-- - X'J"iJ W-- OAIIDV ABE STCDB U8T RECEIVED BY WII A. GILL, No. 30 XTorth High Street, OuVth UrfMt ana BMt IIMM Awwt ' ,'.V, 'jot :i-u'. ' ' " eve a ormn in this orm House . Builders Furnishings " 01 I VIET BTYL1 AND QUALITY, 'trench Ansel-lean "717'i3ado"cv Olassl 1'AINTS GROUND IK OIL, ; ' and pat ap la half pound cam for family ut, and pry ' Palntelnbalk. Brushed of every variety & quality. A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD3. AXES GRINDSTONES, Ave. , GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, &o. ' FISHING TACKLE. ROPE 4 CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, ; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. I especially Invite the attention of all tolerated to say took of Pookstand Table Cutlery, and SILVER FLATED FORKS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, of stOGERRs at Ba0'8. Manufacture, warranted to be extra heavy, Electro-Plated, on genuine Albette, Country Merchant, Mechanic, and other, are In riled to call and xmln my Block, a I am prepared to ell Wholesale and Retail. WBI. A. GILL. Oo.umbn.Obio,Mey8.18K)j ' LATHROP, IUDINGTON & CO. 23 ft 25 PASS PLACE, 20 & 22 MURRAY STREET, NEW YOXUBL, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPRING, 1861. We art opening, at oar ample wareroom. at the abor number, nock of Good In each of the six department of oar bustae, mpertor to anything we hare heretofore exniMied to tn trade. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. to. na frown to its prevent magnuuav wuu.r w. thoroug h management or a borer of long experience and acknowledged good tate. We keep extensive line of tbe finest and choiceat FANCY VOTINGS AND FANCY CASSIMERES To be foand in the market, all aelected with the nloxt discrimination. Also, all grade, color and Tarietie of; BROADCLOTHS, ' SATINETS, LADIES' CLOAINNGS, . TWEEDS, f ABUSES' and MERCHANTS' C A88IMERB8, -KENTTJCKT JEANS, from X to KX ente per yard and upward; " TWEEDS, 12 X to IS cent per yard but year (old 18 to SO; : PRIHTED SATINETS, at H cents; And other Qoo&$ torretpondingli Low. ., Dress-Goods Department. Manchester De Lalnea, llamilton do. Pacifle do. Printed Lawn, Printed Brlllianlea, Finer Oingham, Mombaaine, Black Bilka, Fancy Bilks. Printed CbaUls, Manehetter Oinghaa, Glasgow - do. Clinton do. ' I Ottoman Cloths, Alpaca, Poplin, AndlhtNnt Sdtet SlyU of FANCY SPRING COOD3. MerrbBM Prints, Richmond' Prints, Cocheco do. American do. Pads do... Dnnnell'a do. gprsgu' do. Xngllab do. Maocbeiter, ave. Print, Ac. DOMESTIC COTTON'S. Larrtncs O. Bhsetlni, . Atlantic A. Bhaetlngl, Btark do. Amoakeag do. Lathrop do. Apple ton do. Shawaat do.. , Brerett do. Poeastei do. tJtiea. c, do. AU Gradet and Width. BXlACntD tHIBTTNaS AND (TfEaTTTSQI. Wansutta, Dwlght, tawnno, Lonsdale, Great Vail, Manwkeag, Bill, Waltham, . Boott, New Tork MilU, Ice., Ac. sHiwis akFmmtillas, " A LABOI A1W ItLICr ABBOATstlMT. COTTON ADKS-a great rariety. CRICKS do. TICKINOB all the leading brand. D1NIM8 do. do. BHIBTIN3 aiaiPXS-all lb leading brands, , , ANK1KN8 . -. - do. do. . , CORBET J1ANB . do. do. , MOEBBNB do. do. SAMA8&B, PAPIB CAMBRICS, COL0KID CAM' BBIC8, Ac, ko. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WBTT1 GOODS, EOSIZBT, i ,f : ... . yaiux Honon, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, . . " CARPET! AND OIICLOTHS, . And a great rarlety of Aoed not enumerated all of which we plea re oarserres w kii bi toe lowse morum prices th larger portion at from W to 30 per cent, let I haa laatyear. LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO., V HEW YORK. mart 5- - ' ' IMPORTED GOODS. TU8T KECEITEB . Jso Italian Oil, Barton A Co.. for labia If. 10 . ' 4 Wrench Mnttard, farorit brands; Boned Bardtnea, lb B18T sardines lmp'td f Caper andOIIre. Tahi Bsarees "Ua tt P.rrln'l Worsatter hire," "Soyai Bnltena," "Joha ull, "Hanray," "Beading." . 10 Walnat and Tomato Catsup itdoa.'.Oroo at BlackwaU' celebrated English . . . , jrwiiea, sonneting ofuauiinower." "ri . eallll," OhowOhow,' "Walnw," 'On ' Ion," "OaWge,' "Bean," "CherV" H'aPickte. ... .... , . 50 " London Porter. 1 - 10O " Campbell's celebrated Scotch Al. . f) nun ' - r-- . ' 8 Obese Italtaa atacarool.anl Teraudlla. r t, r 0 grow. Oe' eelallnw. CoWium's oelebraud KailUh Kastard, let kegs, boxes, to and bottles, j , . , . , ... ; aoi . ... wm. McDonald, i , 1861 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN BOUTS. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN BOUTS. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Conneoling atCrtalllna with the PlTTSBtJBaH, IT. W ATM k CHICAOO BAifcJtvav for Piutburgh, Philadelphia and BoUimort. Alt orlbri Wayne ana unioaffo. Connecting at Clereland wllh the LAKE SHORE RAIL ROAD . ruDlikl'ki Hnffala, Albany, , in, and Hew lark. j THREE TRAINS DAILY, I EXCEPT BUN DAT, 1 From Columbus, la connection with Train oa the LITTLE PIIami AND COLUMBUS I AN D XLN 1A RAILROADS. IIB8T TRACT. anin WAD VflB Tua-aa f1 MnanKn Shi l.dtfi A - If I will lrTt puMDMn at all UUons soath of GaUwn, . .. wt a -ti l..Al..tMi -. nilaali. aVnd flop iaiawauv mmuivj, viuv - at 9:45 A. M., Dunkirk 3:35 P. M., Baffalo 525 P. M. Albany a:uu a. m., new xora iv.x ., ' ... . w i- n 1 1 ... ..on x Iff . Phllui.1- phlaSilOA.M. Chicago ria Oreatlln at 8r!W P.M. BCOSC TBAlfl. a. m. Will top at LewU Centre, Delaware, Oardlngton, Gallon. Oreatllne. Bhelby, Mew London, Wellington and . . n i , A ..OK n m Tliinklvk. Urnrioo, arnr a. wr.iiiii v- "). " " ; New folk, 8:30 p. .; Bion, 4:40 p. m.; PitUbnrgh, Wo Oreatllne, 8:20 p. m.; Philadelphia, 10 a. m.. Con nect at Bhelby for all point on Bandiuky, Manneld Ntwark . B., north of Bhelby. TBIES TBAIN. a. . w awn ft IAUUn 1 TAV Ium. flftlllmhll. at 3 W P- m. Will atop at all (111011 Booth of Bhelby, . . m . Ti . .ft; -1 1! HMrtnM. ana at new xjoDaon. mh.w, wmudni, and Berea; arrir at Clereland at 0:10 p. m.J Dunkirk, 8:50 a. m.; Buffalo, 4 SO a. m.; Albany, 3 30 p.m.; Mew Tork, 9:30 p. m.; Boston. 11: p. m.i Piltsbnrgb.wfo Oreatlln. at 9:10 a. m.; Philadelphia, 5:15 p. m.f Con aeet( at Bhelby for all poind on Bandiuky, Manifold Newark Bailroad. ., Patent Sltepin; Can are run on all Night Iraini to Chicago, New Tork and Boiton. Baoaagi ChtdUd Through to JTtto Tort and Sotttn via iUMland; alto, to PkiladtlpMa and Xi Xorkvia OrUin. RETURNING. Night lirpianlre at Colombo at.. .11: P. M. Cincinnati Kxpren " " " if AooommodaUon, " " :I0P.M. Faro as Law a br any atber Route. Ail for TiclaUvia Cre$llineor CUwland. 1.8. TL1NT. Enperintendent, Clereland, Ohio. J AMIS PATTEEBON, Agent, Columbus, Ohio. Oolumbui, April 15, 1651. CENTRAL OHIO R. Between Columbus & "Wheeling, CONNBCTINQ TIA BELLALRE AND WHEELING WITH THE BAUTIMOHE OHIO & K AND TIa Bellaire and Pittsburgh with mi Pennsylvania Central R B., J0R Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Pittsburgh, tnd all Eastern Cities. NO. 1 IXPB-E88 Lnni Oolnmbni al 3:30 A. M.iatODS at all itatlosseait of Newark when signalled. Arrlre at Nawark at e:50 A. M.. ZsnaiTille at(i:00 A. M.. Bellalr at 10:10 A. M., connecting with the Baltimore It Ohio B. B., and ria Cittebargb with fenotylranla . . lor an eaiisrn cuo. NO. IXPBIBB Leare Oolumbui at 11:18 A. M.; atop at all itation when aignalled. Arrlrea at Newark at 13:48 A. at., Zanesnileat it:v r. M.; ueiiair at o:iu r. m., con necting with the Baltimore It Ohio B. R. for all saltern ottlss. NO. 3 XXFBES8 Leare Columbus at 1 10 P. M.; atop at all atation when dgnalled. Anires at Newark at 30 P. !., ZanesTllie atS:0 P. at.. Belial rs at 9:4i P. M., connecting ria Pittabnrgh with the PenuylTanta Jt. it. lor an eastern cltle. Thl Soalo offer ths ADTANTAOI of a Tbrangh Ticket and Baggage Check to WASHINGTON CUT, nH .lan rirrm ih PasKneer the Dririlere of Tltltlnf BALTIMOBB, PHILADELPHIA aad NKW-TOBK, at the coet of a New-York Ticket alone; or the pririlege of rUiUng allot the principal BIABOABD CITIES at the ooatof a BOBTUN Tlceiione,Tiaomerouie. Through Tickets to NEW-YORK can be procured ria WABUinulvn vin,ai an auaiuouaiup.iu.vi Time as Quick and Fare as Low Ai on other Bout. Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. ABK FOE TICKETS TIA Columbna and Bellaire r WHeellnt; JNO. W. BBOWN. Apr. 15. - Om. TicM Agtnt. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. mVRMIIIlTE AT WASHINGTON 1 ana Baltimore on the list, and Wheeling, Benwood and Parkentmrg on the West, at which places It unite with Ballroads, B learners, ate., tor ana inn an poinn Into West, tb-weat sn Nurth-weit' THREE TEAIN8 DAILY FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES That ts the only root to Washington City . fftmitnlii this mat can Ylrtt Bsltlmors, Phi la delphia, New York and Boston, at tb cost of a ticket to Boston alone by other Una. Tbrouih ticket to thaEaaterm titles eaa bs proeared na waaungton uiiy at aa aoaiiwiuu cuaig. . , lar. amaa fl.ii loriim am au. EfawT Tuaim. Tinucu a4akand for a$lo ot tia any otKtr FVWVa ' Inqnlra for ttekebi Tls Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad at soy or tut principal naiiroaa omwi m u n wt, I. H. BITLUTAll. Oen'l Western Airent, Bsxxa ols, Ohio, L. M. fJOLal.Oeneral Ticket agent, W. P. kUITH. Muter Traruoortation. OctSd-tf. Balnilosa, Md TRAVELLERS! KM t oa to to New Tork , drift direct to the va - f .. JltAAOaVVallsaUl MMWM BBOADWAT, C0B5IK0I HOUSTON BTEET Conducted on the ' EUROPEAN PLAN. flood Tars, flood Booms, Prompt Attendance, tnd Mod erate Charges. SINGLE BOOMS SO CIS. 7! CIS. tnd tl PER HAT DOUBLE BOOMS sal PARLORS iJ,60 to 3. Meal at ordered. Thl Hotel hat all tht appointment of the bet hotel, a meet central location, and la heated throughout try (team. SAMUEL E. MEAD. marchVdam .. . rropneior, JOBM R WnalXW, A O Elf T FOR nOBIEfCOlf TINENTALf XV Hiiuma, eacvaiTT, ana innaerias in. vo. Ntw Toui Mawosuirra1 tod Cm las sr HABTroat Naw Tom Liraand Oorm. MoToaa Lira. Office) tt HlfEt f Sawafe'a HI . eb7l 'Alexandre's Kid Gloves. ' -nr.Aiiv ArtD eitihkoiiieheij, novi t OUKTALBJI aad regnlar hp Blsck Kid Olore, embroidered In white, magenta, purple, ate. Undreasad- Kid Store, atlseee SHUloree. A tompMte ataortmtnt f theeee. lt rated Olore always tor ai by . vain at sun, ftbtt " ' . Re. H Soath High Mrwt. Co-Fortnershxp. Iff AVE THIS OAT ADMITTED BIT ton JAMBA ADQBH BAIN as partner la my busi ness, which will hereafter be conducted ander tht Arm of Bain at Son. P.BAIM.SBSoalhHlgh Bt. Oolnmbni, f 13. ibsi. , feblf Canton Ilattings. 4, 4 0-4 Willi mmm. Hca tm 4 White Checked of superior quality. Tor ml by .. jlijn at sun. -mbSS NcWHoattiHlghtt. BLACK BTBAW BONNETS AND EA tgaat Kibaosa, la great rarlety tt BAIN'S, act..-,, sw.uiostrsei. instil Nos. 36, 38 A 40, NoriVHlgh St. INCREASED FACILITIES I HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, 1 HAVE BOOK JOB DEPARTMENT! . . WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN - REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT - WITH New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c IR0M TBI OILIBRATID fOCNDBT OP C. T. WHITE A CO., NEW YORK, THUS MAKINO IT TUl Most Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I am sow prepared to Execute all Orders for BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGS WITH DISPATCH! And U the Most Approved Style of the Art. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD phintino. mile f Ladliia;, Circtjlatrat Bill Heads, Blank, Deeds, Certificate!, Hecelpts, Drttf Tlcltett, Heciafere, HOW CARDS & BILLS LN COLORS, CESCU, NOTES', OftiSSS, EHVEL0PE8, HIADIHG8, COHXBArS. Illostrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Bills, Hand Bills, labels, Concert Pro (rammes, School and Collsn Scheme, Ho tel Bills of Tare, InTiutions, eVe. Boon "VorUL OP EVERY DESCRIPTION school and College Catalogues, Xisoellaneoni Pamphlets, ConstltutloDJ, Seporta, Brlets, At Printing in Gold and Colors P OSTEHS Printed in Ivory Color oa a IlammothHoe Cylinder, Ths only Frees of ths kind In Central Ohio. My facilities for dotal any and all of the abore descrip tions of work, are now Mar amid, and satisfaction will be guaranteed in all oases. ITPAll work furnished promptly by tht time promlsea. RICHARD NBTINB. STONE'SBAZAAR. No. 4 GKvrnne Block. A. P. STONE & O'HARRA A BE NOW RECEIVING THEIR tw IN 2V. IBR GOODS, and Inrite th publio to inspect them. No such l toes of aoou na rrr been nroogni to thla market. Tht Booth, In consequence of th failnr of the grain crop, haa not been able to purchase th us ual ousutitr of rich goods, nd this fac t hu forced the Importer to tell them at public auction. Oar buyer (Mr. B tone j Ming in new lor at tneet urge aaie, too adrantage of them, and we eaa and will tell ear good here, at lem than any one who purchased two week sine. paid for them in New xork. our itock u complete in very oeparaneni or, ELEGANT DRESS 8ILK3, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBUROS, DYED COBUGS; BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL. WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PR1NT3, DELAINES, SHAWLS AND CL0AKS1 Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, At half tkta Cost f Irjspeitatien LADIES7" FURS, In all Varieties, f th Celebrated iritinafatare f C. O. Odd. . there Ac HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Men's, ladle and Chlldren'i Under Bhlrts and Drswen; Ladle, Mltne and Children's Hosiery of all kinds, In Wool and Lamb's Wool; Fleecy Lined and Cotton Olore of rrery make. also A complete assortment of all the usual vsrie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ' OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's linen Cambric Hand' kerchiefs, Ac, &o. To persotu who call en as, w pledge ear word to show them th largest, beat and cheapest stock f Sotde mr teen in tnit market, or pay um on ooliar par oourwniie tooling, decl-dlritawltw. STONE It 0H1RSA. E. r.TCOLLISTER, i Whleeal ana Retail, Sealer la TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS No. S20 rifth ' Street, ' PIT S BURGH, Pa. Keep etantlr on hand all th wa rien BRAN UH mi , . Irtaipoxt od O&o.x'b. . Oct. "b-lyd WIM, KNABE & CO., ROOM. MO. 1M MALTIMORi ROB. 1, S, "and 7V. BUT AW STE1CT7 , Offer for sale their eelebrated GOLDEN MEDAL,. -, , , , r r... . - : ,r. GRAND ,. i ; V AND SQ ARE PIANO-FORTES. ' Belns kurhbr eeo-rmeded bylh Erst Prof amor, and Musical Amateur of th oountry, and evebt - -; - z : ; ; : rr DtBTEUaAtieT ' ' - . .. WARRANTED TOE ' ' - ' .' u: i ''ii-i P1TE TEARS. The most fastldlows tattosssr may rely apoa bdng pleosed In ttery reepact. trmviievriu.' - BBLTZEE It WEBBTER, Agent, eetatiljrdw. n .. .... . Columbus. Ohio, EI.EOANT PLAIN BLACK MMtlTOl lueBeeqoes aad atactica) alee. Rich Trlmmla . SBdTaeawtoBaatth,at . -: .. 1 II NOW JECELAIXSr. THE REVISED STATUTES oTjOlthi of oxno J I AOENBBAIi NATUBB.INTOROE AUO. 1, lrW. Hon, Joseph R. Swan, wits nqtss or no? pxoisioss or nor sv- fsjuuqoubt, ... (Contained In twenty-nine volants of the Ohio sad Ohio State Reports.) AND BBTERENOEB TO PEIOE lAWE, -1 U LEAN DEII J.CB ITCIIir ELD.ESq. , AND A VOTX AMD CONVENIENT INDEX. In Two Royal 8vo. Volnmet. Price $10 00. No oar ar expense ha been spared to make the work perfect and reliable in all respect. It haa now tbe fcegUlatlr anouoa, 'r- KMna h nxrl. lh nn.nlnon TOt Of both HoUM, and waa ordered to be distributed to th following Slate and County offtcerst ' Uorernor, Attorney eenerai, Bupreme uk-, -"-tary, Oomptrollar, Treasurer and Auditor of BUtj, aad to tht Probata Court, Courts of Common Ptoae, Super ior and Police Courts, Auditors, and th Clark of th earious Courts In each county, to the Members of ths Senate aad Beast of RepreeenUUres of this State, and the Qorerners of the MTirsI Btaie oi we union. Thla book, containing, a It doe, all of th Statute! mnm In hn. and th nthnrltstlra OOUSlTUCtion Of tbta and of lbs New Constitution, will bt found to bt especial- T UKful in th iMrfonnanc of tnur outiei, to an OOUNTT OTP ICER8, . JUSTICES Of THE PEACE, ; TOWNSHIP TKUBTKHB, I CLERKS Of TOWNSHIPS, and CUT omOERB. hsneea hare been mad In th Ulnlr. alnn.tha nnhllMtlnn of th lait (dltlon. by re peal, alteration and addition, aad many Important de cisions hart been girtn by th Bnprem Court tn oon- Irorertea point, an ATTOBNKYB AT LAW, BANK BBS. MCHOiIANTB AND BUBINBS8 MEN OENERALLT, Will find thl an Inralnabl Work. fao Royal See. Volnmet of ovtr Itinttetn Bunirtd la BUong Law Binding. Price 110.00. Publiihedby ROBERT CLARICE, fc CO.. Law Publisher, Bookiellen; Stationer and Importers, NO. So Will ronrtn lree ftblftilSin:! Cincinnati 0. BECOMITEirDKO BT THE LATE SIR ASTLEY COOPER, or lowuo. arm DR. VALENTINE MOTT or naw Toaa. The acknowledged Heada of the Profession In at the1 uenuspnara. 1UI V-Bt AllUVblV, AVUlU, Bill. A1JTLUIB11M ill, finer Ertract of the ITATiIAff JTJNIPHa BHBM.X. The rarest end Most Uoetly Uln X hurt. - INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, iuuii nini r Tn tuc INCOMPARABLE FOR THl- AGED. THE SAFEST AND HOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bale, Pints md Quart, br varv urns; gist, urocer, or country jaeroruuir. tOOI OUT FOB BOGUS LONDON OINS. THE OlflaT OEnuINB ARTICLE IB CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers. 91 Liberty St., NEW YORK. Bold in Oolnmbni by ' McKEE a BE8TIEAUX, Wholetal and Betel I Grocers, Statesman Building. 0. A. WAGNER. and othsra. In Cincinnati, by BUIBE, ECKSTEIN k CO., ocao-deoditlyw and other. THE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN HAVING A OIBCULATION LAEOKB BT BXTERAL THOUSANDS Than any other paper In Ohio, outsld of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT TAIL to bring Speedy an RemnneraMw Betnrna To those who take sdrutags of than. THE WEEKLY STATESMAN, Distributed a III through rery Post Offio In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Headers Who patronage 1 reliable, and who seldom see tht Daily Edition of city Joamal; and as only A limited Kumber of Advertisement Are Inserted In It column, appopriately and HANDSOMELY DISPLAYED! THlt CAIVOT VAUTO '' t3LttxAot CLttontlon 0 ALU WHOLESALE DEALERS AdrerUiIng In ths WEEKLT STATESMAN will So It edrantagon In . THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which Is almost cartels to follow an txtenilr dlssemla atlon knowledge of their bttstntn AMOHQ COTJSTBT DEALERS I . . ADTEBTIBEMENTS INTENDED FOB The "Weekly Statesman ' Should b handed In before Trldai' Boon. : WHO SHOULD USE nit i nnuEC nnnc Hill l WW Bala IIUVV VKGKTABIjEJ . . IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Oonsamptloa or Weak Luc i should use them. All who suffer from Weak Stomachs, Indigestion. Dys pepsi or Pile should use them. All who uffr from Oeneral er NerroasttiWl Beetlemnem at Bight, Want of Bleep, Ac., ihoald ass them. - -i All personi who art eonvalatotnt after frrer or other telnet should as them. Ministers of tht Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, and al pabllo peakar ahonld ua them. Book Keeper, and all personi leadlsg a sedan tary if ehould u them. . . . Th gf d and ronna Should ass then. All who require a stimulant or tonie ahonld at than. All who art addicted to the at of ardent spirits and wish te Inform, should aae them. Tbty ar asadatf apart 8 berry Wine, and of th na tive plaoai and herbs of the country, and ihoula be re commended by temperanet soetetist, slsrgymta, phyiaV elans, and all friend of humanity, . Tbty are prepared by an experienced and skillful phy. Slciao, and, aside from tbtlr medicinal properties, an a most delightful serersfsi and yat,as a medicine, are a Innflontandtnwmleaeasth dewiof hcaren i Bo by druggists generally. . i - OHAIXEI WIDDIKKXD ft CO., FroprUters, j TS Wllllan 8t., Ww Trfc. . KUBltT8 BAJttUEs. Agents, ClntnbM, Olkl tetatdawly. G1 ETfTS' PAPEB COLLARS AND recn iee. i , ; ., t - . . v , , Handaoa and toonomlcal. Also, Silk Tie, ,, , , stblrtt. Linen Cellar. ;'" ' Hall Het - '' Urawere,Ac. ' . BAIN k SON. , apiW - Mo. St Soath High ilreet. ' w I TB nARTLB HARASSES. BOTII WUMtwlBLt Juniwcet-ed4 '.-u. ... jyB9(j),. .'J ut .u .li-J 'kXSP " ' I B jjj . he B J 5 S Tm INVITE ATTENTION to sons of ths nosl Inordinary sores by my PECTORAL SYRUP.- Thee are at home, and as ons who hi doubt can In quire of th peiaon who hav been cured by.K. na wavaa tm prep ABED AT ANT TIME To EXAMINE LUNQ8 WITHOUT CHABQEi FOB ALL TilOBE WHO NEED HIS MBDIOINEB. A r1rsnUT IfftA VAtlV iAT Tlal k AataSk fit ItTi mn1 4B A laVtllf AV 1 VUU vvhuw a- v - - - - - tending cured by DB. KETBBB'S PEOTOBSL BYBCF. Pmastntta, Jan. U, 1860. . Da. Esran: Hrwlfa has been afflicted with a bad eongh and difflonlty of breathing, for Art or lz years, which, for tereral years back, had gradually Increased In Tlolenoa. Th complaint has been hereditary, and sht had been treated by aereral pnyitciana wiwoui any r llef. In thla atett of her eaa, I procured torn tf your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, the lint time, a fifty cent bottl, which relieved her rery much 1 1 then called and got a dollar bottle, which eared her entirely, and ah ha now no trace of th former dlnaaa, except wak- i. I would aleo Hate that I used ice neaiaint my self to a cold and oo nth. The medicine cured me by tak log on dott .1 expreee my enure nuiraeaon wim mr medicine, and you art at liberty to publish thl tf you desire to do o. WM. WILSON, - . Alderman film waro. Frmstmaa, hot. ib vste. vu. tu rrssx iiuougn no. an v. .mu meairineo, id gene u, i. auora. mm . . . - . Dm.M,l QMn. Am ft ftM4L,lnft, Ul. IV WWII II ,VMI . wwi.' Rr" -" II n wen woruiy .us . ilumub vi mug .wm w j any manner be afflicted with tongha, oolde aad hoamn Of any ma, ana lor vim ii-ouii. m"1--11''- - -moring all that dissgreeaMa aensaUsn attending a I hare seen, mors or lea, tn my life, affected with th severest of eolds and hoarseness. At time my throat would become so closed as to prereni my speasing aoo-a a whisper, and by taking a few dotes of tht abore Syrup IVNnU.T.-.1UHl.lf. ...... In recommending this medicine, I muit unhesitatingly . . . i . nnmAriln li, amy um it m umi l i ivhm .w, i ..... eure th abore, nor should any family bt without this rcmeay loruueaee so prarai.u.. I ! llfllll. IUUII, l".,-.., BDWABD.. JONES, Oashlsr CUUen' Deposit Bank. R ia niLia.0.. March 14. 1859 I hara used Dr. Efrser'i Cough Syrup for a bad cough of tereral yean standing, and can cheerfully say it is tht beat medicine lor in earn mat a oare erer tascu. i.w.ra-ua finr.. PRATT AND DR. KETBER'B PEOTOBAL BVKUP. Da. KsTsaa Dear Bin Excuse th delay of my acknowledging the excellence of your Pectoral Cough Byrupaooner. I lake great pleasure In saying that It la all you sty u is. wcMaiww.t. v ml ik. wnrat ona I waa ever afflicted wllh: I hare not aatd more than one-half of t he bottit. ana i can ana ao wUh that all who art afflicted would girt It al fair a trial a I here done, end they will be proud to say, "It 1 no quack medicine." I would not tuffsr another such an attack for any consideration, or at any cost. Iamcon flrlant I saa breathe mora freely than I avr did. I shall alwaya acknowledge a debt of gratitud forlnrentlngso excellent a remedy, x ou ar at nueny o In thl regard, aa yoa think proper, a. w. man , jaomcngcr ijommoa vouocii, riuavarg-, - Plttrgh,Mayll,lfc-. M. B I am no atrannr to mr fellow-eltluns, and who entertain doubt can consult me personally. . a. r. - Prrrastrsea, April 84, 1857. in fit TrrrtT.Ti.. Kit..' XhaTaadanah- . .u. V. .,. ftMMMl ftdh.lnM fnr a hmA Aouirh. without benefit among them Aytr1 Cherry Pectoral. . . . . i . . . . u ft. I pureaaaea rrom yoa a aoiue oi your ivv- DxniUr, ana oeion leu nsa umam. imu . . ww m rail. red. Tht second bottl eared her entirely of her 6 .... xwuin iisuv Pi i nail sow. Deetmbar. 31. 18BS A OBBAT CUBE BY DB, KBYBBB'S f BOTOBAL BT nnp.I II.. In Peeblea township. Alletheny oounty. I had a coughing and spitting, which commenced aoout the 4th of Pebreary laal, and oontinued eight month. ni . iha hast BhTsisiana la th oountry, and my sough oontinued unabated until early In October. At that time I waa aarisea to wy w" iu-v y-w a v bit d K.h r aia. -nd-ftarl had taken ona bottit wae entirely free from tht coughing and spitting. I had despaired of erer getting well, and I think It ahonld bt known tnat tbta raiuanit remeuy win ao iur viuvr. wu It hu done Inmycase. Juan u. luiwii Witness B. At. Kesa. l'aeble townbip. P.TToa Tr.. April 14, 1857. A WONDERFUL CUBE. Bom time ago, an old Mi.hhnrnf mine waa Terr Uli with a bad eonih which trtry ont auppoaed to beooniumption. Hi relatirea told m that he had taken trery remedy they heard of without benefit; hi brotner cam to ee mm aw, ana an wart confirmed In tne ntitei uai ne ooaio noi lire, j had about the third of a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup sh-ih I .... him. and It entirely eared him, to th eaton tehment of all. What makes the esse sort remarkable, te tht extreme age of the man, he being eboutetihty year old. I bar no douot in recto rai earea nia ius. JOHMN'OINNIB DB. KETBEB'B PEOTOBAL SYKtTP IH ELAIB8 Vll.I.a. Please tend mt another (apply of yoar Tlu- abl "Pectoral Byrup." Almost Teribody around n baa the cold and ar inquiring tor -nr. yssr raotorai Byrup." W bar sold (lateen bottle last week, and an now .ntlrelr out. Mr. A. Alterand Mr. P. Maber, both of Blalrrrllle, Pa., tell as they would not be without In their families. In fact, all who ua It once want again. Toon, respectfully, J, B. WATTEBBON 4 SONS January 30, 1860. ANOTHER NEW CERTIVIOATE DR. KETSSR'S PEOTOBAL BYHCP. I had been troubled with a cough and cold for emral weeks o bad waa It that I eould not sleep, lhad thaadTlc and prenrlptlon from three of tnt Msipnyiicuui in me miy, wuosn i wuiu iuav, uu not oo so. i anally procarea a uoiim oi your jroowraj Byrep, which eared me entirely. Btgnea, J. W. 81M0NT0N, 996 Liberty ttrtet, Pittsburgh, Pa , Jan. , 1860, '8T0P THATJp0aHIN-'.,, 'How can I do III" 'Oo to Keyaer'ion Woodlreetsndgstabottlsof hlsCongh Pectoial, and If that don't oar yoa, yoar case moat bt deaperate Indeed." This 1 aipeelmcn of the colloquy on hear almost srery day la cold catching ptrloda of tht year. And w tan, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur in the ad riser'! admonition asabsTe, for we Bar triad th Pectoral,'' la s moat itnbborn eaa. with entire snooe. Dear two week ago we went to Pittsburgh, with ont of tht noet dlitrenlng, contrary, mulish, way aubduable eonghs we erer experienced tine our adrent upon thla mandane apher. W eongbad iteadlly and laboriously for on whole week, In hope of tiring U etui, but it waa no go. in out it nemea miner to bar tm Braved by practice, and to bar acquired trngth,poten' ey and ditinttibilUy by ths operation. la Ihi sug of tht leg, we eoojhed oar way to Keytcr't, 140 Wood Bt. -proeared a fifty oent bottl of th Pectoral'' took It according to airecoone, aauuiiort-iiiit biouis w, wart maatar of ths field, ths enemy harlcg unconditionally lurrendered, after a brief but unequal eonfllotwlth so formidable an adreraary a Kycr's fvnoo "Cough fectcral." wowumut vitppor, tito. at, too. DR. KETSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP H prepared and sold by Dr. GEORGE H. KEY8EB, 140 Wood street, rittsbargn, ra. WJ Bold In Columbu by ROBERTS a SAMUEL. pOOTHACHE RE1BEDT. A STJHSj ctjxubb. I Prepared and aoldby Da. GEO. H. EEYSER, HO Wood st.,'PKtibarjh, Pa. Price, 25 cents. UT Bold tn Oolnmbni by ROBERTS a SAMUEL. ootX7:Stawdflm. Laces and Embroideries, , , VALENCIEIV.es, BIALTESB & POINT Lace Oo liars and Sett, french, Pnihar and Thread tact Veils, (new pattern,) Valencienca, Thread and Point Lac, Embroidered Collin, Belt, Trimmings and Skirls, Lace Barbes and Coiffures, Plain Llnea Collar, V tti and Cuffs, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs In Setts. BAIN SON, - .. "e. , Booth High Street. GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS. . GOLDEN HILL BHIRTB, GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS. Th pattern of then hlrt are nw. The Bodlw, Toke, leeve nd bosom srs formed to fit th penoa with aaee aad tomfort. Tht nark apoa teh eae deslgnatins; th is may b railed on as being correct, and each shirt 1 guaranteed well nada. A full stock of sll qualities eonstentlyforeaUst ' B AIM'S, norm. no. av aoata mgn atreei. - Genta' Linen Shirt Collars, rT SUPERIOR OVALITTe IN OAK. J BOTE. Standing, Byran, Perelgnay, Renfrew and other new ahanta. Hemmed Pocket Uandkerchlefs. Rack Tie. Stocks, Street and Evening Glovee, Half Hot of very sino, uncer warm en te and all kinds or uenta' var Biihlng Good la gnat varlity and at moderate prloee. xtAiii ss nun, .. fb No. 90 South High (tract. FANCY DRESS SILKS, IANCY DBRR8 SILKS, ' TANOY DBBIA srr.xA Ws ar bow off art ng oar iamsnse stock of Fancy Ureas Bilks st prloee ten than evsr bafor offered la this etty, Th attention at tbe ladle of this city sad vicinity la solicited. oar stock le verv ttteot and ecu nilett In all radsotiJodlatbll, PETER BAIN, ... " r . asr aw m a ' I I It THE 0.HEAIEST DISCOVERY OF THE' AGE. Tlf K. KElfNEDT, Or HOXBIRTI UA has t dlnoreiwd In on of onr common pasture weeds a resaedy sbatoares - ' ' ' Every Kind of Humor, IE0M. ,A, . :.' Ths wont Borofula owa to eommtA Plmpla ' Bshu tried It In over slsvaa hnadrcd eases, and sev er tailed ezeent In two cases, (both thunder humor.) H haa bow la hi poseesslonorer ont hundred certificate of It value, all wlthla twenty mile of Boston. Two bottl are warranted it curt a nursing sore nowth. Ont to three bottle will ears tb wont kind of Pimple on th fo. Two or three bottles will clear th system or Mies. Two bottles art warranted to cure the worst canker la tb mouth er itoaaach. Three te fir bottle ar warranted to care tn worn kind of Bryeipela. On to two notues are warranted to curt an nnmor th Eyts. Two bottle ar warranted te ear running o th esr and blotches among the hslr. : f onr to six bo tie i an warranted to ears corrupt ana running ulcer. un Dome will care ciy eruption oi urn sain. Two tr three bottle ar warranted to cur the wont kind of ringworm. , Two or three bottle sr warranted to ear ins nost desperate case of rheumatism. i. Three to four bo tt In are warranted to cure salt-Rheum. lira to eight bottlce will ear tnt worst casoi scro fula. 1 ! A benefit Is always experienced from the Brat bottle, a perfect oure Is warranted whan the abor quantity is taken. ; Dun kfftSAM: The rtnutation of the Medical Dt core ry, In curing all kind of hemors, it to well eetab- llahed by th unanlmou vote oi an wno nave erer use It, that I need not say anything on the subject, a tb moat skillful physicians and th most careful Dragglit Is tb country are unanimous in tia praieo. ... In nnasatlne lha Medical Diaoorery to roar notio. I to It with t full knowledg of it curative power, in rej tiering ail, and earing moet of thoee diseases to which you are anfortanetely ee liable. That most excruciating dUsesss to u affectionate mower, HVRSIKO MORE SIOTJTH, - Is cured as if by a mlraolei roar own temper i mtored to Its natural eweetnees. and yoar babe from abort and fiattnlnana tsoalm and aweet slumber: and th Medical Discovery become a fountain of blening to yoar haiband tnd houeenolo. la th mors advanoM stages or VAflatiH. . Itaitenda tn ths atomach .oansinir jyiBsra'SBa, which Is nothing but canker oa the stomach; then to th mtsi tines ana KIDNEYS creating s sinking, gons feeling, and an lndifferenos svsa to tne cans oi your lamny . Toar stomach Is RAW AND INFLAMED, roar food distresses yoa, ana yoa can oniy taa certain inAm. mat avail of that aonr avstem dott not set half the nourishment U oontalna, a th aerimonooa fluid of th canker eat It up; then yoar complexion loses It bloom tad become tallow and greenish, and your best day I son. Tor want of p-ariihmsnt yoar sjitem be comes loos sod flabby, ana ht fibr of yoar body be some relaxed Then follow a train of disease! which th Medical Discovery I peculiarly adapted to , cube; Palpitation of the heart, pain In tht itde, weaknen o the spins and email of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, Irregularity of the bowel, and alee, that most excruciating of diseases, the ' ' 1 PILES. ' How many thoataad of poor women are u Bering from thl disease and pining sway a miserable life, ana their nut door neighbor does not know th cause. I wllh te tmpren on yoar mind that good old proverb, "An ounos of prevention ia bitter than a pound of care." In the HIEDICAL DISCOVERY yon have both th preventative and th care, with thl ireat and good quality, that It will never, ander any olrcnmatanoee, do yoa say Injury. THE MEDICAL DISCOVERY ' It eapedaly Intended for diseases of the blood, bat line It Introduction In tb Western State, It It found te br the belt AGUE REMEDY, that was ever before th public No change of diet rrer necessary eat the best yoa ear aad get enough of It. DutBcnoM roa era Adult on table spoonful psr day Children over ten years, dessert spoonful Children frost five to eight years, Ua spoonful. A bo direction eaa be applicable to all eonsltutiona, take sufficient to operate on tne Doweia twice a uay. Tour truly, DONNALD KENNEDY price S I. oe per bottle. Tor - yrry druggist la th United State. tepzi-aawiy PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR 3 An Effective. Safe and Economio Compound, " FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To Its original color without dyeing, and preventing Hair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And curing It, whea there I th least parUcle of vital) er reoupc retire energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUF And all en taneoni affection of th Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an aneqaled glow and brilliancy, maklny It soft and silky la Its texture, and causing It to eurf readily. . - . the neat celebrity and increasing demand for this aa eoualed preparation, convince th proprietor that on trial I only Decenary to tatlsfy a discerning public of Its aaperlor qualltiei over any other preparation In use. It Oilman tne neaa ana tuaip rrom oanorua ana otar eutanooBi dleeeae, causing th hair to grow lBxailaatly gluing it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearanoe, and also, where the hair lloonlng and thinning, it will glv trength and vigor to th root and nator the growth te hoe put which bar become bald, causing it to yield a rein covering oi natr. - Thar are hundreds of ladln and gentlemen In New Tork who have had their hair reitcred by tbe an of thl Invisorator. when all other preparation bar failed, h. at. has In his poaeesiion letter innumerable testifying to th above facts, from personi of tht highest redaectav bllity. It will effectually prevent th hair from taming until the iateei period of I If; and in oases where! th hair baa already changed It color, th aa of th Invlgorator will with oertainiy restore it to it to it original nua, giv ing it dark, glossy appears nos. As a perfume for th toilet ad a Mat Restorative it ia particularly recom mended, having sa agreeable fragrance; and aha great fay eilitlei it afford in dressing th hair, which, when nolat with tb Invlgorator, can bt dressed In try required form to a to pi awry It place, whether plainer In earls; bene tb great demand for it by th ladle as a itendard toliat article which none ought to b without the nrloe place It within th raacn oi an, Ming uniT AvreniT-xiYe Lenu perboltle, to b bad at all respectable Druggist and Ptrfaoatr. I. MTLLER would call the attention of Parents and dnardiaiia to tht nee of hie Invlgorator. In 'cue where the children' heir lucUnea to be weak. The ass of 11 lay the foundation for a good htad of hair, a H re mote any Impurities that may have become connected with th ecalD. th removal tf which ts neoeannr both for th health of th thild, and th future appearaaos of Its Hair. : " . i Oirmos. None genuln without tht faoefanlle LOUIS MTi.i.EB, belns on tn outer wraDoer: also. li. mil.. LBR'S HAIR INTIOORAIOR, N. X., blowa la tbe slats. Wholesale Depot, SS Dey strest, and sold by sll ths principal Merchants ana irruggisis uroagnoat ths world IilMnu aisooani w xramnaeers ny sue quanutya I also desire to prsssat to the American Public my 1TW AID MTBOTKD rJSTASTAIKOTJI LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after yean of sctentlfts tzptrlmtnting, I hav brourht to Derfeotlon. It dree Black or Brows Intently without Injury to th Hair or Skin; warranted the beat trim oi tnt aina in sxasianos. PRICE, ONLY SO CENTS. . , ! Depot, 66 Dey St, New York. eetS&dAwly. DRESS GOODS, - " ' . "!i-. New auil Attrartl v ' TiuvE'uNe Popuni, '' : ; , , : CHtw ForuKS, . t . .. . ,' , Port be Chevies, , .' ' ' : GittixiEa, FtlNCH CaiNTMl, ' '. ; ,,,,(,..!.,,. ! '.' ... Feenoh Mdsuns, t-; i,', Fbesnh Omandies, i : . : . a -s -a Chiresb Waihins SlLES, Elesant Dbbss SllEJ, . .., , (rt Heavt Baivje and Mantle Silej; And all ether Sew aad fashionable meUrUli moat la 4mnd for handsome Vretn and Mantillas. ' ' '" ' ,. : I w BAIN a JOlf ,', apt ' ' - ;'. lentk Bltfe stnet.' HAVINO THIS DAY SOLD i OCR Sleek of Oroeerle to a. S.DEMINa, weabeerfally reooaunend bin te oux eld patron and friend. ' " THOS. WALKER tt BON. soionnas, suren xvux, iwi api-dtf .- tLAIN AND FIGURED BLACK JT DREsS STLKB. of everv rrsda. lha moel eolce anortaenl la the city, ftndABtinilijtes,yC v HEDICH' '.:, is . ; ', -j. i -x t- at. 'A f . i I EiVA.i.V ess, bjvv 4 . PI1I5'' '" UJ',lrhBlst,' Miw niaraii"i tav u CURE rtervousHeadache CURE Jl By the ass of thess Pills ths periodlo attack of Sir- ' retie a osaclaoA maybe prevented; and if takea ' at id wmnHUHwui ui aui is lmmeaiaw renei rrom pain and tlcknsn will be obtained. They seldom fall In removing th Sauua and . ac&s to which female an so subject. They act gently opon the bowels removing OotUt M. ,i.--;. 1 ' lor Utorary Mm, Btudtntt, Delicate TemaU add all personi otttdmtaty KalHtt, they are ralua ts LaaaUv, Improving ths appttitt, giving ton mQar to tn dlgeiliv organ, ana restoring me natur lsitlclty sndstrtngth of th wbol system. THE CEPHALIC PILLS srs ths result of long lnvss - Ugallon and carefully oonducted experiments, bavin beta In as many years, daring which Urns they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and sniar teg from Headache, whether originating tn thsaersous system or from a deranged itate of th ttomaeh. . They ar entirely vegetable in thlr composition, an may b taken at all times with perfect eafety without Btakial any ehange of diet, and tht abttnot of any iUiwrteablt icult rendtrt U eoey to tdminUtor tKm , tMlarm. . ' BEWABE Of OOUNTEBTBITB The genuine have five signature of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggist and sll other Dealer In Medicines. A Bob will be lent by mail, prepaid, en receipt of th Frloo, QO Ooxxts. All order choald b sddraned to IIENRT C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. ' THE FOLLOWING. INDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, j WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, . THAT A SPEEDY AHD SURE CUBE ; IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. At thttt TuUmonlaU vers untoHotUd by Ma. Brau ne, tkty afford nqwtt4onabU proof of tht tffi eaoy qf thit truly tottntile ditaovtry. MasotmLLS, Oorm , Feb. S, 1861. Ma. Srauiuia. ' Bit: I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and 7 Ubt t htm to vM that I want yoa to send me two dollars worth more. Part of than are for the neighbors, to whom I gars few ont of the tint box I got from yoa. Send tb Pill by mall, and oblige Toar ob't Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. ' . . ' . navntroan,Pa.,Feb. 6, 18G1. Ma. Sraunae. BlBI I wish yoa to send ms ons mors box of yoar Csphalio Pills, Aae rtettotd a gnat deal of btnejttfrom them. Toar, reipectfally, . MART ANN STOIKnOTJBB. '' SmccCnk, nomnoTori C.,P., January IB, 1861. H. 0. Srauiso. Bta: Too will ptaaee tend m two bozo c'. your Cephalic Pill. Bend them Immediately. Respectfully yours, JNO. B. SIMONS. P. g.IAaet uttd ont bom of your PiUt, and find thtmtmetlltnt. Bills Vntaos, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1661. BsmtT 0. SraLnixe, Esq. Plesse find ancloaed twenty -fir cents, for which send me another bos of your Cephalic Pills. They art truly tht out IiUt I hav tvtr tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., Bells Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. ! . Brvsaiv, Man., Dee. 11, 1890. D. 0. BraLSlwo, Esq. I with for some circular or large (how bill to bring your Cephalic Pill more particularly before myeniki men. If yoa hav anything of tb kind, please tend to m.. On of my euitomen, who Is subject to ssver Sick Headache, (usually luting two days,) vat eurtd of cm attack in ont hour by your Pillt, which I sent her. -Beipeclfully yours, , W.B. WILKES. . . RrrnoLDiii'ao, Fsihilim Co., Ohio,) January 0, 1661. HankV 0. SraLniaw, i . No. 48 Cedar it., N. Y. Dbib Sib: Inclosed find twenty five cent, (23.) for which send box of "Cephalic Plili." tend to addieee of Rev. Vs. 0. Filler, Keynoldaburg, Vranklln Co., Ohio. Tour Pillt vort like a charm- euro Jbadaeht al mottinttanttr. . . , Truly your, WM. 0. FILLER. YniLerri, Mica., Jan. It, 1801. Ma. Sraunaa. But: Ret long sine I nnt to yon for s box of Cephalic Pills for th cure of tbe Nervon Headache and Ooetlveneee, and received th tame, and they had to good oat effect that I viae induced to tend for mot. . Please send by return mall. Direct to A. R. WllEELER, YpsilanU, Mich. ' i ' " ' From th Examiner, Norfolk, Va. : Oephalle Pill aoeompllsh th object for which they ware mad, vis.: Oar of headache in all its forms. . Iron ths Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They bar bees tolled In more than a thousand oases with entire i ' From the Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn. ' If yoa art, or hare bean, troubled with the headache wad for a box, (Cephsllo Pills,) so that yoa may have them in eaa of as attack, :. From ths Advertiser, Provldenee, R. I. ' Ths Oepbalte Fill sr said to bt a remarkably effective remedy for th headache, and una of the vary belt for that very frequent oomplalnt.whlch hu evsr been dls orered. , " . ftv Tiftu S TO flft I la rtktjMiftn Vll . W hMrtll- amlaiaa Mr. Snanldlna. and hi unrivaled OephaUePUls. . Iron the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. 7. . iv... Mift, ftiffftriii. with ths ti.ilait,a who try them, will stick to then. Iron thi Southern Path Finder, New Orleans, la. Tn theml vou that are afflicted, tad wt art rare that your testimony can be added to tb already numerous list that ha received benefit that ao other medicine eaa p reduce. : ,. , Iron tht St. Loals Democrat. en,. UnftftM ArnmtnA far iha article fOanhalln Pills IS rapuiy luoRasiogft -i . . i From theOaastta, Davenport. Iowa.- .. . Ms. Snaldlns wonld not ecnceot bis Bane with aa ar ticle be did not fcnote to poaeem real merit. TTTA single bottle ef SPALDING'S PREPARED ; wiiua wiuaaveea w -. -"-i ia , t ' BPAIJJING'Sa'itii'rAttau ui.ua i I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ' . SPALDING'S PREPARED BLUE I ' OONOaa.rSPAT. J ., B"Altrrora Jtaa lavas Nars."OI . . . ... . M well raralsfed am Asaociaenoi win nspp.o, -- - :r " ,, Ules, It is very dcelrebl Uhn ,"!'-'JLl ventenl way ior repairing ai..-,' ---. - e .-iawnriT.rr B-fa n Bowimoai is. - " " "",.-rrv. Tl BVERT HOUSE." , w ' 1 . ( .. Jf. l.i Brash aoeompanie ssoh bottl. eentstf. v HBNRT C. SPAtDINO, ' No. 4d, Cedar StreH, New Tork. CAUTION. As ce'rlala anprlnclptod pnons ate atlempilns' U Flint OB on liie b .!- r - , , BBPARED GLUE, I would eautlon all persons ts (x- aine before puron."' - " r' , , TTFirililll"u " iw,M..iw.ftiUI on ttToa teid wrapper all etMn gr swiadung coa . . S CURE W ( -mmm tortelt, -