OCR Interpretation

The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1867-188?, September 04, 1879, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028271/1879-09-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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Thursday, Sept. 4, 1871.
A new Hampshire Lie.
: : " Last weea'a Nashua (N . H.) Telegraph
contain about half a column of extracts
frofn the Okolona "State," which are
- headed - "Southern Democratic - Senti
ment." Now the Telegraph editor
' knows that the "Stales" la ran In the in
terest of and controlled by the Repabli
. ' can party, as has been conclusively pro
Ten dt a letter from the editor to s prom-
lnent Republican which has been made
public and which exposed the whole
plot. . What shall be said of a man who
" knowingly prererU the truth for the par
'. pose of making political capital? Is he
to be believed or trurted? Littleton (N.
HI ReDublic
I No, yoo deserter from the Badlcal
caiDD he is NOT: and as 70a have
knowingly, willfully and maliciously
,' vreverted the truth in this matter, and
backed up your lies and libels with a
forged letter, you ought to be kicked out
- that your presence puts to the blush.
We can see but little difference between
too and the MnitentiarT-deserring writ
er of the bogus lener to which you al-
' lade. Eds. States. .
' We clip the foregoing from the Oka
kma (Southern) States," of last week,
and commend It to the attention of the
editor ef the Constitution, who has fre
. quently published the same "lie" as the
editors of the States characterize it. We
have a better opinio of the intelligence
. of the head of the Constitution than to
believe ' he thinks it Is trie himself.
Still he keeps on saying it. probably
i ; hoping to make his readers beleiTe it,
and so relieve his party of the odium
' that must attach to It If It is true that
' the "States" doe represent the sent
- menu of the Solid South, which Is to
the.' Democratic.' party, as has been
' truthfully said, as the body to the tail of
the "animal." The Democracy of the
North may say what It will, the Sooth
era wing is largely in the majority, and
V, controls Us policy and gives It Its prin
' 3 ciplea. The majority is made up of the
1 - people who were lately m rebellion, and
'" that they are Aowseeklng to secure "the
same ends for which they fought, must
. be admitted by. every Intelligent , and
' ' honest man, whether Democrat or Ke-
publican. "j "'. ;:
-; , , No paper In the South Is more largely
Mi quotedaa&d heartily- indorsed all over
the South than -the "Bute," and the
" " conduct of whole B la tea in disfranchis
ing a majority of their voters, simply
hsceese they do not choose to vote the
Desseeretie ticket, proves that the
: practice of the South does not disagree
., with the '. teachings of "this notorious
- sheet.- The "States" quotes with appro
val the following, which la directly in
;" line with our argument showing that it
has the approval of the sentiment of
- the Southern people: . ,
' ' "The fact that an editor' publishes
certain opinions and sentiments, day
' after day, indicates that they are the
' ' sentiments and opinions approved by a
' large and influential element in that
community." That community does not
'tolerate what it does not approve. If
-' the Lemar man were to publish one of
his articles in Okolona; for instance, he
1 never would do it again. The chances
- are that his type would be in the river
and be ornamenting a lamp-post.
- Louisville (Ky.,) Commercial. -
It is of no use for the Northern Dem
. ocrats, to deprecate or disown the teach
i lags and the. dictation of the ."Solid
South," for, to use the old illustration,
1 "can the tail wag the dogf " The South
is the head and body of the Democratic
- party, and if they ever get into power
. it will be because the Northern wing of
"that; party consent to be led by the
', South and favor the measures they pre--.fer.
a ! .-. -s-'.i -
The cry of the "Bloody Shirt" has
' long since lost Its power, for notwilh
' standing . all efforts to neutralize the
.force of the .acts of intimidation . and
- barbarity, the fact still maintains that
; the blacks, and all Republicans have
'been treated with such Inhumanity as
has never had a parallel In any civilized
nation. I .-.v' v s. ' -..'.:
r . Their acta prove that they propose' to
' repeal the wAmendmeaU to the Consti
tution," or openly nullify them, and
; their press, that there may be ao misun
. derstsadlng about it, boldly proclaim It
, to the world.. Hew the conscience of
; any Northern Democrat (supposing he
- has aay conscience in thj matter) can
( allow him to aid or play Into the hands
lot a majority" who are guilty of so
many and so frequent outrages and
' crimes, and who openly avow their deter-
wwtt to undo all that was supposed
' to have been settled by the war, is past
comprehension.- Bet they did it up to
1840, many continued to do H through
' the war, and .now the great Northern
wing rashes to the embrace of the "Solid
"Smith" with their usual alacrity and
' ftuity.tWe warn them' that they are
" In bad company, working for ' a bad
. - cause and that eventually, if not now,
a disastrous and disgraceful defeat
awaits them. - ! '.
' Premioma -Awarded at' the S4th
Annual Fair, held August
. . r 19th to aid, 1879. -
f ,?;; u: q
l'.'t .-u :'!.. BunffAlu.
' C. F. Camp, bull calf, 1st premium, 9 00
J. S. Baldwin, 2 jesj old hull, lit
-r...' nremlaoa. ..v... 4 00
- A. W. Lake, yearling bull, 1st pre-
mi on) '' 5 0
J Noble Washburn, ball S years '
old and over,, ltt premium,... 6 00
- Noble A Washburn, bull 3 years
"-' old and over, 3d premium,.... S 00
Noble 4 Washburn, bull calf, M :
-i premium,....,.. 1 00
, Noble A Washburn, eow S years ..
old or over, 1st premium, 6 00
Noble A Washburn eow 3 years
old or over, 3d premium,. ..: . 3 00
Noble A Washburn, 3 year old
heifer, 1st premium 4 00
Noble A Washburn, 3 year old
, hetferd premium ....... 2 00
Noble Washburn, yearling belf-
er, 1st premium.............. 3 00
' Noble A Washburn, yearling heif- "
' er. id premium,. w.'.-J...'...."! 80
' Noble t Washburn, heifer calf, ," 1 ,
1st premium, 3 00
Noble A Wsshburn, heifer calf,
t 74 premium,. . 1 go
L. F. Cliflbrd, yearling bull, 3d -
, premium................ . 1 60
J. S. Case, 3 year old heifer, 3d
. premlaea.... ............. ....$1 50
J. S. Case, bull calf, 2d premium, 1 00
George Rust, 3 year old Ueifor, 1st
premium 3 00
Mllon Cone, ball 3 years old, 1st
premium 4 00
Milon Cone, bull calf,lit premium 1 50
R. F. Jones, yearling bull, 1st pre-
minm, ... .. ...-;- . : 3 00
E. W. Pitts, 3 year old heifer, 1st . '
- Dremium...... 3 00
E. W.Pitt, yearling heifer, 1st
premium,..........'..;..:..... 3 00
C. Ensign, 3 year old Sull, 1st
premium 3 00
Wssbburn & May nard, bull 3 yrs.
old or over, 1st premium,.... $4 00
Wsshburn A llaynard, bull calf.
3d Dremium 100
Washburn & Haynartl, 3 year old
heifer. 3d premium, 1 CO
Washburn & Maynsrd,.. yearling .
heifer. 1st premium. . , 300
Wsshburn Maynanl, heifer calf
' 3d Dremium..;...!.'..'.:.....". 1 00
Washburn llaynard, heifer atlf
1st Dremium 1 60
G. A F. Parsons, bull 3 years old .
or over. 3d premium, 3 00
G. ft F. Parsons, ball calf, 1st pre
mium......... 1 00
G. A F. Parsons, cow 3 years old -
or over. 1st premium, - 4 00
O. ft F. Parsons, oow 3 years okl i
or over. 3d Dremium 3 00
G. A F. Parsons, 3 year bid heifer . .
. 1st premium, 3 00
A. J. WUron, bull 3 years old or
over. 1st nremlum 4 00
A. J. Wl'soti, bufl 3 years old, 1st
nremlam ..' 3 00
A. J. Wilson, bull calf, 1st premt-
nm 1 80
A, 9. Wilson, bull calf, 2l premi
um.............. 1 00
A. J. Wilson, cow 3 years old or
over. 1st premium 4 00
A. J. Wilson, eow 3 years old or
over. 3d premium...... 3 00
A. J. Wilson, 3 year old heifer.
1st premium. 3 00
A. J. Wilson, yearling heifer, 1st
oremlum..... 3 00
A. J. Wilson, yearling heifer,' 3J
premium, .... .7. 1 80
A. J. Wilson, heifer call, 1st pre- 1
mlum, ...'. 1 80
O. 8. Chapman, 3 year old heifer, ;
3d premium, 1 80
A. O. West, bull 3 years old or
over, 21 premium,.....,. ..... 2 00
J. A Wlllard Bart, yearling bull,
lt premium,.... 3 00
C. F. Camp, cow 3 years old or
over, 3d premium,. 3 00
JY Grldley, bull 3 years old or ' !
over, lit premium 4 00
1. L. Conistock, yearling bull, 2J
premium 1 00
J. Teakly, cow 3 years old or over ;
' 1st premium,.....' 4 00
yreaklTj Jbull calf. 1st premium. 1 60
Byron Sturrow, pair ' yearling
steers, 1st premium,:' ". .S3 00
S. S. Warner, pair. 3 year old 1'
steers, 1st premium, 6 00
Noble A Wsshburn, fat cow of an y
'r age, 3d premium,.. '. .!.'. ....$2 00
Noble & Washburn, fat eow of any .
:i 'age, 1st premium,...;'....... 4 00
Noble A Wafchbum, fat heifer un
' der 4 years, 1st premium,....' 4 00
Noble A Wsshburn, fat heifer un
der 4 years, 31 premium,. .... .3 00
Wm.Penfield, best fat steer, 1st
premium.....'..:....' 4 00
Wm.Penfield, best fat steer, 3d
. premium.:................... 2 00
H. Ledyard A Son 3 year old helf- ' .
er, 2J premium,... ...$1 60
B. A. Barne, yearling bull, lat
premium 3 00
H. A. Barnes, yearling heifer, 1st
premium............. .;. 3 00
Washburn A Maynsrd, 3 year old
heifer, 1st premium,:..,. .. :. 3 00
A. W. Lake, bull calf. 1st premium 1 00
II. Ledyard A Son, oow 3 years old
- or ever, 3d premium, 3 00
H. Ledyard A Son, yearling heif
er, 2d premium,. . .......... 1 00
Frank Gillett, heifer calf, 1st pre
: mlum, ; 1 00
L. F. Clifford, single cow, 1st pre
mium, '.........,....:.'.. 4 00
J. TJart, horse colt, under 1 year
"old, 3d premium,. 1...'.. I..... 60
II. Shank, stallion. Gen. Hayes,'
1st premium........ 6 00
H. Shank, single mare 4 years old,
"1st premium,. 4 00
John Forbes, single gelding 4 yrs.
. old. 2d premium.............. 3 00
A. Forbes, 3 year old colt, 1st pre- .
.. mlum i... ; 3 00
J. Johnson, single mare 3 years
old. 1st premium...... 3 00
Wm. H. Gunn, pair mares 4 yrs.
old. 1st premium 6 00
Homer Sooy, single gelding 4 yrs.
old. 1st premium.'... ..: 4 00
lL S. Foster, stallion 4 years old.
. 3d Dremium..... 3 CO
G. W. Hazel L atallion 3 years old,
2d premium, . . 3 00
Henry Hull, single mare 3 years
old. 2d premium,. 1 60
F. A. Snow, mare colt under 1 .
' year okl, 1st premium,. .....4 1 00
JamerEglln, single gelding 3 yrs.
old, 2d premium,.. 1 CO
C. M. D. Perkins, single mare 4 ,
years old, 3d premium, 2 00
Will Davidson, single mare 3 yrs.
old, 3d premium, 1 60
S. Barnes, single gelding 3 years
, . old, 1st premium, .3 00
A. 8. Jennie, horse colt under 1
year old, 1st premium........ 1 00
A. Wing, stallion 3 years old, 1st
' premium.....'. 4 00
IX. A. Tuttle, pair geldings 3 yrs.
old, 1st premium,... 4 00
II. A. Barnes, pair geldings 3 yrs.
old, 3d premium,.. , 3 00
J.' B. Walling, single gelding 3 ' '
years old, 1st premium, 3 00
1. L. Cora stock, pair mares, 4 yrs. .
old er over, 3d premium.. .... 3 60
H. A V. Shank,' stallion and 3
oolt uader 1 year oM, 1st
premium 6 00
1 BOBSBS. "' -
N. Miller, pair geldings 3 years
" old or over, 3d f -jealnm,.; ...t3 00
Mel via Pounds, eaigle gelding, -
1st premium,...".. 4 00
G. S. Barden, gelding 1 ye -M,
lt premium,..'. .... 3 00
A. W. Whltbeck, stallU.. r
olJ, lit premium, 3 00
J. M. Horton, stallion 3 years old,
1st premium, '. 3 00
J. M. Ilorton, pair mares 4 years .
old and over, 3d premium,.:.. 3 60
8. 8. Warner, pair gelding, 4 yrs.
old and over, lat premium,. . . 6 00
A. 8. Jennie, brood mare with colt
by side, 1st premium, 3 00
A. 8. Jennie, filly 3 years old, 1st
premium, 3 00
W. B. Farr, stallion 4 years old
or over, lit premium, 6 00
W. B. Farr,' mare colt noder 1
year old, 2 J premium......... CO
L. M. Smith, pair mares 3 years
old, 1st premium,.... 4 00
Henry Essex, single mare 4 years
old or over, 3d premium, 3 00
J. Dajje, stallion 4 years old or
. over, 3d premium, 2 60
Lee Starr, single mare 4 years old.
or over, 1st premium, 4 00
C. B. Phelps, mare 3 years old,
' ' 3 J premium,.'...... 1 60
C. B Phelps, brood mare with
colt by side, 3d premium,... ,. 1.60
C. B. Phelps, colt under 1 year
' old, 1st premium, 1 00
M. Kennedy, gelding 4 years old
or over, 2d premium,. ........ 2 00
W. Andrews, gelding 3 years old
or over, lt premium, 3 00
J. II. Btirrlll, mare 3 yeare old,
1st premium,:. 3 00
N. W. Kelsey, pair mares 3 years
old, lit premium, $4 00
Washburn A Maynard, stallion 4
old or ever, 3d premium 2 80
Frank nail, gelding 3 yesrs olJ,
' 3d premium, 1 60
Frank Hall, mare 3 years old, 3d
premium 1 60
C. Shelden, gelding 3 years old,
1st premium, 3 00
A. Hoffmen, pair snares 4yeais
old or over, 1st premium, 6 00
J. R. Golt, stallion 4 years old or
.. over, 1st premium,. ... 5, 00
8. B. Firestone, gelding 4 years
. old or over, 1st premium,.. .. 4 00
L. Starr, mare 3 years old, 1st ' :
premium,.,'. 3 00
book 11 rism wool sheep.
S. W. Thomas, buck 3 years old,
2d premium,.... $2 00
S.' W. Thomas, back 1 year old,
: 1st premium...... 2 00
S. W. Thomas, buck lamb, 1st
' premium .' .' 1 00
3. W. Thomas, pen of 3 ewes, 1st
. premium,.,,...: 3 00
S. W. Thomas, pen of 3 ewes, 2d
premium, 200
S. W. Thomas, pen of 1 year old
ewes, 1st premium 3 00
S. W. Thorns, pen of ewe lambs,
1st premium.. 3 00
E. Campbell, buck 2 years old, 1st
premium.... 3 00
E. Campbell, buck 1 year old, 2d
J 1 premium,.! ... . 1 00
E. Campbell, buck lamb, 2d pre
mium, 50
E. Campbell, pen of yearling ewes
' 21 premium, 1 00
E. Campbell, pen of 3 ewe lamb;,
2d premium 1 00
E. Clark, buck 3 years old, 1st
premium . . .'. ... ...... .'. ..... .f 3 00
E. Clark, buck 1 year ld. 1st
premium,... 3 00
E. Clark, buck lamb, 1st pre
mium, , 1 00
H. E. Clark, pen of 3 ewes, 1st pre
mium, 300
H. E. Clark, pen of 3 ewes, 2d
'premium, 2 00
H. E. Clark, pen of 1 year old
ewes, 1st premium,...,.. 2 00
A.W. Whltbeck, yearling buck,
2d premium, 1 00
Cbaa. McClave, boar 1 year Old or
over, 1st premium 34 00
Chas. McClave, boar 1 yeir old or
over, 2d premium, 3 00
Chas. McClave, sow and litter of
pigs, 1st premium,... 4 00
Chas McClave, sow and litter ot
pigs, 3d premium, 3 00
Chas. McClave, boar under 1 year
: old, 1st premium 1 00
Chas. McClave, sow under 1 year .
old, 1st premium, 100
H. Bradford, boar 1 year old or
over, 1st premium,......;.. .. 4 00
H. Bradford, boar I year old or
over, 2d premium,..., 2 00
H. Bradford, sow and litter of pigs
1st premium........ 4 00
H. Bradford, sow aud litter of pigs
21 premium, 2 00
H. Bradford, boar under 1 year
old, 1st premium, 1 00
H. Bradford, sow under 1 year
old, 1st premium,... 1 00
8. E. Wilcox, sow under 1 year
old, 1st premium,...: .$1 00
L. F. Clifford, boar 1 year old or
over, 1st premium,.... 4 00
L. F. Clifford, sow and litter of
nigs, 1st premium 4 00
L. F. Cliflbrd, sow and litter of
pigs, 2d premium, 3 00
L. F. Cliflbrd, boar under 1 year
old, 1st premium 1 00
H. E. Clark, 1 air game bantam,
, 1st premium .,..'...$ 75
H. E. Clark, pair African geese.
1st premium.... 1 00
H. E. Clark, pair Enden geese, 1st
premium,.... 1 00
Franklin Sutllff, pair silver span
gle Hamburg. 1st premium,. 78
C. A. Mann, pair black Ham
burgs, 1st premium,.. ... 73
H. E. Clark pair golden Poland,
1st premium, 76
Cbas. McClave, pair buff cochins,
1st premium,..
Chas. McClave, pair brown ducks,
1st premium, ............. 1 00
Chas. McClave, pair Ailsbury
ducks, 1st premium, 1 00
Chts. McClave, pair Tolouse geese
lt premium, 1 00
Chas'. McClave, pair black Span
ish chicks, 1st premium,
Chss. McClave, pair silver Polish,
1-t premiums,.
Chas. McClave, pair silver crested
bants, 1st premium, 75
Todd A Cliflbrd, pair Houdaus, 1st
premium. 76
Tod.l A Cliflbrd, pair black Po-
land?, 1st premium, 75
Todd A Cliflbrd, pair white 00- '
chins, 1st premium,. 73
Todd A Cliflbrd, pair partridge
cochin?, 1st premium,
Todd & Clifford pair brown leg.
horns, lit premium, 75
Todd A Cliflbrd, red game, 1st
premium, 78
Todd A Clifford, black Hnmbmgs,
1st premium,. ....... .......... 75
Todd fc Clifford, white Dorklns,
1st premium, 75
Todd A Clifford, pair colored Dor
klns, 1st premium, 75
Todd A Clifford, pslr Plymouth
Bock, 1st premium, '. . 75
Todd A Clifford, silver laced bra-
mahs, 1st premium, 75
Todd Clifford blsck African :
bant, 1st premium,.. ........ 75
Todd A Clifford, pair Muscovey
ducks, 1st premium, I 00
Todd A Cliflbrd, pair Rouen ducks
1st premium,. . : 100
Todd A Clifford, pair top not ducks
1st premium, 1 00
Todd A Clifford, pair white fowls,
1st premium, 75
Todd A Clifford, pair White geese,
15 premium, 1 00
Todd A Clifford, pair China geese,
lt premium, 1 00
Todd fc Clifford, pair bronzo tur-
kles , 1st premium,....: 100
This company exhibit a display of
pigeons, for which the committee rec
ommend a premium of 21.00.
J. H. Woollny, sward plow, 1st
piemium fl CO
J. II. Woollcy, general purpose
plow, 1st premium.: 1 00
E. Benedict, corn shelter, 1st pre
mium, 60
E. Benedict, poet augur, 1st pre
mium, 23
E. Benedict, axe and helve hung
ready Tor use, 1st premium,.. 60
Wm. Morrrw, cultivator, 1st pre
mium, 1 00
Wm. Morrow, grain drill and fer
tiliser, 1st premium, 3 00
G. W. Ptxley, harrow, 1st pre
mium, 1 00
N. D. Bartlet, churn, 1st premium 50
J. W. Wilbur, water drawer, lt
premium, 50
G. E. Townsend, wheel rake, 1st
premium 100
G. K. Townsend, wagon lack, 1st
premium . 23
Ruse A Praln, sample drain tile,
1st premium, 60
E. S. Tripp, platform wagon, 1st
premium, ...$3 00
E. 8. Tripp, farm wagon, 1st pre
mium, 3 00
E. S. Tripp, aingle carriage, 1st
premium, 3 00
E. S. Tripp, tingle carriage, 2d
premium, 1 50
E. S. Tripp, open buggy, 1st pre
mium,.! 3 00
E. 8. TWpPt 3 spring wagon, 1st
premium. .. 2 00
E. 8. Tripp, cutter, 1st premium, 2 00
E. S. Tripp, cutter, 2d premium,. . 1 00
T. Doland, farm wagon, 2d pre
mium 1 60
T. Doland, plntform wagon, 2J
premium, 1 50
T. Doland. 3 sptlng wagon, 2d
- premium 1 00
T. Doland, open buggy, 2d pre.
mlum 1 00
F. T. Smith, wood cooking stove,
' 1st premium,...' 00
F. T. Smith, hard coal base burn
er, 3d premium 1 00
C. A. Splcer, 4 horse ehovs made .
' by hand, 1st premium, .' 1 00
J. W. Wilbur, cooking range, 2d
premium,.. 100
J. W. Wilbur, West Mountain
hard coal parlor, ltt premium 2 00
J. W. Wilbur, Tale wood parlor,
1st premium, 1 00
Lang A Pelrce, cooking Range, 1st
. - premium 2 00
Lang A Pelrce. cook stove, 3 J pre-
mlum, 1 00
Lang A Pelrce, wood parlor stove,
2d premium, 60
J. M. Ottenbacher, farm harness,
1st premium,... 2 00
J. M. Ottenbacher, carrligo har
ness, 1st premium 2 00
J. M. Ottenbacher, single harness,
1st premium 1 00
J. M. Ottenbacher. saddlo and
bridle, 1st premium, 1 00
Hasted Bros., sample sole leather,
1st premium 1 00
nutted Bros., sample kip and up
per leather, 1st premium 1 00
Hosted Bros., ssmple calf skin,
lt premium 1 00
Hutted Bros., pair calf boots sewed
1st premium, 1 00
Husted Bros., pair calf boots
pegged, 1st premium, 1 00
UuBted Bros., pair kip boots pegged
1st premium,...; 100
Husted Bros., pair ladles' shoes,
1st premium,. 60
Mrs. Wm. Turner, silk quilt, 3d
premium $1 00
Miss Katie Powers, silk quilt, 1st
premium 2 00
Mrs. Wm. Vlscher, crochet bed
spread, 1st premi urn, . . 2 00
Jennie Horton, 15 yard's rag car-
. pet, 1st premium 2 00
Jennie Horton, 13 yards nig car-
pet, 2d premium, 1 00
Mrs. C. W. Ilorr, hearth rug, 1st
premium CO
Mrs. R. H. Camp, log cabin quilt,
1st premium 2 00
Miss M. N. Warner, patch work
and spread, 1st premium, 2 00
(Concluded next week.)
Ther ratify torpidity of the Liver.
They l tone to the Stomach.
They ao. without griping, apoa the boweta.
They reinoT bile from the blood.
They parity, re ml&te, and lavtgoraM the body.
eeaaetally to foreign eoutrle and the Tropics,
where dleordere or the Llrer and Bowel, an Tery
prevalent, iln-ald always carry a box ot MoU'a Pin
with then. ' ' ' SO-eow-ly.
LawsoiVs ;
Is an in te null and external rem
edy, for the cure of all disease of a nerv
ous nature, deriving its curative properties
from a combination of the BEST MEDI
CINES which medical skill and long ex
perience in the treatment of disease has
decided to be the true remedies for such
So many inttancc where eevero caeca of Rhcu
iriatiem. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Ague in Face, Nerv
ous II emI ache, ete have been entirely cured by
the Curative, that we do not hesitate to (ay it
-will cure every ease if used as we direct.
The cures performed ha astonished the med
ical profession, a well a the patient them
selves, who la many ? nad srlveat
cip an hop r ever atlar ewred. i
The Curative is put up In large bottles for
la rally nap, and no family should be without It.
Fr Bar, McaMa. Cat. W)il,
BIwedlBa;. Toot bat he. Karate fere, tin
Tfarwas, Dlaktfcvria, Catarrh, Bowel
t'onagtlaiata, KMaey Caaaplaiala, aiMI
all Korvaas Plaeaaew. is la tb
Do not inffcr pain when yon can be so cully
Every Brncvlat keeps it.
, nweamo av
Lawion Chemical Co., Cleveland. 0.
Celebrated American
Worm specific
THE countenance is pale and leaden
colored, with occasional flushes, or
i circumscribed spot on one or both
cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu
pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs
ilong the lower eye-lid ; the nose is ir
ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ;
a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional
headache, with humming or throbbing
of the ears; an tin usual secretion of
saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath
very foul, particularly in the morning;
appetite variable, sometimes voracious,
with a gnawing sensation of the stom
ach, at others entirely gone; fleeting
pains in the s'.omach ; occasional
nausea and vomiting; violent pains
throughout the abdomen; bowels ir
regular, at limes costive; stools slimy;
not unirequently tinged with blood;
belly swollen and hard; urine turbid;
respiration occasionally difficult, and
accompanied by hiccough ; cotlgh
sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy
and disturbed sleep, with grinding of
the teeth ; temper variable, but gene '
ally irritable, &c. .
Whenever the nbovc symptoms
are found to exist,
will certainly efTect A cure.
in any form ; it is an innocent prepara
tion, not rajxible of doing the slightest
injury to t.ne west tender infant.
The genuine Dk. McLaxe's Ver.
biifuce bears the signatures of C. Mc
Laxe and Fleming Bros, on the
wrapper. -.O: r :
are not r;cornmcnclel a a remedy for all
llie ill that flsh is beir to." but in affections
of Uic liver, and in all. I'.ilious Complaints,
DvSDi'Tv-ia cm! Kiel; I IcnUahi. or diseases of
that character, ihcy : tnnd ui.liout a rival.
No better cathartic tin he used preparatory
zo, or aner lakir.g juimne. ..
. A a simple purgative they are unequal cd.
The Pennine are never snjjar coated.
Kach box has n red wax seal on the lid with
.he i:npression Da. McLane's Liver Tills.
Each wrapper lear the signatures of C
.MCI.axe nnu rLEMlxci likns.
: Insist upon having the irenuine Dr. C Mo
I .A Nit's I.IVF.B I'llAS. prepared by Fleming
Epw., of l'iltxhurgh. I1., the market being
full of iinit.it:oni of the nam; UetMHCt
ipcued uiiicrcuuy uui same pronunciation.
ar. ta. .saat eeptaa t
Tat? an
Tk.y an
No. 1. Vlolloa far the mlllon. with complete
outfit bow. roela and extra atriaee.. fs,CI
No. t. Violin for Aioateua, wtta eon plat.
ourai no, eaec, roein, aau extra
k'o. a. Violin tor ArtiaU. with eoapler.
outot bow, cm, roela, aad extra
Wo? ....aio.ooto 15,01
John F. Srraltoa Co. 'a Baaataa Cut Violla
Stilus are the heet in the world. By parehastr.
thue etiinae end no oilier, miulcia will obtain
a ro'.iat.le et'lug whiua can alwaya be depended on.
will napond iadily to ta. bow, aad will oatlaat
am TiollB ttricg; made. A full aaaortmcnt ol
trimtulnge and mneleal merrhandlae kept la stock
r pruuared on short nottoe and at lowest prVsa.
4-tr J r. HOUGHTON.-
T- IDOlialTD,
Manufacturer of
Wagons and Sleighs.
Having purchased the lnt.reat of P. C
Thomaa in the carriage buslneee, I ehall da
vote my entire time and energy to aupplyina)
everything. In any line that the n occult! a. of
my cuatomers demand.
I havo a large slock of new and aeoond
hand carriage, which will be Bold at price
to gult the time. ,
Office and Factory at the old itand at
formerly. Thankful for past favors, I so
licit a continuance of roar patronnge.
Sale Dills
Give na a eaU.
printed at thia office
on short notice and on
most reasonable terms.
may bo found n
me u uk s.
Ruwcu. A CoS
Iewapaper Advertising Bnrean (10 Ppruoe
Km ri, w nem aaver.
t lamer contracts
! luauo for
: - i v - 'i
& COe'S.
We are : now receiving a
complete stock of
. rn.Y GOODS,
in all departments, which . wil
be sold at bottom prices.
-We call Special attention to
our - '; - .:
AT '"
l.OO, 1.25.and 1.40. .
Also Striped and Checked
Silks in all qualities, at low
prices. "
The largest Stock of ;
Carpets and
, ' Oil ClQtlis
ever offered in this section.
Good Yard . Wide . Floor Oil
Cloth 23 cents.
Bates Crocliet Quilts $1.00.
Peerless Carpet Warp 16 cts.
- . , per pound.
Madras and Pouffoe Gluglinn.
12 1-2 cents. :
A Very Large Stock of
Sresis Goods.
Striped and Checked Pique, at
8 cents. '
A Very Large Stock of
From Cneap to Good.
A large line Umbrellas very
Baldwin, Laundon & Co.
Tho Sesi Known to tne trade.
Utica IT. 7. Mills, or Wamsntta 2400 Linen, ..$25.00
it - it
it tt tt. ;...
. i U ' It
If unlaundiied a reduction of $3.00 per dozen.
' The "Diamond" is tlie leading shirt ' company of America
and does the bulk of the custom work in New York and other
eastern cities. We furnish a
$5.00 per dozen cheaper than the
perfect .fit and satisfaction. Measures taken at the. TewrYork
lothing House.
J. "W. Wiltiii's
Onoooe Factory
.for ' : ;
Cheese Vats,
Curd Drainers,
Milk Cans,
llanchard Churns,
Testing Instruments.
Cheese Tryers, . .-. .
Curd Knives, .
Curd Path, ' ' .
Butter Workers,
Iron Clad Milk' Pails,
Fairhanh's Standard Scales,
Sverytllixig that pertains
to the manufacture of cheese
and butter furnished at the
lowest piices. ; Opposite the
American House, Wellington.
Having purchased the large
Wareroom formerly owned by
T. Doland, and fitted it up for
a Livery Stable and furnished
it with first-class rigs, all new,
X am prepared to meet every
want of the public in my line.
Good teams furnished at all
hours and at reasonable rates.
boss. Only tho
a ytmr. Bend Ten Ceota In one crat
tunp for a Itae flirver Plated Thlm
bte. rotall price 35 eence, Bd leern
Onlr ihoae wtio meaa bualneas need applr.
A. T. BUCK. k CO Mtluin, Pa,
now to miie ixtuu a Tear, ao ntuii'
Pianos and Organs Repaired.
All Work Warranted to Give
Satisfaction. ,
This is to certify that we, the nnder-
slgned, have employed Mr. F. Chur
chill as a Tuner and Repairer, and that
the work for na has given entire satis
faction.- - ' -
Prof. Rice, Prof. Wright,
'Prof. Cady, - Prof. Severance. -
l'ror. Davis. 'roi. isiakesiee,
Prof. Sweet.
W Orders left with J. W. Ilougbton
will receive prompt attention. -r 37-tf
TO SflntX) A Tear or S3 to
a amy la your own lo
ly. No risk. Women
s veil as snen. liauv
make more than amount
.rated above. Ko one ewe fall to make mon7 fast.
All omcu do th. srork Von can mak. from art.
eenta to two dollars an hoar by dcrotlug your tve
nlng end .paxe time la this bnstness. It eosu noth
ing to try the baitoea. KotblnK like It for moacy
making erer offered before. Baalnea. plewwnt anil
Strictly iMSMmbl.. Readr. If von want I n tmi. all
about the beat paying business before fie public, aerd
your addree. anj w. win .end yon full partlenuue
and private tetmsfree; samples worth S also free
you can then make np your mind for yonraell. Ad:
dreae ttEOBttK SILKSOM CO., PorUand. Maine.
S7-ly .
A Good Plan,
The most profitable way of dealing in stocks Is by
combining many orders and Co operating them as a
whole, dividing proSu pro rata among share holders,
according to the market, monthly. Each euawmer
thus secures all the advantages of Immense capital
and experienced' skill, and can use aay amount, from
tea duUars to. ten thousand dollars, or more, wttn
equal proeurtlunate aacceaa. " New York stock Re
porter" and new circular mailed free, full tnfonna
tlou for aay one to operate saoressfuUr. Lawkcs
Co.. 7fiicaapge Place, K. y. ; 41-smu.
OOO A TEAR for hooeat, Intel'lgent basl
nees mem or agents. New business: licht
atork. Address Co-OHSATtTS AuancT,
7Madloa, lad, 4i-4iaa..
Shirts I
I t r f
- ' ' Price
per Doz.
2100 " . 23.00
2000. 20.00
1900 " 17.00
nicer shirt and from $3.00 to
small factories and guarantee
Ayer's ;
Chero" Pectoral
Tat Diseases of the
Throat and Lanes,
such as . Coughs,
Colds, ' Whooping;
Coiigh, Bmnohitis,
Asthma, and Con
: r 1
1 ' The reputation it has. attained, in
consequence of the marreUons cures it
has produced daring the last- half cen
tury, is a sufficient assurance- to the
public that it. will continue to realize
the happiest results that can lie desired.
In almost every ;, section - of country
there are persons, publicly known, who
have been restored from alarming and
even desperato diseases of the lungs,
by its use. ' All who have tried it ac
knowledge its superiority; and where
its virtues are known, na one hesitates
as to what medicine to employ to re
lieve the distress and suffering peculiar
to pulmonary affections. Cherry Pkc
. torsX always affords Instant relief, and
performs rapid cures of the milder va
rietics of bronchial disorder, as well as
the more formidable diseases, of tho
longs. , ,,: v : ,-. - r.- -,'.'! i
-As a safeguard to: children, amid
the distressing diseases which beset
the Throat and Chest of Childhood, It
is invaluable; for, by its timely use,
multitudes are rescued and restored to
health. ' " . ..
This medicine gains friends at
every trial, as the cures it Is constantly
producing are too remarkable to be
forgotten. Ko fSuuily should be with
out it, and thoso who have once used
it never will. - .
' Eminent Physicians throughout the
country prescribe it, -and Clergymen
often recommend it from their knowl
edge of its effects. . . j f . ..
Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
. Practical ajad Anailtlcal ClMsailstat.
Lost, How .
Just Tinbllshed. a new edition of Dr. Cotrerweirs
celebrated eaaay on the radical care (without medi
cine,) of SraRMTOKBHAJCA. or Seminal Weakness,
Involuntary Seminal Lorsea, Impotucy, Heutal and
Physical Iocapulty. Impediment toMarriase, etc,
alsi Cuusumptlon, Epilepsy ud Fits, induced by
self-indulgence cr sexual extravegjanoa, stc, , :
: Price, la a l sated envelope, only six eenta..
The celebrated author, in this admirable essay,
clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful
practice, that the alarming consequences of self
abuse may be radically cured without tbe dangerous
use of Internal medicine or the appilcatlo. of th.
knife; pointing out . mode of cure at once simple,
certain and effectual, by means of which every
waerer. no matter what his condition may be. may
core himself cheaply, privately and radically. .
ZS Ibis Lecture will prove a boon to thousands
and thousands ..'.
Bent nnoer seal. In a plaia envelope, to aay address,
post paid, on receipt of six cents or 2 postage stamps.
Address the Publlshera, "...
The ColverweU ZXedieal Co.,
- 41 Ann St.. New York,
P. O. Box 4B8S.
Of a copy of my iTEDTCAL' COMMON 8EV8E
BOOK to any person suffering with Consumption.
Asthma, Catarrh. Sronchlila. toss of Voice or Sore
Throat. Bend name and post ofllee address, wilu two
three-cent postage stamps and state your aickneaa,
Tne book is elegantly illustrated. (144 pp. 13 mo.
187W). The Infornuaion It eontalna, in tne ptoridence
of God, has saved many lives. The author hss been
treaties diseases of tbe Nose, Throat, and Lungs aa
a special practice la Cincinnati since 1857. Address
DR. N. B. WOLFE, Cincinnati. Ohio.
Calcined Hvlagaesia.
More agreeable to the taste and smaller dose than
1 . other Magnesia.
For sale in government stamped bottles, at
drngfcista and country stores, and by
T. J. HUSBAND, Jr., Philadelphia.
WE lifcTre opened a New Meat Market
on Liberty Street, 2nd door west of
the Bank, where we propose to keep all
kinds of cnt meals of a better quality lliazi
has heietofore been sold in Wellington. We
hare a new patent cooler and all the appli
ances for doinjf a firt-claM maiket business.
Oar prices wiU be no higher. than others
charge for inferior meats. . - - -
Wd BotafriuU. aoa I
8. Clark S..,ChtCM, I
ICrSpeeimltT, all I
PrivM. C hrataie tad I
etrau brmail. )(tiu
rtM f TEatare, Phyai.
tOogy of Marriaiia. Or
rao af Oaaaratlaa.
Ptwaaaa aC Toata ad
Maobood: a wcRtta T
ersoisra saakel nlaa la
fonaatUa, mi int-rl
ta bMh exvasv Mcfcdng
Oesaara t (aod
Camlto rr. E
Laulica and QnU I
rmle Digasaal
tW auipla. of Wt
rtbbir fMfla, awd
Taloable lalorssiatloai
bv ms. KcaUax
Ma Ftnato Filte, 3
nor Hx. Privmt
tantTM aad wmm far
Lalta datioc ooa
aanaentv ianr
paMIvitcd.1 HW -family
bvwr. aa vteUNt it.
(TlMrt, Dr. A. O.
oLin. ma curk St.
XT tt
Ilest Ornlltr. PerfectFlttlnr.
fitC'Ct KtP Ify-SIfcl. Drsu
Mad. to mcaaure swaaptose. I" JS 5-i
"'V'.TTI 'T' ","ea balrIei.
Bend adlreaa oapoatal card for aamnlea and
elreulars wltlidlrecflona for self-measiircmcntT
(atin'l Ata. AalXra. saifMiwaRt-at ri-
MOUTH Ouaianreed.
a dav at home made br
iudustrtoaa. Capltsl
required; we will start
. Men, women, boys,
a. make moaer faster at
work for ns than at any
thing ek. The work Is light and pleaaant, and each
as 1st one eaat mi rimt at- Those who are wla. who
see this notice will send na their addresses once
and se. for ihetaeeivee. Costly On tat and (eras free.
Sow Is the time. Those sin
.ready at wora are la v 1 1
up large sums ot money.
Augusta, Maine. ;
Adams 1st u si

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