OCR Interpretation

Western Reserve chronicle and weekly transcript of the times. [volume] (Warren, Ohio) 1854-1855, March 21, 1855, Image 2

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Qmitk anb (tnnsrript.
E D. HOWARD, ; : :
J. D. COX, ::::::::
: APoriATit Eitur.
Warren, Wednesday, March 21.
No Senatorial Election in Indiana-How
They Brought it About.
Legislature of Indi na lias ad-
joarned without electing a Senator. In
diana can have no Senator 1 11 the next
Legislature as the Governor cannot ap
p intn this case. Why is this ? sim
ply because the old liners finding the free
sentiment if the state as r presented in
the Legislature would forbid the election
efene of their coirnpt pro -slavery dema
gogues, resolutely prevented an w'ectkn
being consummated by breaking a quo
rum. Mr. Frazer of Kosciu ko offeied
jk resolution to proceed lo an election.
and lire Republicans voteld for it to a
,,, A call.'uf the Ilou e showed '67
" :. --.- ... 1
members pres nl a quorum. It ht once
became evident that the old Un rs were
delerm ned to defeat an election by re:
' rtoring to a trick, hi h for contemp ible
me'khness cannot be suriissed in pol tical
history. InJied, says the State Journal
Mr. Humphrey, n Miner dec' ared that
It hadben the stud ous care of h's par-
"fo put off aTlThese elections," because
1 when in jot:t Co ivention, the Republi
cans woulJ proceed to elect TJ. S. Sena
tor. : - : '
-- ' - la the Senate the resolution to elect
- i U. S S -nttor as tabled by a note 24 to
19. ; The Journal says if all the Repnbli
.. cans had vo'ed right they coutJ still have
. had an election. W. Leroy W'oods elected
. as Republican, k by a large majority
L mentioned as one who in violation of
. hit pledges, steadily voted with the old
liner. We say to jur friends in Indiana
I..-: . Mark tie traitor and every other man who
betrays free interests by stooping to such
execrable baseness.- Brand them through
the press, and learn your sons & daugh
ters todespise them, that they may thus feel
; the just condemnation of a free & out rag.
A Squatter.
. J. S. Pike is at Washington, writing
some of his racy letters to the N w Turk
Tribune. '.; The recent : demons) rati n of
: Cast io the Senate cd's f r 6- me remarks
at hi hands, which a e cl.arac eristic.
He t j: ......
Mr. Cass, is an old man and a dead
man, and we hate t. efisturb he ashes of
the di panel. But when their rem ins
"lie nurerfluous," we csn't help the de-
' sir to characterize and si.ortl them out
-. of the way.
Pike therefore goes on to do a little
; shoveling, and af.er some preparatory
r:r scrarings he flings off the following:
i i We have cot e but the kindest feel ngs
of contempt for the moral quaiit es of M r.
C as-. '1 here is really no stand up to
' him. " He is not the man who is known
" as an an ma! who stands erect on a per.
pendicuh r vertebra. He does not go up
:r .ngi t, Lnt hops through the world. If
poa hit him you don't knock him down ;
ytuonly set h m spinning.- You might
. . as well lalk of knock ng newn a fi o.l all.
'"Hfr is the laurel edvecate of squatter
' ' sW wigr.ty. k r he is a pto essional squtt
ter bmsilf. He never . does a yti ing
.;ele.: ;He always squats. He equa ted
on Javesy, t queued ui lnteit al Imprcve
n ei ts, (qbatted on the Proviso, sou itu d
on Ntbma and was nevei kn wn in any.
cme-g-ncy to do otherwise iban squat
He is a quat man oi Lim. elf; and at
length, thiough ihe action of the pe pie
ot ft.io! igan, he I as been l educed to a
I'lSeaa oriai " sqcattn r.lcHe'ia ocinfyn g
Hrl'ory that dot snftbelogio h m, and
which U e oner tLer ol has orde ed h m
to'quiu' Bui he tiotsn'c go; he slul
squats; . ..
- Kobody -will doubt why Mr. Cass is so
much in favor of "squatter sovereignty."
The reast obvious. - ' "
Mournful Casuality.
' The Akron Beacon contains ti.-e following
particulars of a distrsing occur ence
'which happened recently. The wife of
the. deceased formerly resided in War
' ren, and will be remembered as Mies So
J phia Town, daughter of Benjamin Town,
r Her- honierous friends hereabouts will
deeply sympathize with her in this be-r-reavement
ir.. .-a . ;
t A shock was given to this community
on Saturday evening last, tht cat gloom
I , upon every countenance and awakened
' serious thoughts even in the m nds of the
most thoughtless, as the rumor flew from
one to another, that Orlando Hall, one
of our leading merchants and best known
. citizens of Akron, h id in a single in-
slant, been launched from time to eter
e n.ty." " ' , ' -r
- Mr. Hall hail stepped down for a mo
ment into the cellar, preparatory t j his
rejurning home; having closed up the
business of the week. In the gathering
darkness of evening he made 1 a misstep
on the lower landing of the cellar-staiis,
as it is su posed; and fell over back
v wards, st iking the back of his neck
against die top of a heavy hardware cask,
filhd with chain. His neck w is is lo-
catedby the full and blov, and death ensu
ed alniostinitanf y. He uttered a single
one nscious groan. It was heard by the
clerks-overhead, who hastened to his re
....lief.' They found him prostrate gasping
and pallid ; and' a moment or two after
''medical aid was secu.ed, he breathed his
last. ' - - w- : ;""
Mr. Hall was in the prime of life, in
IN 35 h year. He was married to Miss
j own, a lady of rare accomplishments,
but a few weeks since. He is the br .th
' ""er ajnd partner1 in busines of Mr. P. D.
Hall. He had flne business qualities,
'and has been eminently successful. His
eocml qualities endeared him to a large
circle of friends; and his death leaves a
hi, tus in business walks, which will not
soon be fili d.
. Mr.Hall was born at Bridgport, Conn.,
and came lo Akron in 18 10. So that he
hat bee i here nearly 15 years..
. Thb authorities at Woolwich,. Ens
v land, have now under trial a vehicle con
. atructed to meet the great diffieuliies at
Balakiava the transjiort of cannon over
tnud. The cannon is slung under a poli:
res'ing between two high wheels, which,
as they revolve, lay down a block orpad-
die, surmouD ed by' an iron ra 1, and
dovetailing at iu extremity with a fcuc
eeedingbloctcontaining heline. Thus
., . , . &.
we wir.ago wj, uwu us own railway
a it progresses, while tho deeper front
HJtacflds flcks as an leter and lif s up
Iho wheel from the bed of (he mucL It
U fou n ! that ihe e:rrie will tranennrt
Is founl that .he .iwigf t will 1 transport
ih?J?t Vf1 Sj118 ,n .." Wgh
News Items.
Tub totul number of deaths in New-
Orleane during the past veirwds 15.633.
The majority of these were foieigners
Neakit the whole of the business por-
tion of St. Marys, O i., was destroyed by
Lit on the 1st lust.
.The trottl ren:ita nf Plivp1anil rtavi
been amusing themself with a grand
masquerade ball. The costumes of all
nations, orders, dee., made the affair
very brilliant and exci.ing.
The President of the New York State
Temperance So.kty has issued a call to
the friends of temperance throughout the
Sate to rally en mas;? at Albany with
out dtiay. Tho- who cannot come to
meet at home and forward regulations,
CStbe pro,.i;iiury law is .11 d nger
Cu .hLts KtisTStB, a German, com
mitted suicide bv taking arsenic in the
"J1"' ut Chicago, a short time since.
. i ...
had been arretted for riot,
Samckl Haiuht has n tired from the
editorial department of the Pittsburgh
Gazette. We inter fr m the remarks of
the senior, ed.tor, that he did not ane
with the course of the Gazette against
the Kiiow-Noihin'rs.
A company of one hundred and fifty
persons w ill leave Pittsburgh for Kansas,
on the steamer Tropic, this week.
The new school law of In liana aulhor
iz s the levy of one mill on the dollar for
school purposes.
The elections in New-York are mixed.
In Troy, Griswold, Dem. and anti K. N.
was elected Mayor b U00 majority. In
Uuca, Fisk, Whig, was elect- d Mayor,
by about 400 majority. InKindeikook
the K. N's had 125 majority,' and in
Lockport the Anties had 40 majority.
Tt . . A r . . m,
oaltixobi, iaar. 14. me Know
Nothing Cooven:ion at Manchester, Va
nominated Stanhope Flourney, of Hal
fax, as candidate for Governor; Hon. J
H- Beale, of Mason, Lieutenant Govern
; and John M. Patron, of Richmond,
Attorney-General. They all accept.
Col. Benton has addressed a charac
teristic letter to the Messrs. Appleton.
his publishers, of N ew-York city, to the
effect that his recent litt iary looses ly
fire at. Washington will double his labors
and 'delay the' second volume of his
Thirty yers in the Senate," until the
Spring ot 1856. '
Wx learn from the Clarksv lie (O.)
Gazet e thit 4he liquor law is being en
r j -
lorcea in in' - county. Jjeven persons
found guilty of selling liquor, were fin d
twenty to fifty dollars each, and were
sent to jail from ten to twenty days,
A j inl resolution passed Congress for
the relief of Mrs Rebecca Hinton, of Del
aware, Ohio, which secur, s to her the
small private property of the family, and
will enable her to avoid years of poverty
and toil. All the re-i lue of the family
p-opertj has been seized to indemnify
the bail of her husband.
The B nk of Aehtabula, at Ashtabula,
paid the Treasurer 82,100, the amount
of taxes due him. At first,' its officer,
resisted.' Iaieed, they ejected the Treas
urer Tronf 'the' Banking House, but, as
the story goes, "finding him resolved trnd
able to carry his point, they forked over."
Emacel Everet, deaf rnd dumb, was
kil ed on the Central Railroad, Va ; he
was about 21 years old.
A horrible s.ory is afloat, that two fam
ilies, often perso s, pe.ished of cold and
starvation, n the plains of Indiana, in
the niemoiai lesnow-stc-rmof the 21st of
January. Some weeks afier the st rm,
says t he Chicago Press, a man was pass
ing over a prairie, only ubout five miles
from the to n of Oxford, when he came
upon tV carcasses of twooxen.from which
the viscera had Lean removed. Ins de
of on them were the frozen bodies of
four children ! and in the other was the
fn zen corpse of the mother, with a nurs-'
mg infant at her breast! Under the
snow was a heap of ashes, in which the
iron ofthe waggen showed that the psr
ty had broken them up, und burnt every
thing they had in ihera, in the eff rt to
save their lives. Not far from the snot
. - - r
was found the body of the other woman
of the party, partly concealed in a snow
drift, and near her one of the men. The
two other men had not been found.
Thx Artesian well at Charleston, South
Carolina, is unques ionably a 6uccesful
enterprise. . It is now some twelve hun
dred Hnd fifty f et deep, and discharges
twenty gallons per minute, or at the rate
of twenty thousand gallons per day. Six
years ago the project was begun ; it has
st -a lily progressed since, now the
people are rejoicing in having suffi
cient water for piotec ion again-t fire,
thrown up from the well, tweenty-five
feet high from the well, and an ample
supply for the general u-e in dry weath
er.' .....
Terrible Explosion.
About 8 o'clock on the morning of
Thursday the Hb, the seam boiler of
Mr. Starkwea her's new Saw mill, about
two and on-l,alf miles south of Jefferson.
exploded, with tenible and fatal effect.
I tie engine had just been stopped to ar
range some part of the machinery, when
the explosion took place. The engineer,
John Kingum, was instantly killed, bein
bl iwn un about 100 feet from the
against a lo, knocking out his brains en
tirely. A bone of his arm was driven
about three inches in o the end of a pop
lar log, (spliuinir fiff a piece of the size
of a man's hand) 70 feel short of where
his head struck. John Turner, one of
the. lianas, who was oil ng the ngine,
was blown through the fly-wheel, and
badly bruised and scalded, thoug'i Ii is
fast recovering. Mr. Starkweather was
struck n the faes bv a biece f timber
and much injured, hutesca .ed thes:eam
as ne was in Uie upjier part of the mill.
The wreck is a most frigh ful one.
The boiler which was en the 1 icoirioiive
; plan, was literally blown to pieces, strew-
lm.. Ik. J ' . , .
US il,8 V, 'T 7'
and iron for a distance of many rods.
itle mass of the boilor was thrown un.
wards about. hree huni e 1 feet. . nd oro-1
Jec dist,inco from iu bod. l
mh'rY aa 1 boiler were en:irdy n w,
I'm -0 "',pi'ar"ncet,f tl,e ir n f the
bolcr justltie3 ,he coricIusion ,,, lt u WM
iWe of defectSvo ma.'erial.- la.- Se
Terrible Explosion. Crowing Before he Was Out of the Woods
I Much to our surp is' as well as m rri-
! nunt 'he Dealer a..emt-i to milk a - i - tic
comfort fiom the returns from New
i f I imruhirit Tim nnst t. t mm u ra (t.,.,.
j Vi j ( om tne inanVi rt,lt usc9l,y the com.
J pos tor of an 0 instead of a 9 a c pher
wiuie it 6liou d bave Dcen the largest in-
tegre. Ten thousand tha ks to the
Granite State; says GaAvijet, verilv,
say we. Let us c irrect the error of the
type set er and see how the mailt r stands.
The despatch was dated 9 P. M., Us
eortl. Resu.t in 189 townships:
Mctmtf. (FuMOn.) 2!97
BU. ("hit,) S,s-i
Foirlcr, (Free I.uli
Totil Antt-Nc'fntk.................3tl.tt4
Baker, (A.loiinutrtij Dem.) il.tiio
Auti-Xsbnskm mijuritj- I.I.UH
The same townships lat year gave:
ttalcr, CDenocnu.) 33,214
Vliig au.l tree ga -Zt.ltfU
Administration majority... -.....-.. ..,'''I5
The change 'n ihertfire more than
11,000 vo es so far as heard from.
Tlier? were hut thirty -nine small town
ships to hear from, which la-l ye ir gave
Uaker 3,610; nil o;h.-rs 2.70. They
hate un foubt dlv more than reversed
that majority so that the Ami NetTraska
vote f r Govcr .cr combined, will be not
iess than twelve thousand majo-ity ov. r
the friends of Pierce, Douglas ik L eo-
foe ism.
Acco ding to the reiurns received the
result f ols up as follows. The adminis
tration is b; ateu l'-M:00 on the popular
vole. It has lost the whole congression
al d legation by larpe majorities. It has
lost the legislature by more than two to
one, wheruby it looses two United States
Senators, and it has list the State ticket
and nearly all the local offices. The
Fusionis's have carried the State by more
than 12,000 majority; elected ail the
Congressmen, secured two U. S. Sena
tors llalu an I Bell, two thirds nf the
Legislature and th- whole pow, r of the
State The foregoing are the f icts.
We know it was cruel to fei-d Brother
Gray on false hopes, and we have there
fore made known to him the reality f
his afol condition tenderly an I by de
grees so that the shock would not h illy
overcome him. New Hampshire as a
Locofoco State is no more ! She is re
deemed with a shout, from the thraldom
of Siavery. And a 1 the people say.
Amen. Don't you f cl g kkI all over,
Brotlir Gray? We do, most decid d y.
Huzza for the limntte blate. U. utader.
Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt at Dresden
co. resp
New-Yorker, writing from Diesdensays:
' I have b en recent'y enj yi g a great
tr at nothing les than attending a con
cert given by Jennj Lind, and listening
to the enchanting song of the 'Swedish
Nightingale,' as she was so often call d
in her r gress thiough America. You
probably know that Madame Gold-
sei midl ('he unoman io appel ation in o
Hlixb marr age has m tamorphoseu the
world-renowned name of Jenny Lind) is
a resident of this city. Si:e occupies the
second s oiy of a fine hou-e, siiua'cd in
Ihe outbkins ofthe town, and command
ing so extensive a view of the delightful
country which surrounds Dresden, that
the ro. ky forli esses of the tfaxon Swit
zeiland loom up distinc ly in ihe far-off
horizon. Jenny lives in a very quiet, re
tired manner, does not mingle in general
socie y, but has a select circle of ac
quaintances among the artists and men
of musical talem who are collected in this
mutic-lov.ng capital.
It is really as;onishmg to see how
completely the enters inu the spirit of
everything she s:ng, however diversified
in charac l' r it may be. Ch ldl ke s m-
plicity, high-souled enthusiasm, passion
ate eniotiou she is equal y at home in
all. The c oncluding piece at thi con
cert was a Swedish dance and a national
mel'dy, in which Madam Golrfschmidt
accompanied herself uron the pi ;iio. It
was full of turs;s of wil l glee, which she
gae with a zest and oliandim which
were perfectly contagious. When these
strains cme, she would turn half tou.id
fr m the ian, i.nd shower the c'ar,
ringing not, s up n the audi-, nee like
shouts of joyous laught-r, her fa -e all
the while wtaing an expiess on of such
radiant hapjiness, ihat on could not but
smile Tom very sympttliy.
llut every p dure must have its shad
ows so n w for a little criticism to com
plete my sketch of this wond- r;ul si-ier.
Her vo ce is remarkably rich and pow.
erful in ti e lower and middle not s, with
a clear, met a lie ring in it, which 1 nev
er hea id equalled; but when she reaches
the high, st no es those where she for
merly produced the flute-like U neswh ch
conquered her the proud appehati ra of
the 'bwedish JNighUngde 1 could per
ceive, I.ttle as I understand of these
maitvrs, that there was a fal. ing off.
Still, the public sei m to be unan roously
of he opinion that ber voice mor- neaily
approaches its former standard this win
ter than last.
"Some of our acquaintances here, who
have heard her perform oj.er.is in former
years, since she was in the zenith of hei
glory, say that she is now but a wreck of
her former self, and that strains whi. h
she once executed wilh perfect ease, she
would not now dare attempt. How this
may be, I know not; I only k ow that
HIV Wilt. tt'hi.4 IumI V vtill lilki.Vtt irruittrl il
it will b mv rirst i.ire to renuve to S.
l.ejlymid when'released from Congress, to bo
buried in the place in which I hud collect
ed the re.naiin of my dead my mother.
,;,lij1,,( f!railjc,lilJlfeil and si;ier IO ,akil
rthe pljicehy tLeirside, whichbheand 1 ha I
wilh her preent powers she afford d me
more pleasure than any or all the s.njjere
ti i. i i.. i
elegant, and at the same li.ne sample." I ty,
I have ever be ore heard.
"Die-den is a very musical place ;
nezi to Leipsiu the most so of a 1 Germa
ny. Cone r;s cf all k n ls and descrip
tions abound from thoe where lickc-s
are a thnler (Madame Goldschmidt's
were a thaler and a half) to those where
the price of admission is less than a s x
pence of our money.
"But I perciive that I have omitted
one very important item in my account
"f Jenny Li .d's coni-er. important, u
least, in consideration thai am uritiiig
t a la iy n.miely, the in.nner in which
the fair singer was dressed. She w. re a
siik of a pale rose cilor, trimmed wi;h
white lace; her hair drssed in the same
st le in which she wore it in America,
w.lh half wn-alhs of white flowers niixej
h ith foliage at the sides. A bouqu t of
.-imiiar flowers ud -rte l the corsage, and
the gtnerjl appearance of the toi.et wa
Ciil. liiiMu.Vs Loss. Tne Wushintoi
Globe, speaking of ihe fire whicii destroyed
Col. iSi-iitoii's i.oase, says:
"We usked C il D-iiion if his hous?
wat in sure-1, and lie replied us follow-:
'No it was not insured; but ( cor-t nolhiiij
ubiut that; insurance could not have sav.
ed all that I coiisidi-red valuable the bid
on which my' wife died, on which 1 slc,it;
her cljlhes. nhie-h were in a trunk setting
at tlie head of it; tho articles which she
prized most around it, tho last things 1
s.iw at night, and the hirst iu the uuruiiig
and tin; pajivrs in the adjoini ig room,
many of wliuli e tnnot in: siippiii.ti.
But what 1 shall tu.-t ;e-l mute than I
do will be ilia loss of the inoniori.ils o'
Nicholas is Dead!!
HALIFAX, March 15.
Rojal mail steamer Africi, Ca()t.
Ilemison, has arrived a' this po-1 en route
fir. Bo-ton. S!e lef. Liverpool on h r
regular day, 3 I ins:. H r advices, co.i-
jsequ mly. are four days later than those
by he racinc.
The news is of the most s art'ing char
acter. Tne emperor of R issia isd-ad. He
jexpired sud lenly at 10 o'clock on the !
m rning of Friday, Ihe 2 I inst., an! the j
event created great excitement.
No details havj been received," but
there is no doubt of the fact, as it was
anr.ounc -d in the House of Lords on Fri
day night, by Lord Clarcn Ion, and in
Coram ns by Lo;d Palmer.-t n. Surmi
ses wer j afloat that h ; wai assas inated,
but it is tbougt.t he iied of appolexy af
t r an attack of influenza II s il Iness
was known in Engl ind before t'ie news
of his death was received, and caused
a slight ris2 in the luixls. 1 In; e;l. ct
of I is tleath of course had not transpired.
When the Africa Ie'tL ve po l, the
Vi una Conference was to open on the
5th inst., nnd peace expectat.ons were
d.i'y growing sponger.
Fro:ii the seat of war there i-no news
of the least importance;.
Murder Trial.
Tuesday Afternoon Mar. 14, 19o5.
As this case drew t) wards its conclu
sion, the interest bi'ca no more an mure
intense, and the trasses linrd the outer of
the officers and prisoner from the Court
Room to the Jail. Parks is a proud "lau,
and a right turn in his early career might
have opened a way lo enviable distinc
tion, for his talent and his determination,
are n sine guarantee ' that fits energies
properly directed, would have achieved
nlmost any result, lienie, the curiosity j
he excites, th; attenti m he commands,
evidently feed a passion he has for fame
and notoriety. He shrinks not the least
from the gazing multitude, but upon
every opportunity, seems eager to engage
in converj.uio'i upon the nil absorbing
topic which occupies his mind.
The bold robbery of .Mr. Joel Sain
ton's house two or thrca years since, will
be remembeiel. Tne robbers confined
the inmates of the hou-e, and leaving a
guard over them rifled the premises.
Mis. Scrauton, during this trial has been
iinpr.-s-.ed by ihe description of Parks,
that he was the ' lending man in that
gang, and a visit to the Cjurt, seeing h'm
walk, and hearing him speak, has fur
nished satisfactory evidence to her thai he
was one of the robbers.
At two o'cl ck the Judge toik his seat,
and proci-rd.fd lo deliver his th irge. The
Judge in a style it once s uiple but ele
gant, relerred to the long and exciting
trial, and the great lesjionsibility resting
upon them, and then quoting the statute,
defied the crime alleged to have been
coiiimittt d, und the dilierent degrees of
In the course of his remarks Judg-:
Starkweather read copiius extracts from
the learned charge of (J.iief Justice Shaw j
of Massachusetts, in the celebrated case
against Webster for the murilir of Park
man, in which the nature, force n I effect
of circumstantial evidence were l.iid
down and illustrated.
The Judge cleatly defined the duty of
the jury, and laid u iwn the steps neces
sary tor them to take to arrive at their
conclusion, and instructed them that the
facts as proved must establish beyond a
reasonable doubt, the truui ol the hy
pothesis as assumed by Ihe State, and
tiies facts must be such as toe-Xclu leanv
other liypo'liesis, save that the prisoner
was criminally connected with ll.e death
of B. a;son. The Judge als read from
the charge aliove referred lo, a d fiiiiticn
of. "reasonable doubt," and concluded
his remarks of three-quarters of an hour,
by savin; that such verdict as would
saii.-fy the consciences of the jurors,
should and would satisfy the community.
The Ju.y at 3 o'clock re tired.'
the verdict was
rendered, (hat when tne Jury first went
out, a vote was I iken, which stood 10 for
murder in the first degree anil two blai.ks.
One cf these two votes n thrown mere
ly as a fee Itr a cu.-tom very prevalent
with experienced jurors and ihe next
vole was 1 1 to one. That one man did
uot doubt that Parks murdered Beatson,
but thougl t perhaps a verdict of murder
in the s-euond degreo might be rendered
which would save Puiks from the gal-
lows. Very soon however the jury were
At eijjht in the eveniij, the prisoner
was brought in to hear the verdict. An
hall-hour elupsed before the jtirf male
lh.ii appemrunce, and during this time
Paths ua f ngaged in conversation with
ditFereut inditi.lu its ; and although deep
excitement may have rageer" within, there
was no emotion upnn the surface, and an
ignorant spectator could not have dream
that the life of that strong, young
man, held upon the word to be drpp?d '
from tne mouth of that jury. The Juilre ,
took the bench: Hie Jurors s id and si-1
ilentlytoik their seats; the Sheriff pro-1
claimed the 0urt open; ihe spectators;
'...I. i i.i i .. i
guuiereu arounu me oar, utiu me prisoner
looki d upon the twelve men whose one
word would seal his fate. J
Reader! have you ever bfen present
when a jury n a murder case have ren
dered their xenILt? If nay, you have :
idea of the intt nsa solemnity cf the j
scene. If yea, that moment can never '
forgotten." -'Gentlemen of the Jury,
have you agreed upon your v rdict
Foreman, with a voice trenbling with
dilution, '-We have, your Honor." J-
"What do yen. find; is the prisoner guilty
not guilty?" "Guilty of muider in
1st deriH- on the 1st count iu the in. '
dictment, and not guilty as to the 2-1, 3d
4:h counts.". Counsel for defendant
that the Jury be (Killed. The Clerk
calls each juror's name ; and each one, '
rising in li s place, pronounces in falter- j
ace-'-nts, Gj;1 y, Guilty, G lilty, Guil- '
Guilty, Guilty, Guiltv, Guilty, Guil-ion
Guilty, Guilty, Gu.l.y of murder in 1
hrst degree, until the very atmosphere .
laden with tiic terriLl; cuiivic io:i thai
prist n r is a murderer. We pitied
jury for the terribl t ordeal through
which they were f. i reed to pass ; we ad-'That
mired that jury lor tlieir stern, unw.iver-
devtr.i m to principle, nud well licing . t
s-icicty. Tl.e e-ouniiunity owe' thiiti
a delit of graliiudr, for lailhful were :
fbun I lo Hih pub.i !, while all their '
fueling towards a f'-llow-being, were
lothc titm st tcn.-i in. Theie is a
mibleiies in our nature, which, when it
alxivn all si-ltiliurs, even the s. I-
syni;aihy with an unfortunate
lellow man, eonmands our admiration,
ir prjlounl respi-ui ; and the puhhe
should yiill t'leir gratitude lo those 12
who- in their sexr .t chamber .f do-
ion, saw only iIktok or society,
Will-being of community. "
Th prist n?r mond not a must 1 , and
fatal word fe.l up in him l.k had
triple suel. Toe Judge tliai k.d
Jury iiir lhcir patience and their faith,
fulni' in flio i i4 hrgT3 Wf he1r lutieit,'fc'enrenin
ainlt i.' Ciurt adjo irn. if. I 'n
Jury sh. o' hiin.is vv t i lirk.
lil) J
i 'ie with trie jun.r, how f.! lings were
j l, yon.l control, a id wt os tears rest fi d
to the terrible In. I sullered in prommne-
I prisoner witii a dry i j convrr;d
S'lll !
ing tun lenifa ion upon thegu l y in in.
1 lie se:lence hai not yet been pr i-
iiounced; iit fact, coun--i for di-feuc,
owing to some facts hic:i have come t
their knoxl(?(!g? during the progress of
:.i i-i 17 .
uic Miji, nae in it a motion lor a new
trial, which in u day or so will be argued
or a'mnd ncd, aid the last sad duty of the
C .urt will then b ; discharged by 'the fi
nal swtciic : of the murderer.
We have hoard the c isp fr m first to
l ist, an I to the Curt, to the Cou.isel, to
the Jurors, lo the Witness -s, t the Shcr
itl and his D.-pulies, all must unite in say
ing that hone ty, th-j faithfulness, the pa
tience, the cii.dor, the "dignity which
h ive marked this trial is a crnJk to Cuy
alina mid summit counties. We are
glal the terrible, trial is over; may God
bless all who have had part or lot in the
c mviction ofthe mm, and may Gol for
g've the murderer for his deed of blood.
Cleveland Ilerald.
Another Murder Committed through the
Agency of Alcohol.
We give below the letter of a corres
pondent wiiti ig from G rard under date
of Marsh 13ch.
That such circumstancci can occur in
any community and create "I.ttle excite
ment" i-i ev.dence that thinking men and
good citizens should bring them into
n ilice.
Then; was a murder committed be
tween this place and Y,uog-town, one
day last week, which created very litt.e
The circumstances as I learned them,
fr.m one win was on the ground and
and sav the murdered man the next
m'.rninr, were as follows.
The vie im, a foreigner, had been to
a doggery on, or near the canal, a short
d. stance ab ve Youngstown, and got glo
riously drunk, and in the even ng, started
to g back to town, and was found the
next morning, lying on the track of the
rrilroad, near the mouth of the coal
bank, b low the Puilpot furnace, when
found, he was quite dead had a flask of
whiskey in his pocket, and was so com
pletely be-mt-and with roud that he
cou d not be recogniz d by those who
had seen him the day before. The mud
where he laid v as several inches deep ;
he was left in that condition until some
time in the afternoon when the cor ner
arrived, and ha I him ren.oved. I have
not heard the verd ct of tl e coroner's
ji.ry, but have t o doubt they have fixed
ihe guilt where it dues not belong, it
m isipr o o y win reaa somen ing as ioi
low.s : "Died by a v sitation of God."
Why are no; coroner's verdicts gen
erally more in accordance with the facts
of tt,e case.' In this case it should he
"Died fr m the eflecis of a poisonous
liqud, uidaw fully administered by A B,
or C D as the ease m y be."
Rum did it.no doubt, Lui who un
ci g- d t! e mi nsti r knowing his propen
sity, is a question the people should re
quire to be answered. I trust the time
not far tlis ant, when such transactions
will be viewed in their true light.
G. T.
The New Postage Law.
The following is an official copy of
the law in relation to letter postage , pas
sed by the late session of Congress, and
signed by the President.
An act further to amend the act en jtlcd
'An Act to reduce and modify the
ratei of postage in the United States
an I foro:her purposes," passed March,
3. 185!.
Senate -nd House of Represenlativez of
the United States of America in Congress
assendJtd, That, in lieu ol ihe rales of
postage no established by law, there
will be charged the following rates, to
For every single letter in mcnuscript,
or pape-r oi i ny kind in whi. h informa
tion shall be asked for or communicated
in writing, er by marks or signs, convey
ed in the mail for any distance, between
places in the United States not exceeding
three thousand mi es. three cents, and
for any -di-tance exceeding three thou
sand miles, ten ce. ts.
And for a double letter there shall be
charged double the rate above specified;
and for a treble letter, treble those rates;
and f r every letter or parcel not exceed
ing half an ounce in w. iht shall be
deemed a single letter; and every addi
tional weight of less th :n half an onnce,
shall be charged wi;h an additional sin
gle post-ige; and upon all letters passing
thro igh or in the mail of the United
Stales, excepting such as are to or frou"
a lo'eign country, the postage as above
specified shall be prepaid, except up ra
letters and packages addressed iooffijer?
of the Geverninent on official business,
which shall he so marked on the envel
ope. And from and alter the 1st day of
January, eighteen hundred and fiftj -six,
the Postmaster General may require the
postmasters to place postage stamps up
on all pre-paid leters upoi whi. :h stamps
may not have been placed by the wri-
t i i i. I. i i
jA.nu i.ll urop- leiiers or letters piacea
in any post-otfi e not for transmission
throng-1 the mail, but for de.ivery only,
shall be charged with pos age at the rate
of one tent ea h; and all letters which
shall heieaf;er be aivertis d as remain-'.
ing over, i.r uncalled for, in any post, off
Gee, .-hall be charged with one cent each,
in addit on to the regular postage, both
to be accounted for as other postages now
Section 2. And be it further enacted.
That it shall not be lawful lor any post
or master or other person to sell any pos
the tage stamp or stamped envelop for any
larger sum than that indicated npon the
face of such postage stamp or for a Iarg
asks er turn than that chaigcd therefor by the
Post Officj De-pan incut; and any person
who shall violate this provision shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and,
conviction thereof, shall be fined .n
any sum not less than ten, nor more
than nve hundred dollars. Xlns act to
take eilect and lo b - in f irce from and
er ihe commencement of the next fis
tiiat cal quarter after it; passage. Pr.wtded,
nothing herein contained shall be
constructed as to aker the laws in rela-
on to the fronting privilege,
Section 3. And be it farther enacted,
That for the gr a er security of valuable
let ers po ed lor transmission in the mails
the United Slates, the Postmaster
(ieneral be mid hereby is authorized to
establish a u .iform plan for the registra
rise lion ot such letter- on application of par-fishiie-'sof
ties jiosting the same, and to require Ihe
pre-payme lit of the postage, as well as a
legisiration fee of live cents on every
such Icier or packet Ij Lo accounted for
postmasters rect iving the same in
such manner as the Post master General
chall diiect, Provided, however. That
suh legistralion shall not be comptilso
the and li shall not render the lVt-0f-upDii
lice Department or iu revenue liab c lor
loss of such let:er or p eke s or thv
., u-o
The New Postage Law. Home Affairs.
Town Clock.
The To i n Clock is a town nuis r.cc.
Thcauio nsof i: is, the thing wont go, j
the sooner it is taken d wn and an-
other put in i s place the better. It has
been, so far, much worse than no clock
at all, from the fact that the report hav
ing got abroad that it has been known to
be running in right time in one or two
instances led some to place reliance upon
its fickle physiognomy on'y to be de
ceived ; and we are always a little more
iu doubt about the time of day after
looking at this unstable Janus than be
fore. We und r-land another is to be
put up in its place and hopo old Time will
not be so much belied in future. -
Side-walks. Some of the side-wulks
about town want repairing sadly. For
instance unlessone isprofieient in "ground
and lofty tumbling" it is as much as his
neck is worth to venture down tl.e north
side of High street of an evening. We
have aeetr saltatory performances along
there which would have dons credit to
Dan Rice. It is to be hoped the evil
will be speedily remedied.
Something Valuable for the "Cuisine."
We have been making trial of one of
Remingtons' Patent Coffke-pots and
take pleasure in testifying to the public
the satisfactory nature of the result.
That the beverage prepared in one of the
new vesels is improved in quality of fla
vor, and its strength preserved from be
ing carried away hy the process of evap
oration is indisputable Being an enthu
siastic admirer of the aromatic herb, Ve
profess to be a judge in the case, and are
decidedly of Ihe opinion that Remington
deserves to bo ranked among the benfactos
ofthe race. Let all those who Know
what is good, and knowing mean to have
it, hasten and get "Remingtons' best,"
and when the breakfast hour conus round
they will thank as for the suggestion.
Court of Common Pleas. The Court
commenced it session, for the March
term, on Tuesday the 13th. Hon Lu
Iher Day, : Judge. The first week' was
spent upon the Chancery Docket, dispo
sing of venerable old cases which accn
mnlated under the old practice. The
Grand Jury presented two -indictments
against young Leet of Vienna! one fori
murder in the first degree, and another
for preparing poisoi wilh intent to kill.
A case of complaint 'to keep the peace,'
and an indictment for Burglary, com
pletes the criminal calendar .'or trial at
this term.
Leets aial is to come on this week, it
is understood, and will probably last sev
eral days.
Pennitintiaby Report. We have been
favored by Mr. Buttles with a copy of
the report of the warden and Directors of
this institution for 1854. The whole
uumber of convicts reported as 537.
Seven have been committed from Trum
bull county, the past year.
03"The National Magazine for Feb
ruary is before us, an 1 as usual is filled
wilh most excellent reading matter. It
does not make as great pretensions as
some of its cotemporaries, but is in re
ality one of our very best periodicals.
Publ.shei in New York, by Carlton Sc
Phillips, at Bi per annum.
Errata. la setting up the Bounty
Law last week, the compositor omitted
the following clause by mistake:
Provided, furtlter. That the benefits '
of this eeciLm hall be held to ex end to
wagon-masters and teamsters who may
have been employed, under the direction
of competent auth rity in the time ofj
war, in the transportation ot military
stores and supplies.
STThe Ladies' Christian Annual for
February is received. Philadelphia,
Jame3 Challan Editor, $1 per annum.
A good magazine. . . -
Kate Atlksford A Stout of ibb
Refugees. Charles J. Petibsom, the
distinguished novelist, and editor of Pe
terson's Magazine, is the author of the
above named woik. It is soon to be
issued, and is spoken of by the eastern
presses as the most charming romance
ever produced by this charming au hor. ,
The scene of the story is p incipally in
New Jersey, and the time the one that
'tried men's souls."
bound in two volumes. . The book w;il
sent, free of postage, to any person, ;
the remittance ot mon-y. Aiaress ;
men a souis. an
price Of this Work 13 $1.25 Cloth '
in ono volume ; or $1.00 paper
,, , , .
B. Peterson, 102, Ches:nut St. Phila
delphia, Jg Senator Chase and Mr. Glidings i
have our
London Quarterly Review. The :
i e
thanks for valuable public 01
four great Briish Reviews and Bl .ck- j f
-,r.l. .lo U... Kw '
wojds mou-lilj arc promptly issued by
i It
Scott & Co., 54 Gold St. New York,
The last number of ihe London Quar-
terlv just received, contains a great va ! rr
. , , l-etahead
nety of splendid ar.icles, amoii ' the top-
a r 1 l,r
01 wuicu we notice
Fire Insurance,
Atomic Chemistry, Mental Philosophy, rial,
Campaign in the Crimea, dec Scc. ! n.K-e
a w
fn I
..n " ; the
Keview or B ackwood, 83 a year. olT
Blackwood and one Review-or any two '
Thm Cm- 7?s,,Vr.- nnrl
DlacLivood, 610, Four copies 33 ,
P.tirnt nn tli frkiiw PttrtAtvo an1 i
M VfyniL.r vu kitv iuut jv( w iv w t. vav -
BUickwot d to any Post Ofn. e in the
States, o ily 80 cents a year. Vi
cenU vear on each Review and 24
a year on Hlackwood.
. ! wiiii
r . I
V ia : ; wood
I 24 'm
The Ame.ican Law Keoister. Ihe i pijt.j
numbers of this standard le.-al his
journal is unusually full of interestin": : '"'t
a ,l; ' r ,K IT m s.lr.re,.o f 'vat.
j fore
matter. A decision of the U. S. Supreme
is siren, iu r. lation lo the iurisdic-!
tt 1 hfinccrv 1 j.nrr in Twciinnrr
. ...
testimenUry uusU. Able articles und out
defistons upon the Liabilities of Lodging
v er p w lo
as.cwjr.. . vouin, wi01.
also found in the list of valuable 0f.
tltonts. !
I'ublished by D. B. Canfielltts Co, mice
Terms 3 per annum, j Coal
The Iron Purchased.
We are inform d that th . i nn f.r
C. fe M. R. R. has been purchase I, and
on as the we.vher will permit active
operation will it-commence. The pros
and pe c s are now cheering fo- an eailv cora-
pic. i n of the road. We sympathise
with the whole community in the joy in
spire by the near approach if the time
when iron and and steam sha'l. link as
with " glorious old Erie." i
Ocean Steam Lines.
The gratuities ?o lavishly verted to llie
Collins Line by Congns, d gross injus
tice not only to the people's truasuiy, hut lo
American enterprise that is driven from
the fi -Id of co.riieti:io i by this backing of
a monoply.
' Since the adjournment of Congress,
Mr. Cor.it-lius Vanilorl i I is cut with a
letter on the subject of oueau &teao-avi-gation,
fn which he proposes to cetn'racl
with the Government, and give the n-qui.
site security, to transport the mails from
New York to Liveipxil twice a month,
fjr the term of five years, in ships equal
or superior to those ofthe Collins' line, at
twenty-four hours lesi average time, for
the sum of 819,'JoO per round voyage,
the sum tor winch the Collins line oruiin
lly contracted, and in default of strict per
formance, will render the service without
compensation. Mr. V. says he will also
stipulate not to ask or accept of advances
from the Government to aid in the con
struction ofthe stearrvrs, and not to be
siege Congress annually for an increased
allowance, certainly a most drsireable
stipulation in a body where "i:ching
palms" appear to predominate.
Mr. Vand. o bill is of the impression
that the Atlantic mail service c a'i be per
formed without further compensation than
that derivable from ocean postage, and
though he says it would appe ar like mad
ness tor a private individual to attempt
to compete against a monopoly deriving
such stopenduous protection from the
public treasury, Air. V. expresses a will
ingness to undertake to renJer.the service
witout compensation from the treasury, if a
proper arrangement could be olTected in
respect to postage receipts.
The Collins Line is naid$33,l)0D a
trip! Cleveland Ilerald.
A Tale of Crime and Sorrow.
thing remained nnsaid. She died en
Names are on.itted. - A. R.. a respecta
ble firmer of the State of New York, had
been married about five Tears. No chil
dren had bfen born a the fruit of that
marriatre. - Last Kprinir he proposed to
emigra e to Illinois and provide f r him
self a w estern home. 11 s wile being in
an ihva'id state, it was nrranged that she
should Le left at the Wa'er Cure estab
lisiim nt in Cleveland, while he went
forward to pioneer the way, and prepare
a pleasant and comfortable home for the
recept on of his wife. On he went, while
his wife remained in Cleveland.
C. D. had been on inmte of his fam
ily in New York. He and the wife of
A. 11. came to Ravenna, and took lodg
ings as man and wife in a private board
ing house.
Months pnssed away." ' The injured
husband sent money,' f.om time lo time
to pay, as he supposed, his wife's charg
es at the Water-Cure e-tablishment j-
This money the guil y parties contrived
to receive fitm Cleveland, and actually
lived upon the bounty of a confiding,
faithful huband.
At length the faithless wife was pros
trate upon a bed of sickness. Death
st ircd her in the face, and the shadow
of a great and unrevealed sorrow seemed
to rest npon. her. Whether mental r,r
bodily anguish were mot s.evere could
not easily be told. She told her a tend -
ant tbttt C. D. wis the cause ol her early
de :h, but told no more. She repehed
h;m from her bed-side, foibid his near
approach, and could not endure his pres
ence riuryig her last d.iys. Often she
besought her attendant not to leave the
room, as she had something she wished
mon the courage to say it, and that torn-
say to her. But she cond not sum-4',eXCTl,
, . i ,
eeinte. ASr as She Was Cone raeil, the :
terrible secret of her fU and rnm was'
buried wilh her.
In due time the husband returned to
Cleveland, traced his wife to Ravenna,
and came h. re hut to learn her shame
and death and his own dishonor. Ue
visited her grave, and as ho drofp-'d a
tear to the memory of their early love, he
exclaimed :
-For thi. my weary pilgrimage was made."
He re timed to ihe Vetern home
which he had provided for her he loved
a home nnw dark and d s-olate, ntullu
minated by the light of love.' '
' The srducer st.ll lives, G xl's aveng
ing thunderbolts., have not yet stricken
him down. Ravenna Dem.
The Triumphs of Ignorance.
Dr. Lord, in his le Mure bcfjre the
Hih School on last Mondav ' evening
gave Some alnUStn" irrslai Ces of ''tri. '
i I - it . . 1
Umphs Ot: Ignorant e. ill mentioned I
occurrence which tk placr? in one
- r
prenty extensively carried on in tnee !
d". . e i ca it I
ays, in that part of the S;a:e, and larrr?
quantities of wood were consumed in thei
operaiion, - incsatt coners not oemg aware
the lact that linniciue beils ot the very i
Cauner coal were un lerjyingtho sur
face in exnosed situations. They h id :'
occurrence wiucn. ta piacr in ono ;
. c . I
f the OOlllhern COU'lties Of this b ate in i
tmc- T',. ,. r.,.l,,.,
e'"ly t,me' T,,.e '"-"uctura or salt .
was pretty extensively carried on in those '
however, heard of a certain kind ;
i . i . t - . l i I . : its.
siaie, ao.iii wnicn n.ey nan very in .) ,
uriiuix iit'iiuii9. w uilii w na i.ic ptuui.
. . r ti k - 1 ' -irr
therciore a most excellent Iliatcriiil
buildinii farna:.-es. One man, .1 linl j
harr ,han ,,is (w i-,'bfrs' YTr
''UV""' 8eC" W"PPH, U
Hi rpam a .MirioilS klrlJ of i!ack SlOfie. 1 Lhw.
which he immediately decided in bt
valuable mine of fire proof slate suitable' .
building purples ; ant anxious to'
of his less progressive ni.'l"h IVJ
. . , . , ' - ail .-, ;
Im immed atetv svcurcil a Sutacienl I
l l- 1 1 nnunr
He wascharmrd nt Ihe rase with which '
0f,,e ne, discovered mate
and set about constructing a rur-ZZi
m.teiial could be w,.rked ; it came. r-0
in llice square Uccks, Inch did tot
require any dressing, a-.d eould be ured
PVfll vrpalf r fjClIiiV lllJ-ri firiCK-H. ; way
it c t-l ! a..oiriiAi.wi
finwhe.1 the cm struct ion of
' . !
ihe water in the pn per fKiii.u.airdi
havimr i.IucimI a sunnly of. the ehict,-F
,a ' . i . j ,
at a convenii-iu point, he was ready j
show his neihlioi some of the bene-.
r .- !- - I :i:. ..s
of superior facilities in boiling
All things being in readiness, he ap- i tj
. X s
,le firp. ull() n,s astonished ;os-ej T
"rire-pnnd slate" not only to ignite ;
. ... - ti- i. LAND
onrti with a peiteet lury. ui sin-,
t .li.n.reil .k tl.icken-p.e be-;
the iinlef.tlinlile
' ? "7" . ' .. ... !.'' Z ( 1
1 !ta
Teffiliid nearly!
Uov," nd -
k -i
r. .,
of In its by such a sjh nUneous ( ji
combustion" of his jet funmce fie cane
the ci nelusion thai he had rncrtiaclud o
, 0.vi, hinmilTt and had used tftne
i,e fu, 1 of the infernal rcgiwis. .1
II,, J,,,,! r-Hislrueted "a fire P!0f fur-
! A Jonr.
with lite b $t qtia'itV of CQi:C utr
j ,
XEl-RALOIA.-TI.i. fcrmi.,,, dlww whith
... . l,H,ik,( tl Vhjiiti.,ield Uko
marie to Carter s 2rMii4h Mixture.
y.r. B..J,n. lornwrly f the A, tor Hoaie.
r..r cr.H fate propri-tr of the Exchange Hotel. R,t.h
moc.e. a. i , ne of the han.ire.1t who have heca cared
of wore .Neorai, hy Carter'. Speni-h Miitare.
.tLCet . h' ""'"""Mule it to Dumber! of
a.-'i'.rir ""' '" uurtytvm former
.lie e, th the mo wonderful Mccru.
hweJUL ,he wtr.or.lin.ry Kedi.:ine be
fee itdTereiwment in .aether eoi.n...
nricuy true taat iadi nstion in th .
cooler, morbus lererco-pUint, La
ewe. ed i. th. ch, lu.pewor . .eekl, e-
TIuqH ofthM dTapepttc. think of it .11 . ho iTer frem
Unordered Mnchi, and tjoo .re vllliuc u be mi.1
Vi Vi " . '"J1"1 nP" .Jnwrlesw. re.ort at ooc
(dou t deter day) lo HooOuhI er. Bi.lers. pre
J"?. brl;C. M. Jaea,liieh.a. an .Itenuire.
euratlTe. and i.yigorant, Maud, aiooe and anai.proh
eT Jt?.""' Tch ""S-- We hate lrie.1
i,.J it--J'H!l,ii, CI, Item. Sea
Bio 9tdt, Kt.. May 1? l4et
M. R. E. SE,.tiI.bear Si, ;-Vu, Verif0tro
duech wonderful rewlu.thjt I think it worth my
while t"S'ea few farts about it. A aeiehhor. Dr.
Oray, lioU!.-!it of me one il of l ...I -.i .- "
f,iahIoTl'Hh,.wi I'-li1 lh'ttM 'M"J lUJl.eon.l
lo-T, and the Hurl ,6 nakiu 4WJ worm, diacharj
ny oainr ooe Sir. Oray immediately porehasa
four rial. more. Mr. J. MeSurley .! rare Uie eoo-
r ?k"5 T!"'-? I1" ",h" ,Mr". ch browxhl
from the rt 73, from the Kton.l 5-.', and fromUie
thinl 31 makm 15J by the UK of ooe rial. I rare
, !W' Ke? ye3r- 1,0 t-poonfol. which
expelled III, one of which waa at Iraat one foot lonr.
lourVermifniel.eonjidered the best tli.t ha. erer
been brou-ht to tbi. action of the eouotry. and m far
u I know, ha. nere, failed. If our. rejpetfnlly.
u "J " acijjKK ec I o.. Fiue-
bomh. fa
. Mar. 7. I n
In Warren. Mar. ?th. at the Parsonage, by the Key.
Geo. W Malti.j. 3Ir. Samcu. Stmu, to ili Cuioukb
Fowlu. both ot Warren -
Marriages. Deaths.
In Warren, on the Mth Ids., Bt-uaa Wiuax. ared
aljout Gl yean. -
la Bristol, March 10th, of diKase of the heart. Juua
Asm. wife of Oilman Willej, and eldest daughter of
Leri Aliram.. aged nearly 34 yean.
In Cherry TjJy, AshtaljaU Co on Jfar. 11th, Lo-
1- Bcnrsua, In the 31 U year of hi. age."
A JT EXHIBIT, of the receipts and ex-
l - peo.li.Bre of the Ineorporated ViUace of Warren,
a. per settlement made thi. third day ol Alarch, A. I.
If ii, with Jame. O. Brook. Treaaurer
April 15th, 1854. , "
Cash received ttlf.J. Porter, late TreaaV,. . f 783,00
- J. L Week Mayor, per fine.
and Shaw Licence ...... 56,00
Cash receired of B. S. Bobbin., Recorder, par
Show Licence...... ................... ...... 33,00
Cash receiTeo of f. X. Ueilep, County InuV,
eoUsctcd aa Iilicalc ol lc64, 10337
Total amount of general fund i: 91.904.97
Howard it Dumar. eor pruiting,. $40
To pay watchman. ............... 4,l0-
Donatioo to fireman, rapper,... n,uo
B. t- Hodman, attoraei fee. . " 75.00
l rower, late sheriff jail feea, ...
On account of i'teua Head,. ......
For Town le.rp ....... ... ..
Co.u before Mayor,
On account of Town Clock. ......
Street Commissioner,....
J. B. William. Singing bell,
RemoTinr nuisance. .... ... ...
Witness fee. in the ease of Town
of Warren, ... Isaac VodGorder...
Cleak and SherfU fee. per same,. .
Cost, in other Town caw.........
. .
S7.70 tSiJSii
Total amount of general fond un
expended Mat. 3d, lljii.
flBB TCTID. ' "
Airil 15th. 1F54.
Cash Receired ol W. IT. Port-r lati Treu'r
" ' " " John U. Uealep couty
Treu'r, collected on the Duplicate of 1154.
9 .
Total amount of ftre fund," tl, 469,13
oanaa. HDtists, fmiu nil ihi Tina rc.a.1
George Seeley $9j7
C B. Darling 4,M
J. Madden ....IB, 15
Iddinr. oi Momn, 3 j6
Caskill 4t Grawford, ,7
Packard t Brrnnm, lew
B. A Smith fc Co., 10.6
J. Madden.. 19.63
CB. Darlinr.... .a
Patch ot Weeks,
Total amonnt of Fire fund unexpended,
Mar. 3d, lrii tlje3,!
Pniilished by order of Counsel.
March liWh, '55. B. N.B0BBI5S, Recorder.
The nadersigneil nardian of Amy Bright,
beth Bright, Margaret Bright, and Jame. franklin
Bright, minor children of Josiah Bright deceased ; in
pursuance of an order of aale made by the Probate
Court, or Truml ull County, will, on the-21st day or
April. A- D. la55.at Ihs prtwii,, hini,ifin mention
ed, sell at Public auction, to the highest bidder, four
nndirided seventh part of the following described
premise, subject to the life estate therein of Amy Bright
widow of said Josiah Bright, deceased, ril : a parcel of
land situated in Newton in thi. county, being a part of
lot So. 5, in section io. 14, and bounded auutnwestly
partly hy the highway running from Warren to Price'.
Mills, in Milton, an.) sooth partly by the lot line, and
west on the original lot line, north hy land, owned by
.conaru joiner, ana east by lands of John Miller, i
Oosed to contain sewentv.aiv -n.l . K. It
Me ncresoM to Oeo. Longenbargher by
Josiah Bright in bis life time.
- Ale fowrwodmded t nndia th. fcWswIny
premiae. .ahjeet to the life esute of said Amy Bright,
w.dow, there; n, a id a'fe o a lif esta-e or Stophen Bald-
nereiaartor described to wit: .i mate in said Newton
and bounded on the north by lands of Jesse Allen, ami
the highway leading from Newton Falls to Dock Creek,
on the east by lands lately owned by William Gilmore.
new deceased, on the south by land, of said eiiatore
deceased, and Israel Cook deoeased. aadioa the wees
by and. of John Shearer and Au.ustns atevena. Said
interest are appraised at the sum of 151.14. Term
of sale made known at the time of the offering afore-
Mar. 81. li.
wi. and K--twa llaWwio, in bfteen acre, ol the parcel
By Tirtoe of a Fi. Fa- Usned ont of the Court of
Common Plena, of Trnmbbll county, Ohio, aniast John
Krnst, in tarorof Edward fi. Iloyt, to ate directed and
deliTered, I hare ierled en and shall eirooee toublie
Ktle, t the door of the Court lions. a Warren, in said
County, on Saturday, the 91st day of April. A. tK 1855.
between the hours of IU o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock P.
a., of said day, t tract, or lots o land , tne first of
which is deKrihed as follows, to wit :
Situate in Warren, or township So. 4. In theta
Bangs of Township., iothe Connecticut Western Re
serve, in the State of Ohio, and which u also In the
County of Trumbull, and i. known by being middle part
of lot No. li, and is bounded a. follows, to wit : on the
north by the north line of .aid lot No. 3S. on the east
54 and eighteen bondreth acre, of land, deeded hy
John Fuaselman. toOeo. Fuseelman. in trust for liydia
Brooks, by bearins, date of March -JJ, I-M3, and on the
,ma BhleeB hnndrethacre. of land be the oamemore
er les.; appraiaeil at twenty-eight dollar. The secood
of which ling th-followint described Real Estateto
r': '" Town.hip.No4. im the 4th
mmiicw m iv.bmi, id hiv inomiini western ss.
in the
. be tho
"ore or lesfcappraiMdiii f375. - -
ri. rv. ri a rjio.- suenn.
ss-niri office. Mar. si.ipss 13-3.?7 ------
Ranee of Township in the Connecticut Western
nerve, in the State of Ohio, and which i. also in
eonnty of Trumbull, and i. known by befog lot No-
B1k So ,,,,. mrTrTZ mn,
meoTeor iesappraiMnt tn. - -
Joshua DaMom.) - -
rs. Suit in Attachment.
Xlisha Weaver. - !
At my instance, .n order of Attachment wa. issued
the tk day of March, 11-55. by John A. Coleman, a
County. Okie, against the goods, ehauels, right., ered-
stock, and interest in stocks, moneys, and eoecta
Mid defendant. Kiish. Wearer, who i.a am-mi-
- -
dtlkrj moi Uiirt eent $At4 Amtwtxad
juurntMl for hearing, to Che 3& day of Aprtl next.at
Joshua sex.
llf Notice isVertby en'tnaT th'e l
..a:. I- t. kw ar-iwam ha f h inKuira Kw at
jnairaJM mntl auahfiMt as MMutwr. OB tubwl Mtattt
Mesopotamia. Mar, u. 'n.
DEON Ooed toned and in good order. can bw
boeghtfor r-j. at pomebqv. Masic store.
lust re-
flarden Seeds.
put an by L. P. rog dt Co.
Also a variety of flower Seeds, among whicft are
new and boautiiut Kino.
k. a. smith Co'.., So, 5, Vain i
cheap-. Packet Boat,. p,,iy w oat fORDdt
tit for tho IincrTeotypr batue3 ixt.fi a z be
furnilid jmI wfeiMrtl lj lb nreMnt pnmietor frr tha
oaiTfoiu. ha.mshtoi.
HOrsEs. acgustis oraetbr.
Warren, Mar. 11. "35 tf.
; .
Any persons wkiuit to take Cbillren to mis
Auy parson, wiskiuif to take CMblrea to raise
l)e accontmoJaled by calling, at the Trojni.wtl Coan-
AN D WARRANTS The i.adersign
March ed will .tteii to tiiejMosecntion of vtv
CLAl-MS. nn-ler the -K)ld Midler. Bill, paased
jiirch3i. leiv. mice three door. ieiow th- kiii.
Uonv..mno. a. t. A.a,,
M(.-lu!,i0eirfc pric. .uo. Atewtop-
,t.u..) sdam.
LUirary Binding, price :,00. st " I
ii. A DAM 8-
UND A 1'Uor.nl-iiuOrv contain-
: aM- ndn.w nnJ .... wkkfha
:---veby CiiliU)(atUe Xurfc Ifeot Stent,
Warroa, Mow. , HU SW A. A. nJ,lWI,

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