OCR Interpretation

The Mahoning dispatch. [volume] (Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio) 1877-1968, February 14, 1913, Image 6

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028473/1913-02-14/ed-1/seq-6/

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Cgt Slaning gispttjj
Kntetfd at Canfleld Ohio Fostomce aa
eoond lass matter
Qae Tear
fMx Months
Three Months
Blngle Copy
Obituary Notices Resolutions of Ite
pect Cards of Thanks and notices of
onurch and charitable entertainments and
the like whore an admission fee Is charg
ed will be charged for at the rate of
one half cent a word These must bo
paid for In advance or charged to re
sponsible parties ordering the same
Scatter sunshine and keep a tongue
of good report
The bill to make the Presidential
term one ot six years has been block
ed and will go over to the next con
We dont like the notion ot the gov
ernment making money shorer Ours
Is already too short and further con
traction may be positively embarrass
It Is all settled now The electoral
vote has been cast In Washington
Bhowlng that Mr Wilson was elected
President and Mr Marshall Vice Pres
Congressman J J Whltacre of this
district and Gen Isaac Sherwood of
Toledo are making a bitter fight In
congress against the two battleships
a year program They believe the
money that goes into the big fighting
machines should be spent In building
good roads and a lot of their constitu
ents are of the same mind
Friends of state road commission
er James Marker in all parts of the
state are bringing great pressure to
bear upon Gov Cox to continue him
In office It is claimed that he has
made a record as a public official that
warrants bis retention But It Is Just
possible that Gov Cox has tho name
of a gentleman in mind who would
also make a good showing for him
self and tne state if given the place
Representative John G Cooper of
this county is making strenuous ef
forts to get Jirough the house his bill
against white slavery Th -Is
a most drastic - -- iensuro
comes a law ne find If it be-
to on - - will put an end in Ohio
f -- of tha Waehest Ot crimes xur
cooper has badk of him the best
-pie In tilt stale in his determination
to Jyirjo out a monstrous evil every
-00 all bringing him letters encouraging
and urging him to greater effort in
securing the passage of the law
Judge David F Griffith who last
Saturday completed his second term
08 Probate Judge and retired made a
record for himself of which ho has
every reason to be proud It is not
overstating it to say that Judge Grif
fiths administration bf the office as
one of tho most satisfactory the coun
ty has ever had Always a hard work
er careful and painstaking in tho dis
charge of his duties he not only made
an ideal official but won for himself
tho friendship of all with whom he
was thrown in contact He was an
officer whose efficiency will not soon
bo forgotten After a short rest
Judge Griffith will resume the prac
tice of law
Should Mahoning county bo placed
In the same congressional district
with Trumbull and Ashtabula coun
ties as has been proposed former
congressman James Kennedy of
Youngstown can probably be counted
upon to be a candidate He has IntI
mated strongly that ho desires to re
turn to congress and a district com
posed of counties that have in tho
past rolled up big republican major
ities the opportunity would appear
promising But then there is the
progressiva party that must be reck
oned with Dividing the natural re
publican vote between a standpatter
and a progressive would make the
election of either extremely doubtful
Democrats are not Hkejy to vJew the
snuauon wun alarm
Feb 13 Greenford grange will hold
a box social in IC of P hall Saturday
evening Feb 15 Everyone invited
g jrfLadies are requested to bring a box of
The K of P lodge will have a mas
flUerado ball Saturday evening Feb
1he Stitchery club will hold a penny
social Saturday evening March 1
M C Clay and C L Toot took in
f Hhe RUto show at Youngstown
Wllllftjv urirrhtwoll Ih confine
Shi room with typhoid fever j tfb
M C Clay Son have
an auto truck fUN based
Ice harvest is on
Local coal mines
lng business the- effbdofng a rush
rrppnford h Jcldseto zero days
imall town Hho st band of any
V dom h this Tpart of Buckeye-
jhp femrch good talk
j ItiysTirduipted no ddubt by the
jitttfh to state and county aid
U Tmprove important roads in thla
Feb 12 Mr and Mrs A W Long
anecker have taeu possession of
their new home
Mrs Wm Brunk Is recovering from
her illness
Mrs Mlley and Mrs Wm Culp
epent Friday afternoon with Mrs John
John Fohrer and wife spent Sun
day at Ira Martins
Some of our farmers are putting
up ice
R A Beard and family of Youngs
town spent Sunday at A W Longa
Geo Miller and family were at
Enos Metzlers last Sunday
A W Harrold and family spent Sun
dav at Evan Basslnsers
Some roada in this locality are bad
ly In need of improving
For a sorain you will find OharpbeP
Iains Liniment excellent It allays
the pati removes the soreness and
soon restores the parts to a healthy
condition 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by all dealers Adv
Mti jtriadi 3gX
During Two Terms As Probate Judge
Is Most Highly Com
The retirement of Judge David
Griffith marks the end ot the first six
years of juvenile court in Youngs
town In that time from 800 to 1000
complaints have been considered by
the court every year GOO children
have been assisted by the court 84
boys sent to Lancaster and 6 girls
sent to tho Delaware home After
long agitation a Detention home was
opened April 15 1912 and since that
time 191 boys and 19 girls have been
detained there Instead of associating
with criminals In lock up or Jail With
the exception of a few months Ben
Morris waB probation officer since the
court was established
Complaints are made to the juven
ile court for serious offenses They
are made by parents schoolboard or
school officials officers of the city or
by anyone else who has knowledge of
them Tho most frequent offense for
which boys are summoned into juv
enile court are habitual truancy pet
ty thieving burglary incorrigibility
malicious destruction ot property
throwing switches assault and plac
ing obstructions on railroad or street
Jar tracks
Where no affdavit Is Hied and In
most cases there Is none the proba
tion officer visits the home of the
child against whom complaint Is
made In this way ho becomes ac
quainted with the parents and with
conditions surrounding tbe child the
work too is on a more friendly
basis than If the parents were haled
Into court Both Judge Griffith and
Mr Morris have tried to make the
court an instrument of helpfulness
Whose Second Term as Probate Judge
Expired Last Saturday
and sympathetic reform rather than
of impersonal and severe correction
They have tried to lead erring boys
to do right and results have convinc
ed them that they have accomplished
much more than they could have by
merely keeping in mind the rigid en
forcement of law When occasion re
quired they have had to be severe
but usually firmness and kindness
have gone hand in hand
There are more complaints now
than there wero six years ago Tho
city is of course much larger and
then too people have bec61n6 fa
miliar with tho court and fallen into
the habit of seeking redress there
When the court was first opened the
probation officer had to go out and in
vestigate cases that he heard nhnnt
but now they come to him The court
has a recognized place In the life of
the city Tbe offenses that came be
fore it now are less serious than they
were at first
Tho Detention home has been a
good institution separating children
from older prisoners from whom in
the old jail and even in the now they
learned to do mu h evil The Deten
tion homo is not a nlaco of nnninh
mentvbut merely a place to keep a
child until its case is disposed of
A child may stay there from one to
seven days or even inmnr mitiinj
that tho court has not decided what
mu ue none witu it or in the case
of runaways or lost children the par
ents have not been found Tho home
Is not a place that children are fond
of although tho probation officer says
iuu ucbl u uinnnr nnn Trine on i
jift - T T wm uu
iujy ijiuco oi us Kind that he h
eeen Yet the children are well
ed for and have nothing to cor
of if they obey the rules B AfrfMn
en from there to Lancaster Vs tak
en inquired about tho er toaVe oft
and matron Mr and eTintendent
whom they have me Mts Reese
ber of girls have i foere A tium
Crlttenton hoinr gen sent to tho
ot the court v Dd the experience
home doep been that Crlttenton
any otlK Hjore for Its girls than
are cr isnstltutlon to which girls
tfWrt from the other activities or
e tourt Probation Olllcer Morris
toUs organized a boys cluh which
rilnte the first of the year has
ed 179 members mostly street boys
it is called tne Do iiignv ciud ana
to join It boys have to Blgn tne follow
ing pledge
To live as a Christian to obey our
parents r and respect those who en
force the law We promise never to
play truant steal hop freights or
street cars or to pull fire boxes and
never to gamble or short change any
one and that we will obey the cur
few and all other ordinances On
Sunday afternoons the boys are priv
ileged to go to the Y M C A UBe
the baths and the swimming pool
free and hear the talks that are glv
en at the Sunday meetings Mr Mor
ris is planning to have a button for
the membership On a blue field will
be thirteen white stars representing
the 13 original states and the words
Do night Club in red so that tho
button will bear the national colors
These are a few facts about the
Juvenile court and its work Probably
everyone who has come in contact
with it could give an instance to bear
out what has ben said here Tht
county was fortunate in having Judge
Griffith In probate court when the
need of juvenile court bacame appar
ent loving children he welcomed the
work that it would make for him
tind he has always enjoyed the oppor
tunity that the court afforded him to
be of real service Not only the com-
niunity in general but the boys who
itZn jJs JfciiL
Rev Homer Eddy of Union town Pa
who has been pastor of the First Bap
tist church since Rev L M Latimer
resigned and left tho city some months
ago has been compelled to glvo up
the work on account of falling health
he not being able to make the train
trips between his home and this city
A large number of Odd Fellows
from this city went to East Liver
pool last Friday night to attend lodge
The degree team from thlB city con
ferred the Initiatory degree upon sev
eral candidates and Kb work was
highly complimented
Geo Conscr of Winona slipped and
and received painful bruises
o o
o o
Joseph Wehr Is sick
Wm Clemens of Newton Falls hero
J G Schiller died in North Lima
aged 94
Hiram Lynn remains In a critical
Lot of new names added to the Dis
patch list
Youngstown Salvation Army has
Mrs Julia Fisher 60 found dead in
fall tta Tin wno nntoftnir n Innnl tinrfl YnilTlEHtOWn
ware store last Friday and striking Ben Laney 35 died In Akron of
his head on plow severed an artery consumption
People traveling on the Stark elec
tric cars have complained about cold
cars not a little
The Umstcnd Bible class of the
Christian church held an enjoyable
social Friday night
The annual Industrial picnic has
not been given up oven If tho Pennsy
does refuse to run excursion trains
for it The plan now is to have the
Erie take tho business and run its
special trains over the Y O elec
tric lino to this city from Washing
tonvlllo This would save much de
lay and transferring at Washington
vllle if the picnic is held at some
point on the Erlo lines
Attorney A V Johnson who died
last week in Hanover was well and
faorably known in this city Ho was
stricken with heart trouble and lived
only a few minutes he served as
mayor of his town 27 years
Tho natural ico harvest is on and
hundreds of tons have been cut and
stored the past week Ice cut is about
seven inches thick
In the Mt Unlon Sclo college debate
Frank Cobourn or this city was chos
en by tho former as its representa
tive Frank is a son of K L Co
bourn the well known attorney
Rev E T Butz pastor of the Luth
eran church has received a call to
his former charge In South Baltimore
A largo addition Is to be added to
the plant of the Sanitary Mfg Q
The board of directors have asked the
stockholders to grant permission to
issue 125000 in bonds to make Im
Tho clothing of John Miller aged
three years caught fire In some un-
1nn HnMHA TJm11a rml lift-
nuunu iuuuuci rnuiv HU
flames wero extinguished tho ellild
was so badly burned that death re
I YSffian has sold his bakery to
C tavis of Tltusville Pa who
will continue the business at the old
stand Mr O and wife will locate in
East Palestine
The women of the cly have decided
that It is up to them to securo for
tho city a long needed school build
ing and it is a safe bet the project
will go this time When It comes to
accomplishing what they undertake
the women make good
There appears to bo a wave of
school troubles in this county several
towns being afflicted The high school
pupils at Hanover do not like it be
cause the board of education deposed
Prof Johnson and have said so in a
statement in the public prints At
fc ast Palestine two high school boys
set upon Prof L M Newcomer one
Burglars were around Tuesday
night but were frightened away
lore securing any plunder
The contract has been let for bully
ing tho new five county tuberculosis
hospital In Summit county Evans
Co of Columbus -will receive 112000
for the work
Officers raided a foreign gambling
bouse Monday night and brought in
IIVO men hnw 1aw flnoo nt vnrlnllH
D M Knauf haa closed his writing
school In Calla
Mrs David Dunning foil on the ice
and broke an arm
Tho Misses Hine visiting relatives
in Shakeleyvllle Pa
C Shafenacker of Greenford in town
calling on old friends
Dlngledys planing mill In Youngs
town damaged by fire
Valentine social at tho Boyer school
house a great success
Mrs M L Edwards visiting her
parents In Wllloughby
Cllf Matteson of Seville here visit
ing his brother Charles
Miss Alberta Painter of East Lew
lBtown aged 18 Is dead
Meeting of tho Canfleld Creamery
Co will bo held Saturday
John Gibson born in Milton Jan
1 1836 1b dead of pneumonia
Striko at Cherry Valley coal mines
In WaBhlngtonville continues
Four persons united with the North
Jackson Presbyterian church
Law requires that maplo syrup of
fered for salo must bo labeled
Stanyard found guilty of murder in
tho first degreo at Youngstown
Lots of houso building to bo dono
in Youngstown the coming spring
Wm Mlnard of Niles formerly of
Canfleld bas gone to Jamestown Ala
Neff Wehr butchers havo dis
solved partnership Mr Wehr retir
Mrs M D Hawn of Salem here
visiting her daughter Mrs I M
A P Bowman aged 90 died In Ells
worth township cf cancer of tho stom
Mrs Ellen Vestal 84 died in
YoungBtown and burled in Corners-
Boys stole 20 worth of goods frbm
Well Hineya bddlt store in Youngs
Married John Woolt of Brier Hill
and WIbb Lizzlo Halfke of Austin
Young people had a fine time at
tho home of Henry Beardsley in Ells
Wm Burford of Mineral Ridge is
tho oldest undertaker in Mahoning
During revival in Trinity M E
Church 150 people wero taken In on
J M Klbler moved from Youngs
town to Austlntown to blacksmith for
A Kroeck
Rev S R Frazier has begun the
publication of a religious paper in
Elder C M Ollphant of Cortland
will preach in tho North Jackson Dis
ciple church
dark night as he was going home and M Fitzgerald Youngstown peanut
beat him up so badly that they were Vender is back to his old quarters In
sent 10 LiBuon to answer for their of la murmury
Mrs vm Summers aged 22 died
Friday night of peritonitis nnd was
burled Monday afternoon in Hopq
The illegal methods of many loan
sharks in different parts of tho state
have called down the wrath of the
people and many of them will be put
out of business
Supt Deweeso will submit a prop
osition looking to resumption of ser
vice on the old street car line
Geo Slaglo and wife left East
istown to make their homo in Wash
ington Territory
A Joint meeting ot Trumbull and
Mahoning county teachers will be held
in Niles Feb 25
Conrad Reich 1b back to Washing
tonvlllo and has Bet tip Bhocnmklng
at his old stand
Geo Bartman the aged clockmak
er unable to be at his shop on ac
count of sickness
J G N Boughton ill with fever at
the home of P T Jones west of
town is recovering
J H Ruhlmau of North Llaa has
had his residence and business places
connected by telephone
Adam Kaidatsch Violated the Co
lumbiana prohibitory ordinance nnd
was fined 18 and costs
wm nartman engineer ai me cour
ty lnfirmafy leaves April 1 and vi
iUluuuu w -
Martin Clemens ot Norm ThWlYl
Geo Weaver ot West - 1
Confnv ui and
0ueBte by tho chamber of commerce eBe gJZ T - office
H through congress If possible n i2 V JWn dled ln
rypVtprlatlon -for a federal building tofville and jifjV w Anderson
M this city He will not bo able to conducted tni Wertll services
feet anything through thlB session An WUIor of 3East Lewlstown
illimvovor ns nnnrnnrlatlnnR nrn already JS urferlrjE fivim RnlntHnfl ortotnlnnrl
made up hcu a viclou qjtw vttacVed him
Word coined from the Yountowu Wm rtenkerrtjengeTB baby Is ill in
hospital that L V Schnurrenberger Milton township 3iia Dr W IC ttngluB
who recently underwent another of Berln la the attending physician
glcnl operation is getting along nice- Amos Brant sent to Ne Buffalo
ly and will soon bo able to return relative teeth tit two cats he
home assisted 5n killing near North Loup
Frozen water plpet burst in Bolger I Web
block Monday and Water did much
damage to business places
Mary Noel as been granted a di
vorce from A L Noel
A large number of grangers were
here lust Saturday to securo supplies
purchased on the cooperative plan by
their representative
Supt Chaney of Youngstown will
speak here next dunday under the
auspices of the Personal Workers
The following real estate transfers
have been filed for record
Ellis Wright et ux to Altab Lomar
one lot Lowellville 1
W H Reed et ux to Maggie Lu
bonovlch one lot East Youngstown
James Burkes administratrix to
Margaret Carr 1 lot Lowellville
Frank Jacobs to Mrs Ella Jacobs
1 parcel Coltsvllle township 1
Elizabeth Weaver to Charles M
Weaver five acres Austlntown town
ship 1
Geoige Raub administrator to Mary
Rohrbsugh 20 acres Poland township
Mary Rohrbaugh to M A Spltler
same 1
G W Turner sheriff to Bertha a
Klmmel et al C301 acres Coltsvllle
township Si
Jackson Grove et ai to Lottie A
Richards 50 feet Dewey avenue 1
Maun Salsberry et ux to J L Rus
sell 1 lot Sebring 10
A W Bush et ux to Willis H Rot-
zel 1 3 acre Green township 25
William Swanston to the Callahan
came before Judge Griffith have Neff Co one lot Canfleld town-
Ited by nls presence on tne nencn ship 150
youngstown vindicator
fciend your orders for city morning
and evening newspapers to Ralph D
Fowler Any paper desired will be
promptly delivered b carder
The uncorseted effect is now the
real thing And the girls who have
em are as busying making em dis
appear as the girls who havent em
Tsnftr TfcfiTPlftxr TITlpr nf VnfinfTRtnwn
has announced his candidacy for jus
tice of thp peace on the republican
J King Wilson of Green township
here looking up his chances of secur
ing ithe republican nomination for
Mrs S Ilolten fell dead in Niles
while renearslng for an entertainment
to be given by the ladles of the Pres
bvterlan church
Large frame addition being built
to Kirk Hunts store to be used
for a grocery department A S Port
er has the contract
H B White Grand Chief Templar
of Ohio spolce in tho Y M C A
rooms Saturday night and in the Con
gregational church Sunday afternoon
Milton township taxpayers remon
strate by petition against the trans
crlblng and transferring of the old
Trumbull county records fbr tbls
Salem people aire objecting to the
water given them to drink that con
tains according to analysis scuttle
fish horned toads snakes and other
nice things
Can of gasoline ih the apartments
of Friend Jones over the store In
North Jackson exploded and much
damage was done before the flames
were extinguished
B P Phillips ha sold his drug
store in North Jackson to Dr Ball of
Niles nnd Mr Phillips bought Dr
Booths office where he will conduct
his real estate business
A citizen claims that a man who
hasnt bought a pound of coal all win
ter is making walks around bis prem
ises with coal ashes and wonders
who is furnishing the coal
Directors of the Bearer Oil Gas
Co J Ernst Solomon Elser Mar
tin Grove E M Sonedecker Ferd
Mentzer Freeman Wllderson Joseph
Heintzelman Jacob Blosser S i
Love in a cottage is all right pro-
are In trying to fake up a lifelike ivided it also supplies a town house
substitute Cincinnati Enquirer for the winter
To the Private
The1 Home Savings and Loan
Company was not organized for
the purpose of making profits for
a few individuals nor to promote I
the Interests of a trust It was
formed for the common people and
is managed for their benefit arid
advantage It will care safely for
your savings and return them to
you when you want them with
FIVE PER CENT added or it will
lend you money to buy a home on
the easiest possible terms of pay
Tbe Home Savings
and Loan Company
129 West Federal St
Five Per Cent on Savings
When you are weak and debilitated
there Is trouble In regaining your vi
tality because all of the organs of
the body are debilitated Your heart
stomach liver and kidneys must be
able to work harder before you can
uc duiii up mat is why our
Syrup Hypophophllcs Compound
Is so effective a remedy In any run-
uuwii conaiuon it renews the ac
tivity of the vital organs and supplies
material io maKC new blood and to
revitalize the nerve centers
Phone 103 Canfleld O
No 3651
farmers National Sank of Canfield
In tho Stato of Ohio at the col so of bus
iness Feb 4th 1913
Loans and Discounts 20522744
Overdrafts CG4S
U S ltonds to securo circulation 5000000
Other bonds to secure U 8t
Deposits 3000 00
Bonds securities etc 03005 31
Uankliig house Furniture and
fixtures i 090000
Duo from National Banks not
rescne agents ii 2023 43
Due fro Stato ana brhrito banks
and bankers etc m in 059 4
Duo from ApproVbd Rescno
Agents 1 1 1 2053001
Checks and other cubIi Items 302 32
Notes of other National banks 45000
Fractional paper curroacy nick
els and cents 109 31
Specie 7223 00
Legal tender notes 36G500
Redemption fund with U S
Treasurer G per cent of cir
nntnnil bank
Capital stock pia ft
I Undivided Profits lesaoxpenses W1
H nnd tnxen nnf1 v
Individual deposits subject iB 0 0UO
check o
TMYin MfHHnnA VA v kV87l
Postal Savings Depop fslt 95JSrS
State of Ohio C
ttt 414730 41
I Mark IL t xjumy of Mahoning ss
jasnier or me auovo
aloe stp solemnly smear that tho
knowlcd xMWOnt Is true to tho best of
JK and belief
t rfftSfrlljed anil sworn to before me
aI Cth any of February 1913
C txjyLEii Notary pumic
To dissolve a partnership wo will
sell at the Irvln Callahan farm on
North Broad St Canfleld Ohio on
Friday Feb 28
at 10 a m the following
horses cattle and farming imple
consisting of one draft horse one mare
7 years oW with foal one mare 7
years old tflth foal one mare with
foal two gendlngs 1 year old each
One brood sow Chester White one
Chester White boar nine Bhoats Mc
Cormlck grain binder Deering corn
binder Deering mower McCormlck
mower Deering hay tedder Thomas
hay tedder Osborne hay loader hay
rake hay rigging two Oliver Chllleji
hand plows J I Case gang plow Os
borne disc Osborne land roller two
harrows Mollne corn planter O K
Champion pltato digger 2 two horse
wagons Iron Age cultivator sulky
one norse cultivator weeder Sharp
less Steam Turbine Separator 700 lb
capacity All registered cows tuber
culin tested Free lunch at noon
Col D h Perry Auctioneer
I Asher Manchester Clerk
J H Hitchcock having sold his
farm will sell at his residence 1
miles east ot North Jackson Wednes
day Feb 25 commencing at 10 a m
cows young cattle horses sheep
wagons farm Implements etc At
the same timeand pad R L Ewing
being overstocked will sell a lot of
registered Jersey cows fresh and coin J J
ing iresn ana a nne duu wee tuisi
stock before sale day I
Wear Well
Cost Less
Have Style
5 Women
Broad Stveet
jarti it ra
Ameshurv 3tiinrh Ail WnnI Sefffe
I In
if M
mnn ar nB TV low prices during Feb-
rr J a s Orado footwear Gome and
1 T-
Seek and You Will Find
thatthis is the place to save money Our
Seftii Annual Trousers Sale is no on in full blast
and now is the time to get your Trousers made
td order whether it be working or dress pants
and aB many as you want Hundreds of up-to-date
patterns to select from
Agood one 99c a leg 198 a Pair
A better one 130 a leg 260 a Pair
Hard to beat 150 a leg 300 a Pair
Bear in mind this will not last forever
600 Trousers Free with every Suit or Overcoat
order 1500 and up
All Garments Pressed nnd Repaired Free of Charge
Union Made
Scotch Woolen Mills Co
131 West Federal Street Youngstown 0
Serges Serges Serges
We have iusfc rpnoivprl rlirpnfc from the mills a
variety of colors of two ply warp doubled and
A special value which will be taken advantage f
of by many of our careful buyers
the price only 50c the yard
If not familiar with our cash proposition let us
f expiam now you may secure a complete set 01
Rogers Guaranteed Silverware at a Small Cost
A Few of the Prices
Teaspoons per Bet 76c
Cold Meat Forks each 57c
Rnller and Sucar Sets 69c
Berry Spoons each 79c
Phone 17 CANFIEUD O t
t f - t l
Wetmore Shoes
Demand the Pest
Your money should be placed where it will
draw the highest rate of interest compatible with
sound banking and at the same time be protected
and safeguarded by ample paid in
capital This bank pays the highest rate of
interest paid by any bank of good standing in this
part of the country and offers more security in the
form of paid in non withdrawable capital than any
bank between Cleveland and Pittsburgh
The Dollar Savings Trust Company
Capital and Surplus 210000000
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings
Central Square YOUNGSTOWN O
I The SalenirAHiance Business Colleges
Fine equipment experienced teachers
Positions guaranteed to graduates ot our
successful graduates
course write for circulars
W H MATTHEW8 Principal

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