OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, August 25, 1870, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027008/1870-08-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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Foreign Intelligence.
LONDON, August 23.-Advices from
the vicinity of hostilities report heavy
ruins, which must impede operations to?
A ie Temps correspondent says there
is no hope for ? triumphant issue unless
the Emperor and Prinoe Imperial cease
interference and return to Paris. The
Princo chatters about military move?
ments to everybody, aud lets out impor?
tant secrets. .
The general headquarters of tho French
army Sunday night were a few miles
West of Rheims.
Edmund Texior writes thenco to the
Si?cle that the deepest depression pre?
vails, and the Emperor receives no?
Prince Napoleon's visit to Italy was to
protest against Italy's neutrality.
PARIS, August 23.-The journals say
dispatohes wore received from Bazaine,
dedaring his intention to remain iu tho
vioinity of Metz. Without giving fuller
explanation, the dispatch admits that
Bazaino's communications wore at ono
time endangered, but asserts them now
Tho Gaulois asserts that Bazaiue ro
f uses to consent to tho passage of S5.000
wounded Prussians through Belgium.
The application was made by the Prus?
sians, to Bazaine, through Lord Gran?
The Journal Officiel explains at leDgth
the facilities of the Bank of Franco
for making paper with the utmost ra?
AU quiet at Rheims.
A committee of tho Corps L?gislatif,
to consider tho appointment of a com?
mittee of defense, met at the Ministry
to-day for consultation. A compromise
is probable.
Tho leader of tho Villetto rioters, who
is oondemned to death, wishes to con?
fess, and promises startling revelations,
The Departments of Ni?vre and Cher
are declared in a state o, siege.
The Constitutionnel, on semi-ofllcial au?
thority, donies positively that Eugenie
sued Victoria for mediation.
All journals deny that tho mitrnilleuso
nra loaded with explosive balls.
The extraordinary forces called by tho
Swiss Govornmeut aro going home. The
regular army is deemed sufficient to pro?
tect tho neutrality.
Details of the battlo of the 18tn at
Gravelotte aro still wanting. Even at
Berlin tho German despatches aro mea?
gre. From these the following is gather?
ed: Tho twelfth corps, betweeu Metz aud
Thionvillo, serves to keep communication
between Frederick Charles and Stein?
metz. Metz is euclosed ou all sides and
communication between Chalons is cut.
The headquarters of the Crown Princo
is at Bar lo Due. McMahon and Failly
aro still retreating to cover Paris.
STUTTGART, Angust 24.-Tho capitula?
tion of Pfalsburg has not boen officially
LONDON, August 28.-News of a French
victory would caused a panic in the stock
market here.
PAHIS, August- 24._Tho Prussians at?
tacked and killed some Bavarian soldiers
on the frontier.
The Press says tho great powers are
officially informed that peace is impossi?
ble while a Prussian soldier treads French
soil. Figaro wants electric lights on
Paris ramparts.
A despatch from Mezeines, yesterday,
says Bazaino's small force prevented the
Prussians advance until McMahon's pre?
parations wero complete. McMahon and
Bazaine aro now ready to assume the
La Liberte says tho Crown Priuce has
not passed St. Dcizicr, but has fallon
La Liberte knows, from a reliable
source, that the Prussians loss was 35,
000 killed and 85,000 wouuded.
The London Times, correcting itself,
says that Madamo Canrobert and family
aro not in England.
Obscurity surrounds McMahon's move?
ments. Tho followiug Paris despatches
contain the latest:
Metz is entirely isolated. Tho Prus?
sians aro strong West of Metz. Gen.
Baily, who commanded at Chalons, has
been superceded by now combinations.
McMahon is strongly posted on the
plains before Chalons, with heavy de?
tachments at St. Mcrehould, Verdun and
Rheims. McMahon commands 170,000
men fully supplied with everything.
Sharp-shooters aro hastening to Cha?
Tho French fleet in tho Baltic havo au
EugliBh captain and a Danish skipper,
and havo also secured the pilots by pro?
mises of splendid rewards.
HAVANA, August 24. - La Gacela offi?
cially reports tho capture and execution
of Gen. Pedro Fignrcdo, Assistant Se?
cretary of War, Gen. Rodrigo Lamaya
and his sou, Gen. Dugui Fignrcdo anti
Col. Fernandez.
BERLIN, August 24.-Thc citizens have
congratulated tho Queen on tho recent
victories. Queen replied that sho earn?
estly desired peace, but letters from tho
field stated that the army unanimously
decided that substantial guaranties for
further peace should bo given before thc
war clo.?es.
ST. PKTEiisr.rno. August 21.-Tho
Jo ur nal don ie? that Russia committed
against tho dismemberment of the
French. SLc is, however, unfavorable
to that measure.
PARIS, August 24.-Tho Pairie says:
"Should tho Prussians defeat the great
army confronting them at Chalons, they
will havo to vanquish another before
roaching Paris, besides they will lind
Paris itself amply propared."
It is noticeable that tho peoplo aro
growing calmer and more confident upon
learning of the immcmo measures of de?
fence progressing throughout tho coun?
Falso despatches to tho London Times
causo intenso indignation. Tho effect
has boon to increase tho determination
of tho French to fight.
LONDON, August 24.-Count Penard,
a noted writ er on political economy and
finance/has boen appointed Governor of
The Times recognizes the fact that the
determination of the Frenoh Corps L?g?
islatif for self-government will be irre?
sistible should Napoleon fail.
Prussia has sent Bavaria a subsidy of
$10,000,000 io gold.
Figaro's electric light proposition
meets with favor iu military circles. Tho
glare will perplex tho besiegers and aid
the besieged.
The Orleans party is hopoful. The
princes hero watoh events closely. They
have au agent of great skill and expe?
rience in Paris advising them of every
event affecting their interests. The
transportation of wounded is assuming
importance. Holland refuses and Bel?
gium roplios that cousent will be con?
strued by Frunco as an act of hostility.
PABIH, August 24.-La Liberte says
Seuators Melinct and Birnie have been
appointed on the committco of defence.
The journals continue to blame Prince
Napoleon for being absent ut such a
time. The National Guards have re?
solved that no proposition for peace
should bo entertained while thc Prus?
sians are on French territory. Yester?
day, the Corps L?gislatif was unusually
tnrbulant. Answering interruptions,
tho Ministry assured tho Chambers that
Paris was abundantly provisioned, and
other answers woro equally satisfactory,
but tho excitement continued. Jules
Simon proposed to send from tho city nil
of tho non-arms-bearing population.
Others proposed Bonding the wouuded
away. Simon objected. Tachard created
a tumult, by saying that there was a
scarcity of arms iu certain quarters.
The majority protested. Minister Bram
said armes would be duly distributed,
and called tho attention of the Deputies
to tho fact that such a question shouldn't
bo discussed too much. Gambol ta was
much excited, aud accused the majority
of bringing on the war. His remarks were
so borah that thc majority refused to
hear them. Tho session ended tumultu?
ously. Gambol ta was generally blamed
for luck of discretion.
A largo traiu of Prussian prisoners
have arrived at Soissous, and more are
coming. Tho journals unanimously op?
pose tho permission to carry thc Prus?
sian wounded through belgium.
Three more of the Viletto rioters have
been condemned to death.
LONDON, August 24.-Prussian officers
iu the field don't believe Puris will resist.
They expect au insurrection will follow
their approach, resulting in the dis?
placement of the French authorities,
when peace will be assured as a guaran?
HAVANA, August 24.-The expeditiou
now laying the West India and Panama
cable progr?s-es well.
American Arra irs.
NEW YORK, August 23.-Tho Evening
Star says, in the Gold ffoorn, tho belief
is gaiuiug ground that a pool is formed
to advance prices. Tho formatiou of a
speculative combination for such a pur?
pose, at this season of tho year, when
money is required at tho West, should
greatly bo deprecated, as it would influ?
ence tho money market. The Express
says it is rumored ou the streets that the
pool now amounts to ?7,000,000. Its
capacity is 815,01)0,000.
NEW YORK, August 24.-A correspon?
dent of the Courrier des Etats Unis con?
cludes his telegram as follows: Victor
Hugo has boen returned to us. Tho poet
ro-euters Nancy iu the uniform of the
homo guards.
NEW YORK, August 24.-A special to
tho Times, from Paris, says that Russia
is seriously alarmed at Polish affairs.
There is great agitation in favor of
France and many Poles aro leaving for
tho seat of war, to help Franco. Ou the
other hand, a movement is ou foot iu tho
Russian Baltic provinces for annexation
to tho German Confederation. Russia,
it is believed, will be compelled to parti?
cipate in tho war.
NEW YORK, August 24.-ThcBrooklyn
Coutral Bauk is turning out worse than
expected. Depositors will lose twenty
five per cent, and stockholders will loso
their full nominal value.
Mrs. Caroliuo Welling, while crossing
the Elysian Fields of Hoboken, en?
countered a ruffian who killed her child,
by dashing it against a treo, and then
outraged Mrs. Welling.
Y.'ASUINOTON, Augubt21.-Robeson re?
turns to-morrow.
A largo number of Assistant Assessors
South and West have been dismissed.
Georgo Wood, of tho Treasury De?
partment, is dead.
RALEIGH, August 21.-Josiah Turner,
editor of the Raleigh Sentinel, John Ire
laud and James Scott, some of those re?
cently arrested by Holdeu, sued ont bail
writs in the United States Circuit Court,
against Kirk and his Lieutenant, Bergen.
In default of required bail, Bergen was
placed in the common jail, this after?
noon, by United States Marshal Carrow.
Kirk is now at Company Shops. Mat?
ters eouueeted with tho Caswell and Ala
nianco prisoners aro still under examina?
tion in the United States Circuit Court
and State Supreme Court.
Removal ol Dental Office.
/PgRS? DH. D. L. BOOZER baa removed bia
^r:rn7.)!licc to Mr. G. ??ercks' now building,
on Maia at reel, over the .Messrs. Borter A
Co.'a Dry Goo<ia' Store, where ho ollera bia
professional services to bi? former patrons
and thii public. June 28
To Rent,
MA COTTAGE, containing ten rooms and
bascniont, with all necessary nut-build'
inga. There is a (roodgarden attached.
Aug 21 <5* Opposite tho Asylum.
BETWEEN Columbia H?fel and Jannoy's
Hall, Saturday night hiat, TWO bBABS
KEYrf. l inder will confer a favor by leaving
the m at Telegraph Ofllco. Aug 23
Rio Coffee.
PT (\ BAGS BIO COFFEE, for salo low to
0\J doalors by ED WA BP HORE.
Imported Bremen Lager, to be had at
NEW YOBK, Aa gust 24-Noon.-Stocks
dull. Money 8@4.. Exchango-long9%;
short 10>fj. Bonds 122. Flour Armer
nnd in fair demand. Whoat lc. better
Western firmer. Mess pork 28.25@
28.50. Lard quiet-steum 1G.%@16%.
Cottou dull nnd easier-uplands 19%;
Orleaus 20 j^; sales 500 bides. Turpeutiuo
quiet. Bosiu firm. Freights quiet.
7P.M.-Mouey 3@5. Government's
steady. Southern's closed generally
lower. Cotton quiet and unchanged
middling uplands 10%. Flour-Stato
and Western activo, at 5@10o better;
Southern firmer-common to fair extra
6.00($G.90. Wheat l@2o better-win?
ter red and amber western 1.38(731.42.
Coru firmer, at 85@88. Beef quiet. Pork
active and lower, at 28.00?28.12}?. Lard
-kettle 17@17i?. Whiskey firmer, at
93@94. Groceries active and steady.
Freights firmer.
BALTIMORE, August 24.-Flour steady.
Wheat better. White corn [email protected];
yellow 95(3)1.00. Provisions uuchunged.
Whiskey lower, nt 93@94.
CINCINNATI, August 24.-Flour steadv.
Corn firmer, at 83@85. Whiskey 91@
92. Pork 28.50. Shoulders 14j?a'; clear
sides 17%. Lard 10.
ST. LOUIS, August 24.-Bagging
steady. Flour [email protected]. Coru dull
mixed G5. Whiskey 94. Mess pork
29.00. Shoulders 14^?14J.<; clear sides
NEW ORLEANS, August 24.-Cotton
17%; sales G50 bales; receipts 109. Su
porliuo flour 5.25; double and treble in
good demand, at [email protected]. White
corn [email protected]; mixed 80@90. Pork
31.25. Bacon 15%@18%(7jU9t{. Tierce
lard 17}..'; keg 18)?@19. Primo sugar
13. Molasses 50(??75. Whiskey 92'?(ff
1.01}.<. Coffee 1%?17&
MOUILE, August 24.-Middling cotton
17%; sales 200 bales; receipts 22.
AUGUSTA, August 24.-Cotton easier,
with sales of 190 bales; receipts 80; mid?
dling 17^(yi.l7%.
SAVANNAH, August 24.-Cottou active
-middling 17' i; wales BOO bales; receipts
CHARLESTON, August 24.-Cottou firm?
er-middling iy ?;1; sales 100 bales; re?
ceipts 133; stock 1,884.
HAVRE, August 24.-Yesterday, cotton
opened at lui and eloscd at 101).?.
PARIS, August 24.-The Bourse closed
dull-rentes 01 and 00.
LONDON, August 24-Noon.-Consols
91%. Bonds SS.
LIVERPOOL, August 24-Noon.-Cot?
ton quiet-uplands 9,',i; Orleans Q}?.
Breadstuff's quiet.
LIVERPOOL, August 24-Evening.
Cotton dull-uplands 9t39??i Orleans
QHijWXl s,lies 10,000 bales.'
Carolina Indigo.
S)(\(\ LBS. CAROLINA INDIGO, of aupe
?mk\}\J rinr quality, for salo bv
Acacia Lodge No. 94, A. F. M.
A UEO ULAH Communication of thia
'Lodge will be held in Masonic Hall,
\THia (Thursday; EVENING, ut ?
o'clock. Uv order of tho YV. M.
_ Au? 20 J *_J. LEE DIXON, Secretary.
ftU i fl rv PAmnnrtir
ATTEND a incotiiiK, at Palmetto Engine
House Hall, FRIDAY EVENING. 20th
instant, at S (/clock. Members aro expected
to he prompt. Hy order of
J. H. Disr.KKn, Secretary pro tem.
Soiree at Janney's Hall.
AGRAND SOIREE will be given at the
above named Hall, THURSDAY EVE?
NING, August 23, 1S70, commencing at 8
P. M. E. Thompson. Samuel Richardson.
C. Mack.
Auf? 24 2_
Union Republican Nominations.
Fur Governor.
For Lieutenant- Governor,
For Congres?, Third District.
For Senate.
Probate Judge.
School Commissioner,
County Commissioners.
C. M. WILDER, Chairman
Richland Couutv Central Committee.
Aug 21_
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts 'lue by said linn will lie paid by
Richard Tozer, and all debt* duo sind linn I
must lie paid to Richard Tozer, who ahme is j
authoiizcd to receipt for the samo.
RICHARD TOZER will continue tn carryon
the .MACHINE S HO I' and FOUNDRY, und
hopea, by attention io business, lo continue
to receive that liberal share ol patronage that
he has heretofore had.
er f\OASES TABLEOLA BET. for ?ale low,
DK) ror cash, by ti KO. SYMMCIiS.
Old Java Cottee.
?)f\ MATS Old Government JAVA COFFEE,
?i\) foi'sale at reduced prices. Iv HOPE
Fall Turnip Seeds.
r\ REEN G LORE, Red Top and English
\JT Rata Iiaga. Fresh Seed for sale by.
July 110_E. HOPE.
Geuuiuo Durham Smoking Tobacco,
to bo had at POLLOCK'S.
Century fine-out Chewing Tobacco, to
bo had nt POLLOCK'S.
A fresh supply of pure Catawba Wine,
by the gallon or bottle, to bo had at
A fine lot of Brandy Peaches, domes?
tic, to bo had at POLLOCK'S.
Cigarros can bo had at POLLOCK'S.
Office Board County Commissioners,
COLUMBIA, August 23,1370.
PROPOSALS to re-build tho Bridgo over
Little River, known as "Ashley's bridge,"
on tho Columbia and Monticello road, will be
reoeivod by tho County ComraisBioners of j
Fairfield and of Richland, until THURSDAY,
1st Soptomber next. Tho contract to bo
awarded to tho lowest responsible bidder; the I
Board, howover, reserving to themselves the
right to rejoct all bids. Plans, Icc, can bo
seen by application to
W. SHIVER, Chairman,
Board Countv Commissioners, Richland.
AHR 24_
Wanted to Rent,
ffnjt A SMALL HOUSE, containing three or
"?.*foiir Rooms. Apply at this Office.
APR 23 _
New Mackerel
JUST to band. No. I, 2, and
'..^tT^25 3 MACKEREL, catch or 1870.
Flour! Flour!!
I f\r\ BBLS. Choice New Family FLOUR,
LVJv/ just received and tor sale bv
July 21_J. & T. R. AGNEW.
Oats, Oats!
. " J vf vf for salo low by
Bordeaux Wine Vinegar.
and CIDEB VINEGAR, for sale bv
July 30_E. HOPE.
Lard! Lard!!
Syf\ TUBS Refined LARD, at lCc. $ lt)., by
?j\J the package.
50 Packagos Pure Loaf Lard, in Barr?la,
Half Barrols, Kegs, Caddies, otc, jiiBt re?
ceived and for eale by
_Ju|y_2l_J. A T. B. AGNEW.
AMAN to take charge of Machinery for
thc manufacture of Door?, Sash, Blinds,
Ac. To a sober, competent person, good
wages aud constant emplovmenl will ho given.
Apply to JAM"ES M. ALLEN,
Aug 23_Columbia. S. C.
Creme De La Creme.
1AA BARRELS very superior FAMILY
'ion barrels low priced and medium qualities.
For sale low by EDWARD HOPE.
FFICE Main Street, over Mesera. I ryan &
McCartcr's Bookstore. AUK IS 2mo_
For Sale,
MA NEAT COTTAGE, in tho central
part ol the city, with ten rooms-live in
basement and live up.at airs-and nc
cussary out-buildings. Ptissessiou can bo
had ou the first of October. Iinpiirc at this
office._ July 27
Railroad Contractor and Bridge Builder
Trestle-work included,
July lfi _ 3mo
The Office
OF the Executive Committco of the Union
Bcform Party is ovrr tho Saviugs Bank.
All persons friendly to the cause, will have
access to the roi ni at any time of the day,
whero they can see the papers, and get thc
news. Otiice boura from from !) to li a. r
and from 5 to G p. m. E. W. SEIBELS,
July 28 Sec. and Treas. Ex. Com.
Rare Chance.
TO make room for a new and
splendid collection of CABBI
AGES aud BUGGIES, now being
selected by Mr. W. K. Greenfield,
in Northern manufactories, we will close ont
the present well assorted stock AT COST.
Apply next door to tho Repository.
Au? 1? G Agents.
The Georgia Gin.
fpHE moat universally and deservedly popu
_L lat* GIN in use. Everybody who knows it,
buys it, and thoso who buy it, arc always
pleased with it. It claims no needles, no con?
densers, no steel bruah, but simply to bc the
best Gin in uae, everything considered.
Pricesmodertte; qnalitv alwave guaranteed.
July 17 2mo Agents, Columbia.
THE undersigned will apply to A. Efird,
Judge of Probate of Lexington County,
at Lexington Court House, on Monday, tho
5th day of September next, for a final dis?
charge* as Administrator of tho estates of
E. Z. Swvgert, Margaret Swygert and Dolila
Crout. WM. L. ADDY, Adm'r.
LEXINGTON- C. H., July 20.1^0^^uly2.SJj_m
Grand Clearing Out Sale
To make Boom for New Stock,
July 31_
School Notice.
/TfjBEk will reaumo the duties of their
tMi?^*g SCHOOL on thojfirsl MONDAY in
TSPT?F September. Gilla will bc taught
JX&r ?th tlie branches of n thorough
<*&^ English education. Roys will be
(aught the same-with lessons given in Book?
in eping, to prepare them for mercantile pur?
suits. Aug DJ thal
For Sale.
A SMALL TRACT or LAND, containing .Vj
x\. aerea, situated ju^t beyond tho Brewery.
A pun of it is wooded. On the premises is a
coinforta?lc cottage, containing three rooina.
Will he sold cheap. For terms, Ac., apply ;tt
PthKN'ix Ofllce. AUK li! ?ii
fTini? undersigned respectfully informs his
I friends and thc public tba*, he has assum?
ed the management of the business ol the
linn of JOHN E. Cl.tNF. A C<>. All -tts of
Booka, Accounts, or ol her documents entrust?
ed to his chic will receive thc strictest atten?
tion. Office under Court Room. Business
boura from 10 to 5. FRANCIS A. G li BY.
AUK 20 i Uno
Valuable Property for Sale.
MTHE undersigned will offer rnr>*?
salo, on tho tirat MONDAY in Sep-KHS
tember next, (if not disposed of pre?
viously,) the valuable proper tv, known as tho
miles from Columbia. The tract contains 125
acres, moro or less. A small brick Cottage ia
attached. Also, a COTTAGE, containing aix
rooms, on Gervais stroot, near Picketts. An
excellent Well of Water on the premises, and
all neceaaary out-buildinga. The properly can
be treated for privately by applying to Robert
Bryco, Esq. Terms, one-half cash, balance in
ono vear. WM. U. PUBYEAR.
April 2M th?_
Good Stables aud Ostlers ou thc pre?
Fine Gold Watohes
OF all descriptione, for Ladles
and Gentlemen, for sale at
Ono door North of Messrs.
Scott A Williams' Bankipg Houso. DeolG
Beer! Beer!!
SOME dealer? in this city have beenindonhl
that I could hold out supplying them with
Beer this summer. I now inform tho public
that I have a largo supply of old Lager Beor
on band, which 1 put againstauy Beer brought
from tho North, or oven imported from Gor
many, as to purity and strength. I am ready
to test it by the Beer scale.
Pure Brandies.
? _ A riPE Jas. Ilonncssy's 1800 Cognac.
JL *+ 4 pipe " " IH?"? "
4 pipe Brandenburg Freres 1835 *'
being Importer's Agent for ualo of alt Fo?
reign Wines and Liquors offered by me, lean
give equal inducements to'thc trade any Job?
bing Houso in New York or Baltimoro can
ollor._ _GEO. SYMMERS.
University of South Carolina,
COLUMBIA, 8. C., August 0,1870.
THE next, tho sixty-fourth An?
nual Sossiou of this Institution,
??will open on MONDAY. October 3,
"?cl870, aud continuo, without inter?
mission, to tho ensuing July.
Tho advantage of a completo
education is offered at this Institution to
Students in Law, (tho graduates hoing enti?
tled to practice in tho Courts of the State;) in
Medicine, (tho course of instruction being ex?
tensivo and thorough, with two written ex
ami ii a tion s during the session;) in Engineer?
ing, Mathematics, Montai, Moral and Political
Philosophy, History, Rhetoric, English Lite?
rature, Ancient and Modern Languages, and
in tho .Scientific Schools.
Expenses, i. e., for University Fees and
Board, for session of nine months, aro:
For Studont iu Acadomic Schools, about $2G0.
For Studont in Law, or Medicine, about $205.
State Students are recoivod from the seve?
ral Counties, upon thc racommdation of their
Representatives and the appointment of the
Governor. R. W. BARNWELL,
Aug 0 2mo Chairman of tho Faculty.
South Carolina-Richland County.
Harvey Terry, Plaintiff, against tho Receiver,
and Stockholders of the Commercial Bank
of Columbia, South Carolina, Defendants.
Summons and Complaint, on Money Demand,
ON motion of F. W. McMastor, Attorney for
tho Defendants in above caso, it is order?
ed, that thu D?tendants have lurther time to
plead, answer, or demur to tho above stattd
action, to wit: until tho 1st day of OCTOBER
next. It is further ordered, that the Plaintiff
do give to tho Clerk of this Court security for
coats in this case, and that thc Clerk publish
this order once a week in the Columbia l'HU?
NIX unlit 1st October next.
Bv order of Court. D. B. MILLER,
C. C. C.
July 7 _ _thl3
Fine-Bud Gordial.
Manufactured by
II. ? A lt uv i<b co., tot.in im A, g. c.
rilli IS delicious CORDIAL is madu from thc
JL young bods of the Pine, and itu uso wo
confidently recommend to thoso who Buffer
from Throat aud Lung Diacast-B, aa well as
those who antler from Rheumatism and Dia
eaaes of the Kidneys.
Manufactured by lt. Harry *fc Co.
Thia CORDIAL ia niado from tho fruit of1
the "Bitter, or High Buali Blackberry," and
ia very tine. Tho valuable properties of tho
Blackberry are well known.
IVtlxx-t Cordial,
Manufactured by lt. Darry J- Co.
This Cordial is made from the fresh plant.
The use of Mint as a Stomachic and Anti?
Spasmodic, is known to all.
Wo offer to the -blic tho above COT?
They are our own manufacture, and aro mado
from the beat materials. The spirit used is
that from the grape; (we uso no other;) tho
sugar is tho finest refined, and tho other in?
gredients aro all fresh and pure. These Cor
diala are entirely free lroin drugs and the
essential oila, so much used at the present
day iu tho manufacture of Cordials, Bitters
and Liqueurs. The Blackberry is slightly
spiced; the others are without spice.
Independent of their medicinal qualities,
these Cordials will be found grateful and plea?
sant as beverages or light stimulants. Cor?
dials should not be used before the morning
meal. R. BARRY A CO.
^J&' 1a??-S? THERE WILL BE A
^?^^3^^2***?-^^ <?? * Glenn's Springs, rm tho
1?TU day of SEPTEMBER NEXT. Young
men Irom all parts of tho State arc requested
to participate in contending for tho prizes.
Length of Track. 150 yards; Lanco to bo nine
feet iu length; Three Bings, 40 yards apart,
two inches in diameter; Timo to bc made in
niuo seconds.
worth $225-with privilego of crowning Queen
of Love and Beaut v.
worth $75-with privilege of crowning First
Maid of Honor.
-with privilege of crowning Second Maid of
worth f 23-wi til privilege of crowning Fourth
Maid of Honor.
FIFTH PRIZE-A TIN CUP-to be awarded
to tho moat unsuccessful Knight.
The prizes will be really worth thc above
mentioned prices.
! Ji'DOES.-Col. Wm. Wallace, Col. J. G.
McKisick, John H. Meolze,Capt. B.C. Shiver,
Capt. li. li. Thomson, Capt. Albert Menus,
Dr. Sunder Means, John C. Zimmerman,
Tilomas B. Crews, William F. Nance.
MARSHALS.-Gen. W. J. T. Glenn, Caji*. J
Y. H. Williams, Col. B. S. Joma, Capt. R. E.
Richardson, Major C. C. Snbcr, E. C. Smith,
lr. D. Smith, William Monroe.
Knights to assemble in front nf tho Hotel,
at S o'clock a. i i. Tilting to communed ut li
?'TlIE whole to conclude
with a
i SENIOR MANA-.? KS.-Gen. Wade Hampton, I
i Gen. M. Garv, Gen. M. C. Butler. Col. Sim.
I Fair, Col. Edward Atkinson, Col. W. D. Simp
' son, Col. F. IL Gantt, Col. Wilson, Col. G. T.
Gist, Capt. F. M. Triinmior, B.D. McCrccrv,
John Davis, Dr. H. W. Hendrix. Dr. W. F.
Smith, H. P. Hammett, .lohn H. Meelze.
JENIOR MASAOERS.- Col. Thoina.j Bacon,
Major T. B. Ferguson, James Rodgers, Paul
Jovner, John Dillard, Capt. Thomas Garv,Dr.
T.'Zinunermau, Dr. J. Moore. W. H. Meotze,
P. M. I'orchor, C. B. Foster, J. A. Bradly', J.
T. Chalk, John Steele, John Waters, T. C.
Pool. Junina W. Thomson, Walter M. Drafts,
T. W. Caughman, B. Joyner. Louis Meng, P.
B. Irby.
Knights'Initiation Fee $10. All communi?
cations to be addressed to
Or, II. L. DAYIS, Treasurer.
N. B.-Knights wishing to take part in tho
sports of the day are required to have their
names enrolled by thc lal of September.
! Aug ll__ thm7
Travelers cnn get Room and Red, at
j all hours, nt EXCHANGE Hor.sr..
.A-ULOtiona. Sales.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of sundry executions to mo di?
rected, I will Hull, on tho FIRST MON?
DAY ANO TUESDAY in Septembor next, in
front of tho Court House in Columbia, within
tho legal hours, the following property, viz:
18 MULES and 150 Hoad of CATTLE, levied
on aa the property of Thomas Davis, at tho
respective auits of Josse G. Lykos, Adminis?
trator, Simeon liawl, Andrew Patterson, As
signoo, and tho city of Columbia vs. Thomas
Davis. Tormscash. P. F. FHA ZEE,
August 23 mth_S. R. C.
Sheriff's Sale.
Nancy Walton, per pro. amivs. R. S. Morrison,
Trustee el al.-Bill to change investment.
PURSUANT to tho decretal orders in tho
above stated case, I will sell at public
outcry, on the FIRST MONDAY in Septembor
next, before t..o Court Uouso in Columbia,
All that LOT, with the building thereon, in
the city of Columbia, bounded North and
West by lauds of T. J. Robertson; East by
Wayne street; South by Blanding street, con?
taining one-fourth of ono acre, more or leas.
Tho abovo described proporty is woll locat?
ed, and may bo treatod for ocforo the day of
salo privately.
TEBMS-Cash; purchaser to pav for stamps
and papers. P. F. FRAZERS, 8. R. C.
Aug ll thm
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, to
mo dirocted, I will soil, on tho first MON?
DAY' in September next, in front of the Court
House, in Columbia, within tho legal hours.
All that HOUSE and LOT. (less the portion
sot efl as a homestead to tho defendant,) in
tho city of Columbia, situated on Assembly
street, and bounded on the North by M. H.
Berry, measuring thereon 208 feet; East by
Thomas Davis, measuring thereon 35 feot,
moro or leas; South by tho homestead of the
defend ant. measuring thereon 208 foet, and on
tho West by Assembly street, measuring
thereon 35 feet, more lesB.
All that tr st of LAND, in Richland County,
condining nra hundred (500) acres, more OL
ICSB; bounded by lands of Wyrick, F. Turnip
seed, J. Turnipseed and tho Greenville and
Columbia Bailroad. Leviod on as the pro?
perty of Charles J, Bollin, at the Buit of Mary
Allen, cl al.,, vs. Charles J. Rollin. Terms
cash. P. F. FBAZEE, S. R. O.
Aug 10_mth
Sheriff's Sale.
Bobcrt Howell and Michael C. Howell xs. Jo?
seph Howell, Elizabotb Chaplin, John J.
Chaplin, Charles Howell, Olin Howell, Jesse
M. Howoll, Catharine P. Howell, Daniel B.
Howell, Mary R. Howoll, and Sarah McCol
lum.-Bill for Partition in Equity.
IN pursuance of tho decretal order of tho
Circuit Court sitting in Equity in thc abovo
stated caso, I will sell, on tho FIRST MONDAY
in September next, in front of tho Court
House in Columbia, within tho legal hours,
Two half-acre and 1 one-quartor aero LotB
of LAND in tho city of Columbia, being lots
designated as Nos. 3, 4 and 12, in a plat of tho
square hounded by Lady, Barnwell, Gervais
and Henderson streets; said lots are situated
as follows: Lot No. 3, containing one-half
aero ou Gervais street; Lot No. 4, containing
one-half acre on corner of Gervais and Barn?
well streets; Lot No. 12, containing one-fourth
aero on corner of Barnwell and Lady streets.
Tho abovo can be treated for privately.
TEBMS OF SALE.-Cash for one-half of bid;
balance in ono year; secured hy bond and
mortgage of tho premises sold. Purchaser to
pay for btampa and paporB.
Aug ll thm P. F. FBAZEE, S. B. C.
Must be Soldi!
WE have about $10.000 in CLOTH?
ING, more than wo can realize on
this Summer; we aro anxious to
got rid of some of it, and will sell
YE BY CHEAP for that purposo.
Our stock is the largest, in our
lino, that has ever been brought
to this city. Handsome Goods,
and boaght right. Large lino of
Best Fitting 8HIBTS. It is now
generally admitted that we aro
making to order THE FINEST
THE STATE. Call and examine
for yourselves.
City Machine Works,
. THE undersigned
M n y 2(5 timo_ R ICH ABD TOZER,_
Estate Notice.
ALL poi sons having claims against tho ?s?
late of thc late HENRY ll I'. N BICH SON,
merchant, of Columbia, will present them to
the undersigned duly attested, and all per?
sona knowing themselves indebted to said
estate, will mako pavmont to the undersigned,
Aug 21 waO DANIEL B. MILLER, Adm'r.
Coi.t MiiiA. S. C., August 8, 1870.
E. Morris, Columbia, S. C.,
$3.50 per saw. Our Oins aro warranted
to please in every respect, or no Balo. Pro
mium awarded al last State Fair. Also, Wood
Turning in every description and style, at
short notice. June 30 ?}_mo_
Stocks and Bonds. Gold and Silver.
bought and sold by D. O AM BRILL,
OrneE-Columbia Hotel Building.
August 21_8mo
New Mackerel.
OU MACKEREL, for sale low.
Guinness'Extra Stout, imported, to
be had ?tl POLLOCK'S.

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