UTIIROP, LUDUiGTOiN &CO. 1 &25PAHKILACE, 20 ft 22 1IDEEAY ST2E2T, ' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF ' ' " ' Foreign and Domestic' D EY GOODS OR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPRING, 18G1. W are oprolng, at eurample wsrevoMDS. at the above ou.b.re, siook. it Good, lo euh of th. tataiMk uf our buslneet, superior to anything we bev hretofor a ihiblled to the trauo. , CLOTEt DEPARTMENT. . i. nMunt mBcmitniU under the thorough management of e buyer of too experience end .XowTediredgood taste. Weknp.xUui.iv.llue.of the finut and choicest FANCY VE8TWCS,:, AND tfANOY CASSIMERES To be found in tb. mrt.t, .U rl'l ditcrlmlnaUon. aim, en - BROADCLOTHS, . " ' 51 SATINETS, LADIES' CLOAINNGS, . . . i,T WEEDS -n. viiROHANTS'OASBIMEBBB, ..WW.'- and upwards; .... i V, BEDS, 1S to "" " ril-lMt ,e" ,oM 18 to SO; PRINTED 8ATINETS, at 14 cent; And other Good corrtipondinolt Low. Dress-Goods Department. Mancheiter. Be Lalnei, Hamilton do. Pacifto do. Printed Lewn, Printed Brllliante, Fancy Glnghani, Bombeaiuet, Block Bilk, Fancy 811k. Piloted ChaUls, Naucbeitcr Ginghams, Giugow do. Cltuton do. Ottoman Clotbt, Alpacas, Poplins, AnitktNeitSikctStyltof FANCY SPRING COO&S. Richmond' Print, American do. Duoneir do. Xnglun uo. Merrlmae Trlnti, Oocbeco o Ptcifio t WanTbeiter.ko. Print fcc, 1JOMK9TIO COTTONS. Bbmluit., Atlantic A. Bbeetin Laren Stark lAtbrop Hhawaut Pocauet An. Amoueac no. do. Appletoa . do. Q0, lirerttl do. do. Utica, o., do. All b'radtt and Widikt. BLRACnED Waimtta, Ijnultl. BniRTIN'QS AND 8HEITIN0B. Bwinht, , (i rent Fall, Lawrence, Kaumkeag, Boott, lillL tfaltham, iKew York Mill, to., Ac. SHAWLS ANDllANTILLAS, B LAKGC ANDBILICT AMOiTMINT. . C0TT0NADK8 piat Tariety. CHECKS dok T1CKIN0B all the leadln brand. DtlNlMS do. do. eUIRTlNO BIRlPEB-all the leading brand. ANKKKNB io. 0OKlBIJKANS do, d0- kuiRKRNri do. do DAMABKB, PAPRR CAMBRICS, COL0MD CAM BRICB, to, o. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHITE GOODS, ' BOSTEEt, Yankee hoiiohs, (Jentlciiien's Fnrnishing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, CARPETS AND Olt-CLOTns, And a neat Tariety of Sood not enumrated-ll of hlchwe pledire ounelTe to tell at the lototet market pricto tb larger portion at from 10 to 30 per cent, leaf l.ao lattjear. LATHROP, LUDINGTON (V CO., NEW YORK. STONE'SBAZAAH. No. 4 Grwvnne Block. A. P. STONE & O'HAMA A KKNOWKECEIVINGTIIKIU WW Xm. TUB OO0DB, aud lniite the public to inrpeet tiiem. Mo iuch (tuck of Oooda na ever been bronebt to thi market. The Booth, iooooaequeacaof th (ailur of th grain crop, ha not been able to purcha the ac ntl quantity of rich good, and thi fact ha forced th Importer to Mil them at public auction. Oar bay (Mr. Stone) being in New York a theee Urg Bale, took BlTanUgaof them, and w can and will tell our good hire, at lee, than aoy one who purchued two week tinea, piid for them is New York. Ouiatock loomplW In rery department of . ISLEUANT JJRESS SILKS., OTTOMAN VELOURS, BKOCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, , DYED COBJUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, SHAWLS AlID CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars' Worth Bought in One Day, LADIES FURS, ; HOSIERY DEPAKTMENT. Men', Ladle asd Children' Under Shirt and Drawn; Ladie. Miwe and Children' lloalery of all kinda, la Wool and Lamb' Wool! fleecy Lined and Cotton Olorei of rrry make. ALSO ' A complete BMorttoent of all the nrraal Trie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS. - TWEEDS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand kerchiea, Ao, fte. To pertoni who call e Be, we pledaa sarwwrde to how the th largeat, beat sod clieapew atock f Oooda seer seen In thi market, or pay them one aollaf per Bour wnue rooamg, decl-dlj2ultw. 8T0NB as OUARRA. W. A. Batoielor's Hair Dyel Thi splendid Barr Dy has no equal taitaatensswsla sffsst Bsantlfal Black ot Natural Brown n (talnlng th kin orUijarlng to Bau neaeOMeiMaoei effect sf Bad Dyes, sod inflgorat the fesir for lift Boo an smMBlas saJsslgBw4 "W. A. Batcketor." S)Id stsrywhsre. CHAS. BATCBaXOR, Propftetor, Jylwly 81 Barclay Stnet, New ion. HAIR DYEHALlt.1 DYE. Wffl. A; Batcnelor's Bail Dye! The Original and Best la the WvtUX All ether an mere baltaUons, and auonld be sroidel If yoa wtaL toeeoape ridicule. ' j : ORAT, BSD 0B BUSTY HAIR Dyed Instantly U beautiful sod Natural Brawa r Blact, wtthowt Injury t Hair or Skin. ' - - flPTBIN MJDALS AN9 DIPLOMAS hT be swarded to Wm. A Balchelor sums 1830, aad ever 80,M spplloation hare kesa aud to th Hair f hu) rwtrow of hi faaunu dy ' , ' WM. A. BATCITXLOR'S HAIR DTI prodooeneol sr sot to be distingniabad from amtaj, sad h wmerted not to lojun hi th least, howeeec feat itamy toeMtla aed, aad the 111 Bets sf Bad Dree remedied; tbsBaU tBTigontsd for lift by Uu splendid Dye. . . .; Bold hi all cities sad towas sf theCnttod Stotea Brnr(t.ts end Faaey flood Dsalers. ' If j Tb tteaoioe ha the nam and addna wfMw a ! Blai .rt-mTtne m lour eidetot sack kea, sf iLLfarn A. BAltiUWill. i'he , . ... CUAli. JiATCriXOl, FrwrnWor. i JftS l lwiTytri,llwiiw C NOW REABY. ; THE REVISED ST ATOTE3 i ' ''A M MITTS : ! OTITIS OP omo Jf AdBNBRAL DATUM. IN FORM AU8. 1, 1HC0. Hon. Joseph XL Swan, WITB NOTES OF XBS DECISIONS. OT TBS BU i PBB3CB OOUBT, . ' , (Contained la twenty-nine volusues of the Ohls tod Ohio BUM Report.) '' ; ' ' ' AND KEFERENOSS TO PRIOR IAWS. . . , LBANDER J.CRITCHIFELD,E8a.. ' AND A FULL AND- OOKTBOINT 1KDIX., ; In Two Royal 8TO.1 Volumes. Pf!ce$10 00. No can or expense h bees spared to make ,tlw work perfctnd relimble. to .11 pt-. . it ha bow ui MgMi ""- proved by uvlf the BBantmeus toU of both Mouses, tod ni ordered to bs distributed to in following tuw ..J UllMniWAffiMfe! " .- , . Q . UOTernor, Atwrney wenenu, cuiji.u. .um lry, Comptroller, TreMurer od Andttor o State, end to the Probete Count, Court ot Cmnmoo Flea, Buper- ior and Polio Oourt. Auditor, and the Clerk ol the ..rinm nnrt In auh eoaotf. to the Member of Uie BeoaW and Ileue ol RepmenUUte ot rhi Dtatc, and ih. ilonrwn ar the MTCiml Biaia Ol to uni.n. Thi. hook, eontainins. a It doe, all of tb Btatata aow In force, and ine anttionutive ooniiroouon oi mem tod of tb New CorutltuUon, will b found to be eipeeial' IT owlul In me penornasc oi weir autii u an OOXTNTT OrriORRS. JU8T10H8 0 TH PBA1, J0WN8HIPTRUBTKKB, 1 , 0USKK8 Of TOWNSHIPS, and . cur virioKKB. Inasmncb ai Terr nuuur ehann hire been mad lo fb Statute ainee th pnbllcatloo of the last edition, by re oeal. aluiallon and addition, and many Important de. clilon bar been fivea by the Bupreme Court on eon Uarerted polnu, all ' ATIOttNKYB AT IAW, , BAH KBRS, MKRCHANT8 AM) BUBlNRaa MKN QKNJ RALLI, Will Bud tblf an invaluabl Work. Tux Royal Be. Volume of our Xinttttn Hundred raQoty In Strong Uw Binding. WrJceflO.no. fublUhtdby ROBERT CliARKJEBf & CO-, taw FnbUabera, Bookseller! BUtlooen and Importer, Ho. 65 not yourtn unci, IeblB:d2nj:U ' Cioclonati 0. PCHCHA8EH WANTED for SCO package of Stationery and Jewelry, for aata at prle a In Tolced, l 10 per cent, ditcount, at th xpre office at tjolumbu. unw. a i. .7.t. -uimI tA all th beat packet of Italian' ery (with -r without Jewelry) in tb market, at prtoe lower than can be vurobaacd elatwhem. Addrcu, with .UmpenclOKd, J.L.BAIWY, ;iyli-4tw 1SI Court itreet, Boitoa, Man S. DOYLE & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest Corner of High and Gay Sts.j cto. ex, OOLUOILIt'S, .OHIO, A Urge Stock of Tin and Btapl flood on hand." jSl-dll SUNDRIES, JAKIMA, TAPIOCO, Bgo Arrow Root, Rice flour Scotch Oat MeM Pearl Barley BpUt Pta Cracked Wheat Chocolate Coco Broma, etc. Cream Tartar, Boda lig Prmua Beedleu Xalainf , Preah Tomatoe Peachea Green Corn freth Oann'd Trait oi very deacriptieoi ,. Jelltaof all kind; FlaTorlng Ix tract of all kiil. Qum Drop; Mixed Oandiea; i Almond, PllberU, Peoon Nut, knguah Walnut, B rail I Nut, h, do2T WM. AtoDONALDv TRAVELLERS! WBKH yon go to New York , drle direct to the SiUITUSUA I AI HOUSE, BROADWAY, CORNER 0? U0TJBT0N 8TIKT Conduction th KUKOPKAN PLAN. Oocd Par, flood Boon, Prompt Attendance, and Mod erate Charge. , BIN0LX ROOMS 50 CIS. 75 CIS. and II FIR 1AY. D0UBLI ROOMS and PARLORS 1,50 to $3. Meal M ordered. Thi Hotel ha all the appointment of the beat hotel, a mot central location, and I heated throughout by iteam. SAM URL X. Ml AD, Buucnucum .... . , ... . . proprietor. A CENT rOB HOME, CONTINENTAE, XA. b1ajibattii, SBccaiTT, and unMiu ix. vo. New Yoai; MmicBaJm' and Cm Pins or Haittobb Niw You Lira and Com. MutoaIj Lvi... Office, 81 Ilig-tk St.. Sawaure'. Bl bTHlly ' Alexandre's Kid Gloves. - f TjEAIN and eihbkoideked, mods X QCRTAIR1 Bad regular ihapr Black. Jtid Olore. embroidered in white, macantB, parpla, etc. Cadriawd- Kid Qiore. Mle Kid Olore. A eompleU aawrtBMnt of Ihtaeoelebrated OIoto Blway (or sale by BAIN Ik BON, fcbSx " , No. W SoBth High ftreet, D HESS GOODS. New gtm Attractlre. MozaJiiiaun, T ' " TainuNa PoruNg, Chihi Porum, ' ; . ; ' Poil dc Chxtbm, ' . , GgllEIXIi, Fbxnch Chintz ts, . , t '. I V . Frcnor MusLiMs, , , v y Funcr OiaArTDin, ' ' CbINBSI WAABlNfl Sais, Euwarr Dusb Buxb, .. . .., Hiatt Bajqdi anb Mantli SlLUi . , And all other lew and tub lo cable materials ot in demand for handles Dree asd Mantilla. - ' BAIN It BON, apr99 " ,,.Ho. 19 ftoatlt High treet. TT ATINO THIS DAT BOLD OCR XX Stock of Srooeries te fl. S.DIMISQ, we cheerfully 1 him Ib but eld oatrona and friend. TUUfl. Tf AuAJbA Bt CUf4 . ColombB. MareaBOth. I6i-apl-dtf T7EEOA NT PLAIN BLACK BILKS fOB JZi Street Baaiae and Mantle; ; aim. Rich Trimmla . and Tueela u maich, at BALK . aayS3 Summer Under Garments. LADIES LISLE UNDER TESTS. Ladle Oaaas Merino do. d. - elants Bilk Drawsr and Bhlrt. Qent India Saue Drawer and Shirt. ' Cotton ... M Oaaas Merino Under BTilrlf. :' Whits and Brawa Drilling Drawers. . " Whit Linn Drawen. " Btua lens Onder Bhlrt. - Sapei lor Bngllah Belt lloee. . . M Log Btocking. Fancy Oetton Half Boa. , . " Boependem. . - ' " floldea BUI Bhlrt. Tor sale la great Tariety and at Bwderate prloes, by ' ' BAIN A BOB. . .f. ,-t B. 29 South High street. eiayM. ' ' ' 1 ' Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS rTTlTB FOLLOWING CHiNOBS VERB 1 mad in th tbsefleansf NiliBank, Jaanary Both, I 1MI, to wit: W. A. Purr, Premdeat. sad awau I Mossrs, Csahler, neigoed their enoe. Varm Tatuoa, In., was then elected President sod Vat. A Purr sp- seiBtedthshier. r. , . .... vy eroer or ids aw si i"nw" has, iwi-dtf. w. A. riiAxx. vsmnwr. MINK snjfFSi TI0T0RINIS sndCUTTB we are saw selling at very low price, slo all ether kind faatalesabl fan. PBIK BANB. aeettl, Jf.. South High SU Ladies' Linen Pocket-Handk'fi, fTEWIlvi ED STITCHED LINEN HAND Ai Bwnajra,y wld bem. ffmbrolderre Liaea Hwdr' all price. BamsMdSlitebedaadplalB do, ao a do . colored norden., ,, Mowrnlng do "hlackborten ... . do , : nljecToeftltched. ' 1 Ptae Apple do aewpaturn. - ' -Mtaeee'PMln asd llemmed Stitched do art orfcM. Oeaiei Ulog the meet ecirct anortment In the cli? and to pneas. itmaiii; .. r r... e Beau uitw HtreM. nsTATCOF CHARLES CLAHM. fiTOTICB Is hereby tn thst I haws kendaryta- 11 selntee aiBaaunnr at u aauue a usaflai mri:, kits af f ranklta eaaaty , eeease- " AAVUXll V1.AAA. S. dk R. CaitteDdM. AMoreeye. )ll-3ww . ... i . i , 4 . J A ''. 4j ... . . - I ss OHIO STATE3IIAII fil 1 m: IWiaaWf Ne8.i., S8'&i6; North HJgh St. INCREASED FACILITIES ! HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, Q-roTvtly I3rilTvxsoc3 BOOK i JOB DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT y ; ; .,-with- New Types,' Borders, Ornaments, &c FROM THI OILIBRATf D FOUNDRY Of C. T. WHITE 4 CO., NEW YORK, A ' TtTTJB MARINO IT THI Most' Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. ' I am bow prepared te Xxeente all Orders for BOOK AND JOB PHINTINQ, WITH DISPATCH! And in the Host Approved Style of the Art ' PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO . MERCANTILE AND. RAILROAD H. X 3ST T X INT CS- Bill of Lading- circnlare, Bill Heads, i Blanks, Deeds, Certificates, lieceipts, Dray Tickets, llegiaters, HOW.CABDS & BILLS IN C0I.0RS, CHECKS, CARDS, : - ' HEASDI0S, VOTES, ENVELOPES, CONTRACTS. Ulnstrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Bills, Hand Bills, lahels, Concert Fro- franiBiee, Soheol and College Scheme, Ho tel Bills of Fan, Invitation, e. Soolx. Work , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogues, ' ' Kiieellaneons FampuleU, Constitutions, Reports, Briefs, ao Printing; in Gold and Colors POSTERS Printed la Every Color on a IlammothHoe Cylinder! The only Press of the kind la Central Ohio. My facQlUe for doing any and all of tb abore descrip tion of work, are now uuurpaaied, and aauitaotlon will Bognaranwea in au inni IT'AII work ranuahed promptly by th tlm promised. , RICHARD MXVINS, WHO SHOULD USE J. BOVEE DODS' VEaKTABLH DR. IMPEllIAL TOE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Conrumptlon or Weak Lang ehoaldaae them. All who euffer from Weak Stomach, Indlgutlon. Dy pepaia or PUhonld ua them. All wno tuner rrom ueoerai or norroiuinou Reetleunca at night, Want of Bleep, at., ahonld u them. All perwn who are eonvalesoent after fern or other ileknea ahould bm them. MinUtor of th Ooapel. iAWygra, Lecturer, and el public paken iboold ua them. Book Keepers, and all pern leading a tedontary If should Ba then. k The aged and roSrm ahonld bb them. All wbe require a itlmulanl or tonic ahonld lu thorn. All who an addicted to the nt of ardent rplrlti and Wbb to Inform, ahonld bm them. shey ar made of a pure cherry wine, ana or in na Itt Diana and herb of th country, and ihould be re- oommended by temperance oclellea, olergymen, phjai eUna, and all friend of humanity. Sbw an prepared by an spenencM ana nuiiui pny- dctaa. nod. atdfrom their Budidnai propertiea, an a swat delightful beragl and yet, a a medicine, an u tnaoeeniauanarmieeaina uewaoi dcbtou. Sold by draggiet generally. ... CHXXLES WISSiraLD ft CO., rroprletors, TB William St., New York. , , E0BEETS ft SAHUELj'Agejit, ; . fc CelumeeiiOhl atasdawif. Wholesale and Retail Depot for ; FAMILY GROCERIES ' No. 106 South Hkh Stree TVm. : HcBONAlb, ; . DEALER IN . :.-'.kTEAS, . FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL 'HEIR VARIETIES. Dal If rrlwal oi-needs ' For, the Fall and Winter Trade ; Of ;1860-61 rrrKETiJUNino sincere thanks TO THE PUBLIC for put faor and patron- aga, sod being DETERMINED to MERIT scontinuaoos of nun by strict altenliaa le trade, and pranapt 4ciiTer7 af Ooads, I would call th Btetice of th publio to th fast that harlBg iLarie end will Selected Stack oa hand, and being In'dally receipt of goods from th dlffer- ent sweats, I Batter myslf that I eaa offer to th dtV- m ef OotambB. et te any wbe stay dedn to purola ea asauiusent of eruu appsrnuning nu ubwubbi trade, CNEQCALED by enyhooM la th dty The fries sad nality ef th good offered, J gnar aaitea ta sriwa satisiacitan. , " Goods TeliTerid Free of Charge. waitt. ' wm; Mcdonald FIRST " OPENING OFTHE SEASON Of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ;A.T Pa ROSE'a I AGAIN OrrEH TO THE PUBLIO "an eitire new Mock of Oooda lo my Una. Jut purcb- aeed In New Tort at the cheapest panic mteeAll of which ahal. sell at th. amalleat profit, for Caah. Mr euttom en and friends an reepectfully Inrlted te call end esam- tn m Ooad sad FrlsM. a I -am determined lo nil n cneap or eaeaper man any outer noan in to euy; ana I do my owb Catting, sod superintend my awn kaai , I reelaaenreo.irom my long eipenence m ouat- , t gtr proem ntmaciion. iu saest or work .p. amnlond. sod all work don (trictl to Urn and aajfeart Botle, and warranted tn St.. Btmnren Writing aareitewooMoniaK their lotenet by giving m a call before purchasing elMwben. t , r. Bur's, BiarehSO-dly' ' -CeW Uih sad Toss s. .'""'Laces tuid.Jimbxoideries,. VACeNCIENES,jna.TElW aXBINT LamOoUenead sett. French, Puiher od Thread Lass vetis. inew pettern.; umcu aoo retMLaon, ImbroWered Collars, Beits, frtmmtnir and Skirts, Lao Bartws and Ootf ara. Fkaia Linas Cellars, etl and cas,isisaiiaii woweaa"; vi a.wa I , A'i '"' ' wim,:,"' . Be.iBteJistrest, ' oiiiiiTi.niTi S MM' iillll o IT, s i M d"'t 0- m 3 . 0- ,8 8 o , . ffTI INVITB ATTIHTION to some or th moat ex traordinary curse by my i" PECTORAL SYRUP. . They sn at home, and any on who ha doubt can In- quin of tbpron who bar been oured by.lt. DR. KBYBRB IB PR1PARBD AT ANY TIMB Tn IXAMINB LUNGS WITHOUT CHAHUBj FOR ALL TUOBB WHO NKKD Ulfl MKDIC1NE3. 4 , . ATTIND TO Y0TJR OOLDi -A cam 6f Bra yean' landing cured by PR. KKKtJKlt'B PBUTORALBYRUP. ', riTTMCEen, Jan. il, 18U0. Da, Kirim : My wlf hu been afflicted with a bad cough and difficulty of breathing, for fir or lz year, which, for lereml yean back, bad gradually Inonued In violeno. The complaint hu been hereditary, and ah bad been treated by nverel phjatclan without any re lief. In thi lat of her oa, I procured om of your Pectoral Cough Byrup. I bought, th Brat time, a fifty cent bottle, which ralieved her very much 1 1 then called and got dollar bottle, which cund her entirely, and li hu now no trace of th former diaea, aoept weak nen. I would alro alat that I oed the medlcln my elf to e cold and cough. The medicine cured me by tak lag one dora I expreia my entln utlifaction with the medicine, and you an at liberty to pukliih tlila If yoa deelretodoao. WM. WILBON, AluermaoFirthWard. PlTTISDSdlt, Nov. 18, IPSO. Da, Krrrra : Although not sn advocate of Patent Medicine, In general, It adord ms pleuure Indeaeriba hi to ncommend vour Pectoral Bvruo. Ai a mulirh,. It li well worthy the attention Of any person ho may in any manner be aiSicted with cough, cold and hoaraeneu ol any bind, and for the peculiar qualification lor re moving ell that disagreeable senaation attending -rare cold. I bar been, mon or leu, lo my lire, affected with the Mvereat of eolda aud bnancneu. At time m throat would become ao cloaed a to prevent my tpeakiog above a wuiiper, muu uj uuLiug a lew aoat oi in SOOT Syrup It would relieve me entirely. ' In recummendlng thi medicine, I muat nnheiltatlngly ay that It la tli beat remedy 1 erer found. Duroortine to care th above, nor should any family be without thi rcmcay loruiacuea w prevalent. Youn, moat rapeetfuliy, BD WARD J . JONKo, Oaihier Citlten' Deposit Hank. BTlTiunrnxB.O.. March 14. 1MU I have Ulcd Dr. KevMr'a Oouih Brrun for a hul of aeveml year itaodiog, and can cheerfully say It U mi. oc.b mniKina lor we same mat i nave ever taken. J.W.PR10B. COL. PRATT AND DR KKTSER'g. PunrnHAi. BYRUP. Da. Ktvus Dear Bir: JCxcuae Uie delav uf my acinowicugiBg uie exceiienn or your f colon! Oougb Byrup sooner. 1 uk great pleuure In saying that It i an you aay ia. j. snoccea vu HOM ow 04 my oowyA and th wont one I wu ever afflicted Willi: I hav uot oaed mon than one-hair of th bottle, and I can and do wiah that all who are afflicted would aire It u fair a trial ul have done, and they will be proud to aay, "Itlano quack medicine." I would not uflor another such su attack for any conaldemton, or at any coat. I am con fident I can breathe mon freely than 1 avr did. I (hall alway acknowledge a debt ol gratitude for Inventing tv eacellent a remedy. You an at liberty to in my nam In toll ngard, a yon think proper. . F. PRATT, aieweuger Uommon Council, PitUburgh, Pa. Plttburgh,May 11, N. B.l am no itranirer to m fellow-eltliena. and who entertain doubts can conault me personally. a. r. w. PrrnsoRsrt.AnrllS4.lHS7. BJt AD TUB TRUTH. Da. Knaxa: I have a dauih- ler who hu taken several medlcinn for a bad aomrh without benefit among them Ayer' Cherry Pectonl. 1 pnrcaaaea rrom yoa S ootlie or your rajUTOHAL BYRUP, and before aha had used half s bottle ah wu relieved. Th second bottle cured her entirely of bar congh. JOHN DARIN, , Bobluaon itreet, Allegheny. ' PrmmrjRBW, Deoember, 31, li3. A 6RBAT CURB BY DR. KBYBBR'B PBOTOUAL BYRUP. I live In Peeblea township, Allegheny-county. I had s coughing sod spitting, which comnieooed soout the 4th of February lut, and continued eight month. 1 employed th but pbytciane In th country, and my cough continued ucahated until early In October. At that Urn I wu advised to try your PJtCTORAL COUGH BYRUP, which I did, and alter I had taken one bottle I wu entirely free from the couihinr and Dlttlnr. 1 had dupalred of ever getting w.ll, and I think It ahould be known that tnia valuabl rmdy will do for o there what It hu don inuyoan. JOHN 0. L1ITLK, Wltneaa B. M. Kaaa. Feeble townhip. Patto Tr., April H, 1857. A WONDBRFTJL OURS dome Urn 1111, au old aaighbor of min was very 111. with a bad south which every one supposed to be couumption. Ill re la tires told m mat be baa tales every remedy wey beard of without benefit; hi brother came to see him die, and ell wen eonnrmed In the belief that be could not live. 1 had about the third or s bottle of your Pectoral Byrnp, which 1 gave bun, and It entirely cured him, to the aston ishment of all. What maku tb esse mon remarkable. i th tztrem sg of th man, be being aboutetghty yean 01a. 1 nave no aouDi ui rcctorai tuvea me lire. JOIiMN' 01NNI8 DR. KBYSBR'S PICTOBAL BYRUP IN ELAIR8- YILLB. Fleeee Mnd an another aupply of your vaiu able "Pectoral Byrup," Almost evsryuody around ua hu theoold and an inquiring for "Dr. Kayser' Pectonl Syrnp." e nave aoiaiuteen oottiu lutweek.andare now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. F. Maher, both of Blsirrville, Pa., tell ua they would not be without it m.ineir laminei. in ran, au wno na 11 one want It attain. Hoars, rupeetiully. . e. wait a neon a bonb. January w, vwa. . 1 ANOTHER NIW CBRTIHCATK DR. KBYBKR PBOTURAL BYRUPI had been troubled with acongh and cold lor uveral week w bad waa it that I sou Id not toes. Ihad the arivioe ud preaorlptlOB from three of th beitphirddana In the city, whom 1 oould nam, but da not do o. I finally procured a bottle of your Pectoral nyrup, wmcn curea ma entirely. Digued, . m DISVLIlVfl. S30 Liberty itreet, Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. a, 1800. "STOP TBATjOOUuBINu. 'Howaan I do ItV "Go to sVeyuron ood ilrtet and gat a bottle of blaCough Pec te j at, and If that don't cure yotu your cue meat be dupenls Indeed." This lasspactmeaof tb oelloquy on baan almost every day In sold catching period! ef th year. And w can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur In the adviser' admonition ss above, for we hav tried th '-Pectonl," la s most atobboru can. with ecuraaucecss. Bear two weeaiaao we want tePluabureh with on of th most dlstnulng. contrary, mullah, as. subdMbl cough w ever zperlneed duo our advent upon Uil mundane ipbcn. Yi soughed ateadlly and uoonousiy lor ons wooie wees, m nopw oi unng it ows. sat wu as go. sn not at see aura ntner to Bar im proved by practice, ana to am acquired atrenrth.DoUsn ey and 4UtrbUUy by the operation. In this stag of we megs, we oou jnea our way to &eynr, leu Wood BU procured fifty cant bottle of th " Pectoral, ' took It aeoordlog lo directions, anuln forty -elgbt boun vrs were muter af th field, the enemy having unconditionally ur rendered, alter s brief but unequal conflict with so to ran loan i an anvermry ss Aeynr famous Cough rcctorai. iTwwncnii, waper, ec jt irvjv. . DR. KBIBBR'B PICTOBAL BYRUP h prepared and told by Dr. GJtOliaM 11. KBYBBR, 140 Wood treet, IlltaWIMIItBt W bold In Columba by ftOBRRTS k I AM UIL.' rpo OT II A CUE REKIEDY. .. yw. subk ctjrk. ; Prepared and sold by . Da.qiO.n. IITSIR, Prlc, 23 nets. 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Ps, JO Sold In OolojBbui by ROBBRTB at BAMUBL. octa7:SiswdCra. ... . , GNTS PAPEB Neck Ties. COLLARS AND Handaoms and eeonomlcaLAlao, Silk Ties,' '' -, ? -j sain, . , ( , i ,,. lluen Caliare Half llaee, Vrawere, . ' i,-1... .t .. . . w BAIN A SON.., spr ., . , N.S9BoBHiHlrJhtnU GOLDEN IIII L SHIRTS n , , ,j fiOLDKN DILL SHIRTS, tJOLDBN BILL SHIRTS. ' 1 ' The patters ef tten shirt sn a nr. Tb Badlea. TaltM. leere end basom snfonwd to St tb panea with (an u mi.ib . am man apoa saen aas dealgBatiDf the aa reneu on a neia e eorrecr. and eafk ilrt I. guaranteed well suds, A full stock of sll qualitin eouawnuy lor aaie a BAIN'S, bovh. , Bo. K Booth High street. TBltA SHAWLS) ST IS LL A BUAWLBII In sll desirable enlnre. and .t .r great nargalne. BAIN A BON, spnis No. St Soalk Hl.h atreet. . WIItR FIANTLE FtAHAGES. FtOT Wblt and Black. Just nosaved mt IvW BAnrs. THE TJITION FOHII VjCHI TT"1'' ENVfBLOPrs-A K ABIT I OF vr sssigns, et a ,w per LOOS. , i , i , , , . ., ( - - moi izttzr AH9 oix rirza, ' athalg ihtpriueawrgd syasaaiJl tleaien. , 0BEAD ftUAETFRI-Na. 7S Seath nig airwt. vviwamva, ssay a. sooi. J.H.JU1J.I., "Si.. - ' . r. . tdr ii 'rjs ,i iili i;ti,j f,,.- v.U'.r.o't.ti'M Lin t is', ; ; ul 0 S , Bi . P lj -. A 'sMM P " RMnMsfBNDBD BY THB LATB ., 8IR A3TLEY COOPER, - , or LOBDAff. A WO DR. VALENTxNE MOTT or saw vou. Tae acknowledged Hud of th Frofesaloa la ef this siemispnere. The beet Dluretlo, Tonlo, and InvUrorant. The llneirt Extraot of the IT A MAN JTJKXPAU1 BBiaar. The rarest and Moet Costly Win Ex tant, INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES. . INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. 1 'THE SAFEST AND MOST. DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bala, Flnta and Quart, by Tar Drag; gist, Grocer, or country cae recant. - LOOK OUT TOR BOOHS ti O NDON ' "G- I N THB ONLY QENUINB AHTIOLB IB s. CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., , Importers, 91 Lfberty Bt., - ! N1CW YOBH Sold rn Oolamba by , McKEB A BISniAUX, , Wholesale and Retail Orocere, Btatraman Building. 0. A. WAONRR.and others. - Tn OlniHnnaH, hp , eoiAU, vokoTEXH a vu. ocuo-deodaiyw and others. WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN! HAVING A CIRCULATION IAR0IX BT 81TIR4X tnOUBAIiDS Than any other paper In Ohio, outald of Cindnnatl Offers Facilities for Advertising ; Which OANNOT FAIL to bring ' Speedy and HemuneratlTo Ketarne To these who Uk advantage of them. THB3 WKHLKIsY BTATE8MAN, Dlslrlbated u it I through evry Pot Office la Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Headers Whose patronage U valuable, and who seldom see ih Dally Edition of city ioarnals; and a only ., A Limited Number of Advertisements . An Inserted In Its columns, appoprtataly and HANDSOMELY. DISPLAYED! ' ton lusmrr ran to : ' ' Attrttot .ttora.tioxa OF ALL I I"-' . WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising In the V.IEKLY BTATK8MAN will fln It advantagous la THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which Is inmost certain to follow an extnirdlembi . stlon knowledge of Oielr bolne . ' r AMOKQ ' COUNTRY DEALERS ! ADTIRTI8IMBNT8 INTINSBD FOR The Weeidv Statesman Should b handed In before Friday noon. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS . ... , STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And arrows mora and mora pepnlar ererr daft And leatlmonlal, new, and almost without number might be given from ladle and gentlemen In all gnde, of society, whose united testimony son oould resist, that Prof, Wood' Ilslr Restorative will restore th bald and gray, and preserve th hair of th youth to old age, iaall It youthful beauty. Baltl Creek. Mich., Dee. 31st, J858.' Prop. Woob: Thee wilt please accept a 11ns to Inform thee tbst the hair on my head all tell off over twenty yean ago, caused by s complicated chrooio diiean, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual eoun of suffering through Uf having reduced me to tats ot dependence, I have not been able ts obtain tun" for caps, Deither hare I been able to do them up, In con sequence of which my head liu suffered extremely from cold. Thi Induced m to pay Brlgga A llodgu almost th lut cent I had on earth for s two dollar bottle of thy Ilslr Restorative, about the Bnt of August laat. I have faithfully followed the dtreetton,and the bald spot Is now covered with hair thick and black, IhoBghabtrt, it la sin oomlng in sll over my head. Feeling confident that auother largs bottle would restore It (ntlrely and permanently, I feel anxlou to perae verve In It ua. and being destitute of means to parchas any more, I would ask thee If thee wouldat not be wlllUur to send aaa aa order sn thins sgnt for a soul, and receive to thy. elf, the scripture declaration "the narard 1 to those toat are Hind torn wmow and ine fetterless" Thy friend. bUBANNAli KTBAT LUronler. Nobis County. Indiana. Sea. ftih. ikiu Paor. O. J. Woom ior tjir: la lbs latter part of me year aco. wune attuuin we DtatS SBd riatlonal Law School of the Btats ot New York, my hair, from s oann unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap Wly, w that in the snort spec of six months, th whole upper part of my scalp wu almost entirely bereft of It covering, and mach of the remaining portion upon the hi. ana uk pan oi my oeau enoruy alter Became gray, su wm ywa win put vs eurpriaeu wuen A mil you mat up on my return to the Stats of Indiana, mr mora casual acquaintance Wen not so modi at a lot to eioovr tu oaau or uie inang in my appearance, u my awn inti mate acquaintances wen to reoegoiM m at all. I at one mad application to th mot skillful phyap viau. ih ui. (wuuuy, uut, Deceiving no saiurancs from them that my hair would again be restored, I wu forced to become reconciled te my let, until, fortunemly, in th latter part of the year 1K17, your ReetoreUvs wu rw commended to me by a drumtisl, a be lug tb most relia ble llalr Beatorattv In use. 1 tried on bottle, and found to my great utlsfaclioa that It wu produclag tb desired effect. Bloc that Urns, I have end Sevan dol lars' worth of your Raatoratlve, and u e result, hav a ricu cw ei very ion uiaca nair, waicii no money can Aas mark sf my gratitude for yoar labor and skill la the production of n wonderful as article. I have raoam- mended Its us to msny of my friends and acquaintances, -..v, .u mwj wimuiw you, an asing u wiut Ilk effect. ery reapectfully, your. A.M. ItATTA. . ' ... Attorney and Counsellor at Law. . Depot, 444 Brasdway, and sold bv sll dealm at,. AM, , ). mill w-m Ths Restorative la nut as In hnttl.. r ,hu large, mrdiam, and small; ths small hold s pint, sod retslle for os dollar ear Aottiat uai au. a. I . . . MM, wnwivrw osui, more in proparaoa tbaa tasaaualU and nulls for two dollar a boitva: the lam kia.? luart, 40 er cent, more In proportion, and retail for S3 S bottl. O. J. WOOD A CO.. SnnHalM AAA B.. V-l. .... i i. mi. jT.. 1 r". ,7T -"""V, W --HMin mi.., .mil, oi. MSB, aa. And sold by ROBERTS A SAMUKLTcoinrnhn. nn- Milh..llUwlll..H.ri...,v ' . .. . wwv, 1 ... , mninki wooq jveaiera. viuaievwsowJf . Watches I Diamonds II -BUrer Ware!!! A CHOICE Af-SORTflENT Of OOL.6 and Silver Wtdies. In great variety. I aa AtWBl for th AaaaunAa Wana II. a. . "'I thu excelleat WstclMS at manulacturen' prices, Corns snd ebons from m beauttrat dlanlaw r Tim. mood sod other rich Jewelry, birruoswprlonlow. As to Silver Ware of a tar line auallir. I eaa ahaa, u. aw.m, aainisqana. Silvw Plated Wars, Tea Setts, Urns, Wsltere, Onto re, Bukel. Pltehara OnhUta. Knlna. Inn, a. Then I have a amnnl.cn Ana Wahia rtniUM. u. naivaa, aason, me., ano aaar rancs uooaa. an.a a. an aeairea ior present t ucn prices u an aa Induce aivui ve in. parcnaeeri vvm. IftlMl, Fo, 10 Buckey Block,1'1' aani i am. siue Dial iloau Sutler.' Gents' Linen S Colkrs, Or "TJPEBIOR aVALITTsIN din. j ROTE, etaudlna, Byroa, Pamrnay, Bsortw aadl' other new hapta. Uemmed Pockil Uaudkerchiefa. Rack IT) , . , . . , uinve,iisir Ilea of aa.1 id TT I H, i , I i I I, I i v' alahlng floods In great variety sad at aaederste nvieae. ' fetni'l No. BeuUi Uifb ttreetj I ' LFJt AlfDRES atAAU sues snd eslon last V?.T 1 tr-v, I .'.-.4 , .1- , '!, -.. .! I -ara KID OLOYCS. : , 1 P. psnees BAISI,;. la g- .,', t7 PF-WSeaaggiBShwtt rta'.ri? 1 eel te-;';! BMt T i l oo ' w Mute Uu and Sasqulau " 1 LKICHED I.Tr.l A TTFr A BT-A Cl UTITTS I stecane WAlltMe Kn Laurel Sura. fci-W ..ms I .var-f, , ,, , t. t, o r, 1 1 l "A f. 1 .JZJJZ TjfX,fis!r;QSjiL- " ViAU VaJi timt TMC OF THE a remedy thMeares " ' rrrr'frZ'J -.7 Every Kind of Humorr noM .. ., .;; The worst lororala down to a eommon "llmpit,, B hu tried It In ovr lvan hnadrsd eaesi, and nev failed eaoept In two ease, (both thunder humor.) He hu now In hi possession over on hundred oerlUkate of It value, all within twenty miles of Boston. ' Two bottles are warranted to sure a eurstng son month. ...... i i. , . i . m On to three bottle wllloure the wont kind ol Pimples entheraos. , t,Two or three bottl will elear th system of biles. V Two bottle ar warranted to ear th wont canker la th mouth or stomach. Ihreeto fln bottle en warranted to eun tb wonl kind of Eryeipelu. .. Onete two bottles an warranted to eun all humor the Bye. ... ...... , . . , Two bottles an warranted to eun running o th tar and blotchu amons the hair. Four to alx botle an warranted to cure corrupt and One bottle will on re scaly eruption of ths akin. Two or three softies sn warranted to cur ths wsrst kind of rlnsTworm. . Two or three bottla an warranted to our the mot IhiimI. Jtf . .1 ... Three to four nottluarewarraa led tocnreult-Bhsiu. Fivs to sight bottles will cure Uie wont ease of scro fula. A benefit U always- experienced from ths Brtt bottle, sperleotcursl warranted when th abovs quantity Is aasu. ... nOXBHRT. MASS. Dsui MinsM: The reputation of th Medical Dis covery, in curing sll kinds uf humor., It so well sstab Uthed by th unanimous voice or all who hav aver and It, that I need not ear an turns' on tha aublasL u the most skillful phytlolan and tb must careful Druggtala la uivwuiHy are unanimous in it pnm. Innreaentln tha Medical DlMnmr rn vnnv nnlLna. 1 do It with a full knowledge of Itiountlv pewer, in r4 Uevlng sll, and curing moat ot thou dlnaus a which yna an unfortunately ao liable. Thst most axerwMaf " dlMAa to an affectionate mother, NUHSINO SOKE JTIO' TII, It eared u If by e miracle j your own temper I ret tend to Its natural sweetneu, and your babe from abort and fretfolnaps to calm and sweet slumber; sad tha Medical Discovery become s fountain of blearing to your huihand and bounhold. , . In th mon advanced stares of t OAHKEK , , Itsxtenditow stomach .canting which Is nothing bnt canker on th stomMhi thso to the Intestine asd . KIPNEYN, ereatlng e sinking, gone feeling, sod sn Indifferent ve to the ears of your family. - YouritomachU HAW AND iNrLAirtED, . yoar toed dlitretsesyoa, and yoa eaa only tsksesrtola kind, and svn of that youriystem doee not get half ths nourishment It oootalns, u the eerlmonoua fluid of th canker eat it apt then your complexion loses Its bloom and become ullow and greenish, and your belt day I ton. For want of nourishment yoar system be oome loon and flabby, and ths fibres of yoar body be mm relaxed Thea follow a train of diseases which tb Medical Discovery I peculiarly adapted to . , . C TJ II E . Palpitation of th hurt, pain lo the aide, wwkneu e thetpln and aoall of tha hack, pain of tha hip Joint iwarm re.ire, irraianty oi uie Dowels, ana Bin, mat moat (xeruciating ot dues sea, tn PILES. ' - How many thousand of poor women an u Bering from thi disease nd pining sway a mlaerabl life, and their next door neighbor doee sol know the causs. I wish to lmprat on your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of prevention Is bettor than s pound of cure," In th MEDICAL DISCOVERY ' yoa hav both th preventative and the sure, with this great and good quality, that It will never, andar any oircumatancea, uo you any injury, , . TUE MEDICAL DISCO VLHV I sspeclaly Intended for diseases of th blood, hut sine it introduction in urn wettern But, it I found to br ins out AGCE KEITJED V thtwuvrb.forth publio. - J No change of diet ever necaataryut the betl yoa cu and get enough ot it. DixscTionroa on Adults oo table spoonful par day Children over ton years, dease.-t tpoonful Chlldrea from five to eight yean, era spoonful. Ae no directions canta applicable to all eontitutlons, take ufBcltnt to operate on tn oowei twin a day. Ysan trulr. ' DONNAf.D KENNEDY. Prtoe SI .00 per bottle. For I every druggist In tb United BUte. up-.il-da.wiy. pO YOU WANT WHISKERS? VOU WANT WHISKER37 DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? iDO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? bellihqhaii'8 . S OBLBBRATID SlimulatingOngucnt, Forvthe Whiskers and Hair Th tabsrvibers tak pleasure Is announcing o the Oitiun ol m United States, that tbay have sbUlntd tlx Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American publio, the above Justly celebrated and world-renowned article, ins I STIMULAT1N6.0NGUENT I tvrenarsd brTs. 0. F. BELLINOIIAM. an emlnsm physician of London, and Is warranted to bring sut s thick nl or V ' Whiskers or a Mustache In from thru to six week. This artlcl to ths snly one ef ths kind used by ths French, and In London and Pari It la In universal um. It la a beautiful, ecoaoBiical, aoo thing, yet tlaalatlng compound, so tlag u If by magic upon ths roots, causing sbeautlful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, It will sun BaJJiwass, arid eases to spring up la place ot Die bald spots a fins growtn or now nair. Ap plied according te directions, It will tarn asa or Towr hair aaas, and restore gray balrte.lts original color, leaving It aolt, smooth, and flexible. Th Oaermrr" I an todiapsnaabls article In every gSntletsaa's toilet. Sad alter one weeks um they would not ursnyoDotuiereuoo be without It- The subnrtbsn an th only agents for th article In the United State, to whom all order must be addnesed Prlc On Dollar a box for tale by all Drursiat and Dealer; ore box of tha "Ongnent" (warranted lo k.ve Ui desired affect) will be nut to soy Who desire It, by mall (direct), securely pecked, on receipt af price and postage, f i. ja. Apply to or sourest BORAOa L. HBUIMAN A 00.,' T. ' MOSJOISIB, At., 1 , . - frWOdAwum ' 4 William Street, New-York. !HENEY TOW; Wholeul and Retail Dealer tn Foreign & Domestic Cigars. asp san sxtjins '. ' , 8mokiDg ft Chewing-Tobacco. Alto, ths Best qaslity of KalTrT'l eonitantlj oa nana. HjCountry Merchant en Inrlted to sail nfore pay chasing tlsewbere. .!... ...-', NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, hovxl-wesi, ( , , . VAJM J A XL, y. WM. KNABE c CO. BOOM, HO. WBSlJOtOMiei. mm AXB . ' ' NOB. 1, , sod BT. BUTAW SIB 1 " ' Offer for sal Ineir celebrated .. GOLDEN MEDAL. ' " YtJ ii . ; - -'i t-; 0 v. j ... -AN0SQARE i - PIANO-FORTES. Bains hlshlr reewmmeavdad tr tha first PlufsSMil Sad mtrat Aauateuri of toe oeuntrv. aae . EVERY , ... H I. . ' i IB8TRUMENT . .. i. i wiatituntna. 1 : rrvB tears The ascert tsstldlews eaurfoawr' may rely apa eeku pieuea in nry rupeot. : , , I xwrsuiiaerai. wm KNABE fa 00. I BBLTZU A W1BBTXR. Awrats, -. , - ; B .l ectSSllydw. . i J Olnlrua. 0tui0t;. J - -.it,'.,.. .l-.l 1 PRlNas CtOAkS AND BaNES I aauy arvi.BiU-ttialaa Jc haa. No. SO Soul Illgh street, bar Jus opened sew tyle of Oiotw Oi; tmuas. Baaqouiu aod BaCqoaa, mfcle la the Bswest and stylise , saueaa. Alaa, i a, at flat UlaCM alias, vary buvy, dctln) sxprusly for LEIOIIED SUKETIBUS AUDI ., an iiiririiiii all artntha. af tantuMbratsd aakea. I Sllared la rrulaal vuleij SB ",''7" r7 : 1 BAIfa A aulsf. , t'irsJ ffr-sf. :tt S9 SoataDIrt aruV'i - - . I spriU If ..Hal AND,- 1 '' . ' ' , . . . TACst STltAw BONN BUT A .J m-ar- -a c ( JJHNtS Uhbape, l grM ,. Wirt atnal .1 ' -Viw ei,U It.r-Jd tu.U.i nr oJ rV.-ijoA k J.iv 9 tit WMS If' il''9VU 3 ti6MU,UH9W3X CO OY . . . i - I i:ut,t I,- Dr. J.n.lIcLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood The Cireateet Iiemedy la TUe M arid , AND las i ItQiT-rjrxiaous AND DELIGHTPUL CORDIAL , EVER TAKEN. TT IS STRICT. X tr a Klentifia and YegeUbl Oomponnd, i proonndsy Uie distil lation of Roots, Herb qand Barks, Yellow 'Dock, Blood Boot, Banaparllla, Wild Vherry Bark and Dan- j deiion enter into Iter Before Tukins" aouveVnmedbuAftcr Taking. prtnelpl of each- Ingredient Is thoroughly extracted ly my new metiiod of dlaUlilng, producing i. a aeucirua, aiienung spirit, and in moat anmaiiIiiuijis remcoy ,ut renovating th diseased tystem, and restoring th lot, suffering and debilitated INVALID to 11KALTH and BTBJtNUTU. . , , noLEAN'S) STHENOTUENINU COH DIAL ) Will sffsotoslly can , COMPLAINT, DY8PBPBIA, JAUND10I, LlYEk ' Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidney aad all diseans arltlng from a disordered Liver or Hton. j uh, Dyspeptla, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Aeiilltv or Bui neu of th Stomach, Fullneu of Blood to the Heal, Dull pain or swimming In the head, Palp.tatlon of the Heait fullness or Weight In tb Stomach, Boar Htuctatlon Choking or suffocating feeling when lying down, Drvneii or Yelluwnewof theBxlnand Kyea, Night Bweata, In ward Favers, Pain lu tho small of the back, cheat or aitie. Sudden Flushes ol Heat, Depression or Spirits, Frightful Drums, Languor, Despondency or any Nervous Disease Bore or Blotches oo the Skin, and Fever and A.'ue (or Colli and Fever.) ' N .' Over a Dlllltou of eiauiee Have been sold during the lut (Ix monttis, snd In oa In Uncs hu it failed In giving entire Mtlsfactlon. Who then, will anfferfrom Weakoen or Debility whOd Mo LEAN'S BTRBNQTHBNINQ CORDIAL will cm you! No language can convey an adequate Ides of the unioe dial and almost miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial in th diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous aytttnt, whether broken down try excess, weak by nature, or impaired by lcltn, th relaxed and onstrut g organisation Is restored to it pristine health and vigor. M.., , IrlAUIIIED rEHSONS. Or (there conscious ot Inability, from whatever cantr. Will find McLean ( Strengthening Cordial a tharough regenerator of tha tyaUrm; and all who may have injured tliemselves by Improper Indulgence, will find In Ui Cor dial certain and speedy remedy. K I ana Aiaaiea. cLean s Strengthening Cordial .. . : li sovereign and epeedy cure for INCIPIENT CONSCRIPTION, WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of Urln or InvolunUry Dlnhsrg thereof, Falling of the Womb, Olddlneaa, Fainting and all Diseases lncidne t Femalu. There Is bo Mistake About It. Buffer no longer. Tak It according to Direction!. It wllletlroulate, atrengthsn snd invlgont you and caun the bloom of health to mount your cheek again. - , I vary bottl IS warranted to glv ntltfsctloa. . . ! , FOB CHILDREN. . If your children are sickly, pnny,or afflicted, McLetuF Oordlal will make them healuy, fat and robust. Del, not amoment, try It, snd yoa will be convinced. IT; 18 DELICIOUS . TO TAKE. - OaoTiow. Beware of Drnrglit or Dealere who may try to palm upon yoa some Bitter or BanansrilU traaht ' which they can buy cheap, .by savins it is jutt u good. Avoid such men. Atk tor McLean' Strengthening Cor dial, and taks nothing else It la ths only remedy that will purify ths blood thoroughly snd ai the same time -strengthen the system. On toDleepoonful takes every morning fasting, I a certain preventive of Cholera, Chill and Sever, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent diseuca. It 1 put up In Lnrgs tottlu. Prlc only 1 per bottle, or 8 bottlu for 5. J.li. MuLBAN, L . .7 Bole Proprietor ot thi Cordis), i I - AIM McLean' Volcanic Oil ulnimenf, Principal Depot on ths corner ol Third and Pine itreets S, Louis, Mo. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liulmeut. ' the but Liniment In th World. The only ante and certain care for Canoe re, Piles, Swellings and Bron chitis, or floltre, Panlysis, Neuralgia, Weakneu of ths Muscles, Onnmlo or inflammatory Kheumatlsm, Btift neu of th Joint, eontracted Miuclea or Ligaments, Earache or Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, Fresh Outs, Ulcere, Fevr Bore. Oaked Breut Bon Nipples, Boms, Bcalds. Bon Thoat, or any Inflammation or Pali , nsdlfferesos now severe, or ho long ths disease mi y bars xlted. . MoLean's Celebrated Linimot I a car; lain remedy. Theuaand of human being hav been saved a llf if leenpitod and mlnry by the au of this in valuabl med dne. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will nlieve pain almost lnstantaneoaaly, snd II wllv clean ae, purity and heal th fouleat sore In an inondi ly ahort tune. For Horse and Other Anlruale. 1 McLean t celebrated Liniment Is ths only uf and rc liabl remedy for the care of Spavin, Ring Bone, WU..I galls, Splints, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or Swelluigi. 1 1 will never fail to eun Big Head, Poll Evil, Pillule, Old running Boras or Sweeny, If properly applied. For Bpralna, Braises, Bcretchts, Bor,-, or Wounds, Cracked Ueela, Chafea, Baddl ort ollar ( lilt It I sn infallible remedy. Apply It as dire ted, and s cure 1 eeruin In tvery Instance. .if Then trine no longer with the many worth leu Lint, amis offered to you. Obtain a sut,pi, . f Dr. McLean' celebrated Liniment. It will cure you. - J. II. IflcLEANtBola Prop.'itor, Oomer of Third sad Pisa Street, Bt. Lui, Mo. For sal by ell druggists. Ferial, by , , , ROBERTS A RAMUBI . augSU-dawly Oolumbua, Ohio. HESTQHATIiJfi CQROIAL . BLOOD nENOVATOIi . B, ' I precisely what It nam Indicate, lor, wnue 'pleasant to ui tails, It la revivify! ng, exhllaral .tor. invurontina and itranrthoning t 111 vital Luowers. and at ins urns aim re vi vine, rein' blslatu, and renew th Blood in all Its purity, sod thus at one rutorel and render tA vetem in- a IcWnsrtvUefo attack of tia. It lath only ' IpreperaUoe ever ottered to the world, socheml- i U caily and skillfully combined u to be ths moat ' ipjwor'ul tonis. sna si in urns urns o periecuyj Ll.iJ In . ' i nil In n.rlm,taRRnr,l.nRM wllil til. fL'tof nature, and hence Will sotfcUsosyii'LJ W'MomaaA, and ton op tb digestlv organs, aodlj . thus allay all nervous snd other IrrluUon. It l,Vr jlperlccUyexJillaratlng.audat ths same time it a Q composed entirely of vegetables, yet so eombined . 71 la to uroduee th most thorough tonic effect, with- Lout producing any Injurious consequence. Bucb . ' remedy bu long been felt to be a de,lderatum ln'1 S. Km 'ar, Idas see medical world, for it need no meaicai miii to r - thatd.liiUtyfollsws all atucksol disease, and iprooeed and Indeed laya the syitem ovn to the U 0 iutidlou attack or many oi w moai iai, ,, -fur example, u ths following: Uoneumplton, In Widiiesil.n, Dyspepsia, Lou of Appetite, ralntneu, Nervous Irritability, Beunlgla, PalpiuUoBOt the PjJ Heart, sielanotioly, Wigutoweau.uuiguor, uiaiu- hasas. HetenUon or, ss wen u rainini OMtructea, Loo Drof use, or too scan, oteusaruaiiuu, auu saii- lng of the Womb. There all depend upon general! I f 0 kleblllty.' xuia pure, naaiiay, ioiuo worauu anui Blood Itsnovaior is u sure to sun u in sun to rto snd nt. Then Is no mistake about It. But thia Is not all. If ths yateia is weakened, we are open to bilious attack, to liver becomu torpid. p. m mono ulsesuo, us Sidneys reiuse to psriorm their fansUons. and ws an troubled with scald tat; and tncununtno ot urine, or involuntary dis charge vf the tame, pain in ths hack, side end be-1 tween lbs sbouioers, exceedingly itaoie to tngnt is Wolds, soughs, and If unchecked, boob smaclattonl w follow, and the paatont gou down I a premature! a !gnvs. .But space will not allow ui to rnutnerateTl (jJiUM atahy 111 to which w an llabat la awaakeiwd V loondltloa of the tysteru. But w will lay, in this . a, ICerdial and Blood Be jovator yoa nav a penwt. "MM c-kfiD safe. pieatanvBBa euecnaai nmcay tor aosa .AppaUto, Blllouanus, FUtolcnoe, weak and elckjl i, Langoer, Liver Oomplalut, Chill and gever. sr Boy Bilious stuck. CoeUveneu, Acidity of th Slomaoh, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Palpita hlsaef th Heart, Depnutea of Spirits, eores.'M 4 :i .i rimpies oa ue rtc, of any oiaran anauig "u" ss r,,ii . auara blood, such u Bcrofula, KryalMlaa, Bron I' ' iinltls, Qoagh, dimoalty of BreaOiuig, and ail that -1 ' l ww aisnwv - - a, .- O'ooiue ef eUaeases called female, wnkaess, aod M name rated above. Ws will sin say the traveler fj arjaceea to epioemioa, cua"g. oi ciuuai bb wai-i . i , I lll ... I. - 1-.-..., hI. ... H ...m u.. u . . rt, -ill. wn 1. B (.iaw, - aaj jaadeeae should ever travel without. Reader, J tryiu lorweauanyoayea wuiBauiB na ineoai a mdsed, as wsll us friend la need. All persons of asdwBtary bablta will find It a perfect preventive of A u well a eun for thonallmanU to which lby sis U parUoularly upend. Iltno minis teretudenUH urasse. ilisnnr luUesnen And lad lea who an not . I aecuaiomed to much outdoor xicl, will find II fn it abelr advantage te kwp a bottl eoostsntly oaj (- it Uiandi sad, above all, aaothsn. or tnn oeoominaj ITj tuch; will go through that moat daoawron pwiod rijoot oaly wtk sll their acoisUunea slresgLtt, oui , aafeand free from ths Uiouaandallrnenta so prey, aV 1. . . - - . , - 1 . , 1 mi II, ... I. niacuiaiauoa ui. ivaoaie a-vr.iMv v. -tv.m - . abort, it Is Indeed a Mother's eerdiaU. tw it. Bid w land youtigl na aonger rvaa the risk of delay ; UwUU ' IUM and ttrara ItaalV amtlliaUcallV B iUWn 0. JT. WiK)D, proprietor,, 444 Broadway, New Yerk.and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. I ano nid by BOBaaiS A SAMUaL, Colnsmbu, Onto, Lnd all good Druggist! Price Oos DolUi aW Bottl. 'v - J suhW-dAweowly a n I . '! '-..ua fc'J i7i , I . wars - A ar tr BI n. D-A OENTI TO "ELL II aekira ot BTAIlOHSar. sna rf-vm..,.-. ,,T 1 - elsewhere- - - T- - sua than can be porelissrod elsewhere asasarP aatoletwdj J. L. BAILSY,!. &TolZi 4artt Bntoa, Alaa. r . . . BjsrcO tB).w. i 'i .. i-K I ti.Cj i iv.Ilt'' .-..,,.1 T. ,7iv,2 Cv:ui j 1 ,.ocrtf