% it 131.1- imus thu Ilio~t woiuli'rtul In.
No I'eiNoui cal take these RittF'r
US-ii1voi'l. jpt'viilit t'ii' hones are lit Ito
* etroye Ic by minerai poison or 0Qt r~r
lid 13lilill? Ii liteb and 84) p r " :
lenht in the valleys of nor groat ri# .i
h r''uglbout th u itd! S~t at es, espreawt~. v
those( of1 tihe M\Iis94siippi. Ohi o, %1 1148(5.1
sais. Red. I oloraido. Brazes. Rio G raut cm'
;1n4)L4, Junies, an~d iu~aiiv others. t!:? it
theoi r vatst Iri huiaijc. tli iotghoiit u't
enirel( 24llr t~u Idurig the 8111111101 aR Itd
1' ill I.l)ll1 afnd rnahabo , e1t)llil'iu 014 U
sons1 oifl il111ul~lll sctill4 iii Lumoi1"'?
I r'iltll~lnt , a t juhiatI VI', 4C e I-ti Ill.a pow.
erliii ill4!i14'Orn II ful)1105 eev.1110118 or.
gais, s esetiaLll I 11205(1 Vtr. 'lil4tIei
isi 11o1 caric for the lpurposeC equl ice 1
1)11. .1. 11*A l.I:I alC8 Vi x :u;it IlTTERS.
as$ ihey wvill '511eeljlr lII4)VO\ 0th tiu dak
(0io14(cI ici matter01 w ibh wich Lhe
bls arci illoaded4.(. at tho same time
ttimajlatJjpv the secretiouan of th ilIiver
andt geerally rest" Ior1ig 11he healthby
fund 1(4118 of' the 41 ';re:ui1 i ' ruiS.
hoilyl tho 1>'0y a;:atiilt dise;:sr
JI',rau'"tt No epidemic11 can take ]n'41
of a sysitem thusm fore -a;rll.
ache. ~ i thel) ll Shoulders. coli;ct:;1.
T1ightnes~s of ihe C..hest. D izziness~. .ft
1~r'ilct~liio1.1o lthe14 Stollia4'. Bahd 'Paste,
Ili the MouthI i. ]likIen~ts A1t rcks. 1 al:i ta
"SI itil) or t ho I cleat. Inflammatin of, Ih,
IILngs, Tait'1 inI the region of the IHid1
1101.14.'11d it hun~ldredf oIther pinful ayin;l
14)1014 Illo tile Ohsplillga of I )y.spep:ai.i.
Onei b~otln 'viii p1400o It bett1or g4Iitriilioi'i
of its meirits ti1t1n a lengthy 11(ve1'iI~o
t'oftla, ort Ii tig ;'i j il, Whaitt.
Swellings. 1; 10411, Eiv"sipehia, Sw lled 14 elk.
(;oitrii, $ciralidcou I llnuijc.is, I ntil44I5t
Oil Iillifll 10)19t, M l0144i41 A Xl(ctiI')i4. 01l41
Sores, Eruptions t the4 ikil. toe iEyt,. elrn
]In t1)l'S4. 11. in) Ir~ olli or **. 'l~i LIItioaii 114
'411()W-?) thii grut ilat:1ive ilb11ts i tIo
incest1 obstimtei sit illiatritlI eit.:i4'.
lieutiiiif isti, (ocuat, Bilious, IRanuil.
tent andi Interimittent l'ccers. Ii4;.'5 of
time1 Boiodi, ]iA 1414 Ki\1c1vs n:itl I ai14.l(1
ilaec Ilittie, hnuii ItoC e, ali. SuIch JLixteo
MIcC~fhical Jlisea.'ws.-Parsons .*i)

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