OCR Interpretation

The Mahoning dispatch. [volume] (Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio) 1877-1968, February 20, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028473/1914-02-20/ed-1/seq-5/

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Gathered In Town County and
Attending church next Sunday
will be a good yray to celebrate Wash
ingtons birthday
The Nlleu Independent Is lending
Its feeble xnJto in aiding Mahoning
county wets In the local option light
When trading 1711 our advertls
ore It will bo a favor If you will tell
the merchant or his clerk I saw It
in the Dispatch
In renewing her subscription to
the Dispatch Airs Judith P Smith of
Ellsworth kindly writes I wish the
paper came six times a week
C M Wilklns of Warren
was 49 the other day and lawyer
friends and other admirers nrenpntpd
i him with a costly diamond stick nln
Mrs Mary A Lehman of Hum
boldt Kan formerly of New Buffalo
in renewing her subscrlpton writes
I could not do without the Dispatch
Every issue brings Interesting news
from my old homo in Mahoning coun
Mrs W L Schoflcld of Seattle
Wash has the thanks of the Dispatch
ror a copy of a boom edUon of the
Bun Seattles newest newspaper and
a mighty Jlne one iMrs Schoflelds
maiden name was Kenrcigh and she
formerly resided in Green township
An Atwater correspondent sol
emnly declares that Daniel HUlyer
killed a streaked snake in his barn
yard Feb 1 He also Baw a toad
that had crawled out Into the bright
eunshlno His snakeship was as live
ly and as sassy as a summer reptile
A number of lines that jingle arc
traveling around in our exchanges
credited to the Dispatch They were
printed In this paper but through an
oversight were not credited to the
Cincinnati Enquirer in which paper
they first appeared Apology is offer
ed ithe Enquirer The Dispatch has
no desire to break into the Journalis
tic thief class
An Atwater correspondent writes
Powell Whittlesey of Atwater had a
quantity of dead bono removed from
his left arm Wednesday Ho was
wounded last November by the dis
charge of a gun while on a hunting
trip in Michigan This is the second
-supplementary operation that he has
to undergo and his friends join him in
the hope that it wll be the last one
Hog cholera has again broken
out north east of Louisville For- a
year r more farmers lost heavily
cause of this disease but it was
thought to have been eradicated
Farmors over the country lose mil
lions of dollars every year because of
hog cholera and Senator Pomereno is
making an effort to socuro an approp
riation of 500000 to stamp out the
disease Herald
There may bo a better country
than the one in whch you are now
located But you are not very apt to
And it through the florid represent
ations of the exploiters of real estate
schemes It takes hard work fore
sight frugality and somo other solid
virtues to produce success anywhere
la the world No doubt the exercises
of these virtues right where you aro
would richly repay
An exceptional oddity in child
birth occurred Sunday morning when
Mrs George Queen residing between
WellsviUo and East Liverpool gave
birth to itwln girls who were Joined
together in much the same manner as
were the famous Siamese twins The
Infants died almost immediately after
birth Tho children whose heads
arms and legs were perfectly formed
were bound together from tho upper
part of their breasts to tho navel
Tho plan pf doing away with the
long summer vacation wont pleaso
the school boy and girl Educators
however say our present plan Is an
tiquated and a child should bo kept
In school during itho whole year no
could then finish his education ear
lier and begin tho active duties of
JIfo while younger Tho only vaca
tions many mature people ever got
were those of their school days The
world seems to bo too busy for vaca
tions of any kind now
Somo day Ohio people aro going
to wake up and discover that tho civ
il service rules have fastened upon
them a Jot of position holders some
good some otherwise who will hold
their Jobs until the crack of doom
and nothing short of a crime- commit
ted will get them out Superintend
ents of infirmaries of childrens
homes the matrons clerks all tho
etate inspectors examiners highway
Inspectors surveyor helpers peni
tentiary guards rural school super
visors school lnpectors and a hund
red and one other place holders will
get in under ithe civil service and will
stay Just so ithey are good enough to
hold their Jobs Few die and none
resign has been said of Uiobo civil
service fellows at Washington Tho
eame will be true of Ohio How many
votes would a man in Columbiana
county get If ho were to como out and
announce that he wanted to bo elect
d treasurer for life Lisbon Patriot
Helen Verblas a Nlles girl did
not tako kindly to parental dlctatlbn
and one day last week secured her
fathers revolver and shot herself
Chances are ithat she will die
Tho Toledo Blade says it is eas
ier to keep a Ben Davis apple than to
give It away Oh well if a fellow
was really determined he might pass
it on a blind man or slip it to a hog
at night
Considerable snow fell the first
of the week but it was not the kind
to make good sleighing It was light
and high winds caused It to drift
badly and some roads have been al
most Impassable
Mrs Barbara Mlnlnger of Rogers
aged 70 committed sueido last Sat
urday by hanging herself Sho was a
widow and lived with her two daugh
ters Ill health and advanced years
had weakened her mind
Followng Is one of tho resolu
tions adopted by tho Trumbull coun
ty farmers institute held in Warren
last week Hesolved That inasmuch
as Mahoning county is now facing a
wot and dry election and tho contest
for the expulsion or retention of tho
saloons in that county will bo tho
topic of conversation both in tho city
and throughout tho county for the
next 20 days we do hereby express
to the citizens of Mahoning county our
deslro that they shall vote dry and
wo would refluest the farmors of Ma
honing county to give their united
support to the tempcranco cause
Fob 18 Solomon Crouso purchas
ed of J iM Muntz the center lot of
the threo lots owned by him lying
east of tho Beard creamery He ex
pects to erect a house this coming
Mrs W E Mentzer while coming
In tho back door to her homo from a
call to a neighbors fell striking her
head upon a corner of the porch Her
head was quite badly cut requiring
the services of a surgeon Although
still confined to her bed sho is im
proving nicely
Itev Gilberts lecturo on tho Life
of Christ In Art was heard by a
large audience All present agree
that It was one of tho finest enter
tainments ever given in our village
Dr A II Aldcn has purchased tho
Barbara Metzler property
Thorpe Shellenborger has purchas
ed of Eli Pfau the property now us
ed by Dr Alden as an office
Mrs Sue Sprinkell Is
Mrs W E Glenn sold her house
hold goods at public sale last Satur
day Sho is staying with her daugh
ter in Youngstown
Protracted meetings begin In the
Evangelical church next Sunday eve
ning Meetings are announced for
every night of tho following week
Also day meetings Tuesday Wed
nesday and Thursday at 2 p m
Tho third number of tho band lec
turo course was given in the Reform
ed church Monday evening Traverse
Harrison gave a stereoptean lecturo
on The New South which was much
enjoyed by a large crowd The lec
ture courso has brought somo excel
lent talent to North Lima thus far
P W Sprinkell made a business
trip to Canton Tuesday
IMrs Jesse Clay is working for
Webster Motz near New Waterford
A mooting of the Parent Teachers
Association will bo held Friday even
ing In the Qiigh school room at 7
standard Tho following program has
been prepared Tho Present Condi
tion of School Luncheons Georgia
Summers What a School Lunch
Ought to be Mabel Metzler Per
sonal Hygiene Dr A H Alden
Tho Bible and tho Schools Mrs
L J Rohrbaugh What Parents Ex
pect of the Teachers iMrs M L
Beard There will bo a query box
and everyone is asked to take part
in this Havo your questions ready
stating who shall answer them Spe
cial music will be a feature of the eve
Mayor Clamps Down Lid
Mayor V A Schrelber of East Liv
erpool who recently banned playing
bridge whist and other society games
for nrizes one day last week called
all tho saloonkeepers in tho city to his
ofllce for a conference on liquor regu
Schrelber told them there must bo
a strict observance of the liquor laws
and of city ordinances HoN also told
thorn he wanted a strict observance of
the closing law
Every saloon -must be closed at 11
oclock at night and not opened until
7 oclock in tho morning Anyone
caught in a barroom after 11 oclock
rwJll be arrested he said
Mayor Schrelber said the propnew
must lock the doors at 11 oclock and
leave the bar
Tho money received for liquor li
censes Is blood money ho declared
Schrelber said that as a result of
evidence gathered by his policemen
he knew that all saloonkeepers had
violated tho closing law
At the closo of the conference Mayor
Schrelber loft for Youngstown to de
liver a dry speech
If every man Is the architect of his
own fortune the world Is full of bum
Absolutely Pure
Aheeluiely has no submlitutm
Many mixtures are offered as
substitutes for Royal No other
baking powder is the same in
composition or effectiveness or
so wholesome and economical
nor will make such fine foodi
t j
Royal is the only Baking Povdertnade
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Telegraphic Briefs
Lumbermen Froren to Death
Wilkesbarro Pa Two lumbermen
Jerry Sheehan and Joseph Kelly jvere
found frozen to death In a snow drift
on South mountain
Would Fine Negligent Voters
Albany N Y Voters who fall to
register or voto In a state election
must pay a 50 fine If a bill introduced
in tho assembly Is adopted
Editor Dies In Snowdrift
Garden City L I Edward N
Townsend editor of the Nassau Coun
ty Republican was found dead in a
snowdrift In front of his home here
Two Die In Fires
Boston Fires in different parts of
the city caused the loss of two lives
Injuries to half a dozen other persons
and drove fourscore others into tha
Engineer Dies In Wreck
Montreal Tho Toronto express
from Toronto over tho Canadian Pa
cific railroad was wrecked a mile and
a quarter east of Mountain The engi
neer was killed
Caveln Kills and Injures
Piqua O While engaged in digging
dirt to strengthen the lovees Ralph
Garrison 22 was Instantly killed and
both legs of Arthur Fllnney 45 were
crushed when tho bank they were un
dermining caved In
Public Funeral of Bacon
Washington Tho public funeral of
the late Senator Augustus Octavlus
Bacon of Georgia was held here Tues
day Later the body accompanied by
a Joint senate and house committee
was shipped to Atlanta Ga where It
will Ho in state before interment
T 100 FEET IfJ I
Now York Poh 18 Nonrlv 111 tuot
improving I nbovo tho street on n ullnnprv nnnw
covered Are escape two detectives and
two suspected thieves fought a sensa
tional battle at 146 W 3Gth st
Tho detective department had re
ceived a tip that a burglary was to
bo attempted in tho loft building at
that number and Detectives Picco
and Finn wore sent thoro to hide
themselves in tho building Two men
were surprised on tho ninth floor but
when tho detectives attomptcd to ar
rest them they fled to tho Are escape
Beforo they could start to descend tho
detectives had crawled through tho
window and had seized the men
Upon the icy fire escape grating tho
fight then began Soveral times tho
men swayed perilously near tho edge
ind nearly fell into the street below
Finally tho detectives drew black
lacks and wero able to overcome their
Mondota 111 Feb 18 Because tho
lty council Is attempting to cut his
salary from 82 to 62 cents per day
Mayor Charles Rogers of Mendota Iiob
gone on a strike tying up tho citys
business Besides refusing to sign any
bills or sanction any of tho citys
transactions the mayor has threatened
to sue the municipality for his pay
At tho time of his election Mayor
Rogers understood he was to recolvo
300 annually
At a recent meeting of the city coun
I1 he found bis salary was to bo only
225 The citys executive then do
lared a strike Mendota has a popu
lation of 5000
Now York Feb 18 Money on call 1
2 per cent Prime mercantile paper 3
QiVi Per cent Sterling exchange 48595
for demand
Government bonds steady
Grain Provisions and Live Stock
Cleveland Feb 18 Flour Minnesota
patents J500S580
Wheat No 2 red 102
Corn No 3 yellow 6816c
Oats No 3 white 42ic
Butter Best creamery 33ff33Vc J
Cheese York state 1818VJc
Ebbs Strictly fresh 27c
Potatoes Best grades 85c per bu
Hay Jtfo 1 timothy J1650
Cattlo Best steers 7750800 calves
Sheep Cholco wethers J525550
liolco lambs 7750790
Hogs Yorkers 910 pies 910
Toledo Feb 18 Wheat Cash 100H
Corn Cash 64 He
Oats Cash 41c
Cloverseed Cash 882i4
Buffalo Feb 18 Cattle Prlmo steers
19006915 shipping 8000875
Hoga Yorkers 9300335 pigs 930
Sheep Wethers 600635 lambs 550
Pittsburgh Feb 18 Cattle Heavy
Iteers 8850900 fat steers 850 T 8 SO
Hogs Heavy Yorkers 9 25 pigs 925
Sheep Top sheep 025 top Iambs 800
Calves Top 1200
Chicago Feb 18 Wheat May 049iC
Corn May 66c
Oats May fOc
Pork May 2172
Lard May 1092
Cattle Beeves 7000965 stockers and
feeders 5500800
Hogs Heavy 8300875 pigs 775
Sheep Native 4700590 Iambs native
Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlains Cough Remedy
Rev James A Lewis Mtlaca Minn
writes Chamberlains Cough Remedy
has been a needed and welcome guest
in our home for a number of years I
highly recommend it to ray fellows
as being a medicine worthy of trial in
pases of colds coughs and croup
Qive Chamberlains Cough Remedy a
trial and we are confident you will
find lit very effectual and continue to
use it as occasion requires for years
to come as many others have done
For sale by all dealers
XTbe Sttou881bfr8bber0 GoHepenbabUftE
jjglt I Hlll Wil flifci
Starting on Tuesday Morning February 24th
The Strouss Hirshberg Cos Great
Annual March Sale of Linens
With Wonderful Varieties and Values
This is Youngstown s nnnurtl linon sale that always finds hundreds of wise women anxiously waiting for it
the event built upon honest qualities honest values and honest statements And reared upon hon
esty it has become of far reaching yes unsurpassed importance bettering itself every year
This is the great linen sale that makes it unusually worth while for good housewives to renew and replen
ish their linen supplies All the linens in it and its stocks are wonderfully broad are fine fresh and flawless it
is the one linen sale in which youll find Humidor Linens the worlds finest and best wearing flax products sold
here only in Youngstown
Youll save exceptionally on any and all linens that you may need The items listed here are but a small
part of the sales attractions but there are enough to acquaint you with the remarkable nature of the values and
to impress you with the fact that you ought to attend and choose promptly Sale begins at 830 on the morning
of Tuesday February 24th COME
Bleached Damasks
All pure linen of dependable manu
facture and an extensive selection of
pretty patterns
79c grade 70 inches wide 59c yd
85c grade 70 inches wide 69c yd
100 grade 72 inches wide 85c yd
125 grade 72 inches wide 100 yd
150 grade 72 inches wide 125 yd
175 and 189 grades at 147 yd
200 grade 72 inches wide 169 yd
225 grade 72 inches wide 195 yd
250 grade 72 inches wide 219 yd
275 grade 72 inches wide 239 yd
300 grade 72 inches wide 269 yd
350 grade 72 inches wide 289 yd
Other Damasks
All linen silver bleached GO in
wide regularly 59c at 45c yd
All linen silver bleached 70 in
regularly 85c and 89c 69c yd
All linen silver bleached 70 in
regularly 125 at 100 yd
Turkey red Damask fast color
very best 50c grade at 39c yd
All Linen Napkins
The long wearing Humidor linen
napkins the kind that you may
show with real pride will be offered
at the following interesting under
150 quality priced at 125 the doz
175 quality priced at 150 the doz
200 quality priced at 175 the doz
225 quality priced at 200 tho doz
250 quality priced at 219 the doz
275 quality priced at 239 the doz
350 quality priced at 300 the doz
400 quality priced at 325 the doz
450 quality priced jit 369 the doz
500 quality priced at 400 the doz
Linen Tea Napkins
275 quality hemstitched 225 doz
350 quality hemstitched 300 doz
375 quality hemstitched 325 doz
375 quality scalloped at 325 doz
500 quality scalloped at 425 doz
550 quality scalloped at 475 doz
600 quality scalloped at 500 doz
Hand Made French
Cluny Center Pieces
An important feature of tho annual
linen sale is the fine collection of
charming Cluny linen centers the
genuine hand made pieces from Franco
offered at considerably less than
resrular nriccs
150 Centers 20 in special at 119
1 2000 Centers 54 in special at 1675
2500 Centers 72 in special at 2000
Linen Table Cloths
Lovely pattern cloths in sizes 2x2
and 2x3 yards
Those regularly 200 for 150
rPiose regularly 250 for 200
Those regularly 300 for 250
Those regularly 350 for 300
Those regularly 450 for 375
Those regularly 500 for 400
Those regularly 650 for 550
Those who will be unable to at
tend the sale In person are assur
ed complete satisfaction In order
ing by mall All mall orders sent
free by Parcel Post
Extra Specials
An extraordinary value
and heavy Turkish towels of ex
cellent double twisted yarns regular
25c value By making a purchase of
100 or more of other linens you may
buy 2 for the price of one 25c
Another extraordinary value good
bleached Turkish wash cloths the
kind regularly sold jit and easily
worth 3c each With a purchase of
100 or more of other linens you may
buy 5 for 5c
All linen scalloped buck towels of
the extra large size 24x43 inches with
ially offered during the linen sale
2 50 Centers 20 in special at 200 while the supply holds out at 89c
350 Centers 20 in special at 275 35 LINEN SHEETING 89c YD
450 Centers 24 in special at 375
Qm of tje mosfc attmcUve offeiing8
550 Centers 24 in specja at 450 of thQ Baloand the quantity is not
925 Centers 45 in special at 750 MX Yinm sheeting
1000 Centers 45 in special at 875 01A vnrr
Are Maderia hand embroidered lin
ens white art linens linen sheetings
tray cloths pillow cases bed sheets
New Dress Linens
French Linens white- and colors
Matched Sets
Exquisite Irish and Scotch linen
table sets consisting of table cloths
2 yards wide by 2 2 2 and 3 yds
long and a dozen napkins to match
The sale prices
Sets regularly G75 for 525
Sets regularly 700 for 575
Sets regularly 750 for 625
Sets regularly 850 for 750
Sets regularly 1050 for 900
Sets regularly 1250 for 1100
Sets regularly 1350 for 1150
Sets regularly 1050 for 1400
Flemish Linens
The magnificent Rey Aine Flem
ish linen table sets rich satinjr and
serviceable pattern table cloths with
place for monogram excellent value napkins to match at these saleprices
at 59c each in this great annual sale
at 43c
These are the beautiful Humidor
Linen sets pattern table cloth and
12 napkins to match rose tulip strip
ed and holly design regularly valued
at 650 the set special at 500
A value possible just once a year
only during this annual sale All lin
en silver bleached Damask from Ger
many 70 inches wide good staple
patterns regularly 125 a yard at
Sets regularly 375 for 300
Sets regularly 450 for 375
Sets regularly 500 for 425
Sets regularly 600 for 500
Sets regularly 750 for 650
Sets regularly 900 for 800
Sets regularly 1000 for 875
Sets regularly 1400 for 1250
Linen Lunch Cloths
Dainty all linen lunch cloths of
German manufacture all hemstitched
at these reductions
89c quality 36x36 inches at
100 quality 36x36 inches at 79c
All linen bleached toweling plain
white or with red borders regularly
sold for 12ic the yard in the sale
at 9c
Huck towels of pure Irish linen
size 21x40 inches nicely hemstitched
regularly sold for 35c each in the
sale at 25c
An annual linen sale feature that
should be taken advantage of the first
day of the sale All linen bleached
table napkins size 20x20 inches and
in well liked patterns they are put up
which is 150 at 100
These aro handsome white crochet
spreads of full size hemmed and the
patterns are reversible Sold regular
ly throughout the year at 125 spec-
l luuiii uuvuu iunuo uk yxuu
150 quality 36x36 inches at 125
200 quality 36x36 inches at 150
250 quality 45x45 inches at 195
Towels in the Sale
Every towel pure linen and the sav
ings such that youll find it very prof
itable to stock the linen closet for the
needs of months to come
120 Linen Huck Towels for 10c ea
15c Linen Huck Towels for 1214c ea
17c Linen Huck Towels for 14c each
19c Linen Huck Towels for 15c each
29c Linen nuck Towels for 23c each
39c Linen Huck Towels for 33c each
85c Linen nuck Towels for 69c each
100 Linen Huck Towels for 79c each
in half dozen lots the regular price of 35c Linm Damagk TowQh f
89c Linen Damask Towels at 69c each
125 Linen Damask Towels at 100 ea
150 Linen Damask Towels at 119 ea
All Linen Guest Towels hemstitched
for embroidery work regularly 25c
at 19c each
Crochet Spreads
139 hemmed Bed Spreads at 110
150 hemmed Bed Spreads at 125
175 hemmed Bed Spreads at 139
250 hemmed Bed Spreads at 219
275 hemmed Bed Spreads at 225
1300 Centers 45 in special at 1150 Xlv S05 Jard 223 frinSed Bed Spreads at 195
J 0 a ai CI HI OJH
L rnn 0 K I nnlnl nf R1 9 7K 275 fringed Bed Spreads at 225
A I T k 1 1
Also rseducea
250 scalloped Bed Spreads at 195
275 scalloped Bed Spreads at 225
Satin Bed Spreads
The 350 hemmed Spreads at 300
The 400 hemmed Spreads at 350
Tho 500 hemmed Spreads at 8425
Tho 600 hemmed Spreads at 500
Tho 750 hemmed Spreads at 650
44 inch regularly 50c a yard at 48o 375 scalloped Spreads for 325
Irish Ramie Linens white and col
ors 45 inch regularly 59o yard
at 48c
450 scalloped Spreads for 375
500 scaloped Spreads for 425
600 scalloped Spreads for 525
Deliveries by
Fast Motor Truck to Canfleld
Every Tuesday and Friday Pack
agej Delivered Right to Your Door

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