OCR Interpretation

The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1867-188?, December 17, 1884, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028271/1884-12-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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.is! .:r ;mi ;us:xm:yh Mini mrm n t; yai xw
.Yif.-:n fM'Tr-?
.. (.-' . Hit.; r
A. Family Newspaper, Devoted to Home Interests Politics, Agriculture, Science, Art, loetry, Etc.
. i. ,: ' I
' ... vr r.It I'1'''
.... . ,)..,- ..;
' j .... ' ' .;.t ...''"' : - "i" " '
'. ... ! .i i :,
rricti hour from t a. m. to 8 p. in.
0., C C. ft I. H. B. - .,
Malta Close! '
Going North, : a. m., Slit p. in., 8:00 p. I
Ooiug South. b. m., H.W p. m.
Mall Distributed: ,
From North, 7:UU . m.. M a. m. .
Prom South, t:00 a. in., 1:30 p. m.
W. ft L. R. B. H.
Going Eaat. 9M a. m.
Going West, H:U0 p. in.
Moils Distributed:
From Fust, 7:00 a, m. .
From West, 12:00 m.
Arrive, dally, 10:00 a. m.
Depart, dull
my, u:uua. m.
Arrive, 18:00 m, Monday!, Wednesday and Ft
Depart, I :tS a. a. Tuesdays, Thursday and
Arrive, dally, (:00 a. m. ...
Depart, dally, 2:00 p. m.
Arrive, 1:00 p. m. Tuosduys, Thursdays and
Dupuri, lo;U) a. m. Tuesdays, Thursday! and
Pkosccotino Attorhit D. J. Nye.
. Aouitoh O. Hoot,
TueAsuusit-O. H. Bobbins.
Clkiix U 1. lewis.
BiiKiurr utlvln Ensign.
UaooRDcn W. E. Cahoon.
Pkodatb Judgr B. H. Hlnman.
Bohvrvok T. C. Boweo.
CuMMiMioxiHa K. V. Uurrell, W. M. Cran
JalU A. Kauver.
LanaMAur Pirsctobs I. S. Straw, Hi. So-
TRCRTtaa A. D. Perkins, Homor Allyn, B.
X- Laundon.
ClkhkJ. W. Wilbur.
Tkraruhkr A. B. Lambert.
Ashksihjh K. N. Goodwin.
Conktableb & Qosllna;. B Raekntt. '
Jturicas or tbb paAta T. W. Browning,
Mayor W. R. Wean.
Cockoii.mIK A. D. Perklna, W. B. Metoalf,
0. V. Homenway, M. W. Lao, W. R. hantley,
8. 8. Halt
Ci.imk R. N. Goodwin.
' TaaARtiRRH-J. H. Wiyht.
1 Makhkau K. Haekett.
win Exoiaian Fiui DarAATViRT A. A.
Manaaaa or rwa Board or EntjOATioii J.
B. Wight, R. P. Wetiewr. J. W. Wilbur, a. Win
decker, w. R. Santley, J. W. Houghtoa.
Prkiidikt J. W. Houghtoa.
Ciah-W. R. gentler.
TKRAinRRR-J. H. Wight
" BursuiTRiDEiT or benoou B. B. Klnnl
1?IBT 0;HKUAtlO'AI.HIJiril,
I1 NorthweRt corner Bouth MRln and Mag
yar street. Bervl.iea, Sahbeih. I0:i a. m., l:uj
p. m. Klhh rbool, U:it) m. Younr peo
ples' mooting. :ll p.m. Weekly prayer meet
ing. Thurmlar evening.
Fait aide Ptilillerlqiiarv. Kor.M. K. War
ner. pntr.r. Servl. fU:M. m. and 1:IIOp.
in. Hatibath erhnol. I2:(flm. fWo-lal mcrtlngs.
00 p. in. Voting peoples' meeting, TuiwUy,
1-M p. m. Hegular wi-ekly pmyer mwting.
Thurxlay ovenlnt.-. Pusior'a reslrtenco on
Cortland Avenue, rtln-eily In rear of i-lmrrh.
DlnriFI." I'liritt II. West Liberty BU.
Kv, F. H. Moore, pnator. Bervicus. 10:30
a. m, 7:W p. m. Hahbalh aehool. l'i: m.
Kegulnr wockly pruyor uiootiiig, Thursday
HJ, IIOLHUOOK, DontlKt. Offloe over
Hutled's store. In Hank Building,
Wellington, Ohio. Nitrous oxlda gas admUf
I tore d for the ex traction ( teatlu
TneCI.AK.rt. M. 0., Ptayaoiaa and Bur.
goon. Calls from village and oountrr
will receive prompt attention. Onto ova IL
O. Burr's drug store: telephone No. s. Heat
denoe. South Main street: telephone No. U.
DM. J. RI ST. Homatopathlat. Calls at alt
hours promptly attended. Onto and
M4ldenoe,Wes ssds rnhlie ttquare; Maphooa
o sat
RN. UWwOWl, Insurance Agent and
. Notary Public, losuraooe, deeds, mort.
gages, wins, leeaoa, ooniraeTe, eui., wruien in
a neat and legal mauner. Ofno, oror Berage'g
boot and snoe store.
TiaaT NATIONAL BiK. Wellington,
r O- does a reneral banking bualnoa.
buys and sell New tor exonanga, uovern-
Dim UWKII. VUJ. P. o. nMn.1. rinwit n.
A. Horr. Cashier, WUUaaa Vuawoa, Asauutnt
vaenier. .
one of the neatest, most oonvenlent liar
per nnos in town, oniy nnwjiu, worim.
employed. A full assortment of hair oils, po
mados and hair restoratives. Floe bath-rooms
inoounoounn anu urnMaeaatau .wun wim
hot and cold water and all nrooeaary convent-
eneee. nunmi. nnmn i.i,f-,y
ir V.MAWTrLLK. Photographer. Plof
T uros In every style and fully abreast
ad tha late IninroveinenU la the art. Bngnge
wienie for sittings should, whenever praciloex
hie, be made la advance. Gallery over UowW
ny ft Bail Morei telephone . ei. , ,
i i.
nYVAS)WOHTIl at NUfl. Planing Milk
Scroll eawinif, mauihlng, plauing. ein
done to onler. UeHler In luiubvr, latli, shin-
f:lue, doors, sash, bliuita, niouldlngs and dressed
umber if all aorta Yard, near Hauilia's teed
uire, wollinrUM. U.
J". UOIOHTwN, dealer In spootaolea,
eye glaasos, . reading glosaua. opera
glMises, telnsooiM), and a full line of 0Hlcal
oods. Gold, silver, steel, rubber and cellu
id frsroes of the Onoat rradea kept In stock.
Refilling and repairing old framus done to
order. Fitting dlihoult eyee a specialty. OX-
noe, ww. Biue ruuiie equare.
Wsatd fnr Til. Lives ef
!. YrtoU of the U.
jriM l.ricu.t. li.iilMm..l BeS'
book r,r mnd fn. IM ths.
twlesoer prlie.-Taer.M.MMiUnabMkie kmwum.
inimenM vrults to Mfti, All Inuilli.nt swipie
wut It. ' Aay oete tu bvess a .iiMrMral Mr.
Trnu free. Ballstt Boo Court.!, pertlur
RUM, i . '' ' ' '' '
" No. '
II. A. Ha
Meets on the sec
ond and fourth
Wednesday even
lngt of each
month.' .
Post rooms la
fmsrson's Block.
J.J. Thomas,
VT. I. Cook,
HalQo Moranai Lodge
Meets flrst nd third Wednesday etenUga a
each month. Kooms in Kuienon's block.
D. P. bHai.Du.1, Victnlvr.
T. U. Vacoih. Reporter.
Cleveland, Columbus, Clnclnnnll and
Indlanapolli Railway.
Through cart with connections In
Union Depots. Only direct line Tla
' Bu&Bloftnd
Niagp-ra Fllt
Direct connections for til Soothers Bouth
wuUrn. and Western Doints. either br wsy
of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or Bt. Louis. Di
rect connection In Union uepot at ol, Louis
for all railway town In Missouri, Arkansas,
Texas. Kansas. Nebraska, Colorado, New
Mexico. Old Mexico, too ins racinc cosai.
FaatT me. New Equipment and running
through the moat opaious part of the conn-
try; possessing every appliance lor. spec a
sua oomion snows to oe eorvicaoie.
The Best Boadbod and the Safoat
Boad in the West.
Tickets br this Donular route for sale at
til regular Ticket Offices.
J . J. W u ... 1 1 I. nn. 1..
trains on ibis road will paw Wsllingtoa as follows;
. Btsndsrd Tims
No.CV-Iudple AW. Express.
S.a. m
No. t t'ln. ft Col's Ex.l.top oa signal 10.15 a. m
No. 7 'leve'd ,
voi s ex
, tup.
No. Nlaht Rinress.
. S p. m
No. 81 Local Freight...
. 7. a.
No. RMrtt Bipi
No. tt Gallon CI
leve'a Ac.'.'"
... SMa.m
... T.ua. m
...19.4JI p.m.
... S.Kp.m
No. lt-Bt. Louis ft N. Y. Ex....
No. t cincinnstl ft Cleve'd Ex
No.B-LoRal Freight.,
Gen. Maaager.
1 p. as
0. B. 8KINNEK,
T raffle Manager,
' A.J. 8MITn.aen.Pas.Agt.
Cleveland ft Marietta R. B.
From and after May 18, 1884. until fui
ther notice, trains on (lilt road will pttt
WalllDgloa at lollowti ,
Standard Time.
No. ..........
No. 7...
No. IT Local...
HM5 a.m.
t. 60 p.m.
'' V
.,.."' a. a..
.e. ,
M ll.Wa.ai.
, g7 p.m.
No, S '
No. 16 Local
Trains I, t. Sand 8 dally.
4 and T dally, sxrept
T'oludo With all linee entering the city.
t remont-Wlth L. E. ft W. R. R.
Clyde-Wlth I. B. ft W. R. K.
Ilellevae-Wlth N. Y. C. ft Bt. L R B- .
Monroevine-WKh B. ft 0. R. K.
" Wellington With C, 0,'C. ft I. Ry.
. Cre. ton With N. Y.. P. ft O. R. R. '
. Orrvtue-Wila C, A. ft 0. R. R. and P., Ft. W.
Masslllon-WlthP.,Ft.W. ft C. R. R. and C,
T V ft W R R
Valley J anc'tloo-Wlth Valley R. R.
Canal Dover With C. ft P. K. R. aad C, T, .
taw w a 11
NeWcomerstownWlth P.. C. St. L. R.H. '
. Cambridge With B. ft O. R. R.
Point I'leaeant-Wlth W. C. A M. R. R.
Marletla-WUk M. A C. R. sL
Gea.gapl, G.n.Pu..A(t
i. i i ... '. . " . :
J " : Now It tue time to trder your ', '
tnd secure the lowest prices for the season
A full ttock' of the best Ltcktwtnna
Anthracite Coalman d Maaslllon, MtntUlon
Can Del, Blotaburg tnd Jackson.
', Soft coal always In ttock, nt prices at
low at Iho liiweat. .' '
Ta. tt.T. ti. If. IA'a.L Of ttMrbOSL
airs: "Both l owe ear Uvea lo
tniiok'aOsnaaaiBiieaCare." rersale ay Wenaiae ft
To the Public!
Dealers In
Anthracite, Canael, Jaokaon sad
MaealUon Coal, Lime, Cement.
Plaster and Plastering lUIr at Lowest Prices. Omee
la Crosier". New Block, north of Public Squire. '
Msnufseturer of
Carriages, Wagons d igh,
North Main St., Wellington.
trine Bon Hons, Butter uups, unipt, fito.
and parties In city and country supplied with the
choicest st rcaMinsble rates.
18 Nov.M tl
Harper's Weekly
ITAiPti't Wiiklt hu now. for twentr re art.
mmlnutBrd Iti poult Ion h the iRMltnc liluttrmtiti
wrektljr newtpaper In America. Wltta ft eonitMit In
crraav of Uturitrf rraourcea. It In Able to olltr for (be
neulnajyearftttrsotlont nnequeled hf nj prevloui
Tolutue, embraclna n mpltKl llluitrated Mrlal trtorr
by V,. E. Morrl-i Uluitr.trd nrtlolee wltb Rpcrtel rtf-
ertnire to the Wet end hoai h, Inrladlng the World'e
.ipoeivion uniff unrauis; enieruiiDiBif tnnn mwnem
miMjily IlluatraU'd. end lmportent piper by bljftt Au
thor tie on the chlaf topic, of the day.
Hrery one wno ariirne airuoriiiy poiHicauBrnioe,
an futertalalnff end Inatmctlve family joarnml, entire
lrfr from ohlectloaal featurre In either letterorree
or lllastralkKia. abould .aubecrlbe for Ha aria'
Per Teari
BRARY, One Year (M Nnmbers) 10 00
PMtae. Fm fe all sueKrftora ( ikt VmtUA Matt
trCanad. ''
The volnmee of the Wrrklt begin with the trst
namber fur January of each year. Whea ao time
la menuoaM. it will w aaaeraiooo in.t ue saa-
scribrr wishes to commence with the Bum her
next slier the receipt of order.
The Isst Ive Annnsl Volnmiw of nsrper's Weekly
ra neat cloth bladiag.wili be sent by mail, postage
o.ld. or br exorent. free ef eapea. (pra.idd tue
freight does not exceed one dollar per volasse), for
gr.uu per volume.
' Cloth raws for each volume, snltsble for bind
Ing, w ill be sent by mail, postpaid, oa receipt of
ai aw eaca.
Remittances .honld be msde by Post Office
Money Order or Draft, to avoid the chance of loss.
Ncrtjmpm art u4 lo copy Ikii advtrtutmrnl wll
mf ( upreu order of HARVER t BROTHERS.
Address HARPER ft BROTHERS, New York,
1835. GAZETTE.
Weekly edition el the Commercial. Oas.tte.)
Before you Bubaonbe for next
year do not fall to see a sample
copy or mis great paper.
The Commercial OtMtie It the leading
Republican newspaper of the Central
Htattt, tnd the ooly ltepnblictn piper in
Cincinnati., '
It Rives Ibe newt with every desirable
detail decently, tnd it hat oo superior at
a family newspaper.
.The Financial and Commercial Re
ports are full tnd reliable, with letters
telegraphed evsiy day from New York
and Chicago, giving the bottom tacts a to
the market. 1
The AciRicTLTCRAi. Department It
carefully edited, tnd this tlone it of more
value to the farmer thin mtny timet the
yearly cost of the paper. , ,,
The Chimney Cornrr, devoted rxclu
tlvely to the young; people, It one of the
attractive and valuable featuret of the
Weekly and Boroi-Weekly editions. '
' Ciioick Selection! and Original fitor-
let, with Correspondence from til parts of
tne world, appear rrgniariy in tue Weekly
tnd Semi-Weekly.
', In a word, the Cbmmerclal-Oizette It a
complete newspaper, tuittble to tbe Mer
chant, Manufacturer, Mechanic, Fanner,
and Professional Man. .
' Terms of the Weekly Gasette.
(Weekly edition ef tbt Commercial Quelle.
. FOR 1SS4-8S. "
Single Subscription, one yesr ,.,.11 K
Clubs of t and upward, one year, each 1 00
Additions may be made to clubs st any period of
the year at above rate.
Terms of Bemi-Weekly , Oasette.
'' 7, . F0K 1SS4-B.
Single Sahserlptlon, one year,
Clubs of t aad upward, one year, each . .
....$ T5
.... 10
The Daily Commercial Oasette
Daily, one year,- Sunday lnclndfd,,,.....;.14 00
alt months, " ,T 00
three " H " ISO
' one yesr, Sunday omitted, It 00
' " six months, " '" , l 00
" three, " " 100
trfAddreM . ' ' . ,
, Tlie Commeroial Oasette Co.,
CUoUsuxti, O.
ITST-Bpecimea Copies Free. 4711 .
Asa Toe Mads mlMreMa hv Intlmtloa. Coe.lt
r.ti'ie, diiiinpu, Ium of sppMlie, y.iiow .kiaf
hlloh's Vli.iit.r Is a positive ears, rer sale by
navsieraaaaau, . ny
' ' Attention, Doctors.
r Everybody knows that the life of the
average physician it a htrd one. lie is
often compelled to ride great distances
through mud and rain for a merely nom-,
inal Ice It it not fit nor proper for us to
condemn any pliysicitn for his work, but
we do assert that'hls practice can be mndo
easier, and he can elk'Ct more curct by
the proper tnd judicious use of Pk.EUNA.
If he will only tdd this great remedy to
his list of medicines he will find that hit
usefulness will be greatly Increased. Full
direction for Its use will be found in the
" Ills of Life," tnd he should at once pro
cure this valuable book.
N. J. Wright, Business A cent Evening
, Herald, Erie, Pa., says : " Da, Hary-
. maw I can not but feel it my duty to
express to you my thanks for the great
benefit I received from the use of your
.medicines, I'kruna and MAN A LIN.
One bottle of each placed mc square on
mr feet, after a sickness of four weeks,
wlileh confined me to my bed, and then
left me lame and crippled. Three dara
from the commencement of the use of
your remedies .tlie cane was dispensed
wllh. and In a week I wat perfectly well."
-Mra. Ellen Mavnard, Oswego, Potter
county, Pa., writes: "Dtt. IIartman,
Coluiiibus, O. The small ulcers are all
healed, and the two lare ones nre not
more than hall'ns large as they were. I
am feeling quite well. The people say
your I'tHUNA tnd ManaliN are doing a
miracle. I do not take nearly so much
opium at I diJ before."
Joseph Thomas, East Brady, Pa,
writes : " I have used your I'KRUNA and
Manalin with good results. In the year
-of ibtio I was so bad that I could scarcely
walk. I used Feuuna and Manalin,
and am now as healthy as I have ever
been. I have also recommended it to
several parties, and tliey have been much
benefited by It
Mr. C. H. Harris, New Vienna, Ohio,
writes : .".Our little girl was paralyzed
at thirteen months old, and we resorted
to everything we could hear of for relief,
but she appeared to get but tittle better.
Hearing of Pebona we concluded to try
It, and will say It hat done he a great
deal of good the flrst bottle apparently
giving aid tnd relief. We have used It for
nervousness in other cases on other per
sons tnd found It a success. For general
debility, and In fact for any disease, we
don't think anything else can at all com
pare with it We have used forty or fifty
bottles, and our house it never without
PaauaTA, Our little girl it now eight
yeart old, and can run any place, wat for
tour years helpless. PiuA cured her."
y . ' i . , .
invest Mothers It Daughters 111
Be Your own physician. A lady, who
forW&y ""yeart taftl-rtd torments worse
tbsn death from Uterine troubles, toch it
falling of tbe Womb, Leucorrhoet ( Whiles)
painful ana tuppretsea menstruation,
finally found remedies which completely
cured her. Any lufferer from such di-
eeses can take the remedies tnd thus cure
herwlt without revealing her condition to
any one, or subjecting her womanly mod
esty to the shock of un examination by l
n ivsic an. ms recipes wun piain uirec
tiona, will be sent to any address Frep. or
Ciiaikik securely sealed. Addreas, Mm.
M. J. Krahie, 426 Mar.hall Wt.Pblladcl
phit, Pa. Name this Paper. ."JliBni
Are Vou Tired of Doing Sick I
We waul Id any t word to the men, worn
en tnd girls who work In stores, offices
mil lactone. There are buntireusoi tuous-
tndt of you in the country. Very few of
you are well, sou tre Hiut up loo much
ana exercise too nine, in nut way you
gut tick. Yourblootl it bail, your uicei
tion poor, your bead often aches, you dont
feel like work. Your liver, stomach tnd
kidneys are out of order. Ptrker't Tonic
hat cured hundreds ot inch ctset. It is
pure tare tnd pleasant. SOU
Will You tt-rrsa with tr.4ep.la and liver em
elslnt r Mhllob'. Vltillier I. gusrutset le cure yua
ur saw ay wueuer a aaama.
Oil from Nttore't If ells.
The skin on tbe bctd It kept toft tnd
flexible by a secretion from tbe oil elands,
When these are clogged the bair dries tnd
fall off. Parker't iltir lialsani renews
their action, rentoret the origintl color to
tbe hair tnd makes It ton tod giowiy. it
tlso eradicates dandruff. Not greasy, not
t dye, deliriously perfumed. Delightful
for t lady's toilet table. Tbe best nt dress
ings. Preferable to til similar articles be-
cnune ol its superior cleanliness and purity.
OOt 4.
Whsayoa vl.lt or learsNsw York City, save Bw
gage, Exeresssce aad Carriage Hire eat stop at tha
Oread Ualoa Hotel. epeoMteOraadCeairal Depot.
Elegant rooms tued ap at a eeit of one mllllea
tollara, rsdaeed totLCOaatapwardapertay. Kare-
peaa plaa. Elevator. Beetaaraal supplied with Ibe
best. Horse ears, stages aad elevated railroad to all
depots. Fsmlllesesa live better for lees money at the
Oread Ualoa Hotel ihea It any other tret-elass hotel
la lbs slty. , ttyl
Piles! riles t Piles I ,
Mo One Meeal BenTer.
A sure ears for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcer
ated Flies has beet discovered by Ur. Williams (sa
ladles Remedy.) called Dr. William's Indian Pile
Olatment. A stasia boa has eared the worst ekreale
eases of SS or so years standlag. No one need suffer
Ive mlantes after applying this wondrrlal soothing
medicine. Lotloaa, lutnimeaU and electuaries ee
more harm than good. William's Indian Pile out-
meat absorbs the lamere, allsys the Ibubm Itching,
(part! cu tarty at eight trier gelling warm In bed. ) eels
as a poaltlce, gives Instant relief, sad Is prepared only
for piles. Itching of the private parts, aad for Rsthlng
Head what tbe Hoe. I. M. Coonberry. of Ulevolsad
mys eboot Dr. Wllllsma ladlaa Pile Ointment i
have eee scores ef pile earn, and It affords ms
eleeaure to my that I ksvt never found anything
which gave sach Immediate end permanent MM as
Dr. William's Indian Olatt.M Pee ease y all
druggists and mailed en receipt ef arte. Me and It.
Clbvslamd, Onto,
Poa OT.rer.iA ui lire, roeielalni. voa bavs
artnuyi ga.mlee oa every kotll. of HMIoh'. Vlt.ltur.
Adanu. Bly
tniios's Catasss Raaanv-a aoeUlve eere for
v rrm, mpui.rie aaa vaaa.r ateau. tor nie mi
w earnest) Adams. , , .. sup
Thk Theory op. Vaccination.- Prof.
Tyodtll tuggetts, that, Jutt at the toll may
be so effectually robbed of tome essential
ingredient by one tbundant crop at to be
lncaptblo of producing mother, so in the
human system a paranitlo dinette mty to
completely exhtutt tbe blond of tome in
gredient necessary to the growth and prop-
gallon of the parasite that the production
of a second crop In tttal or considerable
qutntitiet may be Impossible. It would
thus tppetr that protective vaccination or
inoculation it limply the Introduction Into
the blood of weakened and comparatively
harmless dlsetse germs lo consume the
material which might become food ter
similar germt in a more vigorous tnd dan
gerous condition.
Wind Wore. A gale at East Bt. Louis
in 1871, according to Hr. C Blialer Smith,
verturned a locomotive, exerting a force
of no leu than 93 pounda per squire foot.
At St. Charles a Jtil wtt destroyed in 1877,
the pressure required being 84 pounds per
square foot At Marsbfleld, In 1880, a
brick mtnilon wtt leveled, the torce neces
sary being 58 pounds per tqutre foot.
Belqw these extraordinary pressures, Mr.
Smith has insltnced numerous ctset ot
Iralui being blown off rails, tnd bridges,
etc., blown down, by galei of 24 to 81
pounds per square foot.
Successful experiments in distributing
the electric light to great distances have
been made in connection with the Turin
Electric Exhibition. A Siement machine
of thirty horse-power generated a current
which wat timultaneoutly used by several
electric light systems spread over a circuit
of about 25 milta.
A motor driven by small charges o) gun-
cotton li an English novelty. It it said to
be applicable wherever small powers art
A German botanist hat given Instinct! ot
the modification of pltntt by insects to as
to produce otw varieties, v
Great Worms. According to Mr. F. E.
Beddtrd, a London zoologist, earth worms
two feet in length btve been found in the
British Islet, and various special is large
or larger are known to exist In South
America, Western Africa, Australia and
New Zealand.- The largest tpeniet known,
however Inhibits South Africa. Forty
years ago a speclmen'wtt described which
measured tlx feet two Inches in length,
but it seems lo btve been nearly forgotten
until the other day, when a gigantic creat
ure of the time species wtt tent to the
London Zoological Gardens from Cape
Colony. Tbe longest measurement ot
this worm yet taken reaches six feet Ave
inches, the diameter being nearly half an
Money Vegetation. A abort time
since Ptul Reinscb discovered several
kiodt of minute pltntt including two
tlgt) which had before been unknown-
growing upon coins alter having been long
enough in circulation to receive tiln in1
crustatinnt of organic matter. A Hunga
rian botanlfct, Jules Schtartchmidt, bat
more recently found the microscopic
growths upon piper money, even thu
cleanest specimens not being free from
them. lit hit detected seven species, lo
eluding though they tre rare the two
new alga described by Reinsrh.
Pictcrei or Bound. Some remarkable
photographs of a pistol bullet in its flight
under the Illumination of an electric
park have been secured by Prof.
Much, ol Prague. lie has also photo
graphed the tir streams which one may
set over a Buoien burner placed, la tan.
thine; tnd has even obtained pictures of
wives of sound, these last being made vis
ible by a method In which advantage
taken cf the Irregular refraction of light
by air set la vibrttlon by sound.
A French astronomer bat found reatont
lor believing that a circular protuberance
presumably a volcano which eslttt In
the southern hemisphere of Venut hit an
elevation of not lest than seventy milet.
He regards such a vast mountain at not
incoinpitlble with the planet's volcanic
Literary Notes.
Tbe great Industrie, of Americs form
Ihe lublect of a series of trticlca which
will commence In tbe January number of
Ilarper't Mtgazlne wllh a paper entitled
"A Pair of Shoes," written by Uowtrd
Mudge Neuball, a leading thoe manufac
turer in Lynn. Thit article "begins with
the beginning and ends with the end,'
tracing a shoe from tbe existence of tbe
tkln oa tbe back ot the animal through
tbe trettmeott of tanning and currying
which make it leather, tnd to on through
the scores ol processes wblcb, In these
dtyt of the division of machine labor, do
f ach lit ptrt toward! making the complete
thoe. A pair of shoes, it seems, contains
forty-four separate pieces, and goes
through the btndt of perbtpt a hundred
people, although it costs the wetrer but two
or three dolltrs. One hundred and thirty
tboussnd people tre employed In thlt In.
duatry, and their avenge earelDgt am
somewhat over 1380. These Industrial ar
ticles are planned lo give, in readable fash
ion, a clear Idea of how tbe Important arti
cle! of industry are made, who mtde them,
how much they earn, and bow they live; .
in short, to Inform Amerlctnt how they
are clothed, fed, and otherwise served in
these days ol machinery, tnd how their
feilow-Americani earn their respective Hv
ingt. Title enterprise it directly in line
with the Harper idea ot Informing while
Interesting the great body of tbe people. ,
A ctreful study of Tbe New England
Town-meeting," by Prol. John Flike, will
appear in the January Ilarper't.
Dr. Seymour Iladen, the distinguished
English etcher, who visited thlt country
last year, hat been greatly interested in tbe
revival of mezzotint at a painter's art, and
will contribute to the coming number of
Ilarper't Magazine tn interesting ptper
on the subject, with Illustrations by him
sell in the revived style. These are all
drawn from the scenery of tbe isle of Pur-
beck ; and a second article by Mitt J. E.
Panton, describes thtt Interesting region
of English country.
In the January Harper's, by wty of con
trast with our wintry weather. Mr. Barnct
Phillips will describe the balmy delights
of "The cruise of the Wallowy" along the
Florida coast The Wallowy wtt a schoon
er-yacht chartered it Cedar Keys by a par-
ly of tlx Northern tourists, tnd her cruise
of three weeks off the west coast of Florida
wtt mtde tt a cost ot about 1400. Those
who wish to know "how to do It" for them-
selves will be especially Interested In the
ptper, which will have charming lllustrt
lions from tbe pent of R. 8wtln Gilford
and others.
Harper's Youn; People begins Its career
la England under the most promising
auspices. The prompt demand for tbe
paper in response to tbe announcement of
the English edition compelled Messrs. 8.
Low - A Co. to print 60,000 copies of the
initial number.
, Cenrt Frrceedingt.
MM ' I
For the week ending December 6th, 1884
Judge Greene presiding: '.
Minnie TbomDeoe vs John B Thompson.
Divorce granted. ' . v . '.,
Jane Irish vt Chat Irish. Divorce grant
Delia J Mlnlck vi John Mlnlck. Di
vorce granted.
Root. Wblleltw 4 Co vi Henry Voeley.
Judgment for plaintiff $453 33.
Amos Townsend et al vt Jacob Lohrer.
Dissmissed without prejudice by plaintiff.
Eliza A Bedortha vt Peter II Finley.
Settled tnd costs ptid.
Anthony Kelly Co vt Jtmet Burdlck.
Judgment for defendant
Therissa Ostermtn vt Elmut Btird et al.
Verdict for plaintiff $1 83.
Tbeiisaa Ostermtn vt John Linden et al.
Continued on motion ot plaintiff.
J B Tunte vt Frank T Lynch. Sale con
firmed tnd deed ordered.
Sarah Bennett vi James Quinn. Juror
withdrawn; case passed.
J F Uthe vt Indiana Alktn. Juror with
drawn; case pasted.
8 P Hastings, adm'r vt George Reynourd
et il. Restraining order allowed.
Ohio ex rel Cousins vt W.L Gjft De
fendant to give bond in the turn ot 500 to
keep the pence. . . .
Ohio vt John Mortn. Cutting with In
tent to wound tnd kill. Dropped from
Ohio vt Chat Kennedy et al. Asaault
with intent to kill. Dropped from docket
Ohio vt James Baker. Forgery.. Drop
ped from docket.
Ohio vt Chat Harris. Horse stealing.
Ohio vs time. Burglary. Continued,
Ohio vs John Kelley. Recommendation
to Reform School.' Dropped from docket
Ohio vt Chat C Coon. Forgery. Con
tinued. 1
Ohw vt O J Peck. Allowing minor to
play billiards. Continued.
Ohio vt Stmuel DeGrtw. Unlawfully
telling intoxlctting liquor. Nollied.
Ohio tt Jtmes Porter.
Ohio vs John Bungtrt
Same charge.
Same charge.
Ohio vi Tberoa Merrill. Carrying milk:
to cheese factory from wblcb tne cream
hit been taken with Intent to defraud.
Ohio vt Richard Mlachka. Larceny.
Ohio vt John Dally. Grand larceny.
Nollied. .
Ohio vt Jtmet Brady. Horse stealing.
Plea changed to guilty; sentence three
years lo penitentiary. . :T
Ohio vt Jtmes Brady. Burglary. Plea
not guilty. Nollied. . ,
A disease that has spnearvd to baffle .
medical science it that known by the desig
nation of "Uright't disease of tbe kidneys."
A powerful enemy or this arena aestroyer
hit been found In Miihler't lletb Bitters.
George Ruiler.ot Hinkletown.Pt, writes:
"I wit cured of Brlght'l kidney disease by
the use ol your great household temeuy.
I wat previously attended bv Doctors Win
ter, Kutier and Martin. Mishler't Herb
liittert brought the btppy chtnge in my
F. J. Cheney A Co., proprietor! UtUl'm
Catarrh Care, offer tluO. reward for any
case ol Catarrh that can't bt cured with
Hall's Catarrh Cure. I

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