T III RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE. .fK-4il1iii'. tm at' WF, Baewta. tkraiM ud deasanrn of wVns at Tea km baa, Ohio. On end after Honda, ;Nov. ISfc, K artfaa. will rages fallow - .'-,., Vi ; CteVlstai. ! ft Cia'tl . R. , . , Burrs' lr.;S Western Sxi . ..." A .', 15 A.M JinlortKfmi. at H Mrf mure.., .llrrA,Jl;" 10 P. M.' !0 PMv i t P. M. Springfield Aeeoro.via.laLVSO P. M. 10:4 A. M. TXaiotfaileeva' Stmly rorn?n tint lteadey. . i .-, v. J A.HJ4J4 PATTKE.SOM Ami. Uttf IrUaamf C)elaaamafc Xeala ,, .' ,,, .... . . . LIVB. ARBIVX. jrTttxrW.IJ.'..J...: So A. M. ' 10A.H iKaainaati ItmnaUu. S-O0 A.' M. :3 P. MJ sprees 1:45 P. M. 110 A. M, rlo !!ik ..,.. . -1 iHn.1" ' anarrw. Went bnn.......a: 3-t A. Mj.19:10 A. H "rS-' "V A. i d! Smith,' Atfent. ., Cala'tanae, STaicasro ladiaia Cen, T ' ' - trat aaii war. ' ' m i, , - - '-'uat -HBwrr.' tabk Eng....i....Rjia A H- i trB A. M. Toledo fcxpresl...,. Sum A. M . 1:M P. MJ Wimn eipnu.....M. SM P. ft.- .p. ,V.. Day Kona. - Id P. M- alsW A. M. sm-tT Q. A. Hill. Apeot.'-- Trains in Hewark and arrive as follow '"' ' ', ii.:-jj imjc;. uiTi. mTT" Feirtli;i.;.Ii.-'..v.J.i.. IMA.1I, 1SPJ1. Mail aod Express..., ,...4.,J.3 A.M.j t.i P.M. , -i-j.i ;7i .-. r aW.Dbhxib. Agent.- 1 rt&kiiV,rri.l .is, ";- Uili ' lira. arriv. Uidt 6s -P M. H:4SP. M. w. Tark . RT6 A; MjT uacuiiDg bxpraaa.,.. . . . . i .HSiO A- H. VaH aad Kxdtsm 1S P. M. I 6 llaaoiaoa Aeeore naedatfoof 6;0a A. ft. rnY.ei-kKxTiraeaaa4aily.- All other taraias ran daily, exoept Sunday. . ., a .. -1 Denaisoa Accommodation starts bam might Johk B.'PrrsBg, Ajfent'. ; ftWWIOI M li Jfl lau. i.i uiii J in i'-ai J COLUMBUS POSTOFFICE. CLOSING AND ARRIVAL OF MAILS. BaHarn ThTMrt Halli. a. K. -nou-XUM ra, Htau baTUl ,,aa r Ja luuni Wir Maila. C. C. .11 1. . -JI-- !! !.E -jtfli-3 '' thwMit Ti Ft. W. A Berth CC. CC. tCl. R. . 9-M , T.-00 Chicao,fiaOr.KirO.,' Little Miami R.IU Thro' '- A j,' j'ij Little Miami R. B.. Wir'i i ,.',.. Zannrilla A WheeliDC. B lr.T C- l,Thromh a4ri T ' . ' " " . ,, 1 T Cirelerilla Chioqtba r-u i i J -'. U 1 I inoajter, Ohiof..T:;" !. 'fcOi 7:90, Baat May.Natiooal Boad. 10JO V--" fcraialJiValr- .? ; .aU - (; ilia. J. ,H9 !,.ii i,.s-iW:'. jiortfUolnmDai anauua- . , ,. .j , ; tonrilla.. laa HajhiDctonC.H.,ViaHar-y. T-.i aeadayf, A Fridara, and J learea Taasdaya, Thais-1 aj.nd 4turda.i .Mi tM 1 1. ,11 n:: Centre V inane, (tn-week-l .iH-r l-T.'l V'1 l(T .,.n ly,) rasaai.inaraajv uau ,-.1 uw and batardaya-I ' ' JULIUS J. WOOD Postmaster. JULIUS J. WOOD Postmaster. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. JULIUS J. WOOD Postmaster. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Weekly Review of Columbus Market. JULIUS J. WOOD Postmaster. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Weekly Review of Columbus Market. STATESMAN OFFICE, Nov. 25. Tbpr jji BQ.mkterial ebsngQ : in juilqeaa Inse; Jat'relyr, lthoujck :transc.'- U8irfr' rArVttj.'Thir InWjd .eoai' UobijoIh. they pouritry .WAda,HjBe'' wpathcr for oulKloor. wxttJ.nli ttvorbe forttwworeisieiit'of rhi,i kajr -Bfcd AroJ Below we give tBe latest quotations, which mtrie)Csider)d- avlMtrether; reliable i BROOMS Finn nd 'nDcbne(lls.'We(;1 nremaiMiaVPK of common ht '25(33 7S miil3)'a B0;nd extra at 4 00., j Fancy are quoted at $5 Xf. ' ! a j j i CtlJCJasJij rnui, wnu an npwara ten dency. Sates'er'lHSty'at' Jngl7i and Obl&ctoryatl8te. ,0 M;..)-;i.)Ca COFFE-FirM and In irood demnhiJ." -Sate WWQBiiKri: Eir at 202r; )mdlnm doiatiS3t&at an plw-tv eboice 25'X' S6c. Java 1b aellin"; at 3340et-1' -" ' DKUOa AND DYES-iOair Trarhs' fe re-! ported in arenwil flourish in)T condition.' atidt(tjeet it the usual yarlatton it) the market. We qnor: Alcohol. 99 15' per alloi?nuhr8$4e; Borai 353i Chloroform $1 701 WJkm1 In;' Copperas 3 2Mc; Giww Camphor 1 fft KT peP'lb' lndU 91 36l AS pe lbf Morptrne'(abei taFpItS2$& 90 pr4 Oil aiWiamn 1 75 per oz: Oil, Cod Livery Si B02-25 ' per jailOB rt Olly, $2 804 3Tpn k-all j QaiBlaeT(gulpbte) '91' 802'40 per oz;j Cpaota StlU 444c; Saltpetre c; Sulpher 56c. , UGS4eejrtidlfrin iwith.; aST n p ward tendency. We quote a 2oa0c(pen sffSaiefPof o1. f Mapkerel. naj bar-; rela,atia No. a do. 11 00; Whine tiSb, new, at $75, half barrels; Gibbed Herj rinj at 95o)6rabrador dow at; $7 WvxJried do at. 60c ; new Cod Fieh J toJo, -.. ' ; FD-ralef of firao at SI 25 per hum dred; Shorts at $1 60 per bund.-ed; J)d, Midi dlings at S2 00 per bnndied. FLOUKfR-Saleaof, Sprinaat SZ-50S8 00 MiiLwbite at r509 00. 7 ii f01T AND NUTS-'The .aemand for foreign Jrult Is good. We qnote Liye BalginSatS4 -25for't)W,: and 9475 for- new; . CurranU17c; Frnnes 18c; Figa 2023s CIt-. ' ron 40c; Almonds 2540c; FilberU 20c ; Pe cans 2022c; Brazil nuts 1820r-Sardines, qnartera, 25c-Oranges 97' 6ft Lemons 97 7 60. , t 1- 'i GRAIN Wheat rteady at 91 801 60 for prtriie'',r'-ats'40506jtEye 91 15; Coifc6S0eTar bushel, i i -jit.H HA244. uNiBACONThel 'demand W limited, owing to the progress- of tba kill-: ing season, and quotaittons - are nominal. We -glva MfssPtwVt 28O0,nd Dried Bet45Qfflcu 001 tauatsan 1 -t .:- " ; HOfiS-,w, with upward tendency; HAXrld edr supply. We note ;salet; of cMiAright tomotny-rowtwarbhs-at' 915 00(916 00 per ton. Clover is Quoted duirt95150(?'9 0(E Straw krisftlt oats, is 1 flTCn nt $9-009 T per ton. niun viAtv-r nt quoi at derail 00, LABDt-bull aV 19420c. LEAQ AND SBQT-Fmrm;with n npy I ward tcaaeoAy. Ktaaii eaies (at u re potshot f at 93 75; Buck 94 00; Bar Iad 13c. MOLASSES ANDSYRUP-rrngo6 demand at well maintained, prices, VVe note sales ot Su?ar HousC'Syrnp atSc; Good do at 85cf 1 00; Extra do at 91 10 1 15; Drips at 9r 25l30: P. K, Molasses at850IC7M arw urop 'New Orleans at 91 C0(S1 05. VtliiA-fcAI a Id Oil at 91 4CK5T S5 Linseed 91 001 02; and Fish Oil at 91. 10 I 15. '"'ujf P ETROLETJM Sales at 2830c. POTATOES Dull and drooping at 80c $100 perDusnei,- h.'ojvii.' i mk BICE In good demand at 10c lor cnoice. SALT Doll and fit limited supply. We quote Hocking and Ztnesyille, at 92 75 3 OOkitsalry.fij Ba,rreU withjweko; SEEtJiblov 5r nnohe In marliet.', Sve' quote Flax at 92 25, and Timothy at 93 25 1 per Wmbelyr.- y mi i ; I r : .rr ri TI aO.AP -Sales of common at 910c; Ger man at lljc;, Eraaive ,ll12J$c; , Bab bett'a 13c: American Castile 17c; Foreign do.r25w ' ' 1 '' " ' . - biaKCH Unchanged at 8c. -' y SUGARS-Eirm and in good demand at llcrfor Moiasse8-Sugar;1214c lor Cuba; 1314?4er-Pprt Rico; lojo for yel low Cj TSKtrfbr-extra' white C; 16c for" white A; and 17c forbards; IlaXOWW-UachanKadat 1218d, i. 1 TIC AS Firm at 95c91 35 for .common: 91 501 70 for medium; 91 751 90 lor fine . hmr Yoifflir Hysoni $lor200 lor Im-1 perifffi' ,fl'752 00 fojpunrwwderj.nd.2 SI TJ5I W ,or Viuujs. . - TOBACCO-rWe: quote manofartnrpd dartr-10s,-M"-o" Navy at 6575e; Virittht li ud pounds at 05cSl 3'J; Six twist atiOc; -SffloWnsTt--2232c;,nd !w'i j ? eur. at 65c9r 20. r WOODEN WABEWe J,1 at aUXOO: tSO. a OV-a i--v, i a uv-mi 910 60: No. 1 Oiurns -at 914 00; No. 2 do at S,?llTfnr.'ddst912 00; Wasliboards at 93 25rtwo' bop PaUs at 92, 8,abdthree I; 8 ,rfT yfa fT UA -.-.rt vra J T" Ca ra AtA Bourbwn t ? w( w, nu iic to wi ' ..p i y: .- )t ah to aai t Jo Cleveland Market—Nov. 23. FLOUR City mad30rXwttiMri."28 wibter 98 258 50r;XX Spring" 97 607 75j Xtprtng $ti-7oi eoontry1 made XX' red and amber 988 75; XX' epring 978 00c XX 9lO0107fc 'i-J'ia '.i i '-WBEAT Reeelpta' n atilllgbt and th market tor grades of red Winter ir firm atyt 80for No 1, and 91 3 Wr Nfc i mo, 1 western cDrincr beld a 91 60.'"' 1 ' CORN Firm and Itr fain demand at 65c for old No-1 shelled: new without in AM1ry-ana--kitMBioal: ihi" a u, sl OATS Are quiet and steady; held at 67i tor rtnt. 1 ?caCP. "- ih..-is.,;--j-; -'RYE-n-The' demand' is llghti' rtnd No.' may w riitnted nominally itt 91 20. ' " 11 BARLEY No transactions reported,snd maract nominal. - --" PORK Good demand and steady; 926 00 ror jno. 1 mewa; wo. 21 mess beld at 925 00; oiear at w. - i! DRESSED HOGS The packers are not on ine market at present Drtces aemanaea. and the market is nominal."""' ' : LARD--Firn and in good demand; city rendered at 16o In tierces, and 16o in aeg-country ao nominal at isaoc ' 1 BEEF Quiet and steady at 915 lor No, I me; 916 for extra mess. - " ' " BUTTER The market for the better qualities is very firm at 3S40c for roll and tu W;- 8637o for 'iirkln? common to good outer at a range or zsw3oe.': ' ViiKEsK ine market is quiet and nn- cnangefl'; oairyana tactory, in large; lots, nem at 1o17mc; do in trade lota at 163 18c. ' 1. ... EGGS The demsnd is moderate and the market rteady.at 8233tv " - 10 1'ATOJSS-The market lsateartv and unchanired; peacli blows held at 6065con t rae is 70 from store. yjl DE R -There is a rood Inquiry and the matK t. is hrm at W(dl2e percalion. ' 1 isfcEDS Nothme or tuiDortanee dolne, and th? market-nominal. ;' -.ii.:.. PETROLEDM Market firm and betteh large lots ot renneu beia at a7zsc; small LAK") Hsli Market nulet: White fish held at 96 50r Troot 95 60.' '- ' pALT--Market firm and nncnanged; we qnote as loiiowsr ' !" :' . Una. .4 45 nor hbl uoene taoiaffi., ...... 4 - 1 Deirt and Tahla . ....s S5 . ' LUMBER The market ij .ouiet and steady, " We, quote be . following figures. Ptoa-W ear..,. -frp- 6 00 SJ c ar ' ..-..V.' iam r-eound Clear Kldina stnpf ........-i. Comaion Fkwrina: Strip,. S so U.h -Ilul. ' ';:i'E ,i SeleettotrmiMi. .v........;. ":il..Q la a Kencina,.,-....,,.,..,.,,,,. JS jit Boantites asa llmtwt ts tt and ondor..' 18 on Joist and Scantling 18 ft and upwards owr " leoatb) ..... u w so 00 so 00 40 00 ..... 9U 0 ....;. 00 ...r 3'g i ? So Saaond Clear Floor! ea. Draaad-r. Common Flooring, Dressed....:.'... An rlooriDg, Uresard Amt , second Ulear Siding. Common.-J......llrttt..".it.., ...... l'ath.i..'ju..ih.vi..&;vi..'.I&..M. W Ua awa Shiuitlea..... Nol'rW-liaTeir ,v wet v Cleveland Market—Nov. 23. Boston Wool Market. [From the Advertiser. Nov. 20.] The receipts foi the 'week 'have been 3, 250 bales against 197 bales for the corres ponding wtek of last 'Tear.-The tales for the week foot op to 613,000 lbs of domestic fleece and pulled, and' 160,000 lbs and- 240 bales of foreiirn.:TiJ t ua -i -;in;--t ?hj 1 -Ati?mancconuoBes qoiev altnongb the transactions for the week are consider' A here have been number or manufactur ers lookine overstocks and ehdeavdring to discover some weak .spot ta the market. but with the exception' of '"X Wool holders areirnn. f The stoCB of fine-ool is-.dlght, bat wkb machinery ruivalDgfulltime stpon light weight goods.ther is no good reason to fuppoi t thStrtheTeieire, atbek ol tine wool firnotte wanted at firlfDrices. tu oeaiers areot oispoaeao break uowit Medium and coanse staple- has been taken iijmnH lotStbattbeVdetnahd. at tbis sea so tl is" never 'larue.' Extra woot ' which comprase the bulk f the .staple, now., 1q dealers' handsia blng offered atsomerou ression. bat the pales have not been lare-e. PuUed.wix)! has been n raodexale demand,! and with a light stock: prjeesare will cue 1 taind. , loere has been some inquiry -for. uamornia wool, but sales are restricted by. the., .small ,;amouD&Ttterine;.f,Taer , has been more, demand for, foreign wool, but tue market is not active, ana uie-prices ob tained have not been madb-ptiblio; .Trade is likely to remaia ;qniet.for m fevesweeks, but .with all the-woolen machinery in full operation. cnMaJitctHrers- will need to re plenish their stock3 before the new -year: Opens. 1 t.n i- n .lirMt it. ;. i'HT 9.11 -incinnea in the sales ror the week are: ' FLEECE 0hle,Penn8ylyania and Mich- lgar-.l,000 lbs coar8 Ohio 4-; 6.000 lbs Michigan X 48J"f 6.000 lbs XX Ohio 65s; 3.000 lbs do 51c; 4. 000 lbs No. 1 and 4 Pehri, avlvania 4Pc .4a000Jb Michigan and Ohio X 4950c? 6.000 lbs XX Pennsylvania and Obi 55CX 3,000 lbs X Ohio 48c 4.000 lbs Nos. l;nd -8 Pennsylvania 49c: 5.200 lbs Ohlond lehigan-48c; - Baltimore Live Stock Market— Baltimore Live Stock Market— Nov. 19. The total receiots forth e week were 2.- 05 rattle, 919 sheep, and 31758 hogs.; BEKFAITLE Of re arrivals about 200iheadJwerahiDDed Eat w i thoat -beiti a offered here, and the. balance, which com prise me offerings to-day, wefc all sold. The market throu shout the day was ac tive, though thtre is no material change In prices. . . - ; VVe- Viitotii Mi cows- Vn) Scalawacrs at 93 504j ordinary tb in steers, oxen and ova.S4otahc -to good atnek -nattier $4(3 5 50; faif quality, beeves 96(37; and rtheJ very; Dest neevea mn per iuo ids.; the av erage aWoe bein about 95 50 gyosj.: j j oruvcr ine supply ouring ine past week has fallen off considerably, but the demand is limited and quotations remain unchanged.! Prices-todavmneed as fol lows : Fair to good- sheep at 34c, and extra 5c per & gross. uui!3 .'Aha sufniy this week has QTBf bren mpdertpatiij with.good dern&ndl' quotations are sustained. Prices td-dnv ranged as follows: Fair to good fat hogs. 911 00 12 -00 pet; 100 lbs. .. Market --cloted firm. - 1 ."" ----". sh . 1 t ThC)rtnredicIn for the'Sklnrci wllitBt fall. Try kind r wi . jt alchUr-erwpilew mt she Sawe I T I . i.'lj I - - - . Tbtrcaaiaia; eataacea aHaeaao om may prt ,t ar tfcWj renoa.. .:,? 1 fto, ii,rf I am now looking miite like mm." writes Charle E. Noble. Gel aond Agent o3ich. Central B. R., 173 Broadway, M Y. " We fad it an invntwitfa tematv for Tetter, etc., write Migley Broe., DrnggiaU, Fairfield, Iowa. ' "I loi tried yew faltmMp terne? trr .Berfrer'F; Hen trirt onat Muceett writes C, Pomonti of ' Leominster, Maes. J . - 7 ' 'PeaA for Circular. . Price, 7 eta.' and Sl.oa. Tr. . Prepared only by, SOLOW PALMER. ' 36 West Toarth Stteet, Cincinnati. 6. ' For sale by Druggists generally. . DtH-deodAwlT ' '.iJl sepMl-deodAwly n.i i . u ft ' W PHIL080PHT OF MARRIAGE. 'A Kfrw Coraaa of Laorraws, as deiiyered at fhe New lork Museum of Anatomy, embracing the euV lects: How to live and; what to-live for: Youth, llatarity and Old Age; Manhood aeneral'y review ed Tbe cause of rndicestioa, flatulence and Ner vous diseases acoounted for ; Marriage philosoph ically eoneidered, Act-: - . ' : Ponket volumes eontaining these lectures will be forwarded to parties unable to attend, on reeciptot four stamps, br addressing 8J.CRETAKY, Nsw York dskox pr AnacomTiAvd- 8oinc. til Bboadwat Nrw York. vwv-febas-dlT boots: AND. SIIOE t. S.-'UBPABD. ' S. OOBMn. CHEAP,, BOOTS ANDj SHOES. T . lfEPRI) HAVING FOBBTEly a a partnership with G. H0R1GER. for the purpose of carrying on the Boot and Shoe trade at ! ot A: : U'J ' --.r t . ; : - , r WO., 169, SOUTH HIGH STREET, ' ,--le:..i - f ' ' ' -'' ' i'.l.;, !i r Would-Tespeetfully invite their friends and the public generally to call and examine their fiue and well selected stock of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes, this day received di rect from the East, and which tbey are now offering' lor sale on the meat reasonable terms. In oar man ufacturing department special attention is given to hnn ' -t i;-- .u it . .l , I-CUSTOM 314DEWpBK.?Z:;;, . Repairing-of all kinds neatly and promptly done. We would respeotfully solicit a as are of publio patronage. Please give ua a call. - No trouble to show.juada,s . . ; .s-.j v. . ' f- ttememoar tua piaoe : ro. ins soutn nign street, t SHKPAUtl A HORKJKH Columbus, 0.,8ept. U, 1868.--I i mti 1 1 TlbceMt,: Baltimore Live Stock Market— Nov. 19. MISCELLANEOUS. J. VIBNNOT. & CO., -f ) WERiU.PYSPAPBr 9,it Advertisingr. Agents. i.l 133 Jlaau Street, Hew, lfiavcl, Cj l'!''.Ui9j.-iKftabiiitui a istVo ,,, ,;j,;x fle bes to call the attention of advertisers' to onraeney. .Oarfaeintiea with all the first clasa daUj-eapers in the oountry are aeoond- to nana. ana we aro inny prepared 10 otter terms ana eon dition whlah eannot fail toctra superior induee mJent.: - We also send adaertiaament to all Cuban aad fouth Aiaarioan papara, with whom w haae exo'nsire oon'rants We are the onlv hoasadoina We Oih. hr snecial aar mission, refes to fi 'ji. Mr. H. T. HaniBuLU.Diugsist, 694 Broadway, new 10 a. ftrs, Hi R.V 4KDCIIB-A, Co r08 Clreenwloh ireet. n ew xora. - , Mesrs Hill A RcctSL, S18" Greenwich street, NowYork. ' -- - - , Messrs. U. Bbccs'b Son A Co., Type Founders, 13 i,Dimnr street. Messra. PRaLoir-A Son. Jlew York.--' ; ;' Messrs. fHELoN A Coi.i.knder. few York. Messrs. Tain ant A Co.. New York. . Messrs. Cbickchiico A 80H, New York. Messrs. Kjcwir ACo..ew York. '"' '' eoUO-eodSui- - - ' Sherifl'a Sale. Wm. G. BJynn Court .of Common Pleas vs ..... - -0r Thomas B. Hlyna at alJ - Franklin county.: ! . . . ' , (In partition ) 1 , IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF SALE IN the above stated ease, to ma direete.1. T will of fer for sale at the door of the court house, in the city 01 ifOiumous. on ' Satorday, the 28th da of November,' A.D. -i... Li i. .. lOfiQ .. j,. y, .0 at 4 e'eloek P. I. of said rlay,':the followinsr da snbetreal estate, situate in Fraokhneounty, state Of Ohio. tO-Wlti ' , i ,- -,i Lot number one(l of a subdirision of outlots of the cur ot UolnnjBos, numbers firty-mna (59), sixty (60) and sixtv-one (SI), made by Samuel Me dars. as per plat thereof recorded in book S8, paire 534 ef the 'reoorda of deeda of p.id county, beina; me. fame premises oonvryea u v liiiam oiyna oy 'I bo-nis s. Baldwin, by deed dated April Z3d, A. U. true. Trrma of 8ale-riOne-third ea.h on day of sale. one-third in one year, and one-third in two year t eraauer, wita iiuerest iroiu saia aay ni sale, ids deferred payments to be secured by mortgage upon las preunaes soiiii. i , i, t Appraised at tll.OOO. -'...,.,,, , -. P rinter's fees S13 75. " ' 1, , GEORGE H.. EARHART, 8heriff. ; Tty J. 8. BtTLl,, Deputy. . .. ,, , . . J. W. Balbwih. Att'y. 1' . .-.' etS4-dttAWtd Cn.;A'. G.I. Isadora Fray ) Court of Common ts rieas of i rankliq Christopher Kaeewatar et al. conatyll ti. IN PURSOANCB OP- AN ORDER 'OF SALE , in tba abore stated oasa front . said court to lae directed, I will offer for sale at public auotion at tba door of the court house, in the city of Colum- 0US.OB'-"'- v-J ' ' - '' Saturday,' the 19th day1 of December, A.' D. kt'lo'eloek PJM.. the Mlowihsr desoribed or oner ty, to-wit:' rtituate fn the county of Franklin and Htatsef Ohio, to-wit: ti-.i;,.; !,;.. , m,: , .,: ,i ' AmL N a. six (Si af Johw Rhorfa sahdivisinn of lot No..naa (M of Robert Neil's addition to the city of i;orotnnus, unio, san premises conveyed to saia Chns'pbeV Kaeewater by John O MeGnBey and Wile, by deed dated siarott aotn. A. i.jeei. Appraisea ,u ,, Printer s fees n 0 ,s -- GEO. H. EARHART, Sheriff, By J-8. Brr.L. Deputy. 1 - i : BOTlT-wtdAdU . ,: , ,; " t i"tt ltO 1 ! Newell P,Mix.(t Court tfCommoa Plea 1 .- . . M " t Of Michael 'Ensel ai. alj " Frahkiin county. T PtTRSOANCl! OF AN ORDER OF SALE IN A - tba ahbye stated case from said eoort. to ma directed, I will D. er for sale at thadooa of the aoart housai tba city of Columbus, or. n, -u Saturday, tba 28ta dav of November, A. D. :-t--eHva- iBoi,, ,1 khiiiw, r at 1 o'clock P. M tba foitowiror described real as. Bate, to-wt: - - . . 1 f .. ... t ;.. ..-,.- ike soutn nail ot Mt nomDer seren 10 -Horn enhias' addition to the city of Columbus, Ohio, as nor recorded wlat thereof recorded In plaereeord Me.-i,-enra3TB, beina tbe sarae premises eonreyed to said d Macdalena, Meal by Aoab. IV isiiaa, by dead 1 May 13th. A. D. 1SS4. ' , , ,;. ., : praised at '1.S. . ' ared it Twr, 1 Printx.'kf.B. a II Ml. ':. "' ' I ':'! -.vtt-vJ-,.!i;- WSORGBH. EARHART.. ShrriS aod Master Cemmissionec BrJ.S-Brtt, Deputy. '.- - : -J. W. BAiyOWiir, Att'y.'1' ! " " iootSJdltAwta - Probate Notice---Settlement of Accounts. i - (.: i,..v - 1 !. '. 1. ii, .1,11 ! THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN filed in the Probate Court of Franklin county, Ohio, for settlement, and will he lor bearing, on Tuesday; December 15th. A. 1). 18SS. to-wit: : ! The first aeeownt of -John Ijiala. xMmtnr of rPerw oiyal Adams, deceased; first aoeount of Catherine B,oiibernaule, administratrix of Adam ailberna- ffle. deceased: second aeconnt of Henry Kideno. r. administntor'cf John Ridenour. deceased: xeond accounts of Anstin Funk, guardian f UKarlaUa, ueorge w reward A j and w aalay tl. Timmoas; tnird accounts of busannah b.rmer. guardian of Amanda, Samuel K. and Mary A. Kramer; third accounts ot John Boumani auardian -of Absalom-. AbnbsmSBdl-iihth (innd. thirfl linnntnf A: U. iluee. admini.trator of E. A. Stanley, deeeaa- ed;nal acoount of A. W.Graham, administrator ot A. Jr. Inaioney, r,eceaed; near account of Jobn Van Yorx, executor of .lames Harris, deceasedi finai aeoaont mi K. W. Pmb. anantian of .William WesterreJt: fioaj account of Jacob Bowman, guar- uian 01 L.ean wood, anq me nnai account ot jonn vt. arauaney, guardian 01 tarasiedary. ' - i 1 juun a, rtxitt,-' Celombas. O., Nov. 17, 1S63. , j Probate Judge. noTi8-Sw ., , -, ,,. , ' Emollient Cream." TH1S PEUGHTFIX Al1 itI.FGa.KIX At pretaaration,- introjuoed. Jas winter, harinc receired ao many flattennc eommendatiora from those who used it. induces the nroDrietors to brina itaeain before the pubt-. aseurina them tbat it iands unriaalied aa4he best ptoteetorof the skin against ho wei'mraoa- or nua winter aeasoni. It not only imparts to tbe skin a delicate tieshnees and beauty, but also conduces to its health, nnntr and preset va: rrfrf. ' For hi a-rr abrajiori..,-Chap- it has no equal, "rule" its soot bias qualities and deligbtlul Iraaranct tender it a necesrary append ase to Hie toilet. - Prepared only by MARPLE A KITSUN, 1-wpeuing Cbemiata. -MA-South High street, Columbus, Ohio. . . .. nov4-dcodi w4w ' 1 Window Glass Warehouse. " BENJAMIN 1 H; , SHQEMriKEE, Hom. aos, aor, 2o a sit n. 4th st i '-i -i -j ' PHILADELPHIA.' i ,",i!!,-"iMroTROF :l 'French and Enclish "Window Glass. ;Freoch Piste G a.sfor Windows'. '" - French Looking Glass Plates, Hammered 1'late Glass for Skylights. 1 ' - ' Floors. Colored and Oruamental Church Glass. !t!jl Flute I G asa for Conservatories, every size and By the Original Case, Box1, or Single Light.' 1 Square nr out to any Irragular Shape. no21-w3m-cp ',-"7'" I - V. i vi ,i ''. Licensed by the.Untted Statoa Anthoritios J GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE, DRY and FANCY GOODS. SILKS, WO'lLENS, isjUTtuaa... JsitrtllNUS. BOOTS and "SHOES '-''8ILYER PLATED WAR i 11.WATCHE88EWING MACHINES. -t:wr!li,.; sJUILJSRY.Ao.,40.. . To be sold at ttie average- price of ai.OO Each! Our commissions for clnhs exceed those of otriitr stabiisbments, aod our g wdaara warranted to give satisfaction.. -julubs of Ion and upwards reoeive articles valued at from M-to SIOO. New Circular and full particulars aent free., M. It.: CL.tM.ID. irs n at sj., 40 itaaarsr sc.. Koaton. luan UOTlO-Wft-FB-r WAGNERS NEW OPENING! t AM NOW PREPARED TO SERVE MY OLD A customers, and as many new. ones at.may favor rod with a call at the lowest rates, for ca-h, with Oy.'ters, Fish, Game, Poultry, Meats, Butter. Errs, Vegetables, Fruit, Bread Urackers, Jellies, vauuea fruii. ana vesetsDies, imported and smencanyricKe., iusifnp, lame sauces, ear- aines, LiooHtera, v.iams, tove and spiced Urstera, Bottled Wines and Liquors, English; Scotch and Irish Porter and Ale; Cincinnati, Darton and Phil adelphia Stock and i'reeb, Ale and. toner, in. Pint auu yuai , piwich. - Also. Fire-crackers., Torpedoes. Fireworks and Flaas. Call and- look In, at my old stand. No. 33 East State street..., . , ., . . , C A- W AGJiER. novis-tf-r . ... Legal Notice. WHO IS 'SDPPOSifn tii A 8A C HOMER, reside in Nevada Territory, is herahv nntifia mat sauaan rooter onmu on-iiit an aay ot- ixwsa, ner, 1S63. fileherpetition in the oflice of the Clerk of the Court at Common--Pieas,-witbin and for the county of Franklin, ud. State of Ohio,, charging the sail Asa Cromer 'with williul absence from the said plaintiff for more than five years last past, and a-kint- that aha may be divorced from sard aa Cromer, aedthat "he be allowed reasonable alimo ni, wl ich petition will stand forbearing ai the next term of said Court. , , Dated Novoitber 4th. 188. !,...; "'. -i.l SOOSAN GROMER. i ' By W.A..PpBTllEBA.rJGH..har Alt'y, ,qova-b -; T 1 II " WRBTKRH BBSSRVa BAjpi,. ., : i ' ' ."WabrkS. Onio. August 18. 1881. NOTICE' IS ;' H E R E BY GlVElf TO THE - holders of tbei outstanding -notes of tba I.,. ;i i in.' Western Reserve Bank, and to all other-parties iitv tera-ten, tost alter -toe expiration ol hi months frm this date, application will be made totha Au ditor, Secretary and Treasurer of State, to surren der to said Bank the stocks deposited to secure the Outstanding circulation of said. Bank, in pursu. a nee of: tbe forty-fifth (45) seotion of an aot entit ed "An aot to incorporate the State Bank of Ohio and other Banking Companies," passed February 4 IRAK ii -.. ;.. - ' ' . , , ' , ! - . H.B. PERKINS. President, M. B. Tatlkb. Cashier. ,, , ! : Ausust 18, le88. , ' r .augM-wSm ' GOI NTV BOIHD SCHOai EXAltlh NEKS' MKETINUS. Thai ttoard of School Examinersof Franklin county meet at tba Probate Court Room on the last Friday and Satifrdavo each month in the year. ; Also, on tbe saoond Fri day and Saturday of the spring aad fall mimtbs,. -aprlft-wtl i .:-.i:t -.tl: ;.:,i; mi-. : ;-tvl t-ii" '" ' - S - M'i PRINTING. a A TUB X.AROE8T 'JI'B ITIOST COM PLETE k "" IS .7i BOOK i JOB: PRINTING f J" t J H' -! I'Kl 1 MX :' !i li. r'iisTivismi . : 1 . :. ..- i IN CENTRAIi 6HIO. it.,-. '' fl .VI i iPTXOPBIlfl'X'OIlS. yl.'i:. Nos. 36, S8 &A? North nigh St, COLUMBUS.-: OHIO" ' 'ii5lfil5yi3 i: -.'iini; i.-- e .. ' .m : ; ti; tcf - , .i ! ': . : i.i ' !- '.. i :.''.ik1i : ' ti- The attention the Business Pnbli i - eallad to ' , .the inparior facUitieaof .this Establishment, c h ,i ; -. We have inoonstantuse : -n. i : .1 Jit Eleven Steam Power Presses li.il. ir'J i:j 'i .1 ''' '' f OF THa'i'-i ' HJ.ll .! j! I! .V: . ! r i -ni .). . . ' I: !. H. 41' I. ".) -V BEST AfvD LATEST ' KINDS And oar ability to got' out work 'promptly is surpassed' in the West. ' We have lately 'iYi-taade additions to our sWeedT i .1 U ,TJ!i.'-i-?-! .'1 ! i' 1 t-t f ! T'Kl it -(i-.i;., EiAKClB 1TABIET i Ol .vt.T .j:-'.f'i:.-.iTJ t PRlM'TiNG TYPES, And wa feel eonfldent to satisfy all who may civ us a oaXL Our large fonts of type enable ua j to do ail kinds of .ii lo ya s .I-it.M.'I c i J a the moat -prompt and excellent m&tmecl aad we . call the attention of those wan ting tmythlnc I .v i.-. 'j.'i lathis liieotbii;' Jtit-i ,2i ma .-l v it-'' 5iif.n jjiiin-;' ;n ant ErsEGrAJvrr specimens y i, .- . ; t J j- , : ..u i. .... ..ii: ; 1-.-.' .hit: .v i-'f-.-Mi j i-.-t I n ! er.n v .' That we have exeeated into, past year i X'tiTt '' ( Ji-lli irv ,! ib !i--l :ii; J Sil l;UIJ01ll'j (t:i-.--l . ..i .-itl isi I iTki ; (-'a i-'t: ! Bill '.i!ynt .-:,..; ?i I I 1 " t,!-ic:;' P ',i-:i . I. I ' JOB PEINTINGr ! i -.- ir !jt !..o !.'tt :'.' ; -jc .' "iT .:!. 1 '.' '" '-ltf I The reputation of tbis House for fine Job Printing is well known to fhe busiiiesa Community. Employing, as we do', none but the " ' -i ?- .It .V Y. .!"' l i'l .- T'li'f Be ?ft: of , Workmen; J f.tl ii, tijjeul' " ' ? . i '-t . -i- '. 'J-' .' And taring a full assortment of the'' -i-ij t-(',i !- 'f ! :-.ii-iui..- v,..-. LATEST and CHOICEST .12 .??. ,v,.i..-.h;!T STYLES i OF TYPE, j (nKaiiOiii'i Ji) IMl j-rr:-.tt ii u- i- t. i. Wa will guarantee the utmost' satisfaction.' i 3-.-.V ! ,'i-ALL KINDS 0F "'"'-'':''i 't f mn , ;li i,.,-i .',..!( 1 .ti.v;,i-w Mercantile, -: i.i y.j - . - Railroad, S ..'. .1,-jli'i- 'MH"! Bank and Comnerclal :t-.'1 -,-l - Printing, SCB Bill Headsa Cireulars' Cards, ct.crf Deads, Blanks or an kinds, -. Checks, Drafts, &Cs..'AalWrilr-v. MO. J !!! -:llt -.--it I IN FACT, . EVERY, KLD OF i-JOB PRLMIXG j t - i j ir '" ,:'":' :;ti 1 -" i i '.needed nvhahnftlnessnnliHA--' ' ' -. ii ?.i j.i.iiiiAC'. ': ' ' ff.-i. i ' ' ' t. ' : '' i- ; '-' j ' KM? 0B band a larger stock of , ... : : li,-:i-tti:-i it'' . ;'it ?! !; i:,ttvto PAPERS OF ALL KIHDS Than anv other Printing Howe ia the city saeb as Snper Bsyy 1 , . . "Ieditsim, . ,. Ca,'. : ' '' Itteriajia'.5'':.'. Note Papers i ........ ..... ..... Of the best qualities, and; poichaainar them as we do, dirotly from the manufacturer, we are , enabled to do our work at correspond-",,., ','.',' Ingly low ratos. We are Sole - ., (':. ,' ' a.,. r. ,v . I l 11 1 . ,:-l'.l -a-vu,. ... i .M t-.r, i . - . . i - - i . i t CELEBBATKD ' PAPERS OF " 1 1 PIsALTNEIt & POBTEB, ' 18 fie!? BLANK BOOKS. V. ' - !'',:'-: '.;.-' We particularly call attention to the Blank Books manufactured by ns. We are prboared to "' t- 'i ' fill all orders Tor '('"' IiedserMi - si :' -t:'J ToxirziAlai. .: ,,.r, .., ... i'l.i'i -L. -.1.!?. la. Boolui 1 1 " " ' . And all kinds of JJUnk Books now in use. .These i ooks are all done in the best' style of paper.' ru ' lug and binding, and we oha lenge competition jn Uhisline.. j;, ,' --.l i;. . "I U S, AIO ALL. ,. ;! lit! 'i i ' hll NEVINS & , S8 efc 4lO WorthTMIajh StJM; Cl.. I hot. "'i"!" ''-. t l-'-i 'Oft '! .-, : ; 1,1 ' "V,-.-.7 Vf'.tfi,iA l--l....::ttH i.OOWMSUS.l ...lr.-..w.i ...( - ,I-:.!M"J ilti'if""' ' T'l Ill-ill III! i ;ri-i-i iri :b-ii. it li'tsoti - w.ie. r"-'"-; " - - ,,! ;'.: ..I . U,. .rj .-...-.,.-t. T .'-i is !!,:.$. ' !- n.-.jj H-n. !.u ' ill! I : ' r- i-M - I'-b; -R .f? ; iij O-i ! iit'iit-.it T.-f-v :j f , ti.'n ' I awoir1 .i.'n ir ;'i m Til I t -THE' SUCCESS' . Of pui ONE COLLAR -SALE, has, saasad saeb ''"" ' A.-''cxPiLiAirrr,,'; ' rin!l ,i".:t! Ic7fial4 .v.JwJiil iJ i"'!-"1"J RIfliltl :i j tr:.clii t,,..i wt'X-u.v.-raEt. i That in order to supplf the demsnd occasioned by oureonatantryiinerrasiagi patroaaae. we have re cently made imp-rUtinns lor the Fail Trade, dkect from European Man faotnrers, " - - l Amonntiag. to' Nearly $500,000. So that we are prepared' to sell every description of Dry and Fancy Goods, Silver Plated Ware, Cut-. lery,Watches,Mbiun3, Jewelrj. Ao . of better qual ity than any other concern in ttie country for tbe uniform pries of ONE DOLLAR FOR KAOH AR TICLE. Tbe best of .Boston and tei York refer- neea given as to the reliability of our house, and that our business is oonducted in the fairest and most legitimate manner possible, and that we give greater value for the money than -eaa be ob tained in any other way. All Goods dainaaed or broken in transportation replaced without chiirge. Checks describing articles .old sent tor agents ia :Clubs at rates mentioned below. We guarantee every article to eost lers th ,n if bought at any Bos ton or New Yprk Wholesale House, -,,,.,TO Our Commissions to Agents Kxceed those of everr other establish'!, out of the kind, proof of this can be found ia comparing our premiums with tboee of others for Clubs of the same Bise. in addit'on to which we claim to give better goods of the same obataaietl- WerwULsend to A.en,t free of chnrxe. . . . For a Clttb op 30 and Thrkb- Pollabs-I doa'. good tinea Sbirt Froata: 1 eat Solid bold Slndi; . all Wool Cassi mere for Pants: fine white Counter pane, large si 19: 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt; IS j-ards brown or bleached S' eeting, good quality, yard wide; 1 elegant 100 Piotnre Morocco-bound Photo. A Irjuarr 1 aduble-lena Stereoscope an 13 Foreign Views; .1 silver plated engraved 6 bottle Castor; I elexant Bilk Jan. with Ivory or Sandal Wood Frame, feathered edge and spangled; 1 Steel Carv ing Knife and Fork, very best quality, ivory bal .oEfa naoaie; s namisorae oeaoed and sol: SO yards good. Print; 1 very fine Da Cover; 1 pair best quality Ladies' Sfr Boots; 1 dosenarre Linera Towels; H d anced nandie; 1 nanosorae oeaded and lined Pan amas k labia rge C'-nzress finnan ktmn' best silver lleflsert Forks': 1 l.adien' larva real Mn. rooco Travelinc Bap;1 1 fancy Dre- Pattern, X doxen elegant Silver plated engraved Napkin Kings, I dosen Ladies' fine Merino or Cotton Stockings; Gents' heavy chased solid Gold King; 1 pair La dies' bish cut Balmoral Boots, 1 elegant Oelaine Dress Pattern; 1 Violin and Bow, in box complete; 1 set Jewelry, pin; ear drops, and sleeve buttons. FOR A CLFB OP 50 AND FlVR Dlll.l. 1 RS 1 hi ark or. colored Alpsoca Dress pattern: 1 eat' Lace Cur tains; 1 pair all Wool Blankets; Engraved Silver plated 6 bottle Revolving Castor: 1 beautiful Wri ting liesK: 1 solid liold Scarf fiu 3M yards very fine Cassiiuere, for Pa, its and Vest; 1 set ivory ba.1 aneed handle Krrifes-wlth silver plated Forks: 1 J elegant Satin Paras l, heavily, wtth silk; I pair Gents' Calf Bi beaded and lined AA -. Ill (.AAA Print; 30 yards good brown or bleached Sheeting. Vard wide or 40 yards li yards wide, giod euality; 1 Ladies' elegant-Morocco Traveling Bsir: 1 sqnare Wool Shawl; 1 plain Norwich ,i"oDHn. Drees Pat tern. IV yards double width cloth for Ladies: Cloaks; elegant engraved silver plated Tea Pot; 3 yards double width water proof cloth for Cloak-na' For a I t.rs ni 100 iAn Tim Dni.i..itB 1 rtnlt Merind or Thibet lress Pattern; 1 pair fine Dam an a laoie iiotns ana papains to mated; 1 pair Gents' French Calf Boots: 1 heavy silver Plated en- E raved Ice Pitcher: very fine all Wool Cloth for ladies' Cloak: 1 web very best duality brown or bleached-'Sheeting; Ibi- yards fine CassMnere for suit. 1 elegant) Poplia Dress. Pattern; X elexant .nglisb Berage Dress fattern; 1 beautifnl K.nglisb Beraze Shawl: 1 set ivory balanced handle Knivaa and Forks: 1 Ladies' or Genta' Silver fiuoting-case Watch; 1 Rartleta Hand Portable Sewing Machine; Spleniiid Family Bible. steel engravings, with rec ord and photograph page.: 25 yards good Hemp Carpeting, good colors; 1 pair good Marseilles Quiltt 1 good 6 barrel Revolver; 1 elegant Fur Muff and vape? i smile barrel snot -uun: l silver plated en graved fi bottled Revolving Uaator, cut glean bot tles: 1 very fine Violin and 3ow.in ease: 1 set ivory balanced Knives-aad Forks.' '....-r; J 'mi -t-i.i, ' Presents for larger Clubs increase in the aaoil Mill, . , -4 , i AS- Send Money by Registered fjottealt lot) i as" Send for our new Fall Cir-tilar. M& Catalogue of Goods sent to any address rR. I . , PXKHER & CO , i ,U V I .iroi! US and 100 Summer street; Boston, sepS-w)3w p .jii-.ftiii-....'J i.tv,i -'.' OHIO " SAW WORKS. i - Patent fcrottnd Clrcnlar Sam, MILL & CROSS CUT SAWS, pAip an a me -,-. -e . i ' 14BFATR1NQ ,CARXPr;n.T AND PROMPTLT DONS. . , 1 ' ra',1,1 11 1 ,iv. - is A 4naa uu mm! '.itT. , -- -- tj-'J.' !. ; 'l ' Hamil'en. Ohio. nrr ' .IT " , i 238 t 840 WesWth U, Cincinnati. O. w ar-nuse. iz 1 tv est 71 street. Cincinnati, o, aA'sV JQB fjUCB UST, .-M PC srp6-nm 1 ; MONEY '"SAVED.. I ( if .l-ftrvli: I -f; ' ' .1-1! fi.ijt .-u:-.-. ; We are constantly pureoa.ing for cash in the New York and Boston Markets, all kinds or ' DRT ANDFANCY GOODS. Sri,K!. COTTONS 1 ;BOOTS AN-D SHOES. WATCHES. SKW 1NG MAOHIXEr. cV'TLE'Y, DRESS I yujuti, i v utmiu uutiuei, ... .- An.. An.. . Which we are actually selling at an average price of One Dollar forJbocu Article. Our sales being strictly for caah, and our trade much larger toan tDat-et ny itner aimilar concern, en- -aoies usAogtveoetter Dargaus, man oan be obtain ed of any other house.' , Vi-nVj,. rrrfs av T, A viTYra -- n Are eaticoisiiy 1uv11.11 lu give us m trial. Sniny For a Cjrcitlar awd FxcffANoB List! Our club system of se ling is a Kllow:-i'or t8 send 20 patent Den fountains and checks denArihinf. 2o different articles to be sold for a dollar each; 4u lor va: u ior o; inu tor 9111,. dto..i e-eat by rnaU OwMnfs.oftS larger 1 Aan those" cfered Sy any other firm, according t eie ot 0iab4iSingle tountain andebeck, 10 cents, Alale ani femalesgents wanted.- el Metiet is. 44 erlaleredT l etters. Send us a trial olab; and o will : acknowledge tnat you cannot auora to Dttv goods ot any otper house thereafter. ! i.tn:- i ." .. : v.-t.ii i(tl ! HB-iul-w6m , EASTMAN KEWDAI L,, SB Uanocer street, Boston, Mass. 1 J !.!".' THE PLACE TO BUY j LAMP tCOODS, - ' . -..,1 . : . Bracket. Hall aod Table Lamas' .it . Lanterns for Oil or Candles, The newest and nest kinds ofBurbers. ChitnneTs. Wieks.er an. thing itt tbe. Lamp line, for lighting vuutoucs, Alalia or ifweniDKS, is at , , MoHENRY A C'K'SDeoot. :I ' : I Qoa. 8 East Fcjurtb and XH Mairi street. '. ' .Cincinnati. :.44,:!f t fit' ';. ' i t i- i 1 CAS FIXTURES.'! -Ifni Gas Chandeliers, 1 Ball Lights. '" . f. .. , Braoket Lights, ' .( ' ' PorUbleTlghts. : .! .n.tt --."'IS . - 4Jeilinc and "3 " ii ii r . .,,.1 . .. ...... ...Window Reflector Lights. . ,-.'. . n 1, :i. Shades. Globes, .' .t .i.-hc. .. .iatotfH. or anytmng in me tas r lx-nre line, is at . ii I .iy,) (i 1 MeHENRY1ACO.'S Depot." A af a. ai a VV IVUSHfllfU A 1 1' , 1 law VI XJiaA VCfcUlZiCUa . i . Cast-iron Hon Prn. J 4 Pi f. i .fwiarj , ! 0t JStoneandCtmeot Drain IMpe,.:,, ,' Malleableand t'ast-iron TtHTrigs, vf- -"'.'J Steam Valves, Stop Cock.r I ... lias Service, aod ,. MeterCcks, Ac, Ac, Or anything in the Pipe orFiiting-lice, ia-aw. 1 .,; . ' , SIcHCnKV A CO.'S bepot, ,- 1 1 'ii i Jioa. S East Fourth and 163 AUia street. ' 1 -,r- in r-f-: .p.,-. Pumps & Plumpers' Goods. Cistern and Well Pumps, t iiLitarid Force Pumps ImL -t:irr.i i' ... ...Beer Pumpj,l'ardenPumps,Ao.,;:i ' ,-,ifAm Bath 'Fdbf. Closets. " ' . , !.(-, 7. ,1 1 Wasb-rtand.. W ash Trays. " 1 Bath KnilarR. Sinka Ao Ae. Everything in the above line, wholesale or retail, at uistern prices, at , . i ... ' I " HcHENRY A CO.'S Depot.' snii :-'). ! - . ".1 ni o-i. ,-.:i Cas & Steam Fitters' Tools. Scmw-cutting Machines, Stonkaatid Dies, I 'rills. ivoaaiorB kikz laps, rnieni ripe cutters, rat. ent and-.. Ordinarv Pi Meter ' and Burner JPl vers.' Gas Fitters An gers. Chisels, Ac, Ac. Lvervtbirig 4n -tbe above' line aiwais on nandand UareaXeat the mannfactur er'a traie rates, at . McfiElVRY W ' CO,'S, " No. gEast Fonrlh A ICS Msiin strrat: O CTI-sst30-w3m .Lii-'i . 1 1 CUfCISlTATI.i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. aores of land near Ottawa, the county cast of Put nam county, Ohio, and will psj the difference, il any, in eash. Trie land is situate ai the comer of cross roads, has house on it and twenty or thirty acres cleared. It is very rich lind, and well tim bered with ws.lnut.anb, sugar- tree and spice baseb A good bargain will be given. . . ; a 41IIBIWB. i-O ffioe, corner of High and Broad streets. : Imar2-wly . DR. H, O. HELMICK - Cltw-ES"' HPCCIAL A'a-XrvTIOlt0 f 1 tba treatment of diseases of Femaleali: TV,-. are many Indies in every community who are afflict ed: with what is teraed temale-'weaknesi lie Halmiek has discovered a remedy tbat ia nrnM. ed'tj cure the most severe pases, no matur bow long stapdit g. " Ladies' can consult tha Doctor at his omceor by mail, on ad diaaaAes peculiar i0 theit sex. The strictest pri.acy observed .in all oases. OlEci o. 155 North Bixh atraet. rt.lnmh.,Vni,: tiftiS-wly ' " t ."i'v l 1 ' J '' 1 fc T -;i;ia!! r.Tn.n.""iJf- s.ii'- ' -I- ji; 3i' .;io(I I'uifip hi. vi7 1 ft-.-4-,- ..ij -j-itir 7"- 530 mj' t, y -1 1 1 x ' " yAMai"N-'-'!'V( ' Mil v-?-' -it'll. ji .11:- -tyw? Legal Notice. TRANSPORTATION. NEW TIME EAST BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. -. ; il'! .'i; !- 0! r..-ll .i.t; aid .ilia!' T.'J Thret Trains L.estveCelatanbas (TJalwn Depot), JJwlJy (Sunday svJtcepaeelo '-"'" ' ' ' " ' ' i -3tea A'.' M. NIGHT EXPRESS.' art vtaf at Zanasville at S: A. M Bellaire at 1030 A. M . Baltimore at 4SW A. M.; W asaingtea Citor at SOS IttlO A. M. UGHTING EXPRESS A rrivfrf at Zanesville at 130 P. M: Bellaire at 6:10 P. M. Baltimore at 8.510 A. M. Washington City at , .iij ".tt'iii.) IttrrM n!.-l V(liofl-.! Mti.' I r.,t& P. M. EXPRESS MAIL, arriving at Zanes ville at 4:55 P. M.: Bellaire at 8:16 P. M.: Baltimore at 4:45 P. M.; W ashington City at :45 P. M. t r '.in-.'fir l!f -J-l-. HI ill -; yitl 3These trains are from TWO to EIGHT hoars in advance of all other routes to" Baltimore and Washington.' ' - ! 'H ; ( -i : Closa oonneotiaaa made at Baltimore and Ws'sh : ington with trains for Philadelphia and New York. Passenger, holding thxough tickets to Eastern I cities have the privilege of t ia:i.n I I lo .-!:, ,'', si'.i i ttt!;! tis ' ijk-.i; Visiting Washington titr Free. No Change of Cars at Ohio River ., -. -, ' - - r . -'t' l.i ,:- i -i---..- . i- ;ii. Aalc ForTICKIJXS ti IIKUAIIZ. i-wu -.i -i-'l ': i i-1 i" ?oim . JNO L. WILSON, Master of Trauspcrtatioa 1 L. M.COLE. General Ticket Agent. TJNO. W, BROW N, Gen'l Passenger At.: ' MKGELLANE0US. - -rj-.:, THE SCIENCE; OR HEALTH. T7VKIt V itiaiv HIS OWN HMfflUUN. S2j Holloway's Pills and -HoHoxray's ; Ointment. Disorders of the Stomach. Advar and Bowels 1 be Stomach is-the great oenter which influences the , health or disease of the system abused or debili- neaitn or disease ot tne system anu.eu or oeoin- tated by eaxjess-indigestion. offeotive breath and ' wed Dy excess indigestion, onenuve areata an. .'nhvsical Drostration are the natural conseanenoes. Allied to the braid, i itr the source of headaches. . mental depression, nervous, aompl.int aod uure ! treshinv sleep. 'The Liver becomes 'affected and , generates bilious disorders, pains in the ide.- Ac -Ti,eBowels sympathise ty Costivencss, Diarrhoea 1 and Dysentery. !oe principal action of these Pills is on the stomach, and tbe. liver, tnpgt, bowels and kidne' s participate in their recuperative and re generative operatiorj. Erysipelas and Salt Khenm a-e two of the most common and virulent disorders prevalent on this continent. - 00 these tbeOint , ment is especially antsKonistio-i It ''modus Oper andi" is first to eradicate tbe venom and then com plete the cure.' Bad Legs,-01d: Seres and- L leers. cases ttf jnany years standing. Jbjat .nave pertina 1 ciously -refused to yield to- any otner remedy br trofttmen have invariably suocanivad te-a few Ap plications of this powerful unauent, Etuptions on the Skin, arising from a bad state or the blood or cbroaio diseases, are .eradicated- .'and. a elear and transparent surtace regained oy tne restorative ao-i tion of his Ointment. ' It shreesset' many: of theK eoamatte. aal othav tollat anrlianoaa in, nnwael eosmetics and other toilet aprliaoces ini - power . to 'dispel rasbes and other dintrgurements ot tne fane, I Female Complaints, wfeethi tin tbe young or old. married' o- sinale, at tbe dawn of wonantiobd . orthe -tortf of life, these tonic medicines display s ' , decided an influence that a marked iuiprnveuientit, : aoon perceptible in the health of the patient. ' log, at pnrely vegetable pee Deration, they are a safe ' and reliable remedy for al) glasses of Females in evary condition of -hearth and sfatirm ot life.- Pilar and Fistula Every form and feature of these prev alent and stubborn dUnijleiaJs eradicated local) 1 and entirely by-the. use of this emolient; warm fo mentations should 'precede its application. ' Its healing auolitiae-.wiU be found ta he thorpugb emd invariable. - Both the Ointment and Pi-b should be ased i the following oases: , ., p - Bunions, Burns, Chapped "hands. Chilblains, Fis tula, GoutiXumbago, Mercurial; Eruptions, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm. Salt Rheum, Scalds, Skin Disea.es. Swelled . Glands; Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Sore Beads, Sore Throats, Sores of all kinds. Sprains- Stiff Joints, Tetter, Ulcers, Ve- - nereal Sorea VVounds ef.sU-Ainda..'- i-- .. ) CAUTION! v one are genuine unless the words "Hollowav, New i orb and- London "are dis eernatHe as a- Hnrtarnar--incvery teat of tbe book of directions around each pot or box: the same may . be plainly seen by AoWina ihi Uttf t tin light . A handsome reward wi.l be g.vea to any one render- , ing such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi ' cines or vending tne same, knowing them to be spur' riotuva.! o; si I .ut iin;ifil vi 4 . - W. Sold at tha.maoofaetory of Professor Bd- ' joway. u oiaiden Lisne, jew lors, ana or an re , spectahle Druggist, and Dealers in - Medicine throughout trectvilized world. . . . , , . -i i MW There is considerable saving by taking the langerjises i'i i;:-b t - - N. B . Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are amxed to each pot and box. jyl5-wly .. HOVt?TO;;EC0NOMlSF. FOR ONE DOLtAR : ;j ;;-;Hjf..' I-.aJi r"l.l. a....' 1.. 1 sou. Bay- Kverr DesttrlptlM f :DRY AND FAMCVi goods;1. SnaVER-PLTP. , WARk,: tltc. cEMtii'oitciHcrMit.Givnr.Fri.i, O particnlars, or send OA B DOLLAR and'reneive ten checks describing ten diUerent articles, wbtch we. will sell fr Onr Dull ax BAtn. and As A Con mission to. tbe sender rhoiec of caa arocle from Exchanse List, of ever 300. . .' . , u3 ........ , 1 iij 1S' nn .t f For J3, 30 chfcts and 2(1 yds. Cheating, pur 0, oU cnpcks ana w jds, Meetirigf rot $iu, ii!U enccks atiua. jqs. eneetiiig, 1 or other articles equally valuable. - Should Hie articles named oh tt e Cheeks hot be desired, a selection can 4e made from our Ex GHA4G8 List, which is greater tba- that of any other houae;.and as ourgotds are acknowledgeil to aba sunerior to any otner concern, we know tnatgiteg- patronizing us once, you will continue to do so. Male and female - agents 1 wanted- everywhere. DOA'T FAIL XV.jSbftl) FOB, UIKCULAK, ,., I . Address.,''. ;"-!' 1 ' M ' 1 Address' liABONTK 4 BABBITT, 1 -i:'l ill nov9-w4t-DB-r S3 Sudbury St., Boston. Mass. Administratrix's Sale -of Real Estate. TJT PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP THE -t A Probata 4Jaurt of Pranklin oouuty, Ohio..i , wiff offer for sale, at publio auction, on.,. v ...( 1 Wcdaiesday-, ' .be SSd day .of -De- ctmbtr, A. I. ISO'S" . at iaoS3look.fovenoon. -anon the nremisea:tthefoli lowing described' real estate, situate in the city of t i)orumeas,4oun(y ot ranmin ana state el- unio. It Hii ti nnefh b.trfV til nf fr.eftnn X-n 9 .n 7 lot o. 4i eomnenoing 31)4 feetftom the Sbaltrwest cui ii.i ui iiwjuuu uuuiun iuicv.ailii jut . aim Soath Celnmbut. andfroiA thenee'Tiorth Mdesrees. eastle7X feet to an alley; tbe nee with: the west line ol said alley nortn l'-' degrees, west 31 M feet; ; thence a westerly directfOlt and parallel with the first line IMJfc feet to the east Wne of Front - street; thence a southerly direction and h Aha east line. oi r nt street 3i4. leetro tr.e pi&ee ot beginning, being tbe aurth hail of aauLlot Neu tin said frac tion j o. s , . , , . ... : Anoraiaan all 300. 'I'll " 'I -T'" lii"-'-;-! ' Taema of. Sala tlna-balf oaflb in bayiit.. aa'HSa , otner oie-nau in one yar irom tne day it sale . wifl inteieat, tne deterred payment to be Secured l by mort&ase upon the premises sold. ,.,,, . ' CATHARINE E. SII.BERNAGLB. Administratrixof Adam Silbernasle, dec d, t ' Wm. I . Hkvi . her Att'y. , , no3l-iifltw4t. - A NEW PRICE LIST Is issued tbis month by the - - ,- and viU b tMDt. posi fftid1, Urrry ApplMan.cbn taining mnnounoenient of ;new styles-of organs; ,j ;;;,7rii?m';ii;,t i lia&4Weve'OrAo'. riolid"Waint'csse.'S),.'lt'' i Ptv-.(l-tave I'ouble Reed limn. Five KtoraaiJ - isolid yainui vse. carved and paneiief, anwa , . uiner bkjiho a. l'r"l'." "" n " arcro'"na, ' lr4 'i'remont street, Boston; 59S Broadway, New , York. ',i nje. i i flU..i c. . ' bovl7-4t-r NT Ers.eWaxnex; & Emziiiiigeri DENTISTS;:j;: i .. a. , ! i ' i:tO n ; " .pElRDI"GTHIi TESTH OT THE At first importance to neaiio. comiort and beauty, we cordially invite you to call at our pleasant Den tal rooms. No. IS East lltnsd street.. r ' Your intelligence will discriminate between the icnorapt pretender aad the prtpsriy qualified Den-: ATtitcial teeth made orbs'' arrd'WOThwitb 'ettn-' Tt and serve the putpoiag ot SDeech,nAiti(ntioa oeauty.'As Dentists we ot'm to be (he'oast and I ii all that's aotxl. i. . . Juf, u.i Teeth extracted without pain, y 3?'-? baw-s, .-.-.a RAILROAD. TRANSPORTATION. RAILROAD. TRANSPORTATION. Great Northern and Eastern Route. RAILROAD. TRANSPORTATION. Great Northern and Eastern Route. CLEVELAND COLUMBUS RAILROAD. TRANSPORTATION. Great Northern and Eastern Route. CLEVELAND COLUMBUS —AND— Cincinnati Railroad. EXCEPT SBHDAY." From' CMombus,jn con neetiow .with Tralps- eerth a LiIltleiTIIslBBilrJk JolauaaJbaaax Xtnalat WnltoainU. ;n Ji. o:, .,-;) , , j;.,,; n.rr SIGHT EXPRESS Leaves Columbus at 1:ia A.M. Will stop at Delaware. Cardinrton: leavL Galion, Crestline, Shelbrr Shiloh. Saw London. Weliintton, Grafton and Beiwa, arriving at lv land ats A. M.. New York 7K A. M. This traia leaves Sunday morning, not Monday. - ' . ISO. 1 ACCOMMODATION Leaves Columbus atSM A. M i Will stop at all way atatioaa. This train starts frota the Freight Yard. ' -- - MEW YORK EXPP.kKAV-Leavee Columbus at 11.-10 A.M. W ill stopat Delaware.Ajhley.Carding ton, Galion, Crestline. Shelby. New London; -Wet Hngton. Grafton and Boreas- Arrives at Cleveland at 3 V. M .. New York aext day at 3ilo P. M. , MAIL ANU EXPRESS- Leaves Columbus at J:4 P. M. Will stop ai Wortbitigton: Lewis Cental j -Delaware, and all Stations to Shelby and Bhiloba. New London, Wellington, Oraftonand Berea.VAr rive at Cleveland ats to P. M., New York T:iS P.M, Passengers for Fort Wagon and Chicago, by tak ing this train, will get sleeping ear at Crestline at 6:no P M arrive in Fort Wayhe at 110 P. M Ch eago at SiOO A. M.; beina in advance of all oth er rout's, have ample time for breakfast, and take the earliest traia for theW-est k,. I 1 .n- SPRINGFIELD ACCOM MODATIOjf tl DEL AWAKE Leaves Columbus at 1:30 P.' M.1 Will' atop at all stations betwedtrCorumbus and Spring-' field, arriving at Delaware at P.-Mprinafiafd e0 P. M. . This train leaves Springfield at 1:00 A. arrives at Delaware at- Ai Ji ColaiabBV WltttA.M.. ,,Al jll'.v Vil.l .,u ja-. (Af.Miftrr, PalrniMMptagCariareraaMall' Aaaaxaa amina laa-i axeicsagSA : jtinii New Vot-lt samd - n .-roO i Masns)ama;f tnfwgtijU aca--p.-11 -v' illj .1 i! !." i'a'''An 'i.viw,it 44w, v Anuaaeipaia sat ; New JC ark, via, Crestline. . ., RETfJRINGj S' Jfil ,t.Al . J',.""." ""Prf. amvea at iwiamnM at i:4AA. M. ,J ? ,, ur.oa aula as voiumous at iv .M:. . . . ;.-" mat; lrain arrives arTjrrfombtts at :' P. M. at iM. tm. rT rre sta tow taa lw anf Otber Kemtai1 Alt fol- Tickets via Crestline or Cleveren A,' '.; ! ti..,.;!,) i. -.;: I,'H.-tLHT.",l (1,'I,!. l'i Ai:"l Saperintendent. Cleveland, Ohio. ', JAMES Pa. TTERSON, T .-i! ; Colnmb. Kov. j'iail ' Little Miami, Columbus Xenia —AND— DAYTON & WESTERN RAILROADS -tot at ' 'T .fT :"'- r .f ,.(-.- On an afbsr MONDAY. Box. i, M68, PQl' M ' ! TRAINS DAILY will lea v. now.. - " : mnrt mvrnrviTT TrmnVrrre w Sia i.B. CJJIUJJIJIAII, LOlliiYILLE. CAIE0, IT. t "'JLOtTH; DATTTOH, BICHM0SD, , ioO j '1 OH-7.DiajAP0IlIe, a, CHlCACrO, !' n; 3,iK Withou t change of ears lb xlAtTOPfud Rica4f - A10ND. and only on ehange of cars toLK-.t aid DUNAPOUS and CBJCAUO. ' q f"'H -' -'.j... si.j Haata Hiw rut ' tvonneoUonsare reliable as. followa, jVt tJllCll FIRST TRAIN (DaiIy)j- ns atn A. M J-fne ir'tHei,,,. 'rrir in'f. Leaves at I Vael('ter Hillsboro and Chiliicothe: stops at Loal I . don, ienia, MorToav-aa4JUyelAnd; arriving a I TTTT v T- A ti ' J' . w ii, T'j.rwt'I A hb vrJ e SWSP TRAWoj Mdi vN1an , I Jnt.i 7tA7ally.aeee5imdaJli. ,.-r, .os. Leavea at fi:oo A rJU, for Cincinnati, .Darton. Richmond, Indianapolis and Chicago, aid stops -u,-.. uir .. ' zrri, V-u i " . rTVJt"?0 . S!".U,fieD'. Prnf alley, toma. MORDV... topaat L .South Lebanon, Fosters; Lovelant, MUforo.ai wShMK WA-. IOMiaea,, fi-..3'Oi! 'i'tl-ll") owl r! n,ermn mn . vw ' J"oni iil ,xliai (Daily except Sundays J k"? ?j4.J'vAI. ftancinnatLba'rton'ani'0 i. if' iirf jriJi w J .oi 'poraTil TRAIN. 9"A" r1)irt ; i-Mi.i to&jteid Su'iaa., -9'' (loua ,J?fTi?' , ? P4 M Tor CtaeinmtHi-rtaytow1 aaj-'J Springfield via London, stopping at Alton- West. , Jefferson, London, South Charleston, Selnie, '" - Cenamlle. Aenhv, Morrow aad linmlaail, ajid.artin riving at Cincinnati at 10:40 P, AL . , - OJ rz -I'li:;:.: !-, s again 1-19,1 U Sleepina; Cars an all Niwnt TralBai, ' , r-ti .- :-.i '' . ti t-.- i 'y- -'r I- n '--rrp vllui iri ;., ... . ..NRY BROOKS. Ticket Agent, . ; , 1. ... 1 w.'H. H:SHINN. Agentr -t. JOrTNTJtJBAND, A A niT .i-i'?o ' woffra-" - .,0 K , GenT Ticket Agt.J ,-,1,. i.,I 3j a?Bd COLUMBUS CHICAG AND INDIANA CENTRAL RAILWAY l I IK J.-' L' . The . Staorteat " . . , . . . . a.. . . . ... ATl , r "4 - vuaaBa va vara so tnicas9, yw ' J orla and iBdiumupolia. " ""' , .cl' -uit .iM.'i i i: i iiini'ti JrKl t.-i FOIJR.TjBAISS DAILY leave CnionDepag Oav-'g 6. IK A. M. TOLEDO EXPRESS1 8unaa'jg iw excepted.) rrivee-ae-Milford 8KM) A. M.; .ua a. . lull. jviv. a. m... I. P. M.- Toledo 3:45 P. hi.: Detroit I0 P M Passengers by tbis (rain arrive- at -TolSdo''''11'''1 Detroit 3 Itoura ahead of aoyAither.jQuA ..,,, (. 1910 p- M.i PAL KXPRE-8 (Sundays. ex 1Z.11 .eepted.) Arrives at Crbana 9.-00 P. la.V Piqua &56P.I M.; Bradford. Junction S:l( P. W j -Richmond 435 P.M.: Indianapolis 730 P.' H.; lii gaospdrt 9-0 P. H.-. Peora 615'A. il.; Galasbura B 8H5 A. M.; Bur ington. Iowa. 11:05 A. M : Louis . villeiao A.M.; Terre Haute lljH P. M.f Mattoorl'' '1,A.M.v.CaieaA4P..Al4 a m At Mi AI.wo ton 7KKJ A. M.; St. Louis 8.-00 A. M Lafareite 1I0 P1M:; SpringfieMlllmois.dOA.i Qaina.') oy 12:45 P. M.; Keokuk :00 P. M. . , ' Pasaengersby this train reach St. Louis the next '" morning at hears aaeael. aad for points west ia of St- Louis ONE .TRAIN . W ADVANCE f . aU'etherrovteSi''i f ..i-u .T ,-. t... oT Jl K.OA P. M CHICAGO. AND ST. WUISaXvaa O.Z.) PRESS (Sundays excepted.) Arrives at Piqua8:4SP. M Logmsport S:fiS A. Cbicage, 8:18 A. M.; Indianapolis SM A. M.s Temr Haate d5 A M.i Evaoevilia 6daP.aU; MaUoon a&i A,A M.; Pana 10.-06 A. M Alton 1:40 P. M.; St. Louis J.-46 P,i at.; Lafayette 7:IS A. -St.t Sprlatfield, IHtv'tn 5.P. M.s Quincy 7 JO P. M.: Kokuk.S.45 P. M., LoilisVille7:45 A. M.: Nashville 6 SO P.M : Mem- 13 nhi-WAA. M Toledo tJSiy.aui AL; Detroib iv .. , iTj n ;. ' t, ,ri Srii-Kfrn ili'I OA .if rr -CV, miXJ Hl-flUAlll i'Sle ep I n 0 a.' -1 -xt-r -lijjf ?6 1 -ttf BON IN THIS TRAIN CHrC A GO AND ON-ST. LOTJtS KOOTE TOMATTOON'tLla,1- ! 3jti JIT MILKS. W1THODT CttAKQEt.J Arriving at -St. Leuis IO laoaira and-ijouiajiUao t 8 lAonrs ahead, of an; ether route. , A. M. NIGHT EXPRESS. Daily to In .A -.. -diaawiwihs.'aiiiii Snadavaavamaeari.Aal.n, Chicago. . Arrives at Logansport 835 A.M.; Peoria a 5:5 P, M-tJChieasrf lSOP.-M.:-Indianapolis 7:10 A'J ' M.; Terre Haute lu0 A.-M.; Kvauavilha logss P. M. U MaUoon 1:19 P. M.: Cairo-AU&A. M.: Pana 8:15 P. M.; Alton 7:15 P. M.j SuTouis ;10, PcTM Lafay ette 3 JO p. M.; Louisville 4.30 P. M.-; Nashville 4.-08 At. At,i imphia,3:18iP, Hvijm.iH vnrr.it ,M Passengers by this trainresch StXouis 4; and,,-r . Chicago 6 aonra tthead of any other -' " to t:l.J ft J) 9t0jltav-fs Vf-ljj .ifr'J-iirtif State ltoom Hls3paafP' Cturaj i.ii f -.-is nun.iBUN Hf iTBIS-MAIB ' '). ' f -'in-ib PROMPIJTSBPlGtt,TOiDiAJAP9LS,,Jrl ' V. WITHOUT. CHANGE,, ,, . jnofll ATS- Cafl'for Tickets' via togansport or Richmond aar- TiiAats for sale at Onk.n and Piqna Deaoea,' "! Cnlumbna andialiineipal) Railo(lyTiokj( . R ;f -P..eHANLER;eennTiokeAgenfc PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. j PAN HAWTpTEa,"9m;;t';i mranrt Bitw'inhi aaita tumr MtI Lit, 'I'lO followai. It Jl n 111 run a J IT. Leave. N". Y. Express. ".Mail . Fast Line Colawibas. W.iHiOA, M.'-'jrl P. Kf.i3tMS A. M';'''! Newark a3-BA. M. SS0P. M. ,; JJ:3i P,l Steu henville.- .9:0V A. M. S.-40P.JI. 5:16 P. Arrive aft, -i-; 1 . : "! -' .1 rittsburah T1.10 A. M. 1910. M .T4kxis Hlrriskan. ' en V M ' .ne f At 'n-Hju, a i3.- Philadelphia-, lrS A, M 4-60 P. t. 'i'.tVxfrAiMlrta New York.... 5:00 A, M. , 8:55 P. M. 11:60 A M Bikimore...,J S:4 A. Mv I fcSO P. M n sopf.M'n WaahioAton,.., 9.-4U A. At, ,180 P. KM. BoonT?r.Vr. 8P.m: "T......."1 p 1 M'waikow. nniiaaOTpmi n ua ait nigrjtirarnsiT'a On tbe Fast Line tbe celebrated . "Silver Palaoe' d,T,? "ih cars are run through from Oolumbns',1 tu Philadelphia and New t ork aitheathaaaa 1 . Ait- P.,n.r hv the t-n& A tllj '5l? .1?. ! 1 arrive in ew York atl'erok- Moadaji , an advantage never before ofiered. . . ' . 2 Wripn A'BttabenviUeri.-. -i9 JfjHNB:PTBRS?& . iuaeta-dlj juM IO iH'l:ieit oj jki'uico PASMAGK T-d,vA1-I FROJI GREAT f?r,Kla'Ak!?llM' iiif 1 "a.vaj.as. Wa. WW DUUI U BlrOtJC f a " York, continue te issue Paasaga, TiaieU. aivalWiia i 'or twelva months, from '.ondon. I.iy7 Qdeetutow. aad Drafts. hl ia ; C j 'V"? ,'J any amonnt.from 1 anda.,.4a,-ii , ( . ' w 0.U-wt,rT-1.,vt. Jo t,,4:il BilJ aanaalaaJOlii, xoovaaaaevva. I