OCR Interpretation

The daily phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, April 26, 1872, Image 3

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Vorolgn Affaira*
MADRID, April 25.-Amadeas, ia bis
speech to the Oottes, Baid the relations
of Spain with other powers were cordial.
The difficulties with South American
rep?blica had been reconciled. He
hoped soon to aouounoe an agreement
between the Italian Government and the
Pope. He will avoid everything tend
ing to impair Spanish territory, or put
arms in the handB of the enemies of the
Spanish race or name. Taught by ex?
perience the futility of clemency, hu will
be inexorable in punishing the constant
enemies of liberty and disturbers of the
peace. He hopes promptly to terminate
the Oarlist insurrection.
LONDON, April 25.-The Atalanta boat |
erew has arrived, and will commence to
practico immediately for the raoe with
the London crew over the Thames course.
American Intelligence.
NEW YORE, April 25.-The Irish Ame?
rican Central Beform League has issued
an address favoring Greeley for Presi?
The roported return of the Polaris is
confirmed. She leaked from oollision
with an ioe snag.
Er-Governor Foot, of New Jersey, is
SAN FRANCISCO, April 25.-The steamer
Nebraska has arrived. Commodore
Meade has secured c iclusive usu of Page
Harbor, in the Navigators' Islands, for
the United States. The Nebraska brings
a full cargo of wool and flax.
WASHINGTON, April 25.-Charles
Franois Adams has written a letter, vir
tually declining the Cincinnati candida?
ture, though willing to respond to the
call of the people, if needed.
A Matamoros despatch closes as fol?
lows: The indications are that the revo?
lution is about expiring, and that the
ohiefs will lead small plundering bands
?throughout the oountry.
The House is discussing the Howard
resolution. Senate proceedings unim
portant. The Eleotion Committee re
fused to give Clark, claiming to be
elected from Texas, further time to take
MANZIL.L.0, April 18.-An insurgent
meeting at Lagnnestroda, for tho pur
poBO of electing a new president, was
surprised by the Spaniards, who killed
many. The Spaniards lost niue killed.
WASHINGTON, April 25-Evening.
The American British Claims Commis?
sion adjourned to Newport, on the 11th
of September.
Troops havo been plaoed at the dis
posai of Secretary Delano, who ia now
in the Indian Territory, and the orders
to remove squatters will be enforced.
' Deputy Quartermaster General McFo:
rin is dead.
Probabilities-The lowest barometer
will probably move Eastward over the
lake region, accompanied by brisk
?Southerly winds from Lake Michigan
Eastward to Lake Ontario, shifting to
brisk and high North-westerly ovoi
Lakes Michigan and Superior during
the evening, and over Lake Huron and
the lower lakes on Friday morning
Cloudy and threatening weather, with
possibly rain, will prevail from the Ohio
Valley to the lakes, extending over the
Middle and New England States on Fri
day. Partially cloudy but pleasant wea
ther, with Southerly winds, io probable
for the Southern States.
In the Senate, Scott submitted tho
report of the Ku Klux Committee re?
garding Georgia, Alabama, Florida and
Mississippi. It is a huge document
Among the bills introduced was one to
facilitate an improvement in tho postal
service, by authorizing tho rights of way
for the UBO of pneumatic tubes, electric
magnetic or stationary power, etc. Mor?
ton, from the Committee on Privileges
and Elections, reported, with amend?
ments, a bill supplementary of the En
forcement Act of May, 1870, relating to
tho appointment of supervisors of elec?
tion. The deficiency bill came np as
unfinished business. Alcorn offered an
amendment to Morrill's (of Vermont,,
pending amendment, providing tbat its
.provisions should not apply to judg
monta heretofore rendered by the Court
of Claims, which was agreed to. Sher
man moved to strike out of Morrill's
amendment the provision that jadgments
of tho Court of Claims in suits arising
out of the rebellion shall not bo paid
unless out of special appropriations
made for the purposo, whioh was agreed
to. Alcorn moved to exolude from the
operations of the amendment cotton
and other goods seized since tho war,
which waa adopted; when tho amend?
ment was adopted. Without disposing
of tho bill, adjourned.
In the House, the Howard resolution
.occupied all day, without result. Voor
hecs advocated tho resolution, denounc?
ing tho foreign policy of I ho Govern?
ment as contemptible, pusillanimous aud
AMANT, April 25.--Tho Assembly, this
morning, paseod a bill making provisiou
for the looal government of the city and
County of N6W York, for 1872, and pro?
viding for a settlement of olaims against
the same. The bill now goes to the Go?
SAN FRANCISCO, April 25.-Delegates
to the Republican State Convention
passed resolutions unanimously against
the oession of Goat Lila nd to.the Central
Pacific Railroad.
NEW YORK, April 25-Evening.-Tho
'Hercules Life Insurance Company has
been deolarod bankrupt.
Tho Government held a million of
gold to-tioy at 112-40 to 112 50.
MEMPHIS, April 25.-J. C. Reed, tho
absoonding Deputy Sheriff from Chatta?
nooga, was captured to-day.
MONTGOMERY, ALA., April 25.-Hon.
A. J. Walker, ex-Chief Justico of tho
Supremo Court of Alabama, died here
to-day, aged fifty-three.
HAnmsnuno, PA., April 25.-The Hat
risburg Manufaoturing Company's works
woro burned to-day. Loss $300,000.
Financial and Commercial.
LONDON, April 25-Noon.-Consols
92%. Bonds 90. ' .
PARIS, April 25.-Bentos 51! OOo.
LIVKHPOOL, April 25-8 P. M.-Colton
opened quiet, but is now heavy-up
lands ll?UK; Orleans 11%; sales
10,000 bales; speculation and export
NEW YORK, April 25-Noon.-Stocks
strong and active. Gold very strong, at
T2}?. Money firm, at 7. Exchange
long 9>?; short 10j?. Governments
strong and steady. Flour, wheat and
oorn quiot. Pork steady-new moss
13.60. Lard unchanged-steam V}<?@
9>?. Cotton dull-uplands 23)?; Or?
leans 23%; sales lal bales. Freights
7 P. M.-Cotton quiet; sales 1,385
baleB-uplands 23)?; Orleans 23%.
Southern flour scarce and advancing
[email protected] for common to fair extra;
[email protected] for good to ohoice. Whis?
key 90>?. Wheat l@2o. higher. Corn
dull-Western mixed, afloat, 75. Pork
[email protected]. Lard8>X@9K. Freights
dull and heavy. Money easy, at 5@6.
Exchange strong, nt Gold
12%@12%. Loans ut 1@G for carrying.
New 5s 12K. 81s 17^. G2s 15>?.
States firm and heavy. 'JL'euivessees 70;
new GQ)?. Virginias 52; new 69>.<. Lou?
isianas 58; new 51; leveo Gs G7; 8s 70.
Alabama 8s 83; 5s 60. Georgia Gi 70; 7s
83. North Carolinas 3GJ?; n w 20.
South Carolinas 50; new 33.
BALTIMORE, April 25.-Flour and
wheat firm and unchanged. Corn fir mur
-white 70; yellow GG; mixed Western
G7; sales 15,000 bushels; half to arrive.
Oats steady. Bice firm, at [email protected].
Provisious quiet aud firm. Pork 13.50
@13.75. Bacon in good jobbing de?
mand-shoulders 5>.-i. Lard dull, nt 9.
Whiskey 88. Cotton" dull; receipts 189
bales; HUIOB 55; stock 11,170.
BOBTON, April 25.-Cotton dull; ro
coipts 117 bales; sales 300; stock 11,000.
GALVESTON, April 25.-Cottou quiet;
receipts 152 bales; stock 15,333.
MOBILE, April 25.-Cotton dull and
nominal; receipts 182 bales; sales 500;
stock 23,216.
LOUISVILLE, April 25.-Provisions
activo and unchunged. Pork 12.25@
12.50. Bacon sides 7@7}i, packed.
Whiskey advanced, nt 85.
MT. LOUIS, April 25.-Whiskey steady.
Pork 12.50. Clear sido bacon 7#@7#.
MEMPHIS, April 25.-Cotton quiet; re?
ceipts 185 bales.
AUGUSTA, April 25.-Cottou flat-mid?
dling 22; receipts 100 bales; sales 75.
NORFOLK, April 25.-Cotton quiet;
receipts 180 bales; stock 2,901.
CHARLESTON, April 25.-Cotton dull
middling 22}^ ; receipts 208 bales; sales
100; stock 11,891.
SAVANNAH, April 25.-Cotton quiet
and Arm-middling 22l?'; receipts 3S1
bales; sales 100; stock 21,300.
WILMINGTON, April 25.-Cotton quiet;
reoeipts 192 bales; sales 2,327.
NEW ORLEANS, April 25.-Cotton quiet
-middling 23Ja ; receipts G52 bales; sales
2,700; stock 11,751.
CINCINNATI, April 25.-Bacon demand
licht and holders firm-sides G^@6J6.
Whiskey firm, at 85.
"Madame," said a boarder to his land?
lady, "I nm very sure this pepper is
half peas." "Peas!" cried tho lady,
bridling up. "Peas, indeed! That
popper is Smalt k. Hommersly's very
best. You don't kuow anything about
pepper, sir, if you think there's peas in
that." "For all that, madame," said the
boarder, "I'm euro that pepper is half
peas; p-e-p, pep, p-e r, per. Six letters,
and three of them p's."
Hero is a California earthquake inci?
dent: Au unruly colt had brokeu loose
from his tether, and the owner was chas?
ing him about tho lot when tho shock
came. The colt disappeared, but the
farmer has a first-class drain across his
forty-acre farm.
It is not generally known that the
leavos of geranium ure nu excellent ap?
plication for cut?, where tho skiu is
rubbed off, and thu other wounds of that
kind. Ono or two leaves must bc bruised
and applied to the part, and tho wound
will be cicatrized in a short time.
A remarkable ooinoidence occurred in
connection with tho death of Jonas Par?
ker, at Goshen, Me., on the 15th ult.
Th roo cousins of the deceased, residing
in different States, all died the same
night, and nearly ut tho samo hour, and
each in a fit.
A seutimeutal Memphis editor says:
Tho sentiment of disgust makes us kick
dogs und drink liquor; the sentiment of
friendship makes us wring a man's hand
and stand on hil corns, and the senti?
ment of patriotism makes us ruu for of?
After a duel in Russia, which resulted
in tho death of ono of tho combatants,
aud during tho funeral services, the sur?
vivor entered tho chnrch, advanced
through tho crowd of mourners, knelt
beside tho cofiiu aud prayed to tho soul
of tho departed for forgiveness.
"Angelina, my angel, can you tell me
why your lovely oyos aro Uko friends
separated by distant climes?" "No, Au?
gustus, I can't. Toll mo, oh! tell me,
why they'ro thus." "Becauso they cor?
respond, but never meet."
Considerable excitement is said to pre?
vail among 2,700 public school teachers
in New York, owing to their inability to
find any provision in tho new charter for
their retention.
Measures are being taken to establish
n Protestant Episcopal Church iu Borne,
Italy, tho trustees of which uro to reside
in Now York. Among tho trustees
named is Secretary Fish.
Tho Briti3U veteran Gen. Em.nett,
who fought General Jackson at New
Orleans, died lately. Tho only advan?
tage ho over gained over General Jack?
son was in out living him.
Tho ontiro assets of a bankrupt were
niue children. His creditors resolved to
aot magnanimously and let him keep
them. How kiud!
The following roles, from the papers of
Dr. West, were, according to his memo?
randum, thrown together as general way
marks iu the journey of life:
Never to ridiculo snored things, or
what others may esteem suoh, however
absurd they may appear to be.
Never to show levity when the people
are professedly engaged iu worship.
Never to resent u supposed injury till
I know the views und motives of the
author of it. Nor on any ocoasion to
Never to judge a person's character
by external appearance.
Always take the part of an absent per?
son who is censured in company, so far
as trnth and propriety will allow.
Never to think the worse of another
on acoouut of his differing from me in
political or religious opinions.
Not to dispute with a man more tbau
seventy years of age, uor with ii woman,
nor au enthusiast.
Not to affect to bo witty, or to jest, so
as to wound tho footings of another.
To say as little as possible of myself
and those that are neur me.
To aim at cheerfulness without levity.
Not to obtrude my advice unasked.
Never to court the favor of the rich
by flattering oithor their vanity or their
To speak with eulmuess and delibera
tiou ou all occasions, especially in all
circumstances which tcud to irritate.
Frequently to review my conduct and
note my feeliugs.
Ou all occasions to huvo in prospect
the ead of life aud a future statu.
Au old toper being asked one day whj
he persisted iu drinking, replied, "Drj
makes mo driuk, driuk makes mo drunk
and druuk makes me dry again." Tin
explanation was cousidered quito suf
ficen t.
"How far shall this excruciating un
certainty go, ?deluide, my beloved?
said a gull nut young Romeo to his pr?t
ty Juliet, the other eveniug. "Go to
father," wus the prompt and satisfactor;
It was a brilliant Fond du Lac boy
who, seoing a dog with a muzzle ou fo
the first time, exclaimed: "Mamma
mamma, I bet five cents the dogs ar
going to wear hoop-skirts; there goc3
dog with oue on his nose."
Title and ancestry reuder a good ma
more illustrious, but au ill one mor
contemptible. Vico is infamous, tboug
in a priuce; aud virtue honorable
though in u peasant.
Emerson says: "Life ishardly raspeo
able if it has no generous task; no di
ties or affections that constitute a ni
C08sity of existing. Every man's task
his life preserver."
Let those who siu remember tin
God's eyes never sleep, uor do his eyi
lids slumber. Every sin will meet i
just recompense of reward. Eojoy no^
but know that retribution only waits.
Southey says: "A good man aud
wise man may at time., bo angry wit
tho world, at times grieved for it; bi
be 8uro no man was over disconteuti
with the world who did his duty in it.'
Edwards says: "Most coutroversi
would soou bo ended if those engagi
in them would first accurately delii
their terras, aud thou rigidly adhere
their definition."
A conventiou of old maids is to bo he
at Little Rock, Arkansas, "to gain a tr
kuowledgo cf the nature and attribut
of men." Matrimony is tho shortt
road to the knowledge they nrc iu sear
A Frenchman cannot pronoun
"ship." Tho word is "sheep" in 1
mouth. Seeing au iron-clad, he said
a boy, "lah dish a war 6heep?" "Ni
answered the boy, "it's a ram."
Tho queer looking little picklo whi
people eat with boiled muttou, uni
tho name of caper sance, is an unfold
blossom plucked from its parent stem
its first infancy, when only a few di
Novor is ono so unpleasautly iinprc
cd with tho largeness of his income as
is when sitting down with a govornmi
blank boforo him with its impertiu
A Wisconsin young man who stoli
hors? aud buggy, left a Dole wu
closed with "May God forgive mo
this rash act."
Capt. W. H. McDowell, formerly w
known in Marion as a successful r
road contractor, died in Cincinnati a
days agc.
Sammy read Charles XII "Cliai
cross-eyes," and when laughed at,
sure he couldn't eoe any fun in hov
two of them.
A Western writer describes a P
Varden dress ns an animated o'hl-i.
ioncd window curtain thrown over ?
brick wall.
A clergyman enid thc other day
modern youug ladies wcrouot the dat
ters of Shem und Ham, but tho dal
ters of Hem and Sham.
Mrs. Lawyer Bradford has secured
passage of a law in Illinois, admit
women to every occupation except
of soldioring.
Mrs. Howe has well said: "Tho 1
of youth is greatest in quantity;
hope of ago is sounder and more on
ing iu quality."
The man who haz got into tho L
of never making enuy bluuders iz
gether too good to live in this world
i B?Uint
Memphis has ono clergj'man,
doctors, and thirteen gamblers to c
thousand souls of its population.
"Not otherwiso than embalmed w
quit Madrid," says Amadeus. Ho :
tiothiug-but his wifo.
A vigorous young sexton in Ope
Ala., lately pulled thc church bell d
aud c ime near ringing his own kn?
the operation.
Proceedings of Council.
COLUMBIA, 8. C., April 23, 1872.
Council met nt 7.30 P. M. Present
His Honor the Mayor, John Alexander,
and Aldermen Carr, Carroll, Cooper,
Griffin, H?ge. Lowndes, Mitchell,
Thompson, Williams, Wilder and Young,
Absent-Alderman Carpenter.
The minutes o! meetings of April 12,
17 and 19 were read and approved.
H?B Honor the Mayor presented tho
To His Honor th- Mayor and Alderman of
Ike City of Columbia.
GENTLEMEN: The Central National
I Bank, of Columbia, 8. C., desires to erect
' a banking house ie the oity of Columbia,
on the corner of Rialiardson and Plain
streets; and to render access to the base?
ment convenient on those streets, I re?
quest, on behalf of said bank, permis?
sion of your honorable body to use and
appropriate in perpetuity four feet of
the pavement, or side-walk, on Richard?
son street aud Plain street, respectively;
under such provisions for the safety of
passers-by as may be necessary and un?
derstood between tho city authorities
and the bank.
A proposition in the form of a resolu?
tion on this subject will be presentod to
your honorable body, which I trust may
be passed as a preliminary step iu tho
matter. Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) JOHN B. PALMER.
President Central National Bauk.
The communication was laid over,
Also, the following petition was pre?
sented and read, and, on motion of Al?
derman H?ge, referrsd to Special Coui
I mittee ou City Hall and Market, with
instructions to report ut next meeting:
2b the Honorable the Mayor and Aldermen
of the City of Columbia.
GENTLEMEN: Tho humble petition ol
Israel Smith and William Simons re?
spectfully Bhowuth unto your honorable
body that on the 11th day of Septembei
.?.Ht, they contracted with tho formet
City Couucil to build n new market foi
the sum of 818.G1G -said building tc
have been ereoted according to plant
and speciticatious drawn by A. Y. Leo,
civil engineer, and adopted by your pre
deces-jors; thnt in accordance- with sait
contract, your petitioners commenc?e
the said work, and had progressed witt
tho samo, under tho direction and con
?roi, and reith titi expressed approval, o
said architect, until Thursday last, tin
18th ,d*y of April instant, when, ou tb?
night of said day, said building wa
?completely demolished by a violen
storm of wind; that your petitioners hui
received during the progress of sail
work the sum of $9,000, all of which ha
beeu expended upon said building, au<
your petitioners aro further indebted fo
work aud material upon said buildinj
in tho further sum of Si,200, or (heres
bouts. Your putitiouers further ehewot]
unto your honorable body that they dil
tho work upon said building iu a sui
stanlial&ud workman-like manner, instr?
accordance with tho directions of tho sui
architect; but said pious beiug defectiz
in many particulars, (as tho result ho
shown,) said building bas been destroyer
through no fault of your petitioners, bu
to their great loss aud damage. You
petitioners, therefore, pray that na ?ai
building cannot bo eructed iu a stab
mauuer in accordance with said plaui
8uid contract be rescinded; tho debris i
said building bc taken by the city, an
that, us au act of right aud justice, yoi
petitioners bo ro-imbursed lor uionnj
laid out in work and labor, and for mi
terinl furnished by them aud not y<
paid for by your honorable body-yoi
petitioners asking no compensatio
whatever for their individual time au
labor spout on said building.
And your petitioners will ever pray.
(Signed) I. SMITH,
Petition of Funny Roach, for rennin
ration for horse killed by falling iu a w<
on vacant lot, Assembly street, ne
Richland street. Referred to Commttt
on Ways and Meaus.
Communiealiuu of Mr. C. Drie, i
questing Council to purchase copies
"Bird's-Eyo View of Columbia." Ii
ferred to Committeo ou Ways aud Meat
Petition of citizens, praying that
brick drain bo laid on Taylor strut
from Sumter to Bull streets. Referr
to Committee ou Streets.
Applications of J. li. ICicinbeck a
J. C. Jacobs, for tavern license. 1
ferred to Committee on Licenses.
Claim of proprietor of Columbia IJ
tel, for $350, for damages unstained
property during riot, April 1,1372. 1
furred to Committee on \Vnys and Mea!
Tho following accounts were prese
ed aud referred to Committee on
couts: W. K. Popo. 813.30, Water I
pnrtraont; R. E. Howell, 22.?l), Slr
Depart incut; Columbia Gas Cumpni
His Honor thu Mayor presented I
COLUMIIIA, S. C., April *j;3, 1ST2
Hon, John Alexander, Mayor.
Sin: 1 have tho honor (pursuant
resolution adopted by Couucil) to tm
mit herewith papers, (2,) being sti
mont of receipts aud disbursements
City Treasurer from Juno 1, 1870,
December 31, 1871; special report of
ceipts and disbursements by City Ti
surer from January 1, 187-, to March
1872. Very respectfully, Ac ,
WM. J. ETTER, City Treasure]
The reports wore read aud reform
Committee ou Ways aud Means.
Alderman Wilder, from Committee
Accouuts, reported back tho follow i
and recommended payment, which
adopted: Columbia Pnoixix, $327,
Daily Union, 79.95, Now York Journa
Commerce, 82.10, Souffl Carolinian, 5
printing iicconut ; J. E. Miles, 8.00,
Mabiu, 8.00, J. Davis, 8.00, election
count; P. Cantwell, 60.90, Cooper
Taylor, 11.00, Street Department;
T. JS'. Roberts, 5.00, examination pan
Alderman G ri Qi u, from Committee
Licenses, reported back the application
of P. H. Joyner, for tavern license, and
recommended that same be granted.
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance
concerning horses and fast riding and
driving in tho streets, was taken np for
Ou motion of Alderman Thompson,
the Ordinance waa amended by striking
out all the words after the word "po?
lice," and inserting in lieu thereof the
words, "to report all violations of this
Ordinance to the Mayor forthwith, and
to summon the violator to attend before
him on tho next morning, at 9 o'clock,
to Bhow cause why tho said fine should
not bu imposed."
. The Ordinance received its secoud and
third reading, and was ratified in due
An Ordinance to repeal an Ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance, tc regulate the
City Scales adjoining tho Market," was
taken up for consideration.
OB motion of Alderman Wilder, Sec?
tion 2 was amended by striking out the
words, "be entitled to;" also, to insert
after the word "draft" the words, "and
turn over the same to the City Treasurer
Ou motion of Alderman Thompson,
the blank io Section 2 was amended by
inserting tho words, "twelve and a half."
The Ordinance received its second and
third reading, and was ratified in due
Alderman H?ge introduced the follow?
ing resolutions:
Resolved, That permission bo granted
hy the city of Columbia to the Central
National Bank, of Columbia, S. C., to
appropriate aud occupy io perpetuity, iu
tho construction of their banking house,
on the corner of Richardson and Plain
streets, four (4) foet of the pavement of
Richardson street, on the West, and four
(4) feet of the pavement of Plain street,
ou the South of the said building, tc
run Richardson street twenty-nine (29)
feet, so os to afford access from those
streets to the basement of the said build?
ing: Procidid, That the said bank shall
erect and keep there erected suitable
railings of iron to proteot paBsers-bj
from accident, and shall erect on soie
premises and maintain there a first chun
building, with at least two stories above
the basement: And provided, further,
That the ?aid bnuk shall pay to the Bait
city of Columbia five (85) dollars foi
such appropriation and occupancy.
Resolved, That the said Central Na
tiona! Bank do have this resolution em
bodied iu a contract, to bo executed ii
duplicate, between the said bank and thi
city of Columbia, which contraot, whei
thus executed, shall be valid, notwith
standing tho provisions to the oontrar;
of au Ordinance now of force, entitle?
"Au Ordinance concerning streets, pave
monts and shade trees," passed on th
I)th day of May, A. D. 1871, or any Ol
dinancu of tho city of Columbia there
after to be made of force.
Alderman Wilder?moved that the roso
lutions bo referred to n Committee o
five, to report at a called meeting to
morrow night. Agreed to.
The Mayor announced, as said Cou:
mittee, Aldermen Wilder, Lowndes
Thompson, H?ge and Cooper.
Alderman Wilder introduced tho fo
lowing resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the Ordinance for th
better observance of tho Sabbath day b
strictly enforced.
Scaled bids wero presented for fa:
uishing tho city with good hard-burne
bricks, delivered, by Columbia Bric!
Tilo and Granito Company, at 812.E
per 1,000; Nash & Co., at 812; Manso
Williams, ot 811.50.
Ou motion of Alderman Lowndes, th
coutract waa awarded to Mr. Mause
Williams, ho being the lowest bidder.
Council proceeded to tho election <
un architect of City Hall and city officer
After voting by ballot, the followir.
named haviug received a majority of t
tho votes given, were declared elected:
Architect aud Superintendent in co
structing new CityJHall-G. T. Berg.
Chiof of Police-John A. Jackson.
Lieutenant of Police-Isaac Black.
Sergeants of Police-John Nott, Em
nuel Williams.
Clerk of Market-P. B. Nowell.
Street Overseer-J. R. Trice.
Superintendent of Water Works
W. Hook.
City Attorney-J. D. Tradowell.
Overseer of tho Poor-Jesse E. Dei
Assistant Policemen-William Alic
Daniel Mahony, Preston Thompsc
Prank Robinson, Henry Davis, Geor
Wellington, Richard Smith, Simon W
Hams, Reuben Bright, F. J. Allen, J
Gibson, Bert Johnson, Taylor Lee, Ri]
? Williams, Daniel Simpson, Arthur Bl
izard, Allen Robinson, William Stowe
I Henry Goodwyn, Quitmun Connell, J
? Greenwood, Prank Pugg, Gabriel Coi
er, Gilbert Hynam, Thomas Carter, J
On motion, tho election of City Clo
Treasurer and Assessor was poatpou
until to-morrow evening.
On motion, the election of detect I
was indefinitely postponed.
On motton of Alderman H?ge, Coi
eil ti.Mourned.
WM. J. ETTER, City Clerk
COLUMBIA, S. C., April 24, 187'2
Council met at 7.30 P. M. Presen
His Honor tho Mayor, John Alexand
and Aldermen Carr, Carroll, Gri?
H?ge. Lowndes, Mitchell, Williai
Wildor and Young. Absent-Ahlem
Ciirpeutor, Cooper and Thompson.
The Mayor stated that tho meet
had been called to hear report of ape
committee on petition of Central '.
tional Batik, and for tho election of C
Clerk, Treasurer and Assessor.
Alderman Wilder, from the spe
i committee, reported by resolution,
j Ou motion of Alderman Lowndes,
! further consideration of the matter
postponed and mudo tho special oi
for meeting Tuesday, April 30, 1872.
Council proceeded to tho eleotion
City Clerk, Treasurer and Assessor.
Applications o? the following named,
for the position, were read: Charles
Barnum, W. C. Heriot, J. F. Gadsden,
G. E. Meo a or, E. M. S to eb er, J. Bar?
nett and P. 8. Jacobs.
A ballot being bad, Mr. Charles Bar?
num haring received a majority of the
votes given, was declared elected City
Clerk, Treasurer and Assessor.
On motion of Alderman H?ge, Conn
oil adjourned. WM. J. ETTEB,
City Clerk.
Salem, N. C., is a remarkable plaoe.
But one house has been destroyed there
by fire in the past ninety years. There
is not a whiskey shop or bar-room in the
plaoe. It has but one lawyer, and he
recently moved there.
Tho local of an Illinois paper says
that he does not depend upon journalism
for his daily bread, bot raises hens.
Which moves nn envious rival to ask
whose hens he raises.
A would-be suicide in Maine is going
to sue the apothecary, who sold him
arrow-root instead of arsenic, for ob?
taining money on false pretences.
An artesian well has been sunk 1,200
feet in Chicago before finding water.
But the water now comes at the rate of
1,000 gallons per minute.
A minister in England recently reco?
vered $5,000 damages for slander, oh ac?
count of a slander spoken by the defend?
ant's wife.
Too much gossip over the wires wai
tho cause of the dismissal of the female
operatives of the Baden telegraph offices.
A Western orator who weighs 800
pounds is described as "capering nimbly
to tho platform."
Auction Salee.
Valuable Property m Pickens County
for Sale.
IN nureuance ol a decretal order of the Cir?
cuit Court for Pickena County, I will sell
to tbo higheat bidder, for cash, on sale-day
in May, at Piokens Court Houee,
TUM desirablo Beal Estate known aa the
"CRUIKSHANK TAN-YARD," situated on
Brushy Creek, waters of Salnda, noar the
Air Line Railroad, and about eleven miles
from Greenville and ten miles from New
Pickena. The tract contains 717 acres, ot
which some 450 acres are splendid virgin fo?
rest. Of the remainder, about 200 acres have
been cleared aince the war, and are in a high
etato of cultivation. On the premieea ia one
of the best Tan-yards in the State, and in
good condition.
A cou 'able DWELLING and all neces?
sary out?. . .Mings, in good repair.
Thia is a iure opportunity for purobaeing
good Real Estate, in a County as distin?
guished for the good order of its society as
tor the salubrity of its climate and the purity
of its water.
On tho above premises, on tho Wednesday
following, a large lot of FARM STOCK, con?
sisting of Horses, Cows, Oxen and Hogs, and
Plantation Tools, Cotton Gin and Screw,
Sugar Mill, McWright'a Mill and a Copper
Holler; a lot of Lime, Tan-bark, Tannera'
Tools, Ac, Ac.
The above ia sold aa the property of Gillam
and Aiken for the payment of tho debts.
March 31 Sheriff of Pickeno Connty.
aw Greenville Enterprise and Pickens ?Sen
Unc? copy until day of aale._
Hay, Hay.
4UU HAY, jost received. "Beat in mar?
ket." J. D. BATEMAN,
April 2(1 3 Columbia Ice House.
Mock Turtle Soup,
FOR LUNCH, at the Exchange House. TO?
DAY, at ll o'clock. P. H. JOYNER.
April 26*_
Horse Race.
AQUARTER HEAT will take nlace at Con
gareo Race Course, THIS AFTERNOON,
at half-past 3 o'clock, between Mr. J. W%
Crawford's sorrel Horse, "Sam. Ferguson,'*
and Mr. W. P. Burch'a roan Horse. "Arab,"
for a purse of 11.000. Admittance 50 eenie.
No chnrgo mr_ychiclea._April 25 1*
I f\ TIERCES Davis' Diamond HAMS, for
iXJ sale at roducod prices, by
April 21_GEO. SYMMERS.
Charlotte, Columbia and Angusta Rail?
road Company,
COLUMBIA, 8. C., April 17,1872.
nilli; next annual meeting of the Stock
JL holders of this Company will be held at
Charlotte, N. C., on WEDNESDAY," the first
day of May next, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Stockholders and their families residing
with them will be passed over the Road with?
out charge, going to and returning from
Charlotte to attend the meeting. Evidence
of such interest must be exhibited to the
Agent or Conductor. C. BOUKNIOnT,
April 17 tG_Secretary.
Greenville and Columbia Railroad Co.
COLUMMA, S. C., April 15, 1872.
TnE Ann lal Meeting of tho Stockholders
of tho tireen ville mid Columbia Railroad
Company will be held on THURSDAY, tho 2d
day of May next, at 10 o'clock A.M. Stock?
holders will ho passed FSEE, to and from Co?
lumbia to attouu tho meeting, aa heretofore.
Thoy will bo required to show their Stock
Scrip to tho Couductor, who will exact pay
'.rom all others, as no ouo but Stockholders,
or tlui?o of their family, residing with them,
aro entitled to the privilege.
All Stock represented by proxy requires a
ten cent stamp for each signature, and no
.no hut a Stockholder can bo a proxy.
C. V. CARRINGTON, Secretary.
?i-Papera publishing by agreement, two
insertions. April 16 jd
N. C. Seed Corn.
HAS beeu selected with care for thirty
vear*. A few bushels for salo by
March :l _ L?RICK ft LOWRANCE.
Groceries, Wine? and Liquors.
GROCEUIES, iu ?ll their varieties. Best
brands Champagnes, Wines, Liquors. Ac,
.suitable for Chritdmna. on hand and for salo
|)<w< hy JOHN AON KW A SON.
Gourd Seed Corn.
AFEW bushels Pennsvlvauia GOURD
SEED CORN, f iv BI cd. Very productive
and adapted to this climate. Foi- salo by
Feb 21 _E. HOPE.
Mutilated Currency
BoraMT at a moderate dteeount, at

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