-TpMQ&MNQ. JONS W' 186i! Meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee. a R,tu Central ComaiUtee wlU , .u. .1.. r CoIambM on Fsjdat, Jott r isbk rl clock, P. M A genet! sao .'H.Unm (t reoueatedV WM. MOUNT, Chairman. W. J. JACKSON, Secretary. June 28, 1861. June 28, 1861. Power and Duty of the President and Congress. Tk.. wUAat-.eeers vise and bentficent 0OT eminent it to potem po-o-P"oo tiaonglU o.o eltttens and pssee rttVferelgn JreUdi For this aurfoee.tt punlit-rtooo no break th. pnblio poteo' at boms by rloUHog the la, -r ,w. , bt refusing obedloneo thereto, and repels' forelg its P ht and petcVof Ro jalM "'- ,1 'Z la foeelga waivths Exjcauro Drtnoo .t Mnnonlf celled too Atoll Dlor odoo aod eooclade .tone wUVft Pt!nUchI,, Ppf"r d b tho treaty Staking power, end the w. and Wo p-oo. But lo R ciyUWM, ft. MJ i. enUrelrdifferent... ith.ro is o po.r lodjd h, aUbe. br.cc. of too GoTonuoont to W Into treetlee oroino tritt o . -Tnditionat oerdonto tho Rebels, or to saeh of them .. ho sees fit, open condllioa IM I the, ' - n ihrit cower: for tho Bitchlef they ait, e Meui, hod return to their allegiance end duty as peaceable and low aomina; -; !?" . ' .o.it. tho tlmo hoo not ri;d wheo, loth, jadgmwt of tho K'teuflM. tbta pordoninj power con bo exeroood trltfc tofetr to tho pooc Md welfwo of tho crotnlry, bat ono oslo duty remolni tohim, to prootcot. ,h. wor with figor ond to tho fall oxtent of hit oonttltutioool power.; ond If th. moon, tt hi. Jl.pol or. toodtqotto to tho co plto .up prloo' of th. r.rolt, ItU tbeu hi. doty U cM upon tho Nttlonol Uglilotor or tho Coo (ten for lit old. ' -i Bat tho power, of Congret. or. Umti U ell .. thoto of th. Prerldoot.- It con no more tboo he, outhorix. oegotlotioo. with combloo doo of Reb.lt, o. with o foreign power, or In Mym.nnerro(goith.lr lodeptndent eignty. It moy incrtooo tho ory ond ny, mtko .pproprUUon. of money, ond protld. ;her moon, for th. yigorou. ond eoorgetlo protecnUonof thowor. It mty tepl oxittlng low. that ar. deemed obnoxlout, and onact new one. that may har. 4 tendency to mollify and dioarm tho .titling hostility lo tho Owernmont. Bat neither of tho two thing, now mooted M prooonting on alternatito for tho rottoraUon Of Pmco, ha. Coogreio 007 power to do. TTioio u., either tho Peaooablo S.ptraUon of th. State., or n other words, tho Wooolution or the Uniuu, or lo, tbo Amendment of th. CoDttitutioo. - ,- . ' r r Cojgres. has no power to diswWo tho Uclon. That can only be done, If at all, by (ho pooplo of th. l.'niteiJ 6iat In th. txerdoo of that limited, tbtolute totereignty which lie book of, ad abote all Law., Gorornmento ondConoUio tton. 1 0 order to effect .uch a dltaolutloa, tho people wauld hare to direst themaelreo of al legiance to alt and ery OoTernmrot, and plaoo th.mtelte. In a condition they haro noter ben lo linee tho firat wttlement of tnl. country; for tbo time haa neter been whm tho American pooplo were aboolutely . without, tome , form of GoTernmeot. Tho jjeatructlon of . tbo. .Union would be tho destruotlon of .tho Su.-i GoteriH menu; both must stand of fait togotner. But none need fear tbo totolMI tho queotton ohould .Tercomedlrooilyberorolho America. people -they ill twUia the State, and tho Doion of 8uteoVoD .; ..r, ' . , I Congreaa may propose amendments lo, bot cannot amend tho Constitution. It haa no power to effect a compromise by amending U XunoV menu) law. Iu whole power Ilea oimply In proposing amendments for tho coniidoratlOt of the pooplo of the Union In the .ereral Sutos, to bs adopted oc rejoeted by them.ao they ahall deem best lor tbeir own Interest and welftrt. an amondmeni or omondmonU ohaTl bo mad. to the Conetltotlon by the oaMtioa of tho people, according to the prottatooW of thht In .trnmonWirblch ahallxeault in a wmpromite uIIaMi alii Af irvtt roHioiuvui vi vut owi - - rottoraUon of tho poaoe, barmony nd proipet- Ity of th. country, no lotet pi nia ounwy, w friend of popular goternnienl, and bo ono who dottrel tho perpetuity of our Unloo aad of cur free Inttitutlont, will raiie an objection. Congreu may propose Conitltntional amend ments, and await the ioWtion of tho people; but In tbo meantime, and exen after that deds aion It obtained, whether farortble or not, it the duty of tba Gorernment, la all lu depart ment., to preecrre tho Utogtlty of tho Union and of tho aereral States, by the moot tforow and cfleleutoonotltutiotml meaauroe for putting a final end to the rebellion. j,.'h , ", '; . Appointments. WaiTTUSKT .By Got. Dtaaisoa Csuaxu Qaarter-Master and' Englnesr-Ia-Chfef t State forces. " '.. '. "'v','.' C. P.Boauaoaait Adjutant Ganeral'.ia place ol Gen. Cairio-ro. D. L. Wood, Uu Qaarter-Master la the Gov ernor's staff, bss bees appointed Captain ia the 19th Infantry, U. S. Army. " i .u. From this It would appear that' the United States has takes off ths hoods of lbs State, Generals Wooo and CitwuoTow, and left BocawoHia and WaimucT. Tha State has got the beet of Outswap.. ' ; 'riJ: Union Candidate for Governor. It Is proposed to rua Hon. Juu MoiraoB, lata .State Senator from OovK(; aa the Union eandldata for Gorernor. . -Mr. Mowaox Is a Very clever, amiable gentleman; but "ha doa't keep a (Governor's) hotel'' oa- true Union prlncV pies" May as well take old, Gisaisdt as afljr of pnpus. A Congress. The United States. Bene to will be eomposad of but fort r-1'.x. Sanatora, provldtof ths8cntv tors from Kentucky and Missouri bs present twenty-three States.- Tho Houea of Representatives, ana hundred and eighty members, Insted of two hundred and thirty seven.1 St nato DemocraU RepabUoaaa. Of the one bondred and eighty ia the House, one hundred and three are Rspublicans. '.' It would seem from this the Republicans will hare aattera all la their own heads. . set Ssset f fsst ssa ra . Anxious to get rid of their Party Name. , Borne of the Republican papers are Very anx ious to throw off their party name. . They are I oontolous that Republicanism hat become odlou. with tho people, acd that It would be unsafe to slsk race tbla fill nnderifio-Sepubllcan flag; and therefore tbey cry out lustily for(a Union ticket. Ther aro slok, In prolessiotiat lettt, of party names and party polltioi. If' they felt Mtlaflod that they would oarrj Ohio la the next eampalgn, with a elan' Repoblloan ticket, n propoaltionl lor a .bnion pi ptrtict would come from them. , .iHee.eawrf,.,WAUiontv wteuuiug It. pay a high tribute to tho Democracy'.' and ". . . - .. . ' , ! . unwltungiy ertneo weir tear 01 tno power m our grand old Rational Union party wbrcn is tho party of the Country and. the Constitution. By dlTialon It was defeated last fall, but it is destined, to regain Its former trinmpnant poti tlon. and will li October sweep Ohio lUe 1 whirlwind, Jt ia MW.Aa alwayeeetofore, tho party of and for tho Unloo, and hence all loyal Uuloo boo will rally nndor It. banner and ia It the Motor tn October.' Huna for the Old Union Democracy. ; , . - . . CT Tho want of confidence now being man- ifMted amonc; ReDublicana. lo their, own iea M-h men whom' ther etruggled, so bard to th klrh elvlt trusts ol tho Bute and Natron Is so common that tho least obserrlng etiiiM oannot fall to notice It . The .Democra cy admonished the country in time, that neither the men nor the principles of tho Republicans, wore worthy of support,' and that U plaoe th politioai power 0 the Stale or Nation la Repub Ueaw bands, would produoe nothing but eril. At the lime these SdmonitlonB were glren.they were .'unheeded; bo Wan .that DemocraU said and predicted, is admitted, , The experi ment has been a dear one, and has ruined tbo basinets of the country and put the best govern ment in the world ft jeopardy v. But Hill the errors of tho past may J Toroome -and the country Bay yet be sated. The Democratic organhatjOn'aud the complete re-ascendency and restoration of Democratic principles 1n the adminlstrStioa af the Gorernment, if, bower or, thS only agency by hloh-this Important and desirable end can be accomplished. ; Let the Senate Look to It! ( Tbsra Is yet om hope for lbs dellvenne of ear amy fro the iMdanMp of grenihoms aad Ineompotts. Tko BenoM of too Urlttt SUtM bu lb powor of oaoor nation or rejection of tb tppoioUci., Nov, letthepto- aad tbtunT ponrtn thoir potltloai. that th BtnaM !rlll rigidly teratlnlM tlx DomlMtloM from tao War DopartaMDt, a to (opacity and fttDOK, aad oontna aotrt wht cannot bo tnutad. n...n. aarwa la In ahaolato dasnrof nlsc doasr- altiod oy (bote political and panonal appointnwnta, with out ft tent or ozporlooca, of wbleh tbo War Ooparlaont, odor Ikaooadact of oM polllioal Magen, ka rooontly baooamti nmllflr IJBlmoo Waaieron cannot bo got. rid of, a iufflcltnt nambor of hit appointoonti may. Lot our Sonaion and BepmcotatlTCa hearfroa IholroouUf onto oa thte aattor, iw lafms 00 onpbatle as lo Inaaro tholrattoalloa. -Iboro ia no dooent nmob la tho world for patting bob igaoiant of tbo art of war, to eoamand log squadrons 10 Ibo Hold, whan tbero art mtn of aallt taryodotatlonaiid oxptrieoeola Ibo ranks of oaraaaiy afflsiont lo fill toa tlaus Ibo vacant ooouoiajtona.i It woaldbonotawhUBorosteard to appoint pollUclaoa Ilka S kroo and RctUDck and Carrlngwn to tie rank of Ooawodoros lo the nary, than to pot tbtm at the bead of rogioieats ami brtgaaei in tno nolo. . ' ' ' - We find the abort In the editorial oolrtmns of the Cincinnati Commercial of the 27th of Juno- Had a Dt mocratlo editor prepared aad publish ed It, he would hare been at once denounced as a traltor.My ,'of lbs military and civil ap poiatmeats now made are worse stuff erea than MgreeabsrM and incompetents" bnt the Coat- rctot will get no relief from the Senate. The appointments are made In conformity to the de mands ol she 'irrspressibleo" in that body, and aenoe will meet with ready confirmation. -: . The Csmstereisl woall like to relieve Mr. Lwcoui from .tho Vespoaaibllity "of theaa l mat aaa dtat woHmonU--bu that U cannot do'.' The Secretary of rfaf has not the appointing power, and if Caxiaoa usurps tt, and the President sobmiU to tb. usurpation, the people will hold him reopoMible. No higenai ty of the CbwMierdaf can stre' Im'.; 1 . Let the Senate Look to It! The Sandusky Register on Mr. Greely ! The Sandusky Rrciswr, alluding to the at Ucks of the rWfrass on the Admlntstratioa, . V JUl ,.J,'' J J.i.JJl J ... . t, !l. 1.) "Tot II sttlkes us, and wo cannot avoid IfctosaaJatfia that tha Maw York TWtaa la doina more damata than a doan papers Ifk th Mow Tor Ifcw eon Id do. Ho saattoraora what llfbl it speaks, uh laagoage as lb following, m to avismss af saosaap morning, Bad ta Mfmut la Ua WaeUuton Mrnonondeao. I nttorlr inoxenmblo and lndfeaa)ble, and Isods to Jrsal the rry tod had in rlew." ,We suppose , the ."language" objected, to speoieliy ia tbo faUowicg from the Trioaasi ., :: "If ttdS perpasovov aayttmg aporoaahlnr It, I really eatoiminodbg'taaOablBotbpaayaMmboT of H,w wara than ganUaira that Ihcy eannot maoh longor ra mala la tho mrvlc of tho TJnlted States. Indeed, Ihey might as weu,te(ta to pool omit tram bow - - i -The eowflusloa Is lrreslstib1,'ttiaVfhe TrOt aas meditates .harbg.lhjaJEresJdent and the Cabinet drlrenopt of WasWfgtoa;- How Jeff. Davis Receives Information. k ..MM I a,:; rj 'in p.Vj1 "d J is '. bt 1 Tha Waabingtoa oorraoppadeat of tha Phi la- delphia sowifwraayst' T i t 'Jefferson Paris bas a regular postal arranga- meet between w asbuigton and Richmond. , br err nlsht a messenser collects private letters. and! letters convoying useful lDfQrmatSon, to Davis and Letcher, and between ted and eleren o'elock, leares Washington for a point on the Poinmoo. where he finds' water cerritee and conveniences for a speedy transit to the ext messenger, who helps on the sacred parcel to Richmond.' Com Diet 11 Led of the Philadelchla and New YoVk papers are also sent him. From these no silts out tram as near as ne can, ana trom oar full reports of the movements of troops, ho mores hit ben spout on his board so as to ksep thoroughly posted j bnt U is poor rale that will bot work both ways, and so Gen eral Boott la probably at well pasted as be is snout some o uose wue rrangeinen no is "-a-... , -: , , 1: . -1 f...!..;..rf Marshal Kane. ae This gentleman, marshal sf tha city of lal- timoro, and who has been arrested by General Baku ad eonfl'ned ia Forl McHenry, was an old lino Whig;, aad Collector of Customs under Geo. TaTLoa and Utr Fiturowaw- Administration. H Was for i long time chief of tne fre depart ment, and waa considered tne moat popular man bt ths city af Baltimore, vi.Acl'.i fi l ,'t Death of Victoria's Mother. , Lord Lton pteMntrd.s.le'ttr to the Jr on the SSth froaa Qotaw Fictoiia", 'aBDoSncing tha death of her mother, the Duebesa of Kairr. It Is an autograph feller slghaj by h C;i;ks awa l Jr'l T.'S r.',llt n lljPi The Peace Proposition-Mr. Crittenden. '''amdiamd - It is aow eaaesded that thaaioitemerm oreat ed by thai peace propositions and Mr. pim oca, wsa got. np for the purpose, of creating "a public seatiment against them. Oa the princi ple of stuffing s surf of old clothes 'with ' straw sad then, "pummsling'' iTne'.!WashIogtpV eorrSBDoadent of ths Aits For World says fit is aow aadsrsteod it was got ap for the purpose of inflaeaclng the action of Congress, snd to em barrass the Administration, !'".".'- Gen. Scott's Letter. On our first psgs will be found Gen. Scott's letter to the National! In telligancer iastfalL The oid General hsd a pretty good idea of the storm which wai etwot to burst over the aoutt ry.; i rt l: 4 )) . Movements of the Confederate Army. SERIOUS DESTRUCTION OF RAILROAD PROPERTY. - Tho Southern armr under Gen. Johnston, lately oeoupjiDf Harper's Ferry, is reported as being posUd, 2),l ! 0 .strong, in the tloiolty of Mariinsburg auU Winchester." wartinsoars; it self haa bees occupied lor several days past by Bripdiee-Ueaeeal Jaeksoa, wita a. lumw about five thousand men, a goodly proportloa of .wham efOoarMrt. i Oo Friday and BatiM day Jast a general aestruotioa or too locomo tiros and cars belonging to the Baltimore aad Ohio Railroad at and near Martintburg, was made.:" , , Our Mooru auto that brer iortr locomotives, of the largest and bast description, with sever al old and lose Important one., were uiuuoi en tirely demolished, by heavy firee of wood and coal being built under tbem. Some three hun dred care la all. Including tsrerel, passenger cars, aad about ono hundred wood oa boa aad nlatform oars t which might bare boon adapted for tbo carriage of - roopo),sero burned up umnUUh. whiU du imad IroU 04l OaTS soma two hundred la number--wero omptiod of theuvooatente, and a portloa ol taem run sown the neighboring embankments, or Into too bed of the streams wboss bridges had been prevl Our JoforaanM state that the immediate raoson of this trboleaale destruction was a haad bill (since discovered, to be a forgery, hating been entirely without their aataor ity or anowi dr. rat nnrDOrtina- to be Issoed bv the Balti more and Ohio Railroad Company, and said to bara beer) coated at Earner's Ferrr and other places In Virginia); to tbo effect that the com pany wanted two tbousanlmeu at ooce, at two dollars a day, in order to restore the bridges aad pot the road In order f jt tho nse of the Fed oral uorernment. TMs movement is oeuerea to hare been a ruse or Intereete hostile to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to do eoire the Southern authorities, so as to lead to tbe44struotion of lie property. " . . Goneral Johnston. Commander ta Chief, be lieving that such repair and nse would seriously operate against his cause, 1s said to have given tbo order 10 General Jackum for this addition at damage to the road; that putting it on the ground of a military necessity. Thtre are many rumors In Circulation with regard to this affair, bnt we believe the loreKoine to be its truest phase. Oar Information aamnea ua tnat it is ths Intention of the Southern authorities to spare no effort to prevent the toad trom bo uts' worked for the use of the Government In ear Dart of thai State where they eta maintain sufficient foroe to defeat It. It la stated' that tbo passage of the Potomac river by General Cedwalladtr and his command, tabeequcntly followed br hie retreat across tho same, were F " ..da, , . aw among tne causes wntcn inouceo tnis acuoo oy tbo Confederate army. Il Is turtber statrd that the radllatloo of the morementa of tbs Federal forces for to lone a period after the evacuation of Harper's Ferry by ths Confederates, led to tbeir return to Its vicinity, and also to the re- Baltimore Sun, Baltimore Sun, June 25 Wisconsin Bonds not Negotiable. Tbo La Crosse Dimocril of the 9Ut' Inst sayaiik;) u a ' f '' - ' ' ' -aJloOoitodloasof Ihe war bonds of Ibis State, txospt f mouO, karo so far ftiltd. Mow Yorkt ra ban eonoladed not to lnrtst. What a comment I Another ntMlon of tho lotitlamrs will orobablr bo bald, to do- Tim wurt to raise moans to maao war ro oimw oi Ibom.". ; -, .)... i .-: . 1 , . . : : A CommentlDg upon this, ths Dubuque (Iowa) AraWssys: ;, '". '' it this be true of ths bonds of ths Suit of WUoon- sin, It will to no lets th cam wilh tbooa of Iowa. Tbo fast Is that SO manr State bout bare boon aataortf d lo bomadoforwarparpooM, lhal State Bond and U. 8. Qorommont suck bars bcooms a drag m tb snoooy matkots. : " ".'i Wisconsin Bonds not Negotiable. A Serious Charge against the Government. nteaii. ,r'-' ' .i The Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune telegraphs: , ' ' 4 ' ', 1 The Oorrnmot bu boom moat ealpably Begllgtnt throaih Its ttaoral otneora. la wlthholdlni proteotlon from tho piupoity of tbo Baltimore St Ohio ftallroad. Tb Oamae an waam will roaoa dm eaormoas sum oi as.OW MIO. , doa. PaUtraoa aaom to bo moping about la a friar's frock, with a pilgrim's staff, pnashtng a pane abl enaado, while proportf Is being dorastated, and Unlea moa awntad down as rofitrrtt, witaout prottwttea, ororoa We pramnii of too mUUaiy. -j Many of the Republlcaas aro beginning to queetton Mf.XJattxT's loyalty r TTone of them yet hare proposed to ueeacay on him." He be ing a good "Irrepressible" Republican Is all that sares him.-" i -4 ' - I C nu L DAJonfajS; man 'named F. . H. '. Wuitxta, lately appoiated, a.olark Ia.tha Chicago Post office, haa bean arrested on a oaarge of making mistakes, ty taking ont letters of other people and treating bam as his own. . He was careful to pick out thoaa which he thought contained United 8tates land warrants.'' ' Good Profits. ivTba PiUaburgh Psatssys: "The eoctr actors for supplying blankets for tho Government will net the handsome sum of two hundred thousand dollars" -Who are they T.' ' ti ItT.The Journtl f Vmmtrt thinks the Rep resent lives af the United States at foreign governments, appointed by Lincoln, "are the last ran of shad." If such "shad" as Gipdinos, BbaUNoaaf , Casa. Cur aad baax Bcunsz, had boon Mat oat of the country some years since wontdhare been a good thing;! , OBofi1. Mr. Asbxiv notifies his eoristSluents that hs Itai received a large, number oi letters wbleh he has aot had time to answer, for the reeeoo,uhe has been constantly engaged In mat ters ; which required his attention at other points." : He has plenty of time to write several miser able Abolition letters for the papers" His doo siituenU have no doubt Noticed this fl Hon.' Jamis HI Lamsv The Leavenworth Times says that "Gen. Lane bas been appointed Brigadier-General in the Volunteer army., , We suppose this involves a resignation of hie seat the Senate, and (bat Gsr, Robinson will appoint his successor..,', i',"..., s ..., ... 1 ; We do not snppoje anything 'of the kind. James H. Lane is not the man to give ap $3,00Q a year, and six years,' Sana tori al honors, for Brigadier-Generalship of roJonteers, to last only a few months. oowwMfCidl. . , , Two more Papers to the Rescue of Two more Papers to the Rescue of the Governor. ..The PorUmOnth Tribmtu and tha. Newark Nrth ,Ammen bare eoma to tha twaooer Gov. DismsoN,'1 Things are working;. 1 Got. DtxwisoN stands a, better chance for the Repub lioan nomination! than. any, other man,, If .the Reserve ia for him, he is oafs. He Is indebted to that eefim for all he U tolltlcallv. 1 ' " h' East Tennesse. 1 ' From the looks of matters la Estt.Tsnnesses, it Is pottibls that It a UI follow suit with, West era Virginia and form a aew State., The Union Convention at Greenville appear to be very nesr nanlmons In favor of Holfla so.' Gen. Dix. from i all accounts We htra 'front the Eut, s. uen, jqm a. fjii, or titw xott, is piao- ed in command of the army af invasion, aad will bars hla btsdqasrters at tho Arlington Hoase." v-o 'j;-"' ' '".V,',' , Tbdre are iodladans that the Cabinet is' not satisfied wKh Gen. Scott's arrangSmeata. ..The Washington apeclat reporter of the Cler eland LaoV,of the 27th, ssys: .j-'" ii U a fact (hat tbr has' bttu som sarm work th Cabinet moefingS. ' Th mabi are not patlifrd wlch 8a Boott' me of Biogiam, and did not fcoatut to loll him o. , Ilk) told that tbe Oonoml was mqaoat' ad, In tb oam of th Cabinet, to hold and hh pr Bkeb mend hofor lh meodng of Ui Rbat Ooogroa apoa tha Wtb of Jo If. What rtplr a mad ha not frank. lrd.' All tha Cabin om bapattoai, hot Ohaa aad JUairare tbamon so. Ihy 'talk right oat."' : The people will no" doribt dotae io the'ooncja-i tlon that Caasa aad- Biam are rery competent to dictate) mnitsiy movementa to OanJSo'o,,'.1 From Grafton, Va. We olio the followlna Items from th. special dispatches to ths Commercial of the 27 lot ) , A sharp skirmish took place near Cumber land yesterday. A mounted, scout of thirteen Zraevsaeameln collision with eighteen mount ed Rom is at Darie's Vreek, ten miles from Cumberland. -A sharp contest ensued. "The Rebels were drive frpai their horses to the hills, nd the horses captured. ;. 't ill In the flsht. Corporal Hayes oi Company A, Indiana 11th. wat wounded la the croin and shoulder, and received a sabre-thrust on the head, and was placed A ore du tumbtt. He fought lying on his back,' and Is reported to have killed Ore or tne enemy. The Zouaves were delayed la their move ments br waltlot to procure a wagon to carry Loff their wounded comrade. Tho rebels mean while were re-inrorced by rorty mounted men, and Ihe Zouaves had to leave tbalr horses and take to the hills, reaching Cumberland at 11 'clock bat ttlght, with two missing', one ot whom wsa killed. ' , , Tbey NpoH from tea to fifteen Rebels killed, and aavwg them Col. Parsons, a noted Confed erate. Corpora: Hirst's -wounds are nosh wounds. Ha la aoa af aL bra rot men la the reelmeut, aad was aotod for ftrsooal daring ia ths Mexi oan war - -' All la ouiat between this and Cumberland. Tk BKia mrm aManrnd batareoii Btallnaton and Uurel Hill, 13 or 14 miles from Phlllfppt. Tbey aro strongly entrenched oa sou siaes of tho Beverly pike, with cannon In poet- tioa. Tbey have been reinforced, and their strength is variously estimated at from 6,000 to 7 000. - '' v"- . CLaacsstma, June 97. Four Rebels, witn a rifle and two aeoesaioa fists, were captured eight milee aboro here, towards Bsrerly, to dat. Renortad akirmlshlue between Indl- anlans aad Rebels, near that point. "Nobody im.t A Bart of Bobela occonled Backhannon Jet terday. Soppoeed to be a deuchment ot the Rebel army. Distance 35 milee above Clarks burg Tbero will be fighting soon. '. v. ' This is too Bad! . GaitLt will certainly be arrested for "ex pressing treasonablw sentlmentt", through ths 7VUBae. Just read Ibis dispatch! We call the atuntion of our neighbor af tho Jeamai to it especially: V : - ' i STRANGE INTELLIGENCE. WASHINGTON, June 21. I hare b'eea bare hut abort tims. yet have anaartatned that tho Administration Is in earn est. I am suthorited to announce that the fol lowing appointments will soon bo mads: Major Generals Twiggs, Beauregard, Wig' fall and JohnaoBv ' ' f i Brigadier Generals Magrnder, Fauntleroy, Brlirht and Priea. - - - -i The Hon. Dudley Mann will be appointed Minister to England is Adams recaUed, , -' The Hon J. E Harvey will be Invited to aaat la the Cabinet. -The Hon. John Slidell is earnestly pressed for the French mission, though tho Impression pre vails that Governor Brown, of Georgia will be nAmlnatil. i . i '' -. " Oar soldiers have been requested to fire blank cartridges m all.eogagementa with Southern forces. Commissions in the Naval serried have been politely tendered to the officers and crew of the privateer savanoan. . The ladies of Washlneton haro chartered laree steamer to convey suDPllee to Norfolk end Richmond. A Cabinet offloer will sail in the ship to attend to the distribution. More anon. REPORTER. Mr. GaitLV must bs attended to, as Gin. McClcixa has ordered all Rebels who are taken prisoners to Columbus, we insist on bar log Mr. Quaxr seat out hero. The correspondent of tbo New York Time$ of the 26th, speaking of the 7V'6ne, says "The hostilUv evinsed br that journal against ths Administration may, perhaps, be acooantes far br the aealeot of tho Administration to be stow offices opou lu editors and Uchti. Only foar of Mr. eroely's asaoeiatem, Air. cry, mr Fike, Mr. aildroth and Mr. Harvey naro oeen appotatwa to ImoraUT omsoa. Sergeant Breckenrldge, of Fort Kearney was in town on Wednesday, on his wsy to bis home ia Tennessee. ' Ho informs us that there are nine, gaas in good order at the Fort, and 7a men. Only a portion ot tne gust spiaea oy Ctpt. Tyler is destroyed. - Tbe only difficulty apprehended by tho Hergeant is with Brlgham xouna. it our national aimcuities snouia con tinue Ia that event, be thinks Brlgham will muster 35,000 Indians- and take the Westers t r - r . - .wv , ..... oountry.j itoroio vhj utw. . in i i i i :. .. 1 1 Burro as Moaaa a e -The steamer Co lumbia, from Havana, arrived at this port this morning. She brings as a prisoner, Charles Ramas. a Chilian, who is scot here by tbe American Consul to be tried for tbe murder R.M. EmOrr, first mats On th ship Ocean Traveler. . The ship belonga to Belfast, Maine, and tha altered murder took plaoe In Harana baibor, April 19. Three witnesses earns on n . it an ... - u.ni.i. r Uotumoia. vjmxera inonaMora, creemau ana Welch, of tha railroad and steamboat soaad took tbe prisoner to the United States Marshal's office. a, r. Ft. ' 1 .' 5r" 1 ' ' ' It i i . i3, A "Coutt Dress" la Europe consists of a dark bias coat, tbe collar, ouffa and flips smbroidered In cold, white small aMtbeer white silk slock Iffgs, low shoes and a eeort sword. This dress was worn by Mr. Case, Mr. Wbeatoo, Mr. Ev erett and other American Ministers to Luropea Courts, before tbe circular of Mr. Marcr. Mr, Adams bas revived ths style at the, Court Of JSinsai o 'J. , r. .j i.. " : c q )' .'! ' . ,-. Tbo official returns of tha killed and Wounded at the battle of Big Bethel show a total of aev enty-iour, of wbich.sl teen were killed, four teen dangerously wounded,- five missing and thlrty-nlns only slightly Injured. .Twenty-one ot tbeee caaualue aeourred la the . mutakei eogagement between the. Third and. Seventh New York roluutaer regiments. J . u la a " of - Ths Faorosto Inoomb Tax There Is mors talk within a day or two among the leading members or congress aero of direct taxation, In the shape of a very moderate Income tax. Various opinions are expressed, soma for. and others against tbo measure, though aim oat every tbongnuui man ex pre tea tne opinion mat mere matt bs a small tat imposed to keep np tne credit of tho Gorernment. I still Incline to tbe opinion that the Secretary of the Treasury will recommend a anty on tea, eonee ana sugar a general rerltlon of tha tariff, and a popular loan far a portion of the sum needed, and for only a portloa There will be no attempt made an tbeport of tha Secretary to make aay war apoa New York capitalists, unless ther war upoa tho vital latere f the nation; aod at Ceseot the relations of tbo Bee rotary with the adlog financiers of the Northern cities are of tbe most cordial jebtrecter . rtCf . A. .1 Belmont County. " The Democracy of Belmont county meet in mass convention, on tbe alh of Jaly, to nominate a county ticket. The ol. ClalrsriUa Gtzdl publishes tha call, which iays t Lst there be an outpouring of tbe conserv allre men of old Belmont on this ooeaalan Tho times demand that all true lovers of their eaontry should mingle and consult together. 'Democrats, turn out Never waa there time, in the history of our beloved oountry) that caiieu mora uaaiy tar tne nnitea counsels or all Ml Union man.' . j in ' Tair do not Bias. One of the earliest tnb jects which will engage tha attention of Coo s-nee will do tbe Ueason of tbs Minuter Portugal, aad the reason why be Is not recalled la obedience to tbe demand of publio sentl stent. Then we shall know whether hla oer sonal friends are right, when they boldly assert tost ids istoinet aar aot recsii sit. Harvey. m. mr rr. -1 - - We are rery careful In crediting property to the New York Tritua., We feel, safe, then. that odr Republican Weeds will not' question i. . our loyalty: as it is a orm blend ol the Ad mlnUtratlon. ' ST John Carrraaiiaa'a oJEcial i miuockv is ok;r .vi ra i "r',i..:4fJUL.:K. "4. iv.r, The Indian Territory. age In which he assumes Union Is permanf ally dls- v . X. ' ' i Gorernor Harris has Issued a messa, that the American aolredt "The Cblckasaws can nowonger ' look for protection, or the performance of treaty stipu lations by ths United States, (hers being no snob uorernment "It beboores us, then, to asanrat our inds psndenoe, and to take each steps,, separately or la concert with other Indian nations, as will en sola us to obtain a recognition of it, aod to-aS' sumo our rights in lands and moneys.'--1- no recommends a uonrention ol the liblck- ssaws, fvbocktaws, Ubcrokees, Creeks, and Semicoles for the purpose of unltini for mutual safety ' - . "That a law bs framed authorizing ths Gov ernment of the Chickasaw Nation to acoept vol unteer companies, native or white, for the defense of the country. That S law be passed proriding for Commissioners to enter Into convention 1th rorlng bands, whereby their friendship and aid can be secured, and to provide for ' the oc cupation of the forts within the Chickasaw Mation." ; ' "'. ;, Perhaps Mr. Hilars hdd better wait a short me at least, snd see bow matters turn out. Jt won't do to give op the old ship. i CT Tbs "Constitutional Union Tarty" of the the 31 District, Philadelphia, have nominated Ron. William. M. MtsmttH as tbeir candidate for Congress. ' i ' i . Wood's Hair Restorative. Unlike most specifics, this Is proved, by un impeachable evidence, to possess great efficacy as a restorer of the hair to lta pristine vigor. Where the bead bad bcoome almost bald be cause of sickness, the use of this artiolebaa nroduced a beautiful srowtb ol tblck, gloss; hair. - Il Is therefore a valuable preparation for all classes. . Its ingredients are such ss to ef fectually eradicate, dandruff and other Impari ties, which operate so injuriously to tne nair. It also haa curative properties ol another oo- aerlntion.. In manr cases olmoles and other disfigurements of the skin disappear wherever it Is used.' There is no. hsnrd attaohing to the trial of this remedy, and its effects can only be beneficial, as the compound, it it does not cause a manifest Improvement, Is Incapable ol doing barm; as Us component elements are perfectly InnoziouB. uosioa l ranicrtpi, Ajrru , u. '6f tbe I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Master Commissioner's Sale. vttti.M a. .1 vt. . i . Superior Court. David Parry ot al.) . BY rirtu of aa order of sals ta me direclel from th Bnnerlar Court of franklin eoonlr, Ohio, I will of fer for aalo at th door of th Court Uouto ia th City of Colombo.!, On Wednesday, July 31st, A. D. 1861, at one o'elock, p. m., the fsllowlng described real st mt, alluat in th township or ncntgomery, rranaun nnuntT. Ohio, and bonnded as follows: Beginning In tne oentr ot in uoiumoniana uranviuo flank ttoaa, at in nortnwut oornor 01 a tract 01 lann oonvaved by Joterh Kidgwaj lo John J. Fereon and Dard rarry, 07 aeea orariog oaio ,nn, xuiq. ioui ihensa with th centre of aaid road N. 793 degrees, K IS M.IOU nolea: thence Booth 0.40 minute,, W. 41 60-100 pole to a stak In lh North lino of a lot of land aonvned bv aald Fer.on and Parry to Thomas Sparrow, by deed dated May 1st, 1855; thence with aald Una of Sparrow s land n . ev negro, w . 1 "ra-juu poiea 10 me Eut lino of a tract of laud belonging to James A. Wil cox's land, 3d 40-100 polee to th beginning, it being th W,t part or a tract oonverea oy taia rerson in a rarry to Thomas Sparrow, ua m reot along uio ne aim thereof, conveyed by said Parry to en Henry uoremui Appraised at fifuw. 0, W. DtrFfMAlf, Sherltr, Printer' fee S3 SO. and Mailer Commlnloner. JelWdltwtd. SUPPLIES FOR THE OHIO PENITENTIARY. OFHCB OHIO PENITBNTIAET.) Oolomsoi, Jun 83,1881. ) SEALED PBOPOSALS WILL BK HBOBIVBD AT th offlo until th 0th day of July, for fnrnUhlng tbs institution witn 81OOO Founds fresh Beef Per weak, delivered la th four quarters, each week, ia muI nroMrilons. on Mondays. Wednesdays and F days, from Jaly 7th, 1861, to too SOth day of December, 1081. . , , , ' 2.000 Pounds Corned Beef rer weei, from July 7th to Docmbor SOth. 1M1. Th Beef to be of good quality, clear or gnucsio, none ana shanka. TMonnUtrMUcriMdT-nmiaiaoaf um nar dea oiay direal. ALSO Blda will b recelred at th sam data, and fo lb aam time, for lh clear, rough aod salt gross of the Insulation. Ro olds will be considered unless (aturactory security for th faithful performance of th sam aocompanles aen wo. ' So bid will be recelred upoa th day of letting. H. Mkaioii, ) B. . PAaaoii, Directors. J. J. Wood, .. ) JOnN A. FBENIICB, Warden 1 1 Elegant Lace Mantillas. jSTo. 29 South Hieli St., HATI Juit opened an Invoice of rery large and handaome - PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILLA ' LACE MANTILLAS AND P0INTE3. Wide French Laces for SnAwis, Very Deep French Flouncing Laces. Real Thread, French, Cbantllla & Generese i VE1X9. Valenciennes, Point da Gaze, Brnueli 1 i and Thread Laces and Collars, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS, u , LINEN COLLARS k CUFF3, ' , '. .: ' In new Shapes, I PAPER COLLARS & CUFFS, 0 ' For traveling. FBioaa TjytTaTJArXiY low, Traveling Dress O-ooda. atOZAHBIOtnCS, POf LUISr-AaXFOKiUi'S caxcKt, ! SILKS, POIO SB OHKTMS.l -ft I J . t:. : j LATKLLAS, BEOCBX TAtlMOUS, ft, fcc. : j Th best sod sndat fuhlooaU style la theelty, I AT VERY' LOW ITU CHS. 0i'-, '0 ,7'!BAIlSL01f,i , . Jell ' 99 Soath High Street. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. 8team .Between Ireland and Ime'rina. NEW, YORK,' BOSTON AND GAtVVAT ' ' I 1 11,1 - - 7 ' Th following aw aod magalfieerit rt-t ls paddls- wnaci BiaamMip eomp too oov iiok , . , AbBIiTIO, 1 88 toa barthea, Capt,Kasar ' (Pormerly of lh Collin Lie ) HIBERHIA, 4.400 tom barthea, Capt. If. PHowea. COLUMBIA, -4 4t - - i ... b Lefton, ANttLIA, 4.40B - f - 1 KicavHjoSb PAoinor 'Seue i Bsnia. PiUMCI ALBIHT. (Screw.) On of th above ablp will leav Vw Torh or Bodoa alternately orery taeaiay (ottalahi. for Oalaay, w r g th govern! amUs, .toocAmg a St. Voaaa, P.- ' , . , 1 'i Tb SteHBMrs sf IU Ua bar beoa alract4 with lh greataat oara, ander th nporviaioaof tlw aovers- bmoi, Bav watattitit aomparimeai. aoo are aoosooi M foreoatfort, aafeiy aad speod by aov ataamor anoaC Ther am ommadd b able and axporionead me. aod vry caorUoa wiU.be made t pcomola tbseamfert of peengor. .j')Jl-r Aajoiparmacad Sargess atUohed U each aUp. ,; i HATES OP rASIACK. l Iliwt-elats H. T. or Boslno to (hlosy orUferpool tint Beoond-elass, ". , ' ' " ! Pirst-ela, ! ' "' ' ,u'"' '' o lohnV' Thlrd-ciaas, " " to rjaiway or Liverpool or any towh In Ireland, en s ftailway, Thlrd-elaei paaanger an liberal ly npplled with pro nioB of w et quality, cooked and arrd br th ser- vaata 01 in uompaar. , .1, ,.t.-4..-t a RKTTJRTr TlCKBTs! Partle wtahlng to send for their frioud from the oM eoantry can obtain Uoketafrom any town en railway, Ireland, or from tho principal cities of Bogland sad scow land, at very low rate, n 'iqm t . Paatmgere for New TorV," arriving by th Boeton teamen, W1H b forwarded to Bew Tork ! of tharge. tor pawag or further Inforn allon,apnlyto. Wm II. Vt'IfiKFIiM: At lh offloe of Qte Company, on this wharf, foot vanai atreet, new xora.' i ' ' -r"j HOW LAND dt A8PI5WALL, Agents. priU9:d6m. 1 " i i s .1 , . t . Attorney A"tbnpsellqr 'at law, WAHTEl)-nKHT Tfl f!Lt packages f TAIIONBRY and JMWELRr, prtets one-third leu than eu be purchased eleewhen Call on oradilreea (tamo anoleiadl J. U. luir.av. w. li Court BoWl,AUa. awch W.;, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " ZT U. ,Li T. ; D A I I J CL G Q Id, H ai A ami a f ssj a a ' 1 W V no.. Tin soain mgn osxeei, voinmouB, ABl WW Of FIEINO toeo paWa Tmrollnc Dioss Ooodo Ol Sii fhM i9u otnts' SSOO yards Traveling Dross Goods at 8K, ra'us SO ot. 8000 jrardi KnglUh BerafM at 18 . vain BS oanto. i luuu jardi w roooo urgenaies at , vaioo xu emu. i SOOn vardi Faat Oolorcd Lawns at 10, rain IS onU. luuu yards roaura uram biiks at J( t, vaina ou oenu. 1SUO vard Banai Plain Black Bilk at at00.rala a 1IO.. KoUaor Organdie Berag, and ngllbTg,at,oa. half their Value. -t ' ... i- -sj l ' sain at pun, Jtsaf : V7)T -'MKT Wyth HtretTrl 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Oonneoling at Orestlln with lh PIITBBOEQII, FT. ' ' ;' " : WAtira (jbioaoo kailkoai) ;. ;., . for Fort WayntanA OMeafo. ""'J Oonhedub' kt OUvoland with lh LAK.K BnOBl BAIL , . .., .. .. BOAB - 7- . ., r Dattkirft'jrJrnffalattaan'ri Beo , J test and New lark. ; I THREE .TRAINS, DAILY,' ; wosps scsDAt, i I,,,,..;: From Columbus, In sonnettlon with Tnlns en tb' ': llTTIiB FIIAini AND COIUIflBttS AND AEN1A HA1LROAUS .1! .'.V .P'ti '' " rlRHT TBAIIf . 1 NIGHT rXPKESS.-Leave Oolnmboa' at ltd A.M ; lh leav- naaaanaor at an aiauoua nuia vi unuuu, atop at Delaware, Ashley, Card log ton and Ollead, and at all station aorta of Gallon, arriving at Cleveland at 000 A. Dunkirk 100 F. M., Buffalo 4 25 P. M. Albany S. SO A. M., New York c:J5 A. St.. DMton:ju P. Fittaburgh via OreaUIno l:S0 P. M , Phlladal.. phla5:10 A. kt. Chicago via Orestlln at 7-00 P. M. , ., ' -''annis-BTnATit '!-'' rrr'r' .H . BNlW tORK XXPRB8B-.Laves Oolamhos al l lO a. m. Will top at Lewis Centre, (for Whit Bulphnr Bprings), Delaware, Oardlngton, Gallon. CrcsUIno, 8bl- 0V. new iJOnaon. neiungioa aua uraibuo, arrive a. OlaTaland at 2:35 n. m.i Dunkirk. 8:40 0. BUI Buf- falo, 10:23 p. m ; Albany, 8:45 a. m.i New toik, l. p. m.i Beaton, 4:40 p.m.. This Train oonnestsat Shal fjy for Sanriutky, and at OJafton for Toledo, arriving Toledo at ,S:40Pjja,...,.. , MAIL AND AO0OUMODATI0N Leaves Columbus stil.99 p. m. Will stop at all station Booth of Ihelby, sod at New London, Wellington, ttrarton, and Berea; arriving at Cleveland at l:S0 p. tt l Dan-1 kirk, 8:00 a- m. Bu-rlo,9-xua. m.iMDany,x:xvp.m.; NowYork. 7a30 a. m.i Boston, 11:45 n m.i Fmriargb, Ha Omtllno, at 11:35 p. m. Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m.. Cbloaro, rfatvrratito, o:a a. m. xnie irain connect at bhelby for Bsndaaky and Toledo, arriving at Toledo atftp.aW'v 1 .-:.' " ; , Patent Bleinp Carr ate ran oa all 4 :;Higat Trains to cucago, new,',.; York and Boston. i ' BtqQ&qt (JnedtvKf TKrtotg to Km Tbriatid Botton . via VUneland; alio, fo PhlladtlpMa.and '"returning. ri-- '' Might Txpress arrives atbol-ombTrs'sf.'l.llilS'P.' M":' ' Cincinnati Bxproes arrives at OolnmbnSat 10:90 A. M. Aceommodatloa Ixpress arrivei at Columbus at T-50 P. m. 1 ' , Fare eta Lswsi by amy a ther Kent. Aik for Tithtt trie OrtilUke tt CUiddnd; , ' , -.. ,1 1 .1 i. - a. a.-flint. t'l i!on fjuperlntandent, Cleveland, Ooio.iM '!: . J AMIS PATTSBBOM, Agtrnt, --uii ',:,(, . . ., .1 Oolambus, Ohio. Cblambns, funs 17, 1881. i'-" - ...ia -n ni- ! DELAWARE CO., OHlb ' ' This Pavorits ' Resort "will ibis 'open . j ' ' for Visitors,' '-' '. -". 'ti -- "ll-tL "li'1, 5 I'-r' ; Juno IO, 1301. ' rmu.it Mtuais boabbii snanw -rsasauoa,--as aa aocoaaoBario at bsuvoib aarss. FOR EOOM3 0EETFOEMATION,';: 'zi abPBSSI '. -- : , . . a.bwatiii?, ; :l ' Ltwls fjeatat P, 6Plwr Co Ohji.,. may SSiUlow, , , , .... -,,..,. . ; ,,v. .1 , '-i . ' 75 3J 30 la of 11 OHIO TJHTON JiOAN. Orncs or tbs Coaaimtowsa or was Bnntixa Tobb, - ' ! OoLoasos, Ohio, Jan 10,1861. i-r TUB Oommlnloncn of the Sinking land of th Stat of Ohio invito aubsoriptlens by ths peopl of lh 8tat to tha Loan of Two Hilllcna of Dollan, authoris ed by the act of th Oencral Amembly ' " To provide more effaotaalry for th 6e'nce af Um Blate against vaeion, paeoedAprUSa, 1661. . . . .. . ,. CertlBoates will be litued in samsor aio, ana op ward, payable July 1, 18(18. at th Btat Treasury, bear, inn mumi .( the la of tlx oer coot, per annom, par ablssamLaanually,aaAby th act aathortxbg hs lota re irom taxation. , . . . Buhacrlptions will bs received at th office of th Con' mlulonera In 111 Cltv of Columbof. at each ot the sol want h.nkin lniuiniionaln the State, and st ths several Osunty Treasnries la the .BtaU, antil On; 1st, day '"inuroat irltl eompatea and paid from tbe dat Uwdopoeitof to aaoooy at tttaaf or ia piaoe, aouve ; 1. a: K. W. TAYLBB, Auditor of Stale. -.-r . A. PKOHSSLL. Boorelary af Btat., 1 1. jo U. ; JAMES MDKEAX, Attorney Oentral.;, lell-dtd .le.-J. 1 E AGLE B BASS' JW 0 RKB, :-i . earner Sprlag k VTatar ptf,, Ooluintouii,,01iioi lad Manofaciaaen of Braai aod Comaeeltloa CssUngs, Electro Plating' and 'Gilding ft' ; STENCIL CUTTING. ltCrr r tbiHii, JL' ii.AITTITUlIHT. ;, for tb IBSTABf B.BL1BI rxBsiAiiBnonuofih UrtumiBg oearplalsl a''-- BEOBCHIAL CIOABETTE8, Mad by 0. . SITKOCa it 00., Uff Ksama at Ml ' Price ai oar bomi Mat free br Dost. - toa sali at All Dinaaiitl.:'''; ! ssar srwiy - v:, p,-, .4 , ,,. , T I. Jj HIBTIOS,an Wltfas,f Boelebraledmaaos, bow Mend ia great roiwty sod at J, jgj!' j SarTfct . Bo. South High otnitv at SPECIAL NOTICES.' ss BE HOT DECEIVED. f. w,v, . "Erll eossmaBlsattoBS eorrapt food maaaers.v So doW bad Salmta spoil good hrssa. . All common tala ri ta 1 Imps. Won bat James Pyl'i D W'tio U pr- ffstly pare. loan I ae deoepuM'ia nbm,1 Dpot,3tt Waahlagtoa Stnst, Hew Tork. Sola by fiocers every Where. ' '"'A ant BlOrFAT.'S) M'sllllXU " ,':i ' ta all oases of eoetlrsetss, dyopoprm, bUlloa aad arer alaetloas, piles, rhoomaUam fver aad agues, obstl oat bead acnes, aad all geseral deraAgeinsnlJ ( beaUh thess PUIs bar IsrarUblp proved erialn aod spseSy remedy. A sLjgl trtsl wlU plao the IB ptilg beyood tb reach e f competition Is ih estimatloa of every pa- Hant; t :..fi - j i.'jitA ,'r.tT Dr-KofririTlKWila Blttsts will bs found equally Soadous in tfl cases of nervous debility, dyspepsia, hssd cb,th slckneslneldnt to, female In dsfloaf health, and every kind of weakneas o( th digestive' urgans. for -sal bp Dt. W.B. MOPIAT.iBroadwaB, ll. tt snSoyaUPraggaks'. ,"'! ' goaylaVdfcirl ' The fbtlowiBir is u extiast from' totttr wrlttta by th Bet. 'J.' S. BolaiSj ' paster V 'ths Pisrnpoinl BtnetBaptiat. Cbarsb, Brooklya, V . X., I the "Josuraal and Maosenawr.lndnnatl, 0., and speaks volume tn favor Of fast world WoWMd edlcin, Mm. Wanuiw' SooTHiwaf raur ro Cuiaas Tmrrri(r liar. ...mm Aflirll laal M mow alnmna nfMa Wmyiar'a looniM Stt. iNow w sever nld word trUtrntol. yatonl aieatelD btfon In oar lif. .fcUtwaf leal aomoolMd taaar So r s dee that ItileHa bar-rs tim rr, ta amow, - to b sia rr cuaaa. - It la probably of Uia avet nreowmi dmi elnsotthdiy. beeaoe it ! th ka,Ui,Ald Ui i, tabUaana'td better tbta JlylBaaiipvriil;oi,a(.H . eB.irmmive 1 Cleveland, Oolnmbni, Zaaeavlll, Cincinnati, . . Delaware, Warren, Chicago, La Salle, Peoria, . of of 1 Bloomlngton, " 11 t Decatnr, " Springfield, " talrjcy, " daleno, Jaokaonvllle, Ohorry Grove treeport, Pens, Canton Byncase, Mswbargh, Bochester, X. I JCpTHI AMIRIOAM WATOH OOMPANT, of Walt- Baoi,SIass.,bsgsfaioall th stUnUoo of th pobllsto tb following mphtlo recommndlloB of Wiuam Watches, by th l4lnf practical Watchmakers and Jsw slersthrongboatlhsCnltodBtstss, TU satin list of . sigialuies 'to lf ii qalte too long for publlcalloB laons adrertlieoenli hut th name, preiented will b rooof nhid bVthoie acqaslnted with th f rods as being U th blah dgrwspestablndan4 toSoential. Atthilr Mtabllebments may alwsys bs found tn. genuine n s fWcd'mpma'gsssesfaotaie.lD a ' Signatures from many sltlss snd towns not runy asmnted In Uiis list will appear In a future adver rnoht. i-.t 1 'Jt ii v J 8S0TaVt0'lMW8li0. ' Tbe aadrsijn4, prnetkal Walehaukar and dealers la Walches, having' bought and sold American Watches ft r a nambsi of years put, and having deilt In all kinds 0 f foreign Watches for a much longer period of time, bi to stat that' they have never dealt lo Watches which, ss a class, or In. Individual Instances, havs been more sails factory to themselves or euitomsrs, whether In respect of durability, beauty of Bntah, mathematically correct pie- portions, accurate compensation and adjustment, tr 0 0nHm-k4ina. resvlfs, than those manufactuted by Ihe Waltham Oompany.. w. a. ORITTBNDBN. Olovoland, Ohio. WV BLTNK, j JAMEB J. K088, "" ' H. JBNKIKS fc 00 ' ' BBQOB SMITH, ' WM. WILflON MtOBKW, DOHMBfcCO., 0.080AMP, I '"' ' 0 1 PLATT. KING Jt BROTHBIt.t ' J. T. St B. Sf. BDWARDS, P. J. ALBZANDBR, JOIINH. MOHblt, " ' ' TmnniM i . 1 . r- I . W. H. RICHMOND, ;;' H, D. EATS, A. B.01LLKTT, . B. D. LILLKBTON, ' J, B. CUBRAM,-,--.-.- -r- - J. W. BHOWNj B. B. TOBIN. . t i r , : B48BB UnL'MAH, .' A. P. BOYNTON, -WH.M. MAYO,T, ..;.,' .. ,. a,SORTUBY,,w iv,. .' Al W, PORO, . , . WBI. BCUBKZIB, -JM. FOX, ' ; WILLaRD cnAWLKf , N.HAIOHT. . HI St D.R08INBBBQ, , A. BURR a 00. B. B. jsi isnnniBan m. tin WM. B. TAYLOR, - W.W.HaHMAH, HI R. a H, 0. OARPIMTSB, H0BK1N8 fc BVAN8, . HAIOHT It LKACII, . JAMB8HYDB, JOHN H. IVK8, WILLIAMS CO., J.i N. BENNBT, Ki B. BTORM8. WM. B. MOKUAN, HBNDRRBON BEO'B J. A. CLARK, BLOOD It PUTMAIf. . JBNNINOS BKO'S . JOHN J. JRNKIN8, W. H. WILLUilB, - A, WARDBN, L. O. DUHN1SB. - num. H Wll.f.ARO. W. P. BINOH4M dt CO.. Indianapolis, Ind. CDAS. 0. f BANC II. J. McLANB, C, A. VICKEN8EN. 01 H. BSBOOM CO. Ji M. 8TANBH. ApOLPH MYERS, THBO. P. PICKERING, 0K0. DOTY, IK B. BHITH ' " AiB.TANOOTT. Milwaukee, Wis. JOHN BLKINS, N, BHaanAN, tl C.SPAULDINO, . ' W. a. nri.BH. RKINEMAN JtMEYBiR. Plttsbargh, Tt. SAMXBUOWH, Jr., W. T.KOPLIN. 0(0. W.BTBIN,' 010. B. TITOS, ' HECKMAN k YOUR. -CEO. STEIN. E, J.LA8CKLLK, r n Bait'bvARMAN, ' JOSEPH LADOMUS, mJ. HuAXH, EO. W. McOALLS, PBAN01BO. POLAOK, O, M. ZAUN, OEOROB HBLLlR, P. P HELLER, a. AUOHINBAOOII, I I, HOK MAN, J. 0. HANNA, 0. T. ROBERTS, J. 0. DOLON, chas. l. risnER, . . B. M. Bt. OLAId, ' R. 4c A. PKTER80B", bATIDLAYXBACK. . W.I- RA. . ' .' ENOCH P. BILLS, HENRY B. JAMEB,. , , T.S.LITTLB, ' CARSON 4c BRANNON, ' TflOi.OOWDKY, , AiWPYLB. 8IMP8UN At PRIOR, Y.W.BKIPf, J. It A OARDNEB , i W. 0. DEVRIEZ' "t MAURIOB BBNRT JSHU SYLVESTER, J T. SCOTT fcCO.i . T. B. HUMPHREYS, B, A.TOOLER, P. W, LBIUBBOK, - j ' J. W. MONTGOMERY,-. BENJ. B.COOK, B. CHILD,. v - , -DEXTER fc IIABKIN8, 1 E.D. TI8DALB, ALBERT PITTS. ' ELLIS GIFIOHD, 1 P. W.MAOOMBBR, ' J.J BURNS,- .-- - jSBsa smith; - , ; T.M.LAMB, ' ' . B.N. STORY. LEVI JOHNSON, ANDREW WARREN .. O.W. POOO, AMOS BAN BORN, -JOHN BARTON, JOHN MoORBOOBy W. M. ROOT. JOHNS. SCOTT' N. MOODY, ' ' ' - WM. KIKKHAM, Jr., a,. D.ANTHONY ft CO., PELEO ARNOLD, TB0HA8 BTBELI fc CO.. HEMINOWaY fcSl'BVENS, WM. ROGERS It SON, O.J. MUNBOB, ' ' ' K. URMJAMIN. -I " 1. B. KIBBn " 5 SO RUB BROWN, '. . '-; . B. BCSrlNOlON fc CO., . Danbury. . B A. W00DP0HS, . . . . " . " H.D.HALL. . Mlddletown, " JOHN L. BMtTII,. i.' . I JOHN GORDON, New London . " J. 0. BLAOKMAN V. : Bridgsport, ' " AS.B. AYRE8, Waterbory, 8UERBTJBN8 S flAW,""" Banbornton," If. Hi L. R.HAN DBBjiON, f , ,.. CoBeord, " B.K1IIOUT,-".'! -'i J . i' - " N.O. OARR. ' . " OEO. W. DREW It CO., S. J. MELLI8H. W. 0. 0. WOODBUBT, BEUBBff 8PBN0BR, WM.B. MORRILL, BIOHARD OOVB, JONATHAN MOBMBR, ST. W. OODDARD, . . . CHAS. B. BACOIT, ' P. M. BABD180N, twombly fc smith,. t: M08B8 M. SWAN, Ctlca, Hudson Troy, Oewego, Auburn, Palrport, Canandalgua, Poughkteptl, Batavla. Amiteidam, Saratoga, Albany, 4 Ooshen, Penn-Yan, CatakllL Indiana polls, Blchmond, Tom Hanta. Sullivan, Plymouth, Kaltmaaoo, Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Racine, . Belolt, " Janesvllle, - Prairie da Ohlen, Plttabargh, Norrlatowa, laston, . . u Alleolown, Wtcneter, Williamspoit, Chester, . , Lebanon, Ilarrltburg, York, lancatter ' Reading , .. t Chambersburg, Greeniburg, Neweaatl, " abenaburg, . Mauch Chunk, Ashland, , . Indiana " ,'. Bcraoton, ' Patraoo, Newark. ' Borden town, Trenton, ' Cumberland, - Pulaski, - NMhvlllo. ' Springfield, Olarksvtllo, Savannah i St. Louis N. J. Md Tenn. Ga. Mo, Wheeling. . Richmond, . Salem, l Vs. i N. 0. Newberry, 8.0. Northampton, Mail. T Mew Bedford , - Taunton, . " Pali River, OloooeaUr, " Salem Worcester, " . Waltham, Lowell,' ' Lyon, ' :' Lawrence PltUfield, . ... Oreenfleld, Springfield, Provkleno. a. Oroonwlch, Hartford, - Oono. B. I. New Haven,' f I .J i' a ariata Watch Oompan im.,. -Vtrlwa.-4 - - IT an over, ' ' Cianmonl, M Biatr,- " 1 Laconla, Nashua, . Sorer, "" So. BerwIeP," t . Soon, , . . Augustat i Portland, ' Bucksport, - Booklaad, Portemoulh, a,--.. . .... , t ; '- Auburn, tv 1 Bath, ) r Bangor, i ; v Oardiner, -Houlioa, JUwMton, Me. I J.A MERRILL JAMBS EMERY, SIMEON BLOOO,-! V: HENRY H.HAM, ROMRT R. BODflB; PARRY McRENNBI, '.: J. T. HOWLAMD, TOMPKINS It MORRIS, G. S. fc 0. L. BOGBRSi D. B. LUOY, S.G.HALL. . .Wt.S BRIN8MA1D fc HILDRETH, ,'Barllngton, .1 , Vt,-. r ,t ti a nrtiun ' W S I I A j. He oiniiint, priHiunii . T' -"-""I ,. ... ,. ,. . ..y.M.i-,,, nonnueia, - ,, .. Wood.tock,'U;."" "' " 'i'8t.Johnbury,: " ': "' 1 I Bt. Albans, - Chle. ' 1 " ."" " Newtmry, I " k,lln. 'Valla.- u ' ...... - . .r New Orleene 5 I Mitt.' Del. O.W. J. fl. UATBKi ' J.B. MURDOOK, ,"' ' : 0. 0. OHILDS, 0. H. HUNTINGTON, ' POBTBM GROW, Wj K. WALLACE, .,.1) LBANDS8 AMADON, - 0. JSNNIJUOfl, ;! 8.C00SRELL, ,, ra,t ( cNstoh, A. Jf. HALL, -ri w i ... . Mllford, . ROBERT MIXKIR. , b ,' .. , Toronto, , lil- 1 T.1 'V,;'.'".'t-.'-'" ' r. 1 t CATTroXi Aa eat Watch Is now attentively oo miter felted by foreign BUt(-Uotarers', w bar to Inform the publie that no rratch bot oar production which at nnao. compsnledbya eertlneate of genuinonoes, bearing the auiber of Ito Wteh, in sbjssd by our Treasurer, B. . BoTOSsTor "6rr'prs3eoesors, Appleion, Tracy fc '" tlm. W 'A t' '' ' '.'." ' ' ' ."-.',-' 'i As thSS taloho sure for sai ny J"""" snremiw U bot tolictt fdw for U Wtcbet . 1 m j.j . . ...a. aU. ,M'...I.. i oil,. V sUvt Sj.aiwS.'. .W. m.