Ont square', fillets) 8 insertion, : '' Each additional insertion,' C . i ')'" ohthi, ' , ; . ,' ! , Sit Oigntbs, . . . '.. i , v.".' -pne fourth of i column per year, tJ ' 1,0 25 8,00 . 6,00 " 8,10 15,00 18,00 30,00 ; j - All ever a squar charged atlwoaquarea,. . tXAavefUsemen'i inerted till fordid at tbe expense of Ihe tdvertiser ' v . ' JOB WORK . Eitciited' at this .Officewilfi neatness arid eipilch. at tlit lowest possible rates. Miscellaneous MICHAEL ALLSCOT. —OR— THE SHOT IN TIME. A STORY OF MARION'S MEN. A STORY OF MARION'S MEN. BY J. W. IRVIN. CHAPTER I. ' "Oct fortress ts tb food green wood. - K Onr tent the cypress tree ; ''A ' We know the forest 'round us, ' '' As ma know tbe ." . :. '. hj. 'Kerer fear for m. captain !' was the fight tod careless reply of Michael Allscot, as he reined in for a moment hia noble steel on the banks ef the Black River, a few miles' below the spot .where Kintree now stands, , for a partine ord with his companion : ' ' "Never fear for me; a fortnight among mv ;o!d friends, and I will return 'to our camp in the r fee n wood safe, sound, and ready for duty.' Tre, it iff rather an ogly time for a rebel like myself as the epauletted minions of King George call me to venture out of our ( fastnass in the syarilri.;"' The' Craven hearted ' torltt are swarming through the rnuntry, and xaat last stow we sirncK mem airmen Mingo Ass oy no means appeased meir raze; out 11 a atroag arm, arciutiou head anj a bold heart, can accomplish aught, trust me to come out safely ' . -y- '.'Mike.'Ilinow yot too well," replied his 'Comrade in i gay tons, "you are tbe greatest Uare-devil in the brigade. Trust you? On my life, I would as lief trust a callow gosling U make its way in the wrld without l lie sage watchfulness of a mother goose. ,1 give you afS Mikr, to yol.r manifest destiny, and' will 'report at the camp in due time that you have be swung Bp in the usual style by the ras cally tories." .... 1 , .. v ,')"WeII, be It so, captain., since you will," -responded Mike lsugbing, "but pray God i .be in any other than the usual style. I have sceedingly nice sensibilities, anil trust I may not, like poor Cnl wert, and rrmr others of our eomrades, be hung upon a rough grape vine. I trust, however, to fall into gentler hands than those ot the toriea." " t "Well Mike," responded Captain 'Conyers, kit commander and friend, "I am loth to lose to active t lieutenant; lint since you will ven ture your neck into danger, the fair face and bright eyes of Dora Singleton defend you!" "Amen J" responded Michael lightly. ."What would 1 not give," he continued in a graver tone, "to see the end of this bloody ant barransmg war I- Were you ever jn love, antinfShe asked in a lishter tone. "X. jrwrehael, but the grave la between us ff ow,'antwered uonyers, m a grave ana sad- felened tnnel while a cloud en me over hia brow. '"Two ahort year.tf Wedded bnppinesa, spent ooitlf in the privations andhardships of the ,eaip, with brief and stolen interviews with one of tbe loveliest and best of her sex, snd ) , -Mwastefi atonei.heanleu, boneless, and com' fortless as now. .You have known me long, Mike;, you have lam by my side in the Bivou n ac, and gone shoulder to shoulder with me in the charge, but you little know what wasting and consuming thoughts go with me wherever J go., You know me- too well to doubt my courage or my honor, yet there have been mo patnta when I would have barterea away all, ay, even the bone of my country's Indepen dence for peace, and the blessings of my own loved fireside. It is a painful, oy, it if a heart rending sacrifice, to turn away as I nave tram the domestic hearth, hallowed and endeared by fond and almost snored associations, and andergo the toils and privations of the camp, and endure, the. panga of absence, with ttie fcnpe of making our country free. God grant that those who come after ui may faithfully defend that Independence which is bought at (he price of blood and tears. You know not i'i, Mike hone but Uiose who sre wedded an know the rapture of meeting after a long absence; nor can you know haw bitter it is to turn away irom ipe tail lacs 01 a loving wue, and andergo the agony of. a long aenaration, per ha pa an everlasting one. . , 'The last time I visited my home oh! how the memory of it clings to me now I The very auallght at it came down from heaven seemed io fal around my homestead with a aof'.erlight than elsewhere. My life was like a dreamof JBOy-tiood realized. But the summons came to part, and more reluctantly than I ever tore myself away. Sad and gloomy presentiments filled the hearts of both of us. Alas! we met , fio more en earth 1 Three months from that ' time, basing solicited a furlough, I sped home ward, with joyful anticipations, I found my souse in ashes, my children motherless, my fond, my gentle wife slept the long sleep that knows no waking! Diiven from her burn ing bouse on a cold night of ram and winter, after having given biitli to my youngest child, . ahe was seized with a fever that carried her to the crave She ilied died calling upon my flame died clinging to the last to a hope that I would yet stand beside her and hear her last prayer and close her eyes in peace. -I found tny children too young to. know their loss houseless dependants .upon the charity of atrangers.. Think you ha I can forgive these wrongs or that they can be blotted from my train, or cease te burn or rankle in my heart f Think you that a wife so kind, so gentla, whose !oye was the world in wliich I Jf'iajbt 4 to' dwell, eaq so soon b? forgotten! .' As r . 36d bears me, I will not rest until mv sword to re with the blood of her destroyer 1" . . ..Never before. had Allscot aeeu Conyers to completely mastered by fierce and vindictive . tMssfpns. ., Hii bosom heaved with tumultuous Amotions, and hia face became livid with rage, . while hia dark eje gleimed like a diamond. Ilia voice grew hoarse and hollow, and his ut , Urance,jwa choked by the eagerness with . which he panted for vengeance. ' Allscot look d apon him with aeotiments approaching to awe while Uieatorm of pa-eion shook his frame nd fixed its impress upon, bis features. , , . Ordinarily at playful in' temper aa a child, and of a gay and ebeerul disposition that ap pcoxunated to levity, oue would acaioely have lieamed,that beneath to quiet and gentle an eiteiior, 4hee alumbered'Ueep and, volcanic pssaions-j. Usually, hi (eatnret wore an al ' Wot femiaint softness and gentleness of tV t piestipn. -fiven in tbe wild and bloody melee, where the moat inhuman, passions are called ; ., tutor eieeroise. his featnea bora no-trace of rael or viodietiva feelings.- His dark, bold, . t : saatrsma eyes, fringed by long sheltering lasb a, might iadeed flash wKh a somewhat mien. aer light iu full view of the coaAict, but hit , finely chiseled featurea were at inexpreative ; l ferocity, and at unmoved bv angry cmotiont, . at the eairn ma role fresh from the h nut of tbe ,aelptori,:'-'i J'-;..'. a tw- .-. Captain Jamat Conyers, to whose obeipaivy of dragoons Michael Allscot wit ttuched, wat an of that band of pattitaa leaden by whose . skill,, enarr, and inviaeible' firmnass, the ,.,.. .t .......... ... -- - .v , : ; ; . . . , ............ , V'BTWc O.GOULD. 'New Series. : ; Fearless and - - EATON, PREBLE COUNTY;1 freer" Jw l 0 . OCT. 26 1854. $I,50per Annum inAfitance. Tol. II, No. 19. country wns redeemed from the iron yoke of ,1.- J, . II-. ... .i -rl in muhuci. . nig gruerouiy. ann iimiincH 01 heart, with his reckless and almost desperate exhibitions nf courage, had rendered him the darling of "Morion's Bligade" a name which was applie l to tbe bold followers of Che wily partisan, whether their numbers' amounted to . - ii , i T .. ,t . . 1 r ic ii u( a lliuusniiu men. iu musv uiuuirniH 01 gloom and despondency, when the sufferings and desti'ution of their familtes.joined to their own privatiope .'and' loUs, 'caused tbe atnut hearts of the soldiers ta.sink in dismay,' he stood forth as . the ministering' anfel of the camp, and infused iuto their despondent soots the courage ana the invincible firmnesi.jind spirit wh.ich ihone on his own brow. A hold and oashing soldier, shrinking rrom no danger or toil, " confident and sanguine when others aronnd him wereolmost driven to despair, ever loremost in ti e toray tand inst in the retreat, be won the heart' of every soldier in the ""brig ade," and was regarded as the tight hand of the army. A dexterous and fearless horseman, scarcely equalled indeed by the sanguinary Tarlton m this manly accomplishment, his po sition as captain of the dragoons gave him am ple opportunity to display to "the brigade" his qualities to the best advantage; and often wben defeat seemed inevitable, and the bat tle appeared lost beyond redemption, from some unexpected quarter of the field be burst into view with his troop fo lowing at fait heels and bore down with his undaunted roopers like a hurricane upon the enemy, and by a single reckless and impetuous charge broke their serried ranks, and in a moment retrieved Ihe fortunes of the day. Well kuown among the minions of the British King as the "hand some horseman," his terrible dnring'caustd the enemy to qunke at whatever point he made his appearance. The Bayard of the par tisan brigade, his heart was a atrnnger to fear and his reputation to reproach. Such was the man whose lips had hist uttered a solemn oath to pursue to the death an enemy who had wronged him beyond forgiveness. "And who is he, captain f" asked Allscot in astoniahment, "As I live, I will labor with you unceasingly (o bunt him from the face of tbe earth." "Have you not hesrd of him?" asked Con yers, while his voice grew yet more hoarse with emotion. "Have ycu''not heard of that bloody renegade, Robert ' Harrison, whose name is a by-word of cruel and hellish deeds! But leave him to me. Should you everbehold him, spare bim for that certain hour of reck oning with me which shall surely come. ' My heart tells me that I have not long to live, that I must soon gloriously fall in the service of my country, but I feel a presentiment within me, strong and unshaken, thntLshnll not sink into that welcome rest to which I go before my hand ho struck down that fiend in human form, who has made me the heartless mourner that I am. Twice have I srtHght him out in bsttle, and twice hat .be escaped my sword; but when we meet again, there is something m my heart that tells me he shall die. The hope of that boor has sustained me untilnow BoVfor this, and the tender yeartof ,Tny chib Idien, that claim a AUetcudttfeW4oiiJ I would havn lone since have laid down a life which it but a burden. But enough of this, Mike. I shall detain you no longer. God guard you, and restore you safe to the camp. Re wary, be vigilant, and throw not yourself in the way Of dang r. Farewell, my brave boy, I shall feel ill at ease, until you return again." Pressing the band of bis comrade, Conyers turned his horse's head nnd departed. Mike paused and gazed after bim as ht rode away, bearing himself pioudly on his bounding charg er, as though no ravening sorrow flew with him on his course. "Alas! poor Conyers," muttered Michael as he turned to leave the spot. . "As gentle as the dove, but ss brave as the lion; the smile of Eden is ever on his brow, while its serpent is gnawing at his heart." Thus soliquizing, he turned away with a saddened brow, and proceeded at a quiet pace until he had cleared the crazy bridge which spanned the river, and picked bis way along rotten and broken cause way which led through the oozy swamp; and then giving the rein to his horse, he plunged through the dense forest through which bis route lay, It was already past the hour of noon when he scperated from Conyers ; and fiuiring lest night might overtake bim before he reached the end of his journey, he permitted bis noble steed to measure i ver tbe ground with rapid strides. lie had notgone far, however, before the heavens gave tokens of an approaching storm, by signs which might have passed un noticed by a careless observer, but winch one so attentive as Michael could not but remark and interpret aright. Tbe wind, which had slept for the last twenty-four hours, began to spring up from the east, in short fitful puffs, anu casting hit glance to the westward, a dull hazy atmosphere just upon the horizon, taught him ere many hours should elapse to look for one 01 those violent gsles to which the south em country is so. subject about the iucoming 01 autumn. Meantime tbe declining sun was Kindling up one-balf tbe heavens "Xot as in northern climes obseimily bright. But in one oloudlou blaio of glorious light." But accustomed as he was to all the signs of Ihe heavens, the deceitful glare of the ourmng sun did. not lead, bun to err in his prognosticstions. Anxious to reach his jor- oer's end. belore the anlicino'.ed storm should burst upon him, he checked not the speed of hit willing horse, but suffered him, uncheck ed by the rein, noiselessly and fleetly to scud slong the parrow btiule-path that wound inrougn ine lorest. The eye of the brave young trooper grew bright, and pleasant fancies nettled around his heart, as be hastened aay from the toil and confinement of the camp, to meet' once more the beautiful and idolized Dora bingieton. , Lovely indeed waa the maiden whose heart followed the young soldier to the camp, and whose joyful smile welcomed bis glad return inga. A dark-haired,' black eyed creature, scarcely the medium height, with a complexion pale, yet vondrorsly fair and transparent, nnd a form of more than ordinary grace, and of ex quisite proportions, she wsa tbe very being 10 or 1 ng a host 01 lovers to ner leet. VOiuiai in her manners, .proud, vivacious, and with that dash of coquetry inhefntture from which no really beautiiul woman is wnoiiy exempt, the sphere in which she moved" wos t delight' ful, yeta dangerous centre of attraction. Her father dying when she waa but a mere child, her mothei contracted a second matri monial alliance. Vhicb Trse sobn terminated bV her death, and at the age of twelve years, Dora was left to the guardianship of t moody and unsocial stepfather, with whom she con tinued to reside opto the date of our story. Inheriting from. her father, aa ample, and even a tplendil fortune, yet without telali'res Mends, in whose sympathy aha could confide, the beautiful woman, now in- ber twentieth year, fell U that utter isolation and loneliness ol heart toainful to even the manly indtelf. ! or dependant, but especially o to a. warm-heart- - I - i . . . . cu anu sympathizing, woman, WooJu Heart yearned lor ine uiendsiup and affectionate compiniohship of her sex, even as the dying gazelle in tie sultry desert, longs for the bub bling fountain and the grateful shade. The mode and circumstances of her life had, bow- . , . . ever, impressed upon her character some hat of the noble and generous traits of the heroine. Naturally of a prond though gentle spirit, her very habits of seclusion, which in another might have produced painful diffidence and ti midity, had added strength and self-reliance to her character. : ' ' ' Her sorrows, poor creature, had oflae been greatly multiplied by the distractions which ensued from the contest with the mother coun try. Entering with all the ardor of a heroine Into the feelings and sentiments ol the patriot ic and bold defenders of liberty, so soon ss she Could comprehend the principles upon wtiich they based their resistance to the mother coun try. She unfortunately encountered the bit ter opposition of Isaac Wharton, her stepfath- no, inougn uesirous oi remaining neutral in the contest, yet at hert favored the cause of the royalists, and ridiculed and denounced what he considered the folly and crime of the whigs in entering into a contest with the moth er con nti y. The undisguised teniimefitt of his fsir step daughter, who openly rejeiced tt every discomfiture of the British arms, but in creased his dislike and hatred to the cause of Independence. On nil occasions, even in the presence of the British officers themselves, she fearlessly and warmly espoused the cause of her countrymen, to the great mortification of Isaac Wharton, an imperious and overhearing man, who could not endure such inflexible op iiusmun in niemuer 01 nis own nouse. The visit of Michael to his house had long since been forbidden, and latterly he had met his betrothed only by stealth; sometimes at a house of a friend, and at others in the open greenwood always apprizing her of his pres ence in the neigh Dorhood, tiy some preconcer ted signal which she read ily recognized. Ma ny a stolen interview had taken plare be tween them, little suspected by her ungracious step father, who little dreamed of the artifices to which lovers will resort to elude tbe vigi lance of those who will sunder them forever. Michael well knew how anxiously Dora longed for his coming, and whatever dangers beset his way, he seldom failed to hasten to her side, when the public service permitted his absence from the camp. Sometimes his signal greeted her cars from the forest near her dwelling, when the sun had but a few hours commenced bis course, and again when it had sunk to ret, nnd the stars of heaven were shining brightly in the illimitable vault, some note uttered from af.ir, unregnr'ed and un recognized, save by herself, xwould cause her young heart to flutter with that strange sensa tion of delight only folt by those who lev pas sionately, and only to be experienced by them when after a long absence a husband or a lov er returns to repay them for the long vigil of love. The sun was within an hour of his fettiftu. Wh Hi line Of trtryfapof KvhiCfi 'had long lam motionless on the western horizon, began to grow dark and dense as it loomed up fear- limy in ineuisiance, anu ine winu. wnicnnau lulled for near on hour, again sprang up; but this time from the thunder cloud in the west, in fitful blasts nq,w surcharged with vapor.and now hot and stilpherous as the reeking breath of a volcano. The muttered thunder began to groan and growl in the west fearfully and deep, and with its wings wide spread, the clouds rode wildly down upon the gale, turning day into tight as its black shadow rolled over the earth. In en instant all nature was mingled in confusion. The sheeted lightnings glim mered nnd flashed incessantly; the deep toned thunder shook the earth with its terrific tongue and the tall trees of the forest bent, shivered and snapped in the gale the crash of their fall swallowed up and lot in the yet louder thunders or the bellowing storm. As accustomed as Michael had been to scenes of peril and danger, a feeling of superstitious awe came over bim, and he felt like a frail and helpless creature of the dust, in the con templation of so imposing ond terrific a scene The narrow pathway along which he rode, stretched away through a dense pine forest, and on every side the tall trees were broken and scattered around him like stubble before the wind. Michael would fain have turned aside to seek a ahelter from the storm in some of the scattered habitations that lay by the roadside, for the hurricane was now upon him in all its fury; but his past experience had taught him to act with cautions circumspection in acoun try where civil war had loosened the bands of society and set neighbors in btt'er ond exterm inating strife. Well known through all that portion of the country as an active and nn- compromisinewhig, he was equally an object of terror and bitter hatred to all who were en listed against the indipendence of their coun try. Fearing lest in seeking a shelter from the storm, he might unawares place himself in the powerof tbe tories, in whose hands his fate would soon have been sealed, he hurried by dw- King after dwelling, preferring rather to .-ufler exposure to the elements than to rsk falliue into the hands of bloody minded and un'-T'Tnlous men. As the.., road, however, emerged from the forest intonnopei clearing of considerable extent, he found himself within a fewVodsofa house which lay upon his rtg ht, too dilapida ted in appearance to render it probable that he might there meet with dangerous adversa ries. 1 he rain too, was nearlv upon him.tust as he resorted the narrow lane which led down to thebuilding. Ilesitatingonly for a moment he turned hia horse's hen 1 and galloped up to the house, turning hia horse into the ahelter of an unoccupied stable, the door of which opened into the lane. Entering the gateway, where, half torn from its hinges, the gate hung obstructing hia way, with a few easy strides he mounted the atena of the piazza that tot tered under hit tread, and rapped loudly at the door for admittance. . ' . Everything about the place wore a deserted and cheorleia aspect. The magnificent ahadc trees around, which seemed the growth of cen turies, stood u n pruned and neglected, with their jagged boughs descending within, a few feet of the ground the rank grass was allowed to cover the entire yard, and grew .up even to the doorsteps, while here and there a irefrac- tory shutter, too rotten to be retained by its hinges, was kept in its place by a rale or.pole, cut rrom the woods and placed as a prop against it. The hand railing around the piazza waa partially gone, and the pillars which sup ported the roof were nearly rotted a way at the base. ' Altogether tbe building was as dilapi dated and cheerlests if it had temained un tenanted for a whole generation.' ' v ' His first aummont failing to attract attention Michael knocked more loudly than before, and in t moment'ofter, a firm and masculine step was heard advancing within the apartment th Aunt waa thrown nnn. anil he found him- talf fact to face with a tall, athletic and pow-1 erful man of about forty years, who invited him Io enter. ' fThe- fnrnliure of the room into which Mici. n(H was ushered, was of the moat costly and luxurious description. Indeedicensidering the tirde and condition of the country, it might have been esteemed elegant and tasteful. Rich carpets rjf rare manufacture yielded to his trad as he passed along, and polished mahop sriy tables.with skillfully carved arm-chairs of oak, met his view on every aids. A beautiful deck of s most costly style, ticked upon the mtntle-bsard, which wns elegantly ornament ed with vases ol pure alabaster and costlv be- IjoutTie of exquisite workmanship. So rich in deed was the apartment lurnished, that Mich ael could not repress a glance of surprise and wdnder, when he compared the interior of the apartment with the mean and dilapidated ap pearance of the building from without. His expression of wonder and astonishment did not escape the observation of his host, whoe smile as he remarked it might have seemed to arise from gratified vanity, but for the expres sion of scorn and bitterness by which it -was accompanied. ' ' i Advancing to a ehair pointed out to him at the farther side of the fire place Michael seat- j ed himself, while the individual who had ad mitted him into the house, resumed his place at a table a few feet distanH jnst in fr mt of the fire-place and busied himself among apile of papers which lay 1 befoie him, with which he bad been occupied before the entrance of our bero. But these two were not the only temnts of of the room. Immediotely before our hero on the opposite side of the hearth was a small wirey, pug-nosed, redheaded, ferited little in dividual, who from the first moment of the en trance of Michael had fixed upon him his di minutive grey eyes, with an impudent won dering'stnre. ... Ilis pantaloons, thal'.eemed to shrink back instinctively from any khul of in timacy with the coarsri and rude brogans that encased his neither exlrtmilits so tightly en compassed his spindle shanks, that his evr having established himself in them could not be accounted for by any piocess snort of liq uefaction or hydraulic pressure, for the scantiness of his neither garment, however ample amends were made by the hugepropor- tions or a large blue overcoat, tli.it hung a l out his body, like the ship sails around the mast in a dead calm. The other individual who sat with several papers scattered before him, which he was arranging, as he hurriedly glanced it their contents, was evidently a man who had seen somewhat of the world. Though not an ill look if g man,his physiognomy was certainly not an attractive one. His heavy brows, and a certain sinistrous expression in the glance of his eye, which seemed to shrink beneath the calm quiet gaze or our hero, caused him to re gard himsomewhat unfavorably. His eve fell whenever he casually encountered the glance of Michael. Our hero did not fail to remark that he Started, and with an exclamation of surprise, glanced hastily and surpieiously to wards htm, as his comrade ten bis .seat, anc hurriedly whispered a few woH'n'fiSeiir.'" At sense of insecurity.and a preseniimentof dan ger began to ste.il over Michael, lor he was greatly apprehensive of having fallen in with unscrupulous tories, who are aware of his part in the contest with the mother country. Dis sembling his uneasiness, however, he mani fested no symptom of distrust or suspicion. Meantime the storm was raging in all its fury; ' The old house rocked and tottered in Ihe gale as though its decaying timbers were about to yield to the shock of the tcnipest,aud be riven by the storm. As will as was the contention of the ele ments Michael felt that it would have been far more prudent and safe to have encountered the tornado upon the highway than to have placed himself in a measure, in the power of two reckless men who might belong to that class of desperadoes, who under the name of loyalty to a distant monarch, perpetrated the most revolting and heinous crimes. At the lime of which we speak there exis ted between the whies and tories, the most unsparing enmity. The blood of war was shed in peace wi'h cool and fiend like atroci ty, and the loyalists as they termed themselves asked no other excuse lor their deeds of blood than the victims of their' sanguinary cruelly adhered to a p ditical creed different from their own, nnd were animated by an unalterable devotion to their country's independence. Michael already began to suspect that the two individuals before him belonged to that reckless band of marauding tories that invest ed the country, and he well knew that if his surmise proved to be correct, his safety would depend upon his concealing Irom them the part he had taken in the struggle f r independ ence, ouch being ins apprehensions, lie was determined to take advantage of the first pause of the storm to withdraw from the shelter of a roof, which offered so precautious a hospital ity, and make his way ot once to the end of his jouraey, where he might rest m surety. " ell mv friend," began the better-looking of the two individuals, thrusting his papers into a drnwer, and taking his seat in front of the fire place, ' I see you have pot escaped without a wet jacket. Join mo in a' aocial glass, and it will not be the worse for your health. Here, Stoker, set out our decaliters and glasses upon the side-board." Stoker bustled about to perform the bidding af his superior, looking for all the world in bis immense blue over coat like some diminu tive dog emerging from under a carpet. All three were soon standing oy the sme-ooarj with thcirglusses filled. "1 give you a toast," said Michael's host with a meaning and malicious smile as he rais ed his glass: "His gracious majesty Kiirg George the Third. Success to his banner wherever it is spread.':, ' . Michael laid lon his glass and-calmly re gnrJed his host ond his companion, while they tossed on the toast gleefully. "Permit me now to give von n toast ' snul he raising hii glass from the board, while his eyes flushed with pride; "George Washington, the Cnntnentnl Congress, and American In dependence !" "That is a toast to which a freeman can drain his cup !" ' Littte Billy S'okcr, almost petrifisd with as tonishment at the audacity af our hero looked from his companion to Michael, and from Mich ael to bis companion as though looking to see the latter annihilate hid lor Ins temerity That individual, however.so far from ful filline the anticipations of bis subordinate, bit his lip with mortification, ami with an irresolute air passed his hand over hia beard yet atthe same time casting a side-long, dance towards the corner . Of the apartment beyond Michael, where tcouple of Titles were, leaning against, the wall. The watchful eye of our hero at once detected the tignificancv of his glance ' "But my friend," said his host, averting his fixed and steady grfze, "do I understand that von are not a fr end to K.me Georca r" - " Michaell hatrt began to beat thick and fast: The name of that misguided king bad become odina to every lover of hi country and our hero of an impulsive and excited temperment, was not one to dis-semble hia sentiments, es pecially wbea sucb (tissimultation involved a recantation of those political principles in the maintainance of which he would have suffered martyrdom. Sooner would he have totn his tongue from his mouth' than have given utter ance to so degrading and hypocritical an avow al as that of illegiance and respect for a kiug against whore powers be had sworn to do bat tle while the brea'h of life was left bim. "A friend to King George T be exclaimed with honest indignation. "Nay, God forbid that I should be the tool of so odious and de spicable a tyrant. Look around you, and neg lected fields, ruined hemes, snd a vast host of bleeding martyrs proclaim his tyranny. No, I am a foe to him an l his government; and God grant that bis contemptible ond bloody tools may meet with the fate they so richly merit!" "My good sir," answered his host, "you suf fer yourself to upeak too freely. Such lan guage might not prove agreeable to every com pany into which chance mieht throw you." "And what signifies that?" answered Mich ael, bluntly; "think you I am knave or pol troon enough to fall in with the humor of the hour, and measure my language to suit the ears of cravens. On mv soul, I shall ever speak as I think, even if I stood before the ty rant George himself." "But have you no fearof th lauure of your rebellion," asked the other reddening with ir ritation "no visions of halters in perspective to such of you as the swgrd may spare r" Kcbellion, sir ! do jou talk to me of rebel lion !" responded Michael, while an angry flush began to burn upon his cheek: "and who are you who presume to brand our holy resis- tence to tyrauy with the name rebellion V The eye uf the lory fur such he indeed was quailed befor the firm snd angry gtanre of Michael, and tor a munent he looked, around at his companion, hesitating and I'.nuht- ful as to the manner in which he should reply to the peremptory and menacing language of Michael. "I might well object to the tone and man ner in which you demand my name," ni'swer- ed the other, shifting, as if casually hia posi tion, so as to place himself between Michael and that corner of the apartment where the fire-arms stood, "but since you appear urgent for a more intimate acquaintance, know that my name is Robert Harrison. Nay; you ned not introduce yourself," he continued, observ ing our hero to start at the mention of his name, and wishing if possible to intimidate him by following up one surprise with another "you need not in'roduce yourself; you are already known to us as Michael Allscot, the rebel follower of a rebel camp, now by a lucky chance thrown into the hands of those who will deal with you as traior !', Little Bill Stoker was overcome with jov at the surprise which the tory leader, Harrison, bait prepared for Michael, and aaeming to an ticipate that he wouw lati upon hia iees to ' trsntri aiie jLrrrtr aii. .TeTf(trnT-tf f5 ffl'tt',xtrmttTor 'T&irtlf terror, he clapped his bands gleefully and shouted ab'Ud with laughter. Michael was indeed, in sailor phrase, taken aback, and astounded at finding himself thus unexpected in the power of a merciless and malignant foe, whose savage deeds had made his name a by word of cruelty among both friends aud foes, but as swif: as lightning, and before his intention could have been suspected, he siezed upon a chaii which foitunateif stood within his reach, and dealing his blows to the light and left, laid the panic-stricken tories stunned and prastrate al his feet. Then rush ing Iron the house, he mounted his horse, was firmly seated in hissaddle and far beyond pur suit before his discomfited foes had recovered from his stunning blows suf-cienlly to follow in pursuit. . "Up Bill, and toyotir horse!" gasped Harri son, in a voice hoarse with rage so soon as he had regained his feet. "Aa I live t e rebel shall hang for this, though I follow him to the ends ofthe earth!" As great as was'tha rage of the tory lender, and as sharp at was the the spur of anger, it waa nevertheless drep twilight when with his confederate in guilt he sat out in pursuit of our hero. He bad determined upon collecting to aid I im in the pursuit and capture, all of the tory party who were in bis immediate neighborhood. "Uy the Gods of Olympus, he shall net es cape me," hissed Harrison between his closed teeth, as be mounted his horse. "I know full well the rebel's haunts, and before midnight he shall be dragged from his bed an l swing for this." " A deep gash had been inflicted upon Ihe cheek of the tory by the sudden blow of our hero; the blood had flowed profusely from the wound, and the bandores in which his face was enveloped were stained with blond. Im petuous and bitterly vindictive, the angry passions et Harrison raged in. his breast like the flames of a volcano. He had sowed re venge, nnd he was not a man to be appeased until he had compassed it. With his renegade follower he put foot in stirrup, consumed with a thirst for vengeance, and soon the old crazy building, tbe scene of their late discomfiture, was left behind them cheerless and untenanted. . (TO BE CONTlSl'tD.) (TT'No woman wns ever yet pronounced handsome because she wore a scrowl upon her face, and we are equally sure no man ever married a woman because s"ie could look as black aa a thunder cloud. It is much better, then, to practice cheerfulness. ' However good the complexion of teeth maybe, they are won-! derfally improved by the ruushine of a smile. No one can be ugly who knows how to smile. fjrPammy, why do you like me t" "Because you give me candy." "And why does Jane like me f" "Oh because you take her to the theatre.ond give her so rqany nice things. Shesayaos long as you are foal enough to fetch ber shawlsand bonnets, she won't sack you nohow now give me some candy !" . UTThe Alvarez Insurrection in Mexico is snid to be making so much progress, that San ta. Anna is prepi-ring to, abdicate. 1 Ins mny be true, nnd it may not.' The Mexican disre gard for truth fit partisan contest is so well known, that the only way to get nearest the facts it to disbelieve both aides. . . j ITTAnother new Hoiel it to be built' In Chicago, to be colled "LaFlninbeuse House.'-' It will be seven stories high, and contain one hundred sleeping rooms, and will be built in the Italian style of architecture, at a cost of fifty thousand dollars. ,, .... A , .. . ' tTlt ia an astonishing fact that a painter with a pot of paint ia each hand, commands respect wherever be goes. The pedestraina on the tide walk invariably make way for bim with the utmost ccleiity. 1 Hie pm0crot t i It publisltd every TasrjJit moxnin. in lie room immediately over tbe Post Ottee. Maia Street, Eaton, Ohio, at tke following rates: 1 60 pe annum, in advance.,,. $2 00, if aotpauj within. tbe year, and 92 60 srfer tbe yet? has expired. ti7Tbe ratsa will b$ rijidlr eaforced. No paper discontinued nsrtil all arreeratea are paid.unlesstt theoption otbe publisher. . .. . . . , . . - i . XTAii communications addressee; totbt Ed tor mnst be test free of pcsrtg eto inftffe at ention. ' " v ': CTNocommunicatioa Inserted, unless se f omponied by a responsible nam , - . . The Yankee and the Dandy. Some montlta since, al dinner on boird of one of the Western Steamers, a live vanlreo ' and a dandy sat directly opposite each other at the table. After the captain said grite the dandy threw himsetfbatk on his dignity, tad called out in a pompous tone to tht waiter. "You aitaw. bring me ibesnpponah of a young female hen, a fresnIaid beggt and rub the bottim of me plate with a specimen of friut vulgarly called tn onion, which will give tome daanah.a delicious flavor.'' The yankee quietly drew himself back in imitation of hia opposite neighbor, and in a na sal tone called out r i . - J Yeoit til-fired, don-blasted, dod-iabited pesky lookin little taned black nigger! fetch me a peels ov corn, a bundle of fodder, and rub me down with a brick-bat while I feed." Men ceased to think of masticating while an uproarious yell trose which fairly shook the cabinduring which thedandy waa seen streak ing out of tbe door with t finger in eaoh etr. tTTThe revenue received by the General Post Office Department foT the fiscal vear ending 30th June, was, from Letter postsge, 64,473, 227; Newspaper postage 171 1, 383 total, Jra,utH,6GU. Last year the amounts were, for letters, 84,226,792, and for newspt pert I789;246 total, 85,016,138. Af cbm pared with last yesr, there it th s year an In crease in the total amount of 868,62?.. Tbe excess from letters this yeej over last ia 8264 435; while the decrease in the amount receiv ed from tewspapers is ?1 77, 913. . ID A country schoolmaster began one morn ing tht duties of f he day with prayer, a usj at, but after prayer he went and asked a lit tle boy hy be hadn't ahut his eyes during the prayer, when, trie bov sharply responded; "We are instructed in the Bible to watch as well as to pray," ' ' t I have lived to know, snys Adan Clarit, that the greatest secret of human happiness it this never suflVr your energies to stagnate. The old adage of too many irons in tha fire, conveys an untruth. You cannot have too many poker, tongs and all keep them all agoing. 0Att immense iron-toothed rake or barrow is now woiked by a force of operators in the Keunnbeck river to remove tbe flme shoal in order to deepen the channel. This machine Mirs up the dirt aud the current sweeps it away. Boys continue to be shipped in consider able numbers on many sailing vessels at New York, in anticipation of the pnssoge'of a law by Congress proviuing for their control, and compelling ship masters to takethrr. ' . A gentleman asked a little boy in Lon don, ' hat occupation does yeut fnther fol low, for a living?" He replied with great alm plicity, "he is a dreadful accideut maker for the newspaper!." tttritiew,edT miym"'Ttre devil arm troub les a busy man." ,This we know to be false. Show us a busier man than the editor, and yet he is fdrlunate if he has no more than one 'devil' to trouble him, especially when 'sopy' is tliort. Harvey, the fugitive slave whose arrest was attempted near Cummin willc, Ohio a few weeks since, but whoiueceeded for the time, in escaping; was arrested a few days ago near Goahen, Obio.and given Io his Kentucky mas ter. - ITf'When you hear that a young lady haa c inmitted suicide, you ran conclude that she wasn't the prettiest girl in the world. Pretty feet are not usually in a hurry to kick tho bucket. jrf'Dnes smoking offend you f" asked tn American landlord of his newly arrived board er. "Not at all, sit!" "I am very glad to h'-ar it, an you will find your chimney ia given to the practice . OrNever jest with Ihe sorrows and frai! tiesofmen. Frailties'are mis'nllunes and the most sacred thing on earth to each heart is its own a rrows. ''..' Henry Ward Beechcr says that the last quarter of an hour ofo long drawn tiresome dis course, givesa repulsiveness to religious truth, stronger than can be dissipated by two good sermons aiierwards. " UTTht Irishman in New York, who replied to the questions ofthe excise commissioners, "Ah, ver honor, on' sure it ain't much moral character anion needs to sell rum," told a volume nf truth. , JjThe Grand Jury of New York have in dicled the Mayor and Alderman ofthe city for having granted liquor licenses contrary to tue statute. ITTOut of n German emigrant family of thir teen who recently arrived at Cbortotle, N. Y. twelve died of cholera. Tbe only survivor was tbe mother, aged 70 j ears. UJ"The New York Tribune, during the brief period ol its enlarged existence, sunk over 820,000. IT A Man's ruin is never the result of bis own folly- -it is sure to be the fault or treach ery of some one else. fJTMrs. Elizabeth Smith died hi Washington county, Md., on the 23d uit., eged 106 yeara It months and 13 days. ILTlnUtah a man is rated a has only four wives. Large that. bachelor who tiaed countiy ETThe young man who caught a lady't eye has been requested to return it. , IT'l'lie most unpopular truth m the bible ia the ladies' ages. , !v. , - - ITThere is nothing more uncertain than "a certain aue." '.vi ... . ft-Contentment gives a crown where for tune hath denied, it. Were it not for teara that fill our eyes, what an ocean would flood our hoarts. : Sentiment .Join man to man, opinions diyide them.'.-.-., ; . ' HTlf you -would be wise, study the' end of Hdr lfe whose tout does not siugl" heed pot try to do it with hit throat. - -. v - . ' "T,-' :.' ' , DTln girls we love what they are, in young men what they promise to be. i . ' ?- - Potatoes are plenty in the interior oNew Hnmpftme at two shillings a bushel.