OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, March 12, 1872, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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." ''Vtotw?iia arr?ir?? '
PAiua. Maroh 9.-In the National As?
sembly, to-day, Deputy Giraraod ques?
tioned tho Government on the resigna?
tion of Ponier-Qaartier from the Minis?
try of Finance Girarand made a
violent assanlt upon President Thiers,
who, he said, prevented the successful
foundation of a republic or a monarchy,
and nothing remained for the country
but an empire or abaos. M. Ponier
Quartier defended M. de la Motte for
testifying, in whose defenoe he had been
compelled to withdraw from the Minis?
try. He said M. de la Motte, who was
charged with appropriating funds con?
tributed for the relief of the French
sufferers, while he was Prefect of the
Department of Euro, was guilty of irre?
gularities. Oasimier Periere, late Minis
ter of the Interior, behoved the prosecu?
tion of M. de la Motte was neoessary foi
the benefit of public morality. Gam
betta also participated in the debate,
and in course of bis remarks defended
the Government of national defenoe
The Assembly finally, after a moat ani
mated debate, passed the order of th<
PAMS, Maroh ll.--The death of Jo
soph Mazzini is announced.
Oount DeOhambord has gone to Go
Thiers received the Prince and Princes
of Wales to-day.
BOMB, Maroh ll.-The Popo, at i
publia audience, said the church trou
bles dated baok to 1848. Farther, b
said the existence of two powers ii
Borne at thu same time was impossible
The report that the Pope is preparing t
leave Borne is false.
MADRID, March ll.-The Oarlii
Electoral Committee urge their part
sans to vote for the coalition candidate!
Sagosta, in circulara to the Governoi
of provinces, urges the enforcement <
respect for the laws.
American lutvlllguDCB.
HAVANA, March 9.-Alexis goes to Bi
de Janeiro direct from Havana, an
thence to Chins, via the Cape of GOG
PHILADELPHIA, Marah 10.-Forney, i
the dinners given the Centennial Ooo
missioners, strongly advocates Grant
RICHMOND, Maroh 10.-The bill ht
been ordered to be engrossed in tl
House, repudiating the Weat Yirgin
certificate? deposited with the Sta
Treasurer, by foreign insurance comp
nies, and doing business in Virgini
The bill deolareB Virginia is aot liabl
and will not pay any part of the on
third known as the West Virginia pc
tion of the public debt. All amen
monta were defeated.
NORFOLK, Maroh 10.-The monit
Mahopao, lying at the dook at the na
yard, took fire this morning, in t
wooden deok from the galley pipe. Co
siderable difficulty was experienced
getting to the fire, which was not exti
guished until a considerable part of t
iron plating of the deck had been i
stoge robber between Stookton a
Jenny Lind was discovered in a ohap
and fatally wounded. He confesses
robberies, but withholds the names
his accomplices.
OMAHA, March ll.-The melting BU
interrupts travel by washes. Tho tra
are moving irregularly.
NEW YOBK, Maroh ll.-The investi
tion of Judge Barnard doea not susti
the charges of corruption.
A special from Brownsville states t
a meeting of stook raisers reported 2,1
oattle, valued at 840,000, driven act
the Bio Grande-this within thirty m
of Brownsville. This is a fair samph
the thieving operations along the en
line. Thieving bunds are organized
the Mexican side. They are well arm
and usually number about thirty,
band which recently crossed with 1,
head of oattle at Sauta Maria numbe
eighty. General Crook passed half
hour after the marauders hud crof
with the cattle. Tho meeting apprc
of protection for the fishers of
North-east and the Pacific Bailroat
the North-west, and ask a like protea
in the South-west. They threaten
taliatory measures unless protected.
Governor Warmouth is here. I
understood he pronounces against G
and for Davis. A gentleman of \
month's party states that Lougstree
signed the surveyorship of the poi
Now Orleans beonuae bo cannot app
Grant's policy towards Louisiana.
Other city officials offer to fo
Garvey's lead as State's evidence.
John Finn, a reporter for tho He,
was knocked down, to-day.
Tilden says this oity presents a r.
liar situation. Its ohief magistrat*
trial; its law officers under suspit
its police without the confidence ol
people; its highest judges undor ioi
gation; really, a condition of muni
anarchy. The whole Lerdea cf ri
senting the interests, rights aud s
of the people is thrown upon the
and a few private citizens, with no
the powers of the city goverame
help them. Comptroller Green eodi
these statements of Tilden.
" WASHINGTON, Maroh IL-Io th<
nate, the House bill re-establishing
roe Land District, Louisiana, po
and goes to the President.
Tho House fillibnstered over the
plementary oivil rights bill durin(
morning hour. It comes up ovory
day morning on order.
WARRKNTON, VA., Maroh ll.-Tei
didates for the ministry wero ord
. yesterday by Bishop Paine Th
vices were very improseivo. In th<
feronco, to-day, ten young men we
mitted ou probation to the rx.it
Tho Bev. Dr. Finney, editor of tl
Louis Christian Adv?cate, addrcssr
Couftronce or? behu f of tho t:
wostcrn Publiehing House, of St. ]
Bcv. Dr. Young, of Nashville, '.
succeeds Bev. Dr. Huston aa pas
Trinity Oharoh, Baltimore. Rev. Mr.
Cowies, Presiding Elder of the Lynch?
burg District, who broke his leg s few
days sgo, is recovering rapidly.
WASHINGTON, Marou ll.-Chief En?
gineer Liawdin has been ordered to the
Pensacola navy yard.
.921,000,000 in specie, reoeived in Eu-,
rope on the new loan, was invested in
5-20? for retirement. The amount of
the new loan placed is $300,000,000.
Negotiations are pending for placing a
farther considerable amount.
In the Senate, Trumbull addressed
tho Senate on the civil service bill. In
'the course of his speech, Trumbull said
he challenged any man to say that he
had ever ottered one word in disre?
spect of the President, or had assailed
him. He had not ottered fulsome
panegyrics on the President, beoause
bs believed tho President to have too
much sound sense to be pleased by any
snob adulation. An appropriation of
$50,000 for oivii reform passed, though
sixteen Republicans voted nay.
In the House, the Elections Commit?
tee unanimously resolved to report iu
I favor of Hundley, in Norris vs. Hund?
ley, from Alabama. The votes in the
House, to-day, indioated that Hooper's
civil rights bill would pass, could a vote
be reached.
In the House, a large number of bills
were introduced and referred. A select
oommitteo was ordered to investigate
[Secretary Robeson and naval aftairs
goner-.Hy. Brooks moved to suspend
the rules and adopt his resolutions re
Harding Mexico, offered last Friday,
whioh was rejected by ayes 72, nays 90.
Farnsworth, from the Post Office Com?
mittee, reported a bill to suppress tbs
system of straw bids for carrying the
mails, providing that any person who
bas put in a bid that has been acoepted,
and who then fails to enter into a con?
tract and to perform tbs service, shall
I be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
j and be liable to a penalty of 35,000
fine and one year's imprisonment.
Potter offered an amendment, author?
izing the Postmaster-General to uccept
new sureties from contractors in the
place of existing sureties, whioh was
agreed to. The bill, as amended, was
then passed. A bill making one-third
of the customs receivable in lugul ten?
ders failed, by 89 to 68. Killinger of?
fered a resolution declaring that tho po
lioy of granting subsidies in public landa
to railroads and other corporation? ought
to be discontinued, and that every con?
sideration of public polioy and equal
justice to the whole people required the
pnblio lands to ba held for homesteads
for actual settlers, and for educational
purposes. Agreed to without discussion.
Hereford moved to suspend tho rules and
adopt a resolntiou declaring it to be an
nnoonstitntion and tyrannical usurpation
of power for Congress to attempt to
foroe mixed schools on the States, or to
pass any law interfering with ohnrchea,
pnblio carriers or inn keepers, which
was rejected by yeas 50, nays 87. The
Speaker announced as tho select com?
mittee on the charges against the Secre?
tary of the Navy, Messrs. Blair, of
Michigan, Sargent, Peters, Voorheos
and Warren. Getz offered a resolution
inst.neting the Committee of Ways and
Means to report on the propriety of
abolishing all internal revenue laws, and
imposing taxes on the States in propor?
tion to population, which was agreed to.
A number of amnesty bills wore pre?
sented and passed by unanimous con?
sent, and without being read.
Probabilities-The diminished pres?
sure now over the Sonth Atlantic States,
and thence to West Virginia, will move
Eaatwardly during the night, with light
rain over North Carolina and snow over
the Middle Atlantic States, followed by
rising barometer from the upper lakes to
.the Gulf, with Northerly and North?
westerly winds and clear and clearing
weather, and extend to the South and
Middle Atlantic coasts by and on Tues?
day morning. Fulliug barometer, rising
temperature and winds backing to South?
erly is probably for the North-w?st dur?
ing to-night and on Tuesday. Danger?
ous winds aro not anticipated for tho
Atlantic and Gulf coasts to-night.
PHILADELPHIA, March ll.-Dr. Knock?
er's divoroe ouso has boen compromised,
and the parties reunited. Mrs. Koockor,
opon learning that the charges against
her husband were unfounded, went
crazy. She is in a critical oouditi >n.
The Centennial Commission adjourned
to May 22.
WILMINGTON, March ll.-Intelligence
received from Robeson County, to-day,
tends to confirm thu report of the kill?
ing of Boss Strong. Tho party of men
who wont to Andrew Strong's for the
purpose of scouring the body of Boss
Strong returned to Shoo Heel yesterday.
They report that they found a largo
quantity of blood on the floor of Strong's
cabin, and say Andrew Strong's wife ac?
knowledged that Boss was killed, and
that other members of the Lowrey band
bad removed his body. Thero H cern s to
be no doubt that McQueen shot Strong,
aa at first reported, aud the probabilities
are that ho was killed.
Liberia onoe more comos to tho sur?
face in England, where some score of
Exeter II id I zealots are lamenting
the loas of ?100,000, loaned in a lit
of generosity to ex-Preside ut Royo.
This official is uow in jail, charged with
an atlompt to subvert thu Government,
aud tho money has vanished. In this
emergency the despoiled capitalists
don their studying caps and are debat?
ing the possibility of government iuter
feronco, in default of which they will bo
loft to console themselves with tho old
maxim: "Fools aud their money are soon
"Old Ironsides," tho United Staten
ship Constitution, is still ixtnnt, undi
stationed as a receiving ship at Philadel?
Mr. Robert A. Sissoti, tho reading
elmk of tho Senate, has been appointed
postmaster nt Blackville, Barnwell Coun?
ty. S. C.
Financial and Commercial.
Naw YOBS, March .10.- The cotton
movement thia week has been the email
eat for a long time. Tbe Agares are
muoh below the estimates previously
forued. Receipts at all ports for the
week, 50,063, against 73,702 last week,
77,037 the previous week, and 88,066
three weekB since. Total receipts since
September, 2,292,827, against 8,051,230
for the corresponding period of the pre*
vious year. Decrease sinoo September
1, this year, 758,403. Exports from all
ports for the week, 49,621, against 123,
278 for the same week last year. Total
esports for the expired portion of the
cotton year, 1,376,166, against 1,665,934
for the ?ame time last year. Stock at
all ports, 490,195, against 651,683 at the
same date last year. Stock at interior
towns, 88,108, against 112,227 same dato
last yoar. Stock in Liverpool, 620,080,
against 768,000 same date last year.
American cotton afloat for Great Bri?
tain, 199,000, against 350,000 same date
last year. India cotton afloat for Eu?
rope. 354.000, against 118,000 same date
last year.
LONDON, March ll-Noon.-Consols
92%. Bonds 92%.
FRANKFORT, March ll.-Bonds 96@
I Liv nitro OD, March ll-S P. M -Cot?
ton opened quiet-uplands 11%@11% ;
Orleans 11%; sales 10,000 balea; sp?cu?
lation and export 3,000.
LIVERPOOL, Marou ll-Evening.-Cot?
ton closed quiet-uplands ll ^ ; OrluauB
NEW YORK, March ll-Noon.-Stocks
irregular. Gold steady, ut 10%. Money
firm, at 7, gold. Exchange-long 9%;
short 10%. Governments firm but dull.
Sales of futures Saturday evening, 3,100
bales, as follows: Maroh 22%; April
22 9-16, 22%; Muy 23, 23%; Jone 23%,
23%; September 211-16. Flour doll
and declining. Wheat quiet and strong?
ly favors buyers. Coru dull and heavy.
Pork quiet-new mess 13.25 (ol 13.30.
Lard dull-steam 9% (a) 9%. Cotton
dull-uplands 22%; Orleans 23; sales
826 bales. Freights dull.
7 P. M.-Cotton dull; sales 1,470 bales
-uplands 22%; Orleans 22%. Flour
qniot aud unchanged. Whiskey 89.
Wheat heavy-winter red Western 1.62
(7$1.68. Corn heuvy and lower, ut 68(a)
69. Pork a BUade easier, at 13.25. Lard
lower, at 8%@9_%. Freights steady.
Money stringent, ut 7 aud commission.
Sterling 9,% ($9%. Gold 10%. Go?
vernments steady. States dull, oxcopt
North Carolinas, wbioh ure strong; South
Carolinas weak.
CINCINNATI, March ll.-Flour Bteudy.
Coru quiet. Pork nominally 12.25(a)
12.50. Lard dull and unchanged. Ba?
con drooping-shooldorH0%(7i)8%. Whis?
key 63.
LOUISVILLE, March ll.-Bugging firm
and unchanged. Flour firm. (J?rn quiet.
Provisions quiet aud firm. Whiskey
quiet, at 84.
BALTIMORE, March ll.-Flour very
strong and uuchungod. Wheat firmer
but inactivo. Corn steady but dull, at
65?66. OatB 51@54. Bye [email protected].
Pork very dull, at 13 50. Bacon steady
-shoulders 6%. Whiakoy 89@90. Cot?
ton quiet and holders firm-middliug
22>?; reoeipts 475 bales; sales 255; stock
SAVANNAH, Maroh ll.-Cotton holdors
firm; light offerings fi om buyers-mid?
dling 21%?21%; receipts 1,366 bales;
sules 600; stock 50,723.
Mooma, March ll.-Cotton quiet
middling 21%; receipts 791 bales; sales
300; stock 51,864.
NEW ORLEANS, Maroh ll.-Flour dull
-superfine 6.75; double 7.50; treble
8.00(3|8.25. Coru quiet-mixed und yel?
low 85; white 90. Pork 14.00. Bacon
quiet, at 6% ($8%; sugar-cured hums
11%@U%. Lard quiet-tierce 9%(a)
9]^; keg 10%. Sugar firm-iuferior 7;
fair to fully fair 8%@9%. Molasses
common fermenting 43(a>44; centrifugal
fermenting 48; cistern bottom 55; re?
boiled 55; prime 56. Whiskey 80(?)1.00.
Coffee unchanged, at 20@21%. Cotton
firm and in good demand-middling
22??; receipts 5,424 bule*; suloa 3,000;
stock 209,245.
Pinn ADELPH IA, March ll.-Cotton
quiet-middling 23?.!.
GALVESTON, March ll.-Cottou stoutly
-good ordinary 19%(?.20; receipts 537
bales; sales 1,450; stock 40.970.
WILMINOTON, March li.-Cottou quiet
-middling 22; receipts 100 bales; BU?CB
116; stock 4,246.
AuacsTA, March ll.-Cotton-mid?
dling 21; receipts 325 bules; sides 200.
NORFOLK, March ll.-Cotton dull and
lower-middling 21; receipts 1,121 bales;
eulo* 60; stock 4,222.
CHARLESTON, March ll.-Cotton quiet
-middling 2l%@21%; receipts 458
bales; sales 200; stuck 25,138.
OOSTON, March ll.-Cotton quiet
middling22%; receipts 114 bales; sales
300; stock 8.U00.
MEMPHIS, Maroh ll.-Cotton quiet
but firm-middliug 22; receipts 2,561
Everybody is vaguely avruro that tho
ex-Emperor of the Froucli bas consider?
able possessions on this continent, and
that fact, flavored with lluukyism has
induced a faint hopo that ho might re?
new his residence in America. But un?
luckily for tho quidnuncs of tho avenues
and the publicans of Sarutoga, hope has
told a flattering tale. We aro not to be
permitted tho sweet boon of a court
not oven a court in exile. For it scums
tho ex-Emperor is preparing for his
European emergencies by selling his
American estate; and tho money he has
realized from his American investments,
whether it bo spent iu home-keeping ut
(JliiselhnrHt, or in attempts upon Puris,
will uever bo employed to furnish a glass
of Bostonian fashion or u mould ol Phi
ludulphiu form.
-. ^
Easter toilettes will, many of them, bo
comports! of two colors, in nilk, gray
and pink, dove color anti crimson, .stone
color ami bine, chocolate bran aud deep
llurquois, blue, lilac and black, or green
I and black.
MONDAY, MABOH ll, 1872.
The Senate met at 12 M., President
Rentier in the Ohsir.
The. following bills were passed: To
establish an Inferior Court for the trial
of criminal oases in the Gonnty of
Charleston; to renew tho charter of
Peay'e Ferry, over the Wateree River;
for the relief of the widows and orphans
of persons killed because of their politi?
cal opiuions; to incorporate the town of
Ninety-Six; to authorize the Mayor and
Aldermen of the city of Colombia to
iasoo bonds and negotiate and sell the
same; to promote the interest of agricul?
ture in this State; to authorize the form?
ation of and to incorporate the Laurens
and Asheville Railroad; to provide for
I sohoois in the State Penitentiary; to in
I corporate the Lincoln Light Infantry, of
Darlington; to regulate the pay of the
I members of the General Assembly; to
make appropriations and raise supplies
for the fiscal year commencing Novem?
ber 1, 1871-(amended upon tho third
( reading by appropriating $10,000 for re
1 pairs on the University buildings.)
The enuotiug clauses of tbs following
were stricken ont: Joint resolution to
pay Hon. NV. M. Thomas, Jndge of the
Sixth Circuit, the amonnt of Balary ap.
propriated for Judge of the Seoond Cir?
cuit; joint resolution authorizing the
parchase of a auitabls building at Ham?
burg, to ba used aa an armory for the
Ninth Regiment N. G. S. C. ; oonourrenl
resolution to appoint a special joint
committee to investigate the affairs ol
the County Treasurer of Charleston.
A joint resolution authorizing th?
purchase of a suitable building to Ix
used and occupied aa an armory for th?
Fifth Regiment N. G. S. C., was indefi
uitely postponed.
The following were ordered to be en
rolled: Bills to incorporate the Unior
Baptist Church, of Columbia; to alte
and amend the charter of the town o
Greenwood; to establish th? Charlestot
Joint Stock Company.
The Speaker attended in the Senate
and a number of Aats were ratified.
At 31J P. M., the Semite took a reoes
until 7 o'clock P. M.
Tho House met at 12 M., Speuke
Moaes in the Chair.
A number of committees made report
upon accounts and bills which had bee
referred to them, which reports wer
laid over under the rules.
The consideration of report of Con
mittee on tho Judioiary on investigate,
of case of Wm. F. Redding et xix. vi
the South Carolin? Railroad Comoam
tried before Hon. R. F. Graham, Jndg
First Judicial Circuit, was resumed, au
after considerable discussion, the repa
of the Committee, which exon?r?t?
his HoDor Judge Graham and the jut
from all oenauro, was adopted by a vet
large majority.
The following were paused: Claim i
John S. Simms, for services as teach'
of free sohool. Edgefleld County, i
1868; bill to amend au Act entitled "A
Act to alter sud amend an Aot to iuco
porate tho town of Marion, and fi
other purposes therein mentioned
joint resolution authorizing the Sh
riff of JC airfield County to sell a tract
laud, containing 200 acres, belonging
the State; compelling tho School Cot
missioner of Fairfield County to est
blish certain schools; bill to incorpora
the Ed ia to Is] ami Laud Company ; to I
strain Sheriff's from tho sale of Conn
property under execution for the del
of the County; joint resolution authori
ing the State Treasurer to ro-issue ct
tain certificates of Stateatock; bill toi
corporate tho South Carolina Real Esta
and Joint Stock Company ; for tho pt
tection of buoys and beacons; to amui
an Act entitled "An Act to amend ;
Act entitled 'Au Act for thu better pi
toctiou of migratory fish;'" to exem
tho keepers, employees and other ollie
of the South Curolina Penitentiary a
Lunatic Asylum from military and otl
duties; to abrogate aud ?ink tho debt
tho Slate of South Carolina incurred
aid of tho late rebellion against I
United States; to amend Section 108
an Act entitled "Au Act to grant, reu
and amend certain towns und viliaj
therein mentioned;" to incorporate I
Slimier Land Joiut Stock and Loan .
sociation, of Sumter. S. C.; to incor]
rate tho Bailing Spring Camp Groom
Pending tho report of tho Engross!
Committee, upon a largo number
bills, the House adjourned until to-ni
row, ot 12 M.
lay of sumo ten years, a company
actually been orguuized in London
the purpose of building a tunnel un
the Straits of Lover, and opening r
road communication between Etigli
and the coutinent. Tho Now York /
lelia, in an exhaustive article on the s
jeot, says: "Should tho experimt
which is certuiuly a bold one, sucot
it is probable that other works of a
character will soon be projected. F
laud and Ireland would next bo um
a tunnel would probably bo cut ut
tho North Saa in the coursoof time;
thus, botween tho tunnels, ship cac
railway bridges and telegraph,
crooked paths of commerco will be n
straight, the widely-separated nat
brought into eleser and more iutic
intercommunication, and groat mat?
results achieved, in comparison
which what eugiuooriug science
already accomplished will seem us
thing "
Tho Baltimore <$M?, of tho 7th i
announces tho death in that cit}', ot
previous day, of Gnu. Benj. Chow 1
ard, the lust of tho sons of tho fat
Col. Jehu Eiger Howard, of thu M
land Line.
A minister of police in Constatait
I has boen ignominiously sent to thc !
I prison for II term of live years, mid
I- tu li large sum, for simply stealing i
thousand. And Ibis in the zenith t
. nineteenth century.
A yoong man in Vermont was mach
addicted to reading in bed by the light
of a kerosene lamp, and persisted in the
habit, n . ?withstanding the advice of his
friends and the warnings of the terrible
accidenta whioh occur almost dally. On
retiring one evening rcoontly, it appears
that he set the lamp too near the edge
of the bed. As he did not come down
to breakfast next morning, his mother
became anxious, and rapped on his
chamber door. Receiving no answer,
sho entered the room, when her worst
fears were realized. Duriog the night,
the lamp had tipped over upon the bed
and completely ruined a patch-work quilt
made by ber when only eleven years old.
The only article on the bed unharmed
was her drowsy soo.
LENT NO MORE.-For years it has been
supposed that (he great world of fashion
buried itself at this season in seclusion,
and spent its time arrayed in sackcloth
of the most approved pattern, and with
the latest style of ashes on its head.
Opera managers have hitherto hesitated
to present their worldly wares to people
thus piously engaged. Mr. Strakosch,
howevor, departing from their rule,
throws open the doors of the Aoademy
of Music, and, with Nilsson as the at?
traction, the spacious building is prompt?
ly lilied by as fashionable and brilliant
an audience as ever assembled within
its melody-bauuted walls.
The Right Honorable William Lowther,
second Earl of Lonsdale, died in London
on tho 5tb inst., in the eighty-fifth year
of bis age. He served io the House of
Commons from 1818 to 1844, excepting
the exoiting year 1831-2. He was called
to the House of Peers under the style of
Lord Lowther, in 1851. He was a con?
servative, and bad held tho various offices
of Chief Commissioner of Woods and
Forests, Treasurer of the Navy, vice
President of the Board of Trade, Post?
master-General aud President of the
Friar, an old and respected citizen of
Coffee County, Ga., sixty-two years of
age, met his death about ten days since
in a most remarkable manner. He was
smoothiug a stick with a drawing-knife,
when the catch of the blade slipped
from the stick and its keon edge was
pulled with Buch forco by his own hands
against his person, that his abdomen
was cut opeu aoross thc middle, sever?
ing his bowols and causing death in
thirty-six hours.
"lu the Island of Java the deficiency
in tho coffee crop will this year be 23,
000 to DB. The Brazil crop will fall short
uearly 70,000 tons; the Ceylon crop
10,000 tous. It is thus estimated that
the coffee crop of the world will fall
short of last year fully 100,000 tons. Bo
says a Northern journal, supposed to bo
in the interest of the coffee merchants.
It is very singular that this great deli?
cien cy was not found out until tho House
repealed the tariffand it became impor?
tant to hold up prices.
John Mears, the late Duke of Welling?
ton's favorite groom, is dead. He was
ia the service of the Duke nearly forty
years, and his portrait is preserved in
the well kuowu pioture of "Tho Last
Return from Duty," where he is repre?
sented riding immediately behind his
master. It was hu who lcd tho Duke's
horse, caparisoned in "trappings of
woe," on tho occasion of tho public fune?
ral of the great soldier iu St. Paul's
Boston Journal says that a new safe has
been iuvented which makes things very
unpleasant for burglars. Tho walls are
filled with gun-powder in suoh a mau
ncr that the blows of a sledge or tho cut?
ting of a chisel, iu the attempt to rob
tho safe, will iguito tho powder, blow
off the outer crust, annihilate tho bur?
glar, nnd K avo tho contents of tho safe
The Chat los ton Courier says: Ou Tues?
day oue of our most highly respected
citizens celebrated his golden wedding.
He is now eeventy-two years old, aud
thu celebration took placo in tho very
dwelling (in which ho now resides) where
his wife was born, christened, and to
him married, and where Bho reared thir?
teen do roted aud respectful children.
What a picture to reflect upon.
Our colored fellow-citizens of the Rad?
ical peruiiu8ion are libing up in their
might and demanding that tho Philadel?
phia Convention shall nominate ono of
their number for tho Vice-Presidency.
Wo know several white men who would
bo williug to go on tho ticket with Grant,
but wc should have had a better opinion
of tho hotter class of negroes.
On Wednesday last there arrived in
Pittsburg 839,000 worth of the diamonds
originally belonging to the Empress Eu
genie, of France. Ouo comb in pearl,
and studded with largo diamonds, the
purchaser sold in New York for $11,000,
un advance of $2,000 in gold over what
ho paid for tho glittering bauble in Lon?
While a church trial was progressing
ut Independence, Kansas, tho purtles
thereto, George Webb and Jacob Ade,
invoked tho revolver of tho flesh rather
than the sword of tho spirit. Webb wai
killed, and thrco other meek aud lowly
followers wounded.
SOUTH CAROLINA WINE.-1,000 gallons
of native wine wore shipped from the
Derby farm, at Aiken, last week, to N? w
A project contemplating a cheap ex?
cursion trip round tho world is being
talked of, to start from Boston next sum?
Rockland, Maine, Radical by past ex
' pertC'iico and by rece ut computation, has
..b eted ii Democratic Mayor.
It is said that tho snow blockade bus
cost tho Pacific Railroad Company 825,
000 a day.
BOLD AGAIN.-A maa in Malden,
Maas., sent great numbera ot circulare to
Tarious people throughout the oonntry,
offering to forward to them bj mail "a
hand som oly bonnd book, with a rich
and peculiarly interesting picture for
frontispiece, exeonted in the highest style
of French art, in BO vcr al colors." "Every
bachelor," the circular said, ."should
read it-every married couple, and un?
married ladies, if they like. Every one
should keep it in the trunk or in the
pocket. Sent by mail, on the receipt of
eight conte." The bait took; a great
many people sent the money; and what
does the reader suppose they received in
return? The New Testament, with a
chromolithograph of the Virgin and
Childi Tho State constable, who went to
Malden to seize the obnoxious literature,
was bothered, and very naturally.
"Aunt Betty Knight died at ber home
in Laurens, last week. A singular faot
connected with the life of this lady i%
that although she lived to the advanced
age of eighty-six years, and was twice
married, she yet never changed her
maideu came-that was Knight, and she
both times married a Knight, living with
her last husband sixty-six years.
The Sacramento (Cal.) grand jury, in
their report on the County jail, say:
"We would recommend tho removal of
the jailor, P. McGown, for toking prison -
I era ont and strolling aronnd the city with
I them ia the dead hours of midnight,
leaving the control of the jail to one of
the prisoners."
i The Japanese are a people not without
sentiment. One of the party just eman
j ciputed from the Salt Lake City "block
lade," on being asked his impression of
the country, auswered: "A plaoe wheie
I it snows."
One birth, one death and one case of
small-pox occurred on a Westward bound
truin on the Pacido Road recently, while
it was taking the train eighteen days to
j go 2G0 miles.
^LTLI.O t;lon Sa 1 o?r .
Potatoes und Brooms.
THU [Tuoadaj] MOHN I KG, at 10 o'olock, in
frolic of our auction Store, we will sell,
Twenty-five barrels of Pink Eye and Early
Rose IRISH POTATOES, iu fine order.
Twenty-UT? dozen Northern made Brooms.
Terra? cash. March 12
\ Twenty Head of Northern Hortes.
WEDNESDAY MORNING next, March 13, at
10 o'clock, iu front of the Court Llouse, in
tbUoity, wu will positively sell,
Twenty head of substantial Northern Sad?
dle and Draft HOUSES, consisting in part of
thc following: One pair ?ue black "Morgan"
Mares-oau trot in th'eo minutos together;
also, two very faut trotters, "Lucy" and
'? Killin Allen, Jr."
Conditions caah. Bale positive. March 10
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE firm of FRANKLIN A FINE is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. Alt
liabilities prior to March ll, 1871, have bee*
assumed by the present proprietor.
COLOMBIA, S. C., March ll, 1872.
March 12_6
A Young Man
HAYING several years experience in
mercantile pursuits, in the North, ?a
salesman and traveling agent, would like to
make au engagement with aomo bouse in
this city. Present pay not so much an object
as au opportunity to advance whan merited.
Addroas, for three days, through post office,
Ma.chl2 2? SANTEE, Columbia, B. O.
AT the only licensed Junk Shop in tbecity,
all aorta of RAGS, (especially Woolen,)
all kinda, for which I will pay the highest
market prico. C. BRILL,
March 12 G Washington street.
St. Patrick's Day.
SARY will be celebrated OD the eveniog
of MONDAY, the 18th instant, at McKenzie's
Saloon. Tickets $1 To be obtained of the
Oumniittoo, at the Columbia Hotel, J. Agnew
Sc Hon's, John McKenzie'? and P. Cantwell's.
March 12 G M. J. CALNAN. President.
Y M. C. A.
TiHE regular monthly meeting of the Young
Men's Christian Association will bo hold
TIHS EVENING, at half-past 7 o'elock, in tho
Shading ltoom. A full attendauce in request?
March 12 1 Recordiug Secretary.
Hay and Fodder.
iXJ vf 75 hales prime Fodder.
Just received and tor sale hv
March 12 2 _ D. C. PE1X?TTO ?_SON._
Phoenix Axe, Hook and Ladder Co.
1 N extra meeting of tho Company will bo
A. hold THIS EVENING, at half-past 7
o'clock, at their hall. A full attendance ia
requested, as business ol importance will bo
brought betoro the meeting. By order.
March 1*2 1 W. WT DEANE, Sec'y.
FINA fiLY yielding to tho numerous urgont
request* which har?, been pressed upon
j lier by prominent citizens ef Columbia, the
famous yoting native Songstress >.nit Cuiue
Mrs. J. A. OATES,
ha? derided to no change her route as to visit
Columbi a for
Commencing on MONDAY EVENING, March
18. appearing in tho very beet of her most
celebrated impersonations, iu which she will
ko supported by her entire great
Tho performance on MONDAY EVENING
?ill consist of Buckatouu's charming Operatic
Comedy of
I An 1 thu tfuocossful Cornie Sketch entitled
An A Itt rmi UK San t Urn.
Oo TUESDAY EVENING, Offenbach's cele?
brated Comic opera,
And BuokutiMio's jovial Fare of
most elegant ai.<l comical Music*! Comedy,
Tho sale ol reserved seats will commence
at Ly Brand's Miiide Store, on Fi ?day, th?- loth
instant, at '.? o'olock A. lt. Admission tl: Ko
sorved .'.eats fl 25. March 12 6

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