OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, January 24, 1869, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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C?L?MBiA, S. C.
Saturday Morning. January 23,1869.
Kladaeu U Power.
There nover yet was an instance in which
kindness has been fairly oxerciaed bat that
it has subdued the enmity opposed to it. Its
first effort may not succeed any more than
one shower o? rain will reclaim the burning
desert; but let it repeatedly shed the dew of
its holy influence upon the revengeful soul,
?nd that soul will soon become beautiful
with every flower of tenderness. An indi?
vidual can no more oppose the kindness
which is continually and steadily manifest?
ing itself towards him, than he can fan the
flame of violent anger in his soul, when the
purest and most charming music is flooding
his senses with its rich harmony. He will
as certainly submit to its winning power as
the compass-needle yields to the influence of
magnetism. It is not in human nature to
withstand a long course of kindness. Pride
and stubbornness may for a time stay the
tide of better feelings, like the waters of the
stream pent up by gathering masses of ice;
but these better feelings will accumnlate and
increase until they break dov,n pride and
stubbornness, and cause the repentant to
exclaim, like oneof old, "Thou knowast that
I love thee!"
There is no moral principle applicable to
private or domestic life, os the Newark
Journal truthfully says, which is not equally
applicable to publio affairs, whether between
one little society and another, or botween
State and State. Had tho policy of the
Republican party been governed by this
'principle in regard to the re-admission of
the Southern States, who doubts for a mo?
ment but what we should have avoided nil
the heart-burnings and jealousies, and all
the wrongs and outrages that a contrary
polioy has engendered? But the law of re?
venge and retaliation was permitted to
have sway, and the result has been, tho
Journal thinks, the creation of a feeling of
hate and bitterness, that a half century will
scarcely extinguish.
Look, too, at the enormous expense that
has been the consequence of so mistaken a
polioy; an expense not growing out merely
of the expenditure of dollars and cents, re?
quired by the reconstruction acts, but in
terrible evils inflicted upon the monetary
affairs of the country, by postponing tho ad?
vantages we could have seenred by au earl ie.i
rehabilitation of the South. The day will
come when tho scales will fall from the peo
pie's eyes, and they will bo enabled tc
discern the hideousness and folly of thu
unfortunate policy of reconstruction, ant
when they will look upon the party thal
originated it with the loathing it deserves.
Every person, bo he Democrat or Repub
lioan, who is possessed of a particle of hu
inanity, will rejoice that the President ha
ordered the release of Lieutenant Bruine
who has been so long in confinement ii
New York, on charge of piracy. L?ente
nant Braine was a Confederate naval oflicei
brave and devoted to his cause. By th
United States Government he was impri
soned, nud while ha has endured the sever
est suffering, tho authorities have persis!
ently refused to permit him a trial, or grui:
even a temporary release. There ii nothin
in the practices of civilized governments t
justify or present a precedent for such pe:
secution as he has endured.
The Baltimore American publishes tli
so-called confessions of Samuel B. Arnoh
now a Dry Tortugas convict for complicit
in the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, au
also of Atzerott, for a similar crime. A
nold denies that up to the timo he withdre
from it, the conspiracy was simply to ca]
ture Lincoln and take him to Richmom
Atzerott says that murder was not dete
mined on uutil the day of tho late Tres
dent's death, when ho backed ont. Bo!
confessions give John H. Snrratt great pr
. minence iu the plot. These confessio
aro now given to the public for the fir
time, and ure doubtless intended to discr
dit, iu advance, Surrutt's own statement
which aro to be given to the couutry in
short time.
LOTTERY SWINDLES.-"They that wiil
rich, fall into temptation aud a snare." !
says Paul, and, as tho wife of Bath assut
us, "Paul's a sound divine." Wo suppose
is Ute desire of every mau to be suddei
rioh that keeps life into these never ondi
gift enterprises and dollar shops; but wi
folly can be greater than the folly tin
swindlers trade upon? Dear, good peo]
of tho metropolis, says the New York I
raid, cannot you reach to tho conclu?i
that the man is evidently fooling you w
sells you a ticket for one dollar and pc
tively declares that every ticket holder sh
get a prize worth two dollars, and that
dozen holders of favorite numbers shall (
from one to 310,000 eaoh? Will yon int
that there is certainly some mystery in
Well, the whole mystery is this: the sel
of the ticket is a knave and tho buyer is
. fool.
Aufcnstn and tho Sontli Carolin? Railroad*
As an aot of justice, we copy from the
Charleston News, the following statement in
relation to the alleged ref neal of the South
Carolina Railroad to stop its trains at Gra?
"Two of the trains of the South Carolina
Railroad stop daily at Graniteville, both
going to and returning from Augusta, and
it is these trains which oonneot Augusta,
Colombia and Charleston. With one of
them the Columbia and Augusta Railroad
connected at Graniteville after its comple?
tion to that point. So far, then, tho South
Carolina Railroad cannot be censured, for it
gives Graniteville two trains each way every
day, and did give the Columbia and Augusta
Railroad a regular connection at that point.
But there is a third train-the Wilmington
and Augusta through train-which does not
stop at Graniteville. Tho reason is that this
third train was especially arranged for the
accommodation of through travel. It is a
train put on to compete with the East Ten?
nessee and Knoxville, and the Danville and
Charlotte routes, of which last route the Co?
lumbia and Augusta Railroad is now a part.
It is plain enough, therefore, that if the Co?
lumbia and Augusta Railroad were permitted
to connect with the "through train" at
Graniteville, the Charlotto route would at
once be able to compete, perhaps success?
fully, for the very business for which the
.through train1 was established.
"The Columbia and Augusta Railroad did
not dream of being able to connect with this
through train. Yet they abruptly changed
their schedule, broke connection with the
day train of the South Carolina Railroad,
and now endeavor to convince the public
that tho South Carolina Railroad stands in
tho way of their proper accommodation,
while the simple truth is that the whole
blame rests with tho Columbia and Augusta
Company alone.
"As already noticed, the connection nt
Grnuitoville was formerly made with tho
South Carolina Railroad day train, and the
chango was made without any notice being
givou to tho management of the lust mimed
rond, so that there waa not eveu the oppor?
tunity afforded them of matting the
change that was desired. And we cannot
even see iu what way Augusta would be be
nufitted if the now connection were allowed
to be made. Tho old day train arrived in
Augusta at about half-past ll o'clock iu the
afternoon; the through train an ives there
at 8 or 9 o'clock nt night By tho old ar?
rangement the Columbia mails could be dis?
tributed in Augusta by 5 P. M. ; under the
new plan they would not be delivered until
the following morning.
"The whole question is, atid we say it
without fear of contradiction, not ono of
public convenience, but oi convenience to
the Columbia and Augusta Railroad Com?
pany. This company can connect with
either or both of two daily trains which stop
regularly at Graniteville. For a time it did
connect with one of them, but it nott
changes its schedule and demands aconnee
tion with a 'through traiu'-a train whicL
never did stop at Graniteville, and cannot
do so without great loss of time, the dan
ger of missiug connection at Augusta, anc
a risk of causing far greater inconvenience tc
tho public than can or does grow out of tnt
delays to which the passengers on the Au
gusta road are exposed. Tho whole faul
lies at the doors of this Columbia and Au
gusta Railroad Company, and the August
Chronicle will allow us to say, in all courtesy
that the public 'should not be made ti
undergo inconvenience and vexation merel;
to gratify the ill-feeling against' the Souti
Carolina Railroad, a corporation which i
managed with as much liberality as ability
and with every possible regard to the cona
fort and convenience of the whole traveliii
revolution in Cuba would seem, from lat
telegraphic advices from Havaua, to ha?
received a severe if not fiual check in th
capture of Bayamo, tba headquarters of th
revolutionary government, which Count Va
maseda officially informs General Dulce 1
took possession of on the lGth instan
This may not prevent a guerilla warfar
for which tho Spanish race have a peculii
proclivity, and for which the motin tainot
regions of the island aro well adapted, fro
being carried on by the disbanded insu
gents, though at present it looks as if tl
further prolongation of the contest in ni
simpo would be hopeless. It must bo a
milted, however, that tho iusurrectio
which has now been raging throe month
has exhibited considerable vitality, and
its occasional successes over the trained st
diers of Spain, must have given the Cuba
engaged in it an idoa of their own streng
j which they never hud before, and which w
I be a dangerous consciousness in tho min
of a disaffected population.
Gen. Dulce, however, appears to be a pt
dent and conciliatory man, and tho plan
permitting Cuba to elect deputies to t
Cortes, if discreetly carried out, so as
send representative Cubans, may go far
quell popular discontent. In this count
tion it maybe mentioned, that a scheme vt
lately published in one of the New Yo
papers, on the authority of Senor Aseara
i one of the Cuban deputies now in Madr
as being tho plan of Gen. Serrano, chief
tho provisional government of Spain, whi
embraces a separate nationality for Cul
with au insular assembly, division of 1
Cuban budget from that of Spain, and
Captain-General appointed by tho ero
from tho civil or military list, as may
best. This was tho policy formed at a
cent meeting of the loading Liberals
Havana, and if it could prevail, would
move some of the principal causes of t
content in the island.-Baltimore Sun.
Mr. H. Thornton Axson, who died
Charleston on tho 20th, dreamed seve
weeks ago that he was to depart this life
I that day.
, . .... , '. ,
Fall particulars of tho wreck of the steam?
ship Gulf City, off the North Carolina qoast,
show that twenty-one sailors and one pas?
senger were lost. The sufferings among
the three who were saved was intense.
Eight persona took to a raft, but during
forty-eight honra of banger and thirst, five
fell into the sea, and were drowned, the re?
maining three being finally picked np and
Shuck intends to start a new paper ia
Barnwell County, 8. C., to be styled the
Barnwell Journal. He expeots to issue thc
first number about the first proximo.
Even tho New York Tribune admits the
cogency of President Johnson's arguments
in defence of his Constitutional right to
issue his amnesty proclamation.
ALADY'S F?R COLLAR. Tho finder will bo
suitably rewarded and receive the thanks of
tho owner, by leaving it at tho Phoenix office, or
at tb? oft!T of *,,A "Stato Printer."
Jan 23_ 2? _
Columbia Board of Trade.
AN extra meoting of thiB Board will bo held
TO MORROW (Monday) EVENING, at half
past 7 o'clock, in Carolina Hall.
Jan 211 R. O'NEALE. JR., Secretary*.
Columbia and Augusta Railroad.
1 AA SHARES for Balo by
State South Carolina-Richland County.
Dy William Unison Wing, Judge of Probate in
llichlawl County.
applied to mo for lettors of administration
on the Estate of Rev. CHARLES E. LEVERETT,
late of Richland, deceased,
Thoso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular tho kindred and creditors ol tho said
deceased, to be ami appear before me, at a Court
of Probate for the said County, to be holden at
Columbia, on the 8th day of February, 1809, at 10
o'clock A. M.. to show cause, if any, why the said
administration should not be granted.
Given under mv h ind and seal of the Court, this
23d day of Januar/, A. I). I860, and in the
ninetv-third vear of American independence.
?fudge Prob it? Court, Richland Couiitv.
Jan 21 Feb 5
South Carolina-Richland County.
A. Getty A Co. r??. Thomas S. Kickerson.-Attach?
"ITT n ERE AS, the plaintiffs did, on tho 1st day
VT of October ISO'S, tile their declaration against
the defendant, who, (as it is said.) is absent from
and without the limits of this State, and has
jeither wife nor attorney known within the same,
upon whom a copy of tho said declaration might
be ser voil; It is therefore ordered, on motion of
Messrs. Bachman A Waties, plaintiffs' attorneys,
that tho said defendant do appear ami plead to
the said declaration, on or before the 2d day of
OCTOBER, which will be in the year of our Lord,
DHU thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine,
otherwise dual and absolute judgineut will then
bo given and awarded against him.
D. R. MILLER, C. c. p.
Clerk's Office, Columbia, S. C., Janus rv 20, 18(19,
as of 1st October. 1808. _ .1 ni ^4 q4
NE W Y~?~R K S ? N
FOR 1 809.
A tirst-class journal, independent but not neu?
tral in politics, publishes threo editions Dailv,
Semi-weekly, and Weekly, at $G, $2, aud ?1 per
Is prepared with special reference to the wai.ts of
Country Readers.
News of the week, from all parts of the globe,
is condensed for it by experienced and skilful edi?
tors. A selection from the most interesting edito?
rial articles of THF DAILY SUN will form one of
its constant features, while tho moat instructive
and entertaining miscellany will also occupy a
larine portion of its columns. Its CATTLE, PRO?
be found all that can be desired. As a general
FAMILY NEWSPAPER, it will aim to bo particu?
larly acceptable. It will also furnish accurate and
fresh reports of all mattera of importanco to
This department is under the supervision of
Mr. ANDREW S. FULLER, tho well-known horti?
culturist, who will not only write on tho subjects
in question, but will also attend to tho meetings
of tho FARMERS'and FRUIT-GROWERS' Clubs,
and will daguerreotype their proceedings for thc
benefit of our subscribers.
Mr. FULLER, who is a hearty lover of his pro?
fession, makes to his readers the following
"To everv subscriber who sends ono dollar for
the WEEKLY, or two dollars for tho SEMI?
WEEKLY SUN. we will forward by mail, post-paid,
any ono lot of tue following namod vinos or plants
(many of which sell at retail at about tho prico
charged for the paper,) as gifts, as soon as tho
ground opens in the spring.
In sclectiug tho gifts it will only bo necessary to
moutiou tho Number, as given below.
I. Two Concord Grapo vinos.
5?. Two Hartford Prolific Grape vines.
3. One Delawaro Grape^vino.
4. Ono Iona Grapo vino.
..?. Two Early Wilson Blackberry,
o. Two Kittatiuny Blackberry.
7. Ono Davidson's Thornlesa Raspberry.
8. Ono Seneca Black Raspberry.
O. One Mammoth Cluster Raspberry.
IO. Ono Monthly Black Raspberry.
II. Ono Summit Yellow Raspberry.
Vi. One Phil delphia Raspberry. "
13. One Clarke Raspborry.
14. Two Cherry Currant.
15. Two White Grapo Currant.
10. Ono Early Roso Potato.
And to every lady aubacriber wa will send a bulb
of the hoautiful anti raro Japan Lily, and for clubs
of six will Bond six varieties of Lilies or aix of
choice Gladiolus.
Every plant sent will bo correctly labeled and
carefully packed, so that it shall roach its desti?
nation in good condition."
Twentv ?opie* of THE WEEKLY SUN will be
mailed to ono address for $17; and Firry copies for
$37.50, invariably in advance.
THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN ie of the eamc sizo
and general character aa THE WEEKLY, but has
space for a greater variety of miscellaneous read?
ing, and furnishes tho news to its subscribers with
greater freshness, because it comes twico a week
instead of ouco only. Its snbscription is only TWO
DOLLARS a year, tho ordinary price of a New
York Weekly. Clubs of ten subscribers to ono
address receive Tur. SEMI-WEEKLY 8UN on pay?
ment of $18. Twenty copios will bo sent to ono
address for $35; and lifty copies for $80, always in
THE DAILY SUN, a live newspaper, frosh, pi?
quant, and free 'rom improper personalities, has
all the new* ' om every quarter of the globe, at
TWO CE'. I'S a copy, or $G per year.
Poitr tasters ana others getting up clul/s of ten,
of either edition, will receive an extra copy for their
kindness. Specimen copies forwarded on applica
Jan 24 IT Bil New York City.
At a reoent fete given by the Pope, the
saloons of the Vatican were crowded with
ladies, whose presence is said to have been
an incident without example, and to have
greatly scandalised the old prelates.
Two Washbnrnes have died recently
Gamaliel in Vermont, and Ichabod ("glory
departed"-ominous this) in Massachusetts.
Ichabod, like the family generally, Was a
wire-worker; the material he used was brass.
Congressman Bowen, of South Carolina,
having returned to Washington from a day
or two's hunting excursion, is confined to
his room with an attack of indigestion, sup?
posed to be a mess of squirrels too much.
A fifty dollar counterfeit greenback hus
been detected, in which old Benjamin
Franklin has too many buttons on his vest.
Mr. W. A. Rosborougb.of Chester, S. C.,
died on the night of tho 7th instaut; aged
CORPS Seasoned PINE WOOD- Cash
down on delivery. Apply to
Jan 23 3 Ni ck er son lionne. Columbia.
S. R. Flour, &c.
5 Bbls. Superior buckwheat Flour,
Barrels Sugar Drips,
Barrels New Crop N. O. Molasses,
Tiorcos New Crop West Indies do.
In store and for Bale by C. II. BALDWIN.
Jan 23_
flUIE above reward will be paid to any ono who
J. will return to tho Chief Constable's Oftice, a
Smith A Wesson's Cartridge PISTOL, left unin?
tentionally in roar of Janie y's Hall, on the morn?
ing of tho 22d instant. Jan 23 3
Increase of Capital Stock.
BANK, having resolved to increase its CAPI?
TAL STOCK to $150,Deo. prisons wishing to
become share-holders will apply at the Ranking
House, to tho Presidont or Cashier, win? will give
required information.
Jan 22 3 W. B. ll CLICH, Cashier.
Fresh Supplies.
Pink-Kyo and Peach-Blow Planting Potatoes,
Film Goshen CH BESE,
Jun 2:t At tho Sign of the Watch.
United States Internal Revenue.
COLUMBIA, Januarry 22, ls<>;>.
4 DMINISTRATORS, Executors'or Trustees,
/v (residing in tho Counties of Richland and
I lexington,) having had in charge or trust legacies
or distributive Shares, arising from Personal Pro?
perty-any portion of which remained undistri?
buted in May, 18(15 -and all persons now in charge
of Ent?tes, where the whole value of such Estate
exceeds the sum of $1,000. are notified to report at
my Otlicc, on or before FEBRUARY 10, 1801), pre?
pared to make a correct return of the property
held in charge by them.
Jan 23 2 Assistant Assessor 1st District.
Burns Club.
THE 110th Anniversary
vt.'.PC'A/^x Birth-day Celebration will
be celebrated at McKenzie's
Saloon, on MONPAY EVEN?
ING, January 25, at 8 o'clock.
Member, r-aii procure tick?
ets from c din McKcnzio,
President, George Symmere,
Secretary, ano at tho store
of Messrs. J. A A. Oliver.
Chairman of Committee of Arrangements.
Jan 22_3
Extra Large Mountain Apples.
("1 IBSON and fresh mountain RUTTER, just
"IT received and for sale low, wholesale and re?
Garden Seeds.
mHORBUUN'S SEEDS-full assortment. These
J. Heeds have been for nearly a century before
tho public, and reti?ir? commendation from no
one Tor sale by GEO. SYMMERS.
Lager Bier, &c.
ff/\ DOZ. BREMEN LAGER BIER-direct im
OVJ portation,
50 Doz. London Tortor,
50 Doz. Scotch Ale,
1 Bbl. "WHEAT" WHISKEY-very fine-for
sale by GEO. SYMMERS.
Hams, &c.
pr TIERCES -'ORANGE" Brand Sugar-cured
5 Tierces Terre Haute Pure Leaf Lard,
2 Firkins dioico Goshen Rutter.
For sale by_GEO. SYMMERS.
Landreth's Garden Seeds
EVERY variety of Frosh and Reliable SEEDS.
Tho reputation of these Seeds aro too well
known to need anv praise. Just received at
Jan 10 +2ino* '_ E. PO_LLARD^S.
EQUAL to Oil Paintings, in beauty. A NEW
VARIETY from Europe at low prices.
A fino lot of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, all
prices. For sale at BRYAN A McCARTER'S
Jan 17 Bookstore.
OUT of thirty-eight specimens of Bourbon
Whiskey recently submitted to a chemical
analysis, at tho various saloons in Now York, only
two Vero puro. Tho undersigned ventures to
assert that his LIQUORS aud WINES aro as puro
as any sold in tho United States. As for his ALE
and LAGER BEER.it is without adulteration;
and ho wishes to submit it to any chemical analy?
sis. It imparts permanent strength to weak sys?
tems and invigorates delicate constitutions. Drink
his Beer; you will enjoy the greatest of blessings -
health, and prolong your life.
Get The Best.
WEBSTER'S Pictorial, Unabridged, Quarto
DICTIONARY, a largo supply just received
from tho publishers. For salo hy
For Invalids.
PURE Extract of CALVES FEET, for making a
nutritious jelly, aud for improving Soups and
Puro Extract of Vanilla, Lemon and Pino Apple,
for flavoring.
Pearl Barley, Tapioca, Sago, Arrow-root, Choco?
late, Broma, Cocoa.
Coxo's Sparkling Gelatine, for making Jelly,
Blanc Mango, Creams. For salo by
Jan 10 FISH ER A HEINITBH, Druggists.
Bloomsdale Garden 8eeds-"Gr?wn by David
TUE unexampled demand, and increasing repu?
tation, of Landrcth's SEEDS, atteats t.eir
superiority over all otber kinds. Years javo
rolled up a long lino of testimonials in f*vor of
his Seeds, as being always roliable and of war?
ranted quality. Tho subscribers havo a full line
of Seeds, for salo wholesale and retail.
Jan 13 FISHER & HEINIT8H, Druggists.
IiOoal Items0
A fur collar was, unfortunately, lost by a
lady a day or two since; and, as a oold snap
is daily expected, she is anxious to recover
the missing article.
BREMEN LAGER.-Mr. Symmers has just
opened a lot of Bremen lager in pint bot?
tles, which is pronounced extra fine by those
who aro judges of the urticle. He present?
ed us a specimen, aud we called in assist?
ance; verdict "Cboost as good as best."
Wo have received from Prof. C. H. Jud?
son, President of the Greenville Baptist
j Female College, a copy of their catalogue,
i containing a list of the names of the new
I faculty, which has just been organized, and
I which is believed to embrace a very able
j corps of instructors. Young ladies will here
j enjoy advantages of high intellectual cul?
ture equal, ns wo are informed, to those en
I joyed by young men in our best universi?
A Woiu> or CAUTION.-"We constantly see
advertisements from irresponsible parties at
tho North, published in our country ex?
changes. Tho usual directions are, "pub?
lish, forward a copy of paper, with bill,
and the money will be returned immedi?
ately." In ninety-nine cases out of every
hundred, the latter portion of this proviso
is not complied with. Gentlemen publish?
ers, make it a rule to secure payments from
?hco? p?rt??? lu au vanee. Xl is the only safe
proceedure. Bemember "Crispa Coma" and
others of a similar character. The season
is about to commence, when these adver?
tisements will flood tho country. Treat
them as 3-011 would a bad hand in euchre
Church-Rev. P. J. Shand, Rector, 10%
a. m., and 4 p. m.
St. Peter's Church-Rev. J. J. O'Connell,
Pastor, 10 a. m. and 3 p. m.
Marion Street Church-Rev. \V. W.
Mood, 10'.j a. m., and 3}.? p. m.
Washington Street Chapel-Rev. S.
Leard, 10}.; a. m., and Sunday School Cele?
bration 3)o p. m.
Lutheran Lecture Room-Rev. A. R.
Rude, 10,i.< a. m.
Presbyterian Church-Rev. W. E. Boggs,
10'.j a. m. and 7 p. m.
Baptist Church-Rev. J. L. Reynolds,
10}? a. m.
added a fast card press-of the Degev-r &
Weiler patent-to the machinery Ci the
Phoenix office; and have also made additions
to our stock of fancy type, cards, paper, etc.
Persons in want of any stylss of book and
job printing, aro invited to call and examine
samples and prices. Cards printed at short
notice, and at prices varying from $3.50 to
$10 per thousand.
MAIL ARRANGEMENTS.-The post o nice is
open during the week from 8}? a. m. to 6 p.
m. Cn Sundays, from 4 to 5 p. m. The"
Charleston and Western mails are open for
delivery at f> p. m., and close at 8*.< p. m.
Charleston night mail open 8j-.< a. m., close
4,'<2 p. m. Northern open for delivery 3
]). m., close 12 m. Greenville open for de?
livery ;"> p. m., close 8)2 P- m
CASH.-Our terms aro strictly cash-no
exceptions. If an advertisement is to be
inserted, band over the money; if a paper is
subscribed for, tho money must accompany
tho order-otherwise no attention will be
paid to them. This rule will be adhered to.
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.-Special attention
is called to the following advertisement?,
published for the first time this morning:
Lost-Apply at this Office.
Tho People's Paper-New York Sun.
D. B. Miller-In the Common Pleas.
Thos. E. Gregg Sc Co.-Railroad Shares.
W. H. Wigg-In tho Court of Probate.
R. O'Neale-Meeting Board of Trade.
NEW YORK, August 7, 1868.
MR. EDITOR: Several of your correspond?
ents, very nhl and respectable no doubt, seem
to be wonderfully exercised as to the origin
these Bitters aro all that wo represent them
to be, we do not know that it makes any
difference from whom they come, or from
whence they originated; but for the infor?
mation of the public generally, and old
Capt. Wentz in particular, wo will say that
ho told the truth, and that these Bitters
originated in tho West India Islands-that
many of tho ingredients have been favora?
bly used for over a century, but that our
combination of Calisaya is entirely new, and
our own. Tho rum and other materials are
the samo, and as yonr correspondent says,
a better Bitters and Tonic is not made. We
recommend them particularly for dyspep?
tics, fever and ague, debility, loss of appe?
tite, and in all cases where a tonic and
stimulant is required.
P. H. DRAKE, & Co.,
21 Park Row, N. Y.
MAGNOLIA WATER-Superior to the beat
imported German Cologne, ??nd sold at hulf
the. price. J22JH3
Seed Potatoes.
J O Jackson Whites, and Early Goodrich, in tine
order and for salo by E. A G. D. HOPI;.
New Orleans Syrup.
5DDLS. Choice New Orleans SYRUP, for sale
hy E. A G. D. HOPE.

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