.f.ATHROP. LUDINGTON & CO. JAM PAEX fLACE, 4- 20 22 MUaSAY SlBEST, 3M XJ VI' "gOTVTX, """'wfORTERB AND JOBBERS OK ! Poreiga'and Uoiaestlo DfiYT600DS OR CASH OR APPROVED CREDITi ; CLOTH DEPARTMENT. i;! m,U has i rows to IU present magnitude unaer in. TBI pas " " . u.i iDrno ud norougn rTTLT.." iT win .bn.irs Udm f a-kjKWlsdged SOOd a" AaSMteadCbolOSSt ' 1 A in.!' t FAiicvvrnwcs, AND FANCY1 CASSIMERES ?. ko found la taeaiarkei, u jrf.ni. o P iSSSto-. Also, .11 grades, lor. and rarietles o C BROADCUOTHB."; t T ' t i SATINETS, I ,,-vw LADIES' CLOAINNUS, , ,. .ri - v ,i v ,TWEED9 ' ' '..o..tEOHA!IT8,OABBIUiai8. t . .JirrtPITT MAUI, fro. . BJ BX P" gnd apwda; , , ... , r I IStoSO; . ,rj PRINTED SATINBTS, At 14 centsi And tOmr Gttd wn-pW.Bo.a Lot. V , . .. BBEsa-QooDS . Depaetment, ( jUnehcster DeUIn, Ltamtlton ' . (Mite ae -' printed Lawns, f hated Brllllsntes, . fancy Gingham, Bombaalnee, Bleak Bilks, .-, fancy Bilk.., , , ,, r Printed Gbsllls, Manchester ainiihaaie, Glasgow a0 Clinton d. Oilommn Cloths, Alpacas, poplins, . wf ji (A NtuStkct Style f FANCY SPRING COODS. MarrtaaoPnaU, , Coetaeoo do. Richmond! Prtnta, American - do. . DunneU'a do. Man-tar.oMi.PrlnU.kc. ..... , . DOMESTIC COTTONS. yoM 1 Au Grade and Width. BIXACUKD BIUBTlSOi AH BUMIIKflB. Waaontta, Lonadala, Hill, Ortat Valla, .. Naumkeag. Valtham, Boott, Nw Tork Willi, to., to. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, ' A IAB0B AMD BILXOT A880BT1IINT. C0TT0NlDI8- groat Tariotj. 0I1B0K8 o TlCKltsaB-all tho Uadinrt brands. 8B1BT1NO SIBlPBB-nU tho ltadinn brand. AKKBKNB . OOBET JBA5I J . ' SSSAaaB, MP1B CAMBRICS, 0OL0BBD 0AM 7 BBJCS, to, to. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OP W HIT! GOODS, B08IXST, v . Vavxss BOnOHS, Gentlemen's Finishing Goods, - UMBRELLAS AND PARASCLS, CAKPET8 AW OIl.-ei.OIHS, . . . nrutw of Sooda act onomotatod all of JSw-tta larger portion at trout 10 to par cent, lee haa laatjeat. LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO., NEW YORK. r2 STONE'SJAZAAft TSTn. 4- GKvvnne Block, A, P. STONE & O'UARRA ABE NO W RECEIVING THEIR WIN-IBB- GOODS, and tnrit the publw to inspect them. Mo snen stoe oi this market. TbeBouOi, to oonsequence of the failure of the i rain crop, baa not been aoie w purcnaso me uw nalqmiutr of rich goods, and this fact baa reread tho Importer to sell them at pnollo auction. Oar buyer a-, h... in Mew Turk at these large aaloa, took adrantag of them, and wo can and will sell our rood Stan, at neseinananyoo" .r"" T7TZ paid for them In new lora. oaTtTpress silks, ottoman velours, broche valencias, . PRINTED Mt'BINOS, PRINTED COBURG3, .. DYED COBUG3 BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPIelNS, PRINTS, . ,,, ... ...... , ELAINES SHAWLS AUD CLOAKS Five Thausand Dollars Worth " Bought in One Day, v LADIESV FURS, HOSIEKY DEPARTMENT. M es't, Ladies and Children's Under Shirt and Drawer; Ladies, ntieee and ChlWreo1 Hosiery of all kinds, In Wooland Lamb' Wool; Blooey Lined and Cotton Olorei of rry make. -.. j AIM A eamplete aortmnt of all tho uanal Trl titJOf . ., : -i . . LADIES' CLOTHS, ' CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, - - TWEEDS FLANNELS, 1 v H.IBBONS. . DRES3 TRIMMINGS Ltdies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand kercliiea, ao &o. To person who call on .as, w pledg -cur word to bow them tb largest, best and cheapest stock of Goods twee een ta uii market, or pay tnem one bear while looking. . aool-dlySlawltw. ' "- 1 ST05H t OUARRA.- W. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye! Tba splendid EatrPy baa no equal UutantaiWouiTn aXecV-BeaaUfal Black oi Kataial Broun no vUlniog the akta ermimring taeHaa? ranoawenasaosur aa Sort of BadSyofv and larrigorat the hair for Ufo. oaa are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batcbelor, Beumnrvbsre. - " ?:rr ... ..., , OHAS. BATCHBLOB, Proprietor, Jyltwly v. , .. 81laiel3Stfat,wTor. HAIR , DYE-HAIR DYE. Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye! TH OrlgiBal and Zent la to World All etberc are nters Imitation, and (boa id b ateided If yoa wish to escape ridicule. . BAT, BSD OR S.UBTT HAIR Dyed Instantly to . beaatlfal and Rataral Browa or Black, wlthoat bajary to HasrtSUa. '.''. v.-' sy. t ': IITTIEX KIDALi AHB DIPLOMAS Bar awirded to Wn. AiBatchelor since Vtft, and orer 80,00 appUoaUoa bars been Bud to th Hair of bbj patrovw lwBma '.'i'?...', "'' Utn WM. A- BAt (JITtXOB'S HAIR MB prodnee a eel or not to be distingnlied from nature, and I wanantoo sot t btfar m tn matt, howwn, kmg It may be eontin ad,aad tb IU eSent f Bad Dye sdtod tboHalt arlgoratid for lit by this splendid Dy. old m all ciU,3 and town of lb United State. riata and Pancy Goods beaten. lj"tt Wuuane has the oaaieood address pn a steel plate " rmip, (oar si tin of each bos, of WILLIAM A. BAiVlii.-'"H. AiWree ' ' - - CuARLae BATCWKLOB, PJojirtelof, , fB-wlp ; ' - 1 Barclay iUeet, tiew lork. . ! NOWEEADY. .-THE REVISED STATUTES Or TBI .' QT-VTMU OF OXZXO Jf AGINIRAL HATCH!, IN fCBOB ACQ. l,imt. ' ;Honi Joseph IL Swan, ViTRtro'm or ma zxcwoss or rinsv ,4. ,,',..'... rjuia ootxz (Contain" In twenty-nln yolnaMSof ths phto sad Ohio - .. fat Wetv) - "' ' , AV9 iriRItSCI8 TO f WOE UWl tV i,EAtllCH J.CBIIOUU'JEIJBtES- iwi) a rrLL and ocmmriirr mutt.,'1 ' la two Ro;al 8to. Volnmw. Pric $10 00. Ma ei exTXmebu bm iptra! to kuk tbt work erfect and wltabto to illwpMli. " It bu now mo ifuuiuT" pao"ui mo d w Mrljr too anntoioui' YOU of boin Bontot, iad WW ordered 10 M dUinmioa w un rouewuif p tod 0onomort Imry, OwptrolUr, Tmwt r and Aadltorof Bute, and DwthatA nuitL rinaria of Oodhiob Ploaa. Sapor i.. a nii rinrt Autittora. and tho Gloria of thO rf.B fifii in th Mantr. to tha Member! of tho Bonato and Hraaa of BoprewnUUTOa of Ihla BUto, and Uw h mora of the moral Btawa oi mo union. . Thtaj book, oontauiof, aa n aooa, an oi lam pm u iii foraa. and tha authorltatl oonatraetton of thorn ud of tho Now Oonatltutlon, will ba found to ba oipoelat- If natfal ta tho porformanoo of their auuaa, a an j OOTJNTYOrriOBRB, ' iUBTlOBS Of TH1P1ACB, lOWNBUIPTBaSTKES,) ' , , , ' '" CLBRKB Of T0WNBHIPB, and , , . oitT ornotu. . ' loauauch u Terr aiani obangoi lara boon siado la tho Itatatee alaoo ttao pnolieaUoa oi tho lut odlUona. of ro ni. altanuiooa and addlUoao. and bmbt teportant do- olatona taa?o baaa (Itm by tho Buprano Ooart oa eon- IroTorted polnu, au . A1IO UN KVd AT LAW, .,'! i . BANaBBB. MSB0UANTI . . . AUD MV tin Hit MIM GIN1BJUXT 71U and thia aa InTaloabl Work. 7cv RtyaX 8ra. Ydtvmm of ovr UlnMttn Bundnt In Suoni Uw Binding, frloo 1 10.00. mbliahed by " ' , - ' . KOTtHTRT CLAIULEi & CO Law Pabllihtrt, Booknlltrti BtaUonora and ImporttM. A. 60 wait ronrui avroi, feM8:d2oi:il Cincinnati 0. PCBCHA8EH WAMTEDforSCOpackagotof StaOonory and Jewelry, for aalo at prieaa aa In Toloed, lea 10 percent, diacouot, at the oxpreai office at voiDjaDua, vnio. ' ' ai. ,,a wanted to aell lh beet packet, of t alien ory (with r without Jewelry) In tho market, at prtcoi lower than can ba surahaaed a'jewhoro. Addre, with ,U.pled, . . J. 1. BATLBT, ' JlylJ-ltw 151 Court itreat, Boaton, Mau TRAVELLERS! fTTUM m nm VnrO . drlva oHrejot to thO VY SMlXUBOItlAJK MOeSK; BROADWAT, CORNER 01 HOUSTON 8TXIT. . Conducted on th EUROPEAN, PLAN. Good fare, Good Room,, Prompt Attendance, and Mod- orate Charge. BINQLB ROOM 50 CIS. 73 CT8. and II PXB HAT BODBtl BOOHS and PARLORS $10 to J. Meal u ordered. Thla Howl bat all the appointment of th beat hole), a moot central location, and Is boated throughout by steam. BAatCBL a. UBAO, . marcbUdJm jrropnewr. ZZbTOXTXI.STOJ3. I0ES H WEZKLZSs - AGENT FOR HOME, CONTINENTAL, U . U T.wiMM Wish Ih. fin.' New Tonal Uaavcaurra' and dm f ma or Haarroaa Naw Toaa Lira and Com. Mctou. Lira. Office, 81 Hlsb ttt., BaToigeta Bl b7-dly . Alexandre's Kid Gloves. PLAIN AND EMBROIDERED, IHOUS QCBTA1BB and regular (hap Black Kid Olcrea, embroidered la white, magenta, purpU, to. Undreasod KidOlona. Miasea Kid OloTe. A complete asooxtaaent of these celebrated Gloros alwayi for sal by . nun at BUM, feb27. Ho. JOBouUi High street. rvBESS GOODS New and Attractlre. MozaniQcia, TaAtriuNo Forum,' Cam PoruHs, ' "'' Poa db Chktus, . Gbixkllbb, FuitcR CHiimrs, Fkincb Mubunb, ' ' Fbinch OaOAMDiu, Chutebb Washinb Silks, Elcoant Dbbm Silks, . Hkatt Sabqub and Mantlb Silks; And all other new and fashlonabte materia moat la demand for handsome Dresses and Mantillas. . , - BAIBt BON, aprS9 - Ho. 89 Booth High street. HATING THIS DAT SOI.D OtJB Block of Groceries to G. S.BBinNa.we cheerfully recommend him to u old patron and mend. TH08. WAIJUtB BOM. Columbus, March S9tfc, 18til apl-dtf T7II.E6ANT PLAIN BtACK BILKS BOB 111 Street Baeques and Mantle; also. JUoB Trtmmia and Tinsels to match, at BAIM mayss Summer Under Garments LADIES LISLE UNDER TESTS. Ladle Gaasa Merino do. do. . Orata Bilk Drawer and Shirts. Gent India Onus Drawers and Shirts. ' Cotton ' " . ... " Gana Merino Under Bhirls. . " Whit and Brown Drilling Drawer. . ' " ' Whit Linen Drswers. Kztra large Under Shirt. " ' Bupeilor BngUsh Half Ho. " Long Stnckingt. " Taney Cotton Half Hom.. " Buspenders. Golden Hill Shlrtav For sal la ' great tarlety Bed at Mdarato pilots , If ' BAIN t BOH, 1 No. 89 South High street. may30. 7 r"' ' ' FBIOXI BXDUCXD . IProm th IfewTork Obserrer.l As all nartie manufacturing Sewing Maobine are ob liged to pay Mr. How a Uoens wa each machine old, and ar a eompellod tmak returns to him, under oath. to tha number sold, hia books gtr aoorreotstate ment. Trom Uil rellabl source we bar obtained tb following (tatlatio. Of lb machine mad la th year 1809, then wr sold, . , By Wheeler A WIwob... 81,305 . . ; " I. M. Blnger t Co.. 10.953 '. 1 flroTor A Baker.t... 1080 . . ShowlDr th aales of Wheeler t Wilson to b atowN too f any otnar uompany. Awarded tb fctfhest prem1nre-at the ' : - United Btate rain of K59, IBM and 18S0; .i.i ,.. also at th OhloBtatorair of 1859 and 18 " ' ' and at nearly all tb County fain in tb Stab. Oar prices, at th late redaction, ar as tew a twit loot tncA mas tun bow som, aua out a irin nigner Daa tb Interior two tAreud cAoa UA vutaUnt, bow Tb WHBBLBB t WTXBON MACU1RB makes th Loca Stic the o no which eannot be raTelsd. It is tun oa Bora Bids of tb good. leaTlog no rVM or oAoenoafA aMKfer.sla. JU maeiUu maramii. S yfrW, swtdl UutrucHon giren In their use, free of ,hr.. - - n wa a n ear gj aI.A. A - afl Ub VJSAAwXOA AllSIU V'MIIIBi, VI " 1 v WM. BUMNBB t 00 dcr3 ewnm twom Pike's Optra House. Olnclanaa OS Mi i. SJ Notice, Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS TnE rOLLOTVINO Off ANGES we he made hi the the officers of this Bank, Jaauary Vth, IH51. to alt: Wm. A. Purr. Prsstdeat. and Xawaus Mooau, Caehter, resigned their ofuoea. Hum Cavuia, j sea., we men eiecwa rresuont ana na. A. run bp- bt mer or mo soara oi lnrectors i so , icni-qu, a , - n . . raaxx, vasnier. THE UNION FOIHaVEH! TTNION UN V ELOPES A BABBIT V OS7 j Bgna. a ..wpeT,u.." ' " '. .. TOI0S UmS iBD JTOTI FAm.",1' 1 at halt tb price charge hy "Jl dealer. TTTHB AD QUARTBRB J0. 75 Soatk Hlg (treet, v gumbos. May o,Ifaol . J. H. ALLBX,. .8. 4 wrrM., t?r-. :-'tj'7 . ; tut. , mmm j-. ..pi Nos. S3, 3 & 40, Korth Cgh St. IKC2EAS32J FA(mXIE3. j HAVIITO MOVIP INTO MT, HEW BUIIDIIIG, r ;. 1 HAVK G-rontly Tffnlarsed MY. BOOK & JOB . WHILX BOTH HAVE BJilUSt' REPLENISHED THROUGSOUT WITH ' New Types, . Bordcis, ; Ornaments, &c TBOH TUB OIUBBATKO TOTODRT 01 C. T. WHITE A COu SIW YOlli, THUS HAXHIw IT THB Host Complete ' Establishment . , , IN THB CITY. : v ' ; I aat bow prtparod to ZzamU ait Ordan for BOOK AITD JOB PRINTING, WITH DISPATCH! And la tbs Xoit Approtwi BtyU of ths Art ( ' PARnOCLAB ATTIJfTIOS PAID TO . i MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD 1 phinipingp ttllla f Lading-, Clrcwilara, ' Bill Heads, Ulanks, De), lrtlf leates, liecelpta. Dray XicsieU, . Ueglatera, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CEXCKS, OASDI, HXADIBflS, ) VOTES, UVXI0PI8, COHTBA.CTI. IUnstrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Ihaw Bills, Band Bllli, labels, Conoert Fie rr&mmo, booooi ana wuega eanem, bc ' Ml Sills of Tarts Invitations, A. . . .'; ... f. Boon Worm OF EVERY DESCIRIPTIOli' ' . t School and Collegt Catalogue,' . .' . " XlMeUaneotu Pamphlets, ConstUntlons, EeporU, Brlols, As Printing; in Gold and Colors P OSTE HrL 3 rrintad In Xtst Color on a naminothlloo Cylinder, Ths only Prsss of ths kind in Cantral Ohio. My facilities for doing any and aU of th abora deaerlp lion of work, ar now unsurpassed, and salUrraot lon will b guaranteed la all eaee. ITT'All work funnahed srosnpUy by th Umsproolsol . , . BIOHAIU) MB VIMS. WHO 8H0TJIB USX . DR. J. OOVEE DODS' IMPE11IAL WdE BITTERSt All who ar afflicted with Incipient Consumption or Weak Langs should use them. All who suffer from Weak Btomacha, Indigestion. Dy- pepeia or fUesehooid ase tnem. -All erho suffer from General or BTmaDsMl BesUeaaneas at Bight, Want of Sleep,' to., should as All persons who ar eosTalascent after ferer or other sicanem an on id aa inm. Minkiters of tb Gocpsl, Lawyer, Lontniars, and al pablle speakers should us them. Book Keeper, and all persons leading sedentary If gnoaia as inem. Tha and and roflra afaeatd aa them. AU who roqair a (Umatent or tonic should as them. All wn are adatctea to in as of aroeni spina ana wish to inform, ehould ees tbeca. Tbeyaiwmadeof apr Bheery Whw, and of th Ba it plasna and nana of in country, ana euoaia o r soenmended by toenperance eooleUoa, clergyman, phyai clana, and all friends of humanity. l hey ar prepared by an experienced and skillful phy atciui. and. asidafrom their aiedlcinal propertiM, are a moat dallghtful bereragei and yet, aa a medicine, are as nneeentand narai uw aews oi neaTen. Bold by dragrlate generally. GBASLEI wmDITXaXS CO., Froprljtor T8 TTIlUam'gt., Ww York. E0BEST3 ft SAIZTJEL, Agents, CalamBna, Oatla MtOdtwlW. ' bW--. I -.jn ' - j gj Mits, winolow, Aa arriBetd Nura and Peeaale Physldan, present, to the attention of mothers, her SOO T HINO SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING which greatly faeilitate the proces of toothing, by soft enbu tb ruu, radnctog en InflammaUon -will Alii. JtAIa aaa spaemonic aouon, ana m SURE TOBEGVLATE THB BOITELS. Depend upon It, mothers, 1 1 will gi ve rest to yoursolree ana XXIIEF AID HXALTB TO Y0UB lVFAXIS. W bar pat op and sold this artlol for orer ten yean, ad CAB SAT, IM OONPIDBNCB AKD TSUIH, of it, what we hire nerer been able to say of any otner roenc in NIVIR BAB IT IA1LBD. 1H A BINGLB LrBT AM 0B, 10 BPTBOI A CURB, whoa timely ased. Wcy mr did wa knaar mm inataDea of dJaaatiafaetlOB br any on who used lb On th contrary, aU are delighted with its operations, and speak la term of ommaaHoB or Its magical effects and medical virtue. W (peak tn this matter "WHAT WB UOBWUWr-arier tenyearr rl.. AND PLEIK1B OCR REFUTATION iXt.ai. rlil.II.LUBST Ot WHAT WB HBRB DB0LAKB. Ia almoet erery sastsmc where th tnt&nt 1 suaerlng from pain and zbaasUoa, relief will be found la Alteon or twenty annate alter u-ejnip u, uuubhwiw. Thim Mln.hl. nfemarattoa m tn. Breacnnium in vnein the moat airalUltaOJtDeod BKlLLf UL NDBSB8 la Bew Bnrland. and aa beea as4 wub BJtvta balu- Uifl BUOOB88 In : 'A iuJsajiaJ9 or ejjaaas. It sMitonle nil the child fro pain, bat faTitror. ataa tha atomaeh and bowels. ooii.JCS acidity, and glrsa tone and erMrry to the whole system. It will almost in tantly reliere ' : GSlFiBS nr TEX BOWXIS, Aas WUiO CQ1I0 and oreTOOBte flooTBMioa, which, IT aot speedily rem' died, end In death. We seller it th BKrtl and 8DV sbi aaimatJI ua ins wir-uy, in .unm. v. via? BBTIRI and DIARRiiOtA IK CHILI) RUM, whether It arlssa from tee thins, or from an, ether oaa. W weald sat to ever, mother who haa a oh! Id suffrring from an, of the forecotn oomplaints DO NOT LkiT VOOB PRBAUDIOB MOB TUB PRByUDLOBBOP OTIIBBA ataad between na and soar uffer!n ehild, and th re lief that wtll b. bUKB yea, ACfOLUIALY BDRB-ta follow the use of tbtosasdicin. bf timely osed. lull dl rections for asing wtll aeosaipany each bottle. None maineaaVMsUifahnil of OUBIISt PBBKINB; Blew ion, m oa wo eeiisue wrapper. r. ... ...--... Bold by all vraggmt karoegMui ux worn. Principal Olfittsj, ia CJ4af Btraet N.Y. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE, oetST4twly. , : " .; -t riPRIRG CLOAKS AaO BASatNSS O BBW STTL1C8 la d fa. Be. BBBoeMh High etraet, bar just ev-aea new myie or uien ua en la A Baetiiiwa aad Basaosa, aaade la lb aaereet and moot stylieb mAnne. . A too, as park) riala) Hiacti Milaa. rry bsary. dsslgnsd sreealr fa. MaaUlieaamdBaefirjna ... , , . laprili . ns.KlrinRD SHEETINGS ARB 15 teHIBTIlittn, atf width, of sooeto.lebraed sarke BOW cUered ta greaMot variety: and A wry tow ... ,,. ( :n BAI.1 t j i asrUI . j..-1 .- ST. SB SewBi if!gk (Ueete . , - ar' f ';.' ' 'v 1 iV0& -ii-iV DTI INVITB ATTBNTIOH to MM Of lb -lost traordinary ear oy mj , - - PECTORAL SYRUP. ' They are at homo', and any one who bu donbU oaa uv quu-ooilhopersaawna aero oteaoai- -j.,.. Tia. Tarawa ti rbp1bTD AT ANT TImB To XAaflNB LUNOB WITHOUT CHARQBi I0B A IX TH08B WHO K&KS BIS UBDIOUIBa. e ... ... . Avpnm m yottb. coldb A e of St yean1 tdndln. uad mr Da. KXXBBB'S PB010B AL Bf AUP . . PrTTeaoaoa, Jan. U, 1860. ba. (man i M win ha been affllotod with bad ooagb and diffloulty of breathing, tor tn or tix yean, hi..h r. Mil beak, had andaally boroaaod la Tlolonoo. xbo ooaipiaini na oew wnii had boon treated by orfotal pnyuaana wiuunt any re lief. In thla etal of kor oaaa, I prooared aene of your Bunni nnn.h twrm. I kuihl the flrat time, a fifty cent bottle, watch felioewdbor Tory much ; I theaoelled and got a dollar bottle, which oared her ontiraly, and ata natat tkfbw na Lratfi oi uui Bormair iiAawjaaayeH wwi w aos. I would alao atata that I aaed the medio in my- u urf annnh. Ih mediolno ourod m by tak lu one do I expieaa my enure aeusiaeuen win uw asodtctna, and yoa are at Uberty so pablbra Utia H yon desire to do so. WM. W1LBOM. AldensaaVifthWara. BrmaoaaB. How. 18. 1858, Db. Knsat sAiGfbafB not an adrooat oi Patent Medicines, la general, It afford a pleasure Indeecrtba hi. m racoawiend roar Pectoral Syrup. As a medtclo It la well worthy the attentloa of any peraoa who may to any manner be afflicted with coughe, soldi and hoarseness of any hind, and for tb peculiar qualifications for re storing all that disagreeable sensation attending a se- I hare been, mors or less, In my lire, affected with th so rarest of sold lad hoarseness. At time my throat would become aoolussd a to prerent my speaking abore a whisper, and by taking a few dose of the aboro Syrap ItwouldreUwrnemiUrely. la roeoauiendlng lui medicine, I most nnhesltaangty say that it I she best remedy I mr found, purporting to car tb (DOT, nor saoaia sny nuauy a wiuiyus w medyfordissssesaopreTaieni. , . , : Tours, moet respectfully, -DWABSJ. JOMBB. Cashier CtUaeos' Deposit Bank. .'- BiauaaasujB.O.. March 14. 185 I hars used Dr. Keyser's Oongb Byrup f or bad oough f sereral year standing, an can eneerraiiy say it th. hut nuHeina for th. aama that I bar erer taken .' . J.W.PBIC1. OOI.. PRATT AKD DR KBTBIR'S PKCT0RAL STKUP. Da. XATsaa Dear Sin Bxous to delay of my acknowledging theazeelleno of your Pectoral Oougb Byrnpsoonsr. A mac great pieaaun ia wing wa. it k allvoUMltkl. It knoakd th noitt out SMTcwavA aad tb worst on I was srer affiioted with! I bar uot ad more than one-half of th bottle, and 1 can and do wish that all who are afflicted would giro It as fair a trie a 1 bar dona, and they will be proud to say, "It is no uaok medidne." I would not suffer another such a attack for any consideration, or at any eoU I aa con fident I out breathe more freely tbaa I orer did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude forlnTentingso excellent a remedy. To are at Uberty to as my nam ia this regard, aa yon think proper B. T. PRATT, Messenger Uommoa Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. . PIttbargh,Myll,lc9S. H. B lam no stranger to my felIow-cltlsens.and ; who entertala doubt can eomult me personally. B.I. P. PmaoBSB, April 84, 1857. BBAD TBI TRUTH. Db. Barsxu I bar a daugh ter who bu taken sereral modicum for a bad oougb Wlthoat benefitamong them Ajer's Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from yoa a bottle of your PJJ0T0HAL STROP, and before ah bad used half a bottte aha was telteTcd. In second bettl oared her entirely of bar cough. . . JOHN DARIN, " ' ' Robinson street, Allegheny.. PiTrewbaoa, December, 31, 1853. A GRIAT CURB BT DB, ABTBBR'S FBOIORAli 8TBUP. I lir la Pwble township, AUegheny ooonty. I had soon thing and spitting, which eominenued aooot tb 4th of febrnary last, and ooniinacd sight months, I nployed tb beat physician ia th oantry, and my oougb continued up abated an til early In October. At that Urn I wa adrW to try your PAOIORAL COUGH STBUP, which I did, and after I bad taken on bettl I waa entirely tree front theooughlng aad spitting. I bad despaired of erer getting well, and I think it abonld be known that tha Taluabl remedy will do for other what It baa done lu my ease. JOHN C.LITTLB, Witness B. M. KOtB. Peebls townhip. Parro Tr., April 14, 1857. . A WONDBRIUL CURB. noma urn sso. aa old naiahborot mine wa renr 111, with a bad oougb, which erery one supposed to be consumption- His relatires told m that he bad takea erery remedy they beard of wlthoat benefit; hia brother cama to see mm die, ana am aamnrmad la the belief that btoould not lir. hA o.t tha third of a bottle of your Pectoral Byrap which I gar him, and It entirely oared him, to lb aaton labmentof all. What make ta case mote remarkable, 1 the extreme age of the man, he being aboutetghty year old. I bar no aonoi to jrocwnu sarea nis uie. v- JOHMN' G1NHIB. DB. KXTBBR'S PBCTORAIi STRUT IH B LAIR 8 YILLB. Please send m another supply of your rala abl "Pectoral Byrap." Almost Trybody around a haa the cold and an inquiring for "Dr. Hoyr Pectoral Byrap. Wc hare suld sixtaea bottle laat week, and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maber, both al Blalrsrille. Pa., tell na they would aot b without it In their families. Ia fact, all who as it com want it again. ATIBBSON A BOM. January!. 1860. AHOTHBR RBW 01 RTIPI0 ATB DB, KBTBIR'S PBOTORAL BiBUP-I bad beea troubled with a cough and eold lor sereral weeks so bad wa it that I could not loop, 1 bad IbeadTio and prescription from three of th best physicians In thecity, whom 1 oould name, but do not do ao. t nnauy procuraa a ooius you Asownu Byrup, which ourea m (nureiy. Bipiea, , ' J. W.B1M0NT05, . -, 838 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., In. , 1860. Mgi0PTBATJ00UGlTDTG.R 'How eanl doitr "O to Kersex'soa Wood street and get a bottle of hi Oongb pec total, snd tt that don't ear yea, your aaa must b dnrnu indeed." This is alDecdmen of tha oolloour on bear almost erery day ia eold satohlag period o" tha nar. And we can, from actnai xvantaant, ebser- tally eonour to th ad riser's admonition a abere, for w Bar tried in roosotnt. - m a aaoei awipponi case, wiu antiresuoceea. Near two weeks ago we went toPiluburgh, with on of lb most auunssing, eootrary, mnuan, subduabu ooagb w erer xperlBced slno our adrrat upon this mundane sphere. We coughed ateadlly and laboriously for oa whole week, to bops of ftr? wa, bat It waa ao go. Ia fact it aimad rathe to bar laa prored by practise, and to bar acquired strngth,pota ey and iMrtibuitg by the operation. In thla atageof tb ateg, we eon ihed our way to B.eysor', 140 Wood BL prooared Bfty cent bottle of tb "Pectoral;" took U according to aireouone, ana w ivrvwigut Bout w w.t master of th field, the enemy baring unconditionally surrendered, after a brief bat unequal conflict with ao formidable an adrersary a Keyser's famous "Oougb Peotoral." imwmwmt vttppr, im. , uw. DR. KBTBBR'B PBOTORAL STRUT li prepared and old by Dr. QUORUM M. aUakBBiL JIU Wood Street, l!5?rh,Pe. r . , Jljf Bol m vonunoos 17 stvsan to at taauss, rJMOTHACHE BEITIEDT. , '. ., . JL. BTJKB CTJUK. - . 'PrprdaaioIdy i, v '; j:-A : , .Db.MO.H.KSTSBB, PiletSS osnbj. ' - " 140 Wood tt-i Piilsburgh, Pa. JTT SoM ra CalaabOA hp E0BUT8 1 1 AMUR L. oct7:8tawda. - IE NTS PAPER COLLARS AND VJT NwCkt TU... , - ' ' Bsndgom aad conomIcal. Also, ... , . ansrsa, Lines Oallavs, Half Haa, - Vraweva, Sc. ' - BAIS tB0!f, . aprt - . C:- .ftiBihflih(tswi. Manufacturers and Wholes.! Dealers In ; BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest Cora of High and aj Stg., 1 .. rro. pi,;;. COLUR1BUS,... M......OHIO, "A mrg Stock of fin aaa Stapl Geeds a bead." OTILLA BHAWL.SI STELLA KJ SHAWLS 1 1 to all dlrahleolen, and at rery great bargains. - BAIN BVn, . I Ho. 89 South UiKh street.. eprua WANTEPAOENTS TO SELL aaokaire of BTAI10MKRT and tUWh&Y.M prtoa, eae-Uiird lee tbaa aaa be purchased eloewher Oalloa or address (stamp anokjeadj J. 1 BAU k )f,N lk4 Uourt stn Bo-tuo, Juas. ...... . , , .atayoa o:uav '. WITtB ftANTLB flAfTAGES,; BOTAI WkHHmdBlsAloalreaaredaS L.r-L? Bo .; , O ' ' S T. .. . 3 c- 2? 2k .fit :U, s g t .g ' V--J rn -v ' "-B -v . UUITNEWELL'8 ' COTTOH REMEDY. -rs o P I . . , I lor all Throat gnilVnng- Ooaanlalnt. BseladBW, with auwtpexteot reaalte, tYaoonin OoooBJ, Caaoaao Aa OnMMua Oooema, Baoaoaua ana laaoaT Ooarurm, alwnye foreranneii f Oonmcption. Aa A Bootbum Braorll aa a tnporwr. rea rroa auvprnwoe Bcnotte properties, may bo aaed ky aaea deUcat asastl! tuaona, and wyk psrieot onWDo, . . . . ITDIOTWELL'S ;Gi'i.:CiniEBRATED Is H V' TOLU ANODYNE. mm. aa.M liTDSU OflATI , Offered to th world, ontelnlng not particle of Opium, nor anyi rub (tM bat Is strictly Tegwtabl and medical properties. A war Kemedy tor dcduwu, j.ip-, Tooth aub lUa Aon, CaTaaaa, Xcaa oa Hat f va, and all minor rJerroa, Complaint. . f oa Loaa or BUBrNana neaoacn- m an im K has no equal, and to which most aadoobted teauaoBi al ar eSerad. , goa Dauairal Tasmai una pom pt "7"rw-. wna Bom. nnauiirra. after ramoTUuT the pain It acBj a a physio, a moot Important contrast with th eonatlpa- Phyeiciana, Tormulas and Trial Bottle, will be seat, and to Dealer or Inralid adeeoripnre pamphlet wteaeul tago-teinp." , . . rreparea anaer mwfnmi njumwiew , ... , JOHN Lo IICNNKWKLl,, CmtOtABB smABBACSOTUr, Va Oommsrelal Wharf, Boston, Katt To whom pleas dlreot all eommunUietkm. , Prloet-Large Cough Rtnedy.SO outs par bottte. Bmall 85 ' ' Tot gala by tlx Bsaal wholetal ana ntau aeaurs, ROBBRTSt BAMUBL, JOHN B. 000K. V. B. MARPB, 4 T TAaT IISMlfl f. BU JMSAfAVf A. J- 80HUBLLBB t SON, G. DBNIGSt BUKB, Buyl7-wlT Agents for Colombo, onto . . . . THE;.. r , 'S- WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN HATTHO A CIBOULATIO XJLB0XX BT IXYXBAI TH0TJIAKDS Thin any oth' paper Id Ohio, outsld of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for AdTertising Which CANNOT f AH to bring Sody anal BnnneralTB Hetnra To the wh tak adrantag f thBl. 1'H nr -yy ;n:uT.-y BTATESMANi Distributed as It Is thsongh srery Post Offlo In Ohio, Beaches a Large Class of Readers Tho patronag I raluabl, and wh ss'Uobi so th - Dally ldlUons of elty Joarnals; and as only A Limited Somber of AdTertlsements An Inserted talte olumns, appoprUUly and TBXT UaKBOT ratt T LttxrAot V-ttontloxa - 0 AH I WHOLESALE DEALERS ' AdrefUslBg la the VIIKLT STATBBHAN will fin It adytntagoaj In , THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which is almost certain to foUow aa extensirs dtnemla atlon knowledge of their ontlnea AMOKQ COUUTEY DEALERS I ADTBRTIBBMBBT8 INTBNDBD TOR The Weekly Statesman Bhonld be handed la before Irlday noon. TUB. ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS , STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, Aba g-ratw mora and mare papular exerr day! And tettlmonlals, new, and almost wlthoat number might b girsn from ladles and gentlemen to all grade, os-oksty, whee. united testimony son ooutd resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Res toratir will restore the bald and gray, and prsserrs th hair of tho youth to old age, In all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek, Hlh. Dee, But, .1858. Pa or. Wook Thee wilt please accept Un to inform (he that the hair oa my head all fell off erer twenty Mart ago, oaoasd by a complicated chroolo disease, at tended with aa eruption oa th head. A continual ours of suffering through llf baring reduced me to a state of dependence, I bar not been able to obtain staff for caps, neither bar I been able to do them ap, to con sequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. That Induced m to pay Brlggs A Hodges almoet th test cent I had oa earth for a two dollar bottte of thy Hair BeetonttTO, about the first of August lsst. I bar faithfully followed the dlreeUooMBd the bald spot I now oorered with hair thick and black, thooghshert. It is also coming ia all orer my bead, feeling eonudent that another large bottl would restore It entirely and permanently, 1 feel anxious to pereererre to 11 ass, and being destitute of means to purchss any more, I woald tat the If the woulust not be willing to send m an order on thin agents for a bottle, and reoelr to thy self tb soriptar declaration "th reward to to those iht' are kin to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend. BUB ANN AH XIRBT. Ilgonler, Noble County, Indiana, fob. Oth, 1859, Paor. O. J. Wooni -Poor Sir: In the latter part of the year 1850, while attending ths Stat and National Law School of the But ot New Tork. my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off rery rap idly, so that to th short space of six months, th whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its orerini, and much of the remaining portion npea th aid aad back part of my head shortly after became gray, s that yoa will not be surprised when I tell yon that up on bi ratnrn to lb State of Indiana, my mor caaoAl amiulnbinee were not so much at aloes to discover the gauss of theohang to my appearance, aa my mor iDt yilptnmm mm ta waofnlaa ma at all, at one mad application to th most skillful physt elan la tha aountrr. bat. recelTlnf no' assuranoo from them that my hair would again b restored, I was forced t booomo reconcile a to my an, urut, lonunateiy, tu the latter part ot th year 1857, year Restoratir eas re anBimMtikMl ta ma br a drnnist. ss be in th most rella- hln Uair Ret toratir in as. -1 tried on bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing tb desired affect, rune met ume, a nar asea serea uoi lar worth of rour Restore tirs, and a a result, bar rich aoat of Tory soft black btif, which no money cas hay. as a mark of mr rati tads for year labor and skill tn th o reduction of a wonderful aa article, I bar recom mended it ass to many of my friends and acqualntancee, who, 1 am happy to iniorm yoa, are using u wiu ita affect. Very rspotfnii, your, - ' A. M. LATTA, t Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through' ant tha world. ' The BastontiT I DBt ap In bottle of thro rise. Tls: lam. medium, and small! th small bold H a pint, and retail lor on dollar per bottte; the atedium bold al least twenty per cent, mor In proportion than th small, and retails tor two ooiiar a not tie; tu urge nous quart, 4V cent, mor In proportion, and retail for $3 a bottle. 0. 1. WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, Nsw Tork, and 114 Market street, St. JMmis, mo. And soldby BOBBBTS t BAMUCL, Columbus, Ohio, and by an good vrogguss ana rsncy uooas voaiers. AorilLdAweowlr. WM, KNADE ft CO, e A T THEIB NEW SALES-, BOOM, HO. IMAALllHOJtMtiT. HOS. 1, S, B and T . 1TJT AW STBilT , Offer for sals thslr eslcbratsd GOLDEN MEDAL, , . UN. AID If AND SQARE FIANO-rOKTES, Being highly reeeenaMndad by th first Profeeacri sad Moiieat Aauueursot me country, aaa BVBBT . ,- ' , i', . . . INBTRUHBtrr ..v,..: . WASBAKTID BOB ' a - flTlTlARS Th meet fastldloni eastomtr BU rely upon Uins ptossea la erery respect. Xrmuerai. ' wa. asAssaw, SBLTZBB (t WBBBTFR, AgenbJ, . dS;lydw. , . , - Oolumb, Ohio, V7atcliM! Diamonds II EilTer Ware III A CHOICE AtSOBTHENT Or GOLD iV acd ailrer Watches, ia great rartety . . I oa Agent tor the AMsaioaa Watcw 0., and oaa all tbese excellent Watches at mauufactarers' piioea, either Wholesal or Ketail. Com and choose from my beaanrai airplay of Dia monds and other rkdt Jewelry. Blylea new price low. As to SUror War f sterling quality, 1 eea show nsw pattern, Tory bandsemw. Bilrer Plated Ware, Tea Beth, Urns, Walters, Castors, Bankets. Pitcher. Goblets, Hair, Porks. Buoons. Ac. Shea I hare supply ot fin Table Cutlery, Pockat Kolres. Bason, t.t and many fancy Goods oh as ar desired for preeena at such prices as ar an Induce ment to the psjtchaseri ; WM. BLTNR, . 1 ' Ifo. 10 Bflflkm BlnAlr. gaarSI Jforth ski Stat Moikm saoar. ' TkTOTIOB I hereby giren that I bar beea duly ap. Al pomiea anmmiairaior or to eanti e Charles Clark, mtaot frsrJtlteounty,deoeara. -. ' ' AAUMU VLAJUk. " I. A h. CMtteedsB, Attoraeys. . U11-WW . JHE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. MB. KENNEDY, OF BOXBTJBY, has disoorered la one of oar common pasture wseds reeaedy that ana -i. - . ; Every Ilind of Hnmor, Tbs worst orofttlt towi ta a wOBonum Ftapl. Hs has farted It In orer Itb hnadred esaws, sod aer- ar failed except In two oaaea, (both tbander humor. ) Hs ha now to hi possession over ra hundred serU&eatos of its rales, all within twenty mil, of Bottoa. Two bottle, ar warranted to ear a aarsing son oath. OnetothrM soUles will can th worst kind of rimpltt On th face. Tw or three bottte will alear tb system r mm. Tw bottte an warranted to can th wont ankr la the month or stomach. Three to fire bottle an warranted to can tn won Und ot IrysiMls. unci tw sot tic ax warranssa a ars ail namor th By. Two botua, ar warranted to aar tanning me ear and blotohas among tb hair. boot to au bo tics an warranted, to cure corrupt an fanning aloers. on botua wiu can scaur erapasa or in sxra. Two or tore bottle an warranted to eure th Want kind of rinrworm. tw or three bottle an warraated t can lb most desperate aas f rhsnmatlsm. Three to f oar bottte an warranted to car Mlt-Bbamat. f IT to -brht bottle will sure tb went ease of sere- fula. A benefit la alwara exnertsnced rrosA tb first Bottm, perfect can la warranted wbea th abore Quaatity kj aaa. BOXBORT. MASS. Dbab mABAH: Th npatotloa of th Medical Di sonry, to curing all kinds of humors, I so wsll satea Uahed by th aoachaous toIo at all wh bar erer and It, that I need not say anything en lb subject, a ox oat skillful physicians and the aos. esjrsfnl Druggists to th country an ananlmoos la its praise. In nreaentln th Medical D score rr to 0r BCtlo. 1 do It with a full tawwledg of it ouratira power, ba sej UsTlag all, and coring mot tbos diseases s whioa yoa an aniortnnateiy so uaow. ism most disease to an affectionate mother, NTJBSING SOBE BIO I TH. Is eared ss If by a mlracUi rour own temper Is restored to Its natural sweetness, ana your ban from abort and fretful naps to calm and sweet (lumbers; and th Medteal Dkworery become a fountain of blessing to yoar husband and household. In ths more adranoed ibtrea of d AMICE H Itextends to th stomach .causing BySPEPSIA, which Is nothltg but oanxer oa tha stomach; ihse te ub intettinss and KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and ss todlf sreno ra to ths cares of your family. Toaf stomach at HAW AND INFLAMED. yoar food distresses yoa, snd yoa sen only tak eerbil kinds, and sren of that your sr. leas does not get half lb nourishment U contain, a lb eortmoaoos Bold of the oacktr eata Itnp; then yoar oompiexloa loss II bloom and becomes sallow and groan uh, and yoar best day Is gone, for want of nourishment oar system be comes loose snd flabby, and tb flbnsot your body be come nlaxed Then follow train of disease which ah Msdioal Dlsoorery is peculiarly adapted to e CTJBBI Palpitation of th hartT pain to the std. weaknsai th spin and small ot the back, pain of th bin Jobt when yoa retir, Irregularity of th bowels, aad sbw, that most uoraciatlng of diseases, tb PILES. How many thousand of poor women an snffering from this diss ass and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor doe not know tb cause. I wish to impress on your mind that good old prorerbV'Aa ounce of pnrenttoa Is better tbaa a pound of sure, Ia th BIEDICAL DISCOYEBY . yoa hare both theprerentatlrs and th ear, with this great and good quality, that it will nerer, ander sny circumstances, do yoa any injury. THE BIEDICAL DISCOYEBY Is cspeclaly Intended for diseases of th blood, bat doe Its Introduction in tn nssiera states, it is ioana so or lll"t . AGUE HEITIEDK that was erer before the public No ehang of diet erer necessary -est Ihs best you oa And get enough of It. Diaarmoas roa can-Adults on tab la spoonful par da Children erer ten rears, dessert spoonful Children from Are to eight yean, tea spoonful. A a directions can be applicable to all eonsltutions, Uke sufficient te operate on th bowel twins a day. , . , lours truly, ; D0NMM.D B3NNBDT. Pries 1. 00 per bottle, for y erery druggist fat the United States. . f p81-dtwly, DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? . DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? . DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLIHQHAM'S 01L1BRATBD StimulatiDgOuguciit, . For the Whiskers and Hair Tb subscribers tak pleasure ta announcing lbs Olttesns of th (Jnlted State, that they bare obtained tb Agency for, and an now enabled to offer to th Amricaa public, the abore justly oeiebrated and world-renowned article. Th STIMULATING ONGUENT la-prepared by Da. 0. P. BKLLINGBAM, sa anlneat physiciaa of London, snd . Is warranted to bring out a thick set of ( Whiskers or ft Mustache in from three to six Weeks. This article Is the only on of th kind used by ths Vrenoh, and to London and Paris It is in unirsrsal as. It Is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yst stimulating sompoond,aotlng ss if by magic epoa th root, can sing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied t the scalp, It will eon Baiiraas, and eeure to spring Bp ia place of th bald spots anna growth ot new hair. Ap plied sooordlng to directions, It will tarn aaa e Torn hair aaaz, and rectors gray hair I it original oolor, leering It soft, smooth, and fiazlbl. TO "iiaitm" a an Indispensable article In erery gentleman's toilet, and after one week's as they would aot for any eonatdereUoa b without It. Th subscriber, are tb only Agents for tb article la the United State, to whom all orders most b addre assa Price On Dollar a boa for sate by all Druggist and Dealera; or s box of tb "Onguent" (warraated to bar th desired sffact) will bs sent to any who detlre It, by mall (direct), securely packed, oa receipt at prto sad postage, Bl.la. Apply to or address H0RA01 L. HBGBMAN A 00, aAceatsT, Ac., fsbSOdtwfim d William Street, Nsw Tork. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and Amerioa NEW TORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY , Th following new and magnificent flrit-elasspaddM wheel gtaamshlpa aompoo th sbors Une: ADRIATIC, 5,888 toss burthaa. Oapt, J. hUo (Toroaarly of the Collins Line.) HIBBRNIA, 4,400 tons barthen, Capt, N. Paowau COLUMBIA, 4,400 . K. Lam. ANOLIA. 4,400 ! " . NawiuoB PAOItIO, 8.o0 I. Ban a. , PBINOH ALBIRT, (Sonw.r . 3,00 " - . J.WAlBMt. On ot ths aboT ships will leer New Tork or Bosto altamatol erery Taesday fortnight, for Galway. ear rying tb goremment mato, so tuning at bi. wohna, lb B teamen or bus line bat Men (onnrrtoted with the neatest care, ander th supsrrlsion of th (orern- meal, bars water-tignt omparnmam, ana ar Bnexoei- led foraomferl, saletr an speed by any steamers afloat. They are commanded by abiaand oxperienced oflloers, snd (rery exertion wtll be mad to promote th comfort Of peaaeugere. An;xpertsoMSrgesuteiiM tsnsrup. ; BATES OP PASSAGE. - -' first-class N. T. ot Boston to Galway or Lirsrtool 8100 Bocona-ciass, " , " a yirstolaas. ' 1 toBt John's " r " 35 Thlrd-clsaa. " " .. to Oalwu as Llrsrpeoi. or anr town in J re lass L oa a nail way, - - . v Third-class pasaeagere an liberally supplied with pro- rlsions of the beat quality, cooked aad serred by tb wr TanU of the Company. BETTJBN TICKETS. : '. Parries wishing t lend for their friend from th aid country can obtelo Uok.U from any Iowa oa a railway, i Inland, or f roc the principal dtle of BsglaadanA Sues' land, at rery low rate. . .- - - - r d7 - ... K- VA. arrlrlew b th BcstoB Steamers, will so forwarded to New Tork fn of charge. . for passsf o or turtnsr ,0,i2EHilll j At th fflo of fh Company, oa tn wnan, loci of Canal street. New Torlt. .. HOWkAMU a Bra ; sgrrllllkdCm. i. ' - C-uitca tlattiasx A -A. -4 - "," ail .White Jheck-d of tapsrtov 2'',T; fr sale by BtbA " . i ' " i atata tu) QBBIEil! 0 Dr.Xn.KcLEAlT'S Etrcr;ti:iii Ccrdlal tad Bleed PUllLt'ililL TH GraatBBt BBtuadr la Tkta u aria, AND THS " HOST CTLICIOTTt Airn rmairnTL( , CORDIAL; EVER TAKEN. ITIS BTBICT. ly sotonUn and ' Vsgetabl Ooatpoand, prooared by th distil-,-' latloaof Roots, Herns , Bad Barks, Tellow Dock, Blood Boot, Barsaparllla, Will 0 berry Berk aad Dan- d delloa ! Into itel Before Tailii!!. rlAlta Taking prnalpl f sach ngrdlat is thoroaghry treted by myiiewawthot dl.Ulling,prodtioing.dliclc a hlteraUng spirit, and th most IHf ALLIBLB remedy fM r-noraunf In oisesseo sysmm, """" A (uiferlne; and deblUtated INVALID to HEALTH and SIBBNOTH. BIeLEANS STBENGTHENING COB- .. . r s . dial , , r ' Will tff setoally an LITBB OOHPLAINT, DT8PBPBIA, JAUND10S, Ohronleor Nerrou Debility, Dlseass of th Cldneyel and all diseases arising from disordered Llrer or Btom eh, Drtpepela, Heartbura, inward Piles, Acidity ar Biok- , aas of tb Blosaach, fullness of Blood to tb UeaJ.DuU pain or swimming la th heed. Palpitation of aba Heart yallneasor Weight la the Stomach, Boor BraotaUons Choking at Suffocating toelinf wheo tying down , Drones or Yellowness of th Skin and Bye, Night Sweat, la war rorers, Pain in the sasell of the back, ohset o side. Sudden Ilushs of Heat, Depression of Spirit, frightful Dreams, Languor, DeapoBdeaey or any Nerroe Dlseas Bore or Blotohas a in Skia, Bad tw aad ( Chill aad f .) ' -.y OmaHlUlsasIBsitlet " . Bar beea sold during th last six month, and In ho la stakaoe ba it failed to firing ontir satisfaetiea. Who tbaa, wtll suffer from Weakoee or Debility wbaa Mo LBAN'B BT&BNGTHBN1NG CORDIAL will euro you! No language can conrey aa adeqaale Idea of lb baai SUte and almost mlraoaloa ehang produced by taking this Cordial ia th diseased, debilitated and shattered oerrous system, wbelher brokan down by excess, weak by Bator, or Impaired by sickness, the relaxed and anstranf organ iiatloa Is restored tola pristln health and rigor. '- nAHRIEB PEHSOnS, Or others conscious of inability, from whatom , Wtll And MoLeaa 1 Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator o th system; and ailwb mar bar Injure theaoselres by Improper indulgence, will flndbl tb0or dial a certain and speedy remedy. - i .' TalaGLAalaa. McLean's Strengthening Cordiil Us sots rslga and spsedy care, for INCIPIENT CONSCBXPTION.WHITES Ohatmatad or Difficult Menstnstlon. IneonUneBO oi rtn ar Icroluntary Discharge thereof, falUng of th Womb, Giddiness, fainting nd Lng soaau Aitiaae aaownoa Thar te as XUtaka About It. ' Buffer no longer. Tak It soeordlng to DbsathwS. ' It will stimulate, streegtheo and mrtgorat yoa aodoaus Ik bloom of beedth to mount yoar ohsok again . Brery bottle Is warranted to giro aaUafacttcB. ' -. POB CHXLBBENe , .. If yoar children an sickly, puny, or afflicted, McLean H Oordial wlU mak them healthy, fat snd robust. D.UJ not moment, try It, end yoa wUl b soBTinosd. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TiiKEi Oactw. Beware of Dranrlssi or Dealers wh stag try to palm upon yoa sontebUtwer BarsaparlUa traah. Which they can buy cheap, by say tog It Is justs rood. Avoid such men. Ask lor McLean's Strengthening Oor dial, and tak nothing lss. It to th only remedy -that will pnrify th blood thoroughly and at th mm time strengthen th srrtam. On tehleepoonful takes erery morning tasting, Is certain prwrenUre of Cholera, 0 hills and ferer, fellow ferer, or any preralent diseases. It te pat Bp la larg bottle. . V..- . i PrlosonlySl pr bottl, or bottle for J. J.H. MoLBAN, V ' Sol Proprietor of thia OoMuU, . Abo McLean Teloanlc Oil xintaenli Principal Depot en the oorneT of 1'hird and fine streea Bklioal. Mo. '' i r Mclean Volcanlo Oil Liniment. Th best Liniment im ths World. Th wlysafs and trtato ur for Canoera, Pile, Swelling and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness ot th Muscle, Cnranio or Inflammatory Bhrnimstlsm, SUB aeas at th Joints, contracted Masote ot Ligament, Barach or Tootbaeb, Bruises, Sprain, Woands, fresh Outa, Ulcers, ferer Sons, Caked Breasts Bore Hippies, Barns, Scald. Son Thoat, or any InflammaHoa or Pain, ae difference bowserere, or bow kmg tb dJkmassswp her xiated. MoLeaa s Oeiebrated Clnlmenl te a sr. tela remedy. Thousand of human beings bar beea sored a tha el onpltnd and nlsery by the an of this Inraluabl mod in. . McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT WIU rslier paia slmost bistantaaeoualy, and H wl cleanse, purify and heal th foulest cores la an lnoredi ly abort time. Far Uoraea and Other AtsliaalB. McLean soslebrated Llnimsnt Is tbs snly aaf and re- Babte remedy for the cure ot Bparln, Ring Bon, Wind nils, Splint, Unnatural Bumps, Node or 8 tellings. It wlU nerer tail te cure Big Head, PrU Bril, fistula. Old rum. lng Sore or Sweeny, if properly applied, foe Sprain, Bruise, Scratches, Bore, or Wounds, Cracked Heels, Chafes, Saddle or Cellar Gall it Is sa WalUW remedy. - Apply it ss directed, and a ear ieoartain ta rrery inttaao. Then trifle no longer with th auny worth lem Unl. BMnt offered to you. Obtain a suppi of Dr.. McLean' , celebrated Liniment. It will cure roa. J. 11. McLEAN, Bote Proprietor, Corner ot Third and Pine Street, Bt. Lvuis, Mo. , for sate by ail druggist. . for sale b BOBBBTS 8AMUBL, BogSS-dAwlf Oolnmbna, Ohio. PEOr.WOUD'3 UTOMTIFB CQUDIAL AND blood REf;ovAToa Is precisely what Its nam Indicates, for, while, pleasant to the taste, It I nrirlfyl ng, exhllaral-1 lng, inrigo rating and strengthening to tb rital Lmh .-A'mt Ka aama tlasa firl Aaa. tak.. states, and renew th Blood In all Its parity, andj that at ono restores ami renders tM tytUm - tmUntrabU to auamc oraiuat. at u in oniyi preparation erer offered to th world. U'eally and skillfully combined a t be lb mottj - nawenul tonic ana at uim aua. mw. wv ui..i adanrsd to, a to act hi perleot accordance with the lara of nature, and bene will sootA (A etass t ttcmaeJk, and ton ap tb digesUre argana, savifl Lhua allay all t rrous and other Irritation. It isi V7 1 poriectly xiuiaraung, ana as tn aaoia um. m ffllaomnoaad antlrehr of TCMtable. yt So omblnd is to prod aos the most thorough ionic effect, wlthj joat producing any injurious onssqMnoe. Saohj. j 4 rcaueay naa long oeea teit tw w a wwwmu uij IT. the nadical world, for it needs no medical aklli aw rise thatdabllity follcwa all attacks of dissase, andj proceeds ana Indeed my en sysioea opea . w lasiaioasatiaoaa oi maor w tu- wwh (or example, as the following; Consumption, la rfimuiinn. D.nMnala. Loaa of AniieUto. Vaintnem, Nerrou Irrllabilitr. Neuralgia, 1-alpnaUoaot Uie) t, I Heart, Melarioholy,Nlgbt8weaia,lgr,WdH 5: L7I iness, Betenuoa or, a wu as xaumtt wwikin 1! . - t h.., U.MtnllllAli. an Vail- ku. of th Womb. These all depend upon general! KiabtUty. Thia pan, healthy, tonw uonnai aaa Bted BSBOTBior te assure a ear- sa tas aaa so rias and set. Then Is a mistake about It. Bad this Is not all. If the system Is weakened, we arei opea to bilious attacks, th llrar beoomes torpldj V.i or worse insiaissiii too auumy reins- to pwunui .ithetr raacuons, ana we an Hoaaieei wiu anaaiinx fr and Incontinence of urine, or InToluntary du-j st chare of th same, nala la th back, shie and be- 1 t . ... 1 1 J 1, 1 H.KlA Ml .1 l-k V twvwt UM aetnnii .tiitauinav "w , loo Ids, coughs, and If ancheokwi, soon acsationJ 1al lows, and in patient goes aown to a preiuawmi flaTa, Bat space will aot allow a so aumorr th man ills to which w an liable la a wsakened Oordial sad Blood BeaoTatog yoa BaTaaperteet, tafa, pleasant and cfftvtoal remedy for loss of Appetite, bUloatasat, flatulence, weak and lck otomach, Languor, Llrer Complaint, Chills and ,mr. or an BUioao attack. Oostlretteas, Acidity a: Ot UW BUBiwwi ,..b.iiii .-, - - . I. , O ttoaef thoMsart, Aiopnssioa oa epinia, m flmplonthfao,or any dtoease -ariatef from U .a .. anmrnla. KrraiBela. flron f ihlli, Cough, dlfioaliy of BnaUUng, ona u inar s Lteas at ti If fastis sallsd feaiala wwUnose, and H . euuraeratedsbore. We wlU also say the trar.ler y . iaxoeeed to epldemiee, change of climate and wat-i Kwill find it a pleasan sal and sun remedy, j I.. . d.m.i 1 Urarel without, lUadex.1" ! . and Boa aaoaia r '""'".-"., -7? : kJ try it, lor ww aesun yo yoa wUlflnA In It a frtendi 1. Ixuiaaa, sa w.n a a in.uw r5,r- v edsatary hasate will find it a perfect p reran tire o u vail as an for those ailments to which they an partlffltHI" ayyiM .. , InnMM. Uterarr MtlemeD And ladle who an noil i particularly exposed. Heme mlntsterMtudenu.et aecoatonud to much outdoor exercise, Will find It m ta their adranlage to keep a kotUe constantly onl baaa: sea, aoors au. moment or um eeooiuuui , saehi WlU f throuRh that moat dangerous period k. , . ul.sth .11 limnfl atran.Ln. hai ' Isseand fro from tb thousand ailsMats so pr-(fT ,'s latent among tb female porUoa of tb world. Jul llthort, it b Indeed mothar'a cordial. Try it, old k niter and pro re Itself emphatically a UttUra-l tie vorauuana JU9Mm9iuar, U.J. WOOD , proprietor, 444 Broadway, New I Tore, snd 114 lluke t Btreet, Bt. Louis, llo.j sued M by BOBN1U8 1 BAMCBL, Oolumbiw, 0bio,; BU BOOB DrsggiSW rnc vis aoiianw.- BottlS. . r , ,. SSarcilk4r4Awirariv !..(. R SWELL ANT OB Trt-ATEB-PrtOOPa- , CLOAK GLOTHB. Also, atuer m of Si ring , At 1 teak Ototbs, ta ail deslrsbl atlxturee li iwiie' i, la- . . mU ard iaUosvstoStatok. A1N A M, . BLACK. PTHAW BONNETS A r Ba mj .sBaiaiba,toi r,:.',,.ir.a BOB, . , , , -"r", .i.i; I. sf .A