OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, October 20, 1869, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Wednesday Morning, October 20,1869.
"And Thon, too, O Brotuit"
Oar ootemporary of the Winnsboro
News, as well as other journals in tho
South, appear to regard it their doty to
ignore the claims of the National Demo?
oraay oven upon the whites of the South.
This appears to us very unreasonable,
and not lees short-sighted than unrea?
sonable. It is undeniable, that the Na?
tional . Democracy, since the war and
daring the whole of the reconstruction
business, hare stood np boldly, man?
fully and unequivocally for the rights
of that class in the South which radi?
calism has stigmatized, denounced, op?
pressed, and sought to humiliate into tho
very dost.- -The Southern people may
forgive, as Christians, bat, as mon, they
can never forget how, in the matter of
reconstruction, the radical party insulted
tho honored dead of the South, and how
this porty disregarded the rights und
.outraged the eensibilitiea of tho living.
Wo haye but to look around in order to
see tho fruits -?ow pressed to onr lips
of that bitter, malignant and relentless
' m nei?het Goth, Yandal nor
of. In the meantime,
of the North stood
lone weakneos and
spoke words to us ?of |
>pe, of cheer. Io the
Which have occurred
r-Jiave sought to bring
: to the rule of the Cou
?tftoti^and te aecure the just and pro
t>e?-rehabilitation of the "rebel States,''
with their rights and dignity unimpaired.
In thia effort the Democratic party failed.
Bnt is failure in a good canse, and in our
cauoe, jost ground for onr repudiation of
our political allies? No generous man
can say that ibis. But the failure has
been ? political only. Whatever of con -
servativism, moderation and concession
that has been impressed npon the domi?
nant party, is largely duo to the persist?
ent Struggles of the Democracy. If the
National Democratic party has failed to
overcome radicalism, it has at least ex?
tracted from it some of its bitter ele?
ments, and .inf need into it something of
a magnanimous and forgiving spirit.
The labors of the constitutional party of
the country-of the National D?mocratie
party-haw, therefore, not boen in vain.
But had theso noble efforts utterly failed,
y eb still would it be oar duty to acknow?
ledge tho Claims of that party upon the
proscribed class in the South. When
such journals as the News sneer at the
National Democracy, we feel that Demo?
cracy is wounded in the house of one
who ought to be'it? friend, and are dis?
posed to exclaim, ia the spirit of Caesar,
When ho saw the uplifted dagger of .bru?
tus, tu, Brute.'" If the Democratic
porty is to foll ot the base of Pompey's
statue, let it not be said that ingrati?
tude, worse than traitor's arm, dui vau
quieh it. Bat we trust it will not full
ere its mission is done. It may have Its
Cascas and ita Brutus, but it will be no
Cajsar-either to wear the purple or pre?
maturely to die.
MASONIC FAXB.-A grand Masonic Fair
is to be given in Charleston during the
coming session of the Grand Lodge of
South Carolina, on the 15th November.
It is intended for the benefit of Lodges
and Chapters of that city, enlarging the
charitable principles of the order, and
thus diffusing the true spirit of Ancient
Craft Masonry. Masonic jewels, regalia,
lodge furniture, silver aud plated ware,
will be offered for sale and rallie, together
with a variety of fancy and nseful arti?
cles. Many of the railroads throughout
the State and several steamers hove, in
their usual public spirit, reduced the
price of travel, and will issue excursion
tickets, good for ten days, from the 13th
November, for one fare.
PRIM TO THK CUBANS.-"Liberties and
reforms" are to be granted to the Cuba UH
when they lay down their arms. So wo
hear from Madrid. But all history tells
us that a people aro moro likely to get |
liberties and reforms when they do not
lay down their arms. Let Prim disarm
thc peoplo by tho gift of tho liberties
they are fighting for. Tbero is no other
way.-Nsw York Herald.
1,211,193 pounds sea island cotton, va
luedat $1,070,736, and22,610,298 pounds
upland, valued at $5,902,812, were ex?
ported from Charleston to foreign coun?
tries during tho year ending 30th ult.
Tho trade procession in Louisville, Ky.,
in honor of tho Commerciul Convention,
was, it is reported, nine miles long, ami
three hours in passing a given point. It
is estimated that 100,000 spectators were
on tho street.
Hon. A. H. Stephens says of Solomons'
Bitters: "I huve need them with decided
benefit ; in giving tone to the digestivo or?
gans and general strength to the system."
Three Virginia ladies, including thc
wifo of Gen. R. E. Lee, have published
in the Bichmond papers an appeal for
aid to remove the Confederate dead from
Gettysburg to Hollywood Cemetery.
If you are an Invalid, and wish n Re?
storer and lu vigorator, "Uso Solomons'
Strengthening and Invigorating Bitters."
Wanted to Bent.
fire or ?ix rooms, in a pleasant location.
Address, or call in P??on.* "-r- .
ootjo ofeORof wpnteg.
Bfchland ledge Wo. 39, ?. _\ lt.
.a^^'Richland Lodge, Np. 39, A. ?. will
AF\b* held THIS EVXNlftl,.mu7inat.,
at 7o'clock, in Maeonio Hall. The E. A. Degree
will be eonferrod. By or dor of the W. M.
Oct 20 1_S. C. PEIXOTTO. 8eo'y.
The Columbia Tannery,
J. P. THOMAS & CO., Proprietor?.
TTIDE8 and 8KTNS bought or taken in ex
XL change for Fiuiabad Leather. Ordere
for Leather promptly filled. Apply at foot of I
Lu taber street, on the Greenville and Colum?
bia Railroad.
49" For tho purpose of engaging in tho
abovo business, the uudorsigned have, this
day, August 28, 1869, associated themselves as
copartners. J. 1*. THOMAS,
. - -J. O. MOORE.
0cl2? ______ J. W. PARKER.
Life Association of America,
sar Investing its Premiums in Ote State. -?Tn
THE following paragraph in tho "Charleston
Conner," of the 13th ult., Speaks for itself:
"To LOAV.-Tho Lifo Association of Amerce
for thin department, in conformity with their
charter, offer to loan, on Umxeoptionable real
estate in-thia city, FIVE THOUSAND DOL?
LARS, in sums of not- lees than $1,000. Offers
for same to bo lott with Secretary, at No. 225
King street, corner of Boaufaiu Btreet."
Statement of the Condition of the "Ufe Associa?
tion of America," on the 1st day of Sej?ember,
A.I). 18G9.
Tho name of tho Company is "LIFE ASSO?
It ia located in tho city of St. Louie, Stato nf J
The "Life Aasooialiou of America" ia puroly
The aasets of tho Company arc aa follows:
Caah ou hand, in Bank and at
Department offices waiting
. inVeaito'ent..j. :.......$ 37,801 21
U. S. Bonds-mar?
ket value....$113,940 00
Louiaville. Ky., Rail?
road Bonds, va?
lue. 18.JO0 00- 132,040 00
Real estate loane, being first liena
on unencumbered property,
worth double the amount
loaned. 284,318 02
Billa receivable amply secured... 14,652 41
Loans on collateral security,
being loans secured by Lea?
venworth Company Bonds
and Agricultural Script. 26,750 00
Debta for premiuma due at home
office and by agents in process
of collection. 167,599 71
Loans Becuredby policiea boaring
8 por cont, interest in advance. 257,380 87
Policios of ro-insuranco14,264 20
Deferred premiums.... 95,051 18
Total assets.$1,019,852 00
LOSROB unadjusted. $2,500 00
All other claims against the Com?
pany. 550 CG
Total liabiltieB. $3,050 06
The greatest amount carried iu
any ono risk. $10,000 00
The groateat amount allowed by
the rulea of the Company to
be insured in auy ono city,
town or village. No limit.
HENRY W. HOUOH, Vioo-Preaident, and
CHARLES 8. BODLEY, Secretary of tho "LIFE
ASSOCIATION OK AMERICA," being duly aworn,
depose and say, that the foregoing ia a full,
truo and correct statement of the affairs of the
said Company; that the said Insurance Com
?any ia the bunn tide owner of at least ONE
CASH CAi'iTAX,, invested in Stale and United
State? Stocks and Bonds, or in Ronda and
Mortgagee of Real Estate, unencumbered, and
worth double tho amount fur whioh tho same
ia mortgaged;' And that they are tho above
dt,scribed ofiiucrs of said luaur&noo Company.
H. W. HOUGH, Viuo-Proaident.
Subacribod and aworn to before mc, this 8th
day o? October, A. D. 1869.
Notary Tublic, St. Louis County.
H. H. DALTON, Special Agent.
Oct 20 1
Beer! Beer!!
SOME dealers in thia city have been in doubt
that I ooukl hold out supplying them with
Boer thia summer. I now inform the public
that I have a large eupply of old Lagor Beer
on hand, whioh I put against any Boer brought
from thu North, or even imported from Ger?
many, aa to purity and atrength. I am ready
to test it by the Beer seato.
Aug 20_ JOHN C. 8EEGERS.
To the Public.
HAVING just returned from the North,
GOODS, for the c?stom trade, I am pre
?pared to fill ordors at short notioo and
in the very latest styles. A better stock, in
my line, baa never been brought to this city,
and having aeveral competent workmen, I
guaranteo satisfaction to all. Give me a call.
Sept 18_O. D. EBERHARDT.
Sportsmen '? Equipments,
I reepectfully inform my
friends and public in general
that I have just received a fine
'aaeortment of DOUBLE AND
Repairing done at ehort notice by superior
workmen. P. W. KRAFT,
Sept 17 _trfipt
Smoking Tobacco.
100 pounds Commonwealth,
Just roceiwd, and apure article, for salo at
July 20^ _ Ale and Lnpcr_Boer Depot.
Rio Coffee.
"14 \\f\ BAOS common to primo RIO
25 bags Java and Lagnayra Coffee.
For salo low by E. A O. D. HOPE.
New Hulled Buckwheat.
JUST received one t??n NEW HULLED
BUCKWHEAT, for aale low by th? barrol
and at retail by ,T. AT. R. AGNEW.
Soap ! Soap ! I
1 AA BOXES SOAP, assorted qualities,
JL\/V1 juat received and fot aale by
Oft 17 | AT, R. AGNEW.
Potatoes! Potatoes!!
Syn RRLS. Choice Eating P0TAT0E8, iuet
received and for Salo low by
Ootl7___ J. A T. R. A-ONEW^
191 Main f\lV?ot, Columbia, 8. C.
n ^ a; YTi. X7 % f3t o luqr
K?\(\ RUBHRLS prih?e HEAVY OAT8. for
0\J\J ealo low, by BVA'G. D. HOPE.
Wanted to Rout.
AAs HOUSE containing three or four
Booma. Apply to . ; '
Opt 1? B. * W. C. SWAFFlgLD.
5 . Buckwheat.
T"U8T received a free* aupply of NEW
Sot ld . 8
WILL open THIS DAY, Octobor 19,180?.
her Pall importation of PATTERN
BONNETS and BOUND HAT8. Alao, the
Intent novelties in Millinery Oooda, and would
be plftaaed to nave the Indies call and examino
the awe._Oct ) 'J 2*
To the Ladies-Millinery.
j. nuts. c. K. REED has opon
>i3?S?bv ?d for inspection, the finest and
yfKjBxSt moat fashionable assortaient of
WfftSffli RICAN MILLINERY ever offered
^SKS/JKT 111 Columbia.
0 J(? CORSETS, H AI It, plai.i and or
? .11 ii amen ted, at all prices; an aasort
HLWl ment of cheap FANCY JEWEL?
RY, HATS, from 25 cents up, Feathers, real
Oatrich, Birds of Paradise, Ac. Give mo a call
and judge for yourselves. I will sell very low
everything in my line. Oct 17
HAS removed her Millinery and
Dress-Making Establishment, di?
rectly opposite to her old stand, next
door to Mr. E. Pollard's drug
store, where she will he most happy
to wait on any who muy favor ber
with a call.
Having added numerous artielea to her for?
mer stock-which she had not room to keep
heretofore-aho feels confident that no lady
will call for many things pertaining to s lady's
toilet but what abo eau supply them.
Her handsome atook of MILLINERY will be
roady for generaliuapeotion on WEDNESDAY,
20th inst., consisting of BONNETS and HATS
of tho latest importation; together with a
handsome selection of everything in tho HAIR
LINE, auch a? CHIGNONS, of the latest at j les.
Curia, long and short Frizottes, Braida,
Switches, Ac. Ac. Ac.
DRESS-MAKING attended to with the usual
caro and punctuality. A good fit guaranteed.
Prices moderate.
Being thankful for the patronage kindly be
stowodon her by the ladies of Columbia and
tho surrounding' country, she solicits a conti?
nuance of the same. _ J0cti7 4
Incorporated 1859.
CAPITAL, - - - 3350,000!
J. F. BOZEMA.N, President.
D. F. WILCOX, Secretary.
CONTINUES to furnish perfect security
against loss or damago by fire on all kinds
of insurable property, at adequate rates.
Agents can be found at every prominent point
in the Southern Statoa, to whom applioationa
for insurance mav bo made. Apply to
Oct 17 ||Gtufl8_Columbia, 8. 0.
Groceries, Wines, Liquors, &c.
J TIES, BACON, Clear Ribbed?M
Hides and Shoulders. A choiceifcrW
article Canvassed HAMH. Family Lard,
in barrels, kogs. 3 lbs., 5 and 10 lb. packages.
Choice Family Flour, in bbls. and baga, with
a full assortment of other grades. Liverpool
Salt, in sacks. Mackerel-Noa. 1, 2 and 3, in
bbls., halves, quarters and kits. SUGAR and
COFFEE, of all grades. TEAS, of all grades.
Molasses-Muscovado. New Orleans and Sugar
House Syrnp. Tobacco and Segara. Soap; Can?
dles, in boxes and half boxes; Cheese, ?rack
era, Pickles, Can Fruit, Spiced Oysters, Sal?
mon, in cans and glass. Liquors-Choice Old
Cabinet, Monongahela, Rye and Corn Whis?
key, and a variety of other fine brands.
WOODEN WARE, Nests Iron and Brass
lion nd Tubs, Pails, Churns, buckets and Cans,
Nails, of all sizes, Shot of all numbers, Cast?
ing, Pots, Ovens, Spiders, Skillets and Frying
Pans, of all sizes.
All tho above named with many other arti?
cles has boen recently purchased and selected
with caro and will bo sold low for cash. Give
ns a call. WELL8 A CALDWELL,
Near tho S. C. and G. and C. Railroad Depot,
next door tu National Hotel. Pot IC
Family Supplies.
WE take pleasure
in notifying our
friends and tho
pnblic that wo have
romoved our Stock,
nearly opposite Co?
lumbia Hotel,
whoro we will ho
pleased to seo and
offer them extra inducements in all articloa
usually kopt in the GROCERY, HARDWARE
and LIQUOR line. T. J. A H. M. CIBSON,
_Oct 15 Old Exchange Bank Corner.
! for examination, tho largest and most attrac?
tive STOCK that it has over been our plea?
sure to oxuibit. It is so extensivo and varied,
that it is impossiblo to enumerate We, there?
fore, invito our friends, and all in want of good
and cheap Dry'OoodM, to call and soo for them
j Helves. Wc plcdgo oursolvcs to givo satisfac?
tion in regard to the style, quality and priro
of our Gooda. J. H. A M. L. KINARD.
_ Ot t 10 _
gent T>R- !>. I*. BOOZER, grateful for the
'Alfi r>, j he ra I patronage ho baa received from
the citizens o? this city and the surrounding
District, during tho poet year, respectfully an?
nounces that ho now permanently establishes
himself in Columbia. Ali oporationa on the
natural Tooth faithfully performed. ARTI?
FICIAL CASHS, in every approvod method,
carefully and satisfactorily oxocuted-among
which ho would ?all special attention to that
known aa Reynold.*' Pa-tent; and of his' suc?
cess in' constructing Artificial Cawse by thia
beautiful and durable proseas, tie is enabled,
with confidence, to refer td bis paMtata and to
the patent?e. ??floeon Mainatreefc.ow?r First
National Bank. Jan 8
Ho ! lox the Orange Groves !
Via Savannah, Vft., -t*?to?iiwat Fernandina,
Jacksonville, ahd m Lathings tin the ?St.
John's River. ?* I f
TUB ?lo?iiit end first class
Steamer DICTATOR, Capt. W
_ IT. McNeliy^rrneaveOharteston.
?boro places, every TUESDAY
flOST. at 8 o'clock.
Tho elegant and flrat clan Steamer CITY
POINT, Capt. Oeorge E. McMillan, Will leave
Charleston every MATU RD AY NIGHT, at 8
o'clock, /er above placea.
Through Ticket a to be had at railroad of?
No extra charge for Meala and State Rooma.
For Creight or paaaage. apply to
J. D. AIKEN & CO., Agente,
South Atlantio Wharf, C harlen ton, S. C.
Oct 19 3mo
^ Main street, next to Savings Rank,
WHO has juat roturued from the Northern
citica with a new atock of choice gooda,
comprising Ladiea aud Gout's flun GOLD and
SILVER WATCHES, an aaaortmout of Hand?
some Solid Coin Silver Ware; also, Trobln
of every description. Especial attention paid
to thc aeicction of a full atock of FINE SPEC?
TACLES, auitable for all agua. HAIR JEWEL?
RY of every kind manufactured to order at low
prices. Watches, Clocka and Jewelry carefully
repaired by a s kill ful mechanic and warranted.
Out 19_
WITH a resident buyer in New York, we
have superior facilities for adding at?
tractions to out large and varied stock of
Which diaplaya all tn? latest styles and makes.
Also, the ARAD SHAWLS, in oxtri length and
superior quality.
Exhibits now deaigus, being made up by us
from latest atylea.
TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, in every conceivable
In endless variety, Jouvm's Genuine Kid
Comprises the beat makes, and bought carly
in the season, at low pricea.
CLOTHS, our atock is unsurpassed.
MESTICS. LIN8EY8, Stripes, Tickinga, Ker
aoya and Blankets, the stock, is large and com?
plete, i-i V i L
Wo soil at POPULAR PRICES, aa low aa
they oan be bought anywhere, and respectfully
auk au examination of our atock from all in
want of DRY GOODS.
Columbia Hotel Building.
Oct 19
New and Splendid Stock
1HAVE now opened and ready for exhibi?
tion, a varied and well selected atock of tho
very beat gooda for the season, wbioh wero
bought with much care, at the groatly re?
duced pricea, and will be aold at the moat rea?
sonable rates. An enumeration would require
too much space, and I only subjoin a partial
list, to which tho attention of buyers is spe?
cially invited.
Turban PLAIDS,
Figured, Chene and Mottled MOHAIRS,
English SERGE,
Gray Mixed Malango,
Silk-faced Poplins,
All-wool Epingline,
Black and Colored Alpaoaa,
All-wool DELAINES.
I have an extendive assortment of CLOAKS
and SHAWLS and boan i .'ul Arab COVER?
INGS, of the nowoat atyiej and at unusually
low prices.
Boulevard SKIRTS for ladies and children.
A full lino of DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUT?
Superb Saah RrbbonB, Sashes and Neck
Black and Colored Velvet RibL na.
Linen aud Laco Sets latest atylea.
Glovoa, Hosiery. Under Shirts and Drawers.
Ladies' Morino Vesta.
Notions in great variety.
Tho attention of purchasers is called to my
stock of CASSIMERES, for Men's and Boys'
woar, which ia unusually large and attractive.
Tho Woolen Department compriaea every?
thing in that line.
Opera FLANNELS, all colora and stylos.
Red and White Flannela.
White and Gray Blankets, Ac.
Among our DOMESTICS will bo found a su?
perior article of Bleached and Brown Shirt?
ing, at l'2|c. per yard. Also, a full assortment
of Prints, at Hi ks. C. F. JACKSON.
Ock 10_
a very largo and desirable Stock of Fall and
HATS, Ao., which I am determined to offer
purchasers on tho most reasonable terme.
Oe* 13 'A V._WM. J. dtiKE.
Cheese ! Gheesol!
PT rv BOXES choice cutting CHEESE Juat
?J\J reoeivedj and for sale low, by
OotB 'SlTia**!' J. AT.E. AONBW.
Hm O O Al
X t G> TYV 0 .
lot of -wedding OA rds and envelopes, of
latest Btyles, has jdst boen received;
Which .brill be printed in imitation ot en?
graving, and at less than one-tenth tho
cost. Gall und soe specimens at PUOZNIX
Boozer disposed of the sessions docket
on Saturday night last; and on Monday
and yesterday, bis Honor was attacking
tho oivil docket vigorously. All yester?
day was consumed in "weeding out"
the issue docket, which was very neces?
sary, on account of deaths, bankrupt?
cies and settlements. It is refreshing
to hear the civil dockets once again
called in Richland. Tho peoplo will
learn with pleasure that debts can agnin
be recovered upon eon tracts, nud redress
obtained for privato ivroags. No civil?
ized community ouu prosper without n
well organized judiciary, where men can
have their differences settled by the quiet
process of tho civil law. Wo seem to bo
reaching that point again in Richland.
It is due to Judgo Boozer to say that he
bas labored faithfully to this eud. Ho
held an extra Term in Equity during
the sweltering heat of the dog days,
and heard many eases involving thc
most interesting questions, which wem
very elaborately and ably argued by thc
bar. Mince that time, ho has been dayB
in and lays out holding courts. The
Legislature must see the need of some
change in tho new judioiary system of
the State, by which business may be ex?
pedited, and tho judges have at least
some time to write their decrees and ex?
amine authorities, ofter the hearing of
the causes. The business of the country
demands these changes, and fairness to
tho judges and an enlightened adminis?
tration of the law equally demand it.
ago, we sent our presents greeting to the
country, and invited to this city numbers
and capital. Allow us to renew th? invi?
tation. We believe that few cities in tho
South present advantages superior to
Columbia. Before the war, this city was
regarded one of tho handsomest inland
towns in tho country. Locatod on tho
level and on the gently-sloping banks of
the Congaroe, hurd by where the Broad
and Saluda mingle their waters; charac?
terized by streets clean, wide, shady and
well drained; adorned by fino gardons
and handsome residences and an attract?
ive Park; filled with schools, churches
aud colleges-male and female, and con?
taining a flourishing military academy
an ornament to Arsenal Hill-having all
tliese points of interest, Columbia was,
indeed, a goodly place-a fit habitation
for men, if not for gods.
Now, she is not whntshe was. Bat we
rejoice to say, that she is in a courso of
solid reconstruction. She is laying the
snck-cloth aside and again putting on the
mantle of prosperity. She is restoring
I herself to something of her former vigor
and well-being. With busy hands and
active brains and undismayed spirits, ber
sons and daughters are building up the
waste placeo; and gathering, with pious
zeal, tho loose, disjointed fragments of
tho broken structure of their fortunes,
they are seeking to build up an edifico
stronger and more enduring than the
former one-and, with the favor of God,
they will succeed. Nor aro Ihe present
advantages of Columbia slight. In foot,
they are considerable. With its central
location; its converging railroads; its ad?
mirable water power; it presents a fino
field for capital to invest its means in
mercantile or manufacturing establish?
ments. There are lands, too, of admi?
rable character for tho agriculturist, in
tho vicinity of tho city. And at present,
there is quite a demand for laboring men
in tho mechanical departments of busi?
ness. As a placo of residenco, few places
present moro attractions. With a climate
scarcely less fi no than that of Aiken; with
a reputation for health that is established ;
with churches and schorls; with a socic
I ty refined and intelligent; with a commu?
nity generally harmonious and peaceful;
with all these attractions, wo may well
speak a word for our goodly city. Have
you cotton to sell? Wo have liberal buy?
ers. Hftvo yon goods of all kinds, dry
goods, groceries, clothing, shoos, Lats,
crockery, wooden and tinware, Seo., Sec.,
to buy? Wo havo enterprising merchants
I to supply you. With foundries and mills
and work-shops and manufactories of
wool, cotton, wood, leather, ?c., Ac,
Columbia is well supplied. But abe
j wants more, especially iu the department
of mechanics and manufactures. This
department needs an ampler develop?
ment. Wo want such men to como here
as those who have not como-for in?
stance, Mr. SpraQ 'o. We want in Co
I lumbin to increaso our manufacturing
I rosonrces-we want numbers and capital.
Heneo it is, that on tbis autumn morn?
ing, we again send forth our greetings to
tho country, and repeat tho cordial wel?
come that awaits the means we need nod
' the substantial men we want.
- ?-------m
C'BUMBS.- Tho barning of a portion of
the rafters in an out-bo uso on the pre?
mises of Mr. G. Logan, yesterday, caused
an alarm of fire to be sounded. The
firemen were out, but soon rolled in
Tho garrison flags vere at half-mast
yesterday, as a token of respect to thc
Into ex-President Pi oree.
We aro indebted to the Committeo of
Arrangement?-Messrs. Su tho ri in, Hax
all and Lyons-for a card Of invitation
to the fair of tho Virginia State Agricul?
tural Society, to be held in Richmond, on
tho 2d, 3d, 4th and Oth days of Novem?
In tho Circuit Court, at Charleston,
the petition of H. G. Beard, of Colum?
bia, for np po in tine nt US United States
Commissionor, was granted, and the pe?
titioner duly commissioned.
Carpenters sud masons nro in demand
in this city.
Tho knights of Winnsboro have a
tournament on tho 28th instant.
TUB MANOO.-Wo examined, yester?
day, with considerable interest, two im?
mense vines, containing a liberal quanti?
ty of fruit, growing on the premises of
Ur. George S. Trezevant. This valuable
addition to the productions of our fields
and gardens seems to be of sturdy gre vfth,
and the yield in fruit is irnaiouse. It
should be generally cultivated. The
doctor gives ns the following description
of the plant, and his experience wKb it:
"The mango vino is said to bo a na?
tivo of Africa, South America nui the
ladies. It grows on tho banks >1 tho
rivers, in rich alluvial soil. In this' cli?
mate, it begins to flower about toe middle
or latter part of August, and will conti?
nuo until killed down by the frost Ono
vino will last from three to four years
springing afresh every spring, if tue roots
are kept protected from the cold by straw
during the winter. The fruit is a most
delightful esculent-being mora delicate,
than tho squash, whioh it resembles in
flavor. It can also bo prepared lilia tho
Guinea squash, and makes a most excel?
lent pickle. The fruit can be kept and
used all winter as needed, by storing in
a dry place. It is a very succulent plant,
aod requires to be kept well watered.
One vine, when bearing well, will pro?
duce from eight to ten bushels. . Tho
preparation for planting is'all the culture
it needs-growing vigorously and soon
covering the arbor on which it is trained. "
HOTEIJ ABHTVALS, October 19-Hicker
son House.- W. W. Webster, :AV F.
Leftwick, Baltimore; N. C. Dick^orL/N.
C.; J. V. Cresswell, J. S. McG ruin roe,
Harrisburg, Pa. ; J. A. Dunbar, Carlisle,
Pa.; H. H. Wilson, A. T. Barnes, J."J.
Patterson, Mifllin, Pa.; E. Brooker,
Edgefield; Wm. Johnston, Charlotte;
E. L. Foster. Jersey City, N. J. ; Wm.
Johnston, Ashville, N. C. ; H. W. Parr,
Fairfield; H. J. Adams, Marion; John IJ.
Denton, Charlotto; E. S. J. Hayes, John
E. Hayes, Lexington; J. R, Chatham,
Columbia Hotel.-L. Twitty, Spartan
burg; F. H. Trenholm, C. A. Ostendorff,
E. J. Hesso, W. H. Evans, A. M. Kirk?
land, F. W. Renniker, J. O. Bnlow,
Charleston; D. R. Leak, Charlotte; H.
R. W. Flinn, Miss Lizzie Evans, Dar?
lington; R. S. Mooro, Yorkville; M. C.
Dixon, B. and O. R. R. ; W. W. Shape,
0. W. D. Miller, Abbeville; James Bur?
nie, Greenville; A. Y. W. Glymph,
Glymphviile; J. H. Honour, G. S.
Hacker, J. E. Thames, Charleston; P.
Henry, Jr., New York; E. DeBerry. S.
C.; J. J. Gutbre, Jr., C. Manty, Balti?
Nalioi. tl Hotel.-N. Rebater, Jones?
ville; W. W. Huges, S. C.; R. F. Flem?
ing, Thos. Thompson, B. R. Campbell,
Moses Potter, Laurens; J. H. Watson,
lady and son, Virginia; J. Glover, Fort
Motto; E. B. Calhoun, Pendleton; J. H.
Barnes, W. Barnes, Barnwell; A. Ram?
say, Edgefield; H. Tompkins. Walhalla;
A. H. Ellison, Pickens; W. W. Farrow,
Abbeville; Henry Wiso, New York; C.
W. Gnffin, Greenville; W. T. McKewn,
called to the following advertisements,
published the first time this morning:
H. H. Dalton-Life Insurance.
Meeting Richland Lodge No. 39.
J. P. Thomas & Co.-'Tannery.
George Syminers-Wanted to Rent.
D. C. Peixotto & Son-Auction.
Do you suffer from Debility, or Loss
of Appetite? Uso "Solomons* Strength?
ening and Invigorating Bitters." O?3 G
A woudorful euro reported from Penn?
sylvania with HRINITSH'S QUEEN'S DE
LIOBT. A girl fifteen years of age, palo
and sickly, emaciated, no appetite, losing
flesh, with soro oyes, soro month, and a
genornl wasting away-nil owing to po?
verty of blood. After using four bottles
of thc Queen's Delight, her appetito re?
turned, digestion improved, increase in
growth and flesh, sores removed, skin
bright and clear, and every indication of
an improved condition of her wholo sys
! tem. This is one of tho many coses wo
I bear of tho wonderful re?ults of Hein
it.s'.i's Queen's Delight. Everywhere,
North nod South, wherever introduced,
it is spokon of in tho highest terms. 019.
PB?VED Liorro HAIB DYE is u porfect
wonder. Ry its uso the old becomes
young again. It converts tho groy head
into a beautiful black or brown. It im?
parts a natural color to tho grizzly mus?
tache and whiskers, und gives to the
hair nnd board a ?of tn e.? s and gloss, that
the young beaux might envy. 016 6
I)o you want an Appetite? Uso Solo
1 mons' Bitters-greatest tonio of tho age.

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