OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, December 23, 1865, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Saturday Morning. Dec. 23.1865.
"Importance of m. Sou iii orr? Repre?
Under thc above caption, wo were some?
what surprised to road tho following
article, from tho New York Daily Times,
a paper edited by Henry J. Raymond, a
leading member of the Republican party
in Congress, and who is generally regard?
ed as tbs exponent ?f Mr. Seward's views.
Tho latter is, as our readers know, unques?
tionably tho most influential member of
tho Republican party, and who has here?
tofore never failed to control Us policy.
Regarded in this point of view, as wfell
as on account of the arguments pre?
sented, we aro sure eur readers will find
the article worthy of perusal and con?
Mr. Sumner's theory that thc "insurrec?
tionary States " have forfeited ihoir State
attributes, and arc now mc:o territorial
domain, has justly been repelled cs
inconsistent with the whole scheme of the
Constitution. Bul even that theory is
preferable to any project of keeping the
functions of these States in indefinite sus?
pension, and excluding them from all
representation in the Nat ional Legislature.
Treat these States as Territorics,vand they
may at least, like other Territories, senil
each a delegato to tho House of Represen?
tatives, who, though not voting, would
have the privilege of speaking and repre?
senting the feelings and wishes of his
constituents. In the present condition of
tilings, these so-called States have not
even a Territorial life; every one of them is
as voiceless in the national halls as if it
were forever dead, and resolved into its
primitive dust again.
lt was but right for the House to ignoro
all representatives from the theatre of tho
late rebellion until it could be shown that
their elections were made under competent
authority and in a proper way. It is well,
too, to stoj) to inquire whether the lato in?
surrectionary States, in seeking again the
constitutional right of representation, are
prepared to comply with all their constitu?
tional obligations. But all this eau bo
learned without any great delay. Presi?
dent Johnson doubtless has abundant
information, derived from his provisional
.governors, and from agents deputed to
muk? special inquiry, which ho will cheer?
fully impart. If that information is not
enough, any deficiency can easily be sup?
plied by an invitation of the Southern
Representatives to present themselves
before the committee <>f fifteen. Unques?
tionably they could make expositions of
the condition of the South, and of the I
present sentiments of the people, that
would quickly clear up every uncertain I
point, and enable the committee to report, !
at HU early day, with tho fidlest under?
Tho true policy is to expedite, rather
than delay, the re-admission of thc South?
ern Representatives and Senators, lt is
neither right nor safe for any part of tho .
country to legislate for another part of the
country without giving it any voice in that
legislation. Representation is the vital
principle of republican institutions. Its
denial to any extent impairs the normal
operation of our Government, and opens
tho way to all kinds of abuses. No one
thing is so important us to rid the South of
that old spirit of sectionalism, which was
thc growth of slavery. The great effort of
true statesmanship now must bo to ani?
mate the South with a new life, which shall
be thoroughly identified with the national
life, and have a complote Community of
spirit with the North and tho West. But
this will bo morally impossible if discrimi?
nations aro to be kept, up against the
Seuth, especially thc extremest of all dis?
criminations, of not allowing it representa?
tion, and making it subject to laws in ihe
framing of which it has bad no part. That
will be sure to beget a sonso of most griev?
ous oppression, and tho result would in?
evitably be tho in tensest hatred, on the
part of the Southern people, of those they
deemed their oppressors. To shut tho
eyes to this certainty is to bo blind to
American nature. Whatever the motive,
the act is one of infatuation.
Tho South is now in its most impressible
stage. All Southern men are waiting to see
how Southern submission willbe treated by
the North. Of the fair and conciliatory
disposition of President Johnson they are
weD satisfied. Yet be is but a single man.
Of the spirit of the Northern people toward
them they are still in doubt. Any unfriend?
ly manifestation by Northern Senators and
Representatives will I- taken as proof that
thc; Northern people have no desire again
to fraternize with them, and mean only to
be their masters. An unmistakably gener?
ous and magnanimous policy by Congross,
? o admitting theil Representatives and
burying the past, would soon overcome
their last lingering resentment, and ex?
punge tho last t raci' of that sense of humili?
ation, which cannot exist without bitter?
ness. A jealous and rigorous hue of treat?
ment would, on the other band, soonc.onge.il
every better impulse of thc Somborn people
into an inflexible determination to oppose
and thwart the Government in every prac?
ticable way, and wotih' perpetuate thc spirit
of sectionalism in its worst form for years,
and porhaps generations.
Some say that the new loyalty of the
South is still very defective-that it con?
sists in profession mainly. We can hardly
concede th?4 to be exactly so; 1 ut if this
Somborn loyalty is yet immature, it is the
very reason why it should be encouraged
and strengthened. We have not a doubt
that the prodominant f .?lin;r in the North?
ern heart to-day toward the South is a
yearning for completo reconciliation, lt
would bo a blessed influence upon tho
Southern people if they could truly know
this. But thoy cannot know it, except
through tho words and actions of Northern
Congressmen. Let those Representatives
look nell to it that they no not give occa?
sion for a misconception of tho real spirii
of tim North. They cannot long continuo
to Keep tho gates of tho capital ba .-rod
against all Southern representation, vith
out producing upon tho Southern mind a
most mischievous impression, that tho
North means not to he reconciled, but to
domineer and degrade.
What barm can Southern representation
do? Even supposing the worst, that it
would be disaffect (id and factions, it would
still form but a weak minority in cither
House; and even if it made an alliance
with all tho Democratic strength, the com?
bined force would still bc less than two
fifths of cither body. The Thirty-ninth
Congress, upon which devolves the com?
pletion of this work o? reconstruction, has
a magnificent Union strength, which no
possible combination of malign clements
can hinder from working its own high will.
Let it trust to that strength, and be fear?
lessly generous. Let it admit, at an early
day, into its bosom all thc truly accredited
Representatives of thc Southern people, so
that it shall have every facility to legislate
intelligently and justly for thc South, as
well as for every other part of the land.
This is what is imperatively demanded by
every practical interest of thc Union. No
speculative dogma, or old resentment,
ought to stand m the way of? if.
Tlic Kcnis.ii Quarrel.
This quarrel among the friends of the
liberation of Ireland is creating much
interest in New York. The income of the
brotherhood has been immense; the New
York World feeling itself justified in mak?
ing tho following statement with reference
to thc finances:
Bcccipts per month at tho tiiueof
the O'Mahonev-Roberts quar?
rel..". $100,000
Total receipts during the past
Heven years. 5,000,000
In addition to the five millions which had
berm received, it was confidently expected
that twenty millions dollars would be real?
ized by the sale of the new Ferian bonds.
It wJLU bc an interesting point for the Con?
gress which meets in January, to find out
what has become of the five millions, as
well as what disposition is made of the
one hundred and fifty thousand which is
received monthly. There is little to add
concerning tho Fenian troubles in New
York. On Thursday, several circles sent
in their adhesion to Pcsident Roberts, and
others forwarded resolutions endorsing
President O'Mahoncy. Thc New York
Xe i rs says:
"Thc principal feature on Thursday in
tho progress of the developments which
thc officers of the Fenian Brotherhood
seem to deem it desirable should be made
public, was the arrival of thc military
delegation to Ireland, numbering niuo
officers. There was, of course, a very
great desire on the part of the brother?
hood, generally to learn their views in re?
lation to thc state of affairs in Ireland.
No official report, it appears, has yet been
presented, and therefore, all that is known
of their conclusions is of an unofficial
character. It is understood since their
return that tho impression which has
prevailed here, and also apparently to
sonic extent with the British authorities,
that a concerted outbreak had been in?
tended at tho present time, and that the
arrest of Stephens had prevented it, was
entirely erroneous. It docs not appear to
have been looked to, neither was a general
outbreak or open revolution now necessary
to, or any part of the plans of. the Fenian
Brotherhood; and that, therefore, the
arrest of the Fenian chief in Ireland, while
greatly to be regretted, did not, to any
very alarming extent, interfere with tho
steady progress of tho movement in Iro
" According to another statement, pub?
lished ia tho World, the contributions of
the Fenian Brotherhood and the Fenian
Sisterhood, in the various States of tho
Union, to the war fund, from tho 11th of
September to the 28th of October, were
$120,650.22. The list embraces subscrip?
tions of 20 cents, 40 cents, CO cents, st)
cents, Ac, the lowest sum 1Lat is received
being 10 cents,- while the higher sums aro
$1,000, $1,500, $3,000 and $3,000, and one
from California is $7,'its.00, which is tho
largest. On one day $10,319 was received,
and i>u another$10,001, and on others from
$0.000. $8,600, and so on. Tho figures
comprise the tenth financial statement to
tho brotherhood. What the whole sum
received is, is not divulged; but the con?
tributions during the past year have boen
A passenger left thirteen thousand dol?
lars in a sleeping car at Cleveland, and the
money was found and restored to him hy?
the colored porter. Tho loser, with re?
markable liberality, took out a five dollar
bill and presented it to the honest darkey,
without askins: for Bnv chancre.
MEXICO. -Why docs not the Government
send a licet into thc Gulf of Mexico? lt
has remonstrated with the Emj uror of
Fraiiee, but remonstrance is of no usc;
Napoleon continues to send troops to
Mexico. A correspondent writes from Ha?
vane. December Dth:
"Five hundred and twenty-three Chas?
seurs d'Afrique, and over three hundred
passengers, arrived here day before yester?
day, on board the. magnificent steamer
New World, on their way to Mexico. They
say that a groat many troops are to
follow. Tho steamer sailed yesterday
m ?ming."
Thc President and Congress must un?
derstand by this time that they have to
do with a person totally untrustworthy,
and whose lying promises ure sure to be
broken, unless ?>? enforce their fulfillment.
[Nett r<>rl: Post, Wh.
~ The New Orleans True Delta speak:! in
highly complimentary terms of General
Sheridan, saying he is another illustration
of the fact that charity and chivalry are
always combined. He has issued an order
directing tho quartermaster's department
to supply thc widows and orphans and pub?
lic charities in that citv with fuel.
Provisional Governor B. E. Ferry Re?
We have been favored by Governor Orr
with tho following telographic correspond?
ence, relative to rebe vin g Provisional Go?
vernor Perry from the Gubernatorial du?
ties. Great satisfaction is expressed by
tlic authorities at the situation ot affairs:
WASHINGTON, D. C., DEC. 21, 18fi,-,.
To His EraTency thc Governor of the State
of South f^arouna.
Sin: Bv direction of the President. I
have tho honor herewith to transmit 'ou a
copy of a communication, which has o eon
addressed to His Excellency Benjamin F.
Perry, late Provisional Governor of South
Carolina, whereby bc has been relieved of
the trust heretofore reposed in him, and
directed to deliver into your Excellency's
possession the papers and property relat?
ing to that, trust.
I have the honor to tender you the Co?
operation of tho Government of thc United
Stati s, whenever it may bo found neces?
sary, in effecting the early restoration, and j
tli<- permanent prosperity and welfare of j
thc State over which you have bi en called |
to preside.
1 have the honor to bo, with groat re- j
spoct. von.-most obedient servant,
WASHINGTON, D. C., DEC. 2L isi*>">.
Ti i his Excellency H. K, Perry, Provisional I
Governor of South ( 'tivolina.
Sut: The time bas arrived when, in the
judgment of the Prosidentof the. United :
States, the care and condition of the pro?
per affairs of t lie State of South Carolina!
may bo remitted to the Constitutional
authorities, chosen by the people thereof,
without danger to the welfare and safctv
of the United State.*. By direction of the
President, therefore, you are relieved of
the trust which was heretofore reposed in
you as Provisional Governor of the State
of South Carolina, whenever the Governor
elect shall have accepted an? become quali?
fied to discharge thc duties of tho Execu?
tive. You will transfer the papers and
t property of tho State now in your custody
to his Excellency tho Governor elect. It
gives me especial pleasure to convey to
you the President's acknowledgments o?
the fidelity, the loyalty and the discretion
which have marked your administration;
You will give mc a reply, specifying tho
day on which this communication is re?
1 have tho honor to be your Excellency's
most obedient servant,
COLUMBIA, DEC. 22, 18G5.
Hon, Wm. II. Seward, Secretary of State:
The Legislature adjourned yesterday, at
noon. Gov. Perry has returned to his
homo in Greenville. Your despatch has
been forwarded to him by mail.
It will be very gratifying to tho pooplo of
South Carolina that her government has
been untrusted to officers of their own se?
lection. In their name, 1 thank you for
the tender of co-operation of the Govern?
ment of tho United States, when found
necessary in effecting the early restoration
and permanent prosperity and welfare of
the State.
You may bo assured of my unalterable
purpose to aid in upholding tho supremacy
of the 1 aws of the United States", and in
advancing the honor, interest and pros?
perity of a common country.
JAMES L. OUR, Governor.
Watkingtoa Affairs.
WA sn i NI i TON, December 16.-The peoplo
of this city and District aro to have tho
opportunity, next Thursday, of expressing
their views as to the propriety of giving
the right of suffrage to negroes. It has
already been announced that a bill for
this purpose has passed both branches of
tlie City Council. It has sinco received
tho approval of Mayor Wallack. Of course,
thor;, is not tho least probability that the
voto will be in favor ol any such privilege
to thc Africans; and thero is as little, that
the radicals in Congress will pay any re?
spect whatever to the voico of tho lawful
white voters of the District.
It is understood that a bill is to be intro?
duced into Congress to repeal tba charter
of the city of Washington, and to confide
its administration and police affairs to two
Commissioners, to be appointed by tho
National Executive. Tho object of this is
to deprive the people of the District of all
suffrage, and tims to get rid of the vexed
question of negro suffrage. A very happy
riddance. It will much promote tho quiet
and order of the good people of Washing?
ton. Politics and elections aro a great
trouble to communities.
Ap, opes of the "dark mau"-as Var
mountera call him-and of Massachusetts,
the Intelligencer, ot this morning, calls at?
tention to some recent revelations in re?
gard to negro impressments for thc army
during tho recent war. Mr. Lloyd, Presi?
dent ot the board of Aldermen, stated that
most of tho nogroos who went from tho
District into tho army "were taken posses?
sion of by men of their own color, and sold
into the service of the United states,"' and
it was added by Mr. Gulick, thaf "many of
thom were cr?dite,1 to Massachusetts"
that ever cunning, ever selfish State. Tho
Intelligencer bears testimony to the truth
of these statements. It says further, "that
many of tho soldiers (black) were enrolled
in tho soring of 1864, for the Massachu?
setts colored cavalry. For each of these
rocruits, that State paid a bounty of $323,
and the towns and cities paid an addi?
tional bounty of $150 to $200 for each re?
cruit." That truthful journal adds: "It is
a fact, susceptible, of the clearest proof,
that none of these recruits ever received
over $300* Of the residue of this bounty,
they wore robbed by Government officials
and Massachusetts agents. * * * Could
the facts connected with these wicked
transactions bc fully spread to the coun?
try, it would awaken a tempest of just in?
dignation, and cause all good men to blush
for tho heartless depravity of their spe?
cies." No doubt of it.
It is understood that Congress is solicit?
ed by influential citizens to purchase th?
ground on tho North sido of thc eh/,
known as tho Washington J. Berry pro?
perty, for tho purpose of erecting thora
upon a mansion for the President, with a
magnificent park attached. The ground
has au area of between 300 and 400 acres.
The property is advertised for sale oa tho
21?t instant, and hence the spur is used to
hasten up Congress to the rescue. It is
very plain that the tolerably spacious ?nd
moderately presentable mansion of tho
National Executive is much below the
grandeur of *hc Federal Government in ils
enlarged and overshadowing sphere; and
whether tho Washington J. Berry property
bc purchased or not, a more gorgeous pa?
lace will havo to he awarded to the Chief
Magistrate. What would answer for other
days will not do for those. Tho depart?
ment at thc Western end of Pennsylvania
avenue must havo equal consideration
with that at thc Eastern end. if Congress
deliberates in super-splendid marble Iud ls,
tho high officer who holds the veto power
over its acts, and is chief of a co-ordinate
branch of tho Government, must have tho
equal honors of lavish expenditures upon
the finest edifices that thc genius of archi?
tecture caji conceive. 'Phis is but right.
Congress has ho right to appropriate all
thc money for building purposes to its ele?
gant case and convenience.
Washington is full of beggars. Rich?
mond can hardly be fuller. The recent
war may have thrown upon her more in
proportion to her population; but it also
threw upon Washington a vast number. I
lt is supposed that 40,000 blacks arc now j
within her limits-three-fourths of whom I
were slaves at the beginning of the war.
There will bo immens? suffering among j
them this winter.
. [Corres. Richtntmd Tiiiu:s.
Sixty-three military prisoners, confined j
on conviction by courts martial, in tho
O?do Penitentiary, at Columbus, have been
released by order of the War Department,
leaving but twenty of this class of convicts
now in that institution.
The New York Equitable Petroleum Com?
pany is said to have struck a flowing well
at Macksbnrg, on Duck Creek, near Ma?
rietta, Ohio, which occasioned considerable
excitement in thc neighborhood.
Byron had his hands full when ho had
this adventure:
_"I stood in Venice on tho Bridge of Sighs,
A palace and a prison on each hand."
What the United States Government is
saying to the invader: "Max, get out of
Mex., or I'll mix vcr."
Horace Greeley is in favor of Hon. A.J
H. Stephens for United States Senator.
The man wdio carries everything before
him-the waiter.
A PLANTATION on Watcreo River, in
j\_ Richland District, containing GOO acres j
of cleared land-one-fourth in upland and I
balance in river bottom. All needful build- j
ings on tho premises. For further parti- j
culara, ace he subscriber on tho place, or I
address him at Columbia.
_Dec33,:<< JOHN ENGLISH.
-Just Received and for Sale by
very superior article. Second door i
above old City Hotel Corner, Main street. !
_ DCC 23_2 ;
Headqr's District of Western S. C., i
COLUMBIA. S. C., Decomber 21, 18U5. ?
EVERY' precaution will-bo taken by Sub- j
District and Post Commanders to
prevent disturbances, either by freedmen
or white citizens, during the holidays and
the early part of January.
Guards and patrol* will he established,
and every one arrested who breaks tho !
peace, or whoso conduct may be such aa
to lead to suah a result.
This matter is one of great importance,
and demands t' ? vigilant attention of all.
By order ol
Brevet Major-Gencral A. AMES.
J. A. CLARK, Capt. 15th Maine Vols., A.
A.^D. C. and Act. Ass't Adj't Gen'l.
received and for sale at
Toys! Toys!
TRACTIVE TOYS, just received and
for sale at COFFIN A RAVENEL'S.
Dec 23
Columbia, S. C., Dec. 22, 1865.
NOTICE is hereby given that scaled pm
posais will bo received ai this ofHco \
until 2 o'clock p. m. of the 31st instant, for
the delivery of FRESH BEEF on tho ?
block, in sufficient quantities to supply
this Post. The Beef to be delivered on ana
after January I, ISi'it?. All necessary in- '
formation can be obtained by bidders hv ;
inquiring at the above named offico,in the :
College Campus. Bv order of
Lieut. 25th Rog't O. V. V. L, and A. C. S.
Dec 23_2_ !
Wanted to Hire,
ACOMPETENT NURSE for a child a '',
year old; white or colorad.
? lirst-rato Heuse Servant.
? first-rate Chambermaid.
The best, recommendations required. !
Apply at thia office. Dec 21 !
Local Iteras.
The Tust Omeo is located on Lady street,
near Assembly.
CASH.-Our terms for subscription, ad?
vertising and job work are cash. Wc hope
all parties will bear this in mind.
We have been requested to state that no
furniture will be taken by the South Caro?
lina Railroad for ten days from Kopkin's
T. O.
THE CODE.-The Phoenix, of thc'/lst aud
22d December, contains the entire Code re?
lative to the freedmen, Copies can be ob?
tained at tho ellice-price ten cents each
paper. Orders from a distance promptly
THE BmtKTv-a or CoLtrarniA. -An inter?
esting account oi thc "Sack and Destruc?
tion of the City of Columbi.'., S. C.." has
nat been issued, in pamphlet form, from
the Phoniz steam power press. Orders
can bo tilled to any extent.
.Mr. A. C. Davis advertises an article for
salo to-day that is much sought after in
this section; and as it is particularly good,
it is expected that he will have quite a de?
mand for*it. We have to thank him for a
We aro ph ased to ?tate that His Excel?
lency Gov. Orr bas appointed John L.
Boatwright, Esq., of Columbia, his Private
Secretary. Tho Executive office is in tho
basement of Col. Childs" house, corner of
Bull ar d Plain streets.
Messrs. Townsend & North advertise a
beautiful assortment of photographic al?
bums, gift books, Ac., for tho approaching
holidays. As articles of this kind have
been very rare for a length of time, our
readers will not require a second invita?
tion to pay Messrs. T. A N. a visit.
OVERHAULED.-Messrs. Jeffers, forward?
ing agents, at Hopkins' Turn Out, having
received information that parties were
stealing sonic of the cotton under their
charge, about 12 o'clock, on Wednesday
night, mounted their horses, and succeed?
ed in arresting, within four miles of this
city, four negroes, with a ivagon and four
mules, and two bales of stolen cotton in
their possession. We trust an example
will bc made of these men, as almost daily
wo hear of some one in that vicinity losing
cotton. We regret to learn that there arc
parties in Columbia who purchase cotton
from negroes without proper inquiry. The
matter should bo stopped at once.
LIG-RO-INE.-Queer-sounding title, isn't
it? But if you procure one of thc lamps
which burns this fluid, you will be lost in
admiration. To think of a lamp burning
six. eight, ten and twclvo hours, with
scarcely a thimble-full of oil, (or whatever
tho material may. bc termed,) is really
wonderful. This is certainly one of the
groatest inventions of thc age. There is
no danger of an explosion, and if the lamp
should upset, there is nothing to be spilt.
What will be tho next wonder, wo should
like to know. Parties who have tho least
curiosity should call on Messrs. Shelton,
Calvo A Walsh, Bull street.
These gentlemen have on hand a variety
of other articles, which, if not quito so
curious, aro really attractive. Their
stock of fire-works, fancy articles, groce?
ries, etc., is complete.
NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS.-Attention is ca.ll
tcd to the. following advertisements, which
aro published this morning for the first
A. C. Davis- Cabinet Whiskey.
Coffin A Ravenel Fire works.
" " -Toys.
Townsend & North-Christmas Presents.
Lieut. Howard-Contract for Beef.
Gen. Ames-General Orders No. .}:?.
Board of Visitors Military Academies.
Militia Regiments and Officers.
John En dish -Plantation to Kent.
People weep at mimic death scenes on
the theatrical stage, but the rabble of
Washington city exultingly cheered tho
real death seem' of Wir/, ls the country
Utterly demora 1 ?zed ?
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