, ... ,. J? r at -r-... v-a. -ea-i - -- oat A WEDNESDAY KVKNINlV J AN. -33. 18CI. The Democratic State Convention. The DeiuoemliuFvei,ti"n Bel t,,U mortal, Ann. iJ. ..,!? l"tk Oo,r.treiernhrta.v lormer .xcislou in be .... ;;L:.-.B. i.d we lave attended SB! tw-' J , , r ... .1- rwnnioiis tf ilio parly during uoai ui t . that time) to liv seen' so mny ai.lenU.I true reor-rwUO?4 tnn uf the eni.veu.l lo- Sthr In S'ate eounr.il.. . ( , X,ll' utiiver.tl nJ oidwit trrliug areor,g..Jve Delegate, fnr so anjortiiieel f our preeut national lroiiWe., ""'s "" do justice lo all eer.liun..nd P'"' oor on Union.. , - . - ... i.i The predlop M.fr hJ UUT when our paper went to rrewillbefco. io,b .opropriai. place la o..r oolurm- A full report of the doings of the Convention will be jmb llshr d tomorrow.' ' .i The Democratic State Convention. Trouble in the Republican Camp at Springfield Illinois—The President Elect in the Illinois—The President Elect in the Hands of His Friends—They are likely to Kill him off Before the 4th of March. YVe take the JollovflDK article from the Cin cinnati fnfrCflof yesterday morning, which shows that the aituioa of 'f Honest Old Abe Is perilous Indeed :. .'' ' . Oat correspondence from Springfield, II inois, .howl that the President elect to more loselv Garnered by office-seeker., than Myw An-; usTbyste Secessionists. Every section o th" North seems to nave iu oUjh.og cliques of . Ihose who were supporter, of who ere now urgently seeking luclr rewara. The State, of llW. Indiana. 01 svlvania, ere most troublesome. Ibe Judd and 3 e en&Judd cliqu,. of Illinois are rend,Dg each other. The Caleb Smith and the antt Ca Ub 8kh delegation, from Ind ana, ere in pur suit of each other in the street o. hprmg held. The Chase and anti-Chase em imrin from Ohio are in v.goron. opton The Cameron and anti-Cameron cohorts of Pennsylvania are in full career against each other.' The diap.tch which we rece.ved from oar eor-wpondent at Springfield lust niht, In S?cates that the cr.eh of clique, and the wreck or the hope, of ambitions prtiMM, about Mr. Lincoln. 1. becom.ng nlmoH tnauffcrable. Mr. L. is called upon to instruct bis Iriendi in Con Krees what to do in this crisis, and towta choice between half a dozen competitors for Cabinet eppointments. at one aud the jsanie time. Hemightas well proceed to Washing ton at once, for there is evidently to be no peace for him at home henceforth. He might not be so sorely beset in Washington, where they know bow to manage the bore, of distinguished men, a. in Springfield, where the solitary great man is considered uoderobliRations to graut in terviews to all comers. We learn tnae Mr. Lincoln has alreidy lost .omething of that elas ticity of spirit for which he ba. been distin BuUhed, and that be is pale, anxious end ab itrac ed, thongh cheerful in his cowc.ousness or rleht intentions, and bopefnl of returning reason in nia eonmryraru. . -- rcsponsibiUlios of his eituaiion and the perils nd trial or the unknown but poteutoos luture ioinedtotbeharraiooutof offios hunters and crowds of the earione, bear heivily upon him, oporess his miod with th deepest cnocern, and tax bis capacities for endurance severely. Kill him off Before the 4th of March. Seizure of United States Forts and their Cost. The following forte have been seized by the order or the respective State, in which tney are severally lonted and are now In trie possession or the secessionists: - . iifi at v - ttntrue- Oottof -" lion and Armor fortltcuthxf Fort Pelukl, Hivaddab. Vort Ju lMon, Harannnb. Fort MorRU MoMle.." Itijxtin. mmt. ii i?3 om ii ,.V.ii 1,S!I2 550 Kort uaiom, uooii Fort Min. Unanfort, N. O.... Fort CMell, Oak ItUnd. N. C Fort Moultrie, Uliarluloo ..I Di..bn.r. (lhflefltOQ... fit I" :.i Hi Fort 8t. Fhilip, I,oaiilua....'- J- Fort JtckwD, LouiAiu .......lu fort Fik, LoolnUiA ToUI. 4.IW,.W 77T. ToUlcwitof Ut ilv elevso forliUcatiooi. .Sj5,,u.,i(.w 104 47S 41)0 01 0 4tJ 920 571 2-1 7 TH 73 301 43 K 33 MM S03 VH 101 960 bl7 CIW 123 6ti'J 472 001 M i'ii) DThe resent visit of Joihoa R. Giuuinos to this city ba had its effeet upon many of the Republican members or the Legislature, and made them much more decided in Ibeir hostility to any juat .ettlement, indeed any settlement at all, of the difficulties that environ, n, short of the complete recognition of the "rugged U.ue," the "Irrepressible conflict," which is nothing more nor lees in Its political operation eodjeffect, than to insure the moat speedy dlseo lution of the Union.- The country is rapidly settling down in tbe opinion, that the men or the North wh are opposed to concession and com promise, upon some jnst and fair basis, are a. much secs.sloni.ts and diaunionista, as tbe chief actors in the South Carolina drama, and when the day of reckoning come, all snob men will be consigned to oblivion. IT W. T. Bascom, Eq Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee of Ohio, is at Springfield, 111. Probably bo has gone to lnnk fW Baieb. who is trying to prejudice 'Honest Abe'J sgainst Mr. Chase as too much of an Abolitionist for a Cabinet appointment. Baiib, aocordiog to the Cincinnati Commtreial, is cutting no high.'' He has not only laid eelge to Lincoln! but has invested U Illinois Leg islature, and actually proposed to that body a series of resolutions made "out of hie own bead," for the paclfiation of the Union.' Great is Bases! Bascom must look after him, or theie is no telling what mischief be may do. CT Fire States, South parolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama and Georgia, have declared themselves' out of the1 Union; Louisiana may be expected to follow In a few days. Soon a Southern .Centederacy will be formed, and a President and Vice-President elected. Can nothing be done to arrest this movement, which is rapidly hurrying the Union to inevitable and permanent dissolution t ': The Republicans in Congress and in tbe State Legislatures of tbe North, who stand still and doggedly refuse to do anything In the way ot concession and compro mise, will have fearful acoeaot to settle with tbe people. : 1 1 ? " ' - CT The Pari, correspondent of the New York HrrwM states that, by the beginning of March, France will possue an army of 140,000 men ready to march at a few hours 'not ice. Betides, tbe Imperial Guard, 40,000 strong, Is kept on a war footing. , In addition, 400,000 men are rea der arms lathe garrisons of the Empire. UTTbe notorious ': Abolitionist, Wendell Phillin, made a speech on Sunday afternoon t tbe Music 1111, Boston. He avowed himself disonionlst, and was glad that South Carolina and other Southern States had practiaatly Initi ated the disunion movement. , ; '.4 ,..., ' ,' ',, , i i . i - CT The Senate haa nauimouI sonfirmed the appolntmer jjt. M. Maaaaw, Esq., of Maryland, Meul o Xlrpool, In place of Beteilt Tdcxee recalled. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. Large Number of Delegates in Attendance. The Dmocraoy or Ohio met la Convention, to dayat ton, o'clock, in Armory Hall, in tlii. city, pursuaut to a call or the Chairman of the Democratic State Central Cpmuiittee Df. Mount who exiled the Couvendou to order In a brief and appropriate speech as follows: Fillow CiTi.tNs As chairman of the Dem ocratic Central Committee, of the Bute of Ohio, I, on the rcqueat of many friends from different parts of tho State, and on consultation with many friends of tb Union, have nailed this Convention of Representative, of the Demo cratic Citizens together, in these troublesome and perilous time, in which the security of the Union i. Involved. to eichango views wiih each oiher, and rt fleet and deliberate, aud de vice pome ways aud means by which the glorl ous Union of Stales, under which we have so loog and so well prospered, might be saved for nnrai 1tp aud our posterity. We have waited lone;, anxiously and patieutlr. from some expression of purpose, aud wisdom of action, Irom the rccentiv dominant party oi me North, as to how tbie Unlou sbaii be preserved aud nerneliiatcd: but as ret nothing comes from them of difinile shape, nothiug is offered by them bv which the citizen, of thi. Great Ke public can have hope, in the preservation of the Union aud the maintenance of the insti'ution. of the conntrv. They, then, doing nothing, proposing nothing, I. it not wise that the great Democratic party true lovers of the Union, should now be called upon to act, and .to do something definite and practical to avert the terrible evil of civil war, and the calamity of a permanent separation of these Statist Gentlemen, this i. the object of the call of tbie Convention, and may your deiiDeratioos ana action becharaoterized by patriotism and love of this'Uoion, and not by partisan difference, .nd animosity. Ou motion of , Judge Thomas J. S. Smith, of Montgomery county, was elected to preside over the temporary organization. He wa. conducted to the chair, and thanked the Convention for the honor conferred upon him. The following gentlemen were appointed tem porary Secretaries, viz: Jusifm Smith, of Richland county. J. F. Wiight, of Hamilton county. Gzo. W. Cochran, of Crawford couuty. B. R. Runkli, of Logan county. On motion of Gen. Powell of Hamilton county, the Districts were called in their orJer and reported the following committee men. COMMITTEE ON PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. Districts. 1. Tbos. Powell. 2. J. M. Dougherty. :i. David A. Houck. 4. S. A. Leckey. 5. John Wescott. 6 T. L Ashburn. ' 7. W. M.Staik. 8. Wm. Reed. 9 John Berry. 10. S. W. Shaw. District!. 13. Steroe Chittenden. 13. W. C. Durbio. 14: D. L.Sampsel. 15. J. II. Newton. 16. John M. Henna. 17. Wm. P. Richardson 13. L. Slusser. 19. Arthur Hughes. 20 21. B. F. Potts. 11. Joseph Thompson, COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. District!. Dlltrlcti. 1. Jere Kiersted. 12. R B. Warden. 2. C. J. W. Smith 13. 3. Judge Gilmtn. 14. H. Ames. 4. A. Leckey. 15. Col. Gamble 5. D.J. Brown. 16 Amos Layman. 6. Moses J. ratterson.17. J. H. White. 7. A. R. Vancleaf. 18 J J Huffman- 8. Diuiel Synder. 9. W. E. Scbofield. 10. Wm. Newman. 19. H B Payne 20 21. James P. Cjllier 11., COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS. DlitricU. Diltriclf. 12. Samuel Medary. ' 13 Birnabus Burns. 14. Wm. Givo. 1. Tho. M. Key. 2. A.G. W. Carter. 3. Wm. II. Miller. 4. Frauk McKinney. f. W.J. Jackson. 6. J.J. McDowell. 7. W. H Baldwin. 8. John H. Young. 9. N. M. Jackson. 10. W. II. Ssftord. 15, Cbas. H. Mitchner. 16. C. W.Searle. 17. John Ferguson. 18. Samuel Lihra. 19. R. P. Rtnney. 20. 21. C N.Allen 11. M. A. Dougherty. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. Jos. E. Egley, 2. Joo. H. Gerrard, 3. Isaao Robinson, 4. Evan Baker, 5. C. L. Noble, C. J.F. Thompson, 7. Jacob Teaty, 8. David Robb, 9. M. P. Skinner, 10. H.M.Onderdouk 11. P.Murdock, 13. Cbas. Follett, 13 14, 15. 16. H.W. Patterson, O. F. Jones, Wm. Dunbar, A. Ball, 17. B. F. Sprlggs, ' 18. 8.W. Harrlngtou 19. J. M. Coffiberry, 20. 21. James Houston, Appropriate places were announced lor tbe meeting of the various committees above named, and the Convention then took a recess until two o'clock, P.M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Convention was called to order at two o'clook, by Judge Smith, President of tbe tem porary organization. Judge Warden, Chairman of the Committee oe Credentials, reported, on behalf of that Com mittee, the names of tbe delegates In atteu dence. They are as follows: The names of the Delegates, with the names of the County will be Inserted in the fall pro ceedings to-morrow. The Commltteee on rules and regulations submitted the following report, which (was adop ted: 1st The Rules regulating tho House of Rep. resentatlves shall govern this body In Its de liberations so far as they may be applicable. 2nd Every Resolution offered shall be refered to the Committee on uesomtiona without de bate. '- - " ' 3d. All votes shall be by vies wt, and by counties a majority, to'govern. The Commit'ee on Permanent Organizitioa presented tbe following report, which was unanimously adopted, and the gentlemen named were doclared elected as the officers of tbe Convention: ' PRESIDENT—HUGH J. JEWETT. VICE PRESIDENTS. niitricte. Dlstrtots. 1. John K. Ridgway, 12. B. D. Sanford, . m a ft. . , f . 1 ri. ft. C- 2. Jobn MoMakm, 13. Dr. McEwen, 3. Henry Sbldeler, . 4. F. C. La Blood, 5. James Manning, 6. James Louden, 7. Jobn Harkradtr, 8. D.Bixton, 9. Col. CablU, 10. A. Cushing, 11. C. W.Gonld, 14. C. Lake, ; 15. Jno. D. Stewart, 16 Joseph Kelly, 17. J. M. Howey, 18. J. E. Chase, 19 H. B. Payne, 20 M, Burchard, 21. James Huston, SECRETARIES. Dlitriets. 1. Joe.F. Wright,, 3. John A. Sick ey, District. 13. J.W.Kees, 13. Jonas Smith, U. J.J. J.cobs, ' 15. J. A. Estill. 16. Amos Layman, .17. J. Williams, 18 J.J. Hoffman, 19. A. Hoghes, 4. Morgan Sbaefer, G. N.M. Preble, 7. Jobn Gibney, ' 8. B. P. Ruckle, !). R. Riblet, 10. 20. 21 J. P. Collier, 11. D. W. Carlisle, ' Judge A. G. Thobiian and Dr. G. 'VuLNXr Doasiv, were appointed a Committee to wait upon Hon. IIvoh J. Jtwrrr, and inform him of bis election to tha Presidency of the Conven tion, and request his presence.' ' 1 ' The hour having arrived for the SlaUima going to press, we are compelled to defer the remainder of tbe proceedings until to-morrow. - ' 1 " ,' - ..' . -' j . A Fashion Lows Nirdib. It Is stated that tbe latest "fashion" announced from Europe is thst of dressing very plainly when going to church. Some of tbe ladle of the first circle go up to worship In plain calico. It Is thns sought to encourage the attendance of fie poor who have hitherto withheld their presence for lack of "Sunday clothes." O Lola Montez. , Thi.' remarkable pereonage died iu New ork city lest. week. Varlon., and oonuiouog are tie account, given by herself and ptben of her birth and parentage. She was probably at the time of her decease about forty year, or age. She acquired a world wide notoriety as s lun- d wide notoriety m d latterly,, a leHurer. lei ituie. an actrfsj, an tin latter capacity, .he cerUlnl excelled both In nutter and manner. '" ' Tae followlug ac:ouut or the Ciuse of Lola's death, whioh we extract from the Philadelphia Prut, Is calculated to make ui forgot the error of her past life, and waken the deepest sym pathy for her sd fate: When Lola weot to California as an actre., sho engaged au agent. This geutleuaa was a married man, with tuocbiliiruu.aud seelrg him unhappy In their absence, she presented him with sufficient mouey t bring tlieui and their mother on. Shortly after tlieir arrival, the huabaud died. Lola then adopted the widow and orphans educating the latter at Mr. rVil lard's seminary at Troy. Au officer iu the United H tales uary fell iu love with one of these girls, aud Lola, literally acting in lira parentii, approved oi hi. suit Duriug her last vliit to Engtftid the marriago look place. Lola did not again encounter her porttgi, (who accom panied ber husband to a distant State, where he was detailed for public duty,) until a recent period, when she mother walking down Broad way, in compauy with a Udy of the highest (on. With her Uhiial Impulse, Lola rushed tq her youug friend literally the child of her chaiity a. to embrace ber. Tae youog lady coldly drew bick and .aid, "Madnm, (do not know yon!" "Not know me? 1 am Lola Lola Montez." "Madam," she exclaimed, as sbo turnd coldly away, "1 know you not, 1 never saw you before, aud If you poreist in epcik;ng to me I will call a policemiu," and walked away. Lola went home, "More in sorrow than In auger," and that same day had tho first at tack of paralysis, which, a few days ago, de stroyed ber. LoU Montez was littrally mur dered by ingraliludr. The Attitude of Austria. The Paris c rrtspondent of rhe London llrr- aid writes: I am informed that negotiations are still be ing attempted for the sale ef Venetia. They are, aoeording to private letters from a well in formed soureo at Vienna, mere waste of lime The Austrian government, it is moreover sta ted, has sent a note to rans anu i.onoon, inn matioe; that she will only give up Vcaetis when driven out of the quadrilateral by force of arms We may, tberefr-e, consider war in trio spring as inevitable, .ccording to private letters from Berlin, one bnndred and twenty rilled guns are being made for tho Austrian government One half of the order is to be completed and deliv ered by the 15th of Jin., and the remainder by the 1st or Mch. ETBy late arrivals from California, it ap pears that a severe struggle is going on in that State among tbe aspirtuts to fill tbe vacancy in tbe United States Senate, that will occur by the expiration of Senttor Cwin's term on the 4'h of Much next. [For the Ohio Statesman.] LANCASTER, O., Jan. 19, 1861. of tbe Democracy or Faiifisld county, met at the Mayor's cilice, io the ci'y of Lmcaster, to appoint delegates to atter.d the Democratic State Convention, to be held at Columbus, Ohio, on the 23d of January, 1PG1 The meeting came to order, end Ssmuel Ewing, Eq , was called to the chair, and C. S Forsman was appointed Seretary. On motion-the loilowlug resolutions were adonted: Retolved, That the Democracy of Fairfield county are horeby invited to attend tbe Demo cratic State Convention, to be held at the city of Columbus, Obio, on the 23J instant, a dele gates, and that a majority of those who shall attend, in caucus, shall have the authority to oast the vote of F.iirCeld county In said Con vention. On motion a committee of five, consisting of the iollowide gentlemen: Messrs. M. A. Uaugn erty, K. Fritter, J. M. Conn ell, A. D. Dildine, and John See, were appointed to draft resolu tions expressive ot the sentiments or tb meet ing, which committee reported the following: Hetohtd, That tbe Democracy here assem bled are in favor of tbe Crittenden amendments to the Constitution, as modified by the border State cauous.aa a measure or adjusting tbe pres ent difficulties. . Rtiolved, That we are in favor of euforclcg tbe laws as they now exist, and sustaining tbe Executive of the Nation in the maintenance or the same. Remarks were then made by several gentle men responsive to the above resolutions, after which tney were unouimously adopted. When by unanimous desire Col. P. Van Trump ad dressed the meeting as a Union man, and forci bly and eloquently sustained the resolutions, as covering grounds upon which Union men or all parties could stand. ' J. M.Connell, Esq., then offered the follow ing which was unanimously and moat emphati cally endorsed. Resolved, That if our Soulhera brethren will consent to remain in the Union for oneyear, we will demonstrate to them, that the National Democracy of the North, have, power eaough by triumphing over and burying Aliolitioxitm, to show that tbe Union can be maintained witb equal rights to all sections of tbe country. Tbe proceedings were then ordered to be pub lished in the Ohio Esgle, Cincinnati Enquirer, and Obio Statesman. Thereupon adjourned. SAMUEL EWING, Pres't. C. S. FORSMAN, Sec'y. "Thirty-Six Thirty." Tbe reader who Is curious to know exactly where lunsthis oft mentioned line, will get a elear Idea of it by taking tho map and tracing It as follows: It commences at the point on the Atlantio coast where the dividing line be tween Virginia and North Carolina commenoes; passes along the line dividing those States; along the line between Tennessee and Kentucky; along the line between the States of Missouri and Arkansas; thence through Ibe Territory of tbe Cherokee Mat ion, tbrnngh New Mexico. striking the eastern boundary of the State of California a short distance south of the middle, strikiog the Pacific a short distance south of Monterey bay. un tne soutn oi mat line there are about 300,000 square miles of territory, In cluding Indian reservations, whi. e on the north there are about 1,300,000 square miles. Of the 300,030 square miles south of 36:30 there is not the slightest probability that there could be carved out more thnn one slave State. All New Mexico, comprising about 210.000 square mile., would never become slave territory, from tbe fact that it Is not adapted to slave labor. It produces neither cotton nor ear.e. North of that line, though slavery were to be legalised, It could never exiet. Neu York Neat. ; ; ; President Lincoln' Escort to Washinoton. The President elect will be escorted to Wash intonbrthe Springfield (111 ) Zouaves. . This company is composed of young men who have for some months past been under tbe Instruction ot Col. Ellsworth, and in drill they are said to be fully equal to tbe genuine original Ziaavei A correspondent writing to tne uavenport (III ) Ottellt says t This company intends to do escort duty to the President elect on the 4th of March next, accompanying him to washing ton, and returning by Philadelphia, New York, Albany, etc.. They number over sixty, and are In a perfect state of drill, having already taken several prises, and surprised the famous Cbioa go boys in their efficiency. They are command ed bv Capt. Cook, a gentleman who understands the Zouave practice, and I doubt not will create a ssnsation while In Washington. . wThe Austrian Ministry has drawn up a bill relative to the liberty of the Protestant Cburob in the non-Hungarian provinces. Several en actments of it are absolutely contrary to the stipulations of the Concordat, so that a revision of tbe latter Is indispensable-' .' Tan Cocrse or Trace. The Savannah Re publican reports the arrival at that port of four ships and one bark, which had been prevented from going Into Charleston.barbor by the sink ing ot three Teasels in the ship channel by tbe authorities. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. TUESDAY, January 22d, 1861. j afternoon session. , . Utliseilll of ciaciuaati. iucloaing i of The proceeding, of tbe"Uolou MoelinK" at Hmlth ,The PrrsiJcut presented a memorial from ii Nixon's Hall, In that city, some tlnio ago. It wa. read to tbe Senate, and referred to the committee on Federal Relations. , MEMAOE FROM THE HOUSE. The following from tbe House were read first time, viz: U. rj. 2b7 To amend the road aot of uary 27th, 1853. H. B. 46 The Amalgamation bill. II. U. Sal To amend the aot of Marob 4ih, 1858, for tho regulation of Incorporated Compa nies. . Mr. READY, from tho select cnrnink( nn Woman's Rights, reported that the number of petitions presented upon the subject of Woman's Right, require that it ehonld be thoroughly ex amined. The committee tbonght tbe subject should be placed In tbe bands nf Its friends. Some members of the committee are not friend ly to the subject. For himself he desired to bo eicneed from serving on the committee, If tho Senate would not excuse him be would act con cientiously, but ho desired to be excused. Agreed to. Mr. HOLMES, from the same committee, then desired to be excused npon similar ground Tbe request was granted. Mr MOORE said be believed he wa. put up on tbe committee because it was known be would rldjcole It. Somo of the rcpuest. of me morialists were reasonable and he should treat them respectfully; but that the marrird women of Obio should request a legal, separate exist ence, and tbe right of sull'rage, is too ridiculous for him to consider. He therefore hoped he would be excused. Agreed to; Mesew.' MONROE, MOORE and KEY were appointed tq fill the vacancies Mr. MONROE said too much must not be expected nf him Some of thepraversof pe titions upon property right, he was disposed to favor. There were other prayer which he did not favor. On motion or Mr. STANLEY, the Senate went into committee or the Whole on the Mi litia bill, Mr. Monroe iu ihcrhiir. Aftrr some time the committee rose and re ported it back with sundry amendments, when it was referred to tbe Militia committee. Mr. MONROE said that he understood that two important conventions will be held in the city to morrow, which Senators desire to at tend. He therefore moved that when the Sen ate adjourn it will adjourn until Thursday morn log. Adopted. Messrs. B I AINLL i and HOLMES were ap pointed a committee of conference on the disa greement between the two 'branches of the General Assembly, relative to tbe resolution concerning a flig ou the Stale House. 1 be Hamilton conoty delegation were ap pointed a committee of conference in relation to the bill concerning the Long View Asylum. Mr. SPRAGUE, presented a petition from Either Wood and 39 others, relative to woman's rights. Referred to the special committee. Mr. 6CHLEICH, from the Select committee to whom wa. relvrrrd II. R. lfi. hin h r-'Acuve militia" diii, reported it bark witu ameudinenis berctotore published. The smondments were agreed to and the bill was engrossed for a third reading on Thursday. Tbe Senate then adjourned until Tbusday morning. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. AFTERNOON SESSION. A special report was received from the Bjard of Public Work in answer to a resolution of In quiry. Tbe report contained tbe copy of tbe order which parsed the Bjard under wbicb (he repaiia of damages done to the canals by tbe April u joas were maoe. tisio en tbe table and ordered to be printed. A communication was receieved from tbe Su periuteodent of tbe Blind Assylum, in answer to a resolution or inquiry calling lor statistics, which was also tabled tor punting. Mr. MoSCHOOLER, ou leave, Introduced H. B. 304: To amend see. 3 of an aot to pro vine lor tne porcnase and oistriDution ot swan and Critchfleld's Revised Statute, paised March 16ib, 1860. The committee on Reform School asked and obtained leave of absence. Mr.TATTERSON offered a resolution that a committee of even be ajipoloted whose duty it shall be to prepare at an early day, a bill' with suitable restrictions and guarantees, lor the sale or lease of the Public Works. Tbe bill to embrace two propositions, one for re ceiving bids for the sale of the Public Works, tbe other tor tbe lease thereof. The acceptance or rejection of the bids to be determined by tbe LegislLture. The resolution further provide that for tbe purpose of affording the committee time draft tbe bill, tbe members thereof be excused Irom attendance during ten days, and that the bill when introduced be made tbe special order of each day at 11 o'clock, till disposed of. Mr. SCOTT gave notice of discussion and the bill was laid over under tbe rule. Oa motion of Mr. VORIS tbe House resolv ed itself into a committee or tbe whole, Air Browne, of Miami, iu the chair. After some time spent In theirconsiderstlon,tbe committee rose sod reported: II. B No. 172 For the relief of Alice Maho ney, was referred to a select committee ot one Mr. Converse. II. B. No. 201 For the abandonment of much or the Wabash and Erie oanal as lies east erly of Swan' creek In Toledo, was reerred a select committee of one Mr. Steele, II. B 268jTorcduce iutojooe the several set for prescribing the rates and amounts to be le vied for elite, couuty, township, city, town and borough purposes, in the state or Ohio, was re ferred to tbe committee on Finacce. H. B. No. 274 To secure to churches and other voluntary (associations the benefits of their records, was reported back, with a rec ommendalion that it be engrossed for a third reading, which was agreed to. The bill will be read a third time on Thursday. On motion of Mr. McCUNE.lt was resolved, that lo consideration of the Temperance and Democratic Conventions, which are to be held In this city to-morrow, when tbe House adjourn it be to Tbursday morning. Therefore, the House, on motion of Mr WRIGHT of Hamilton, adjourned. A pamphlet has been published at Vienna on tbe Austrian navy, tne authority or which is attributed to the Archduke Maxmiliao, broth er of the Emperor, and Superior Commandant of the Austrian navy. lis proposes a vote 3b,UUU,UUU norlns to create a navy equal to that of Italy, in urglngMbia proposition be says thai he regard tbe loss of Venetia as very pos sible; that he hta familiarized himself to the idea of a united Italy, and that Austria ought to seek to form an alliance with England. "Austria," be says, "ought so to relorm ber Internal system that Eagland would not fear, In the presence of public opinion, to take the hand whioh we stretch out to her. The last known blood relation living in this country of tbe old statesman and soldier, Gen eral Jackson, is dead. His came was James Thomas Jackson MoCullough. He died Lake Providence.' La . on tbe 1st of January The deceased was the son of James McCnllough and Mary Caffery, and wo born near tbe tier mitsge, In Tennessee. His father was cousin to General Andrew Jackson, and his mother was tbe niece of Mrs. Rachel Jacksoo, wife tbe Gensral. He Is represented to have heenja man of eminent excellence and worth. PiTrsBuaaH, Jan. 20, A Unton meeting as sembled here last night, which was largest ever beld In this city- it was excedlngiy disorderly and Inharmonious, and a large proportion tbe meeting was opposed to the unttenden reo olotions, Le Nord, referrioe to reports of Russian soDoort to Francis II. of Naples, says: Wbat ever may be tbe present svmpatho felt for bis mialortnne, tne Lit has not ooerea nim any material support-" . Tbe small pot I prevalent In Montreal an unusual extant. In soms circles it Is crea ting something like a pinto, and a large notn ol persons are booming reracoinated. , t T, ! nAftV atati.fi lliat th Ppnr.h annajfrAn a Gaeta will continue to oocnpy ill preseat station till the early part of February. i I Different New When this country was at war with Mexico, the same Republioao who are now so ferouious for a light with the South, approved or Tom Corwln's plan of the Mexi- . cans weloomlnf the American soldisr with "bloody rands tolinbosnitable Braves." and rob ing to stop tbe supplies. That was the kind of patriotism they exhibited In those days) not now, when It comes to shooting down their own brothers, they are eogrr for the fray. Buffalo GUERNSEY'S BALM! to to TJBI0N MEETING ON hussday Evening Next at :, , THE CITY HALL. Vail far a Union jneelltiar on Oouicr vutlve anil lactllc lrlciille. We, the uiiilerflijued, clUzfoi of Ooliamlius, Ohio, trt la favor of calliDKli public run-ling Irri-ipputivn nl jir ly to be hflil In Hi City Uallon . -IHUHSDAY EVEN IN (a NEXT.V, for the purpote of xprciilng approbation of the meas ure, knowuM the Crittenden Conjpromite. R. I'. Dellei .1. (J. I.. II. Cbiain II. J. llrnirL W. Dickinson C. A. Plstt W. A. W. Uiuht W. filckiou William Tohlu U. r.,Srhf U. B. Demlus W. D. Alien 11. W. Milieu John II. Stirling James Wright , H. W. Park A. II. Zlgler 8. Q. Knode M. Wllny John Lake J.Ii.Kilny U. Urenu Horatio Wilion John 0. lllftly V. MrUuire Jacob V. Alehraian . Ji. McOuiro Rohert ktufjau f. Krfanur Ch. gymonda JohnT. Bliln llauletA. Hilar Miner Cole I.H Bldleniau Willi.m Tray Brces James aloooey W. M. Savage . , .1. Ohurcblll - - W. A. McCoy Oeorfre Taieoce Jno. W. Hevion W. Boyd Oh. II. Olmaiead W. Home Wroy Thoraai Knoa Heller U. I,, lleea James Kane Ed. UvluK'Uu Louis Peak Jno. I'hilhpa M. Ilannau W. t'alllng N. V.HeUley Wm. Keiicy John Norica II. Crarey 1 P. Monlhao " '- A. J. Davis James Bheridan John Dawaun t. Sheridan Marcus Child John HcQoldrick James Leameu A. h. Bancroft .lua. Chllda ' O. H. Bancroft 8. V. Prentiis II. Uiildle P.. llall W. B. Preston Wm. llorftau - U, Krone H. II. ttaowden Henry O. Doren II. D. Teller rt. B. Webnte A. W. Ayrea J.llannyhim 1). K. hnwviu J. JI. Klnn-y O C.Cox O. T Banlie A. Brlor 8. Rose U Walkup , 1 bos. Miller Alex. A. Uleou H. Hatcheaon O. A. Wapier U. Havelaul - Jas Bradbell L. Huropbiey 8. Johnsou II. Lewie ' Kd. LI I ley II. Creates James LeM K.J. Davit llueh (Irani 11. C, lllear II. J. Bwocpu A. B. Williams Wm. Arthur U. D. Motttr Oi-d. W. Johntou 8. Taylor Wm. Domtfran II. J. Abb It Iaaae H . Marrow O. P Chancy JohnM. Pngh W.R.Kent H. fought II. Bromly Jobn fought hirvault Watt D. I). Maonor David Da v lee David tiravener M. Chamber! Riohard Kennedy M. Bcheletinger John Joyce K. O. Stall H. It. Cobot. . J. L. Champ A.O.King " A.O. llibhe N. Steel ' B. Bradford M at Ihlaa Martin O. Smith Allen Puke A. V. Birrengcr Jobn f. linnet W. II. A. Stuart O. W- Zoilluicr J. B- Smith A. O. Hal'tch W. Cullck J. II. field W. B. Havket ' C. Orhman Jacob Y. Freeland . J. O Coleman O. Brett JfihnW. Tbonneo T. V. Miles John Oear N. Woodberry JobnQ. A. Robinson U W. Klmniini; J. W. Worrell J. II. Bell D It. IlaUiavay R. H deary W-. W, llarrltjii V. u. Winner JonephOaena U. L Houghton Samuel Doylr Lewlt tloeter A. K. Beuler P. T. Hnyder C.Cooke T. W. Tallmadgc O hat. G . Doihlor J. A. Lelnk K. Mcfrintoe D. L. Morae Blarlin B. Petcnnor John Reighter Henry Zipp Thorn at Legg. Ch Boplander A. W. Brown Itaae Bplndler J. V. Armttrong Jamra K. Walcutt John Gore John O. Howard James P. Gardner - John Keya John Doll M.Conlln P. W. Lewis V. Howard . Thoe. Bergen J.M. Keener Da Id Joyce VeltKucruer M O'Neal N. Keener O. M frtettell ' K.Jaeger O. Bren Phillip Sklller Michael Farlin Ourtlt Tweed Bdward Leenan Jacob Roll Jamea MoMarer John Ladhler Thoe. Oho ran Henry Te ber M. Trenar I. Zollinger H. Linlman B. O. Kenig - John Bearny W. C. Waiehaui U. II. GrlawolJ John Lltle AG. .Surer . Jacob Blyb , K. Main W. H. Jamet J. Orren Jamea Atkew A. D. Stomp Joieph Kcnahaw V. Fitch t homuSaunderain W. B. Robirtt W. MeFarland O Kirk Andrew Wagner i. P. UcKlvain Javei Moonay A. Chittenden. William Troy W. W. Riley John MrGoldri.il H. M. Neil J. W. Coffin W. K. Herthiker J. R. llughet D. Frltzpatrtck SOMETHING NEW HOWARD & GO'S. AMERICAN WATCHES. y Anniun an. nTT'arn an u -m r- J m aw v t QaJf wS 1IIUU af. AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by K. IIOWARD St CO . Boston. Maae. Then Watchee are far superior t) anythtog ever offered to the public, heretofore. Ilavieg the xeluair agency, I can sell them at prices to suit th timet. I harejuit received isrg iioca oi AMERICAN WATCHE3, , manufactured by APPLF.TOK, TRACY, a 00 ; also, Bne aitortment of i:n(.lihanuiwis!i watches, In Gold and Silver Cue,, at Pauk priest. Jan33 W. J. SAVAGB. NOTICE. of TOJOHI" 8PIL.L.ANE AND OTHERS AH persons are hereby cautioned againat Durohei In an order dated Oct. IbUO drawn bv A. W. Shearar. Clerk of Prairie Township, Franklin county, Ohio e tiraimtnrerorsaia Towntnip, payable to John Bplll an or order, for $1!0, for ten eel ofj Mitchell't out line mnpi. Thettld order having been fraudulently ob tained will not be paid. A. W. SHBARHR, Clerk In behalf of the board of Education of Prairie Townihlp. Jan. S3,w3t at or of -ber A "VNE-IIALP OF A HOOD P ATI NO KJ Democratic Printing Office, located In Aouritblng town In Southern Ohio, it for sal npon good terms. For a good Printer, who oan give suitable references, a good openiuwg la onere I. Adder, Kdltor Statesman, Colitmbui, Ohio. Jtn.S'Jtf Granville Ohio, Female Academy rpilR RPHINU AND SUmmER WES X I slon will commence February 7th, 1HU1. This I en of th beat Institutions for th thorough and chris tian education of our daughters, at reaionable ooit. Addrett W. P. KERR, Principal, " flranvllle, Ohio. Refer to Col. 0. W. MiSTraanv. ., -; f JanM dlwAwSw Hon. A. L. PtaaiiL, Senate. TEMPLE Or HONOE AND TSMPBBAHCE, .IV irroifDAVAND TUESDVY EVEN WINUS, at 7, o'clock. Tern oe ranee addretta will be dolivered t-y J, Geddet Itq., of Cinolnnatl, at the Con gregational onurcn. on Taetday evening, members of tbe tne Ttapieoi Honor, win attend la tail regalia, and tbe nature and ohjectt, of, thtlr order will be presented, leaving their Hall at T o'clook prcieely. Jaa. HI. d'-lt. .', i ,- , - .. :; . . High Greet Store rou SALE. rpilE Til II EE STORY FIRE PROOF X 8T0RT HO08B, Mo m, occupied ty Akia Eoa oi y, Hi ore Dealers, completely fitted with Oa, Farnlce na Homing jack. In lot I liv by i!0, and 1 offered on raatonable terms. Apply to , . WH. B- BROWN. . Jan7-dfel , No. 33, North Third etreet. , POH flAWJ : : ' A LARGE RODY OF LAND LYING on tbe National Rood. Wett of Columbua, within from two to fiv mile from the eity. The properly will be told lo lots to salt purchateit, and on favorable termi. Apply to ;, . , . JOHN W. ANDRCWS, i Jaol0-44w Agent for John U.IIolloway. Colombo, January 10. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' OF THI CONDITION OF H1 ! Norwich Fire Inscrancc Company, ON THE 3lt DAT or DECEITIBEH, lHiid, made to the Auditor or Ohio, purauant to the Biatute of tint But, entitlod "Au actio regulate low ranee companies, not incrrpvnueo. oy tne lute of umo potted April B, 1050. ..! . i NAMB AND LOCATION, lit. Tha nam of the Company Is Tb Norwich Fir In-' luranct Cnmpany, and It locate at Norwlob, Con ' neolicul. . i i I. CAPITAL. 2J. The amount or IU capital stock la $200 ,00 00 UJ. The amount of IU capital atock paid up It ViiO.MI no tlh. II ABBKtTs. I . Caih of the Company on hand. .19,0113 12 8 . Cash bi the baoilt of Bad due -' from agenU S.IHHI Oil -. 3 Real KtUM unincumbered none. ; 4. Thebonde and Itoekt owned Ly- J . . the Company at per louchert, . " - -tcoonipaoylng how aecured. ' 'i . aud the rate of loterett there - - ' on, to wit: Sharet, Par Market Value. Value. 50 170 Si7 5-1 HO) mo Ml Norwlrt Bank Block, NorwU-h 15,000 on (5,700 OU Thames do do 17.000 00 ltf,.V0 00 Merchant . jt u do . Phoeoli . . do Hartford Union do Albany American Kx do N. Y. I .(ISO 00 l.ioo oo 3,60V IHI 10,000 on 10,000 00 5 0110 00 7, KM) 00 3.600 00 10 000 00 0,M) 00 3.500 OO 6.W5 no AtUntlc do do Continental do lo Corn Kxchange do do Hanover Jo do Ocean - C do do Metrbpolilau du do M SO 100 4.750 no 6,000 00 r 4.000 00 S.UOO 00 ' 4,000 00 . 10 OOO 00 15,000 00 5,000 00 10,000 00 5.000 00 6 000 00 10.000 00 5,000 00 . 5.000 00 5.000 00 10,500 00 u.ooo oo 4 750 110 10,000 0 4,(O0 00 0,500 00 y,soo oo 4,750 00 6,350 00 0,000 00 5,500 00 l.'iO Imp's tt Trader! do do 100 National do do sou Merchants do do Sho t Leather do do Tradeeman'a do do Union do do Bank of Commerce - do do Repnblio do so 150 kno SO su so su U. B. Trust Company do Bank cf Kentucky, Loultvlll 5,000 00 Total bond! and itckci. .. flW.lfS CO BIOS 3 00 5. Debt due the Company, w j, cored byinortgate, on un incumbered Real Kstate, at 1X3 pel vouchers a.cotnpany log. W'HIBUUOr HOkTOASI! Amount Morbag of , Record., . r " Loan. Vol. Page, J I. Th mortgage of Geo. , u Frith tt. wife on farm in 3 Huron county, Ohio. 1,600 Total mortgagee tm .at mo no 6. Debit otherwit aecured a per . vonchara acomoanvln. Done 7, Debu for premium! " 53 4-1 8. All other securities 14,3 00 Total AaieU of the Company OT4.4('5.W :: . - " III. LIABILITIES. ' , f 5th. The amount of liabilities, due or not du " to banks and other creditor!, none Oth. Loaeea adjusted and due, none 7lh. Loiteiadjuited and notdue 8th. Lotaet unadjutted Uth. Losict In suspenie, watting for further proof . 10th. All other cUImt against the Company . . noue (3.500 00 . 0,000 00 s.otio no Total Liabilities (14,500 00 IV. MISCELLANEOUS. Uth, The greatrst am't Insured in any one risk,. 5,000 lith. Tbe greateit amount allowed by th rules to be insured in any on cily, town or village, at dis cretion of agent. 13th. The greatest amount allowed to be Insured in any on block at diicretinn of agent, under rule of 1 1 th question Hth Tbe amount of its capital r earoinia deposited in any other State, a security for loeaes therein, naming them, with the amount in each, and whether such company tramscts any business of Insurance In told state or Btaiei, noco. 15th. The charter, or act of Incorporation of laid Com pany, formerly sent. 8tat or OomrecTiooT County of New London , ( u A Brewster, Prcildeot, and Kbenc:cr Lrarned, Secre tarv of the Norwich fire Inaurance Company, being tev erally (worn, depot and lay, that the foregoing it a full. true and correct statement of the tHain of the aald Company that the laid loanranoeOompan y 1 the bona fid owner of at leaet One Hundred Tbouiand Dollar of actual caih capital Inveied In Btnck and Bond!, or In Mortgage on Beat Sttat. worth double the amount for which lb tame it mortgaged; that the above described Invettmcnta, nor any part thereof, are made for the beoeut of any Individual exercising autnoi In In th management of aald oompany. either a Free! dent. Secretary, Treaaurer, Director, or otherwtte; that the mortgagee above described have not been aaelgned, nor in any manner releaeed or Imnired bv said Oompany . and that they are the above described officers of aald In aurance Company. A BREWSTER, Preiidcnt EBRN. LEARNED, Bec'y. Subscribed and sworn before me this I5lh day of Jan' uary, 1WI. DAVID TOtJKO, Juatlc of th Peace. Orrto or Tiir Acditow or Stati, j Cotumbut, 0. January 17th, 1861.) " I. Bobert W. Tayler. Auditor of Stat do certify that the foregoing I a correct copy of the atatement of the condition of the Norwich Fire Inanranc Company, made to una omce tor me year iroi, ana now on Die Hereto. Witneu my hand and aeal offlcially, L.. K W. TATLER, , .- ; Auditor or Stat. Certificate of Authority-. ' To Ixptr on the 3 lit of January, 1863 . Auditor r Btatc' Orrici, l iNioaaNc DiraaTtMT, J-' Columbut, Ohio, January 17, 1801 . ) Whereaa, the Norwich Fire Inturance Oompany. loca ited at Norwich, In th But of Connecticut, has filed in thi! office a tworn atatement of it oonditioo. a re quired by the Sritaection of the act "To regulate Inaur ance uompaniea not Incorporated by tb State or Ohio." puted April 8tb, IHjfl; and, Whereas, said Company ha furntahed the underalgned tatiifactory evidence that It is potseieedof at leaat One Hundred Thoutand Dollar cf actual capital, lnveated Id Itecki, or In bonds, or In mort gaget of real ettate worth double tb amount for which the aame la mortgaged; and, Whereat, said Oompany baa filed in this office a written Inttrument under lit corpo rate teal, aigned by the President and Secretary thereof, authorising any agent or agent! of aald Company In this Htat to acknowledge eervio of prooeaa for aod lo behalf of said Company, contenting that enoh oervlce of prooeaa ball be token and bald to be at valid a If aerved upon the Oompany, aoeording to th laai cf thi or any other Btate, and waiving all claim or right of error, by region of tuch acknowledgment of aervice. Now, Therefore, in pnrtnance of the firetaection of the aforesaid act, I, Robert W. Tayler, Auditor of Slate, for the SMt of Ohio, do hereby certify that laid Norwloh Pire Inaurano Company la anthoriied to transact the buiinettof Fire Insurance in this State until the thirty Brat day of January, la th year oa thousand eight hun dred and sixty-two. In Wltoest Whereof, I have hereunto tub- , r (crlbed my name, and caused tbe seal ef my t ; ( office to be affixed, Ibe day and year a bo re ,,u"t written.- R. WYTAYLIR, . ' J- Audi or of State. ; FRED'K J, FAY, Agent, Office In Carpenter'! Building,' 7 KOOTIf HIGH IlEETi , ' JanlO-dlw ' . COLUMBUS, OHIO. TO THE PUBLIC ! 'I . r In view cf making a change lo our concern, w will offer oar ' '' ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS FOR FIFTEEN DAYS, COMUINCINO WITH ' Monday, the 14th day of January, AT' This Stock of Ooods I now admitted to be th most deslrabl hi th Centre of th Stats, and offtr a ran op portunity to House Keeper and other for purchasing their suppllei. , y. ,1 -r -. Tha whole Btock will be told without rets rv, except- YANKB1 NOTIONS, . . . , . ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, - AND ALEXANDER'S KID OLOVSS. TERMS, C ASH ONLY. 1 Columbus, January 13, 186U.I , . ft. BAIN. : $0CIAl DANCING OOCIETV . h 'at- . AMBOrSHALL. ALL BIEIW UEK8 OF THIS SOCIETY re notified that th Third Be Union for th aeasoa, will be ea Thursday, tb Sth inat. , Invited friend of member can bar ticket by calling oa H. Lnqtrntox, or at th Store of LiMoaif aw, Im at Oo. jaaSltW; iff i C . F. QLOOK, Uanageri I : " REMOVAL. T, Ha T APT HAS) REItlOVED nth XJ stock of DRr UOODB from No. ttroet. tohii ld stand, Ne. 48 North stock of DRY GOODS from No. 121 South High to hi eld I tend. Ne. 48 North Hlh ,i.il Tbompaon'i Building, Where b will be pleased to tee ail bit old customer!, and all now one that an anu. k : ( I 1 1 ih ah... ' 11 them cheap good! A hnr lot of CARPS TS oa hand, which will ha M t cm t, for caih to oloa the stock Janiedla CornerHIhndOaysti.,Oolumbot.'o. T- .. . tK joions 'xea, AT40 CFJITII rEliPODFIb, AT" 4 i. McKEI tt RBBT IEAUX. ep7 S4 X High etrtet iSf ECIAL NOTICES. For all TIIHOAT LCNB CiOlHPIiillPITII, Including WHOOPINU COVOHi sat ererr Complaint the forerun; nerofau1 even actual CONSUMPTION. , ; i i UNIVERSAL couaii. RlRMTDV. BTTNNX WELL'S The Sireut NEirilAl.a OH) ISKIVIKISV and Nat ural OF1ATE, adapted " to erery epeciee )I Ner . van Uwsnplalut! Ner ' roue and Chrwulr. Headache, talieunta tlain, t!atarrh Tooth and Ear Achat Lou of Mleept aud Bowel Com. plaints. TOLU Y.l , ." ANODYHE. No real Juttlc ran be don the above preparation! but by procuring end reading deeciiptive pamphlets.: . be found with all dealers, or will be aent by Proprietor oo demand. Formula! and Trial Bnltlea aaot to Pbvtl riant, who will Sod developments In both worthy tbrtr occepUnc and approval. . Oorretpondence tollclted from all whose necetiltiet or curiosity prompts to trial of the above reliable Bern mei. For tale by the uiuil wholeaale anil retail dtaldr everywhere. JTOIIN I, IIUNNEWKLI,, Fraprlete CHIHIST AND PHASIf AOCUT1ST, 9 Commsrsial Wharf, Boston, lias No, KoberU Si Samuel, N. B. tlarple, J. R. Cook, J U suig. O. Deolg tt Hon. A. J. Schueiler A Bon. Agent for Columbut, Ohio. myl-dly 'I HE AMEHIC'AN " MEDICAL AND TOILET - - RECEIPT BOOK Thlt book eonttlos titcelptt and DlrectUmt for ma king all the most valuable Medical preparations In use; also Recipes and fall and explicit directions for making all th most popular and useful Ooimetlci, Perfume, Unguent, Hair Rettoratlvet, aid all Toilet Artloltt. If you are tufferlng with any chronic d'.Mtse If you wish a beautiful complexion, a fine bead of balr, a smooth face, a lcar akin, a luxuriant beard or moustache or If you wish to know any thing and etery thing tu th Medical and Toilet line, you should by all means peruse t opy of thlt book. For full particular and aaatupla of the work for perusal, (free) address the publisher, ! -. T. F. OnAPMAN, ' ' No. 831 Broadway, New York. oct30d3m Headache! Headache! Thousand! of pertons tnfTer from headaches to the seri ous detriment of their comfort, business, and health. who might easily be cured by simply using Huwrnan's Houiopiutic Brscmct. Th IIkadaoh Pill taken la the morning, and th Bn.ioni Fill taken at night, rarely fall to cur the moit eevere and obitlnate eta. Thoa sond having tried litem have been entirely freed of thi ban of theirlires. Oo and do likewise. Price, 25 cent per box, witb directions. Six boxes l Bent by mall or express, free of ohsrgs. ' , relpt of tb prlc. AdJrea, Da. HUMPHREYS fc 00,, . . No. Broadway, New Y o Sold by ROBERTS A SAMUEL, ' Wholesale and Retail Druggittt. V4 N . High street 8. At. SAMUEL at 00.. Janl-dkwlm ' 85 8. High street, Oolnmboa, 0, Seeodveitlaexient In another oolumn. OlOt t AT'SJ LIFE PILLS. Id all cases of cottlveneae, dytptptla, billlout and Uyer ' affection!, pile, rheumatiam, fever and agu, obtti not bead aches, and all general derangement of health these Pill have Invariably proved a certain and ipeedy remedy. A (ingle trial will place the Life Fills beyond the reach of oompttitlon in the eitlmatlon of every pa tient. Dr. Moffat's Photnlx Bitters will b found qually ef '. floadous In all oases of nervous debHity, dyapepiia, bead ache, the stcknes Incident to females In dellcat health, and every kind of weaknea of tbe digestive organ. For aale by Dr. W. B- MOFFAT. 33S, Broadway, N. Y and by all Drugglat. autySS-dAwly' The following; ii an extract from a letter written by lh Rev. J. 8. Holme, potter oi the Plerrepoint-Btreet Baptlit Church, Brooklyn, M. Y., to the "Journal aud Meteenger," Cincinnati, 0., and apeak volume In favor of that world-renowned medicine, Ma Winilow' SooTawo Irnvr roa Cniuatw Tirnmra: "We tee an adrertbment la your column ot Mas WmiLow't BooTUia Svaur. Now we never aaida word In favor of a patent medicine before In our lit, but we feel compelled to y to your reader that thi la no bum bug wa Have txiid it, adb in it all it claims. It It probably one of the most sureetsfnl medi cines of the day, becauaa it It on of th belt. And thoee of your reader who hav babie can't de better than lay in a aopply." ec27:lydetW 1 , HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. Wm. A. Batohelor'i Hair Dye! Th Origiaal and Best in the Woridl v AU other art mere Imitations, and should be (voided If you wish to eecepe ridicule. ORAY, BED Oft RUSTY HAIR Dyed lnstaotly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without Injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS liave 'be', awarded to Wm. A. Batcheloralnc 1839, and over 60,00 applications have been made to lh Hay of bis patrons Of hi famous dyei - WM. A. BATCH BLOB'S HAIR DY1 produces col or not to be distinguished from nature, and Is warranted not to Injure In th lent, however long tt may bl pontic- -nod, and the 111 effects of Bad Dyes remedied; In Hair Invigorated fnr life by thi splendid Dy. ,r Bold in all title and town of tb United State Drugglat and Fancy Ooods Dealer. HLpThe Genuine bo the noma and addreas apoa a steel j plate engraving on four aide of each bos, of WILLIAM A. BATOUELOR, Addreta . CHARLES BATOHELOH, Pioprletor Iria wly t Barclay etreet. New York. Xo (Josaauaupiivee. , Th Advtrtlur, bsvlog been mtoied to health In a few week by a very simple remedy, after bavlngi uBeredi tral year with severe lung affection, and that draaJ disc, Oonsumptlon Is anxious to make known to bit fellow sufferers the mean of our. : To all who desire it, b will Mod copy of lb preterit. Hon used (free of charge), with th direction for prepa log and uilng the same, which they will find a sua On for CoKsnumo, Amnfa. Bsmositu, Ac, Tb only object of th odvertiier In lending tha Prescription 1 to -benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he con celve to b invaluable, and h hope every sufferer will ' try bl rwmsdy, a It will eott them nothing, and may prove aliening. . Parties wishing the prescilptlon will please tddres . . ' ; ! ""V- WARD A. WILION. wiuumaba t Kings County, New Willlamebunrh, ' 'York. : W; A. Batohelor'i Hair Dye! ., t v Thi iplendld Dalr Dye bu no equal InitontaMou la effect Beautiful Black or Natural Brown do Staining th kln or Injuring th Hair remedies th absurd and a sffect of Bid Dye, and Invigorate tb balr for life. Non are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere, ' , . . I ! CHAB. BAT0H1L0R, Proprietor, Jyl9:wly BlBareloy Street, New York. COIj AND "VV"OOD! THE SUBSCRIBER WILL DlLIVJBtHl; ,;: BEST QUALITY, '.::' WOOD, SAWED AND SPLIT, ' To any part of th oily for - , 83,50 PER CORD,:, . ! And 4 feet Wood for ' ' 82,50 PER CORD.. Alto th different kind of Coal a low a any other dealer, and, "sympathising with lb public,! now ln ' :';.,' '. ,; :(Zsiii23vij;iB oa mzaavm ; , .. . . ,;coa.foh; 9 CTs.;"AND.r NUT bO AL OR DIRT, " " FOR 7 CT3. PER BUSHKrT "J" I Yard and offloe, lit, South Third Street, bear th Sec 1 i ond Preibyterian Church. At ".w A. BAEIOW, Ajent, ,' Coluubus, Jan. 81. diSB.-l. ADTiansiMim ! : ? . equ farttbe INBTAIH BJLIIF i -..i aadPllUiUNXiriOUBJtora.i ' vleteaMelt.M aua,iK1.I.A - liMII sMMbf JJ AAAvAAA lUde by 0. IB YMOU1 CO , W7 Ifaaaau tvJrlL t . . f JPrto. II per bt snt free by ptwt. . 7 1 FOB IAL1 AT All DUJailf.' " staye-dAwlytt i'