23 23 IHIEBAY 6TEEET IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OK Foreign 'mm oraestlo DRY 'GOODS OR CASH OR AWOyjD CREDIT. . ,xBiMtedtthtrd. cloth DEPARTMENT' ' ' i.. . maamltada under th ".VjttTVd tell. Whestoivl.ln.tof fceaaeHtWetBAf ' U1 ' , : ' '' 4u' rANCVVESTmOS.u.... AND BROADCLOTHS,'' I' IV-ili. ' SATINETS, i' ladies CLOAINNG8, tnv.im.:r .su.TWEEDS, . j UEKa HANTS' OAlSIMBBBB, ,..T JEANS, free. W BKrt"",H i ni,: ISH t. cenu p r"- f- PRINTED BATUIST8, at 14 cenU: And Hhr 04$ mrMfn&'fy Ltm - DRisa-GooDa ,Departmeni. , KueliHMtiUlw. HibUIaI do. Peetw . Printed Lawn, Print Brillbuitee, Fency OtBghaa a, RoBbaatnes, BlaeB Bilks, " too Silks. Printed ChallU, ktaocbetttr Glnghami, . SlMgOW do. CIIbub Ottawa Cloth. AlpM, Pepiut. FANCY SPRING COODS. fckhmond'l Prints, MerriaeaePruv Pecise . , An.. ' ' American x. Donnelll do. aegU i HUCMMIl ' ' Vl liTMVIESTIC OOTTONa BbewmBl utjca,Ai... do., roceeeet . j j iiij,!. iU Ortitt a lacdid sHntTiNas AND BHEITIKU. Dalgbt, bawrtcoa, draat Valla, haomkcaf. Wallbjuo, Boott, WanraUa. LoDftiala, mil, (Ktw Toik MUU, Ae , Ac. A UBOB AMD iELICT ABBOBTlllltT. COTTON ADKB-airaat nHal. OUBCKB do. TlCKlSQS-all Ha laadlbt brasda. dkmivh do. do. ShiBTINO iralPia-aU U.. kadlni brand.. ANKBana g - . . T: ' OOBBBTJBAS8 ' .do. y . ' da. UAalABKS, PlfBB OAMBBJOi. do. 4 - COLQRBD CAM- v HaUUB, mm., mm. . 1 LARGE Alii' COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHITteOOM, ; ' ' ' B081ZST, - v - TAIBXK KOTIOKI, , ' Gentlemen's FurnishiDg Goods, UMBRELLAS AKD PARASOLS, , I'AKPETM AND eiL.ClOTH!tf . And a mat Tufeti of Aooda not aaaawnUd all ol tnibV. ptS. tojjaU at - pHca IU laiar poitloa at Brooi 10 ta 30 par cent- aaa. haa laatraar. ' r t J ; $ LATHROF, LUDINGTON & CO., tlEW YORIC: car STONE'SBAZAAft; TsTo. A Gwvnne Blrxk. A. P. STONE & O'HAKRA ' . ua-BiitlV RF.REIVI.NOTHEIK WIN A TIE 0O0DB, and laaitaths pabua to iaapact item. No ch (tack of Ooods baa arar been brougul to thia market. The Boutbi laoonaequence 01 ina iaiiare ol tba irain crop, baa not been able ta pnrehaee the aa ualqautltp of rich good, ad thia fact haa forced tb Importer! to ell them at pnbUe aneUoa. Oar buyer ( Mr. Bton) beirp ta New Tork at theae Urpe aalea, took adTantaee of them, and we can and will aell oar goode bare, at leai than any ooa wh parcnaaaa two waeca eince, oald for theai a New ik. Ouratock teeoapleta In rery departaaent of . ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIA8, PRINTED MERINOS, 5 . .. , ,- PRINTED COBURG8, ' DYED COBUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, ' . . . . ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, .-..-. ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, . .. , . .. . v DELAINES. SHAWLS MID CLOAKS! Five Thausand DoUars' Worth ought'in One" Day,' . LADiEFUrS,: HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, , Maa'a-ladlaa aad Children '1 Under Bhlrta aad Drawata Ladle, Mleea and Ohildren'a Hoaterjr of .11 kind, to Wool aad Lamb'a Wool; Eteaey Lined aad Cotton Glorei of rrery BiaJU., tJ, ;!)., .-.-,! , , . . A wmpletd Msartment of all the ustibI Trie tieaof j jt.., .ti twiT" . u tr r LADIES' CLOTHS, - '' -, CASSIMERE8, - '. ' OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNE18, 1 -2 a t. . RIBBONS, I---..': DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gtaat'i Lines Cambrlo Eand ' ' kerchieft, ftov sW', i,.',; ". To pvrwnawho sail on na, wtpledp oar word, to how tbeai to tarpaat, beat and ehaapeat atock of Oooda arar BBaalatala aiaaket, or pay ta one-dollar par hear white teaktagv .. w ..: r . ' decl-aUjxta-vUm miu :.i ' BTOSE m O'BABEA. W. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye! , .fcv 4 -. JR.., I Thla aparadld Cahr Dywaaaa tqual tnetaatMaowa ra ffaat BoaaOfBl Black at Nataral Brown no itainltig tht arte srmiartptj tat Eaot iwaooAaataospi,, ma effect ef ( Dpea., and iirrigorataa (h hair., for life. Mobs an gename atleae atned -W. A. BaUhAler." Sold 1 1 a; waeawi 1 1 1 wimiw 4awi CHAS. BATOEELOR, Proprietor, )y li wiy ';. J, M Barclay S tret t, New Tort , HAIR ., DYJillAJTw , DYE. f Win. A. JBatcneior a nair uyei XRB OrlABl' Bai' W U Worldl All ether, an awn badtetionsrand phoald bt avoid ed -- - -'--- 4-4 I ' ' ujvm 4.4M mm ,.i,i I iHri.!.. ORAY, BED OA EUBTI BUl& ' Jred butantly to . beaaOfnl and Kataral Browa or Black, with oat injury to BairorSkia. '-" at-e-aj it wiiv.itf H tamS , AUDAXt AND DIPLOMAS hart bf awardod sa Waa. A XmMbmimj shaet V339f tad ower BO.OB applicatioaa hav been made to (fat Hair sf nit patron. of Ms tamos dye, . ,pfcK,, ,)4!n ;r WM. A.AAS0ILSl0R'a HAIA DYE pfedweea a ec I or not to Bt tirtingoithed froai baton, and Bl warranted not to Injun bt tht hatst, hiwsvtt lotjg tt Biay tt sontin aed.and tht HI e facta tf Bad Dytt taBdid tht Hall nrtgoraM for life by thi tpteadid Dye, .si Sold ta all cities and fcwnt sf, (us Cnltad States pnp-rlets and tanoy Oooda Dealen. . ljxiHiMBuuMoaaBaBaBwaridaaatta Bpos aeteel Blate npTv1np en four (Idea of ca box, of WILLIAM v vauuixAiB ejiiiHSMig, FJoprletST, JrB-fl ' 1 Bt llAUlay sttwee, New Yotk: )l m itl ti 44 1W , ) 4l , .ir.. U:4.-f ''.!'.4 l Ii . i..1.?.!I3. v.ii m il' .-Lllf -. ," Jl en,IliHii t nM ; -oijrw m -ijj wll tie f .1 tew , or TBI tlTATE OP OHIO if AOBNBEAL NATO!, In IfORCE ADO. 1, "- rjoru Joseph IL Swan, wna'DroxxA ir tax MoisioxS pit ms CooUImJ uI (olr i rolaia' Om Olito Bad Ohio I bi'ue, ,.-, gut Reports.) . 14- ajid EfKUnp to prion uw." X t A" OEU J.CHIVVtll .4 ikID A fliLL AND COMMIirr inuu. la Two Royt 8. VoIubibb. WmI0 00. Na tar ot pnih bon apANd to auk tin ork i nari thA Mnuilitttxu vota of both Uontn, ind ni ordsrrO to M OiMnliawa w un roirowini tad CuoDtjofflMrii , . imrv. O'tftltiljulltir, Arawnirr hu uuwt vi - iortwd Pullo Cut, AuilUoit, twd ttitr ChrU f . vh.mii i nam i nnmn uiiuuud i 11. i nrtoua Cooru m cn (ouuqr, hi ib toid Momta and lUaMof BoprennUtlTta ot thli Butt, aM tb Ooreraart ot tba mtiki Biuai w n imra. - Thl book, eontalulof, as n aoai.aji 01 aow ta foroa, ana tba uilhorttstlv oonatrattion of twn ind of tba Wew OonitUutiun, will frmnd to aa aaptelih if aaatul In tna artotmuio ot tnair auuet, 10 an . OOUNTT OrriOBKBi ,M- : (- - iCBTlCBS 0 Till P1A01, . , . . j, TOWN8UIPTU08TBK8, ,. . !'" 0LBHK8 0T0WNBttir8,nd ; , cm OmOBHB. I ii .lib lai iiin nliaaaai bin bin f''""' iLuMtmikiHiiilialMa ol tba aMt aOtuona, ay tw paaL, (iaamuaaa and addlttoM, ud raany laortanta cUloDt km baa glaw tb BapnoM Ooart a - trarartad tnui, all ATTOBNKiB AT uir, , BABKBIIB. MBHOHANTB .,: I : AND BUtUBBaB MJUi fllNSBAIXT tVUl lad (bta aa laaaloabl Work. ' ' " Two Soval 8o. TV- of or Simttn Bun&rtd , fail laBtroai UwBlBdiaf. FrtcaBlH.flO. . MMlind by .. BOBKRT CliiltKEi CO: UwPabUaben, BookMllan; BUttoBar aad lataorttia. I , . . Ho. 5 WH fonitn nnwi. tblHcdSa: i ' . i Oaaoionatt 0 PURCHASER WANTED fortMpackaaatof Stationary and Jawalry, for aal at prtoaa aa in Totcrd, lata 10 per cant, dlscoaot, at tba tip run offle Uoiwima, with,. a ...nu nniad to aall lh beat packati of Italian try (ltb -r witboat Jawaliy) In th Baikal, at prtcat lowaa Inan caa pa parcnaaca aiaawoviv auu,, 4" lp toard, J. L. BAII.IT, 5jl5-4t ' IM CQBrt Itwet, Boa ton, Maat TRAVELLERS! li T Un oa U Ba Tork , drtra direct to to BROADWAY, CORNER 01 nODgTOSSTIH , ' ! - ' Oondoeted on th KUBOPKAN PLA N Ooori ran, Qoad Roona, Pronpt A ttendanca, and Mod I rata Cbarga. ..,.. HINoLb BOOMS 90 CT8. K 0TB. and SI FIR VAY . .. , j DOUBLE B00M8 aad PARLORB $101 $J Mul. aa antaicd. ThU Hotel hat all the BppotnOnent of tba beat bo Kb, a Boat central location, and la boated Ihroacboat bj it cam. BAMUKL . MEAD. - Baarobvium rrepiwwr. ,'t JTQHl H VHTtT.ltTt. ' A VENT t'UBIIOinEt CONTINENTAL., MiBBaTTAB, Batrarrt, and Ibtim In. Co.' Nna Tobb; Maumurra1 and Om ruu or UiiTo Haw Tobb Lira and Ooaa. Mtmaa lot, . Office, 81 High. ., NaTBft'1 Bl bT-llp , Alexandre's Kid Gloves. PLAIN AND EBIUBOIDERED, BIOVM. Ul'ETAIHE aad rep alar anap Black Eld flloraa, aabraideied ia white. Batata, purple, dM. Dadieaaad Eldaiorea. Muawa Kid ttlow. 'A eawplet aaaorOBant of theae celebrated Ulorei alwari lor aate by - BAIN m BOM, feb9S No. 98oaUlHlfkatret. DKESS GOODS, New And Attractive. MoziatBIQUtS, TBivtuna Poruiti, Chini Porxim, Poil db Chetptj, ' ' GlIIILLIB, FbiniJh Chintxzi, j Fbinch Mosunb, . F BENCH ObQAMDIEB, Cmwrst Wabhihb Silii, Elioakt Dbbbb Siucb, - Hiitt Babqdb; abb Mantle Sileb; And all other new and faihlonable materiB I Boat demand for haBdaoa Drrsaei and Mantlllaa. : BALE A BON, anrjq . Mo. South High atreet. j. oahd. H Stock of Oroceriet to 0. B.DEMINd, we cheerfully htm 4n nn ni .-4 r. 4prna mnA frlamila. nWI444M14U UUM WW VW , -' " " - - - , - Ttioo. wai4BLjin at nun. Oolnmbu, March 29th, laBI apl-dtf T?l Hi Street Baaqnea and Mantlet: alao. Rkih TrlBBls and Taxaele to match, at BAIN ' BayiO Slimmer Under Garments. LADIES LISLE UNDER TESTS. Ladle Qaoae Merino do, do. eanta Bilk Drawen and Bhlrta. - Oente India Sana Drawer, and Bhlrta. Cotton ". " 1 " t Oaaat MertaM Under SlilMa. ' j ' -' . Whit and Brown Drilling Drawer,. ' White Idnaa Drawer. " Extra larra Under Shirt. ' . BapeilorEngiiahHaif Mota. , " Long Btoeklnga. " Fancy Cotton Half Hoe 1 " Suapendera. , i , , ' Golden BUI Shirts. ' , For ia!t in great Tariety End Bt moderate piictt, by BAIN A SON, No. 89 Sooth High atreet. Bay30. mmtmistm TiiAii4a5jaAaa,w FBIOIS BKDTJCID . irraattwMswlortOawtrrsr.T Aa all partii Banafacturing Bewfo- Hacblnea snob- llred to oa Mr. Howe a uoene oa each amctune teld. and in a'to compelled to make return, to him, under tath. at to thenumbtr aold, bit bookl gtvt aeorreotetate ment. Prom thia reliable tourot we bare obtained the following itatiatla. Of the machine, madeta the year ltav, men were eoM, ,e: - .. By Wheelcf A Wllaon.. ?l,3nS L. M. Blnger A Co.. ..... 10,853 Orover A Baker.. .10,880 - Showing th aalea of Wheeler Ax Wilton to ss doviU tnoeeoi any omar (Joapany.-i . . , i. 4 . i. . . - Awardod th hlrtMt prearla-M al th " ' 1 11 Uaiiad Bute Paire of )h58, ltdt aad IBAffi ... J abwat th Ohio State tain of 1KS9 and t8M( ; -and at nearly all tht County Pain in tht State. . 'Out price, at the late redaction, ar w ku at My Hrfa fiica nason. now aoia. aou -oat a trine Btgnar auaa th interior two Vtrtad chain tUck maeMtm. now forced noon the markbt. ' " -1 Th WBEELBE A WHS0N MACHINE raaket tht Look Btich the only a which oaanet be raveled. It la Auxb o Botb Bioaof the good, leaving no rdat or thainomtht mndtir.ttd. t ....... ituMitui fcarranUt t y 444., ,AVIf UutrmeHgn pi Ten in tneir oa, ire 01 onanr. decJ-fcwirtafcwonj flkeS Opera Hotel. Cinclanatt1.,, if A U P Notice, Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. no a' 1 THE FOLLOWING CW IANOES WERE Bade ta the the offlcen of thia Bank. Janoajr J8th. IWL to Wie Wa. A. Putt. Prealdent. and Thowi. AtooBB, (manier, reelgeed their affie-sa. ' Divir Tanon. Aaa.. waa wn w-sovea rmiaem ana vr. a. run an. hi,!. iMMtf. 1 w. 1 ci In km.' I 1, w mm. wn wm H-nrn nr ,it n-rm TUB UinOITFOIffiVEIl! TTN.ION ENVELOPES A BABITY Ol j oeaigna. tt e,uw per Mtw, ., j TTSIOS umS AJTD HOTI FAFTJL Vatlf tk. .k.u4 k-aHaell daalaai A AU SB. a UAWJ yim otAtlgB u WJP Abuwbb awami,, TrTTTE AD QUARTERS No. 75 loath High atreet. I 0tnatms,My,Mil. J. B. UuEY.r-I r. 1 v. t- i-nt.i f fjiUg ,. : ruE.rsi . . ',: 1 i .r'.t a.i i a n at In I I aV Offered In greatest rtrlet pud at very lowcricea, ": - - 1 . ,'",- '' ' BATBT A BON, ': ""T m n .-.-. d 1 - I xif ut ffvan .ITi.t a it .it.. .i ;"0 tn c ' , l.v 'li ' 1 1 ' ' "' : ' '' " tin TWCIIEASED FA0IIJTIX3 1 1 1 iEtERAEY. ESIilliSS;: IsiiT(3 i) Jmr (.1, 'HiVtNO ) VflVttl I w T r M T ju u i ail v IIEW, BUILDHIGi h;f' ! HA Va'-- "I 1 cvroatly irrnln.trsc3 1.'.. 'i. . '.f " - A' " tai I (' BOOK-4' JOB-DEPARTfflTI 1 VEuat BOTH tLAY BKJUl " REPLENISaED i THKOUGIlOUT;I NcW ; Types,- Borders, Ornaments, rSOM THE OEI4EBB.ITAO IWUBKBi vr 0. T. WHITE C0,.KW XWiUa, ram BtAjnss. ft thi " III Slost Complete Establishment X.r TN TEX 0TTT. J Bat bow pnpsr to Ixwotd U Ortot for BOQK AITD JOB PHINTIISra, WITH DISPATCH! And Is tkB Moat ApproraA tylof ths Art. ' PAETIOULAE ATUTHI01I t ATD TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PHIN TI 3NT C3-. Bills of LadlBE, ClrcBlara, Bill Ileaiala, Blanks, Deeds iartlflcatea. Keceipts, Dray Tickets, Beg-lsters. HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, oncii, CARDS, j HIADWOB, jTOTXS, UTUOFII, COKTRACie. IUuatratod Show Bills, FOB COUNTRY MERCHANTS, '' Stow BLUa, EABd lilli, iBbolB, Cone.it Fro (rtBBtaa, Bchool ebb WUsgB bbasmb, no Ul lillB sf Tars, Unuturas, As. r 1 - "ii i - , ,y ooli Wor-li 0? EVERY DKSORfPTlOil enott snd CaltagB CaUlogaes, BueeUBnsoxu r impale u, Conitltltloiia, Boportl, BrUfi, fee Printing in Gold and Colors E O S TE Printed In'lTBry Color oa b ; Haxiiinoth Hoe Cylinder, TAB only Frou of th kind In Csntral Ohio. Mr rariHUaa for dobur a and all of th abOT deaorlB- Bona of work, art now nnui pasted, and aatlafacUon will bBjgnarantoM In all eases. llrA-U wort rarauoaa prastpuy 07 uii aaiapionuaei ; , RI0HABD H1VLNS. WHO SHOULD USE DR. J. BOVEE DODS 1 VEGrET A TtTaTfi , ' l -: IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? ' All who art afflicted with Incipient ConsaarptloB or Weak Lanpa ahoBld oaa Uem. Allwh auger from Weak Blomaoba. InJlxeaUoa. Dra- Bavate or File abonld at tnB. All wno auner irom ueueiai or MeTTvuL-vui, Baatletanasa at sight, Want of Bleep, Ate., aboald see them. ... 'i All persona who are ocvnralaeoent alter Mpertittlwr tema noaia aae idob. MlBlatert of tb flocpel, Lawyara, LantBi-en, and al public apeaker. aboald aae tbea. Book Keeper, and all peraooa leadlnA a eedeutary If aboald aa tbea. To aged aad roflra tntut aa tnaa. All wh raoulra a ttiBalanl or tonte thou Id Bat Lhera All who are addicted a the aaa oi ardent anuita and wth to mfora, aboald ao tbea. ' Tbeyar aiade of a par Sherry Win, and of th na- ttre plBBte and kerb of tb sosntrr, aad ahoald be re eoauaaadad by ten paretic tocteUet, tlergyaea, phrai euna, and all trtenda of humanity. Ibey an prepared by an experienced and rtlllful pby. dcian, and, aaidofraaB their medicinal properties, are t moet delightrul bereragei and yet, at a medicine, art aa (nnootntandbarmleeeaatb dowtof hearexu, f Bold by droggtate generally. CHARLES WTDDUXKLD Ca, rraprUton, T9WIIIUiBli.,New T.rk. &0KEBT5 tt SAHUBL, Lg ents, ' 'v h ,i OelnPBbBS, Okie aatBtdfcwlp MES, ; WINSLOW, An sprieneed Nora and Female Phyalelan, prtaeou - o tni attention et aouin,ner j . .. s o o t h i n g, s yrup, ..,. KorrMiow e4oonirii-i , FOR CHILDREN TEETHING which greatly factlltatee the proeea of teething, by aoft. ning the puma, leduetng all rnfliwimttlon will allay ALL P Alii and apaaaodic action, and ia . 9UHE TO BEOI7LATE THE BOWELS. Depend apon It, aothtrt.lt will give reel to yourMhm and : ! i - , i r -f KXUa AeD HEALTH TO TOTXB ISFAY1S. Wt bare put op aad aold thla article for over ten rear. and CAN BAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND IECTH, of it, what w have sever been able to ay of any other med sin NEVER BAB IT FAILED, IN A BIN OLE INBTa ANCE, TO EFFECT A CURB, when tunery aant. Nev r did we know an instance of dlaaUafaetlon by any on who oaed It. On the contrary, all are delighted with Ita opera tioaa, and spaak la teraa f ooBiaandatioa of it magical ffeoM and awdlcal virtae. Wt tpaak hi thia Batter "WHAT WE DO KNOW;" after ten year' expe rtenco.AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOB THE rULILLMAHI OB WBA1 WE HERA DBOLABB. Ia almost vrr umUne when the Infant is aufferiot from pal and exheastton. relief will be foand in fifteen or twawty Btnate. after theByrup I sdmlnleterd. J TBI walnabte -anoeratloa ai th wraaertDtton of imnf the aaott EXPERIENCED and BEILLFTJL NOErlNB io New Bni land, and bat been Bled with EErER FA1L- INaSUOOEBBIa tuvvsanvi or VABASa. It notonlr nlltrst the ah lid from sain, bat tnvuror- ate tb atomaeh and bowel, eomott acidity, and gtva tone and energy ta ths whol syttea 1 1 will alaoat in stantiy relieve QE1F1I0 CI THS BOWZLS, AID WIND COLIC and oreroomi eonvuuions, which. If not tpeedlry nme. dieo, na m neatn. w believe it in ubbx ana bub EST ABMEDY IN THE WORLD, In alleaeet tfOYA ENTERY and DIABEBtEA IN CBILDREM, whether it arlaet f roa teething, or f roa any ether aat. w. weald say t every mother who baas oWld (Bfferlng fma anyot oierongetng eomplsbiti DO WOT JbBI YOKE MBad btweea wow and year suffering child, and the re I haf that will be BDKB yea. ABSOLUTELY SURE to aotKr uw.bm or una BssduiBa, it tiaeiy oaM. Fall nettoB for Being will aeaoBPany each bottle. Nona renslae Bnlea th tao-etmiie of OUB.TIS A PEBElNa: New York, le on th oataid wrapper. "Bold cy au i)ra(fruuibronflM4il tba worU. : PplBcl pal Office, is CeAar Street N.Y. TRICE ONLY SS CENTS FER BOTTLE., oetW-dfcwly. , r;- ,-i CPBING CLOAKS" AND BASrllNEST O MEW STYLEBBaAM EC Sea. No. x Pi Boar Blgn atnet, fear 'net openea new tyu or otera 0i( eniABt. BaaoiBB and Baooob, Bate la the weweat and moet etyllah manner. ' Alao. mBer tiatia Kmc a. Mtlkaw rery heavr, deatiued txpreatj. a,, Manlillaaaod KaaquiDae I't'twrUlVi I in) eii'i 1 1 1 ' a ai'i TbV EAOFTBD "SIIEEXF1WO " AND U BBIRTNGB, all wwim, If von ceinbrateo make, 'u : -,,.MtM , .-? ..,". . sTfs ixm il Undot t J" b&wb ' 3 r-'"r fcl,ttBlKt. lh?AdUfWf gjj but g 5 3 , P' i,l ..iT-lj .li,g . Q.I "rti: B .Kt ri-' -nti,jaM .Ti tf -,!- eg .'"''-,' " i-fl "ii34'-i o . .: W (" O'". 1 2' S ' 4,u;P ' B 10 "J1 ""' 'rl ' ' jji W 8 3 0 t . 1 . y . n . ... , .1 1 '; jr.lt pa 1 a,.. ?'. ... r .' ( ft i' '"'1 ; 1 r1 '.v.itl-. 4: 4,1: - 01 INVITE ATT.INTI0N to P0BM f Utt o.t traerdlnary ear, by my ", v, , 1 l f , "?:! PECTORAL SYRUP. they ar. at horn., and any on. who haa doabte can; In oair. of th oaraoa who bar. beta tared by.lt ' DB. EITBKB IS PREPARED AT ANT. TIM TQ EXAMINE LUNdB HHOUT OHABQBi .Oa. Alw TUODB, WHO MEED B18 MEDI011IBB-, ATTEND TO YOTJB COLDS A eu of yr,i tandinpearadbyDR. K.BVsAtt'8 PEUT0EAL SIRUP. U no I'.i 1 ; 1 .-' 'n ?iTTiacji, Jan. 1, 18v Di tirah.Ui w ha. been afflicted Wltk a bad Mgh and dlAioalty af iTraUiin tor Ar. or aiB year, Tloleno.' Tboa.p-aiathaJ been hereuitary, and ah Vhih ffA. MMnl VflhlH IMIf a. 1UU1 VnHllUlIU UIVI4MWVU 444 had ba tnaied hp aerwal pnyacian wiuwai any r- Itef. Ia thi law vt twr oaa, 1 proeureo oia 01 poor P4hni rtoa.k u-rniB. I buuihL the firat time, a fin. .Mnt tail I., ahlch raliend her eery much 1 1 then oalled aad pet a dollar bottle, which eured bar entirety, and aa Baa BOW j trace i toe ronner aivcmo,,, wy wmr Bmm. I would alao alate that I need the medicine ay 4ir uamldandaoaah. The mullein cured ma by tea Ing oa. dot. I npna ny entir aatlafaetlen with the Bedldae, and yon ar Bt liberty to publtih thi. If yea deelretodpso. i-,., ! : " VFr?.', i - .-4. ' to, . - A - . . AUIennaVlflhWard. ' J. 1 1 1 ' l1 . a 4l.. a lot. , rTTTlBcaan, nur. ia. ipjd. D. Kmm: Allhooith not an adrocett of Patent Madidi.ee, la general. It afford, a pleaaar. ladesciiba hia to ncoBmanA nnr Pectoral Brnip. A. a aedkla It I well wortiiy the attention of any perion ho may In any Banner b afflicted with eonpha, oolilt and hoaraeneai of an tdut, and for the pace liar jaali&eatlona for re Bering ail Oat dlaagreeabi. aenaaUos attendlug a sa fer oold. , - - 1 bare rcn, n."ta nr leaa, In Dp life, affected with the eererwlui outde ad l.car.'nCM. ' At time my throat would aeeoiue ocl.aed aa ta prenl niTnkiup abore a Phlaper, and by taklni a (aw doaaa ol lb. abort Byrap itiroald raliere me entirely. Ic lecDmaiendina thia u-idlcine, I mart BnhealUtlngfr aay that It ia the beat remedy I mr foand, purporting to cure tb abore, nor abuuid any family be without thi remedy fordiacaece ao prevalent. , Ve ire, moat reepectfully. ADWAKDJ. J0NK4, Oaahier Oitlaena' Drpoilt Bask BTirBBMvuxB.0., March H. 18jS 1 hare oaed Dr. Kcyaer'a Cough Byrap for a bad eounb l ttreral yeara atanding, and can cneenuny aay it the be.t medicine f or th nme that I hare erer taken 4 J. W. f BICE. COL. F-KATT AND DR KEi'BKB'B PEOTORAL VhlIP.-DR. Krraaa Dear Sir: Exooae the delay uf my acksowledgiag tbeexiallenoa of your Sectoral Cough Brrnn aoontr. I take great pleaaure In laying that It I, ail roo er It I. It ttituitd (Ae aoiee out ol tny oougk and the won! one I wai erer afflicted with: I hare sot uae4 mere than one-half ef t htabottle. and I ean and do wiih that an who areaOJUted would giro It u lair a trial aa 1 hare dime, and they will bt proud to aay, "It It no qoaek medicine." I vonid not tuiler another auch an attack fur any conaiJeratlane or at any coat. I am con- Odealloao brralua more ireeiy tnan xer-r 01a. a anau alwara ackBowladga a debt of gratitude for Inrenllngec excellent a remedy, IT oa are at liberty to uaa my nam ia thi. regard, aa yoa turn proper, m.i. man, tleaaenger uommon uouncn, riiuonrgu, ra. PlttabBigh, May It, lav0, N. B Lea no atrmntrr to my fellow cltlieni, and - who entertain doubt can coniult m. penoually. . .r. r. PrrraBCBoB, April H, 1857. READ THE TRUTH. Da. Knuat; I hat. a daugh ter who hat taken aereral medic Inea for a bad oough without benefit among then Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I purcfaawd from you a buttle of your PB0TOHAL SIKUP, and before aha bad need halt a bottle ah wal peliewed. The teeonil ootlie eurea ner entirely 01 aer coaih. ioun DAitiN, MWMBMVU iwin, AlFPKUVUy. PiTTtBUBtH, Dneembtr, 31, 1843. A GREAT CURE BY KB, KEXBEH'd 1'tCIOBAL BIllDP. I lire In Peeblei townahip, Allegheny county. I bad a coughing and epittng, which commenced acout th 4th of Pebruary laal, aid oontlnued tight mostba. I employed ths best pbyaidant in th. country, and my tough continued anjilltl until early In October. Al that Urn I wal adrticj to try your PECTORAL C0OGH SIRUP, which I did, and titer I had taken on. bottle I waa entirely free from the coughing and .pitting. I had detpalradof erer getting pell, and I ihiak It aboald bt knows that this valuable f.medy will do for otbera what It haa done In my caae. JOHN 0. LITTLE, Wltnoat B. M. Ebbr.I Peebles townhip. ) Pattob Tr., April 14, 1857. A WONDERFUL 0CRB Boa time ago, an old neighbor ef Bin wal rery 111, with a bad eough which rerr on supposed to be conaomption. Hi. relatirea told bo that he bad taken every remedy they heard of Without benefit; Us brotber earn to eee ma aw, ana all war eonsrmad In tbebenei tnai neoonianoi lire, had about the third of a bottle of your Pectoral Byrap, which I tare bun. and It entirely cured him, to the Baton lahment of all. What makea the caae mora remarkable. la the extreme age of the man, he being about eighty yeara old. 1 bare no doubt tut rectorai area me me. JOililN'QINNIS, DB. KIVBER'B PEOTOBAt BXBUP IS iBLAIBJ TILLE. Pleete lend mt another ropply of yoor Taltf able "Pectoral Byrap." Aim oat trerybody around at ha tbeoold and are Inquiring for "Dr. Keyaer'a Pectoral Byrap." Wt hart eoldeixteen oottiea lait week, and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maber, both of Blairertile, Pa., tell ua tbey would not be without it In .their families. In fact, ill whs ate it once wast aeain. Yonra. retDectfullr. i. e. rr ah. annum at bviib, January 3U, ibou ANOTHEB NEW OBBTIPICATE DR. EBYSBR' PECTORAL 8YBUP. I had been troubled with toougb and cold tor aereral weeks to bad was It that I tonld not sleep, 1 had thi advice and preacrlptlona from three of the bestpnyalclana in tnt city, wnom 1 oouia name, put ao not do so. I finally procured a bottle 01 your rectors! Byrup, which eared me entirely. Bigned, . ..... . r. BXiBunivn, S36 Liberty street, Plttahurgh, Pa., Jan. , 1860, 'STOP THATJOOTJOmtlO." 'Howcahl do Itr "Oo to Kevaer'a on Wood atreet and get a bottle of bla Cough PectoiaL and if that doa't eun yoa, your eaeo mull be detDerate Indeed.'1 . This is a specimen of the colloquy on bear almost avery day in sold catching period of tb rear. And we can, urm actual experiment, cueer- full, concur In th advlaer'a admonition aa abore, for we hart tried the "Feetonl." in amoit atubborn caae. with 10 tin aaecec. Near two week, ago we went Pittsburgh, with one of thi moat diatruaaing, contrary, muilau, un aubduable cough, we ever experienced eince our advent apon thla mundane epnere. we eougtied tteadily and laborloutly for one wbole week, in bopee of tiring U out, trot It waa no go. in laot it tocmea ntcer to hare lm proved by practice, and to have acquired atrenKlh.uoten' cy and dMrtutibiHty by the operation. Io thia atageof the aiege, we couched our way to Keyaer'a, 140 Wood BL 4 procured s fifty cent bottle of the "Pectoral;'' took it aooordiug to direction!, ana in rorty-eigm noun we wen matter of thi field, the enemy having unconditionally aurrennerea, alter a onei cut unequal connictwun ao formidable an adveraary at Keyaer'a famoue "Oouzb jractorol.' vromumu vuppr, w. it, leou. ' DR. KEYBBS'S PECTORAL BYHUP la preptr. - and aold by Dr GhOhG B. SEY8KB, 14U Wood atreet. ruuurpu, ra. yW Bold In Coiumbua by KftBERTB tt BAMTJEL. fjiooTM,icifr KierriErY. ' " ' " ' " ' 1 ;n r-tt . .. I-.! ' Pnpartdaud told by . ,. . .. 7 , Im. OEOjH.KBYgER, ' ' '-' v ' - ,'.''" Price, SSeents. - 1 40 We! pi. , Pittaburgh, Pa ,,.. 'I. -i I . , ,1- JO Bold in Oolaabai by ROBERTS A SAMUEL. ' octx7:twdua. . . ,-. . t 1 ... GBNTS PAPElt COLLARS 'AND NocH Tioa. " '. " . .- L-a .l' ..... f. '-' I .' Silk' Ties, " ; " ' I Ailnen (Jollars, v.if..-.'.- . . - 1 Hair Bleae, Druwajra, .Ax, ... I , BAIN A BON, spray . i a to, t9 Houih High atreet. i MnOfartnrera ind Wholesale Dealers, id BOOTS ND SHOES, Nortt)wet Corner of High And Gay 6ta., t. v 1 COLDiTIIJIJS,... ;,..,i...OIIIO. "A Isrpjs gteek of ftpi and Btapli flood on hand.!.. 'JfSMntT .m1o' , t.t-i i i'ir.W STELLA SIIAWLSI STELLA SHAWLS 1 1 In aU desirable colon, aad at very gnat bargain. .hS1 . t HI,', ri - ifALn at sun, ,( No. 39 South High ttreet. ppnis WANTBDr-AOENTSJ TO ELL taokaea ef STATION ERY and JEWELRY, st S rices one-third lea thaa ean be purchased slaewhvn nil oa or addrea (stamp enclotedl I. h. BAILEY, No M Ooart st Boeton, aliua. - march 88:d3m. WIDB HI AN TLB BAHAOES, BQTU . . Wk mand BUoA, jopt reotirsd at . . -, - . I I4.4V,. r M ril, .11. lit: A A . - -I nit ... ,., i. .. ,.-, - ... i .. i O'n ".. ''J.g..1HiPMVf) j u. HUNNEWELL'S I Alt ThroU B Irng t, ;B,ri JntpJ Eii-lotep;, with nirf. I naulta. V uooi uia LoooB. (JnaoHiO ABB ombuii Oooaua, Bbobchui, abb Tbboat Oonruum, Blwayd foreraanera of OonaamptloD,, Aa A Sootbib) Braur It ha n (tiperlor.- A read from all Opiate ot BteMHd propertlet, may be deed by Boat delicate eonaUf fuuoaa, ana wun pen f 'i-'i tiCt at.c T0LU ANODYim mm.' N.trmAL Orurt seer orrerM tou world, oontainiag nel partiol tf OplBm, bob any to . w,, i,. .t.i.,,1. wMMtAlila aud madloal proDertlet. A anrt Remedy for Mbiibakbia. .BarokATtw, Ooirr, Tootb ABB Ea Anna, OiTaBBB, &oB on Hat iBf BB, and all minor Nerrout Complaint., r roat laoaa oP Burar, aa keaoaooo m iw ,m It ha. to equal, and to which moai uaaouuwu 4 1, are offered l"!", i.. to Bows 0.Kri4Aum,Af tel ramertng th. pais It ACM I a nhvato, a Boat Important contrail wim an wwym- fcorw.Beoui oi upiuai. , w. So Ehyiwlane, rormnia. anainai -Jl and to-Dealer or Invalid a daeorlpUTw ptBShltt " p43tageatemp. rnpared ander lot rpeclal tnpwfUteB of JOHN L.. HCnNEVBSA.Iii rO ,fr;emiABB phuMUastiPt,' r w0 S Commercial Wharf, Bob, KBtt- Tewhom plaaa dlreoi aU saBateauoB ' PfloM-Larp. Cough Remedy , 50 oanU per bottle i!f(i Bmail Tola Anodtnt. BO ' tor salt bt tb neual wholealt sad Yetall aealtrt, TeiTWher. i rjtf -IV-' i BOBBBTB wamuBi-, .. JOHN R. COOK. .1 " ' JOHN R. COOK. , 0. DENIQ m SONS, may)7-wlT A. J. B0HUELLBB at BOW Agents for Colombo,, Ohio. r :i I ' " THE " ' WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN ' I HATIN0 A OIBODXATION "'I e L ' ' 1 lARGEB ' B 1 alTim tHOTJSAHBS . 1 . Thaa any othe' paper In 0hk, onhrld of Cincinnati pffcrsVFacilitics for Adrertisin "'" ' WMch CANNOT tAII, to bring ahnrfw and Bemnneratlwe Itetnrnt ' 1 To thne who take ad ran teg 'ef thta. HIE wymmT.Y STATESMAN, Dtatributed at It la through tnry Pott OfBot In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of jleaden Whoet patronagt It raluablt, and who teldoa pet th Dally Edition! of elty Jcamalii and at only A limited Hunter of Advertisements "'ire Inserted In lit tolumna, appoprlately and HANDSOMELY WUYED! ' t TOST IUBB0I Patt 10 i.ttxetot .ttontlora or alh 't . WHOLESALE - DEALERS ... .... . hm. nau 1 , it. . Aareetlalnf In in. Hiutl miataanrui an ; It adranhtgoui In ' - THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which It almoet otrtaiB to follow aa txtenalrtdlitemlg - . atlon knowledge of Ihelr bttalntM AMOSQ COUBTBY DEALERS I ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED rOR " The "Weekly Statesman ' " I Shonld be handed In before Friday1 noon. ; THE ONLY PREPARATION ht. : THAT HAS 14 v STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, I 1 - And grtwi mar am 4 popular ,, i. ewery Aay I And tesllmonlala, new, and almoet without number might be given from ladlea and gentlemen in all grade, f arv-fetv. whoaa nnited testimony none ooald realat. that Prof. Wood'tUalr Beatontivtwlll reetor the bald and gray, and pneervt me nau oi tne youu to oia age, io aU its youthful beauty. ' . ; ' Battle Creek, Mich.. Deo. Slat, '858. Pact. Wood: Thee wilt please aeoept a Unt to inform thee that the hair oa (ay bead all fell off over twenty yean ago, canted by aoomplloated cb.ro oio dlstsas, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual anniaa of aufforlnt throuih life having reduced m to a state ot dependence,.! have not been able to obtain Huff for cap, neither bare i seen aon a ao in em up, in eon ennence of which my bead ha suffered extremely from cold. This Induced mete pay Brlggs A Bodges almost the hut cent I had on eartn lor a two aoiiar oouie oi toy Bair Beitoratlve, about the tint of August last. I have faithfully followed tht dlrctlona,and th balAapot It now oovored with hair thick and black, though ahert, it It also coming In all over my bead, feeling confident that another large bottle would reetyre It entinly sad permanently, a raci aniicue w peravrarrv id iw uaa, and belne deatitute of Beans to purchase any mora, I would ask thee if thee wouldet not b willing to tend mi an order on thine agents for s bouie, ana receive to my self the tcrlptun declaration "the reward U to those that arekindtetht widow andthefatherlia." ' " , I Shy friend. ' 8USANNAB KIBBY. Llgonler, Noble County, Indiana, Feb. Slh, 1B59, Plot. 0. J. Woopt Itar Sir In tht latter part of thi year 1B52, while attending the State and National Law Bchool of the Blate ot New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced failing off rery rap Wily, mi that In ths ahorP spec of six months, ths whole Upper part cf my scalp was almoat entirely bereft of lis covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the tide and baoa part of ay bead shortly after Became gray, so (hat you will sot be aarpriaed when I tall yea that ap on ay return to the State of Indians, my awn caa sal acaaalntaucea wen not ao much at a ion to diaoorer the eauae of tht change In my appearance, at my men intl mats acqusintanoet wen to reoognlae me at alL ' at once Bade application to the aott skillful physi cian hi th country, but, receiving n saeurancs from then that my hair would again be restored, I was forced to beoomi reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1H57, yoar nvestontivs was eommended to me by a druggist, aa being th Beat nil bis Hair Beitorativa in aa. I tried on bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that It was producing ths deaired effect. Sines that time, 1 have need seven dor Ian' worth ef your Keatorattve, and as a result, bar a rich coat ef rery toft black hair, which no money can buy. ' ., ' . At a mark if my gratitude for your tabor and aktlltn the production of to wonderful an article, I have recoaa- mended its om to many of my friends aad acaualntaooes, who, I am happy to inform yoa, an using it with lias effect. Very retptctfully, you, , , ., . , , , A. H. LATTA, I Attorney and Counsellor st Law, Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealen through out the world. .... i e . . The Reiterative it pat op In bottlet of three tites. rtt: Urge, medium, and small, the small holds X a pint, and Rtaila for on dollar per bottle; the medium holds at leatt twenty per cent, mon In proportion than the email, and malls for two dollan a bottle; ths Urge holds a quart, 40 er cent, mon in proportion, ana nulla for (S a bottle. . . 0. 1. WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New 7k, aad 114 Market Street, Bt. Louis, Mo. rAnd aoldbv ROBERT3 A BAMUbL, Oolambus, Ohio, and by all good Draggiets and Fancy Goodl Dealen. aptiilid&weowu. - ... , ' -.! WM, KNABE ft CO., T THF.IB NEW' A t.T.-rr L R00M,Jj0. 1M BAIUM0SS6T.1 'YYl ' ; NbBa,,ralBd T.JinTAW BTJIsItTi,...,-;.. i',. ; Offer tot sal hsbjoilabTatsd ir , , -.-h'i-u GOLDEN MEDAL, 1 ' rr- 1 f- fi RAN LI l- " ,i ;;!; In - 4 AND 8QARE i : PIANO-FORTES. ' Belnr hiihlr reoommeodad by the Ent trefeMit ted Huaicai Amateanot mcouiuiy, aae, .;-.! ifv(;j i BVRKY i , . ., ,,lU.j ,! ' t .-. TNBTBTJMBNT ' ' 1r " j.,, , ,,,,.,.,., ) ,-, flTIIarABJ. Ths ': most fastidious customer may rely ppon .peiag . . . uA i t- . IV AttHAnTBll tUB ' ' - " pleased in svery respect. , , ;.' -j Terms Itberal. - -- vrai.avoiAnaiw.uv. BELTitEK AWEB8TBB, Agents, - Bet2Silydw. .uv,; . jc ;,,.,i n ...0olussbaj,0bJi, Watehes I Plamopdi !l SUrer Wars HI A CHOICE AOBTATENT Ul UULD XA. aad Bllver vratcnes, in great ranoij. . , , I am Agent for the AmaieaB Watcb Co., and ean ell the rxosltent Watchet at Banofaotunn' priota, tttaer WMMsaW or bsbia -; :' , i ' iv Ooma and chooea from my beautiful dUpUy of Dia mond and other rich Jewelry. Styles fiew priest low. - At to Bllrer Wan of Uriing quality, I ean show new pattens, very handsets,'- i i - i .i.x.y. Bllver Plated Wan, Tea Sett, Unit, Walters, Outers, Baskets, Pitchers, Goblets, Knives, forks, Spoons, Ao. Then I haves supply of fine Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives. Bason. Ato.. aad aoy Faocy Goods inch a an deelred lor protean-rat turn price at an an mdaoe mtnl to the purcbaeen WM. BLYNN, - No. 10 Buekeva Block. ' marfei r -'' " 1 Mottb aide Stats Boose laaAr. ' T XTOTICB I hereby given that I hare keen duly ap. 1 Minted tdmlnlatntor of tht eitate of Charlea Clark, late of Irankllnoonnty, deceased. ' - ...r- !-. i '..-..cv - ' - 41 JRAV1US1J VLAJUI.;.. S. A n. Chittenden, Attomsyi., i ', . , i . , it it w - 1i vI Vj f. ha I THE GREATEST mr Mn ' trWr.mhuq.mmnAimtnm ttjiulal'lf -jjW wV'H A , mvt m r W Aril 21 ill ifl) ft, la.!'; t.j h!Mu(ttV'( 'U UK I ,a ..'T OF THE "AGf :, Mil. KENNEDY, , OT .BUXHfJBVi bat dltootered la on of oar tomuoa peatureweod a remedy that snrot. I I i. '. 7 E veiy Kind of ntuiaor, I fEOH U.It6ilti.'Jv( Tn wont SorofnlE dow td. 4 wmfltoa' flaplB. Be tea tried It In erer tltrtn hnadrad eatet, and ner- tr failed txoept la two eaaet, (both thunder burner.) He hat bow in hit poanaalon over on hundred tsrtuloatasof iuralat, til within twenty mile of Boaton. . r Two bottles ar warranted, t tors nurtln port SaKASltkl , ' i .r ' I - . Ont to thrttboUlitwIU tart thi wont kind of Plmpltt en the tao. a Two or three Dottle will clear tnt antam of elite Two bottles are warranted to tart thi Wont tanker In, the month ar atomaeh. ' Thrt to ftf bottlet in Warranted to tmr thi wont klndof Bryaipela.- - . ft,- on to two Bottles an warranto a to tars an numor IbtAyat. ' Two bottle an warranted to cun running t thi eat Pirl klaaWkABtl miwiB thaa hklw. roar io tts ioiifli rt inurmita w ean wnspi hq rwnuaig bjiosjitj. una bottitj win ear miv trQDneii m tarn uio Two r ihrc boAlM tr wrulil. 10 Cf tb WfrtC S alwaaeaH'isasBl Two or thrt bottle, ar warranted to ours tnt most derperete oaat of rbeomaliim. ; , Thrt to four boUleeara warrmntad to cure lt-Rhem Eirs to sight sotUa will ear toe wont oa or ar ful. I A benefit Is alwara txDtrltaosl from th tint bottle. t perfeotcan It warn a ted when the abort Quantity it '. EOIBORT. MASS. rii.a hababi: Ths raouUtlon of th Medical Dte- eortr. In caring all kinds of bamon, Uso wift Mtab llibed by the onanimout to id of all who hart erer weed It, that I need not aay anything on tb tublaet, at thi Boat aklllful phyalelan and the moet oartfai DraggUtt theootntry are unarlmoueln Its pnlat. In nraaentlna th Medical DlaoOTtrr to roar BOtlot, 1 do It with a full knowledge of its sanUrs power, in rJ Uerlng all, and curing aott oi thoee dbwaeit to which yoa an unfortunately to Uabls. . That moet txtnje.tS' diteaat to an affectionate Bother, - NIBSINO JBB nOI Til, I, on red aa If by a minclei roar own temper Ismtond to It natural awtnen, and your babt from short and fretful naps to calm and aweat alnmbem and the Medical Dlaoorery become a fountain of blowing to year hatband and nooaebold. In the mon advanced alarwi of OA Iik E It It II tec da to th ptomach .oaoilng DKsrErfiiA, which at nothing bat canker on thi atomaeh i then tt 1st In tea tinea ana - KIDNEYS creating a linking, gont feeling, and an Indlfireool trsa to tna carat or your bum if. , , . j ., Youralomachla . . r--. , RAW AND INFLAMED. roar food dlitrcttM yoa. and roa ean only take ttrtam klnda, and tree of that yoarayataa dots not got half th aoBrlahmtnt It tonteiii, at ths aoiimoaowa fluid of the canker eat it up) than yoar eomptexlon lose lis bloom sod beoomea aaliow and prBUB, your day Is gone, for want of noarisaaenl eoms looaa aad flabby, and the fibres com relaxed then follow a train of disease wklob Nat Medical Discovery it peculiarly adapted to ' CV BE Palpitation ot ths heart, pain In ths side, wsakaea e the spin and small of the back, pain of the hip joint When yoa retire, irraguUrtty mt tb bowU, and alas, that moat txcracUtlng of ditttwt, tht -, . i .... FILES , ,. ; ,--r;i, How many thousand of poor women are enfforlng froa this dlsesss and pining away a miserable life, and theli next door neighbor doe aot know th cease. I with It bnpreeioa yoar Bind that good eld proverb, "An oanct of prevention 1 btuer than a pound ot eun," In the MEDICAL DISCOTEBY - .', you bars both the preventative and the ears, with thk greal and good quality, that It will never, ander aay oireumitanoe, do yoa any Injury. . THE IflEDIOAL DISCO VEHY Is especlaly Intended for disease of th blood, bat sine it introduct Ion In tht WMtern Btatet, it it round u or tht beat - AGUE BEBXED ' - ths t waa iverbefon tbt pablic : i. - - ' No change of diet over neoetaary tat tnt beat yoa eu and ml enoneh of It. DisBtmows pon ces Adults one tabls tpoODfal est day Children ever ten yean, dessert tpotmiwl Chlldrea from Are to sight yean, lea apoonfol. Aa no directions ean be applicable to all eonaitntions, take sumoient to opent on th bowel twice s day.1 ,i Yeara truly, - - I - DONNALD KENNEDY. Price 11.00 perbottle. fof -y erery druggttt la the United states. ,. , : : p81-dAwly. 1)0 YOU WAIST - WHISKERS? DO VOU WANT WHISKERS! DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? ' ' -. DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? ; V BELlIHQHAM'S .'- I-: CELEBRATED ' '' StimnlatingODgaciit. ' . I . -r. : .-: .:...., For the WMskers And Hair ' Tht mbeeriber, take pleasara In annownoinr t th Oltisent of the United Btatet, that they bare obtained the Agency for, and an now enabled to offer to th American publio, the above Justly celebrated and world-renowned articlt. The . . .. ... 1 STIMULATING ONGDENT ; . ' j ,,, n . i -. .-i ., bfi.i ,u 'it'. U prepared by Dt. 0. P. BBIXINOHAM, an eminsnl phyiiciau of J-ondon, tod U wsrranted to bring ont a thick Ht of ; (Whiskers or a Mnstache ' in from' Oires to'tix week.." ThU article It tht only ont of thi kind need by the r rench, and in London and Parte it is in pniveraal nee. ' 1 It ia a bean Ufa I, eccnomlosl, soothing, yet tttmnUUng wmpoSndttcUng u If by maple upon ths roots, canting a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. - If appltad ts the scalp, It will 4pnn BAJjataa, and aaaae te spring op a plaM ()f th bald apote a fine growth of new nair. Ap- nuea aoooraing io airecnonp, u win mm in or nwi Lair babe, and niton gray hair to its original oolor, leavine it soft, ntooth. aad Eexible. The Hibobbt' la an hxllepenaable article in every gentleman's toitet, and after oat woek't aae they would not for any ooosidsntlon bewiuoutiu Tbt pubaerlbenan the only Agents for the article In tht United Btatet, to whom all orden Bolt bt addrssssd. Price Obi DolUr I box for ale by all DraggUtt aad beaten; or a box of the "Ongnent" (warranted to have the deelred effect) will be sent to any who desire it, by Ball (direct), securely pscked, on receipt of price and postagl, ei-18. Apply to or addrea , HOBAOB h. BEGBMAN dt CO., bbomists, Ao., , . ,. , ftbSOdAwfim ' dWUIUm Btnet, Now Tork... IRISH STEAMSHIP UNlC Bteain Between Ireland and America 1 ...... - - NEW .YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY ' Tht following new and magnificent Bnt-olssspaddU wheel Steamships eompota the above line: ADRIlTIO, 8,888 toas burthsa, i.Ospt,J.Mtol ,, (formerly of th OolUnt tint.) , . HIBERNIAN- ' 4,400 tent burthen, Oapt. BT. Pnowta. COLUMBIA, 4,400 " ' . " At. LllTCB. ANOLIA, 4,400 ''I'1 "' r" NtcHolsCB PAOiriO, -8,000 " '.'tM ... 1. fJMUB. PHINOa AXBNKT, fBcrew.) ' " J.WAUtBB.' One f the abore shlpt will leave New Tork or Boaton alternately every Taeaday fortnight, for Oalway, car rying tht government main, toocning at Bt. Jobna, Ths , B teamen of thU lint bare been eonatrncted wltk Oie grtatoat can, under tb. anpervUlon of the gortrn- meat, aarewawr-ugui mmparunents, anaaraonexoap m loroosiiur,. kicj ua ip-rca vj maj lutnin anoat. Tbr; Are commanded by able and experienced officer. and every exertion will bt made to promote the comfort oi passengen. ' Kiilr ' experienced Burgeon attached to eactkihlp '' ;i I HATES OP PASSAGE. - V'-'-V'-- ftrtMasiN. Y or Boaton to Galway er Liverpool $100 Btcona-ciam, , .,- - : . j . 74 Flnt-olaee, i" ' ' ' to Bt Johns 35 Third-elaas, - " ' " . , v to Galway or Liverpool. or any town In Ireland, on a Ballway,. --- 3V ' Third- laapsaangen an liberally tapplicd with pro riaioBB of the beat quality, cooked and served by tbeser- vbbis oi in uompany. ''.,.) RETURN 'TICKETS. " U'' '" ' Ptrtiet wltblng to tend for their friends from tht old country oaa obtaia ticket from any town en a railway, ta Inland, or from the principal cities of England and Boot land, at rery low ntee. - .. . i k ... .-j -..raaaenaen for New York, arrivint bv th Boaton Bfeamen, will bt forwarded to Ntw York fne of charge. ror pasasge or lurtntr information, app ip to :))-", .,4, (i r-., Wat. At. WIORHAHv " . At the ofllos of thi Company, on the .wharf, foot of uansl street, newiorx. fuoWLAND A ABPINWALL, Agent.- ; aprlH9:d0m, -f- Oantoa Mattinga 1.4, 5.4, 6-4, wntt nig uea t WhlJeiChiKked of puirlor quality. For Bate by , r.l oma m nun, , BihSS , v j; ion8ot1lBlg3 "1 '.7.7AJ!'. '.-i.-.V iV ifl atak ac kMiiii 0 Dr.J.ILncLEAN'S EtrSsllSiijiF iSrllaifuB TpIooTf The Creates a BeaaeAy la Tht HtrM, ' fcora miaous . AND . . A OOBUIAL V ' EVER ' TAKEN.i V ' rwia tTuiiiT: A ly a Klentloe and Tare lab I, Compound. i ' preeajrad by the dltUI latlon of Beott. Herbs ..aad Barks, Yellow B-r. Til... In, VWK, 4(44V 44V1, a lU.n. til ,' Oherry Bark and Dan- j. acllon ntn mio - -.. mi" 1 1 principle ef each towredlsnt It thoroarh lj ". Biy new method of dlaUlllng, VfiS, , , Pi a, " rf-fliimr-.iu I f-irx 1 v-iJ I l bin I..1U .H. 1 fW -IB" 100 .... I Jrm I.1 14, l h an f bllenUng aplrih and tna suit! LpwMuuioum . renovating tht dlaed ayeteini and rsstorlng lb slok- I I tufferlBTand debilitated INVALID to MBAI.TB aa-.-,.- BIBSMUTU. " - 1 neLEANS STBENOTMENINU , y; , ( DIAIa-.i.-hl A 4iprl mtiaSi " ',' ; :IU rfectuallyian t t, Xl w-.i LIT BE OOplPluUM.rtBPAPSIA, JACND10S, a I i , t Chronlo or Ntrvous Debility, Dlaeaaa ef the Kidneys, and all dlnaai arialng treat a .Uaordatwl LJver or Htom aoh, Dyapepela, Beartbura, Inward Piles, Acidity or Blok- neat oi tn Bioaaacn,, BBiwaaa ' B w "-"tJta-"! riln ot swimming In th head. Palp Halloa of th Heart aline or Weight tn the Stomach, Soar ractttions Choking or tuff oca Una faettat whew hytag town, Drvoess y er ieuowneaor tne cam aim mjvi hiui ,, " ward revert, Pain In th wawH ef the back, ebawl er tide.-; Sadden I lashes of Beat, Dwpnaion ef SpirlU, r righUul Dreams, Languor, Deepondenoy or anf Nervous Dltaaee 0 Bonser Bhrtehat oa sneteln, and Jrerep eeiAgu ,bk()l vnuisana srsr.j, i . ,,i . . j, , at... a, tni mailt r uattlek 1 14" Hart both told during tht last sixaonths, and In no ta i a ta. ii a.ilA Tn iH-riae aBaln aailaf action i Who . then, Will tuffer from Weaknea or Debllltr whea Mo- lAa LEAN'S STBENOTHEEIN0 OOEDlAb will awn yoal lhln;r. No languags can convey an adequate uea oi in imme diate and almoet mlraculoua change prodnosd by taking u this Cordial In tba diseased, debilitated and shattered nervoua ayatea, whether broken down by esaess, weak by l I nature, or Impaired by atckaea, tht nlanad and unstrung organisation U ret to red to its prUttae health aad rigor. 1 : DIABBIED PEBSONS, - : I - i Or othera eonesiaap of Inability, float whatever cao, will BndktoUant Btnngthanlng Cordial a theroagh - . regenentor of th tyttea; aad all who Ba hare Injured themaalvei by Improper Indnltrencee, will find ra thOov dUl a certain end speedy remedy. , , , , Ta tba LaUUea. ' UeLean's Strengthcniif Cordial t , i - 1 It seveniga aad spsedy eon for .'. '. INCIPIENT CON SfJ OPTION , WHITES i - .. Obatructed nrSlffioalt Menttrustlon, Inconttntnc at" " Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, railing of the . Womb, Olddlnees, Painting end all Dlsessst Incidntt " ' rtMiai. t ...... ....4 ia...,1;$ 4,4, ...,. 4 TuAre U as HliUke About It. ' SafferntlentSiktUtoeordlnf toDlrtcUbiu; It wllltUmutate, strengthen and invigorate yoa and cams ,. tte bloom of health to mount your oheek again. ' w. Every bottle Is warranted to give satisfaotUB. , ', ' j 'i ; ' POa CHILDBEH ,).,. , ItyourohlldnBtnsi4Aly,poBy,orsiScld,Mcieant ! OordUl will atak tbea healthy, tat and robuat. DeUl " notaBoaentitrFlt,andyonwmbt convlaoed. rw u f IT IS DELI0I0IJ3 TO , ,TKEJ ' OactioB. Beware of DragrUta or Dealen who bus try te palm open yoa aomi Bitter or SaraaparilU traab, wuioatneyoaa bayeaeap, oy taymp itu juaiae gooa. Avoid tuob Ben. Ask for MoLaan'l Strengthen ing Oor dUl, and Uk nothing elee. It U the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at lh Bam tun WlMMtlun thm HllM.i . One UblesDoonful taken (very morning fattlnp. to "-"'.'V' eertain p rev an live of Obolen, OhllU and fever, Yellow fever, or any prevalent diseases ItU pal np In Uryt bottles. Price only 1 iterbottle f SlwtOetforBS. , 1 4 , 4. At. MuLBAW, . l . -- Bole Proprietor of tlila Cordial, - ,') Also McLean a YelcanW) Oil Elnlment' - Frinolpal Depot on tbt oorntr of Third and fin stntta St. lK.au. Bo rr--. i !W,'n I McLean's VoIobjIo Oil iJnimfwt. -h, , The beat Liniment In tht World. ' Tht only af and certain eun tor Canoe re, Piles, Bwclllngt and Bron chitis, er Ooltre, Panlyaia, Mearelgto, Weaknea of tht Muscles, OhronU or Inflammatory IthtnmalUm, Still Ben ef tht Joints, tontraeted Muscle er LltaBMatsi. '- Baraoht er Toothache, Braises, Sprains, Wounds, Fresh Outs. Ulcers, fever Bores, Caked Breasts BoreNltiplea, Burns, Scalds, Bon Thoat, or any Inflammation or Pain, a difference I tenet now ever, or bo long the disease mil have exiated. tain martadv. McLeao't Celebrated Lfnlment U a oer; Thousand of human belngt hare beta avad a lift cf ieerepltaU and auttry by th ost of thU InralaabU Bid- ttnt. .. i... ;, , . :.r, ::;'., McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL JaIITOENT mil relltv pans Uaott Inatuaneoatly, and tt Wl , ;, clean aa, purify and heal th foulett to ret In an Inoredl lyihortthnt. ' ' " i.K.-.jj...-. jHU.j , Tor Heraee aa Otttag AnlfttAla. McLean a celebrated Ltnbnent U the only safe and re liable remedy for th our of Bpavln, King Bona, Wind- ' ' galls, Splints, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or Swelling. It will never tail to cure Big Bead, Poll Evil, fittula, Old nailing Bores or Sweeny, if properly applied-- for ,mu Bpraina, Bruises, Scratches, Bores or W uncus. Cracked , Heels, Chafes, Ssddls or Collar OalU It U an Infallible -- Apply II ai directed, and a can Uoerttin la every iaatanot. . . .--14 Then tribe no longer with the ntanf worth Ita Idol.. .;', Binta tffered to yoa. Obtain a tapply of Dr. McLean celebrated Llnlraent, It will con yoa. - 4 j, h. fJlcLHAN,rkils Proprietor, , Comer of Third and Pins Streets, 81. LouU, M. for aal by all draRUt. ' EoraaUby ... . ROBERTS A SAMUEL. , augMtf-dtwlf Columbus. Onto. PEOF. WOOD'S 4 o B100D RtSlOVATOR , . IS preciaeiy wnat Ita naaa inauataa, iur, wnue, H'pleaaant to the taste, It U rcvlvlfyi af , liklUrat rlling, .Invigorating and a treat, then tog to the vital! K: pewtrt, and at tht pamt timi nvlvlfiet, lem Utates, and renews the Blood la all Ita parity, and .k. .a a,aAdaua -Mf Bittt iltBt A fAt AveAfdBw. tsmJ I UlUBV U UIiajD w BBttnna r wxaiaiwi or wrm ae-w w-mr ninmvbl4to attaciodlua.1 It la tht ooryt ronrmnUoB ever offend te tht world, to ohemH K ' H'callf and ikilltully combined at to bt tht most Inawarfnl tonte. and at th aaa timt to pirfseUy i bulanrad to.aato aot toMrleotaoooroanoe witn tool Clliara of nature, and hence will soxXA (As vtaitU m afomoaA, and tone ap tht digestive organs, andj ' thna aiiaeall nervous and other Irritation. It It .. .i Dariectlv exhilarating, and at th aaae lime It tel C oompoaed entirely e( vegeteblee, yet so combined laa te nrodaoa the moat thoroagh tonte effect, with- lout producing any injurious eonseqaeaoes. BaobJ A a remedy oaa long oeo i to o ivniia.a u IT. iiba medical world, for it need no medical skill to Ml thai debility follows all atteoktef diaeaa. and! rooeeds and indeed laya tn system open u u natdloaa attacks of nuur of trie Boot taiai, wsa, rr anmnla. a the following: Consumption, Aw rflMtinn. DvatMoaia. Loa of ApDetite, Valntneas, Nervous Irritability, NeurslgU, Palpltettoaot 'Mel Heart, alelauoboly, Hlgni ewsata, tujuu., neat, RetenUon ot, at wen as raiumt uau, tu. tAmfaM. or toa seant Mtnatruatlon, and tail' lug of the Womb. Thee sll depend upon general! debility. ThU pare, hesituy, fonts uorauu anal HI ooa Avenovator i aa aura v ware aw iu au av ..ri ui. Then U ao mistake about it. Bud iie ia not all. If the system U weakened, w are) orjaB to bilious attacks, the liver become torpfu. lor worse dit eased, the kidneys refuse to perfornil their functions, and we an trouble witn enabling: and Inoontinsno of urine, or involuntary dit-l charge of the tame, pain in the back, alas and e- tween th shoulder, exoetdlngly Uabie to slight! 0' noids, eougns, una u anoncckea, toon tmsoiation follows, and tnt patient goo down te prematura gray. But tpace will aot allow at to enumerate! Uw many Ilia to which wt an liable In a weakened! ioondltion of th tystem. But w will any, tn thiti uoroltl ana Jtiooa nvenovator yoa nav a pemm lafe, pleasant and effectual reaaedy fop loai lAppetite, Billaotneea, Flatuleace, week and tick 4 ttunach. Languor, Liver Complaint, OhilUand Fsvsr, op any Billows attack, Costteeoett, Atblitrl of tb Stomach, Hervooaoess, neuralgia, jraipita tionof the Heart, Deprealon of Spirits, Bon, Pbnplet on the fat, bi any Ueaas nrUInf froa amn blood, anph aa Scrofula. Erylipelaa, tlroir VhltU, Cough, dimouliy of Bnathlng, and all that. nntmmrr 1AL n, and w4 . . . itrTJelart 15fl.4 poaua of anaajta eauea lemaie w ..4 -W W. Will . I4U, mmW lh I andwatinjifl laxpc-aed to epldeala, onange m onmaea act wbh . uinaaj kr, will find ita pleasant. ai lane rat remeuy, tj and sons snoald ever av ""-Ifaj ' """" I try It, for we aaare yoa yon will find tn It a friend "1 Indeed, aa well aaa friend In need. All person of Ua aadentan babite will And ita Mlt pvereaUve 0V TH Ita well Mcnreteahoeeaitaente towbloh ttieyareiU ,1, liurtlcuUcly4xice.alei)minu to their advaakuts to keen a bottle tanttaatly oalTm n hand; aad, alwvt all, mothers, er the becoming! nm s,i auohl will go through that moat daugerous serlod C f ruvi Anlwwth till ahiv BiHiinrn Atranrth. boltr.V1 Mfauid free) from U) tfaontMdAlM vlentMDODff Ibt torn tlMi-M M -eWp L.l ...4. I tKA w4.tr nf rialaw' U Willi' al '"U won is uuiaMa umataai MraiMB rj m a m-m atauu voiig t nu auuhbsb: ruu ojaa a -wt nvv " ! relieve and prove itself emphatically a JtwtorQ i 0 n tvruK owa Ailtwu Avnw.w . . . O.J. WOOD , proprietor, 444 Broadway, jiewi rortand lit Hark t street, Bl. l-oaia. mo.i an-w, , sold by ROBERTS A 8AMUEL, Columbus, Ohio JIT and i all good DruggUUI Price One PolUrjsw per jpottl. Bjarenw-nw-weowiy ia MEPELLANT OB ' WATCR'PROOf Mi XV CLOAK CLOTHS. Also, other aukes ot Bprlng loak Clothe, In all desirable mixtures Bindings. Tatr. ,.. U and Buttons to Batch. ' , - BAIN A ' wi "LI. W. 00 Bnnu, niib atrat " aU aprtU BLACK STRAW BOHHETS AN in ,u'v; gantfiliona,lngrt&t f"1'1. J1,, il.''" acts I a, pt,idr be '', I al i .ai.:.:i'. f le au Jirl A . .44 iluw At.atejtMrj. is Hiivil Jj'.-jileoc-. I 4M IfjiO iflKVJ't" -ol - 4,.. )3 ,:1 v.i-1 'l; i J'a 1 - no liijnn Ji-Siiis-ig ii OB.'aiOJ n j e. n - ori. r Maui: Hi ul-'cC J 0 CnW3i nib ;0t ' i eels 1 Ybiatmit juts ,sa8J 3PMiJtl .0 iVtt 4t 5hjlrf .... .'lr