OCR Interpretation

The Anderson intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, June 22, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026965/1898-06-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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More Reminiscensei
Wheeler's Famor
Atlanta J
Dear Journal: Your asking me a
- few days ago of some reminiscenses of
Gen. Wheeler has brought back to me
smch a flood of memories tf the old
gang that I fear I shall bore you and
yomr readers before I get them oup of
my head.
Wheeler's cavalry was not pretty to
look at, and to see them on the march
was to behold about as motley a crew
as caa be imagined. Of uniforms
there was scarcely any semblance,
each man wearing what he had or
could get:, and homespun jeans was
the most predominant raiment. In
arms and equipments there was also a
gTeat variety, some carrying Enfield
rifles, some Springfield muskets, a few
carbines, and some old Mexican war
Mississippi rifles. How the ordnance
department ever kept ammunition ftr
all these calibres has always been a
mystery to me, but Ido not recall
that we were ever short of powder or
failed to burn it when there was occa
sion. A great change in our arma
ment, however, took place as the war
progressed, and before its close Spen
cer repeating carbines and Colt's re
volvers became the general rule,
-drawn, of course, from oui* usual
source of supply, our prisoners and
the well-filled wagons trains of the
The horses were the property of the
men, as were most of their eqaip
nrents, and were good, bad or indiffer
ent, according to tue purse or prowess
of the owner. By the way, there was
a decided feeling of comradeship be
tween the horse and his rider. When
on picket duty the horse was good
company, and his companionship re
lieved the tedium almost as much as a
human comrade would have done.
Sharing a common danger develops an
affection between men and animals as
well as between humans,- and this I
suppose must account for my vivid
recollections of the individual pecu
liarities of many of the horses of our
command. I could mention a score of
them, but a ?few must suffice.
Dave Jennings, of Company D, rode
a little clay-bank mare with scarcely
any withers to speak of. and an Irish
man of Company E rode an old hack
high in front like a giraffe. No crup
pers or breast straps could keep the
saddles of either in position, and
Dave frequently rode straddle of his
?arefs neck, while the Irishman sat
complacently on his horse's ramp.
There was John Hilton's horse "Blue
Nose," whose chief merit consisted in
being the "illegantest swimmer that
ever was seen." We swam our horses
across the Tennessee river onoe, and
while only the head or noses of the
others were visible "Blue Nose" pad
dled majestically across with his back 11
and half his sides ont of the water. 11
And Morg Thompson's little squealing
stallion, "Baffin/' that no amount of
hard riding or short ration s could take j
the sqnai oat of. Then there was y
poor Jim Lowe's Canadian pacer, a i
beautiful animal and very docile, and
at first not at all gun-shy, but later
became almost unmanageable under
fire. We could account for the change | ]
in no way hut by concluding that the
intelligent creature had learned the
dangerous difference between blank
cartridges fired in preliminary drill,
and the report of firearms accompanied
by the whistling of bullets about his
ears. And there was Jack Hanna's
pacing roan, on whose back I one day
took an equestrian portrait -of myself
in six inches of mud. And last, but
not least, I remember John Ingra
sorrel of the cast iron month, that no
bit or tackle that we could ever rig up
would stop when once good started,
rode this son of a gun once, and am
not likely ever to forget the experi
ence. There were three of us sitting
quietly on the turn-pike between
Nashville and Murfreesboro, when the
first fours of a regiment of Federal
cavalry rode into the pike from a cross
road, not over one hundred yards from
us. A volley followed, of course, and
the horses jumped, mine about fifteen
feet, I think, and another only far
enough to set his rider gently on the
ground. (He had been sitting side
ways, an accouat of an affliction like
Job is said to have suffered from.)
Sorrel's head was turned towards the
woods, and right through the timber
he went like a cyclone. I didn't want
to stop him, for my business just then
was to get away just as fast and as far
from that spot as possible. Bat I did j
try to guide him, for I didn't want to 1
break his neck and mine against a t
tree. A short distance ahead there \
was a fence, and another man had dis- i
mounted and was throwing off the g
rails. I yelled to him to get out of f
the way, for I knew the fool horse f
would jump over him or anything else s
that happened to be in his road. He
misunderstood me, I suppose, for the g
only reply I got was to "go to hell." *
He just barely had time to duck his a
head when the horse cleared him,
fence and all. 1I
And while writing this of horses I
s from a Member of
LS Cavalry Corps.
must not forget to mention the horse
race wherein a one-eyed man rode a
one-eyed horse, and both blind on the
same side. Half way through the
course the horse flew the track on the
blind side, broke its neck against a
pine tree and very nearly killed the
There were three choice spirits in
our regiment that reminded one of
Alexander Dumas' "Three Muske
teers." As Dumas' three were really
four, so our three had been five. But
two had thrown their lives away, in a
drunken brawl on Lookout Mountain
and the other in charging the enemy's
picket line alone, and trying single
handed to capture or kill some of the
sentinels. Poor fellows, they deserved
better fates, especially the latter. He
was a bright-faced, handsome boy
about 18 years of age. He got back
from his escapade into the Confederate
lines with a bullet in his thigh which
out the femoral artery, and from
which he speedily bled to death.
This left but three. They were not
regularly detailed scouts, but there was
scarcely ever a scouting party organiz
ed that George and Bill and Ben were
not selected. They were only boys in
aee, the eldest not over 21 and the
youngest barely 18, but they could
ride anything that went on four legs,
appeared almost utterly tireless and
seemed not to know what fear meant.
I think their courage was somewhat
like that of a child who is indifferent
to danger because it is incapable of
comprehending its existence. George
had been a circus rider, and I believe
oould have ridden a horse standing on
bis head.
The last I saw of them was just ?
preceding the battle of Ghiokamauga,
and they were having more fun than a
sage- full* of monkeys. They had
Bcouted all over Lookout Mountain,
sometimes under orders and with a
definite object in view, but as often
without aim or orders except to search'
for adventures. They nominally be
longed with a detachment commanded
by Lieutenant William Pelham, but
EIS they were a little impatient of re
straint, hejjallowed the "three fools,"
as they were frequently called, to do
pretty much as they pleased, knowing
af course that they might be killed or
3*ptured, but believing the chances
were largely in favor of their killing or
sapturing some of the enemy.
They were driven from the moun
tain hy the advance of Rosecrans' ar
my, but kept in front of it for two
lays, often in speaking and generally
in shooting distance.
I have forgotten how the other two
frere armed, but remember Bill carried
?vb.at he called a "cannon." He had
short time before got himself into a
bight place and lost his gun, and
nearly everything else he had, being
glad, as he expressed it, to get out
irith his "hide and hishoss." Going
to the ordnance wagon, he found an
)ld Belgian rifle about six feet long,
md with a bore nearly an inch in di
imeter. It was really a powerful wea
pon, and as the owner expressed it,
''could shoot a mile and cracked like
i six-pounder."
One day a detachment of the regi
ment was deployed as skirmishers,
ind lying down behind a fence about
1,000 or 1,200 yards from the enemy's
ine. Between the two fires was a
rankeee sharpshooter, and he was
naking it decidedly interesting to any
me of our men that showed his head.
Fie was out of range of our guns, and
3ill suggested that he turn loose his
ordnance on him.
As a preliminary and to determine
he exact location of our enemy, Ben
ook off his coat and put it on the end
if his gun, then put his hat on top of r
hat and carefully edged it up over the J
eoce to represent a man cautiously j
>eeping over. Thc dummy had ^
carcely cleared the top rail when ^
?rack went the yankee's rifle and al- j
no8t simultaneously Bill's artillery
oared. When the smoke* cleared }
iway we saw a bluecoat on the double
[nick to get back into his own lines, j
Che cannon evidently madeothe situa
ion uncomfortable to him, to say the t
The same afternoon Bill's artillery i
nade a little more fun for the "Three
Musketeers." They were mounted ?
his time, and picking their way to- c
rard the enemy's line in search of
nore adventures, when they met a ne
;ro. He was almost out of breath j
rom running, and had in his hand a (
iddle, probably his most precious pos- t
lession. 1
"Do, for God Almighty's sake, don't j
;o down dar, boss," he exclaimed.
'Dey is right down dar by the black- 1
mith's shop." a
The boys knew exactly where the
locksmith's shop was, and as there g
Fas a lane extending about 200 yards 1
toward them and timber the balance (
the way, they smelt a chance of ha\
ing some more fun with Bill's cannoi
So they deployed through the wood
until they came opposite the mouth c
the lane, when Bill dismounted an
crawled on his hands and knees int
the middle of the road. Sure enougl
they were at the blacksmith's shoj
There was a large oak tree about tw
feet from a fence, and between th
tree and the fence stood a blue coal
Bill brought his ordnance to bear, an
as Uncle Remus would say, "let hil
have all dar was in her."
There wasn't much time for laugt
ing, but the way the fellow got ove
that fence was too ludicrous for anj
thing. He didn't climb over, nor tr
to jump over, but literally fell ovei
We. examined the ground the next da
and found that Bill's artillery had tor
about a square foot of the bark off th
side of the tree next to where th
yankee was standing. It was evi
dently time for him to change his po
Poor Bill's war career came to a:
untimely close the next day. Th
enemy's line was formed in an ope:
field, while ours was back of a timber
ed ridge. The tactics of on' thre
adventurers was to dash up withii
easy range of the enemy and fire, thei
quickly wheel and ride back, bendinj
low to esoape the volley they expecte<
and generally got. A moore foolisl
maneuver could scarcely have beei
conceived, and why they were no
killed seems almost a miracle to nu
But ail things must have an end
and so had this. They played thei
little game one time too often. Qi
last sortie they were allowed to get ai
close as they desired, when suddenly
they discovered the gleam of abou
forty sabers, not in front of them, bu
on their flank, and as near the Confed
erato lines as they were. It was Gen
eral Negley's escort sent to charge th<
woods and stop the foolishness
George and Ben rode safely out-, and
incredible as it may appear, George
carried ont with him one of the goner
al's escort and landed him safe ii
Dixie. But Bill, being only indiffer
ently mounted, he and the cannon
were lost. The next news we had ol
him he was in a Federal prison nearlj
1,000 miles away.
This left hut two of the five, and
what became of them I never knew,
but the changes were against theil
having gone safely through the rest oi
the war.
As I told at the outset, Wheeler's
cavalry were not a handsome lot.
Neither were they popular with the
farmers and country people, for they
must needs have foraged or famished,
since they enjoyed only a slight ac
quaintance with the supply trains
(except the enemy's,) and their meet
ings with the commissary department
were few and .far between. I know,
too, it was said they had abnormally
developed appetites for buttermilk,
and that some of them were fond of
corn licker.
But I seriously doubt if General
Wheeler, of the United States army,
will ever have a command in his new
Seid that he will be quite as proud of,
or that he can as confidently rely upon
when there is hard fighting and harder
riding to do as upon the old ragged
and reckless, desperate and rough ri
ders that he formerly commanded.
Private Co. D.. 5l8t Ala. Cav.
About Salt.
A. little salt rubbed on the cups
will take off tea stains. Put into
whitewash it will make it stick better.
As a tooth powder it will keep the
teeth white and the gums hard and
rosy. It is one of the best gargles for
?ore throat and a preventive of dipthe
ria if taken in time. Use salt and
irater to clean willow furniture; apply
with brush and rub dry. Salt and
?rater held in the mouth after having
\ tooth pulled will stop the bleeding.
Prints rinsed with it in the water will
lold their color and look brighter.
Two teaspoonfuls in half ? pint of
;epid water is an emetic always on
land, and is an antidote for poisoning
'rom nitrate of silver. Neuralgia of
;he feet and limbs can be cured by
jathing night and morning with salt
md water as hot as can be borne.
When taken out. rub the feet briskly
vith a coarse towel. Salt and water
s one of the best remedies for sore
jyes, and if applied in time will scat
ter the inflammation. Silk handker
chiefs and ribbons should be washed
n salt water, and ironed wet, to ob
tain the beBt results. Food would be
nsipid and tasteless without it.
Hemorrhages of the lungs or stom
ich are promptly checked by small
loses of salt.
Pitts' Carminative is pleasant to
;he taste, acts promptly, and never
'ails to give satisfaction. It carries
children over the critical time of
;eething, and is the friend of anxious
nothers and puny children. A few
loses will demonstrate its value. E.
5. Dorsey, Athens, Ga., writes:
"I consider it the best medicine I
lave ever used in my family. It does
ill you claim for it, and even more."
- Man believes himself always
;reater than he is, and is esteemed
ess than he is worth.
Its Mountain Resorts to be in Oreater
Demand Than Ever.
Manufacturer's Record.
The coming summer is likely to be
marked by a decided increase in the
patronage of the mountain resorts of
the South. For more than half a cen
tury the people of the South who have
had the means and the leisure have
been accustomed to divide their sum
mers between the resorts of the North
and some of the older ones. of the
South. In former years there was a
regular migration with the* on-coming
of warm weather from the lowlands to
the mountains. The plantation fami
lies or the dwellers in cities of the
plains made the pilgrimage, enlivened
with the change to out-of-door life on
the route, and spent at least a month
in some retreat like that of the old
Greenbrier White or some of the
lesser resorts whose name is now only
a memory. Wealthy families from
New Orleans or Mobile traveled by
steamboat and in their private equip
ages overland to thc heights of the
Appalachian range, and there remained
until the on-coming pf cooler weather
or continued their happy journey to
Saratoga or one of the seaside resorts
just in their beginnings. That was in
the days before the railroads had made
accessible and had aided in the devel
opment of many resorts which now
rank with the best that the North has
or ever had.
There are many distinct advantages
possessed by these summer refugees.
Though many of them have all the
conveniences of table and appoint
ments, they are still close to the
wilderness of the woods. Within the
walk of a well-arranged hotel are
magnificent stretches of scenery, op
portunities for sportsmen and tempta
tions to the invalid to woo health in
close communion with nature. The
/inter migration from the North to
Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Ala
bama and Louisiana has become a
permanent fact in American life; but
the South is not only an immense
sanitarium for the winter, but also for
the whole year. From Mason and
Dixon's line clear into Alabama and
to Georgia the Appalachian range
forms unending1 lines of beauty. Not
as bold as the Rockies, nor as sharply
defined, perhaps, as the New England
Mount Washington, the ranges of the
Blue Ridge are yet most pleasing in
their changing color under different
skies, their sweeping forms, and, as
they rise to North Carolina, their com
manding elevations. Comparatively
few persons realize that in Western
North Carolina there are forty-three
mountains more than 6,000 feet high,
towering above others ranging from
4,000 feet down, and one of the chief
attractions about these mountains is
that they have nothing of the worn
appearance of the better-known peaks
of the East, but are full of pleasant
surprises and give opportunity for
ever changing vistas to him who idles
among them.
Moreover, the Appalachian range is
really an immense mineral fountain.
Medicinal waters, soothing to sufferers
from minor ills and curative of long
standing diseases, either in the shape
of a beverage or as a bath, gush f.om
among the rocks at many points. The
White Sulphur Springs in West Vir
ginia, the Hot Springs, the Warm
Springs, the Healing Springs in Bath
county, the old Sweet Springs, Rock
bridge Alum in Virginia, the Hot
Springs of M orth Carolina and others
at Liocolnton and Shelby, N. C.,
Sweet Water and Bowden, near At
lanta, are a few of the iron, chaly
beate or sulphur springs belonging to
the Virginias, the Carolinas, Tennes
see and Georgia, situated in healthy
places and surrounded by picturesque
views which are attracting every year
a greater number of visitors than be
fore. To most of these springs direct
railroad connection is had with the
cities of the North, West and farther
South, and each year finds improve
ments and additional attractions, none
of which, however, mar thc beauties
which have been created by nature.
Typical of them all, perhaps, are
those in the vicinity of Asheville, N.
C. The development of that section
as a health resort for both the summer
and winter is largely due to the enter
prise of the railroads and the delight
of wealthy persons who have once
visited it. The city of Asheville
itself is a monument of the apprecia
tion of the South as a sanitarium. Its
population consists largely of tourists
or of those persons who. once seeing
it, have determined to make it their
home for life. Nearby is the magnifi
cent Biltmore estate, an attraction
which casual visitors are permitted to
enjoy. Then there is the Cloudland
Hotel, on the top of Roan mountain,
at an elevation of 6,400 feet, and com
manding a view of 50,000 miles of
territory in seven States-the two
Virginias, two Carolinas, Kentucky,
Tennessee and Georgia.
From this place there is an easy ac
cess by an excellent mountain turn
pike to other resorts, such as Eseeola
Inn, at Linnville, and the acoomoda
tions at Blowing Rock, where spring
atmosphere seems to abide eternally.
By another route one reacher Waynes
ville, filled with the healing odors of
the fir and presenting points of advan
tage for observing magnificent views
of cliff, valley and mountain stream,
and the whole topped by Mount Mitch
ell, Grandfather, Roan and Clingman's
Peak. Across the border lies the
Lookout mountain, overhanging Chat
tanooga. Not far away is Chickamau
ga, which seems destined to be the
place of attraction for thousands of
heartB, if not of feet, during the com
ing summer. The very fact which has
made Chickamauga a mobilization cen
ter for armies of the United States is
that which will indue 3 a large patron
age of the Soutnern mountain resorts
this year. No one can doubt that
timidity on the part of many persons
will lead them to select the mountains
for their summer outing, instead of
the seashore.
The resorts all along tbej coast will
probably have a good business, but
they must share to a greater extent
now than ever that business with the
secure, health-giving, comfortable and
picturesque resorts of the Appalach
During the summer of 1891, Mr.
Chas. P. Johnson, a well known attor
ney of Louisville, Ky., had a very
severe attack of summer complaint.
Quite a number of different remedies
were tried, but failed to afford any
relief. A friend who knew what was
needed procured him a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrboa? Remedy, which quickly
cured him and he thinks, saved his
life. He says that there has not been
a day since that time that he has not
had this remedy in his household.
He speaks of it in the highest praise
and takes much pleasure in recom
mending it whenever an opportunity
is offered. For sale by Hill-Orr Drug
YOU save 50 cent- in fuel, and does not heat up your cook-room by 50 per cent, as
much as the Cast Stove.
Iron King and Elmo is the best cheap Stove you can buy.
I have a large lot of nice DECORATED PLATEN of imported Goods, in va
rions patterns, .that I am running off ar. Burgaiop, as I will not carry the pattern any
longer. Now is your chance for nice Goods at a Bargain.
I am agent for the BRENNAN CANE MILL (self-oiling) and EVAPORA
TORS and FURNACES, To save money buy a Cane Mill and make your own
I can save you money by you having your SMoKE STACKS for Engines
made by me.
I am still Buying Hides, Rags and Beeswax.
GLASSWARE lower than yon have ever bought.
Give me a call. Respectfully,
ROMAN, and
Take your choice. These are the leading grass-killers.
Prices reduced.
Absolutely perfect in shape of blade and handle. All
superior steel. Bought in car lots. Our customers shall
have the benefit.
We have the Hoes and the prices.
I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same thai
has borne and does now bear ^^/f - on every
the fae-simile signature ofOla/^f^^j^ wrapper.
This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used m
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought on the
and has the signature of O?^JTA/^^?^ wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting"
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The lind You Have Always Bought"
insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
EVERY BARREL GUARANTEED. Our Mill writes us that we, upon their re
sponsibility, 'onay guarantee every Barrel of Dean & Ratliff-s's Fancy Patent,.
Dean & RatlifiVs Patent. Beau's Patent, Dean & RatlifiVs Choice Family, and Dean &
Ratlifife's Standard, and that they mean every word they say." This is a giltedjjp
guarantee, and we stand ready to make it good for them If you can get a guaranteed
Flour at the same price as a wild-cat article, why not buy the one that is guaranteed ?
We want to say that we have the
Cheapest line of Shoes in town-all new styles,
Bress Goods of all kinds, and
Light and Heavy Groceries,
To suit a poor man's pocket- book. All. we ask is a trial.
USS- Parties owing ns for GUANO will please come forward at once and dose
their accounts by Note, as we require this to be done by May 1st. D. & R.
WE have a choice and select Stock of
Consisting of almost .everything you may need to eat. Our Goods are fresh,
were bought for cash, and will be sold as low as tfye lowest. Please give me
a call before purchasing your Groceries.
Thanking all for past favors and soliciting a continuance of the same
We are yours to please,
g. F. BIGBY.
Furniture Store ?
- OF -
fit, m TOIdbT * BON
Still in the Lead !
They have the Largest Stock,
Best Quality, and
Certainly the Lowest Prices !
OTHERS try to get there, but they miss it every time.
New, beautiful and select Stork of. Furniture, &c., arriving every day,
Here you have the Largest Stock ; therefore, you can get ;uat what you
* Here you have the Best Grade of Furniture ; therefore, you can get
Goods that will last.
Here you have the very LOWEST PRICES ; therefore, yon save good
big money.
Come along, and we will do you as we have been doing for the las
forty years-sell you the very best Furniture for the very lowest prices.
9?,. The largest Stock in South Carolina and the Lowest Pri?e in the
Southern States.
New Lot Baby Carriages Just Received.
Depot Street, Anderson, S. C.
That Jewelry Palace
- OF -
Has the Largest, Prettiest
and Finest lot of . . .
Competition don't cnt any ice with rae when it comes to pri?es. I douit
buy goods to keep. I want the people to have them. Gold and Silver
Watches, Sterling and Plated Silverware, Jewelry, Clocks, Lamps, China.
Spectacles, Novelties of all kinds. Rogen?' Tripple Plate Table Knives $lM
per Set. A world beater.

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